Dont Hug Me Im Scared90

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Select one key still or image from "Creativity" and analyse how the creators are using techniques

devices to explore the topic. Annotate the image, and highlight devices in red.

- restricting creativity- irony

- literary devices:
sudden pause in music: creepy ,unexpected
- change in color: from colorful to black, creates an eerie atmosphere
black oil paint is a common theme in other episodes

SECOND TASK (100 words per question):

Then answer the following questions:

How does the episode explore the darker side of creativity?

A Glitching video and sound effect was employed in editing, and humans in muppet colored suits replaced
the cute muppets to show unnaturalness and induce horror in audiences. This shows the darker side of
creativity: Malevolent creativity. Thanks to the author's creativity, the positive and upbeat beginning was
created. However also due to the author's creativity, was also produced, just like how creativity comes
packaged with both upsides and downsides, the whole music video is a mix between upbeat kids song and
horror film, the completed product wouldnt be the same without neither of them. Rather, the music video is
more creative due to the coexistence of both sides.

What does the episode say about the education system?

Despite calling creativity a positive attribute and claiming to be encouraging creativity, the educators restrict
students creativity in multiple areas.
It includes thought restriction: when the red guy objected to the teacher's "expressing herself through hair",
the teacher disencourage red guy through ignoring him and repeating herself.
limiting students' ability and learning by confining them to a system: when a student painted a clown, the
teacher destroyed it because he was too far ahead.
personal bias of the teacher: student was punished because the teacher believes that green is not a
creative color, when in reality whether a color is creative is subjective.

How is authority and punishment employed in the episode?

The teacher showed her authority by leading the progression of the song, and through forcing the students
to accept her teachings. Facing the students' questions and objections, the teacher chooses to restate her
point instead of explaining it. When a student was deemed "too creative" or not holding the "correct'
opinion, the teacher employed punishment through destroying the student's work and labeling them as
being "incorrect", without explanations of why that is.

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