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Clever English Academy

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“Clever English Academy”
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@cleverenglishacademy Clever English Oficial Clever English Academy

Passado = Past
Frase afirmativa:
Tem sua própria forma no passado
Frase negativa: No lugar do “don’t” “doesn’t”, é usado o “didn’t”
Frase interrogativa positiva: No lugar do “do” e “does”, é usado
Frase interrogativa negativa: No lugar do “don’t” “doesn’t”, é
usado o “didn’t”

Eu trabalhei todos os dias I worked every day

Eu não trabalhei todos os dias I didn’t work every day
Você trabalhou todos os dias? Did you work every day?
Você não trabalhou todos os dias? Didn’t you work every day?

Clever English Academy

Passado = Past
Eu trabalhei I worked
Ele não trabalhou He didn't work
Ela trabalhou? Did she work?
Eles não trabalharam? Didn't they work?

Trabalhar To work
Ela trabalhou She worked
Ela não trabalhou She didn’t work
Ela trabalhou? Did She work?
Ela não trabalhou? Didn’t She work?

Estudar To study
Ele estudou He studied
Ele não estudou He didn't study
Ele estudou? Did he study?
Ele não estudou? Didn't he study?

Clever English Academy

Passado = Past
Verbo Presente Passado
Ir To go Went
Ter To have had
Falar To speak spoke
Beber To drink Drank
Comer To eat Ate

Comer To eat
Eu comi I ate
Eu não comi I didn’t eat
Eu comi? Did I eat?
Eu não comi? Didn’t I eat?

Ir To go
Eu fui I went
Eu não fui I didn’t go
Eu fui? Did I go?
Eu não fui? Didn’t I go?

Clever English Academy

Passado = Past
Querer To want
Eu queria I wanted
Eu não queria I didn’t want
Eu queria? Did I want?
Eu não queria? Didn’t I want?

Ter To have
Eu tinha I had
Eu não tinha I didn’t have
Você tinha? Did you have?
Você não tinha? Didn’t you have?

Falar To speak
Eu falei I spoke
Eu não falei I didn’t speak
Ele falou? Did he speak?
Eles não falaram? Didn’t they speak?

Clever English Academy

Examples (exemplos)
Did you work yesterday morning?
No, I worked yesterday in the afternoon

Did she study English there?

No, she didn’t study English there, she studied here.

Where did he go last week with her family?

He went to France last week with her family, because they
were on vacation.

How many languages did your brother need to speak there?

My brother needed to speak in 2 languages there.

Didn’t she drink beer at home yesterday?

No, she didn’t drink beer at home yesterday, she drank
beer at the club last Monday.

Where did your boss go last month?

He needed to travel to Spain to work there for 2 days.

Did your sister go to the park with her boyfriend last week?
Yes, she went to the park with him, she always goes there.

What did he eat for dessert last night?

He ate a piece of cake. He loves it!

Clever English Academy

Futuro = Future
Amanhã Tomorrow
Semana que vem Next week
Mês que vem Next month
Ano que vem Next year
Nas minhas próximas férias On my next vacation
No próximo feriado On the next holiday
No futuro In the future

Frase afirmativa: A única mudança é que é acrescentado o “will”

antes do verbo
Frase negativa: No lugar do “don’t” “doesn’t”, é usado o “won’t”
Frase interrogativa positiva: No lugar do “do” “does”, é usado
Frase interrogativa negativa: No lugar “don’t” “doesn’t”, é usado
o “Won’t”

Eu trabalharei todos os dias I will work every day

Eu não trabalharei todos os dias I won’t work every day
Você trabalhará todos os dias? Will you work every day?
Você não trabalhará todos os dias? Won’t you work every day?

Clever English Academy

Futuro = Future
Pessoal, e essa regra, serve para todos os outros verbos que já
vimos até aqui. Então, para fixar bem na mente de vocês essa
regrinha, vamos aplicar agora essa regra para os verbos que
aprendemos até agora:

Trabalhar To work
Eu trabalharei I will work
Eu não trabalharei I won’t work
Eu trabalharei? Will I work?
Eu não trabalharei? Won’t I work?

Estudar To study
Eu estudarei I will study
Eu não estudarei I won’t study
Eu estudarei? Will I study?
Eu não estudarei? Won’t I study?

Clever English Academy

Futuro = Future
Beber To drink
Eu beberei I will drink
Eu não beberei I won’t drink
Eu beberei? Will I drink?
Eu não beberei? Won’t I drink?

Comer To eat
Eu comerei I will eat
Ela não comerá She won't eat
Ele comerá? Will he eat?
Eles não comerão? Won't they eat?

Ir To go
Eu irei I will go
Eles não irão They won’t go
Ela irá? Will she go?
Ele não irá? Won’t he go?

Clever English Academy

Examples (exemplos)
Will you work tomorrow night?
Yes, I will work tomorrow night.

Will she study English there ?

No, she won’t study English there, she will study Spanish.

Where will he go next Friday with his family?

He will go to a Japanese restaurant next Friday.

How many languages will your brother study there?

My brother will study 2 languages there.

Won’t she work tomorrow?

No, she won’t work tomorrow, she will work
on the next Holiday.

Where will your parents go this year?

They will go to Mexico on their vacation.

Will your friends go to the movies with us today?

No, they will go to a party tonight, but they want to go to the
movies tomorrow.

Clever English Academy

Examples (exemplos)
I study
I studied
I will study

I work
I worked
I will work

I go
I went
I will go

I eat
I ate
I will eat

I travel
I traveled
I will travel

I need
I needed
I will need


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