Journal of Bacteriology-1953-Labrum-394.full

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Department of Microbiology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Received for publication September 15, 1952

Since the elucidation of hereditary mechanisms the relationship between these strains, many
is dependent largely on the observation of differ- isolated from widely different sources, is not

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ences and similarities between parents and off- clear. It is hoped that further knowledge, aided
spring, those species which exhibit conspicuous by genetic studies showing the range and pattern
color-variations are often of great value in the of variation characteristic of individual strains,
perception and solution of genetic problems. For will provide the information needed to decide
this reason bacteriologists have long recognized which could have arisen as closely related variants
the usefulness of the fast growing, pigmented and which probably had distant origins. Until
Serratia, and many observations have been made this is evident it is essential to specify and pre-
on spontaneous color changes in this species serve for later comparative studies the strains
(reviewed by Bunting, 1946). The same proper- used in any experimental series.
ties make it potentially valuable for the investiga- The HY strain was selected for these studies
tion of induced mutations. Furthermore, since because it appeared to be far more stable than
the organism grows readily on simple synthetic strain 274 used in previous experiments. Most of
media and is capable of breaking down a very the data presented in this paper were secured
wide variety of organic compounds, it offers with the Yale culture which has been maintained
excellent material for genetic studies with bio- in this laboratory since the early studies of
chemical mutants. Although neither sexual re- Rettger and Sherrick (1911). All essential find-
combination nor transformation has yet been ings have been confirmed with strain 8195 ob-
demonstrated in Serratia, the organism is a gram tained from the American Type Culture Collec-
negative rod closely resembling the coliform tion in 1951.
bacteria morphologically and physiologically and Color-variation could not be detected by the
may well exhibit comparable genetic behavior. microscopic appearance of individual cells but
It appears, therefore, to be a particularly useful was determined by the color of colonies develop-
species for the study of many of the genetic ing from cells spread on the surfaces of agar
problems which are carried out to advantage with plates. The cells of the HY strain are small cocco-
bacteria and which promise to shed light not only bacilli which occur singly or in very short chains
on microbial phenomena but also on basic genetic so that most colonies represent clones developing
mechanisms. from single cells and can be used to characterize
Serratia marcescens is the type species in the the cells.
genus Serratia (Breed et al., 1948) and is reported A synthetic ammonium-citrate-glycerol agar
to be the species used in most genetic studies was preferred for plating because it gave good
made with Serratia. However, different strains color-differentiation, was reproducible, and was
in the American Type Culture Collection and so highly buffered that the appearance of colonies
in various laboratories throughout the country was not confused by changes in the pH which
differ markedly in color, stability, morphology, affect the pigment. It contained per liter of water:
and physiological reactions. At the present time ammonium citrate, 5.0 g; glycerol, 10.0 ml; di-
potassium phosphate, 10.0 g; magnesium sulfate,
1 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the re- 0.5 g; ferric ammonium citrate, 0.05 g. Variants
quirement for a Ph.D. degree at Yale University were observed also on a simple peptone (0.5 per
by the senior author.
2 Present address: Carnegie Institute of Wash. cent) glycerol (1.0 per cent) agar which intensi-
ington, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New fied pigmentation (Bunting et al., 1949) and
York. permitted the differentiation of certain paler
types which could not be distinguished on the incubated for five or six days. On old synthetic
synthetic medium. plates some of the daughter colonies from the
Part L. Spontaneous color-variation in the HY variants remained bright red instead of fading
strain. It was not the purpose of this investiga- to the dull lavender typical of old red type
tion to conduct a comprehensive survey of the colonies. Further selection did not stabilize the
array of color-variants which might be derived nonfading bright red variant.
from cultures of the HY strain but rather to When suspensions of cells from the large pink
study the pattern of variation characteristic of or from the large white colonies were inoculated
the strain under standardized conditions similar on synthetic plates, the resulting colonies were
to those we anticipated using in future experi- very uniform in appearance. Occasional speckled
ments with mutagenic agents. Previous work pink-and-white colonies were seen on plates

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with strain 274 had indicated (Bunting, 1946) from the pink variants, and sometimes colonies
that populations with relatively high proportions of slightly different shades of pink were observed,
of red cells could be obtained from colonies grown but reversions to more highly pigmented forms
on agar or from broth cultures maintained in the were very rare. Some of the white variants were
logarithmic phase. The amount of color-variation slightly pink when grown on peptone-glycerol
existing in similar HY colonies and broth cultures
therefore was investigated. TABLE 1
When the HY stock cultures from the Yale Spontaneous color-variation in three day old red
collection and from the National Type Culture colonies of the HY strain of Serratia marcescens
Collection were plated on agar, a few pink and PER
white colonies were noted in addition to the typi- NUMBElR OP DAUGHTER COLONI C
cal red type. Upon subculture the pink and white IM
variants proved to be very stable, but the red ANA- COLONY JANTS
colonies contained an appreciable number of
color-variants. A more extensive survey of spon- Red Bright
red Pink White SP)eck- All
led types
taneous variation as it occurred in red colonies days
therefore was undertaken. 1 3 590 1 0 0 3 0.67
Three day old red colonies from synthetic 2 3 4,426 16 22 8 40 1.94
agar plates were picked to water blanks, and 3 3 1,098 0 0 0 20 1.80
aliquots from appropriate dilutions were spread 4 10 925 1 2 0 27 1.11
over the surfaces of fresh synthetic plates. The 5 10 1,670 0 1 1 44 2.72
numbers of daughter colonies of each color type 6 10 2,384 0 1 2 56 2.42
were counted after the plates had been incubated
for three days at 26 C. The results of an early agar, but these were no less stable than those
analysis of this kind are presented in table 1. which were incapable of producing detectable
Bright red, pink, and white variant colonies were pigment even on the low-phosphate medium.
found on plates from many but not all of the When cells from the variant speckled colonies
red colonies analyzed. Speckled white-and-red were plated on synthetic agar, two types of
colonies occurred more frequently and with daughter colonies were found in varying pro-
surprising regularity. Colonies of this sort had portions. There were red colonies which were
not been noted in earler studies (Bunting, 1950) indistinguishable in appearance and stability
in which the HY strain had been plated exten- from the parent red type, and there were colonies
sively on a peptone-glycerol-phosphate medium. which came up white but soon developed small
The color-characteristics and stabilities of the red areas where the unstable colorless variants
different spontaneous variants were examined evidently had reverted to the pigmented form.
by replating representative colonies of each No stable white or intermediate pink colonies
type on synthetic and on peptone-glycerol agar. were seen. Very different results were obtained
Typical results are shown in table 2. Synthetic when suspensions of cells from speckled colonies
agar plates inoculated with bright red variants were plated on the peptone-glycerol agar, for on
could not be distinguished from plates inoculated this medium all of the colonies were a uniform
with the parent HY culture until they had been dark red. Quantitative platings then were made

on synthetic agar plates and on synthetic agar pink, and white variants arose far less frequently
with 0.5 peptone. Comparable total counts were than had been true in colonies recently isolated
found on the two media, but whereas the ma- from stock cultures (table 1), but selection
jority of colonies were speckled on the synthetic had had no effect on the proportion of cells giving
ammonium-citrate-glycerol agar, all were uni- speckled colonies.
formly red when the medium had been supple- Observations were made then on the stability
mented with peptone. That the alteration in of the selected red line when maintained in the
appearance of colonies arising from the colorless logarithmic growth phase in synthetic and in
variants on the two media was not phenotypic peptone-glycerol broth cultures. A modification
but reflected a shift in the proportions of pig- of the method used with strain 274 (Bunting,
mented and colorless cells in the colonies was 1946) was found to maintain cultures of strain

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demonstrated readily by picking colonies and HY in the logarithmic phase. Ten ml of culture
replating them on synthetic agar. Variants which medium in test tubes were inoculated with ap-

Characterization of spontaneous color variants of the HY strain of Serratia marcescens
Red Bright red Pink White Speckled

Bright red 827 90.6 8.6 0 0 0.8 dark red

Bright red 598 82.7 16.6 0 0 0.8 dark red
Bright red 761 78.4 20.0 0 0 1.6 dark red
Pink 2,354 0 0 99.2 0 0.8 red
Pink 2,053 0 0 99.5 0 0.5 red
Pale pink 243 0 0 99.8 0 0.2 dark pink
White ca 4,000 0 0 0 100 0 white
White ca 4,000 0 0 0 100 0 white
White ca 5,000 0 0 0 100 0 pink
Speckled 734 68 0 0 0 32 dark red
Speckled 700 9 0 0 0 91 dark red
Speckled 955 22 0 0 0 88 dark red
* Not evident until plates were 5 to 6 days old.

gave speckled colonies containing high propor- TABLE 3

tions of unstable colorless cells on synthetic agar Spontaneous color-variation in three day old colonies
gave red colonies with very few such cells when of a selected red line of HY strain of Serratia
grown in the presence of peptone, yeast extract, marcescens
or casein hydrolyzate. NUMBER 0 DAUGHTER COLO
It was of interest from theoretical as well as I= 1TYP ON SYNITHETC AG PLATES
practical considerations that the incidence of ANALYZED Red Brt Pink White Speked
most of the common variant types was reduced
markedly by selecting red colonies through suc- 1 1,191 0 0 0 56
cessive platings and reisolations. At three day 2 1,208 0 0 0 21
intervals suspensions from red colonies were used 3 1,623 0 0 0 13
to reinoculate fresh synthetic plates; after several 4 1,200 1 0 0 10
weeks individual red colonies were analyzed 5 1,021 0 0 0 27
with the results shown in table 3. Bright red, 6 7,789 0 1 0 210
proximately 10' cells per ml and incubated at for continued growth. Usually pigmentation was
26 C until a slight turbidity indicated approx- relatively poor even in the presence of the
imately 106 cels per ml. Then one ml was trans- supplement, but reversion to nutritional in-
ferred to a 99 ml water blank from which 1.0 ml dependence was common and the revertants
was taken to inoculate the next tube of medium. generally were well pigmented. Undoubtedly
The turbid cultures were reincubated for later many other color-variants would have been en-
analyses of color-variation in aging broth cultures. countered if a wider variety of cultural and
Stable pink and white variants were extremely plating methods had been used.
rare on synthetic agar plates inoculated with
cells from logarithmic or from aging cultures of TABLE 4
the selected red line as shown in table 4. How-

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Color variants in broth cultures inoculated from red
ever, in the rapidly growing synthetic cultures colonies of the HY strain
the proportion of unstable colorless variants rose
rapidly to approximately 25 per cent of the DAYS YAIN- SYNTHETIC BROTH PEPTONE BROTH
population. No such rise was seen in peptone Pink and Speckled!
cultures, and the proportion of variant cells fell GROWTHMATE
colonies Cooine colonies
Pink and
promptly when the synthetic cultures matured
PRASZ colonies ~~~~~~colonies
beyond the logarithmic phase. In another similar % % % %
experiment transfers were made with fewer cells 0 0 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.0
1 0 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
(10) from the turbid cultures, and considerably 2 0 21.8 0.0 0.9 0.0
higher proportions of colorless variants were 3 0 23.8 0.0 0.0 1.4
obtained (up to 70 per cent). Evidently the 4 0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.4
conditions prevalent in synthetic cultures during 5 0 24.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
the early stages of growth were conducive to the 6 0 25.7 0.0 0.0 0.1
development of populations with large numbers 7 0 29.2 0.0 0.3 0.0
of colorless variants. Whether the mechanism 8 0 28.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
responsible for the shift was selection or some 8 2 21.0 0.0 0.2 0.0
process of cell-conversion from the pigmented 8 3 8.8 0.0 0.7 0.0
to the colorless form was not evident, but it was 8 4 4.6 0.0 0.2 0.0
apparent that the number of variants giving 8 6 0.9 0.0 0.8 0.0
8 7 2.7 0.0 0.6 0.0
speckled colonies on synthetic plates could be 8 8 1.2 0.0 0.9 0.0
influenced markedly by cultural conditions and 8 12 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.0
therefore could not be used as an index of muta- 8 15 0.7 1.4 0.2 0.0
genic activity in the usual sense. 8 20 2.6 0.0
Additional evidence for a burst of colorless 8 25 0.4 0.0
variants in young synthetic cultures was obtained 8 31 0.7 0.0
by plating suspensions from 24 hour colonies
picked from synthetic agar plates inoculated with
red cells. Such pinpoint red colonies were found The experiments described have shown that the
to contain from 10 to 20 per cent of variants of HY strain of S. marcescens is capable of giving
the unstable colorless type. As the colonies con- rise to spontaneous color-variants of different
tinued to develop the proportion of variants fell kinds. The commonest variant found in colonies
until at three days approximately 1 per cent re- and broth cultures was an unstable colorless type
mained. No such increase in colorless variants which gave characteristic speckled colonies on
was found when young red colonies from peptone synthetic agar plates. The number of these
plates were analyzed. variants was found to be influenced by cultural
In the course of these studies occasional color- conditions in a manner which made them quite
variants of other types were encountered. Orange, unsuitable for the detection of mutagenic activity.
gray, and purple types were isolated and found to However, the HY strain also gave rise spon-
be quite stable. Various mottled colonies also taneously but infrequently and irregularly to
were seen. A number of small, pale colonies were conspicuous, stable pink and white variants which
found which later proved to be biochemical offered promising material for the quantitative
mutants requiring specific amino acids or purines study of induced mutations. The presence of the

unstable colorless type could always be masked and speckled variants are presented in table 5.
by adding peptone to the plating medium. Other The proportions of pink and white colonies in-
variants were seen but were of rare occurrence. creased with the dose of ultraviolet light to a
Part II. The effect of mutagenic agents on color- maximum at 30 seconds, but there was no signifi-
variation in the HY strain. cant change in the relative number of cells giving
Experimens with ultraviolet light. Three day speckled colonies. It was found later that con-
old red colonies of the selected red line were siderable clumping occurred in water suspen-
picked to water blanks to give suspensions con- sions shaken under ultraviolet light for more than
taining approximately 108 viable cells. One ml 30 seconds, which of course would interfere with
of the suspension was diluted and plated to de- the effectiveness of further irradiation and also
termine the number of spontaneous variants in could bring about a decrease in the apparent

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the populations. Eight ml were pipetted into numbers of variants in the suspension since all
a deep petri dish and agitated at a distance of 7 colonies arising from clumps containing a large
inches beneath a Westinghouse sterilamp with proportion of red cells probably would be classi-
95 per cent of its output at 2537 A. The intensity fied as red and the presence of variants in the
clumps would be masked.
TABLE 5 Representative colonies of the different variant
The effect of increasing doses of ultraviolet light on types found on the plates inoculated with ir-
color-variation in the HY strain of Serratia radiated cells were picked to water blanks and
marcescens replated on synthetic and on peptone-glycerol
agar. In general the induced variants proved
ILETR- FRACTION COLONIES similar in stability and color characteristics to
DOSE SU G COD i White S _k spontaneous variants of the same appearance.
However, a dark red type was found which proved
to be quite stable and gave colonies which were
0 1,385 0 0 0.9 pigmented more intensely at all ages than those
10 3.0 X 10-1 555 3.2 0.9 0.7 of the parent red type. Stable dark red variants
15 8.0 X 10-' 1,483 4.7 2.4 1.8 had not been noted on plates from untreated
20 2.5 X 10-2 1,310 8.5 3.9 0.5 cells. Orange, purple, gray, and other variants
25 7.8 X 10-4 916 14.8 4.0 0.3 were seen somewhat more frequently on plates
30 1.3 X 104 1,142 11.5 8.4 1.8 from irradiated cells than on those inoculated
40 5.0 X 10-' 1,876 7.8 4.2 0.6
50 1.8 X 10-' 446 5.4 0.7 0.4 with unirradiated suspensions, but they were far
less common than the pink and white types.
Irradiation also was observed to increase the
O0 tne ultraviolet
thns distance was approx-
at A.l:- : _ _
relative numbers of biochemical mutants requir-
imately 37 ergs/mm-2/sec-1. After exposure the ing nutritional supplements for good growth.
suspensions were diluted and plated in a room In most cases the variants with nutritional de-
illlnninated only with yellow light to avoid photo- ficiencies were less stable than those which
reactivation. Synthetic agar was used for both showed only modifications in pigmentation.
the control and experimental platings in order to Although the proportion of color-variants on
obtain information on variations in the numbers plates from irradiated cells was very much higher
of cells giving speckled colonies as well as other than that observed in the controls, the increase
variant types. All of the plates were incubated was not sufficient to rule out entirely the pos-
in the dark for three days at 26 C before the sibility that the results had been due to selective
colonies were counted and classified as to color. killing of the red type. In order to check this
The number of color-variants on the plates possibility the lethal effects of irradiation were
inoculated with irradiated suspensions was very tested on various mixtures of stock red celLs and
much higher than on the control plates. The color-variants obtained from plates inoculated
colonies varied in color from an intense red with irradiated celLs. The results of one such
through different shades of pink to solid white. experiment performed with a mixture of red and
Since it was sometimes difficult to differentiate stable white cells are presented in table 6. In
the darker types from the parent red colonies, this case irradiation of the mixture resulted in
only the data for the conspicuous pink, white, a large increase in the proportion of cells giving
red colonies. Evidently, the induced stable white speckled colonies. When the suspension of cells
type was more sensitive to ultraviolet light than from the stable pink strain was irradiated, there
was the original red parent. Similar results were was an increase in both white and red types.
obtained with a mixture of HY red and induced The increase in both darker and lighter variants
pink types although in this case the differential provided additional evidence that the action of
was not so great. These results indicated that the the ultraviolet light was mutagenic rather than
action of the ultraviolet light was mutagenic selective.
rather than selective. Experiments then were carried out to observe
The remarkable stability of the white variants the effect of photoreactivation on populations
used in these and in previous experiments of cells which had been treated with ultraviolet
(Bunting, 1950) suggested that the cells might light. By comparing the total numbers and dis-

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have lost permanently the ability to produce tribution of color-variants on plates made before
pigment. Because of the theoretical importance and after photoreactivation the ability of the
of this possibility considerable effort was spent in
attempting to obtain reversions to the pigmented TABLE 6
type. Irradiations with ultraviolet light followed The effect of ultraviolet irradiation on red and white
by extensive platings on synthetic medium were variants of the HY strain of Serratia marcescens
consistently negative. By working with artificial
mixtures containing one red cell per million white Ex-
it was found that although the presence of red SUSPENSION ADE
cells seldom was revealed in heavily inoculated ULTRA- PcE ML
VIOLET Red White Pink
pour or surface-spread plates, it was demon-
strated easily on streak plates. Evidently, the Sec

red type had some competitive advantage which Red colonies 0 6,500,000 99.7 0.3 <1
was stifled under the urban conditions of an 15 148,000 88 4 7
over-crowded smear or pour plate but which was 30 240 79 8 12
expressed clearly at the margins of heavily White colonies 0 8,000,000 0 100 0
populated streaks. Red marginal colonies de- 30 830 0 100 0
veloped regularly on plates streaked from
mixtures containing one red cell per million Red and white 0 36,000,000 22 78 <1
white per ml. In spite of the use of streak plates, colonies 30 2,400 53 42 5
however, no pigmented colonies were detected
when suspensions of cells of a stable white type
were plated on synthetic medium before or after light to reverse the lethal and the mutational
irradiation with ultraviolet light. effects of the ultraviolet treatment could be
Eventually, by substituting peptone-glycerol determined. Suspensions of cells from three day
agar for the synthetic medium, it was possible to old red colonies were irradiated in the usual
demonstrate occasional reversions of the stable manner with doses varying from 10 to 50 seconds.
white type to pigmented forms. After irradiation They then were divided into two portions; one
and plating on peptone-glycerol agar, a few was kept in the dark at 37 C for one hour while
colonies were found which showed a trace of pink. the other was photoreactivated. For photo-
When these were treated again with ultraviolet reactivation 2 ml aliquots of the irradiated
light, well-pigmented colonies appeared on both suspension were pipetted into M inch glass tubes
peptone-glycerol and synthetic plates. It was and placed in a glass-fronted water bath at 37 C.
found also that by plating very old peptone The reactivating light source was a 500 watt
broth cultures of white variants spontaneous tungsten filament lamp in a projection lantern
reversions to pigmented forms sometimes were with the bellows fully contracted. A filter of
obtained. 0.03 N aqueous CuCl, in a 3.5 cm deep cell, was
The effects of irradiation were observed on used to absorb a large part of the infrared. The
a dark red strain and on a spontaneous pink type. distance from the lens to the glass tube contain-
Exposure of the dark red cells resulted in an ing the suspension was 3 inches, and the period
array of red, pink, and white variants but again, of illumination was one hour. To avoid unwanted
no change in the proportion of cells giving photoreactivation during plating procedures the

work was done in a laboratory illuminated only ultraviolet doses higher than 30 seconds due,
by yellow light. The treated and untreated cell- presumably, to the clumping of the bacteria.
ular suspensions were assayed by plating them The proportions of conspicuous pink and white
quantitatively on synthetic agar in the usual color-variants among both the dark and light
manner. Ten plates were inoculated for each survivors are presented in table 8. Irradiation
dilution. produced the usual increase in color-variants
among the dark survivors with a decrease in
TABLE 7 the apparent numbers of variants after 30
Fraction of cells surviing with and without photo- seconds. Photoreactivation reduced the number
reactivation in ultraviolet-irradiated suspen- of color-variants among the light survivors up to
sions of Serratia marcescens, HY strain the critical 30 second dose associated with cell

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ULTRAVIOLET NO. OF VIABZ TCTION SURVIVING clumping. Subsequently, the proportions were
NONIRRADIATED Dark Light increased by reactivation, but the increase never
exceeded the maximum frequency detected
S6C among unphotoreactivated survivors. Experi-
10 3.1 X 108 3.0 X 10-1 7. 1 X 10- ments in which suspensions of the pink and white
20 3.1 X 108 2.3 X 10-' 1.5 X 1-1 variants types were irradiated and exposed to
30 1.7 X 10U 8.2 X 10- 3.5 X 10-2 visible light demonstrated that they were capable
40 3.8 X 108 5.0 X 10-' 5.0 X 10- of being photoreactivated to the same extent as
50 2.7 X 108 1.8 X 10 G 2.7 X 10-'
the red parental type.
Considering only the data obtained with the
TABLE 8 lower doses of ultraviolet light it was evident
Proportion of color variants among survivors of that reactivating light reduced both the lethal
ultraviolet-irradiated suspensions of Serratia and genetic effects of the irradiation. The dose-
marcescens, HY strain, with and without reduction ratios calculated for the mutagenic
photoreactivation effects of ultraviolet irradiation at different
DAR SURVIVORS LIGH SURVIVORs doses were not constant, however, as they were
DOSE No. colonies Color No. colonies Color
for lethality, but rather they decreased with
counted variants counted variants* increasing ultraviolet dose. A difference between
dose-reduction ratios for lethality and muta-
% %
genesis has been reported also by Newcombe and
10 555 4.1 1,310 1.3 Whitehead (1951) in their studies of ultraviolet
20 1,310 12.4 2,872 4.4
induced color-response mutants in E. coli, strain
30 1,142 19.9 592 19.8
40 1,876 12.0 1,717 18.8 B/r, on mannitol-tetrazolium agar.
50 446 6.1 7,480 19.1 All of the experimental results obtained with
ultraviolet light support the hypothesis that
* Total per cent pink and white variants. the stable variants are caused by gene mutations
In these experiments no spontaneous pink or simlar to those found in higher forms. The uni-
white variants were detected among 1,385 colonies formity of pattern of induced variation following
counted on the nonirradiated control plates. treatment with ultraviolet light is illustrated
by the collection of data presented in table 9
The survival data from a typical experiment showing the results of 30 seconds' exposure in 6
are summarized in table 7. When the fractions different experiments performed on different
of cells surviving in the dark and in the light days. No spontaneous pink or white variants
were plotted against the ultraviolet dose, survival were seen in over 12,000 colonies examined on
curves similar to those described by Kelner (1949) the control plates whereas in each assay 20 to 30
for Escherichia coli, strain B/r, were obtained. per cent of the colonies from the irradiated
From such curves the dose-reduction ratio for suspensions were conspicuously pink or white.
the HY strain S. marcescn was calculated and In no experiment was there any significant shift
found to be 1.6, indicating that visible light in the proportion of cells giving speckled colonies.
reduced the lethal effects of ultraviolet irradia- Thus, the pattern of variation displayed by red
tion by 37 per cent. There was a decrease in the population of the HY strain of S. marcescens
rate of inactivation for populations treated with following treatment with ultraviolet light was
1953] 401
strikingly reproducible. Irradiation was capable were added to a vial giving an acidic aqueous
of inducing a variety of color-mutants including solution which was relatively stable. Suitable
the conspicuous pink and white types which dilutions were made in buffer at pH 6.9, and the
were especially valuable in following the proes agent was allowed to stand only two minutes
quantitatively. There was no evidence that it had before it was added to the bacterial suspensions
any effects on the production of variants of the which were incubated for one hour in a water
unstable colorless type. bath at 37 C together with a control tube con-
The effect of ultraviolet light also was tested taining only bacterial suspension and buffer.
on a few other strains of Serratia. These pre- Aliquots from the tubes were diluted and plated
liminary observations will not be reported in on synthetic agar in the usual manner.
detail, but enough was done to show that dif- Preliminary trials established the killing curve

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ferent responses may be expected from different and showed that 0.25 mg of nitrogen mustard
strains. For example, very few stable white or per ml killed 99.96 per cent of the bacteria and
pink types were obtained from strain 274 follow- gave a population containing about 2.5 per cent
ing irradiation. The pattern of induced variation of stable pink and white variants. Multiple runs
produced with a given strain seemed just as with 0.15 mg HN-2 per ml gave from 1.2 to 2.8
characteristic as its pattern of spontaneous per cent stable variants where the untreated
Experiments with chemical mutagens. The strik- TABLE 9
ing effectiveness with which ultraviolet light Induced color-variation in suspensions of red HY
increased the proportions of dark red, pink, and cells treated with ultraviolet light
white color-variants in treated suspensions of
red cells of the HY strain of S. marcescens en- VTIO- PlERVVNR CENT OF COLONIS
couraged us to hope that it might be relatively Pink White Speckled
simple to demonstrate the mutagenic action of
chemical agents with this biological system. 30 4.0 X 10O 17.8 13.9 1.5
Such, however, did not prove to be the case. 30 2.3 X 10'3 15.2 12.2 0.8
The first attempts at inducing color-variation 30 3.5 X 10- 17.0 6.5 1.5
with chemical agents were made with the surface- 30 1.1 X 10-' 14.5 11.3 1.2
active compounds sodium desoxycholate and 30 2.1 X 104 17.0 7.5 0.6
sodium lauryl sulfate. Witkin (1947) and Latarjet 30 8.6 X 10-3 13.1 7.0 0.2
(1948) had reported that sodium desoxycholate 0 6 control 0 0 1. 1 a 0.6
induced phage-resistant mutants in E. coli. Low platings
concentrations of these agents had been found
to modify the proportions of color-variants in controls showed none. There was no evidence of
aging cultures of strain 274 of S. marcescens any shift in the number of cells giving speckled
(Bunting, 1942), but this phenomenon had been colonies following treatment with the nitrogen
shown to be due to selection rather than any mustard. However, the evidence for mutagenic
mutagenic action of the compounds (Bunting, activity of the nitrogen mustard was not con-
1950). In later experiments with the HY strain clusive since later experiments in which mixtures
the surface-active agents were used in the same of red and variant types were treated showed that
concentrations as those employed by Witkin in this case the red cells were appreciably more
and Latarjet, but although every effort was made sensitive to the lethal action of the agents which
to follow the procedures they had used no increase could have accounted for the observed increase
was noted in the relative numbers of color- in the per cent of variants.
variants following treatment with the mutagens. Many other chemical agents were employed
The only chemical agent which gave any sug- with negative results. Three basic dyes (acri-
gestion of mutagenic activity when tested for flavine, methyl violet, and methylene blue)
its ability to induce color-variation in the HY were tested for their possible effects on color-
strain of S. marcescens was nitrogen mustard. variation. Suspensions of Serratia were treated
The methyl bis (8-chloroethyl) amino hydro- both in the dark and in the light. The dyes exerted
chloride (Merck) was obtained in vials contain- a much greater killing effect in the light (exposed
ing 10 mg of salt. Ten ml of sterile distilled water to 500 watt tungsten filament projection lantern

placed 2 inches from glass-fronted water bath) DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS

than in the dark but had no detectable effect on The pattern of distribution of spontaneous
the proportions of color-variants. color-variants in the HY strain of S. marcescens
Following Demerec's report (Demerec et al., was found to be characteristic of the strain and
1950) of the highly mutagenic properties of strikingly different from that previously found
manganous chloride when used to produce re- with strain 274 (Bunting, 1940). Strain 274 rarely
versions from streptomycin-dependence to non- produced stable variants of any color and was
dependence in E. coli, this compound was tested never observed to give rise to an unstable variant
also for its ability to cause color-variation in of the colorless type found so abundantly in HY
Serratia. However, even though parallel experi- cultures. It produced unstable bright pink
ments with E. coli, strain B/r/Sd4, were per- variants which readily reverted to the dark red

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formed to make sure that the highly specific type and occasionally gave rise to paler types
conditions essential for mutagenic activity with which were even more unstable. It might be
coli cultures were fulfilled, and even though a difficult to identify red cultures of the two
high yield of mutants was obtained with coli, strains from their general appearance, but they
no increase in color variants was noted with could be distinguished easily by the variants
Serratia. which they produced.
Negative results were obtained also with The most conspicuous color-variants of the HY
urethane (ethyl carbamate) and pyrogallic acid strain were stable pink and white types which
which had been reported by Auerbach (1949) arose infrequently and irregularly as spontaneous
to have mutagenic activity. Concentrations from mutants but were found in relatively large num-
1 mg per ml to 0.1 mg per ml were used, and the bers following exposure of red cells to ultraviolet
celLs were exposed for 1 hour at 37 C in a water irradiation. Photoreactivation with white light
bath. A few pink variants were noted in platings reversed the mutagenic action of the ultraviolet.
from two of the urethane tubes, but these were The data on incidence, stability, and behavior of
found to revert to the red parental type when these variants suggested that they arose as gene
streaked on synthetic agar. mutations and that they offered promising
Although disappointing, it was perhaps not materialfortheexperimental studyof induced mu-
altogether surprising that the chemicals tested tations. However, all attempts to induce
here failed to induce color-variation in Serratia. color-variation with chemical mutagens were
As Witkin (1950) demonstrated in the case of unsuccessful.
acriflavine and E. coli, a rather delicate relation- Color-variants also were observed which
ship may exist between survival and the rate of showed biochemical deficiencies. Presumably
induced mutation. Demerec et al. (1950) have these types as well as the more stable proto-
shown also with E. coli that highly specific condi- trophic forms mentioned above were caused by
tions unrelated to survival are essential for the gene mutations. It would be of interest to test
demonstration of the mutagenic activity of the effectiveness of chemical mutagens in in-
manganous chloride. It appears that the condi- ducing auxotrophs from the HY strain in view
tions required for the demonstration of muta- of our inability to induce color variation with
genic activity for any one chemical and any one these agents.
organism must be determined empirically and The commonest color-variant found in HY cul-
tures was an unstable, colorless form which
that a different set of conditions may be required reverted readily to the pigmented type. All pig-
when either the chemical or the test organism is mented cultures were found to contain an ap-
varied. Possibly better yields of variants would preciable number of these variants; the propor-
have been obtained if resistant strains had been tion varied with cultural conditions. Young
developed as shown by Bryson (1948). cultures in fresh synthetic medium contained
In conclusion it may be stated that although large numbers of unstable, colorless cells whereas
it was relatively easy to induce color-variation older synthetic cultures or cultures grown in the
by treatment with ultraviolet light this has not presence of peptone or yeast extract contained
been the case with chemical agents. very few. Colonies which developed from color-
less variants inoculated on synthetic agar plates the action of mutagenic agents but that the
were white with pigmented specks whereas number of unstable, colorless variants was in-
those developing from similar cells on agar sup- fluenced greatly by cultural conditions. The
plemented with peptone or yeast extract soon mechanism responsible for the production of these
became uniformly colored and were indistinguish- unstable variants is being investigated.
able from colonies arising from the pigmented
form. Ultraviolet irradiation had no detectable SUMMARY
effect on the production of the colorless variants. Red cultures of the HY strain of Serratia
Every red HY colony analyzed contained marcescens produced spontaneous color-variants
colorless variants, and all of these variants gave of several different kinds. Irradiation with ultra-
colonies with demonstrable areas where reversion violet light increased the proportion of stable

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to the pigmented form had taken place. It was variant types; photoreactivation reversed the
evident, therefore, that both forms were highly mutational as well as lethal effects of the ultra-
unstable. The data were not sufficient to de- violet light. No success was attained in using
termine whether selection or some other mecha- HY cultures to demonstrate mutagenic activity
nism was responsible for the reproducible shifts of chemical agents.
in the proportions of the two types found under An unstable colorless variant which gave
different cultural conditions. In many respects speckled colonies on synthetic media was found
the system resembled that described by Spiegel- in all cultures. Ultraviolet irradiation had no
man et al. (1950, 1951) for long-term adaptation apparent effect on the production of these
in yeasts. Pigmented cells of Serratia in the variants but cultural conditions greatly in-
absence of supplement rapidly lost the ability fluenced their numbers.
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