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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Sta. Rita, Pampanga

Summative Test-Module 3
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
S. Y. 2020-2021

NAME: ______________________________________________________ DATE:______________

GRADE: ________ STRAND: ___________ SECTION: _____________

I. True or False: On a separate sheet of paper, write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if
the statement is incorrect. Answers only. Good luck!

1. An idea heading format starts with the summary before the citation.
2. In summarizing, we will know the reason after we read the original material.
3. When we connect the bulleted information using our own words, we can go back to the original material
to make sure we are not wrong.
4. When we read closely for details, we need to memorize the details we encounter.
5. A summary should be arranged according to how we understand and remember the original material.
6. If we were given a task sheet, we can encircle the key ideas and details.
7. When we summarize we need to write by number, in order to arrange the events.
8. Writing a summary should include all details in the original material.
9. Summarizing is stating what happened in less words.
10. Date heading format starts with the summary before the date the summary was made.

II. Text-Construction: What is your favorite MOVIE or STORY? Discuss its PLOT using any of the
techniques discussed in this module. Use a separate sheet for your answer.

Prepared by:


English Instructor, SHS-BHS

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