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Ndebele - The Easiest & Quickest Way mba. by Patrick James Ma Introduction I reckon that those who want to lear Sindebele will find this booklet invaluable. Originally, I wrote and published a similar booklet "Shona, the easiest & quickest way." After several pleas and requests from friends and acquaintances who want to learn Sindebele, I decided to have the booklet translated. Initially, this booklet is published on its own, but it is hoped that if cassette tapes are available, it will greatly help the leamer. In the meantime T recommend you to get hold of a Ndebele speaking friend who will read the Sindebele part, so that you leam the way the Ndebele speaking people pronounce words, Besides being of great value to Asians, Europeans and Euro-Africans residing in Zimbabwe who are desirous of learning Sindebele, it can also be of great assistance to Shona speaking people who want to lear Sindebele. Incidentally, this booklet can also be used by a Ndebele speaking person or child who wants to lea English the best and quickest way. To those who have never leamt another language successfully, my advice is that from the moment you decide to lear Sindebele, using this booklet, you must also start to be a friendly and an inguisitive person. Make a habit of greeting strangers and try to ask questions and make conversation. You may think you will be regarded as a nuisance, but my experience have been that people are always willing to help whea they know that you are trying to make an effort to learn, Remember, if you learn two new words a day, you will have learnt over sixty words in a month and in three months, you will be making interesting conversations. When learning Shona, one immediately comes up against Shona dialects. One simply has to leam to distinguish them through continuous practice. Fortunately, Sindebele has no dialects as such. It is imperative that, if Zimbabwe is going to have amicable race relations, Shona and Sindebele should be seriously learnt, not only at school level but by every adult Zimbabwean. My thanks go to Prisca Sibusiso Nyathi, my Ndebele speaking secretary, and her mother who helped to translate the booklet. Lesson 1: Useful Expressions Good day Good moming Good aftemmoon Good evening Good night Good bye How are you? Lam very well. Excuse me. It doesn't matter. Come in. ‘You are very kind. Do you speak English? I do not speak Shona Do you understand? T don't understand. What does it mean? At once. How much money do you have? How many fingers do you have? What is this? What is your name? How old are you? What do you want? Where do you live? Here it is. Here they are, There it is. What did you say? Forgive me. Please speak slowly, I think so. I don't think so, Yes. No. For sure. I must go. Allow me. With pleasure. Tam short of money. Sit down. I know that. I don't know. Do you know? ‘You are wrong, ‘You are right. Hanga elihle UrLivuke njani UtLitshone njani ‘UiLitshone njani U/Lilale kuble U/Lisale kuble Linjani/Kunjani ukuphila? Neiyaphila. Uselo. Akulandaba. Ngena/Ngenani. Ulesibawu. Uyakhuluma yini isingisi? Uyakhuluma isishona na? ‘Uyeawisisa/Liyezwisisa na? Angizwisisi Kutsho ukuthini? Khonamanje? Ule/Lilemalini? Ule/Lileminwe emingaki? Kuyini lokhu? Igama lakho ngubani? Ule/Lileminyaka emingaki? Ufunani/Lifunani? Uhlala ngaphi? ‘Nanku khona lapha. ‘Nampa lapha. ‘Nankuyana laphayana Utheni/Litheni? Naixolela. Uxolo khuluma kancane, Ngikhumbula njalo. Kangikhumbuli njalo, Yebo. Hayi/Hatshi, ‘Ngempela. Kumele ngihambe/Kufanele ngihambe Ngivumela Kuluagile. Angisela mali Hlala phansi Neiyakwazi lokho. Angikwazi. Uyakwazi yini/Liyakwazi yini. WehlulekileUphambanisile. UgondileUginisile. Will you give me? Come here. What is the matter? I You He/She It We You They Head Hair Eye(s) Ear Nose Mouth(s) Chin Cheek(s) Tongue Tooth/Teeth Face Neck Shoulder(s) Chest Backbone Ami(s) Hand(s) Finger(s) Nail Elbow(s) Stomach(s) Legis) Knee(s) Foot/Feet Toe(s) Voice Ungengipha na/Lingangipha na? Hoza lapha/Buya lapha. Kwenzenjani na? Grammar (Personal Pronouns) Mina Myself Wena Yourself, Yena Hin/Herself Khona Ourselves Thina Yourselves Lina Themselves Bona Lesson 2: The Human Body Tkhanda Inwele Tlihlo/Amehlo Indlebe Amakhala Umlomo/Imilomo Isilewu Isiblathi/Iziblathi Ulimi Tzinyo/Amazinyo Ubuso Intamo Thlombe/Amahlombe Isifuba Umblane Ingalo Isandla/Izandla Umunwe/Iminwe UziphovInzipho Tndololwane Isisu/Izisu Umbala/Imbala Idolo/Amadolo Unyawo/Inyawo Uzwane/Amazwane Tlizwi ‘Mina ngedwa Wena wedwa Yena yedwa Thina sodwa Lina lodwa Bona bodwa Grammar (Verbs - Present Tense) To have (Ukuba) Thave - Ngile You have - Ule He/She has -Ule We have = Sile You have - Lile They have - Bale To be (Ukuba) Tam - Ngiya You are - Uya He/She is - Uya We are - Siya You are - Liya They are - Baya To eat (Ukudla) Leat - Neiyadla You eat - Uyadla He/She eats - Uyadla We eat - Siyadla You eat - Liyadla They ear - Bayadla To go (Ukuhamba) Igo - Ngiyahamba You go - Uyahamba He/She goes - Uyahamba We go - Siyahamba You go - Liyahamba They go - Bayahamba Lesson 3: Human Qualities & Emotions Character Ubuntwimbeko Anger Ukuzonda Dislike Inzondo Goodness Ubuhle Honesty Ukwethembeka Intelligence Inggondo Knowledge Ulwazi Patience Ukubekezela Pleasure Hearing Sight Smell Speech Strength Thought Weakness Wisdom Love Hate Age Laughter Thad You had He/She had We had You had They had Iwas You were He/She was We were You were They were Late You ate He/She ate We ate You ate They ate I went You went. He/She went Ukuthatshiswa Ukuzwa Ukubona Ukunuka Tokulumo Amandla Umeabango Uknswela amandla Ukublakanipha Uthando Inzondo Intanga Uhleko Grammar (Verbs - Past Tense) To have = Ngangile = Wawale - Wayele = Sasile - Lalile - Babele To be - Ngangi - Wawn - Waye ~ Sasi ~ Lali ~ Babe To eat = Ngadla - Wadla - Wadla = Sadla - Ladla - Badla To go - Ngahamba - Wahamba - Wahamba We went ~ Sahamba You went ~ Lahamba They went - Bahamba Lesson 4: Adjectives (Size) big ubukhulu broad, wide ububanzi long ubude narrow ukuncipa short ubufitshane small okuncane thick ukunona (Others) bad ububi beautiful buble bitter ukubaba blind isiphofu deaf isacuthe dumb isimungulu brave isibindi bright ukukhanya careful ngonanzelelo cheap ukwehla cheerful ukuthabela/ukukimuleka clean okublanzeka cold ukuganda complete ukugeda dangerous okungenisa engozini dear sithandwa dead ukufa deep ukutshona different vukutshiyana disty ingcekeza ary. ukoma early uknphangisa easy ubulula fast ukuphangisa fat ukunona free ukukdnululeka full ukugewala glad ukuthaba good kulungile happy ukuthaba hot ukutshisa important okugakathekilo interesting okuthabisayo late ukuphuza loose okuxhegayo loud umkhosi low okweblileyo many okunengi necessary okufaneleyo new okutsha old okudala open vula/ukukhamisa perfect okugondileyo polite ukuthobeka poor ubuyanga possible okungenzeka private imfihlo probably engxenye quick phangisa quiet vukutimla raw okuluhlaza ready ukulungisela rich, ukunotha ripe ukuvuthwa_ sad ukudana safe ukukhululeka same okufananayo simple okulula slow vukuphuza sour okubabayo strong ukugina sufficient okwaneleyo sweet ubumnandi true iginiso ugly ububi urgent ukuphangisa useful okusetshenziswayo valuable okugakathekileyo young ubuncane Lesson 5: The Railway 1. Where is the station? Singaphi isilindo sikaloliwe? 2. What time is the next train arriving? Uzafika nini uloliwe wesibili? 3. Where is the ticket office? Tngaphi indlu yamatiki 4, What is the fare to Bulawayo? Knyimalini ukufika eBulaway 5. When do we arrive? Siyafika nini? 6. Must I change during the journey? Kumele ngintshintshe yini kuhambo? 7. What is the name of this station? Lithiwani igama lalesi silindo? 8, How long do we stop here? Siyakuma ekwesikhathi esinganani lapha? 9. Where is the lavatory? Ingaphi indlu encane? 10. Go and take my luggage. Hamba uyethatha umthwalo wami. 11, Where is the registered luggage? Zingaphi impahla ezibhalisiyeyo? Grammar (Verbs - Future Tense) To have I will have ~ Ngizakuba You will have ~ Uzakuba He/She will have ~ Uzakuba We will have ~ Sizakuba ‘You will have - Lizakuba They will have - Bazakuba To be I will be - Ngizabe You will be ~ Uzabe He/She will be ~ Uzabe We will be ~ Sizabe ‘You will be - Lizabe They will be - Bazabe To eat I will eat + Ngizakudla You will eat - Uzakudla He/She will eat - Uzakudla We will eat - Sizakudla You will eat ~ Lizakudla ‘They will eat ~ Bazakudla To go Iwill go - Ngizahamba You will go - Uzahamba He/She will go - Uzahamba We will go = Sizahamba You will go - Lizahamba They will go - Bazahamba Lesson 6: Places, People & Shops Hospital Isibhediela Garage Okulengiselwa imota Post Office Tndlu ebona ngokuhamba kwezinewadi Station Isilindo Market Indawo yokuthengisela Telephone booth Indlu yokutshayela ucingo Cinema Okubonwa imfanekiso Bank Olugcinwa imali Police station Enkambeni yamapolisa School Isikolo Butchery Isilaha Bakery Okuphekwa isinkwa Grocery Ivinkili Chemist Okuthengiswa imithi Barber Ogela inwele Optician Obona ngokwelatshwa kwamebilo Watchmaker Olungisa okokubonisa isikhathi 1. What is the name of this town? Ibizo laleli dholobho lithiwani? 2. What is the name of this city? Ibizo Jalumuzu Lithiwani? 3. Where can I change some money? Negingantshintsha ngaphi imali? 4, T would like to see some interesting places? ‘Ngingathanda ukubona indawo ezijabulisayo. 5. How much is this? Knyimalini lokhu? 6. Where can I buy a hat and a pair of shoes? Neingathenga ngaphi ingwane lizicathulo? 7. Which ones have the lowest prices? Yikuphi okulentengo ephansi? 8, That is too dear. Knyadla kakhulu, 9. Where can I buy some sugar? Ngingathenga ngaphi itshukela? Lesson 7: Tobacco 1. Give me twenty cigarettes and a box of matches Negipha imihlanga yegwayi engamatshumi amabili lesilumathiso. Do you have any tobacco? ‘Ulegwayi na? / Lilegwayi na? Do you have any cigarettes? Ulemiblanga yegwayi na? / Lilemihlanga yegwayi na? . I am sorry, I have no cigarettes. Neilusizi angila miblanga yegwayi. . Would you like a cigarette? Ufiina umhlanga wegwayi na? / Lifuna umblanga wegwayi na? 6. I don't smoke. Angibheni But Farai smokes. Kodwa UFarayi uyabhema 8. I smoke twenty-five cigarettes a day. ‘Ngibhema imiblanga yegwayi engamatshumi amabili lanhlanu ngelanga. 9. This house is full of cigarette smoke. Indlu le igewele intutln yegwayi, 10. Can I have an ashtray? ‘Neingazuza ucephe lokufaka umlotha yegwayi na? & Grammar (Verbs - Continuing Present) To eat Tam eating - Nguiyadla You are eating - Uyadla He/She is eating - Uyadla We are eating - Siyadla You are eating ~ Liyadla They are eating ~ Bayadla To go Tam going - Ngiyahamba You are going ~ Uyahamba He/She is going ~ Uyahamba We are going - Siyahamba You are going - Liyahamba They are going - Bayahamba To cook (ukupheka) Lam cooking - Ngiyapheka ‘You are cooking - Uyapheka He/She is cooking - Uyapheka 10 We are cooking You are cooking They are cooking Tam washing You are washing He/She is washing We are washing You are washing They are washing ~ Siyapheka - Liyapheka - Bayapheka To wash (ukugeza) - Ngiyageza - Uyageza - Uyageza - Siyageza - Liyageza ~ Bayageza Lesson 8: Relations & Friends Grandfather Grandmother Father Mother Unele Aunt Son Daughter Brother Sister Nephew Niece Cousin (f) Cousin (m) Husband Wife Father-in-law Mother-in-law Brother-in-law Sister-in-law Son-in-law Danghter-in-law Man Woman Boy Girl Child Friend 1. Can I see Mr. Gumbo? Ngingabona UGumbo na? 2. T like being here Neithanda ukuba lapha. Ubabamkiulu Ugogo Ubaba Umama Umalume Ubabakazi Indodana Indodakazi Umnewetiu Udadewethu. Uinzukulu Uinzukulu Umzawami Umzawami Indoda Umfazi Ubabazala Umamazala Usibale Usibale Uinkwenyana Umalukazana Indoda ‘Umfana Inkazana Umtwane Umgane ct 3. How is Mrs. Mugadza? Unjani umama wako Mugadza? & Give my compliments to Mrs. Gondo. ‘Ungiphele Umama ka Gondo ukubonga kwami. Ngiyajabula ukukubona. The pleasure is mine. Injabulo ngeyami. 7. Are you going already? Usuhamba na? 8, When can I see him? ‘Ngingambona nini? 9. When will he be back? ‘Uyaphenduka nini? 10. Is Mr. Binga at home? UBinga ungekhaya na? 2 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine Tam very pleased to see you. Lesson 8: Numerals keunye keubili ‘uthathu ‘une kublanu kuyisithupha isikhombisa kuyisitshiya ngalo mbili kxuyisitshiya ngalo lunye itshumi itshumi lanye itshumi lambili itshumi lantathu itshumi lane itshumi Janhlanw itshumi lesithupa itshumi lesikhombisa itshumi letshiya ngalo mbili itshumi letshiyangalo lunye amatshumi amabili amatshumi amabili lanye amatshumi amabili lambili amatshumi amabili lanthatu amatshumi amabili lane amatshumi amabili lanblanu amatshumi amabili lesithupa amatshumi amabili lesikhombisa amatshumi amabili letshiya ngalo mbili amatshumi amabili letshiya ngalo lunye thirty fourty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand Ido You do He/She does We do You do They do Lam doing You are doing He/she is doing We are doing ‘You are doing They are doing I did You did He/She did We did You did They did Iwill do You will do He/She will do We will do You will do They will do a couple a dozen half a dozen the last amatshumi amathatu amatshumi amane amatshumi amahlanu amatshumi ayisithupa amatshumi ayikhombisa amatshumi ayitshiyangalo mbili amatshumi ayitshiyangalo lunye ikbulu inkulungwane Grammar (Verbs) To do - Ngiyenza - Uyenza - Uyenza - Siyenza - Liyenza - Bayenza - Neiyenza - Uyenza - Uyenza - Siyenza - Liyenza - Bayenza ~ Ngenza - Wenza - Wenza ~ Senza ~ Lenza - Benza = Ngizakwenza = Uzakwenza ~ Uzakwenza + Sizakwenza = Lizalewenza ~ Bazakwenza Lesson 20: Collective & Distributive Numbers abantu ababili amatshumi amabili lambili isithupa okukugedisa each, ‘unye-lakunye a pair okubili lakubili 1. Give me half a kilo of sugar. ‘Ngipha itshukela eneleyo laphakathi kwekilo. T have been in Zimbabwe twice. Ngangise Zimbabwe kabill I want to buy a dozen of Neifona ukuthenga amatshumi amabili amaqanda. 4, Lwas the last to see him. Yimi engagediselayo ukumbona. Give each of the children a sweet Phana umtwana munye lamunye isiwiji. Lesson 11: The Time morning ekuseni aftemoon emini midday emini enkulu evening ntambama night ebusuku How long? Okwesikhathi esingakanani? A long time. Okwesikhathi eside How many times? Kangaki? An hour ago. Thola eledlulileyo, Grammar (Verbs) To be able to Present Naiyakwanisa ‘Uyakwanisa ‘Uyakwanisa Liyakwanisa Siyakwanisa Bayakwanisa Past ‘Ngangikwanisa Wavwukwanisa Wayekwanisa Sasikwanisa Lalikwanisa Babekwanisa 14 Negizabe ngikwanisa Uzabe ukwanisa Uzabe ukwanisa Sizabe sikwanisa Lizabe likwanisa Bazabe bekwanisa Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday This week Last week Next week This month Last month ‘Next month This year Last year ‘Next year Fortnight everyday today Yesterday Tomorrow January February March April May June July August September October November December Future Lesson 12: The Calendar Insonto Umvulo Ubwesibili Ulwesithathu Ulwesine Ulwesihlanu Uingibelo Ivhiki yonale Ivhiki ephelileyo Ivhiki ezayo Kuyonale inyanga Inyanga ephelileyo Inyanga ezayo Lonyaka Uinnyaka ophelileyo Umnayaka ozayo Amavhiki amabili asuku zonke nambla Izolo Kusasa Uzibandlela Unhlolanja Umabasa Umbimbitho Unkwenkwezi Unhlangula Untulikazi Unewabakazi Umpandula Umfuga Ulwezi Uimpalakazi Spring Summer Autumn Winter It is very hot. It is very cold. It is raining. It will rain tomorrow It is windy Sky Star Moon Sun Ngifuna Uyafuna Uyafuna Siyafuna Liyafana Bayafuna Negangiftuna Wawufuna Wayefuna Sasijuna Lalifuna Babefuna Ngizafuna Uzafuna Uzafina Sizafima Lizafuna Bazafuna Esilimo Ehlobo Ekwindla Ebusika Lesson 13: The Weather Kuyatshisa. Kuyaganda. zulu liyana. Izulu lizakuna kusasa Kulomoya, Isibhakabhaka Tokanyezi Inyanga Hanga Grammar (Verbs) To be in need of Present Past Future 16 Lesson 14: In The House comb ikama mirror isibuko needle usungulo razor ileza scissors isigelo soap isepa thread umxeba toothbrush okulcugezisa amazinyo button isikophela coat ijazi dress isiqgoko hat ingwane pocket isikwama raincoat {jazi lokuvikela izulu shirt ihembe shoes izicathulo shoe laces intambo zezincathulo trousers ibhulugwe blanket ingubo 1. Call me at seven o'clock, Ungibize ngehola lesikhombisa I want a warm bath, Neifiuna ukugeza amanzi akhudumulayo. Bring me some hot water Ngipathela amanzi atshisayo. 4. I want a haircut. Neifona ukuqunwa inwele. I want a shave. Neifona ukuquawa indevu. Will you please iron these trousers for me? Ungangelulela amabhulugwe ami la na? Useful Verbs to dress sukuggoka to undress ukukhulula to iron ukwelula Correspondence & Telephone address ikheli envelope imvulopu letter inewadi money order inewadi yemali pen usiba lokubhalisa 7 parcel ipaseli telephone ucingo telephone number inombolo zocingo no reply akulampendulo telegram inewadi yocingo airmail letter inewadi ye ndizamtshina telephone directory ugwalo itvenombolo zocingo local call ucingo Iwakuyonale indawo 1. It is getting through. Luyatika I will telephone you tomorrow. Negizakutshayela ucingo kusasa. ‘What is the date? Manga lithini namuhla? I want to register this letter. ‘Neifiuna ukubhalisa inewadi le. T want some stamps. Ngifuna izitampa. 6. Name and address of sender Ibizo lekheli yomthumezeli 7. Are there any letters for me? Kulenewadi zami yini? 8, I want to send a telegram. ‘Ngifuuna ukuthumezela inewadi yocingo. 9. Twant to telephone. Ngifuuna ukutshayo ucingo. 10. Will you post this letter for me? Ungangipositela inewadi yami yini? 11, What is the postage on this letter? Knyimalini ukuposita inewadi le? & Grammar To have just T have just arrived Ngisanda kufika She has just finished Usanda kugeda Useful Verbs to finish sukngeda to wait ukumelela to telephone ukutshaya ueingo engaged ukusentshenziswa 18 Lesson 16: Medical Attention doctor udokotela urse unesi hospital isibhedlela 1. I want to see a doctor. Neifna ukubona udokotela. . Send for a doctor. Thumelani udokotela . Ihave caught a cold. Negibanjwe nqumqando. 4, Thave a headache. Tkhanda lami libublungu, Thave a stomach ache. Isisu sami sibuhlungu. 6. Twant to see a dentist. Ngifiuna ukubona udokotela wamazinyo. 7.1 did not sleep well last night. Angilalanga kuhle ubusukn bayizolo. Grammar Comparisons Thave more money than you. Ngilemali enengi kulawe. You are less tall than I am. Umifitshane kulami. I can eat as fast as you. Neiyakwanisa ukuphangisa ukudla njengawe. Useful Verbs to come ukubuya to come (back) ukuphenduka to arrive vukaufika to sitllive vukuhlala to fall ukuwa Lesson 17: Commands & Requests Bring me some water Neiphathela amanzi Carry this bag Thwala isikwama lesi Drive fast Tshayela masinya / ngokuphangisa Drive slowly Tshayela kancane Drive me to Mutare Ngitshayela eMutare Do your best ‘Yenza konke ongakwenza okuhle 19 Give me Go away Hurry up Knock Listen Look out Leave me alone Ring ‘Send me Show me Take it away Tell me Wait Show me the way Open the door Find me another seat Open the window Close the windows to give to walk to go up to go down to be bom to die meat pork bacon mution veal chicken duck fish vegetables tomatoes onion sweet potato pepper Neipha Hamba katshana Phangisa Qogoda Lalela Qaphela / Khangela phandle Ngitshiya ngedwa Khalisa / Tshaya Neithumela Ngitshengisa Thatha uhambe lakho Ngitshela Mana Ngithsengisa indlela Vula umnyango Ngidingela esinye isihlalo Grammar Definite Article Vula ifasitela Vala amafasitela ‘Useful Verbs ukupha ukuhamba vukuya phezulu okwebla / ukuyaphansi ukuzalwa uukufa Lesson 18: Food & Drink inyama inyama yengulube yamathambo inyama yengulube inyama yemvu inyama yenkonyane inyama yenkukiu idada inblanzi imibhida amatamatisi ihanyanisi imbambayila ibilebile mushrooms amakhowa beans indumba potatoes amagwili rice ilayisi sugar itshukela salt itshwayi milk uchago cream ulaza tea itiye coflee ikhofi water amanzi bread isinkwa beer utshwala Grammar sjunctive pronouns I want to go there with you. Neifnna ukuyakhona lawe. I brought a loaf of bread with me Neibuye lelofy yesinkwa. Can I speak to Fungai please? Ngingakhuluma loFungayi yini? Useful Verbs to hold ukubamba to lead uknkshokhela to drive ukutshayela to know ubowazi to see ukubona to send ukuthumela / ukuthumezela to receive ukwemukela to call ukubiza to throw ukuphosa to buy ukuthenga toma ukngijima Lesson 19: Sports & Arms ball ibhola boxing ingindi football ibhola lezinyawo game undlalo song ingoma 1. Where is the ball? Ingaphi ibhola? Shingai is the boxing champion in Kambuzuma ‘UShingai yingwele yengindi eKambuzuma. Kudakwashe plays football in the second team of Dynamos Club. ‘UKndakwashe udlalela iqembu lesibili ku Dynamos Club. 4, Which game is this? Ngumdlalo uphi lo? . Tam going to sing a religious song. Neizahlabela ingoma yensonto. 6. We want two seats when the performance starts. Sifuna iziblalo ezembili nxa umdlalo usugalisa to live to follow to break to allow to promise Where is the garage? Where is the service station? What is the matter? Thave a front wheel puncture Where can I get some petrol? Thave a breakdown The brakes are out of order. . Can you send someone? . I want to wash the car. 0. Drive well. =e was to fear to join to complain to reach Useful Verbs ukublala / ukuphila ukulandela ukwephtula ukuvumela sukuthembisa Lesson 20: Motoring Kungaphi lapho okulungiswa imota? Kungaphi okuthelwa amafutha emota? Kwenze njani? Tvili laphambili seliphele umoya. Ngizazuza ngaphi amafutha, Imota yami isifile Amabhuleki kasasebenzi Ungathuma umuntu na? / Lingathuma umuntu na? Neifna ukugezisa imota, Tshayela kuble. Useful Verbs uukwesaba ukubambanisa ukukhonona sukufika Lesson 21: Idiomatic Phrases Who is knocking? Is Mr. Bhomba at home? Your health is deteriorating Ina few words. He is drunk. Ngubani oqoqodayo? Umnunuzana Bhomba ungekhanya na? Umzimba yakho uyaphela kancane, Ngamazwi amafitshane Udakiwe. It fits you like a glove. She is well dressed. It is alright How much have you left? At any moment. At the same time. To kill time Early in the morning. It is time to go. Time is flying. It is clearing up. Tam hungry. Tam thirsty. 1am hot. Lam cold. Tam afraid. Tam ashamed. Tam sleepy. Tam 26 years old. Thank you. to sew to please to like (something) to sleep Kayekufanela, Uggoke kuble Kulungile. Uishiye okungaki? Ngasikhathi sonke Ngasikhathi sinye. Ukndlalisa isikhathi. Ekuseni kakhulu. Sokuyisikhathi sokubamba. Isikhathi siyagijima, Sokukhanya Ngilambile Ngomile. Neiyatsha, Ngiyagodolwa. Neiyesaba. Negiyahlonipha. Ngilobuthongo. Neileminyaka engamatshumi amabili lesithupa ngiyabonga Useful Verbs ukuthunga ukuthabisa ukuthanda into ukulala Lesson 20: Adverbs, Conjunctions & Prepositions about above again alike almost already although always alone anywhere at present badly behind besides between but sokuzakuba ngaphezulu njalo / futhi okufananayo okuphose kudala loba / lobanje ngasikhati sonke agedwa / wedwa / yedwa / sodwa / lodwa / bodwa ndaowyonke okwakathesi ‘kubi / kabi ngemuva nhaphandle phakathi laphakathi kodwa certainly down enough except far fiom here how however if in instead of less near next to now only or outside over quickly seldom suddenly there therefore till together when where why without agempela phansi okwaneleyo ngaphandle Khatshana / kude ukuvela lapha njani / kungani ungaselani aluba phakathi ulokuthi okulutshwane eduze eduzane lo khathesi kuphela oba / kumbe / noma phandle phezulu / sokuphelile masinya / ngokuphangisa kalutshwana honokhonje khonale / ngale yikhoke kuzekube sonke ini ngaphi ngani kungela 4

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