Windows Interview Questions

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Q. Machine A wants to send some IP data to machine B, but doesn't know the MAC address of B. What is placed in the field for destination MAC address? A. FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF (Broadcast) Q. What kind of information can you usually get from a MAC address? A. The first half of the MAC will contain the OUI or Organizationally Unique Identifier which typically will allow you to identify the vendor of the network card. The vendor may be able to figure out what card it is as well, assuming they keep that data. Q. What does the acronym MAC stand for? A. Media Access Control Q. How many bytes does it take to represent a MAC address? A. 6 Q. How many bytes does it take to represent an IP address? A. 4 Q. Suppose I have a class C subnet, how many bits are turned on in the subnet mask to properly represent my class C subnet? A. Probably 24, class C is a terminology that is typically used to describe the type of network prescribed by IANA, this could be further chopped down (and usually was). The classing of networks has been replaced by a classless system in 1993 due to a problem of a class C being prescribed initially, and then when this proved too small, in which a class B was used which was typically far too big. Q. What is the difference between a network address and a broadcast address? A. The host-side of the network is all zeros on the network address and all ones on the broadcast. Q. How many default gateways can a system have? A. There can only be one. Q. Suppose I want another gateway, how do I get one registered on the system? A. The command is route add <network> mask <netmask> <gateway> with a -p for persistent. Q. What does the acronym DNS stand for? A. Domain Naming System. Q. Suppose I want to find the mail server for What type of record am I looking for and how do I tell nslookup to scan for that type of record. A. set type=mx Q. Suppose I want to do a reverse lookup, what domain would I look in? A. for PTR type records. Ipv6 this changes to

Q. What does a caching only name server do? A. This server contains the root hints and is therefore able to resolve addresses on the internet via recursive queries. Once a name is resolved, the TTL of said query is typically stored and used as an indicator of how long to keep that request in the cache of the name server before a new recursive query must be issued. Q. Port for http? A. 80 Q. Port for https? A. 443 Q. Port for smtp? A. 25 Q. Port for ping? A. None, ping is icmp not tcp/ip Q. Port for ftp? A. 21 Q. Port for ldap? A. 389 / 636 for ldaps Q. Port for netbios? A. 137-139, 445 Q. Port for ntp? A. 123

Story Questions
Q. I am a windows 2003 machine and I want to send an http get request to, can you tell me what I'd need to do in order to pull this off? Q. Lets say I open up the command prompt and type ping, can you describe using as many layers of the OSI model as possible what happens to those packets along the way?

General Questions
Q. How many hives are there in the registry? A. Four to six depending on the version of windows you have. Q. Why do we call them hives? A. Nobody knows. I heard a rumor that one of the developers of windows NT hated bees.

Q. Is it possible to get the CD key that the operating system was installed with? A. With 3rd party tools, yes. Q. Is it possible to change the CD key of windows once this has been provided to the system? A. Yes, microsoft provides this capability with a product key update tool. Q. What type of data might you expect to find in the SAM? A. User ID's and usually poorly encrypted passwords. Q. I want to find out what security settings are configured on my current machine via policy. What command could I use to generate a report of all the current settings? A. rsop, could also use the 'local security policy editor. Q. What are the major differences between fat32 and ntfs? A. 16TB vs 32GB, 4GB max file size with fat32. NTFS has far more configuration for security available, also more robust error handling generally speaking. Q. Let's say we had to expand the C: drive, tell me how to do that. A. Not possible to do while the system is online, but a bootable disk and diskpart can do the job. Several 3rd party applications also work, like a gparted boot disk, for example. Q. Is windows 2000 supported by microsoft? A. Win2k has reached end of life as of July 2010. Q. What tools could you use to analyze a blue screen memory dump? A. WinDbg.exe/kd.exe Dumpchk.exe Q. What tools could you use to read a performance report? A. Probably too many to list, my favorite (and only) is PAL. Q. Tell me of some ways of determining who is logged into the system. A. qwinsta, terminal services mmc snap in, task manager on the users tab, 'net sessions' . Q. Is it possible to share files over RDP? A. Yes, under advanced options there is an option for share local disks.

AD Related
Q. Name the FSMO roles. A. PDC Emulator, RID Master, Schema Master, Domain Naming Master, Infrastructure Master. Q. 3 of the FSMO roles are domain level, which are they? A. RID, PDC, Infrastructure

Q. When a server elects itself to hand the inter-site communication, what type of server is that called? A. Bridgehead, typically elected by the KCC. This status can be viewed with replmon. Q. What does the acronym KCC stand for, and what is it? A. Knowledge consistency checker, in which the primary purpose is to create replication links between systems and initiate replication. Q. What is the default interval for replication between servers? A. 5 minutes. Q. What is the default interval for replication over an inter-site link? A. 180 minutes. (3 hours) Q. How often does the KCC run? A. Every 15 minutes. Q. What is the global catalog? A. A partial copy of all objects in every domain in the forest. Q. Is a global catalog required in order for logins to be processed? A. Sort of, local logins to a domain controller for an administrator will still work, but member servers will not be available for login. This can be overridden with a registry hack. Q. What network share are group policies distributed from? A. SYSVOL Q. How would you determine what domain controller processed the login for a user? A. Stored in the %logonserver% variable Q. How does a member server locate a domain controller to process a logon? A. The member server will poll DNS to find all domain controllers via their service records (SRV) for the local site, attempting those first.

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