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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

Academic Adjustment of Grade 11 ABM Students

Villones, Adrian A.

Bayas, Charity May S.

Cadugo, Rica May

Creencia, Nicole

Practical Research II: Quantitative Research

Amadeo National High School

Date to be submitted. (Month Date, Year)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite



Background of the Study

Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the

most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It

is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the

quality of an individual’s life (Abragan, 2022). The key to transforming a

weakness into a strength is education. It provides various methods and

instruments to comprehend upcoming issues and aids in their solution. More

significantly, education gives us the mental agility we need to make wise choices

and respond quickly when necessary. There are many ways we can learn things

especially when it comes to education, here is the academic field.

Academics form the cornerstone of educational institutions and are

instrumental in shaping the intellectual and personal development of students.

Academic achievement not only serves as a measure of individual knowledge and

skills but also has broader implications for personal growth, career prospects, and

societal advancement. Furthermore, academic success is influenced by a

multitude of factors beyond assessment methods, in clueding the quality of

teaching, the availability of educational resources, student motivation, and the

learning environment. Understanding these factors and their interactions is

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

essential for enhancing the educational experience and fostering improved

academic outcomes.

In the other hand, while education is being the fundamental basis on which

young people build their future. There is no denying that students endure

academic stress even while they obtain their desired grades. “Students

continuously experience pressure from different sources during academic life,

which ultimately causes stress among students”, (Deng et al., 2022). Students

frequently struggle with academic stress; thus, it is expected that they may

struggle to comprehend something new.

As students transition from junior high to senior high, they navigate a

crucial developmental shift. Junior high school plays a pivotal role in encouraging

self-discovery, urging students to identify their strengths and interests. This phase

serves as a foundation, laying the groundwork for fundamental academic skills.

As they progress to senior high, the focus shifts toward specialized learning and

skill refinement, preparing students for the nuanced demands of college or their

chosen career paths. The flow from junior to senior high encapsulates a

progression from self-exploration to targeted skill development, equipping

students for future success.

Additionally, it has to do with the K–12 curriculum that DepEd has

implemented, which now includes Senior High School. There is a divided track
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

and strand in senior high. ABM, HUMSS, and STEM are all part of this strand.

K-12 program indicates a good quality of education especially for the standard of

education system worldwide, qualification to work abroad, and development of

skills in employment. The K–12 Basic Education Program's implementation aims

to establish a functional fundamental system that will generate productive and

responsible individuals who are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills

for work. This is in keeping with President Aquino's plan, which emphasizes the

importance of high-quality education in overcoming poverty. K to 12 program

implementations aimed at creating more skilled students with basic skills for

lifelong learning and employment (Abragan, 2022). Furthermore, according to

Gurubat and Lumbu-an (2021), it includes more knowledge and learning,

increased competency, and future career chances Despite the difficulty adjusting

to the K-12 program, they tend to cope with the challenges using various coping

strategies such as time management, adjustment, acceptance, peer support, as they

are aware of the program's value to their academic advancement.

In this case, the students can develop their knowledge and abilities during

senior high school, which will benefit them in the course they will take. "This can

determine whether they will continue to pursue their degree in turn", (Flanders,

2017). Because of this new curriculum, it is impossible to deny that some pupils

will struggle to adjust to the additional year of learning and going to a strand that

will help them to gain more knowledge relating to their desired career. And from
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

the different positive notes on the implementation of the K-12 program, a number

of challenges were also seen and experienced by parents, teachers and students

(Abragan, 2022).

During their academic careers, students frequently encounter a variety of

challenges, and adjusting to new locations and educational systems can be a

difficult task. It can be challenging to move from one educational level to another,

such as from junior high school to senior high school and from senior high school

to college. Transitioning to college involves navigating social and contextual

shifts, which can present developmentally productive challenges and foster

maturation. According to Offidani-Bertrand (2019), how students manage these

shifts have consequences for their trajectories, and short- and long-term well-

being. But not all students have the same experiences, nor do all manage similar

experiences in similar ways. Students must adjust to different social and cultural

norms in addition to the increased academic standards. Feelings of loneliness,

worry, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility might result from this

adaptation process.

Speaking of adaptation, adapting to a new set of subjects introduced by a

new curriculum can be a daunting challenge for students. One of the primary

difficulties they face is the abrupt shift in their academic routine. Familiar

subjects and teaching methods are replaced with unfamiliar ones, and this abrupt

change can leave students feeling disoriented and overwhelmed. They may
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

struggle to grasp the new concepts, navigate different textbooks and materials,

and adjust to the pace of instruction, leading to academic stress and anxiety.

Supportive relationships with parents, school friends, and teachers constitute one

possible protective factor that may facilitate successful educational transitions;

these positive relationships can promote students’ feelings of relatedness and

facilitate adaptation to a new school environment (Kiuru , 2019). Moreover, the

transition to a new curriculum can also bring about logistical challenges.

Additionally, they may face difficulties in coordinating their schedules to

accommodate new subjects, extracurricular activities, and other commitments,

potentially leading to time management issues.

Nowadays, there is still a lack of research about students' difficulties in

transitioning and adapting. However, it is undoubtedly worthwhile to pursue study

on the challenges faced by Grade 11 ABM (Accountancy, Business, and

Management) students as they make the transition to senior high school for a

number of compelling reasons. First off, better support systems may be developed

if we are aware of the difficulties kids are facing throughout this crucial time in

their education. In order to create specialized treatments and resources to support

these students in navigating the transition, educators, schools, and policymakers

must first recognize the particular challenges that these students face. This in turn

may help Grade 11 ABM students retain more students, perform better

academically, and be more satisfied. Second, such research can shed light on
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

broader educational issues, including curriculum and teaching methods.

Identifying common obstacles in the transition process may reveal gaps in the

current educational system, prompting discussions about potential reforms or

adjustments. These findings can contribute to improving the senior high school

experience for all students, not just those in the ABM track, by enhancing the

quality and relevance of the education provided. Lastly, the research can offer

valuable insights into the emotional and psychological well-being of students

during a pivotal stage in their lives. Transitioning to senior high school can be a

stressful and anxiety-inducing experience, and understanding these challenges can

inform the development of mental health support services and counseling

programs. Ultimately, this research has the potential to not only enhance the

academic journey of Grade 11 ABM students but also contribute to the overall

improvement of the educational landscape and the well-being of students in their

formative years.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the academic adjustment of Grade 11 ABM

students at Amadeo National High School.

Specifically, it aims to determine the following objectives:

1. To determine the academic background of Grade 11 ABM


2. To determine the study habits of Grade 11ABM students.

3. To identify the educational resources that help the academic

adjustments of Grade 11 ABM students.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

Conceptual Framework


 Students'  Formulation of Academic Adjustment

Academic questions of Grade 11 ABM
 Conducting Survey
 Analyzing and
 Students' Study
Interpretation of
 Educational
 Adapting Statistical

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Table

The table above shows the Input, Process, and Output of the study whereas

Input includes the independent variable which are the students’ academic

background, study habits, and educational resources. The process includes on how

the study will undergo in the methodology chapter and the output shows the

expected outcome of the study.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the academic adjustments of Grade 11 ABM

(Accountancy, Business, and Management) Senior High School Students at

Amadeo National Highschool. The research will be carried out exclusively at

Amadeo National High School. This study will involve the participation of Grade

11 ABM students during the school year 2023-2024. The research will be

conducted in the English language to ensure clear communication and

consistency in data collection and analysis.

Significance of the Study

Introductory sentence (depends on number of beneficiaries)

Beneficiary 1. text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text

Beneficiary 2. text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text

Beneficiary 3. text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

Definition of Terms

Introductory sentence (depends on how many terminologies to be defined)

Word 1. text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text

Word 1. text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text

Word 1. text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite



This chapter includes the research design, which is quantitative &

descriptive, as part of the study's methodology. Population and sampling

approaches are also considered, which are non-probability and purposive


Research Design

This study employs the quantitative research method. According to

Bhandari (2020), quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing

the numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions,

test casual relationships, and generalize results to wider populations.

The research design that was utilized in this research is descriptive, as the

researchers study the academic adjustment of Grade 11 ABM students. Descriptive

research design is a type of research methodology which aims to describe or document

the characteristics, behaviors, attitudes, opinions, or perception of a group or population

being studied (Hassan, n.d.). This research design helps the researchers to gain deeper

understanding in their experiences and provides valuable insights that can inform future

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite

Population and Sampling

In this study, the main target population are Grade 11 ABM

(Accountancy, Business, and Management) students at Amadeo National High

School. The sampling technique utilized by the researchers is non-probability

sampling. Non-probability sampling is a method in which not all population

members have an equal chance of participating in the study (Fleetwood, 2023).

Purposive sampling is a non-probability way of gathering a sample in which

researchers utilized their knowledge to select particular volunteers to participate

in the study and achieve its objectives (Frost, n.d.). It is a type of sampling

technique that selects participants who only meet the set criteria preferred by the

researchers. The criteria that was used are as follows: students who are

experiencing an academic adjustment, and located within Amadeo National High

School. With purposive sampling, researchers intentionally choose participants

who can provide valuable insights, allowing the researchers to thoroughly explore

of their research topic.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Amadeo National High School
By-Pass Road, Brgy. 1, Amadeo, Cavite


Survey is a general view, examination, or description of someone or

something, and it is a way for gathering information. Survey questionnaires

contains questions that are related to the objectives of this study. The researchers

have formulated a question that will be used to gather the necessary information.

In this study, three research questions were used to generate five survey questions

created by the researchers. For the validation of researchers–created interview

questions, each question had been reviewed by an English teacher. To assess the

dependability and utility of the researchers – created interview questions for the

researchers’ respondents. In addition, the researchers’ survey questions

concentrate on academic challenges of Grade 11 ABM students.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers considered the students’ academic background, study

habits, and their educational resourcers. To be able to collect data, researchers

provided a survey questionnaire that will be used for conducting this study. Prior

to performing the survey, the researcher must confirm first that the chosen

respondents are willing to participate. The researchers will give respondents their

time to be able to answer those given questions and gather the necessary data.

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