СП 12.13330.2009 english

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Official publication

SS 12.13130.2009


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the
Federal Law of December 27, 2002 № 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules of application of
codes of rules by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the order of
development and approval of codes of rules" of November 19, 2008 № 858.

Information on the code of practice

1 Developed by FGU VNIIPO of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

2 BHECEH by Technical Committee for Standardization TK 274 "Fire Safety"
3 APPROVED AND ENACTED by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 182 of
March 25, 2009.
4 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Information on changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index
"National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments in the monthly published information index
"National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or abolition of this Code of Practice, the relevant notice
will be published in the monthly National Standards Information Index. Relevant information, notification and
texts shall also be placed in the public information system on the official website of the developer (FGU
VNIIPO / ICHS of Russia) in the Internet network

Russia, 2009 Y FGU VNIIPO of
EMERCOM of Russia, 2009

This set of rules may not be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official
publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without the decision of the Ministry of Emergency
Situations of Russia and the Federal State Institution VNIIPO of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of

SS 12.13130.2009

Table of Contents

1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................1
2 Regulatory References ....................................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions.......................................................................................................................................2
4 General Provisions ..........................................................................................................................................2
5 Categories of premises by explosion and fire hazard......................................................................................3
6 Categories of buildings by explosion and fire hazard ......................................................................................4
7 Categories of outdoor installations by fire hazard............................................................................................4
8 Fire risk assessment........................................................................................................................................5
Annex A (mandatory) Methods for determining room categories A and B..........................................................7
Annex B (mandatory) Methods for determining room categories B1 B4 .......................................................13
Annex B (mandatory) Calculation methods for fire hazard criteria of outdoor installations ...............................15
Appendix D (mandatory) Methodology for calculating the conditional probability of defeat
human being ...........................................................................................................................22
Annex D (Recommended) Calculation of the coefficient 2 of combustion of combustible gases and vapors of
unheated flammable liquids....................................................................................................24

SS 12.13130.2009




on burglary and fire safety
Determination of categories of rooms,
buildings and environmental installations on explosion and yr hazard

Date of introduction - 2009-S5-S1

1 Area of application
1.1 This set of rules is developed in accordance with Articles 24, 25, 26, 27 of the Federal Law of July
22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements". No. 123-FZ "Technical
Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", is a normative document on fire safety in the field of
standardization of voluntary application and establishes methods for determining the attribution of buildings
(or parts of buildings with fire walls fire compartments), constructions, structures and premises
(hereinafter referred to as buildings and premises) of industrial and smadskogo of class F5 to categories
of explosion and fire hazard, as well as methods of determining the massification signs of categories of
outdoor installations of industrial and smadskogo purposes (hereinafter referred to as outdoor
installations) for fire hazard.
1.2 Classification of buildings and premises by explosion and fire hazard is used to establish fire safety
requirements aimed at preventing the possibility of fire and providing fire protection for people and property
in case of fire.
Classification of outdoor installations by fire hazard is used to establish fire safety requirements
aimed at preventing the possibility of fire and providing fire protection for people and property in the event of a
fire in outdoor installations.
1.3 This set of rules shall not apply:
- on premises and buildings for the production and storage of explosives ( BB), BB initiation
means, buildings and facilities designed according to special norms and rules, approved i n accordance
with the established procedure;
- outdoor installations for the production and storage of BB, BB initiation means, outdoor
installations that are inspected according to special norms and rules, approved in accordance with the
established procedure, as well as for the assessment of the explosion hazard level of outdoor installations.
1.4 This set of rules can be used in the development of special technical conditions for the projection
of buildings, structures, structures and outdoor installations.

2 Regulatory references
This code of practice uses normative references to the following standard:
GOST 12.1.044-89* System of labor safety standards. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and
materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods of their determination
P r i m e n t i o n When using this set of rules it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in
the information system of general information on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical
Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or on the annually published information index "National Standards", which
is published as of January 1 of the current year, and on the corresponding monthly published information indexes
published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard should
be guided by the replacement (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the
provision in which the reference to it is given, applies to the extent that does not affect this reference.

Official publication

SS 12.13130.2009

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms are used in this code of practice with their corresponding definitions.
3.1 emergency situation: A situation characterized by the probability of an accident occurring with
the possibility of its further development.
3.2 vapor-air cloud explosion: The process of combustion of a combustible vapor-air mixture in an
open space with the formation of pressure waves.
3.3 Explosion of a vapor-air mixture in a confined space (tank or production room): The process of
combustion of a combustible vapor-air mixture formed in a confined space with an increase in pressure
in that space.
3.4 explosion of a tank with overheated liquid when it is exposed to a fire source: The process of
tank destruction when the liquid in the tank is heated from the fire source to a temperature higher than
the normal boiling point, followed by explosive boiling of the liquid. The process is accompanied by the
formation of pressure waves and, if the liquid is flammable, a "fireball".
3.5 Explosive mixture: A mixture of air or oxidizer with flammable gases, vapors of flammable
liquids, combustible dusts or fibers that is capable of exploding at a certain concentration and source of
3.6 shutdown time (tripping time): The time interval from the beginning of the possible entry of a
flammable substance from a pipeline (perforation, rupture, change in pressure rating, etc.) to the
complete cessation of gas or liquid entry into the premises.
3.7 fire (explosion) hazard category of the facility: Classification characteristic of fire (explosion)
hazard of a building (or parts of a building with fire walls fire compartments), construction, structure,
room, outdoor installation.
3.8 logical event tree: A graphical representation of the general xapanepa of possible emergencies
and accidents, showing the cause-effect relationship of events depending on the specific hazard of the
risk assessment scope, taking into account the impact of available protective actions on them.
3.9 Fireball: Large-scale diffusion combustion realized when a pressurized flammable liquid or gas
tank ruptures, igniting the tank contents.
3.10 room fire: The process of diffusion combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous combustible
substances in the room, causing heating of building structures and technological equipment with possible
loss of load-bearing capacity.
3.11 Design basis accident: An accident that is prevented by safety systems in the design of an
industrial facility that guarantee a specified level of safety.
3.12 fire load: The amount of heat that can be released into a room in a fire.
3.13 zone size: The extent of a portion of space bounded in some way.
3.14 Accident scenario: A model of the sequence of events with a defined zone of influence of fire
hazards on people, buildings, structures and process equipment.
3.15 specific fire load: The amount of heat that can be released into a room in the event of a fire in
relation to the area of combustible and difficult-to-combust substances and materials in the room.
3.16 accident scenario realization frequency: The frequency of occurrence and development of a
possible accident scenario in a given time period.

4 General provisions

4.1 According to the explosion and fire hazard, premises are divided into categories A, B, B1 B4,
G and D, and buildings into categories A, B, C, G and D.
Outdoor installations are categorized by fire hazard into AH, BI, BI, WI, G and DI categories.

SS 12.13130.2009

4.2 Categories of premises and buildings are determined on the basis of the type of combustible
substances and materials in the premises, their quantity and fire hazard properties, as well as on the basis
of volume-planning solutions of premises and charaperistics of technological processes carried out in them.
The categories of outdoor installations are determined b a s e d o n the fire hazardous properties of
combustible substances and materials in the installations, their quantity and the specifics of technological
4.3 Determination of fire hazardous properties of substances and materials is based on the results of
tests or calculations according to standard methods, taking into account the state parameters Pressure,
temperature, etc.).
The use of officially published reference data on the fire properties of substances and materials is
It is permissible to use fire hazard indices for mixtures of substances and materials based on the most
hazardous component.

5 Categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazard

5.1 The categories of premises on explosion and fire hazard are accepted in accordance with the -
Table 1.

Table 1 - Categories of premises by explosion and fire hazard

Room category Characterization of substances and materials present
(handled) in the premises
А Combustible gases, flammable liquids with a flash point not exceeding 28 °C in such
increased quantities as to form explosive vapor-air mixtures, the ignition of which develops a design
explosion and explosion overpressure in the room exceeding 5 kPa, and (or) substances and materials capable
fire hazard of exploding and burning when interacting with water, air oxygen or each other, in such
quantities that the design explosion overpressure in the room exceeds 5 kPa.

Combustible dusts or fibers, flammable liquids with a flash point of more than 28 ° C, flammable
fire hazard liquids in such quantities, wo can form explosive dust-air or vapor-air mixtures, the ignition of
which develops a design overpressure of explosion in the room, exceeding 5 kPa.

B1 B4 Flammable and difficult-to-flame liquids, solid flammable and difficult-to-flame substances a n d

fire hazard materials (including dusts and fibers), substances and materials capable of mutual-
the premises in which they are located (circulated) are not classified as category A or B
Non-combustible substances and materials in a hot, incandescent or molten state, the
moderate processing of which is accompanied by the emission of radiant heat, sparks and flames, and
fire hazard (or) combustible gases, liquids and solids that are burned or shielded as fuel.

Д Non-combustible substances and materials in cold state

fire hazard

1 The methods for determining categories A and B premises shall be established in accordance with Annex A.
2 The classification of a room into category B1, B2, BZ or B4 depends on the number and method of fire
load placement in the room and its volume-planning characteristics, as well as on the fire-hazardous properties of
the substances and materials that constitute the fire load. The division of rooms into categories B1 B4 is
regulated by the provisions in accordance with Annex B.

5.2 The categorization of rooms should be carried out by sequentially checking whether the room
belongs to the categories given in Table 1, from the most hazardous (A) to the least hazardous (E}.
SS 12.13130.2009

6 Categories of buildings by explosion and fire hazard

6.1 Categories of buildings on explosion and fire hazard are determined based on the proportion and
summarized area of premises of one or another hazard category in this building.
6.2 A building is classified as category A if the total floor area of category A premises exceeds 5% of the
floor area of all premises or 200 m2 .
6.3 A building is not a Category A building if the summed floor area of the Category A premises is as
in the exceeds 25о /o of the summed area of all rooms located in it (but not and these rooms are
building is equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems.
more than
6.4 A building is classified as category B if the following conditions are simultaneously fulfilled: the
building is not classified as category A and the summed area of the premises of categories A and B
exceeds 5% of the summed area of all premises or 200 m2 .
6.5 A building is not classified as Category B if the summed area of Category A and B premises in
the building does not exceed 25о /o of the summed area of all p r e m i s e s housed in it (but not more than
1000 m2 ) and these premises are equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems.
6.6 A building is classified as category B if the following conditions are simultaneously met: the
building is not classified as category A or B and the sum of the floor areas of categories A, B, B1, B2 and
BZ exceeds 5о /o (10о /o if the building contains A and B rooms) of the total floor area of all rooms.
6.7 A building is not classified as category B if the total floor area of A, B, B1, B2 and BZ premises in
the building does not exceed 25% of the total floor area of all occupancies in the building (but not more than
3500 m2 ) and these premises are equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems.
6.8 A building is classified as category D if the following conditions are simultaneously met: the
building is not classified as category A, B or C and the sum of the floor areas of categories A, B, B1, B2,
BZ and D exceeds 5% of the sum of the floor areas of all rooms.
6.9 A building does not belong to category G if the summed area of premises of categories A, B,
B1, B2, BZ and G in the building does not exceed 25% of the summed area of all premises located in it
(but not more than 5000 m2 ) and premises of categories A, B, B1, B2 and BZ are equipped with automatic
fire extinguishing systems.
6.10 A building is a Category D building if it is not a Category A, B, C, or D building.

7 Categories of outdoor installations by fire hazard

7.1 Categories of outdoor installations by fire hazard are accepted in accordance with Tab.
Lyceum 2.

Table 2 - Fire hazard categories of outdoor installations

Outdoor Criteria for attribution of outdoor installation
category to a particular fire hazard category
NA The installation is classified as AH if it contains (stores, processes, transports) flammable
increased gases, flammable liquids with a flash point not exceeding 28°C, substances and (or)
explosion and materials capable of burning when interacting with water, air oxygen and (or) each other
fire hazard (provided that the fire risk value of possible combustion of these substances with the formation
of pressure waves exceeds one millionth per year at a distance of 30 m from the outdoor

BI The installation is classified as BI if it contains (stores, processes, transports) combustible
fire hazard SS 12.13130.2009
dusts and (or) fibers, flammable liquids with a flash point of more than 28 ° C, flammable
liquids (provided that the value of fire risk in the possible combustion of dust and (or) vapor-
air mixtures with the formation of pressure waves exceeds one millionth per year at a
distance of 30 m from the outdoor installation).

SS 12.13130.2009

End of tablei 2
Category Criteria for attribution of outdoor installation
garbage disposal to a particular fire hazard category
V.I. A facility is classified as a VI if it contains (stores, recycles, or processes) the following
fire hazard substances
(or) flammable and (or) difficult flammable liquids, solid flammable and (or) difficult
flammable substances and (or) materials (including dusts and (or) fibers), substances and
(or) materials capable of combustion when interacting with water, oxygen and (or) each other,
and if the criteria allowing to classify the installation to the AH or BI category are not realized
(provided that the value of fire risk in case of possible combustion of the said substances and
(or) materials exceeds one millionth per year at a distance of 30 m from the outdoor
GI An installation is classified as a GI if it contains (stores, processes, transports) non-
moderate fire combustible substances and (or) materials in hot, incandescent and (or) molten state, the
hazard processing of which is accompanied by the emission of radiant heat, sparks and (or) flames,
as well as combustible gases, liquids and (or) solids that are burned or shielded as fuel.

Dee's down A facility is classified as a DI facility if it contains (stores, processes, transports) mainly non-
fire hazard combustible substances and/or materials in a cold state and if it is not classified as an AH, BI,
BI or GI facility according to the criteria listed above.

7.2 Determination of categories of outdoor installations should be carried out by successive verification of
their belonging to the categories given in Table 2, from the most hazardous (AH) to the least hazardous
7.3 If it is not possible to estimate the fire risk value due to lack of data, the following criteria may
be used instead.
For NA and BI categories:
- the horizontal size of the zone limiting gas-air mixtures with a concentration of combustible material
above the lower concentration limit of flame propagation (LCL) according to GOST 12.1.044, exceeds 30 m
(this criterion applies only to combustible gases and vapors) and (or) the calculated overpressure at
combustion of a gas-, steam- or dust-air mixture at a distance of 30 m from the outdoor unit exceeds 5 kPa.
For the V.I. category:
- the intensity of thermal radiation from the fire origin of substances and (or) materials specified for
category VI at a distance of 30 m from the outdoor installation exceeds 4 kW - m 2
Horizontal dimensions of zones limiting gas-air mixtures with concentration of
of combustibles above the NCPP are determined in accordance with Annex B.
The intensity of thermal radiation from the fire is determined in accordance with the app.
J9Ni9M Ї Y .

8 Fire risk assessment

8.1 The fire risk P(a) (year1 ) at a certain point in the territory (a), at a distance of 30 m from the outdoor
installation, is determined using the ratio:
P(a) -- Zi2,j;(a)Qj, (1)

where J is the number of accident scenarios possible at the outdoor installation;

(d)(o) the conditional probability that a person at a particular point in the territory (o) will be killed as a
6 result of the-
the realization of /th accident scenario corresponding to a certain accident initiating event;
Q; frequency of realization during the year/th accident scenario, year 1
SS 12.13130.2009
8.2 Scenarios of fire hazardous emergencies and accidents are considered on the basis of a logical
event tree. The number of possible accident scenarios is determined based on the results of the analysis of
possible emergencies and accidents at the outdoor installation.
8.3 The conditional probabilities of human injury Q,;;;(a) are determined from the values of the
probit functions and on the basis of the relationships in accordance with Annex D.
The conditional probability of human injury Q,;;;(a) from joint independent exposure to several
hazardous phapors as a result of realization of the /-th scenario of accident development is determined
by the ratio:
Q,¿;[a) = 1 - Ts (1 - Ok djk )' (2)

where h is the number of fire hazards under consideration;

Qy probability of realization of the £-th fire hazard;
Q,;;; (a) conditional probability of being hit by the £th dangerous fire phapor.
8.4 The frequencies of realization of accident scenarios are determined by statistical data and (or)
on the basis of methods set forth in regulatory documents. It is allowed to use estimated data on the
reliability of process equipment corresponding to the specifics of the installation.

SS 12.13130.2009

Appendix A

Methods for determining room categories A and B

A.1 Selection and justification of the design option

A.1.1 When calculating the explosion and fire hazard criteria, the most unfavorable accident or period of
normal operation of the apparatus should be selected as the design one, when the formation of combustible gas,
steam, dust-air mixtures involves the largest amount of gases, vapors, dusts, the most dangerous in terms of the
consequences of combustion of these mixtures.
A.1.2 The amount of substances entering the room that may form combustible gas-air, vapor-air, dust-air mixtures
is determined on the basis of the following assumptions:
a) one of the apparatuses has a design basis accident according to A.1.1;
b) the entire contents of the apparatus enters the room;
c) simultaneous flow of substances from the pipelines feeding the apparatus through the forward and reverse
flows during the time required to shut down the pipelines.
Estimated pipeline shutdown time is determined on a case-by-case basis, based on the actual situation, and
should be minimal, taking into account the passport data of the shutoff devices, the xapane- r of the technological
process and the type of the estimated accident.
Estimated time of pipelines shutdown should be taken as equal:
- time of operation of the pipeline shutdown automation system according to the plant passport data, if the
probability of failure of the automation system does not exceed 0.000001 per year or the redundancy of its elements
is ensured;
- 120 s, if the probability of failure of the automation system exceeds 0.000001 per year and the redundancy
of its elements is not ensured;
- 300 s with manual shutdown;
d) evaporation from the surface of the spilled liquid; the area of evaporation when spilled on the floor is
determined (in the absence of reference data), based on the calculation that 1 liter of mixtures and solutions
containing 70 O/o and less (by weight) solvents, spilled on an area of 0.5 m2 , and other liquids on 1 m2 floor of the
e) there is also evaporation of liquid from tanks operated with an open liquid mirror and from freshly painted
f) duration of liquid evaporation is taken equal to the time of its complete evaporation, but not more than
3600 s.
A.1.3 The amount of dust that can form a dust-air mixture is determined from the following assumptions:
(a) The design basis accident was preceded by dust accumulation in the production room occurring under
normal operating conditions (e.g. due to dust emission from leaky production equipment);
b) at the time of the calculated accident there was a planned (repair work) or sudden depressurization of one of
the process apparatus, followed by an emergency release of all the dust in the apparatus into the room.
A.1.4 The free volume of the room is defined as the difference between the volume of the room and the volume
occupied by the technological equipment. If it is impossible to determine the free volume of the room, it is allowed
to take it conditionally, equal to 80% of the geometric volume of the room.
A.2 Calculation of overpressure for combustible gyu, flammable vapors
and flammable liquids
A.2.1 The overpressure bP for individual combustibles consisting of C, H, O, N, CI, Br, I, F atoms is
determined by the formula
shZ 100 1 (A.1)
sv g ,y C н

where P"" is the maximum pressure developed during combustion of a stoichiometric gas-air or steam-air mixture
in a closed volume, determined experimentally or by reference data in accordance with the
requirements of 4.3. In the absence of data it is allowed to take P"" equal to 900 kPa;
SS 12.13130.2009

o initial pressure, kPa (it is allowed to take equal to 101 kPa);

mass of flammable gas (GHG) or vapors of flammable liquids (FL) and combustible liquids (CL),
emitted as a result of the design basis accident into the room, calculated for GHGs by formula (A.6), and
for vapors of HLW and HLW by formula (A.11), kg;
the coefficient of participation of combustible gases and vapors in combustion, which may be calculated on
the basis of xapanepa distribution of gases and vapors in the volume of the room according to Annex D. It is
allowed to
!V! !/1e А1
'CB pigs a *iaem o e eail, , ;
density of gas or vapor at design temperature /p, kg m3 , calculated by the formula
_ М (A.2)
" * < o (1 + 0.00367 p)'

where kt is the molar mass, m* - kmol1 ;

> - molar volume equal to 22.413 mЗ kmol1 ; p
design temperature, °C.
The design temperature should be the maximum possible air temperature in the room in the relevant climatic
zone or the maximum possible air temperature according to the process regulations, taking into account
the possible temperature rise in an accident situation. If it is not possible to determine such a value for
the design temperatureY p For some reason, it is allowed to take it as 61 °C;
Sst - stoichiometric concentration of GHG or vapors of liquid and liquid hydrocarbons, O/o(vol.), calculated by the formula
GT (А.3)
1 + 4,84Д

where f = nq +'H " ^X ^О stoichiometric coefficient of oxygen in the combustion reaction;

4 2
^c' ^n- ^o- ^x number of C, H, O and halide atoms in the fuel molecule;
јЇn coefficient that takes into account the leakiness of the room and the non-adiabatic nature
of the combustion process. It is allowed to take /fn equal to three.

Table A.1 - Value of Z coefficient of participation of combustible gases and vapors in combustion
Type of combustible substance Z value
Hydrogen 1,0
Combustible gases (except hydrogen) 0,5
Flammable and combustible liquids heated to flash point and above 0,3
Flammable and combustible liquids heated below the flash point,
if there is a possibility of aerosol formation
Flammable and combustible liquids heated below the flash point,
when there is no possibility of aerosol formation

A.2.2 The calculation of AR for individual substances other than those mentioned in A.2.1, as well as for
mixtures can
Fulfilled by the formula
mHmP Z 1

where // т heat of combustion, J kg1 ;

in density at initial temperature To,kg m3 ;
p heat capacity vozdshcha, J kg1 K1 (it is allowed to take equal to 1,01 103 , J kg1 K );1
7s initial air temperature, K.
A.2.3 If flammable gases, flammable or combustible liquids are handled indoors
when determining the mass m included in formulas (A.1) and (A.4), it is allowed to take into account the operation
of emergency ventilation, if it is provided with backup fans, automatic start in case of exceeding the maximum
permissible explosion-safe concentration and power supply under the first category of reliability according to the
Electrical Installation Regulations (EIR), provided that the devices for removing air from the room are located in the
immediate vicinity of the place of possible accident.

SS 12.13130.2009

It is allowed to take into account continuously operating general exchange ventilation, providing the
concentration of combustible gases and vapors in the room, not exceeding the maximum permissible explosion-
proof concentration, calculated for emergency ventilation. The specified general exchange ventilation shall be
equipped with standby fans, which are automatically switched on when the main fans are stopped. Electricity supply
of the specified ventilation should be carried out not lower than the first category of reliability according to PUE.
In this case, the mass m of flammable gases or vapors of flammable or combustible liquids, heated to flash
point and above, entering the volume of the room should be divided by the coefficient K, determined by the
K = AT + 1, (A.5)

where A air exchange rate created by emergency ventilation, from1 ;

T duration of combustible gases and vapors of flammable and combustible liquids entering the room volume, s
(taken according to A.1.2).
A.2.4 Macca m, kg, of gas entering the room at the design accident is determined by the formula

where a Volume of gas exited from the apparatus, m*;

G, volume of gas exited from the pipelines, m*.
In doing so.
Ga = 0.01 R,G, (A.7)

where Pt pressure in the apparatus,

kPa; G volume of the
apparatus, m*; (A.8)

where 1t is the volume of gas that came out of the pipeline before it was cut off, mЗ ;
2t is the volume of gas that came out of the pipeline after its shutdown,
Ylt = qT , (A.9)

where g is the gas flow rate determined in accordance with the technological regulations depending on the pressure in
the pipeline, its diameter, temperature of the gas medium, etc., m* - s 1t
?"- time determined by A.1.2, s;
2t' 0301 CDУ (g @ +r2L2 +...+ r 2L ) , (A.10)

where P2 - maximum pressure in the pipeline according to the technological regulations, kPa;
G},2,..., l - internal radius of pipelines, m;
L),2,..., l - Length of pipelines from emergency apparatus to gate valves, m.
A.2.5 The Macca of liquid vapor m entering the room in the presence of several vaporization sources (spilled
liquid surface, freshly applied surface, open containers, etc.) is determined from the expression:

where Cp - mass of liquid evaporated from the spill surface, kg;

capacity - mass of liquid evaporated from the surfaces of open vessels, kg;
sv.okr - mass of liquid evaporated from the surfaces to which the applied composition is applied, kg.
In this case, each of the summands in formula (A.11) is determined by the formula

t- - W F z T , (A.12)

where /fi is the evaporation intensity, k-g with 1 m 2t

bi - area of evaporation, m , determined according to A.1.2 depending on mass of liquid m"
who went indoors.
If the emergency is related to the possible arrival of liquid in a sprayed state, it shall be taken into account in
formula (A.11) by introducing an additional term to account for the total mass of liquid received from the spraying
devices, based on the duration of their operation.
A.2.6 Maccy m" kg of liquid released into the room shall be determined in accordance with A.1.2.

SS 12.13130.2009

A.2.7 The vaporization rate /fi is determined by reference and experimental data. For LLW not heated above the
design temperature (of the surrounding medium), in the absence of data, it is allowed to calculate /G by the formula

where tj coefficient taken f r o m Table A.2 depending on velocity and temperature of air flow over the evaporating
Ri Saturated vapor pressure at design liquid temperature p, determined from references
data, kPa.

Table A.2 Value of tj coefficient depending on air velocity and temperature

Air velocity in the room, m - s ZThe value of coefficient q at temperature t, OS, of indoor air
1O 15 20 30 35
0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
0,1 3,0 2,6 2,4 1,8 1,6
0,2 4,6 3,8 3,5 2,4 2,3
0,5 6,6 5,7 5,4 3,6 3,2
1,0 10,0 8,7 7,7 5,6 4,6

A.2.8 Macca of vapors m, kg, at evaporation of liquid heated above the design temperature, but not above the
boiling point of the liquid, is determined by the relation
w = 0302 M н (A.14)
where Su is the specific heat capacity of the liquid at the initial vaporization temperature, J kg1 K1 ;
Lisl delta heat of vaporization of liquid at initial temperature of vaporization, determined by
reference data, J - s 1

In the absence of reference data it is allowed to calculate Lisl by the formula

19,173 103 BT j (A.15)

{Tsh + a 27332)2 M
where B, C, are constants of Antoine's equation determined from reference data for saturated vapor pressure
measured in kPa;
T, - initial temperature of the heated liquid, K;
J\K- molar mass of liquid, kg kmol
Formulas (A.14) and (A.15) are valid for liquids heated from flash point and above, provided that the flash point
of the liquid exceeds the value of the design temperature.
A.3 Calculation of explosion overpressure for combustible dusts
A.3.1 Calculation of overpressure AR, kPa, is performed according to formula (A.4), where the coefficient Z of
suspended dust participation in combustion is calculated according to the formula
Z - - 0 .5F, (A.16)
where F is the mass fraction of dust particles smaller than the critical size above which the aero-suspension
becomes incapable of flame propagation. If there is no possibility of obtaining information to estimate the
value of F, it is allowed to take F -- 1.
A.3.2 The calculated mass of dust m, kg, suspended in the volume of the room, generated as a result of an
accident situation, shall be determined by the formula

whereTwo is the calculated mass of swirled dust, kg;

l" - estimated mass of dust entering the room as a result of emergency, kg;
st - stoichiometric concentration of combustible dust in aero-suspension, k-g m3 ;
K" - estimated volume of dust-air cloud formed in an emergency situation in the volume of the room-.
of the movement, mЗ .

SS 12.13130.2009

To the extent that it is possible to obtain information for the calculation of Gu, it is acceptable to
assume that

А.3.3 Calculated mass of swirled dust ***vz is determined by the formula

bz ' Kvz p' (A.19)

where /fvs for the dust deposited in the room that can become suspended a s a result of an emergency. In the
absence of experimental data on the value of /fvs, it is allowed to use the following.
/fvs' 039;
m, mass of dust deposited in the room by the moment of the accident, kg.
A.3.4 The estimated mass of dust entering the room as a result of an emergency, m"", is determined by the
av' ( ap + qT)K , (A.20)

where m", mass of combustible dust ejected into the room from the apparatus, kg;
productivity, with which the flow of dust-like substances into the emergency unit through the pipelines
continues until they are removed, kg s1 ;
T tripping time determined according to A.1.2 (c), s;
IT, dusting coefficient, representing the ratio of the mass of dust suspended in the air to the total mass of
dust coming from the apparatus into the room. In the absence of experimental data on the value of K, it
is allowed to take:
- It, - - 0 , 5 for dusts with dispersity not less than 350 microns;
- It, - - 1 .0 for dusts with dispersity less than 350 microns.
The value of m", shall be taken in accordance with A.1.1 and A.1.3.
A.3.5 Maccy of dust deposited in the room at the time of the accident is determined by the formula


where he is the share of combustible dust in the total mass of dust deposits;
/f - coefficient of dust removal efficiency. It is taken equal to 0.6 in case of dry and 0.7 in case of wet dusting
(manual). In case of mechanized wet dust removal for a flat floor /f is taken equal to 0.9; for a floor with
potholes (up to 5 o/area) 0.7;
m1 - Macca of dust deposited on hard-to-clean surfaces in the room during the period of time between general
cleaning, kg;
l2 - mass of dust deposited on the surfaces accessible for cleaning in the room during the period of time
between the current cleaning, kg.
Hard-to-clean areas are those surfaces in production facilities, which are cleaned only during general dusting.
Areas accessible for cleaning are surfaces, dust from which is removed in the process of ongoing dusting (daily,
daily, etc.).
A.3.6 Macca dust m;(ї ' 1; 2), deposited on various surfaces in the room during the inter-harvest period, is
determined by the formula
t = M,(1 - a)§" (i = 1, 2) , (A.22)

where ZY1 = Z3Y1 is the mass of dust emitted into the room volume during the period of time between general dust
cleaning , kg;
DZ, - mass of dust emitted by a unit of dusting equipment for the specified period, kg;
ZY2- zm2 - mass of dust emitted into the volume of the room for the period of time between the current y
dust cleaning, kg;
ZY2,- mass of dust emitted by a unit of dusting equipment for the specified period, kg;
д fraction of dust emitted into the room volume, which is removed by exhaust ventilation systems
by the systems. In the absence of experimental data on the value of o, we assume s = 0;
1. p2 fractions of dust emitted into the volume of the room, deposited respectively on the hard-to-dos-
fPl + 32' ! ))
In the absence of information on coefficients P1 and P2 it is allowed to take PI' 1, 2' 0.

SS 12.13130.2009

A.3.7 J\4;(i = I; 2) can also be determined experimentally (or by analogy with current production models) during
the period of maximum equipment utilization by the formula
M, - - J (G "G")t" (i = 1; 2) (A.23)

where Gt;, G¿ intensity of dust deposits respectively on hard-to-accessFl,(m2 ) and accessible F2 (m )2

areas, kg m 2 s 1t
' , '2 - time interval between the general and current dust cleaning, s, respectively.
A.4 Determination of overpressure for mixtures containing combustible gases (vapors) and dusts
The calculated overpressure &P for hybrid mixtures containing combustible gases (vapors) and dusts is
determined by the formula

where /' - is the overpressure calculated for the combustible gas (vapor) in accordance with A.2.1 and A.2.2;
/'2 is the overpressure calculated for combustible dust in accordance with A.3.1.
A.5 Determination of overpressure for substances and muerials capable
of combustion in interaction with water, air oxygen or each other to form
pressure waves
The design overpressure &P for substances and materials capable of combustion by interaction with water, air
oxygen or each other shall be determined according to A.2.2, assuming Z = 1 and taking as Ïf, the energy released
by t h e i n t e r a c t i o n (taking into account the combustion of the interaction products to their final compounds), or
experimentally in full-scale tests. In case it is not possible to determine the value of &P, it should be taken as greater
than 5 kPa.

SS 12.13130.2009

Annex B

Methods for determining room categories B1 B4

B.1 Determination of room categories B1-B4 is carried out by comparing the maximum value of specific
temporary fire load (hereinafter - fire load) at any of the sites with the value of specific fire load given in Table B.1.

Table B.1 - Specific fire load and placement methods for categories B1 B4
Specific fire load g at
the site, Spoibe
MJ-m 2
B1 More than 2,200 Not standardized
B2 1401-2200 In accordance with B.2.
VZ 181-1400 In accordance with B.2.
B4 1-180 In any section of the floor of the room, the area of each section
of fire load not more than 10 m2 . The method of placement of fire load
sections is determined according to B.2

B.2 In case of fire load including various combinations (mixture) of flammable, combustible, difficult-to-flame
liquids, solid combustible and difficult-to-flame substances and materials within a heat-hazardous area, the fire load
Q, MJ, is determined according to the formula


where /; - quantity of ї-th fire load material, kg;

{у - is the lower heat of combustion of the ї-th fire load material, MJ - kg 1

Specific fire load g, MJ-m2 , is determined from the following relationship


where S - area of fire load placement, m2 (but not less than 10 m ).2
In rooms of categories B1-B4, it is allowed to have several areas with fire load not exceeding the values
given in Table B.1. In rooms of category B4 the distances between these areas must be greater than the limit
distances. Table B.2 shows the recommended values of limiting distances / depending on the value of the critical
density of incident radiant fluxes q"" kW-m2 , for fire load consisting of solid combustible and difficult combustible
materials. The values of tdrr given in Table B.2 are recommended if /f > 11 m; if H < 11 m, the limiting distance is
defined as / = / + (11 - ff}, where / - is determined from Table B.2; H - the minimum distance from the top of the fire
load to the bottom chord of the floor (roof) trusses, m.

Table B.2 - Values of limiting distances /p depending on the critical density of falling

5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50
12 8 6 5 4 3,8 3,2 2,8

The values of Dkr For some fire load materials are given in Table B.Z.

SS 12.13130.2009

Table B.3 - Dui values For some fire load materials

Material gz" kW m 2

Wood (pine with 12 % moisture content) 13,9

Particleboards (density 417 k-g m )3 8,3
Briquette peat 13,2
Lump peat 9,8
Chopok fiber 7,5
Laminated plastic 15,4
Stem plastic 15,3
Pergamin 17,4
Rubber 14,8
Coal 35,0
Rolled roofing 17,4
Hay, straw (at minimum moisture content up to 8 o/o) 7,0

If the fire load consists of different materials, gp is determined for the material with the lowest gp value.
For fire load materials with unknown gp values, the limiting distances are assumed to be p 12 m.
For a fire load consisting of LLW or HLW, the distance /", between neighboring sections of the size-.
Fire load spillage may be calculated using the following formulas:
p 15 m at // z 11 m, (Б.3)
p 26 -/f at H < 11 m. (Б.4)
If, in determining categories B2 or BZ, the amount of fire load Q determined by formula (B.2) meets the
Q 0 0.64gtI p2 (Б.5)
then the room will be categorized as B1 or B2 respectively.
Here /'t' 2200 MJ- m 2 at 1401 MQk - m2 s g s 2200 MJ - m2 , g, --1400 MJ m2 at 181 MQk - m2 yi
<: g <: 1400 MJ - m2 and gt' 180 MJ - m2 at 0 < g s 180 MJ - m 2

SS 12.13130.2009

Annex B

Methods of calculation of fire hazard criteria for outdoor installations

B.1 Methods of calculating fire hazard criteria for flammable gases and vapors
B.1.1 If it is impossible to calculate the fire risk, the choice of the calculated variant should be made taking into
account the annual frequency of realization and consequences of certain accidents. The accident variant for which the
product of the annual frequency of realization of this variant Q, and the calculated overpressure bP at combustion of gas-
, vapor-air mixtures in case of realization of the specified variant is maximum, i.e., should be taken as a design variant for
calculation of fire hazard criteria of outdoor installations, which contain (circulate) combustible gases, vapors, for which
the product of the annual frequency of realization of this variant Q, and the calculated overpressure bP at combustion of
gas-, vapor-air mixtures in case of realization of the specified variant is maximum:

G Q, bP - - m a x . (B.1)

The calculation of the value of G is performed in the following sequence:

(a) Different accident scenarios are considered and, from statistical data or on the basis of annual hourly chas-
The accident rates with combustion of gas-, vapor-air mixtures are determined (j ; for these variants;
b) for each of the variants under consideration, the values of the design overpressure ll';;
c) the values G;' Q ; /'+'; are calculated for each of the accident variants under consideration, among which the
values of G;' Q ;/'+'; are calculated.
The variant with the highest value of /; is selected;
d) the variant is taken as a design variant for determining the fire hazard criteria,
where the value of G; is maximum. The amount of flammable gases, vapours released to the atmosphere shall be
calculated on the b a s i s o f t h e accident scenario under consideration, taking into account B.1.3-B.1.9.
B.1.2 If it is impossible to implement the method according to B.1.1, the most unfavorable variant of the accident or
the period of normal operation of the apparatus shall be selected as the design variant, in which the formation of
combustible gas-, vapor-air mixtures involves the largest number of gases, vapors, most dangerous with respect to the
consequences of combustion of these mixtures. In this case, the amount of gases and vapors released into the
atmosphere shall be calculated in accordance with B.1.3-B.1.9.
If the use of calculation methods is not possible, it is allowed to determine the values of fire hazard criteria on the
basis of the results of relevant scientific research work, agreed and verified i n a c c o r d a n c e with the established
B.1.3 The amount of incoming substances that could form combustible gas-air, vapor-air or steam-air mixtures is
determined on the b a s i s o f t h e following assumptions:
(a) A design basis accident of one of the apparatuses according to B.1.1 or B.1.2 occurs (depending on which of the
design basis accident approaches is adopted);
b) all the contents of the apparatus flow into the surrounding space;
c) simultaneous leakage of substances from the pipelines supplying the apparatus by direct and return flow during
the time required t o shut down the pipelines.
Estimated time of pipelines shutdown is determined in each specific case, based on t h e real situation, and should
be minimal, taking into account passport data on shutoff devices, technological process and type of estimated accident.
Estimated time of pipeline shutdown should be taken as equal:
- time of operation of automatic systems of pipelines shutdown according to the passport data of the installation, if
the probability of failure of the automatic system does not exceed 0.000001 per year or redundancy of its elements is
provided (but not more than 120 s);
- 120 s, if the probability of failure of the automation system exceeds 0.000001 per year and the redundancy of its
elements is not ensured;
- 300 s with manual shutoff;
d) evaporation from the surface of the spilled liquid; the area of evaporation in the case of a spill on a horizontal
surface shall be determined (in the absence of reference or other experimental data) on the basis of the calculation that 1
liter of mixtures and solutions containing 70% or less (by weight) of solvents are dispersed-
The area of 0.10 m2 , and of other liquids - 0.15
e) there is also evaporation of liquids from containers operated with an open liquid mirror and from freshly painted
f) duration of liquid evaporation is taken equal to the time of its complete evaporation, but not more than 3600 s.

SS 12.13130.2009

B.1.4 Macca gas m, kg, entering the surrounding space in a design basis accident, is determined by the following
according to the formula

where G а Volume of gas exited from the apparatus, mЗ ;

G, volume of gas exiting the pipeline, mЗ ; p, gas
density, kg m 3
In doing so.
Gu = 0.01 - R,G, (В.3)
where Pt pressure in the apparatus,
D apparatus volume, mЗ ; t 'lt +2t " (B.4)

where Gt, is the volume of gas exited from the pipeline before its shutdown, mЗ ;
Gu volume of gas that came out of the pipeline after its ablation, m*;

lt qT , (B.5)

where g is the gas flow rate determined according to the technological regulations depending on the pressure in the pipeline,
its diameter, temperature of the gas medium, etc., mЗ s1 ;
?"- time determined according to B.1.3, s;


where P2 - maximum pressure in the pipeline according to the technological regulations, kPa;
d - average radius of pipelines, m;
L - length of pipelines from the emergency apparatus to the gate valves, m.
B.1.5 Macca of liquid vapor m, kg, entering the surrounding space in the presence of several sources of
evaporation (spilled liquid surface, freshly applied surface, open containers, etc.) is determined from the

where Wp - mass of liquid evaporated from the spill surface, kg;

capacity - mass of liquid evaporated from the surfaces of open vessels, kg;
sv.okr - mass of liquid evaporated from the surfaces to which the applied composition is applied, s;
fleur- mass of liquid evaporated into the surrounding space in case of its overheating, s.
In this case each of the summands (fly capacj sv.oVr) in formula (B.7) is determined from the expression
where /f' evaporation intensity, s - from 1 m 2
F, evaporation area, m2 , determined in accordance with B.1.3 as a function of the mass of liquid m" released
into the surrounding space;
T duration of flammable and combustible liquid vapors entering the ambient space according to B.1.3, s.
The veliCin of the flerOr is determined by the formula (prI 7a 7kip)

2 p (Ta Tkip)
m, (B.9)

where m, mass of superheated liquid, kg;

Su Del heat capacity of a liquid at the liquid superheat temperature yа , J - kg1 Y1 ;
ua Temperature of superheated liquid in accordance w i t h t h e process regulations in the process apparatus
or equipment, K;
T""" normal boiling point of liquid, K;
Lisle delta heat of vaporization of liquid at superheat temperature of liquid ua' KG"1 .
If the emergency is associated with the possible introduction of liquid in a sprayed state, this shall be taken into
account in formula (B.7) by the introduction of an additional summand that takes into account the total mass of the liquid
in the sprayed state.
The amount of liquid received from spraying devices based on the duration of their operation.
B.1.6 Macca m, of liquid released, kg, shall be determined in accordance with B.1.3.

SS 12.13130.2009

B.1.7 Vaporization intensity fL is determined by reference and experimental data. For LLW not heated above
the design temperature (ambient), in the absence of data it is allowed to calculate /G by the formula
F ' 10 "M " n " (B.10)

where kt is the molar mass, kg - ;kmol1

Rn- Saturated vapor pressure at the design temperature of the liquid, determined by reference
data, kPa.
B.1.8 Macca vapor of liquid heated above design temperature, but not above boiling point
fluid, is determined in accordance with A.2.8 (Annex A).
B.1.9 For liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LHG) in the absence of data it is allowed to calculate the specific
mass of vaporized LHG t,-ngn from the spill, kg - m2 , by the formula

М (B.11)
shsug - pTo Tp) - 2X

where 37- molar mass of LPG, kg - mol1 ;

Zи " - molar heat of vaporization of LPG at initial temperature of LPG Tu, D;m mol1 ;
- is the initial temperature of the material on the surface of which LPG is spilled, K;
Tu - initial temperature of LPG, K;
/-" - heat conductivity coefficient of the material on the surface of which LPG is spilled, W - m1 - l\1 ;
^ - thermal diffusivity coefficient of the material on the surface of which LPG is poured,
With Rtv m2 - s 1
C" - heat capacity of the material on the surface of which LPG is poured, J kg1 - Y1 ; p" -
density of the material on the surface of which LPG is poured, kg - m3 ;
d - current time, s, taken equal to the time of complete vaporization of LPG, but not more than 3600 s;
Re = Reynolds number;

U - air flow velocity, m s1 ;

4 и
d= - characteristic size of LPG spill, m;

vв - kinematic viscosity, m2 s 1t
'в heat transfer coefficient, W m 11
Formula (B.11) is valid for LPG with temperature Tu s Tu. At LHG temperature Тщ > 7kil Additional-
The mass of superheated LPG Sperpo is calculated according to the formula (B.9).
B.2 Calculation of horizontal dimensions of zones limiting gas- and vapor-air mixtures with
flammable concentration above the NCPP in case of emergency entry of flammable gases and
vapors of unheated flammable liquids into the open space
B.2.1 Horizontal dimensions of the Annnt zone, m, limiting the area of concentrations exceeding the
lower concentration limit of mamen propagation (C'ndd-) according to GOST 12.1.044, calculated by the formulas:
- for combustible gases (CG):

Moore- 14.5632- , (B.12)


- for vapors of unheated flammable liquids (LFLs):

0,813 G,333
Н П (B.13)
7tnkin"- 3,1501- JY
Cu,szhr nn

" o(1 + 0.00367 p)'

where mx - mass of GHGs entering the open space in an emergency, s; you - density of
GHGs at design temperature and atmospheric pressure, kg m *,
Снкю - lower concentration limit of flame propagation of GHG or vapors of liquid hydrocarbons, o/o(volumetric);

SS 12.13130.2009

/G - coefficient, taken equal to /G' ?"/3600 for LFL;

t, - mass of liquid hydrocarbon vapors entering the open space during the time of complete evaporation, but not
more than 3600 s, kg;
p - density of vapors of LFL at design temperature and atmospheric pressure, k-g Ri- m3 ;
Pressure of saturated vapors of LFL at design temperature, kPa;
Z - duration of vapors of liquid hydrocarbons into the open space, s;
J\K- molar mass, k-g kmol 1
* - molar volume equal to 22.413 mЗ kmol 1

p design temperature, °C. The design temperature should be taken as the maximum possible air temperature
in the corresponding climatic zone or the maximum possible air temperature according to the
technological regulations, taking into account the possible temperature rise in an emergency situation. If
for some reason it is not possible to determine such a value of the design temperatureY p, it is allowed to
take it equal to 61 °C.
B.2.2 The external dimensions of apparatus, installations, pipelines, etc. are taken as the starting point for the
horizontal dimension of the zone. In all cases, the value of Rnn should not be less than 0.3 m for GHGs and LHGs.
B.3 Calculation of overpressure and pressure wave impulse during combustion of mixtures
combustible gases and vapors with air in open spaces
B.3.1 Based on the accident scenario under consideration, determine the mass m, kg, of combustible gases and
(or) vapors released to the atmosphere from the process apparatus in accordance with B.1.3 B.1.9.
B.3.2 Excess pressure &P, kPa, developed during combustion of gas-air mixtures, is calculated by the formula
o ik
&Є' = R '*' -I- з 0,66
5sh,r (B.14)

where Pt - atmospheric pressure, kPa (it is allowed to take equal to 101 kPa); d -
distance from the geometric center of the gas-air cloud, m;
my - reduced mass of gas or steam, kg, calculated by the formula

mu, = (B.15)

where Ï3c , - specific heat of combustion of gas or steam, J kg1 ;

Z - coefficient of participation of combustible gases and vapors in combustion, which is allowed to be equal to 0.1;
Ї? - constant equal to 4.52- 106 J- kg1 ;
m - mass of combustible gases and (or) vapors that entered the surrounding space as a result of the accident, kg.
B.3.3 The impulse of the pressure wave ї, Pa-s, is calculated according to the formula
i= (B.16)

B.4 Method of calculation of fire hazard criteria for combustible dusts

B.4.1 The most unfavorable accident variant or the period of normal operation of the apparatus, when the
combustion of the dust-air mixture involves the greatest number of substances or materials, the most dangerous in
terms of the consequences of such combustion, should be selected as a calculated accident variant for determining
the fire hazard criteria for combustible dusts.
B.4.2 The amount of incoming substances that could form combustible dust-air mixtures is determined based
on the assumption that at the time of the calculated accident there was a planned (repair work) or sudden
depressurization of one of the process units, followed by an accidental release of dust in the unit into the
surrounding space.
B.4.3 The estimated mass of dust released into the environment in a design basis accident is determined by
the formula
. If 3 + M°^
M --mi n (B.17)
Gt av Z

where ? "f - estimated mass of combustible dust, kg; ZUvs - estimated mass of swirled dust,
?J" - estimated mass of dust received as a result of emergency situation, kg;

SS 12.13130.2009

p" stoichiometric concentration of combustible dust in aero-suspension, kg m3 ;

K", - estimated volume of dust-air cloud formed in an emergency, m*. Insofar as it is possible to
obtain information for calculation of G", it is allowed to take the following values
Bz4z4 вз is determined by the formula
where < - share of combustible dust in the total mass of dust deposits;
u¿в , - the fraction of dust deposited near the apparatus, which is able to pass to the suspended state as a result of an
emergency situation. In accordance with the experimental data on the value of /GvsD it is allowed to accept
bang' 039;
kt, - mass of dust deposited near the apparatus by the moment of accident, kg.
B.4.5 ZU", is determined by the formula
kt" - - (kt", + qT) - K,, (B.20)

where 3Jg, is the mass of combustible dust emitted into the surrounding space during depressurization of the
technological apparatus, kg; in the absence of engineering devices limiting dust emission, it should be
assumed that at the moment of the calculated accident all dust in the apparatus is emitted into the
surrounding space;
q - capacity, with which dust-like substances continue to flow into the emergency ap-
parat through the pipelines until the moment of their shutdown, kg - from1 ;
T- estimated shutdown time, s, determined in each specific case, based on the actual situation. It should
be taken equal to the time of operation of the automation system, if the probability of its failure does n o t
exceed 0.000001 per year or redundancy of its elements is provided (but not more than 120 s); 120 s, if
the probability of failure of the automation system exceeds 0.000001 per year and redundancy of its
elements is not provided; 300 s in case of manual shutdown;
dusting factor, representing the ratio of the mass of dust suspended in the air to the total mass of dust
coming from the apparatus. In accordance with the experimental data on K, it is allowed to take: 0.5
for dusts with dispersity not less than 350 microns; 1.0 for dusts with dispersity less than 350 microns.
B.4.6 Based on the accident scenario under consideration, the mass Zh, kg, of combustible dust entering the building
is determined.
B.4.1 B.4.5. of the accident to the surrounding area.
B.4.7 The AR overpressure for combustible dusts is calculated in the following order:
(a) Determine the reduced mass of combustible dust my, c, according to the formula:

where J\K is the mass of combustible dust that entered the environment as a result of the accident, kg;
Z - coefficient of dust participation in combustion, the value of which is allowed to be equal to 0.1.
In individual justified cases, the value of Z may be reduced, but not less than 0.02;
/fт - heat of combustion of dust, J kg1 ;
/ft0- constant taken equal to 4.52 106 J kg1 ;
b) calculate the design overpressure &P, kPa, according to the formula:
8ш0,33 3ш0,66
0 5shq
- -1- (B.22)

where *' is the atmospheric pressure, kPa;

d - distance from the center of dust-air cloud, m. It is allowed to count the value of g from the geometric center
of the process unit.
B.4.8 Pressure wave impulse ї, Pa s, is calculated by the formula:
i= "° (B.23)

B.5 Method for calculating the intensity of thermal radiation

B.5.1 Intensity of thermal radiation is calculated for two cases of fire (or for that of them, which can be realized
in the given technological installation):
- fire of spills of liquid, liquid hydrocarbons, LPG, LNG (liquefied natural gas) or combustion of solid combustible
materials (including dust combustion);
- "fireball."

SS 12.13130.2009

If both cases are possible, the higher of the two thermal radiation intensities is taken into account when assessing
the fire hazard criterion.
B.5.2 The heat radiation intensity g, kW-m2 , for a liquid spill fire or solid material burning fire is calculated by the

where E/- average surface density of flame thermal radiation, kW-m 2

F - angular irradiance coefficient;

t is the atmospheric transmission coefficient.
E/ is taken on the basis of available experimental data. For some liquid hydrocarbon fuels these data are given in
Table B.1.

Table B.1 - Average surface flame thermal radiation density as a function of hearth diameter and specific mass burnout
rate for some liquid hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons m, k-g m 2 s 1
d --10 m d --20 m d --30 m d -- 40 m d --50 m
LNG (methane) 220 180 150 130 120 0,08
LPG (propane- 80 63 50 43 40 0,10
Gasoline 60 47 35 28 25 0,06
Diesel fuel 40 32 25 21 18 0,04
Oil 25 19 15 12 10 0,04
N o t e - For hearth diameters less than 10 m or more than 50 m, E/ should be taken to be the same as for
hearth diameters of 10 m and 50 m, respectively.

In the absence of data it is allowed to take the value of E/ equal to 100 kW - m2 for LPG, 40 kW - m 2
for oil products, 40 kW-m2 - for solid materials.
B.5.3 Calculate the spill effective diameter d, m, according to the formula:
4F (B.25)

where F - spill area, m2 .

B.5.4 Calculate the flame height Ïf, m, according to the formula:

H --42d (B.26)

where ?xL - specific mass burnup rate of liquid, k-g m -2 s 1

pv - Density of surrounding air, k-g m- ;
g - acceleration of free fall, g = 9.81 m- s 2
B.5.5 Determine the angular irradiance coefficient F; by the formulas:


where Fy, Fn are the irradiance foreshapes for vertical and horizontal sites, respectively, which are determined using
the expressions:

1 h h S -1 А
-- arctg arctg - dfGtQ (B.28)
S+1 32 -1

1 B -1/ S (C + 1-) (S -1) {A - I/ (B.29)

Fn - - arctg S- arctg
(c -1) -(S +1) 2 1
/i2+ 2
A -- (В.30)
SS 12.13130.2009

h -- (В.33)
where g distance from the geometric center of the spill to the irradiated object, m.
Determine the atmospheric transmittance by the formula

t = exp - 7.0- l0*-4 (g - 0.5d)J . (B.34)

B.5.6 The thermal radiation intensity g, kW m2 , for the "fireball" is calculated from formula B.24.
E/ is determined on the basis of available experimental data. It is allowed to take E/ equal to 450 kW-m-2
B.5.7 F is calculated by the formula
H/ D, + 0.5 (B.35)
4 - !n e D,+ 0.5)2 + (r/D5 ) J
where Tf is the height of the center of the "fireball", m;
D, - eff ective diameter of the "fireball", m;
d - distance from the irradiated volume to the point on the ground surface directly under the center
"fireball," m.
B.5.8 The effervescent diameter of the "fireball" D, is calculated by the formula
Ds (B.36)

where m is the mass of combustible

substance, kg.
B.5.9 If is determined in the course of special studies. It is allowed to take H equal to D, f 2.
B.5.10 The time of existence of the "fireball" 7" s, is calculated by the formula:
t, - - 0 . (B.37)

B.5.11 The atmospheric transmittance factor t is calculated by the formula

t=ehr - 7.0 l0*-4 (B.38)
B.6 Method for calculating the radius of exposure to high-temperature combustion
products of a gas or vapor-air mixture in an open space
The radius of exposure to high-temperature combustion products of gas- or vapor-air mixture in the open space
+tF. m, is calculated according to the formula:
RF - l,27t р, (B.39)

where RNNsh- horizontal dimension of the zone limiting the area of concentrations exceeding C'nnt, determined by
formula (B.12).
B.7 Method for calculating the flame length in jet combustion of combustible fuels
The flare length Ln, m, at jet combustion of combustible gases is calculated by the formula:
Lf (B.40)
where4 kThe coefficient, which is taken to be 12.5 for compressed gas flow; for LPG or LNG vapor phase flow
13.5; for LPG or LNG liquid phase flow 15;
G combustible gas flow rate, kg - s 1

SS 12.13130.2009

Appendix D

Methodology for calculating the conditional probability of human injury

D.1 The following hazards shall be considered when assessing the potential risk for outdoor installation:
- overpressure and pressure wave impulse during combustion of gas, steam or dust-air mixtures in open
- thermal radiation in fires of flammable liquid spills and fires of solid materials, "fireball" realization, jet
- exposure to high-temperature combustion products of a gas or vapor-air mixture in an open space.
If any of the above hazards cannot be realized for the outdoor installation under consideration, then this factor
is not taken into account when assessing the potential risk.
The conditional probabilityb ifi|,¿;(o) of human injury in case of realization of the /-thOH scenario of accident
development, as a rule, is calculated by the values of the breakdown function Pr. The relationship between the
value of Pr and the conditional probability of injury is established in Table D.1, with linear interpolation possible between
the reference points.

Table D.1 - Values of the conditional probability of human injury depending on the value of the penetration function Pr
Conditional The magnitude of the breakdown function Pr
probability of
defeat, oA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 - 2,67 2,95 3,12 3,25 3,36 3,45 3,52 3,59 3,66
10 3,72 3,77 3,82 3,87 3,92 3,96 4,01 4,05 4,08 4,12
20 4,16 4,19 4,23 4,26 4,29 4,33 4,36 4,39 4,42 4,45
30 4,48 4,50 4,53 4,56 4,59 4,61 4,64 4,67 4,69 4,72
40 4,75 4,77 4,80 4,82 4,85 4,87 4,90 4,92 4,95 4,97
50 5,00 5,03 5,05 5,08 5,10 5,13 5,15 5,18 5,20 5,23
60 5,25 5,28 5,31 5,33 5,36 5,39 5,41 5,44 5,47 5,50
70 5,52 5,55 5,58 5,61 5,64 5,67 5,71 5,74 5,77 5,81
80 5,84 5,88 5,92 5,95 5,99 6,04 6,08 6,13 6,18 6,23
90 6,28 6,34 6,41 6,48 6,55 6,64 6,75 6,88 7,05 7,33
0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90
99 7,33 7,37 7,41 7,46 7,51 7,58 7,65 7,75 7,88 8,09

D.2 The conditional probability of a person being affected by overpressure during combustion of gas-, steam-,
dust-air mixtures at a distance g from the epicenter shall be determined in the following sequence:
- calculate the AP overpressure and impulse ї according to the methods given in Annex B;
- based on the values of &P and ї, calculate the value of the breakdown function Pr according to the formulas:
Pr = 5 - 0.26ln (D) , (Г.1)
8,4 93
17500 290 (Г.2)
У= +

where &P overpressure, Pa;

ї pressure wave momentum, Pa - s.
Using Table D.1, the conditional probability of a person being hit is determined. For example, at a value of
At Pr = 2.95 the value èdl") --2 % = 0.02, and at Pr' 8.09 the value Dg(o) = 99.9 % = 0.999.
D.3 Conditional probability of human exposure to thermal radiation in a flammable liquid spillage fire-
A bone, solid material fire or "fireball" shall be determined in the following sequence:
(a) Calculate the value of Pr using the formula

Pr = - 1 2 .8 + 2.5blp(/q1 ' ),
where / effective exposure time, s;
g intensity of thermal radiation, kW m2 , determined in accordance with Annex B.

SS 12.13130.2009

The value of / is found:

1) for flammable liquid spill fires and solid material fires


where ' - charaper time of fire detection, s (it is allowed to take g' 5 s);
x - distance from the place of human location to the zone where the intensity of thermal radiation
does not exceed 4 kW-m2 , m;
n - speed of human movement, m-s1 (it is allowed to take and -- 5 m-s );1
2) for the "fireball" effect, the value of g is taken in accordance with Annex B.
b) using Table D.1, determine the conditional probability of a person being affected by thermal property.
In the event that the radius of the fire origin in a spill fire, solid material fire, or realization of a
of the "fireball" is greater than or equal to 30 m, the conditional probability of human injury is assumed to be 100 %. Г.4. The
conditional probability of human injury in jet combustion is calculated as follows:
- determine the flare length using the method in accordance with Annex B;
- in case 1f * 30 m, the conditional probability of defeat is taken as 6 0/o;
- in case Zf < 30 m, the conditional probability of impact is assumed to be 0.
Г.5. The conditional probability of human injury as a result of exposure to high-temperature propagules of
combustion of a gas- or vapor-air mixture during the realization of a flash fire shall be calculated as follows:
- determine the radius of exposure to high-temperature blowouts of combustion of a gas or vapor-air mixture in
an open space using the method in accordance with Annex B;
- in case Rn 30 m, the conditional probability of impact is assumed to be 100 0/o;
- in case Rn < 30 m, the conditional probability of impact is assumed to be 0.

SS 12.13130.2009

Annex D

Calculated determination of X coefficient of participation in combustion

of combustible gases and vapors of unheated flammable liquids

E.1 The design formulas in Annex D apply for the case 100//f/(p, "*") < 0.5Cnn [Star is the lower concentration
limit of flame spread of gas or vapor, % (vol.)] and for rectangular parallelepiped-shaped spaces with a length-to-width
ratio of five or less.
E.2 The Z factor for combustible gases and vapors of flammable liquids not heated above ambie nt temperature
at a given significance level f(C > C) shall be calculated using the following formulas:
1 1
- p and S - L and Yzzg S - S
y' 2 2
-5 l0°'n
Z= p , C + SNKPR nkpri^nkn nkp . (Д.1)

1 1
- at nksh > -L and 3' .
2 2
-5 10°' +S N A P R
c (Д.2)

where Co- pre-exponential multiplier, % (volumetric), equal to:

- P|EI OTC STviii OTC STviii OD LLIHOi C|ed for GOOSE Gases

C - - 3 .77 10 3 (Д.3)


- in the absence of air mobility for vapors of flammable liquids

- at air mobility for vapors of flammable liquids

1 0 0 (Д.6)

where m mass of gas or vapors of liquid hydrocarbons entering the room volume, kg;
concentration tolerances at a given significance level (j(C > ll), given in Table D.1;
J, Y and Z distances from the gas or vapor source, limited by
YJjjyjqp, YJjyjqp, lower concentration limit of flame spread, respectively, m; calculated by formulas (D.10)-
JJjjyjqp. {D.12);
length and width of the room, respectively, m;
floor area of the room, m2 ;
L, S air mobility, m s1 ;
F saturated vapor concentration at design temperature Idu "C, at room temperature,
U % (volumetric).

SS 12.13130.2009

T a b l e c t e D.1 Permissible detrends of concentration 6 at a given significance level D (> )

Distribution of concentrations Q(C 6

For combustible gases when air mobility is reduced 0,1 1,29
0,05 1,38
0,01 1,53
0,003 1,63
0,001 1,70
0,000001 2,04
For combustible gases at air mobility 0,1 1,29
0,05 1,37
0,01 1,52
0,003 1,62
0,001 1,70
0,000001 2,03
For vapors of flammable liquids when air mobility is reduced 0,1 1,19
0,05 1,25
0,01 1,35
0,003 1,41
0,001 1,46
0,000001 1,68
For vapors of flammable liquids at an air mobility of 0,1 1,21
0,05 1,27
0,01 1,38
0,003 1,45
0,001 1,51
0,000001 1,75

D.3 Concentrati^"n can be found by the formula

= 100p N , (Д.7)

where Rn- Saturated vapor pressure at design temperature (found from reference literature), kPa; Pt - atmospheric
pressure equal to 101 kPa.
The level of significance Q( SS) is chosen based on the specifics of the technological process. It is allowed to
take Q( SS) equal to 0.05.
D.4 The coefficient Z of participation of vapors of unheated flammable liquids in the combustion of a vapor-air
mixture can be determined from the graph shown in Figure D.1.



0,2 0,1 0,6

Figure D.1 Dependence of Z on1

SS 12.13130.2009

Values4 are calculated according to the formula

C, / C*, if C', y C'* 1,

if C , > C'*
where C* value given by the ratio
where щ efficiency coefficient of fuel excess, taken equal to 1.9.
The distances hmm., Unnn/- and Znn/- are calculated according to the formulas:

nkyu - /€1L <2 " lP (Д.10)


НЮІР = /€1S 2" (Д.11)

6C ''
MKPR = K3H /€2 , (Д.12)

whereKo- coefficient taken equal to 1.1314 for flammable gases and 1.1958 for flammable gases.
/f2 coefficient taken as 1 for flammable gases and <2' 7/3600 for flammable liquids;
coefficient, taken equal to 0.0253 for combustible gases at absence of mobility of air medium; 0.02828 - for
combustible gases at mobility of air medium; 0.04714 for easily-
for flammable liquids with no air mobility and 0.3536 for flammable liquids with air mobility;
Ïf - height of the room, m.
For negative values of the logarithms of the distances hmm., ]' щр ^ nxjd- are taken to be 0.

SS 12.13130.2009

UDC 614.841. 12OX 13.220. 01OC WED L


K e y w o r d s : categories, premises, buildings, outdoor installations, explosion and fire hazard, fire hazard, fire

Editor T.A. Kremleva
Technical Editor E.S. Matyushkina

Signed in print 17.04.2009. Format 60 x 841 /v. Offset paper. Offset printing.
Pp. l. 3,72. Uch.-ed. l. 3,42. T. - 250 copies. Order No. 31.

Printing house o f FGU VNIIPO of

EMERCOM of Russia, VNIIPO mkr. 12,
Balashikha, Moscow region, 143903.


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