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{ o | co \ com fo Yo om Cop pa} { rocrp | my \ ocr | BecH | mac | Hmp | puck ) | OHJIAMH-KAJIBKYJIATOPbI PACUETOB TIOXKAPHOTO PHCKA HM TEIMIOBOTO HOTOKA_| MINISTRY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR CIVIL DEFENCE, EMERGENCIES AND ELIMINATION OF CONSEQUENCES OF N DISASTERS FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION "ALL-RUSSIAN ORDER OF THE BADGE OF HONOR" RESEARC OF FIRE DEFENSE" CALCULATED DETERMINATION OF THE MAIN PARAMETERS OF SMOKE VENTILATION OF BUILDINGS Methodical recommendations to SP 7.13130.2013 MOSCOW 2013 Authors: Cand. techn, LJ. Ilminsky, D.V. Belyaev, P.A. Visloguzov, B.B. Kolchev. These recommendations developed under the framework of the State contract No. 36 / 3.3- 11.07.2011 by order The Scientific and Technical Department of the Ministry of Emerger: Russia, establish the necessary list initial data and the procedure for performing calculati parameters supply and exhaust smoke ventilation of buildings for various purposes. methodology is focused on the newly introduced regulatory documents, provided for by Fede FZ of July 2008, 123 "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and of July 10, 7 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements" ‘The development of recommendations was made on the basis of the prepared earlier and p methodological document in accordance with the the authors of the approbation and analysis the comments in the course of the public discussion of the latter. The publication is intended for use in practical activities of employees of the UGI departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia by subjects of the Russiar design organizations. ‘Approved by the Department of Supervisory Activities of the Ministry of Emergency 30.01.2013 g, CONTENT 1, General Provisions 2Anitial data 3.1 Removal of combustion products directly from burning room 3.2. Removal of combustion products from those adjacent to the burning Space 4, Supply smoke ventilation 4.1, Air supply to stairwells 4.2. Air suy to elevator shafts 43. Air to vestibule lock 4.4, Compensating air supply, 4.5. Air supply to the premises of security zones 5 ment Specificatio ‘5.1 Equipment of exhaust smoke control systems Ventilation 5.2. Equipment of supply smoke control systems Ventilation Literature Appendix I (reference), Determin: pace Appendix 2 (reference), Thermophysical properties of fue gases Annex 3 (mandatory), Air permeability and smoke and gas permeability air duets and valve ventilation buildings for various purposes - mainly residential and public; production and we as multifunctional buildings and complexes, closed underground and above-ground parking lo 1.2. The recommendations are intended for employees of the UGPN chief departments 0 Emergency Situations of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, design ¢ enterprises engaged in licensed activities for the development and development of implements solutions for integrated fire protection of buildings and structures, and can also be used in design bureaus of a wide profile and in the state institutions of the relevant supervisory author 1.3. The provisions of these recommendations do not exclude the possibility of using oth specialists in various fields; of such a purpose, including new developments that do not contr regulatory requirements [, 2]. 1.4. To prevent possible distortions of the results practical application of the developed me allowed generalization and simplified interpretation of calculated data in the form of nomog others similar recyclable materials. 1.5. In order to reduce the textual content, the necessary feedback received by developers « of approbation of previously published Examples of calculations are provided as a supplen ones provisions of this development in the methodological manuals being prepared for publicé 2. SOURCE DATA Calculated determination of the main parameters of smoke control ventilation of buil carried out using the initial data of the following established list: 2.1, Design space-planning solutions as part of a set of drawings of the architectural and must comply with current regulatory fire safety requirements, including the device evacu exits, according to the required fire resistance limits of the main building structures and on tt construction part into separate ones fire compartments. If necessary, the specified regulatory requirements must be supplemented by the provisions of special technical conditions fo protection, 2.2. As design conditions for the operation of smoke control ventilation should take the po in one of the rooms in each of the fire compartments, on one of its floors, mainly lower, in t part of the building. For the underground part of buildings or for underground structures account the possibility of fire as on the bottom, and on the upper underground floors. It window openings - closed, door - according to the requirements [1]. The design period of smoke ventilation shall be provided either for the duration of the evac from the premises, from the floor or from buildings as a whole, or under the conditions of ens of fire departments when performing work on rescuing people, detecting and localizing the so The design execution of the construction part of the facility must be accepted in accc requirements of the established level of quality and according to normalized [3] indicator: equipment of smoke ventilation (air ducts, collectors, fire valves, exhaust fans, doors, incluc smoke-and-gas-tight, smoke screens, etc.) Should comply with the technical data of manu used in composition of smoke protection of the object in the presence of certificates of cor safety in Russia, 2.3. The aerodynamic characteristics of buildings are determined by the wind coeffici various facades. Distribution and values of aerodynamic wind pressure coefficients for de must be taken according to the project documentation or according to experimental data obta of aerodynamic tests (purging of models in aerodynamic pipe). In the absence of the aerodynamic characteristics should be established by calculation depending on the direct Effects on various facades of buildings: k, =k, sin? a +k, cos*a, where k,.- aerodynamic coefficient of wind head when exposed to wind at an angle of a t fagade; k,, k, - Accordingly, the aerodynamic coefficients of wind pressure under the influen the normal and tangential to the plane of the facade The values of the wind head coefficients k ,, and k, can be taken in accordance with the dat: Aerodynamic Wind pressure coefficients for different building facades EN oF ad LN 05.08 he PN 0,6... 08 fy IsH3N, where y is the distance from the plane of the fagade, having dimensions x/, along th« coating and facades, having dimensions IxH, m; kl=kxaty=) For the final calculation aerodynamic coefficients depending on (1) An appropriate combit coefficients k yyy» K yy, £yo Should be used, acquiring as follows Thus, the values of the coeffi: To perform calculations of the main parameters of smoke ventilation With less accuracy select the aerodynamic characteristics of the fixed values of the coefficients according to tabt H. To account for changes aerodynamic coefficients of wind pressure on the height of bui Correlation of the given table values by the ratio of the form A= hew ~ hwo) where Ak is a parameter that changes the height of the building, which acquires values ¢ 1.20 for the lower, middle and upper third of the specified height, respectively. 2.4. Outdoor air parameters for designed objects must comply with the standards [1, 2, 4] of the wind speed and direction should be taken according to the data meteorological obser the development area. Temperature Indoor air should be determined according to the de operation of the building. For exhaust smoke ventilation systems with By the natural impuls determination of the main parameters should produced for both warm and cold periods of th ‘The final parameters should be taken according to the most unfavorable conditions. 3. EXHAUST SMOKE VENTILATION Exhaust smoke ventilation for functional It is divided into two main groups, one of whic! designed to remove combustion products directly from premises (from the burning room), thi for the removal of produets combustion from rooms adjacent to the burning room. 3.1, Removal of combustion products directly from burning room Determination of mass flow removed combustion products directly from the premises is ¢ basis of the equation of continuity of the form da Aam * Gz Camlt) = Gi — Gams where Gj, Gy is the mass flow rate in convective column and removed combustion produ kg/s; py is the average density of the gas in the smoke bed formed in the upper part of the b kg/m’; h is the thickness of the resulting smoke layer, smoke layer in horizontal plane, m2. Lom is the equivalent cross-sect Spam Ty _ ah + Asm) TF coe Clg +A) [ oo( GemGz If where g ris she Power heat dissipation of the source of fire, kW; 7 - the completeness of th the fire Load; , yyyeq - parameters of the fire load of the room (Appendix 1); Fg - fire burnin; T sm» Ty ~ average the temperature of the smoke layer and the air temperature in the room, K: specific heat capacity of the gas at temperature T ym, Th, kI/(kg)-deg; a - coefficient heat trans layer into the enclosing structures, kW / (m? - deg); r is the coefficient characterizing radiation; [gy is the maximum perimeter of the horizontal cross-section of the smoke layer, rr rooms with floor dimensions and Ceiling AxB The perimeter specified is L.gqy = 2(4 + BY).Q2.. To determine the temperature in The following dependency can be implemented in a conve 7Q; CpG Ty =T,+ Dependence of the heat transfer coefficient on the smoke temperature layer can be taken as = 0,01163 exp(0,0023(Ty_ - 273). The given dependences are closed by the equation of state of the gas and functional rela flow in a convective column with power heat dissipation and thickness of the smoke layer: PT, Pom = Tt Gp AOpM, where p,- Air density, kg/m?. The dependence of heat caps Recommendations. The procedure and content of the calculation, taking into account the specifics of the prote« determined by the choice of functional dependence (6). 3.1.1. For halls for various purposes, including visual and commercial, conference rooms, for spectators and other similar premises, dependency (6) can be used according to the standar Gy = 0,071rO9'3(H- Hy? + 0,0018(rOp, ity on temperature is established According to Apper where His the height of the room, m. 3.1.2. For atriums of various architectural design, if there are several galleries in their v with the structural separation of these volumes from the floors of buildings, Accordingly schemes of gas exchange in case of fire are accepted. At the same time, for gallery-type atrit (6) is used as a dependence (7), and for atriums strueturally isolated from floors buildings, de) be taken In accordance with the standard [5] in as follows: ,032 (rop* 5H - Ah. G,= A special case of the first of these options is gas exchange in the volume of the atrium in t] directly under gallery at the level of the base of this atrium, In this case, the funetional (6) de used according to the same standard [5] in the form of ,36(QW)"3(e + 0,25H), where 1 is the initial width jets of gaseous combustion products flowing from under t gallery atrium, m; z is the height from the level of the fence of the gallery to be washed outfl lower houndary of the smoke laver m: H - height from the base of the atrium to the level Cy cars with a playpen type of parking the estimated heat dissipation capacity of the fire source MW (according to the condition of ignition and full flame coverage of one car per any on spaces of the protected room), and the thickness of the smoke a layer is determined by the loc. boundary not lower than the upper level doorways of emergency exits from this room. In the or three-tier storage of cars with lifting and turning devices parking lots, the heat dissipation ., respectively, doubles or triples from the specified value (according to the condition of « cars, installed in all tiers of one of the parking devices). Herewith The estimated thickness of should be limited by the level of location the upper end of the car bodies installed in the u devices (to prevent catastrophic fire development, due to the possibility of ignition of m vehicles the upper tier on various parking devices under the influence of heat heated combu the "washing" smoke layer). Apply dependencies (7) and (8) is determined by mutual disposition the lower boundary of and the flame torch above the fire: Ifz 1 z (flame torch enters the smoke layer), then the dependence (8) is applied. ‘At the same time, the height of the flame torch is determined by the ratio of the species 21 = 0,166 (rO)75. According to sect. 2 of these Recommendations: Estimated determination of the mai exhaust smoke ventilation of this group should be carried out under the terms of protection or of evacuation of people from the premises, or for ensuring the actions of fire departments. The first of these conditions satisfies the ratios of the species O Te D> hgy, where 1, r, is the current time and estimated time of evacuation from the premises; hiyy, permissible thickness of the smoke layer at which the free from smoke air zone on horiz routes. In this case, G gy < Gy. For the other of these conditions The ratios of the species are fair OStS1y-OENEH yyy where 1, r, is the current time and the time of completion of rescue operations. In this case, G jy = Gz and the calculation of the parameters of the exhaust smoke cont carried out without integrating equation (2). 3.2. Removal of combustion products from adjacent to Burning rooms Calculated determination of the parameters of the systems of this group It is carried out « type of volumetric fire in the room communicating with adjacent premises, including lobbies According to the provisions of the standard [6] and the content of the monograph [7], the defir of volumetric fire in the room It is carried out by comparing the value of the reduced s Premises with its critical importance: If g ¢> 8 gr then in the room will be a fire controlled by ventilation (hereinafter referred tc If g ¢ < g gr then in the room will be a fire regulated by the load (hereinafter referred to as, With PRV maximum The average volumetric temperature in a burning room according t [7] corresponds to the dependence of the type Tomax = Ty + 940exp(0,0047g9 - 0,141), where Tomax is the maximum average volume temperature in premises, K; T,,- initial air te Tonae = Tr+224995, where gy is the fire brigade The load of the premises in accordance with clause 2 of append These dependencies are used to determine parameters of exhaust smoke ventilation of group 3.2.1. To determine the temperature in the flow of gases flowing from the burning room according to the monograph [7] The ratio should be used View T= 0.8Tomaxs where Ty is the desired value of the temperature of the gases coming from the burning roo Tomax ~ Maximum average volumetric temperature in a burning room (depending on type PRN), K. To determine the average the temperature of the smoke layer in the corridor uses the follow obtained by integrating the empirical equation characterizing the change Temperatures in along the length of the corridor: 4,22 (To 7,)(2 tam +42 = =n — exp | Pe I 2g, +42 a where T yy, Tr ise average temperature of the smoke layer and air temperature respectively, K; Hyp, is the ultimate thickness smoke layer, m; A, - corridor area, m?; J, corridor, m. ‘When used in calculations of this dependence, the limiting thickness of the smoke la Condition: 0,5 < hay/H $0.6, where His the height of the corridor. The calculation ends determination of the mass flow rate of combustion products rei corridor at fire according to dependence Gam = Kam Agta, where Gy, ~ mass flow rate of combustion products removed directly from the corridor, kg of the door at exit from the corridor along the evacuation routes, m?; /Zj is the height of this d The values of the coefficient ky in a given The dependencies are 1.0 and 1.2 for resid buildings respectively. Dependencies (16) and (17) can be used for determination of the parameters of exhaust sr which is also intended for protection and other rooms adjacent to the burning: halls and single 3.2.2. For lobbies, communicating with two or more levels, as well as for trading malls communicating with trading floors of various sizes) and atriums can be used regulated by dependence of the type ay, v3 : ¥y, G, = 0,68 (Aceh *) (2, +.4)°3 +1,594,.H,. 3, where G, is the mass flow rate in convective column, kg/s; Ay, ;y the area of the opening communicating with the protected lobby, mall, atrium, m?; #, is the height of this opening, from the top of this opening to the lower boundary of the smoke layer, m. ‘The geometric complex included in this dependence corresponds to the ratio of the species a= 2442". — 2,18, In addition to the dependency (1) for calculating the average temperature The smoke lat contradict physical dependencies regularities of heat and mass transfer processes of premise and established regulatory requirements [1, 2]. 4, SUPPLY SMOKE VENTILATION Supply smoke ventilation systems are designed for: supply of outside air and the creatior in the protected stair and elevator units and vestibule locks, as well as for compensating supp and corridors protected by exhaust smoke ventilation. In addition, supply smoke ventilal essential for protection premises of safe areas. The principle of operation of each such sy differs depending on its type, which determines the features of the definition of its parameters According to sect. 2 of these recommendations Distribution of pressure on the opposit above-ground part of the building is determined by the ratios of the species Prowi = 9h; (Pq — Pp) + O,Skarew PaVai Preox = — Gh; (Pa — Pr) + 0, SkayoPaV ar where P,,,,; - Pressure drop on the external enclosing structures of the building in height ¢ Pa; Py; - the same, on the windy side, Pas; hj - the height of the i-th floor (from the level marks of the lower above-ground floor to the level of the floor mark of the i-th floor), Pa; + head coefficient for external enclosing structures located at an angle of a to wind direction; for the opposite fagade; pq, p, is the density of the outer air at temperature 7, and the dent buildings at temperature 7, respectively, K; v, is the magnitude of the velocity Wind, m/s. ‘The air temperature inside the building, except for corridors and halls on the floor of the fi lobby of the main entrance (premises of the entrance group), should be taken in accordance technology of operation. In tum, the temperature air in the protected stairwell-elevator units is determined by the rat T= T= 0,5(T, + T,). Appropriate pressure distribution inside the above-ground part Buildings are determined b type P,, = —gh; (p, - P;) + 0,25 (Kaew + Kawo)Pa¥2- Determination of supply parameters smoke ventilation for stairwells and elevators of the al of buildings It is carried out depending on their location: when adjacent to external enclosin, the central core. 4.1. Air supply to stairwells 4.1.1, For stairwells of the above-ground part, adjacent to the outer enclosing structures external exit, due to the absence of intercom (doorways communicating with adjacent corrido: at the level of the lower above-ground (first) floor, intemal pressure at the level of the geome door of the staircase overlying The floor should be: Paz = 20— ghz + 0,5hg2)(0, — Pp) + 0.25 (Kaw — Kawo)Pa¥a- ‘At the same time, the flow rate of air flowing through the external outlet stairwell, de dependence of the species we +05 ghea(P. wo . where G,, - mass air flow through the external exit of the stairwell, kg/s; Fg - the area o external exit stairwell, m?; F, is the area of the horizontal projections of flights and platforms m?; higq - height of the door of the external exit of the stairwell, m; hg - height of the stair 2nd above-ground floor, m; n is the number of doors in series external exit of the stairws coefficient of the marches stairwell (z = 1 for two flights of stairwell in the ascent to * building); ¢y is the coefficient of local resistance of the opening; , is the local coefficient vestibule of the external exit. the numerical values of the local resistance coefficients are: a= 2,44; &,=0 (fora straight vestibule); &, = 0.99 (for rectangular vestibule); &,= 2,9... 4.0 (for Z-shaped vestibule), Mass air flow through The open opening of the stairwell at the level of the second above the building is determined by By ratio where G,2 is the mass flow rate of air entering through the open doorway on the floor fire, mass flow rate of the products to be removed combustion by dependencies (7) ... (9), (17), account the ratios (10) ... (12); q is the estimated number of stairwells with exits to the same of the same floor and protected by supply smoke ventilation (at one stairwell: q = 1, w stairwells: q = p - 1, where p is the actual number stairwells). If Gs 7 > G ga, then at the subsequent stages of the calculation, the value g «9 is taken, 0 calculation is carried out according to the value of Gyy Consistently for each overlying floor, detectable pressure and mass air flow rate dependencies: Preiss) = Pai + 058,0,035 Gerry = Gor + AGgcivty where Py; is Pressure in the stairwell at level -th floor, Pa; P,(j41) - the same, in the leve Pa; ¢, is the coefficient of local resistance of the stairwell; v,; is the air velocity at the level stairwell, m/s; G,; is the mass flow rate of air in level of the first floor of the stairwell, ke same, at the level of the (i + 1)-th floor, kg/,; AG,¢j+1) - air leakage through leaks openings at 1 + 1) floor of the staircase cells, kg/s The value of the resistance coefficient of the stairwell can be taken ¢, = 60 (at lack of a part of the project documentation), ‘The air velocity at the level of the i-th floor of the stairwell is determined by the ratio View G, PP, Air leaks through leaks in doorways at the level of the (/ + 1) floor of the stairwell are dependency of the following type: Yn At the device smoke-gas-tight doors of the stairwell, air leakage through them; are de dependency. Face) AGraien =—Sr7z Pace +9 (huey + O5hacen) X ‘dem X (6, —2-) — 0,25(Kaww — Kawo)Pavz}¥2, where Siem, is Characteristics of resistivity to smoke and gas permeation of a closed door st Values of specific characteristics resistance to air permeation and smoke and gas perm: determined in in accordance with the technical data of the products (door designs, provided documentation) on the basis of the results of standard testing of samples of serial products. Fc lower accuracy, there may be The following values are accepted: 5300 a 60 000 tom Pe Air leaks through the window opening of the stairwell at the level (J + 1)-th floor are d+ dependence of the species i (Prissy + 9 (huss + OShacisw)(0,— 2-)) AG aw(i41) fa rs a. where R,, is the resistance air permeation of window openings, determined according to t m?-h- Pa/kg. Total air leakage through The door and window openings of the stairwell at the level of the AG gi+1) = AGsa¢ix1) * AGowtin1)- Calculation of the given dependencies (23) ... (32) must be carried out before reaching the stairwell: i where Nis the sequence number the upper floor of the stairwell. ‘At the same time, the pressure drop on the closed doors of the staircase cells should maximum allowable value of 150 Pa. If in the course of calculation: the determined value of t reaches the specified of the maximum permissible value or exceeds it, then the stairwell doc level of this floor is subject to division by a cut into zones. For the overlying area of the ste calculated in a similar sequences without taking into account the discharge of air through the the lower floor of this zone. Instead of concentrated air supply to the top protected stairwell or cach structurally alloc The stairwell can be provided with a distributed air supply to different levels (floors). The above calculation sequence cannot be reproduced in the variants of the extemal air underlying levels relative to the upper level (floor) of the protected stairwell, or relative to th the structurally allocated zones of this staircase Cells. 4.1.2, For stairwells according to clause 4.1.1 with their additional communication with the the lower above-ground floor, for example, through the vestibule locks, which protected supply smoke ventilation systems, The sequence and content of the calculations recommend. Unchanged In the case of floor-by-floor exits to such staircases cages through vestibule locks with sim the latter supply smoke ventilation is excluded from the stated sequence of calculation depend If instead of the vestibule-gateway with an additional exit to such the same stairwell from Pay = 20— 0,5gh, (0, — p) + 0.25 (Kaww — Kawo)Pava- Addiction (24) is led to the dependence of the species ap 2p. née + Ge Fd mati tt Fea [0,25 (aww — kawo) X Pav? +20+0,5ghaalPa—PedIy > 4.1.3, For stairwells of the above-ground part located in central core and having isolat (without additional communication with the lobby, hall or corridor of the lower above-gri internal pressure at the level of the overlying floor shall be: Pog = 20- ghia + O,Shaa Mpc Pr)- At the same time, air consumption, flowing through the outer exit of such a stairwell, is « the above dependence (24). For stairwells above ground parts located in the central core and not having a direct exit to necessary to have a normatively required device of the vestibule-gateway, autonomously pro smoke ventilation and separating internal exits such stairwells from the lobby (premises of th of the building). Herein In the case of the air flow rate at the level of the second floor o determined by dependence (25), It is used in subsequent stages of calculation according to (28), (32) and in combination with dependencies of the species 1 NG cocccsy = Fogg p (Pele tg hiss + OSh ace )(02 = Pr) aie = Fagen (SPE eee 1 ae (a +9 (Riss + OShasn) Os =) ease) = Facies) is ; aon Due to the absence of stairwells the cells of the central core of the window openings leal filling of these openings in the calculation are excluded and the ratio (32) becomes identice (36) or (32). 4.1.4, The stairwells of the underground part must be carried out according to regulatory 1+ direct and constructive isolated access to the outside at the level of the lower floor of the abox the building Appropriate distribution The pressure inside the underground part of the building cor following dependence: Pri Bly ~ hPa Pr)» where P,, is the pressure in the rooms at floor level minus the jy, underground floor of the is the depth of the underground part or the level of the floor mark of the lower underground the level of the mark floor of the lower above-ground floor (negative value), m; j,;. ~ the 1 mark minus the i-th underground floor rel (negative value), m. Differential pressure in the level the geometric center of the doors of the internal exits of each the underground floor must meet the condition: AP 220 Pa. to the level of the floor mark lower abc At the same time, the minimum necessary pressure in the stairwell at the level of the geom doors on The upper underground floor must be at least: Pap = 20+ glg= (ht OSha3)) (Dy Pr 2p, ngs FEF 1, 602 Fa e [0,.25(Keww — ‘awo) X X pata + Pea — g(t — O5Shgq) (be — P_)IY, The pressure and air flow on the lower floors are determined sequentially according to dep: (28) and ratios of the following form: eal” Fe Py cic —9 (hen — (Reeieny — O5hae-1-1))) X (2s - eal 7 Lia) — 9 (tan — (Rea — O5Rac--)) X Oe Mass air flow through The open doorway of the stairwell is determined at the lev underground floor using the ratio (25). In this case, the value of G,p, is determined by one of | (D, (8), (12). By analogy with stairwells the aerial part in the event that G 1 > G,,, then in s of the calculation, the value G,., is accepted; otherwise, further calculation is carried out value of Gya 4.2. Air supply to elevator shafts 4.2.1. In elevator shafts of the central core of the above-ground part of buildings, with « levels of only above-ground floors and with fenced elevator halls on each floor, except for the amount of air pressure at the level of the geometric center the doors of the above relative to floor must compose: Pin = 20 - g(hin + O.Shan\(o1- Pr) Air flow from the elevator shaft at the level of the lower aboveground (first) floor is de dependence of the type 1, 2e, Ga [20 — g(hy + 0,5hai2)(o,— 9-) + O5ghar(O2—PdI¢ > where Gy is the mass flow rate of air from the elevator shafis at the level of the lower abe kg/s; n is the number of elevator cabins in the shaft; Fy - the area of the doors of the elevator from cabins, m?; ¢; is the coefficient of local resistance of the "cabin - mine" node with the d and shaft open on the main landing floor. ‘The numerical values of the coefficient ¢; should be taken according to the technical docut elevator installations of the building. To calculate the specified coefficient can be used the rati Fe 4st, i Fe where Fi, is the cross-sectional area of the elevator car (externally contour of the cabin fe the cross-sectional area of the elevator shaft (along the inner contour fences), m2. Air consumption, sequentially filtered through the closed doors of the elevator shaft and each i-th floor, including the floor of the final (upper) stop elevator, is determined b dependencies: Fae (@ +90 ae Sale =a c center doors of | where Py is the pressure in the elevator shaft at the level of the geomet nj, Fj ~ respectively the number and area of the doors of the elevator shaft on the intermedi floor, m?; m,, Fp; - respectively the number and area of doors elevator hall on the intermedi floor, m2; Sj - characteristic of resistivity to air permeation elevator shaft doors, m°/kg; S, resistivity to air permeation of elevator hall doors, m*/kg; Sj,; - total Characteristic of the permeation of elevator shaft doors and an elevator hall on the (i-m) landing floor, kg-1™!, Resistivity values The air penetration of the doors of elevator shafts and elevator halls m technical data of manufacturers of these products. Settlement is allowed determination of th ratios of the form 2600 a = 5, = 5200 ee Thus, the total air flow required for supply to the protected elevator shaft will be: where G; is the total air flow rate required by calculation, supplied to the protected elevator 4.2.2, For elevator shafts according to clause 4.2.1 with an additional device fenced ele main boarding floor Flow determination air coming from the elevator shaft on the lower abo floor buildings, should be carried out depending on the following typ. ETT [20 - az + 05h e12) (01 Pr) + OS oh a1 (0a — PD] +1 nF ay may. At the same time, the pressure in the elevator shaft This variety is to be defined according (43) and (47), and The total flow rate of air supplied to this mine is required by calculatio dependencies (45), (46), (48), (49). 4.2.3, Elevator shafis located at the exterior fences of the building and communicating ground floors, with the device of a fenced elevator hall on the lower above-ground floor, cha calculated values of air flow through open doors of the lower floor, determined according te of the type [20 — g(h + O,5hqi2) (2, - ,) + 40,25 keuw — Kawo)Pa¥a +05 ghar (Pp, — p:)]}?. In this case, the pressure in the elevator shaft is determined by the dependence View Gy = 5527 [Py + 9 (he, + OSh an )(0; va] rt Pp) = 0,25 (Kew — Final determination of the total the flow rate of air to be supplied to the elevator shaft in qu produced according to the values calculated in this way with additional application of depend: (49). 4.2.4, For elevator shafts according to clause 4.2.3, but without fenced elevator shafts hi above-ground floor, estimated air flow through open doors The elevator shaft on this floor the dependence of the type 2, Fi [20 — ahs + 05a) (o4—p,) + GF 40,25 keuw — Kawo)Pa¥a +05 ghar (Pp, — p:)]}?. At the same time, the pressure in the protected elevator shafi, air leaks from it through clo overlying floors and the required total flow rate of air supplied to this shaft are establist dependencies (52) and (53), taking into account the necessary additional dependeney applic: 49). 4.2.5. For underground elevator shafts parts, with stops on the underground floors and t ground floor, with fenced elevator halls on each floor, including the main boarding (lower al sequence and content of the calculation of the required values pressure and total flow rate of should be taken according to dependencies of the species Phy = 20+ Bay = hay + Shen MO1- Pd 2 Gy = |e az 220 — OS haan 1-0) GF a * GFF . +025(kane ~ kauo)Pa¥2~ (lion OShas)(e- PDP 5 out (ts + a(hen ~ aa OSha-))(o =" 4.2.6, When constructing elevator shafts, communicating with the underground and aboves necessary to provide separate air supply to the upper and lower parts of the protected ar elevator shafts. In this case, the calculated values of the parameters are to be determined as (43) ... (54) and dependencies (55) ... (58) - s taking into account the design placement of p shafts and the arrangement of floor elevator halls in the aboveground and underground pe Moreover, the pressure in The underground-aboveground parts of the protected elevator determined only by dependencies (55), and the computed values air flow through the of elevator shaft on the main landing floors must be distributed in an arbitrary ratio between & provide air supply to the aboveground and underground parts protected elevator shaft. 4.3. Air supply to vestibule locks 4.3.1, Air consumption, supplied to the vestibule locks located at the exits to smoke-free s HG or H2 (in high-rise mixed-use buildings and complexes, in residential buildings with a hei 75 m, in public buildings with a height of more than 50 m), into the internal open stairs of th« entrances to the atriums and passages from the basement and basement floors, in front of t G=VipaF ar where G, is the mass flow rate of air supplied to the protected vestibule-gateway, kg/s; v, permissible air flow rate through one open door protected vestibule-gateway, m/s; Fy, - dov vestibule-gateway, m?; p,, - the density of the outside air at the design temperature 7, Normalized minimally permissible air flow rate through one open door of the prote: vestibule of the gateway is: vp> 1.3 mis. 4.3.2. The flow rate of air supplied to the vestibule locks separating storage rooms for cars ground and underground parking lots; from premises for other purposes, into the vestibule loc storage rooms cars from isolated ramps of underground parking lots, determined by Dep species = () i= Fer (so) + where Sj, - Characteristic of the resistivity to air permeation of the doors of the protected gateway, m3/kg; n is the number of doors of the protected vestibule-; Calculated values Characteristics of the resistivity to air perm can be determined by the ratio of the type ateway. ion of the doors protecte: 5300 Pa When using flat air curtains instead of vestibule locks separating car storage rooms from closed above-ground and underground parking lots, required air flow, supplied to the nozzle air curtain of this type, should be Determine by dependency Ga Vopgbd, where Va ig she Outflow velocity air from the nozzle apparatus, m/s; b, 6 - respectively, the of the nozzle in the horizontal projection, m. Normalized parameters of nozzles devi correspond to the following value: Vq= 10 mis; b> By d= 0.03 m, where B, is the width protected gates of the insulated ramp of the parking lot. 4.3.3. Air consumption, supplied to the vestibule locks (elevator halls) at the exits of the e control mode "Fire hazard” in the basement, basement, underground floors of buildings of va determined by the dependence of the type 42 12 20 20° G, = nF yg, ©) +mFy, ) ar’ Sav where Sy, - Characteristic of the resistivity to air permeation of the doors of the protected | gateway (elevator hall), m*/kg; 1 is the number of doors of the protected vestibule-gateway (¢ - characteristic of the resistivity to air permeation of elevator shaft doors, m3/kg; m is the nu doors Mine. The flow rate of air supplied to the halls of elevators with the mode management “tran: departments", in the basement, basement, underground floors of buildings should be determi the dependence (59), excluding the protected halls of such elevators, separated by vesti underground car storage rooms Parking lots. 434 The amount of nressnre in the nrotected vestihnle locks must he defined accardine in the underground part Pri=20 +g (yy - (Dit 0.5 hand MP a - Pris hari is the height doorways of protected vestibule locks on the /-m floor of the above Hpg_y- height of the doorways protected vestibule locks on the minus /-th floor of the underg) whet 4.4, Compensating air supply Reimbursement of volumes of combustion products removed from the premises In c: provided by supplying outside air to the lower part such premises. ‘Compensating flow rate air is determined by the ratio of G, is To where G,p, is the flow rate removed combustion products directly from the protected roo imbalance coefficient. Normalized range Allowable imbalance: 0,3 , d ,3 - equivalent hydraulic diameter, corresponding to the i outer surface of the channel (inner surface of the fire-retardant layer) and the outer surface of | The coefficients of thermal conductivity % , and A are found according to the reference Materials. The value of a; is determined from the criterion dependence of the species 0.25 Nu, = 0,021 Rep pro fa) EER, where Nu, Re, Pr are the Nusselt criteria, Reynolds and Prandtl, respectively; e), eg - correc Wud. The quantitative values of the coefficient e; are set by tabular reference data, and th coefficient sg are determined by the ratio @ +4770 (ee ® R where R is the bending radius Canal, m. Due to the fact that the temperature on the outer surface the flame retardant layer (coatin; duct is an unknown value, The calculation of the value of q ; is made sequentially approxima step of which the value g¢7, where yinq, 0 is the velocity of the gas flow, m/s; p'sm 0 is the density of the transported gi T’sm(> To; €°0 is the coefficient of local resistance. To determine the velocity v'sm 0 and the temperature 7'5,9, dependencies (71) can be use The value of £0 is determined from the reference data [8], taking into account the geometr node of connection of the floor channel to the vertical collector in the presence of fire resistance coefficient for this valve It is determined according to the technical data of the man 5.1.5, Further, the conditional division of the vertical collector into sections with boundarie interfloor floors of the building. As input parameters For the first such section, the values calc accepted: Poms Ts smi» Tmt = Tomo G ‘sm ~ “sms Csmo In accordance with these parameters and geometrical The characteristics of the v additionally determine the values p sm 1, p sm 1, dy 1, V sq 1, Re 1, 4 1, when using which 1 variable parameters at the end of this section of the exhaust are calculated A dependency chan: L, h, ms + 05m (Yh +B) x03 — the lea Pama. Pems)i Pet Peer, Aan Fm) Fa 1, + hay): AG gqx = 3,556 10-5p, ( 5 A les Pag \Y? Gaya = Faso) fpem, NGem2 = Gem + MG 2a1 + AGapar} yyy = Semi GomsTona + Ty (BG ans + BGapes) = dis (4+ hy) Spsm2 Gomz where AGja1 is the air suction through the structures of this section of the exhaust du Annex L, paragraph 3, of these Recommendations), 1; AG,jpa1 ~ ait suction through closed section of the exhaust duct (according to clause 2 of appendix 3 of these recommendations), 1 length of the horizontally oriented elements of the exhaust duct on given site, m; hig ~ total oriented elements of the exhaust duct in this area, m; Fj - the area of the flow section of thi this section, m?; Fp, is the area of the flow section of the closed valves of this section of | The specific heat loss gy, is determined according to the above dependences (77) ... (§ determine the specified heat loss must be established estimated dependency score (87 exclusion of air leaks into the exhaust duct on the considered section (at G gq 1 = 0, G, calculated temperature drop is at the end of the section will be less than 1 K, then the sequen in all areas The exhaust duct can be reproduced without taking into account these heat losses. 5.1.6. Computed Values variable parameters at the end of the section of the exhaust duct ac 5.1.5 are taken as input parameters for the next section of this canal. The resulting similar The values of P smN, Tym:ys Gem ate used for the final determination of the required System, Goma L, = 3600: Pemex 1,2 Penn + Pa) Pemn where L, is the feed fan, m°/h; P,, is the static pressure reduced to standard conditions total resistance connecting air ducts (from the manifold to the external discharge device, incl ducts), Pa. ‘When setting up an extemal ejection combustion products on the fagade of the building in regulatory requirements [1] reduced static pressure of the fan should be determined by the di species 1p Pane + Pa + 05Pons 07) . Pens 7 P, where vp is the minimum required rate of outflow of combustion products through the discharge in the direction perpendicular to the fagade, ms. The normalized value of the indicated velocity is: vem 20 ms. 5.1.7. For exhaust smoke ventilation systems with natural draught inducement minimum re of smoke hatches installed in coatings of buildings, determined by the dependence - Pom (Gham (Ba ~ Pon) + 0,25(kawne + Kana ~ 2hws)0a¥2 Y Fant =) Gant X (2x Geen Pa Pen) +92 ns * he — Phas where Fa; ~ the area of the flow section of the i-th smoke hatch, m?; ¢4;- coefficient aero the i-th smoke hatch; p sm is the density of the gas in the smoke bed at temperature T,,,, } thickness of the smoke layer, m; Gy, ~ mass flow of gas through the th smoke hatch, kg/s; Of pe Outside air at temperature 7, kg/n*; vz - wind speed, m/s; k aww, k aw o. kaw coefficients of wind head in accordance with paragraph 2.3 of these recommendations. To select the values of G sm, Tyy, should be guided by the data of sect. 3, and the values ‘AW 0, Kays, Ya Should be taken according to sect. 2 of these recommendations. The values © qj must correspond to technical data of manufacturers. 5.1.8, Minimum required the area of the flow area of smoke hatches installed in the outer fi facades (including in window openings of transoms with automatically and remotely cont determined by the dependence View G, on (ahtn 9 VL0r8e 2b a Vt where F,,- total area of the flow area of forcibly opened transoms, m?; é, - coefficient a of the same type of transoms; sq, - density of gas in the smoke bed at temperature Ty, kg/m from the calculated level of the location of the lower bound; smoke layer to the geometric ce of single-row arrangement, m; Gy, is the total mass flow rate of gas through open transoms, k Selection of parameters and coefficients required for calculation should be done by analog these recommendations. 5.2. Equipment of supply smoke control systems Ventilation The main parameters of supply smoke ventilation systems are defined according t dependencies, For stairwells op Pant ohn where L, is the feed fan, m°/h; P,,,- reduced static fan pressure, Pa; G,y is the flow rate « stairwell or its structurally allocated area, kg/s; Py is the pressure in the head of the stairwe part of it structurally dedicated zone, Pa; Py, is the total resistance of the connecting air duct: stairwell or its structurally allocated area to the re ducts), Pa; p ving room outdoor air devices, inch the density of air at temperature 7, kg/m’; p, is the density air at temperatu is the density of air at temperature 7,, kg/m}; ltgy- height stairwell or its structurally allocat the levels of the lower and upper floors, m; ig, - difference between levels the location o: receiver and the head of the stair cell or the upper part of its structurally allocated zone, m. For elevator shafts. 36006,, Po p= 1,2 Part gh (Oe — Pi) + ghor(Pa — Pr) + Pas) woe Pa where Gyy is the air flow, supplied to the elevator shaft, kg/s; Pyy - pressure in the hear shaft, Pa; P4y is the total resistance of the connecting air ducts (from the protected elevator s air intaker, including fan piping ducts), Pa; p | is the density of air at temperature 7}, kg/m’; h elevator shaft between the levels of the lower and upper floors, m; /igy is the difference betw the receiver location outdoor air devices and the head of the elevator shaft, m. LITERATURE 1. SP 7.13130.2013. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Requirements fire safety. 2. SP 60.1333: 20 12. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (updated edition of SNiP 41 3. SNiP I1-3-79"". Construction heat engineering / Gosstroy SSSR. Moscow: ZITP Gosst 32 p. (in Russian). 4. iP 23. ‘Construction climatology / Gosstroy of Russia. M.: GUP TSPP, 2000. 5. NFPA 92B. Standard for Smoke Manegement Systes in Malls, Atria and Large Spaces, 2 6. GOST 12.1.004-91. Fire safety. General requirements. 7. Molchadsky 1.S. Pozhar v Room. Moscow: VNIIPO, 2005. 456 p. (in Russian). 8. Idelchik, LE. Handbook of hydraulic resistances. Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, Russian). DETERMINATION OF THE MAIN PARAMETERS OF THE FIRE LOAD S The list of the main parameters of the fire load includes: specific, including reduced and ¢ well as averaged indicators of thermophysical properties. To define these parameters R dependencies of the following form are used: 1, Specific reduced fire load related to the floor area of the room, Corresponds to dependen _MEme, Fx where go is the fire brigade load, kg/m?; - respectively, the calorific value of the i-th subs in the composition of the fire load and calorific value wood, J/kg; m; . relative mass fra substance or material in the composition of the fire load; F- floor area of the room, m?; Mi fire load of the room, kg.Q?,Qi. The values of , are determined from the reference data, given in the standard [6] and mono, 2. Specific reduced fire load related to the heat-absorbing area the surface of the en structures of the room, corresponds to the following dependencies MEmQe, (Ey — Ao) Qh FP, = 673; = Ag= where gy is the fire brigade load, ke/m?; Fy, js the total area of the internal surfaces building structures of the room, m2; A i, Ag is the area of the ;.,,, the opening and the total are: of the room, respectively, m2; V - volume of the room, m*; M is the mass of the fire load of thy 3. Specific critical The amount of fire load corresponds to the dependencies 4soon® —vi3 Skee = TF 500n where ggg, is the specific critical amount of fire load, kg/m?; P - room capacity, m!’?; hig i m opening of the room, m; Vo - the specific amount of air required for complete combustion load, m3/kg, 4. Average calorific value fire load corresponds to the ratio = Ying 5, Average rate of mass loss of fire load corresponds to the ratio = Yin, where fi is the rate of mass loss of the ; ,, material; fire load, kg/(m?-s). where Upqx is the maximum value of the propagation velocity flame on the surface of th the fire room loads, mis. Calorific value, ma: loss rate, and velocity flame propagation over the surface for a vat that can be part of the fire load of the premises, given in the standard [6] and monograph [7] ‘Typical averaged values of these parameters for fire loads of different rooms correspond tabular data of the manual [9]. Average Values of fire load parameters of various premises Lowest operating Linear velocity of Spe Fire load calorific value, M/kg_| flame propagation, rs Building I and I degree of fire resistance: BS 0.0108 furniture + houschold products Building T and It degree of fire resistance: 187 T0108 furniture + fabrics Building | degree of fire resistance: fumitare + Ta O13 fabrics (0.75 + 0.25) Cabinet: furniture * paper (0.75 + 0.35) 140) 0.0420 ‘Room lined with fiberboard panels 18.1 0,0405 ‘Administrative Room: furniture + paper (0.75 + 14,0 0.0220 0.25) Public Buildings: fursitare + PVC linoleum (0.9 140 0.0150 +041) Library Archives: books, magazines on shelves 0.0103 ‘Stage Part of the auditoriums: wood 0.0368 Top Clothing: pile, fabries (wool + nylon) 0.0855 Rubber Products: rubber, products made of o.0184 Painted floors, walls: wood ~ RFO paint (0.9 + 0.0151 0.1) Exhibition Halls, workshops: wood > Tabries + 140 0.0163 paint (0,9 + 0.09 + 0.01) Publishing houses Printing 154 10,0080 Furniture: wood + cladding iat 0.0154 Manufactured goods: Textiles 167 0.0071 Cable basementitay: AVVG + APVG cables 30,7 0.0071 Radio materials: polyethylene, styrene, 48 0.0137 propylene, getinax Electrical Materials: Textolite, Carbolite 209) O01 lectical cable AVVG: PVG sheath + insulation 25,0 0.0071 Electrical cable APVG: PVC sheath + 364 0.0071 polyethylene Telephonie TPV cable: PVC + polyethylene 36 7.0062 Deciduous Wood building materials: stack 13.8 0.0585 Glued Building materials: plywood 18.4 0.0167 THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUE GASES Thermophysical properties gaseous combustion products necessary for calculating the various parameters from the temperature of a given gaseous medium can be set to based on table, In particular, the specified dependences for heat capacity gas obtained in the form of p= al + exp(b - ey '"4, where a = 1.3615803; b = 7,0065648; c = 0.0053034712; d= 20,761095; cp=a+oT=cP Physical flue gas parameters at P = 0.0981 MPa [10] (Pco = 9,13; Px,9 = 0,11; py, = 0,76) E m “p a10?, 6 w08, 6 my pe eke | sitcerdes) | wimdegy | ™S [seins | “om 7 1298 1.04 2,28 T689) 15,78 12,20 100 0.951 107 3.15 30,83 20,39 2154 200 0.749 110 4.01 8.89 24,50 32,80 300 0,618 112 4.84 69,89 28,23 45,81 400 0,526 LIS 3,10 34.28 31,69 60,38 500 0,457 118 6.56) 12114 34,85 76,30 600 0,405 12h 7.42 130,89) 37.87 93.61 700) 0,363 1.24 827 183,81 40,69 712,10 800 0,330 1.26 9.15 219,69 483,38 131,80 300 0307 129 10,01 257.97 45,91 152,507 1000. 0275 131 70,90 303,36) 28,36 174,30 1100 0,257 132 175 345,47 40,90 197,10 1200 0.240 14 12,62 392,42 32.99 221,00 AIR PERMEABILITY AND SMOKE AND GAS PERMEABILITY AIR DUCTS AD 1, Detection of air leaks or suction through the channels of smoke ventilation systems shot with Using the following key dependencies: For ventilation ducts various, including construction, design of supply and exhaust ventilation according to normalized (1, 2] density structures of these channels according to tt "B" (except for air intake channels of supply smoke ventilation systems): Py + = Fy 2 d,@ where AGyq - leakage or suction of air through leaks in the structures of the ventilation du this channel, kg/s; pgy is the density of air at temperature T , or T, in the determination of leal AG gq = 3,556 - 1075p, ( respectively, kg/m’; P; - pressure in the inlet section of the ventilation duct or section of this is the pressure in the outlet section of the ventilation duct or a section of this canal, Pa; Fy i flow section of the ventilation duct or section of this channel, m?; d, - equivalent hydraulic flow section of the ventilation duct or section of this channel, m; /4- The length of the ven section of this channel, m. For air intake ducts construction design of supply smoke ventilation systems (in the range .. 1400 Pa): Fala MGeq = aCP — b)" or Set 0G where AG,q - air leakage through leaks in the structures of the ventilation duct or sectior kp/s; P is the pressure in the outlet section of the ventilation duct or section of that duet, Pa; of air at temperature 7,, kg/m?; a = 10,752331; b = 0,0069397038; ¢ = 0.66419906, 2. For firefighters normally closed valves numerical values of the specific characteris smoke and gas permeation depending on the temperature of the gas correspond to the follov obtained during processing results of standard certification tests on an experimental basis VN products of various manufacturers. ‘Temperature, °C Resistivity characteristic smoke and gas pe: 20 29900 {puck \ ocn | com | o3 ff om | Cepm | py { rocrp | my | ocr | sen | mac | une i a

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