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you’re a lecturer and a demonstrator - direct method

direct method – teacher-dominated – teacher centered

Example: You want to teach students how to pronounce a word, how to write a paragraph

process by demonstrating it “telling” and “showing” method - direct method

learner-dominated - indirect method

You ask your students to share their comments on the news, share their thoughts about a lesson-
related picture

You are a questioner, a facilitator, a thought synthesizer. - indirect method

you begin your lesson with a generalization, - deductive method

you begin your lesson with an examples, - inductive method

end with the students giving the generalization - inductive method

begins with the experience, examples - Inductive and Indirect Instruction

begins with the abstract, rule - deductive and direct Instruction

You lecture immediately on what you want the students to learn - direct method

You state the rule on deriving the area

You give the student an active role. - indirect method

with an examples to generalization - inductive method

investigating and solving problems - PBL promotes adaptability and flexibility

emphasizes on subject-specific content - direct method

uses an inquiry model or a problem-solving model – PBL

used successfully for over 30 years – PBL

pose questions about the problem – Schneiderman

It focuses on a production model - PROJECT-BASED LEARNING (PrBL)

empowers learners to conduct research - Savery (2006)

described PBL as focused, - Torp and Sage

described PBL as an instructional - Hmelo-Silver (2002)

Applying a wide range of skills– PBL builds agency and independence

Requires students to navigate– PBL is persistent

Problems with schools and communities provide – PBL is civically involved

Wiggins and Mc Tighe, - can help you formulate a problem. – GRASPS

it involves project - PROJECT-BASED LEARNING (PrBL)

PrBL starts with a real world problem - proposed solutions.

problem-based learning ends, project-based learning begins.

are the first steps of the project-based learning

1. Conceptualize their project design.

2. Critique each other’s design

3. Revise and finalize their project design

4. Present their product meant to address the problem

5. Reflect on how they completed the project

many factors; - Teacher’s readiness, Learner’s readiness, Nature of the subject matter, Time allotment
for a subject

Students do project-based learning by the following

1. Defining the purpose of creating the end-product

2. Identifying their audience

3. Doing research on the topic

4. Designing the product

5. Implementing the design

6. Solving the problems that arise.

7. Coming up with the product

Characteristics of PBL

1. PBL builds agency and independence

2. PBL promotes adaptability and flexibility

3. PBL is persistent

4. PBL is civically involved

What are the steps in Problem-Based Learning?

1. Read and analyze the problem scenario

2. List what is known.

3. Develop a problem statement.

4. List what is needed.

5. List actions, solutions and hypotheses.

6. Gather information

7. Analyze information.

8. Present findings and recommendations

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