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(AC-S13) Week 13 - Task:

¡Assignment - Let’s go shopping!


Andersson David Paola Martinez Cornejo Ailton Mau Medina

Alejandro Sanchez
The Conversation

Paola: Hi! I'm looking for fruit to make a smoothie, do you have bananas?

Andersson (salesman): Hello! Yes, we have fresh bananas. They are in the fruit section, at the back on the right. How many bananas do
you need, Paola?

Paola: I need about six bananas. How much are they?

Andersson: Each banana costs 3 soles. So, for six bananas, that will be 18 soles.

Paola: Perfect, do you also have strawberries?

Andersson: Yes, we have strawberries. They are next to the bananas. How many strawberries do you need, Paola?

Paola: I'd like a package of strawberries, please. How much?

Andersson: The packages of strawberries cost 5 soles each. Anything else, Paola?

Paola: No, that's all. Can I pay by credit card?

Andersson: Yes, we accept credit cards. You can pay at the cashier in front of the store. Can I help you with anything else, Paola?

-Ailton: Hi! I'm looking for fruit too, but I'd like to know if you have apples.

Andersson: Hi, Andersson! Yes, we have apples. They are in the fruit section near the entrance. How many apples do you need?

-Ailton: I need about eight apples. How much do they cost?

Andersson: Each apple costs 2 soles. So, for eight apples, that will be 16 soles.

-Ailton: Okay. I'm also interested in grapes. Do you have grapes?

Andersson: Yes, we have grapes. They are in the fruit section, next to the apples. How many grapes do you need, Andersson?

-Ailton: I want half a kilo of grapes. How much is it?

Andersson: Grapes sell for 4 soles a kilo. So half a kilo will be 2 soles. Do you need anything else, Andersson?

-Ailton: No, that's all. Can I pay cash?

Andersson: Yes, we accept cash. You can pay at the cashier in front of the store. Any other details I can help you with, Andersson?

Paola: Thank you for the information. We will pick our fruits and then go to the cashier to pay.

Andersson: You are welcome! If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask us. Have a nice day, Paola and Andersson!

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