4. Technical specifications - Gối khe

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est) 708 08.01 08.02 roc EXPANstON JOINTS Deseription “This work hall consist ofthe supplying and installing of expansion joint systems. A works itcude installation of material and attached accessories sh a anchor bots, stl epoxy resin an thers inorder o erate the nish expansion joint as shown onthe Drawing ad this Specification ‘Scope of work “The scope of work of expansion joint includes all the week involved 10 the furnishing. of expansion Joiat and accessories, materials, labor, equipment, luanspont,strage, erection, anchor bolt, comecton steel, cover plate of parapet, reinfoncng bars rubber scl, galvanized dowel, nowsinkage grout, conerte ‘and oer involved tems General Requirements “The roadwey expansion joints shall be metallic Finger expansion join system eked on he Drawings “Tho joint sete sal eal the des surice, ater nd cubs in accordance wih the plans a prevent wnter rom seeping through the joint re, Al components of each expasion joint shall be furnished by one Manfietrer. ‘The Manufiturce shall be approved by the Engines before placing ones Altenative expansion joint types othe than which specified inthe dewings may besubmitel for consideration bythe Engineer ithe follows ae satisfied | The jolt and its anchorages sll be of a proven low maintenance design having bson used in similar stacturs carrying ond trai. I requte by the Engines, evidence shall be provided of stsictry peformanes of sil joints ural ‘The joie shall be continuous and watertight across the fall width of the road, ‘6 The fot movement eapaiy shall conform tothe requirements shown en the Drawings 1d. The joist shall be designed for highway loading in accordance with the Vietamese Stanard 22 TEN 272-05 « Insallton of the joints shall be supervised by personnel employed by the “Manufacturer and who are ally experience in such work, “The propos forthe wse ofan alkeativeexpsnsion joint shall be submited at least 2 morths prior tothe proposed commencement of joint manufacture. The Contractor sll ilude with this proposal, details of all pockets, recess and tichoraye tinforeemcn! needed to acorenodal the proposed eins. Ifthe temative expansion joints are accepted, the Contactor shall uneriake any fedlesign noresany to azeommdate them tothe stucire ‘Submit deumentation: 14, The Contactor shall submit working drawings tothe Engineer inching ll expect! expansion joint puting into ws. Shop driving shal show the otal "Feat Spies ettaian a agen fio ei ay Ss 70S eine) movement an the width of expansion joint a he diferent lemperatre points, All movements caused by rep, shrikage, the deflection at the mide deck, ‘and otha similar dates do nt show in that able; however, contactor shal be ‘onsidral and approve from consultant pir othe temporary installation, the jst ish xing. 1 The consultant can requests the contactor to supply cesifiste fom afaarr and ake samples for esting process a oe o contol material ‘quality tomply wilh tctnial requirement. The submital document of ‘panic jot shal be appoved from eonsltant by approval wien, At the discistion of the Engineor, the manufacturer may be soqized to fumish facilis for inspection of the completed join or a eeprescatative sample in its plant, The Engineer shall be allowed fee acess to the necessary parts of the ‘anufictre’s plant Componentand Materials ‘The Contactor stall fui the manufacturer's certification that the matsals proposed fr wc on the projet have been protested and will mect the fesrements gst forth nthe Spifetions Allstcelwor compnents shal be made of TCVN 5709:2009 steel or equivalent, tnd sll fe coated and protected agaist exosion in accordance with the ‘monufictres recommendations and appoval ofthe Engineer. Sealant for bolt cavity and edge void sll satisfy with the manufsturer’s recommendation. The Contactor shall ensue that the anchor blocks ae dy from ‘noise peer to placomeat of material. Besing compound shal be of manufactrer'sveommendaton and bo applied to the Blockout base to ensue watertighinaes prior fo placemeat expansion joint system. All oer netrals required for ws in joins shall bo in secordance with the Drawings al bet the approval ofthe Engineer: Finger expansion jot LA, Skel material “Metal stractura pts mde of stel must comply with ASTM A709 Grade 50 “oresuivalext with pyc and mechanical properties as shown in Table | Table : Physical -mecantal properties of sel ‘Tensile iit Fu ‘Yield limit Fy Enlongation (%) (Mp) (Mpa) Min 450 Min 45 Min 18 etaial aos ST vc of na st ihe Senn sate ra te 12 Rubber mat ‘The rubber prt used forthe finger expansion joint must be EPDM ruber withthe main properties as shown in he table Below, o equivalent “Toble2: Technica propertin tems Material | Standards Basie features - Waterstop [EPDM | ASTMD 2240 |- Hardness: 5085 rubber stip | ASTM Dalz mum tensile strength; 13.8 MPa) exlongaton: 250% min ‘ASIMD 1149 zone resistance (testing at Lnlogation point of 20%, at 40°C for 70 hours with SOpphim):no crack, S73 ‘Aaing test 70h 6 100°C: = Change in tensile strength (max): 20% = Change in enlongaton (max): 20% = Change in hardness: 010 diém nn aera TENS | RT 0830 Min 660 Min 40 ‘ots, sts nd washers: Galvanized acconing to AASHTO M232 standard, + Bole AASHTO M 164 «+ aster: AASHTO M293 Grease, ubrcoling according to Manufacturers instructions 14 Coreson protection 4, Corres praecton for expusion ont “Talia peas ebbing of is om mt Has Sec 10S Process Description Surface] Sandblasting For surface weatment’ | Ra Bx, Rz SO yom treatment —_| S25 Coat ‘Spraying AI=Mg compound with | 150 jm ratio AL9S% - Me 5%, Coat “Two component epoxy paling ym Total hcknes 205m | ~The addon tength boteen the ALM coting at the ste surface must be greater han or equal 4.5 Mps. The test was caved out ona specimen according to ASTM DL standard at a feputable independent Inboratry in Vietnam for 6000 hours (8 hours dy/wet lop) without the appearance of rust stains onthe specimen, ba Amsip ayer: The surfs of the expansion joint in contact with the wheel must be covered ‘with an setialip layer sith Epoxy paint combined with AI2O8 aluminum crystal beads = Contracter must subiit documents related anti-slip coating plan forthe EEnginoce a the Employer for approval before staring predution The ant-lip coating pln must be applied atlas in 2 projets ofsnilar or larger scale o demonstrate the durability ofthe anti-slip coating 2. Alumina Alloy Fspansi 241 Metal pate “The metal composition weed forthe expansion join f¥eeplae is an alaminam alloy that rst Comply with the rquirement inthe following table: tems Standard Basie properties Main structure: | ASTM ios | ~ Minimum Tensile Sirengii: 193MPa ‘Aluminium + Minimum Yield Strength 24: 80MPa Alloy = Minimum enlongation at break point A%: 13% ‘Tataial Spinone in 700-8 tint of is al Dgays reset) 22 Anchorage Anchor embers of expansion joints are parts with functions and csteia specified nthe table below: Standard Physical and Mecha Properties Anchor body: AR grade 8.8 in minimum 1804014 or| Minimum Tensile Strength 800 MPa asIMaxs | Minimum Yield Strength Rox | 640 MPa Minimum Enlongation at break point | 8% A% 23 Ruble - The rubber pat used forthe Finger expansion joint must be EPDM rubber with he main ropetes as shown he tbl below, or equivalent tems Materi | Standards Basic feat al Waterstop | EPDM | ASTMD_ |-Handness: 55-75 rubber stip 2240 ASTM D_ | = Minimum tensile strength: 7 MPa 412 = Min, exlongatic 50% min 415 diém 20% 30% D573——_| Aging test 168 h & 70°C: ~Change in hardness DIDC Change in tensile strength: Ri < Change jn enongation A%: 2 149 | ataorc; cenlongaton: : ASTMD [Ozone resistance (100 ppem 70 no crack with requirements in table. ‘Tal peons utter: Rubber sa shal be fabricated fom synthati rubber Neoprene and campy HE 08.05, Other requirments: = Allweldingjoint shall be in accordance with 22CN 281-2001 standard = Therubber cl shll nt be linked on the whole length of iger jin. = Prsresid ie shall be eaflly check prior fo instalation in order to void pact on ober structures of inde The properties of Neoprene rubber Properties Unit [Allowable Value [The propels of arn — 11 Tensile strength Prior waging = Tensile strength Mra | 2155 = Eengation % 380 = Hondness shore A | 555 After aging at 70°C, 96 hours) = Change intense stength, max | % sis = Change inclongation, max | % <30 = Change in hardness point 210 |.2.020n existance Nocrack (25 pun, 40°, train 20%, 96 hours) 1. Compression Set 23°C, 24 hours) | % <30 “The Contador all abana est Fequency’ ofall expansion joint material othe Enginer for approval Construction Methods “The Contaior shall obtain installation insevetions from the supplier of the expansion int material and comply withthe instwetions provided for the installation ofthe joint. The adequacy of the joint design and installation deta sll be subject to the approval ofthe Engineer. The Contractor shall obtain the {echnical sistance of 1 field rpresenttve fom the manuficturcr ofthe jot rng its intllation. Proper adjustment shal be made for temperature atthe ime of inalltien.| ‘Concrete on which expansion joints ae tobe st sll be dy, clean and fee fom 4, peas, latency and contaminants; level and sound with no broken or spilled ‘concrete, No joint shal be placed unl the Engineer has inspected and approved the seat conditions ‘Afr coming the seat aea wit th specified sealant aesive, the joint shal be positioned over the anchor bolts and the nuts securely tightened. Al Toaseo long “chor bolts shall be corrected in a manne approved by th Engineer. All joints tetween wnis, around connecting bolts, and cavity plugs shall be ‘arly sede with sealant in neat workmanlike manner to keep ut water and {Teal liens met i) protee against consion. Neoprene stefces to be in contct with sealant shall be buffed atthe plant or wire Brished prior 1o instalation to provide a bonding surface forte selon. Prioe to fill the space in the bolt wells, the Engineer shall inspect th anchor ‘ols an te tightening ofthe ats (othe manufacturer's specified torque. Any ‘wells scaled without the Engineer’ approval shall be opened and rescaled afer approval athe Contactors expense ‘The finshed joint shall peseat a smooth, neat appearance with no proting bolls or sough joins, Exess eelont sll be wiped of scraped away before it ‘becomes had Expansion joint mst be protsted daring transport to avoid damage and exusing ‘excessive sens an st Expansion int must be installed in such way doss’t cause any unnecessary sttess, tis stn or damage Dimension olernse of expansion jin before installation as blow: 708-06 708.07 Teal Sioa tems Tolerance Length — Som Height 2m | Surf Som | Elevation plan 2am Distance tween finger —- Longtainal | 2mm 7 versal 0 +20 Expansion joint afer insted mist ensore water not low down frm bridge deck. “Method of Measurement Expansion Joints sll be measured for payment by linear meters of the material installed aod approved by the Bnyincer, measured along the center ine ofthe jon unit terial for installation and completion of join. “Transport, torage, location, instalation are inched in thi payment division and rot measured and paid separately. ‘Aid material such as non-hrinkage mortar, connection ste, cover plate of parapet, enforcing bars ae not measured and pid separately “The payment sll be based on the accepted quantity approved by Engines, sccoing tthe Specification and ini cox of expansion jot ‘he unit cost of expaasion joint shall include all he expense involved t the furnishing of expansion join and. acessories, materials, labor, equipment, transport sbrage, erection, anchor bolt, conection stel, cover plate of pape, reinforcing bas, rbber stl, galvanized dowels, nonshrinkage grout, coneete rice of expansion joint ncn material, abour, machines and devioes, ai ‘coueeponing division of expansion tn T00- Aetiison ak gens of bio lay ree sn ther involved items Pay Hem 708.01 08.02 708.03 708.04 708.05 “Fatale pelea Name Galvanized expansion join (movement, dimension) mm Galvanized expansion jint, mo-earrnge way {movement dimension) mm cage way Alluiniam Alloy Expansion Joint, crige way (Cxovement, dimension) em Auminivm Alley Expansion Joint, none Carriage way (sovement, mension) ma Stel Finger Bxpason Joint Pay Unit Tinea meter linear meter Tinearmeter linear meter i OF Rein lingo fl ac Hay se 7S ros tae) separated by mechanical means into separate, well-defined elastomeric layers ‘The ulliate breakdown Tit of the elastomeric bearing under compressive loading sal be not less than 140 kgfen?- Shear resistance ofthe being shall not exceed 2.1 kgfem’ for 60 duomete, ‘Table I compounds at 25% ssn ofthe tla eetive rubber thickness ae an extend fovay enbent temperature of 28°C. In adltion othe requirements of Table 1, the stress-strain relationship of the finshed elastomeric Bearings at room temperature shall aot exceed the following Hinitaions. Compress Sess 35 kylen? 56 kglent Stein Percent of total thickness $% ™% ‘ofall eastomer laminations “Tablet Requirements of Elastomerie Bearing Pads Standard [Physical Properties ‘ASTM D220 | Handness ASTM DAL? | Tensile sirength, min.kyjem? Uline elongation, min2% ‘ASTMDSTS [Heat Resistance, 7hous @ 100°C: | Gange in durometer harduess, max. pois ‘Gang in tensile strength, ma % Change ia ulimate elongation, mx. 9% | ASTM D395 _ | Compeesive et (Method B) 22 howes @ 100°C max. % 8 ‘ASTMDILAD [Rabher Deterontion — Suries Ozone Cracking ina Chamber: TOO ppl ozone in air by volume, 20% | No stain, 377°C IC, 100 outs mounting | Cracks Procedure D 518, Procedue A ‘ASTMDAD_ | Adon to Steck: Method | Bond made during valeanzaton 0% Rai) Bond Siren (por square on) 28s el Stet (porem of wih) [Tks “Table 2: Minimum mechanical properties of tucturl tel by shape, strength ‘and thickness Tahal Spelioaeae St etiinn inp of son i Kg Ses 00s est ne) High strength Tow alloy steel = Mziom | Ma70M | Ma7OM AASHTO Symbol rade 250 | grade 345 | grade 345 Equivalent ASTM symbol ‘ATOM | ATM | A 70M rade 250_| grade 345_| grade 345W Thickness ofplates, mim All groups. | Allgroups | All groups Minimum Tasile StengiF, Mpa | 400 cc) cm ‘Minimum Yield Point or Minimum Yield Strength Fy, Mpa baad ao) 2s) 4. Laminated tect ainatel ste! shall be shall be hotolled carbon sect sheets conforming 0 ASTM AS70 or AASHTO MI83 (ASTM A36), Laminate elastomeric bearing pads “The Lamanated elastomeric bearing pals individally moulded to the required sige, Comers and edges nay be Tounded with a radius at the comers not exceeding 9 mm anda ads at the edges not exceeding 6 mm. All edges of the tel Isintins shall be covered with not less than 4 mn and not move than 6mm of elastomer Table 3. Dimension tolerance fr elestomerle bearing ‘Overall verieal | Avenge total uber thickness 32 man ar | 0,73 mm ruber dimension | less Average total rubber thickness over 32-0, 161mm ‘Overall harizonial | 90 enor ess 3mm ruber diension 709-04 Pot Bearings Pot beariag consist of pot, siding pte (guided! bearing), polyurethane disk ‘and other components. Bearing cantect to bean’ botom and block out by ‘Contacte shll be submited to the Engineers and the Employer documents related w type of bearing expecied to be insaledin_constuch anufictirers name, supplier ability and techaial parameter comply with, technial design fr approval before purchase and delivery. “Tho domestic bowings can be manufactured vsing domestically produced OC reste) et tga of Wa on tin Hebe Sexi Ste, prot secording te Directive No. LCT-TTg dated April 4, 2017 b. Materia ‘Steel lite shall conform to ASTM_AT09 grade 250 or equivalent. The ‘sinless steel shall conform to ASTM A 240 (Grade 304), finished surface sul be ype 28. “The contactor shal apply the eontosin resistance method or external surice ‘of see! emponents (exposed surface) inorder to prevent saline environment fect as below: “Table: Ani-corosion method Presale Deserition ‘Surfice tccatment_| Stain ceasing 80 2,5(180 8501-1) pane Teker than 73 jn oF Zine primer ‘Thiker than 100 jnoF High Painting |2™ paint boing epoxy Finished paint “Thicker than 80 jm of potyurethan | Polyuthane disk shall be made from high elastic mata with optimistic lability, ant-abresion and envzonmental resistance in order to saisly better lite servte of bearing, Materials all bo made from Polyurethane compound hich campy with ASTM as follows “Table: Poly Urethane propertse requirement | Technical requ Testing cs method lpotyehtoropren eee ee cd ae rune 1. Hardiness, Thang Shore A (IRHI ~~ fASTMDN | 15,5 2 Tensile srength, MPa 3. logaton, % astupar2 | > 400 4 Agger baste sry pers = Change in hardness, Thang Shore A ons (aRHD) “Change in Tensile Stengh, % 15 “Change in Enongation, % S40 Aging afer 16Bh at TO°C ASTM DSTI — ons = Change in hardness, Thang Shore A {Fea ps bina nem of bs aa ghey ‘09 -Seets rst Techni requirement | i ‘resting | ' Propertin [Nature | ° method papcloraprene 8 aR) — | = =| + Change in Tensile Stengh % | <8 = Change in Elongation, % | <0 | 6. Compressive wesitanee, mehodB | ASTMD395 | ~ = Alter 22 hours at 100°C, % <35 = After 2 hours at 70° 25 17. Orone resistance TT _t ‘ASTM DSI = Atstenin 20% eco AASHTO Exposed neal = AL4012°C for 100h under pressu ‘of ozone 25MPa He mode + at 402°C for 1008 under pressure of Io crac ‘ozone 100MPa ‘ASTMDT6 . [Ne . Drieness at ow temperature 40°C | QTM egy |Nodamage | oa Dowel shall be complying with ASTM ALOS with minimum yield stength of 20 MPa ce ‘quien standaad ‘Sling Plate UHIMWEE, “To ensure a long service lif of the pot beaving, the mera forthe ling plate in contact ‘withthe stainless stellate surface mus satis the following or equivalent requirments: Properties Requirement ‘Tensile Sirengih (Mpa) 20 Extreme Falongation (%) a0 “Minimam Specific Gravity Glens) 092-096 Hardness (132/60) Mpa 264-395 Friction factor = 003 Teal ciation Sen T= sev aw) 709-05 709.06 9.07 ‘9-74 Fhe Scien Quality Contra = The catifcate granted by the Conformity Certification Center (Queer) under the Diredorate fr Standards, Metrology and Quality =the Ministry of Science snd Tecnology. The centifate of product conformity ofthe pillow manufacture. To ensure tht the quality requirements of the bearing used and the ability 10 ‘supply th projet are mt, the Contractor submits the Engineer fr approval ‘wh the following contents: The bearing manuactore' ceticte proves that itis boedy wed and was applied in ther projects Packaging handling, and storage «Prieto shipment fom the point of manufacture, bearings shall be packaged in sich a manne to ensure that dung shipment and storage the Bearings willbe protste agains damage Form handling, wether, or any normal hazard - ach complted bearing shall have its components clealy identified, be securely bolted, stapped or otherwise Fstened to prevent any relative movement, and ‘marked! ori op a8 to Toation and orientation exch stuctare in the project in onforniy with the plans. - Disinaning at the site shall not be done unless absolutely necessary for ‘nspestiono instalation, ‘When trported or stored, beating must be placed in regulated destion = All baring devices and components shall be store atthe worksite in an area ‘hat provides protection form environmental and physial damage. ‘When nse, bearings shal be clan and fice of ll freign substances. Bearing Installation ‘Submit Poe tothe Bearings installation the Contacto hal prepare and submit othe Engineer, or espctive sppeoval, the following + Shop drawings and calculations demonstrating the compliance of all bearings with the schedule shown inthe Drawings + Detid calculations of necessary adjustments (if any) of the beating components during instalation, + Dek statement deseribing the procedures for packaging, banding and storage ofthe basing devices to be used fer the Projet. + esd statement of the method for constuction and installation of the beating devices to be used forthe Project. + ete schedle for al the required testing of materials or bearing devies to beved forthe Project. + Detsid statement with respect to the methods for installation of Elasteerie Bearings. Once the Engineet ha approved these methods, they shal at be changed without prior approval by the Engineer Aetna ingore 9 Wo sighs Sexi DSc rej 09-12 972.4 eating Installation The bearings shall be clearly marked with thei longitudinal and transverse axes tise mumbo and ther tended locations inthe Works = Contractor shall install all beings based on manufiturer ination an Engineer's approval, Contractor shall submit thickness af bearing, type of ‘lock out and base grouting and Engincer's approval is needed before inetalsion, = Contractor shall furssh to Engineers a detail report bout installation metho foe approval. Once Engineer approves those methods, contactor il et change without Enginer pomission. = Bearings shall not be dismantled. Any transit bolts, straps. or other temporary Fixing shall ote removed unt the bearing is fixed in its fina Peston al th sructre inmedinely above the beating is in place. Care hall He taken to ens that all anit bls, straps or other temporary Sings ve finally cemoved = When pot beating is installed by preassembled method, i's required protceion method, fixing upper plate to avoid sliding or rotating due to nord essing and compacting. Al beszngs shal be et horizontal in both diestions and stall be positioned to thal the insted longitudinal sx spall othe svete isa the point af uppod, ules otherwise noted on the Deavings. = Any devices such 95 steel packs used to hold beavags level whilst being Fined; mat be removed thatthe Bsr seat only on it rout pad with tolerance below: bearing wil be dsp + Algament, maximum departure fom required vet or horizontal plan: Ent assembly: 1400 Lower plat to upper plate 11000 ++ Plan postion Transversal 2am Longtail sm “+ Coneeenter spacing Samm + Alignnet, maximum deviation from the required vertical and horizontal planes ti assembly: 400 Lower plat to upper pate 151000 + Plan postion: ‘Tranversl Simm Longitudinal Gon ++ Centscenter spacing: 3mm eames tation attr ier nmi mar Si Ste re) 709-08 709.09 099.1 m9.92 70993 09.94 Grout pad ‘caring shill be instaled on grout pads as detailed on the drawings. Concrete clement in this seston sball be placed to oblain even surfces. The Gnished ‘concrete seaions shall be conformed accurately to the deavings, within 3mm tolerance for lve ‘ofre placing the grout pad, the concrete ares to be in contact with the grout stall be throughly cleaned of all love and foreign material that could in any ‘vay preven! bond between the grout andthe conerte surfaces, and shall be Kept thoroughly moistened With wate in minimum 24h since the commencement of ting Te strength of grou shal be according to the drawings designs the mix ‘design res shal be approved by Engineer. Renting Testing “esting of selected bearings and equipment shall be aang withthe Enginece prior oth are installed in the Works, The experiment willbe performed at an Independent laboratory approved by the Engine ‘Pot eying: Vertical proot lad test “The versal proof loa shal be 1.0 times the mixin vertical load specified inthe bearing schedule. The proof load shall be naitained Fora minimum petod ofthc minutes Pot Monrng: Rota The beatings shall bo tested in ottion to the value for rotation shown on the Drawings while Being onde in compression tothe maximum vertcat load shown on the Drawings. Bearings, which are requied to resist lateral frees, ‘al alse have the specified lateral lou stated on the Drawings opps during this text “The dietion of aplication ofthe Interloan the axis fran shall be compatitic wth the in-service loads and rotational requirements. The lateral Toad shall be applied using a ealibats sliding sulace to minimize any Fecioal restraint All PTFE and stains sect interfaces shall be lubricate prior to he fest, The test loads shal be mnaned fr tee minutes. ie Beating ns ession fests on bearings Seletd beaings shall be loaded in compression to 1.5 tines their maximum ‘design lad for 8 minimum pes of 15 hours. The bearing shall be examined ‘sully athe end of the fst while ii ill unde Toad the bulging pater Suggests laminate paraletis ofa ayer thikness that is ouside the specified ‘or noo laminate bond, the beaving shall be rejected. I thee ave "split rte mck the being shal be reece lnstomeric Beating: Shear modulus tet “The shew moduli of the material inthe finished bearing willbe evahated by fesing «specimen cst fom the bearing using the apparatus and procedure described in Annex-A of ASTM D414, comparable non-destuctive sifness test maybe conducted ona pai of Finished bearings. The shear moduls shall "Fela Spon Ba TO abt ad ipronnet 9 s an reste) 09.10 09.41 09.12 fall within 15 poreent of the specified valu. I the test ig conducted on Finished Searing, the material shear modulus shall be computed fom the eased shea sifaess ofthe beatings, taking du account of th shea snes of bearing geomstry and compressive lsd Rejection af bearings Any being that, a a vest ofthe testing specified exhibits any signs of file sch = Splitting o permanent deformation ofthe elastomer; = Surfiee of PTFE deformation ofthe elastomer; = Cracking © permanent deformation of the sealing rng or other part ofthe bearing: = Abrasive marks indicating abnormal contet benween the metal surfaces of the bearing plates or piston, and the pot; = Bearings damaged diving transport, installation or subsequent ‘onstruction operations shall slo be lable Fr rejection and replacement -Methad of Measurement “Th quate of bearing devices and dowels hall be measured by the numberof ‘each ype completed in place and sept. “The beaving quality shall be measured by the numberof heating forever type, inal in required postion, inlading the grout pod and other ivolved items inorder to complete the bearing es shown inthe doings wih te approval of Engineer Basis of Payment “The amount completed comply with regulation above as well ax requirement indicted of the draving and approved by Engineer, Employer, ill be paid based on approved quotation ad relted contacts Payment inkades the costs of the work described in this specification for the supply, testing, fabrication, transportation, coating of materials and includes the owt of labo, test saferils and eaters, tols, equipment and any othe "usliary components to complete th work a indies in the drawings and ia ‘econlace with this speifietion or as directed by the Engineer. Payment also includes fasicaton, shiping and coating of anchor steal bars, positioning anchoe brs, routing and epoxy luc Pay Hem Name Pay Unit 709-01 Robber Bearing (iz) Each 709-02 One-retion movement pot beating (ype 1) Each 709-45 Malirection movement pot boaing (Type 2) Each 709-04 Elastic pad, thickness 2m m2 ‘Fata Spon TT ebbing el Apaye roe ‘Tanaral Spite Sn 700-8

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