Medical Report Simon Lund

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Medical Record Code

Registry Number : 001-121154
Date of Come : 15th October 2023
Identity :
Patient Name : Mr. Simon Sven Erik Lund SEX :
Date Of Birth : 01st October 1993
Address : Kuta - Lombok
Nationality : Sweden
Allergy History : None
Medical Info
Type Of Service : On call Time 11.10 AM
Anamnesis: The patient came with complaints diarrhea more than 10 times in 24 hours. The patient complaint
ever start from last night. Vomiting (-) Nausea (-) Good apetite and drink.

Vital sign Blood Pressure : 110/80 mmHg Body Temperature : 37,5oC

Pulse Rate : 88 x/minute SpO2 : 99 % room air
Respiration Rate : 20 x/minute Conciusness : GCS E4V5M6

Physical Examination
General Examination:
Eyes: not anemic, not icteric
Heart: S1,S2 regular, single heart sound, no murmur
Lung: vesicular sound, rhonchi -/-, no wheezing
Abdomen : No mass, No distension, tymphany, normal bowel sound, no pain on palpation.
Extremities: warm, CRT< 2 seconds, no cyanosis, no edematous

Diagnosis :
• Acute Gastroenteritis e.c susp. Bacterial Infection dd Viral Infection

- Cefixime 100 mg 2x1 (Antibiotic oral)
- Metronidazole (Antiparasyte oral)
- Diagit 2 tablets every diarrhea ( Anti Diarrhea oral )
- L-Bio Sachet 1 Sachet per day ( Probiotic Oral )
- Scopma Plus ( Pain Killer Oral )

Medical Advice
• Avoid Vegetable & Fruit until the diarrhea are stop
• Drink Water Plently at least 2 Litters Per Day
• Take a rest for 2-3 Days and take the medicine as doctor recommended
• If the complaint worsens immediately return to the medical service

Kuta, 15 th October 2023

Attending Physician Name & Signature
dr. Silvia Irawan

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