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TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023
Nama : Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
No. Peserta : Tanggal : 30 oktober 2023
Kelas : I (satu) Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00 WIB

i. choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!

1. we say ... for this alphabet.
a. jei b. kei c. zed

2. we say ... for this alphabet.

a. dabelyu b. wai c.zed

3. it is a ...
a. ball b. chair c. table

4. it is a ...
a. bus b. jeep c. train

5. it is a apple . we spell ...

a. ei-pi-pi-el-i b. ar-ai-en-dzi c. eic-ow-es-es-i

6. it is a ship . we spell ...

a. pi-ai-eic-pi b. es-eic-ai-pi c. eic-ei-ti

7. this is a ...
a. tea b. milk c. ice cream

8. it is number ...
a. two b. four c. three

9. there are ... oranges.

a. two b. four c. three

10. we say ... for this number

a.eight b. nine c. ten

11. five plus three is ...

a. six b. seven c. eight
12. ten minus six is ...
a. four b. five c. six
13. there are ... cakes
a. six b. four c. seven

14. we say ... for this number.

a. five b. four c. seven

15. there are two ...

a. ballons b. balls c. dolls

16. there are ... ice cream

a. four b. five c. six

17. the meaning of green is ...

a. hijau b. abu-abu c. hitam

18. the grapes is ... (ungu).

a. brown b. purple c. blue

19. this is a ... apple (merah).

a. red b. yellow c. black

20. this is a ... leaf (hijau).

a. white b. yellow c. green

ii. fill the blanks with the correct answer!

21. we spell ... for this alphabet.

22. we spell ... for this alphabet.

23. it is a ball
we spell .... - .... - .... - ....

24. four plus two is ....

25. my number is....

26. eight minus one is ....

27. nine minus five is……..

28. the meaning of yellow is ……

29. the jacket is (biru) ....

30. the cat is (putih) ....

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