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ENT 319 Thermofluid Laboratory 2




The objectives of experiment are:

1.1 To study the cycle of refrigeration system and air conditioning system.

1.2 To measure related temperatures and pressure of the above systems.

1.3 To plot P-H diagram and to determine coefficients of performance (COP) of the above



Figure 1: Air Conditioner Trainer Figure 2: Refrigeration Unit

No Description No Description
1 Schematic diagram 6 Drier
2 High and low pressure gauges 7 Evaporator Cabinet
3 Flow meter 8 Condenser
4 Digital Thermometer 9 Compressor
5 Sight Glass 10 Control Board.

ENT 319 Thermofluid Laboratory 2


3.1 Fully open all valves.

3.2 Switch ‘ON’ Power supply.

3.3 Wait about 5 minutes until the system is stable.

3.4 Record the power supply of the compressor.

3.5 Record the following pressure:

i. High pressure (HP) - Red gauge
ii. Low pressure (LP) - Blue gauge
The pressure need to add 1 bar for atm pressure consideration.

3.6 Take the temperature probe.

3.7 At Compressor :
i. Measure refrigerant temperature at compressor inlet ( T1)
ii. Measure refrigerant temperature at compressor outlet ( T2)

3.8 At Evaporator
i. Measure refrigerant temperature before enters capillary tube ( T3)
ii.Measure refrigerant temperature at Evaporator outlet ( T evaporator )

3.9 Record the refrigerant flow rate at flow meter.

3.10 Repeat procedures no 4.1 to 4.9 for Air-Conditioner and fill the data in Table 2.

3.11 End of Experiment


4.1 Plot P-H diagram for Air-Conditioner and Refrigerator processes.

4.2 Calculate the rate of heat absorbed and heat rejected from the refrigerated space

for Air-Conditioner and Refrigerator processes.

4.3 Calculate the rate of work required by the compressor for Air-Conditioner and

Refrigerator processes.

4.4 Calculate the COP for Air-Conditioner and Refrigerator processes.

ENT 319 Thermofluid Laboratory 2


A) Air Conditioner Unit

Table 1
No. Description Pressure
1. High Pressure ( HP) + 1 bar (atm)
2. Low Pressure (LP) + 1 bar (atm)
No. Description Temp.

3. Temperature at compressor inlet ( T1)

4. Temperature at compressor outlet ( T2)
5. Compressor Power (watt)
6. Temperature at before capillary tube ( T3)
7. Temperature at Evaporator ( Tevaporator)

B) Refrigeration Unit

Table 2
No. Description Pressure
1. High Pressure ( HP) + 1 bar (atm)
2. Low Pressure (LP) + 1 bar (atm)
No. Description Temp.

3. Temperature at compressor inlet ( T1)

4. Temperature at compressor outlet ( T2)
5. Compressor Power (watt)
6. Temperature at before capillary tube ( T3)
7. Temperature at Evaporator ( Tevaporator)

Note :

1. Using given P-H diagram, Plot your data referring to data collected.

2. Step 1 : Draw the horizontal line of High pressure (HP)

3. Step 2 : Draw the horizontal line of Low pressure (LP)

4. Step 3 : At Low Pressure (LP) line plot T1.

5. Step 4 : At High pressure (HP) line plot T2 and T3

6. Step 5 : At point T3 draw vertical line that will cut to LP line. This intersection is point T4.

7. Step 6 : Draw a line that will connecting T1, T2, T3 and T4 .

8. Step 7 : To find the enthalpy ( x-axis), draw the vertical line to the x- axis. The intersection is the
enthalpy for that point.

9. Record the enthalpy in table 2 :

Point Temperature , ºC Enthalpy (h) , kJ/kg

Table 2
ENT 319 Thermofluid Laboratory 2

ENT 319 Thermofluid Laboratory 2

R22 P-h Diagram (SI Units)

ENT 319 Thermofluid Laboratory 2


6.1 Explain any unusual difficulties or problems which may have led to poor results

6.2 Why we need to add 1 bar for both of pressures that measured?

6.3 The operating conditions of the refrigerator are controlled by adjusting the throttle valve

(and hence the refrigerant flow-rate). Discuss why all the temperatures, pressures and

power consumption of the compressor are dependent on this variable and discuss the

difference between adjusting the compressor speed and adjusting the throttle valve.

6.4 If the refrigerant is saturated mixture at the exit of throttling valve for both of device, find

its quality.


- Make an intelligent conclusion of your experiment base on data and discussion

- Give examples in industrial application

- Is this result a kind of contribution to knowledge?


- Gives at least 2 reference

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