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Answer Key (2020)

1. Ans. C. economic development.” Clearly, the
The error lies in the third part of the retirees have much to give to the
sentence. Being preceded by the communities. So, option I is false.
helping verb ‘was’, the verb ‘know’ II: Here, Fort Lauderdale is described
needs to take on its past participle as even a retirement mecca because
form to maintain the tone of the it attracts plenty of retirees. So,
sentence. option II is false.
Thus, option C is the correct answer. III: "If you ever wanted to be useful
2. Ans. A. or needed, a small town is the place
Note that Lest is a negative word and for you..." When people have such
we do not use ‘not, never or no’ with involvement in the communities, they
lest. do not live an idle life. So, option III
3. Ans. D. is true.
Note the correct co-relative Hence, the correct answer is D.
conjunction is ‘Not only…but also’. In 8. Ans. E.
the fourth part, ‘but’ is missing which The first two paragraphs present an
must be placed before ‘also’ for the idyllic picture of the small towns as
sentence to make sense. retirement settings. But the third
4. Ans. C. paragraph starts with the downside of
Note that belonging is (uncountable) such a setting. This shift in mood
the action of the verb to belong while should be marked by a suitable
belongings is possessions or personal statement. Option E begins with "but"
items. And in the given context, the and introduces the topic that small
latter makes sense. towns may not be as perfect as we
5. Ans. A. think them to be. Hence, the correct
The Otts said they left Fort answer is E.
Lauderdale as “...Fort Lauderdale was 9. Ans. D.
getting too crowded” indicates the The paragraph suggests that there is
increase in the population of Fort a "social pressure to become
Lauderdale. Hence, the correct involved". This could be seen as an
answer is A. obligation, neglect of which might
6. Ans. C. direct resentment towards you. But
“A certified community must meet the passage doesn't make it clear how
criteria that are important to far this resentment will go. But, since
retirees…” "Access to coastal areas" is most people in the community don't
not an important factor to retirees. turn hostile, we can say that the given
People have changed their residence reference is probably false. Hence,
when places get "overcrowded", and the correct answer is D.
are advised to check travel 10. Ans. B.
convenience and availability of Morrison was advising about how to
medical facilities. Hence, the correct keep oneself busy while living in a
answer is C. small town. This advice was the result
7. Ans. D. of him living in one. Hence, the
Only option III is correct. The reasons correct answer is B.
are as follows: 11. Ans. A.
I: “Communities are actively seeking If housing options are limited, then
out retirees as a way to boost from the given options, "a suitable


home" will be the most difficult to Hence, option B is the correct

find, as experienced by the Carlsens answer.
of Walla Walla. Hence, the correct 14. Ans. C.
answer is A. The emboldened phrase is erroneous.
12. Ans. C. The word ‘found’ is the past tense of
Only options II & III are correct. The the verb 'find'. The word ‘founded’ is
reasons are as follows: the part tense of the verb 'found'
I: Doctors “...escape big cities for the which means to establish/set up.
simpler life”. This is a personal life We need a past tense in the sentence.
choice and has no relation to their Also, the preposition 'in' is used to
work environment. So, option I is express a period of time during which
false. an event happens, or a situation
II: “If you treasure your anonymity, remains the case.
you may not want to live in a place Hence, the emboldened segment
where everyone really knows your should be replaced with 'founded by
name, as well as your business…” Francisco Hernandez de Cordova in
shows that the people have no regard 1523' to form a grammatically correct
for personal privacy. They even notice sentence.
tiny details like “...a new awning on Therefore, option C is the correct
your house or whether you left 15 answer.
minutes early that day, or whether 15. Ans. C.
your cat was wandering down the The emboldened phrase is erroneous.
street.” So, option II is true. The subject in the sentence is singular
III: Of all the community activities, i.e. 'the repeated administration'.
golf and fishing are the ones Since the verb must agree with the
specifically mentioned. Clearly, main subject and not with the
there's a preference among the intervening plural object of a
retirees. So, option III is true. preposition, the verb should be
Hence, the correct answer is C. singular i.e. 'has'.
13. Ans. B. Also, an adjective is required to
The emboldened phrase is erroneous. modify the noun 'repeated
The phrase 'one of the' is always administration'. Therefore, the
followed by a singular verb. Also, emboldened phrase must be replaced
“myself” is a reflexive pronoun and is with 'the repeated administration of
used when you are the object of your small ones has proved effectual' to
own action – i.e., when “you” are make the sentence grammatically
doing something to “you.” (Ex: I correct.
could write the songs myself, but they Hence, option C is the correct
sound better when they are written by answer.
Barry Manilow and me). However, the 16. Ans. B.
pronoun "me" is used as an object. The emboldened phrase is erroneous.
(Ex: The songs are written by me.). The error is because of the usage of
Therefore, the emboldened segment adverb 'anonymously. We need an
should be replaced with 'was adjective to modify the noun 'a
employed to copy the papers for me' German translation of the Systema
to make the sentence grammatically Naturae'. Therefore, 'anonymous'
correct. must be used instead of
'anonymously'. Also, 'hitherto' means


'until now or until the point in time Hence, option C is the correct
under discussion'. answer.
Hence, the emboldened phrase can The meanings of the other words are:
be replaced by 'which had hitherto Exult: feel or show triumphant elation
been technically anonymous' or or jubilation.
'which had been technically Derision: contemptuous ridicule or
anonymous until now' to make the mockery.
sentence grammatically correct. 21. Ans. D.
Therefore, option B is the correct The sentence implies that the
answer. subject's criticisms were always
17. Ans. B. insignificant, and they never offered
Note that with the phrase ‘A group of’ constructive suggestions.
we always use a plural noun. In this All the three words, 'frivolous'
case the correct plural of ‘passer by’ meaning 'not having any serious
is ‘passersby’. Thus, option B is the purpose or value', 'thoughtless'
correct answer. meaning '(of a person or their
18. Ans. D. behaviour) not showing consideration
The sentence implies that locals and for the needs of other people', and
visitors love to move along the 'flippant' meaning 'not showing a
beautiful coastline. serious or respectful attitude' can fit
All the three words, 'meander', in the blank aptly.
'stroll', and 'roam' meaning 'wander Hence, option D is the correct
at random' are the apt fits for the answer.
blank. 22. Ans. A.
Hence, option D is the correct The sentence implies that the event
answer. was an historic one that caused a sea-
19. Ans. B. change in public attitudes.
To manage the diversity, one should Both 'momentous' meaning 'of great
be able to understand or determine importance or significance, especially
the key differences among them. in having a bearing on future events'
'Discern' meaning 'recognize or find and 'significant' meaning ' sufficiently
out' is the apt fit for the blank. great or important to be worthy of
Hence, option B is the correct attention; noteworthy' are the apt fits
answer. for the blanks.
The meanings of the other words are: Hence, option A is the correct
Putrefy: (of a body or other organic answer.
matter) decay or rot and produce a 'Sagacious' means 'having or showing
fetid smell. keen mental discernment and good
Enjoin: instruct or urge (someone) to judgement; wise or shrewd'.
do something. 23. Ans. A.
20. Ans. C. In the sentence, “Leonard calls it
The sentence implies that it was “tacit knowledge””, "it" refers to the
misrepresentation of justice when she knowledgeable gainer from the
was not allowed to speak in her own experience, not the experience itself.
defence. Hence, the correct answer is A.
'Travesty' meaning ' a false, absurd, 24. Ans. D.
or distorted representation of Even while bidding the senior
something' is the apt fit for the blank. employee farewell, the current


employees are worried about the stored by any physical means. Hence,
future in her absence. This makes the correct answer is A.
them, and by extension, the 29. Ans. E.
passage's overall tone. apprehensive. The seventh paragraph begins with
Hence, the correct answer is D. "Business can start…". We need the
25. Ans. B. previous sentence to state what
The company had to come up with a needs to be started. Option E states
board game instead of a proper this as the preparations for the
strategy. This strategy is also limited retirement of a generation. It also
to just one company (Duke). Despite provides a solution for the loss of
all the shortcomings, this is a strategy experienced employees discussed in
nonetheless, however the given passage. Hence, the correct
unconventional. This given inference, answer is E.
thus, is probably true. Hence, the 30. Ans. A.
correct answer is B. From the different parts it is evident
26. Ans. E. that the sentence aims to present a
The first paragraph talks about how comparison between forest fires in
employees retire over 10,000 times a different areas. The sentence should
day. The employees, while retiring, begin with part D. parts E and A form
take away valuable experience along an unit which list two areas. Part B
with them. So, when the paragraph which talks of a single area and uses
says “haemorrhaging its veteran the comparative ‘dwarfed’ must come
employees”, it refers to lose or in second position. This makes option
expend large amounts of experience A the only eligible correct answer.
employees. Hence, the correct 31. Ans. B.
answer is E. From the given parts, it is evident that
27. Ans. C. part B should start the sentence. This
Sunk means experiencing serious is because it draws attention to the
trouble, or unable to solve a problem. people who have the virus and the
Submerge means cause (something) rest of the sentence then goes on to
to be under water. explain their symptoms. Thus, option
Subside means become less intense, B which has part B in the beginning is
violent, or severe. the correct answer.
Slump means a period of substantial 32. Ans. D.
failure or decline. When we observe the given parts we
Succumb means fail to resist can see that part A should begin the
pressure, temptation, or some other sentence as it introduces the topic of
negative force. fires. Their immediate effect is listed
Sag means sink, subside, or bulge in part B which becomes the second
downwards underweight or pressure part. Thus, options D or E can be the
or through lack of strength. correct answer. Part B should be
Hence, the correct answer is C. followed by part C which introduces
28. Ans. A. the said ‘vicious cycle’. Thus, option D
“Knowledge is the critically-important is the correct answer.
stuff in your head that has never been 33. Ans. A.
written down.” Stuff in the head that From the given parts it is clear that
can't be written down, cannot be the sentence should begin with part B
which presents the problem. It should


be followed by part C which talks The context of the sentence is Iran is

about the issues with the problem. insisting USA to remove the sanctions
Since we have established that the first while Washington is asking Iran
sequence should go ‘BC…’ it is clear to take the first step and resume its
that option A is the correct answer. compliance with the pact, the dispute
34. Ans. E. between USA and Iran remains to be
From the given parts it is evident that huge. ‘Sanctions’ should come in
the sentence wants to point towards place of ‘insisting’ and ‘remains’
a warning issued by an authority/ should come in place of ‘pact’ to make
organisation. Thus, the sentence the sentence contextually meaningful
should begin with part A followed by and grammatically correct. Hence,
part B. this makes either options D or option C is the right answer choice.
E the correct answer. Part D talks 39. Ans. B.
about the issue of warning and thus The context of the sentence is that
comes in third spot. This makes the void created by the departure of
option E the correct answer. the US military machine should be
35. Ans. C. filled forces that are not contrary to
From the given parts it is evident that the peace, prosperity and
part E should begin the sentence as permanency of Afghanistan and its
the sentence aims to praise the quick neighbours. In this context, C-E i.e.
action of authorities while urging ‘forces-stability’ will interchange each
them regarding future actions. Now, other to make the sentence
only option C has E in the first spot grammatically correct and
making it the correct answer. contextually meaningful. Hence, B
36. Ans. E. will be right answer choice.
The above given sentence intends to 40. Ans. B.
state that India’s federal power The given sentence above intends to
structure was highly reinforced during state that Jonathan is aware of the
the 1990s as an outcome of a fact that Shashi Tharoor has accused
reluctant placing of new political the British of building the railways so
realities. Hence, D-E should that they can smoothen the process
interchange each other to make the of getting the loot out of India. In this
sentence grammatically correct and context, C-E should be interchanged
contextually meaningful. Hence, E will to make the sentence grammatically
be right answer choice. correct and contextually meaningful.
37. Ans. E. Hence, B will be right answer choice.
The given sentence is giving perfect 41. Ans. A.
sense. The context of the sentence is * 2nd Bay of Bengal Initiative for
that tit is obvious that soon, there will Multi-Sectoral Technical and
be no choice left to the state and local Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC),
authorities to restrict the activities in Disaster Management Exercise
order to manage with the disturbing (BIMSTEC DMEx-2020) was held in
surge of cases. Hence, option E is the Bhubaneswar (Odisha)
right answer choice. * The exercise was held from 11th
38. Ans. C. February 2020 to 13th February 2020
A-B and D-E will need replacement to and concluded at Puri, Odisha.
make the sentence grammatically 42. Ans. D.
correct and contextually meaningful.


* Indian Under-19 cricket team * This jacket is based on indigenous

represents India in cricket at Under- hot pressed boron carbide and carbon
19 level. nanotube technologies.
* Indian team has won four Under-19 * It has qualified all the ballistic tests
World Cups and has the best win required as per the National Institute
percentage in ODIs (77%) among all of Justice (NIJ) and the new Bureau
Under-19 national teams. of Indian Standards (BIS).
* Priyam Garg is currently the captain 47. Ans. A.
of Indian team in ICC U-19 cricket * Parasite became the first non-
world cup. English language film to win Best
43. Ans. B. Picture at Oscars 2020.
* Novak Djokovic has won Men’s * Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
single title in Australian Open 2020, Sciences (AMPAS) presented Oscars
defeating Dominic Thiem in the final 2020 (92nd Academy Awards).
by 6–4, 4–6, 2–6, 6–3, 6–4.[2] 48. Ans. E.
* It was his eighth Australian Open * Addis Ababa is the capital and
and 17th Grand Slam singles title, largest city of Ethiopia.
Djokovic also regained the ATP no. 1 * It is located on a well-watered
singles ranking from Rafael Nadal. plateau surrounded by hills and
44. Ans. C. mountains, in the geographic centre
* R.K Pachauri who recently passed Ethiopia.
away was the Chief Executive of The 49. Ans. C.
Energy and Resources Institute * India signed Memorandum of
(TERI) since 1981 and led the Understanding (MoU) with Iceland in
institute for more than three decades the field of Fisheries.
and demitted office as Executive Vice * MoU will facilitate creation of
Chairman of TERI in 2016. facilities for exchange of scientists
45. Ans. B. and technical experts and their proper
* 'Ajeya Warrior' exercise is being placement, especially in areas of
held between India and United estimating Total Allowable Catches in
Kingdom. off shore and deep sea areas.
* The fifth edition of India-UK joint 50. Ans. A.
military exercise 'Ajeya Warrior' was * According to Public Enterprises
conducted at Salisbury Plains, United Survey tabled in Parliament, Oil and
Kingdom Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC),
* It was conducted from 13th to 26th Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) and
February, 2020 National Thermal Power Corporation
* Aim of this exercise is to conduct (NTPC) were the top three profitable
army level joint training with PSUs in 2018-19
emphasis on counter terrorism * BSNL, Air India and MTNL incurred
operations. highest losses for a third consecutive
46. Ans. C. year, according to a survey 2018-19.
* Bhabha Atomic Research Centre 51. Ans. B.
(BARC) has developed India’s lightest * Khadi and Village Industries
level III plus bullet proof jacket (6.8 Commission (KVIC) has designed a
kgs nominal weight), which is named unique concept ‘Apiary on Wheels’ for
as Bhabha Kavach. the easy upkeep and migration of bee
boxes having live bee colonies.


* It has been flagged off in Delhi by * These buildings were designated in

Union Minister of MSME, Road 1993 along with the surrounding
Transport & Highways, Nitin Gadkari. landscape, under several criteria.
52. Ans. C. 58. Ans. A.
* Kaamya Karthikeyan became the * Amazon has invested Rs 11,624
youngest girl in the world to summit crore ($1.6 billion) for setting up of
Mt Aconcagua, the highest peak in two data centres on the outskirts of
South America. Hyderabad in Ranga Reddy district.
* She is a class seven student of Navy * More than 90 per cent of the
Children School (NCS) in Mumbai investment would go towards the
* Mt. Aconcagua is the highest peak high-end computer and storage
outside Asia at 6962 metres. equipment that would be housed at
53. Ans. A. these two data centres.
* The official names for Corona Virus 59. Ans. A.
as issued by WHO (World Health * President Ram Nath Kovind has
Organization) are COVID-19 and released mobile app of Red Cross
SARS-CoV-2 on 11 February 2020. Society of India in Hyderabad,
54. Ans. D. Telangana
* Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has been * The app has been developed by the
elected as the President for a second Telangana Centre for Good
term as Portugal in the first round of Governance in less than three
voting. months, the mobile app is accessible
55. Ans. D. in all languages.
* Army's College of Military 60. Ans. B.
Engineering jointly with a private firm • Noted Malayalam poet Akkitham
has developed “Parth” gunshot Achuthan Namboodiri (known as
locator device ‘Akkitham’- 93 years) has been
* It costs much cheaper than the declared the recipient of the 55th
imported ones. Jnanpith Award (country’s highest
* The device costs around Rs 3 lakhs, literary honour) for the year 2019.
and if inducted, would replace a
similar imported item which costs • His work includes Irupatham
around Rs 65 lakhs. Noottandinte Ithihasam, or the
56. Ans. B. legend of the 20th century, which is
* Theme of UN International Day of considered to have brought
Education 2020 is 'Learning for modernism into Malayalam poetry.
people, planet, prosperity and peace'.
* The theme highlights the integrated • Akkitham is the 6th Malayalam
nature of education, its humanistic writer to be conferred this award.
aims, as well as its centrality to our
collective development ambitions. • Akkitham Achuthan Namboodiri is
57. Ans. A. the recipient of the Padma Shri (in
* UNESCO World Heritage Site 2017), Kerala Sahitya Academy
Buddhist Monuments ‘Hōryū-ji Area’ Award (in 1971), the Sahitya
is located at Hōryū-ji and Hokki-ji in Academy Award (in 1973), and the
Ikaruga, Nara Prefecture, Japan. Vayalar Award i(n 2012).


• Writer Amitav Ghosh was the and rejuvenating traditional water

recipient of the Jnanpith Award in storage systems, etc
2018. - Per Drop More Crop
61. Ans. B. - Watershed Development:
• West Bengal is the largest producer Effective management of runoff water
of rice in India. and improved soil & moisture
• Rice is regarded as the master crop conservation activities and
of coastal India and in few regions of Converging with MGNREGS for
eastern India. creation of water source.
• Rice is the basic food crop and being 65. Ans. E.
a tropical plant, it flourishes • Fifth edition of biennial global pulses
comfortably in hot and humid climate. conference, 'The Pulses Conclave' was
Rice is mainly grown in rain fed areas held from February 12th to 14th,
that receive heavy annual rainfall. 2020 at Amby Valley City in Lonavala,
62. Ans. C. Maharashtra.
• Intensive agriculture is a system of • It was organized by India Pulses and
cultivation using large amounts of Grains Association (IPGA), the nodal
labour and capital relative to land body for India's pulses trade and
area. industry.
• Large amounts of labour and capital 66. Ans. D.
are necessary to the application of • Provisions of loans and subsidies is
fertilizer, insecticides, fungicides, and an institutional reform.
herbicides to growing crops, and • Improved tools and mechanization,
capital is particularly important to the Transport and Communication,
acquisition and maintenance of high- Irrigation Development, Certified
efficiency machinery. Seed Distribution, Development of
63. Ans. A. surface and ground water irrigation
• Sericulture is the production of raw and rural electrification are the
silk by means of raising caterpillars technological reforms.
(larvae), particularly those of the 67. Ans. E.
domesticated silkworm (Bombyx • 6th World Congress on Rural and
mori). Agricultural Finance was recently held
• It involves two processes: Care of in Delhi.
the silkworm from the egg stage • It was jointly organized by National
through completion of the cocoon. Bank for Agriculture and Rural
64. Ans. D. Development (NABARD) and Asia -
• PMKSY has the following Pacific Rural Agricultural and Credit
components: Association (APRACA) on 12th and
- Accelerated Irrigation Benefit 13th November.
Programme (AIBP): It focuses on • It aims at bringing together
faster completion of ongoing Major stakeholders of rural and agricultural
and Medium Irrigation including finance all over the world.
National Projects. 68. Ans. C.
- Har Khet ko Pani: Creation of new • GOBAR-DHAN stands for
water sources through Minor Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro
Irrigation (both surface and ground Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN)
water), Repair, restoration and • The scheme is implemented under
renovation of water bodies, Creating Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin-Phase


2, by the Department of Drinking day after the country's statistics office

Water and Sanitation under the Jal pegged growth in the current financial
Shakti ministry. year at 5%.
• It to augment income of farmers by 74. Ans. E.
converting biodegradable waste into * Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan
compressed biogas (CBG). (RGSA) is designed to strengthen
69. Ans. A. Gram Sabhas to function as effective
• Total horticulture production in institutions with social inclusion of
2019-20 is expected to be 313.35 citizens particularly the vulnerable
million tonnes (mt), about 0.84% groups.
higher than 2018-19, according to * Sunset date for RGSA will be 31st
first advance estimates. March 2030.
• As per the final estimates, the total 75. Ans. D.
horticulture production of the country * Third industrial policy will replace
in 2018-19 was estimated to be the industrial policy of 1991 which
310.74 mt. was prepared in the backdrop of the
70. Ans. D. balance of payment crisis.
• Contour farming is the practice of * First industrial policy was launched
tilling sloped land along lines of in 1956.
consistent elevation in order to * DPIIT had initiated the process of
conserve rainwater and to reduce soil formulation of a new industrial policy
losses from surface erosion. in May 2017 and will subsume the
• It has been proved to reduce National Manufacturing Policy (NMP).
fertilizer loss, power and time 76. Ans. B.
consumption, and wear on machines, * The 50th edition of the 2020 World
as well as to increase crop yields and Economic Forum (WEF) annual
reduce erosion. meeting was held in Davos,
71. Ans. C. Switzerland from January 21-24,
• Rural Infrastructure Development 2020.
Fund (RIDF) Deposits are drawn from * The theme for World Economic
banks who have already defaulted in Forum 2020 was “Stakeholders for a
priority sector lending. Cohesive and Sustainable World”.
72. Ans. A. 77. Ans. C.
• First Advance Estimates of * Government has extend the final
production of major Kharif crops for deadline of National Company Law
2019-20 have been released by the Tribunal (NCLT) for resolution of
Department of Agriculture, insolvency and bankruptcy cases
Cooperation and Farmers Welfare from the current 270 days to 330
• As per First Advance Estimates, the days.
estimated production of foodgrains 78. Ans. B.
crops is estimated at 140.57 million * IMF lowered down the 2019 growth
during Kharif 2019-20 showing forecast of India to 4.8% for this fiscal
decline from 141.71 million tonnes in year due to the crisis in the non-
kharif 2018-19. banking financial sector and weak
73. Ans. B. rural demand.
• World Bank on Wednesday cut 79. Ans. C.
India’s growth for financial year 2020 * National Bank for Agriculture and
to 5% from 6% estimated earlier, a Rural Development (NABARD) is


planning to raise Rs 55,000 crore 85. Ans. B.

from the domestic market in the * Retail inflation in India rises to
current financial year to fund its about five-and-half year high in
organisation's growth and also December 2019 to 7.35% surpassing
support various agricultural and rural the RBI's comfort level, mainly due to
development schemes of the spiralling prices of vegetables as
government. onions were selling costlier.
* It will raise this funds through long 86. Ans. A.
term bonds for 10-15 years tenures. * Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana
80. Ans. A. (SAGY) was launched on 11th
* Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – October 2014
National Rural Livelihood Mission * Under SAGY, each Member of
(DAY-NRLM) aims to alleviate rural Parliament adopts a Gram Panchayat
poverty and create sustainable and guides its holistic progress giving
livelihood opportunities for the rural importance for social development at
poor. par with infrastructure.
* This mission is launched by Ministry * Its distinct feature are:
of Rural Development. * Demand Driven
81. Ans. B. * Inspired by Society
* Draft National Education Policy * Based on People's Participation
2019 is based on five pillars of 87. Ans. B.
“access, equity, quality, affordability, * Share of services sector in the
accountability” and will transform Indian economy has continued
India into a “vibrant knowledge hub. accounts for around 55% of total size
82. Ans. D. of the economy and GVA growth, two-
* Maharashtra had the highest gross thirds of total FDI inflows into India
state domestic product in financial and about 38 % of total exports.
year 2019, valued at over 26.3 trillion * The share of services sector now
Indian rupees. exceeds 50 per cent of Gross State
* Maharashtra is being followed by Value Added in 15 out of the 33 states
Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. and UTs.
83. Ans. D. 88. Ans. B.
* Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen * Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) is the (PMGSY) was launched, as a one-time
skill and placement initiative of the special intervention to provide rural
Ministry of Rural Development. connectivity, by way of a single all-
* It aims to target youth, in the age weather road, to the eligible
group of 15–35 years. unconnected habitations of
* It is a part of the National Rural designated population size (500+ in
Livelihood Mission (NRLM). plain areas and 250+ in North-
84. Ans. D. Eastern States, Himalayan States,
* The ‘Agriculture Export Policy, 2019’ Deserts and Tribal Areas as per 2001
aim to double farm exports to $60 census)
billion by 2022 from $30 billion last * Setu Bharatam Programme is to
year, and will invest Rs 1,400 crore to make all national highways free of
set up specialised clusters in different railway crossings
states for different produce to push * VAHAN (an ICT-based solution for
exports. vehicle registration) and SARATHI


(for licencing) apps have been * Eligibility criteris for EWS quota:
launched to curb malpractices in * Candidate's annual family income
issuing licences and vehicle must be less than Rs. 8 lakhs per
registration. annum.
89. Ans. C. * Family must not own more than 5
* Food and Agriculture Organisation acres of agriculture land.
(FAO) has announced 2023 as the * Residential flat area should be
International Year of Millets. below 1000 sq ft.
* Millet is a collective term referring 94. Ans. C.
to various small-seeded annual * As per the Economic Survey 2019-
grasses that are cultivated as grain 20, GDP growth rate of India is 4.8 %,
crops, primarily on marginal lands in amidst a weak environment for global
dry areas in temperate, subtropical manufacturing, trade and demand.
and tropical regions. 95. Ans. C.
90. Ans. B. * Mega Food Park Scheme that
* Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan-Dhan provide finance to set up food
Yojana (PM-KMY) aims to secure the processing units, facilitate grant-in-
lives of 5 crore small and marginal aid at 50% of eligible project cost in
farmers by providing them a general areas and at 75% of eligible
minimum pension of ₹3000 per project cost in the North East Region
month, who attains the age of 60 and difficult areas (Hilly States and
years. ITDP areas) subject to maximum of
* Age eligibility for PM-KMY: 18 to 40 Rs.50 crores per project.
years. 96. Ans. A.
91. Ans. A. * NITI Aayog’s Transformation of
* National Institution for Aspirational Districts’ initiative was
Transforming India (NITI) Aayog launched in 2018 to improve the rank
releases Agricultural Marketing & of India Human Development Index.
Farm Friendly Reforms Index * It aims to remove this
(AMFFRI) heterogeneity through a mass
* AMFFRI is an index which compares movement to quickly and effectively
the status of reforms in the transform these districts.
agriculture sector across all the states 97. Ans. B.
and UTs in the country. • India was ranked 129 out of 189
* The first-ever index was released in countries on the 2019 Human
October 2016. Development Index (HDI) improving
92. Ans. C. from the 130th position in 2018.
* As per the World Economic Forum’s • HDI is part of the Human
Global Risks report 2020, top 5 risk Development Report that is published
factors belongs to environment or by the United Nations Development
climate change. Programme (UNDP).
93. Ans. D. • Norway, Switzerland, Ireland are
* 124th amendment bill seeks to the top three nations on the index.
amend the Constitution to provide 10 • Germany occupies the fourth
per cent reservation in jobs and position along with Hong Kong, and
educational institutions to Australia secured the fifth rank on the
economically backward sections in global ranking.
the general category.


• India’s neighbours Sri Lanka and ● It comprises two institutions:

China ranked higher, at 71 and 85 ● The International Bank for
positions, respectively. Reconstruction and Development
• HDI emphasizes that people and (IBRD) and
their capabilities should be the ● The International Development
ultimate criteria for assessing the Association (IDA).
development of a country, not ● The World Bank is a component of
economic growth alone. the World Bank Group, which has five
• HDI measures average achievement organizations, including the
of a country in three basic dimensions International Bank for Reconstruction
of human development: and Development (IBRD), the
1) A long and healthy life, International Development
2) Access to knowledge, and Association (IDA), the International
3) A decent standard of living. Finance Corporation (IFC), the
98. Ans. D. Multilateral Investment Guarantee
Desert Development Programme, Agency (MIGA) and the International
Drought Prone Area Development Centre for Settlement of Investment
Programme and INtergrated Disputes (ICSID).
Watershed Development Programme
were consolidated under this
component. The scheme doesn’t
follow a cluster based approach which
is followed in Rurban Mission or PKVY.
99. Ans. D.
• LibTech India had recently
conducted a study on MGNREGS that
showed the following:
o For most rural workers dependent
on the MGNREGS, their labour does
not end at the work site.
o Many of them are forced to make
multiple trips to the bank, adding
travel costs and income losses, and
face repeated rejections of payment,
biometric errors and wrong
information, just to get their hands on
their wages.
o MGNREGS: 100 days of wage
employment in rural India
o The study was conducted initially in
Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand and
100. Ans. A.
The World Bank is an international
financial institution that provides
loans and grants to the governments
of the poorer countries for the
purpose of pursuing capital projects.


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