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Writing 1
Some people believe the best way to solve world’s environmental problems is
to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. Personally, I completely
disagree with this view. The first reason relates to being an economic burden for
everyone. To be more specific, nowadays people are very dependent on vehicles. If
the cost of fuel is increased, people with low incomes will not be able to afford
them. The second reason is related to the disruptive impact on industries. This can
be explained by the fact that the increase in the price of fuel for cars and other
vehicles affects not only industries but also individuals and communities. For
example, when fuel prices increase, the shipping costs will also increase, which
may result in the increase of the retail prices of products. At that time, it will cause
losses to each consumer and industry. In short, for the reasons mentioned above, I
think that increasing the price of fuel is unnecessary, and there are many other
ways to protect the environment.
2. writing 2
Some people believe that it is a good idea that older people continue to work if
is possible for them to do so. Do you agree or disagree?
Many people argue that it is a good idea that older people continue to work if it is
possible for them to do so. Personally, I completely disagree with this view. The
main reason is older people are limited in absorbing new technology. This is
because technology is changing day by day, older people will have reduced
sensitivity to technology and that is because their age health hinders them. The eye
can not see clearly, and poor memory pathologies are a hindrance as they acquire
new knowledge from technology. Another reason is elderly people easily disagree
with the next generation. This is perfectly exemplified in the case of a company
with diverse ages in a meeting that will have many conflicting opinions. For
example, older people will base ideas on experience, but it will be safe, and young
people will have more explosive ideas and go out of their comfort zones. That is
what creates disagreements at work. On the other hand, there are now many jobs
that require people to retire before taking on new ones, which is a hindrance for
younger generations of workers. In conclusion, for the reasons I have mentioned
above, I maintain that older people should not continue to work.
3. Writing3.

Many people believe that employers should not care about how employees dress,
but they should care about quality at work. Personally, I completely agree with this
view. The first reason for this is that dressing comfortably will keep employees
more motivated to work. This is because each person has their own fashion style
choice and will feel happy and confident dressing to their taste. Employees will be
comfortable and concentrated at work, and from there the quality of work will be
increased. Therefore, if employers allow employees to dress comfortably, work
will be more efficient, and make it easier for the company to increase productivity
and quality. The second reason for this is that employers should focus on the work
environment as it is the subject of the work. The work environment includes
facilities, space layout, people, and how employees are managed. A perfect
working environment will impact the ability of employees to work and the quality
of work in a better way. In conclusion, for the reasons I have mentioned above, I
maintain that employers should not care about employee attire, what they need to
do is pay more attention to quality in the workplace.

4. Writing4.

Many employers believe that job applicants’ social skills are more important than
their academic qualifications. Personally, I completely disagree with this view. The
first reason is that People with Academic qualifications a very good people. This is
because the learning process is a long process that takes effort and willpower to be
able to earn high scores. Therefore, they confirm with employers that professional
knowledge cand academic qualifications are evidence of their trying. They work
seriously and deserve the job for which they apply. The second reason is that social
skills are accompanying conditions. This is mainly due to if one person goes to a
job whatever career in the society, after shorter times they will have some social
skills. ( more likely to exchange có nhiều khat năng trao dồi hơn những người
khôngn có bằng đại học) For example, ( cái người có những kiến thức chuyên môn
sẽ giúp ích cho công vệc hơn là những người không có ) .After all, social skills can
be encountered in ordinary life and there can be improve, but to get a good
academic qualification has to be effort a lot. In conclusion, for the reason I have
mentioned above, I maintain that academic qualifications are more important than
social skills.
5. Writing5.

It is argued that the best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports
at school. Personally, I completely agree with this view. Currently, sports are a
compulsory course at school, with many types of sports. The first reason for this is
children have social interaction when children play in a team. This is because the
compulsory nature of team sports must connect people and people, to talk about
more common, and way develop a team. Moreover, children who work in a multi-
person environment will have many conversations with each other, therefore the
social interaction of children increases invisibly.
. The second reason this is to teach children about working as a team to
collaborate. This is mainly due to members will have good interactions when
playing to conquer that sport together. It can be seen that when playing, they need
to know how to combine with each other, for example, in a group playing football,
they will have positions to match and help each other to win. In conclusion, for the
reasons I have mentioned above, I maintain that team sports are the best way to
teach cooperation of children.

6. Writing6.

Many young people are highly influenced by famous people and they tend to look
up to famous people as role models. Looking at how to learn according to
celebrities, that direction will carry more benefits than detrimental. I will discuss
the advantages of this issue. To begin with, young people will learn the
experiential knowledge that celebrities transmit. This is because when they become
famous these people have gone through a long process to succeed, so, they have
the experience of motivation to overcome that difficulty. Young people learning
these things from them will help to gain more knowledge and understanding of
how to look at problems to avoid risks when applying life.( thêm ví dụ nhưu thế
nào mà em biết, người nổi tiếng đã truyền đạt chúng như nào )Moreover, following
celebrities will boost young people's confidence. People can see that celebrities are
always confident in front of a crowd. Young people follow the confidence of
celebrities, it will be a motivation to be more confident in learning and social
interaction. When people are confident that they can do it, they will quickly
achieve the success and goals they set. However, choosing celebrities as ideal role
models requires careful reflection, and avoiding learning the bad habits of some
bad celebrities. In conclusion, for the advantages I have mentioned above, I
maintain that following young people's celebrities will benefit more than

7. Writing 7.
It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as
the South Pole. Discuss etheir advantages or disadvantages
It is sometimes argued that now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural
environments, such as the South Pole. I will discuss the disadvantages of this issue. To begin with,
scientists and tourists can travel to remote natural environments, such as the South Pole, which will
influence animals to live there. It is the same as people are living comfortably, and suddenly one day
a lot of people rushing into the house will make us scared and very uncomfortable. Animals in
remote natural environments have not been professionally trained to meet humans or are used to
living in such situations, so when they feel their habitat is being invaded, it can cause them to
migrate elsewhere. The worst thing is that when everyone lets tourists in, there will be bad people
who abuse it and catch animals there for bad purposes. The next idea is for everyone to travel to
remote natural environments that affect the life environment. If a remote environment is developed
as a tourist destination, the conditions that lead to it will degrade the environment such as building
hotels, entertainment venues, and so on. Some people take advantage of tourist destinations to
exploit the environment in that location, causing a loss of naturalness of the environment. In
conclusion, for some disadvantages, I have mentioned above. I maintain that travel to remote natural
environments should be limited.

1) Assignment 1

Many educationalists say that every child should be taught how to musical
instrument. Personally, I completely agree with this view. The first reason is
that the child will have more knowledge. This is because the child learns a lot
of than good. Children could have been taught about musical tradition, or a
lesson musical modern to improve the studies of children. Children study new
knowledge and contact with many new friends will help children learn
necessary soft skills and gain new knowledge to help children develop
themselves. The second reason for this is to have a new favorite. This is due to
the fact that today the lesson more increasing, making children study heavily as
with them. Therefore, they need an activity to relax after one day tired. That is
can musical instruments. Moreover, many lessons are taught that are not
interesting and boring, it can affect children. In that it could become one talent
when children have hoppy and attract about musical instrument. In conclusion,
for the reason I have mentioned above, I maintain that every child should be
taught how to musical instrument.

2) Assignment 2

Many people argue that extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very
dangerous and should be banned. Personally, I completely disagree with this
view. The first reason this is one sports relax. This is because everyone knows
that it is a sport that helps people reduce stress for viewers and players alike.
Although it brings some risk of injury, death, and so on. There is also no
denying the benefits of sky diving and skiing. For example, it can bring a
source of income to those who play that sport and in return those who watch
that sport get leisure time. The second reason is that people can protect
themselves. Extreme sports, which bring some risks, so the venue will have
regulations and prohibit activities that can lead to dangerous. Thinking in
another way people can also prepare safety measures such as protective gear or
learn the most intensive skills that are safest. It is necessary to be more careful
and attentive when playing this sport. In conclusion, for the reason I mentioned
above, I maintain that extreme sports shoud not be banned.

3) Assignment 3

The use of social media, e.g. Facebook and Twitter, is replacing face-to-face
contact for many people in everyday life. Discuss either the advantages or
disadvantages of this trend.
It is sometimes argued that the use of social media,e.g. Facebook and Twitter, is
replacing face-to-face contact for many people in everyday life. I will discuss
the advantages of this issue. To begin with, members of the family or everyone
can be contact more easily and quickly. This is because on social networks now
Facebook and Twitter have many ways to communicate on the application
interface. For example, everyone just needs to do a few operations on the
phone, and they can connect with each other and talk as much as they like
without having to make meet. The next idea is for everyone to have
opportunity to express more. Instead of meeting face-to-face, people will feel
shaky when presenting their opinions or ideas, so they can easily express their
feelings more than face-to-face. They will talk a lot and present a lot to make it
easier for people to understand the problem, and see the problem in the right
way. Moreover, people can express their feelings at will with interesting stickers
via video calls or on status lines. In conclusion, the use of social media,e.g.
Facebook and Twitter, is replacing face-to-face contact for many people in
everyday life it brings some advantages, as I have mentioned above

4) Assignment 4

In most countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more available.

Discuss either the advantages or disadvantages.
It is sometimes argued that in most countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and
more available. I will discuss the advantages of this. Firstly, cheaper fast food
will help people save money and time for consumers. Because cheap food
prices will be suitable for many people. For example, people with low incomes
will have an easier time choosing food to eat and they don't have to worry about
spending high money on meals every day. Moreover, fast food is easy to find,
saving people the time of finding it and processing it. It's for busy people who
don't have time to cook a meal that is the fastest solution. Secondly, more
people who know and buy will help sellers and fast food producers increase
sales. Nowadays, many people focus on studying and working so it's not hard to
come across roadside fast food stalls after a day at work or school when they
meet fast foods are cheap will be the consistent choice this. There for high
purchase demand so sellers increase turnover. In conclusion, for some
disadvantages, I have mentioned above. I maintain that fast food is becoming
cheaper and more available will brings some benefits for consumers and sellers.
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