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Listening Style Assessment

1. I prefer to have someone else read instructions when putting a model together.
2. I review for a test by reading notes aloud or by talking with others
3. I talk aloud when working a math problem
4. I prefer listening to a cassette to reading the same material
5. I commit zip code to memory by saying it.
6. I use rhyming words to remember names.
7. I plan the upcoming week by talking it through with someone else
8. I prefer oral instructions from an employer
9. I like to stop at a service station for directions in a strange city
10. I prefer talking/ listening games.
11. I keep up on the news by listening to the radio
12. I am able to concentrate deeply on what another person is saying
13. I use free time for talking with others
14. I sing or play a musical instrument well.
Total____________________ (Thinker)
1. I like to keep written records
2. I typically read billboards while driving or riding
3. I put model together correctly using written directions
4. I follow written recipes easily when cooking
5. I review for a test by writing a summary
6. I write on napkins in a restaurant
7. I can put a bicycle together from a mail-order house
8. I commit a zip code to memory by writing it
9. I use visual images t remember names.
10. I love to read books.
11. I plan the upcoming week by making a list
12. I prefer written directions from an employer
13. I prefer to get a map and find own way in a strange city
14. I prefer reading/ writing games like scrabble.

Total _____________________ (Leader)

1. I like to build things

2. I use sense of touch to put a model together
3. I can distinguish items by touch when blindfolded
4. I learn touch system rapidly in typing
5. I move with music
6. I doodle and draw on any available paper
7. I am outdoor person
8. I move easily, am well coordinated
9. I spend a large amount of time on crafts and hard work
10. I love to feel texture of drapes and furniture
11. I prefer movement games to games where on just sits (if age appropriate)
12. I find it fairly easy to keep physically fit
13. I am one the fasted in a group to learn a new physical skill
14. I use free time for physical activities.

Total______________________ (Socializer)

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