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Nitin kumar [GU-2023-1281]

Faculty of Computational Science

Assignment – I
Date of Allocation (DOA): Date of Submission (DOS):

Maximum Marks:
Semester I
Name of Program BCA

Course Course Code SCS181

Web Technologies-I

Name of Course
Dr. Raj Kamal Kaur

S. No. Assignment Questions/CO Mapped CO

Create a HTML document that has your image with a specific

01 height and width. When clicked on the images it should navigate CO1
to your profiles.
Describe the different ways that styles can be added to a page.
02 CO2

Write a short note on the followings:

03 1) CSS 2) XML CO2

Signature of Course Instructor

Verified By: __________________________ Signature ___________________
Signature of HoD

Practical 1
Nitin kumar [GU-2023-1281]
Question 1:-

I. Create a HTML document that has your image with a specific height and width. When
clicked on the images it should navigate to your profiles.

Answer:- TO create HTML document that our image a specific height and width and
click the first page on document click and go to the second page to profile on click, so we
will write the whole code in two parts:

 First create a profile page

 Second one will be a second picture page, click on we will take us to the profile

Profile page

Write the create code in html

Nitin kumar [GU-2023-1281]
Picture page:

 Second one will be a second picture page, click on we will take us to the profile

To check the profile page output:

Nitin kumar [GU-2023-1281]

Check the picture page output:

Nitin kumar [GU-2023-1281]
Practical 2
Question 2

 Describe the different ways that styles can be added to a page

Answer: - The different ways those styles can be added to a page many time all
developers to use control the layout and appearance of content here are some
common method:
I. Inline style :- The Inline style by using the style attribute inside the HTML
Code for Inline style

So let’s check the output on inline style :

Nitin kumar [GU-2023-1281]
II. External style:- This is define in separate CSS files and linked to the
HTML document using the <link> element in the <head> section.
 This method allows you to maintain a consistent style across multiple

Code for External style

Let’s check the output on External style:

Nitin kumar [GU-2023-1281]

Practical 3
Question 3
 Write a short note on the followings:
1) CSS
2) XML
 CSS: - In the world of web design and development, mastering Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) is a vital skill. CSS, a cornerstone technology of the web alongside HTML and
JavaScript, enables developers to control the visual appearance of websites. This article
provides a comprehensive introduction to CSS, covering its basic features, syntax, and

 XML: - XML stands for Extensible Mark-up Language. It is a text-based mark-up

language derived from Standard Generalized Mark-up Language (SGML).XML tags
identify the data and are used to store and organize the data, rather than specifying how
to display it like HTML tags, which are used to display the data. XML is not going to
replace HTML in the near future, but it introduces new possibilities by adopting many
successful features of HTML.

Nitin kumar [GU-2023-1281]



Nitin kumar [GU-2023-1281]

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