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PID stands for Proportional, Integral and Derivative. Controllers are designed to eliminate the
need for continuous operator attention. Cruise control in a car and a house thermostat are
common examples of how controllers are used to automatically adjust some variable to hold the
measurement (or process variable) at the set-point. The set-point is where you would like the
measurement to be. Error is defined as the difference between set-point and measurement.
(error) = (set-point) - (measurement) the variable being adjusted is called the manipulated
variable which usually is equal to the output of the controller. The output of PID controllers will
change in response to a change in measurement or set-point. Manufacturers of PID controllers
use different names to identify the three modes.
Depending on the manufacturer, integral or reset action is set in either time/repeat or repeat/time.
One is just the reciprocal of the other. Note that manufacturers are not consistent and often use
reset in units of time/repeat or integral in units of repeats/time. Derivative and rate are the same.

A proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID controller) is a generic control loop feedback
mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial control systems. A PID controller calculates an
"error" value as the difference between a measured process variable and a desired set point. The
controller attempts to minimize the error by adjusting the process control inputs.

Proportional Controller (P-Controller)

One of the most used controllers is the Proportional Controller (P-Controller) who produce an
output action that is proportional to the deviation between the set point and the measured process

OP = -kP er


OP = output proportional controller

kP = proportional gain or action factor of the controller

Er = error or deviation between the set point value and the measured value

The gain or action factor - kP

 influence on the output with a magnitude of kP

 determines how fast the system responds. If the value is too large the system will be in
danger to oscillate and/or become unstable. If the value is too small the system error or
deviation from set point will be very large.
 Can be regarded linear only for very small variations.

The gain kP can be expressed as

kP = 100 / P


P = proportional band

The proportional band P, express the value necessary for 100% controller output. If P = 0, the
gain or action factor kP would beinfinity - the control action would be ON/OFF.
Note! A proportional controller will have the effect of reducing the rise time and will reduce, but
never eliminate, the steady-state error.

Integral Controller (I-Controller)

With integral action, the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is
present. Integral action eliminates offset.

OI = - kI Σ(Er dt) (2)


OI = output integrating controller

kI = integrating gain or action factor of the controller

dt = time sample

The integral controller produces an output proportional with the summarized deviation between
the set point and measured value and integrating gain or action factor.

Integral controllers tend to respond slowly at first, but over a long period of time they tend to
eliminate errors.

The integral controller eliminates the steady-state error, but may make the transient response
worse. The controller may be unstable.

The integral regulator may also cause problems during shutdowns and start up as a result of
the integral saturation or wind up effect. An integrating regulator with over time deviation
(typical during plant shut downs) will summarize the output to +/- 100%. During start up the
output is set to 100%m which may be catastrophic.

Derivative Controller (D-Controller)

With derivative action, the controller output is proportional to the rate of change of the
measurement or error. The controller output is calculated by the rate of change of the deviation
or error with time.

OD = - kD dEr / dt (3)


OD = output derivative controller

kD = derivative gain or action factor of the controller

dEr = deviation change over time sample dt

dt = time sample

The derivative or differential controller is never used alone. With sudden changes in the system
the derivative controller will compensate the output fast. The long term effects the controller
allows huge steady state errors.

A derivative controller will in general have the effect of increasing the stability of the system,
reducing the overshoot, and improving the transient response.

PID involves three mathematical control functions working together: Proportional-Integral-
Derivative. The Proportional Control is determines the magnitude of the difference between the
set point and the error. Integral Control part is the offset of set point and the error over time and
corrects it when and if necessary. Derivative Control monitors the rate of change of the error
and consequently makes changes to the output variable to accommodate unusual changes.
Error function of a PID controller is given by:
Error = P + I + D
Kp K p de(t)
Error = Kpe(t) +
∫ e (t)dt +
T D dt
Effect on the system

P (Proportional) - KP x Verror - Typically the main drive in a control loop, KP reduces a large
part ofthe overall error.

I (Integral) - KI x ∫ Verror dt - Reduces the final error in a system. Summing even a small error
over time produces a drive signal large enough to move the system toward a smaller error.

D (Derivative) - KD x dVerror / dt - Counteracts the KP and KI terms when the output changes
quickly. This helps reduce overshoot and ringing. It has no effect on final error

Output of this type controller came from input multiply with a constant. Because: output =
Kpe(t) therefore shape of output function does not vary from input function. Variation can be
changed only with constant Kp. Output = Kpe(t) +
∫ e (t)dt therefore shape of output function
vary from input function with effect of proportional part and integral part.

K p de(t)
Output = Kpe(t) + therefore shape of output function vary from input function with
T D dt
Kp K p de(t)
effect of proportional part and derivative part. Output = Kpe(t) +
∫ e (t)dt +
T D dt
therefore shape of output function vary from input function with effect of proportional part,
integral part and derivative part.

Application of PID controllers

 Data Acquisition
Capture high-quality measurements on many channels, at high data rates.
 Integrated System
Use Channel Architecture technology to unify signal flow from sensors to software for
large systems
 Advanced Controllers
 DSP technology

Advantages PID controllers

 Reliable
 Quick response
 Take small amount of space

Disadvantages PID controllers

 Can give poor performance when used alone.
 A problem with the differential term is that small amounts of measurement or
process noise can cause large amounts of change in the output.

Difference between PID and PD controllers

PD - proportional with derivative control

PID - proportional with integral and derivative control
“P” controller just multiplies the input by some factor. “I” controller adds the previous control
action with the present control action (integration). “D” controller produces the difference of
previous and present control action. A combination of P controller and D controller is a PD


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