07-Unit 4

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Phases extra

Work and Discuss with the class where they can find job

advertisements, what information they should
complete in an application form, at what age they
can sign a contract in their country, and what they
can do to get work experience.

Lesson 1 4 Give the class a few minutes to read and

Aims complete the sentences with the words in
the box. Have a student read out the example.
To learn work collocations. Give them a few minutes and check the
To read an article about the best job in the world answers orally.
and do comprehension work.
To be engaged in pair work activities. 1 expenses; 2 allowance; 3 promotion; 4 pay rise; 5 experience

Initial phase Phases extra

Write these jumbled words on the board: ‘tge’ (get), Organize the class into four groups and invite
‘ese’ (see), ‘iegv’ (give), ‘wolofl’ (follow), ‘etll’ (tell), two of the groups to list advantages of having a
‘jyneo’ (enjoy), ‘dael’ (deal/lead), ‘ekam’ (make), monthly or weekly allowance, while the other two
‘kolo ofr’ (look for), ‘elef’ (feel). Pair up students groups list the disadvantages parents may find in
giving their children a regular allowance.
and have them order the words on the board.
Give the class a few minutes and invite them to
Once they have finished, invite them to find some
debate using the ideas on their lists.
collocations with the words discovered, eg: ‘tell a
story’, ‘tell the time’, ‘give a party’, etc. Check the
answers orally.
5 1.41 Play the track for students to listen to James

Core and Rachel and say if she gets an allowance and

what she spends it on.

Vocabulary 1 James Hey, Rachel, can I ask you a question?
Rachel Yeah, of course.
Work collocations 1 James Do you get an allowance from your parents?
Rachel Yeah. I get pocket money every month.
1 Have the class match pictures 1–4 with some James How much do you get?
of the phrases in the box. Discuss the answers Rachel £50.
orally. James Wow. That’s generous!
Rachel Yes, but I have to buy all my clothes and pay for my
Answers mobile phone with that. How much do you get?
1 fill in an application form; 2 see a job advertisement; James Only £10. I have a part-time job though.
3 pay expenses; 4 sign a contract
Yes, she does. She spends it on clothes and a mobile phone.

2 1.40 Play the track for students to listen

and repeat. Correct pronunciation if necessary.

Pay special attention to the vowel quality in Phases extra
‘bonus’ and ‘allowance’, and to stress pattern
Invite volunteers to role-play the conversation
in ‘advertisement’. between James and Rachel. Play the track once
3 Ask students to read the email and choose more for them to remember their lines.
the correct phrases. Check the answers orally.

1 saw the job advertisement; 2 apply for the job; 3 filled
in an application form; 4 signed a contract; 5 get a bonus

9 Ask students to answer the questions. Check
6 Have students work in pairs to ask the activity orally.
and answer the questions as in the example.
Model the example with a student first. Walk Answers
1 The Australian State of Queensland advertised it. 2 It was
around and monitor their work.
created to promote tourism. 3 Because it included sunbathing,
walking on the beach and cleaning the swimming pool./
Workbook page 35 Because it meant living in a multi-million dollar beach house
and getting a good salary./Because it was a job with excellent
working conditions. 4 It implied working 19 hours a day,
seven days a week. 5 He’s Queensland international tourism

Reading 1 ambassador.

The best job in the world

Reading is a skill and, as such, it should
7 1.42 Pre-reading: Work on the paratext. Draw be practised and improved on. This is
students’ attention to the pictures and the title. why it is certainly not enough to just
Have them predict what kind of job they will ask a few questions to check whether
read about. Elicit place of work, obligations, students have understood a text. We
timetables, salary, etc. Accept all answers. should develop different strategies: we
should teach students to read for gist,
Then read out the introductory paragraph
to read for specific information without
and elicit what it is about. Thirdly, play the track,
necessarily reading every single word in
if possible with books closed, and check global the text, to read for detail, to infer from
comprehension. Ask students to complete as the information they read in the text,
many sentences as possible. to get to know the meaning of words
from context, etc.
Check orally but avoid correcting much. Then
play the track a second time for the class to read,
listen and check their work again.

Answers Phases extra

1 Australia; 2 write a blog post; 3 six months; 4 the UK; 5 47 Have students close their books while you write
Note: In the text it should say `Great’ instead of ‘Grand
these figures on the board: ‘2009 – 30,000 – 34 –
(Barrier Reef)’. This mistake will be corrected when the 73,000 – 19 – 90 – 47 – 250 – 75,000 – 60 – 75,000 –
Student’s Book is reprinted for the first time. 2,000 – 730’.
Invite students to work in pairs and give them one
minute to try and remember what those figures
8 Have the class read the text again if necessary refer to in the text. Discuss the answers orally.
and correct the wrong information. Discuss
the answers orally. Answers
2009: the year when the advertisement was published;
30,000: people who filled in the application form;
1 You can’t apply for a job as a film star. You have to be
34: the charity worker’s age; 73,000: his salary in Euros;
talented. 2 People from all over the world had the chance
19: number of hours Ben had to work per day; 90: number
to apply for ‘the best job in the world’. 3 The job included
of exotic locations he visited; 47: number of video diaries
technological work (blog posts, video diary). 4 Only 16 people
he made; 250: number of media interviews he gave;
were interviewed, but over 30,000 applied for the job. 5 Ben
75,000: the number of words he wrote in the blog posts;
still gets a good salary now.
60: number of blog posts he uploaded; 2,000: number of
photos he uploaded; 730: number of tweets he wrote

Phases extra
Practise reading aloud in pairs: invite a pair to 10 This may be conducted in pairs or as a
read aloud for thirty seconds and a second pair whole class activity. Discuss what students think
for the next thirty seconds and so on. Remind the best job in the world is and why.
students they should read coherently and
cohesively, that is to say they should respect
punctuation marks and units of meaning.

Invite a student to pick a slip of paper and read
If your class is not so independent in the beginning for a second student to choose
terms of language production, you from the endings on the board and complete the
may just list seven or eight jobs for conditional sentence conjugating the verbs in their
them to rank them from the best to
correct form. Model first, eg: Student A: ‘If our club
the worst, and you may even elicit
wins the next match, …’ Student B: ‘If our club wins
and write a few adjectives describing
jobs. In this way, you are making the the next match, we will be champions.’
speaking task above more guided.
Example: Jobs: English teacher,
business executive, clothes designer, Core
international pilot, tour guide, film
star, football star; Adjectives: boring,
exciting, demanding, unusual, creative, Grammar 1
original, monotonous, fun, hard, easy,
difficult, attainable, unattainable, First and second conditional
1 Refer the class to the introductory paragraph
in the article about the best job in the world
on page 41 and ask them to underline two
sentences with ‘would’. Have students read
Closing phase out the sentences and write one on the
board. Draw their attention to the verb forms
Organize the class into small groups and give them and elicit the formula: ‘If + past simple +
four or five minutes to make up a story about one conditional’. Then draw their attention to
of the pictures in the Phases Writing generator the grammar tables and have them look at
using five of the verbs in the vocabulary box in the sentences to choose the correct words.
exercise 1. Invite each group to share their story Check orally.
with their classmates.
a present and future; b present and future; c probability;

Lesson 2
d hypothetical situation

If you consider it appropriate, elicit a few

Aims examples and ask the class to copy a short
To revise first conditional sentences. summary into their folders under the title
‘Second conditional: hypothetical situations’.
To use second conditional for hypothetical
situations about the present. Remind students that we use this type of
conditional sentences when we talk about
To do listening comprehension work based on unreal or improbable situations now or in
a radio programme about part-time jobs. the future.

2 Ask students to complete the conditional

sentences, first and second type, with the
Initial phase correct form of the verbs in brackets. Check
orally and write the answers on the board
Write these beginnings on slips of paper: ‘If our club to avoid mistakes.
wins the next match, …’ ‘If we go on using so much
water, …’ ‘If we don’t learn how to write a CV, …’ Answers
‘If I get a summer job, …’ ‘If my parents increase 1 ’ll get; 2 sang; 3 ’ll improve; 4 were; 5 doesn’t lend; 6 got
my monthly allowance, …’ ‘If I see an interesting Note: In the rubric the word ‘first’ should be removed.
job advertisement in next Sunday’s newspaper, …’ This mistake will be corrected when the Student’s Book
‘If you never tell the truth, …’ ‘If somebody offers is reprinted for the first time.
me an interesting job, …’ ‘If the weather is fine
next weekend, …’ Write on the board: ‘go – picnic’,
‘nobody – believe’, ‘buy – shoes’, ‘take – it’, ‘save –
money’, ‘be – champions’, ‘never – have – interview’,
‘not have – drink’, ‘send – CV’.

It is really important to keep students 1 If they lend you the money, there won’t be a problem.
Teaching 2 If I went to live in Britain, I’d need a new job.
focused. One simple way of doing this
3 If I go, I’ll spend all my money.
is to target your questions, paying
4 If she travelled by plane, she’d be there in ten hours.
special attention to those students
that you notice are about to use their Answers
mobile phone or are looking through 1 11 words, 3 stressed; 2 12 words, 4 stressed; 3 8 words,
the window. Also, when one student is 3 stressed; 4 11 words, 4 stressed
asked to answer, have a second student
correct his/her partner’s answer or
5 Revise first conditional questions. Provide
enlarge it.
this situation and have the class make you
questions, the answers to which you will invent:
‘I have a wedding party next Saturday. It will be
3 Give the class a few minutes to match on a farm!’ Elicit one question as an example:
beginnings and endings. Check the answers ‘What will you wear if it is too hot?’ Write the
orally. formula on the board: ‘Will + subject + main
verb + if + subject + verb in the present simple’.
Answers Also revise who questions.
1 c; 2 d; 3 b; 4 a
Then draw students’ attention to the grammar
table and give them a few minutes to look at
the questions and answer how we form second
Phases extra conditional questions: ‘Would + subject + main
Invite students to provide other endings for the verb + if + subject + verb in the past simple’.
same beginnings above. Write some of the new Write the formula on the board. If you consider
exponents on the board for class discussion. it suitable, write an example of each with the
corresponding answer and invite the class to
copy the summary into their folders under the
4 Ask students to read the text and choose the title ‘First and second conditional questions’.
correct words. Correct orally and write the
answers on the board. The stage in which we lead students
into discovering the grammar rule,
Answers is called systematization. It should
1 ’ll; 2 ’d; 3 want; 4 ’ll; 5 ’ll; 6 had; 7 saved
be clear and concise and should be
accompanied by effective use of the
board. Although students will find
all the material they need in Phases
Pronunciation Student’s Book, more precisely in the
Sentence stress and contractions grammar tables and the Language
database, the systematization stage
is rounded up when students copy a
a 1.43 Invite the class to read the sentences silently summary into their folders. This helps
and underline the syllables they think should be them visualize and internalize the
stressed. Then play the track for them to listen grammar they are focusing on.
and check their work. Discuss which syllables
carry the main stress and why.

If she’s late for work, she’ll lose her job.
If I tell you the truth, you won’t believe me.
If he liked the car, he’d buy it.

b 1.44 Play the track for the class to listen and

repeat the sentences. Then ask them how many

words each sentence has and how many of
these are stressed. If you wish, invite students to
provide new exponents and say which words in
the new exponents carry a strong stress. Discuss
the answers orally.

Phases extra Part-time jobs
Write these sentences on slips of paper: ‘You
receive an anonymous phone call saying you 8 Pre-listening: Draw students’ attention to
have won a car.’ ‘You open the door and find an pictures 1–3 and the phrases in the box.
envelope with an invitation to participate in a Discuss what tasks they think the people in
reality show.’ ‘Your best friend calls you asking the pictures do at work.
for help.’ ‘You have a very difficult test tomorrow
and the lights go out.’ ‘You are alone at home and
hear strange noises in the bathroom.’ ‘You come 9 1.45 Invite the class to read the two columns

to school and find out that all your classmates are (speakers and jobs). Then play the track for
absent.’ them to listen to part of a radio programme
Invite different students to pick a slip of paper and match the speakers with the jobs. Discuss
and tell their classmates what they would do in the answers orally.
those situations. Have them ask other classmates
what they would do, eg: Student A: ‘If I received Audioscript
an anonymous phone call saying I have won a Presenter Hello and welcome to the ‘Shout Show’! Today
car, I would ignore it. What would you do, Peter, we’re talking about money. With me in the studio
if you received an anonymous phone call saying are Jimmy, Charlotte and Rob.
you have won a car?’ Peter: ‘If I received an Teens Hello.
Presenter My guests are all 16 and still at school, but they
anonymous phone call saying I have won a car,
also have part-time jobs. So, let’s find out what
I would hang up.’ they do. What’s your job, Jimmy?
Jimmy I’m a DJ.
Presenter Wow. Where do you work?
Jimmy I usually play at my friends’ birthday parties, so it
6 Ask students to order the words to make depends where they are. I also have to prepare at
questions. Then check the questions orally. home before the parties, of course.
Presenter So what exactly do you do?
Answers Jimmy First, I use my computer to make a playlist of cool
1 Where would you live if you didn’t live in your town? songs. Then at the party, I’m in charge of playing
2 What will you study if you go to university? 3 Who will the music and making sure people want to dance!
you see if you go out this weekend? 4 Who would you meet Presenter OK, so how do you make money?
if you could meet someone famous? 5 What job would you Jimmy My friends hire me for their parties. I usually earn
choose if you started work tomorrow? 6 What would you do £50 a night, but I get to go to the party with my
if you had one million euros? mates too, so I think it’s a pretty good job.
Presenter Great, thanks Jimmy. What about you, Charlotte?
Charlotte I work in a café every Saturday. I make coffee,
7 Ask students to work in pairs and take serve customers, clean the tables and do the
washing up. I do everything, in fact!
turns to ask and answer the questions in Presenter And how much do you get paid?
exercise 6. Model with a student and then Charlotte Not much. I earn £3.50 an hour but I work for
circulate monitoring their work. eight hours every Saturday.
Presenter What do you spend the money on?
Charlotte I buy clothes and go out with my friends. I don’t
To help less fluent students, make them like asking my parents for an allowance – I prefer
read out the questions as naturally as to be independent and earn my own money.
possible. If they find pronunciation Presenter And is the job fun?
difficulties, backward build-up may Charlotte It’s OK. The conditions are quite good – I get
be useful, eg: Teacher: ‘if you go to free food! Usually some of my friends come in
and have a coffee, so I get to see them even
university?’ Student: ‘if you go to
though I’m working. And the customers are really
university?’ Teacher: ‘you study if you friendly.
go to university?’ Student: ‘you study Presenter And what about you, Rob? Tell us about your job.
if you go to university?’ Teacher: ‘What Rob Well, I work in a music shop every Saturday.
will you study if you go to university?’ We sell everything to do with music – CDs, music
Student: ‘What will you study if you magazines and instruments. My favourite part of
go to university?’ the job is helping customers to buy guitars. I give
them advice about different models.
Presenter It sounds like you enjoy your job. How much do
you earn?
Rob Nothing.
Workbook pages 36 & 37 Presenter What?
Rob A few months ago I really wanted a new guitar
but it was too expensive. So my boss gave me the
For further detail and practice, refer students guitar and I have to work for him for six months
to the Language database on pages 121–122. for free.

Presenter Wow! It’s lucky that you like your job then, if you
don’t actually get paid. Closing phase
Rob Yeah, it’s great – I can listen to music all day and
play the guitar. My boss is a really nice guy too.
And he’s going to pay me after six months! Divide the class into two teams and explain the
Presenter Great! Well, you’ve heard about three different rules. One student from team A will come out to
jobs, now we’d love to hear from our listeners – the front and you will whisper an action into his/
do any of you have a part-time job? Next, we’re her ear. This student will mime the action for team
going to ...
B to guess. Team B will ask team A a conditional
Answers question using the action they have just guessed.
1 b; 2 c; 3 a Team A answers in a complete sentence. Model
an example: Student A mimes ‘Find blood at your
10 Play the track again for students to listen and door.’ Student B guesses that action. Student C asks,
choose the correct words. Check the answers ‘What would you do if you found blood at your
orally. door?’ Student D answers, ‘If I found blood at my
door, I would phone my brother for help.’
1 at parties; 2 £50; 3 Saturday; 4 doesn’t like; 5 helping Invite students from each team to take turns to
customers ask and answer what they would do in different
situations. Give each team one point for each correct
11 Give the class a few minutes to try and write answer and another point for each correct question.
‘true’ or ‘false’. Then play the track once again
for them to check the answers. Discuss them When you do fun activities, it is very
orally. important to involve as many students
as possible. This will keep them
Answers focused.
1 true; 2 false; 3 false; 4 true; 5 false

Lesson 3
Phases extra
Invite students to imagine what a typical day Aims
in the life of each of the three speakers is like
and describe it to their classmates. Have them To learn work collocations.
include unexpected problems they think the three To read an article about trying an apprenticeship.
speakers might face and what they would do in
those situations. To learn the use of gerunds and infinitives after
certain verbs.

12 Ask students to work in pairs and take

turns to ask and answer the questions as in the Initial phase
example. If you wish, this may be conducted as
a whole class activity. Ask the class to look at the back side of the Phases
Writing generator and discuss the pros and cons
of being a firefighter, a member of a rescue team,
a pilot or flight attendant and a shop assistant.
Upgrade Accept any ideas that may crop up. Do not
overcorrect at this stage.
This activity may be done by fast finishers once
they finish any of the exercises in the lesson
while the rest of the class do it as homework.
Alternatively, it may be done by the class as a
whole. Have students read the situations and
complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. Elicit the first as an
Vocabulary 2
example. Work collocations 2
Answers 1 Draw students’ attention to the three pictures
1 didn’t live, would live; 2 had, would call; 3 save, ’ll buy; and invite them to match them with the
4 keeps on, ’ll pass; 5 would pass, weren’t; 6 wins, ’ll be phrases in the box. Make sure they understand
the meaning of all the phrases. You may use
definitions to explain the ones that are not in
the pictures. Discuss the answers orally.

1 do an apprenticeship; 2 lose a job; 3 serve customers Reading 2
Try an Apprenticeship
2 1.46 Play the track for the class to listen 5 Pre-reading: Draw students’ attention to
and repeat. the pictures in the reading text and elicit
what the teenagers are doing. Invite the class
3 Ask students to match beginnings 1–6 with to predict the connection between the pictures
endings a–f. Check the answers orally. with the title and the caption at the bottom.
Ask where they think they can find a text like
1 c; 2 f; 3 b; 4 e; 5 a; 6 d this. Accept all answers at this stage.

They are learning a job./They are doing an apprenticeship.
Phases extra
Practise reading the previous exercise aloud as a
text and have students ask and answer questions 6 1.47 Play the track, if possible with books
on it. Check orally. Invite some of the students closed, and check global comprehension – ask
to write the questions on the board for class what students have understood. Then invite
correction. the class to follow the reading and play the track
a second time for them to listen, read and then
answer the questions. Check the answers orally.
4 Have the class read the text and write six Answers
missing verbs in the correct place. Check 1 You can learn new skills, such as computer programming
the answers orally. or hairdressing. 2 Sports coach and baker. 3 You must consider
the skills you want to learn and what type of jobs you might
Answers enjoy. 4 She learned how to make bread and cakes. 5 Yes, she
George Simmons used to work full-time in a department store says it was a great experience. Because she might possibly
in London. He earned a good salary and the customers said he apply for a job as a baker when she leaves school and through
was a polite man. George worked hard. He learned new skills this experience she learned how to do the job.
and got two promotions but one day, a new manager was
appointed. His name was Robert Gums. Mr Gums was always
in a bad mood and didn’t like George and George knew it,
so he made a great effort not to lose his job. But one day, Phases extra
George made a mistake. He sold a bookcase that cost £590 Give the class two minutes to scan through the
but he charged £59! That was the perfect excuse. Mr Gums text and underline the work collocations they find.
fired George immediately and now George is unemployed. Divide the class into two teams and have students
from one team read the collocations for the
ones in the other to make sentences with those
collocations. Students use the work collocations
Phases extra in sentences referring to them, their friends or
Give the class a few minutes to write three
questions they would like to ask Mr Gums and
three they would like to ask George. Remind them
that the answers to those questions should not Invite students to read the two
be in the text. Elicit an example: Student A to Mr sentences in the Language Tip box
Gums: ‘Have you worked as a manager before?’ and explain they express a remote
Then have students work in pairs and take turns possibility. Elicit further examples in
to ask and answer the questions. Walk around and connection with work about them.
monitor their work. Make sure everybody understands that
the modal verb ‘might’ is followed by
a bare infinitive form.

Activities like the one suggested above

help students develop their inference Grammar 2
capacity as well as their speaking skills, Gerunds and infinitives
and because it is pair work, it increases
students’ talking time! 7 Have students read the text and find verbs
followed by a ‘to infinitive’ form. Then do
the same for gerunds. Have the class read the
sentences in the grammar tables and complete
Workbook page 38 the rules. Discuss orally. Ask the class if they can
add more verbs to the two lists.

a to infinitive (other verbs: make up one’s mind, refuse,
choose, offer, ask, etc); b gerund (other verbs: miss, avoid,
can’t help, enjoy, practise, etc)
Phases extra
Invite students to work in pairs and add an ending
to the story in exercise 9 using at least three verbs +
8 Ask students to read the sentences and choose preposition + -ing. Give them five minutes to do so
the correct words. Check the answers orally. and check the work orally.

Answers Possible ending:

1 to do; 2 to do; 3 working, getting; 4 giving; 5 getting; ‘So she emailed an application form to a plumbing
6 to buy; 7 talking company in central London explaining that she was
really keen on learning new skills as she was seriously
thinking of becoming a plumber. Fortunately, a few
hours later, she got an answer. The personnel manager
Phases extra suggested meeting the following day to walk around
the company and discuss the possibilities of joining it.
To personalize, elicit further examples about Of course, Vera agreed but the following morning, when
students themselves using the verbs in exercises 7 she left home to go to the company, she missed the
and 8. train. When she finally arrived, she apologized for being
late; however, the manager told her that was not a good
start because they were looking for a really responsible
9 Have the class complete the sentences with
the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Check
orally and write the answers on the board to 10 Ask students to match beginnings 1–5 with
avoid mistakes. endings a–e. Check the questions orally.
Answers Answers
1 to apply; 2 to get; 3 to learn; 4 to buy; 5 getting; 6 to repair 1 c; 2 e; 3 b; 4 d; 5 a

Draw students’ attention to the

Loading box and remind them that 11 Invite students to work in pairs and
prepositions are always followed by take turns to ask and answer the questions in
an -ing form. ‘Before’, ‘after’ and exercise 10. As they do so, circulate monitoring
‘without’ are prepositions and so are their work.
‘in’, ‘of’, ‘about’, ‘at’, etc.

Workbook pages 39 & 40

Prepositional verbs such as ‘be

interested in’, ‘be keen on’, ‘be accused For further detail and practice, refer students
of’, ‘be in charge of’, ‘be responsible to the Language database on page 122.
for’, ‘apologize for’, ‘complain about’,
‘worry about’, ‘think of’, ‘specialize
in’, ‘quarrel about’, ‘object to’, Closing phase
‘know about’, ‘forget about’, etc, are
followed by a gerund, eg: ‘She never Divide the class into two teams and the board into
worries about getting to school on two parts. Then invite students from each team
time.’ to take turns to come out to the board and write
in one minute as many infinitives and gerunds as
possible, eg ‘to go’, ‘going’, ‘to visit’, ‘helping’, ‘to
travel’, ‘staying’, etc.

Explain the rules of the game: Read sentences

for them to complete with either a ‘to infinitive’
form or a gerund. Each team will use the verbs in
their side of the board to complete the sentences.
Read the beginning and ending of each sentence
and when a student thinks he/she knows how to
complete it, he/she should raise his/her hand. Each
student that provides a complete sentence with
the correct form of the verb scores five points
for their team. Provide an example: Teacher:
‘Mary enjoys … her holidays in the Caribbean.’
Student A: ‘Mary enjoys spending her holidays in
the Caribbean.’ (‘spending’ should be one of the

verbs on the board) If the verb that completes the
sentence is not on the board, students should say,
‘Skip it!’ If a student gives a wrong answer, the
team loses five points.
Read out these sentences: ‘My sister forgot … the
front door and a thief stole our TV set.’ (to lock);
At work
‘Are you planning … on holiday this year?’ (to go);
‘Are you interested in … a new MP5 player?’ (buying); 1 1.48 Draw students’ attention to the picture

‘What course have you decided … at university?’ (to and invite them to predict what they think David
do); ‘Who is responsible for … the school when all and Rachel can be talking about, associating the
the students have left?’ (cleaning); ‘Has any of your picture and the title. Then play the track for the
friends ever been accused of …?’ (stealing); ‘Studying class to listen to the first part of the conversation
English involves … words up in a dictionary.’ (looking); and answer what David has been doing.
‘Have you ever thought of … Egypt?’ (visiting); ‘Are
teenagers keen on … classical stories?’ (reading);
Rachel Hi, David!
‘Have you already made up your mind what … after David Hi, Rachel. How are things?
leaving school?’ (to study); ‘I can’t help … sad when Rachel Great. You look really tired. How was your first day
I see people begging in the street.’ (feeling); ‘Would at work?
you mind … me your new T-shirt?’ (lending); ‘My David It was OK. I’m so tired though.
Rachel Is it a good job?
best friend refused … with me to the One Direction
concert next Saturday.’ (to go); ‘Students generally Answer
promise … hard during the year but they never keep He has been working.
their promise.’ (to study); ‘Do you usually complain
about … too much homework?’ (having)
2 1.49 Play the second part of the track for students
to listen to David and Rachel’s conversation and

Lesson 4
tick the parts of the job that David likes and
dislikes. Discuss the answers orally.

Aims Audioscript
David Well, it’s got good and bad aspects really.
To develop speaking skills: At work. Rachel What do you mean?
David On the upside there are my colleagues – they’re really
To read an article about famous financial friendly.
institutions and do comprehension work on it. Rachel That sounds great. What else do you like about it?
To write a letter of application. David Well, the best thing is definitely the food. The pizzas
are great.
Rachel Excellent! I’ll have to try one. So, what’s the downside?
David I don’t like working long hours. But the worst
Initial phase thing is …
Rachel Yes, what’s the worst thing?
David Being a waiter is actually quite boring!
Use the sentences in the Upgrade section to work
orally in a game-like fashion. Divide the class into Answers
likes: his colleagues, the food
two teams and explain the rules: students from
doesn’t like: the hours, the work
each team take turns to read out the beginnings
and complete the sentences with as many endings
as they can think of. They have thirty seconds to 3 Play both the first and second part of the
do so. When a student fails to provide an ending, conversation again and give students time to
the opposite team starts with a new sentence. Each practise and act out the dialogue. If necessary,
correct ending gives the team five points. Provide you may go through the text bit by bit asking
an example: Student A from team A: ‘I really don’t students to repeat the sentences first.
mind getting up early.’ Student A from team B: ‘I
really don’t mind coming to school in the morning.’
Student B from team A: ‘I really don’t mind having a Speaking task
lot of homework.’ The winner is the team with the
best score. 4 Invite students to work in pairs, choose a job and
prepare a similar dialogue with a friend. Give
them a few minutes to prepare the conversation
and then invite them to act it out. Monitor their
work but avoid interrupting to correct. If there
are important mistakes, just write them down
and comment on them once the activity is over.

It is not easy to develop students’
speaking skills as they very often A letter of application
just get stuck and produce one-word
sentences. To avoid this, try to give 7 1.51 Discuss what a letter of application
very clear instructions and time all
is and what information it should include:
your speaking activities carefully,
personal data, qualifications, past experience,
remembering that every lesson should
be balanced and speaking tasks should expectations, reasons why the applicant
not take too long so that students do considers himself/herself suitable for the job,
not run out of ideas. availability, etc. Then invite students to read
Louise’s letter and use the phrases in the box
to complete it. Give them three or four minutes
Diversity to do so and play the track for them to listen
and check their answers.
Famous financial institutions
1 writing to apply; 2 plan to continue studying; 3 have been
5 1.50 Discuss what students think a financial
interested in computers; 4 learning to write; 5 a hard-working
institution is and if they know any in their and responsible person; 6 send me more information; 7 to
country. Then play the track for the class to hearing from you
read, listen and answer the questions. Give them
a few minutes and check the answers orally.
Ask students to read the box silently
Answers and make sure they understand the
1 Possible answer: Because London is one of the most
meaning of the phrases given. Elicit
important cities in the world. 2 It is in the heart of the City
other ways of expressing the same, eg
of London. 3 Because the building is famous. 4 It makes new
coins or notes. 5 No, it isn’t. 6 It has been there since 1968. ‘I am writing in reference to … / with
regard to …’ ‘I would appreciate it if
you could …’ ‘Looking forward to a
positive answer …’
Phases culture
A financial institution is an institution that
provides financial services for its clients or 8 Ask students to read the letter again and
members. Basically, these institutions include answer the questions orally.
banks, insurance companies and pension funds
among others. Answers
1 She wants to study Business Studies at university. 2 She
has been interested in computers since she was eight years
old. 3 She can use Word, PowerPoint and Excel, and she is
also learning to write computer programs. 4 She is a hard-
Phases extra working and responsible person. 5 She is sending her CV and
Ask students to write five false statements about a reference from her ICT teacher.
the text in exercise 5. Have them exchange their
sentences with a partner for him/her to correct
them. Discuss some of the sentences orally.
9 Have the class order the words to make
sentences. Check the sentences orally.

6 ABOUT YOU Ask the class if they know 1 I look forward to hearing from you. 2 I am writing to apply
for a job in your café. 3 I would be very grateful if you could
what the most important bank in their town/ send me some information. 4 I am enclosing my CV. 5 I am
country is and what information they can find available to attend an interview.
in their website. This activity may also be set as
homework with students visiting the websites
of different banks. You may also invite the class
10 Ask students to write a letter applying for a
work experience position at a company in their
to visit the website of the Bank of England
town following the three steps given. Read
(bankofengland.com.uk) and compare.
step by step discussing possible answers to each
question. Give the class time to write the letter
either individually or in pairs. Step 1: Have
students decide what company they want to
write to and why. Tell them to highlight their
skills and think of what information to send
with the letter. Step 2: Have students write
their first draft including as much personal
information as possible. Tell them to make it

clear that they are applying for a job so that people, objects, etc. Write ‘stock market’ and ask
their work experience and their skills are to what they know about it.
be mentioned. Point out the use of some of
Read out the text below and check comprehension
the formal phrases in their letter. Step 3: Ask
through these questions, which you may write on
students to edit their work carefully bearing
the board so that students focus their attention on
in mind the use of tenses, linkers and paying
them: ‘What is the stock exchange?’ ‘Why do big
attention to vocabulary range. Finally, ask them
companies sometimes sell shares?’ ‘When do you
to write the final copy.
become a shareholder?’ ‘Why is the Dow Jones so
Learning to write is a complex process, ‘We often watch in the news on TV or hear on
so we should try to make it simpler to the radio that the stock market had a great
guarantee better and faster results. performance or that the Dow Jones went
We should work on the preparation
down and economists are worried. What does
stage, that is to say, making sure
all this mean? The stock market is an everyday
students receive enough linguistic
input before they actually set onto term we use to talk about a place where
writing. Secondly, we ought to make stocks and bonds are bought and sold. This
students aware of the importance may be a way of investing money or a way
of the editing stage. This should be of speculating. The main aim is to buy shares
done gradually, starting from simple and sell them after some time for a higher
sentences. Finally, we should remember price. Big companies often sell their shares
that positive, encouraging feedback is for different purposes, for example, they may
essential as well as inviting students to sell some shares to develop a new product, to
display their work in the classroom and enlarge their offices, etc. When a person or
share it with their classmates.
company buys shares, they hope to make more
money by selling the shares they have bought.
However, they may lose money if those shares
Workbook page 42 go down instead of up. The moment you buy
shares you become a shareholder, so you own
a small part of the company whose shares you
Closing phase have bought.
Some rich people just buy shares of
Invite volunteers to read out their letters and companies that have financial difficulties,
discuss mistakes with the whole class. Write some of so they pay a very low price for the shares
the mistakes on the board for class correction. and when the company gets better, the
people sell the shares at a much higher price.
This is called speculation.
Lesson 5 The stock index that people around the world
watch to see if the shares are going up or
down is the Dow Jones. Why is the Dow Jones
so important? Because it shows how the most
To learn factual information about famous important companies in the world have traded
financial crisis. during a standard session in the stock market.’
To read about the Great Depression in the USA. Discuss what students think about people who invest
To investigate and write an article about critical in the stock market, if they know anybody who does,
financial periods. if they think this is positive for the country, if they
are interested in this or not at all, etc.
To integrate what students have learned so far
on a project about an important financial crisis
and do a progress check. Core
Culture: About famous
Initial phase financial crisis
Draw students’ attention to the pictures and
Write the word ‘economy’ on the board and elicit a description. Ask what they think the big
brainstorm what students can associate with it, eg background picture shows: the stock market screen
‘money’, ‘investment’, ‘dollars’, ‘pounds’, ‘losses’, showing the shares day’s quote.
‘companies’, ‘risks’, ‘inflation’, etc. If possible, as you
write down the words students mention, organize Invite the class to read the text and as they do
them into categories: nouns, verbs, etc, or actions, so, write these questions on the board to check

comprehension: Post-reading: Invite the class to work in pairs and
summarize the text about the Great Depression in
1 What is a stock market crash?
the USA in three sentences. Discuss orally. Ask the
2 Why are investors afraid of a crash?
class what new words they have learned.
3 What was Black Tuesday?
4 What was the great consequence of this
5 What do you understand by a period of Phases culture
economic depression? Herbert Hoover (1874–1964) was the American
president when the Great Depression began.
Possible answers
He declared in March 1930 that the USA had
1 It’s a financial collapse in which stock prices fall quickly and
people lose a lot of money. 2 Because they run serious risks
‘passed the worst’ but the crisis had just begun
of losing all the money they have invested. These are usually and would last until the outbreak of the Second
important amounts. 3 It was the day when Wall Street collapsed World War (1939).
on 29th October 1929, and a lot of Americans lost a lot of The causes of the Great Depression include
money. 4 First, a lot of Americans lost a big amount of money a weak banking system, overproduction, a
and had important debts. Many people no longer trusted bursting credit bubble, the fact that farmers
their banks so banks had no money. Because banks often have and industrial workers had not shared in the
branches in different countries, the crises extended to other prosperity of the 1920s, among others. During
countries, causing a long period of economic depression. 5 A the worst years of the Depression (1933–1934)
period in which people do not have cash and so avoid buying
the overall jobless rate was 25% (1 out of 4
unnecessary things, which brings about unemployment, poverty,
the youngest members of the family usually leave their homes
people) with another 25% taking wage cuts or
looking for better working conditions, etc. working part-time.

Remember that the main aim of this

section is to learn factual information
about great events in history as well as
Closing phase
using specific vocabulary, which in this Give students two minutes to go through this unit
case is about economy. This is why it is in their books and then ask them to mention one
important to let students use the new thing they have learned or they remember from
words as much as possible to help them the unit, eg ‘Doing an apprenticeship can be a
remember them.
good opportunity to learn new skills and get work

History: The Great

Depression in the USA
Pre-reading: In order to activate
An important financial crisis
students’ schema, read these sentences Step 1
for the class to say which ones they think are true
about the Great Depression in the USA: Explain to the class they will write an article on
critical financial periods in their country. To do this,
1 A lot of people got very good jobs in they will investigate individually to find out what
Washington. (False: Many people lost happened and when, the causes and effects of the
their jobs.) crises, how the country recovered, etc. This ought
2 Some factories reduced their workers’ to be set as homework. Remind them to get charts
hours and wages. and pictures to illustrate their work.
3 No factories closed down. (False: A lot did.)
Step 2
4 Those people who cultivated the land
could eat what they produced. Once they bring the information to class, organize
5 Many people couldn’t afford to pay their students into groups and invite them to compare
bills. the information they have gathered. Ask them
6 Many people bought new houses on the to choose two critical periods and write two
coast. (False: People lost their houses if paragraphs about them using the vocabulary
they had loans that they couldn’t pay.) they have learned in the unit. Remind them that
7 The Great Depression ended with the they ought to write an article, so they should
beginning of the Second World War, also provide a suitable title.
when the USA had to build a lot of ships,
airplanes and weapons quickly.
Have the class read the text and check their answers
to the questions above. Discuss their work.

Step 3

Have the class edit their work carefully before

writing the final copy. Finally, invite the groups to
share their articles with their classmates. To round
up, invite the class to vote for the most insightful
and informative article.

Progress check
1 1 expenses; 2 bonus; 3 pension; 4 promotion;
5 advertisement; 6 contract
2 1 B fired, is; 2 learn, do; 3 lost; 4 serving; 5 earning
3 1 become; 2 would be; 3 don’t apologize; 4 would, do;
5 ’ll lend
4 1 I always look forward to playing with my best friend.
We always have a great time. 3 I’ve arranged to meet
Monica at 7 pm today. 4 Mary has decided not to do
a degree in psychology. She has discovered that she is
more interested in chemistry. 5 Do you mind opening
the window, please? It’s too hot here. 6 I don’t really
want to go out. I prefer staying at home. 7 My boss has
promised to give me a pay rise at the end of next month.
5 1 has; 2 about; 3 to; 4 working; 5 want; 6 retiring; 7 would;
8 don’t


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