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10.10.2023 0 FOR APPROVAL












4.1 Pre-execution Preparation and working permits

4.2 Preparation work

4.3 Topographic

4.4 Polygon method for determining coordinates

4.5 Tack Welding of Bolts and Nuts

4.6 Installation of Accessories and Tower Grounding

4.7 Checking the Verticality of Towers and Acceptance


1. List of Erection Equipment and Tools

2. Particular Technical Requirements


This procedure describes the surveying method to determining site point for the Tower
275kV Transmission Line of The Batang Toru Hydro Electric Power Plant Project.
Sub-Contractor emphasizes that PT North Sumatera Hydro Energy (“Employer”) has
assigned BUT. Sinohydro Company Limited (“Contractor”) to develop the 275kV grid
system in Batang Toru which serves to evacuate power from Batang Toru Hydropower
Plant’s switchyard to Existing PLN’s 275kV Padang Sidempuan – Sarula Transmission
Line (“Project”).
275kV Transmission Line of The Batang Toru Hydro Electric Power Project involves the
construction of a 275kV overhead transmission line from the Switchyard located at
Batang Toru to Existing PLN’s 275kV Padang Sidempuan – Sarula Transmission Line.
The overall line route length is approximately 16 km for each Line A and B.. The Project’s
line route is located along Bukit Barisan and within Tapanuli Selatan districts.
The sub-Contractor understands that all documentation within the project specification is
either preliminary or conceptual in nature and shall be further developed and completed
in accordance with dedicated Contractor specifications and related PLN standards.

This method/statement covers the work stages, tools and equipment and other
appropriate requirements in the execution of the erection of transmission lines tower.

The purpose of this method statement is as a guidance for establishing the work
execution in regard to align with Health, Safety and Environment requirement, meet to the
planned time schedule and comply with the Contractor’s technical requirements.


The sets of equipment, tools and materials shall be customized with the erection works
methodology and timeline.
The followings are (but not limited to) the sets of the equipment, tools and materials for
the erection works:
1. Total Station
2. Land Tripod
3. Prism AK
4. Prism Poligon
5. Measuring Tape
6. Measuring signs
7. Auto Level
8. Compass
9. GPS Handheld
10. Poligon Calculator / scientific Calculator

Safety equipment/personal protective equipment, i.e.:

1. Safety helmet
2. Gloves
3. Safety shoes/boot
4. Eyeglasses (if needed)


4.1. Pre-execution Preparation and working permits
4.1.1 Ensure the technical specifications and reference drawings.
Ensure the technical document and reference drawings.

4.1.2. Create an surveying schedule.
a. Determination of knowing point and orientation to be measured.
b. Plan a route that allows a Polygon path for the Instrument standing position
and the next observable point.
c. Determining the method based on the type of terrain, location access,
availability of equipment, workers and other considerations.
4.1.3. Working Permits dan Safety Precautions
a. The contractor’s Working Permits and other appropriate permits have been
b. Contractor’s Permit to Works (PTW) has been approved.
c. HIRADC, JSA and other safety precautions have been prepared and

4.2 Preparation work

4.2.1 Determination of knowing point and orientation to be measured.
4.2.2 Preparation before operation
Before taking measurements with a Total Station, first prepare the necessary
tools such as a tripod, prism, data cable and spare batteries. After that, check
the condition of the tool to see if it is still functioning properly and make sure
the battery is fully charged.
4.2.3 Initial Total Station settings
In this step, make sure the Total Station is installed correctly on the tripod and
the horizontal level can be adjusted. Then, turn on Total Station and select
the language you want to use. After that, do the initial settings such as
determining the station coordinates and orientation.
4.2.4 3. Use of Prism
The prism functions as a Total Station measurement target, the prism can be
used to be placed on a measuring rod or tripod. Make sure the prism is
installed correctly according to the instructions and can be reached by the
Total Station. Use a control stick to lift the prism during the survey.
4.2.5 Observation Technique
Total Station observation techniques can be carried out using several
observation methods, namely:
a. Single Angle Measurement this method is used to measure one angle the first
time you make an observation. The way to observe this angle is by aiming at
point X on the prism, then reading the angle produced by the Total Station.
b. Repeat Angle Measurement this technique is similar to the previous
technique, the difference is that this method is used to measure the same
angle repeatedly to get an accurate measurement. By resetting the total
station to the starting point and repeating the measurement to reduce
measurement error.
c. Tracking Mode this measurement method is similar to angle observation in
single angle measurement, the difference is that this technique is carried out
over a long period of time to observe and then process angle data
continuously and update the data at certain time intervals.

4.3 Topographic
a. Topographic measurement is a measurement that is focused on gives an idea
of the state of the ground surface, the rise and fall of the terrain (relief) here all
the details (field objects) are measured to obtain a map complete. The results
of these measurements are in the form of a topographic map which will be
displayed use for planning according to the purpose of the measurement itself.
A topographic map is a presentation of a portion of the earth's surface relief,
hydrography, and vegetation. Topographic measurements in o determine and

bind the orientation coordinates from a known point (BM)and so on From the
BM to Tower site point:
1. Polygon Measurement (angle and distance data).
2. Elevation Measurement (data on the difference in ground surface height
between points stake).
These topographic measurements will be this is carried out to determine and
bind the orientation coordinates from a known point (BM)and so on From the
BM to Tower site point.

b. Basic Mapping Framework

In Geodesy, it is known to recognize basic framework points, namely the
framework horizontal and vertical framework. The horizontal framework is in the
form of coordinates – Horizontal or planimetric coordinates (X,Y) are points
obtained from measuring angles and distances. Meanwhile, the vertical framework
is obtained from measurement of height difference or flat alignment. The basic
framework for the mapping is in use as a reference or binding point in measuring
the situation (detail).

c. Horizontal Framework
The measurement steps are as follows:
1. Set up the theodolite measuring instrument at point P, then adjust it accordingly
2. Direct the scope's crosshairs to point A, then clamp/lock it horizontal screw and
vertical screw, to align the aiming line scope to target point A move the horizontal
fine drive screw and vertical.
3. Reading the horizontal direction on a horizontal disk, for example: Pa,this
reading is called reading in Ordinary position (B).
4. Loosen the horizontal and vertical screws, then align the lines aim the scope at
point B. Clamp/lock again the horizontal and vertical screws, To align the scope's
crosshairs to target point B, move the screw horizontal and vertical smooth drive.
5. Reading the horizontal direction on a horizontal disk, for example: Pb, This
reading is called reading in Ordinary position (B)
6. The scope is reversed/rotated 180˚ and aimed again at point B, then read
horizontal direction, for example: Lb, this reading is called the Outside reading
Ordinary (LB). g. The binoculars are aimed at point A, then read the horizontal
direction, for example : La, this reading is called Extraordinary reading (LB). Pa
measurement (B), Pb (B), La (LB), Lb (LB) are called series measurements, while
the magnitude the horizontal angle (single) point P is the average difference
between Ordinary and Extraordinary readings:

Sp = (Pb – Pa) + (Lb – La)


single measurement

d. Azimuth
Azimuth is the horizontal angle that starts from the north and is rotated clockwise
the magnitude is between 0-360˚. Magnetic azimuth is azimuth that starting from
one end of the magnetic needle, ending at the objective end of the line aim and

the magnitude is the same as the reading number. Azimuth function; Provides
north orientation and as a yield control angle measurement. Example of azimuth
calculation using known coordinates for example, known coordinates A (XA, YA)
and coordinates B (XB, YB).

AB = arc tan XB - XA
AB = azimuth A – B
XB – YB = Coordinate Point B
XA – YA = Coordinate Point A

e. Distance Measurement
Distance is length in the horizontal plane. In distance measurement, method
used are:
1. Direct distance measurement
Direct distance measurement is distance measurement carried out using
The results obtained can be seen directly by reading the tool without
through a calculation process. For example, the tool used is a measuring
laser distance or measuring tape

Point Point
direct horizontal measuring distance

Terrain Surface

2. Indirect distance measurement

The distance is known through a calculation process. For data calculations
What is needed is the reading of the threads on the signs (BA, BT, BB)
and the angle vertical.

The Optical distance formula is: Zenith

Optical Distance = 100 x ( BA – BB )

Flat Distance = 100 x ( BA – BB ) . Cos² ( H ) or
Level = 100 x (BA – BB). Sin² ( Z )

Horizon Line
BA : Top thread
BT : Middle Thread
BB : Bottom thread
H: Helling angle
Z : Zenith angle

Distance A - B

4.4 Polygon method for determining coordinates

a. Polygon
Polygon meaning is a series of consecutive lines whose length and direction
are determined from field measurements. The polygon method is a positioning
method more than one point on the surface of the earth, which is located
lengthwise so that forming a polygon The elements measured in polygon
measurements are elements of angle and distance, if the initial coordinates
are known (BM), then the points are other coordinates of the polygon can be
determined (Point of Tower site).

b. Bound Open Polygons

A bound open polygon is a polygon method whose start and end points are
bound by coordinates and azimuth or by two coordinates at start and end
measurement. This type of polygon has advantages compared to other open
polygons. In this polygon, angle errors and distance errors can be detected
control by knowing the initial azimuth and initial coordinates and azimuth end
and end coordinates. To determine the coordinates of the tower point, we use
method an open polygon tied to a benchmark whose coordinates are already
known and fixed are as follows:

Drawing caption :
In a perfectly bound open polygon the geometric conditions apply the conditions
that must be met are:

∑  = (P – Q - A – B) + n * 180° (For interior angle)

∑ (d * sin ) = XP - XB
∑ (d * cos ) = YP – YB

In general, the results of measuring distances and angles do not meet the above
requirements, but it will be :

∑  + f  = (P – Q - A – B) + n * 180° (For interior angle)

∑ (d * sin ) = XP – XB + f∆X
∑ (d * cos ) = YP – YB + f∆Y

In this case :

∑ = number of measuring angles
n = number of polygon points
f = closing angle measurement error
∑ (d * sin ) = number of abscissas
∑ (d * cos ) = number of ordinates
f∆X = abscissa cover error
f∆Y = ordinate cover error
P – Q = azimuth towards the end of the tie point
A – B = azimuth of the initial direction of the tie point
XP,YP = final coordinates of the tie point
XB,YB = initial coordinates of the tie point

Regarding the calculation steps to get coordinates (X,Y) in the method

The perfect bonded open polygon is as follows:

1. Calculate the azimuth of the initial tie point from the azimuth of the final tie point
(A – B - P – Q)

A – B = Arc tan (XB - XA / YB - YA)

A – B = Arc tan (XQ - XP / YQ - YP)

provided that:
+/+ :  =  the results obtained are constant
+/- :  =  the results obtained are constant + 180°
-/- :  =  the results obtained are + 180°
-/+ :  =  the results obtained are didapat + 360°

2. Add up the horizontal angles from the measurements (∑) by calculating

Wrong angle cover.

∑ = B + 1 + 2 + 3 + P
f = ∑ - (P – Q - A – B) + (n * 180°)

If one corner cover (f) falls within the required tolerance, then the calculation
continues, but if it does not enter tolerance, a check must be carried out angle or

3. Calculate the corrected horizontal angle:

’B = B + f/n
’P = P + f/n

4. Calculate the azimuth () of the polygon points

known initial azimuth (A – B) then:
B – 1 = A – B – 180° + ’B (untuk sudut dalam)
3 – P = A – B – 180° + ’3 (untuk sudut dalam)

5. Add up the distance measures (∑d)

∑d = dB – 1 + d1 – 2 + d2 – 3 + d3 - P

6. Calculate the abscissa and ordinate values (∆X and ∆Y)

∆X B – 1 = dB – 1 * sin B – 1 ∆Y B – 1 = dB – 1 * cos B – 1
- -
- -
- -
∆X 3 – P = d3 – P * sin 3 – P ∆Y 3 – P = d3 – P * cos 3 – P

7. Calculate the abscissa and ordinate cover error using the formula

For abscissa:

∑ (d * sin ) = (XP – XB) + f∆X

f∆X = ∑ (d * sin ) - (XP – XB)

For Ordinate:

∑ (d * cos ) = (YP – YB) + f∆Y

f∆X = ∑ (d * cos ) - (YP – YB)

If one of the abscissa and ordinate covers falls within the required tolerance, then
The calculation continues, but if it does not enter the tolerance, check the distance
or repeat measurements.

8. Calculate abscissa and ordinate corrections (f∆X and f∆Y)

f∆XB – 1 = (dB – 1 / ∑d) * f∆X f∆XB – 1 = (dB – 1 / ∑d) * f∆X

- -
- -
- -
f∆XB – 1 = (dB – 1 / ∑d) * f∆X f∆XB – 1 = (dB – 1 / ∑d) * f∆X

If the abscissa and ordinate errors are negative (-), then the correction is positive
(+), and vice versa
9. Calculating coordinates (X,Y)
known coordinates of the initial tie point (XB, YB), then:
X1 = XB + ∆XB - 1 + f∆XB – 1 Y1 = YB + ∆YB - 1 + f∆YB – 1
- -
- -
- -
X3 = X2 + ∆X2 - 3 + f∆X2 – 3 Y3 = Y2 + ∆Y2 - 3 + f∆Y2 – 3

If the calculated coordinates of the end point (XP,YP) are the same as the tie
point coordinates the end is known then the calculation is declared correct.

4.5 Vertical Framework
A place on the surface of the earth other than its horizontal position can be
determined, the Level/height position can also be determined. To determine the
vertical position of a point in the field measurements are carried out which are
usually called height measurements.

Auto level
leveling measurement

In this measurement the tool stands exactly between two points with the same
distance, this method is often used in topographic measurements. How to
calculate height difference (∆H) :

∆H AB = bt A – bt B

In this case :

∆H AB = height difference
Bt A = middle thread at point A
Bt B = middle thread of point B

Calculating elevation (H)

H B = H A + ∆H AB


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