Acoustic Admittance Prediction of Two Nozzle Part4

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M. Schulze, J. Gikadi and T.


Table 1: Summary of flow conditions, cut-on frequencies and excitation function for the nozzles A and B.
Nozzle A Nozzle B
Mach number in combustion chamber [-] 0.25 0.22
Pressure in combustion chamber [bar] 1.65 1.66
Mass flow [kg/s] 1.15 1.00
Cut-on frequency of mn=10 mode [Hz] 2103 2119
Mean density [kg/m3 ] 1.94 2.03
Speed of sound [m/s] 341
Air inlet temperature [K] 290
Excitation function S [-] 1

5 Validation of Mode Decomposition and Spatial Dimension

The mode decomposition method presented in chapter 4.2 has been validated. The volume integrated energy
contents of the extracted modes stored in a cylindrical section (x = 50 − 107 mm) of the domain is plotted
over frequency and compared to the overall acoustic energy content within the same volume for nozzle A.

The acoustic energy density E is defined as shown in [19] by

1 2 1 p̂(mn) p̂
E(mn) = ρ̄ûi,(mn) + + 2 ūi ûi,(mn) . (42)
2 2 ρ̄c2 c
The energy content of an extracted mode is obtained by identifying the fluctuating quantities in Eq. (42) as
the acoustic quantities of the considered mode according to Eq. (20) and Eq. (21) with mn = 00 or mn = 10

Fig. 4 (left) shows the contribution of the longitudinal and first transverse mode to the total acoustic
energy Etot , which itself is also determined by Eq. (42) but using the total acoustic quantities ûi and p̂,

Below 1000 Hz the longitudinal and transverse modes are strongly damped. The energy content is pro-
vided by the forced acoustic field close to the excitation. Close to 1000 Hz the first longitudinal mode stores
more and more energy until it contains the entire amount of energy at about 1000 Hz. In the range from
1000 Hz to about 2100 Hz the energy contribution of the transversal mode increases in the volume. At
higher frequencies the transverse mode dominates, which sometimes slightly overestimates the actual energy
present. Nevertheless, the mode decomposition method captures the relevant modes sufficiently.

Fig. 4 (right) highlights the capability of the three dimensional computation to well predict the nozzle

1.2 E00/Etot Re(Y)...
E10/Etot ...2D
1 3 ...3D
Emn / Etot [-]

0.8 2 ...3D
Y00 [-]


0 -1
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
f [Hz] f [Hz]
3 3
Figure 4: Left: Ratio of energy content of the extracted modes and the entire acoustic energy in the specified
2 2
volume. Right: Comparison of nozzle A’s admittance for the longitudinal mode when conducting one, two
or three 1dimensional simulations. 1
0 0
Y00 [-]

Y10 [-]

10 -1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
Prediction of Acoustic Admittance of Frequency Space

A admittance for the longitudinal mode in comparison to two and even one dimensional simulations using
the frequency based CAA approach. Thus, the rather coarse resolution of the three dimensional mesh, see
Fig. 2, is sufficient to resolve the relevant acoustic effects and mean flow gradients.

6 Results
6.1 Admittances for nozzle A and B
Fig. 5 presents the obtained nozzle admittances for nozzle A (top) and B (bottom) concerning both the
longitudinal Y00 (left) and first transverse Y10 (right) mode using the frequency based LEE field method with
a frequency resolution of ∆f = 10 Hz. Generally, excellent agreement is achieved in comparison with the
analytical solution by Bell and Zinn [2] and experimental data by Kathan et al. [7]. Also, the comparison
with results from the time-domain approach by Morgenweck et al. [3] for nozzle A’s longitudinal admittance
is in good agreement.

Considering the admittances of the longitudinal mode of nozzle A and B, Y00,A/B , similarities are observed.
The real parts are strictly positive showing a peak value of about Y00,A/B ≈ 2.5. The imaginary parts are
mainly positive with a peak value of Y00,A/B ≈ 1.8 but also minimal values of Y00,A/B ≈ −0.6 are observed.
Furthermore, the peak values of the imaginary part occur at the same frequency at which the real part shows
a reflection point. Therefore, the change of the real part with respect to frequency is highest when the value
of the imaginary part is highest and shows zero slope. This also holds vice versa when the real part shows
its peak value.

The frequencies at which the peak and minimal values occur are different for both nozzle designs. Moreover,
the admittance of nozzle A varies over a wide frequency spectrum of over 2000 Hz, while nozzle B shows
the variation of admittance in a considerably shorter frequency range. This is discussed in the next chapter.
For higher frequencies only weak variations are observed in both the real and imaginary part. For very high

3 3
...LEE in freq.
...LEE in time
2 ...Experiment 2
...LEE in freq.
Y00,A [-]

Y10,A [-]

...LEE in time
1 ...Experiment 1

0 0

-1 -1
250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500
f [Hz] f [Hz]
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
Y00,B [-]

Y10,B [-]

-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
-5 -5
250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500
f [Hz] f [Hz]

Figure 5: Admittances of nozzle A (top) and nozzle B (bottom). Left: First longitudinal mode (mn = 00).
Right: First transverse mode (mn = 10).

M. Schulze, J. Gikadi and T. Sattelmayer

frequencies the longitudinal mode becomes a purely running wave, i.e. Y00,A/B → 1 + 0i, which can be seen
especially for nozzle B.

In principle, the same observations as for the Y00 mode are made for the first transverse mode but at
higher frequencies. However, the nozzle B admittance shows very strong variations and two maxima and
minima of the real and imaginary part are found within the considered frequency range. Interestingly, the
real part within the first structure is negative with a high absolute value, which indicates a flux of acoustic
energy into the cylindrical part by purely acoustic propagation. The second structure qualitatively shows the
typical sequence of imaginary and positive real part again.

6.2 Discussion of the Results

The different frequencies at which the characteristic strong variations of admittance occur have been investi-
gated. The frequencies of the imaginary admittance peak values can be linked to the length of the convergent
nozzle part. For nozzle A this geometrical length is lA,conv = 73 mm and yields for the longitudinal mode a
frequency of roughly
fpeak,Y00 ,A = ≈ 1170 [Hz]. (43)
The frequency fpeak,Y00 ,A corresponds to a phase shift of π, i.e. half of a wave length, between the outgoing
and reflected wave by the nozzle at the admittance measurement location, see Fig. 3. The peak value of
the real part occurs at slightly higher frequency values, see Fig. 5. The frequency fpeak,Y00 ,A can be clearly
identified in Im(Y00,A ) in Fig. 5.

For nozzle B the length of the convergent nozzle part lconv,B = 273 mm is significantly larger then for
nozzle A, which corresponds to a lower frequency, i.e.
fpeak,Y00 ,B = ≈ 310 [Hz]. (44)

The frequency fpeak,Y00 ,B confirms the observations in Fig. 5 for Im(Y00,B ).

In Im(Y00,B ) in Fig. 5, peak values at higher frequencies, at which outgoing and reflected wave super-
impose accordingly, can also be identified. However, the reflection capabilities of the nozzle are substantially
lower for higher frequencies resulting in weak admittance variations and a purely running wave through the
nozzle develops for very high frequencies, as already explained. Investigating the admittances for the first
transverse mode leads essentially to the same conclusions. The peaks values of admittances occur at lower
frequencies for nozzle B than for nozzle A.

Essentially, the nozzle admittance as shown in Fig. 5 is nothing else but the projection of an axially dis-
tributed admittance on the location where the nozzle admittance is measured, see Fig. 6. Depending on
frequency, the axial location where the wave travelling in positive axial direction and the reflected wave
superimpose such that the highest admittance values are generated, changes.

As shown in Fig. 6, for certain frequencies the admittance reaches considerably higher values within the
cylindrical part than at the location where the nozzle admittance is measured. With increasing frequency
the peak values become smaller and the peak position travels towards the nozzle admittance location. At
the peak value positions of admittance the axial velocity û is maximum and the pressure amplitude p̂ shows
an inflection point.

Moreover, the locations of the maximum or minimal of the imaginary part values coincide with the in-
flection point of the real part and vice versa, as it was already observed with respect to frequency, see Fig. 5.
These considerations hold for both the real and imaginary part as well as for both the longitudinal and first
transverse mode.

Another difference between nozzle A and B are the widths of the frequency ranges in which the varia-
tion of admittance occur. Due to the long convergent part for nozzle B, the variation of area and Mach
number in axial direction inside of the nozzle is low which leads to weak reflections. Thus, there is only a
small frequency range in which constructive superposition of waves, i.e. high admittance values, occurs at the


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