Project Basic 12

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J: Hi Cilvia, what's up? And Ashly isn't here yet?

C: Hi Jhoana, Ashly said she's close, she'll be here soon.

J: Hi Ashly, you're here, how are you?
A: Hello johana, hello cilvia... I'm fine thanks... and you?
C: girls I tell you that in my neighborhood they are organizing a painting contest.
J: I find it very interesting. Where is your neighborhood Cilvia? I am interested in attending
C: my neighborhood is in comas, 3rd zone collique. it would be great if you attend
A: I am also interested in attending. How can we get to the event?
C: You can get there by bus, you get off at Avenida San Juan. It is in a park where there is a church
opposite. next to a bakery.
A: ok cilvia, thanks. we will be there, right johana?
J: Sure Ashly, we'll be there.
A: Girls, have you ever been to an event like that?
C: I have been to similar events, for example sports games, competitions, theater... it is very nice
J: Yes, I've been to some events like that, in my neighborhood sports games are held once a year, my
neighborhood has a very large park next to the hospital, that's where sports games are held. and you Ashley?
A: Well. I have been to some events similar to that, I remember that, well I have been to some events similar
to that, I remember in school, I went to a science fair for 3 years in a row, it was very fun and I learned a lot.
C: wow, how many experiences friends... what do you say if after the event we go to eat at a marine
J: I think it's a good idea, is there a seafood restaurant in your neighborhood?
C: yes, it is two blocks from the event
A: Great, I like seafood... but I've never eaten squid. and you?
J: I don't really like squid, because I've had allergies from eating shellfish before, but I can order fried fish,
since I like it a lot.
C: I've always only eaten ceviche. I never dared to try more dishes.
A: ohh I have already eaten ceviche many times since I was 7 years old
J: oh, girls I just remembered I gotta go grocery shopping. My mom has gone shopping three times this
week, so today is my turn. So, I say goodbye, see you at the event, kisses.
C: yes well... girls I have a commitment later... see you on Sunday then... bye
A: bye girls, see you soon.d

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