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Talk a Lot


Discussion Questions:

1. Do you live in a town or a city?

Tell me more about where you live.

2. What do you like about where you live? What don’t you like? How could it
be improved?

3. Who is in charge of your town or city?

Do you think they do a good job? Do you vote in local elections?

4. What are the best things to see and do in your town or city?

5. Describe your journey from home to work or school.

6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?

7. What are the main problems in your town or city (e.g. crime, vandalism,
homelessness, drugs, graffiti, etc.)? What is being done about them? How
can you help?

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Talk a Lot

8. Have you ever lived abroad? Talk about your favourite towns or cities
abroad (or in this country).

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