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Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

I Introduction
1.1 Purpose

This document describes the processes involved and functionality of the ATF at Hoppers Crossing ATF. The

narratives/sections below will discuss and follow P&10s: 1740/185/001 to 005.

1.2 Abbreviations and Definitions

Term Definition

AC Activated Carbon

ACFs Activated Carbon Filters

ATF Air Treatment Facility

BTFs BioTrickling Filters

CH4 Methane

DMS Dimethyl Sulphide

EC Electrical Conductivity

FOGS Fat, Oil and Grease

HMl Human Machine Interface

HzS Hydrogen Sulphide

KOH Potassium Hydroxide

LCP Local Control Panel

MAP Monoammonium Phosphate

MH Manhole

Pa Pascal

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

ppm Parts per million


Prepored by: R Morigubot, Process Eng, neer

Authorized by: Ouo!, tv Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F 142
I of 8
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

Term Definition

PUF Polyurethane Foam

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

TBA To be advised

VOC Volatile Organic Compound


Prepared by: R Morigubot, Process Engineer

Authorized by: Quality Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F ,42
2 of8
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

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Figure I below depictsthe general arrangement of the rinstrong Cre ATF.

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Figure I. Hoppers Crossing ATF


Prepored by: R Mongubot. Process Eng, neer

Authorized by: Quailty Monoge,
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F 142
3 of8

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