Lr-Tra Tcodes

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Transportation – General Transaction codes

VT01N Create Shipment

VT02N Change Shipment

VT03N Display Shipment

0VTC Route definition

VT70 Output for Shipments

VT04 Transportation Work list

0VRF Definition of Route Determination

VT11 Select Shipments: Materials Planning

VT06 Select Shipments: Materials Planning

VT12 Select Shipments: Transpt Processing

VT00 Transportation

0VTD Def. of Transp. Connection Point

0VTA Customizing Shipping Types

0VTB Customizing Modes of Transport

VV71 Create Output: Transportation

VT07 Collective run in background

VT10 Select shipments: Start

OTF1 Material-Freight Groups

OTF2 Forwarding Agent - Freight Groups

OTF3 Freight Code Sets

OVXT Transportation planning points

0VTK Customizing Transport Types

VT20 Overall Shipment Process Monitor

VV72 Change Output: Transportation

VV73 Display Output: Transportation

VT30N Tendering Events for Carriers

VT33 Ship.Planning for Carriers

VT05 Work list Shipping: Logs

VT61 Ext. transport. planning deliveries

VORT Archiving Control for Shipments

VNE7 View V_TVLK_NLA (Ship.Notification)

VT22 Display Change-Document Shipment

0VTL Activity Profiles for Shipment Types

VT60 Transfer Location Master Data to TPS

VTFAKT Bill Deliveries

VTBT Report for Definition of Batch Run

0VTE Multiple Maintenance Route Stages

VT09 Number Ranges for Log VT04

VT16 Select Shipments: Check In

Transportation - Transportation Planning and Processing Transaction codes

VTBW Reorg.: Shipment Data in BW

VIFBW Reorg: Shipment Costs in BW

Transportation - Freight Processing Transaction codes

VI01 Create shipment costs

VI02 Change shipment costs

VI03 Display shipment costs

VI04 Shipment List: Create shipment cost

VI05 Shipment cost: Change work list

VI06 Create Shipment cost work list

VI07 Change Shipment cost worklist

TK11 Create condition (shipment costs)

TK12 Change condition (shipment costs)

TK13 Display condition (shipment costs)

T_56 Shipment cost types and item cats

T_06 Cond.types: Pricing shipment

T_53 Assign purchasing data

VI12 List shipment costs: Settlement

VI11 List shipment costs: Calculation

T_76 Tariff zones and assignments

VIAR Archive Shipment Costs

T_73 Maintain pricing procedure

T_LD Execute pricing report

T_71 Maintain document procedure group

T_LC Display pricing report

T_LA Create Pricing Report

Transportation - Interfaces Transaction codes

VTRC Express Delivery XSI Cockpit

0VVT Set Up Express Delivery Company

VTRK Tracking
LE-TRA (Transportation) Transaction Codes

TCodes are sorted by importance

Rank Tcode Description
1 VT01N Create Shipment
2 VT02N Change Shipment
3 VT03N Display Shipment
4 VORF Route Definition (Up To Rel. 4.0B)
5 OMTX Define non-SAP system
6 VT01 Old: Create Shipment
7 VT02 Old: Change Shipment
8 VT04 Transportation Worklist
9 0VTC Route definition
10 VT70 Output for Shipments
11 VORT Archiving Control for Shipments
12 VT61 Ext. transport. planning deliveries
13 VT03 Old: Display Shipment
14 VT11 Select Shipments: Materials Planning
15 VT00 Transportation
16 0VRF Definition of Route Determination
17 V/25 View V_TVFK_NAC
18 0VTP Tr.Planning Pos.ext. Planning System
19 VT16 Select Shipments: Check In
20 VT68 Deallocate delivery from TPS
21 VT06 Select Shipments: Materials Planning
22 VV71 Create Output: Transportation
23 VT12 Select Shipments: Transpt Processing
24 OTF2 Forwarding Agent - Freight Groups
25 VT10 Select shipments: Start
26 VT60 Transfer Location Master Data to TPS
27 OTF1 Material-Freight Groups
Rank Tcode Description
28 VT22 Display Change-Document Shipment
29 VT20 Overall Shipment Process Monitor
30 VT30 Initial internet tran for shipment
31 VT07 Collective run in background
32 VV72 Change Output: Transportation
33 VT62 Send Deliveries to Forwarding Agent
34 VT32 Shipment Status list
35 VTWABU Post goods issue
36 V/71 View V_TVLK_NAC
37 0VTK Customizing Transport Types
38 0VTD Def. of Transp. Connection Point
39 VT69 Plan Deliveries from Freight Plng
40 VT33 Ship.Planning for Carriers
41 VV73 Display Output: Transportation
42 V/23 View V_TVST_KOM
43 MCU0 Transportation Info System (TIS)
44 VT05 Worklist Shipping: Logs
45 V/82 Maintain condition type Appl. V7
46 VT14 Select Shipments: Utilization
47 0VTE Multiple Maintenance Route Stages
48 VT15 Select Shipments: Free Capacity
49 V/84 Output Determination Transport
50 VT19 Shipment Tendering Status Monitor
51 V/69 View V_TVAP_NAC
52 OTF3 Freight Code Sets
53 VT34 Event Reports for Carriers via HTML
54 VT30N Tendering Events for Carriers
55 0VTA Customizing Shipping Types
56 VT31N Selection Variants for Fwdg Agents
57 VT63 Freight Plng Status from Deliveries
58 VT18 Start F4 Help Shipping
59 VT34M Event Reports for Carriers via WML
60 VT31 Shipment tendering
61 V/73 View V_TVLP_NAC
Rank Tcode Description
62 0VTB Customizing Modes of Transport
63 V/79 Output -CondTable- Display Transport
64 V/78 Output -CondTable- Change Transport
65 VTFAKT Bill Deliveries
66 V/77 Output -ConditTable- Create Transprt
67 V/80 Access Sequence (Transport)
68 0VTL Activity Profiles for Shipment Types
69 VTBT Report for Definition of Batch Run
70 VTDOCU Tech. documentation transportation
71 0VTS Copy TPS Route Restrictions
72 0VTI Copy Material Cumulation to TPS
73 0VTH Insert Material Cumulation to TPS
74 0VTT Create TPS Route Restrictions
75 OVRT Customizing: Routes
76 0VT0 Maintain Selection Variants
77 V/22 View V_TVTY_NAC
78 VT02_MEM Change Shipment (from Memory)
79 OVTR C SD Delivery Type: Transport.Relev.
80 V/21 View V_TVSA_NAC
81 OVXT Transportation planning points
82 V/26 View V_TVKK_NAC
83 0VTR Route limits ext. Transport. Planng
84 0VT9 Maintain Selection Variant F4 Help
85 V/24 View V_TVTK_NAC
86 V/81 View V_TNAPR Appl V7
87 OVTL C RV Del. item cats: Transp. relev.
88 VN07 Maintain number range for shipments
89 VT13 F4-Help Shipment Number
90 0VT1 Maintain PersInChargOfShip SelectVar
91 OVTVT_CA Maintain Planning for Fwdg Agents
92 OVTS C SD Reason for Shipment Block
93 0VT5 Maintain utilization select.variants
94 0VTKT Assign deadlines to shipment types
95 VNE7 View V_TVLK_NLA (Ship.Notification)
Rank Tcode Description
96 0VT6 Maintain free capacity sel. variants
97 VT09 Number Ranges for Log VT04
98 VTAR Archive shipments
99 VNPU Partner Conversion
100 0VT2 Maintain Tranport.Process. SelectVar
101 0VT3 Maintain Selection Var. Registration
102 0VT4 Maintain Selection Variant Registr.
103 0VT7 Maintain Selection Variant F4 Help
104 0VTCFP Set Freight Planning for Fwdg Agents
105 0VTCR Define routes
106 0VTG Cumulation of Materials in TPS
107 0VTGC Cumulation of Matl (Freight Plng)
108 0VTRC Route Limitation f. Freight Planning
109 0VTW Special Processing Indicator
110 0VU0 Tracking Operations and Events
111 0VU1 Tracking: Partner code types
112 0VU2 Tracking: Tracking ID code types
113 0VU3 Tracking: Location code types
114 0VU4 Tracking: Route type code types
115 OTF4 Determine Freight Code Set
116 OTF5 Freight Codes
117 OTF6 Freight Code Determination
118 OTF7 Define Freight Code Index
119 VT17 Extended Help (F4) Shipment Number
120 VTRL Reload shipments
122 S_E17_83000058
123 S_E17_83000059
124 S_P00_07000017
125 S_P00_07000030
126 S_P00_07000035
127 S_P00_07000049
128 S_P00_07000199
129 S_P99_41000133
Rank Tcode Description
130 S_P99_41000246
131 S_R99_53000002

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