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Câu 1:

I (1) was walking / walked home from school yesterday when I suddenly (2) was hearing / heard this
really loud noise. It (3) was sounding / sounded like an aeroplane! I (4) was passing / passed a wall at the
time so I (5) was looking / looked over. In the middle of the field I (6) saw / was seeing a huge, round
object – just like a UFO! It (7) was making / made the strange sound and lights (8) were shining / shone
all round it. Then I (9) was realising / realised that the lights were cameras! Some people (10) were
making / made a film!
Trả lời:
1.was walking/ 2. heard/ 3. sounded/ 4. passed/ 5. looked/ 6.saw/ 7.made/ 8.shone/ 9.realised/ 10.made
Câu 3:
Imagine you are going to spend a month in England on an English-language course. Write a letter to the
family you are going to stay with introducing yourself. Use the writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: introduction, general personal details

Paragraph 2: write something about your village/town/city and your country
Paragraph 3: say something about your hobbies and interests
Paragraph 4: ask for information about the family
Trả lời:
Dear Thanh, 20.11.2011. My name is Lan. I'm 20 years old. I'm from Vietnam and I'm going to spend
some time with Your family on an English-language course. I'm really happy. I come from Vietnam. It's
not too big a country. I really like the place I live in. There's something going on here. I have friends here
and there in my school and my home. I'm proud of my town and also of the country I come from.
Vietnam is such an amazing country rich in achievements history and wonderful culture. There are many
interesting places, especially Ha Noi and Sai Gon. Ha Noi is the capital of Vietnam and the city of
business and fast-growing industries. It's a great place to visit. But let's go back to me. I would like to
introduce myself a little bit more. As you know, I'm going to take a part in an English-language course. I
like English - it's a very beautiful language to me. I don't have any problems with learning it. Also, I like
chemistry, history, geography. I'm interested in football. I also like playing computer games. I like
reading books too, but I prefer watching films a little bit more. I introduced myself so I'm looking
forward to getting to know Your family a little bit more. Please, tell me something about your family in a
letter back. Lots of love, Minh
Câu 2:

The workplace is changing. Gone is the traditional office and gone too are the traditional office hours.
We are no longer tied to a desk from 9.00 a.m. until 5.00pm with a couple of coffee breaks and an hour
for lunch. Technology has revolutionised our working lives in many different ways.

One of the greatest changes that we can see happening today is related to where we do our work. The
daily commute to and from the office will soon be a thing of the past for many of us. Technology allows
us to work wherever we wish because of the increased ability to communicate via the Internet and send
our work round the world in seconds. More and more people are taking advantage of this freedom and
working from home.
One significant effect of this trend is that people are having to develop their self-discipline and time
management skills. And perhaps the greatest danger is that the workforce will become increasingly
isolated, and some people will see no one from one day to the next. From a practical point of view,
however, the way we organise our days is becoming more flexible and companies can cut office
expenditure. Only time will tell whether the benefits of working from home make it worthwhile or not.
Are the sentences true or false?

1. No one will work in offices in the future. _______

2. Changes are happening because of technology. _______
3. People talk to each other more these days. _______
4. We have to control our working time carefully. _______
5. Working from home can be lonely. _______
Trả lời:
1.T/ 2.T/ 3.F/ 4.T/ 5.T
ĐỀ 2:
Câu 1:

1 . The restaurant on Oxford Road serves excellent food. (I used to work there.)

2. Mr and Mrs Brown live next door to us. (Their daughter is a pop star.)

3. The new block of flats will be finished next week. (It has 25 floors.)

4. J.K. Rowling is a millionaire. (She wrote the Harry Potter books.)


5. My dad’s new car is very fast. (It cost a lot of money.)


6. Our English teacher speaks French as well. (Her name is Miss Oakes.)

7. Majorca is a beautiful island. (We have a villa there.)

Trả lời:
1. The restaurant in Oxford Road, where I used to work there, serves excellent food.
2. Mr and Mrs Brown, whose daughter is a pop star, live next door to us.
3. The new block of flats, which has 25 floors, will be finished next weekend.
4. J.K. Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter books, is a millionaire.
5. My dad's new car, which cost a lot of money, is very fast.
6. Our English teacher, whose name is Miss Oakes, speaks French as well.
7. Majorca, where have a villa there, is a beautiful island.
Câu 2:

The workplace is changing. Gone is the traditional office and gone too are the traditional office
hours. We are no longer tied to a desk from 9.00 a.m. until 5.00pm with a couple of coffee
breaks and an hour for lunch. Technology has revolutionised our working lives in many different

One of the greatest changes that we can see happening today is related to where we do our
work. The daily commute to and from the office will soon be a thing of the past for many of us.
Technology allows us to work wherever we wish because of the increased ability to
communicate via the Internet and send our work round the world in seconds. More and more
people are taking advantage of this freedom and working from home.
One significant effect of this trend is that people are having to develop their self-discipline and
time management skills. And perhaps the greatest danger is that the workforce will become
increasingly isolated, and some people will see no one from one day to the next. From a
practical point of view, however, the way we organise our days is becoming more flexible and
companies can cut office expenditure. Only time will tell whether the benefits of working from
home make it worthwhile or not.

Are the sentences true or false?

1. No one will work in offices in the future. _______
2. Changes are happening because of technology. _______
3. People talk to each other more these days. _______
4. We have to control our working time carefully. _______
5. Working from home can be lonely. _______
Trả lời:
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
Câu 3:

Imagine you have seen an advertisement for your dream job. Write a formal letter applying for
the job. Include the following information:

• the job you are applying for and where you saw the advert
• why you are right for the job
• your qualifications and/or relevant experience
• your personal qualities
• your availability for an interview
Trả lời:
The Manager Foreign Language Center (17 Thai Nguyen, Nha Trang) 22 Tran Phu, Loc Tho,
Nha Trang.
13th November 2021

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing to apply for the teacher at Foreign Language Center which was advertisement on
1st November 2021 in Young Newspaper.

I studyed Linguistic Sector at Da Nang University. I studyed Linguistic Sector at Da Nang

University.Last year, I taught for 6 months at a high school. I I have a passion for English,
students love me very much. Among the students that I have taught, there are many students
who have succeeded in communicating and working in an English environment.

I consider myself to be reliable, hard-working and responsible. If necessary, I can supply

references from the high school owner and also from a head teacher at my university.

I would be grateful for the opportunity to visit the center and discuss with you in person. I am
available for interview any day or weekend. If my application is successful, I will be available to
start work on 20th November.

I am enclosing my CV.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your faithfully,
Nhat Hao

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