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Dr. Shivi Garg Varsha

22001323059 Mathematics

Program Program Name Signature

1. Create html document with
following format - bold,
italic,underline,color, heading ,
title,font and font width ,
braces, horizontal line , blinking
text as well as marque text.

2. Create html document with

ordered and unordered list and
with image .

3. Create html document with table

using row span and col span .

4. Create form with input type ,

select and text area in html.

5. Create html document with table

Containing roll number , student’s
name and grade in tabular form .
6. Create an html document having
two vertical frames will appear..

7. Create html document Containing

Horizontal frames.

8. Create a website of 6-7 pages by

applying all the effects that were
done in the above problem .

9. Create an html document having

multiple frames.

10. Create a form using html which

has the following type of controls :
Text box , option /radio buttons,
check boxes, reset and submit
Introduction of HTML
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the most widely used
language to write Web Pages.

● Hypertext refers to the way in which Web pages (HTML documents) are
linked together. Thus, the link available on a webpage is called Hypertext.
● HTML is a Markup Language which means you use HTML to simple
"mark-up" a text document with tags that tell a Web browser how to
structure it to display.

HTML was created by Berners-Lee in late 1991 but "HTML 2.0" was the first
standard HTML specification which was published in 1995. HTML 4.01 was a
major version of HTML and it was published in late 1999. Though the HTML 4.01
version is widely used, currently we are having the HTML-5 version which is an
extension to HTML 4.01, and this version was published in 2012.

Features of HTML:
● It is easy to learn and easy to use.
● It is platform-independent.
● Images, videos, and audio can be added to a web page.
● Hypertext can be added to the text.
● It is a markup language

Html structure:
<!DOCTYPE html>



<title> This is a document title </title>


<h1> This is heading </h1>

<p> Document content goes here ….</p>



HTML Tags :

<!DOCTYPE html> : This tag defines the document type and HTML version.
<html> : This tag encloses the complete HTML document and mainly comprises
of document header which is represented by <head>...</head> and document body
which is represented by <body>...</body> tags.
<head> : This tag represents the document's header which can keep other HTML
tags like <title>, <link> etc.
<title> : The <title> tag is used inside the <head> tag to mention the document
<body>: This tag represents the document's body which keeps other HTML tags
like <h1>, <div>, <p> etc.
<h1> : This tag represents the heading.
<p> : This tag represents a paragraph.
Basic tags

● The <h1> element defines a large heading.Each heading of text should go in

between an opening <h1> and a closing </h1> tag.
● The <p> element defines a paragraph.Each paragraph of text should go in
between an opening <p> and a closing </p> tag
● <!--> is the comment tag where we can write comments for our
● <pre>Represents preformatted text which is to be presented exactly as
written in the HTML file.Any text between the opening <pre> tag and the
and the closing </pre> tag will preserve the formatting of the source
● <br> or </br />Produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful
for writing poems or an address, where the division of lines is significant. It
is an empty tag , anything following it starts from the next line.

● The <hr> or <hr/> tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page (e.g. a
shift of topic).The <hr> or <hr/> element is most often displayed as a
horizontal rule that is used to separate content (or define a change) in an
HTML page
● <b> used for making text bold.Anything that appears within <b>...</b>
element, is displayed in bold .
● <i> used for making text italic.Anything that appears within <i>...</i>
element is displayed in italicized
● <u> used to underline text.Anything that appears within <u>...</u> element,
is displayed with underline
● <sub> Specifies inline text which should be displayed as subscript for solely
typographical reasons. Subscripts are typically rendered with a lowered
baseline using smaller text.The content of a <sub>...</sub> element is
Written in subscript.
● <sup> Specifies inline text which is to be displayed as superscript for solely
typographical reasons. Superscripts are usually rendered with a raised
baseline using smaller text.The content of a <sup>...</sup> element is
Written in superscript.
● <strik> used to strik a text.Anything that appears within
<strike>...</strike> element is displayed with strikethrough, which is a thin
line through the text .
● <h1>----<h6>- Represent six levels of section headings. <h1> is the highest
section level and <h6> is the lowest.
● <body bgcolor=” “> is used to add colour to the background of the page
● <font>The <font> tag is used to specify the font face, font size, and color
of text .

● <center> tag to put any content in the center of the page or any table cell.
● Anything that appears within <em>...</em> element is displayed as
emphasized text.
● Anything that appears with-in <mark>...</mark> element, is displayed as
marked with yellow ink.
Create html document with following format - bold, italic,underline,color,
heading , title,font and font width , background,paragraph,line braces,
horizontal line , blinking text as well as marque text.
<!doctype html>



<title> Program 1 </title>


<body style="background-color:powderblue;">

<h2 style="color:BLUE;font-family:algerian"> example of heading tag h2</h2>

<p><b><h1 style="color:GREEN;"> example of heading h1 </h1> LINE IN BOLD TEXT.


<p> This text is in <i> ITTALIC TEXT. </i></p>

<p>This text is <u> UNDERLINED TEXT. </u></p>

<p><span style="color: green;"> a green paragraph </span></p>

<p style="font-size: 24px;"> CUSTOM SIZE TEXT. </p>

<p style="font-weight: bold;"> BOLD FONT TEXT. </p>

<div style="background-color:WHITE; padding: 10px;"> LINE WITH BACKGROUNG


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

<br> <!-- Line break -->

<hr> <!-- Horizontal line -->

<p><blink> BLINKING TEXT. </blink></p>

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up"> This is a sample scrolling text that has scrolls in
the upper direction. </marquee>



Create html document with ordered and unordered list and with inserting
images, internal and external linking.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<h1>list of Subjects in Bsc.(H) Mathematics</h1>

<h2>ordered list with numbers</h2>

<ol type="1">

<li>Multivariate calculus</li>


<li>Probability and Statistics</li>

<li>Group theory</li>



<h1> list of Books required in Bsc(H) Mathematics</h1>

<h2> unordered list with square box</h2>

<ul style="list-style-type:square">

<li>Thomas Calculs</li
<li>Computer Network</li>

<li>Fundamental of Statistics</li>

<li>Contempary Abstract Algebra</li>

<li>Learning LaTex</li>


<h3> MVC Book image</h3>

<img src="C:\Users\Lenovo\OneDrive\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot
2023-10-18 181644.png" width="104" height="142">

<h3>university website link</h4>

<a href="">This is a link</a>

Create html table using row span and col span and also insert image in a

<!doctype html>



<title> table </title>


<table border="solid" width="500" height="500"><tr>

<th> Roll number </th>

<th> Student Name </th>

<th> department</th>

<th> Age</th>

<th> university </th>



<td> 59 </td>

<td> Varsha</td>

<td> Mathematics</td>
<td> 19 </td>

<td> jcbust </td>



<td colspan="3"> 02 </td>

<td colspan="2" rowspan="3"> <img





<td colspan="3">03 </td>



<td colspan="3"> 04</td>




Create form with input type, select and Text area in html.

<!doctype html>



<title>form </title>



<h1> Application form for applying iit Jam </h1>


student name:<input type="text"name="student name" />


course:<input type="text"name="course" />


Rollno:<input type="int"name="Rollno" />


<label for="marks"> last sem marks</label>

<select id="marks"name="marks">

<option value="80">80</option>

<option value="90">90</option>

<option value="100">100</option>


<label for="comments">Comments:</label><br>

<textarea id="comments" name="comments" rows="4"


<input type="submit" value="submit">




Create an html containing roll no. ,student ‘s name and grades in tabular

<!doctype html>



<title>tabular form</title>



<h1> Students semester Result</h1>

<table border="2"><tr>


<th>Student's Name</th>





<td>Priyanka Kumari</td>














<td>Nancy Sharma</td>





<td>Sneha Singh</td>





Create an html document(having two frames) which will appear as columns
form .It means two frames appear in a column and these are called vertical

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