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List of program of Practical 1

 List of programs of Object- Oriented programming language

using java:
1.Write a program of class and object.
2.Write a program of Single Inheritance.
3. Write a program of If else statement
4. Write a program of Switch statement.
5. Write a program of do while loop.
6. Write a program of for loop.
7. Write a program of Run time polymorphism.
8. Write a program of Package.
9. Write a program of implementing a Interface.
10. Write a program of implementing a multiple inheritance.
11. Write a program of Try- catch statement.
12. Write a program of creating a thread using the thread class.
13. Write a program of use of priority in threads.
14. Write a program of passing a parameter to applet.
15. Write a program of creating a Frame window in a applet.

 List of programs of computer Graphics

Note - All programs should be in C programming language
1. Write a program to draw a line using a Slope Method
2. Write a program to draw a circle using polynomial
3. Write a program to implementing 2d translation.
4. Write a program to implement 2d mirror reflection.
5. Write a program of creating rainbow using graphics programming in C

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