Za Government Gazette Dated 1977-06-10 No 5583

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V ol. 144] • P R E T O R IA , 1977 [N o. 5583

b y the S ta te P resident o f th e R e p u b lic o f van d ie S ta a tsp resid en t van die R e p u b lie k van
S o u th A fric a S u id -A fr ik a
N o . 112, 1977 N o. 112, 1977
W h ereas th e a re a d efined in the S chedule h ereto has TO ETRU ST
b y reso lu tio n o f b o th H o u ses o f P a rlia m e n t been defined N a d e m a a l d ie geb ied o m sk ry f in d ie B ylae h ierv an b y
as la n d w hich I m a y declare to b e released a re a in term s b eslu it v an alb ei H u ise v an d ie P a rle m e n t o m sk ry f is as
of section 2 (4) o f the B antu T ru s t a n d L a n d A c t, 1936 g ro n d w at ek to t oo p g esteld e gebied k a n v e rk la a r inge-
(A ct 18 of 1936), as am ended; volge a rtik e l 2 (4) v a n d ie B a n to e tru st en -grond W et,
N o w , th erefo re, by v irtu e o f section 2 (4) o f th e said 1936 (W et 18 v an 1936), soos gewysig;
A c t, as am en d ed , I h ereby declare th e la n d in th e area So is d it d a t ek k rag ten s a rtik e l 2 (4) van genoem de
d efin ed in th e S chedu le h ereto to b e released a re a an d the W et, soos gew ysig, h ierb y v e rk la a r d a t d ie g ro n d in d ie
said lan d to b e a d d e d to th e F irs t S chedule to th e said gebied o m sk ry f in d ie B y lae h ierv an oo p g esteld e gebied
A ct. is en d a t g en o em d e g ro n d by die E e rste B ylae v an
G iven u n d e r m y H a n d a n d the Seal o f th e R e p u b lic g en o em d e W et gevoeg w ord.
of S o u th A fric a a t C a p e T o w n th is E lev en th d a y of M ay , G egee o n d e r m y H a n d en d ie Seel v a n die R ep u b liek
O n e th o u sa n d N in e h u n d re d a n d Seventy-seven. v an S u id -A frik a te K a a p sta d , o p h ed e d ie E lfd e d a g v an
N . D IE D E R IC H S , S tate P resident. M e i E en d u isen d N eg eh o n d erd Sew e-en-sew entig.
B y O rd e r o f th e S ta te P resident-in-C ouncil; N . D IE D E R IC H S , S taatsp resid en t.
M . C. B O T H A . O p las v a n d ie S taatsp resid en t-in -rad e:
A re a 77. TRAN SV A A L
D istric t o f P ietersburg. G eb ied 77.
D escription.— T h e re m a in d e r o f the fa rm A m d a n d 11 D istrik P ietersb u rg .
L S. ____________________________ O m skryw in g .— D ie re sta n t v an d ie p laas A m e la n d 11 L S.

No. 113, 1977 "" No. 113,1977

I, N ico laas D iederichs, S tate P re sid e n t o f th e R e p u b lic E k , N ico laas D ied erich s, S ta a tsp re sid e n t v a n d ie R e p u ­
o f S o u th A fric a — bliek v a n S u id -A frik a—
(1) h ereb y d eterm in e, in term s o f th e p ro v isio n s of (1) b e p a a l h ierb y ingevolge d ie b ep alin g s v a n artik els
sections 35 a n d 88 o f th e E le c to ra l C o n so lid a tio n A c t, 35 e n 88 v a n d ie W e t to t K o n so lid asie v a n d ie K ies-
1946 (A c t 46 o f 1946)— w ette, 1946 (W et 46 v a n 1946)—
(a) th a t M o n d a y , 27 J u n e 1977, shall be th e d a y o n (a) M a a n d a g , 27 Ju n ie 1977, as d ie d a g w a a ro p ’n
w hich a n o m in a tio n c o u rt w ill sit in th e electo ral d iv i­ n o m in asieh o f sittin g sal h o u in d ie kiesafd elin g B eau fo rt-
sio n o f B e a u fo rt W est to receive n o m in a tio n s o f c a n d i­ W e s om n o m in asies v a n v erk iesin g sk an d id ate te o n t-
d a te s fo r election as a m em b er of th e H o u se of A sssem - v a n g v ir d ie verk iesin g v a n ’n lid v a n d ie V o lk sra a d v ir
b ly fo r th a t electo ral division; d a a rd ie k iesafdeling;
(b) th a t th e said n o m in a tio n c o u rt shall sit in th e (b) d a t b ed o eld e n o m in asieh o f sittin g sal h o u in d ie
C ivil C o u rt, M a g istra te ’s O ffice, B e a u fo rt W est; Siviele H o fsa a l, L a n d d ro sk a n to o r, B eau fo rt-W es;
60711— 1 5583—1

(c) th a t th e said n o m in a tio n c o u rt shall sit a t lOhOO (c) d a t b ed o eld e n o m in asieh o f o m lOhOO o p d ie in
o n th e d ay re ferred to in p a ra g ra p h (a); p a ra g ra a f (a) b ed o eld e d a g sittin g sal h o u ;
(d ) th a t if a poll becom es necessary in the said elec­ (d) d a t ingeval ’n stem m in g n o d ig w o rd in g em elde
to ra l division fo r the reason th a t m o re th a n one p erso n k iesafd elin g o m d a t m e e r as een p e rso o n b eh o o rlik
shall have been du ly n o m in ated a t the close of th e sitting g en o m in eer is by d ie slu itin g v a n d ie n o m in asieh o f, die
o f the n o m in a tio n co u rt, th e p o ll shall be ta k e n on stem m ing op W oensdag, 10 A u g u stu s 1977, sal p laas-
W ed n esd ay , 10 A u g u st 1977, a n d shall com m ence at v in d , om 07h00 op b ed o eld e d ag sal begin en om 21h00
07h00 an d shall close a t 21h00 on th a t day; an d d a a rd ie d a g sal eindig; en
(2) h ereby a p p o in t, in term s o f th e said provisions,
(2) stel h ierb y ingevolge b ed o eld e b ep alin g s m n r.
M r C. P. C'loete, S enior M agistrate, B eau fo rt W est, as
re tu rn in g officer a t th e election in th e afo resaid electoral C. P. C lo ete, S enior L a n d d ro s, B eau fo rt-W es, as kies-
division. b eam p te a a n by d ie verk iesin g in v o o rm eld e kiesafdeling.

G iven u n d er m y H a n d an d the Seal of th e R e p u b lic of G egee o n d e r m y H a n d en die Seel v a n die R ep u b liek

S o u th A frica a t C ap e T ow n this T h ird d ay of Ju n e , O ne van S u id -A frik a te K a a p sta d , op h ed e d ie D erd e dag v an
th o u sa n d N in e h u n d red an d Seventy-seven, Ju n ie E en d u isen d N eg eh o n d erd Sew e-en-sew entig.
seven. N . D IE D E R IC H S , S taatsp resid en t.
N . D IE D E R IC H S , State P resident.
O p las v an d ie S taatsp resid en t-in -rad e:
B y O rd e r of the S tate P resident-in-C ouncii:
C. P. M U L D E R .
C. P. M U L D E R .

N o . 114, 1977 N o. 114, 1977

P R O V IN C IA L C O U N C IL B Y -E L E C T IO N . — E L E C ­ P R O V IN S IA L E R A A D T U S S E N V E R K IE S IN G .— K IE S ­
I , N ic c la a s D iederichs, S tate P re sid e n t of the R ep u b lic E k , N ic o la a s D ied erich s, S ta a tsp resid en t v an die R e p u ­
o f S o u th A fric a — b liek v an S u id -A frik a—
(1) h ereb y d eterm in e, in term s of th e prov isio n s of (1) bep aal h ierb y ingevolge die bep alin g s v a n artik els
sections 35 an d 88 of the E lecto ral C on so lid atio n A ct, 35 en 88 v an die W et to t K o n so lid asie v a n die K ies-
1946 (A ct 46 of 1946)— w ettc, 1946 (W et 46 v a n 1946)—
(a) th a t M o n d a y , 27 Ju n e 1977, shall be the d ay on (a) M aan d ag , 27 Ju n ie 1977, as die d ag w a a ro p ’n
w hich a n o m in atio n c o u rt will sit in th e E lecto ral D iv i­ n o m in asieh o f sitting sal h o u in die kiesafd elin g B e a u ­
sion of B e a u fo rt W est to receive n o m in atio n s of c a n d i­ fo rt-W es om no m in asies v an v e rk ie sin g sk an d id ate te
d ates fo r election as a m em b er of th e P rovincial C ouncil o n tv an g v ir d ie v erkiesing v an ’n lid van d ie P ro v in -
o f the P ro v in ce of th e C ap e of G o o d H o p e fo r th at siale R a a d v an die p ro v in sie die K a a p d ie G o eie H o o p
electoral division; v ir d a a rd ie kiesafdeling;
(b) th a t the said n o m in atio n co u rt shall sit in the Civil (b) d a t b ed o eld e n o m in asieh o f sittin g sal h o u in die
C o u rt, M a g istra te ’s O ffice, B eau fo rt W est; Siviele H o fsaal, L a n d d ro sk a n to o r. B eaufort-W es;
(c) th a t th e said n o m in a tio n co u rt shall sit a t lOhOO (c) d a t b ed o eld e n o m in asieh o f om lOhOO o p d ie in
o n the d a y referred to in p a ra g ra p h (a); i p a ra g ra a f (a) b ed o eld e d a g sitting sal h o u ;
(d) th a t if a poll becom es necessary in the said elec­ (d) d a t ingeval ’n stem m in g n o d ig w ord in gem elde
to ra l division fo r the reaso n th a t m o re th a n o ne person k iesafd elin g o m d a t m e e r as een p erso o n b eh o o rlik
shall have been du ly n o m in ated at th e close of the g en o m in eer is by d ie sluiting v an die n o m in asieh o f, die
sitting of the n o m in atio n co u rt, the poll shall be ta k e n stem m ing o p W o en sd ag , 10 A u g u stu s 1977, sal p laas-
o n W ednesday, 10 A u g u st 1977, an d shall com m ence at vin d , om 07h00 o p b ed o eld e d ag sal begin en om 21h00
07h00 and shall close a t 2 ih 0 0 o n th a t day; an d d a a rd ie d a g sal eindig; en
(2) h ereby a p p o in t, in te rm s of the said provisions, M r (2) stel h ierb y ingevolge b ed o eld e b ep alin g s m nr.
C. P. C loete, S enior M ag istrate, B eau fo rt W est, as C. P. C loete, Senior L a n d d ro s, B eau fo rt-W es, as kies-
re tu rn in g officer a t the election in th e afo resaid elec­ b eam p te a a n b y d ie verk iesin g in v o o rm eld e k ies­
to ra l division. afdeling.
G iven u n d e r m y H a n d an d the Seal of the R e p u b lic of G egee o n d e r m y H a n d en die Seel v an d ie R e p u b lie k
S o u th A fric a a t C ape T o w n this T h ird d ay o f Ju n e , O ne van S u id -A frik a te K a a p sta d , o p h ed e die D erd e d a g v an
th o u sa n d N in e h u n d re d a n d Seventy-seven. Ju n ie E e n d u ise n d N eg eh o n d erd Sew e-en-sew entig.
N . D IE D E R IC H S , S tate P resident. N . D IE D E R IC H S , S taatsp resid en t.
B y O rd e r of th e S tate P resident-in-C ouncil: O p las v an d ie S taatsp resid en t-in -rad e:
C. P . M U L D E R . C. P. M U L D E R .

N o . 118, 1977
N o. 118, 1977
V E R K E E R D E V L E I-B E S P R O E I1 N G S D IS T R IK , A F D E -
S IO N O F M O N T A G U , C A P E P R O V IN C E .— E X T E N ­
L IN G M O N T A G U , K A A P P R G V IN S IE .— U IT B R E I-
W hereas the b o u n d aries o f th e V erkeerdeviei Irrig atio n
D istrict, D ivision o f M o n tag u , C ape P rovince, w ere defin ed N a d e m a a l die g ren se van die V erk eerd ev lei-b esp ro eiin g s-
b y P ro clam atio n 146 o f 1909; d istrik , afd elin g M o n ta g u , K aa p p ro v in sie , b y P ro k lam asie
A n d w hereas it is p ro v id e d by section 76 (1) o f the 146 v an 1909 o m sk ry f is;
W ater A ct, 1956 (A ct 54 of 1956), th a t th e State P resid en t E n n a d e m a a l a rtik el 76 (1) v a n d ie W aterw et, 1956
m ay , u p o n a reco m m en d atio n b y th e M in ister o f W a te r (W et 54 v an 1956), b e p a a l d a t d ie S ta a tsp re sid e n t o p aan -
A ffa irs, include an y a d d itio n a l a re a in a n existing irrig a ­ beveling v an d ie M in iste r v a n W aterw ese enige addisio-
tio n d istrict; n ele gebied by ’n b e sta a n d e b e sp ro eiin g sd istrik k a n in slu it;
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 3

A n d w hereas th e M in iste r o f W a te r A ffa irs consid ers it E n n a d e m a a l die M in ister van W aterw ese d it w enslik ag
d e sira b le to a lte r th e b o u n d a rie s o f the V erkeerdevlei om die g ren se v an d ie V erk eerd ev lei-b esp ro eiin g sd istrik te
Irrig a tio n D istrict to in c lu d e a n a d d itio n a l a re a th erein ; w ysig ten ein d e ’n ad d isio n ele gebied d a a rb y in te sluit;
A n d w hereas the p rovisions o f th e said A c t relatin g to E n n ad em aal die bepalings van g en o em d e W et m et
such extension o f th e ab o v e-m en tio n ed irrig atio n d istrict b e trek k in g to t sodanige u itb reid in g v an die gem elde
h a v e b een com plied w ith; b esp ro eiin g sd istrik n ag ek o m is;
N o w , th e re fo re , u n d e r a n d by v irtu e of the pow ers in m e So is d it d a t ek, k rag ten s d ie bevoegdheid m y verleen
v ested b y section 76 (1) o f the said A ct, I d o h ereby d eclare by a rtik el 76 (1) van die g en o em d e W et, h ierb y v erk laar
th a t th e b o u n d a rie s of the V erk eerd ev lei Irrig a tio n D istrict, d a t die grense van die V erk eerd ev lei-b esp ro eiin g sd istrik ,
D iv isio n of M o n tag u , C ap e P rovince, as d efined by P r o ­ afd elin g M o n tag u , K aap p ro v in sie, soos o m sk ry f by P ro -
cla m a tio n 146 of 1909, shall b e ex ten d ed by th e inclusion k lam asie 146 van 1909, uitgebrei w ord d e u r die insluiting
o f th e p ro p erties described in the A n n e x u re to this P ro ­ v an die eien d o m m e w at in die B ylae v an h ierd ie P ro -
clam atio n , an d th a t the a re a so extended shall con tin u e k lam asie o m sk ry f w ord en d a t die ald u s uitg eb reid e gebied
to b e styled the V erk eerd ev lei Irrig a tio n D istrict. v o o rtaan nog as d ie V erk eerd ev lei-b esp ro eiin g sd istrik
b ek en d staan .
G iven u n d e r m y H a n d an d th e Seal o f the R e p u b lic of
S o u th A fric a a t C ap e T o w n this E ig h te e n th d a y o f M ay, G egee o n d e r m y H a n d en die Seel v an die R ep u b liek
O n e th o u sa n d N in e h u n d re d an d Seventy-seven. v an S u id -A frik a te K a a p sta d , o p h ed e d ie A g tien d e d ag
van M ei E en d u isen d N eg eh o n d erd Sew e-en-sew entig.
N . D IE D E R IC H S , State P resid en t.
N . D IE D E R IC H S , S taatsp resid en t.
B y O rd e r o f the State P resident-in-C ouncil:
O p las v an die S taatsp resid en t-in -rad e:
A . J. R A U B E N H E IM E R .
A . J. R A U B E N H E IM E R .
T h e follow ing farm s w ith ail subdivisions;
D ie volgende p lase m et alie onderverdelings:
K a re e K lo o f 264.
V e n ste r 265. K aree K loof 264.
L a a s te D rift 345. V en ster 265.
L o t A 346. L aaste D rift 345.
H a rte b e e st K ra a l 347. L o t A 346.
L atjes K lo o f 348. H a rte b e e st K ra a l 347.
E ik en b o seh H o e k 349. L atjes K lo o f 348.
L o t D 352. E ik en b o seh H o e k 349.
L o t C 354. L o t D 352.
W itteb erg 40. L o t C 354.
L o t B. W itteb erg 40.
L o t B.
T h e follow ing su bdivisions o f th e farm V erloren v alley
344: D ie volgende on d erv erd elin g s v an die p la a s V e rlo re n ­
valley 344:
R e m a in d e r.
P o rtio n 1. R e sta n t.
G ed eelte 1.
T h e follow ing subdivision o f th e fa rm K a rb o n a a tje s
K ra a l 38: D ie volgende o n d erv erd elin g v an d ie p laas K a rb o n a a tje s
K ra a l 38:
P o rtio n 1.
G edeelte 1 .'
T h e follow ing subd ivisions o f th e farm B okke R iv e r
353: D ie volgende o n d erv erd elin g s v an die p la a s Bokke
R iv ie r 353:
R e m a in d e r.
P o rtio n 1. R e sta n t.
G ed eelte 1.

N o. 119, 1977 N o. 119, 1977 ~

F E R T I L I Z E R S , F A R M F E E D S , A G R IC U L T U R A L W Y S IG IN G S W E T O P M IS S T O W W E , V E E V O E D S E L ,
R E M E D IE S A N D S T O C K R E M E D IE S A M E N D M E N T L A N D B O U M ID D E L S E N V E E M ID D E L S , 1977.—
A C T , 1977.— C O M M E N C E M E N T IN W E R K IN G T R E D I N G
U n d e r th e pow ers vested in m e b y section 23 (1) o f the K ra g te n s d ie b ev o egdheid m y v erleen b y a rtik e l 23 (1)
F ertilizers, F a rm F eed s, A g ric u ltu ra l R em ed ies a n d Stock v an d ie W ysigingsw et o p M isstow w e, V eevoedsel, L an d -
R em ed ies A m e n d m e n t A ct, 1977 (A ct 24 o f 1977), I b o u m id d els e n V eem id d els, 1977 (W et 24 v a n 1977), v e r­
h ereb y declare th a t sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, k la a r e k h ierb y d a t artik els 1, 2, 3-, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 21, an d 22 of th e a fo re ­ 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 en 22 v a n v o o rm eld e
m en tio n e d A c t sh all com e in to o p e ra tio n o n the d ate W et o p die d a tu m v a n p u b lik asie h ie rv a n in w erk in g sal
o f p u b lic a tio n hereof. tree.
G iv en u n d e r m y H a n d a n d the Seal o f the R ep u b lic G egee o n d e r m y H a n d en die Seel v a n d ie R e p u b liek
o f S o u th A fric a a t C a p e T o w n th is T w en ty -six th d a y of v an S u id -A frik a te K a a p sta d , o p h e d e d ie Ses-en-tw intigste
M ay , O ne th o u sa n d N in e h u n d re d an d Seventy-seven. d ag v a n M ei E e n d u ise n d N eg eh o n d erd Sew e-en-sew entig.
N . D IE D E R IC H S , S tate P resident. N . D IE D E R IC H S , S taatsp resid en t.
B y O rd e r of the State P resid en t-in -C o u n cil: O p las v an die S taatsp resid en t-in -rad e;



N o. 992 10 Ju n e 1977 N o. 992 10 Ju n ie 1977
U n d e r an d by v irtu e of the pow ers vested in m e by K rag ten s die bevoegdheid m y verleen by artik e l 2 (1) (c)
section 2 (1) (c) a n d (1) of th e M a g istra te s’ C o u rts A ct, en (1) v a n d ie W et o p L an d d ro sh o w e , 1944 (W et 32 v a n
1944 (A ct 32 of 1944), I, M ichiel C o e n ra a d B o th a, M in ister 1944), gee ek, M ich iel C o e n ra a d B o th a , M in iste r v a n
of B an tu A d m in istra tio n a n d D evelopm ent, h ereb y give B a n to e-ad m in istrasie e n -o ntw ikkeling, h ierb y k en n is d a t
n o tice th a t I— ek—
(a) d ecrease th e local lim its o f the D istricts of V icto ria (a) die p laaslik e g ren se v a n die d istrik V icto ria-O o s
E a s t by the exclusion th erefro m o f the a re a d efin ed in p e rk d e u r die geb ied in b y g aan d e B ylae o m sk ry f,
in th e accom panying S chedule; an d d a a ru it u it te sluit; en
(b) am en d G o v ern m en t N o tice 1690 of 1 O cto b er (b) G oew erm entskennisgew ing 1690 v an 1 O k to b e r
1971 accordingly. 1971 d ien o o reen k o m stig wysig.

M . C . B O T H A , M in iste r of B antu A d m in istra tio n an d M . C. B O T H A , M in ister v a n B an to e-ad m in istrasie en

D evelopm ent. -ontw ikkeling.

B eginning a t th e n o rth e rn m o st beaco n o f F arm B egin b y d ie n o o rd elik ste b a k e n v an P laas 17 (V .E .
17 (V .E . Q 30.49), A d m in istra tiv e D istric t of V icto ria Q 30.49), ad m in istratiew e d istrik V icto ria-O o s; d a a rv a n -
E a st; thence clockw ise alo n g th e b o u n d a rie s of th e follow ­ d a a n regs om m et die grense v a n die v o lgende eien d o m m e
ing p ro p erties so as to include them : T h e said F a rm langs so d at h u lle ingesluit w o rd : G e n o e m d e P la a s 17
17 (V .E . Q 30.49), F a rm s 6 (V .E . Q 17.40), 18 (V .E. Q 17.41), (V .E . Q 30.49), Plase 6 (V .E . Q 17.40), 18 (V .E . Q 17.41),
32 (V .E . Q 17.51), 33 (V .E . Q 17.50), 34 (V .E . Q 19.3), and 32 (V .E . Q 17.51), 33 (V .E . Q 17.50), 34 (V .E . Q 19.3) e n
P o rtio n 1 of F a rm 34 (V .E . Q19.3), to the eastern m o st G edeelte 1 v an P laas 34 (V .E . Q 19.3), to t by die o o stelikste
p o in t o f th e last-n am ed p o rtio n ; thence generally w estw ards p u n t v an laasg en o em d e gedeelte; d a a rv a n d a a n algem een
d o w n th e m id d le o f the. T y u m e R iv e r to th e p o in t w here w esw aarts m e t die m id d el v an die T y u m e riv ie r a f to t
it is intersected by th e n o rth -e a ste rn b o u n d a ry of A u c k ­ by d ie p u n t w a a r d it d e u r die n o o rd o o stelik e grens van
la n d F in g o L o catio n , P lan 31 P A (5119); thence clo ck ­ A u ck lan d F in g o -lo k asie, P la n 31 P A (5119), g ekruis w o rd ;
w ise alo n g the b o u n d aries o f the follow ing p ro p e rtie s so d a a rv a n d a a n regs om m et d ie grense v a n d ie volgende
as to include them : A u c k la n d F o re st R eserve (F a rm 35), eien d o m m e langs so d at h u lle ingesluit w o rd : A u c k la n d -
F a rm s 38 (V .E . Q 17.46), 1 (V .E . Q 17.47), 2 (V .E . Q 17.37), bosreserw e (P laas 35), P la se 38 (V .E . Q 17.46), 1 (V .E .
3 (V .E . Q 17.38), S hep to n M a lle t 5, th e said F a rm 6 (V .E. Q 17.47), 2 (V .E . Q 17.37), 3 (V .E . Q 17.38), S h ep to n
Q 17.40) an d th e said F a rm 17 (V .E . Q 30.49), to the M allet 5, g en o em d e P la a s 6 (V .E . Q 17.40) e n genoem de
n o rth e rn m o st b e a c o n o f the last-m en tio n ed farm , th e p o in t P laas 17 (V .E . Q 30.49), to t by d ie n o o rd elik ste b a k e n
o f beginning. v an laasg en o em d e p laas, d ie bcginpunt.

N o . 1021 10 J u n e 1977 N o. 1021 10 Ju n ie 1977

T h e follow ing co rrectio n s m u st be m a d e to G o v ern m en t D ie v o lgende verbeteringskennisgew ings m o e t in G o ew er-
N o tice 801, p u b lish ed in G o v e rn m e n t G a zette 5553 o f 25 m entskennisgew ing 801, gep u b liseer in S ta a tsko era n t 5553
M a y 1977: v a n 25 M ei 1977, aan g eb rin g w ord:
S u b stitu te th e follow ing h ea d in g fo r th e h ead in g o f the V erv an g d ie o p sk rif v a n die E n g else te k s d e u r die
E n g lish text: volgende op sk rif:
V A A L , T H E P R O V IN C E O F T H E O R A N G E F R E E V A A L , T H E P R O V IN C E O F T H E O R A N G E F R E E
S u b stitu te “ gee” fo r “gegee” in th e six th lin e o n page V erv an g “gegee” d e u r “ gee” in d ie sesde reel o p bladsy
1 o f th e A frik a a n s text. 1 v an d ie A frik a a n se teks.
(i) S u b stitu te “fa rm s” fo r “ fa rm ” in th e p e n u ltim a te line (i) V erv an g “ fa rm ” d e u r “fa rm s” in d ie v o o rla a ste reel
o n p ag e 3 o f th e E nglish text; o p b lad sy 3 v an d ie E ngelse teks;
(ii) su b stitu te “G a m o h a a n ” fo r “ G a m o h a n ” in th e 34th (ii) v erv an g “ G a m o h a n ” d e u r “ G a m o h a a n ” in d ie 34ste
lin e o n page 4 of th e A frik a a n s tex t; a n d reel o p b lad sy 4 van d ie A frik a a n se teks; en
(iii) su b stitu te “ n o rth w a rd s” fo r “ n o rtw a rd s” in the (iii) v ervang “ n o rtw a rd s” d e u r “ n o rth w a rd s” in die
3 9th lin e o n p ag e 4 o f the E n g lish text. 39ste reel o p b lad sy 4 v a n die E n g else teks.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 5

A r e a 1 (C .P .) G eb ied 1 (K .P .)
(i) S u b stitu te “ M a fe k in g ;” fo r “ M afek in g ,” in th e th ird (i) V erv an g “ M afek in g ,” d e u r “ M a fe k in g ;” in die d erd e
line o n pag e 5 o f th e E n g lish text; reel o p b lad sy 5 v an die E n g else teks;
(ii) su b stitu te “ in te rse c ts” fo r “ in tte rse c ts” in th e n in th (ii) v erv an g “ in tte rse c ts” d e u r “in tersects” in die negende
line o n page 5 o f th e E n g lish text; reel o p b lad sy 5 v a n die E n g else teks;
(iii) su b stitu te “ R .Q .P .M .M .L .” fo r “ R .O .P .N .M .L .” in (iii) verv an g “ R .O .P .N .M .L .” d e u r “ R .Q .P .N .M .L .” in
th e 14th line o n p ag e 5 of th e E n g lish tex t; d ie 14de reel o p b lad sy 5 van d ie E n g else tek s;
(iv) su b stitu te “ R ailw ay S trip D N o . 355” fo r “ R ailw ay (iv) v erv an g “ R ailw ay S trip D 355” d e u r “ R ailw ay
S trip D 355” in th e 16th line o n p a g e 5 of the E nglish S trip D N o. 355” in d ie 16de reel o p b lad sy 5 v a n die
text; E n g else tek s;
(v) d elete “a ” in th e 2 9th lin e o n p a g e 5 o f th e E nglish (v) sk ra p “ a ” in d ie 29ste reel op b lad sy 5 v an die
tex t; E n g else teks;
(vi) su b stitu te “ E lle n b u ry ” f o r “ E lle n b y ” in th e 4 0th (vi) v ervang “ E lle n b y ” d e u r “ E lle n b u ry ” in die 40ste
line o n pag e 5 o f th e A frik a a n s tex t; a n d reel o p bladsy 5 v a n d ie A frik a a n se tek s; en
(vii) su b stitu te “ fa rm ;” fo r “fa rm ,” in th e 40th line (vii) v ervang “ fa rm ,” d e u r “ fa rm ;” in die 40ste reel
o n p ag e 5 of the E nglish text. o p b lad sy 5 v an d ie E n g else teks.
A r e a 2 (C .P.) G eb ied 2 (K .P .)
S u b stitu te “k ilo m e tre s” fo r “ k m ” in tire fo u rth line V erv an g “ k m ” d e u r “k ilo m e tre s” in d ie v ierd e reel o p
o n p ag e 5 of the E nglish t e x t b lad sy 5 v an d ie E ngelse teks.


A rea 1 G eb ied 1
(i) S u b stitu te “ die p la a s” fo r “ D ie P la a s ” in the 13th (i) V erv an g “ D ie P la a s” d e u r “ die p la a s” in die 13de
line o n p ag e 6 o f th e A frik a a n s te x t; reel o p b lad sy 6 v a n d ie A frik a a n se tek s;
(ii) su b stitu te “ S p rin g V alley 129;” fo r “ S p rin g V alley; (ii) v erv an g “ S p rin g V alley; 129” d e u r “ Spring V alley
129” in the 17th line o n p a g e 7 o f th e A frik a a n s text; 129;” in die 17de reel o p b lad sy 7 v an d ie A frik a a n se tek s;
(iii) su b stitu te “e n ” fo r “ (en ” in th e 59th line on p a g e 7 (iii) verv an g “ (en” d e u r “ e n ” in d ie 59ste reel o p
o f th e A frik a a n s text; an d b lad sy 7 v an die A frik a a n se teks; en
(iv) su b stitu te “ H o u tb o sc h 65” fo r “ H o u tb o sc h 6” in (iv) v erv an g “ H o u tb o sc h 6 ” d e u r “H o u tb o sc h 65” in
th e 6 9 th line on p ag e 7 of the A frik a a n s text. die 69ste reel o p blad sy 7 v a n d ie A frik a a n se teks.
A rea 2 G eb ied 2
S u b stitu te “ leer” fo r “ L e e r” in th e 19th line on p ag e V erv an g “L e e r” d e u r “ leer” in d ie 19de reel o p blad sy 8
8 o f th e A frik a a n s text. v an d ie A frik a a n se teks.


(i) S u b stitu te “ w o rd :” fo r “ w o rd .” in th e 24 th line on (i) V erv an g “ w o rd .” d e u r “ w o rd :” in d ie 24ste reel
p a g e 8 o f the A frik a a n s text; a n d o p b lad sy 8 van d ie A frik a a n se teks; en
(ii) su b stitu te “ H o e k p la a ts” f o r “ B o e k p la a ts” in th e (ii) v erv an g “ B o ek p laats” d e u r “ H o e k p la a ts” in die
2 9 th line o n p a g e 8 o f th e E n g lish t e x t 29ste reel o p bladsy 8 v an die E n g else teks.



A rea 1 G e b ie d 1
(i) S u b stitu te “ H o e k b a k e n s N o. 2 en N o . 3” f o r “ H o e k ­ (i) Vervang “Hoekbakens 2 en 3” deur “Hoekbakens
b ak en s 2 e n 3” in th e 30th line on p ag e 9 o f th e No. 2 en No. 3” in die 30ste reel op bladsy 9 van die
A frik a a n s text; A frik a a n se teks;
(ii) su b stitu te “ H o e k b a k e n N o. 2 ” fo r “ H o e k b a k e n 2 ” (ii) v erv an g “ H o e k b a k e n 2 ” d e u r “ H o e k b a k e n N o. 2” in
in th e 32nd line o n p a g e 9 o f th e A frik a a n s tex t; an d d ie 32ste reel o p b lad sy 9 v an d ie A frik a a n se teks; en
(iii) su b stitu te “ H o e k b a k e n s N o . 3, No. 4, N o . 5, N o . 6 (iii) v erv an g “ H o e k b a k e n s 3, 4, 5, 6 en 7 ” d e u r “Hoek­
e n N o . 7 ” fo r “ H o e k b a k e n s 3, 4, 5, 6 en 7 ” in th e 33rd b ak en s N o . 3, N o . 4, N o . 5, N o. 6 en N o . 7 ” in die
a n d 3 4th lines on p ag e 9 o f th e A frik a a n s text. 33ste e n 34ste reels o p b lad sy 9 v a n d ie A frik a a n se teks.


(i) S u b stitu te “ (D iagram SG A 5 9 6 1 /5 8 )” fo r “ (D iag ram (i) V erv an g “ (D iag ram SG A 5961 58)” d e u r “ (D iag ram
S G A 5961 58)” in th e 11th line o n p ag e 10 o f th e E n g lish SG A 5 9 6 1 /5 8 )” in d ie l l d e reel o p b la d sy 10 v a n d ie
te x t; a n d E n g else tek s; en
(ii) su b stitu te “ M a h o b ie sk ra a l” f o r “M a h o b e sk ra a l” in (ii) v erv an g “ M a h o b e sk ra a l” d e u r “M a h o b ie sk ra a l” in
th e 2 1 st line o n p a g e 10 o f th e A frik a a n s text. d ie 21ste reel o p b lad sy 10 v a n d ie A frik a a n se tek s.


(i) S u b stitu te “ R a m p a p a a n sp o o rt 279 K P ,” fo r “ R a m p a - (i) V erv an g “ R a m p a p a a n sp o o rt 279 K ,” d e u r “ R a m p a ­
p a a n sp o o rt 279 K ,” in the 10th line o n page 10 of the p a a n sp o o rt 279 K P ,” in die lOde reel o p oladsy 10 van
E n glish text; and d ie E n g else tek s; en
(ii) su b stitu te “ B ed fo rd ” fo r “ B ed fo rt” in the 21st line (ii) v erv an g “ B e d fo rt” d e u r “ B ed fo rd ” in d ie 21ste
o n pag e 10 o f th e A frik a a n s text. reel o p bladsy 10 v an d ie A frik a a n se teks.

(i) S k rap d ie w o o rd “ e n ” w aar d it die eerste keer
(i) D elete the w ord “ e n ” w here it a p p e a rs fo r the first v o o rk o m in die 28ste reel op bladsy 13 v an d ie A frik a a n se
tim e in the 28th line on page 13 o f th e A frik a a n s text; teks;
(ii) su b stitu te “ g ren s” fo r “ G re n s” in the 4 6 th line (ii) verv an g “ G re n s” d e u r “ g ren s” in die 4 6ste reel op
on pag e 13 o f the A frik a a n s text; b lad sy 13 v an d ie A frik aan se teks;
(iii) su b stitu te “ H e x riv ie r,” fo r “ H e x riv ie r;” in the 50th (iii) vervang “ H e x riv ie r;” d e u r “ H ex riv ier.” in die 50ste
line o n pag e 13 of the A frik a a n s text; an d reel o p bladsy 13 van d ie A frik aan se tek s; en
(iv) su b stitu te “ S ty ld rift” fo r “ S ty ld rif” in the th ird (iv) v ervang “ S ty ld rif” d e u r “ S ty ld rift” in die d erd e
line o n pag e 14 of the E nglish text. reel o p bladsy 14 van die E n g else teks.



(i) D elete “ so d at dit u it hierdie gebied uitgesluit w o rd ,” (i) S k rap “ so d at d it u it h ierd ie gebied u itgesluit w o rd ,”
in the 19th an d 20th lines on page 14 o f the A frik a a n s text; in d ie 19de en 20ste reels o p bladsy 14 v a n die A frik aan se
(ii) su b stitu te “ (K a a rt L G 4 4 9 /1 8 9 2 )” fo r “ (K a a rt L G
A 4 4 9 /8 9 2 )” in the 41st an d 4 2 n d lines on page 14 of the (ii) vervang “ (K a a rt L G A 4 4 9 /8 9 2 )” d e u r “ (K a a rt L G
4 4 9 /1 8 9 2 )” in die 41ste en 42ste reels o p bladsy 14 van
A frik a a n s text; a n d
die A frik a a n se teks; en
(iii) su b stitu te “ (K a a rt L G A 6 4 1 8 /6 5 )” fo r “ (K aart
L G A 6 4 1 5 /6 5 )” in the 50th an d 51st lines on p ag e 14 (iii) vervang “ (K a a rt L G A 6 4 1 5 /6 5 )” d e u r “ (K a a rt L G
A 6 4 1 8 /6 5 )” in die 50ste en 51ste reels o p bladsy 14 van
o f th e A frik a a n s text.
die A frik a a n se teks.
(i) S u b stitu te “ Ic h a b o d ” fo r “ Ish a b o d ” in tire seventh (i) V erv an g “ Ish a b o d ” d e u r “ Ic h a b o d ” in die sew ende
line o n page 15 o f the A frik a a n s text; reel op bladsy 15 v an d ie A frik a a n se teks;
(ii) su b stitu te “ R e m a in d e r” fo r “ re m a in d e r” in the (ii) v ervang “ re m a in d e r” d eu r “ R e m a in d e r” in die
n in th an d 10th lines on page 15 of the E nglish text; negende en lOde reels o p b lad sy 15 v an die E ngelse teks;
(iii) su b stitu te “ a re a ” fo r “ a re a s” in the 14th line on (iii) v ervang “ a re a s ” d e u r “ a re a ” in die 14de reel op
p ag e 15 of th e E nglish text; b lad sy 15 v an die E ngelse teks;
(iv) su b stitu te “ 333” fo r “ 33” in the 15th line on page (iv) verv an g “ 33” d e u r “ 333” in die 15de r e d o p bladsy
15 o f th e E n g lish text; 15 v an d ie E ngelse teks;
(v) su b stitu te “ 791” fo r “ 792” in the 25th line o n p ag e (v) vervang “ 792” d eu r “ 791” in d ie 25ste reel op
15 o f th e A frik a a n s tex t; an d b lad sy 15 v an die A frik a a n se teks; en
(vi) su b stitu te “ M a sh a la n a ” fo r “ M sh a la n a ” in the 25th (vi) v erv an g “ M sh a la n a ” d eu r “ M a sh a la n a ” in die
line o n p a g e 15 o f the A frik a a n s text. 25ste reel o p b lad sy 15 van die A frik a a n se teks.


N o. 1016 10 Ju n e 1977 N o. 1016 10 Ju n ie 1977

T e n d e rs sal om llhOO o p 1 Ju lie 1977 slu it vir V y fjaar-
T en d ers w ill d o s e a t llhO O on 1 Ju ly 1977 fo r Five obligasies vir N ie-inw 'oners, te r w aard e v an ongeveer
Y e a r N o n -R e sid e n t B onds to the v alu e o f a p p ro x im a te ly R i 000 000 (eenm iljoen ra n d ) teen ’n m in im u m p ry s van
R1 000 000 (one m illion ra n d ) a t a m inim um p rice of R 8 5 ,0 0 % (vyf-en-tagtig ra n d p ersen t) o p d ie term e en
R 85,00% (eighty-five ra n d p e r cent) o n th e term s an d c o n ­ v o o rw aard es soos neergele in d ie p ro sp e k tu s g e d a te e r 1
d itio n s stip u lated in th e p ro sp e c tu s d a te d 1 Ju ly 1964, Ju lie 1964.
P ro sp ectu ses a re o b ta in a b le from b a n k s in the R ep u b lic P ro sp e k tu sse is b y b a n k e in d ie R e p u b lie k en Suidw es-
a n d S o u th -W est A fric a a s w ell as fro m th e T reasu ry , A frik a sow el as by die T eso u rie, U n ieg eb o u , P re to ria ,
U n io n B uildings, P reto ria. v erk ry g b aar.
Each te n d e r m u st b e a c c o m p a n ied b y a se p a ra te cheque. E lk e ten d er m o at v an ’n afso n d erlik e tjek vergesel gaan.
STAATSICOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 7

N o . 1012 10 Ju n e 1977 N o. 1012 10 Ju n ie 1977

In term s of th e p rovisions o f section 3 of the S tate K rag ten s d ie bep alin g s van a rtik el 3 van die W et op
T e n d e r B o a rd A ct, 1968 (A ct 86 o f 1968), the M in ister die S ta a tste n d e rra a d , 1968 (W et 68 van 1968), h et die
o f F in a n c e h a s ap p o in te d M r K e ith A llex e F a u re as a M in ister van F in an sies m n r. K eith A llexe F a u re as lid van
m em b er of the S tate T e n d e r B o a rd a n d d esig n ated him as die S ta a tste n d e rra ad aangestel en as V o o rsitte r v an die
C h a irm a n of the B o ard w ith effect fro m 1 M ay 1977. R a a d aangew ys m e t ingang v an 1 M ei 1977.

N o. 993 10 Ju n e 1977 N o. 993 10 Ju n ie 1977

S tatem en t of R evenue collected d u rin s the p e rio d 1 S taat v an In k o m ste in g ev o rd er e ed u ren d e die ty d p e rk 1
A p ril 1977 to 30 A p ril 1977. A p ril 1977 to t 30 A p ril 1977.
T re a su ry , P reto ria. T eso u rie, P reto ria.

for year M onth of April
ended 31 M aand April
Head o f Revenue Inkom stehoof March 1977
vir die jaar
gecindig 31 1977 1976
M aari 1977
State Revenue Account Staatsinkomsierekening
Customs and Excise— D oeane cn Aksyns—
Customs D u ty ............................................. Invoerreg...................................................... 323 809 962 24 223 070 28 434 678
Surcharge..................................................... Bobelasting.................................................. 277 115 27 188 628 —
Excise Duty: Aksynsreg:
B eer................................................. Bier..................................... 145 602 522 13 402 215 13 790 912
W ine............................................... W yn.................................... 17 112 989 1 788 171 1 507 607
Spirits............................................. Spiritus.............................. 194 926 618 12 661 207 23 533 994
Acetic acid.................................... A svnsuur........................... 80 557 4 656 6 637
Cigarettes and cigarette tobacco Sigarette en sigarettabak. 206 518 797 16018 377 29 156 154
Pipe tobacco and cigars......... Pyptabak en sigare......... 20 702 613 2 132 060 2 299 981
Petroleum products..................... Petroleum produkte......... 213 007 235 21 478 048 10 481 225
M otor c ars......... .......................... M otorkarre....................... 18 463 818 79 __
M ineral w ater............................... Mincraa! w ater.................. 1 1 766 086 958 837 498 303
Bantu beer..................................... B antoebier........................ 439 — 27
828 18! 674 68 443 650 81 274 840
M 52 268 751 __ 119 855 348 109 709 518
Sales d u ty ---- Verkoopreg, 273 959 946 22 398 546 30 596 141
Miscellaneous. D iverse....... 6 393 399 13 851 203 4 443 376
1 432 622^096 156 105 097 144 749 035
Transfer to S.W.A. A ccount............... Oordrag na S.W .A.-rekening.. Dr 34 750 000 Dr 4 794 328 Dr 2 000 000
Transfer to Neighbouring Territories. Oordrag na Naburige Gebiede. — Dr 44 632 000 —
1 397 872 096 106 678 760 142 749 035
Inland Revenue— Binnelandse Inkomste—
Tax on Incom e................ ......................................... Beiasting op Inkom ste............................................. 3 635 501 781 236 778 333 230 022 120
O ther Taxes and Receipts: Ander Belastings en Ontvangste:
Gold mining leases................. ... G oudm ynhuurkontrakte..................................... 111 935 451 _ 3 788
Other mining leases............ ......................... Ander m ynhuurkontrakte................................... 6S91 844 8 787 576
State Ownership Revenue on diamond mines. Staatseiendomsreginkomste op diamantmyne, 16 224 872 ■— 1 685
Export duty on diam onds................................... Uitvoerregte op diam ante................................... 15 450 070 1 324 658 2 235 459
Non-Resident Shareholders’ T ax...................... Beiasting op Buitelandse Aandeclbouers......... 84 804 501 4 996 051 3 920 169
Non-Resident’s Tax on interest......................... Rentebelasting op Buitelanders......................... 11 300 814 926 159 1 028 662
U ndistributed Profits T ax................................... Beiasting op Onuitgekeerde W inste.................. 6 896 211 373 754 324 154
D onations Tax..................... ................................. Beiasting op Geskenke........................................ 1 347 953 85 425 33 685
Stamp Duties and Fees....................................... Seeiregte en G elde................................................ 70 631 275 5 525 658 5 341 950
Transfer Duties Hereregte................................................................ 52 593 261 3 729 316 4 424 274
Estate Duties Boedel beiasting..................................................... 43 197 829 2 984 456 2 889 674
Tax on M arketable Securities................... Beiasting op Bemarkbare Sekurileite............... 12 451 420 1 187 674 912 251
Licences......................................................... Lisensies.................................... ............................. 1 208 91! 47 473 35 988
Cinematograph Films T ax ......................... Kinematograaffilmsbelasting.............................. 1 304 011 83 197 129 522
O ther............................................................... A nder...................................................................... 1 267 394 1 113 163 1 047 946
Departm ental and Miscellaneous Receipts: Departementele en Diverse Ontvangste:
State Diamond Diggings............................ Staatsdiamantdelwerye........................................ 22 647 593 2 116 653 _
Forest Revenue. ......................................... Bosirikomste.......................................................... 23 155 524 973 264 1 295 440
Fines and Forfeitures.................................. Boetes cn Verbeurdverklarings.......................... 8 848 686 813 025 773 292
Recoveries o f Advances Verhaiings van V oorskotte................................. 2 633 528 127 997 105 556
Sale o f State L and.............. Verkoop van Staatsgrond................................... 1 657 662 — —
Rental from Stale Property. Verhuring van Staatseiendom............................ 11 229 816 187 116 218 516
G eneral.................................. Algemeen............................................................... 165 864 626 4 968 079 3 084 532
Interest and Dividends........... Rente en Dividende................................................. 556 521 429 46 993 304 39 119 181
Repayment o f L oans.............. Terugbetaling van Lenings..................................... 91 454 888 569 557 226 632
4 957 021 350 315 913 099 297 175 052
6 354 893 446 422 591 868 439 924 087
State Oil F u n d ...................................................... Staatsoiiefonds......................................... 163 679 928 19 000 000 11 500 000
National R oad F u n d ........................................... Nasionale Padfonds.................................. 123 235 860 8 500 000 8 000 000
South African Bantu Trust F u n d ..................... Suid-Afrikaanse B antoetrustfonds....... 11 465 303 454 915 178 746
B antu Transport Services Account................... Rekening vir Bantoevervoerdienste___ 8 863 107 285 615 555 828
Bantu Beer Research F u n d ................................ Fonds vir Bantoebiernavorsing............ 589 167 .— - —
South-West Africa Territorial Revenue Fund, SuidWes-Afrika Gebiedsinkomstefonds. 6 600 000 580 000 400 000
314 433 365 28 820 530 20 634 574
6 669 326 811 451 412 398 460 558 661
South-West Africa Account Suidwes-Afrikarekening
Customs and Excise........................................... Doeane en Aksyns......................................... 34 750 000 4 794 328 2 000 000
Inland Revenue................................................ « Binnelandse Inkom ste................................... 122 982 925 5 438 001 4 973 911
157 732 925 10 232 329 6 973 911
S.W.A. Territorial Revenue F u n d ___ S.W.A. Gebiedsinkomstefonds............ 4 336 000 _ _
South-West Finance Corporation Ltd. South-West Finance Corporation Ltd. 7 139 183 — —
169 208 108 10 232 329 6 973 911
Total. T otaal, 6 838 534 919 461 644 727 467 532 572

C o lle c tio n s
fo r year M o n th o f A pril
e n d e d 31 M a a n i A p r il
H ead o f R evenue I n k o m s te h o o f M a r c h 1977
Ingevord er
vir d ie jaar
g e e in d ig 31 1977 1976
M aart 1977

R e c o n c ilia tio n w ith sta tem en t p u b lish e d b y G o v e r n m e n t R e k o n s ilia s ie m e t o p g a a f gep u b liseer b y G o e w e rm en ts-
N o t ic e 826 in Government Gazette o f 13 M a y 1977— k e n n isg ew in g 82 6 in Staatskoerant v a n 13 M e i 1977—
I n T ran sit, 31 M ar ch 1 9 7 7 ................................................................... In T ra n sito , 31 M a a rt 1 9 7 7 ............................................................... — 25 5 6 0 463 —
C o lle c tio n s , as a b o v e .............................................. ............................... ln v o r d e r in g s s o o s h ie r b o .................................................................... — 461 6 4 4 727 —

R — 4 8 7 2 0 5 190 —

I n T ran sit, 30 A pril 1 9 7 7 ............................................................ .. In T r a n sito , 3 0 A pril 1 9 7 7 ................................................................. — 4 7 036 418 —

R e c e iv e d in to E x ch eq u er A c c o u n t ................................................... I n S k a tk isre k e n in g o n t v a n g ......................................................... R 4 4 0 168 772 — --- -----------
----------- -- -----------

(a) Section 22 (1) (d) o f Act 25 o f 1969. (a) Artikei 22 (1) (d) van W et 25 van 1969.
(b) Section 1 (2) o f Act 12 o f 1977. (b) Artikei 1 (2) van Wet 12 van 1977.
(c) Section 1 o f Act 68 o f 1977. (c) Artikei 1 van W et 68 van 1977.
(d) Section 2 (1) (a) o f Act 54 o f 1971. (d) Artikei 2 (1) (a) van W et 54 van 1971.
(e) Section 8 o f Act 18 o f 1936. (e) Artikei 8 van Wet 18 van 1936.
(f) Section 5 o f Act 53 o f 1957. (f) Artikei 5 van W et 53 van 1957.
(g) Section 19bis (1) (a) o f Act 63 o f 1962. (g) Artikei 19bis (1) (a) van W et 63 van 1962.
(h) Section 22 (4) (a) o f Act 25 o f 1969. (h) Artikei 22 (4) (a) van W et 25 van 1969.
(i) Section 22 (2) (c) o f Act 25 of 1969. (i) Artikei 22 (2) (c) van W et 25 van 1969.
(j) Section 5 o f Ordinance 21 o f 1953. (j) Artikei 5 van O rdonnansie 21 van 1953.

N o . 1013 10 J u n e 1977 N o. 1013 10 Ju n ie 1977

I n term s of th e provisions o f section 12 o f th e T ra n sv a a l K rag ten s d ie b epalings v a n a rtik e i 12 v a n d ie W et
a n d N a ta l Societies o f C h a rte re d A c c o u n ta n ts A c t, 1968o p die T ra n sv a a lse en N atalse G e n o o tsk a p p e v a n
(A ct 66 o f 1968), th e follow ing am en d m en ts to th e by­ G e o k tro o ie e rd e R ek en m eesters, 1968 (W et 66 v a n 1968),
law s o f the N a ta l Society of C h a rte re d A c c o u n ta n ts, as w o rd d ie volgende w ysigings v an d ie v ero rd en in g e v an
p u b lish ed u n d e r G o v ern m en t N o tice R . 346 o f 6 M arch d ie N atalse G en o o tsk ap v a n G e o k tro o ie e rd e R e k e n ­
1970, as am en d ed b y G o v e rn m e n t N o tice 1002 o f 23 m eesters, soos gep u b liseer by G o ew erm en tsk en n isg ew in g
M a y 1975, a re h ereb y notified: R . 346 v an 6 M a a rt 1970, soos gew ysig by G o ew erm en ts­
(i) T h e follow ing by-law s a re su b stitu ted fo r th e existing kennisgew ing 1002 v a n 23 M ei 1975, b ek en d g em aak :
by-law s 3, 4 a n d 5: (i) D ie b esta a n d e v ero rd en in g e 3, 4 e n 5 w o rd d e u r
d ie volgende v ero rd en in g e vervang:
“ 3. C O N S T IT U T IO N O F C O U N C IL .
T h e C ouncil shall consist o f 12 m em b ers, n o t less th a n “ 3. S A M E S T E L L IN G V A N D IE R A A D .
n ine o f w hom sh all be m em b ers in p u b lic practice, elected D ie R a a d b estaan u it 12 lede, w a a rv a n nie m in d e r as
b y m em b ers o f th e Society in th e m a n n e r p rescrib ed in n eg e ’n o p e n b a re p ra k ty k m o et b eo efen nie, d e u r lede
by -law 6, an d n o t m o re th a n fo u r ad d itio n a l m em b ers v an d ie G e n o o tsk a p o p die wyse in v e ro rd en in g 6 voorge-
a p p o in te d by the C ouncil in term s of by-law 4. M em b ers sk ry f v erkies en h o ogstens v ier ad d isio n ele led e d e u r d ie
so elected o r a p p o in te d shall all be actu ally resid en t in R a a d k ra g te n s v ero rd en in g 4 aangestel. L e d e w a t a ld u s
N a ta l a t the d a te of election o r ap p o in tm e n t. F o r the verkies of aan g estel w o rd , m o et te n ty d e v an h u l v erkiesing
p u rp o ses o f this by-law ‘N a ta l’ shall in clu d e th e p resen t of aan stellin g w erk lik in N a ta l w oo n ag tig wees. V ir die
M ag isterial D istricts of M o u n t C u rrie an d M atatiele. doeleindes v a n h ierd ie v ero rd en in g slu it ‘N a ta l’ die
h u id ig e la n d d ro sd istrik te v an M o u n t C u rrie e n M ata tie le
4. A P P O IN T M E N T O F A D D IT IO N A L M E M B E R S in.
O F C O U N C IL .
T h e C ouncil m a y a p p o in t a to tal of n o t m o re th a n fo u r V A N D IE R A A D .
a d d itio n a l m em b ers a t m eetings o f th e C ouncil, p ro v id ed
th a t the notice o f m eetin g in cluded this item o n th e D ie R a a d k a n altesaam h o o g sten s v ier ad d isio n ele lede
ag enda. A m e m b e r so ap p o in te d shall h o ld office un til aan stel o p v ergaderings v a n die R a a d , in d ien k en n is v a n
th e conclusion of the n e x t a n n u a l general m eetin g follow ing d ie v o o rn em e o m so d an ig e aan s tellings te d o e n o p d ie
his a p p o in tm e n t, p ro v id ed th a t no ap p o in te d m em b er shall sakelys verskyn. ’n L id w a t ald u s aan g estel w o rd , bekiee
b e eligible fo r re a p p o in tm e n t if this co u ld re su lt in his sy am p to t n a a flo o p v a n die v o lg en d e algem ene ja a r-
h o ld in g office fo r a p e rio d o f m o re th a n fo u r y ears in any v erg ad erin g w a t o p sy aan stellin g volg, m e t d ie vo o r-
p e rio d of six years. b e h o u d d a t ’n aan g esteld e lid nie h eraan g estel m a g w o rd
nie in d ien d it to t gevolg sal he d a t h y die a m p v ir ’n
5. R E T I R E M E N T O F E L E C T E D M E M B E R S O F ty d p e rk v a n m e e r as vier ja a r in enige ty d p e rk v a n ses
C O U N C IL . ja a r sal bekiee.
(a) F o u r elected m em b ers o f th e C ouncil sh all retire 5. A F T R E D E V A N G E K O S E R A A D S L E D E .
fro m office a t each a n n u a l general m eeting sav e th a t (a) V ie r gekose led e v a n die R a a d le h u lle a m p n eer
if an y elected m em b er w ho w ould o rd in arily h av e re tire d o p elke alg em en e jaarv erg ad erin g , m e t d ie n v e rsta n d e d a t,
fro m office a t th a t tim e v acated h is office p rio r to th e in d ien ’n gek o se lid w a t n o rm aalw eg sy a m p d a n so u n e e r­
a n n u a l general m eetin g an d such vacan cy w as n o t filled le sy a m p v o o r d ie algem ene jaarv e rg ad e rin g n e e rle e n
as p ro v id ed fo r in by-law 7, th e n u m b e r to re tire sh all be sod an ig e v a k a tu re n ie k rag ten s v ero rd en in g 7 gev u l is
red u ced accordingly. nie, d ie a a n ta l w a t h u lle a m p n eerle o o reen k o m stig ver-
(b) A n y m em b er w ho retires fro m office shall b e eligible m in d e r w ord.
fo r re-election. (b) E n ig e lid w at sy a m p n eerle, is h erk iesb aar.
(c) T h e re tirin g elected m em b ers o f the C o u n cil shall (c) D ie aftre d e n d e g ek o se led e v a n die R a a d is die
b e those w ho sh all h a v e been longest in office since the w a t h u l a m p die lan g ste bek iee h e t se d e rt d ie d a tu m v a n
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 9

d a te of th e ir election o r re-election, a n d , in th e ev en t h u l verkiesing of h erv erk iesin g en, in geval m eer lede as
o f th e re being m o re th a n th e n u m b e r w ho have to re tire die a a n ta l w at m o e t aftree h u l am p ew e la n k beklee h e t,
w h o sh all h a v e been in office a n eq u a l len g th o f tim e, th e w o rd d it tu ssen h u lle b eslu it w a tte r led e m o et aftree
n a m e s o f the m em b ers to re tire as a fo resaid sh all be soos h ie rb o g en o em .” .
d ecid ed a m o n g st th e m .” . (ii) (a) D ie laaste p a ra g ra a f van v ero rd en in g 33 (k) w ord
(ii) (a) T h e la st p a ra g ra p h o f by-law 38 (k) is d eleted . g esk rap .
(ii) (b) T h e follow ing n ew by-law 38 (1) is in serted (ii) (b) D ie v o lgende nuw e v ero rd en in g 38 (1) w o rd n a
a fte r by-law 38 (k): v ero rd en in g 38 (k) ingevoeg:
“ T h e C ouncil m a y , in its d iscretion, rein state any “ E n ig e lid w ie se lid m a a tsk a p k rag ten s v ero rd en in g
m e m b e r w hose m e m b e rsh ip h a s been cancelled in term s 38 (k) op g eh ef is, k a n d e u r d ie R a a d n a g o ed d u n k e h erstel
of b y-law 38 (k) a n d m a y in such case d isp en se w ith a w o rd e n in so d an ig e gevalle k a n die R a a d afsien v a n ’n
new a p p lic a tio n fo r m e m b e rsh ip a n d /o r p ay m e n t of n u w e a a n so e k om lid m a a tsk a p e n /o f die betalin g v a n
e n tra n c e fee b u t m a y im p o se a re -in sta te m e n t fee in treegeld m a a r k a n lid m a atsk ap h erstelg eld , gelyk a a n d ie
eq u iv alen t to h a lf of the e n tra n c e fee specified in by-law h elfie v an d ie in treegeld in v ero rd en in g 38 (g) gespesifiseer*
38 (g).” lief.” .


N o . 1028 10 Ju n e 1977 N o . 1028 10 Ju n ie 1977
I t is h ereb y no tified th a t, w ith effect fro m 3 J a n u a ry H ie rb y w o rd b ek en d gem aak d a t a a n m n r. Stig Jo rg en
1977, re co g n itio n has been g ra n te d to M r Stig Jo rg en R e id a r A n d e rse n m e t in gang van 3 J a n u a rie 1977 erken-
R e id a r A n d e rse n as H o n o ra ry C o n su l o f F in la n d in C ap e ning verleen is as E re k o n su l v an F in la n d in K a a p sta d
T o w n w ith the P rovince o f the C ap e o f G o o d H o p e as m et die p ro v in sie die K a a p die G o eie FIoop as sy regs-
his a re a of ju risd ictio n . M r A n d e rse n is the successor to gebied. M n r. A n d e rse n is die opvolger v an m n r. R . M . J.
M r R . M . J . B ran d t. B ran d t.
(6 2 /6 3 /4 ) (6 2 /6 3 /4 )

N o. 1029 10 Ju n e 1977 N o. 1029 10 Ju n ie 1977

H ierb y w o rd b ek en d g em aak d a t ’n K o n su la a t-G e n e raa l
I t is hereb y no tified th at o n 1 M a y 1977 a C o n su late
van die R e p u b lie k v a n S u id -A frik a op 1 M ei 1977 in
G e n e ra l o f the R ep u b lic of S o u th A frica w as estab lish ed
C hicago, V eren ig d e State van A m e rik a , gestig is m et
in C hicago, U n ited S tates of A m erica, w ith M r G erald
m n r. G e ra ld K a ik a a n d ie h o o f d a a rv a n as K o n su l-G en e-
K a lk in charge as C onsul G en eral.
(4 /2 /1 4 6 ) (4 /2 /1 4 6 )

N o. 1030 10 J u n e 1977 N o. 1030 10 J u n ie 1977

H ie rb y w o rd b ek en d g em aak d a t m n r. D . B. Sole o p
I t is h ereby n o tified th a t M r D . B . Sole w as received M aan d ag , 16 M ei 1977, d e u r die P resid en t v a n d ie V e r­
b y th e P re sid e n t o f th e U n ited 'S ta te s of A m e ric a on en ig d e S tate v an A m e rik a o n tv an g is en d a t hy by d a a r-
M o n d a y , 16 M a y 1977, o n w hich occasion he presen ted d ie geleen th eid sy G elo o fsb rief as B u itengew one en
h is le tte r o f C redence as A m b a ssa d o r E x tra o rd in a ry an d G ev o lm ag tig d e A m b a ssa d e u r v a n die R e p u b lie k v an
P le n ip o te n tia ry o f th e R e p u b lic of S o u th A fric a to the S u id -A frik a in d ie V eren ig d e S tate v a n A m e rik a oor-
U n ite d S tates of A m erica. h an d ig h et.
[4 /2 /1 0 (3 2 )] [4 /2 /1 0 (3 2 )]


N o . 1006 10 J u n e 1977 N o. 1006 10 Ju n ie 1977
A L IE N S A C T , 1937 W E T O P V R E E M D E L IN G E , 1937
C H A N G E O F S U R N A M E .— L E O N A R D T O H E N M A N V A N S V E R A N D E R IN G .— L E O N A R D IN H E N M A N
T h e S ta te P resid en t h a s been p leased , u n d e r th e p ro ­ D it h e t die S taatsp resid en t b e h a a g o m , k ra g te n s d ie
v isio n s o f sectio n 9 o f th e A lien s A c t, 1937 (A ct 1 o f 1937), b epalings v an a rtik e l 9 v an d ie W et o p V reem d elin g e,
to a u th o rise L lew ellyn L e o n a rd , residing a t 102 In v erea 1937 (W et 1 v an 1937), L lew ellyn L e o n a rd , w o o n ag tig te
C o u rt, K e a m R o a d , E a s t L o n d o n , to a ssu m e th e su rn am e In v e re a -H o f 102, K eam w eg, O o s-L o n d en , te m ag tig o m d ie
of H enm an. v an H e n m a n a a n te neem .

N o . 1007 10 J u n e 1977 No. 1007 10 Ju n ie 1977

C H A N G E O F S U R N A M E .— W IL L IA M S T O H E S O M - V A N S V E R A N D E R IN G .— W IL L IA M S IN H ESO M -
T h e S ta te P re sid e n t h a s been p leased , u n d e r th e p ro ­ D it h e t d ie S ta a tsp re sid e n t b e h a a g om, k rag ten s die
v isio n s o f se ctio n 9 o f th e A liens A ct, 1937 (A ct 1 o f 1937), b ep alin g s v an a rtik e l 9 v a n d ie W et op V reem delinge,
to a u th o rise R ic h a rd E d w in W illiam s, his w ife A n g ela, 1937 (W et 1 v a n 1937), R ic h a rd E d w in W illiam s, sy vrou
b o m H eso m , a n d h is child N in a, residing a t 24a E ig h th A n g ela, g eb o re H eso m , en sy k in d N in a , w o o n ag tig te
A v en u e, M elville, Jo h a n n e sb u rg to assu m e th e su rn a m e A g tste L a a n 2 4 a, M elville, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , te m ag tig om die
o f H esom -W illiam s. v a n H eso m -W illiam s aan te neem .
10 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

N o . 1008 10 J u n e 1977 N o . 1008 10 J u n ie 1977

A L IE N S A C T , 1937 W E T O P V R E E M D E L IN G E , 1937
W OOD D it h et d ie S ta a tsp re sid e n t b e h a a g o m , k ra g te n s d ie
T h e S tate P re sid e n t has b e e n pleased, u n d e r th e p ro ­ b ep alin g s v an a rtik e l 9 v an die W e t o p V reem delinge,
v isio ns o f section 9 o f the A lien s A ct, 1937 (A ct 1 o f 1937), 1937 (W et 1 van 1937), C h ery l F ra n c e s K ru g er, w o o n ag tig
to a u th o rise C h ery l F ra n c e s K ru g er, resid in g a t 108 S a n d ­ te S an d rin g h am -S en tru m 108, G eo rg elaan , S an d rin g h am ,
rin g h am C entre, G eorge A v en u e, S an d rin g h am Jo h a n n e s­ Jo h a n n e sb u rg , te m ag tig o m die v an D ash w o o d a a n te
b u rg , to assu m e th e su rn am e o f D ashw ood. neem .

N o. 1009 10 J u n e 1977 N o. 1009 10 Ju n ie 1977

A L IE N S A C T , 1937 W E T O P V R E E M D E L IN G E , 1937
C H A N G E O F S U R N A M E .— D E L A F IE L D T O
T h e S tate P re sid e n t h as te e n pleased, u n d e r th e p ro ­ D it h et d ie S ta a tsp re sid e n t b e h a a g om , k ra g te n s d ie
v isio n s o f sectio n 9 of th e A liens A ct, 1937 (A ct 1 o f 1937), bep alin g s v an a rtik el 9 v an die W et o p V reem delinge,
to a u th o rise W a rre n M a rk D elafield, residing a t 57 Sym - 1937 (W et 1 v an 1937), W a rre n M a rk D elafield, w oo n ag tig
m o n d s L an e, H ow ick, N a ta l, to assum e th e su rn a m e of te Sym m onds R y la a n 57, H o w ick , N a ta l, te m agtig om d ie
B a rn a rd . van B a rn a rd a a n te neem .

N o . 1010 10 J u n e 1977 N o . 1010 10 J u n ie 1977

A L IE N S A C T , 1937 W E T O P V R E E M D E L IN G E , 1937

T h e S tate P re sid e n t h as t e e n pleased, u n d e r th e p ro ­ D it h et d ie S ta a tsp re sid e n t b e h a a g o m , k rag ten s die

v isio ns o f se ctio n 9 of th e A liens A c t, 1937 (A ct 1 o f 1937), b ep alin g s v an a rtik e l 9 v a n d ie W e t o p V reem delinge,
to a u th o rise N ico laas van Z y l S m it a n d A n n e m a rie v an 1937 (W et 1 van 1937), N ico laas v an Z y l Sm it en A n n e ­
Z y l Sm it, residing a t 10 S n y m an R o a d , N av o rs, P re to ria , m a rie v an Z y l Sm it, w oonagtig te Snym anw eg 10, N av o rs,
to a ssu m e th e su rn am e of V a n Z yl-Sm it. P re to ria , te m ag tig o m d ie v an V an Z y l-S m it a a n te neem .

N o . 1023 10 J u n e 1977 N o. 1023 10 Ju n ie 1977

A L IE N S A C T , 1937 W E T O P V R E E M D E L IN G E , 1937

C H A N G E O F S U R N A M E .— C L A Y T O N T O C O H E N V A N S V E R A N D E R IN G .— C L A Y T O N IN C O H E N
T h e S tate P resid en t h as t e e n pleased, u n d e r the D it h e t d ie S ta a tsp re sid e n t b eh aag o m , k rag ten s d ie
p ro v isio n s o f sectio n 9 of th e A lien s A c t, 1937 (A ct 1 of b ep alings v a n artik e l 9 v a n d ie W e t o p V reem delinge,
1937), to a u th o rise M ich ael M erv y n C lay to n , h is w ife 1937 (W et 1 v a n 1937), M ich ael M erv y n C lay to n , sy
C la u d ia , b o m M eir, a n d h is child D a rre n , resid in g a t v ro u C lau d ia, g e b o re M eir, e n sy k in d D a rre n , w oo n ag tig
F la t F , B an acco rd , 63 E llis R o a d , B ellevue, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , te W o o n stel F , B an acco rd , E llisw eg 63, B ellevue, J o h a n ­
to assu m e th e su rn a m e o f C ohen. n esb u rg te m ag tig om d ie v a n C o h e n a a n te neem .


N o . 990 10 J u n e 1977 N o. 990 10 Ju n ie 1977
K rag ten s die bevo eg d h eid m y verleen b y artik e l 2 (1)
U n d e r an d b y v irtu e of th e pow ers vested in m e by
section 2 (1) (c) a n d (1) of th e M a g istra te s’ C o u rts A ct, (c) e n (1) v a n die W et o p L an d d ro sh o w e , 1944 (W et 32
1944 (A ct 32 o f 1944), I, Ja m e s T h o m a s K ruger, h ereby v a n 1944), w ysig ek , J a m e s T h o m a s K ru g er, G oew er-
am en d G o v ern m en t N o tice 1618 o f 1970 b y red efin in g th e m entskennisgew ing 1618 v a n 1970 d e u r d ie p laaslik e
lo c a l lim its o f th e D istrict of R a n d fo n te in as set o u t in g ren se v a n d ie d istrik R a n d fo n te in te h ero m sk ry f soos in
th e S ch ed u le h ereto . d ie B ylae h ierv an uiteengesit.

J. T. K R U G E R , M in ister o f Justice. J. T . K R U G E R , M in iste r v a n Justisie.

B egin b y d ie n o o rd w estelik e b a k e n van d ie p laas
B eginning a t th e n o rth-w estern b eaco n of th e fa rm P a h tik i 55 IQ ; d a a rv a n d a a n algem een oosvvaarts m e t die
P a h tik i 55 IQ ; thence generally e astw ard s alo n g th e g ren se v an d ie v o lgende p lase langs so d a t h u lle in hier-
b o u n d aries o f th e follow ing fa rm s so as to in clu d e th em d ie gebied ing eslu it w o rd : d ie g en o em d e p la a s P a h tik i
in th is area: th e sa id farm P a h tik i 55 IQ , L eeu w p an 53 55 IQ , L e e u w p a n 53 IQ , V o o ru itsig 48 IQ , H o u tk o p 43
IQ , V o o ru itsig 48 IQ , H o u tk o p 43 IQ , W itstin k h o u tb o o m IQ , W itstin k h o u tb o o m 155 IQ , G ro e n p la a ts 157 IQ ,
155 IQ , G ro e n p la a ts 157 IQ , E u c a ly p tu s 158 IQ , A v alo n E u c a ly p tu s 158 IQ , A v a lo n 159 IQ , E la n d sv le i 249 IQ ,
159 IQ , E la n d sv lei 249 IQ , R ie tfo n te in 162 IQ , an d Uitva.1- R ie tfo n te in 162 IQ , en U itv alfo n tein 244 IQ to t b y die
fo n te in 244 IQ , to th e n o rth -v /estem b eaco n o f th e farm n o o rd w estelik e b a k e n v a n d ie p laas R ietv alei 241 IQ ; d a a r ­
R ie tv a le i 241 IQ ; th en ce eastw ards alo n g th e n o rth e rn v a n d a a n oosvvaarts m et d ie n o o rd e lik e grens v a n die
b o u n d a ry o f th e said fa rm R ietv alei 241 IQ to th e n o rth ­ g en o em d e p la a s R ietv alei 241 IQ lan g s to t b y d ie n o o rd ­
w estern b eaco n o f P o rtio n 24 (D iag ram S G A 6 0 6 4 /5 4 ) o f w estelike b a k e n v a n G ed eelte 24 (K a a rt L G A 6 0 6 4 /5 4 )
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 11

th e said fa rm R ie tv a le i 241 IQ ; th en ce so u th w a rd s alo n g van die g en o em d e p la a s R ie tv a le i 241 IQ ; d a a rv a n d a a n

th e w estern b o u n d a ry o f th e said P o rtio n 24 to th e n o rth ­ su id w aarts m et d ie w estelike grens van d ie g en o em d e
e a ste rn beaco n o f P o rtio n 12 (D iagram S G A 2 5 2 5 /2 7 ) of G ed eelte 24 langs to t by die n o o rd o o stelik e b ak en v an
th e fa rm R ietv alei 241 IQ ; th en ce w estw ards alo n g th e G ed eelte 12 (K a a rt L G A 2 5 2 5 /2 7 ) v an d ie p laas R ie t­
n o rth e rn b o u n d a rie s o f th e said P o rtio n 12 and P o rtio n valei 241 IQ ; d a a rv a n d a a n w esw aarts m et die n o o rd elik e
27 (D iag ram SG A 5 4 3 0 /5 7 ) o f th e fa rm R ie tv a le i 241 IQ g ren se v an d ie g en o em d e G ed eelte 12 en G edeelte 27
to th e n o rth -w estern b eaco n o f th e last-n am ed p o rtio n ; (K a a rt L G A 5 4 3 0 /5 7 ) v an d ie p laas R ietv alei 241 IQ
th en ce so u th w ard s, e a stw ard s, so u th w ard s an d eastw ard s langs to t by d ie n o o rd w estelik e b a k e n v an die laasge-
alo n g th e b o u n d a rie s o f th e follow ing p o rtio n s o f th e n o em d e gedeelte; d a a rv a n d a a n su id w aarts, o o sw aarts,
fa rm R ietv alei 241 IQ so as to exclude them fro m th is su id w aarts en o o sw aarts m et d ie g ren se v an d ie volgende
area: th e sa id P o rtio n 27, P o rtio n 12 (D iag ram SG A 2 5 2 5 / gedeeltes v an die p laas R ietv alei 241 IQ langs so d a t hulle
27), P o rtio n 8 (D iag ram SG A 4 4 4 3 /2 6 ), P o rtio n 26 (D ia ­ u it h ierd ie gebied uitg eslu it w o rd : die g en o em d e G edeelte
g ra m SG A 7 4 5 9 /5 5 ), P o rtio n 30 (D iag ram SG A 5 1 9 /6 5 ) 27, G edeelte 12 (K a a rt L G A 2 5 2 5 /2 7 ), G ed eelte 8
a n d th e said P o rtio n 26, to th e so u th -eastern b eaco n (K a a rt L G A 4 4 4 3 /2 6), G ed eelte 26 (K a a rt L G A 7 4 5 9 /5 5 ),
o f th e last-nam ed p o rtio n ; thence so u th w a rd s alo n g G edeelte 30 (K a a rt L G A 5 1 9 /6 5 ) en d ie gen o em d e G ed eel­
te 26 to t b y d ie suid o o stelik e b a k e n van d ie laasgenoem de
th e e astern b o u n d a ry o f the said fa rm R ietv alei 241 IQ to
gedeelte; d a a rv a n d a a n su id w aarts m et d ie o o stelik e grens
its so u th -eastern b eacon an d co n tin u in g so u th w ard s and v an die g en o em d e p la a s R ietv alei 241 IQ langs to t b y
gen erally w estw ards along th e b o u n d a rie s of the follow ­ sy su id o o stelik e b a k e n en v e rd e r su id w aarts en algem een
in g fa rm s so as to included th em in this area: L u ip a a rd s- w esw aarts m et d ie grense v an die v o lgende p lase langs
vlei 243 IQ an d M iddelvlei 255 IQ , to th e (G eneral P lan so d a t h u lle in h ierd ie gebied ingesluit w o rd : L u ip a a rd s-
SG A 4 0 2 2 /2 0 ); thence generally n o rth -e a stw a rd s a n d vlei 243 IQ en M iddelvlei 255 IQ to t b y d ie su id o o stelik e
b ak en v an T e n a c re L a n d b o u h o e w e s (A lgem ene P la n L G
so u th -w estw ards alo n g th e b o u n d aries o f th e said T e n a c re
A 4 0 2 2 /2 0 ); d a a rv a n d a a n algem een n o o rd o o sw a a rts en
A g ric u lu tu ra i H oldings, so as to ex clu d e th em fro m this
suidw esw aarts m et d ie grense van d ie genoem de T e n a c re
are a , to th e so u th -w estern b eaco n thereof; thence generally L an d b o u h o ew es langs so d a t hulle u it h ierd ie gebied u it­
w estw ards along the so u th e rn b o u n d a ry o f th e farm R iet- gesluit w o rd , to t b y d ie suid w estelik e b a k e n d aa rv a n ; d a a r ­
fo n te in 256 IQ and th e b o u n d a rie s of th e follow ing fa rm s v a n d a a n algem een w esw aarts m et d ie suidelike grens v an
so as to include them in this area: E la n d sfo n te in 277 IQ , d ie p laas R ie tfo n te in 256 IQ en d ie g ren se v an d ie volgende
p lase langs so d at h u lle in h ierd ie gebied ingesluit w ord:
D e P a n 51 IQ , W ild fo n tein 52 IQ a n d B osp an 56
E lan d sfo n tein 277 IQ , D e P a n 51 IQ , W ild fo n tein 52 IQ ,
IQ , to the south-w estern b eaco n of the last-n am ed fa rm ; en B o sp an 56 IQ to t b y d ie suidw estelike b ak en v an d ie
th en ce generally n o rth w a rd s alo n g the b o u n d a rie s o f the laasg en o em d e p laas; d a a rv a n d a a n algem een n o o rd w a a rts
fo llow ing farm s so as to include th em in this area: th e m et d ie grense v an d ie volgende plase langs so d at hulle in
said fa rm B o sp an 56 IQ a n d P a h tik i 55 IQ , to the n o rth ­ hierd ie g eb ied in g eslu it w o rd : die genoem de p laas B o s­
p a n 56 IQ en P a h tik i 55 IQ to t by die n o o rd w estelik e
w estern b eaco n o f the la tte r farm , th e p la c e of beginning.
b ak en v a n d ie laasg en o em d e p laas, d ie beg in p u n t.

N o. 991 ' 10 J u n ie 1977

N o . 991 . 10 Ju n e 1977
K rag ten s die bevoegdheid m y verleen b y a rtik el 2 (1)
U n d e r an d by v irtu e o f the pow ers vested in m e by (c) en (1) van d ie W et o p L an d d ro sh o w e, 1944 (W et 32
section 2 (1) (c) an d (!) o f the M a g istra te s’ C o u rts A ct, v an 1944), w ysig ek, Ja m e s T h o m a s K ru g er, P ro k lam asie
1944 (A c t 32 o f 1944), I, Ja m e s T h o m a s K ru g er, h ereb y 138 v an 1879 d eu r d ie p laaslik e grense v an d ie d istrik
am en d P ro c la m a tio n 138 of 1879 by redefining th e lo cal C a th c a rt te h e ro m sk ry f soos in d ie B ylae h ierv an uiteen-
lim its of the D istric t of C a th c a rt as set o u t in th e gesit.
S chedule hereto.
J. T . K R U G E R , M in ister v an Justisie.
J . T . K R U G E R , M in iste r of Justice.
CATHCART B egin by die p u n t w aar d ie verlenging n o o rd o o sw aarts
B eginning a t the p o in t w here the p ro lo n g a tio n n o rth ­ v an die n o o rd w estelik e g ren s v an die p la a s R iv ersd ale 1,
eastw ard s o f th e n o rth -w estern b o u n d a ry of th e farm ad m in istratiew e d istrik C a th c a rt, d ie m id d el v a n d ie
R iv e rsd a le 1, A d m in istra tiv e D istrict of C a th c a rt, in te r­ Z w arte-K eiriv ier k ru is; d a a rv a n d a a n alg em een suidoos-
sects th e m id d le of the Z w a rte K ei R iv er; thence generally w a a rts m e t d ie m id d el v a n genoem de Z w arte-K eiriv ier
so u th -eastw ard s alo n g th e m id d le o f the said Z w a rte K ei langs to t by die sam evloeiing d a a rv a n m e t d ie m id d el v an
R iv e r to its confluence w ith the m id d le of th e W h ite K ei die W it-K eiriv ier; d a a rv a n d a a n algem een su id o o sw aarts
R iv e r; th en ce generally so u th -eastw ard s alo n g the m id d le m et d ie m id d el v an d ie G ro o t-K eiriv ier lan g s to t b y die
o f th e G re a t K ei R iv e r to its confluence w ith th e m id d le sam evloeiing d a a rv a n m e t d ie m id d el v a n d ie T h o m as-
of th e T h o m a s R iv e r; thence north -w estw ard s along th e riv ier; d a a rv a n d a a n n o o rd w esw aarts m e t d ie m id d el v a n
m id d le of the said T h o m a s R iv e r to th e p o in t w h ere it genoem de T h o m a sriv ie r langs to t b y d ie p u n t w a a r d it
is in tersected b y th e p ro lo n g a tio n of th e so u th -eastern d e u r die verlen g in g v an d ie su id o o stelik e grens v an
b o u n d a ry of In v e r T h o m a s 245; thence generally so u th - In v er T h o m a s 245 gekruis w o rd ; d a a rv a n d a a n algem een
w estw ards along the said p ro lo n g a tio n an d the b o u n ­ su id w esw aarts m e t g en o em d e verlenging en die grense
d a rie s of th e follow ing p ro p e rtie s so as to in clu d e th em v an die volgende eien d o m m e langs so d at h u lle by h ierd ie
in th is area: th e said In v e r T h o m a s 245, S to ck d rift 272, gebied ingesluit w ord; genoem de In v e r T h o m a s 245,
H o rsefell 273, B o m b a z a i 274, N o rth C liff 275, R u n n y - S to ck d rift 272, H o rsefell 273, B o m b azai 274, N o rth C liff
m e d e 303, D ry h u rst 304, Q u a c a Fleights 340, W artb u rg 275, R u n n y m e d e 303, D ry h u rst 304, Q u a c a H e ig h ts 340,
F a lls 339, F a rm 338, F a rm 337, F a rm 336, H o v e 125, W a rtb u rg F a lls 339, P la a s 338, P laas 337, P la a s 336,
W o o d fo rd 179, H u rs t 178, C u llean 177, C assilis 176, A ilsa H o v e 125, W o o d fo rd 179, H u rs t 178, C u lle a n 177, C as­
175, T a v isto c k 172, D itckling 171, R e ig a te 170, B ays- silis 176, A ilsa 175, T a v isto c k 172, D itch lin g 171, R eig ate
12 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

w a te r 169, H is ligate 168, T h e H a p p y V alley 147, F a rm 170, B a y sw a 'c r 169, H ig h g ate 168, T h e H a p p y V alley
(M o u n ta in T o p ) 167, G ra sslan d s 165, F a rm 163, F a rm 147, P la a s (M o u n ta in T o p ) 167, G ra ssla n d s 165, P la a s
162, P o rtio n 1 o f F a rm 34, A d m in istrativ e D istric t of 163, P la a s 162, G edeelte 1 v an P la a s 34, a d m in istratiew e
V ic to ria E a st, to the e a ste rn m o st p o in t o f th e said d istrik V icto ria-O o s to t by d ie o o stelik ste p u n t v an d ie
p o rtio n ; thence generally w estw ards alo n g the m id d le of g en o em d e gedeelte; d a a rv a n d a a n algem een w esw aarts
th e T y u m e R iv e r to the p o in t w here it is intersected by m et d ie m id d el v an die T y u m e riv ie r langs to t by die p u n t
the n o rth -e a ste rn b o u n d a ry of A u c k la n d F in go L o c a tio n w a a r d it d e u r d ie n o o rd c o ste lik e grens v an A u c k la n d
P la n 31 P A (5119); th en ce n o rth -w estw ard s alo n g th e F in g o -L o k asie P la n 31 P A (5119) g ek ru is w o rd ; d a a rv a n ­
b o u n d aries of th e said A u c k la n d F in g o L o c a tio n an d d a a n n o crd w esw aarts m et d ie grense v a n g en o em d e
A u c k la n d E?;tension 39 (P lan 5119) so as to exclude them A u c k la n d F in g o -L o k a sie e n A u c k la n d E x ten sio n 39
fro m this area, to die south-w estern beaco n of F a rm 38; (P lan 5119) langs so d a t h u lle u it h ierd ie gebied u itgesluit
thence n o rth w a rd s along th e b u n d a r i e s o f the follow ing w o rd to t by die suidw estelike b ak en v a n d ie P la a s 38;
p ro p e rtie s so as to include th em in this area: th e said d a a rv a n d a a n n o o rd w aarts m e t die grense v a n die vol-
F a rm 38, F a rm 1, F a rm 2, F a rm 3, the farm S hepton gen d e eien d o m m e langs so d a t hu lle by h ierd ie gebied in-
M a lle t 5, F a rm 6, F a rm 17, F a rm (W ateT all) 161, A d ­ gesluit w ord: genoem de P laas 38, P laas 1, P laas 2, P la a s
m in istrativ e D istrict o f C a th c a rt, F a rm 160, D u n sk y e 3, d ie p la a s S h ep to n M a lle t 5, P laas 6, P la a s 17, P la a s
156, C ooling 154, G lencoe 153, G lenfinals 101, D u n ed in (W aterfall) 161, ad m in istratiew e d istrik C a th c a rt, P la a s
100, O tte rb u m 99, G len m o re 98, G ra fto n 97, A llan w ater 160, D u n sk y e 156, C o oling 154, G lencoe 153, G len fin als
47, B eaconsfield 46, C la re m o n t A 45, W a te rd o w n 43, 101, D u n ed in 100, O tte rb u rn 99, G len m o re 98, G ra fto n
97, A lla n w a te r 47, B eaconsfield 46, C la re m o n t A 45,
L an g e D ra a i 42, B ran k so m e 41, M e lrc se 24, H ilto n 23, W aterd o w n 43, L an g e D ra a i 42, B ran k so m e 41, M elro se
T a b le F a rm 22, W ellington 3, C loetedale 2 an d th e said 24, H ilto n 23, T a b le F a rm 22, W ellington 3, C lo eted ale 2
R iv e rsd a le 1, to the p o in t first nam ed. e n gen o em d e R iv ersd ale 1 to t by eersg en o em d e p u n t.


N o . 1004 10 J u n e 1977 N o . 1004 10 Ju n ie 1977
T h e State P resid en t h a s, in term s of section 184 o f the D ie S ta a tsn resid en t h e t ’n stu k g ra n d k rag ten s m y n titel
M in in g R ig h ts A c t, 1967 (A ct 20 o f 1967), reserv ed fo r gehou, ongeveer 62,389 0 h e k ta a r g ro o t, gelee c p d ie p laas
p u rp o ses of a tow nship a p o rtio n of la n d he'.d u n d e r m ining E la n d sfo n te in 108 IR , d istrik G erm isto n , m y n d istrik
title, ap p ro x im a te ly 62,389 0 h ectares in exten t, situ ate Jo h a n n e sb u rg , p ro v in sie T ra n sv a a l, g ereg istreer op n aam
o n th e farm E lan d sfo n tein 108 IR , D istrict of G erm isto n , v an E la n d sfo n te in E sta te C o m p an y L im ite d en soos
M in in g D istrict of Jo h a n n e sb u rg , P ro v in ce of th e T ra n s ­ aan g eto o n o p ‘n sk e tsk a a rt w a a rv a n a fd ru k k e o n d e r R M T
v aal, registered in the n a m e o f E la n d sfo n te in E sta te N o. R 4 2 /7 5 in die M y n b riew ek an to o r, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , en
C o m p a n y L im ited an d as show n on a sketch p lan , copies in die k a n to o r v a n d ie M y n k o m m issaris, Jo h an n esb u rg ,
o f w hich hav e been filed in the M ining T itles O ffice, b e w a a r w ord, k rag ten s artik e l 184 v an d ie W et o p M yn-
Jo h a n n e sb u rg , an d in the office of th e M in in g C o m m is­ regte, 1967 (W et 20 v a n 1967), vir d ie do el v an ’n d o rp
sio ner, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , u n d e r R M T N o. R 4 2 /7 5 . uitg eh cu .
(1 9 /5 /1 /1 2 3 ) ( 1 9 /5 /1 /1 2 8 )

N o . 1005 10 J u n e 1977 N o. 1005 10 Ju n ie 1977

T h e State P resid en t h a s, in term s of section 184 of the
D ie S taatsp resid en t h e t stu k k e g e p ro k lam eerd e g ra n d ,
M in in g R ig h ts A c t, 1967 (A ct 20 of 1967), reserv ed fo r
tesam e ongeveer 9,464 2 h e k ta a r gro o t, gelee o p d ie p laas
p u rp o ses of a to w n sh ip p o rtio n s o f p ro claim ed lan d ,
D riefo n tein 87 I R , d istrik G erm isto n , m y n d istrik J o h a n ­
to g eth er a p p ro x im a te ly 9,464 2 h ectares in exten t, situ ate
n esb u rg , p ro v in sie T ra n sv a a l, g ereg istreer op n a a m v an
o n th e farm D riefo n tein 87 IR , D istrict of G erm isto n ,
W itw atersran d G o ld M ining C o m p an y L im ite d en soos
M in in g D istrict o f Jo h an n esb u rg , P ro v in c e of th e T ra n s ­
a a n g e tc o n o p ’n sk e tsk a a rt w a a rv a n afd ru k k e o n d e r R M T
v aal, reg istered in th e n am e o f W itw a te rsra n d G old
N o. R 4 4 /7 6 in die M y n b riew ek an to o r, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , en
M in in g C o m p an y L im ited an d as show n o n a sk etch p lan ,
in die k a n to o r v a n die M y n k o m m issaris, Jo h a n n e sb u rg ,
copies of w hich h a v e been filed in th e M in in g T itles O ffice,
b ew aar w o rd , k rag ten s a rtik el 184 v an d ie W et o p M y n -
Jo h a n n e sb u rg , a n d in th e office of th e M ining C o m m is­
regte, 1967 (W et 20 v a n 1967), v ir d ie d o e l v a n ’n d o rp
sio ner, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , u n d e r R M T N o . R 4 4 /7 6 .
(1 9 /5 /1 /4 5 5 ) ( 1 9 /5 /1 /4 5 5 )


N o . 1000 10 J u n e 1977
N o . 1000 10 J u n ie 1977
[Sections 7 A a n d 7B o f th e H e ra ld ry A c t, 1962 (A ct 18 [A rtik els 7A en 7B v an d ie H e rald iek w et, 1962 (W et 18
o f 1962), as am ended] v an 1962), soos gewysig]
T h e u n d erm en tio n ed in stitu tio n a p p lie d in term s o f sec­ O n d erg en o em d e in rig tin g h e t k rag ten s artik e l 7 v an die
tio n 7 o f the H e ra ld ry A ct, 1962 (A c t 18 of 1962), fo r th e H erald iek w et, 1962, (W et 18 v an 1962), a a n so e k g edoen
reg istratio n of its h e ra ld ic rep resen tatio n . A n y o n e w ishing o m d ie reg istrasie v an sy h erald iese voorstellinge. E nigeen
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 13

to o b je c t to the reg istratio n o f this h e ra ld ic re p re se n ta tio n w at teen die re g istrasie v an h ierd ie h erald iese vo o rstellin g
o n t h e ‘g ro u n d th a t such re g istra tio n w ill en cro ach u p o n b esw aar wil a a n te k e n o p g ro n d d a a rv a n d a t sodanige
rig h ts to w hich he is legally en titled sho u ld d o so w ithin reg istrasie in b re u k sal m a a k o p regte w a t horn w ettiglik
tw o m o n th s o f the d a te o f p u b lic a tio n o f th is n o tice u p o n to ek o m , m o et d it d o en b inne tw ee m a a n d e v an af die d a tu m
a fo rm o b ta in a b le fro m the S tate H e ra ld , P riv ate B ag v an p u b lik asie v an h ierd ie kennisgew ing o p ’n v orm w at
X 236, P re to ria , 0001: v an d ie S taatsh erald ik u s, P riv a a tsa k X 236, P re to ria , 0001,
v e rk ry g b a a r is:
A p p lic a n t.— N o rth d a le H o sp ita l, P ieterm aritzb u rg .
(H 4 /3 /1 /2 4 9 4 .) A a n s o e k e r .— N o rth d a le H o sp ita a l, P ieterm aritzb u rg .
(H 4 /3 /1 /2 4 9 4 .)
B a dge.— W ithin a p o in ted ellipse, a n a n tiq u e la m p
K e n te k e n .— B inne in ’n g ep u n te ellips, ’n g sv lam d e
en flam ed , issu a n t th erefro m a d sm i-sun.
a n tie k e la m p g eto p d e u r ’n u itk o m e n d e son.

N o. 1014 10 Ju n e 1977 N o . 1014 10 Ju n ie 1977

C U L T U R A L IN S T IT U T IO N S A C T , 1969 W E T O P K U L T U R E L E IN R IG T IN G S , 1969
(A C T 29 O F 1969) (W E T 29 V A N 1969)
K rag ten s d ie b ev o egdheid m y verleen by a rtik el 3 v an
U n d e r the pow ers vested in m e b y section 3 o f the
die W et o p K u itu re le In rig tin g s, 1969 (W et 29 van 1969),
C u ltu ra l In stitu tio n s A ct, 1969 (A c t 29 o f 1969), I hereby v e rk la a r e k h ierb y D ie A frik a a n se T a a lm u se u m , P a a rl, to t
d eclare D ie A frik a a n se T aalm u seu m , P a a rl, to be an
’n inrig tin g w at m et ingang van 1 Ju n ie 1977 o n d e r d ie
in stitu tio n w hich shall be su b ject to th e p rovisions o f the
bep alin g s v an bog en o em d e W et val.
ab o v e-m entioned A c t from 1 J u n e 1977.
M in iste r o f N a tio n a l E d u catio n . M in iste r v an N a sio n a le O pvoeding.


N o. 998 10 Ju n e 1977 N o 998 10 Ju n ie 1977
It is h e re b y no tified th a t th e S tate P resid en t h as, in D E P A R T E M E N T V A N D IE E E R S T E M IN IS T E R
term s o f the ru les p u b lish ed u n d e r G o v ern m en t N o tice H ie rb y w o rd b ek en d g em aak d a t d ie S taatsp resid en t,
2004 of 27 D e cem b er 1963, a p p ro v e d of the u n d e r­ ingevolge die reels afgekondig by G oew erm entskennisge-
m en tio n ed S outh A fric a n citizens accep tin g th e foreign w ing 2004 v an 27 D esem b er 1963, goed g ek eu r h et d a t
a w ard s o f h o n o u r in d icated o p p o site th e ir nam es a n d of o n d erg en o em d e S u id -A frik aan se b u rg ers d ie vreem de e ei-
th e ir w earing th e insignia th e re o f o n su itab le occasions: bew yse, teen o o r h u l n a m e aan g ed u i, a a n v a a r en d ie o n d er-
skeidingstekens d a a rv a n by g ep aste g eleenthede d ra:
(a) L u ite n a n t G en eral H e in ric h d e V illev o rt d u T o it,
SSA , SM : O rd e r o f th e C lo u d a n d b a n n e r w ith p la q u e (a) L u ite n a n t-g e n era a l H e in ric h d e V illev o rt d u T o it,
(R e p u b lic of C hina). SSA , SM : O rd e v an d ie W o lk en b a n ie r m et p la k e t
(R ep u b liek v an C hina).
(b) L u ite n a n t G e n e ra l C o n sta n d L a u b sc h e r V iljoen,
SSA S, SM : O rd e r of th e C lo u d a n d b a n n e r w ith cra v a t (b) L u ite n a n t-g e n era a l C o n sta n d L a u b sc h e r V iljoen,
(R e p u b lic o f C hina). SSA S, SM : O rd e v an die W o lk en b a n ie r m et k ra w a t
(R e p u b lie k v an C h in a).
(c) C olonel Ju liu s P e te r M o o lm an : O rd e r of th e C lo u d (c) K o lo n el Ju liu s P e te r M o o lm an : O rd e v a n die W o lk
a n d b a n n e r w ith g ra n d c o rd o n (R ep u b lic of C hina). e n b an ier m e t g ro o t o rd e b a n d (R e p u b lie k v an C hina).
(d ) C o m m a n d a n t S tep h an u s E ra sm u s: O rd e r o f th e (d) K o m m a n d a n t S tep h an u s E ra sm u s: O rd e v an die
C lo u d an d b an n er w ith special ro se tte (R e p u b lic of C h in a). W o lk en b a n ie r m et spesiale ro se t (R e p u b lie k v an C hina).


N o. 1015 10 Ju n ie 1977
N o . 1015 10 J u n e 1977 S U ID -A F R IK A A N S E S P O O R W E E
(H A R B O U R S S E C T IO N ) D it h et d ie S ta a tsp re sid e n t b eh aag om ingevolge artik e l
T h e S ta te P re sid e n t h as been p leased , in term s of sectio n 41 v an W et 70 van 1957, g o ed k eu rin g te verleen a a n d ie
41 o f A c t 70 o f 1957, to a p p ro v e o f th e a p p o in tm e n t of aanstellin g v a n m n r. R ic h a rd A n th o n y R ecsei as p laas-
M r R ic h a rd A n th o n y R ecsei as a lte rn a te to M r M axw ell v erv an g er v ir m n r. M ax w ell L o u is P h illip s v a n d ie H aw e-
L o u is P hillips o n th e E a st L o n d o n H a rb o u r A d v iso ry a d v iesraad , O o s-L o n d en , o m d ie K a m e r v a n N y w erh ed e
B o a rd , to re p resen t th e C h a m b e r o f In d u strie s u n til 31 to t 31 O k to b e r 1979 te verteen w o o rd ig . M n r. R ecsei is
O c to b e r 1979. M r R ecsei h a s been ap p o in te d in p la c e of aangestel in d ie p le k v a n m n r. G ra h a m C h arsley B a k e r
M r G ra h a m C h arsley B a k e r w ho h a d p a sse d aw ay. w a t o o rle d e is.
14 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 JUNE 1977


N o. 999 10 J u n e 1977
N o. 999 10 Ju n ie 1977
T h e H o n o u ra b le the M in iste r o f T ra n sp o rt h a s in term s
of section 3 (7) o f the M o to r C a rrie r T ra n sp o rta tio n A ct, Sy E d e le d ie M in ister v a n V erv o er h e t ingevolge a rtik e l
1930 (A ct 39 o f 1930), as am en d ed , a p p o in te d M r H . J. P. 3 (7) v a n die M o to rtra n sp o rtw e t, 1930 (W et 39 v an 1930),
S chutte as a n acting m em b er of the L o cal R o a d T ra n s ­ soos gew ysig, in n r. H . J . P. Schutte aangestel as w aar-
p o rta tio n B o ard , C ap e T ow n, fo r a m eeting on 17 M ay nem ende lid v an die P laaslik e P a d v e rv o e rra ad , K a a p sta d ,
1977. vir ’n v erg ad erin g o p 17 M ei 1977.


N O T IC E 354 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 354 V A N 1977
A N D H A R B O U R S S U P E R A N N U A T IO N F U N D .— S P O O R W E G - E N H A W E S U P E R A N N U A S IE F O N D S .—
T h e late M r F red erick Jo h an n es S netlar, bo rn on 19 M n r. F red erick Jo h a n n e s S n etlar w at o p 19 O k to b e r
O cto b er 1900, w ho w as a p ensioner of the S ou th A frican 1900 g ebore is e n ’n p en sio en trek k er van die Suid-
R ailw ay s, died on 13 M ay 1976. H is last know n ad d ress A frik a a n se S p eo rw ee w as, is o p 13 M ei 1976 oo rled e. Sy
w as 18 C row n R o a d , O b serv ato ry , C ape. H is widow' is jo n g sb ek en d e ad res w as C row nw eg 18, O b serv ato ry ,
req u ested to co m m unicate w ith th e C hief A c c o u n ta n t, K aap . Sy w eduw ee w o rd verso ek ora v o o r 30 Ju n ie 1977
P en sio n s Section, R ailw ay P o st Box 47, S u th A frican m et die H o o frek en m eester, A fd elin g Pensioene, Spoorw eg-
R ailw ay s, Jo h a n n esb u rg , before 30 Ju n e 1977 in c o n ­ p o sb u s 47, S u id -A frik aan se S poorw ee, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , in
nection w ith benefits payable from the N ew R ailw ay s and verb in d in g te tree in v e rb a n d m et v o ordele w at u it die
H a rb o u rs S u p eran n u atio n F u n d . N u w e Spoorw eg- en H aw esu p eran n u asiefo n d s b e ta a lb a a r
D . L . P H E I F F E R , C hief A cco u n tan t.
D . L . P H E I F F E R , H o o frek en m eester.
2 7 /5 /7 7
2 7 /5 /7 7
1 0 /6 /7 7
1 0 /6 /7 7
2 4 /6 /7 7
2 4 /6 /7 7
(27 May 19771 (27 Mei 1977)

N O T IC E 361 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 361 V A N 1977

L IC E N S IN G A R E A 31, C O N V E N E D IN T E R M S O F D R A N K L I S E N S I E G E B I E D 31 IN G E V O L G E
S E C T IO N 22 A R T I K E L 22 B E L fi
H ierb y w o rd b ek en d g em aak d a t ’n spesiale verg ad erin g
I t is hereby notified th a t a special m eeting o f th e
L iq u o r L icensing B o ard fo r L iq u o r L icensing A re a 31 will v an die d ra n k lise n sie ra ad v a n D ran k lisen sieg eb ied 31 om
09h00 o p d ie ls te d a g v a n Ju lie 1977 by die la n d d ro sh o f te
b e held a t th e M a g istra te 's C o u rt a t D u rb a n , in th e D istrict
D u rb a n , in die d istrik D u rb a n , gehou sal w o rd v ir o o r-
of D u rb a n , a t 09h00 on the 1st d ay o f Ju ly , 1977, fo r c o n ­
sid eratio n of th e follow ing m a tte r: w eging v an die v o lgende aan g eleentheid:
’n A a n v ra a g o m die v erlen in g v an ’n k lu b d ran k lisen sie
A n ap p licatio n fo r the g ra n t of a clu b liq u o r licence in ingevolge artik e l 31 v a n d ie D ra n k w e t, N o . 30 v an 1928,
te rm s of section 31 of the L iq u o r A c t, no. 30 of 1928, as soos gewysig, a a n M a n u e l L o p e s V ieira D a R o c h a ,
am en d ed , to M an u el L o p es V ieira D a R c c h a , n o m in ee of ben o em d e van A sso ciacao P o rtu g u esa D o N a ta l, ten op-
A sso ciacao P o rtu g u csa D o N a ta l in resp ect o f prem ises sigte v an die g eb o u A sso ciacao P o rtu g u esa D o N a ta l gelee
A sso ciacao P o rtu g u csa D o N a ta l, situ a te d a t 2 E p so m te E p so m w eg 2, D u rb a n , E r f 55, B lok A L , v an d ie T ow n-
R o a d , D u rb a n , being L o t 55, B lock A L o f th e T o w n lan d s lan d s of D u rb a n 1737, pro v in sie N a ta l, en H u u r 1 op
o f D u rb a n 1737, P rovince of N a ta l, an d L ease 1 on B lock
B lok A L v a n d ie T o w n lan d s of D u rb a n 1737, p ro v in sie
A L of the T o w n lan d s of D u rb a n 1737, P ro v in ce of N atal.
N atal.
L . L . A . M cK A Y , C h a irm a n of the L iq u o r L icen sin g
L . L . A . M c K A Y , V o o rsitte r v an die D ra n k lise n sie ra ad
B o ard fo r A re a 31.
v a n G ebied 31.
D u rb a n , 16 M ay 1977.
D u rb a n , 16 M ei 1977.
(10 June 1977)
(10 Junie 1977)

N O T IC E 362 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 362 V A N 1977

D E P A R T M E N T O F P O S T S A N D T E L E C O M M U N IC A ­ D E P A R T E M E N T V A N P O S - E N T E L E K O M M U N I-
I t is notified fo r general in fo rm atio n th a t a p p ro v a l h as D a a r w o rd vir algem ene in ligting b ek en d g e m a a k d a t
b e e n o b tain ed fo r th e a p p o in tm e n t of D r C harles F re d e ric k g o ed k eu rin g v erk ry is vir d ie aan stelling v a n D r. C h arles
B oyce, D e p u ty P o stm a ste r G en eral, F in a n c e a n d P lan n in g , F re d e ric k B oyce, A d ju n k -p o sm e e ste r-g e n eia a l, F in an sies
as actin g P o stm a ste r G en eral d u rin g the p e rio d 30 M ay to en B eplanning, as w a a m e m e n d e P o sm eester-g en eraal
25 J u n e 1977. g ed u ren d e d ie ty d p e rk 30 M ei to t 25 J u n ie 1977.
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 15

N O T IC E 363 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 363 V A N 1977


A R T IK E L S .— K A A P S T A D
A n a sso rtm e n t o f undelivered a n d u n claim ed articles
sent th ro u g h the p o st will, on th e a u th o rity o f th e P o s t­ O p gesag van die P o sm eester-g en eraal sal ’n v erskeiden-
m aster-g en eral, be sold by p u b lic a u c tio n by M essrs heid o n afg eh aald e en onafgelew erde artik els w at d e u r die
G ib ra lta r A u c tio n e e rs a n d E s ta te A g en ts at lOhOO on p o s g estu u r is, om lOhOO o p D o n d erd ag , 18 A u g u stu s
T h u rsd a y , 18 A u g u st 1977, a t th e ir prem ises, 156 L o n g 1977, d e u r d ie firm a G ib ra lta r A fslaers en E ien d o m sag en te
S treet, C ap e T ow n. by L a n g stra a t 156, K a a p sta d , p er o p e n b a re veiling ver-
k o o p w ord.
A list o f the articles to be sold can be inspected at the ’n L y s v an die artik els w at v erk o o p sal w ord le ter
office of the A u c tio n e e r, 156 L o n g S treet, C ap e T ow n. insae by die k a n to o r van die A fslaer, L a n g stra a t 156,
(10 June 1977) K aap stad .
(10 Junie 1977)

K E N N IS G E W IN G 364 V A N 1977
N O T IC E 364 O F 1977
M I L I T e R E O P L E ID IN G E N O E F E N IN G E : S T R A N D -
M IL IT A R Y T R A IN IN G A N D E X E R C IS E S : S T R A N D - F O N T E 1 N , L A N D D R O S D IS T R IK W Y N B E R G , K A A P
BERG, CAPE 1. K en n is geskied hierm ee d a t skietoefeninge u itg ev o er
sal w o rd d eu r lu g afw eerartillerie te S tran d fo n tein seew aarts
1. N otice is h ereb y given th a t firing p ractices will be o o r d ie gebied b esk ry f in die B ylae h ierb y o p d ie d atu m s
ca rrie d o u t by a n ti-a irc raft artille ry seaw ards over the en tye h ie ro n d e r verm eld:
a rea described in the S chedule h e re to o n the d ates an d
tim es m en tio n ed h ereu n d er: 1 Ju lie 1977 to t 31 D esem b er 1977 v an af 09h00 to t
16hOO d aag lik s (S aterd ae, S ondae en o p en b are v ak an sied ae
1 Ju ly 1977 to 31 D ecem ber 1977 from 09h00 to 16h00 uitgesluit).
daily. (E xcluding S aturdays, S undays a n d p u b lic holidays.)
2. T erw yl die oefeninge a a n die gang is, sal dit gevaarlik
2. W hile exercises are in progress it will be d an g ero u s wees om die gebied in die Bylae o m sk ry f en die iugruim
to en te r the a re a d escrib ed in the S chedule, an d the air to t 9 150 m eter o n m id d eliik d a a rb o binne te gaan.
sp ace u p to 9 150 m etres im m ediately above th e area.
3. K ragtens artik e l 79 (2) v an d ie V erd ed ig in g sw et,
3. In term s of section 79 (2) of th e D efence A ct, 1957 1957 (W et 44 van 1957), k a n alle lan d -, lug- en w ater-
(A ct 44 of 1957), all land, a ir a n d w ater traffic in o r in v erk eer in of in d ie n ab y h eid van die gebied op die d ae
th e vicinity of th e a re a can be tem p o rarily sto p p ed on en tye h ierb o genoem , tydelik stopgesit w ord.
the days and tim es m e n tio n ed above.
4. E n ig iem an d w at ’n bevel o f teken u it k ra g te van
4. A n y person w ho disobeys o r disregards an o rd er g en o em d e su b artik el v erleende bevoegdheid gegee, veront-
o r signal given by v irtu e of th e a fo rem en tio n ed subsection, ag saam of n ie d a a ra a n g eh o o r gee nie, is a a n ’n m isdryf
is guilty of an offence an d if fo u n d guilty, is p u n ish ab le sk u ld ig e n by sku ld ig b ev in d in g s tra fb a a r m et ’n boete
w ith a fine n o t exceeding R 200 o r im p riso n m e n t not v an hoogstens R 2 0 0 of g ev an g en isstraf v an hoogstens
ex ceeding six m onths. ses m aan d e.
5. R esid en ts an d ow ners o f buildings in the vicinity 5. B ew oners en eien aars v an geboue in d ie om gew ing
of th e firing p o in t at S tran d fo n tein a re w arned to leave v an die sk ietp lek te S tran d fo n tein w ord g ew aarsk u om
all w indow s o p en d u rin g the firing p ractices on the d ates alle vensters o o p te h o u terw yl die skietoefeninge p laas-
an d a t th e tim es as q u o te d in p a ra g ra p h 1 above. vind o p die d a tu m s en ty e soos a an g eh aal in p a ra g ra a f
6. T h e O fficer C o m m anding, Western P ro v in ce C o m ­ 1 hierbo.
m a n d , is a p p o in te d C o m p en satio n O fficer in term s o f the 6. D ie B evelvoerder, K o m m a n d a n t W estelike Provinsie,
reg u lations, a n d an y claim s m a d e a re to be lodged at w o rd k rag ten s die regulasies as K o m p en sasieo ffisier aange-
h is office a t th e C astle, P.O . B ox 1, C ap e T ow n, w ithin stel en eise m o et b in n e 30 d a e n a d a tu m v an skietoefeninge
30 d ays fro m d a te of p ractices. by sy k a n to o r by die K asteel, P o sb u s 1, K a a p sta d , ingedien
w ord.
T h e sea a re a enclosed by th e im aginary lines joining
th e follow ing points: D ie seegebied begrens d e u r d ie den k b eeld ig e lyne w at
die volgende p u n te m et m e k a a r v erb in d :
Latitude Longitude Breedtegraad Lengtegraad
34°05,50' South 18°32,00' East 34°05,50' Suid 18°32,00' Oos
34°04,52' South 18°41,46' East 34°04,52' Suid 18°41,46' Oos
34°05.50' South 18°47,47' East 34°05,50' Suid 18°47,47' Oos
34°24,40' South 18°43,76' East 34°24,40' Suid 18°43,76' Oos
34°22,30' South 18°36,60' East 34°22,30' Suid 18°36,60' Oos
34°16,50' South 18°31,50' East 34°16,50' Suid 18°31,50' Oos
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)
16 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

N O T IC E 365 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 365 V A N 1977

P ro d u c e rs of chicory resident in the a re a co m p risin g P ro d u se n te van sigorei w a t w oo n ag tig is in die g eb ied
th e M ag isterial D istricts of A le x a n d ria , A lb an ie, B ath u rst, b esta a n d e u it die L a n d d ro sd istrik te A le x a n d ria , A lb an ie,
E a s t L o n d o n , P ed d le, P o rt E lizab eth a n d K o m g h a an d B a th u rst, O o s-L o n d en , P ed d ie, P o rt E liz a b e th e n K o m g h a
q u a lifie d to vote in term s of th e C hicory C o n tro l Schem e, en geregtig is om te stem k rag ten s d ie S igoreireelingskem a,
p u b lish ed by P ro c la m a tio n R . 235 of 1962, as am en d ed , afgekondig by P ro k lam asie R . 235 v an 1962, soos gewysig,
a re hereby invited in term s o f section 4 (1) (a) of the w o rd h ierb y k rag ten s artik e l 4 (1) (a) v an gen o em d e
said Schem e, to su b m it n o m in atio n s of c a n d id ates fo r the S kem a v erso ek om k a n d id a te te b en o em vir aan stellin g
election of p erso n s to be ap p o in te d as m em bers of the as lede van die S ig o reib eh eerraad om p ro d u se n te v an
C h ico ry C o n tro l B oard to re p re se n t p ro d u c e rs of chicory sigorei te verteen w o o rd ig in die plek v an d ie h ere A.. I. B.
in th e place of M essrs A . I. B. B akkes, H . E . G reen , J. C. B ak k es, H . E . G reen , J. C. P o tg ieter en I. P. M u lle r
P o tg ieter an d I. P . M u ller w hose te n u re o f office will wie se am p sterm y n o p 2 A u g u stu s 1977 sal verstryk.
ex p ire o n 2 A u g u st 1977. N o m in asies m o e t by die L a n d d ro s, A le x a n d ria , w at as
V erk iesin g sb eam p te aangew ys is, ingedien w o rd nie la te r
N o m in atio n s m u st be lodged w ith the M ag istrate,
as 12 u u r op 15 Ju n ie 1977 nie.
A le x a n d ria , w ho h a s been desig n ated E lectio n O fficer,
A lle n o m in asies m o e t g em aak w ord o p d ie v o orgeskrew e
n o t la te r th a n 12 n o o n on 15 J u n e 1977.
nom in asiev o rm w at v e rk ry g b a a r is by die B estu u rd er,
A ll n o m in atio n s m u st be m a d e o n the p rescrib ed n o m ­ S ig o reib eh eerraad , P o sb u s 41, A lex an d ria.
in a tio n fo rm w hich m ay be o b tain ed from the M an ag er, G een k a n d id a a t w o rd g eag b e h o o rlik ben o em te w ees
C h ico ry C o n tro l B oard, P.O . B ox 41, A lex an d ria. nie, tensy hy d e u r ten m in ste vyf p ro d u sen te, geregtig
N o c an d id ate shall be deem ed to be d u ly n o m in ated o m te stem en ingevolge a rtik el 21 v an die S kem a
unless n o m in ated b y n o t less th a n five p ro d u c e rs, registered gereg istreer, benoem is nie.
in term s o f section 21 of th e said Schem e, e n title d to In d ie n m eer as vier p e rso n e benoem w o rd vir verkiesing
vote. en aan stellin g in die R a a d , sal d ie v erk iesin g sb eam p te,
I n the event o f m o re th an fo u r p ersons being n o m in ated k rag ten s a rtik e l 5 (1) (b) v an g en o em d e S kem a, ’n ver-
f o r election an d a p p o in tm e n t a s afo resaid , the election g ad erin g van p ro d u sen te v an sigorei w at geregtig is om
o fficer shall, in term s of section 5 (1) (b) o f th e said te stem , bele om vier v an die p e rso n e ald u s benoem ,
Schem e, call a m eeting o f p ro d u c e rs of chicory, w ho a re te v erkies vir aan stellin g as lede v an d ie S ig o reib eh eerraad .
e n titled to vote, fo r the p u rp o se of electing fo u r of the A rtik e l 5 v a n die S igoreireelingskem a b ep aal o n d e r
c a n d id ates th u s n o m in ated fo r a p p o in tm e n t o n th e C h ico ry an d ere d a t—
C o n tro l B oard. (a) om geregtig te w ees om te b en o em of om te stem ,
Section 5 of the C hicory C o n tro l Schem e stip u lates m o e t ’n p erso o n g ereg istreer wees b y die S ig o reib eh eer­
in te r a lia th a t— ra a d as ’n p ro d u se n t v a n sigorei;
(a) in o rd e r to be entitled to n o m in ate o r to v o te, a (b) n iem an d v ir ’n k a n d id a a t m ag stem w at nie
p e rso n m u st be registered w ith the C h ico ry C o n tro l b eh o o rlik ben o em is nie, of m eer as een stem o p ’n
k a n d id a a t u itb rin g o f v ir m eer o f vir m in d e r k a n d id a te
B o a rd as a p ro d u c e r o f chicory;
as d ie getal lede w at gekies m o e t w o rd , stem nie;
(b) no p e rso n m ay vote fo r a c an d id ate w ho h a s n ot (c) as iem an d —
b een du ly n o m in ated , o r cast m o re th a n one v o te fo r
o n e c an d id ate, o r vote fo r m o re o r fo r few er can d id ates (i) ’n stem u itb rin g op ’n p erso o n w at nie b e h o o rlik
th a t the n u m b e r o f m em b ers to be elected; benoem is nie, w o rd d a a rd ie stem v ero n tag saam ;
(ii) m eer as een stem o p ’n b eh o o riik e b en o em d e
(c) if any p e rso n —
p e rso o n u itb rin g , w o rd slegs een v a n d a a rd ie stem rne
(i) votes fo r a p erso n n o t duly n o m in ated such vote getel;
shall be d isreg ard ed ; (iii) stem rne u itb rin g o p m eer b eh o o riik e b en o em d e
(ii) reco rd s m o re th a n one vote fo r a duly n o m in a te d p e rso n e as d ie g etal led e w a t gekies m o et w o rd , w o rd
p e rso n , only o n e of such votes shall be counted ; die o o rtollige stem rne a a n die en d v an d ie lys v an
(iii) votes fo r m o re duly n o m in a te d can d id ates th a n n a m e v ero n tag saam ;
th e n u m b e r of m em b ers to be elected, th e re d u n d a n t (iv) ’n stem b riefie nie b e h o o rlik o o reen k o m stig die
v otes a t the end of the list of nam es shall be d isreg ard ed ; bepalings h ie rv a n v o lto o i nie, w ord d it v erw erp as
(iv) fails du ly to com plete a b a llo t p a p e r in term s bed o rw e en w o rd d ie stem rne w at d a a ro p u itg eb rin g is,
h ereof, it shall be rejected a s sp o ilt an d th e votes v ero n tag saam ;
re c o rd e d th ereo n shall be d isregarded; (v) Stem rne u itg eb rin g o p m in d e r v an die b e h o o rlik
(v) votes fo r few er of the duly n o m in ated can d id ates b en o em d e p erso n e as d ie getal led e w at gekies m o et
th a n the n u m b e r of m em bers to be elected, th e votes w o rd , w o rd d ie stem rne ald u s u itgebring, v ero n tag saam ;
th u s reco rd ed shall be disregarded;
(d) (i) slegs een p erso o n , w at ’n d ire k te u r, sek retaris
(d) (i) only one p e rso n w ho is a d irecto r, secretary , of b e stu u rd e r v a n ’n m a a tsk a p p y is, en slegs een lid
o r m an a g e r of a c o m p an y a n d only one m em b er of a v an ’n v en n o o tsk ap , gesam en tlik e o n d ern em in g of a n d e r
p a rtn e rsh ip , jo in t v en tu re o r o th e r asso ciatio n m a y vo te vereniging k a n n am en s so ’n m a a tsk a p p y of vereniging
o n b eh alf of such c o m p an y o r asso ciatio n ; stem ;
(ii) a p e rso n m a y vote o n n o t m o re th a n o n e b a llo t (ii) ’n p e rso o n nie o p m e e r as een stem b riefie m ag
p a p e r irrespective of the n u m b e r o f re g istratio n s w hich stem nie o n g eag d ie a a n ta l reg istrasies w a t o o re e n ­
in term s o f section 21 o f th e Schem e h a s been g ran ted ko m stig die b ep alings v a n a rtik e l 21 v an die S kem a,
to h im ; an d a a n horn to eg estaan is;
(iii) voting b y p ro x y shall n o t be allow ed. (iii) stem m in g o n d e r volm ag w o rd nie to eg elaat nie.
H . S. J. S C H O E M A N , M in iste r of A g ricu ltu re. H . S. J . S C H O E M A N , M in iste r v a n L a n d b o u .
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 17

N O T IC E 366 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 366 V A N 1977

O F T H E E X P R O P R IA T IO N A C T , 1965 (A C T 55 O F E IE N IN G S W E T , 1965 (W E T 55 V A N 1965), SO O S
1965), A S A M E N D E D G E W Y S 1G
To: A an:
B O E D E L V A N W Y L E S A R E L V A N H U F F E L , SY
E S T A T E O F T H E L A T E S A R E L V A N H U F F E L , H IS
E K S E K U T E U R S , O P V O L G E R S IN R E G E N T IT E L ,
E X E C U T O R S , S U C C E S S O R S IN R I G H T A N D T IT L E ,
A R T I K E L 4 (2) V A N D IE O N T E IE N IN G S W E T , 1965
C O N T E M P L A T E D IN S E C T IO N 4 (2) O F T H E
(W E T 55 V A N 1965), IN D IE O N D E R G E M E L D E
E X P R O P R I A T I O N A C T , 1965 (A C T 55 O F 1965), IN
E k , G u stav S arel R o h d e , die o n d erg etek en d e, in m y
I, G u stav S a r d R o h d e , th e u ndersigned, in m y cap acity hoed an ig h eid v an O n d e rse k re ta ris in die D ep a rte m e n t v an
as U n d er-S ecretary in the D e p a rtm e n t o f A g ricu ltu ral L a n d b o u k re d ie t en G ro n d b esit, h an d elen d e k rag ten s ’n
C re d it an d L a n d T e n u re , actin g u n d e r a n d by v irtu e of a S pesiale A lgem ene V o lm ag o p 28 F e b ru a rie 1975, geregi-
S pecial G en eral P o w e r o f A tto rn e y , registered in th e streer in d ie K a n to o r v an die R e g istra te u r v an A k tes,
O ffice o f th e R e g istra r o f D eeds, C a p e T o w n , o n 28 K a a p sta d , o n d e r P .A . 5 6 /1 9 7 5 , a a n m y verleen d e u r die
F e b ru a ry 1975 u n d e r P .A . 5 6 /1 9 7 5 , g ran ted to m e by the M in ister v an L a n d b o u van die R ep u b liek van S u id -A frik a,
M in iste r o f A g ric u ltu re o f th e R e p u b lic o f S o u th A frica, bied u h ierb y ingevolge artik e l 6 A v an die O nteieningsw et,
h ereb y o ffer you, in term s o f section 6A o f th e E x p ro p ria ­ 1965, soos gew ysig, ’n verh o o g d e b ed rag v an drie-en-
tio n A c t, 1965, as am en d ed , an increased a m o u n t o f thirty - d ertig d u isen d sew eh o n d erd en tien ra n d (R 33 710,00) a a n
th re e th o u sa n d seven h u n d re d an d ten ra n d (R 33 710,00) as vergoeding v ir die goed w at onteien is, soos b esk ry f in
as c o m p en satio n fo r the e x p ro p ria te d p ro p e rty described K ennisgew ing v an O n teien in g g ed ateer 5 A u g u stu s 1975
in N o tic e of E x p ro p ria tio n d a te d 5 A u g u st 1975, w hich en gep u b liseer in die S ta a tsko era n t o p 15 A u g u stu s 1975,
p ro p e rty consists o f P o rtio n 2 (P erd e V lei) o f th e farm w elke goed b e sta a n u it G ed eelte 2 (P erd e V lei) v an die
P a a rd e n V allei 193, situ ate in th e D ivision o f P ik etb erg , p laas P a a rd e n V allei 193, afd elin g P ik etb erg , p rovinsie
P ro v in ce o f th e C ap e o f G o o d H o p e , m easu rin g 1 058, die K a a p die G o eie H o o p , g ro o t 1 058,056 8 h e k ta a r,
056 8 h ectares, to g eth er w ith all im p ro v em en ts th e re o n an d tesam e m et alle v erbeterings d a a ro p , aso o k alle reg te o p
all rig h ts to m in erals belonging to you. m in erale w at a a n u b eh o o rt.
Signed a t P re to ria , this 2 0 th d a y o f M a y 1977. O n d ertek en te P re to ria , o p h ed e d ie 20ste d ag v a n M ei
p .p . M in iste r o f A g ric u ltu re
p.p. M in iste r van L a n d b o u
(10 June 1977)
(10 Junie 1977)

N O T IC E 367 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 367 V A N 1977

C U S T O M S A N D E X C IS E T A R I F F A P P L IC A T IO N S .— D O E A N E - E N A K S Y N 5 T A R IE F A A N S O E K E .— L Y S
L IS T 1 4 /7 7 1 4 /7 7
T h e follow ing a p p lic a tio n s concerning the C u sto m s and O n d e rsta a n d e aan so ek e b etreffen d e die D o ean e- en
E x cise T a riff h a v e been received by the E o a rd o f T ra d e A k sy n sta rie f is d e u r d ie R a a d v a n H a n d e l e n N yw erheid
a n d Industries. A n y objections to o r co m m en ts oh these on tv an g . E n ig e b esw are teen o f k o m m e n ta a r o p h ierd ie
re p re se n ta tio n s m u st be su b m itted to th e B o ard of T ra d e v erto e m o e t bin n e ses w ek e n a die d a tu m v an hierd ie
a n d In d u stries, P riv a te B ag X 342, P re to ria , 0001, w ith in kennisgew ing a a n die R a a d v an H an d el en N yw erheid,
six w eeks o f th e d a te o f this notice. P riv a a tsa k X 342, P re to ria , 0001, gerig w ord:
In crease in the d u ty on: V erh o g in g van d ie reg op:
1. W ad d in g -tip p ed ap p lic a to rs, classifiable u n d e r tariff 1. A an w en d in g sto k k ies m e t w a ttep u n te, in d e e lb a a r by
su b h ead in g 59.01.90, fro m 20 p e r cent ad valorem to 40 tariefsu b p o s 59.01.90, v a n 20 p ersen t a d valorem to t 40
p e r cen t a d valorem . [B T I R ef. T 5 /2 /1 1 /1 (B 57/77).] p e rse n t ad valorem . [R H N -v erw . T 5 /2 /1 1 /1 (B 57/77).]
A p p lic a n t: A p p lik a n t:
Jo h n so n & Jo h n so n (Pty) L td , P.O . B ox 727, E a s t Jo h n so n & Jo h n so n (E dm s.) B pk., P o sb u s 727, O os-
L o n d o n , 5200. L o n d e n , 5200.
2. (a) T a b le linen, including serviettes, w h eth er o r n o t 2. (a) T afellin n e, m e t in b eg rip v a n servette, h etsy in
in sets, classifiable u n d e r ta riff su b h ead in g 62.02.43, fro m stelle al d a n nie, in d e e lb a a r by tariefsu b p o s 62.02.43, van
35 p e r cent a d valorem o r 600c p e r kg less 65 p e r cent 35 p e rse n t a d valorem of 600c p e r k g m in 65 p e rse n t van
of the f.o.b. p ric e to 35 p e r cen t a d valorem o r 850c p e r d ie pry s v.a.b. to t 35 p e rse n t a d valorem of 850c p e r kg
kg less 65 p e r c e n t of th e f.o.b. price; a n d m in 65 p e rse n t v a n die p ry s v .a.b.; en
(b) k itch en linen, including tea tow els an d glass cloths, (b) k o m b u islin n e, m et in b eg rip v a n v ad o ek e e n kom -
classifiable u n d e r ta riff su b h ead in g 62.02.45, fro m 25 p e r b u isd o ek e, in d e e lb a a r by ta rie fsu b p o s 62.02.45, v a n 25
cen t a d valorem o r 320c p e r k g less 75 p e r cen t o f the p ersen t a d valorem o f 320c p e r kg m in 75 p e rse n t van
f.o.b. p rice to 30 p e r cent a d valorem o r 55c each less d ie p ry s v.a.b. to t 30 p e rse n t a d va lo rem of 55c elk m in
70 p e r cent of th e f.o.b. p rice. [B T I R ef. T 5 / 2 / 1 1 /1 0 /1 70 p e rse n t v an d ie p ry s v.a.b. [R H N -v erw . T 5 / 2 / 1 1 /1 0 /1
(B 58/77).] (B 58/77).]
A p p lic a n t: A p p lik a n t:
T e x tile F e d e ra tio n , P .O . B ox 4581, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , 2000. T e k stie l F ed erasie, P o sb u s 4581, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , 2000.
3. F ix e d electrical cap acito rs, w ith w indings o r su p e r­ 3. V a ste elek triese k a p a sito rs, m et w ikkelings o f oor-
im p o sed p lates o f m etallised p lastic m a te ria l, w h e th e r or h eenliggende p la te v a n gem etalliseerd e p lastiek m ateriaal,
n o t en c a p su la te d , classifiable u n d e r ta riff sub h ead in g s h etsy in g ek ap sel a l d a n nie, in d e e lb a a r by tariefsu b p o ste
18 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977 a n d, from v a rio u s ra te s of d u ty e n, v a n v ersk eie sk ale v an reg to t
to 6c each (general) a n d 6c each less 5 p e r cent ad valorem 6c elk (algem een) e n 6 c elk m in 5 p e rse n t ad va lo rem
(U .K .). [B T I R ef. T 5 /2 /1 6 /3 /1 (B 35/77).] (V .K .). [R H N -v erw . T 5 /2 /1 6 /3 /1 (B 35/77).]
A p p lica n t: A p p lik a n t:
S ta n d a rd T elephones an d C ables (SA ) L td , P .O . B ox S ta n d a rd T elep h o n es an d C ables (SA ) L td , P o sb u s
286, B oksburg, 1460. 286, B o k sb u rg , 1460.
[N ote.— T his ap p licatio n supersedes the a p p licatio n by [O p m erkin g .— H ierd ie aan so ek v ervang d ie aan so ek v a n
S ta n d a rd T elep h o n es an d C ables (SA ) L td , p u b lish ed in S ta n d a rd T elep h o n es a n d C ab les (SA ) L td w at in S to a ts-
G o v ern m en t G a zette 5485 of 1 A p ril 1977, u n d e r G en eral k o erant 5485 van 1 A p ril 1977 o n d e r A lg em en e K en n is-
N otice 212, L ist 9 /7 7 .] gew ing 212, L y s 9 /7 7 , g ep u b liseer is.]
W ith d ra w a l o f the rebate facilities in respect o f: In tre k k in g van d ie ko rtin g fa siliteite ten o p sig te van:
1. F ra m e s fo r the m an u fa c tu re of g ard en um b rellas 1. R a m e v ir d ie v erv aard ig in g v an tu in sam b rele (item
(item 312.03/66.03). [B T J R ef. T 5 /2 /1 2 /1 (E 8 /7 7 ).] 312.03/66.03). [R H N -v erw . T 5 /2 /1 2 /1 (E 8 /7 7 ).]
A p p lic a n t: A p p lik a n t:
L eisu rco r S outh A frica (Pty) L td , P.O . B ox 395, F lo rid a , L eisu rco r South A fric a (Pty) L td , P o sb u s 395, F lo rid a ,
1710. 1710.
2. L im e juice fo r the m a n u fa c tu re o f beverages (item 2. L em m etjiesap v ir die v erv aard iein g van d ra n k e (item
304.08/20.07). [B T I R ef. T 5 / 2 / 4 / 3 / 1 (E 7 /7 7 ).] 304.08/20.07). [R H N -v erw . T 5 /2 ./4 /3 /1 (E 7 /7 7 ).]
A p p lic a n t: A p p lik a n t:
U n ited P la n ta tio n s (Sw aziland) L td , P riv ate B ag 506, U n ited P la n ta tio n s (Sw aziland) L td , P riv a a tsa k 506,
H e c to rsp ru it, 1330. H ecto rsp ru it, 1330.
3. (a) W oven fabrics of m an -m ad e fib res (continuous), 3. (a) W eefstow w e v an g efab riseerd e vesels (k o n tin u ), vir
fo r use as linings in the m an u fa c tu re o f h arn ess, sad d lery , g eb ru ik as voerings by die verv aard ig in g v an tu iem ak ers-
travel goods an d sim ilar goods (including belts) [item w are, sa alm ak ersw are, reisartik els en derg elik e go ed ere
308.02/51.04 (1)]; (m et in begrip v an lyfbande) [item 3 0 3 .02/51.04 (1)];
(b) w oven fab rics of p o ly am id e fibres (continuous), fo r (b) w eefstow w e van poliam iedvesels (kontinu), vir die
th e m a n u fa c tu re of rucksacks, toilet bags and clothing v erv aard ig in g v an ru g sak k e, to iletsak k e en k lerasieb esk er-
p ro tectio n bags [item 308.02/51.04 (2)]; m in g sak k e [item 3 0 8 .02/51.04 (2)];
(c) w oven fab rics of m an -m ad e fibres (continuous) (c) w eefstow w e v a n g efab riseerd e vesels (k o n tin u ) (uitge-
(excluding fabrics of cellulosic fibres), fo r the m a n u fa c tu re so n d erd stow w e van sellulosiese vesels), vir die v e rv a a rd i­
of im p reg n ated o r coated fabrics, including p a p e r fabrics ging van g eim p reg n eerd e of b estry k te stow w e, m et in b eg rip
[item 311.12/51.04 (1)]; van papierstow w e [item 3 11.12/51.04 (1)];
(d) w oven fabrics of p o ly am id e fibres (continuo u s), for (d) w eefstow w e van p oliam iedvesels (k o n tin u ), v ir die
the m a n u fa c tu re of show er c u rta in s (item 311.14/01.04); v erv aard ig in g van sto rtg o rd y n e (item 311.14/51.04); en
and (e) w eefstow w e v an g efab riseerd e vesels (k o n tin u ) (uitge-
(e) w oven fabrics of m an -m ad e fibres (con tin u o u s) so n d erd stow w e vir d ie v erv aard ig in g v an m a tra sse en
(excluding fab rics fo r the m an u fa c tu re of m attresses and m a tra sste u n stu k k e ), vir die v erv aard ig in g v an g esto p ie of
m attress su p p o rts), fo r the m an u fa c tu re o f p ad d ed , stuffed g ew atteerd e am eu b lem en t of am eu b lem en t m et in g eboude
o r fitted fu rn ish in es (item 320.02/51.04). [B T I Ref. T 5 / 2 / to eru stin g (item 320.02/51.04). [R H N -v erw . T 5 / 2 / 1 1 /3 /1
1 1 /3 /1 (E 9/77).] (E 9 /7 7 ).]
A p p lic a n t: A p p lik a n t:
T e x tile F e d e ra tio n , P.O . B ox 4581, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , 2000. T ek stiel F ed erasie, P o sb u s 4581, Jo h a n n e sb u rg , 2000.
D ra w back o f the d u ty on: T eruggaw e van d ie reg op:
H ack saw b lad e blanks, classifiable u n d e r ta riff su b ­ O n afg ew erk te y stersaag lem n ie, in d eelb aar by tariefsu b -
h ead ing 82.02.70, used in the m an u fa c tu re of h ack saw p o s 82.02.70, g eb ru ik by d ie verv aard ig in g van y stersaag-
blades fo r ex p o rt. [B T I R ef. T 5 /2 /1 5 /6 /1 (F 4 0 /7 7 ).] lem m e vir uitvoer. [R H N -v erw . T 5 / 2 / 1 5 / 6 / 1 (F 4 0 /7 7 J ]
A p p lic a n t: A p p lik a n t:
Ja m e s N eill T ools (Pty) L td , P.O . B ox 57, E p p in d u st, Ja m e s N eill T o o ls (Pty) L td , P o sb u s 57, E p p in d u st,
7475. 7475.
F o r L ist 13/77 see G eneral N o tice 348, d a te d 27 M ay K y k A lgem ene K ennisaew ing 348 v an 27 M ei 1977 vir
1977. L y s 13/77.
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)

N O T IC E 368 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 368 V A N 1977

O N D E R S O E K N A D IE V E R B O D O P V E R V A A R -
H ie rb y w o rd b ek en d g em aak d a t die M in ister van
It is h ereb y n o tified th a t the M in iste r o f E co n o m ic E k o n o m iese S ake krag ten s d ie bep alin g s van a rtik el 6
A ffairs has, u n d e r th e p ro v isio n s o f section 6 (3) (e) of (3) (e) v an d ie W et o p R eelin g v an M o n o p o listiese T o e ­
the R eg u latio n of M o n o p o listic C o n d itio n s A ct, 1955 s', an d e, 1955 (W et 24 v an 1955), die R a a d v a n H a n d e l en
(A ct 24 o f 1955), d irected the B o a rd of T ra d e a n d I n ­ N y w erh eid o p d ra g gegee h e t om o n d erso ek in te stel n a
d u stries to investigate the d esirab ility o r otherw ise, of d ie w enslikheid al d a n nie v an die h an d h aw in g v an die
re ta in in g the p ro v isio n s o f G o v ern m en t N o tic e R . 465 b epalings v an G oew erm en tsk en n isg ew in g R . 465 v a n 25
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 19

o f 25 M a rc h 1966, in term s o f w hich m an u fa c tu rers of M a a rt 1966 w aark rag ten s die v erv aard ig e s v an beskuitjies
b iscuits are p ro h ib ite d fro m jo in tly in creasin g the selling v erb ied w o rd o m o p enige w yse g esam entl k die verk o o p -
p rices o f th e ir b iscu its in an y w ay w ith o u t th e p rio r p ry se van hulle b esk u itjies te v erhoog alv o ren s hulle die
a p p ro v a l o f ihe P rice C o n tro ller. v c o ra fg a an d e g o ed k eu rin g van die P ry sk o n tro le u r ont-
vang het.
In te re ste d p a rtie s a re invited to m ak e rep resen tatio n s
in th is reg ard to the B o a rd of T ra d e a n d In d u stries, B elan g h eb b en d es w ord v erso ek om b in n e ’n ty d p erk
P riv a te B ag X 342, P re to ria , 0001, w ith in a p e rio d of six (6) v an ses (6) w eke n a die d a tu m v an p u b lik as e van h ierdie
w eeks of the d a te of p u b licatio n o f this notice. (B T I R ef. kennisgew ing v erto e in hierd ie v e rb a n d to t d :e R a a d van
T 6 /2 /4 .) H an d el en N yw erheid, P riv a a tsa k X 342, P re to ria , 0001, te
rig. (R H N -v erw . T 6 /2 /4 .)
(10 June 1977)
(10 Junie 1977)

N O T IC E 369 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 369 V A N 1977

It is hereby no tified th a t the M in ister of E co n o m ic H ierb y w o rd b ek en d g em aak d a t die M in ister van
A ffa irs h as, u n d er the p rovisions o f section 3 (1) (a) o f th e E k o n o m iese Sake k rag ten s d ie bepalings v an a rtik el 3 (1)
R eg u latio n of M o n o p o listic C o n d itio n s A ct, 1955 (A ct 24 (a) van die W et o p R eelin g v a n M onopolistic.-e T o estan d e,
of 1955), d irected th e B o ard o f T ra d e an d In d u stries to 1955 (W et 24 v a n 1955), d ie R a a d v an H a n d e l e n N y w er­
investigate and re p o rt on the supply a n d d istrib u tio n of h eid o p d rag gegee h et om ond erso ek in te stel n a en ver-
fertilizer in the R ep u b lic of S outh A frica. slag te d c e n o o r d ie v erskaffing en d istrib u sie v a n kuns-
T h e B oard h ereby m akes k n o w n fo r general in fo rm a ­ m is in die R ep u b liek v an S u id-A frika.
tio n th a t it p ro p o se s to u n d e rta k e a n investigation into D ie R a a d m a a k h ierb y v ir algem ene inligting b ekend
th e possible existence of m o nopolistic co nditions in the d a t h y o n d e rso e k g aan instel n a die m o o n tlik e b estaan
su p p ly an d d istrib u tio n o f fertilizer in th e R e p u b lic of v an m o n o p o listiese to estan d e by die v erskaffing en d is tri­
South" A frica. b u sie v an k u n sm is in die R e p u b lie k v an S u id-A frika.
In te re ste d p arties are invited to m a k e rep resen tatio n s B elanghebbendes w o rd versoek om b inne ’n ty d p erk
in this regard to the B o ard of T ra d e a n d In d u stries, P ri­ v a n a g t (8) w eke n a die d a tu m v an p u b lik a sie v an hierd ie
v a te B ag X 342, P re to ria , 0001, w ith in a p e rio d of eight kennisgew ing v e rto e in h ierd ie v e rb a n d to t d ie R a a d van
(8) w eeks of the d ate of p u b licatio n o f this notice. (B T I H an d el en N yw erheid, P riv a a tsa k X 342, P re to ria , 0001, te
R e f. T 6 /2 /6 .) rig. (R H N -v erw . T 6 /2 /6 .)
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)

N O T IC E 372 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 372 V A N 1977

N A T IO N A L W E L F A R E A C T , N o. 79 O F 1965 N A S IO N A L E W E L S Y N S W E T , N o . 79 V A N 1965
D ie o n d erg em eld e w elsynsorganisasies w at ingevolge die
T h e u n d e rm e n tio n e d organisations w hich w ere registered
N asio n ale W elsynsw et, N o. 79 v an 1965, g ereg istreer w as,
in term s of th e N a tio n a l W elfare A ct, N o . 79 of 1965,
h e t h u l reg istrasiesertifik ate ingevolge artik e l 23 v a n die
h av e su rre n d e re d th e ir re g istra tio n certificates in term s of
W et teruggegee:
sectio n 23 of th e A ct:
Name van organisasies WO Nos
Names o f organisations WO Nos
Louw’s Creek Kliniek, Pk. Louw’s Creek...................... W01621
Louw’s Creek Clinic, P.O. Louw’s Creek...................... W01621 S.A.N.T.V.-tak, Christiana.............................................. W02711
S.A.N.T.A. Branch, Christiana....................................... W02711 Die Kersfees-Onthaal- en Liefdadigheidsfonds van die
The “Pretoria News” Christmas Cheer and Charity “Pretoria News”, Pretoria........................................... W01479
Fund, Pretoria............................................................... W01479 Saalskop Gesondheidskomitee, Pk. Saalskop, oor
“Saalskop Gesondheidskomitee”, P.O. Saalskop, via Pries ka........................................................................... W02442
Prieska............................................................................ W02442 Armesorgraad van Witwatersrand-Sentraal (Die Sen-
“Armesorgraad van Witwatersrand-Sentraal (Die Sen- trale Ringsraad vir die Diens van Barmhartigheid),
trale Ringsraad vir die Diens van Barmhartigheid)”, Johannesburg................................................................ W0519
Johannesburg................................................................ W0519 Die Pinetownse Vriendskaplike Vereniging, Pinetown WO1307
The Pinetown Friendly Association,Pinetown............... WO1307 “Western Deep Levels Ltd. Benevolent Fund”, Carle-
Western Deep Levels Ltd Benevolent Fund, Carleton- tonville..................................................... W02668
ville................................................................................. W02668 Die Burgermeestersvrou se Algemene Liefdadigheids­
The Mayoress’ General Benevolent Fund, Odendaalsrus WO1504 fonds, Odendaalsrus..................................................... WO1504
The South African Corps of Signals Association, Johan­ “ T h e S o u th African Corps of S ignals A s so c ia tio n ” ,
nesburg........................................................................... WO 147 Johannesburg...................................................... . W0147
The Aliwal North and District Child Welfare Society, Die Kindersorgvereniging van Aliwal-Noord en Distrik,
Aiiwal N orth................................................................. W0883 Aliwal-Noord................................................................ W0883
The Bonnievale Welfare and Health Society, De Rust, Die Welsyns- en Gesondheidsvereniging van Bonnievale,
Bonnievale..................................................................... W01737 De Rust, Bonnievale.................................................... W01737
The Durban Organization for Care of Pre-school Die Durbanse Organisasie vir die Versorging van Voor-
African Children, Durban............................................ WO2085 skoolse Bantoekinders, Durban.................................. WO2085
M . J . P R IN S L O O , R e g istra r o f the N a tio n a l W elfare M . J. P R IN S L O O , R e g istra te u r van d ie N asio n ale
B oard. W elsy n sraad .
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)
20 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

N O T IC E 371 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 371 V A N 1977

B y v irtu e of the pow ers vested in him b y section K rag ten s die b ev o egdheid h o m verleen b y a rtik e l
2B (1) (e) of th e P o st O ffice A c t, 1958 (A ct 44 of 1958), 2B (1) (e) v an d ie P o sw et, 1958 (W et 44 v a n 1958), m a a k
the P o stm a ste r G en eral announces th a t the “ L ist of die P o sm eesier-g en eraal b ek en d d a t die “ L y s v an In te r-
In te rn a tio n a l T eleco m m u n icatio n T a riffs” p ro m u lg ated by n asio n ale T elek o m m u n ik asietariew e” , afg ek o n d ig by
G o v ern m en t N otice R . 1202 of 12 Ju ly 1974, as am en d ed , G oew erm en tsk en u isg ew in g R . 1202 v a n 12 Ju lie 1974, soos
is h ereb y fu rth e r am en d ed as follow s: gewysig, h ie rb y soos volg v e rd e r gew ysig w ord:
IT E M 3: S H IP -T O -S H O R E C A L L R A T E S : IT E M 3: S K IP -N A -K U S O P R O E P T A R IE F :
In se rt the follow ing new su b p a ra g ra p h 3.5 a fte r sub- V oeg d ie volgende n u w e su b p a ra g ra a f 3.5 na sub-
p a ra g ra p h 3.4: p a ra g ra a f 3.4 in:
“ 3.5 C alls to ships a t sea via th e M A R IS A T system : “ 3.5 O p ro ep e n a skepe te r see via d ie M A R IS A T -ste lse l:
Minimum charge „ , . Minimum koste vir . ,
f o r i m inute! Rate per minute 3 minute Tartefper minuut
All ships................................ 33,90 11,30”. Alle skepe............................. 33,90 11,30” .
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)

NOTICE 374 OF 1977

Statement of assets and liabilities on the 27th day of May 1977

Liabilities Assets
Capital........... .......................................................... 2 000 000,00 Gold......................................................................... 286 835 322,28
Reserve Fund.......................................................... 20 395 285,79 Foreign:
Notes in circulation................................................ 1 171 066 869,00 Bills................................................................... 57 069 026,74
Deposits: Investments...................................................... 20 355 274,54
Government..................................................... 50 081 849,79 Other assets...................................................... 374 835 507,01
Provincial administrations.............................. 45 732 209,46
Bankers............................................................. 295 426 427,53 Total gold and foreign assets................................. 739 095 130,57
Other................................................................ 39 313 258,25 Domestic:
Other liabilities........................................................ 1 390 390 401,04 Bills discounted............................................... 109 360 000,00
Loans and advances:
Government............................................. —-
Other......................................................... 489 651 410,34
Government............................................. 435 732 638, 59
Other......................................................... 8 377 363,69
Other assets...................................................... 1 232 239 757,67
R3 014 406 300,86 R3 014 406 300,86

Ratio of gold reserve to liabilities to the public less foreign assets 22,2 per cent.
Pretoria, 2 June 1977. L. ORCHARD, General Manager.


Staat van bates en laste op die 27ste dag van Mei 1977

Laste Bates
Kapitaal................................................................... 2 000 000,00 G oud........................................................................ 286 835 322,28
Reserwefonds........................................................... 20 395 285,79 Buitelandse:
Note in omloop................................................... 1 171 066 869,00 Wissels.............................................................. 57 069 026,74
Deposito’s Beleggings......................................................... 20 355 274,54
Regering................................................. .. 50 081 849,79 Ander bates...................................................... 374 835 507,01
Provinsiale administrasies................... .. 45 732 209,46
Totaal aan goud en buitelandse bates.................. 739 095 130,57
Andere........................................................ 39 313 258125 Binnelandse:
Ander laste.............................................................. 1 390 390 401,04 Gediskonteerde wissels................................... 109 360 000,00
Lenings en voorskotte:
Regering................................................... —
Andere...................................................... 489 651 410,34
Regering................................................... 435 732 638,59
Andere...................................................... 8 327 363,69
Ander bates...................................................... 1 232 239 757,67
R3 014 406 300,86 R3 014 406 300,86

Verhouding van goudreserwe tot verpligtings teenoor die publiek min buitelandse bates 22,2 persent.
Pretoria, 2 Junie 1977. L. ORCHARD, Hoofbestuurder.
(10 June 1977)/(10 Junie 1977)
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 21



Estimates/ Month of April/Maand April

Service/Diens Begroting
1977-78 1976 1977
Transportation services/Vervoerdienste:
Administrative and general charges/Administrasie- en algemene koste................. 88 195 000 5 364 618 6 441 228
Maintenance of permanent way and works/Onderhoud van spoorbaan en werke 303 114 000 18 798 864 21 728 140
Maintenance of rolling stock/Onderhoud van rollende materiaal.......................... 257 682 000 17 860 075 18 291 945
Motive power operating expenses/Beweegkragbedryfskoste................................... 313 110000 20 336 924 24 473 792
Traffic, and vehicle running expenses/Verkeers- en voertuigloopkoste................. 428 807 000 28 443 258 31 268 953
Cartage services/Besteidiens........................................................................................ 32 156 000 2 056 458 2 219 719
Depreciation/Waardevermindering............................................................................ 196 126 000 10 622 618 16 343 415

Subtotal/Subtotaal................................................................................ 1 624 190 000 103 482 815 120 767 192
Subsidiary services/Hulpdienste:
Catering and bedding services/Verversings- en beddediens..................................... 18 899 000 1 530 453 1 548 212
Publicity and advertising/Pubiisiteit en reklame...................................................... 330 000 28 422 26 901
Grain elevators/Graansuiers.................................... , ................................................ 2 445 000 169 270 195 716
Pre-cooling services/Voorverkoeldienste.................................................................... 10 582 000 900 753 1 211 472
Road transport service/Padvervoerdiens............................ ...................................... 60 613 000 4 183 712 4 660 956
Tourist service/Toeristediens...................................................................................... 16 780 000 1 561 143 1 623 024
Net revenue aecount/Netto-inkomsterekening:
Interest on funds/Rente op fondse............................................................................. 1 836 000 125 837 153 993
Interest on capital/Rente op kapitaal........................................................................ 348 422 000 20 846 134 27 216 565
Miscellaneous expenditure/Diverse uitgawe.............................................................. 41 764 000 3 198 617 3 856 348

T otal—Railways/Totaal—Spoorwee.................................................. 2 125 861 000 136 027 156 161 260 379

Transportation services/Vervoerdienste:
Working and maintenance/Eksploitasie en onderhoud........................................... 58 514 000 3 396 444 4 202177
Depreciation/Waardevermindering............................................................................ 12 332 000 405 650 1 027 281
Subsidiary service/Hulpdiens:
Lighthouses/Vuurtorings............................................ ................................................ 1 724 000 108 910 132 033
Net revenue account/Netto-inkomsterekening:
Interest on capital/Rente op kapitaal........................................................................ 51 729 000 1 039 295 3 778 040
Miscellaneous expenditure/Diverse uitgawe.............................................................. 738 000 1 701 63 584

T otal—Harbours/T otaal—H a wens..................................................... 125 037 000 4 952 000 9 203 115

Transportation services/Vervoerdienste:
Working and maintenance/Eksploitasie en onderhoud........................................... 310 645 000 21 091 737 23 920 009
Depreciation/Waardevermiodering........................................................................... 48 580 000 1 988 488 4188 651
Net revenue account/Netto-inkomsterekening:
Interest on capital/Rente op kapitaal........................................................................ 31 163 000 1 322 062 2 477 185
Miscellaneous expenditure/Diverse uitgawe............................................................ 3 857 000 4 634 280 305

Total—Airways/Totaal—Lugdiens..................................................... 394 245 000 24 406 921 30 866 150

Transportation services/Vervoerdienste:
Working and maintenance/Eksploitasie en onderhoud....................... ............ ... 7 721 000 476 382 557 638
Depreciation/Waarde vermindering............................................................................ 8 752 000 263 166 562 666
Net revenue account/Netto-inkomsterekening:
Interest on capital/Rente op kapitaal........................................................................ 11 383 000 455 323 483 442
Miscellaneous expenditure/Diverse uitgawe.............................................................. 83 000 14 9 973

T otal—Pipelines/Totaal—Pypieidings................................................ 27 939 000 1 194 885 1 613 719

Betterment fund/Verbeteringsfonds............................................................................... 80 000 000 6 666 666 6 666 666
Level crossings elimination fund/Fonds ter uitskakeling van spooroorgange........... 2 500 000 208 333 208 333
Deficiency in pension funds/Tekort in pensioenfondse............................................... 387 000 15 226 33 597
Sinking fund/Delgingsfonds:
Redemption account/Vereffeningsrekening.................... ...................................... 6 438 000 535 238 536 494
Reserve account/Reserwerekening............................................................................. 52 000 000 — 4 333 333

Total—Appropriations/Totaal—Aanwendings................................. 141 325 000 7 425 463 11 778 423

Grand total/Groottotaal......................... ........... ................................ 2 814 407 000 174 006 425 214 721 786

Office of the General Manager, Johannesburg.

Kantoor van die Hoofbestuurder, Johannesburg.
22 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977



Estimates/ Month of April/Maand April

Service/Diens Begroting
1976 1977
Transportation services/Vervoerdienste:
Passengers/Passasiers.............................................. .............................. 187 400 000 12 326 493 14 910197
Parcels/Pakkette..................................................................................... 54 240 000 3 187 735 3 808 352
Mails/Pos................................................................................................ 9 360 000 561 447 782 643
Goods/Goedere...................................................................................... 1 421 773 000 82 027 434 107 217 699
Coal/Steenkool...................................................................................... 193 178 000 9 821 073 15 678 771
Livestcck/Lewende ha we....................................................................... 20 000 000 1 629 672 1 204 121
Rents and storage/'Huur en opslagkoste............................................. 23 660 000 1 595 767 1 783 828
Miscellaneous/Diverse........................................................................... 80 100 000 5 345 070 6 146 857
Subsidiary serviees/Hulpdienste:
Cater ing and bedding services/Verversings- en beddediens................ 19 941 000 1 601 606 1 484 848
Publicity and advertising/Publisiteit en rekiame................................. 750 000 62 100 62 813
Grain elevators/Graansuiers................................................................. 3 196 000 274 387 145 887
Pre-cooling services/Voorverkoeidienste.............................................. 10 582 000 900 753 1 211 472
Road transport service/Padvervoerdiens............................................. 67 696 000 4 398 605 5 324 135
Tourist service/Tocristediens................................................................. 17 344 000 1 740 361 1 730 009
Net revenue account/Netto-inkomsterekening:
Interest on investments/Rente op beleggings...................................... 15 030 000 1 548 587 1 470 349
Miscellaneous receipts/Diverse ontvangste.......................................... 11 983 000 451 221 851 540
Total—Ra ilways/To taal—Spoorwee............................. 2 136 233 000 127 472 311 163 813 521
Transportation services/Vervoerdienste:
Port dues Hawercgte............................................................................. 6 944 000 335 687 455 473
Wharfage/Kaaigeld................................................................................ 101 700 000 7 527 497 8 011 156
Tugs and lighters/Sleepbote en ligters................................................. 11 078 000 606 276 823 477
Crancs/Krane......................................................................................... 13 000 000 646 704 1 225 548
Dry decks and siipways/Droogdokke en skeepsheliings.................... 2 676 000 152 893 379 666
Buik handling installations/Massahanteerinstallasies......................... 24 287 000 491 393 1 252 783
Miscel lar.eous/Diverse........................................................................... 4 664 000 226 184 353 686
Subsidiary service/Hulpdiens:
Lighthouses/Vuurtorings....................................................................... 2 600 000 137 047 187 313
Net revenue account/Netto-inkomsterekening:
Interest on investments/Rente op beleggings...................................... 376 000 99 000 11000
Miscellaneous receipts/Diverse ontvangste...................................... 14 000 1 083 7 839
T otal—Harbours/T otaal—Hawens............................... 167 339 000 10 223 764 12 709 941
Transportation services/Vervoerdienste:
Passengers/Passasiers............................................................................ 289 426 000 18 130 231 23 220 976
Mails/Pos................................................................................................ 7 905 000 646 048 633 001
Freight/Vrag........................................................................................... 53 076 000 3 641 220 3 881 509
Excess baggage,/Oormassabagasie......................................................... 1 104 000 83 689 92 730
Hire of aircraft/Huur van vliegiuie...................................................... 2 978 000 139 485 321 587
Bar stock/Bufletvoorraad...................................................................... 1 650 000 120 099 150 678
Commission/Kommissie........................................................................ 3 300 000 268 990 334 946
General handling and attendance/Algemene bantering en bediening 3 000 000 207 742 236 931
Ground transportation/G rondvervoer................................................. 850 000 72 849 82 133
Other airways services/Ander lugdiensdienste..................................... 1 650 000 88 836 105 042
Net revenue account/Netto-inkomsterekening:
Interest on investments/Rente op beleggings...................................... 726 000 153 000 (30 000)
Miscellaneous receipts/Diverse ontvangste.......................................... 6 357 000 552 749 1 643 899
T otal—Airway s/Totaal—Lugd iens................................ 372 022 000 24 104 938 30 673 432
Transportation services/Vervoerdienste................................................... 137 200 000 7 535 589 9 543 832
Net revenue account/Netto-inkomsterekening:
Interest on investments/Rente op beleggings...................................... 1 347 000 106 000 1C9 000
Miscellaneous receipts/Diverse ontvangste.......................................... 400 000 — 452
Total—Pipelines/Totaal—Pypleidings.......................... 138 947 000 7 641 589 9 653 284
Grand total/Groottotaal................................................ 2 814 541 000 169 442 602 216 850 178
Results of working/Bedryfsresultaat—
Total revenue—All services/Totaa! inkomste—Al'e dier.ste.................. 2 814 541 000 169 442 602 216 850 178
Total expenditure—All services/Totaal uitgawe—Alle dienste.............. 2 814 407 000 174 006 425 214 721 786
Surplus........................................................................................................ 134 000 _ 2 128 392
Deficit/Tekort.............................................. .............................................. — 4 563 823 —

Office of the General Manager, Johannesburg.

Kantoor van die Hoofbestuurder, Johannesburg.
(10 June 1977)/(10 Junie 1977)
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 23

N O T IC E 373 O F 1977 K E N N JS G E W IN G 373 V A N 1977

N A T IO N A L W E L F A R E A C T , N o. 79 O F 1965 N A S IO N A L E W E L S Y N S W E T , N o. 79 V A N 1965
T h e u n d erm en tio n ed o rg an isatio n s w hich w ere reg istered D ie o n d erg em eld e w elsynsorganisasies w a t ingevolge die
in term s of the N a tio n a l W elfare A c t, N o. 79 of 1965, N a sio n a le W elsynsw et, N o. 79 v an 1965 g ereg istreer w as,
h a v e su rre n d e re d th e ir re g istra tio n certificates in term s h et h u l re g istrasiesertifik ate ingevolge artik el 23 van die
o f section 23 o f th e A ct: W et teruggegee:
Names o f organisations WO Nos Name van organisasies WO Nos
“Afrikaanse Christelike Vrouevereniging (A.C.V.V.), Afrikaanse Christelike Vrouevereniaing (A.C.V.V.),
Gamka-Oos” ................................................................. W02004 Gamka-Oos................................................................. W02004
“Afrikaanse Christelike Vrouevereniging (A.C.V.V.), Afrikaanse Christelike Vrouevereniging (A.C.V.V.),
Loxton” .......................................................................... W0489 Loxton............................................................................ W0489
M . J. P R IN S L O O , R e g istra r of th e N a tio n a l W elfare M . J. P R IN S L O O , R e g istra te u r v an d ie N asio n ale
B o ard. W elsynsraad.
(10 June 1977) (10 Junic 1977)

N O T IC E 376 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 376 V A N 1977

I t is h ereby notified fo r g en eral in fo rm a tio n th a t th e ITierby w ord vir algem ene inligting b ek en d g em aak d a t
G ro o t D w arsrivier Irrig a tio n D istrict, D istrict of L yden- die G ro o t D vvarsrivier-besproeiingsalstrik, d istrik L y d en -
burg , T ra n sv a a l, w as disestab lish ed b y P ro clam atio n 107 burg, T ra n sv a a l, by P ro k lam asie 107 v an 18 Ju n ie 1976
o f 18 J u n e 1976, a n d th a t the H o n o u ra b le th e M in ister of afg esk af is en d a t Sy E d ele die M in ister van W aterw ese,
W a te r A ffa irs has, by v irtu e o f th e pow ers vested in him k rag ten s die bevoegdheid horn verleen by a rtik el 78 (2) (b)
b y section 78 (2) (b) of the W a te r A c t, 1956 (A ct 54 of van die W aterw gt, 1956 (W et 54 van 1956), ’n kornitee
1956), ap p o in te d a com m ittee, consisting of three officers b esta a n d e u it drie b eam p tes van d ie D ep artem en t van
o f the D e p a rtm e n t o f W a te r A ffairs, to investig ate the W aterw ese aangestel het om o p die sake van die afgeskafte
affa irs of the disestab lish ed B o ard a n d to subm it a re p o rt R a a d in te gaan en ’n verslag en aanbevelings in die ver-
a n d reco m m en d atio n s thereon fo r his consideration . b a n d a a n h o m vir oorw eging v o o r te le.
C red ito rs to w hom m oney is ow ed b y the disestab lish ed Skuldeisers aan wie die afg esk afte R a a d geld verskuldig
B o a rd an d w ho desire th eir claim s a g ain st th e B oard to be is en w at verlang d a t h u l eise teen die R a a d in die verslag
in clu d ed in th e re p o rt to th e M in ister in o rd e r th a t the aan die M in ister o rg e n e e m m o e t w ord so d at die M in ister
M in iste r m ay consider p ay m en t thereof, a re req u ested to b etalin g van hul eise k a n oorw eeg, w ord versoek om hul
su b m it th e ir claim s, p ro p e rly su b stan tiated an d su p p o rted eise, beh o o rlik gem o tiv eer en d e u r die n o d ig e d o k u m en te
b y th e necessary d o cu m en ts, to th e C h a irm a n of th e said gestaaf, binne 30 (dertig) d ae n a p u b lik asie h ierv an a a n die
co m m ittee w ithin 30 (thirty) days fro m p u b lic a tio n hereof. V o o rsitter van gem elde kornitee v o o r te le. D ie ad res van
T h e ad d ress of the C h a irm a n is: d ie V o o rsitter is:
T h e C ircle E ngineer D ie Seksie-ingenieur
D e p a rtm e n t o f W ater A ffairs D e p artem en t van W aterw ese
E a ste rn T ra n sv a a l C ircle O o s-T ran sv aalsek sie
P riv a te B ag X I 1259 P riv aatsak X I 1259
N e lsp ru it N elsp ru it
1200 1200
G een verdere eise sal n a g em elde d a tu m oorw eeg w ord
N o fu rth e r claim s w ill be considered a fte r th e said d ate.
(10 June 1977)
(10 Junie 1977)

N O T IC E 377 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 377 V A N 1977

W AGE ACT, 1957 LOONW ET, 1957
W A G E B O A R D IN V E S T IG A T IO N .— B R E A D A N D L O O N R A A D O N D E R S O E K .— B R O O D - E N B A N K E T -
T h e W age B o a rd h a s received a reference in respect
o f th e abo v e-m en tio n ed In d u stry an d h ereb y gives no tice D ie L o o n ra a d h et ’n o p d ra g in v e rb a n d m et b over-
in term s of section 9 of the W age A c t, 1957, th a t the m elde N y w erh eid o n tv an g en gee liierby k rag ten s artik el
in v estig atio n has com m enced a n d th a t th e B o ard w ill in 9 v an die L o o n w et, 1957, ken n is d a t die o n d erso ek begin
d u e c o u rse su b m it a re p o rt a n d reco m m en d atio n to th e h e t en d a t die R a a d te gelegener ty d ’n verslag en ’n
M in iste r o f L a b o u r co n cern in g th e B read a n d C o n fec­ aan b ev elin g by die M in iste r van A rb eid sal in d ien o o r
tio n e ry In d u stry , C ertain A reas. d ie B ro o d - en B an k etn y w erh eid , Sekere G ebiede.
In te re ste d p erso n s are h ereb y given th e o p p o rtu n ity of B elan g h eb b en d e p erso n e w o rd h ierb y d ie geleentheid
m ak in g w ritten rep resen tatio n s to the B o ard . Such re p re ­ o m sk riftelike v erto e to t die R a a d te rig. Sodanige vertoe,
sen tatio n s, acco m p an ied by seven copies th ereo f, sh o u ld sa a m m et sewe afsk rifte d a a rv a n , m o e t die S ek retaris,
re a c h th e S ecretary, W age B o a rd , P riv a te B ag X 108, L o o n ra a d , P riv a a tsa k X 108, P re to ria , 0001, n ie la te r nie
P re to ria , 0001, n o t la te r th a n 11 Ju ly 1977. as 11 Ju lie 1977 bereik.
T h e reference read s as follows:. D ie o p d ra g lui soos volg:
“ T h e M in iste r of L a b o u r req u ests th e W age B o a rd in “ D ie M in ister v an A rb e id versoek d ie L o o n ra a d k ra g ­
te rm s o f section 4 (1) of th e W age A c t, 1957, to investigate tens a rtik e l 4 (1) van die L o o n w et, 1957, om o n d erso ek
a n d re p o rt to h im co ncerning th e B read a n d C o nfectio n ery in te stel n a e n a a n hom v erslag te d o e n o o r d ie B ro o d - e n
24 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

In d u s try in th e M ag isterial D istric t of P ie te rm a ritz ­ B an k etn y w erh eid in d ie la n d d ro sd istrik P ie te rm a ritz ­

b u rg , th e m u n ic ip a l a reas o f B arkly W est, B lo em fo n ­ b u rg , d ie m u n isip a le gebiede v an B ark ly -W es, B lo em fo n ­
te in , H ow ick, K im berley, K ro o n sta d , O d e n d a a lsru s and tein, H o w ick , K im b erley , K ro o n sta d , O d e n d a a lsru s en
W elk o m , the tow n b o a rd a re a of R ic h m o n d (N atal) an d W elk o m , d ie d o rp sb estu u rsg eb ied v a n R ic h m o n d (N a ta l)
th e a re a o f the village m a n a g e m e n t b o a rd o f V irg in ia. en die d o rp sb estu u rsg eb ied v a n V irg in ia.
F o r th e p u rp o se of th is in v estig atio n , th e M in ister V ir d ie d o el v a n h ierd ie o n d e rso e k gee d ie M in ister
d ire c ts th a t the investigation be in re sp e c t o f all classes o p d ra g d a t o n d erso ek ing estel w o rd n a alle k lasse w erk -
o f em ployees in this In d u stry . n em ers in die nyw erheid.
K ra g te n s a rtik e l 6 (1) v a n d ie W et gee d ie M in iste r
I n term s o f section 6 (1) o f th e A ct, the M in ister
v o o rts aan d ie R a a d o p d ra g o m ’n aan b ev elin g a a n h o m
fu rth e r d irects the B o a rd to su b m it to h im a reco m m e n d a ­
v o o r te le.
In h ierd ie o p d ra g b etek en —
I n this reference— ‘B ro o d - en B a n k e tn y w e rh e id ’ d ie n y w erh eid w a a rin
w erkgew ers e n w erk n em ers m et m e k a a r geassosieer is in
‘B re a d an d C o nfectionery In d u stry ’, m eans the in d u stry bedry fsin rig tin g s w a t ingevolge d ie W et op F a b rie k e ,
in w h ich em p lo y ers an d em ployees are a sso ciated in M a sjin e rie en B o u w erk , 1941, g ereg istreer is of a a n regi-
estab lish m en ts w hich a re registered o r liab le to re g istra ­ strasie o n d erw o rp e is, v ir d ie v erv aard ig in g o f m a a k v an
tio n in term s of the F a c to rie s, M ach in ery a n d B u ilding b ro o d o f b a n k e t, of alb ei, v ir v e rk o o p , e n o m v at d it d ie
W o rk A c t, 1941, fo r th e m a n u fa c tu re o r m ak in g of b read v ersp reid in g d e u r sodanige w erkgew ers v an b ro o d of
a n d confectionery, o r b o th , fo r sale, an d includes th e b a n k e t, o f alb ei, en o m v a t d it v e rd e r alle w erk saam h ed e
d istrib u tio n by such em ployers of b re a d o r confectio n ery , w a t m e t enigeen v a n v o o rn o em d e b ed ry w ig h ed e in v er-
o r b o th , and fu rth e r includes all o p eratio n s in c id e n ta l to b a n d staan of d a a ru it v o o rtsp ru it;
o r co n seq u en t o n an y of th e afo resaid activities;
‘b ro o d ’, se n d e r o m die gew one b etek en is d a a rv a n te
‘b re a d ’, w ith o u t lim iting its o rd in a ry m eaning, includes b ep erk , o o k bo jletjies, ro lle en lu u k se b ro o d ;
b u n s, rolls an d fancy b re a d ;
‘b a n k e t’, so n d e r om d ie gew one b etek en is d a a rv a n te
‘co n fectio n ery ’, w ith o u t lim iting its o rd in a ry m eaning, b e p e rk , o o k k itk es, k o ek , sierg eb ak k ies, b e sk u it, p astei-
in clu d es kitkes, cakes, p astries, rusks, pasties, pies, sausage tjies, pasteie, w orsro lletjies, b o tte rb ro o d tjie s, k o rre n te -
ro lls, scones, c u rra n t bread , d o u g h n u ts, m osb o lletjies and b ro o d , oliebolle, m o sb o lletjies en enige a n d e r suu rd eeg -
a n y o th e r yeast-raised goods o th e r th a n b read , b u t does g eb ak , u itg eso n d erd b ro o d , m a a r o m v at d it nie w afels,
n o t in clu d e w afers, ice-cream w afers o r cones, d o g o r room ysw afels o f -keels, h o n d e- o f jo n g h o n d eb esk u it, p ret-
p u p p y biscuits, pretzel sticks o r m atzo s.” zelstokkies of m atzo s nie.”
I t is fu rth e r n o tified th a t in term s o f section 10 (1) of V e rd e r w o rd b ek en d g em aak d a t v raely ste k rag ten s
th e W age A ct, 1957, q u estio n n aires hav e been forew ard ed artik e l 10 (1) v an die L o o n w et, 1957, a a n w erkgew ers
to em ployers fo r com pletion. E m p lo y e rs w ho d o n o t g e stu u r is o m in te vul. W erkgew ers w a t nie v raely ste
receive these q u estio n n aires v/ithin 14 days a fte r th e d ate binne 14 d ae n a die d a tu m v a n h ierd ie kennisgew ing o n t-
o f th is n o tice sho u ld p lease n otify th e S ecretary of th e v an g nie, m o e t asseb lief d ie S ek retaris v an die lo o n ra a d
W ag e B oard. in k en n is stel.
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)

N O T IC E 378 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 378 V A N 1977


H ie rb y w o rd b ek en d g e m a ak d a t, k ra g te n s d ie b ep alin g s
N o tice is h ereb y given th a t, in term s o f th e S tate L a n d v an d ie W et o p die B esk ik k in g o o r S taatsg ro n d , 1961 (W et
D isp o sa l A ct, 1961 (A ct 48 o f 1961), a p u b lic a u c tio n of 48 v a n 1961), ’n o p e n b a re veiling ten o p sigte v a n o n d er-
th e u n d erm en tio n ed S ta te la n d , w ith im p ro v em en ts, if g en o em d e staatsg ro n d , m e t v erb eterin g s, as d a a r is, g eh o u
an y , w ill be h eld as set o u t h ereu n d er: sal w o rd soos h ie ro n d e r uiteengesit:
1. A p o rtio n o f F a rm 493, situ ate in the D ivision of 1. ’n G ed eelte v an P la a s 493, gelee in d ie afd elin g O os-
E a s t L o n d o n , P ro v in ce o f th e C a p e o f G o o d H o p e , in L o n d e n , p rovinsie die K a a p d ie G oeie H o o p , g ro o t onge-
e x te n t ap p ro x im a te ly 1,76 h ectares, situ a te ap p ro x im ately v eer 1,76 h e k ta a r, gelee o n g ev eer 30 k ilo m eter n o o rd o o s
3 0 k ilo m etres n o rth -e a st o f E a s t L o n d o n . v an O o s-L o n d en .
D a te o f A u c tio n .— T u e sd a y , 5 J u ly 1977, a t lOhOO. D a tu m van veiling.-—D in sd ag , 5 Ju lie 1977, om lOhOO.
P lace o f A u c tio n .— 38 C a x to n S treet, E a s t L o n d o n . P le k van veiling.— C a x to n stra a t 38, O o s-L o n d en .
A u ctio n eer.— C h as P. P erk s & Son, 38 C a x to n S treet, A fsla er.— C h a s P. P erk s en S eun, C a x to n stra a t 38,
P .O . B ox 378, E a s t L o n d o n , 5200. T e le p h o n e 26728, E a st P o sb u s 378, O o s-L o n d en , 5200. T elefo o n 26728, O os-
London. L onden.
2. (a) P o rtio n 3 (a p o rtio n o f P o rtio n 2) o f th e farm 2. (a) G ed eelte 3 f n g edeelte v an G ed eelte 2) v a n d ie
H e t O nderste E ila n d van d e K a rs R iv ie r a a n h e t Z eek o eg at, p la a s H e t o n d e rste E ila n d v an d e K a rs R iv ie r a a n h e t
situ a te in the D ivision o f B re d a sd o rp , P ro v in ce o f th e C ap e Z eek o eg at, gelee in d ie afd elin g B re d a sd o rp , p ro v in sie d ie
o f G o o d H o p e , in ex te n t 264,812 8 h ectares; K a a p d ie G oeie H o o p , g ro o t 264, 812 8 h e k ta a r;
(b) P o rtio n 1 o f th e fa rm B o n teb o k s V allei, situ a te (b) G ed eelte 1 v a n d ie p la a s B o n teb o k s V allei, gelee
a s ab o v e, in ex te n t 41,589 2 h ectares; soos h ierb o , g ro o t 41,589 2 h e k ta a r;
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 25

(c) P o rtio n 1 o f th e fa rm M u rio , situ a te as ab o v e, in (c) G ed eelte 1 v an d ie p la a s M u rio , gelee soos hierb o ,
e x te n t 1,549 8 h ectares; an d g ro o t 1,549 8 h e k ta a r; en
(d) P o rtio n 2 o f th e la tte r fa rm , situ a te as a fo re ­ (d) G ed eelte 2 v a n laasg en o em d e plans, gelee soos voor-
m e n tio n e d , in e x te n t 8 389 sq u a re m etres; m eld , g ro o t 8 389 v ie rk a n te m eter;
situ a te a p p ro x im a te ly 15 k ilo m etres so u th o f B red asd o rp . gelee ongeveer 15 k ilo m eter suid van B red asd o rp .
D a tu m van veiling.— D in sd ag , 5 Ju lie 1977, o m llhOO.
D a te o f A u c tio n .— T u e sd a y , 5 Ju ly 1977, a t llhOO.
P ic k van veiling.— L a n d d ro sk a n to o r te B red asd o rp .
P lace o f A u c tio n .— M a g istra te ’s O ffice, B red asd o rp .
A fs la e r .— D elareyville E ien d o m sag en te, P o sb u s 9, D ela­
A u c tio n e e r.— D elareyville E sta te A g en ts, P .O . B o x 9, reyville, 2770. T elefo o n 111 D elareyville.
D elareyville, 2770. T e le p h o n e 111 D elareyville. V o o rn e m e n d e k o p e rs m o e t d ie v erk o o p sv o o rw aard es so
P ro sp ectiv e bu y ers sh o u ld o b ta in the c o n d itio n s o f sale spoedig m o o n tlik b ek o m en d it b estu d eer ten ein d e ver-
as soon as p o ssib le a n d stu d y th ese to a c q u a in t them selves tro u d te wees m e t enige b ep erk en d e v oorw aarde(s). D it is
w ith an y restrictiv e condition(s). I t is a lso im p o rta n t to o o k b elan g rik o m die eiendom (m e) v o o r die veiling te
in sp e c t th e p ro p erty (ies) b e fo re th e au ctio n . besigtig.
L o c a lity sk etch es show ing the situ a tio n o f th e p ro p e r­ S k etsk aarte w a a ro p die ligging v an d ie eien d o m m e
ties, to g eth er w ith th e co n d itio n s o f sale, a re o b tain ab le g eto o n w ord, aso o k die v erk o o p sv o o rw aard es, is verkryg-
fro m the m a g istra te ’s office in the d istricts in w hich the b a a r by d ie la n d d ro sk a n to o r in d ie d istrik w a a r die grond
p ro p e rtie s a re situ ate o r fro m th e S ecretary fo r A g ric u l­ gelee is, o f v an d ie S ek retaris v an L a n d b o u k re d ie t en
tu ra l C re d it a n d L a n d T e n u re , P riv a te B ag X I 18, P re to ria , G ro n d b esit, P riv a a tsa k X I 18, P re to ria , 0001 (telefoon
0001 (telephone 48-2781, extension 310 o r 311) o r fro m the 48-2781, b y ly n 310 o f 311), o f v an d ie o etro k k e afslaers
au ctio n eers m e n tio n e d above. h ie rb o gem eld.
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)

N O T IC E 379 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 379 V A N 1977

N o tic e is h ereb y given th a t, in term s o f th e C row n H ie rb y w o rd b e k e n d g e m a ak d a t k rag ten s die bepalings
L a n d D isp o sal O rd in an ce, 1903 (T ran sv aal), as am en d ed v a n d ie C ro w n L a n d D isp o sal O rd in an ce, 1903 (T ran sv aal),
a n d m a d e a p p licab le to the T e rrito ry o f S o u th -W est A frica, soos gew ysig en to eg ep as o p die gebied S uidw es-A frika,
re a d w ith section 19 o f th e S outh-W est A fric a A ffa irs gelees m et a rtik e l 19 van die W et o p A an g eleen th ed e m et
A c t, 1969 (A c t 25 o f 1969), a p u b lic a u c tio n o f the b etrek k in g to t S u id w es-A frik a, 1969 (W et 25 v an 1969),
u n d erm e n tio n e d S tate la n d , w ith im p ro v em en ts, if any, ’n o p e n b a re veiling v a n o n d erg en o em d e staatsg ro n d , m et
w ill b e h eld a t th e H a rd a p S ettlem ent a t 14h00 o n T u esd ay v erb eterin g s, as d a a r is, g eh o u sal w o rd o p d ie H a rd a p -
12 Ju ly 1977 b y th e au c tio n e e rs L o u B ro n k h o rst A fslaers, n ed ersettin g om 14h00 o p D in sd ag , 12 Ju lie 1977, d e u r
P . O. B ox 5209, W in d h o ek (telephone 28965). die afslaers L o u B ro n k h o rst A fslaers, P o sb u s 5209, W in d ­
1. P o rtio n 177 (a p o rtio n o f P o rtio n 1) o f C o n so lid ated h o e k (telefoon 28965).
F a rm H a rd a p N ed ersettin g 607, situ a te in th e D istrict 1. G ed eelte 177 (’n gedeelte v a n G ed eelte 1) v a n G ek o n -
o f M a rie n ta l, R e g istra tio n D ivision “ R ” , m easu rin g six so lid eerd e P la a s H a rd a p N e d ersettin g 607, gelee in die
th o u sa n d n in e h u n d re d an d ninety-six (6 996) sq u are d istrik M a rie n ta l, R eg istrasie-afd elin g “ R ” , g ro o t ses
m etres. d u ise n d nege h o n d e rd ses-en-negentig (6 996) v ierk an te
2. C e rta in P o rtio n 48 (a p o rtio n o f P o rtio n 1) o f C o n ­ m eter.
so lid ated F a rm H a rd a p N ed ersettin g 607, situ ate in th e 2. S ekere G ed eelte 48 (’n gedeelte v an G edeelte 1) v an
D istric t of M a rie n ta l, R e g istra tio n D ivision “ R ” , m e a su r­ G ek o n so lid eerd e P la a s H a rd a p N ed ersettin g 607, gelee
ing o n e (1) hectare, five h u n d re d a n d sixty-nine (569) in d ie d istrik M a rie n ta l, R eg istrasie-afd elin g “ R ” , g ro o t
sq u are m etres. een (1) h e k ta a r, v y fh o n d erd nege-en-sestig (569) v ierk an te
3. C e rta in P o rtio n s 180, 181, 182, 188, 189, 190, 191, m eter.
194 a n d 195 (portions of P o rtio n 1) o f C o n so lid ated F a rm 3. S ekere G edeeltes 180, 181, 182, 188, 189, 190, 191
H a rd a p N ed ersettin g 607, situ a te in th e D istric t of M a rie n ­ 194 en 195 (’n gedeelte v a n G ed eelte 1) v an G e k o n so li­
tal, R e g istra tio n D ivision “ R ” , each m easu rin g o n e (1) d eerd e P la a s H a rd a p N e d ersettin g 607, gelee in die d istrik
h e c ta re , one th o u sa n d tw o h u n d re d (1 200) sq u a re m etres. M a rie n ta l, R eg istrasie-afd elin g “ R ” , g ro o t (1) h e k ta a r,
T e n o f th e p lo ts h a v e th re e -b e d ro o m dw elling houses een d u isen d tw eeh o n d erd (1 200) v ie rk a n te m eter.
a n d n in e of th e dw elling houses h av e outb u ild in g s co n sist­ O p 10 v a n d ie p ersele is d a a r e lk ’n d rieslaap k am er-
ing o f a g arag e a n d se rv a n ts’ q u a rte rs. w o o n h u is e n b y n eg e v an die w o o n h u ise is d a a r buitege-
P ro sp ectiv e bu y ers should o b ta in th e co ndition s o f sale b o u e elk b esta a n d e u it ’n m o to rh u is en b ed ien d ek w artiere.
as so o n as possib le a n d stu d y these in o rd e r to b eco m e V o o rn e m e n d e k o p ers m o e t die v e rk o o p v o o rw a a rd e s so
a c q u a in te d w ith an y restrictiv e condition(s). sp o ed ig m o o n tlik b ek o m en d it b estu d eer te n ein d e v e n
T h e c o n d itio n s of sale a re o b ta in a b le fro m th e M ag is­ tro u d te w ees m e t enige b e p e rk e n d e v o orw aarde(s).
tra te , M a rie n ta l, o r fro m th e C hief: S o u th -W est A fric a D ie v erk o o p v o o rw aard es is v e rk ry g b a a r v a n d ie L a n d -
B ra n c h of th e D e p a rtm e n t o f A g ric u ltu ra l C re d it an d d ro s, M a rie n ta l, o f v an d ie H o o f: T a k S u id w es-A frik a,
L a n d T e n u re , A llie d B uildings, P riv a te B ag X 13 1 7 5 , v a n d ie D e p a rte m e n t v a n L a n d b o u k re d ie t e n G ro n d b e sit,
W in d h o e k (telep h o n e 34031, e x ten sio n 7), o r fro m th e A llied g eb o u , P riv a a tsa k X I 3175, W in d h o e k (telefoon
au ctio n eers m en tio n ed above. 34031, b ylyn 7), of v a n d ie afslaers h ie rb o gem eld.
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)
26 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

N O T IC E 380 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 380 V A N 1977

N o tice is h ereb y given th a t, in term s o f the C ro w n H ie rb y w o rd b ek en d g em aak d a t, k ra g te n s die b ep alings
L a n d D isposal O rd in an ce, 1903 (T ran sv aal), as am en d ed van die C row n L a n d D isp o sal O rd in an ce, 1903 (T ran sv aal),
a n d m a d e ap p licab le to the T e rrito ry of S outh-W est A frica, soos gewysig, en toegepas o p d ie geb ied S u id w es-A frik a,
re a d w ith section 19 of the S outh-W est A frica A ffairs gelees m et a rtik e l 19 v an d ie W et o p A an g eleen th ed e m et
A c t, 1969 (A ct 25 of 1969), a public au ctio n of the b etrek k in g to t Suidw^es-Afrika, 1969 (W et 25 v an 1969),
u n d e rm e n tio n e d S tate land, w ith im p rovem ents, w ill be ’n o p e n b a re veiling v an on d erg em eld e staatsg ro n d , m et
held as set o u t h ereu n d er: v erbeterings, g eh o u sal w o rd soos h ie ro n d c r uiteengesit:
R em ain in g E x te n t of the fa rm G a ru b -U ru s 6, D istrict R e ste re n d e gedeelte v an die p laas G a ru b -U ru s 6, d istrik
of L u d e ritz , S.W .A ., in extent 5 224,425 5 ha. L u d e ritz , S .W .A ., g ro o t 5 224,425 5 h a.
D ate a n d tim e o f a u ctio n .— 12 Ju ly 1977 a t lOhOO.
D a tu m en ty d van veiling.— 12 Ju lie 1977 om 10h00.
Place of au ctio n .— M ag istrate’s O ffice, M altah o h e,
S.W .A . P lek van veiling.— L a n d d ro sk a n to o r, M altah o h e, S.W .A .
A u c tio n e e rs.— L o u B ro n k h o rst, P.O . B ox 5209, W in d ­ A fsla e rs.— L o u B ro n k h o rst, P o sb u s 5209, W in d h o ek ,
h o ek , 9100. T elep h o n e: 28965. 9100. T elefoon: 28965.
P rospective bu y ers are advised to o b tain the co n d itio n s
V o o rn em en d e k o p ers w o rd aa n g e ra ai om die v erk o o p -
o f sale as soon as possible an d to stu d y these to a cq u ain t
v o o rw aard es so gou m o o n tlik te b ekom om hu lle te
them selves v/ith an y restrictive condition(s). I t is also
vergcw is v an enige b ep erk en d e voo rw aard e(s). D it is ook
im p o rta n t to inspect the p ro p e rty b efo re the au ctio n . A
b elan g rik om d ie eien d o m v o o r die veiling te besigtig.
lo cality sketch show ing the situ atio n o f the p ro p e rty ,
S ketse w at d ie ligging van die eien d o m aan d u i, aso o k d ie
to g eth er w ith th e conditions of sale, is o b tain ab le fro m
v erkoopvoorw 'aardes, is v e rk ry g b a a r by die la n d d ro sk a n ­
th e m a g istra te ’s office in th e d istrict in w hich the p ro p e rty
to o r van d ie d istrik w aarin d ie eien d o m gelee is, o f b y d ie
is situate, o r from the M a g istra te ’s O ffice, M a lta h o h e , or
L a n d d ro sk a n to o r, M altah o h e, of v an d ie H o o f, D ep arte-
fro m th e C hief D e p a rtm e n t of A g ric u ltu ra l C red it an d
m en t v an L a n d b o u k re d ie t en G ro n d b e sit (T ak Suidw es-
L a n d T en u re, S outh-W est A frica B ranch, P riv ate Bag
A frik a), P riv a a tsa k X 13175, W in d h o ek , 9100 (telefoon
X I 3175, W indhoek , 9100 (telephone 34031, exten sio n 3),
34031, bylyn 3), o f v an die afslaer h ie rb o gem eld.
o r fro m the au ctio n eers m entioned above.
O nly ow ners of ag ric u ltu ra l land in th e T e rrito ry of Slegs eicr.aars v an lan d b o u g ro n d in die gebied Suidw es-
S o u th-W est A fric a will qu alify to bid o n the au ction. A frik a sal bevoegd wees om o p die veiling te bie.
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)

N O T IC E 381 O F 1977 K E N N IS G E W IN G 381 V A N 1977
It is h ereby notified fo r general in fo rm atio n th a t the H ie rb y w ord vir algem ene inligting b ek en d g em aak d a t
M in iste r of E co n o m ic A ffairs, in term s o f section 9 (1) of d ie M in ister van E k o n o m iese Sake k rag ten s a rtik el 9 (1)
the B o ard o f T ra d e and In d u stries A c t, 1944 (A ct 19 of v an die W et op die R a a d v an H a n d e l en N y w erh eid , 1944
1944), h a s directed the B o ard of T ra d e a n d In d u strie s to (W et 19 van 1944), die R a a d v an H a n d e l en N y w erh eid
in q u ire into, to re p o rt u p o n a n d to m a k e such reco m m en ­ o p d ra g gegee h et om o n d erso ek in te stel na, v erslag te
d a tio n s as it m ay consider necessary on the collection, d o en o o f en so d an ig e aan b ev elin g s te d o en as w at die
m ark etin g a n d supply to th e m etal m a n u fa c tu rin g in d u s­ R a a d n odig ag o o r d ie insam eling, b em ark in g en lew ering
try in S outh A frica an d e x p o rta tio n , o f fe rro u s scrap aan d ie m etaalv erv aard ig in g sb ed ry f in S u id -A frik a en
m etal, w ith p a rtic u la r reference to— u itv o er van fe rro afv alm etaal, m et b eso n d ere verw ysing
(a) the stru c tu re an d ch aracteristic features of the na—
ferro u s scrap industry; (a) d ie s tru k tu u r en d ie k a ra k te ristie k e k en m erk e
(b) the efficiency of the collection o f ferro u s scrap v an die ferro afv alb ed ry f;
by m erch an ts an d the d istrib u tio n th ereo f am ong (b) d ie d o eltreffen d h eid v an d ie in sam elin g van
sm elters; ferro afv al d e u r h a n d e la a rs en die d istrib u sie d a a rv a n
(c) th e p resen t price stru ctu re, an d m e th o d s being o n d er sm elterye;
u sed to d eterm in e the prices p a id fo r fe rro u s scrap by (c) die h u id ig e p ry sstru k tu u r, en m eto d es w at g eb ru ik
m erch an ts an d sm elters, a n d th e q u e stio n w h eth er the w o rd om die p ry se te bep aal w at h a n d e la a rs en sm el­
p ro fit m arg in s of the m erch an ts a re considered terye vir ferro afv al b etaal, en die v raag o f d ie h a n d e ­
reaso n ab le; laars se w insm arges as red elik b esk o u w o rd ;
(d) th e p re se n t system of collection an d su p p ly of (d) die hu id ig e stelsel v an in sam elin g en lew ering
ferro u s scrap to th e steel in d u stry a n d the effect of v an ferro afv al aan die staalb ed ry f en die u itw erk in g van
p ricin g th ereo n ; p ry se d a a ro p ;
(e) th e effect o f any p rice increase o n the p rim a ry (e) die u itw erking v an enige p rysverhoging o p die
steel m a n u fa c tu rin g in d u stry a n d the p rice of steel to p rim e re staalv erv aard ig in g sb ed ry f en d ie p ry s van
the co nsum er; a n d staal a a n die v erb ru ik er; en
(f) an y o th e r m a tte r p e rta in in g to the ferro u s scrap (f) enige a n d e r aan g eleen th eid w at b etrek k in g h e t op
tra d e and in d u stry w hich in the o p in io n o f th e B o ard d ie fe rro a fv alh a n d e l en -b ed ry f en w a t n a die R a a d se
re q u ire s attention . m ening, a a n d a g vereis.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 27

In te re ste d p a rtie s a re in v ited to su b m it th e ir re p re se n ­ B elan g h eb b en d e in stan sies w o rd versoek om b in n e a ;i

ta tio n s in this co n n ectio n to th e B o a rd of T ra d e an d w eke n a die d a tu m v an p u b lik asie van hierd ie kennis-
In d u strie s, P riv a te B ag X 342, P re to ria , 0001, w ithin gew ing h u lle v erto e in hierd ie v erb an d tot die R a a d van
eight w eeks of the d a te of this notice. (B T I R ef. T /7 /2 /1 5 .) H a n d e l en N yw erbeid, P riv a a tsa k X 3 4 2 , P re to ria , 0001,
te rig. (R H N -v erw . T 7 /2 /1 5 .)
(10 June 19771
(10 Junie 1977)
N O T IC E 382 O F 1977
1. T h e p ro p erties d escrib ed h e re u n d e r o f w hich you 1. D ie eien d o m m e h iern a b eskryf, w aarv an u n a die
are to the know ledge of the C o m m u n ity D evelo p m en t w ete v an die G em een sk ap so n tw ik k elin g sraad ingestel by
B o ard, established u n d e r Section 2 o f the C o m m u n ity artik e l 2 van die W et o p G em een sk ap so n tw ik k elin g , 1966
D ev elo p m en t A c t 1966 (A ct 3 o f 1966) the reg istered (W et 3 v an 1966), die geregistreerde e ie n a a r is, w o rd d e u r
ow ner are req u ired by the said C o m m u n ity D evelo p m en t genoem de G em een sk ap so n tw ik k elin g sraad b en o d ig ten
B e a rd in o rd e r to achieve the objects fo r w hich the ein d e d ie oog m erk e w aarv o o r d ie R a a d ingestel is, te
B o ard w as established. bereik.
2. W hereas the M in ister o f C o m m u n ity D evelo p m en t 2. A an g esien die M in ister v an G em een sk ap sb o u k rag-
h as in term s o f p a ra g ra p h (a) of subsection (1) of Section tens die bepalings v a n p a ra g ra a f (a) v an su b a rtik e l (1)
38 of the said A c t as am en d ed ap p ro v ed of the e x p ro p ria ­ v an a rtik el 38 v an genoem de W et soos gew ysig d ie o nt-
tio n of the said p ro p e rtie s on 15 D ecem b er 1976. eiening v an die eien d o m m e g o ed g ek eu r h e t o p 15
3. T h e re fo re tak e notice th a t the said C o m m u n ity D esem b er 1976.
D ev elopm ent B o a rd h ereby ex p ro p ria te the said p ro p erties 3. N eem derh alw e kennis d a t genoem de G em een sk ap s­
w ith effect from the d ate of service of this notice. o n tw ik k elin g sraad gem elde eiendom m e onteien v an af die
4. Y o u are h ereby req u ested to state the am u n t d a tu m v an besorging v an h ierd ie kennisgew ing.
claim ed by you fo r the said p ro p e rty an d you are fu rth e r 4. U w ord h ierb y versoek om die b ed rag w a t u ten
re q u ire d to deliver o r cause to be delivered to the u n d e r­ opsigte v an gem elde eien d o m eis te noern en u m o et b inne
signed w ithin sixty days (60) from the d a te of service sestig (60) dae n a beso rg in g h ierv an , of b inne so ’n v erd ere
h ereo f, o r w ithin such fu rth e r p erio d as the C o m m u n ity ty d p e rk as w at d ie G em een sk ap so n tw ik k elin g sraad m ag
D ev elo p m en t B o ard m ay allow — to e la a t a a n die o n d erg etek en d e lew er of te laat lew er—
(a) a statem en t in w riting setting fo rth the a m o u n t (a) ’n sk riftelik e v e rk larin g w aarin d ie b edrag van
of c o m p en satio n (if any) claim ed fo r the p ro p erties v ergoeding (indien enige) w at u eis v ir die eiendom m e
d escrib ed herein; h ierin besk ry f u iteengesit w ord;
(b) y o u r d o cu m en ts of title to the p ro p erties if these (b) die stu k k e w at u A k te op die eien d o m m e uit-
a re in y o u r possession o r u n d e r y o u r c o n tro l; m a a k en in d ien d it in u besit o f o n d e r u b eh eer is;
(c) if the said d o cu m en ts a re n o t in y o u r possession (c) in d ien d ie stu k k e n ie in u b esit of o n d er u b eh eer
o r u n d e r y o u r co n tro l, a list signed by you o f the is nie, ’n lys d e u r u o n d ertek en van gem elde stu k k e, m et
d o c u m e n ts ) setting fo rth th e re g istra tio n num ber(s) v erm eld in g v a n d ie reg istrasien o m m ers en d atu m s
an d date(s) th e re o f an d the nam e a n d ad d ress of the d a a rv a n en d ie n aam en ad res v an die p erso o n in wie
p erso n in w hose possession Gr u n d e r w hose c o n tro l the se besit of o n d e r w ie se b eh eer d a a rd ie stu k k e is, en
d o cum ent(s) is /a r e ; an d (d) in d ien d ie eien d o m in tu ssen d e u r u v erk o o p is,
(d) in the event th a t th e p ro p e rty h a s subseq u en tly d ie n a a m en ad res v an d ie p erso o n a a n w ie die eiendom
b een sold, the n am e an d address o f the p erso n to w h o m v erk o o p is sow el as ’n afsk rif v an die k o o p ak te.
it w as sold, to g eth er w ith a copy of the D eed of Sale.
5. N eem v e rd e r k en n is d a t die eien d o m sreg op die on-
5. F u rth e r take notice th a t the ow nership in th e p r o ­ ro eren d e eien d o m h ierin beskryf, by besorging v a n h ie r­
p e rtie s described h erein shall pass to the said B o ard d ie kennisgew ing o o rg a a n o p d ie R a a d en die R a a d na
u p o n the d ate o f service h ereo f a n d the B o ard m ay a fte r v erstry k in g v an ’n ty d p e rk v a n m in sten s sestig (60) dae
th e expiry of a p e rio d of n o t less th a n sixty (60) day s from n a die d a tu m v a n besorging v a n h ie rd ie kennisgew ing,
th e d ate o f service h ereof ta k e possession o f the p ro p e r­ gem elde eien d o m in b esit m ag neem .
ties. 6. E n ig e by k o m stig e in ligting v erlan g m ag v erk ry w ord
6. A n y a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n req u ired m ay be o b tain ed v a n d ie k a n to o r v a n die S treek v erteen w o o rd ig er, J o h a n ­
fro m the office of the R eg io n al R ep resen tativ e, Jo h a n n e s­ nesburg.
G e d a te e r te Jo h a n n e sb u rg o p h ed e die lOde d a g van
D a te d at Jo h a n n e sb u rg this 10th d ay o f Ju n e , 1977. Ju n ie 1977.
L . F O U C H L , S ecretary fo r C o m m u n ity D evelopm ent. L . F O U C H fi, S ek retaris v a n G em een sk ap sb o u .
c /o R eg io n al R ep resen tativ e, P riv a te B ag X I 8, p /a D ie S treek v erteen w o o rd ig er, P riv a a tsa k X I 8,
Jo h a n n esb u rg , 2000. Jo h a n n esb u rg , 2000.
Description o f property Registered owner Title No. Beskrywing van eiendom Geregistreerde eienaar Akte No.
Stand 161, Lawley Estate Petrus Solomon W oudberg... 4444/06 Erf 161, Lawley Estate... Petrus Solomon W'oudberg.... 4444/06
Stand 163, Lawley Estate Dugald Campbell W att........... 1158/11 Erf 163, Lawley Estate... Dugald Campbell W att........... 1158/1!
Stand 549, Lawley Estate Johannes Hendrik V orster.. . . 4086/51 Erf 549, Lawley Estate... Johannes Hendrik Vorster---- 4086/51
Stand 75 Hopefield........ Johannes Christopher Markot- 15609/70 Erf 75, Hopefield............ Johannes Christopher Ivtarkot- 15609/70
ter ter
(10 June 1977) (10 Junie 1977)
10-17-24 10- 17-24
28 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977


The undermentioned applications for motor carrier certificates indicating firstly reference number, (2) name of applicant and nature of
application, (3) number and type of vehicles, (4) nature of proposed motor carrier transportation, and (5) points between and routes over or
area within which the proposed motor carrier transportation is to be effected, are published in terms of section 13 (1) of the Motor Carrier
Transportation Act, 1930(Act39 of 1930), as amended, and regulation 5 of the Motor Carrier Transportation Regulations, 1964,as amended.
Written reoreseiitations, in duplicate, supporting or opposing these applications must be submitted to the address indicated within ten (10)
days from the date of this publication.

Die onderstaande aansoeke om motortransportsertifikate, met aanduiding van eerstens verwysingsnommer, (2) naam van appiikant en
aard van aansoek, (3) getal en tipe vocrtuie, (4) aard van voorgestelde motortransport, en (5) plekke waartussen en roetes waaroor, of gebied
waarin die voorgestelde vervoer sal plaasvind, word kragtens die bepalings van artikel 13 (1) van die Motortransportwet, 1930 (Wet 39 van
1930), soos gewysig, en regulasie 5 van die Motortransportregulasies, 1964, soos gewysig, gepubliseer.
Skriftelike vertoe, in duplikaat, ter ondersteuning of bestryding van hierdie aansoeke moet binne tien (10) dae vanaf die datum van hierdie
publikasie aan die aangeduide adres gerig word.
werknemers van De Beers). (5) (c) Vanaf Koffiefontein na Faure-
KIMBERLEY smith en Jagersfontein en terug op Vrydae, Saterdae en/of
Address to which the representations must be submitted: The Sondae soos wat die vervoer benodig word. (4) (d) Vervoer
Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X5019, van georganiseerde Nie-Blanke sportmanne, kerkgeselskappe,
Kimberley, 8300. piekniekgroepe. (5) (d) Vanaf Jacobsdal, Fauresmith, Jagersfon­
tein, Petrusburg, Luckhoff en Oppermansgronde (’n kleurling-
Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die Sekretnris. Plans• gebied binne die landdrosdistrik Koffiefontein) na punte binne
I'ke Padvervoerraad. Privaatsak X5019, Kimberley, 8300. ’n radius van 320 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Koffiefontein, en
P56/A337—PRIESKA. (2) A. J. Dippenaar, Prieska; nuut. (3) terug.
Een ligte afleweringswa—C3Z 2892. (4) (a) Gxoente en vrugte. P82/A465—KIMBERLEY. (2) W. Goeieman, Kimberley;
(5) (a) Vanaf Douglas na Prieska. (4) (b) Kraalmis. (5) (b) Vanaf bykomende magtiging. (3) Twee vragmotors—CC 24409 en CC
punte binne ’n radius van 80 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Prieska, 29766 en een sleepwa—CC 24408. Bykomende magtiging: (4)
na Prieska dorp. Lewende hawe. (5) (i) Binne ’n radius van 80 km vanaf
P62/A376—KOFFIEFONTEIN. (2) C. S. Herbst, ICoffiefon- Hoofposkantoor, Kimberley, (ii) Vanaf punte binne ’n radius van
tein; konsolidasie van magtiging om uitruilbaarheid van voertuie 80 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Kimberley, na punte binne die
te bewerkstellig. (3) 15 Voertuie. (4) Konsolidasie van magtiging Republiek van Suid-Afrika (pad pro forma). Bestaande mag­
soos reeds gehou op Motortransportsertifikate C230590/1/2, 230 tiging: Soos reeds gehou deur appiikant op Motortransportser-
512, 230452, 230454/5/6, 230113/4, 151589, 151406, 151419, tifikaat C217564.
151420 en 217560. Die magtiging le ter insae in die kantoor van
die Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Kimberley. Hierdie publikasie ver- CAPE TOWN-KAAPSTAD
vang die een wat verskyn het in die Staatskoerant van 3/6/77. Address to which representations must be submitted: The
P68/A388—JAN KEMPDORP. (2) Pfister Ontwikkeling Maat- Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X9021,
skappy Edms. Bpk., Jan Kempdorp; oordrag vanaf M. D. Bur­ Cape Town. 8000.
ger & Seun en A. G. Burger. (3) Twee vragmotors—CEU 2886
en CEU 7954. (4) Bestaande goedgekeurde magtigings gehou deur Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die Sekretaris, Plaas­
M. D. Burger & Seun op Motortransportsertifikaat C217530 like Padvervoerraad. Privaatsak X9021. Kaapstad. 8000
en A. G. Burger op Motortransportsertifikaat C217529. Die A/JM 705/18/20—SOMERSET-WES. (2) J. W. Eksteen, Strand;
magtigings is beskikbaar vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een vrag-
Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Kimberley. motor. (4) Goedere soos per Sertifikaat C227259. (5) Binne gebiede
P76/A430—POSTMASBURG. (2) W. A. Thorpe, Postmasburg; gemagtig in bogemelde sertifikaat.
new. (3) Two mechani al horses—CEV 3065 and CEV 1508, two A/JM 705/18/3—GEORGE. (2) Standers Groothandel Depot
semi trailors—CEV 3066 and CEV 2389. (4) (a) Iron ore. (5) tiging. (Edms.) Bpk., George; bykomende voertuig met bestaande mag­
(a) From Rooinekke to Postmasburg Station. (4) (b) Bricks and (3) Een sleepwa. (4) Goedere en passasiers soos per Serti­
sand. (5) (b) From Postmasburg Brick Fields to points within fikaat CB 119955. (5) Binne gebiede gemagtig in bogemelde
a radius of 350 km of General Post Office, Postmasburg. A / JM704/06 /28—WOLSELEY. (2) F. J. Vergotine, Wolseley;
P78/A437—DE AAR. (2) H. C. du Plessis, De Aar; nuut. (3) bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een bus. (4)
Een kar—CM 2245. (4) Veemiddels, entstowwe, plant- en plaag- Goedere en passasiers soos per Sertifikaat CB105594. (5) Binne
beheermiddels vir demonstrasie doeleindes en terugneem van gebiede gemagtig in bogemelde sertifikaat.
beskadigde produkte vanaf boere en besighede in die gebied A /JM 705/17/45—PAROW. (2) Lategans Transport (Pty) Ltd,
soos in (5) Omsk ref uitsluitlik ten behoewe van Agricura Bpk. Parow; additional vehicle. (3) One mechanical horse. (4) The
(5) Binne die landdrosdistrikte De Aar, Hanover, Philipstown, haulage of trailers whilst under load as per Annexure T.
Richmond, Murraysburg. Victoria-Wes, Beaufort-Wes, Fraserburg, A/JM 705/02/61—LAMBERTSBAAI. (2) D. Pienaar, Lamberts-
Sutherland, Williston, Prince Albert, Laingsburg, Touwsrivier, baai; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een kombi. (4) Bantoe en Kleurling
Loxton, Vosburg en Van Wyksvlei. georganiseerde geselskappe en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf
P79/A444—KIMBERLEY. (2) B. Fincham, Kimberley; kon- Lambertsbaai na punte binne ’n radius van 200 km vanaf Hoof­
solodasie van magtiging om uitruilbaarheid van voertuie te poskantoor, Lambertsbaai, en terug.
bewerkstellig en bykomende voertuie. (3) 34 voertuie. (4) Soos A /JM703/25/10—KUBOES. (2) P. P. Phillips, Kuboes: nuwe
bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging deur appiikant gehou op aansoek. (3) Een bakkie. (4) Kleurling georganiseerde geselskappe.
Motortransportsertifikaat 051628. Die magtiging is beskikbaar vir (5) Binne ’n radius van 150 km vanaf Kuboes.
inspeksie by die kantoor van die Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Kim-
ley. A /JM 704/29/5—GEORGE. (2) S. J. Myburgh, George; nuwe
aansoek. (3) Een ligte afleweringswa (dubbelkajuit). (4) (a)
P81/A460—KOFFIEFONTEIN. (2) Petros Transport Edms. Kleurling georganiseerde geselskappe. (5) (a) Binne ’n radius van
Bpk., Koffiefontein: bykomende magtiging en konsolidering van 170 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor. George, en terug. (41 (b) Brand-
magtiging om uitruilbaarheid van voertuie te bewerkstellig. (3) bout vir eie gebruik. (5) (b) Binne ’n radius van 170 km vanaf
Drie busse—O F D 972, O F D 7 6 6 en O F D 987. -Bestaande mag­ Hoofposkantoor, George.
tiging: Soos bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging reeds deur appii­ H /JM 704/29/4—LAVENDER HILL. (2) B. R. Nagel. Park-
kant gehou op Motortransportsertifikate CB 94414 en CB 94269. wood Estate; bykomende voertuig met nuwe staanplek. (3) Twee
Die magtiging is beskikbaar vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die motorka-rre.
Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Kimberley. Bykomende magtiging: (4) 35 km vanaf(4)Hoofposkantoor, Kleurlingtaxipassasiers. (5) (i) Binne ’n radius van
Lavender Hill. (5) (ii) Toevallige
(a) Nic-blanke begrnfnisgangers en skolesportspanne enige dag ritte.
van die week. (5) (a) Vanaf Koffiefontein en Oppermansgronde
(distrik Koffiefontein) na punte binne ’n radius van 320 km A/JM 705/12 /46—K AAPPRO VIN SIE. (2) G. J. Joubert Masjien
vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Koffiefontein en terug. (4) (b) Vervoer Huur (Edms.) Bpk., Parow; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een meganiese
van Nie-Blanke passasiers vir besigheidsdoeleindes gedurende enige perd en een sleenwa aangekoop te word. (4) Padbou- en grond-
dag van die week. (5) (b) Vanaf Koffiefontein na Kimberlev en verskuiwingsmasjinerie in gebruik slegs vir eie gebruik (gehuurde
terug. Roete: Direk vanaf Koffiefontein na Kimberley. Geen sowel as eie masjinerie). (5) N a en tussen padboupersele binne
s'oppe tussen die benaalde plekke. Voorgestelde tydtafel: Vertrek die Kaapprovinsie.
d'-a oggende om 07h00 en keer terug gedurende die middag. A /JM705 /16/74—CAPE PENINSULA CARTAGE AREA. (2)
TVt is nie ’n daaglikse diens nie en sal net gedoen word wanneer B. R. Howard, Athlone; additional vehicle with existing authority.
d it gereel en be.nodig word. Voorgestelde tarief: Soos ooreen- (3) One lorry. (4) Goods. (5) Within the Cape Peninsula cartage
gekom. (4) (c) Vervoer van Nie-blanke passasiers (hoofsaaklik area.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 29


SOUTH-WEST AFRICA. (2) Kearleys Transport (Pty) Ltd, PORT ELIZABETH
Paarl; additional vehicle with existing authority. (3) One semi­ Address to which representations must be submitted: The
trailer. (4) Goods as per Certificate C259042. "(5) Within areas Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X3909,
authorised in the above-mentioned certificate. Port Elizabeth, 6056.
A/JM 705/16/37—RIVERSDAL. (2) C. S. Hendricks, Rivers-
dal; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een afleweringsmotor. (4) (i) Kleurling Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die Sekretaris, Plaas-
georganiseerde geselskappe. (4) (ii) Brandhout (eie eiendom). (4) like Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak X3909, Port Elizabeth, 6056.
(iii) Bakstene, sand, bourommel en afvalmateriaal. (4) (iv) Tuin-
vullis. (4) (v) Vars groente, vrugte en vis. (5) Binne ’n radius A373—KNYSNA. (2) Johan N el (Edms.) Bpk., Knysna; byko­
van 200 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Riversdal. mende voertuig met bykomende magtiging. (3) Een 20 000-kg-
A /JM 705/13/17—WELLINGTON. (2) P. de Vries, Wellington; tenk-leunwa om aangekoop te word. (4) Petrol in grootmaat. (5)
new application. (3) One bus. (4) Coloured organised parties. Binne ’n radius van 80 km vanaf applikant se besigheid te Knysna.
(5) From Wellington to points within a radius of 100 km of
General Post Office, Wellington, and return. A388—PORT ELIZABETH. (2) J. W. Boeam, Port Elizabeth;
A /JM 705/17/7—CITRUSDAL. (2) Citrusdal Kooperatiewe new application. (3) One motor-car. (4) (a) Goods exclusively on
Wynkelders Bpk., Citrusdal; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een bakkie. (4) behalf of Atlas Copco (Pty) Ltd (free of charge). (5) (a) Within
Eie werknemers. (5) Vanaf hul wonings in die landdrosdistrikte the Port Elizabeth exempted area. (4) (b) Tools and equipment
Clanwilliam, Calvinia, Namakwaland, Piketberg en Ceres na exclusiyeiy on behalf of Atlas Copco (Pty) Ltd. (5) (b) Within
Citrusdal en terug. a radius of 480 km of place of business at 28 Kempton Road,
A/JM 705/17/16—CAPE PENINSULA CARTAGE AREA. (2) Port Elizabeth.
Lep Transport International (S.A.) (Pty) Ltd, D. F. Malan Air­ A389—PORT ELIZABETH. (2) S. H. Atterbury, Port Eliza­
port; additional vehicle with existing authority. (3) One panel beth; new application. (3) One motor-car. (4) (a) Goods exclusi­
van. (4) Goods as per Certificate C259511. (5) Within areas vely on behalf of Atlas Copco (Pty) Ltd (free of charge). (5) (a)
authorised in the above-mentioned certificate. Within the Port Elizabeth exempted area. (4) (b) Tools and
H /JM 705/17/17—MITCHELL’S PLAIN. (2) C. D. Evertson, equipment exclusively on behalf of Atlas Copco (Pty) Ltd (free
Mitchell’s Plain; new application. (3) One motor-car. (4) Non- of charge). (5) (b) Within a radius of 480 km of place of business
White taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) (i) Within at 281 Kempston Road, Port Elizabeth.
a radius if 35 km of Mitchell’s Plain. (5) (ii) Casual trips.
H /JM 705/18/66—HERMANUS. (2) L. E. Ponoane, Hermanus; A334—MTDDELBURG, K.P. (2) J. T. A. van der Merwe, Mid-
additional authority to include Asiatic and Coloured taxi passen­ delburg, K.P.; wysiging van magtiging (uitbreiding van gebied).
gers. (3) One motor-car. (4) Asiatic and Coloured taxi passengers (3) Een 4 840-kg-vragmotor, een 5 000- en een 20 000-kg-sleep-
and their personal effects. (5) (i) Within a radius of 50 km of waens. (4) Lewende hawe. (5) Vanaf punte gelee binne die land­
General Post Office, Hermanus. (5) (ii) Casual trips. drosdistrikte Middelburg, K.P., Noupoort, Hofmeyr, Steynsburg
A /JM 705/17/47—CAPE PENINSULA CARTAGE AREA. (2) en Graaff-Reinet, Hanover en Richmond na alle markte binne
J. van der Heyde, Hanover Park; new application. (3) One light die Republiek van Suid-Afrika.
delivery van. (4) General goods. (5) Within the Cape Peninsula
cartage area. A403 (a)—KNYSNA. (2) J. J. Stander, Knysna; wysiging van
A/JM 705/16/39—BEAUFORT-WES. (2) J. J. Frieslaar, Beau- magtiging (uitbreiding van gebied). (3) Een 15 300-kg-vragmotor.
fort-Wes; bykomende voertuig met item 3 van hestaande magti­ (4) Rowwc ongesaagde houtblokke. (5) Vanuit plantasies gelee
ging. (3) Een bus aangekoop te word. (4) Nie-Blanke georgani­ binne die landdrosdistrik Knysna na Novobord Bpk., Port Eliza­
seerde geselskappe (pro forma). (5) Vanaf Beaufort-Wes na punte beth.
binne ’n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Beaufort- A403(b)—KNYSNA. (2) J. J. Stander, Knysna; bykomende
Wes en terug. voertuig en wysiging van magtiging (uitbreiding van gebied). (3)
A /JM 705/16/8—KRAAIFONTEIN. (2) D. G. van Niekerk, Een 8 OOO-kg.-vragmotor. (4) (a) Rowwe ongesaagde houtblokke.
Kraaifontein; bykomende voertuig en bykomende magtiging. (3) (5) (a) Vanuit plantasies gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Knysna
Vier vra^motors. magtiging: (4) (a) Goedere. alle na Thesens Nywerhede, Paarden Eiland. (4) (b) Rowwe onge­
soorte. (5) (a) Binne die Kaapse Skiereilandvervoergebied. (4) saagde houtblokke. 5 (b) Vanuit plantasies gelee binne die
(b) Meubels en 'huistrekke (pro forma). (5) (b) Binne ’n radius landdrosdistrik Knysna na Novobord Bpk., Port Elizabeth.
van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Kuilsrivier. (4) (c) Sand,
gruis, klip en stene vir nadboudoeleindes. (5) (c) Binne ’n radius A392—GRAHAMSTOWN. (2) St Andrew’s Preparatory
van 400 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Kuilsrivier. Bykomende School, Grahamstown; additional vehicle. (3) One 9-seater combi.
magtiging: (4) (d) As. (5) (d) Binne ’n radius van 400 km vanaf (4) White scholars and their supervising teachers of St Andrew’s
Hoofposkantoor, Kuilsrivier. Preparatory School on educational tours and to sports meetings.
A/JM705/12/43—BELLVTLLE. (2) Bellville South Bottle Store (5) From points within the municipal area of Grahamstown to
(Pty) Ltd, Bellville South; new application. (3) One panel van. points within a radius of 240 km of Post Office, Grahamstown,
(4) Own niaht staff (free of charge). (5) Between their homes and return.
situated at Elsie’s River, Athlone, Greenhaven, Wynberg, Kuil’s
River. Kraaifontein and the bottle store in Modderdam Road, A401—SOMERSET-OOS. (2) W. J. Botha, Somerset-Ops;
Bellville. Time-table: Depart homes from 08h00 to 09h00. Depart bykomende voertuig en konsolidasie van magtiging en wysiging
bottle store from 22hOO to 02h00. van magtiging (uitbreiding van gebied). (3) Een 680-kg-ligte-afle-
A/JM 705/20/61—PAROWVALLEI. (2) Tevega Bedekkings weringswa. (4) (a) Rapport op Sondae. (5) (a) Vanaf Cookhouse
(Kaap) (Edms.) Bpk.. Parowvallei; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vrag- na Middleton, Kommadagga, Grahamstad, Port Alfred, Kenton-
motor geregfctreer in naam van F. W. J. A. Radda. (4) (i) On-Sea, Boesmansriviermond, Boknesstrand en Alexandria. (4)
Goedere in die loop van die applikant se besigheid as v»rf- (b) Nuusblaaie behorende aan Die Oosterlig. (5) (b) Vanaf Cook­
kontrakteur-s. (4) (ii) Werknemers (pro forma). (5) Binne ’n radius house na Somerset-Oos, Pearston, Graaff-Reinet en Jansenville
van 150 km vanaf Hoofooskantoor, Parowvallei. en terug na Somerset-Oos. (4) (c) Nuusblaaie. (5) (c) Vanaf Port
A/JM 704/18/126—DE WET. (2) B. P. J. Stears, De Dooms; Elizabeth na Cookhouse, Bedford, Addelaide Fort Beaufort,
bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Fen vrag- Grahamstad, Alexandria en terug na Port Elizabeth. (4) (d) Pos
motor. (4) Goedere soos per Sertifikaat C l 89578. (5) Binne in terme van Poskantoorkontrak. (5) (d) Tussen Poskantoor,
gebiede oernastie in bosemelde sertifikaat. Somerset-Oos, en Poskantoor, Pearston. (4) (e) Pos in terme van
A/.TM705/17/12—ORANJEM UND/DURBAN. (2) T. F. Toay, Poskantoorkontrak. (5) (e) Tussen Poskantoor, Somerset-Oos.
Observatory; new application. (3) One panel van. (4) (i) Not Somerset-Oosstasie en Cookhousestasie. (4) (f) Slegs een Blanke
more than 700 kg navigation antennae and material appertaining passasier voor in kop van voertuig. (5) (f) Tussen Poskantoor,
thereto and necessary for the erection thereof on behalf of Somerset-Oos en Poskantoor, Pearston. (4) (g) Herald-koerante,
Suidelike Olie Eksplorasiekorporasie (Edms.) Bpk. (SOEKOR). (4) (5) (g) Vanaf Poskantoor, Somerset-Oos, na Pearston. (4) (h)
(ii) Own tools in use for own use only. (4) fill) Employees Wysiging van magtiging (uitbreiding van gebied): Herald-koe
(pro forma). (5) From Observatory to points along the coast rante. (5) (h) Vanaf Somerset-Oos na Alice en punte onderweg.
starting at Oranjemund and ending at Durban and return. These
points being trigonometrical points which give the optimum A402—SOMERSET-OOS. (2) W. J. Botha, Somerset-Oos:
navigational coverage to the Oil Rig Sedoo K. wysiging van magtiging (uitbreiding van gebied) en konsolidasie
A/JM 705/17/13—O RANJEMUND/DURBAN. (2) P. Tzanos, van magtiging. (3) Een 735-kg-ligte afleweringswa. (4) (a) Rap­
Observatory; new aoplication. (3) One panel van. (4) (I) N ot more port op Sondae. (5) (a) Vanaf Cookhouse na Pearston, Janscn-
than 700 kg navigation antennae and material appertaining thereto ville, Kb'pplaat, Steytlerville, Baroe en Kleinpoort. (4) (b) Die
and -necessary for the erection thereof on behalf of Suidelike Oosteriig-kocxd.nie. (5) (b) Vanaf Port Elizabeth na Paterson.
Olie Eksplorasiekorporasie (Edms.) Bpk. (SOEKOR). (4) (ii) Own Cookhouse, Bedford, Adelaide, Fort Beaufort, Grahamstad en
tools in use for own use only. (4) (iii) Employees (pro forma). Alexandria en terug na Port Elizabeth. (4) (c) Die Oosterlig-
(5) From Observatory to points along the coast starting at koerante. (5) (c) Vanaf Cookhouse na Somerset-Oos, Pearston,
Oranjemund and endir» at Durban and return. These points Graaff-Reinet en Jansenville. (4) (d) Konsolidasie van magtiging:
being trigonometrical nm'nts wbtoh give the optimum navigational Pos in terme van Poskanto'rkontrak. (5) (d) Tussen Poskantoor.
coverage to the Oil Rig Sedco K? Somerset-Oos en Poskantoor, Pearston. (4) (e) Herald-koerante.
30 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

(5) (e) Vanaf Poskantoor, Somerset-Oos, na Pearston. (4) (f) Slegs A483—EAST LONDON. (2) Joyce Matthews, 51 Parkridge
een Blanke passasier voor in kop van voertuig. (5) (f) Tussen Road, East London; Transfer from J. Sigonyela. (3) One motors
Poskantoor, Somerset-Oos, en Poskantoor, Pearston. (4) (g) Die car—CE 37300. (4) (a) Non-White taxi passengers and their
O o s te rlig - koerante. (5) (g) Vanaf Cookhouse na Somerset-Oos, personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of General
Pearston, Graaff-Reinet en Jansenville. (4) (h) Pos in terme van Post Office East London.
Poskantoorkontrak. (5) (h) Tussen Poskantoor, Somerset-Oos, A602—CALA. (2) Gertrude Matshaka, Umtata Road, Cala;
Somerset-Oosstasie en Cookhousestasie. (4) (i) Rapport op Son-
dae. (5) (i) Vanaf Cookhouse na Somerset-Oos, Adendorp, Graaff- new application. (3) Two light delivery vans—XS 1152 and
Reinet en Aberdeen. (4) (j) Wysiging van magtiging (uitbreiding XS 1260. (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Between East London
van gebied): Herald-koerante. (5) (j) Vanaf Somerset-Oos na Alice Queenstown, Elliot and Transkei Border.
en punte onderweg. A607—CHALUMNA. (2) Vumile Mona, Farm 16, Sandile
A364—MIDDELBURG, K.P. (2) J. B. van Straaten, handel- Village, Chalumna; new application. (3) One motor-car—GCE
drywende as C. P. van Straaten & Seun, Middelburg, K.P. (3) 1946. (4) (a) Non-White taxi passengers and their personal
Een 24 400-kg-leunwa. (4) Lewende hawe. (5) (Vanaf punte binne effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Office
die landdrosdistrikte Middelburg, K.P., en Cradock na markte te Chalumna.
Kaapstad. Port Elizabeth, Oos-Londen, Johannesburg, Durban, A612—KING WILLIAM’S TOWN. (2) Dennis Dusterhoft,
Benoni, Kimberley, Bloemfontein en Pretoria. King William’s Town; new application. (3) Two lorries—XA
A387—PORT ELIZABETH. (2) L. A. Roebl, Port Elizabeth; 5802 and XA 4737. (4) (a) Crushed stone. (5) (a) Within a
nuwe aansoek. (3) Een 1 110-kg-ligte afleweringswa. (4) Kas- radius of 100 km of General Post Office, King William's
registermasjiene, uitsluitlik namens East Cape Off-course Manage­ Town.
ment Board. (5) Binne die Port Elizabeth vrygestelde gebied. A621—LADY FRERE. (2) N. M. Davids, 114-115 Trichardt
A355—STEYTLERVILLE. (2) B. Fourie, Steytlerville; byko- Street, Lady Frere; new appDcation. (3) One motor-car—XR 1011.
mende magtiging. (3) Een 2 545-kg-vragmotor. (4) Lewende hawe. (4) (a) Own goods. (5) Within that portion of a radius of 50 km
(5) (i) Binne ’n radius van 100 km vanaf Poskantoor, Steytler­ of place of business at Lady Frere that falls outside the Transkei.
ville; (ii) vanaf plase gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Steytlerville, (4) (b) Own fresh fruit and fresh vegetables (not tinned or
na Port Elizabeth. bottled). (5) (b) Within that portion of a radius of 240 km of
A374—PORT ELIZABETH. (2) Stuttaford Van Lines, Port place of business at Lady Frere that falls outside the Transkei,■
Elizabeth; additional vehicle. (3) One mechanical horse. (4) A622—KENTANI. (2) Peter Pumdele Koko, Kentani Cash
Goods in terms of Annexure T, viz. (5) The holder of this motor Store Kentani; new application. (3) One light delivery van—XY
carrier certificate is authorised to haul trailers within the area or 1093 and one truck—XY 1094. (4) (a) Own goods. (4) (b) Between
areas or between points within which such trailers are, in terms East London and Kei Bridge.
of their respective motor carrier certificates or exemption certifi­
cates, to undertake conveyance by means of the mechanical horse A648—DISTRICT OF QUEENSTOWN. (2) Kleinjan Zilibele
described herein. Kula, 1038a Thembelethu Location Whittlesea; new application.
(3) One motor-car to be acquired. (4) (a) Non-Wbite taxi
A385 (a)—PORT ELIZABETH. (2) L. C. de Lange Transport passengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of
(Piy) Ltd, Port Elizabeth; additional vehicle. (3) One mechanical 50 km of Sada Township, Whittlesea.
horse. (4) Goods in terms of Annexure T viz. (5) The holder of
this motor carrier certificate is authorised to haul trailers within A662—QUEENSTOWN. (2) Johnson Bucwa, 373 Location
the area or areas or between points within which such trailers Queenstown; additional vehicle. (3) One bus—CH 9140. (4) (a)
are, in terms of their respective motor carrier certificates or Same as existing CB124218. (5) (a) Same as existing CB124218.
exemption certificates, to undertake conveyance by means of the A668—DORDRECHT. (2) Andries Petrus van Heerden Wit-
mechanical horse described herein. kop Dordrecht; bykomende voertuig, (3) Een meganiese perd
A385 (b)—PORT ELIZABETH. (2) L. C. de Lange Transport en een sleepwa om aangekoop te word. (4) (a) Soos per Sertifi-
(Pty) Ltd; bvkomende voertuig en konsolidasie van magtiging. kaat C258688. (5) (a) Soos per Sertifikaat C25S688.
(3) Vier 25 000-kg-sIeepwaens. (4) (a) Glaswindskerms op draag- A674— EAST LONDON. (2) South African Railways, East
plate asook lee draagplate op die temgreis. (5) (a) (i) Tussen London; Additional authority. (3) One bus—MT 15660. (4) (a)
Port Elizabeth en Kaapstad en punte onderweg; (ii) tussen Port Non-White passengers and their personal effects and goods. (5)
Elizabeth en Johannesburg en punte onderweg; (iii) tussen Port (a) Between Catcart Station and Rivermarsh via Kwa-Daliwe,
Elizabeth en Rosslyn, Pretoria en punte onderweg; (iv) tussen
Port Elizabeth en Durban en punte onderweg; (v) binne ’n radius Sandstone, Blackpool, Clachan, Isadale, Inverthom Long Slopes,
van 480 km vanaf Nuwe Geregshowe. Port Elizabeth. (4) (b) Henderson, Red Cone, Underchurch, Broken Slopes. Gobo-
Glas op draagplate ten behoewe van Shatterprufe Safety Glass dwana, Openside, Glacis, Edbrow, Alsatia, Nubble, Potter’s Bend,
Kie. (Edms.) Bpk. en Plate Glass Groep van Maatskappye. (5) (b) Rocky, Glen Bacela. Time-table for inspection at Local board’s
(i) Vanaf Port Elizabeth na Kaapstad en punte onderweg; (ii) offioe.
tussen Port Elizabeth en Durban en punte onderweg; (ii) tussen A685—DISTRICT OF QUEENSTOWN. (2) Dingane Nogenga
Port Elizabeth en Rosslyn en punte onderweg; (iv) tussen Port Mtabethemba, District of Queenstown; new application. (3) One
Elizabeth en Johannesburg en punte onderweg; (v) tussen Port van—GCB 545. (5) (a) Goods belonging to Non-Whites (pro
Elizabeth en Springs en punte onderweg. (4) (c) Glas op stellasies forma). (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of District of Thorn­
ten behoewe van Shatterprufe Safety Glass (Pty) Ltd en Plate hill, Queenstown.
Glass Groep van Maatskappye. (5) (c) (i) Vanaf Port Elizabeth A691—QUEENSTOWN. (2) Percy Pakamisa Folokwe, 77
na Kaapstad en punte onderweg; (ii) tussen Port Elizabeth en Robinson Road Queenstown; new application. (3) One vehicle—
Durban en punte onderweg; (iii) tussen Port Elizabeth en Ross­ CH7411. (4) (a) Goods and passengers. (5) (a) Within a radius
lyn en punte onderweg; tussen Port Elizabeth en Johannesburg of 240 km of General Post Office, Queenstown.
en punte onderweg; (iv) tussen Port Elizabeth en Johannesburg
en punte onderweg; (v) tussen Port Elizabeth en Springs en A693—MOUNT FLETCHER. (2) Samson Thankful Mbobo
punte onderweg. (4) (d) Glasware. (5) (d) Binne ’n radius van Nomsa Store, Mount Fletcher; new application. (3) One lorry—
480 km vanaf Nuwe Geregshowe, Port Elizabeth. (4) (e) Goedere. XW 1050. (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Within that portion of a
(5) (e) Tussen punte binne ’n radius van 25 km vanaf Nuwe radius of 80 km of place of business at Mount Fletcher that
Geregshowe, Port Elizabeth, insluitende die geheel van die muni- falls outside the Transkei. (4) (b) Own fresh fruit and fresh
sipale gebied Uitenhage. (4) (f) Windskerms op draagplate op vegetables (not tinned or bottled). (5) (b) From East London to
die heenreis en lee draagplate op die terugreis. (5) (f) Binne ’n Transkei Border.
radius van 480 km vanaf Nuwe Geregshowe, Port Elizabeth. A702—DISTRICT OF EAST LONDON. (2) Manuel Gomes
A422—PORT ELIZABETH. (2) R. Mondi, Port Elizabeth; new do Agrela, Windovcr Cash Store Hildasia; new application.
application. (3) O n e 5 -s e a te r m o to r- c a r . (4) Bantu taxi p a sse n g e rs. (3) One panel van—CE 49520. (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Within
(5) Within a radius of 25 km of taxi rank, Kwazakhele, Port a radius of 80 km of the holder’s place of business at District of
Elizabeth. Hildasia, East London.
A718—QAMATA. (2) Sidwell Gasa, Ntshingeni Location, St
EAST LONDON-OOS-LONDEN Marks; new application. (3) One light delivery van—XD 1091.-
Address to which representations must b e submitted: T h e (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Between Queenstown and Transkei
Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X9009, Border.
East London, 5200. A721—IDUTYWA. (2) Advocate Ngumbela, 89 King Street,
Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moct word: Die Sekretaris. Plaas- Idutywa; additional authority. (3) One lorry—XN 1089. (4) (a)
liks Padvervocrraad, Privaatsak X9009. Oos-Londen, 5200. Same as C258506. (5) (a) Same as C258506.
A330—BERLIN. (2) R. Mapela, Mncatsho Location, Berlin; A722—EAST LONDON. (2) Cintsa Mouth Estate (Pty) Ltd,
new application. (3) One light delivery van—CE 11967. (4) (a) East London; new application. (3) One light delivery van—CE
Goods (free of charge) exclusively on behalf of Holford Mapela 35962. (4) (a) Own goods by means of vehicle belonging to Sun
trading as Zimgisha Cash Store. (5) (a) Within a radius of Trail Resorts Ltd. (5) (a) Within a radius of 80 km of the!
80 km of General Post Office, Berlin. holder’s place of business at Cintsa, District of East London.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 31

A723—EAST LONDON. (2) East London and Border Co-op M (A800)—REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA. (2) L. J. van
Poultry Products Ltd, East London; new application. (3) Three Zyl, wat handel dryf as Schuttes Meubelvervoer, Potchefstroom;
lorries—CE 2826, CE 55800 and CE 13214. (4) (a) Own goods bykomende magtiging. (3) Een meganiese perd—TY 21007
by means of vehicle belonging to NuLaid (Pty) Ltd. (5) (a) (14 200 kg) en een leunwa—TY 14359 (9 466 kg). (4) (a) Goedere,
Within a radius o f 80 km of the holder’s place of business at alle soorte. (5) (a) Binne ’n radius van 35 km vanaf Hoofposkan­
East London. (4) (b) Own eggs, egg cartons, wine and plastic toor, Potchefstroom. (4) (b) Bona fide-huistrekke vanaf een woon-
Crated and own packing material in use by means of vehicle huis na ’n ander of vanaf ’n woonhuis na ’n stoorplek of
belonging to NuLaid (Pty) Ltd. (5) (b) Within a radius of 240 vanaf ’n stoorplek na ’n woonhuis of vanaf een stoorplek na
km of the holder’s place of business at East London. ’n ander. (5) (b) Binne die Republiek ta n Suid Afrika. (4)
A725—UGIE. (2) Johannes Theodoras Vorster, Aandrus, (c) Banke, stoele, tafels, bufette, matrasse, beddens, kopstukke
Ugie; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor—CDL 1606. (4) (a) vir beddens, spieelkaste, hangkaste, kombuiskaste, stowe, yskaste,
Vars melk en lee kanne op terugreis. (5) (a) Tussen plaas Aand­ asbakstaanders, bababedkassies, babawaentjies, blomstaanders,
rus distrik Maclear en plaas Stonedale distrik Maclear. boekrakke en kaste, drankkabinette, glasvertoonkaste, huishoude-
like kiosks, huishoudelike staanders, huishoudelike bedienings-
waentjies, kaggelskerms, kabinette, kapstokke, klaviere, kerk-
POTCHEFSTROOM banke, lessenaars, laaikaste, loopringe, medisynekaste, orrels,
preekstoele, platestaanders, platekabinette. radiogramme met
Address to which representations must be submitted: The of sonder elektriese versterkers en los luidsprekers, rusbanke,
Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X925, staanhorlosies, sofa’s, skoenkassies, speelgoedhuisies, speelhokke,
Polchefstroom, 2520. wiegies met of sonder staanders, stoepbanke, tydskrifrakke en
Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die Sekretaris, Plaas- trousseaukiste (uitsluitende verpakte skeepsvrag). (5) (c) Binne die
like Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak X925, Potchefstroom, 2520. Republiek van Suid-Afrika. (4) (d) Breimasjiene, broodroosters,
diktafoons, elektriese ketels, glasware (uitsluitende vensterglas),
M (A782)—VTLJOENSKROON. (2) S. Dingiswayo, Viljoens- huishoudelike lugreellingstelle, huishoudelike vloerpoleerders, stof-
kroon; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar—OMF 530 (vyf passa- suiers, naaimasjiene, porseleinware (maar nie wasbakke, baddens,
siers). (4) Bantoetaxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) toiletspoelbakke en gemakpanne nie), spieels, snaar- en pyp-
Binne ’n radius van 50 km vanaf Poskantoor, Vierfontein. musiekinstrumente, verwarmers, waaiers, radio's en toonbanke.
M (A237>—WELKOM. (2) J. L. Sefako, Welkom; bykomende (5) (d) Binne ’n radius van 480 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor,
voertuig. (3) Een motorkar om aangekoop te word (sewe passa- Potchefstroom. (4) (e) Eie verpakkingsmateriaal vir eie gebruik
siers). (4) Bantoetaxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) alleenlik en nie vir verkoop nie. (5) (e) Binne die Republiek van
Binne ’n radius van 10 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Welkom. Suid-Afrika.
M (A421)—WELKOM. (2) J. Ngobeni, Welkom; nuwe aan­ M (A554)—ORKNEY. (2) Vaal Maseru Busdiens (Ednas.)- Bpk.,
soek. (3) Een motorkar—OKE 35370 (ses passasiers). (4) Bantoe­ Klerksdorp; bykomende voertuie en wysiging van tydtafel. (3)
taxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne ’n radius Een bestaande bus—TOY 3275 en drie busse om aangekoop te
van 25 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Welkom. word (onderskeidelik 53 en 68 passasiers elk).
M (A319)—WELKOM. (2) P. Mathe, Welkom; new applica­ Bestaande magtiging: Bantoepassasiers, slegs werknemers van
tion. (3) One station wagon—OKE 14596 (six passengers). (4) Vaal Reefs Expl. and Mining Co. Ltd en hul persoonlike bagasie'.
Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a Heenreis: Vanaf Vaal Reefsskag 6 (terminus) na grens van
radius of 10 km of General Post Office, Welkom. Lesotho te Maserubrag onderweg na Maseru (terminus) oor
M (A543)—POTCHEFSTROOM. (2) C. A. P. van Tonder, Shakespearelaan, Campoinweg,. Tenneysonlaan, Fleckcrweg, dan
Potchefstroom; oordrag vanaf boedel wyle B. J. S. Flooman. links met Pad P32/3 tot by Transvaal/Vrystaatgrens en vandaar
(3) Twee motorkarre—TX 12313 en TX 13478 (vyf passasiers met Pad P43/5, draai links met Pad P15/2 en verderaan met
elk). (4) Blanke taxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. Pad P15/1 na Kroonstad oor Alwyn Schlebuschstraat, Britzstraat
(5) (a) Binne ’n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, en Noordpad tot by nasionale pad en vandaar met Pad P55/4
Potchefstroom. (5) (b) Op toevallige ritte van binne die gebied verby Ventersburg en verderaan met Pad P55/3 verby Winburg,
omskryf in (a) na enige punt buite daardie gebied of vanaf dan met Pad P57/5 na Senekal, draai regs met Pad P17/2 verby
enige punt buite daardie gebied na enige punt binne daardie Marquard, dan met Pad P17/1 verby Clocolan en met Pad
P 13/5 verby Ladybrand en dan met Pad P48/1 tot by die grens
gebied. van Lesotho te Maserubrug, onderhewig aan die voorwaarde dat
M (A2111)—WELKOM. (2) M. Motsamai, Welkom; new geen passasiers onderweg op die heenrit en terugrit op- of afge-
application. (3) One motor-car—OKE 32859 (five passengers). laai mag word nie.
(5) Bantu taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within Terugreis: Oor dieselfde roete as die heenreis.
a radius of 25 km of General Post Office, Welkom. Roeteafstand: 335 km.
M (A741)—WELTEVREDE, DISTRIK ODENDAALSRUS. Tydtafel: Vertrek: Vanaf No. 6-skag Vaal Reefs. Heenreis:
(2) A. J. Maude, Weltevrede, distrik Odendaalsrus; nuwe aan­ 15hO0. Vrydae: Arriveer: Grenspos te Maserubrug, 21h00.
soek. (3) Twee vragmotors—OKC 5074 en OKC 11377 (onder- Terugreis: Vertrek: Grenspos te Maserubrug. Sondae: 15h00.
skeidelik 5 600 kg en 11000 kg elk). (4) Lewende hawe. (5) Arriveer: No. 6-skag Vaal Reefs, 21h00.
Binne ’n radius van 600 km vanaf die plaas Weltevrede, distrik
Odendaalsrus. Tarief: R15 per persoon retoer.
M (A74)—WELKOM. (2) M. D. Ramolahloane, Welkom; addi­ Wysiging van tydtafel: Bantoepassasiers slegs werknemers van
tional authority. (3) One light delivery van to be acquired Vaal Expl. and Mining Co. Ltd en hul persoonlike bagasie.
(1 834 kg). (4) Bantu beer, malt and liquors. (5) Within a radius Heenreis: Vanaf Vaal Reefsskag 6 (terminus) na grens van
of 50 km of General Post Office, Welkom. Lesotho te Maserubrug onderweg na Maseru (terminus) oor
M (A764)—POTCHEFSTROOM. (2) H. Nche, Potchefstroom; Shakespearelaan, Campoinweg, Tenneysonlaan, Fleckerweg, dan
nuwe aansoek. (3) Een kombi—TX 26307 (10 passasiers). (4) lin k s met Pad P32/2 tot by Transvaal/Vrystaatgrens en vandaar
Bantoesport-, kerk-, begrafnis- en opvoedkundige doeleindes en met Pad P43/5, draai links met Pad P15/2 en verderaan met Pad
hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne ’n radius van 200 km vanaf P I 5/1 na Kroonstad oor Alwyn Schlebuschstraat, Britzstraat en
Hoofposkantoor, Potchefstroom. Noordpad tot by nasionale pad en vandaar met Pad P55/4 verby
M ( A ll3)—PARYS. (2) J. Poole, Parys; new application. (3) Ventersburg en verderaan met Pad P55/3 verby Winburg, dan met
One motor-car—OV 12089 (five passengers). (4) Bantu taxi pas­ Pad P57/5 na Senekal, draai regs met Pad P17/2 verby Mar­
sengers. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Post Office, Parys. quard, dan met Pad P17/1 verby Clocolan en met Pad P13/5
M (A774)—WELKOM. (2) F. Lesigi, Welkom; bykomende verbv Ladvbrand en dan met Pad P48/1 tot by die grens van
voertuig met nuwe magtiging. (3) Een kombi om aangekoop Lesotho, te Maserubrug, onderhewig aan die voorwaarde dat
te word (10 passasiers). (4) Bantoesport-, kerk- en begrafnis- geen passasiers onderweg op die heenrit en terugrit op- of afge-
geselskappe en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne ’n radius van laai mag word nie.
200 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Welkom. Terugreis: Oor dieselfde roete as die heenreis.
E. G. Ratshefola, Putfontein, District of Coligny; new applica­ Roeteafstand: 335 km.
tion. (3) One motor-car—TCC 319 (six passengers). (4) Bantu Tydtafel: Vertrek: Vanaf No. 6-skag Vaal Reefs. Heenreis:
taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius 12h00. V r y d a e : A r r iv e e r : G r e n s te M a s e r u b ru g , 18hOO.
of 80 km of Post Office, Putfontein, District of Coligny. Onderhewig aan die veranderinge soos benodig deur Vaal
M (A2027)—WELKOM. (2) E. S. Nkonoane, Welkom; new Reefs Exploration and Mining Company Ltd.
application. (3) One motor-car—OKE 8591 (five passengers). (4) Duplisering van ritte soos en wanneer benodig.
Bantu taxi passengers. (5) Within a radius of 25 km of General Terugreis: Vertrek: Grenspos te Maserubrug, 14h00. Sondae:
Post Office, Welkom.
Arriveer: No. 6-skag Vaal Reefs, 21h00.
M (A738)—ALLANRIDGE. (2) M. S. Malejoane, Allanridge; Onderhewig aan veranderinge soos benodig deur Vaal Reefs
nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar om aangekoop te word (vyf Exploration and Mining Company Ltd.
passasiers). (4) Bantoetaxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie.
(5) Binne ’n radius van 20 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Allan­ Duplisering van ritte soos en wanneer benodig.
ridge. Tarief : R15 per persoon retoer*
32 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

M (A268)—PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL. (2) W. K. van der (4) (b) Bantu organised parties on Saturdays and Sundays and
Merwe, Potchefstroom; bykomende voertuie. (3) Een vraqmotor— public holidays. (5) (b) From Bloemfontein to points within a
TX 3378, drie meganiese perde—TX 17710, TX 27688 en TX radius of 160 km of General Post Office, Bloemfontein, and
16047, vier sleepwaens—TX 13791, TX 13808, TX 16713 en TY
28829 (onderskeidelik 25 en 10 ton elk). (4) (a) Goedere. (5) (a) (A675)—BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Ninham Shand & Partners
Binne ’n radius van 50 km vanaf Witkop, distrik Potchefstroom Incorporated, Bloemfontein; new application. (3) Eleven vehicles.
,(pro forma). (4) (b) Kalk. (5) (b) Binne ’n radius van 60 km (4) (a) Not more than seven employees (including driver) in the
vanaf Witkop, distrik Potchefstroom (pad pro forma). (4) (c) employment of the applicant, in the course of their employment,
Bemestingstowwe. (5) (c) Vanaf Triomf, Potchefstroom, na punte subject to the condition that no charge be made for such con­
gelec binne ’n radius van 480 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor. Potchef­ veyance. (5) (a) Within the Republic of South Africa and South-
stroom (pad pro forma). (4) (d) Sand, klip en gruis vir padmaak- West Africa. (4) (b) Own survey instruments and tools and
doeleindes. (5) (d) Binne die provinsie Transvaal. (4) (e) Sand, equipment for own use only. (5) (b) Within the Republic of
klip en gruis vir boudoeleindes. (5) (e) 3inne die provinsie Trans­ South Africa and South-West Africa. (4) (c) Samples of general
vaal, onderhewig aan die voorwaarde dat sand, klip en gruis wat merchandise (bona fide) samples not to be sold or to be offered
binne ’n radius van 35 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Klerksdorp, for sale. (5) (c) Within the Republic of South Africa and South-
opgelaai is nie weer binne ’n radius van 35 km vanaf Hoofposkan­ West Africa.
toor, Klerksdorp word nie. (A691)—STEYNSRUS. (2) E. A. S. Norval, Steynsrus; byko­
mende voertuie met nuwe magtigings. (3) Een trekker—OOD
BLOEMFONTEIN 248 en een sleepwa—OOD 1934. (4) (a) Goedere in terme van
Address to which representations must be submitted: The die applikant se S.A.S.-besteldienskontrak. (5) (a) Tusscn Steyns-
Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board. Private Bag X20579, rusdorp. Steynsruslokasie en Steynsrusspoorwegstasie. (4) (b)
Bloemfontein, 9300. Huisraad. (5) (b) Binne Steynsrusd:rp.
Adres waarheen vertoe gerig mnrt word: Die Sekrctaris, Piaas- (S708(—WINBURG. (2) E. D. W. van der Linde, Winhurg;
like Padvervoerrar.d. Privaatsak X20579, Bloemfontein, 9300. nuwe aansoek. (3) Een voorspanmotor—OX 3041 en een leunwa
—OX 3042. (4) (a) Vars groente en vrugte (nie ingemaak nie)
(A460)—VENTERSTAD. (2) April Williams, Venterstad; en lewende hawe. (5) (a) Vanaf punte binne ’n radius van 150
nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar—CDZ 31. (4) Ses Bantoetaxi- km vanaf Winburg na markte te Pretoria. Johannesburg, Brak-
passasiers. (5) Vanaf Venterstad na Steynsburg Burgersdorp pan, Springs, Pietermaritzburg, Durban, Oos-Londen, Port Eliza­
Bethulie Colesberg Norvalspont en Knapdaar en terug. beth, Bloemfontein, Welkom en terug. (4) (b) Graan. (5) (b)
CA511)—BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Bantoe Administrasie Raad, Binne ’n radius van 80 km vanaf Winburg.
Bloemfontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een bus—OB 68828. (4) (a)
Sportspanne na sportaangeleenthede. (5) (a) Vanaf Bloemfontein (A711)—COLESBERG. (2) J. M. Dingle en P. E Dingle
na punte binne ’n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor handeldrywende as Springbok Eng. en Transport, Colesberg;
Bloemfontein en terug. (4) (b) Bantoe gewerfde arbeiders. (5) oordrag vanaf J. Dingle. (3) Agt voertuie. (4) Magtiging soos
(b) Vanaf Thaba Nchu en Witsieshoek na Bloemfontein. (4) (c) gehou deur J. Dingle. (5) Binne gebiede soos gehott dcur J.
Stedelike Bantoeraadslede. (5) (c) Binne die munisipale gebied Dingle. (Die magtiging is ter insac/beskikbaar by die kantoor
Bloemfontein. van die Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Henrystraat 52, Wardengebou,
(A514)—BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) H. J. Askvold & Q. E. Ronne Bloemfontein.).
handeldrywende as F. Viljoens Transport, Fortstraat 5, Bloem­ (A715)—FRANKFORT (OVS). (2) Ivan Papenfus, Frankfort,
fontein; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een voorhakker—OB 53900. O.V.S.; bykomende voertuig met nuwe magtiging. (3) Een vrag­
(4) Goedere soos bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging. (5) Binne motor—OH 4716. (4) (a) Melk en suiwelprodukte op melk-
bestaande goedgekeurde gebiede. roetes soos per Nasionale Suiwelkooperasie (Bpk.) (NCE) neer-
(A528)—BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Prestige Pieeon Complex gele. (5) (a) Binne ’n radius van 75 km vanaf Poskantecr Frank­
(Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein; new application. (3) One lorrv—OB fort. (4) (b) Landbouprodukte, landboumasjinerie, lewende hawe,
41974. (4) Pigeons of club members only. (5) From Bloem­ steenkool, meel, boumateriaal, kunsmis en bemestingstowwe. (5)
fontein to points within the Republic of South Africa. (b) Binne ’n radius van 100 km vanaf Poskantoor Frankfort.
(A570)—SMITHFIELD. (2) Oranje Posduif Unie, Smithfield; (A734)—FICKSBURG. (2) I. J. J. van Vuuren, Ficksburg;
bykomende magtiging. (3) Een vragmotor—OS 1418. (4) Duiwe
om losgelaat te word vir wedvlugte. (5) Vanaf Smithfield na nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor—OG 2191. (4) (a) Lewende
Springfontein en Bethulie en terug na Zastron oor Wepener na hawe. (5) (a) Vanaf punte gelee binne ’n radius van 480 km
Hobhouse, en vandaar oor Bloemfontein, Hoopstad, Klerksdorp, vanaf Hoofposkantoor Ficksburg, na beheerde markte te Durban,
Johannesburg. Pretoria, Vereeniging, Benoni, Krugersdorp. Bel­
Potchefstroom. Krugersdorp, Pretoria tot by Messina en leeg fast, Bethal, Bloemfontein, Kimberley, Welkom en Harrismith en
terug na Smithfield. terug na Ficksburg. (4) (b) Graan in massa en in sakke. (5)
(A590)—VREDE. (2) S. J. Radebe, Vrede; nuwe aansoek. (b) Vanaf stroopplek na naaste kooperasie of graansuiers binne
(3) Een kombi—OU 3541. (4) Bantoe- kerk- en sportspanne en ’n radius van 80 km vanaf Ficksburg. (4) (c) Sand en bouklip
naweekgroepe. (5) Binne ’n radius van 280 km vanaf Vrede. in massa. (5) (c) Binne ’n radius van 40 km vanaf Hoofpos­
(A619/A620)—FRANKFORT (O.V.S.). (2) A. J. Leeuw, Frank­ kantoor Ficksburg. (4) (d) Vars groente en vrugte. (5) (d) Vanaf
fort (O.V.S.); nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee ligte afleweringswaens— plase binne landdrosdistrik Ficksburg na beheerde markte te
OH 3796 en OH 1555. (4) Meubels namens Heilbron Meubels Durban, Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, Krugersdorp en Pieter­
en Afslag Meubels. (5) (i) Binne ’n radius van 50 km vanaf maritzburg en terug na Ficksburg.
plek van besighcid te Heilbron en Frankfort, (ii) Vanaf Ver-
eeniging, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Gcrmiston. Benoni en Springs (A736)—REDDERSBURG. (2) C. P. Dippenaar, Ci. D. E.
na Heilbron en Frankfort. Enslin en B. J. Joubert, handeldrywende as Boskop Boerdery,
(A632)—WEPENER. (2) J. V/. C. van Zyl, Wepener; byko­ Reddersburg; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor—OBG 395. (4)
mende voertuig. (3) Een stasiewa—OW 308. (4) Nie-Blanke pas- (a) Lewende hawe. (5) (a) Vanaf punte binne ’n radius van 800
sasiers en hul persooniike besittings, possakke, brood en handels- km vanaf Reddersburg na alie beheerde sentrums (Pretoria, Wit-
ware soos bestaande goedgekeurde magtiging. (5) Oor/binne watersrandgebied, Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Oos-Londen en Port
bestaande goedgekeurde roetes/gebied en onderhewig aan Elizabeth). (4) (b) Graan. (5) (b) Vanaf plase in distrik Redders­
bestaande tydtafcls, tariewe en beperkings. (Bestaande magtiging burg na graandepots te Dewetsdorp en Bloemfontein. (4) (c)
is ter insae/verkrygbaar by die kantoor van die Plaaslike Pad- Wol. (5) (c) Vanaf plase in distrik Reddersburg na Dewetsdorp
vervoerraad, Henrystraat 52, Wardengebou, Bloemfontein.). en Edenburg.
(A674)—BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) Michael Dichaba, Bloemfon­ (A739)—BETHLEHEM. (2) Lydia Sekonyella, Bethlehem;
tein; new application. (3) One combi to be purchased. (4) (a) nuwe aansoek. (3) Een ligte afleweringswa—OA 9312. (4) Goe-
N o n - W h ite p a s s e n g e rs arid th e ir p e rso n a l b e lo n g in g s. (5) (a) d e r c a a n g e k o o p d e u r B a n to e s in h a n d e ls g e b ie d v a n B eth leh em .;
From Senokwane Street, Phahameng Location, Bloemfontein to (5) Binne ’n radius van 25 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Bethlehem.
Mooihawe Old Age Home, Bloemfontein and back via the (A749)—HEILBRON. (2) E. J. Mablane, Heilbron; nuwe aan­
same route. soek. (3) Een kombi—OJ 9633. (4) Bantoe- en Kleurling geor-
Route discription: From Senakwane Street (Stop 1), with Ramat- ganiseerde geselskappe. (5) Binne ’n radius van 90 km vanaf
shwele Road via Bataung Avenue (Stop 2), Mataung Street Hoofposkantoor, Heilbron.
(Stop 3), Moyota Street (Stop 4), left in Dewetsdorp Road up
to com er of Zulu Street and Harvey Road. Then with Harvey (A765)—BULTFONTEIN. (2) Nioolaas Meyer, Bultfontein;
Road turn left in Voortrekker Street, right in Second Avenue, bykomende voertuig. (3) Een sleepwa—OKB 5582. (4) Alge-
left in Kellner Street, right in Mellville Drive up to Mooihawe mene goedere. (5) (i) Binne die landdrosditrik Bultfontein (pro
Old Age Home and back via the same route. forma) (ii) Vanaf Bultfontein na Dealesville. (ii) Vanaf Soutpan
Route distance: 11 km. na Bultfontein. (iv) Vanaf Dealesville na Bultfontein en Bult-
Time-table: Forward journey: Mondays to Sundays Depar­ fonteinspoorwegstasie.
ture: Stop 1 at 06h30. Return journey: Departure: Mooihawe, (A767)—BETHLEHEM. (2) Obed Mhlambi, Bethlehem; nuwe
17h30. aansoek. (3) Een motorkar—OA 6366. (4) Vyf Bantoetaxii
Scale of charges: R8 per person per month. passasiers. (5) Binne die landdrosdistrik Bethlehem.
5583— 1
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 33

(A778)—PIIILIPPOLIS. (2) B. Prichard, Philippolis; een byko- repaired or otherwise dealt with and from the latter place after
mende voertuig met bestaande en bykomende magtiging en byko- the machinery has been repaired to a place where the owner of
mende magtiging ten opsigte van vyf bestaande voertuie. [Byko­ the machinery wishes them to be delivered to him. (5) (:) Within
mende magtiging: Items (1)—(n)J. (3) Ses voertuie. (4) (a) Bona a radius of 480 km of Ficksburg, excluding the area controlled
fide-huistrekke vanaf een woonhuis na ’n ander woonhuis, of by Port Elizabeth Local Board.
vanaf ’n woonhuis na ’n stoorplek, of vanaf ’n stoorplek na ’n
woonhuis, of vanaf een stoorplek na ’n ander stoorplek. (5) DURBAN
(a) Binne ’n radius van 240 km vanaf die houer se plek van
besigheid te Philippolis. (4) (b) Lewende hawe. (5) (b) Tussen Address to which representations must he submitted: The
punte binne ’n radius van 50 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Philip- Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X54307,
pclis (pro forma) (4) (c) Lewende hawe. (5) (c) Tussen punte Durban, 4000
binne die landdrosdistrik Philippolis (pro forma). (4) (d) Lewende Adres waarheen vertoe gerig mocl word: Die Sekretaris, P laas­
hawe. (5) (c) Tussen plase binne ’n radius van 80 km vanaf lik e Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak X54307, Durban, 4000.
Hoofposkantoor. Philippolis en Philippolisvendusiekrale op ven- AR/209 (511)—DURBAN. (2) Rennies Airfreight (Pty) Ltd,
dusiedae alleenlik en ook na Colesbergvendusie op vendusiedae Jacobs; additional vehicle. (3) One panel van—ND 115-589. (4)
alleenlik. (4) (e) Lusern, steenkool, steenkoolas, lusernpiile, Airfreight parcels only. (5) Winthin a radius of 40 km of General
gebaalde veevoer, vuurmaakhout en sout as veevoer. (5) (e) ral Post Office, Durban.
Binne ’n radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Philippolis. AR/210 (488)—DURBAN. (2) Govender Dixon, Chatsworth;
(4) (f) Sand en klip vir boudoeleindes. (5) (f) Binne ’n radius new motor carrier certificate. (3) One panel van—ND 285-956.
van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Philippolis. (4) (g) Alle (4) Newspapers. (5) Within a radius of SO km of General Post
soorte goedere. (5) (g) Binne die landdrosdistrik Philippolis (pro Office, Durban.
forma). (4) (h) Bakstene. (5) (h) Binne ’n radius van 240 km AR/211 (493)—UMKOMAAS. (2) Moodley Narainsamy, trad­
vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Philippolis, (pad pro forma). (4) (i) ing as Jays Cartage, Umkomaas; additional vehicle. (3) Two
Lewende hawe. (5) (i) Vanaf plase gelee binne die landdros­ trucks—NX 7504 and NX 6365. (4) (a) Goods all classes. (5)
distrik Philippolis na beheerde slagpale te Bloemfontein, Kim­ (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Post Office, Umkomaas. (4) (b)
berley, Durban en die Pretoria- en Randkarweigebied. (4) (j) Rail/road-building material (pro forma). (5) (b) Within the Prov­
Lewende hawe. (5) (j) Vanaf plase gelee binne die landdrosdis­ ince of Natal, excluding north of the Tugela.
trik Philippolis na vendusiekrale te Kimberley op vendusiedae AR/212 (492)—DURBAN. (2) Mkhize Kinglose Louis, Kwa-
alleenlik. (4) (k) Vars vrugte en groente (nie ingemaak nie). Mashu; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One motor truck to be
(5) (k) Vanaf plase en plotte gelee binne ’n radius van 80 acquired. (4) Goods all classes, bantu beer (Juba) not for
km vanaf Poskantoor, Philippolis na markte gelee binne die resale. (5) Within a radius of 40 km of General Post Office, Dur­
Republiek van Suid-Afrika. (4) (1) Veevoer. (5) (!) Binne ’n ban.
radius van 240 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Philippolis. (4) (m) AR/213 (491)—DURBAN. (2) Mthembu Bekisisa Champion,
Lewende, hawe. (5) (m) Vanaf plase gelee binne die landdros­ Kwa-Mashu; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One van to
distrik Philippolis na beheerde slagpale binne die Republiek van be acquired.- (4) Goods all classes, Zulu beer not for sale. (5)
Suid-Afrika. (4) (n) Lewende hawe. (5) (n) Vanaf plase gelee Within a radius of 40 km of General Post Office, Durban.
binne die landdrosdistrikte van Smithfield, Trompsburg en Spring- AR/214 (490)—MANDINI. (2) Gumede Simon Mziwababo,
fontein na vendusiekrale te Kimberley op vendusiedae alleenlik. Mandini; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One combi to be
(A774)—BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) J. L. Coetzer, handeldrywende bought. (4) (a) Goods all classes or behalf of Bantu only. (5) (a)
as Silverline Removals, Bloemfontein; bykomende voertuig. (3) From Mathonsi B.C. School, Mandini, to points within a radius
Een sleepwa—OP. 11862. (4) Bona fide-huistrekke. (5) Binne die of 60 km therefrom. (4) (b) Fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. (5)
Republiek van Suid-Afrika en Suidwes-Afrika. (b) Within a radius of 240 km of Mathonsi B.C. School,
(A788)—BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) R. D. Spencer, Bloemfontein; Mandini.
new application. (3) One trailer—OB 51823. (4) Goods for repair AR/215 (494)—DURBAN. (2) Naidoo Ishwara, Glenashley;
and replacement in the course of Shell Oil (S.A.) (Pty) Ltd’s new motor carrier certificate. (3) One panel van—ND 107235.
business as oil company and camping equipment. (5) Within a (4) Dry cleaning on behalf of Glenashley Dry Cleaners. (5) Within
radius of 700 km of General Post Office, Bloemfontein. the Durban exempted area.
(A796)—BLOEMFOTEIN. (2) C. P. Booysen, Bloemfontein; AR/216 (226) — GLENDALE. (2) Progress Sugar Co., Ash-
nuwe annsoek. (3) Een motorkar—OB 33664. (4) Bantoe, Asiate villee additional vehicle. (3) One lorry—NT 8992. (4) Sugar cane.
en Kleurlingtaxipassasiers en hul besittings. (5) Binne die 'munisi- (5) Within a radius of 30 km of Post Office, Glendale.
pale gebiea Bloemfontein. AR/217 (503)—UMLAZI. (2) Mdlozini Aggrey, Umlazi; ad­
(A617)—BLOEMFONTEIN. (2) W. E. le Roux, hahdeldry- ditional vehicle. (3) One vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu passen­
wende as L. & L. Vervoer, Pk. Wiegandia; wysiging van tariewe. gers and their personal effects. (5) From points within a radius
(3) Een bus—OB 76548. (4) Blanke passasiers en hul persoonlike of 3 km of House E275, Umlazi Township, to points within a
besittings. (5) Vanaf Poskantoor, Wiegandia, distrik Bloemfon­ radius of 50 km therefrom and return empty or with the same
tein na Bloemfontein en terug oor bestaande goedgekeurde passengers conveyed on the forward journey.
roetes en onderhewig aan bestaande tydtafels. AR/218 (519)—WENTWORTH. (2) M artin David Lawrence,
Bestaande tarief en voorgestelde gewysigde tarief ter insae by Wentworth; amended authority. (3) One bus—ND 72935. (4)
Plaaslike Raad se kantore. Non-White passengers and their personal effects (organised par­
(A673)—FICKSBLTRG. (2) Joubert Greyling & Go. (Pty) Ltd, ties pro forma). (5) Within a radius of 240 km of Post Office,
Flcksburg; amendment to authorise interchangeability of vehicles. Wentworth, excluding the Transkei.
(3) One lorry—LC 1710. (4) (a) General goods. (5) (a) Between AR/219 (187)—DURBAN. (2) N atal Estates Ltd, Mount Edge­
Ficksburg and Ficksburg Bridge. (4) (b) Diesel, oil and petrol in combe; replacement of vehicle and transfer ex Hultrans (Pty)
bulk on behalf of Letseng Diamond Mines. (5) (b) From Beth­ Ltd. (3) One bus—N J 17527. (4) White and Non-White employ­
lehem and Clooolan to Ficksburg Bridge. (4) (c) Diesel, oil and ees and their personal effects. (5) Bus 1 from the refinery at 444
petrol in bulk. (5) (c) From Bethlehem to Caledonspoort (Leso­ South Coast Road, Rossburgh, via South Coast Road, Umbilo,
tho). (4) (d) Spare parts for repair and maintenance of mechani­ Moore, Musgrave, Innes, Umgeni, Athlone, Northway Roads,
cal and electrical plants which has broken down and which on Umhlanga Rocks Drive, depart La Lucia at 16h30 along the same
account of urgency must be repaired expeditiously (excluding route to the refinery. Bus 2 at 07h25 from West Street, alongside
delivery to any business premises for the replenishment of cemetry via West Street, stops en route. Depart La Lucia at 16h
stock). (5) (d) Within the Republic of South Africa, excluding 30 along the same route. Bus 1 or 2 on Mondays and Wednes­
the area controlled by Port Elizabeth Local Board. (4) (e) Shaft days at 12h30 to Umhlanga Rocks, on Tuesdays and Thursdays
sinking plant in use from one shaft sinking site to another at 12h30 to La Lucia and on Fridays at 12h30 to Broadway Shop­
shaft sinking site for immediate use for shaft sinking purposes. ping Centre.
(5) (e) Within the Republic of South Africa, excluding the area AR/220 (509>—MOUNT EDGECOMBE. (2) Huletts Corpo­
controlled by Port Elizabeth Local Board. (4) (f) Pile driving ration Ltd, Mount Edgecombe; additonal vehicle. (3) One bus—
equipment in use from one pile driving site to another pile NJ 3590. (4) White Asiatic and Coloured employees and their
driving site for immediate use for pile driving purposes. (5) personal effects. (5) From Huletts Refinery, Rossburgh, Durban
(f) Within the Republic of South Africa, excluding the area con­ and Sydenham to Mount Edgecombe and return.
trolled by Port Elizabeth Local Board. (4) (g) Electrical switch- AR221 (515)—DURBAN. (2) Durban Transport Management
gear. (5) (g) Within a radius of 480 km of Ficksburg Bridge, Board, acting in the name of and on behalf of the Durban City
excluding the area controlled by Port Elizabeth Local Board. (4) Council, Durban; amended additional authority. (3) One bus—
(h) Building contractor’s plant and earth moving equipment in NIX) 2206. (4) White passengers and their personal effects. (5)
use from one construction site to another construction site for as set out below: Woodlands Southern Route 6: (c) To amend
immediate use on a construction site. (5) (h) Within the Republic as follows; Outward to Radcliffe Road, via Mowat Park; Via any
of South Africa. (4) (i) Machinery in use which has broken route described in A above, thence via Sarnia Road, Edwin
down and which on account of urgency must be repaired or Swales V.C Drive (Subway), South Coast Road, Blarney Road,
altered expeditiously to a place where such machinery are to be Benson Road, Jagger Road, Anleno Road, Bangay Road, Charles
60711—2 5583—2
34 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

Mowat Road, Langton Road, Varity Avenue, Doddington Cres­ BEREA-BEACH SERVICE
cent, Streatham Crescent, Doddington Crescent, Varity Avenue, Urban Route 31:
Bale Avenue, Radcliffe Road Terminus. [Buses return via inward
Southern Route 6 (b) above]. Inward from Radcliffe Road, via From Brand Road: Brand Road, Davenport Road, Frere Road,
Mowat Park: From the Radcliffe Road Terminus thence via Clark Road, Brand Road, Moore Road, Hunt Road, Musgrave
Radcliffe Road, Bale Avenue, Varity Avenue, Doddington Cres­ Road, Silverton Road, Essenwood Road, St Thomas Road, Vause
cent, Strealham Crescent, Doddington Crescent, Varity Avenue, Road, Overport Drive, Ridge Road, Springfield Road, Musgrave
Langton Road, Charles Mowat Road, Bangay Road, Anleno Road, Florida Road, Lambert Road, Rosetta Road, Gordon
Road, Jagger Road, Benson Road, Blarney Road, South Coast Road, Widermere Road, First Avenue, Umgeni Road, Old F ort
Road, Edwin Swales V.C. Drive (Subway), Doncaster Road, Road, Old F ort Place, N.M.R. Avenue, Somtsue Road, Snell
unnamed road behind the Rossburgh Hotel, Sarnia Road, thence Parade, Marine Parade, Erskine Terrace, South Beach Avenue,
via any route described in B above. Prince Street. Bell Street.
From Bell Street: Erskine Terrace, Marine Parade, Snell
NORTHLANDS AND ELLIS PARK Parade, Somtsue Road, N.M.R. Avenue, Old Fort Place, Old
Northern Route 3: Fort Road, Albert Street, First Avenue, Windermere Road, G or­
Outward: Alternative Route: As per outward Northern Route don Road, Rosetta Road, Lambert Road, Florida Road, Mus­
3 to Romsey Grove, thence via Romsey Grove, Earlswood Place, grave Road, Springfield Road, Ridge Road, Overport Drive,
Ellis Park Drive, Lonsdale Drive, Northway, thence as per out­ Vause Road, St Thomas Road, Essenwood Road, Silverton
ward Northern Route 3 to outer terminus. Road, Musgrave Road, Hunt Road, Moore Road, Brand Road.
Inward: AR/222 (82)—UMLAZI. (2) Tabudi Sydney, Umlazi; additio­
nal authority. (3) One vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu passen­
Alternative Route: As per inward Northern Route 3 to gers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 3 km of
Northway, Lonsdale Drive, Ellis Park Drive, Earlswood Place, House R24, R Section, Umlazi Township, to points within a
Romsey Grove thence as per inward Northern Route 3 to inner radius of 50 km therefrom and return empty or with the same
terminus. passengers conveyed on the forward journey. '
AR/223 (81)—HLABISA. (2) Manqele Gernet, Hlabisa; new
Northern Route 5: motor carrier certificate. (3) One car to be acquired. (4) Bantu
Outward: As per outward Northern Route 2 to Northway, passengers and thier personal effects. (5) From points within a
thence via Northway, Tyne Place, High Ridge Road, Romsey radius of 7 km of Gezubizso Store, Hlabisa area to points within
Grove, Collard Road, Browns D rift Road, Anthony Road, Buttry a radius of 50 km therefrom.
Road outer terminus. AR224 (516)—DURBAN. (21 Sable Tracking Co. (Pty) Ltd,
Inward: From Buttery Road, Chick Drive, Romsey Grove, Durban; amended authority. (3) Four trailers—ND 92628, ND
High Ridge Road, Tyne Place, Northway, thence as per inward 92631, ND 92617 and ND 92612. (4) Goods all classes. (5)
Northern Route 2. Within a radius of 40 km of General Post Office, Durban.
AR/225 (506)—GLENDALE. (2) Poliah Kistasamy, Glenmill;
U rban Route 1: new motor carrier certificate. (3) One trac'or—NT 10152 and one
Outward: Alternative Route: As per outward Urban Route 1 trailer—NT 9961. (4) Sugar cane. (5) Within a radius of 8 km
or alternative to Gowar Street, thence along Oliver Lea Drive, of Glendale Sugar Millers (Pty) Ltd.
Bottomley Road, Bartle Road to terminus. AR/226 (507)—GLENDALE. (2) Pidry Ramsamy, Glenmill;
OVERPORT VIA TOLLGATE SERVICE new motor carrier certificate. (3) One tractor'—NT 75633 and
one trailer—NT 3164. (4) Sugar cane. (5) Within a radius of 8 km
Urban Route 7: of Glendale Sugar Millers (Pty) Ltd.
Outward: Alternative route: As per Urban Route 7 to Berea AR/227 (513V—KRANSKLOOF. (2) Govender Mahalingam
Road, thence along Berea Road, unnamed link road, Jan Smuts Kisten, Groutville; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One lorry—•
Highway, Brickfield Road 3, glide off to Tollgate Bridge, Ridge N T 13956. (4) Goods (restricted to sugar cane and filter press).
Road, thence along Ridge Road to terminus as per outward (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Kranskloof Supply S to r e -
Urban Route 7. subject to the following restriction: (a) On the forward journey
SPRINGFIELD ROAD VIA NORTH RIDGE ROAD conveyance of sugar cane from farms within 50 km of Krans­
kloof Supply Store to sugar mills within the radius of 50 km
U rban Route 13: from Kranskloof Supply Store, (b) On the return journey from the
Outward: Alternative route: As per outward Urban Route 13 to sugar mills the conveyance of filter press (byproduct of sugar
First Avenue, thence along First Avenue, Windermere Road, cane) from the mills to farms with the radius of 50 km of Krans­
thence as per outward Urban Route 13 to terminus. kloof Supply Store.
Inward: Alternative route: As per inward Urban Route 13 AR/228 (233)—EM PANGFNI. (2) Moses Devamonie, Shall-
to Windermere Road, thence along Windermere Road, First cross: new motor carrier certificate. (3) One truck—ND 177-208.
Avenue, thence as per inward Urban Route 13 to inner terminal. (4) Fresh produce, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. (5) Within a
MARINE PARADE radius of 240 km of Post Office, Empangeni.
Urban Route 25: AR/229 (465)—DURBAN. (2) Hattingh Ronald. Umgeni
Heights; additional authority. (3) One motor-car—ND 204-659.
Outward: Alternative route: From inner terminal, thence (4) Non-White foreign nationals and their personal effects. (5)
along Pine Street, Albert Street, Alice Street, Old F ort Place, Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Office, Durban.
N.M.R. Avenue, Somtseu Road, Stanger Street, Argyle Road,
Playfair Road, Sandown Road Terminus. AR/230 (527)—DURBAN. (2) Bee Rabia and Parusnath Myra
Inward: Alternative route: From the outer terminal in San­ Theresa, Durban; formation of partnershin. (3) One motor-car—
down Road, thence along Sol Harris Crescent, Somtseu Road, ND 30041. (4) Non-White passengers and their persona) effects.
Stanger Street, Argyle Road, N.M.R. Avenue, Old Fort Place, (5) Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Office, Durban,
Old F ort Road, Soldiers Way, Gardiner Street inner terminal. and casual trips.
CITY/NORTH BEACH CIRCULAR SERVICE AR/231 (523)—MELMOTTT. (2) Manyathi Sipho Gift, Melmoth;
additional authority. (3) One motor-car—NO 1412 and one
Urban Route 26: St Andrews Street, Russell Street, Victoria motor-car to be advised. (4) Non-White passengers and their per­
Embankment. Broad Street, West Street, Marine Parade, San­ sonal effects. (5) From point* within a radius of 5 km of Imfitme
down Road Terminus. Sol Harris Crescent, Somtsue Road, Mission Station (situated in the Magisterial District of Melmoth)
M a rin e P arad e, W est S tre e t, F a r e w e ll S tre e t, S m ith S tre e t, to points within a radius of 50 km thereof and casual trips.
Alexandra Street, St Andrew’s Street Terminus.
AR/232 (541)—UMZINTO. (2) Singh Snresh Boni and Samlal
CITY/SOUTH BEACH CIRCULAR SERVICE Mohan, trading as Mtwalume Bus Company. Umzinto; additional
Urban Route 26A: St Andrews Street, Russell Street, Victoria vehicle. (3) One bus—NX 3035. (4) (a) and (5) (a) As set out
Embankment, Broad Street, West Street, Marine Parade, South below:
Beach Avenue. Prince Street, Bell Street Terminus, Marine 1. Non-White passengers and their personal effects from Glebe
Parade. West Street, Farewell Street, Smith Street, Alexandra Store (Mtwalumi Mission Reserve) to Kelso Station and return;
Street, St Andrews Street Terminus. via Dumisa Road, Beacon Hill, Ifafa Mission, Esperanza Hill,
Umdoni Park turnoff. National Road and Pennington on Fri­
CITY /PO IN T CIRCULAR SERVICE days, Saturdays, Sundays and evening of public holidays; from
Urban Route 26B: St Andrews Street, Russell Street, Victoria Glebe Store Umtwalumi Mission Reserve to Umzinto via Espe­
Embankment, Broad Street, West Street. Point Road, Ruther­ ranza Hill and return daily service Mondays and Fridays.
ford Street, Prince Street. Bell Street, Point Road Terminus. 2. Non-White passengers and their prersona! effects from:
Return Point Road, Bell Street, Prince Street, Rutherford Street, (1) Mtwalumi (terminal point Msigazi Store, 3 km of existing
Point Road, Smith Street, Alexandra Street, St Andrews Street terminus. Mrs Bard’s Farm, to Umzinto Court House and return
Terminus. via Mrs Bard's Farm, Glebe Store (Mtwalumi) and Ifafa Mission
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 35

Reserve; (2) Mtwalumi (terminal point Msigazi Store) to Umzinto AR242 (546)^-EMPANGENI. (2) Ramnarain Ranjith. trading
Court House and return via Kelso Junction—on Fridays, Satur­ as Sentinal Transport, Durban; additional vehicles with new
days, eve of public holidays and Mondays if sufficient passen­ authority. (3) One lorry—ND 202-019, two mechanical horses—
gers offering—Mrs Bard’s Farm. Glebe Store (Mtwalumi) and ND 141-086, and ND 26326 and two trailers—ND 9087 and
Ifafa Mission Reserve. NUF 14837. (4) Concrete blocks, bricks and tiles on behalf of
3. Non-White passengers and their personal effects from A. Empangeni Brick and Tile. (5) Within a radius of 240 km of
Nene’s Store (near Mtwalumi River) to Umzinto Court House via Post Office, Empangeni.
Mtwalumi Mission Reserve, Glebe Store, Beacon Hill, Malangeni
Mission House: (1) Direct weekdays. (2) Kelso Station and Sezela AR243 (537)—DURBAN. (2) Southern Sun Hotels Corporation
Sugar Mill on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays if Ltd. Scottburgh; additional vehicle. (3) One combi—NX 11810.
sufficient passengers and return. (4) (a) Goods in the course of the holder’s industry, trade or
4. Non-White passengers and their personal effects: (1) Between business on behalf of its wholly owned hotels: Blue Marin, 1
Sezela and Kingsdale Store. (2) From Mi-s Bard’s Farm (Mtwa- Malibu Hotel, Beverley Hills Hotel, Elangeni Hotei, Edward
lutni) to Umzinto Court House via Glebe Store I fafa Mission Hotel, Umhlanga Rocks Hotel. (5) (a) (i) Within a radius of
Reserve and return. (3) From Mrs Bard’s Farm (Mtwalumi) to 80 km of place of business, (ii) Within the Durban exempted
Umzinto Court House via Glebe Store, Ifafa Mission Reserve and area. (4) (b) Hotel guests and their luggage; on behalf of Blue
return to Mrs Bard’s Farm via Kelso Station on Fridays, Satur­ Marlin Hotel, Elangeni Hotel, Malibu Hotel, Beverley Hills Hotel,
days, eve of public holidays and Mondays if sufficient passengers Edward Hotel and Umhlangarocks Hotel. (5) (b) Between afore­
are offering. mentioned hotels and Durban Railway Station, Durban Docks,
5. Non-White passengers and their personal effects from Sha- Louis Botha Airport, Beach Touring Offices, air and ocean ter­
bans’s Kraal, District of Wilder, along Road P258 to junction of minals. (4) (c) Hotel personnel, free of charge. (5) (c) Within
Cello’s Drift to Umzinto Court House via Mtwalumi Mission a radius of 40 km of General Post Office, Durban, between the
Reserve, Glebe Store, Beacon Hill, Malangeni Mission House. hours of 23h30 and 05h30 daily.
Daily Service. (4) (b) Non-White organised parties and their AR244 (560)—DURBAN. (2) South Coast Bus Service (Pty)
personal effects. (5) (b) Within a radius of 160 km of Post Office, Ltd, Isipingo Rail; amended authority. (3) 30 buses (existing
Umzinto, excluding the Transkei. buses). (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5)
AR233 (544)—DURBAN / UMZINTO / PORT EDWARD. Route A: From Durban (Victoria Street Bus Rank) to Swalestown
(2) Daya Chotoo Thakoor, Umzinto; additional vehicle. (3) One Township, Reunion and return; via Warwick Avenue. Gale Street,
van—NX 12338. (4) Newspapers ontv (5) From Umzinto to alternatively Sydney Road, Congella Road, Umbilo Road, South
Durban and from Durban to Port Edward and return. Coast Road, Old Main Road, Enwabi Road. Gokul Road, Orient
A R2U (543)—FM TANGENT. (21 Ndaba Mazikawukho Phile­ Road and return via Old Main Road. South Coast Road, into
mon. Felixton; additional vehicle. (3) One truck—NUF 11288. (4) terminus in Durban. Route B: Non-White employees of New
General goods on behalf of Bantu only. (5) Within a radius of 20 Shell Oil Refinery, via Gokul Road, Enwabi Road, Old South
km of Post Office. Emoangeni. Coast Road. Fly-over Bridge, Isipingo Avenue, New Access Road
AR/235 (548)—LOWER UMFOLOZI. (2) Mtbethwa Siginqa to New Shell Oil Refinery and vice versa.
Wilmoth, Kwambonambi: additional vehicle and additional author­
ity. (3) One vehicle to be advised. (4) Non-White passengers and Restriction to be removed on Routes A and B: (1) Subject to
their personal effects. (5) From points within a radius of 10 km a minimum tariff of 5c single on outward journeys to Swales­
from Mabayeni Mission, Magisterial District of Lower Urnfolozi, town during 17h00 to 18h00 daily excluding Saturdays. Such
to p o 'its within a radius of 50 km thereof and return. minimum tariff shall be applicable to all passengers boarding the
AR236 (536)—DURBAN/REEF. (2) New Transport (Pty) vehicle at points between Victoria Street Bus Rank and the
Ltd. Brighton Beach: additional vehicle. (3) One lorry to be Umhlatuzana River Bridge on South Coast Road. (2) Subject to
acquired. (41 (a) Goods. all classes excluding furniture (5) (al the restriction that on journeys to the refinery no passengers be
Within a radius of 40 km of General Post Office. Durban. (4) set down the intersection of Gokul-Enwabi Roads and a point
(b) Rubber rollers on behalf of Stowe Woodward Btr (S.A.) immediately beyond the intersection of Old South Coast Road
Ltd. (5) (b) Between Durban and Reef exempted area. (4) (c) with National South Coast Road and on trips from the refinery
Own goods. (5) (c) Within the Durban exempted area. no passengers be picked up between the aforesaid points.
AR237 (539)—UMKOMAAS / EMPANGENI. (2) Jaikaran AR245 (See list below)—DURBAN. (2) Umhlatuzana Opera­
Dhunesh'.vur, Umkomaas; additional vehicle. (3) One lorry to be tors: additional and amended authority. (3) See list below. (4)
advised. (41 (a) Quarry stone exclusively on behalf of Canonby Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) (i) From
Quarries, Umkomaas. (5) (a) Within a radius of 80 km of Umko­ Victoria Street Bus Rank (alternatively Sydney Road Bus Rank
maas. (4) (b) Crushed stone, sand and sub-base exclusively on to Bus Stop 2, Umhlatuzana Township via: Outward: Victoria
behalf of Zulu Stone (Ptvl Ltd, Empangeni. (5) (b) Within a Street, Warwick Avenue, Berea Road, Gale Street, Umbilo- Sarnia
radius of 50 km of Post Office, Empangeni. Roads, Edwin Swales V.C. Drive, South Coast-Grimsby Roads,
AR238 (532)—NATAL. (2) Naidoo. M. N., trading as Cutrite Higginson Highway, Chatsworth Road. Collier Avenue. Alterna­
Tailors. Verulam: new motor carrier certificate. (3) One panel tively roads 1003, 1006, 1009, Syringa Avenue, Finch Street,
van—NJ 5666. (4) Clothing, canned foods and spices. (5) Within Erica Avenue, Road 1020 and Road 1021. (ii) From Magestic
the Province of Natal. Cinema. Main Chatsworth Road, Collier Avenue, 54th Avenue,
AR239 (435)—NATAL. (2) Natal Sandblasting and Painting Syringa Avenue, Roads 1009, 1020 and 1021, Erica Avenue,
(Pty) Ltd, Stamford Hill: new motor carrier certificate. (3) One Corrick Road, Stella Road, Sarine Road Rossburgh to Durban.
pick-up—ND 37434. (4) (a) Own employees whilst on duty. (5)
(a) Between construction sites and place of business within the (447) —Jugoo Sahadaw, Umhlatuzana—ND 126-065, ND 230-
Province of Natal. (41 (bl Own sandblasting and painting equip­ 990, ND 228-386 and ND 80449.
ment and paint. (5) (b) Within the Province of Natal.
(448) —Jugoo Kamanand Kalichuran. Sydenham—ND 218-037.
AR240 (See list below)—DURBAN. (2) Mount Edgecombe Bus
Operators Association. Durban; additional vehicle and additional (449—Sewchuran Dhaneshwar and Rabichand, Umhlatuzana—
authority. (3) See list below. (4) Non-White passengers and their ND 126-067.
personal effects. (5) From the junction of North Coast Road and
Phoenix Township, Spine Road, along the Spine Road into Road (450) —Sewchuran Dhaneshwar and Rabichand & Maharaj
202, along Road 202 into Road 304. along Road 304 to junction Mohan, Umhlatuzana—ND 67527.
of Road 308 and 303, and return along Road 204 into junction
of road to West Brook and North Coast Road, along North (451) —Kalichuran Ramsuran Sooknunan, Havenside—ND 198-
Coast Road, Umgeni Road, Beatrice Street, Grey and Lome 399, ND 65374 and ND 194-453.
Streets, into the Terminus at Lome Street Bus Rank, Durban, and
vise versa. Time tables can be inspected at the offices of the Local (452) —Jugoo Kalichuran Jugoo, Sydenham—ND 45588.
Road Transportation Board, Durban. (453) —MARIELALL Athmaram, Kharwastan—ND 80263.
(552) —Bangtoo Ram Bisasur; one vehicle to be acquired.
(553) — H a r ip e r s a d D h a n r a j; o n e v e h ic le to b e a c q u ire d . (454) —Amritpal, Kharwastan—ND 40266, ND 264-093 and
ND 207-651.
(554) —Sellamaya Kotia; two vehicles to be acquired.
(555) —Munilall Mungal; one vehicle to be acquired. AR246 (818)—VERULAM. (2) Govender Angemootho Subra-
money, Verulam; renewal. (3) One bus—NJ 18855. (4) (a) Non-
(556) —Springfield Omnibus Service (Pty) Ltd; three vehicles toWhite passengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) From Verulam
be acquired. Bus Rand to (a) Ameerkaloo’s Store along North Coast Road
AR241 (88)—ICWAMAKHUTHA. (2) Bhengu Samson Bheka- and Inanda Road via Baldeo’s House, Arnouti Bus Stop and
bantu, Amanzimtoti; new motor carrier certificate. (3) One motor­ return. (4) (b) Non-White organised parties and their personal
car to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) (b) Within a radius of 160 km of Verulam Bus Rank.-
effects. (5) From Shabalala’s Store. Kwamakhutha Township to
points within a radius of 25 km thereof. Excluding conveyance Time-table and scale of charges for inspection at Local Board’s
of passengers to and from Amanzimtoti. offices.
35 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

JM7/A1297—PIET RETIEF. (2) J. M. Pereira, trading as Veepee

JOHANNESBURG Transport, Piet Relief; new application. (3) One truck. (4) (a)
A d d r e s s to w h ic h re p r e s e n ta tio n s m u s t be s u b m itte d : T h e Fruit and vegetables. (5) (a) The route Johannesburg Fresh
S e c r e ta ry , L o c a l R o a d T r a n s p o r ta tio n B o a rd , P riv a te B a g X 1 2 , Fruit Produce Market to Piet Relief and back to Johannes­
J o h a n n e s b u rg , 2000. burg Fresh Fruit Produce Market. (4) (b) Beds, bedside tables,
A d r e s w a a rh e e n v e n c 'e g erig m o d w o rd : D ie S e k r e ta ris, P lans­ cupboards, drawing cabinets, chairs, sewing machines, tables,
lik e P a d v e rv o e r ra a d , P riv a a tsa k X I2, J o h a n n e s b u rg , .-000. stoves, refrigerators, crockery, washing machines, irons, iron-
boards, electrical mixers, carpets, washing machines, vacuum
JM808/A1960— REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) East cleaners, sofas, benches, garden chairs and tables, dish washing
Rand Pigeon Transport, Boksburg; new application. (3) One machines, lawnmowers, cutlery, crockery glassware, mirrors,
truck. (4) Pigeons owned by members of the East Rand Pigeon wall-stands and sideboards. (5) (b) Within a radius of 509 km
Transport combine for races and training tosses by means of of Piet RetieL.Tvl.
a special equipment vehicle. (5) From points on the Reef area JM530/A1932—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Techno
to points within the Republic of South Africa and the return Commander Maintenance (Pty) Ltd, Baragwanath; new appli­
of empty baskets to the club. Tariff: Tracing tosses, Rl,70 per cation. (3) One truck. (4) (a) Air. raft engines, aircraft airframes
basket. Races, 21c per bird. and general tools necessary for the dismantling and repair of
JM665/A1943—REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) E. H. Ham­ aircraft. (5) (a) From point of accident within the Republic of
mond, trading as Hammond Cartage, Malvern; new applica­ South Africa to Baragwanath Airfield Workshops. (4) (b) Own
tion. (3) One truck. (4) Goods. (5) Between points within the tools of trade (not for sale) for own use only. (5) (b) Within
Reef cartage area. the Republic of South Africa.
JM786/A1734—VEREENIGING. (2) J. D. J. Nel, handel- JM6093/A872—WADEVILLE. (2) Alco Transport (Ednas.) Bpk.,
drywende as Janet Vervoer, Vanderbijlpark; Bykomende voer- Wadeville; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een voorspanwa. (4) Trek
tuig. (3) Een vragmotor. (4) Sand, klip en gruis. (5) Bestaande van sleepwaens. (5) Soos per Bylae T.
magtiging. JM6125/A1864—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) George
JM800/A1964—REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) Gustav Nkosi, Sejake. Sharpeville; new application. (31 One m:n>-bus. (4)
Katlehong; new apolication. (3) One vehicle to be supplied. Non-European members of Southern Transvaal Non-European
(4) (a) Goods, all classes on behalf of Bantu. (5) (a) Within the Boxing Association and their personal effects. (5) From Sharpe­
Reef cartage area. (4) (b) Bona fide household removals on ville to points within the Republic of South Afrira and return.
behalf of Bantu (pro forma). (5) (b) Within a radius of 240
km of Post Office, Katlehong. (4) (c) Fresh fruit and vegetables JM739 / A1890 — REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRTKA EN
on behalf of Bantu only. (5) (c) Within a radius of 240 km SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) M. Capazorio, Primrose; bykomende
of Post Office, Katlehong. voertuig. (3) Een voorspanwa en een leunwa. (41 (a) Voorspanwa—
JM807/A1961—REEF AND PRETORIA EXEMPTED AREA. trek van sleepwaens. (5) (a) Soos per Bylae T. (4) (b) Leunwa:
(2) E. J. Wright, Brakpan; new application. (3) One vehicle Goedere. (5) (b) Volgens bestaande magtiging.
to be supplied. (4) General goods. (5) Between points within JM 951/A1193—TULISA PARK. (2) United Transport Con­
the Reef and Pretoria exempted area. tracts (Pty) Ltd, Tulisa Park; additional vehicle. (3) Two horses.
JM905/A1967—VANDERBIJLPARK. (2) Bonhi, Stephen (4) Haulage of trailers. (5) As per Annexure T.
Makhale, Evaton; new application. (3) One truck. (4) (a) Goods, JM751/A1193—PIET RETIEF AND PIETERMARITZBURG.
on behalf of and belonging to Bantu only. (5) (a) Between (2) United Transport Contracts (Pty) Ltd, Tulisa Park; addi­
points within the Magisterial District of Vanderbijlpark. (4) (b) tional authority. (3) Three semi-trailers and three bow bar
Bona fide household removals on behalf of Bantu (pro forma). trailers. (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a) As per existing authority. (4) (b)
(5) (b) From points within the Magisterial District of Vander- Splinterboard (wood fibre board) on behalf of Bisonbord Ltd.
bilpark to points within a radius of 480 km of the Post Office, (5) (b) From Piet Retief to Pietermaritzburg.
JM923/A1968—REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) J. G. Trollip, JM929/A6795B—BOKSBTJRG. (2) Stadsraad van Boksburg,
Halfway House; new application. (3) One semi-trailer and one Boksburg; gewysigde magtiging. (3) Twee buisse. (4) Blanke
horse. (4) Goods. (5) Between points within the Reef cartage georganiseerde geselskapne. waar en wanneer benodig vir sport,
area. godsdienstige en rpvoedkundige bveenkomste. (5) Binne ’n radius
JM931/A1468—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Sedawa van 500 km vanaf Stadsaal, Boksburg. Wanneer benodig. Tarief:
Investments (Pty) Ltd. Wadeville; additional vehicle. (3) One 55c per km en R3.60 per uur drvwerstyd.
trailer. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing authority. JM930/A6795NB—BOKSBURG. f2) Stadsraad van Boksburg;
JM721/A1948—KWA-THEMA. (2) Lawrence Kwanazi, Kwa- Boksburg; gewysigde magtiging. (3) Drie busse. (4) Bantoe
Thema; new application. (3) One bus to be supplied. (4) Bantu georganiseerde geselskappe waar en wanneer benodig vir sport,
organised parties and their personal effects travelling as a group godsdienstige en opvoedkundige byeenkomste. (5) Binne ’n radius
on educational, sports and religious events on Saturdays, Sun­ van 500 km vanaf Boksburg Stadsaal wanneer benodig. Tarief:
days and public holidays only. (5) From Kwa-Thema location 55c per km en Rl,65 per uur werksdae en R3,30 per uur
to points within a radius of 100 km of the Post Office, Kwa- Sondae.
Thema and return. Tariff: As per agreement. JM 913 / A 19374—REEF CARTAGE AREA. (2) E. du Plessis,
JM720/A1947—VEREENIGING AND VANDERBIJLPARK. Edenvale; additional vehicles. (3) Two semi-trailers, one truck and
(2) Simon Mabote, Sharpeville: new application. (3) One truck. two horses. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing authority.
(4) Coal and firewood. (5) From Viljoensdrift Coal Mine to JM914/A22432—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Helius
Vereeniging and Vanderbijlpark. Machine Handling and Rigging (Ptv) Ltd, Elandsfontein: addi­
JM866/A1962—REEF AND PRETORIA EXEMPTED AREA. tional vehicles. (3) Three semi-trailers and three horses. (4)
(2) Mohamed Moosa. Benoni; new application. (3) One vehie'e. Goods. (5) As per existing authority.
(4) General goods. (5) Between points within the Reef and JM550/A17862—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Tide­
Pretoria exempted area. Free of charge. water Transport Group (Ptv) Ltd, Elandsfontein; amended
JM842/A1958—GERMTSTON. (2) Danger Walaza, Natal- and additional authority. (3) 12 semi-trailers. (4) (a) Goods. (5) (a)
spruit; new application. (3) One truck. (4) (a) Goods on behalf As per existing authoritv. (4) (b) Concrete box culverts i-n behalf
of and belonging to Bantu only. (5) (a) Between points within of Superocla. (5) (b) Direct to construction and building sites
the municipal area of Germiston. (4) (b) Bona fide household within a radius of 480 km of Elandsfontein. (4) (c) Porous
removals on behalf of Bantu (pro forma). (5) (b) From points concrete pipes. (5) (c) Direct to construction and building sites
within the municipal area of Germiston to points within a radius within a radius of 480 km of Elandsfontein.
of 480 km of Post Office, Germiston. JM848/A2957—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Thorn­
T M 7 5 8 /A 1 949— R E E F A N D P R E T O R I A E X E M P T E D A R E A . to n s T r a n s p o r ta tio n (P tv ) L td , T u lis a P a r k ; a d d itio n a l v e h ic le s.
(2) G. P. Ceronie, Oberholzer; new application. (3) Two trucks. (3) Two semi-trailers. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing authority.
(4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Between points within the Reef JM858/A21558—FLORIDA. (2) Process Control Instrumenta­
and Pretoria exempted area. (4) fb) Own livestock for delivery tion (Pty) Ltd, Lea Glen; new application. (3) One bus. (4)
to Bantu only. (5) (b) From Oberholzer to points within a White staff and their personal effects (free of charge). (5)
radius of 480 km of applicants place of business at Oberholzer. From premises Yaron Street, GraviHe Avenue, Main Reef
(4) (c) Livestock belonging to and on behalf of Bantu. (5) (c) Road, Hubbard Street. Kathleen Street. Sixth Avenue (Florida
From Oberholzer to points within a radius of 480 km of Station), Ruth Street, Third Avenue. Goldman Street (Florida
applicants place of business at Oberholzer. Centre), and return to premises. Time-table: Florida Centre,
JM8U/A1767—RANDKARWETGEBIED. (2) J. G. Fonrie, 07h30, Florida Station, 07h45, PCT Premises, 08h00, Florida
Randburg; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een vragmotor. (4) Goedere. Centre, 16h30, Florida Station, 16hl5, PCI Premises, 16h00.
(5) Volgens bestaande magtiging. JM809/A22767—REEF AMD PRETORIA EXEMPTED AREA.
JM874/A1142—PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL. (2) M. D. (2) J. F. da Silva, Kempton Park; additional vehicles. (3) One
Bierman, Vereeniging; additional authority. (3) Five trucks. (4) semi-trailer and one horse. (41 (a) Horse: Haulage of trailers. (5)
(a) Goods. (5) (a) As per existing authority. (4) (b) Goods, (a) As per Annexure T. (4) (b) Trailer: Goods. (5) (b) As
all classes. (5) (b) Within the Reef cartage area. per existing authority.
STAATEKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 37

JM850/A1697—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) G. By hospitaal draai regs in Pasteur Boulevard en ry tot by robot
S.hoeman, trading as Billy’s Transport, Alberton; additional in Faraday Boulevard, gaan oor in Langenhoven en ry tot by
vehicles. (3) One truck and one horse. (4) (a) Horse: Haulage Scottstraat, draai links. Afstand: 14,50 km. 45 minute. Tweede
of trailers. (5) (a) As per Annexure T. (4) (b) Truck: Goods. skof gaan op dieselfde roete as eerste rit na Yskorwerke. Begin
(5) (b) As per existing authority. om 13h00. Terugrit begin om 14h30 by Yskorwerke en gaan
JM423/A1902—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Omni­ dieselfde roete as terugrit vanaf eerste terugrit vanaf Yskorwerke.
bus Holdings (Pty) Ltd, trading as Omnibus Group, Alberton; perd e skof begin om 21h00. Tweede rit na Yskorwerke. Terugit
additional vehicles. (3) Four dolly. trailers. (4) Goods. (5) As derde skof begin om 21h30 vanaf Yskorwerke op terugrit as
per existing authority. vorige twee skofte so terugrit. Tarief: 30c en 45c per rit.
Motor and Diesel (Pty) Ltd, Alberton; additional vehicles. (3) PRETORIA
Four semi-trailers and three horses. (4) Goods. (5) As per
existing authority. A d d r e s s to w h ic h re p r e s e n ta tio n s m u s t b e s u b m itte d : T h e
JM875/A23638—EDENVALE. (2) M. J. Viljoen, handeldrywend S e creta ry , L o c a l R .o a d T r a n s p o r ta tio n B o a rd , P r iv a te B ag X I55,
as Theunsus Heavy Transport, Edenvale; gewysigde magtiging. P re to ria , 0001.
(3) Vier sleepwaens. (4) Verwydering van beperking, onderhewig A d r e s w a a rh e e n v e r to e g erig rn o et w o rd : D ie S e kreta ris, P laas-
aan hersiening, waar dit voorkom op bestaande goedgekeurde lik e P a d v e rv o e r ra a d , P riv a a ts a k X155, P re to ria , 0001.
magtiging. M9732/A733—DRIEKOP. (2) John Mathetse Makofane, Drie-
JM427/ A40—RANDKARWEIGEBIED. (2) P. S. Steenkamp, kop; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een kombi (10 passasiers) om aangekoop
Westdene; bykomende voertuig. (3) Een vragmotor. (4) Goedere. te word. (4) Bantoetaxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5)
(5) Volgens bestaande magtiging. Tussen Driekop, Burgersfort, Lydenburg, Steelpoort, Jane Furse
JM869/A19086—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) N. J. en Pietersburg binr.e ’n radius van 320 km binne die area.
Steyn, trading as Nicwell Transport, Sundra; additional vehicles. R494/A726—BOEKENHOUTKLOOF, DISTRIK PRETORIA.-
(3) One four-wheel trailer and one truck. (4) Goods. (5) As per (2) Joseph Robbertse, Boekenhoutkloof; nuwe aansoek vir
existing authority. bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een vragmotor
JM873/A856—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) J. F. —TP 229-428 (12 700 kg). (4) Sand, klip en stene ten behoewe van
Eloff. handeldrywend as Hannes Eloff, Boksburg; additional Sabrix. (5) Binne ’n radius van 240 km vanaf plek van besigheid
vehicle. (3) One semi-trailer. (4) Goods. (5) As per existing te Boekenhoutkloof, distrik Pretoria.
authority. D664/A730—SLARY, DISTRIK MARICO. (2) Duffeys Trans­
JM 859 / A13919—REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFR IK A. (2) Prim­ port (Pty) Ltd, Mafeking; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende magti­
rose Transport (Edms.) Bpk., Primrose; bykomende voertuie. (3) ging ten opsigte van bestaande voertuie. (3) Twee leunwaens,
Een voorspanwa en twee leunwaens. (4) Goedere. (5) Volgens twee meganiese perde. (4) Eie sement—as vervoerkontrakteur
bestaande magtiging. en algemene handelaar. (5) Vanaf Slary, distrik Marico na Pom-
JM872/A23240—ELSBURG. (2) Lowline Carriers (Pty) Ltd, fret, Pie! Plessis en Gemsbokvlakte, distrik Vryburg.
Elsburg; amended authority. (3) Seven horses. (4) Haulage of M9731/A731—INYOKU 159, DISTRIK LETABA. (2) Katishi
trailers. (5) As per Annexure T. Joseph Maraba, Phalaborwa; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar
JM857/A21048—KWA-THEMA. (2) J. Kope, Kwa-Thema; (6 passasiers) om aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en
amended authority. (3) One combi. (4) Bantu organised hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Mica gelee op Inyoku
parties, educational, church conference, funerals and sport parties, 159, distrik Letaba, na punte binne 15 km radius vanaf Mica
tourists and their personal effects. (5) From Kwa-Thema to points gelee op Inyoku 159, distrik Letaba en vanaf punte binne 15 km
within a radius of 500 km of Post Office, Kwa-Thema, and radius vanaf Mica gelee op Inyoku 159, distrik Letaba na Mica
return. The return journey to be undertaken immediately upon gelee op Inyoku 159, distrik Letaba.
the compietion/fu’filment of the purpose(s) for which journey K1166/A721—VLAKPLAATS 354, DISTRIK PRETORIA. (2)
conveyance was undertaken. Time-table: As and when required. Charles Kwadi, Atteridgeville; nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee motorkarre
Tariff: As per agreement. (6 passasiers) om aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en
JM629/A1757—SOWETO. (21 P. M. Rakodi, Soweto; new hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Vlakplaats 354. distrik
application. (3) One microbus. (4) Black members of the Rennies Pretoria na punte gelee binne ’n radius van 20 km vanaf Vlak­
Pirates Football side. (5) (a) From Rennie House. 19 Ameshoff plaats. (ii) Vanaf punte gelee binne ’n radius van 20 km vanaf
Street, Braamfontein, to Crown Mines Football Club on Mondays, Vlakplaats 354, distrik Pretoria, na Vlakplaats 354.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the purpose of practice and return R1507/A715—LETABA. (2) Frank Masedi Rasehlapa. Duiwels-
thereafter to Soweto. (5) (b) From Soweto to tile undermentioned kloof: new application. (3) One light delivery van—LEB 7502
venues on Saturdays and Sundays to participate in league games (1 180 kg). (4) Fresh fruit and vegetables. (5) From various farm­
and return to Soweto, (i) Crown Mines Football Club, Crown ers in the District of Letaba to Lebowa.
Mines; (ii) EmmarenHal Football Club, Emmarentia; (iff) Moroka N1110/A714—BARBERTON. (2) Sam K. Nkosi, Karino; new
Football Club Moroka. Soweto; (iv) Linmeyer Football Club application for additional authority in respect of existing vehicle.
Linmeyer; (v) Orlando Football Club Orlando. Tariff: Free of (3) One lorry—TRH 18038. (4) Roadma>m« material. (5) Between
charge. points within the Magisterial District of Barberton.
JM 129/A1890—V a NDERBTJLPARK. (2) J. A. de Nysschen, V719/A718—WANNENBURG, DISTRIK PIETERSBURG. (2)
handeldrywend as Mini Vervoer, Vanderbijlpark; nuwe aansoek. Clement Verveen, Ladanna: nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voer-
(3) Een mikrobus. (4) Blanke passasiers en hul persoonlike tuig met eewysigde magtiging. (3) Een motorkar (6 passasiers)—
bagasie. (5) Beginrit na Yskorwerke, begin om 05h00 in Scott- TAL 19677. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie.
straat, draai regs in Langenhoven op tot by Robertdraai, regs (5) Binne ’n radius van 20 km vanaf F.rf 270, Wannenburg, distrik
op in Faraday Boulevard oor Nasionale Vereeniging/Paryspad, Pietersburg. Die voertuig sal te Erf 270, Wannenburg, gestasioneer
in Rossini Boulevard, verby Helena Lochnerstraat, verby Boswell- wees.
straat verby Lion Cachetstraat, verby Warbonstraat, verby
Totiusstraat. Draai regs in Schumannstraat, verby Liszstraat, B895/A741—PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL. (2) Hendrik Jacobus
verby Straussstraat, draai links in Verdistraat. Ry verby Mabler- Botha, Rustenburg; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuig met
straat, sowel as Handelstraat, Straussstraat en Gounodstraat. Draai bestaande magtiging. (3) Een meganiese perd—TRB 28632
links in Frikkie Meyer Boulevard, draai regs in Piet Retief (21 000 kg). (41 (a) Sand, klip en gruis vir padmaakdoeleindes.
Boulevard. Draai links in President Steynstraat. Ry aan en draai (5) (a) Binne die provinsie Transvaal. (4) (b) Cliroom erts. (5) (b)
regs in Christiaan Dewetstraat. Ry aan en draai h'er links in Tussen ICroondal en Rustenburg.
Louis Trichardt Boulevard. Ry oor nasionale pad (Vcreeniging- M9717/A581—PASWANE LOCATION 257, DISTRICT OF
Parys), draai by sirkel links in Jan Vanriebeeck Boulevard. Ry SIBASA. (2) Samuel Muthelo. Louis Trichardt; new application.
tot by robot by hospitaal, draai links in Pasteur Boulevard, ry (3) One motor-car to be acquired. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and
tot by robot gaan oor Faraday Boulevard in Langenbcvenstraat their personal effects. (5) (i) Between points within a radius of
af. PIou aan met Langenhoven tot by sirkel in Curie Boulevard, 35 km of Paswane Location 257, District of Sfbasa. (ii) From
gaan reguit aan in McColm Boulevard. Draai links in Delfos p o in ts w ith in a r a d iu s o f 35 k m o f P a s w a n e L o c a tio n to Paswane,
Boulevard en regs uit na Yskorwerke. Tyd: 45 minute. Afstand: Distict of Sibasa. Vehicle to be stationed at Post Office, Paswane,
14,50 km. Terugrit vanaf Yskorwerke. Begin om 18h30 by Yskor­ District of Sibasa.
werke, draai links in Delfos Boulevard, regs in McColm Boule­ M6219/A566—MAMELODI WEST. (2) Gija Petrus Masango,
vard en ry reguit om sirkel in Curie Boulevard. Ry aan in Mamelodi West: new application for additional vehicle with new
LangenhovenStraat. draai regs in Faraday Boulevard oor nasio­ authority. (3) One (7-ton) truck to be acquired. (4) Building
nale pad in Rossini Boulevard af, draai regs in Schumanstraat material and furniture removals belonging to Non-Whites. (5)
af en ry aan, draai links uit in Verdistraat. Ry aan en draai From Mamelodi Community Centre situated at Kubone Street,
links in Frikkie Meyer Boulevard, ry aan, draai regs in Piet Mamelodi West, District of Pretoria, to points within a radius
Retief Boulevard. Ry aan en draai links in President Steynstraat, of 50 km of Mamelodi Community Centre and return from points
ry aan en draai regs in. Christiaan Dewetstraat. Ry aan en draai within a radius of 50 km of Mamelodi Community Centre to
dan links in Louis Trichardt Boulevard. Ry tot by nasionale pad Mamelodi Community Centre. The vehicle to be stationed at
oor en draai links om sirkel in Jan Vanriebeeck Boulevard in. house 1281, Section D, Mamelodi West, Pretoria,

M2081/A579—SPEEKFONTEIN 336 JS, DISTRICT OF WIT- S3220/A662—R.S.A.-OSHOEK BORDER. (2) Aigin Hitler
BANK. (2) Tikkie Rooney Maiuka, Witbank; new application lor Saulus, FzuKvini; new application. (3) One lorry—SD 19605 (2 259
an additional vehicle with amended authority. (3) One motor-car kg). (4) Fruit and vegetables. (5) From Pretoria to Oshoek Border
to be acquired (5 passengers). (4) Bantu, passengers and their en route to Swaziland via Johannesburg.
personal effects. (5) (i) Between points within a radius of 40 km 9221/A653—STEELPOOPTDRIFT 365, DISTRIK SEK-
of Naaupoort Duhva Power Station situated at Speekfontein HUICHUNELAND. (2) Lowe George Mabuza, Steelpoort; nuwe
336 JS, District of Witbank. (ii) From points within a radius of aansoek vir bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3)
40 km of Naaupoort Duhva Power Station to Duhva Power Twee motorkarre (ses passasiers) om aangekoop te word. (4) Ban­
Station situated at Speekfontein 336 JS, District of Witbank. toepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Steelpoort-
Vehicle to be stationed at Duhva Power Station, Speekfontein 336 drift 365, distrik Sekhukhuneland, na punte gelee binne ’n radius
JS, District of Witbank. One hour (pro forma) restriction on bus van 35 km vanaf Steelpoortdrift; (ii) vanaf punte gelee binne ’n
route. radius van 35 km vanaf Steelpoortdrift 365, distrik Sekhukhune-
P1375/A505—EENS'GEVONDEN S25. DISTRIK NEBO. (2) land, na Steelpoortdirft.
Tsatsi Heven PhahTatnohlaka, Soetvelden; nuwe aanscek vir
bykomende voertuig met gewysigde magtiging. (3) Ecn motorkar M9716/A580—JANE FURSE 819, DISTRICT OF NEBO. (2)
(6 passasiers) om aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassa iers en hul Makwakwadi Maete Makgabo, Lefalane; new application. (3) One
persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Eensgevonden 825, distrik motor-car (live passengers) to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers
Nebo. na ounte gelee binr.e ’n ruTus van 35 km vpnaf Eensge­ and their personal effects. (5) (i) Between points within a radius
vonden. (ii) Vanaf punle gelee binne 'n radius van 35 km vanaf of 40 km of Jane Furse 819, District of Nebo; (ii) from points
Eensgevonden 825. d: ‘"H- Nebo na Eensoevonden. within a radius of 40 km of Jane Furse to Jane Furse 819, Dis­
Z171/A609—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA/OSHOEK trict of Nebo. Vehicle to be stationed at Jane Furse 819, Distriot
BORDER POST. (2) H van / •> ')••••'. M b a b a n e : new appli­ of Nebo.
cation. (3) One lorry (680 kg)—SD 21432. (4) (a) Own fresh fruit M4848 / A644—LOMONDO - BANTOEDORP, DISTRIK
and vegetables. (5) (a) From Johannesburg and Pretoria Markets VUWAN1 1. (2) William Mphephu, Vuwani 1; nuwe aansoek
to Oshoek border en route to Mbabane. (4) (b) Own furniture vir bykomende voertuig met gewysigde magtiging. (3) Twee niotor-
(pro forma) (21 A and B). (5) Hi) Within a radius of 480 km of karre (ses passasiers) om aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers
place of business at Mbabane. (4) (c) Plastic and paper packaging en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Lomondo-Bantoedorp gelee
materials. (5) (-) From Johannesburg to Oshoek border en route op Dzweroni 22, distrik Vuwani 1, na punte binne 35 km radius
to Mbabane. en vanaf punte binne 35 km radius vanaf Lomondo-Bantoedorp
M9071/A595—LEEUWFONTEIN 750, DTSTRTK NEBO. (2) gelee op Dzweroni 22, distrik Vuwani 1, na Lomondo-Bantoedorp
Menzclwa Jaffa Masombuka, Strydmag; nuwe aansoek vir byko­ gelee op Dzweroni 22, distrik Vuwani 1.
mende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een motorkar S2639/A577—GARSFONTEIN, DISTRICT OF PRETORIA.
(6 passasiers) om aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en (2) Jabulani Jacob Simelane, Mamelodi East; new application. (3)
hul persoonlike bagasie. (51 (i) Vanaf Leeuwfontein 750, distrik One motor-car to be acquired. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and
Nebo. na punte gelee binne ’n radius van 20 km vanaf Leeuwfon­ their personal effects. (5) (i) Between points within a radius of
tein. (ii) vanaf punte geleK binr.e ’n radius van 20 km vanaf 25 km of Dainma Farm, Plot 374, Garsfontein; (ii) from points
Leeuwfontein 750. distrik Nebo na Leeuwfontein. within a radius of 25 km of Dainma Farm to Dainma Farm.
M9533/A596 — HAAKDOORNBOOM 267. DISTRIK Plot 374, Garsfontein, District of Pretoria. Vehicle to be stationed
PRETORIA. (2) Jabulani Jan Mathibela, Mamelodi-oos; nuwe at Dainma Farm, Plot 374, Garsfontein.
aansoek. (3) Twee motorkarre (6 passasiers) om aangekoop te
word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) M6628/ A 656—GOEDE REDE. (2) Ramabane September
Vanaf Haakdoomboom 267. distrik Pretoria, na punte gelee binne Monageng, Dennilton; nuwe aansoek. (3) Twee motorkarre (ses
’n radius van 15 km vanaf Haakdoomboom. (ii) Vanaf punte passasiers) om aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul
gelee binne ’n radius van 15 km vanaf Haakdoomboom 267, persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Goede Rede 60, distrik Moutse
distrik Pretoria na Haakdoomboom. 3, na punte gelee binne ’n radius van 25 km vanaf Goede Rede;
(ii) vanaf rrunte gelee binne ’n radius van 25 km vanaf Goede
T609 ' A574 — SOSHANGUVE-BANTOEDORP, DISTRIK Rede 60, distrik Moutse 3, na Goede Rede.
PRETORIA. (2) Valasi Isaac Thembekinayo. Mabopane. distrik
Pretoria. (3) Twee motorkarre om aangekoop te word. (4) Nie- M9722/A655—FOREST HILL 117. DTSTR1K SEKHUKHU­
Blanke passasiers en hulle persoonlike bagasie. (5) fil Vanaf Blok NELAND. (2) Maseshikgwadi Frans Matjipa, Driekop; nuwe aan­
H gelee in Soshanguve-Bantoedorp, distrik Pretoria, na punte soek. (3) Een motorkar (ses passasiers) .om aangekoop te word.
gelee binne ’n radius van 15 km vanaf Soshanguve-Bantoedorp. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf
(ii) Vanaf punte gele’i binne 'n radius van 15 km vanaf Blok H Forest Hill 117. distrik Sekhukhuneland, na punte gelee binne ’n
gelee in Soshanguve-Bantoedorp, distrik Pretoria, na Soshanguve- radius van 25 km vanaf Forest Hill; (ii) vanaf punte gelee binne
dorp. Voertuig gestasioneer te word te Soshanguve. ’n radius van 25 km vanaf Forest Hill 117, distrik Sekhukhune­
land, na Forest Hill.
Christiaan Mabalane. Magaliesburg; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende V832/A650—REUBANDER 21, DISTRIK VUWANI 1. (2)
voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een motorkar (6 passa­ Ilwche Wilson Vhumbane, Levubu; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motor­
siers) om aansekooo te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul per­ kar (-ses passasiers) om aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers
soonlike bagasie. (5) (I) Vanaf Monnakgotla’slokasie gelee op en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Vanaf Reubander 21, distrik
Palmietkuil 25, distrik KoAer, na punte gelee binne ’n radius van Vuwani 1. na punte gelee binne ’n radius van 30 km vanaf
35 km vanaf Monnakgotla’slokasie. (ii) Vanaf punte gelee binne Reubander; (ii) vanaf punte gelee binne ’n radius van 30 km vanaf
’n radius van 35 km vanaf Monnakgotla’slokasie gelee op Pal­ Reubander 21, distrik Vuwani 1, na Reubander.
mietkuil 25, distrik ICoster na Monnakgotla’slokasie. N1115/A645—BEAUTY, DISTRIK WATERBERG. (2) Johan­
M5995/A570—ELLISRAS. (2) Jan Care! Ccetzee, PhiUimis nes Petrus Nortje, Beauty; nuwe aansoek vir (bykomende) gewy­
Christoffel Coetzee en Morris Leonard van der Merwe, handel- sigde magtiging ten opsigte van bestaande voertuie. (3) Drie vrag­
drywende as Wonderboom Vervoer, Ellisras; nuwe aansoek vir motors—TAH 12112, TAH 4238 en TAH 12201. (4) Katoen in
gewysigde (bykomende) magtiging ten opsigte van bestaande voer- bale. (5) Vanaf punte gelee binne ’n radius van 120 km vanaf
tuie. (3) Drie vragmetors—TAH 11363, TAH 11768 en TAH Poskantoor, Beauty, distrik Waterberg, na katoenpluismeule te
10655. (4) (a) Tabak in bale. (5) (a) Vanaf plase gelee binne ’n Potgietersrus en Katona te Potgietersrus.
radius van 45 km vanaf Poskantoor, Ellisras, na Nylstroom en
Rustenburg se tabak kooperasies. (4) (b) Landboukalk. (5) (b) N1536/A593—LOMONDOLOKASIE 252, DISTRTK
Vanaf Vaahvaterstasie na plase gelee binne ’n radius van 45 km VUWANI 1. (2) Ndidzulafi Rickson Nemutandai, Lwamondo;
vanaf Poskantoor, Ellisras. nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuig met gewysigde magtiging.
(3) Een motorkar (ses passasiers) om aangekoop te word. (4)
M9729/A686—WITBANK. (2) Daniel Shaka, Witbank; new Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf Tshifula-
application. (3) One motor-car—TW 12788 (five passengers). (4) nani gelee op Lomondoiokasie 252, distrik Vuwani 1, na punte
Bantu passengers and their persona! effects. (5) From Witbank gelee binne ’n radius van 15 km vanaf T-shifulanani; (ii) vanaf
to Klipfontein Shopping Centre and Duvha Power Station and punte gelee binne ’n radius van 15 km vanaf Tshifulanani gelee
return. op Lomondoiokasie 252, distrik Vuwani 1, na Tshifulanani.
G845/A684—R.S.A.-BOTSWANA BORDER. (2) Gaborone
Sports and Music Centre. Gaborone; new application. (3) One M6145/A634—RIETVLEI 314M, DISTRIK PRETORIA. (2)
light delivery van—BD 5940 (1 760 kg). (4) Sports goods, camping Petrus Mabusela, Rietvlei 314M; nuwe aansoek vir gewysigde
equipment, records and sports clothing for schools and govern­ (bykomende) magtiging ten opsigte van bestaande voertuie. (3)
ment institutions. (5) From Johannesburg to Tlkweng Border en Drie motorkarre—TP 207-445, TP 84362 en TP 9707 (vyf pas­
route to Gaborone Botswana. sasiers). (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i)
Vanaf Swartspruitkontantwinkel wat gelee is op Rietvlei 314, dis­
M9727/A677—PRETORIA. (2) Sonnyboy Jacobus Madigage, trik Pretoria, na naaste bushalte gelee binne ’n radius van 20 km
Mamelodi; new application. (3) One motor-car—TP 117-550 (five vanaf Swartspruitkontantwinkel; (ii) vanaf die naaste bushalte
passengers). (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) gelee binne ’n radius van 20 km vanaf Swartspruitkontantwinkel
Within a radius of 25 km of Eerste Fabrieke Station, District of gelee op Rietvlei 314, distrik Pretoria, na Swartspruitkontantwin­
Pretoria, and return. kel, Rietvlei 314, distrik Pretoria,
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 39

T735/A636—BOSBOKRAND. (2) Komase Solomon Theledi, S30S7/A661 — BOSBOKRAND. (2) Stephanus Christiaan
Bosbokrand; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een kombi—LEB 5-1389 (ses Scholtz, Graskop; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een pancelwa (868 kg)—
passasiers). (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) LEB 81815, behorende aan Stay Manzini (4) Klerasie vir droog-
Vanaf beginpunt by die T-aansluiting van die Sabie/Perry’s Farm- skoonmakery. (5) Binne ’n radius van 50 km vanaf Bosbokrand.
pad en die Bosbokrand-Witrivierpad by Perry’s Farm in ’n wes- P265/A665—PRETORIA WEST. (2) Putco Ltd, Pretoria West;
telike rigting met die Perry’s Farm-Sabienasionale Pad oor die new application for additional vehicles with amended authority.
plase Edna 10 JU, Abek 6 JU, Emmett 4 JU, Evert 5 JU, Brand- (3) Ten buses to be acquired. (4) Non-White passengers and their
wag 2 JU, Tevrede 178 JT, Vergenoeg 177 JT, Bergvliet 174 JT, persona! effects. (5) Over existing approved routes with existing
Bosreservaat en Sabiedorpsgebied tot by die eindpunt by die tariffs and restrictions with the amendment of time-table deleting:
Bantoebushalte, Sabiestasie in Sabie en terug. Tydtafel: Soos en “Time-tables will be subieot to the condition that on public
wanneer benodig. Tariewe: 10c per km per persoon met ’n mak- holidays individual services may be curtailed”.
simum van Rl,20 per persoon vir die voile rit. S3222/A704— MASHABELA. (2) Alfred Sello, Brooklyn; nuwe
P265/A669—PRETORIA WEST. (2) Putoo Ltd, Pretoria West; aansoek. (3) Een motorkar om aangekoop te word, (ses passasiers).
new application for additional authority in respect of existing (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne n radius
vehicles. (3) Five buses to be acquired. (4) Non-White passengers van 50 km vanaf Mashabela. Voertuig gestasioneer t e . word te
and their personal effects. (5) Over existing approved route, time­ Mashabela 1195. distrik Mafate (Steelpoort).
table, tariff and restriction with the addition of the route between M9730/A703—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA/SWAZI-
Pretoria and Hammanskraal. LAND BORDER. (2) Matilda Mndebele, Manzini; new applica­
Restriction: Nil. tion. (3) One light delivery van (1 520 kg)—SD 2759. (4) Fresh
Route: Forward: Bosman Street Terminus, via Bosman Street, fruit and vegetables (not canned or bottled). (5) From various
Struben Street. Edmond Street, Beatrix Street. Soutpansberg districts within the Province of the Transvaal.
Road, Kilnerton Road, Stormvoel Road, Pietersburg on ramp. M9728/A679—BELFAST. (2) Lena Mtetho, Belfast; new
National Road N1 (Danie Joubert Freeway), Hammanskraal off application. (3) One combi (six passengers)—TCB 3314. (4) Bantu
ramp, Road 734, Road P I—3 to Hammanskraal Terminus. passengers and their personal effects. (5) Vanaf Belfastlokasie,
Return: Hammanskraal Terminus via Road P l-3 , Road 734, distrik Belfast, na punte binne ’n radius van 10 km vanaf Super­
Pretoria on ramp, National Road N1 (Danie Joubert Freeway), intendent se kantoor en vanaf punte binne ’n radius van 10 km
Waverley off ramp. Stormvoel Road, Kilnerton Road, Soutpans­ vanaf Superintendent se kantoor na Belfastlokasie, distrik Belfast.
berg Road, Hamilton Street, Proes Street, Andries Street, Schem­ M2796/A624 — PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL. (2) Johan
ing Street, Bosman Street Terminus. Christiaan Mouton. Groot Marico; nuwe aansoek om oordrag
Fares: 1,75c per km. Km: 44,19 km. van Sertifikaat C l 90768 vanaf A. A. Schiel. (3) Een vragmotor—
TAX 2006 (17 500 kg). (4) Padmaakmateriaal (pro forma). (5)
Time-table for inspection at Local Board’s offices. Binne die provinsie Transvaal.
265/A664—PRETORIA WEST. (2) Putco Ltd, Pretoria West; V829/A606—PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL. (2) Nicolce Ver-
new application for additional authority in respect of existing maak, Brits; nuwe aansoek. (3) Drie vragmotors. (4) Padmaak­
vehicles. (3) Two buses—TP 233-249 and TP 220-028 (70/12 pas­ materiaal en algemene boumateriaal. (5) Tussen punte binne die
sengers). (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. (5) provinsie Transvaal.
Oyer existing approved routes, time-table, tariff and restriction N1696/A618—WITBANK. (2) Phineas Naas Ngobe, Witbank;
with the addition of the route between Mamelodi “S” to “S” and new application. (3) One motor-car (six passengers) to be
Kalafong Hospital. acquired. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their personal effects.
Restrictions: Direct passengers only. (5) Between points within the municipal area of Witbank.
G681/A622—MIDDELBURG. (2) Ockert Petrus Jacobus
Route: From Putco Terminus in Premier Mine Road, Mame­ Geyser, Middelburg; nuwe aansoek vir (bykomende) gewysigde
lodi to Kalafong Hospital, Atteridgeville via unnamed road, magtiging ten opsigte van bestaande voertuig. (3) Een vragmotor
Sono Road, Tsomo Street, Maila Street, Pitje Street, Kubone —TM 12552 (13 400 kg). (4) Steenkool. (5) Vanaf myne gelee
Street, Makhusela Street, Mamelodi Road, Stormvoel Road, Kil­ binne die landdrosdistrik Middelburg na punte binne ’n radius
nerton Road, Soutpansberg Road, Prinsloo Street, Proes Street, van 300 km vanaf Middelburg.
Von Wielligh Street. Vom Hagen Street, Rebecca Street, Church G681/A621— MIDDELBURG. (2) Ockert Petrus Jacobus Gey­
Street-West, Road P2-4. Atteridgeville Entrance, Seeiso Street, ser, Middelburg; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuig met
Sekoati Street, Mosalo Street, unnamed road to Kalafong Hospi­ bestaande magtiging. (3) Een vragmotor—TM 8230 (13 400 kg).
tal. (4) Goedere volgens gpedgekeurde magtiging. (5) Binne goedge-
Return: In reverse of forward iourney to Von Wielligh Street, keurde gebiede.
Struben Street, Van der Walt Street, Boom Street. Soutpansberg P2200/A421—PHALABORWA. (2) Elias Phala, Namakgale;
Road and thence as per forward journey to Mamelodi. new application. (3) One motor-car (five passengers)—LEB 13199.
Distance: 37,2 km. (4) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a
radius of 25 km of Phalaborwa.
Fare: 65c per trip cash. R3,60 five day weekly ticket. R4.40 six N1596/A590 — IKAGELENG-BANTOEWOONGEBIED. (2)
day weekly ticket. Andrew Noko, Lichtenhurg; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voer­
Time-table for inspection et Local Board’s offices. tuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Een bus—TAD 6892 (59/12
E49/A709—PRETORIA. (2) Isaiah EngeTbrerht, Eersterus: passasiers). (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5)
nuwe aansoek om oordrag van Sertifikaat C120572 vanaf S. J. Oor bestaande goedgekeurde roete met bestaande tydtafels,
Kgabo. (3) Een motorkar (ses passasiers)—TP 9002. (4) Nie- tariewe en beoerkings.
Blanke passasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) (i) Op ritte S3135/A591—KOSTERLOKASIE. (2) Ishmael Shomaeng, Ven-
binne ’n radius van 25 km vanaf Kerkplein, Pretoria, (ii) Op tersdorp; nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuig met bestaande
toevallige ritte van binne die gebied omskryf In (5) (i) na enige magtiging. (3) Een bus—TAD 13420 (40/10 passasiers). (4) Bantoe­
punte buite daardie gebied vanaf enige punte buite daardie passasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Oor bestaande goedge­
gebied na enige punt binne daardie gebied (pro forma). keurde roetes met bestaande tydtafel, tariewe en benerkings.
M9481/A588—MALAMULELE. (2) Petrus Tshimbi Mothe-
P2173/A699—PRETORIA. (2) Inderjeeth A. Persadh. Lau- bulo. Meadowlands; new application. (3) One motor-car—TP
dium; new application for amended authority in respect of exist­ 1700-706 (five passengers). (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their
ing vehicle. (3) One lorn' (nine ton)—TP 89768. (4) (a) General personal effects. (5) (i) From Malamulele to Louis Trichardt via
goods. (5) (a) Within the Reef and Pretoria exempted area. Mukome, Elim Hospital, (ii) From Malamulele to Giyani via
(4) (b) Bricks. (51 lb) From Pretoria to points within a radius of Mavambe, Mkomi, Mhingo.
160 km of Church Square, Pretoria. /
V831/A628—MACHADODORP. (2) Jan Louis Jansen van
M9726/A675—MALAMULELA. (2) Hasane Thomas Myambo, Vuuren. Macbadodorp; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor ( 1 \
Maiamulela; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor (vier ton) om ton)—TBL 1439. (4) Algemene goedere. (5) Tussen die dislrikte
aangekoop te word. (4) Huisfrekke behorende aan Bantoes Nelspruit, Machadodorp, Belfast en Lydenburg, ongeveer 160 km.
alleenlik. (5) Vanaf punte in die Gazankulutuistand na punte L1198/A415—MABOPANE-OOS. (2) Job Lesitja Legodi,
binne ’n radius van 640 km vanaf Poskantoor, Maiamulela, Mabopane-Oos; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar—TP 112-085
gelec op Maiamulela, distrik Maiamulela, en vanaf punte binne (v y f p a ssa sie rs). (4) B a n to e p a s s a s ie rs e n h u l p e r s o o n lik e b a g a s ie .
’n radius van 640 km vanaf Poskantoor, Maiamulela, gelee cp (5) Vanaf Mabopaneoorlaaistasie na punte binne M abopane-
Maiamulela, distrik Maiamulela, na punte gelee in die Gazankulu-
tuisland. Sosh angu ve “O os -dorp.
Heradvertcnsie: T t 14/A329—PRETORIA. (2) Andries Willem 8664/A640—PRETORIA. (2) Stadsraad van Pretoria, Pretoria;
van Zyl, wat handel dryf as Taxis Safaris, Pretoria; nuwe aansoek nuwe aansoek vir bykomende voertuig. (3) Drie busse. (4) Blanke
vir oordrag van Sertifikate C210710, C230815 en C237402 vanaf assasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Oor bestaande goedge-
C. M. van den Keever. (3) Drie motorkarre—TP 252-701, TP eurde roete met bestaande tydtafel, tariewe en beperkings.
192-286 en TP 197-575. (4) Blanke taxipassasiers en hul persoon­ M6727/A687— REPUBLIEK VAN SUTD-AERIKA/SWAZI-
like bagasie. (5) (i) Binne die landdrosdistrik Pretoria, (ii) Op LANDGRENS. (2) Philimon Mamba, Manzini; nuwe aansoek;
toevallige ritte van binne die gebied omskryf in (5) (i) na enige (3) Een ligte afleweringswa (1 887 kg)—SD 16831. (4) Eie vars
punte buite daardie gebied of vanaf enige punt buite daardie vrugte en groente. (5) Vanaf die distrikte Bethal, Davel, Hendrina,
gebied na enige punt binne daardie gebied (pro forma). Ermelo en Amsterdam na Swazilandgrenspos,
40 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

C550/A681—SAULSVILLE. (2) Joseph Chauke, Saulsville; new Route: Forward; From Putco Terminus, comer of Cowie
application for additional vehicle with existing authority. (3) One and Barber Streets, to Brits Old Location, situated on the farm
motor-car (five passengers) to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers Roodekopjes 417, via Cowie Street, Boom Street, Von Wiellich
and their personal effe-ts. (5) From Saulsville to Westfort within Street, Vom Hagen Street, Rebecca Street, Church Street West,
a radius of 15 km. Road P31-1, Road P79-1, Road 1562, Road P35-1, Hendrik
Heradvertensie: S2807 / A74—BAVIA AN SPOORT 330, DIS- Verwoerd Avenue, Van Deventer Street, Rashoop Road to Brits
TRIK PRETORIA. (2) Kortman Skhosana, Mamelodi-Oos; nuwe Old Location via unnamed streets to terminus.
aansoek vir bykomende voertuig met bestaande magtiging. (3) Return: In reverse of forward journey.
Een motorvoertuig om aangekoop te word. (4) Bantoetaxipassa- Scale of charges and time-table for inspection at Local Board’s
siers en hul persoonlike bagasie en voedsel en drank vir eie office.
gebruik. (5) (i) Vanaf Baviaanspoort 330, distrik Pretoria, na M9714/A571—BELFAST. (2) Moses Mokgomogane, Belfast;
punte gelee binne ’n radius van 8 km vanaf Baviaanspoort 330, nuwe aansoek vir ’n oordrag van Sertifikaat CB100265, vanaf
distrik Pretoria, na Baviaanspoort 330. David Mfiguni. (3) Een bus—TCB 1277 (11 passasiers). (4)
Bantoerassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Tussen Belfast-
M2580AA693—BROOKLYN 511, DISTRIK PILGRIM ’S Bantoelokasie en Belfastspoorwegstasie, via Department van Nie-
REST. (2) Motjefula Herrotos Moroane. Acornhoek; new appli­ Blankesake van die munisipaliteit van Belfast, skoolkoshuis, hos-
cation. (3) Een kombi (ses passasiers)—LEB 51857. (4) Bantoe- pitaal en provinsiale koshuis.
passasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne ’n radius van Tydtafel ter insae by die Plaaslike Raad se kantore.
50 km vanaf Brooklyn 511, distrik Pilgrim’s Rest. Voertuig gesta-
sioneer te word te Brooklyn 511, distrik Pilgrim’s Rest. PIETERMARITZBURG
R1505 /A672—PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL. (2) Gideon Corne­ Add'ess to which representations must he submitted: The
lius Jacobus Rosseau, Rustenburg; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vrag- Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board. Private Bag X9015,
motor—TAD 1901 (7 ton). (4) Sand, klip en gruis vir padmaak- Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
doeleindes. (5) Binne die provinsie Transvaal.
Ad res waarhecn vertoe gerig meet word: Die Sekretaris, Plaas«
C l 188/A647—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Mike like Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak X9015, Pietermaritzburg. 3200.
Cocks (Pty) Ltd, Parow; new application. (3) One refrigerated
vehicle and one mechanical horse to be acquired. (4) Fresh AG396—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) K. Padayachee, Pieter-
venison. (5) From points within a radius of 200 km of Pretoria maritzurg; additional authority. (3) One lorry—NP 42500. (4)
to points within the Republic of South Africa. Rough unsawn timber. (5) Within a radius of 80 km of Post
Office, Pietermaritzburg.
M9724/A440—SILVERTON. (2) Madirich Moale, Mamelodi;
nuwe aansoek. (3) Een motorkar (ses passasiers) om aangekoop AC-608—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) R. Maharaj, trading as
te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) R. M aharaj’s Transport, Pietermaritzburg; new application. (3)
(i) Vanaf Silvertonspoorwegstasie te Moreletastraat, distrik One truck—NP 21991. (4) General road-making material (sand,
Pretoria, na die naaste bushalte gelee binne ’n radius van 8 km stone and gravel). (5) Within a radius of 80 km of City Hall,
vanaf Silvertonspoorwegstasie; (ii) vanaf naaste bushalte gelee Pietermaritzburg.
binne ’n radius van 8 km vanaf Silvertonspoorwegstasie na T570—RICHMOND. (21 Saved Ahmed. New Hanover; transfer
Silvertonstasie. from L. S. Gopak C176320. (3) One motor-car—NK 594. (4) Not
T189/A631—WITBANK. (2) Highveld Steel and Vanadium more than five Non-White passengers and their personal effects.
Corporation Ltd, Pretoria; new application for additional vehicle (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of the Post Office, Richmond,
with existing authority. (3) One mechanical horse with one pas­ Natal. (5) (b) Casual trips outside area (5) (a) above.
senger trailer to be purchased. (4) White and Non-White pas­ T599—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Meshack Mgwaba, trading
sengers as per existing approved authority. (5) Within existing as Mgwaba’s Taxis, Gezubuso Location; transfer from E.
approved areas. Mazeka, 0 7 6 4 7 1 . (3) One motor-car to be acquired. (4) Bantu
P265/A667—PRETORIA WEST. (2) Putco Ltd, Pretoria passengers and their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of
West; new application for additional authority in respect of 50 km of Gezubuso Store, Gezubuso, Swartkop Location.
existing vehicles. (3) Two buses (66/16 passengers)—TP 232- AP560—MATATTELE. (2) Charles Taleja Khoapa, trading
541 and TP 233-081. (4) Non-White passengers and their per­ as Maluti Transport Service, Maluti; new application. (3) One
sonal effects. (5) Over existing approved route, time-table, tariff van—XL 1-361. (4) Bantu and Coloured passengers and their
and restriction with the addition of the route between Avond- personal effects. (5) From the Tramkei Border at Khoapa to
zon and Mamelodi West. Matatiele via the Main Quchasnek-Matatiele Road and return
Restrictions: Nil. along the same route to the border at Khoapa. Time-table as
per attached Annexure. Tariffs: 5e per passenger per kilometre,!
Route: From Avondzon, situated on the farm Donkerhoek Route and time-table for inspection at L o a l Board’s offices.;
365, to Mamelodi West, Pretoria, via Donkerhoek 365, Road
771, Pienaarspoort, Road 771, west of Greenview Station, Old AG304—VRYHEID. (2) Erwin Theodor Johannes Dedekind,
Premier Mine Road, unnamed road, Tsomo Street, Maila Street, trading as Vryheid Transport, Vryheid; new application. (3) One
Pitje Street, Kubone Street, Makhusela Street and terminus. light delivery van—NV 730. (3) Empty 2 200 It fuel tanks and
their stands on behalf of Total S.A. (Pty) Ltd. (5) Within the
Return: In reverse of forward journey. Magisterial Districts of Vryheid and Paulpietersburg, direct to
Scale of charges and time-table for inspection at Local Board’s farms.
office. AG628—KEATES DRIFT. (21 Amos Mzda, Rentes Drift
P265/A666—-PRETORIA WEST. (2) Putco Ltd, Pretoria V/est; Store, Rentes Drift; new application. (31 One truck to be
new application for additional authority in respect of existing acquired. (4) Goods, all classes on behalf of nbn-Whhes. (5)
vehicles. (3) Two buses—TP 228-986 and TP 230-865 (67/16 and From points within a radius of 8 km of Keates Drift Store,
70/12 passengers). (4) Non-White passengers and their personal Magisterial District of Msinga to points within a radius, of 80
effects. (5) Over existing approved route, time-table, tariff and km.
restriction with the addition of the route between Mamelodi AG633—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (21 William Bnyly,
“S” and “S” and Silverton. trading as Nottingham Road Stock Carriers, The Ponds. Not­
Restrictions: Nil. tingham Road; amended (additional) authority. (3) One existing
Route: From Putco Terminus in Premier Mine Road, Mame­ mechanical horse, one semi-trailer, one truck and one truck and
lodi, to Silverton. District of Pretoria, via Premier Mine Road, one trailer to be acquired. (4) (a) Goods as ner existing approved
unnamed road, Sono Road, Tsomo Street, Maila Street, Pitje authority. (5) (a) Within existing approved areas. (4) (b) Live­
Street, Kubone Street, Makhusela Street, Waltloo Road, Pretoria stock: Cattle sheep and goats. (5) (b) (i) From points situated
Road, Brandwag Street, President Street, to terminus com er of w ith in a r a d iu s o f 4 8 0 k m o f p la c e o f b u s in e s s at T h e P o n d s ,
James Drive. Nottingham Road to Durban and Pietermaritzburg Abattoirs,
(b) (ii) From one farmer to another farmer within a radius
Return: In reverse of forward journey. of 480 km of place of business at The Ponds. Nottingham
Scale of charges and time-table for inspection at Local Board’s Road. (5) (b) (iii) From points within the Republic of South
office. Africa to points within a radius of 50 km of The Ponds,
P265/A668—PRETORIA WEST. (2) Putco Ltd, Pretoria V/est; Nottingham Road. (5) (b) (iv) From stock sales to farmers and
new application for additional authority in respect of existing from farmers to stock sales within a radius of 480 km of The
vehicles." (3) Two buses—TP 216-391 and TP 216-395 (70/15 Ponds, Nottingham Road.
passengers). (4) Non-White passengers and their personal effects. AG6 52—B ALLEN GEICH. (2) L. B. Singh. Ballengeich;
(5) Over existing approved routes, time-tables, tariffs and restric­ amended (additional) authority. (3) One loriy—NN 20371. (4)
tions with the addition of the route between Marabastad and (a) Goods as per existing approved authority. (5) (a) Within
Brits Old Location. Restrictions: Subject to the condition that existing approved areas. (4) (b) Factory machinery and spare
on the forward journey, no passengers may be picked up from parts for factory and breackdown parts for repair for Holland
Brits Industrial Sites and conveyed" to the location and on the Electro Chemical Industry, Ballengeich, not for sale or to be
return journey no passengers may be picked up at the location offered for sale. (5) (b) Between the factory at Bellengeich and
and conveyed to the industrial sites. points within the Republic of South Africa where such machinery
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 41

and spare parts are obtainable and where repairs are effected. requisites. (4) (b) Onw agricultural requisites to and from farmers:
(4) (c) Gas and empty cylinders on the return journey in cases (4) (c) All farming commodities to and from farmers. (5) Within
where such gas is urgently required for the repair of broken- a radius of 240 km of place of business at Rocky Ridge,
down or defective mine machinery and requirements. (5) (c) Kokstad.
From Ealiengeich to Vryheid. (4) (d) Bona fide household AP3377—MATATIELE. (2) French K. Mboto, trading as
removals from one dwelling to another, or from a dwelling- Vukami Bus Service, Maluti Township; new applieaiion. (3)
house to a place of storage or from a place of storage to a Vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers. (5) From the
dwelling-house (another) or from one place of storage to another. Transkei Border at Kh-oapa to Matatiele via the Main Qachas-
(5) (d) Within a radius of 240 km of Ballengeich. (4) (e) Spare nek-Matatiele Road and return along the same route to the
parts for mine machinery necessary for the immediate bona Transkei Border at Khoapa. Time-table and tariffs for inspection
fide repair of defective mine machinery to be repaired urgently at the Local Road Transportation Board, Pietermaritzburg.
in cases of emergency and not to replenish stock on behalf AG602—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Katie Niemack, Umzim-
of Natal Cambrian Colliery, Ballengeich. (5) (e) Between Ballen­ kulu; new application. (3) One van—NIX 4432. (4) Vegetables
geich and the place where such repair is to be effected or where for shop by means of a vehicle belonging to J. Niemack. (5)
such spare parts are to be bought within the Republic of South From Pietermaritzburg to the Transkei Border en route to
Africa. Umzimkulu.
AG651—BALLENGEICH. (2) L. B. Singh, Ballengeich; AG433—PROVINCE OF NATAL. (2) Kisten Chettv. Pieter­
amended (additional) authority. (3) One lorry—NN 20428. (4) maritzburg; additional vehicle. (3) One truck—NP 49811. (4)
(a) Goods as per existing approved authority. (5) (a) Within Sand, stone, ash, bricks and pre-mix for road construction
existing approved areas. (4) (b) Factory machinery and spare on behalf of Walton Gray (Pty) Ltd, Midlands Quarry, Rand
parts for factory and breakdown parts for repair for Holland Roads (Ixopo) and other construction firms. (5) Within the
Electro Chemical Industry, Ballengeich. not for sale or to be Province of Natal.
offered for sale. (5) (b) Between the factory at Ballengeich and AG534—NEWCASTLE. (2) John Johannes Andrew, New­
points within the Republic of South Africa where such machinery castle; additional vehicle.-(3) One truck— NN 19767. (4) Goods,
and spare parts are obtainable and where repairs are effected. all classes on behalf of Non-Whites. (5) Within a radius of
(4) (c) Gas and empty cylinders on the return journey in cases 50 km of Post Office, Newcastle.
where such gas is urgently required for the repair of breakdown AG533—TENDEKA. (2) Josini Beleggings (Edm s) Bpk.,
or defective mine machinery and requirements. (5) (c) From Vrvheid; new application. (3) Three trucks—NV 6813, NV 6808,
Ballengeich to Vryheid. (4) (d) Bona fide household removals NV 4584. (4) Coal shale duff anthracite and sand from mines
from one dwelling to another, or from a dwelli -g-house to a and mine dumps railhead. (5) (i) Gluckhof Minedump to Tendeka
place of storage or from a place of storage to a dwelling house Station. (5) (ii) Riversdale Minedump to Tendeka Station. (5)
(another)- or from one place -of storage to another. (5) (d) (iii) Nooitgedacht Minedump to Tendeka Station. All within a
Within_ a radius, of 240 km of Ballengeich. (4) (e) Spare parts radius of 80 km of Vryheid.
for mine machinery necessary for the immediate bona fide AG491—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Call Carriers (Pty) Ltd,
repair of defective mine machinery to be repaired urgently in Pietermaritzburg; amended (additional) authority on existing
cases of emergency and not to replenish «to k on behalf of vehicles and three additional vehicles with existing and additional
N a‘al Cambrian Colliery, Ballengeich. (5) (e) Between Ballen­ authority. (3) Five existing vehicles and two trucks—NP 52594
geich and the place where such repair is to be effected or where and NP 53069 and one horse—NP 55613.. Existing authority:
such spare parts are to be bought within the Republic of South (4) (a) Bantu beer packed in containers. (5) (a) Within, a radius
Africa. of 150 km of General Past Office, Pietermaritzburg. (4) (b)
Fresh fruit and vegetables (not canned, tinned or otherwise
AG653—BALLENGEICH. (2) L. B. Singh. Ballengeich; preserved). (5) (b) From points within a radius of 300 km of
amended (additional) authority. (3) One light delivery van—NN Post Office, Pietermaritzburg to Pietermaritzburg Market. (4)
4578. (4) (a) Goods as per existing approved authority. (5) (a) (c) Spare parts for the immediate bona f'de repair/maintenance
Within existing approved areas. (4) (b) Bona fide household of machinery which has become defective and has to be expedi­
removals from one dwelling to another, or from a dwelling-house tiously and urgently repaired. (5) (c) Within a radius of 100
to a place -of storage or from a place o f storage to a dwelling- km of Genera! Post Office. Pietermaritzburg. (4) (d) Goods,
house (another) or from one place of storage to another. (5) all classes (excluding furniture and household removals). (5)
(b) Within a radius of 240 km of Ballengeich. (4) (c) Spare (d! Within a radius of 25 km of Genera' Post Office. Pieter­
p-rts for mine machinery necessary for the immediate bona maritzburg. Additional authority. (4) (e) Fresh fruit and vegetables
fide repair of defective mine machinery to be repaired urgently (not canned or otherwise preserved). (5) fe) From points within
in cases of emergency and not to replenish stock on behalf a radius of 4S0 km of Post Office, Pietermaritzburg, to Durban
of Natal Cambrian Collier/, Ballengeich. (5) (c) Between Ballen­ Market (excluding conveyance to and from points situated within
geich and the place where such repair is to be effected or the Magisterial Districts of Vryheid, Louwsberg, Pint Retief,
where such spare parts are to be bought within the Republic Ubombo and ILlabisa). (4) (f) Animal feeds on behalf of Meadow
of South Africa. (4) (d) Factory machinery and spare parts for Feed-s Mills Ltd. (5) (f) From Meadow Feed Mills Ltd. 15
factory breakdown parts for repair for Holland Electro Chemical Ohrtmann Road. Willowton, to points within a radius of 80
Industry, Ballengeich, not for sale or to be offered for sale. km. Amended authority in respect of item (4) (b) and (5) (b):
5) (d) Between the factory at Ballengeich and points within (4) (bl Fresh fruit and vegetables (not canned or otherwise
the Republic of South Africa where such machinery and spare preserved). (5) (b) From points within a radius of 480 km of
parts are obtainable and where repairs are effected. Post Office, Pietermaritzburg to Pietermaritzburg Market.
A G 3345—NEWCASTLE. (2) Lutchman Sewpal Ramsaroop,
AG471—BALLENGEICH. (2) L. B. Singh. Ballengeich; Newcastle; amended (additional-) authority. (3) Ten lorries. (4)
ame.nded authority in respect of item (4) (b). (3) One lorry— (a) Goods, all classes. (5) (a) Within a radius of 150 km of
NN 1034. (4) (a) Goods as per existing approved authority. Post Office. Newcastle.
(5) (a) Within existing approved areas. (4) (b) Factory machinery AG462—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Border Meat Transport
and spare parts for factory and breakdown parts for repair for Co. (Natal); additional vehiTe. (31 One lorry—NP 46991. (4)
Holland Electro Chemical Industry, Ballengeich, not for sale Fresh meat on behalf of butcheries. (5) Within a radius c f 160 km
or to be offered for sale. (5) (b) Between the factor-/ at Ballen­ of Pietermaritzburg.
geich and points within the Republic of South Africa where such T98—HLABTSA. (2) M. Shongwe, trading as Shongwcs Taxis;
machinery and spare parts are obtainable and where repairs amended (additional) authority. (3) One motor-car—NHL 4183.
are effected. (4) (c) Spare parts for mine machinery necessary (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) Within
for the immediate bona fide repair of defective mine machinery a radius of 50 km of Post Office, Hlabisa. (5) (b) Casual trips
to be repaired urgently in cases of emergency and not to replenish outside area (5) (a) above.
stock on behalf of Natal Cambrian Colliery, -Ballengeich, (5) AG519—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Bhekithemba Phakathi,
(c) Between Ballengeich and the place where such repair is to trading as Phakatbis Transport; Nxamalala Location, Zwartkop;
be effected or where such spare parts are -to be bought within new application. (3) One truck—NP 39819. (4) Goods, all classes
the Republic of South Africa. on behalf of Bantu. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Nxamalala
AG456—KOKSTAD. (2) National Co-Operative Dairies Ltd Store. Nxamalala. Zwartkop Location.
T 514— V R Y H E ID . (2) N e h e m ia h J iy a n e X !m , V r y h e id ; n e w
(Agricultural Implement Division), Kokstad; amended ("additional) application. (3) One motor-car—NV 4133. (4) Bantu taxi passen­
authority. (3) Five existing trucks and one trailer. (4) (a) Own gers and their personal effects. (5) Between Bhekuzulu Location,
products, fresh milk, cream, rnaas, yoghurt, dairy fruit, cottage Vryheid, and Marculpani Mines, Vryheid.
cheese, flavoured milk, ice cream, cheese and own factory requi­ AG475—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Alex Cartage
sites. (4) (b) Own agricultural requisites to and from farmers. (Pty) Ltd. trading as Alex Carriers, Pietermaritzburg; additional
(4) (c) All farming commodities to and from farmers. (5) Within vehicles. (3) Eight mechanical horses and eight semi-trailers to be
a radius of 240 km of place of business at Rocky Ridge, Kokstad. acquired. (4) Goods as per existing approved authority. (5) Within
AG457—KOKSTAD. (2) National Co-Operative Dairies Ltd existing approved areas.
(Agricultural Implement Division), Kokstad; additional vehicle AG461—HO WICK. (2) Howick Senior Primary School, Howick;
with additional authority. (3) One truck—NM R 558. (4) (a) Own new application. (3) One bus—N R 14. (4) White organised parties
-products, fresh milk, cream, maas yoghurt, dairy fruit, cottage for school snort and educational tours. (5) Within a radius of
cheese, flavoured milk, ice cream, cheese and own factory 300 km of H o w ict
42 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

AP425—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Sunbeam Enterprises AG3329—LADYSMITH. (2) Drakensburg Warehousing (Pty)

(Pty) Ltd, trading as Whirlwind Tours, Pietermaritzburg; new Ltd, Ladysmith; additional vehicles with existing authority and
application. (3) Two vehicles to be acquired. (5) Bantu, Asiatic (amended) additional authority in respect of item (4) (b). (3) One
and Coloured passengers. (5) Outwards: From Northdale Raise- truck and one trailer. (4) Goods as per existing approved
thorpe Terminus (Highway Lounge) along Old Greytown Road authority. (5) (a) Within existing approved areas. (4) (b) Goods
turn right into Deccan Road and into Newway Road along in the course of the holder’s business as warehouseman. (5) (b)
Bombay Road into Old Greytown Road, turn into slipway via Within a radius of 80 km of place of business at Ladysmith and
the National Highway into its junction along Hammarsdale within a radius of 80 km of Main General Post Office, Dundee.
Road to the Industrial Area. Inwards: From the Hammarsdale AP383—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Kearsney Col­
Industrial Area along Hammarsdale Road via the National lege, Botha’s Hill; additional vehicle with new authority. (3)
Highway into the slipway along Old Greytown Road into Bombay One bus—NC 506. (4) White organised parties. (5) Within the
Road turning into Newway Road turning into Deccon Road Republic of South Africa.
turning into Old Greytown Road to the Raisethorpe Terminus T414—HLOBANE. (2) Joseph Rama Nair, Waterval Store,
Point. Time-table for inspection at Local Board's offices. Coronation; additional vehicle. (3) One vehicle to be acquired. (4)
Scale of charges: Return fare R l per person. Subject to the Bantu, Asiatic and Coloured taxi passengers. (5) (a) From points
restriction that on trips no passengers to be picked or set down within 10 km of Hlobane 2 shaft to points within 50 km of
in the Units of Northdale i.e. on the way to Hammersdale no Hlobane, No. 2 shaft and return. (5) (b) From points within 10
passengers to be set down and on the return trip no passengers km of Hlobane, No. 2 shaft to Dundee and return. Vehicle to
to be picked up. be stationed at Hlobane, No. 2 shaft.
A G 384—LADYSMITH. (2) G. F. F. Viljoen, R. C. Dicks and (T20)—NEWCASTLE. (2) Stanely Jabhie Sithole, trading as
D. J. Viljoen, trading as Natal Agencies and Distributors, Ngani Taxi Service; new application. (3) One vehicle to be
Ladysmith; additional vehicles with additional authority. (3) One acquired. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their personal effects.
lorry and one panel van. (4) (a) Goods as per existing approved (5) To points within a radius of 60 km of Black Bank H.P.
authority. (5) (a) Within existing approved areas. (4) (b) General School, situated on Jokis Farm near Newcastle and return.
goods on behalf of Food Corporation (Pty) Ltd, and Buffalo (T413)—LADYSMITH. (2) Tholakele Eunice Nzimande, trad­
Salt Works. (5) (b) From Ladysmith to purchasers situated within ing as Tholakale’s Taxi, Bmnambithi; new application. (3) One
a radius of 80 km of the applicant’s place of business at Ladysmith motor-car—NKR 4977. (4) Bantu taxi passengers. (5) From
and within a radius of 80 km of the Main Post Office. Dundee. the Magistrates Office at Enambithi Ezakheni to points within
AG346—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. (2) Wardes Trans­ a radius of 50 km.
port (Pty) Ltd, Vryheid; amended (additional) authority. (3) Eleven (AG70)—NEWCASTLE. (2) Manganga Tsaac Sibeko. New­
existing vehicles. (4) Livestock. (5) From points within a radius castle; new application. (3) One motor-car—NN 20312. (4) Bantu
of 240 km of Vryheid to points within the Republic of South taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius
Africa and from points within the Republic of South Africa to of 50 km of Madadeni. (51 (b) From Newcastle to Memel,
points within a radius of 240 km of General Post Office, Vryheid. (5) (c) From Newcastle to Volksrust.
T91—IMBALI. (2) F. Zimu, trading as Zimu’s Taxis, Imbali (T417)—ULUNDI. (2) A. T. Zulu, trading as Zulu’s Trans­
Township; amended (additional) authority. (3) Three motor-cars— port, Post Office, Ulundi; additional vehicle with new authority.
N P 60139, NP 27863 and NP 37899. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and (3) Vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their
their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Imbali personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km of Post
Shopping Centre, Imbali Township, Pietermaritzburg. Office, Ulundi, Ulundi. (5) (b) Casual trip s outside area (5)
T289—DANNHAUSER. (2) Bafana Jele, Dannhauser; new (a) above.
application. (3) Vehicle to be acquired. (4) Bantu taxi passengers (T448)—OSIZWENI. (2) Makhanda Zabulon Kubeka, Osi-
and their personal effects. (5) From points within 5 km of Spring­ zweni; additional vehicle. (3) Vehicle to be acquired. (4)
bok Farm, Dannhauser, to points within 30 km of Springbok Farm Bantu taxi passengers and their personal effects. (5) From points
and return. within a radius of 5 km of Makanye’s Store, Osizweni to
AP238—PROVINCE OF NATAL. (2) Norton & Smither (Pty) points within a radius of 50 km of Makanye Store, Osizweni
Ltd, Howick; additional vehicles. (3) Two buses—NR 2610 and and return. Vehicle to be stationed at and operated from Maka­
N R 2589. (4) White scholars, teachers and their personal effects nye’s Store, Osizweni.
(pro forma). (5) Between points situated within the Province of (T472)—WEENEN. (2) Sonarm Sarjoo, trading as Sunny’s
Natal. Taxi Services, Weenen; new application. (3) One motor-car—
AP292—UMLAAS ROAD. (2) Mbasobeni Sangweni, trading as NW 759. (4) Bantu. Asiatic and Coloured passengers and their
Tembelihle Transport Mntanentegayo Business Centre, Eston; new personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Weenen.
application. (3) Two buses to be acquired. (4) Bantu passengers. Vehicle to be stationed at and operated from 92 Retief Street,
(5) From Bredasfontein, District of Mpumalanga to Desai Store Weenen.
via Dipping Tank. Catholic Church, Mntanentegayo, Clifton (T421)—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Basil Harold Brian van
Heights Store, Mkhize’s Store, Zwelibomvu Location Store, Zwe- Niekerk, trading as Springbok Taxis, Pietermaritzburg. (3) Two
Iibomvu Secondary School, Amadunge Bottle Store, Umlaas River motor-cars and one station wagon. (4) White taxi passengers
and return along the same route. (4) (b) Bantu organised parties. and their personal effects. (5) (a) Within a radius of 50 km
(5) (b) Within a radius of 10 km of Bredasfontein to points of Pietermaritzburg. (5) (b) Casual trips within the Republic of
within the Province of Natal and return empty or with the same South Africa.
passengers conveyed on the forward journey. Time-table for (T452)—SAHKOMTSHE, GEORGEDALE. (2) Kufakwezwe
inspection at Local Board’s offices. Mahlaze. Sahkomtshe; new application, (3) Two motor-cars—
AP358—WINTERTON. (2) Mangaliso Moses Mazimbuko, NC 1157 and NC 8806. (4) Bantu taxi passengers and their
Valerie, Winterton; new application. (3) One combi to be personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 5 km of Gogo Store,
acquired. (4) (i) Bantu passengers and their personal effects. (4) Sahkomtshe to points within a radius of 50 km and1 return,
(ii) General goods. (5) From Winterton “Rank” to Bergville with the same passengers conveyed on the forward journey or
“Rank” via Dankbaar. Robert, Malta, Malitre, Barracks, Zuur- return empty.
lager, Lugago, “The Falls”, Loskop and return along the same (AP420)—OSIZWENI. (2) Trans Tugela Transport (Edms.)
route. Time-table and scale of charges for inspection at Local Bpk., Osizweni-Bantoedorp: bykomende voertuie. (3) Twee busse
Boards' offices. —N N 20376 en N N 19126. (4) Bantoepassasiers en georgani-
AG375—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Sewbran Nandalal & TI. seerde sportspanne met hul persoonlike besittings soos bestaande
Nehal, trading as Mobile Refreshments, 59 Allandale; new appli­ goedgekeurde magtiging vir Osizweni. (5) Oor/binne bestaande
cation. (3) One combi—NP 11532. (4) Ice-cream cones and ice goedgekeurde roetes/gebdede met bestaande goedgekeurde tyd-
dream under refrigeration. (5) Within a radius of 80 km of Main tafels, tariewe en beperkings.
Post Office. Pieterr'-'-itzbure. (AP467)—MADADENI. (2) Trans Tugela Transport (Edms.)
AG360—KRANSKOP. (2) Dellrajee Moodley. trading as Mood- Bpk.. Madadeni-Bantoedorp; wysiging van tydtafel. (3) Vyf-en-
ley’s Transport, District of Umvoti; new application. (3) Three veertig bestaande busse. (4) Bantoepassasiers met hulle persoon-
trucks—NUM 1109. NUM 3621 and NUM 6175. (4) Timber like besittings. (5) Oor/binne bestaande goedgekeurde roetes/
from the plantations on the farms of H.L. and H. Mining gebiede met bestaande tariewe en beperkings. Gewysigde tyd-
Timber (Ptv) Ltd, to their saw mills. (5) From points tafels vir inspeksie by Plaaslike Padvervoerraad, Pietermaritz­
within the Districts of Umvoti, Kranskop and New Hanover to burg.
points in the Districts of Umvoti, Kranskop and New Hanover. (AP89)—LADYSMITH. (3) Kassim Ahmed Gogo, trading as
AG3376—UTRECHT. (2) Vera de Klerk. Bensdorp, Utrecht; Mini Bus Services. Ladysmith; new application. (3) One mini-bus
new application. (3) One truck—NUT 395. (4) Goods on behalf —NKR 13309. (4) Asiatic taxi passengers. (5) From the taxi
of Non-Whites. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Post Office, rank Ladysmith to new Indian residential area by way of
Utrecht. Alexandra Street Bus Depot. Khandharr Avenue, Ajanta Cres­
cent and Centenary Road and return vir Kwaja Road, Drividian
AG357—KOKSTAD. (2) Richard Stemere Mpemba AA Mount Road and back into Khandbhar Road to Alexandra Street Bus
Frere; new application. (3) One van—CCW 2008. (4) (a) General Stop. (5) Five km between the points. 15c per single trip.
goods and vegetables for shop at Mount Frere. (5) (a) Between (AG479)—PIETERMARITZBURG. (2) Selvanathan Goven-
Kokstad and the border of the Transkei en route to Mount Frere. der, trading as Govedale Haulage, Pietermaritzburg; transfer
(4) (b) Vegetables. (5) (b) From Harding and Pietermaritzburg to from P. S. Maharaj C175042 and C142330. (3) Two tip trucks—
the Transkei Border en route to Mount Frere. N P 28506 and NP 28532. (4) (a) C175042: Goods, all classes.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 43

(5) (a) Within a radius of 25 km of General Post Office, Pieter­ 2. Eie gereedskap en kamptoerusting in gebruik vir eie gebruik
maritzburg. (4) (b) Sand, stone and bricks. (5) (b) Within a radius alleenlik. Binne Suidwes-Afrika.-
of 240 Ion of General Post Office, Pietermaritzburg. (4) (c) 3. Eie brandstof, smeerolies en ghries slegs vir eie gebruik.;
Cement. (5) (c) Within a radius of 50 km of General Post Vanaf die naaste dorp, grootmaatdepot of spoorwegstasie na
Office, Pietermaritzburg. (4) (a) C142330: Goods, all classes and die pereeel gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika waar die houer ’n kontrak
cement. (5) (a) Within a radius of 25 km of General Post Officej het om uit te voer.
Pietermaritzburg (pro forma). (4) (b) Sand, stone and bricks. 4. Eie rantsoene slegs vir feie gebruik. Vanaf die naaste dorp
(5) (b) Within a radius of 240 km of General Post Office, of spoorwegstasie na die houer se bona fide-kontrakperseel gelee
Pietermaritzburg. binne Suidwes-Afrika.
(T398)—MAHLABATTNT. (2) M. A. Nxumalo, trading as
Nxumalo’s Transport, Mahlabatini Court House; new applica­ 5. Eie oortollige, onverbruikte voorraad van die goedere gemeld
tion. (3) One motor-car—NMA 180. (4) Bantu passengers and in paragrawe 3 en 4 hierbo slegs vir eie gebruik. Vanaf die houer
their personal effects. (5) Within a radius of 50 km of Court se een kontrakperseel binne Suidwes-Afrika na ’n ander kontrak-
House. Mahlabatini, Mahlabatini. perseel binne Suidwes-Afrika waarheen die houer deur die Suid­
(AP518)—MATATIELE. (2) Stephenson Tantan, trading as wes-Afrika Administrasie oorgeplaas is.
Tantan Bus Service, Matatiele; additional vehicle with new 6. Eie onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona
authority. (3) One van—XL 1-119. (4) Non-White passengers fide-herstel van eie voertuie en masjiene wat defek geraak het
and their personal effects. (5) From the Transkei Border at en wat weens dringende omstandighede spoedeisend herstel moet
Khoapa to Matatiele via main Qacha's Nek/Mafatiele Road word, uitgesluit aflewering aan enige besigheidsperseel ter aan-
and return along the same route to the Transkei Border. Time­ vulling van voorrade. Binne Suidwes-Afrika.
table for inspection at Local Board’s offices. P280 (M l 114)—WALVIS BAY. (2) Walvis Bay Shipwrights
(AP541)—BULWER. (2) Mbalek Liyoni Mncwabe, trading as and Engineers (Pty) Ltd, Walvisbay; first application. (3) SV 235
M. L. Mncwabe Bus Service, Bulwer; amended (additional) —track—-1 067kg, SV 3690—truck—1 545 kg. (4) (a) Own Euro­
authority in respect of Route 2 and amendment to time-table pean, coloured and Bantu employees, tools, spares and any
in respect of Route 1. (3) One bus—NIP 44. (4) Bantu passen­ own goods required for boat repaires. (5) (a) From and to the
gers and their personal effects. (5) (a) (i) From Egqumeni situated holder’s own workshop to and from places within an area with
on the farm Highveld in Location 1, District of Bulwer along a radius of 80 km calculated from the holder’s own bona fide
Road 123 onto Road 7, then left onto Road 320, again left place of business at Walvis Bay. (4) (b) Own employees if no
onto Road D243 to Kilmun Store, back onto Road 243, right charge is made for such conveyance. (5) (b) From and to their
onto Road 320 left onto Road 7 to Underberg, then onto places of residence within the municipal area of Walvis Bay to
Road 126 to Himevilie and return along same route. (5) (a) (ii) and from the holder’s own bona fide place of business at Walvis
From Egqumeni situate on the farm Highveld in Location 1,
District of Bulwer, along Road 123, left onto Road 7 onto Bay.
Road 27 to Swamp situate on the farm Swamp, left onto Road P281 (M l 109)—GROOTFONTEIN. (2) A. Uamburu, Groot­
320 onto Road D4 then right onto Road 7 to Underberg then fontein; bykomende voertuig. (3) SF 2972—bus— 10 passasiers;
onto Road 126 to Himevilie and return along same route. (4) Nie-Blankc taxipassasiers met hul persoonlike bagasie. (5)
Time-table and scale of charges for inspection at Local Board’s Binne die munisipale gebied Grootfontein. Tarief: 20c per per-
offices. soon per km.
(AP2)—ESTCOURT. (2) A. M. Ally, trading as Ally’s Bus P283 (M 1096)—WINDHOEK. (2) E. J. Rieck, Walvisbaai;
Service; amendment to tariffs. (3) One bus—N E 6368. (4) Bantu, nuwe aansoek. (3) SV5836—vragmotor— 1 159 kg. (4) Eie werk-
Asiatic and Coloured passengers. (5) Over/within existing nemers indien geen vergoeding vir sodanige vervoer gevra word
approved routes/areas and in accordance with existing approved nie. (5) Vanaf en na Khomasdal, Windhoek na en vanaf plekke
time-tables and restrictions. Existing tariffs for inspection at gelee binne die munisipale gebied Windhoek. Tydtafel: Tussen
Local Board’s offices. Proposed tariffs: 3c per passengers per 07h00 en 18h00.
P284 (M1091)—TSUMEB. (2) Tsumeb Corporation Ltd, Wind­
WINDHOEK hoek; new application. (3) SW 43183—combi— 10 passengers.-
(4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a) Within a radius of 80 km calculated
Address to which representations must be submitted: T h e from the holder’s own bona fide place of business at Windhoek.
Secretary, Local Road Transportation Board, Private Bag X I3178, (4) (b) Not more than 10 own White employees per single trip
Windhoek, 9100, S.W.A. if no charge is made for such conveyance. (5) (b) From and to
Adres waarheen vertoe gerig moet word: Die Sekretaris, P la a s- their residences at Windhoek to and from their working place
like Padvervoerraad, Privaatsak X13178, Windhoek, 9100, S.W.A. at Matchless Mine, District of Windhoek.
BYLAE A P285 (M1118)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) J. A. Tjivangurura,
Walvisbaai; aansoek om gewysigde motortransportsertifikaat en
P I 84, P229, P231, P276, P280, P281, P283, P284, P285, P286, bykomende magtiging. (3) SV 2129—bus— 12 passasiers. (4) en
P287. P288, P290. P293, P294, P295. P296, P301, P303, P304, (5) Soos per die aangehegte Byla'e A.
P305, P306, P307, P308, P309, P312, P314, P315, P316, P317,
P320, P321, P324, P325, P326, P327, P336, P337, P342, P344, BYLAE A
P345, P352, P358, P357, P362, P363, P365, P367, P369. P370, 1. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke persone wat gesamentlik reis om
P371, P372, P373, P374, P378, P380, P381, P382, P383, P384, ’n begrafnis by te woon asook hulle persoonlike bagasie. Vanaf
P386, P388, P390, P391, P393, P394, P395, P396, P397, P400, plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied Walvisbaai, na plekke
P401, P402, P403, P405, P406, P411, P2, P3, P6, P7, P8, P9 gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika en terug onderhewig aan die voor­
P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P19. waarde dat die terugreis binne 36 uur na voltooiing van die
P184 (M899)—OKOMBAHE-RESERVAAT. (2) J. Ganaseb, heenreis, ’n aanvang neem en verder dat die persone wat op
Okombahe; nuwe aansoek. (3) Een vragmotor—9 000 kg—aange- die terugreis vervoer word ook op die heenries is.
koop te word. (4) Bantoepassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie
asook alle soorte goedere. (5) Vanaf Okombahe na Ui-Krens, 2. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke persone wat gesamentlik reis om
Tubusis. Kudubis en Usakos en terug oor dieselfde roete. ’n piekniek, konsert of ander vermaaklikheid by te woon of om
Tvdtafel en tariewe ter insae by Plaaslike Raad se kantore. ’n godsdienstige bveenkoms by te woon of om gesamentlik aan
P229 (M1046)—KAVANGO. (2) K. A. Lihongo, Kauango; een of ander wedstryd of spel deel te neem asook hulle per­
Nuwe a ansoek. (3) SCA 486—vragmotor—2 175 kg. (4) Nie- soonlike bagasie. Vanaf plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied
Blanke lede van die Evangeliese Lutherse Ovambo Kavangokerk Walvisbaai op Saterdae, Sonda'e en openbare vakansiedae na
en hulle persoonlike huishoudelike goedere en bagasie. (5) (i) plekke gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika en terug onderhewig aan die
Vanaf Rupara na Rundu en terug (126 km). (5) (ii) Vanaf Rundu voorwaarde dat die terugreis binne 36 uur na voltooiing van
na Oshivelo (onderweg na Ondangwa) oor Grootfontein en die heenreis ’n aanvang neem en verder dat die persone wat op
Tsumeb en terug oor dieselfde roete (afstand Rundu-Ondangwa die terugreis vervoer word ook op die heenreis Vervoer is.
1 140 km). 3. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke skoliere wat gesamentlik reis vir
P231 (M923)—SWAKOPMUND. (2) E. Ngutjinazo, Windhoek; opvoedkundige doeleindes of om ’n godsdienstige byteenkoms
nuwe aansoek. (3) SS 3461—motorkar—6 persone. (4) Nie-Blanke by te woon of om ’n piekniek, konsert of ander vermaaklikheid
passasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne die munisipale aan een of ander wedstryd of spel deel te neem asook hulle
gebied Swakopmund. toesighouers en persoonlike bagasie. Vanaf plekke gelee binne die
P276 (M913)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) M. F. J. van Blom- munisipale gebied van Walvisbaai na plekke gelee binnte Suid­
menstein, Okahandja; nuwe aansoek, laat hernuwing. (3) SH 1194 wes-Afrika en terug ondeiihewig aan die voorwaarde dat die
—vragmotor 21 405 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per aangehegte Byla'e A. terugreis binne 36 uur na voltooiing van die heenreis ’n aan­
vang neem en verder dat die persone wat op die terugreis ver­
BYLAE A voer word ook op die hteenreis vervoer is.
1. Sand, klip, gruis en grond vir padboudoeleindes ten behoewe P286 (M 1.093)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) D. A. van Wyk, Wind­
van die Suidwes-Afrika Administrasie kragtens ’n geldige kon- hoek; nuwe aansoek. (3) SW 43336—vragmotor—12 200 kg,
trak met die Suidwes-Afrika Administrasie. Binne Suidwes- SHI 191—vragmotor—1000 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per die aange­
Afrika. hegte Bylae A j
44 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

BYLAE A 9. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrik

1. San, gruis, klip en grond vir padboudoeleindes ten behoewe Outjo en plase Erindi U ra 345, Wildkuhl 972, Morewag 973,
van' die Suidwes-Afrika Administrasie kragtens ’n geldelike kon- Quo Vadis 980, Grenswag 981, Leo 979, Duineveld 982, Gems-
trak met die Suidwes-Afrika Administrasie. Binne Suidwes-Afrika bokpan 974, Biesiepan 971, 968, Diepwater 975, Omega 978,
uitgesluit Owambo soos omskryf in Bylae C van Goewennents- Komrnetjie 976, Ravenna 977, Amor 966 963 Rimini 969, Suur-
kennisgewing 2428 van 29 Desember 1972. verdien 964, Houmoed 95, Marrieres 94, Swinton 133, Oas’e
2. Eie gereedskap en kamptoerusting in gebruik vir eie gebruik 112, W’arlingcourt 99, Otjenga-Oos 10,5 Otjenga-Wes 106, Oros
alleenlik. Binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig 98, Hermain 96, Treurniet 97, Okaputa 108, Okaputa-Noord
omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo. 569, 570, 571, Gerhardshausen 572 Otjikoto 573 Okrukuiput
3. Eie branasiof, smeerolies en ghries slcgs vir eie gebruik. 336, Valhal 331, Norabis 387, Vaalbank 384, Doornlaagte 383,
Vanaf die naaste dorp, grootmaatdepot of spcorwegstasie na Neidaus 78, 79, 382, Westland 330, Rusthof 69, Vlankfontein 77,
die perseel gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos Luggenhof 76. Skakel 75, Eldorado 74, Karidabis 80, Boshoek
volledig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo waar die houer ’n 81, Maxwell 82, Lugenwalde 83, Stark 565, Okaputa-Wes 92,
kontrak het ora uit te vocr. Arendsburg 87, Brandenburg 86, Okarusu 88, Vlakpan 83, Heil-
4. Eie rantsoene slegs vir eie gebruik. Vanaf die naaste dorp bron 84, Vuuren 89, Nassau 91, Wittenberg 90, Klein Okaputa
of spoorwegstasie na die houer se bona fide-kontrakperseel 381 en Okaputa S.W. 567 gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Groot-
gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig fontein na die naaste spoorwegstasie of spoorwegsylyn waar ’n
omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo. geskikte laaikraal beskikbaar is op voorwaarde dat op ’n roete
5. Eie oortollige, onverbruikte voorraad van die goedere bedien deur ’n gerceide padmotordiens, ten opsigte waarvan
gemeld in paragrawe 3 en 4 hierbo slegs vir eie gebruik. Vanaf ’n motortransportsertifikaat uitgereik is, geen lewende hawe wat
die houer se een kontrakperseel binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit elders op die roete afgelaai moet word op daardie selfde roete
Owambo soos volledig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo na ’n ander opgelaai mag word nie.
kontrakperseel binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos 10. ’n Geselskap Blanke persone, hul toesighouers en persoon-
volledi? omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo waarheen die houer deur like bagasie wat gesamentlik reis; cm ’n piekniek of godsdienstige
die Suidwes-Afrika Administrasie oorgeplaas is. byeenkoms by te woon, om gesamentlik aan een of ander
6. Eie onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona wedstryd of spel deel te neem. Vanaf Otjiwarongo na Groot-
fide-herstel van eie voertuie en masjiene wat defek geraak het fontein, Otavi, Tsumeb, Abenab, Outjo, Okahandja, Windhoek,
en wat weens dringsnde omstandighede spoedsisend herstel Usakos, Omaruru, Karibib, Swakopmund en Walvisbaai op Sater-
moet word, uitgesluit aflewering aan enige besigheidsperseel ter dae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae en terug op voorwaarde
aanvulling van voorrade. Binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo dat die terugreis met dieselfde groep passasiers binne 24 uur
soos voiledig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo. na voltooiing van die heenreis ’n aanvang neem.
P287 (M1086)—SWAKOPMUND. (2) L. J. Maree, Swakop- 11. Lewende hawe namens Blanke kopers. Vanaf geadverteerde
mund; eerste aansoek. (3) SS 3402—Bus— 15 passasiers. (4) Eie
werknemers indien gecn vergoeding vir sodanige vervoer gevra veeveilings gelee binne Hereroland-Wes na plekke gelee binne
word nie. (5) Vanaf en na hul plekke van verblyf binne die die landdrosdistrikte Otjiwarongo, Gobabis, Windhoek, Omaruru,
munisipale gebfed Swakopmund na houer se bona fide plek van Outjo, Grootfontein en Tsumeb.
besigheid te Margerv Lonwmyn suid van Amndisspoorwev-Osie. 12. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdros­
P288 (M10S8)—GOBABIS. (2) R. Kaunatjike, wat handel dryf distrik Outjo na plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Otjiwa­
as Subkontrakteur Epukiro; nuwe aansoek. (3) SX 4054—Vrag- rongo.
motor—7 478 kg. (4) fa) Dieselolie in dromme ten behoewe
van Bantoe Administrasie en -Ontwikkeling. (5) (a) Vanaf Gobabis- 13. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke en plase gelee binne die
spoorwegstasie na ’n padkamp in die Rietfcnteinblok. (4) (b) Lee landdrosdistrik Otjiwarongo uitgesluit die volgende plase: Ehan-
dromme ten behoewe van Bantoe Administrasie en -Ontwikkeling. geru 199, Evero 200, Ousema-Noord 201, Ousema-Suid, 202,
(5) (b) Vanaf ’n padkamp in die Reitfor.teinblok na Gobabis- Otutundu 204, Rugby 207, Okawikenga 206, Osire-Suid 217,
spoorwegstasie. Osire-Noord 216, Okatjifuo 214, Olympia 179, Fallmouth 180,
P290 (Ml 119)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) F. P. Marais, wat Wesselton 176, Colorado 178, Moravia 177, Cornwall 182,
handel dryf as Marais Transport, Otjiwarongo; bykomende voer­ Utrecht 183, Steenbokvlakte 174, Sukses 172, Transvaal 187,
tuie. (3) Vier vragmotors—20 Ton elk, 5 sleepwaens—25 ton elk, Doornkom 173, Nelly 415, Havana 194, Neukluvensiek 195,
een lennwa—25 ton, een trekeenheid—20 ton—Aangekoop te Welgevonden 197, Gravelotte 198, Amperdaar 196, Grootgeluk
word. (4) en (5). Soos per die aangehegte Bylaes A, B en C 193, Otjiku 192, Wewelsburg 191, Ongurukena 190, Scbletwein
218. Ondekaremba 219 en Otiikurunime 215 direk na die Suid-
BYLAE A Afrikaanse Vleisprodusente (Sentraal Ko-operatief) Bpk., wie
handel dryf as Damara Meat Packers te Windhoek soos
1. Goedere behorende aan Blankes ten behoewe van Blankes. gespesifiseer op ’n permit wat deur die Afdeling Landbou-Tegniese
Binne die landdrosdistrik Otjiwarongo uitgesluit vervoer binne Dienste van die Suidwes-Afrika Administrasie uitgereik word.
die munisipale gebied Otjiwarongo.
2. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdros- 14. Lewende hawe namens Blanke kopers. Vanaf veeveilings
distrikte Otjiwarongo en Okahandja na die naaste spoorwegstasie gebou binne Kaokoland en binne die gedeelte van Damaraland
of spoorwegsylyn waar ’n geskikte laaikraal is. noord van die Ugabrivier na Outjospoorwegstasie met die
bepaling dat geen lewende hawe opgelaai mag word op ’n plek
3. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plaas tot plaas of vanaf plase na binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van die roete van ’n
veeVendusies of vanaf veevendusies na plase. Binne die land­ gereelde padvervoerdiens ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransport­
drosdistrikte Okahandja en Otjiwarongo. sertifikaat bestaan indien sodanige lewende hawe op ’n ander
4. Stoetdiere wat deur die S.W.A. Administrasie gekeur is terwyl plek gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van die roete
die diere deur Veeartsenydepartement in die voertuig verseel van dieselfde padvervoerdiens afgelaai moet word nie, indien
is. Vanaf plase van aankoop gelee binne die landdrosdistrik gemelde dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om sodanige
Otjiwarongo na Oshivello. plekke te bedien.
5. Lewtende hawe. Vanaf plekke gelee binne Outjo landdros­
distrik wes van die Otiiwarongo-Outjo-Okakuejopad direk na BYLAE B
Impala Unie S.W.A. (Ednts.) Bpk. te Otavi met die bepaling 1. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plaas tot plaas of tussenplase en
dat geen lewende hawe opgelaai mag word op ’n plek binne veevendusies binne die landdrosdistrik Outjo.
’n strook van 10 km weerskante van ’n spoorweg- of gereelde 2. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plase en Veevendusies gelee binne
padvervoerdiens, ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat die landdrosdistrik Otjiwarongo na plase en veevendusies gelee
bestaan, indien sodanige lewende hawe op ’n ander plek grleS binne die landdrosdistrik Outjo.
binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van dieselfde spoorweg-
of padvervoerdiens, wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoorweg- of
padvervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word nie, indien gemelde BYLAE C
dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is cm sodanige plekke
te bedien. 1. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke gelee binne die
6. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke gelee binne landdrosdistrik Outjo na die vleisfabriek te Okahandja en Windhoek.
Outjo na Oshivello oor Otavi en Tsumeb. 2. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke gelee binne Hereroland-Wes
7. Lewende hawe. Vanaf veeveilings binne landdrosdistrik na die vleisfabrieke te Otavi, Okahandja en Windhoek.
Otjiwarongo na plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrikte, Groot-
fontein, Windhoek, Gobabis, Outjo, Tsumeb en Omaruru. 3. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdros­
distrikte Otjiwarongo, Outjo en Okahandja na plekke gelee binne
8. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrik die Republiek van Suid-Afrika.
Otjiwarongo direk na Impala Unie (S.W.A.) (Edms.) .Bpk., gelee
te Otavi soos gespesifiseer op ’n permit wat deur die Afdeling P293 (M 1041)—S.W.A. EN R.S.A. (2) G.M. Garage (Edms.)
Landbou-Tegniese Dienste van die S.W.A. Administrasie uitge- Bpk., Witvlei; bykomende voertuig. (3) SX 4237—vragmotor—
reik is. 10-ton. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A,
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 45

BY LA EA 11. Wol. Vanaf die volgende plase: East View, Castor, Wyom­
1. Goedere, alle soorte. Vanaf en na Witvlei na en vanaf ing. Niedcck, Kansas, Manitoba, Dakota. Tennessee, Rus my siel,
Griinental, Ottowa 150, Spandau 149, Omkara 142, Rooigrond Ohio, Maryland, Oklahoma, Verlang, Honolulu, Mytilus na Nina.
144, Mundtsfarm 192, Koedoeloop 191, Mex 145, Delville 146, 12. Sout, veelekke en brandstof. Vanaf Wyoming Kontant
Okapaue 194, Schoch 193, Stoetzer 195, Turfan 340, Libyan 341, Winkel na die volgende aangrensende plase: Castor, East View,
Timor 342, Morgan 188, Voelsang 189, Schlesierfarm 187, Sach- Donners'oerg, Ebeuhaezer, Constant ia, Springbokpan en Niedeck.
senwald 940, Ke'noro 160, Waterloo 140, 388, Plaas 339, Stella 13. Sout, veelekke en brandstof. Vanaf Spandau 149 en Wil-
237, Okatjongora 236, Gottesgabe 159, Ongavaonuea 147 asook helmsnihe 339 na die volgende aangrensende plase: Westerwald,
na en vanaf Witvlei vanaf en na plekke wat binne 16 km vanaf Damheim, Okajepuiko, Okasandu, Nudom, Hondeblaf, Okahen-
gemelde plase gelee is met die bepaiing dat geen goedere opgelaai nessiva, Aandster, Horing, Ovikango en Okosongova.
mag word op ’n pick binne ’n strook van 8 km weerskante van ’n 14. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke gek2 binne ’n gebied met
spoorweg of gereeide padvervoerdiens, ten opsigte waarvan ’n ’n radius van 100 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Witvlei
motortransportsertifikaat bestaan, indien sodardge goedere op ’n (slegs die gedeelte gelee binne landdrosdistrik Gobabis) na
ander pick gelee binne ’n strook van 8 km weerskante van die- plekke gelee binne die Republiek van Suid-Afrika.
selfde spoorweg of padvervoerdiens of enige ander spoorweg of 15. Wild. Vanaf wildplase of plase gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika
gereeide padvervoerdiens, wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoorweg na wildplase gelee binne die Republiek van Suid-Afrika.
of padvervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word nie, indien gcmeld P294 (M971—WALVIS BAY. (2) W. Woker Freight Services
dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om sodanige plekke (Pty)- Ltd, Walvis Bay: additional vehicle. (3) SV1193—Double­
te bedien. cab combi—five passengers. (4) (a) White crew members. (5)
2. Goeder, alle soorte. Vanaf en na Witvlei na en vanaf Westbof (a) Within municipal area Walvis Bay, as well as to and from
585, Suliman 215, Okambara 219, Bildah 220, Maryland, Balfour Rooikop Airport from and to places situated within municipal
98, Witsan.d 95, Elise 96, Maree 228, Pommern 91. Sandpan 43, area of Walvis Bay. (4) (b) General goods and spare parts for
Verlang 44, Becker 45, Anhalt 90, Ivanhoe 92, Pembroke 94, vessels. (5) (b) Within municipal area of Walvis Bay.
Bekkersviiie 94, Afguns 97, Geduld 86 asook na en vanaf Wit­ P295 (M l084)—SOUTH-WEST AFRICA. (2) J. C. Jooste,
vlei vanaf en na plekke wat binne 16 km vanaf gemelde plase handeldrywende as verveerkontrakteur. Grootfontein; bykomende
gelee is met die bepaiing dat geen goedere opgelaai mag word op voertme. (3) SF 2619—leunwa— 10 600 kg. SF 3194—leunwa—
’n plek binne ’n strook van 8 km weerskante van ’n spoorweg of 30 000 kg, SF 907—'v oorhaker— 13 832 kg. SF 2956—voorhaker—
gereeide padvervoerdiens, ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortrans­ 13 832 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylaes A en B.
portsertifikaat bestaan, indien sodanige goedere op ’n ander plek 1. Goedere in die loop van die houer se bedryf, handel of
gelee binne ’n strook van 8 1cm weerskante van dieselfde spoor­ besigheid: (i) Deur die verkoper daarvan vir aflewering aan die
weg of padvervoerdiens of enige ander spoorweg of gereeide koper daarvan, of deur die eienaar daarvan na ’n plek waar
padvervoerdiens, wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoorweg of pad­ hy voornemens is om dit te verkoop of vir verkoop op te berg;
vervoerdiens vorm. afgelaai moet word nie, indien gemelde dienste (ii) deur die koper daarvan by verwydering van die plek waar
sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om sodanige plekke te bedien. hy dit gekoop het; (iii) deur die eienaar daarvan na ’n plek waar
3. Goedere, alle soorte. Vanaf en na Witvlei na en vanaf Luisen- hy voornemens is om dit te gebruik of vir ’n ander doel as
thal 97, Freiheit 80, Saaleck 97 (a), Blok 6, Herrenhoffen 79, verkoop op te berg; deur middel van die motorvoertuig hierin
Heesen 79, Kaukurus 79, Chab 79, Schornborn 79, Friedland 56, beskryf wat aan die eienaar van die bedoelde goedere alleen
Breytenbarg 51, Kanabus 55, Styria 52, Simmenau 54, Tennessee behoort. binne ’n radi"s van 50 km bereken vanaf sy pick van
48, Dakota 35. Kansas 34, Wyoming 36, Manitoba 40, Rus my bedryf. handel of besigheid te Grootfontein.
siel 47, Marylnd 42, Ohio 46, Honolulu 49, Grasperk 50, 2. Eie goedere. Binne die landdrosdistrikte Grootfontein en
Strydpan 89, Haveland en plaas 93 asook na en vanaf Witvlei Tsumeb.
vanaf en na plekke wat binne 16 km vanaf gemelde plase gelee 3. Eie roreedskap. masiinerie, steierwerk en voorrade op liande
is met die bepaiing dat geen goedere opgelaai mag word op ’n vir eie gebruik asook eie werknemers in die loop van hul diens
plek binne ’n strook van 8 km weerskante van ’n spoorweg of indien geen vergoeding vir sodanige vervoer bereken word nie en
gereeide padvervoerdiens, ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransport­ eie kamptoerusting vir eie gebruik deur sodanige werknemers en
sertifikaat bestaan. indien sodanige goedere op ’n ander plek nie vir verkoopdoeleindes nie en rar.tsoene en eie voorafvervaar-
gelee binne ’n strook van 8 km weerskante van dieselfde spoor­ digde huise vir eie gebruik alleenlik. Vanaf een eie bona fide
weg of padvervoerdiens of enige ander spoorweg of gereeide besigheidsterrein na ’n ander binne Suidwes-Afrika (uitgesluit
padvervoerdiens, wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoorweg of pad­ Owambo soos omskryf in Bvlae C van Goewermentskennis-
vervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word nie, indien gemelde gewing 2428 van 29 Desember 1972).
dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om sodanige plekke 4. Eie onderdele vir eie gebmik alleenlik wanneer dit benodig
te bedien. word vir die onmiddellike bona fide herstel en/of instandhouding
van masjinerie en/of werktuigkundige installasies wat defek geraak
4. Goedere. Vanaf en na plaas Siamaneur na en vanaf Witvlei. het en weens dringende omstandighede spoedeisend herstel moet
5. Lewende hawe. Van plaas tot plaas, tussen plase en vee- word maar uitgesluit aflewering aan enige besigheidspersele ter
vendusies en vanaf piase of veevendusies binne die landdros- aanvulling van voorrade. Binne Suidwes-Afrika (uitgesluit
distrik Gobabis, na die naaste spoorwegstasie of spoorwegsylyn Owambo soos volledig uiteengesit in paragraaf 3 hierbo.)
watter ookal die naaste is en waar ’n laaikraal beskikbaar is op 5. Eie defektiewe masjinerie en /o f dele daarvan vir dringende
voorwaarde dat op ’n roete bedien deur ’n gereeide padmotor- herstel. Vanaf eie bona fide besigheidsterreina gelee binne Suidwes-
diens, ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat uitgereik Afrika (uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig uiteengesit in paragraaf
is, geen lewende hawe wat op die roete opgelaai is elders op die 3 hierbo) regstreeks na ’n plek binne Suidwes-Afrika (uitgesluit
roete afgelaai mag word nie. Owambo soos volledig uiteengesit in paragraaf 3 hierbo) waar dit
6. Toevallige ritte ten opsigte van lewende hawe van plase dringend herstel moet word en terug.
aangrensende aan die bestaande roetes na Witvleistasie op voor­ 6. Brandstof in grootmaat asook smeerolies. Vanaf die naaste
waarde dat sodanige plase nie deur ’n gereeide padmotordiens grootmattdepot na plekke binne die landdrosdistrikte Grootfon­
bedien word nie. tein en Tsumeb.
7. Petrol in massa. Vanaf Tsumeb na Grootfontein (onder-
7. Bona fide-huistrekke. Van een woonhuis na ’n ander of van hewig aan hersiening te eniger tyd.)
’n woonhuis na ’n plek van opberging of van ’n plek van opber- 8. Hout ten behoewe van en behorende aan Madeira Du Sol,
ging na ’n woonhuis binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 240 km Angola. Vanaf Nkurenkum na Grootfonteinspoorvvegstasie.
bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Witvlei. 9. Eie bout. Vanaf plekke van aankoop gelee binne die land­
8. Lewende hawe. Tussen Omitar? en Otjinene, via die volgende drosdistrik Grootfontein na Grootfonteinspoorwegstasie.
plase: Rooikraal 111, Othihoa 128, Kanonschoot 131, Apex, 10. Eie gereedskap en eie werknemers in die loop van hul
Karambo 203, Ksmbinaana 204, Steinhausen 212, Otiiwarongo diens indien geen vergoeding vir sodanige vervoer bereken v/ord
213. Otjiranrua 221, Okatjosoniovavi 223, Tolana 200, Okroru nie. Binne die landdrosdistrikte Grootfontein en Kavango.
Kondovi 117, Smatoia 233, Gala 232, Dwessa 228, Hintsa 231, 11. Brandstof en smeerolies. Vanaf Grootfontein na Nkurenkum
Ibeka 229, Appelblaar 654, Summerdown 333, Kismet 226, Sand- oor Rundu slegs vir aflewering te N kurenkum .,
put 660. Vierplanne 560, Elandspan 672, Okatambnka 266. 12. Lee houers. Vanaf Nkurenkum na Grootfontein oor Rundu
slegs vir aflewering te Grootfontein.
9. Lewende hawe. Tussen Omitara en Okasonana 256 via 13. Goedere en mangaanerts ten behoewe van Walvisbaai
die volgende plase: Rooikraal en Otiihoa 128, Kanonschoot 131, Mining Co. Ltd. Tussen Okahandja en Otjisondo.
The Mark 123, Riversdal 134. Lowa 133, Talana 199. Vendetta
202. Rieverside 200, Joyce 198. Heatherebella 179. Rogers 196, 14. Goedere t.e behoewe van Suidwes-Afrika Co. Ltd. Vanaf
Okahannessiva 277. Ada 216, Okaruaka 215, Welgedacht 593, en na Abenab na en vanaf Berg Aukas na en vanaf Grootfjmtein.
Martina 335, Keiland* 334, Summerdown 333, Evare 265. 15. Goedere ten behoewe van Kiln Products. Vanaf en na
10. I.ewende hawe van plase direk na openbare geadverteerde Abenab na en vanaf Berg Aukas na en vanaf Grootfontein.
veevendusies en/of van openbare geadverteerde veevendusies 16. Onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona
direk na plase binne Suidwes-Afrika en direk van openbare fide herstel van masjinerie of werktuigkundige installasies wat
geadverteerde veevendusies na die naaste spoorwegstasie of spoor­ defek geraak het en wat weens dringende omstandighede spoed­
wegsylyn, watter ookal die naaste is en waar ’n laaikraal beskik­ eisend herstel moet word uitgesluit aflewering aan ’n besigheids-
baar is. Binne Suidwes-Afrika. perseel ter aanvulling van voorrade en oaderhewig aan die vook
46 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

waarde dat die vervoer uitsluitlik ten behoewe van South West 2. Eie goedere, binne die landdrosdistrikte Grootfontein en
Company wat handel dryf as Berg Ankas Myn onderneem word. Tsumeb.
Vanaf Walvisbaai en Windhoek na Grootfontein direk. 3. Eie gereedskap, masjinerie, steierwerk en voorrade op hande
17. Veelekke, hooi, boustene en kunsmis behorende aan Blankesvir eie gebruik, asook eie werknemers in die loop van bul diens
fenJ e n behoewe van Biankes. Binne die landdrosdistrikte Groot- indien geen vergoeding vir sodanige vervoer bereken word nie,
fontein en Tsumeb met die bepaling dat geen goedere opgelaai en eie kamptoerusting vir eie gebruik deur sodanige werknemers
mag word op ’n plek binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van en nie vir verkoopdoeleindes nie, en rantsoene en eie voorafver­
’n spoorweg of gereeide padvervoerdiens ten opsigte waarvan ’n vaardigde huise vir eie gebruik alleenlik, vanaf een eie bona fide
motortransportsertifikaat bestaan indien sodanige goedere op ’n besigheidsterrein na ’n ander binne S.W.A. (uitgesluit Owambo
ander piek gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van die- soos omskryf in Bylae C van Goewermentskemiisgewing 2428
selfde spoorweg of padvervoerdiens of enige ander spoorweg of van 29 Desember 1972).
gereeide padvervoerdiens wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoorweg 4. Eie onderdele vir eie gebruik alleenlik wanneer dit benodig
of padvervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word nie, indien gemelde word vir die onmiddellike bona fide berstel en/of instandhou-
dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bercid is om sodanige plekke ding van masjinerie en/of werktuigkundige installasies wat defek
te bedien. geraak het en weens dringende omstandighede spoedeisend her-
stel moet word, maar uitgesluit aflewering aan enige besigheids-
18. Padbou- en grondverskuiwingsma-siinerie wat 10,97 meter in
lengte en 2,59 meter in hoogte of 10,97 meter in lengte en 2,49 persele ter aanvulling van voorrade, binne S.W.A. (uitgesluit
meter in wydte of 2,59 meter in hoogte en 2.49 meter in wydte Owambo soos volledige uiteengesit in paragraaf 3 hierbo).
oorskrei uitsluitlik ten behoewe van South West Company wat 5. Eie defektiewe masjinerie en/of dele daarvan vir dringende
handel dryf as Berg Aukasmyn. Binne die landdrosdistrike herstel, vanaf eie bona fide besigheidsterreine gelee binne SAV-A.
Tsumeb en Grootfontein (uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig uiteengesit in paragraaf 3 hier­
19. Padbou- en grondverskuiwingsmasiinerie wat 10,97 meter inbo), regstreeks na ’n plek binne S.W.A. (uiigesluit Owambo soos
lengte en 2,59 meter in hoogte of 10,97 meter in lengte en 2,49 volledig uiteengesit in paragraaf 3 hierbo), waar dit dringeud
meter in wydte of 2,59 meter in hoogte en 2,49 meter in wydte herstel moet word, en terug.
oorskrei behorende aan en ten behoewe van Blankes. Vanaf en na 6. Brandstof in grootmaat asook smeerolies, vanaf die naaste
plekke geiee binne die landdrosdistrikte Grootfontein en Tsumeb grootmaatdepot na plekke binne die landdrosdistrikte Grootfon­
na en vanaf Oshivello. tein en Tsumeb.
BYLAE B 7. Petrol in massa, vanaf Tsumeb na Grootfontein (onder-
hewig aan bersiening te eniger tyd).
1. Goedere, alie soorte (uitgesluit lewende hawe) behorende 8. Hout ten behoewe van en behorende aan Madeira Du Sol,
aan en ten behoewe van Blankes binne die gedeelte van land- Angola, vanaf Nkurenkuru na Grootfonteinspoorwegstasie.
drosdistrik Grootfontein gelee wes van en uitsluitend die volgende 9. Eie hout, vanaf plekke van aankoop gelee binne die land­
plase gelee binne landdrosdistrik Grootfontein: Grenswag 981, drosdistrik Grootfontein, na Grootfonteinspoorwegstasie.
Duineveid 982, Tolnei 983, Omambonde-Wes 157, Annenhof 158, 10. Eie gereedskap en eie werknemers in die loop van hul
Gunuchas 162, Gaikaisa 159, Oes 160. Hoffnung 175. Bongora diens indien geen vergoeding vir sodanige vervoer bereken word
592, Plaas 747, Plaas 380, Amago-bib 45, Gute Hoffnung 14, Uit­ nie, binne die landdrosdistrikte Grootfontein en Kavango.
sab 654. en Harasib 317 met die bepaiing dat geen goedere opge­ 11. Brandstof en smeerolies, vanaf Grootfontein na Nkuren­
laai mag word op ’n plek binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante kuru oor Rundu, slegs vir aflewering te Nkurenkuru.
van ’n spoorweg, of gereeide padvervoerdiens ten opsigte waar­ 12. Lee houers, vanaf Nkurenkuru na Grootfontein oor
van ’n motortransportsertifikaat bestaan indien sodanige goedere Rundu, slegs vir aflewering te Grootfontein.
op ’n ander plek gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van 13. Goedere en mangaanerts ten behoewe van Walvisbaai
dieselfde spoorweg of padvervoerdiens of enige ander spoorweg Mining Co. Ltd, tussen Okahandia en Otiisondo.
of padvervoerdiens vorm. afgelaai moet word nie, indien gemelde 14. Goedere ten behoewe van Suidwes-Afrika Co. Ltd, vanaf
dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om sodanige plekke en na Abenab, na en vanaf Berg Aukas, na en vanaf Groot­
te bedien.
2. Sand, gruis, klip, grond, opvullingsmateriaal en rommel fontein.
behorende aan en ten behoewe van Blankes. Binne ’n gebied met 15. Goedere ten behoewe van Kiln Products, vanaf en na
’n radius van 80 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Grootfontein. Abenab. na en vanaf Berg Aukas, na en vanaf_ Grootfontein.
3. Siegs die volledig vervaardigde gedeeltes van ’n muur, vloer, 16. Onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona
plafon. dak of raamwerk van ’n voorafvervaardigde gebou wat fide herstel van masjinerie of werktuigkundige installasies wat
spesiaa! vervaardig is as integrerende dele van ’n muur, vloer, defek geraak het en wat weens dringende omstandighede spoed­
plafon, dak of raamwerk van so ’n voorafvervaardigde gebou, eisend herstel moet word, uitgesluit aflewering aan ’n besigheids-
tesame met die gereedskap en enige materiaal wat nodig is om perseel ter aanvulling van voorrade en onderhewig aan die
die komponente op te rig en aanmekaar te hou. Binne die grense voorwaarde dat die vervoer uitsluitlik ten behoewe van South
West Company wat handeldryf as Berg Aukas Myn, onderneem
van die militere basis gelee binne munisipale gebied Grootfontein.
4. Goedere, alle soorte behorende aan en ten behoewe van word, vanaf Walvisbaai en Windhoek, na Grootfontein direk.
Blankes binne die gedeelte van landdrosdistrik Grootfontein. ooskes en ten behoewe van Blankes, binne die landdrosdistrikte
van en insluitend die volgende plase gelee binne landdrosdistrik 17. Veelekke, hooi, boustene en kunsmis behorende aan Blan­
Grootfontein, Grensweg 981, Duineveid 982, Tolnei 983, Omam­ kes en ten behoewe van Blankes. binne die landdrosdistrik van
bonde-Wes 157, Annenhof 158, Gunuchas 162, Gai-Kaisa 159, Grootfontein en Tsumeb, met die bepaling dat geen goedere
Oes 160, Hoffnung 175. Bongora 592. Plaas 747, Plaas 380, opgelaai mag word op ’n plek binne ’n strook van 10 km weers­
Amagobib 45. Gute Hoffnung 14, Uitsab 654 en Harasib 317 met kante van ’n spoorweg of gereeide padvervoerdiens ten opsigte
die bepaling dat geen goedere opgelaai mag word op ’n plek waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat bestaan indien sodanige
binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van ’n spoorweg, of goedere op ’n ander plek gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km weers­
gereeide padvervoerdiens ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortrans­ kante van dieselfde spoorweg- of padvervoerdiens of enige ander
portsertifikaat bestaan indien sodanige goedere op ’n ander plekspoorweg- of gereeide padvervoerdiens wat ’n skakel met soda­
gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van dieselfde spoor­ nige spoorweg- of padvervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word
weg of padvervoerdiens of enige ander spoorweg of gereeide pad­ nie. indien gemelde dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is
vervoerdiens wat ’n skakel met sodanige sooorweg of padver­ om sodanige plekke te bedien.
voerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word nie, indien gemelde dienste 18. Padbou- en grondverskuiwingsmasiinerie wat 10,97 meter
sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om sodanige plekke te bedien.
in lengte en 2,59 meter in hoogte of 10,97 meter in lengte en 2.49
P296 (M l079)—GROOTFONTEIN. (2) J. C. Jooste, Grootfon­ meter in wydte of 2,59 meter in hoogte en 2.49 meter in wydte
tein; bykomende veertuig met bykomende magtiging ten opsigte oorskrei. uitsluitlik ten behoewe van South West Company w'at
van Bylae C. (3) SF 2697—Voorhaker. SF 2670—leunwa— handeldryf as Berg Aukasmyn, binne die landdrosdistrikte Tsu­
59 100 kg, SF 1531—leunwa—17 800 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per die meb en Grootfontein.
aangehegte Bylaes A, B en C. 19. Padbou- en grondverskuiwingsmasiinerie wat 10,97 meter
in lengte en 2.59 meter in hoogte of 10.97 meter in lengte en 2,49
BYLAE A meter in wydte of 2,59 meter in hoogte en 2.49 meter in wydte
1. Goedere in die loop van die houer se bedryf, handel of oorskrei behorende aan en ten behoewe van Blankes. vanaf en
besigheid: na plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrikte Grootfontein cn Tsu­
(i) Deur die verkoper daarvan vir aflewering aan die koper meb, na en vanaf Oshivello.
daarvan, of deur die eienaar daarvan na *n plek waar by voor-
nemens is om dit te verkoop of vir verkoop op te berg: BYLAE B
(ii) deur die koper daarvan by verwydering van die plek waar 1. Goedere, alls soorte (uitgesluit lewende hawe), behorende
hy dit gekoop het en aan en ten behoewe van Blankes binne die gedeelte van land­
(iii) deur die eienaar daarvan na ’n plek waar hy voornemens drosdistrik Grootfontein, gelee wes van en uitsluitend die vol­
is om dit te gebruik of vir ’n ander doel as verkoop op te berg; gende plase, geleS binne landdrosdistrik Grootfontein: Grenswag
deur middel van die motorvoertuig hierin beskryf wat aan die 981, Duineveid 982, Tolnei 983, Omambcnde-wes 157, Annen­
eienaar van die bedoelde goedere alleen behoort. binne ’n radius hof 158, Gunuchas 162, Gaikaisa 159, Oes 160, Hoffnung 175,
van 50 km bereken vanaf sy plek van bedryf, handel of besig­ Bongora 592. Piaas 747, Plaas 380, Amagobib 45, Gute Hoff­
heid te Grootfontein. nung 14, Uitsab 654 en Harasib 317, met die bepaling dat geen
STAATSKOERANT, 10 J U N E 1977 No. 5583 47

goedere opgelaai mag word op ’n plek binne *n strook van 10 die aansluiting in distrikpad na noorde verby die Staats Nie-
km weerskante van ’n spoorweg- of gereelde padvervoerdiens Blanke Teringhospitaal en volg Distrikpad 1935 tot by die grens
ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat bestaan, indien van Damaratuisland, volg dan Distrikpad 2306 tot by Okom-:
sodanige goedere op ’n ander plek gelee binne ’n strook van bahe. Terugreis oor dieselfde roete.
10 km weerskante van dieselfde spoorweg- of padvervoerdiens 2. Algemene goedere tussen Usakos en Okombahe.
of enige ander spoorweg- of padvervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet
word nie, indien gemelde dienste sodanige plekke bedien of BYLAE B
bereid is om sodanige plekke te bedien. 1. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke persone wat gesamentlik reis om
2. Sand, gruis, klip, grond, opvullingsmateriaal en rommel ’n begrafnis by te woon asook hulle persoonlike bagasie. Vanaf
behorende aan en ten behoewe van Blankes, binne ’n gebied plekke gelee binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km, bereken
met ’n radius van 80 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Groot- vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Usakos, na plekke gelee binne Suidwes-
fontein. Afrika en terug onderhewig aan die voorwaarde dat die terugreis
3. Slegs die volledigvervaardigde gedeeltes van ’n muur, vloer,binne 36 uur, na voltooiing van die heenreis, ’n aanvang neem
plafon, dak of raamwerk van ’n voorafvervaardigde gebou wat en verder dat die persone wat op die terugreis vervoer word ook
spesiaal vervaardig is as integrerende dele van ’n muur, vloer, op die heenreis vervoer is.
plafon, dak of raamwerk van so ’n voorafvervaardigde gebou, 2. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke persone wat gesamentlik reis om
tesame met die gereedskap en enige materiaal wat nodig is om ’n piekniek, konsert of ander vermaakiikheid by te woon of om
die komponente op te rig en aanmekaar te hou, binne die grense ’n godsdienstige byeenkoms by te woon of om gesamentlik aan
van die militere basis gelee binne munisipale gebied GrOot- een of ander wedstryd of spel deel te neem asook hulle persoon­
fontein. like bagasie. Vanaf plekke gelee binne ’n gebied met ’n radius
4. Goedere, alle soorte, behorende aan en ten behoewe van van 50 km, bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Usakos, op Saterdae,
Blankes binne die gedeelte van landdrosdistrik Grootfontein, oos Sondae en openbare vakansiedae na plekke gelee binne Suidwes-
van en insluitend die volgende plase gelee binne landdrosdistrik Afrika en terug onderhewig aan die voorwaarde dat die terugreis
Grootfontein: Grensweg 981, Duineveld 982, Tolnel 983, binne 36 uur, na voltooiing van die heenreis, ’n aanvang neem
Omambonde-wes 157, Annenhof 158, Gunuchas 162, Gia-Kaisa en verder dat die persone wat op die terugreis vervoer word ook
159, Oes 160, Hoffnung 175, Bongora 592, Plaas 747, Plaas 380, op die heenreis vervoer is.
Amagobib 45, Gute Hoffnung 14, Uitsab 654 en Harasib 317, 3. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke skoliere wat gesamentlik reis vir
met die bepaling dat geen goedere opgelaai mag word op ’n opvoedkundige doeleindes of om ’n godsdienstige byeenkoms by
plek binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van ’n spoorweg- of te woon of om ’n piekniek, konsert of ander vermaakiikheid by
gereelde padvervoerdiens ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransport­ te woon of om gesamentlik aan een of ander wedstryd of spel
sertifikaat bestaan, indien sodanige goedere op ’n ander plek deel te neem asook hulle toesighouers en persoonlike bagasie.
gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van dieselfde spoor­ Vanaf plekke gelee binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km,
weg- of padvervoerdiens of enige ander spoorweg- of gereelde bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Usakos, na plekke gelee binne
padvervoerdiens wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoorweg- of pad­ Suidwes-Afrika en terug onderhewig aan die voorwaarde dat
vervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word nie, indien gemelde die terugreis binne 36 uur, na voltooiing van die heenreis, ’n
dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om sodanige plekke aanvang neem en verder dat die persone wat op die terugreis
te bedien. vervoer word ook op die heenreis vervoer is.
BYLAE C Tydtafel en Tarieflys ter insae by Plaaslike Raad se kantore.
1. Eie padbou- en grond verskuiwingsmasiinerie vir eie gebruik P304 (M l067)—USAKOS. (2) M. Engino, Usakos; wysiging
alleenlik en nie vir die doel van herverkoop nie, binne S.W.A. van tydtafel en tariewe en bykomende magtiging. (3) SU 402—
(uitgesluit Owambo soos omskryf in Bylae C van Goewerments- vragmotor— 1 682 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylaes
kennisgewing 2428 van 29 Desember 1972), asook binne die A en B tot P303 (M1068). Tydtafel: Soos per die aangehegte
R. S.A., uitgesluit die Transkei, bestaande uit die Bantoegebiede Bylae C tot P303 (M1068). Tariewe: Soos per die aangehegte
soos omskryf in artikel 2 van die Transkeise Grondwet (Wet Bylae D tot P303 (M l068).
48 van 1963), soos van tyd tot tyd gewysig deur proklamasie in P305 (M918)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Laerskool Ernst Meyer,
die S ta a ts k o e r a n t gewysig. Gobabis; eerste aansoek, laat hernuwing. (3) SX 2749—bus—54
2. Padbou- en grondverskuiwingsmasjinerie wat 10,97 meter in sitplekke. (4) Blanke skoliere van die Primere Skool Ernst Meyer
lengte en 2,59 meter in hoogte of 10,97 meter in lengte en 2,49 en hul toesighouers asook hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Vanaf
meter in wydte of 2,59 meter in hoogte en 2,49 meter in Gobabis na plekke binne Suidwes-Afrika en die Republiek van
wydte oorskrei, vanaf plekke binne die landdrosdistrikte Groot­ Suid-Afrika. , , .
fontein en Tsumeb en die gebied Okavango na plekke binne P306 (Ml 113)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) C. P. Herbert, Manen-
S. W.A. (uitgesluit Owambo soos omskryf in Bylae C van Goe- tal; eerste aansoek. (3) SN 1437—vragmotor—8 ton. (4) (a)
wermentskennisgewing 2428 van 29 Desember 1972). Lewende hawe. (5) (a) Vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdros­
distrik Mariental na Kaapstad. (4) (b) Lewende hawe. (5) (b)
P301 (M1080)—OKAHANDJA. (2) E. A. Mbanaula. Oka- Vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Mariental na
handja; wysiging van tydtafel en tariewe. (3) SH 1611—B u s - Johannesburg.
25 passasiers. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A. Tyd­ P307 (M l071)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Raad van Beheer oor
tafel en Tarieflys ter insae by Plaaslike Raad se kantore. die Suiwel Nywerheid. Windhoek; bvkomende voertuig. (3) SW
4 2 244— leunwa—5 500 kg. (4) Vars melk in onverwerkte rou vorm
BY LA EA (5) Binne Suidwes-Afrika (uitgesluit Owambo soos omskryf in
Nie-Blanke persone en hul persoonlike bagasie, vanaf die ter­ Bvlae C tot Goewermentskennisgewing 2428 van 29 Desember
minus in die Nie-Blanke woonbuurt te Okahandia voor Martin
se Winkel, na die terminus by Wateiwesekampkompleks te S. P308 (M l0421—UIS. (2) H. Dausab. Uis; nuwe aansoek, laat
von Bachdam soos deur die Departement van Waterwese bepaai hernuwing, (3) SFA 552—bus—nege persone. (4) en (5) Soos per
asook die vervoer van tussenpassasiers oor die roete oor die toe- die aangehegte Bylae A.
gangspad tot waar dit met Ackermanstraat aansluit, dan met
Ackermanstraat tot waar dit met Hospitaalweg aansluit, en dan BYLAE A
met Hsopitaalweg tot waar dit met Kaiserweg aansluit, dan met 1. Nie meer as nege persone (drywer ingesluit) en hulle per­
Kaiserweg tot waar dit met Hoogenhoutstraat aansluit, dan met soonlike bagasie nie. Vanaf die hostel (Stop 1) gelee in die Ne-
Hoogenhoutstraat tot waar dit met Kusweg aansluit, dan met Bianke woonbuurt te Uis na Hoofposkantoor, Uis (Stop 5), oor
Kusweg tot waar dit met Voortrekkerstraat aansluit, en dan met die ongenoemde toegangspad na die Omaruru/Uishoofpa.d. dan
Voortrekkerstraat tot waar dit met Hoofstraat aansluit en dan met met laasgenoemde pad en die Uis/Hentiesbaaihoofpad tot by die
Hoofstraat tot waar dit met die Okahandja-Windhoekhoofpad aansluiting met die ongenoemde pad wat na die Blanke woonbuurt
aansluit, dan met laasgenoemde hoofpad tot waar die toegangs- te Uis lei, dan met laasgenoemde pad tot met _die aansluiting
pad wat na die Waterwese kompleks lei, dan met laasgenoemde van die genoemde weg wat na die Poskantoor lei, dan met laas­
toegangspad tot by die terminus en terug oor dieselfde roete. genoemde pad tot by Hoofposkantoor, Uis, en terug oor dieselfde
Tydtafel en tarieflys ter insae by Plaaslike Raad se kantore. roete asook vervoer van tussenpassasiers tussen plekke op die
P303 (M1068)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) M. Egeno. Usakos;
bykomende voertuig met nuwe magtiging. (3) SW 41516 —Vrag- T y d ta f e l e n T a rie f ly s t e r in s a e b y P la a s lik e R a a d se k a n to r e .
motor—2 100 kg, een vragmotor—30 sitplekke—aangekoop te P309 (M 1027)—TSUMEB. (2) J. M. S. Visser & A. S. Jacobs,
word. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylaes A en B. Tydtafel: Tsumeb; nuwe aansoek. (3) ST 3913—vragmotor— 1 378 kg. (4)
Soos per die aangehegte Bylae C. Tariewe: Soos per die aan­ en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A.
gehegte Bylae D.
1. Nie meer as 15 Bantoepersone (drywer ingesluit) asook 1. Goedere. Vanaf ’n plek gelee binne die landdrosdistrikte
hulle persoonlike bagasie en goedere. Vanaf terminus langsaan Tsumeb en Grootfontein wat vir die eienaar van daardie goedere
Huis 58 in Nie-Blanke woonbuurt, Usakos, oorkant die Katolieke gerieflik mag wees na die houers van hierdie sertifikaat se eie plek
Kerk, volg die ongenoemde straat tot by die Nie-Blanke skool, van besigheid te Tsumeb waar daardie goedere skoongemaak,
draai links en volg die ongenoemde grondpad na Usakos tot by gekleur, herstel of verander staan te word of waar op ’n ander wyse
48 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

daarmee gehandel staan te word, en vanaf die houers van hierdie Item 2: Bona fide-monsters vir tentoonsteiling en nie vir afie-
sertifikaat se plek van besigheid te Tsumeb na ’n plek geiee wering ingevolge verkoping of vir verkoop aangebied te word nie
binne die landdrosdistrikte Tsumeb en Groctfontein waar die op voorwaarde dat elke monster, in die vorm waarin dit versprei
eienaar van daardie goedere verlang dit aan hom gelewer word word, voor aanvang van die betrokke rit as sulks gemerk is binne
nadat aldus daarmee gehandel is. Suidwes-Afrika.
P312 (M953)—OUTJO. (2) F. K. en J. W. F. Pretorius en P324 (M1030)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) J. C. Jooste, Groot-
R. du Plessis & Botha, Outjo; bykomende voertuie. (3) S.T 1098— fontein; bykomende voertuie. (3) SF 2899—sleepwa—22 900 kg,
sleepwa—23 018 kg, SJ 1228—sleepwa— 12 250 kg, SJ 643—voor- SF 3573—voorhaker. (4) en (5) Soos per aangehegte Bylae A en
haker. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A. B tot P295 (M i084).
P325 (M ! 094)—WINDHOEK. (2) Dura Construction (Pty) Ltd,
Windhoek; new application, late renewal. (3) SW 30343—panelvan
BYLAE A — 1 366 kg. CA 166-635—lorry—5 700 kg. (4) and (5) As per
1. Goedere (uitgesluit lewende ha we) binne die landdrosdistrik attached Annexure A.
Outjo, uitgesluit vervoer van punt tot punt binne die munisipale
gebied Outjo. Met die bepaling dat geen goedere opgelaai mag ANNEXURE A
word op ’n punt binne ’n radius van 10 km weerskante van ’n 1. Own goods in the course of the holder’s industry, trade or
spoorweg of gereelde padvervoerdiens ten opsigte waarvan ’n business as building contractor by means of the motor vehicle
motortransprtsertifikaat bestaan indien sodanige goedere op ’n described herein belonging solely to the owner of such goods
ander punt geiee binne ’n radius van 10 km weerskante van within a radius of 50 km of his place of industry, trade or business
dieselfde spoorweg of gereelde padvervoerdiens wat ’n skakel met at Windhoek; (i) by their seller for delivery to their purchaser
sodanige spoorweg of padvervoerdiens worm, afgelaai moet word or by their owner to a place where he intends to sell them or to
nie, indien gemelde dienste sodanige punte bedien of bereid is om store for sale; or (ii) by their purchaser on their removal from
sodanige punte te bedien. the place where he purchased them; or (iii) by their owner to
any place where he intends to use them or to store them other­
2. Boupuin, rommel en uitgrawingsmateriaal. Binne ’n radius wise than for the purpose of sale.
van 15 km vanaf eie kontrakpersele geiee binne die landdrosdistrik 2. Own White employees if no charge is made for such con­
Outjo. veyance from and to their places of residence within the municipal
3. Opvullingsmateriaal. Vanaf punte binne die landdrosdistrik area of Windhoek to and from the holder’s own bona fide con­
Outjo na eie kontrakpersele binne die landdrosdistrik Outjo. tracting sites situated within an area with a radius of 50 km cal­
4. Sand, boustene en boumateriaal (uitgesluit mynbencdigdhede). culated from General Post Office, Windhoek. Subject to review
Binne Damaraland. at any time.
3. Own Non-White employees if no charge is made for such
5. Eie gebreekte klip en sementstene. Vanaf die houer se eie conveyance from and to Khomasdal and Katutura to and from
klipbreker en steenmakery te Outiod-orpsgronde na piekke geiee the holder’s own bona fide contracting sites situated within^an
binne die munisipale gebied Otjiwarongo asook die gedeelte van area with a radius of 50 km calculated from General Post Office,
die landdrosdistrik Otjiwanrongo binne ’n radius van 10 km Windhoek. Subject to review at any time.
bereken van die Otjiwardngo-Outjogrenslyn. P326 (M1111)—WALVISBAAI. (2) Wesbank Transport (Edms.)
P314 (M936)—WINDHOEK. (2) Vleissentraa'l (Ko-operatief) Bpk., Walvisbaai; aansoek om gewvsigde motortransportsertifi-
Bpk., wat hande! dryf as Vleissentraal/Damara Meatpackers, Wind­ kate met bykomende magtiging. (3) SV 1367—voorhaker—8 000
hoek; bykomende voertuig. (3) SW 12130—bakkie—1 000 kg. (4) kg, SV 4216—leimwa—22000 kg, SV 2321—voorhaker—8 000 kg,
Eie Bantoe- en Kieurlingwerknemers. (5) Vanaf en na die privaat- SV 1375—leunwa— 12 000 kg. (4) Alle soorte goedere. (5) Vanaf
woonplekke van Bantoe- en Kieurlingwerknemers geiee binne die Walvisbaai na mynprojek van General Mining geiee in omgewing
munisipale gebied Windhoek na en vanaf houer se eie bona fide van Bloedkoppie in die landdrosdistrik Swakopmund oor Swakop-
plek van besigheid geiee in die noordelike industriele gebied van mund.
Windhoek. P327 (Ml 110)—WALVISBAAI. (2) Wesbank Transport, Wal­
visbaai; aansoek om gewvsigde motortransportsertifikaat met
P315 (M937)—WINDHOEK. (2) Vleis&entraal (Ko-operatief) bykomende magtiging. (3) SV 2307 vragmotor—6 000 kg, SV
Bpk., wat handel dryf as Vleissentraal/Damara Meatpackers, 1367—voorhaker—8 000 kg, SV 4216—lednwa—22 000 kg. (4)
Windhoek; bykomende voertuig. (3) SW 11122—motorkar—vyf Kompressers en kompressers onderdele ten behoewe van Delfos
passasiers. (4) Eie Blanke werknemers indien geen vergoeding vir Atlas" (Edms.) Bpk. (5) Vanaf Walvisbaai na Margery Louwmyn
sodanige vervoer gevra word nie. (5) Vanaf en na die privaat- suid van Arandissooorwegstasie en terug.
woonplekke van Blanke werknemers geiee binne die munisipale P336 (M930)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Wesbank Transport
gebied Windhoek, na en vanaf houer se eie bona fide plek van (Edms.) Bpk., Walvisbaai; bykomende voertuie. (3) SV 1703—
besigheid geiee in die noordelike industriele gebied van Windhoek. leunwa— 15 ton, SV 2921—voorspanmotor— 18 ton, SV 3719—
P316 (M929)—WINDHOEK. (2) C. B. Waters, Windhoek; leunwa— 10 ton en vier leunwaens van 22 ton elk—aangekoop
bykomende voertuig met nuwe magtiging. (3) Kombi— 10 passa­ te word. (4) en (5) Soos per aangehegte Bylae A.
siers—aangekoop te word. (4) Nie-Blanke werknemers by hotelle
en kafees. (5) Vanaf en na Khomasdal na en van piekke gele® BYLAE A
binne die munisipale gebied Windhoek. 1. Goedere. Binne die munisipale gebied Walvisbaai.
P317 (M922)—WALVISBAAI. (2) J. Hugo, Walvisbaai; nuwe 2. Goedere. Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken
vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai, met d:e bepaling dat geen
aansoek, laat hernuwing. (3) SV 5199—motorkar—ses persone. goedere obgelaai mag word op ’n pick binne ’n strook van 10
(4) Nie meer as vyf Bantoehuurmotorpassasiers (drywer ingesluit) km weerskante van ’n spoorweg- of gereelde padvervoerdiens,
asook hui persoonlike bagasie op bona fide-huurmotorritte nie. ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat bestaan, indien
(5) Binne die munisipale gebied Walvisbaai. sodanige goedere op ’n ander plek geiee binne ’n strook van 10
P320 (M1010)—WALVIS BAY. (2) Total S.A. (Pty) Ltd. Walvis km weerskante van dieselfde spoorweg- of radvervoerdicns of
Bay; new application. (3) SW 42252—L.D.V.—90S kg. (4) (a) Own enige ander spoorweg- of gereelde padvervoerdiens, wat ’n skakel
goods. (5) (a) Within an area with a radius of 80 km calculated met sodanige spoorweg- of padvervoerdiens vorm. afgelaai moet
from the holder’s own bona fide place of business at Walvis Bay. word nie. indien gemelde dienste sodanige piekke bedien of
(4) (b) Own tools of trade in use for own use only. (5) (b) Within bereid is om sodanige piekke te bedien.
South-West Africa. (4) (c) Own spare parts required for the 3. Sand, klip, grond, stene. kraalmis en vourmaakhout. Binne
immediate bona fide repairs of own petrol pumps which became ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor,
defective and which an account of urgency must be repaired Walvisbaai.
expeditiously, excluding delivery to any business premises to 4. Vloeibare gas in houers. Tassen Walvisbaai en Swakopmund
replenish stocks. (5) (c) Within South-West Africa. (4) (d) Own slegs as die gas wat vervoer word vanaf Windhoek per spoor
employees in tile course of their employment if no charge, is afkomstia is. .
made for such conveyance. (5) (d) Within South-West Africa. 5. Alpemcpe goedere ten oosipte van Brockmann & Kriess
(4) (e) Own White employees if no charge is made for such con­ (Edms.)'Bnk. Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken
veyance. (5) (e) From and to their places of residence within vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai.
the municipal area of Walvis Bay to and from the holder’s own 6. Goedere behorende aan Sturrock & Woker (Edms.) Bpk.
bona fide place of business at Walvis Bay. Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Walvis­
P321 (M963)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Indo Atlantic (Edms.) baai se Sturrock & Wokertak.
Bpk., Windhoek; nuwe aansoek. (3) SW 2316—motorkar—5 per­ 7. Alle soorte goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van per­
sone behorende aan C. J. H. L. Nel. (4) en (5) Soos per aan­ sone vir wie Taeiiber & Corssen ( S W A ) Bpk. as_agente en ver-
gehegte Bylae A. spreiders optree. Binne die munisipale gebied Walvisbaai.
8. Alle soorte goedere (met uitsluiting van goedere verpak in
B YLAE A houers met intemasionale erkende afmetings) behorende aan en
Item 1; Eie sigarette tot ’n maksimum massa van 91 kg ter ten behoewe van persone vir wie Taeuber & Corssen (SWA)
aanvuliing van voorrade of vervanging van beskadigde of oor- Bok. as agente en verspreiders optree. Vanaf Walvisbaai na
tollige voorraade van kleinhandelaar binne Suidwes-Afrika. piekke binne die munisipale gebied Swakopmund.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 49

9. Petroleumprodukte in massa. (i) Binne die munisipale gebied (b) Enige plekke gelee op die roete vanaf Walvisbaai na New
Walvisbaai; (ii) vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke binne die munisipale Copper Mine (ongeveer 8 km noord van die Kuisebrivier) oor
gebied Swakopmund; en (iii) vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke gelee Rooibank; en
binne die landdrosdistrik Walvisbaai wat binne ’n gebied met (c) enige plek gelee binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 10 km
’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai, bereken vanaf New Copper Mine wat ongeveer 8 km noord van
gelee is. die Kuisebrivier gelee is.
10. Lugvragbesendings tot 1000 kg. Vanaf en na Rooikoplug- 24. Eie goedere in die loop van die houer se bedryf, handel
hawe na en vanaf plekke binne die landdrosdistrikte Swakopmund of besigheid as vervoerkontrakteur deur middel van die motor-
en Walvisbaai. voertuig hierin beskryf wat aan die eienaar van die bedoelde
11. Alle soorte goedere (met uisluiting van goedere verpak in goedere alleen behoort binne ’n radius van 50 km vanaf sy plek
houers met internasionaal erkende afmetings) behorende aan en van bedryf, handel of besigheid te Walvisbaai; (i) deur die houer
ten behoewe van Wutow (SWA) Edms. asook behorende aan en as die verkoper daarvan vir aflewering aan die koper daarvan,
ten behoewe van kliente wie deur Wutow (SWA) (Edms.) Bpk. of deur die houer as die eienaar daarvan na ’n plek waar hy
verteenwoordig word namens wie Wutow (Edms.) Bpk. as agente voornsmens is om dit te verkoop of vir verkoop op te berg; of
optree. (a) Binne die munisipale gebied Walvisbaai; en (b) vanaf (ii) deur die houer as die koper daarvan by verwydering van die
en na Walvisbaai; na en vanaf plekke gelee binne die munisi­ plek waar hy dit gekoop het; of (iii) deur die houer as die eienaar
pale gebied Swakopmund. daarvan na ’n plek waar hy voornemens is om dit te gebruik of
12. Goedere vermeld in paragrawe (a), (b) en (c) hieronder vir ’n ander doel as verkoop op te berg.
behorende aan en ten behoewe van Lock Joint Pipe Company 25. Onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona fide-
South Africa (Edms.) Bpk., Swakopmund: herstel van masjinerie of werktuigkundige installasies wat defek
(a) Fabrieksmasjinerie of dele daarvan wat te Walvisbaai ver- geraak het en wat weens dringende omstandighede spoedeisend
vaardig is. Vanaf Walvisbaai na bona fide-besigheidsplek van herstel moet word, uitgesluit enige aflewering na ’n besigheids-
Lock Joint Pipe Co. South Africa (Edms.) Bpk. te Swakopmund; perseel ter aanvulling van voorrade. Vanaf Walvisbaai na Rossing
(b) defektiewe masjinerie of dele daarvan.* Vanaf en na Lock Uranium Bpk. se mynkompleks suid van Arandisspoorwegstasie.
Joint Pipe Co. South Africa (Edms.) Bpk. se plek van besigheid 26. Pakkies behorende aan Brockmann & Kriess, Sturrock &
te Swakopmund na en vanaf Walvisbaai; Worker en Teuber & Corssen en persone namens wie Taeuber
(c) onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona fide- & Corssen as agente optree, wat nie gedurende die dag waarop
herstel van masjinerie of werktuigkundige installasies wat defek dit vanaf Walvisbaai na Swakopmund vervoer was deur die
geraak het en wat deur dringende omstandighede spoedeisend begunstigde in ontvangs geneem kon word nie. Vanaf die houer
herstel moet word uitgesluit aflewering aan enige besigheidsper- van hierdie motortransportsertifikaat se pakhuis te Swakopmund
seel ter aanvulling van voorrade. Vanaf Walvisbaai na Swakop­ na plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied Swakopmund of na
mund. plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied Walvisbaai.
27. Goedere behorende aan Blankes, ten behoewe van Biankes.
13. Eie hyskrane en toepaslike toebehore nie vir verkoop of Binne ’n omtrek van 65 km vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai,
vir verkoping afgelewer te word nie. Binne die gedeelte van Suid- met die bepaling dat geen sodanige goedere opgelaai mag word
wes-Afrika gelee binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 500 km bereken op ’n plek of plaas gelee op ’n spoor- of gereelde padvervoer-
vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai. diensroete, of wat deur ’n gereelde padvervoerdiens ten opsigte
14. Bona fide-huistrekke (a) vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke gelee waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat uitgereik is, bedien word
binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 500 km bereken vanaf Hoof­ indien sodanige goedere op ’n ander plek of plaas gelee op die-
poskantoor, Walvisbaai; en (b) vanaf plekke gelee binne ’n gebied selfde spoor- of padvervoerdiensroete of enige ander gereelde
met ’n radius van 550 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Wal­ padvervoerdiens wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoor, roete of diens
visbaai, na Walvisbaai. vorm afgelaai moet word nie indien die houer(s) van die motor-
15. Lee brandstofhouers behorende aan en ten behoewe van transportscrtifikaat(kate) uitgereik ten opsigte van gemelde diens
petroleum maatskappye. Vanaf plekke gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika (te) sodanige plekke bedien, of bereid is om sodanige plekke te
uitgesluit plekke binne die gebiede gelee tussen die Kunene en bedien.
Kuisebrivier wat binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 160 km vanaf 28. Sand, klip, grond, bakstene, kraaimis en vuurmaakhout
die weskus hoogwatermerk gelee ts; na Walvisbaai direk. behorende aan Blankes, ten behoewe van Blankes. Binne die
16. Eie goedere. Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km landdrosdistrik Walvisbaai.
vanaf eie kontrakpersele gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika asook vanaf 29. Die voigende items slegs indien nie in blikkies of bottels
en na eie kontrakpersele na en vanaf die naaste spoorwegstasie, ingemaak nie; vars vrugte, vars groente, vars vleis en vars vis,
-sylyn, -halte of bushalte binne Suidwes-Afrika. koue vleis en vars vis, koue en gekookte of gerookte vis, vars
17. Eie gereedskap vir eie gebruik en eie werknemers in die melk, gesteriliseerde gegeurde afgeroomde melk, room, roomys,
loop van hulie diens indien geen vemoeding vir sodanige vervoer hotter, kaas en eiers. Vanaf Walvisbaai en Swakopmund na Ros-
bereken word nie. Binne Suidwes-Afrika. sing Uranium Bpk. se kompleks suid van Arandis.
18. Eie onderdele wat benodig v/ord vir die onmiddellike bona 30. Voedselprodukte vir menslike gebruik u'tgesiuit die items
fide-herstel van masjinerie of werktuigkundige installasies wat in paragraaf 29 hierbo gespesifiseer. Vanaf Walvisbaai en Swakop­
defek geraak het en wat weens dringende omstandighede spoed­ mund na Rossing Uranium Bpk. se kompleks suid van Arandis.
eisend herstal moet word uitgesluit aflewering na enige besigheids- Onderhcwig aan hersiening ter eniger tyd.
perseel ter aanvulling van voorrade. Binne Suidwes-Afrika. 31. Alle soorte goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van
19. Eie masjinerie en/of dele daarvan. Vanaf ’n plek gelee persone vir wie die lede van die Walvisbaai se verskepings en
binne Suidwes-Afrika w'aar dif gebreek het na ’n plek binne Suid­ Inklaringsagentevereniging as agente en verspreiders optree.
wes-Afrika waar dit dringend herstel moet word en terug na die Vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied
plek vanwaar dit oorspronklik vervoer was. Swakopmund en terug.
20. Alle soorte goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van 32. Geglasuurde muurtecls. Vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke gelee
Kleurlinge en Bantoes: binne Suidwes-Afrika.
(a) Binne die munisipale gebied Walvisbaai; 33. Petroleumprodukte behorende aan en ten behoewe van
•(h) binne die munisipale gebied .Swakopmund; Petroleum maatskappye vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke gelee binne
(c) binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor,
Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai, met die bepaling dat seen goedere Walvisbaai, en lee houers vanaf plekke binne voormelde gebied
opgelaai mag word op ’n plek binne ’n strook van 10 km weets- na Walvisbaai.
kante van ’n spoorweg-, of gemelde padvervoerdiens ten opsmte 34. Vale met robbevdie en robbe-olie ten behoewe van H.
waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat bestaan indien sodanige Offen (Edms.) Bpk. Vanaf Kaap Kruis na Walvisbaai oor
goedere op ’n ander plek gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km weers- Swakoonvnd.
kante van*dieselfde spoorweg- of padvervoerdiens of enige ander 35. Lee houers ten behoewe van H. Offen (Bdms.) Bpk. Vanaf
spoorweg- of gereelde padvervoerdiens wat ’n shake! met sodaniee Walvisbaai na Kaap Kruis oor Swakopmund.
spoorweg- of" padvervoerdiens vorm. afgelaai moet word nie, 36. Besoeddde sout ten behoewe van H. Offen (Edms.) Bpk.
indien gemelde diensfe sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om Vanaf K aao Kruis na Walvisbaai oor Swakopmund.
sodanige plekke te bedien. 37. Alle soorte alkohoiiese drank, koeldrank, voedsel<en enige
vorm van menasiefeenodighedO: Vanaf en na Walvisbaai en
21. Rou- en amhagsgereedskap (uitgeriuit boumateriaal) beho­ Swakopnr-nd na en vanaf die Margery Louwmynkompieks suid
rende aan en ten behoewe vm Kleurlinge en Bantoes. Binne van Arandisspoorwegstasie.
’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkan­
toor, Walvisbaai. 38. Tweedehandse buitebande en binnebande vir versool en/of
herstel deur die onderneming Tidar Retreaders (Walvisbaai)
22. Wrakgoedere komende vanaf bote wat behoort (Edms.) Bpk. Vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrikte Mal-
aan Kleurling en/of Bantoebooteienaars. Binne ’n gebied met ’n tahohe en Damaraland wat binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 400
radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai. km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai, gelee is asook
23. Alle soorte goedere en petroleumnrndukte benodig vir vanaf plekke binne die landdrosdistrikte Walvisbaai, Swakopmund
navorsing en prospekteerdoeleindes. Vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke en ICaribib na die bona fide-plek van besigheid van Tidar Retrea­
binne die Namibwoestyn uitgesluit enige aflewering na: ders (Walvisbaai) (Edms.) Bpk. te Walvisbaai en nadat aldus daar-
(a) Enige plaicke wat deur die S.A. Spoorwegadmlnistrasie mee gehandel is terug na die plek vanwaar dit vir versoling of
bedien word; herstel vervoer is.
50 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

P337 (M26)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) A. N. I. D Alberts, 2. Own employees in the course of their employment if no
Outjo; Bykomende magtiging. (3) SJ 109—Voorspanmotor— charge is made for such conveyance. From the holder’s own
13 523 kg, SJ 849—Leunwa—25 360 kg. (4) Goedere behorende bona fide working site situated within South-West Africa (exclude
aan Powerlines (Pty) Ltd, wat benodig word om hoogspannings- ing Owambo as set out in Annexure C of Government Notice
kraglyn op te rig. (5) Vanaf Outjo na verskillende punte van 2428, dated 29 December 1972) to another one own bona fide
konstruksie tussen Epupa en Ruacana. working site situated within South-West Africa (excluding Owambo
P342 (M932)—WINDHOEK. (2) F. P. du Toit, Windhoek; as set out in Annexure C of Government Notice 2428, dated 29
bykomende voertuie. f3) SW 26178—Vragmotor—9 100 kg. SW December 1972).
29540—Vragmotor—9100 kg. SW 39716—Sleepwa—10 000 kg, 3. Mail and parcels. From and to Swakopmund to and from
behorende aan J. J. Esterhuizen. (4) en (5) Soos per die aan- Margery Louw Mine, south of Arandis.
gehegte Bylae A.
P363 (Ml 151)—SOUTH-WEST AFRICA. (2) Rossing Ura­
A nium Ltd. Swakopmund; additional vehicle. (3) SS 3733—horse;
1. Eie goedere as vervoerkontrakteur. Binne ’n gebied met ’n (4) and (5) As per the attached Annexure A.
radius van 50 km bereken vanaf die houer van hierdie motor-
transportsertifikaat se eie bona fide plek van besigheid te Wind­ ANNEXURE A
2. Eie werknemers in die loop van hulle diens indien geen 1. Own Bantu employees if no charge is made for such con­
vergoeding vir sodanige vervoer bereken word nie. Vanaf die veyance. From and to their places of residence at Arandis
houer van hierdie motortransportsertifikaat se eie een bona fide Township to and from Margery Louw Mine, south of Arandis;
werksperseel gelee binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km 2. Own Bantu employees in the course of their employment
bereken vanaf die houer van hierdie motortransportsertifikaat se if no charge is made for such conveyance. From and to the
eie bona fide plek van besigheid te Windhoek, na ander eie bona holder’s one own bona fide working site situated within an
fide werksperseel gelee binne voomoemde gebied. area with a radius of 80 km calculated from the holder’s own
3. Goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van Blankes. Binne bona fide place of business at Margery Louw Mine south of
’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkan- Arandis to and from another own bona fide site situated within
toor, Windhoek, met die bepaling dat geen sodanige goedere op- the afore-mentioned area.
gelaai mag word op ’n plek of plaas gelee op ’n spoor- of P365 (M il31)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA EN REPUBLIEK VAN
gereelde padvervoerdiensroete, of wat deur ’n gereelde padver- SUID-AFRIKA. (2) P. W. Bredenhann. Aranos; aansoek om
voerdiens, ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat gewysigde motortransportsertifikate met bykomende magtiging;
uitgereik is, bedien word indien sodanige goedere op ’n (3) SN 4336—vragmotor—10 ton en SN 4335—sleepwa— 10 ton;
ander plek of plaas gelee op dieselfde spoor of padver­ (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A.
voerdiensroete of enige ander gereelde padvervoerdiens wat ’n
skakel met sodanige spoor, roete of diens voim, afgelaai moet
word nie indien die houer van die motortransportsertifikaat uit­ BYLAE A
gereik ten opsigte van gemelde diens sodanige plekke bedien 1. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke en plase gelee binne ’n gebied
of bereid is om sodanige plekke te bedien. met ’n radius van 100 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor. Ara­
4. Sand, klip, bakstene, kraaknis en vuurmaakhout behorende nos, direk na slagpale gelee binne die munisipale gebiede Wind­
aan en ten behoewe van Blankes. Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius hoek en Okahandja.
van 35 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Windhoek.
P344 (M902)—WINDHOEK. (2) N. Katjihingua, Windhoek; 2. Lewende hawe. Vanaf plekke en plase gelee binne ’n gebied
ntrwe aansoek. (3) SW 4881—Motorkar—5 passasiers. (4) Nie- met ’n radius van 100 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Ara­
Blanke persone op bona fide taxiritte. (5) Binne die munisipale nos, na voerbanke en markte gelee binne ’n gebied met ’n radius
gebied Windhoek. van 80 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Kaapstad en na
P345 (M 1104)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA E N REPUBLIEK VAN voerbanke en markte gelee binne ’n radius van 80 km bereken
SUID-AFRIKA. (2) Hoer Tegniese Skool, Windhoek; nuwe aan­ vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Johannesburg.
soek om motortransportsertifikaat; laat hernuwing. (3) SW 116- P367 (Ml 133)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA EN REPUBLIEK VAN
611—Bus—73 sittend en 18 staande. (4) en (5) Soos per die aan- SUID-AFRIKA. (2) F. P. en W. J. du Toit, Windhoek; byko­
gehegte Bylae A.
mende magtiging. (3) SW 40476—meg. verkoelde—22 ton. SW
A 40992—leunwa—22 ton, SW 42193—leunwa—22 ton, CA 207-088
1. Blanke skoliere van die Hoer Tegniese Skool, Windhoek —leunwa—22 ton, CA 206-837—leunwa—22 ton, TSN 20707—
wat gesamentlik ’n reis onderneem om ’n kamp, piekniek kon- leunwa—22 ton. (4) Verkoelde vars groente, vrugte en eiers.
sert of ander vermaaklikheid by te woon of om ’n godsdienstige (5) Vanaf punte binne die Republiek van Suid-Afrika na punte
byeenkoms by te woon of vir opvoedkundige doeleindes of om binne Suidwes-Afrika.
gesamentlik aan een of ander wedstryd of spel deel te neem
asook hulle toesighouers en persoonlike bagasie. Vanaf Windhoek P369 (Ml 134)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA EN REPUBLIEK VAN
na plekke gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika (uitgesluit Owambo soos SUID-AFRIKA. (2) F. P. & W. I. du Toit, Windhoek; byko­
volledig omskryf in Bylae C tot Goewermentskennisgewing 2428 mende magtiging. (3) SW 40476—meg. verkoelde—22 ton. SW
van 29 Desember 1972) en die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (uitge­ 40992—leunwa—22 ton, SW 42193—leunwa—22 ton, CA 207-088
sluit die Transkei bestaande uit die Bantoegebiede soos omskryf —leunwa—22 ton, CA 206-837—leunwa—22 ton, TSN 20707—
in artikel 2 van die Transkeise Grondwet (Wet 48 van 1963) leunwa—22 ton. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A,-
soos van tyd tot tyd by proklamasie in die Staatskoerant gewysig)
en terug. BYLAE A
P352 (Ml 103)—GOBABIS. (2) D. J. Peters, Gobabis; aansoek
om gewysigde met bykomende magtiging. (3) SX 771—Vragmotor 1. (a) Vars geslagte skaap- en varkkarkasse verkoel tot 2®
- 10 ton SX 1889—vragmotor—10 ton. (4) Enige soort veevoer Celsius en aanverwante bevrore afvalle; en (b) vars skaap- en
meel, sout, omheiningsmateriaal en enige plaas benodigdhede. (5) varksnitte in kartonne verpak en verkoel tot 2° Celsius. Vanaf
Binne die landdrosdistrik Gobabis. die slagpales en vleisverwerkingsfabrieke binne die Kaapkarwei-i
P358 (M975) — SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Suid-Afrikaanse gebied na plekke gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika.
Spoorwee en Hawens; bykomende voertuie. (3) MT 31411—Leun-
wa 21 000 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per die bestaande goedgekeurde P370 (Ml 147)—WINDHOEK. (2) F. Kamburona, Windhoek;
Bylae C. bykomende magtiging. (3) SW 3215—motorkar—5 passasiers.-
P357 (M915) — SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Suid-Afrikaanse (4) Nie meer as 5 Nie-Blanke passasiers en hul persoonlike
Spoorwee en Hawens; gewysigde magtiging. (3) MT 31332—leun­ besittings op bona fide-taxiritte nie. (5) Binne ’n gebied met ’n
wa—2! 000 kg, MT 31343—leunwa—21000 kg, MT 31305— radius van 200 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Windhoek.
leunwa—21 000 kg. MT 31377—leunwa—21 000 kg, MT 31382—- P371 (M l 146>—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) J. G. Moller, Lew
leunwa—21 000 kg, MT 31338—leunwa—21 000 kg. (4) en (5) nardville; nuwe aansoek. (3) SX 4250—bus—900 kg, SX 3825—
Soos per die bestaande goedgekeurde Bylae C. vragmotor—1000 kg, een sleepwa—300 kg. (4) Alle soorte
P362 (Ml 150)—SWAKOPMUND. (2) Rossing Uranium Ltd, goedere uitgesluit ten behoewe van eie eggenote B. C. Moller;
Swakopmund; additional vehicles. (3) SS 3676—Bus—44 passen­ (5) (a) Vanaf Windhoek na Leonardville oor Dordabis of Nina;
gers, SS 3735—Bus—44 passengers, SS 3736—Bus—44 passen­ (5) (b) Vanaf Mariental na Leonardville. (5) (c) Vanaf Gobabis
gers, SS 3737—Bus—44 passengers, SS 3738—Bus—44 passen­ na Leonardville.
gers, SS 3739—bus—44 passengers. (4) and (5) As per the
attached Annexure A. P372 (Ml 142)—WINDHOEK. (2) Oamites Myn, Windhoek;
ANNEXURE A nuwe aansoek. (3) SW 32607—vragmotor—10 passasiers, SW
1. Own employees if no charge is made for such conveyance. 27754—vragmotor—20 passasiers. (4) Eie Bantoewerknemers en
From and to their places of residence at Swakopmund to and hulle persoonlike bagasie indien geen vergoeding vir sodanige
from the holder’s own bona fide place of business at Margery vervoer gevra word nie. (5) Vanaf Oamites Myn na Windhoek--
Louw south of Arandis. spoorwegstasie en terug.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 51

P373 ( M il36)—BETHANIE. (2) S. Njembo, Bethanie; nuwe BYLAE A

aansoek. (3) SB 474—bakkie—8 persone, behorende aan G. 1. Goedere, alle soorte. (a) Vanaf Rundu na Bagani or Kayen-
Njembo. (4) Werknemers van die Staatskoshuis te Bethanie. (5) gona, Sambyu, Mupapama, Mabushe, Ndonga, Ndiyona, Sham-
Binne die landdrosdistrik Bethanien. vura, Nbambi, Kangongo, Shadikangoro en Mukwe asook tussen-
P374 (M 1117)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Suid-Afrikaanse vervoer tussen plekke op die roete. (b) Vanaf Rundu na Nkuren-
Spoorwee- en Hawens, Windhoek; bykomende voertuig. (3) MT kuru oor Mupini, Rapako, Bunya, Rupera, Tondoro en Kahengs
32622—leunwa—22 500 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per die bestaande asook tussenVervoer tussen plekke op die roete. (c) Vanaf Groot-
goedgekeurde Bylae C. fontein na Tsumkwe in Boesmanland,
P378 (M 1044)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA EN REPUBLIEK VAN Tydtafel: Soos en wanneer benodig.
SUID-AFRIKA. (2) Dekson Transport, Windhoek; bykomende Tariewe: Soos ooreengekom.
voertuig. (3) SW 42808—sleepwa—6 050 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per
aangehegte Bylae A. 2. Bantoepersone en hul persoonlike bagasie vanaf Rundu na
Bagani oor Kayengona, Sambyu, Mupapama, Mabushe, Ndonga,
BYLAE A Ndiyona, Shamvuna, Nbambi, Kangongo, Shadikongoro en
1. Goedere ten behoewe van Windhoek afslaers. Binne ’n Mukwe asook tussenvervoer tussen plekke op die roete.
gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf die houer se eie Tariewe: Rundu-Bagani: R2,80 enkel per persocm, tussenver
bona fide plek van besigheid te Windhoek. voer tussen plekke op die roete: 2c per persoon per enkel km.
2. Bona fide-huistrekke. Vanaf een woning na ’n ander of Tydtafel ter insae by Plaaslike Raad se kantore.
vanaf ’n woning na ’n opbergplek of vanaf een opbergingsplek
na ’n ander en vanaf ’n opbergingsplek na ’n woonhuis. Binne die 3. Bantoepersone en hul persoonlike bagasie vanaf Rundu na
Republiek van Suid-Afrika en Suidwes-Afrika (uitgesluit Owambo Nkurenkuru oor Mupini, Kapako, Bunya, Rupera, Tondoro en
soos omskryf in Bylae C tot Goewermentskennisgewing 2428 Kahenge asook tussenvervoer tussen plekke op die roete.
van 29 Desember 1972). Tariewe: Rundu-Nkurenkuru: Rl,85 enkel per persoon. Tussen­
3. Asbakkies op voetstukke gemonteer, bababadkassies met of vervoer tussen plekke op die roete: 2c per persoon per enkel rit.
sender bababadjies. badstoele, baddens, bedkassies, bedkopstukke, Tydtafel ter insae by Plaaslike Raad se kantore.
blomstaanders, boekrakke, buffette, divankopstukke, divans, hang- P382 (M 1155)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Contact Electrical
kaste, houtborde houtskinkborde huistydklokke (uitgesluit wek- Lines (Edms.) Bpk., Windhoek; eerste aansoek om motortrans-
kers en elektriese horlosies) kabinette, kaggelskerms, staankap- portsertifikaat, teat hernuwing. (3) SW 28010—vragmotor—2 754
stokke, kassies vir tafelgerei, kleedtafels, laaikaste, klerekaste, kg. (4) 'en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A.
kombuiskaste, lampstaanders, lessenaars, linnekaste, matrasse,
medisynekaste, portrette, rusbanke, skeerkassies, skilderye, speel- BYLAE A
kampies, spieelkaste, spieeltafels, stilletjies, stoele, stoepbanke, 1. Eie goedere in die loop van die houer se bedryf, handel
strykplanke, tafels. teewaentjies, tuinbanke, tydskrifrakkies, ver- of besigheid as groothandelaar in elektriese ware deur middel
toonkaste, voetstoeltjies, wastafels, wiegies, stoffeermateriaal, van die motorvoertuig hierin beskryf wat aan die eienaar van die
tapyte, vloermatte, gordyne en kussings en ander sagte meuble- bedoelde goedere alleen behoort binne ’n radius van 50 km vanaf
ment waar sodanige items deel vorm van of bestem is vir sy plek van bedryf, handel of besigheid te Windhoek (i) deur die
gebruik met en oorspronklik saam met die items verkoop is. verkoper daarvan, vir aflewering aan die koper daarvan, of deur
Binne die Republiek van Suid-Afrika en Suidwes-Afrika (uit­ die 'eienaar daarvan na ’n plek waar hy voomemens is om dit
gesluit Owambo soos volledig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo). te verkoop of vir verkoop op te berg; of (ii) deur die koper
4. Preekstoele, toonbanke, kerkbanke, gramradios, klaviere, daarvan by verwydering van die plek waar hy dit gekoop het;
kabinette vir gramradios, elektriese verwarmers, naaimasjiene, of (iii) deur die eienaar daarvan na ’n plek waar hy voornemens
kandelare, spieels, glasware (uitgesluit vensterglas), porseleinware is om dit te gebruik of vir ’n ander doei as verkoop op te berg.
(uitgesluit wasbakke en baddens), toiletspoelbakke en gemak- 2. Eie gramradio’s stowe, yskaste, skakelborde, elektriese meters
panne), glasvertoonkaste, snaar- en pypinstrumente, stowe, koel- en platespel'ers met versterkers vanaf en na Walvisbaai na en
kaste, wasmasjiene, radios en elektriese skakelrei en skakelborde. vanaf Windhoek.
Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 480 km bereken vanaf die
houer se eie bona fide plek van besigheid te Windhoek. 3. Eie onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona
fide-herstel van radios wat defek geraak het en wat weens drin­
P380 (Ml 148)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) A. M. Balhao, Groot- gende omstandighede spoedeisend h'erstcl moet word, uitgesluit
fontein; nuwe aansoek. (3) SF 1914— vragmotor—18 060 kg. (4) aflewering aan enige besigheidsperseel ter aanvulling van voor­
en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A. rade. Vanaf en na Walvisbaai na en vanaf Windhoek.
BYLAE A P383 (M l 145)—WINDHOEK. (2) F. Kock, Windhoek; nuwe
1. Sand, gruis, klip en grond vir padboudoeleindes ten behoewe aansoek. (3) SW 4024—bakkie—1 180 kg. (4) Nie-Blanke persone
van die Suidwes-Afrika Administrasie kragtens ’n geldige kontrak asook algemene goedere. (5) Vanaf Windhoek na Groot Aub en
met die Suidwes-Afrika Administrasie. Binne Suidwes-Afrika uit­ terug.
gesluit Owambo soos omskryf in Bylae C van Goewerments- Tydtafel: Tussen Maandae 08h00 en 18h09 Sondae.
kennisgewing 2428 van 29 Desember 1972. Tarief: Goedere teen R16.
2. Eie gereedskap en kamptoerusting in gebruik vir eie gebruik Persone teen Rl,20 per persoon.
alleenlik. Binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig P384 (Ml 162)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA EN REPUBLIEK VAN
omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo. SUID-AFRIKA. (2) Hoerskool Otjiwarongo, Otjiwarongo: byko­
mende voertuig. (3) SO 440—bus—27 sitplekke. (4) en (5) Soos
3. Eie brandstof, smeerolies en ghries slegs vir eie gebruik.
Vanaf die naaste dorp, grootmaatdepot of spoorwegstasie na die per die aangehegte Bylae A.
perseel gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos BYLAE A
volledig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo waar die houer ’n kontrak 1. Blanke skoliere en hul toesighouers vir sport- en opvoed-
het om uit te voer. kundige doeleindes. Vanaf Otjiwarongo na plekke gelee binne
4. Eie rantsoene vir eie gebruik. Vanaf die naaste dorp Suidwes-Afrika en die Republiek van Suid-Afrika en terug uitge­
of spoorwegstasie na die houer se bona fide-kontrakperseel gelee sluit die Transkei bestaande uit die Bantoegebiede soos omskryf
binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig omskryf in in artikel 2 van die Transkeise Grondwet, 1963 (Wet 48 van
paragraaf 2 hierbo. 1965) soos van tyd tot tyd deur publikasie in die S t a a ts k o e r m t
5. Eie oortollige, onverbruikte voorraad van die goedere gemeld gewysig.
in paragrawe 3 en 4 hierbo slegs vir eie gebruik. Vanaf die houer 2. Blanke sport-, piekniek-, kerk- en opvoedkundige geselskappe
se een kontrakperseel binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo op Satcrdae 'en Sondae en openbare vakansiedae vanaf Otjiwa­
soos volledig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo na ’n ander kontrak- rongo na plekke gelee binne ’n radius van 480 km vanaf die
pers'eel binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig Poskantoor, Otjiwarongo, en terug met die bepaling dat die terug-
omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo waarheen die houer deur die reis aanvaar word binne 36 uur na die voltooiing van die heen-
Suidwes-Afrika Administrasie oorgeplaas is. reis.
6. Eie onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona P386 (Ml 167) — SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Boeremakelaars
fide-herstel van eie voertuie en masjiene wat defek geraak bet (Koop.) Bpk., Windhoek; bykomende magtiging. (3) SW 44668—
en wat weens dringende omstandighede spoedeisend herstel moet bus—1 290 kg. (4) Eie personeel en kliente met hul persoonlike
word, uitgesluit aflewering aan enige besigheidsperseel ter aan- bagasie. (5) N a en vanaf vendusies van B.K.B. binne Suidwes-
vulling van voorrade. Binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo Afrika (uitgesluit Owambo soos omskryf in Bylae C van Goewer­
soos volledig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo. mentskennisgewing 2428 van 29 Desember 1972).
P381 (M l 158)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) A. Kambinda, Rundu; P388 (Ml 175)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA EN REPUBLIEK VAN
nuwe aansoek, laat hernuwing. (3) SCA 381—vragmotor—6 977 SUID-AFRIKA. (2) M. L. Shipanga, Windhoek; bykomende voer­
kg, SCA 592—vragmotor—7 490 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per die aan­ tuig met nuwe magtiging. (3) SW 42052—bus— 12 sitplekke. (4)
gehegte Bylae A. Nie-Blanke passasiers bn hul persoonlike bagasie wat gesamentlik
52 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

’n reis onderneem om ’n kamp, piekniek, konsert of ander ver- BYLAE B

maaklikheid by te woon of om 'n godsdienstige byeenkoms by BESKRYWING VAN MOTO RTRANSPORTSERTXFIKATE
te woon of om gesamentlik aan een of andsr wedstryd of spel
deel te neem of om ’n begrafnis by te woon. (5) Vanai Katutura BYLAE B1
na dorpe en vakansieoorde in Suidwes-Afrifca en Repubiiek van 1. Goedere behorende aan Blankes, ten behoewe van Blankes.-
Suid-Afrika en terug. Binne die landdrosdistrik Walvisbaai met die bepaling dat geen
P390 (M1171)—GOBABIS. (2) E. Tjejamba, Gobabis; nuwe goedere opgelaai mag word op ’n plek binne ’n radius van 10
aansoek. (3) SEA 137—vragmctor—4 562 kg, SEA 185—vragmotor km weerskante van ’n spoorweg- of gereelde padvervoerdiens
—9 561 kg. (4) Algemene goedere en lewende ha we ten behoewe ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat bestaan indien
van Bantoe Administrasie en Ontwikkeling. (5) (a) Vanaf en na sodanige goedere op ’n ander plek gelee binne ’n radius van
Gobabis na en vanaf Rietfontein Biok oor plaas Rietfontein 867 10 km weerskante van dieselfde spoorweg of padvervoerdiens
gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Gobabis. (5) (b) Vanaf en na wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoorweg of padvervoerdiens vorm,
Rietfonteinblok na en vanaf Epukiro en Otjinene gelee binne afgelaai moet word nie, indien gemeide dienste sodanige plekke
Hereroland-Oos. Behoudens die voorwaarde dat geen goedere op bedien of bereid is om sodanige plekke te bedien.
die roete wat S.A.S. bedien op of afgelaai word nie. 2. Sand, klip, grond, boustene, kraajmis en vuurmaakbout
behorende aan Blankes en ten behoewe van Blankes. Binne die
P391 (Ml 192)— SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) H. Von Bodenhausen, landdrosdistrik Walvisbaai.
Windhoek; nuwe aansoek. (3) SW 32252—motorkar—4 sit-
plekke. (4) Algemene goedere. (5) Binne Suidwes-Afrika. BYLAE B2
P393 (Ml 188)—SWAKOPMUND. (2) E. P. Behr, handel- 1. Sout vir gebruik op sncekbote en draagplanke vanaf sout-
drywend as Behr’s Transport, Swakopmund; bykomende vcertuig. panne, gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Swakopmund, na Walvis­
(3) SS 3581—vragmotor—7 210 kg. (4) (a) Goedere, alls soorte. baai.
(5) (a) Binne die munisipale gebied Swakopmund. (4) (fa) Petro- 2. Draagplanke vanaf Walvisbaai na soutpanne gelee binne
leumprodukte en lee honors ten behoewe van Shell Maatskappy. die landdrosdistrik Swakopmund.
(5) (b) Binne ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofpcskantoor, 3. Plat klip vanaf plekke binne die Kuiseb Canyon gelee binne
Swakopmund. ’n radius van 160 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai,
na Walvisbaai.
P394 (M 1183)—WALVISBAAI. (2) T. S. B. Bosch, handel- 4. Eie Swakopriviersand slegs vir eie gebruik vanaf Swakopmund
drywend as Walvisbaai Smokery, Walvisbaai; eerste aansoek. (3) na Walvisbaai.
SV 6050—paneelwa—445 kg. SV 5525—paneelwa— 1 016 kg. (4)
Vars vleis, koue vleis, polonies en vars groente ten behoewe van BYLAE B4
Karoo Lewende Kawe en Hartliefs Slaghuis. (5) Binne ’n radius 1. Abnormaie vragte soos beperk ingevolge die bepalings van
van 80 km vanaf bona fide plek van besigheid te Walvisbaai. die Ordonnansie op Padverkeer, No. 39 van 1967 S.W.A., en
P395 (Ml 184)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) E. A. Mbangula, regulasies daaringevoige uitgevaardig ten behoewe van Wcker
Okahandja; bykomende magtiging. (3) SH 1611—bus—25 passa- Freight Services. Indo Atlantic, J. C. Harries en United Shipping
siers. (4) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A. Co. vanaf Walvisbaaihawe na die Kunenerivierontwikkelings-
gebied en terug.
1. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke pereone wat gesamentlik reis om 1. E :e padboumasjiene en hyskrane in gebruik slegs vir eie
’n begrafnis by te woon asook hullp persoonlike bagasie. Vanaf gebruik asook eie Nie-Blanke werknemers in die loop van hulle
plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied Okahandja, na plekke diens indien geen vergoeding vir sodanige vervoer bereken word
gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika en terug onderhewig aan die voor­ nie, vanaf die boner se eie bona fide-werkspenseel gelee te Wal­
waarde dat die terugreis binne 36 uur, na voltooiing van die visbaai na ’n ander eie bona fide-werksperseel gelee binne Suidwes-
heenreis, ’n aanvang neem en verder dat die persone wat op die Afrika en terug.
terugreis vervoer word ook op die heenreis vervoer is.
2. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke persone wat gesamentlik reis om BYLAE B6
’n piekniek, konsert of ander vermaaklikheid by te woon of om 1. Goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van persone vir
’n godsdienstige byeenkoms by te woon of om gesamentlik aan wie W. Woker Freight Services as agente optree. Binne die
een of ander wedstryd of spel deel te neem asook hulle per­ gedeelte van die landdrosdistrik Walvisbaai wat binne ’n gebied
soonlike bagasie. Vanaf die munisipale gebied Okahandja op met ’n radius van 50 km, bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvis­
Vrydae, Saterdae, Sondae en openbare vakansiedae na plekke baai, gelee is en vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke gelee binne die
gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika en terug onderhewig aan die voor­ munisipale gebied Swakopmund.
waarde dat die terugreis binne 36 uur, na voltooiing van die
heenreis, ’n aanvang neem en verder dat die persone wat op die BYLAE B7
terugreis vervoer w rd ook op die heenreis vervoer is. 1. Goedere verpak in verseelde houers vir verskeping en ont-
3. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke skoliere wat gesamentlik reis vir skeping, behorende aan en ten behoewe van persone vir wie W.
opvoedkundige doeleindes of om ’n godsdienstige byeenkoms by Woker Freight Services. Indo-Atlantic, United Shipping, J. C.
te woon of om ’n piekniek. konsert of ander vermaaklikheid Harries, Rennies Consolidated, Federal Marine, Pesoanova,
by te woon of om gesamentlik aan een of ander wedstryd of Grindrod. visfabribeke en oliemaatskappye as agente optree, direk
spel deel te neem asook hulle toesighouers en persoonlike bagasie. van Walvisbaaihawe na die persele van kliente en direk vanaf
Vanaf plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied Okahandja, na persele van kliente na Walvisbaaihawe en/of na opslagplek van
plekke gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika en terug onderhewig aan die houers in Walvisbaai binne die gedeelte vanaf die landdrosdistrik
voorwaarde dat die terugreis binne 36 uur, na voltooiing van Walvisbaai wat binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 200 km bereken
die heenreis, ’n aanvang neem en verder dat die persone wat vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai, gelee is en vanaf Walvisbaai
op die terugreis vervoer word ook op die heenreis vervoer is. en plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied en landdrosdistrikte
Swakopmund, Usakos, Karibib en Omaruru, asook na enige plek
P396 (M l 181)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA EN REPUBLIEK VAN binne Suidwes-Afrika na persele van kliente om leeggemaak te
SUID-AFRIKA. (2) M. E. M. Deetlefts, handeldrywend as word en lee houers terug na Walvisbaai of indien die bouer hervul
Deetlefts Transport, Innesdal; eerste aansoek nuut in plek van word, die vol houer terug na Walvisbaai met die bepaling dat
magtiging nie deur Van’s Transport (Edms.) Bpk. hernu nie. (3) geen goedere opgelaai mag word op ’n plek binne ’n radius van
TP 165-615—voorspanmotor—13 200 kg, TP 63540—leunwa— 10 km weerskante van ’n gereelde spoor- of padvervoerdiens ten
15 000 kg, TP 193-546—paneelwa—9 545 kg. (4) Koffietafels, opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertlfikaat bestaan indien soda­
eetkamerstoele, eetkamertafels, gemakstoele, riempiestoele, sit- nige goedere op ’n ander plek gelee binne ’n radius van 10 km
kamerbankie, bababeddens (kot). kroegtoonbanke, kroegstoele, weerskante van dieselfde spoor- of padvervoerdiens wat ’n skakel
lessenaars, lessenaarsstoele, telefoontafels, geleentheidstafels, vorm met so ’n spoor- of padvervoerdiens afgelaai mag word me.
dromme. asbakke, lepels, spane, leeslampe. maskers, skiipaddoppe, Indien gemeide dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om
byle, pyle en boe, kraalwerk, allerlei mandjies, matte, velle, skuld- sodanige plekke te bedien.
velle en allerlei diere en voels uit hout gekerf en sambokke en
kunswerke ten behoewe van Bantoe Beleggings Korporasie. (5) P401 (M1170)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) S. P. Kuejo, Ondang-
Vanaf Rundu na Pretoria oor Windhoek, Upington, Kuruman en wa: nuwe aansoek om motortransportsertifikate. (3) SBA 101
Vryburg. —Bus—50 passasiers, SBA 250—Bus—25 passasiers, SBA 285—.
P397 (M l 182)—SWAKOPMUND. (2) T. H. C. Mulder, vragmotor—40 passasiers. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte
Swakopmund; new application. (3) 6 bulk tankers, 6 m. horses— Bylae A.
25 tons—to be acquired. (4) Sulfuric acid in bulk for Rossing BYLAE A
Uranium only. (5) From Harbour, Walvis Bay, to Rossing Mine
via Swakopmund. 1. ’n Gestelskap Nie-Blanke persone wat gesamentlik reis om
’n begrafnis by te woon. asook hul persoonlike bagasie, vanaf
P400 (Ml 180)—WALVISBAAI. (2) Blaauws Transport (Edms.) Oshivelo na plekke gelee binne S.W.A. en terug, onderhewig aan
Bpk., Walvisbaai; aansoek om gw ysigde mbtortransportsertifikaat die voorwaarde dat die terugreis binne 36 uur na voltooiing van
met bykomende magtiging. (3) Bylae A ter in sae'by Plaaslike die heenreis, ’n aanvang neem en verder dat die persone wat op
Raad se kantore. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae B. die terugreis vervoer word, ook op die heenreis vervoer is.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 53

2. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke persone wat gesamentlik reis om Hierdie magtiging is enderhewig aan hersiening te eniger tyd.
’n piekniek, konsert of ander vermaaklikheid by te woon of om 4. Lewende hawe, vanaf plase in die gedeelte van landdros­
’n godsdienstige byeenkoms by te woon of om gesamentlik aan distrik Outjo, gelee oos van die Okaukuejo/Outjo/Otjiwarongo-
een of ander wedstryd of spel deel te neem, asook hulle per- pad, regstreeks na die Iinpala Llnie (S.W.A.) (Edms.) Bpk., te
soonlike bagasie, vanaf Oshivelo op Saterdae, Sondae en open- Otavi, op voorwaarde dat geen lewende hawe opgelaai mag word
bare vakansiedae na plekke gelee binne S.W.A. en terug, onder- op plase gelee op die Okaukuejo/Outjospoorwegpadmotordiens-
hewig aan die voorwaarde dat die terugreis binne 36 uur na vol- roete nie.
tooiing van die heenreis ’n aanvang neem, en verder dat die 5. Lewende hawe, vanaf plase gelee binne die landdrosdistrik
persone wat op die terugreis vervoer word, ook op die heenreis Tsumeb, en die gedeelte van die landdrosdistrik Grootfontein,
vervoer is. gelee wes van en uitsluitend die plase Grenswag 981, Duineveld
3. ’n Geselskap Nie-Blanke skcliere wat gesamentlik reis vir 982, Tolnel 983, Omambonde West 157, Annenhof 158, Guuu-
opvoedkundige doeleindes of om ’n godsdienstige byeenkoms by chas 162, Gai-Kaisa 159, Oes 160. Hoffnung 175, Bongora 592,
te woon of om ’n piekniek, konsert of ander vermaaklikheid by Plaas 747, Plaas 380, Amagobib 45, Gute Hoffnung 14, Uitsab
te woon of om gesamentlik aan een of ander wedstryd of spel 654 en Harasib 317, direk na openbare geadverteerde veevendu-
deel te neem, asook hulle toesighouers en persoonlike bagasie, sies gelee binn'e landdrosdistrik Tsumeb, voor genoem en vanaf
vanaf Oshivelo na plekke gelee binne S.W.A. en terug, onder- openbare geadverteerde veevendusies gehou binne die landdros -
hewig aan die voorwaarde dat die terugreis binne 36 uur na vol- distrik Tsumeb, en die gedeelte van landdrodistrik Grootfontein,
tooiing van die heenreis ’n aanvang neem. en verder dat die per­ hiervoor genoem direk na:
sone wat op die terugreis vervoer word, ook op die heenreis
vervoer is. (a) Plase gelee binne S.W.A.; en
(b) die naaste spoorwegstasie of -sylyn, watter ookal die naaste
P402 (M1201}—SWAKOPMUND. (2) A. Jagger & J. I. Hen­ is, en waar ’n laaikraal beskikbaar is.
dricks, handeldrywende as Tamariskia Taxi, Swakopmund;
nuwe aansoek. (3) Motorkar—5 persone—aangekocp te word. (4) 6. Goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van Blankes, tussen
Kleurlingtaxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagasie. (5) Binne die Otavi en Outjo, na die volgende plase:
munisipale gebied Swakopmund. Tarief: 30c per persoon. Swaps 755, Ibi Patris 551, Skoll 522, El Wak 61, Alaai 62,
P403 (Ml 194)—SWAKOPMUND. (2) Tjaveondja, M. S., Swa­ Keren 63, Kachen 392, Gladstone 401. Arb'eidsgenot 409, Merwe
kopmund; nuwe aansoek. (3) Motorkar—-6 persone—aangekoop 412, Beatrys 399, Uib 398, Zhukev 337, Lazy Spade 359, Lang-
te word. (4) Bantoetaxipassasiers en hul persoonlike bagaise. (5) gelee 362, Meins West 179/9, Gamkarab 17, A rubes Ost 177,
Binne munsipale gebied Swakopmund, en toevallige ritte na National 129 en Glocke 278, met die bepaling dat geen direkte
Arandis en terug. vervoer tussen Otavi en Outjo ondernefem mag word nie.
M405 (M1186)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Noordelike Tran­ 7. Goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van Blankes, binne
sport (Edms.) Bpk., Otavi; bykomende voertuig. (3) SE 436— ’n radius van 65 km vanaf Poskantoor, Otavi, met die bepaling
vragmotor—15 000 kg, SE 767—Sleepwa— 1 000 kg. (4) en (5) dat geen goedere opgelaai mag word op ’n pick binne ’n strook
Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A, B, C en D. van 10 km weerskante van ’n spoorweg of gereelde padvervoer-
diens ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat bestaan
BYLAE A indien sodanige goedere op ’n ander plek gelee binne ’n strook
1. Lewende hawe, van plaas tot plaas of tussen plase en vee- van 10 krn weerskante van dieselfde spoorweg- of padvervoer-
vendusies binne die landdrosdistrik Tsumeb en die gedeelte van diens of enige ander spoorweg- of gereelde padvervoerdiens wat
die landdrosdistrik Grootfontein, gelee wes van en uitsluitend ’n skakel met sodanige spoofweg- of padvervoerdiens vorm,
die plase Grenswag 981, Duineveld 982, Tolnel 983, Omam- afgelaai moet word nie, ind'en gemelde dienste sodanige plekke
bonds West 157, Annenhof 158, Gunuchas 162, Gai-Kaisa 159, bedien of bereid is om sodanige plekke te bedien.
Oes 160, Hoffnung 175, Bongora 592, Plaas 747, Plaas 380, Ama- 8. Sand, grond, klip, kraalmis en vuurmaakhout asook bak-
gobib 45. Gute Hoffnung 14, Uitsab 654 en Harasib 317, op stene behorende aan en ten behoewe van Blankes, binne ’n
voorwaarde dat op ’n roete bedien deur ’n treindiens of radius van 65 km vanaf Poskantoor, Otavi.
gereelde padmotordiens ten opsigte waarvan ’n motortransport­ 9. Vars melk, room en kaselen vir Consolidated Agricultural
sertifikaat uitgereik is, geen lewende hawe wat elders op die Industries S.W.A. (Pty) Ltd, binne ’n radius van 80 km vanaf
roette afgelaai moet word, op daardie selfde roete opgelaai mag Poskantoor, Otavi.
word nie. 10. Lewende 'hawe, vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdrosdis­
2. T.ewende hawe, tussen plase en vendusies binne die land­ trik Tsumeb, en die gedeelte van landdrosdistrik Grootfontein,
drosdistrik Tsumeb, en die gedeelte van die landdrosdistrik gelee wes van en uitsluitend die plase Grenswag 981, Duineveld
Grootfontein, gelee wes van en uitsluitend die plase Grenswag 982, Tolnel 983, Omambonde West 157, Annenhof 158, Gunu­
981, Duineveld 982, Tolnel 983, Omambonde West 157, Annen­ chas 162. Gai-Kaisa 159, Oes 160, Hoffnung 175, Bongora 592,
hof 158, Gunuchas 162. Gai-Kaisa 159, Oes 160, Hoffnung 175, Plaas 747, Plaas 380, Amagobib 45, Gute Hoffnung 14, Uitsab
Bongora 592, Plaas 747, Plaas 380, Amagobib 45, Gute Hoff­ 654 en Harasib 317, regstreeks na Impala Unie S.W.A. (Edms.)
nung 14, Uitsab 654 en Harasib 317 en die naaste spoorweg- Bpk., te Otavi.
stasie of -sylyn, watter ookal die naaste mag wees, 'en waar ’n 11. Goedere, alls soorte (uitgesluit brandstof in massa)^op die
laaikraal beskikbaar is op voorwaarde dat op ’n roete bedien heenreis, vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Tsumeb,
dear ’n gereelde padmototordiens, ten opsigte waarvan ’n en die gedeelte van landdrosdistrik Grootfontein, gelee wes van
motortransportsertifikwrt uitgereik is, geen lewende hawe wat en uitsluitend die plase Grenswag 981, Duineveld 982, Tolnel
elders op die roete afgelaai moet word op daardie selfde roete 933, Omambonde West 157, Annenhof 158, Gunuchas 162, Gai-
opgelaai mag word nie, behalwe wanneer die houer van hierdie Kaisa 159, Oes 160, Hoffnung 175, Bongora 592, Plaas 747,
motortransportsertifikaat: Plaas 380, Amagobib 45, Gute Hoffnung 14, Uitsab 654 en H ara­
(a) Skriftelik daartoe versoek word deur die bediener van sib 317, na plase gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Tsumeb, en die
sodanige roete; gedeelte van landdrosdistrik Grootfontein, soos hiervoor genoem
(b) die oorspronklike van sodanige Versoek op die voertuig vanwaar op die terugreis lewende hawe vervoer moet word
hierin beskryf, tydens die rit gedra word; en onderhewig aan die voorwaarde dat geen goedere opgelaai mag
(c) ’n afskrif van die skriftelike versoek binne sewe dae aan word op ’n plek binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van ’n
die Sekretaris, Plaaslike Padvervoerraad Privaatsak X13178, Wind­ spoorweg- of gereelde padvervoerdiens ten opsigte waarvan ’n
hoek, gestuur word. motortransportsertifikaat bestaan indien sodanige goedere op ’n
ander plek gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van die­
Hierdie magtiging is onderhewig aan hersiening te eniger tyd. selfde spoorweg- of padvervoerdiens of enige ander spoorweg-
3. Lewende hawe. vanaf plase gelee binne die landdrosdistrik of gereelde padvervoerdiens wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoor­
Tsumeb 'en die gedeelte van die landdrosdistrik Grootfontein, weg- cf padvervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word nie, indien
wes van en uitsluitend die plase Grenswag 981, Duineveld gemelde dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om sodanig'e
982, Tolnel 983, Omambonde West 157, Annenhof 158, Gunuchas plekke te bedien.
162, Gai-Kaisa 159, Oes 160, Hoffnung 175, Bongora 592, Plaas
747, Plaas 380, Amagobib 45, Gute Hoffnung 14, Uitsab 654 en BYLAE B
Harasib 317, na die bestemmingspant binne S.W.A., soos gespe- Lewende hawe;
sifiseer op die permit van die Landboudepartement (S.W.A.- (a) Vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Tsumeb; en
administrasie) onderh'ewig aan die volgende voorwaardes:
(b) vanaf plekke gelee binne die gedeelte van landdrosdistrik
(a) Geen lewende hawe, n e t ’n onmiddellike bestemmingspunt Grootfontein, gelee wes van en uitsluitend die plase Grenswag
gelee op ’n spoorlyn, opgelaai mag word op plase bedien deur 981, Duineveld 982, Tolnel 983, Omambonde West 157, Annen­
’n gereelde spoorwegpadmotordiens ten opsigte waarvan ’n hof 158, Gunuchas 162, Gai-Kaisa 159, Oes 160, Hoffnung 175,
motortransportsertifikaat uitgereik is; en verder dat Bongora 152, Plaas 747, Plaas 380, Amagobib 45, Gute Hoff­
(b) op ’n roete bedien deur ’n gereelde padmotordiens, ten nung 14, Uitsab 654 en Harasib 317, na plekkfe gelee binne die
opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat uitgereik is, geen R.S.A., uitgesluit verover na plekke gelee binne die Transkei,
lewende hawe wat elders op die roete afgelaai moet word op bestaande uit die Bantoegebiede soos omskryf in artikel 2 van
plase, wat deur daardie selfde padmotordiens bedien word, opge­ die Transkeise Grondwfet (Wet 48 van 1963), soos van tyd tot
laai mag word nie. tyd by proklamasie in die S ta a ts k o e r a n t gewysig.
94 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

BYLAE C 13. Eie hyskrane en toepaslike toebehore nie vir verkoop of

Lewende hawe, vanaf plekke gelee binne die landdrosdistrik vir verkoping afgelewer te word nie. Binne die gedeelte van
Tsumeb, en vanaf plekke gelee binne die gedeelte van landdros­ Suidwes-Afrika gelee binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 500 km
distrik Grootfontein, gelee wes van en uitsluitende die volgende bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai.
plase gelee binne landdrosdistrik Grootfontein: 14. Bona fide-huistrekke. (a) Vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke geleS
Grenswag 981, Duineveld 982, Tolnel 983, Omambonde West binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 500 km bereken vanaf hoofpos­
157, Annenhof 158, Gunuchas 162, Gai-Kaisa 159, Oes 160, kantoor, Walvisbaai, en (b) vanaf plekke gelee binne ’n gebied
Hoffnung 175, Bongora 592, Piaas 747, Plaas 380, Amagobib met ’n radius van 550 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvis­
45, Gute Hoffnung 14, Uitsab 654 en Harasib 317, na die slag- baai, na Walvisbaai.
pale te Okahandja en Windhoek. 15. Lee brandstofhouers behorende aan en ten behoewe van
BYLAE D petroleum maatskappye. Vanaf plekke gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika
uitgesluit plekke binne die gebiede gelee tussen die Kunene en
1. Sand, gruis en klip, vanaf Otavi na plekke gelee binne die Kuisebrivier wat binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 160 km vanaf
landdrosdistriktc Grootfontein, Otjiwarongo en Outjo, en na die weskus hoogwatermerk gelee is, na Walvisbaai direk.
plekke gelee binne Hererolandwes, Owanibo en die Kavango.
2. Lewende hawe, vanaf die Mangcttikwarantynarea 1125, 16. Eie goedere. Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km vanaf
gelee binne die Kavango na (a) Oshakativleisfabriek te Oshakati; eie kontrakpersele gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika asook vanaf en na
en (b) Imapala Unie (S.W.A.) (Edms.) Bpk., te Otavi. eie kontrakpersele na en vanaf die naaste spoorwegstasie, sylyn,
3. Lewende hawe, vanaf die Mangettikwarantynarea, gelee halte of bushalte binne Suidwes-Afrika.
binne Owambo, na Impala Unie (S.W.A) (Edms.) Bpk., te Otavi. 17. Eie gereedskap vir eie gebruik en eie werknemers in die
F406 (M l 144)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Wesbank Transport loop van hulle diens indien geen vergoeding vir sodanige vervoer
(Edms.) Bpk., Walvisbaai; vervanging van voertuie. (3) (a) bereken word nie. Binne Suidwes-Afrika.
SV 833—leunwa—22 000 kg vervang SV 833—vragmotor—9 133 18. Eie onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona
kg. (4) (a) en (5) (a) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A. (3) (b) fide herstel van masjinerie of werktuigkundige installasies wat
SV 5733—leunwa—22 000 kg, vervang SV 5733—leunwa—-9 100 defek geraak het en wat weens dringende omstandighede spoed­
kg. (4) b en (5) (b) Soos per die aangehegte Bylaes A en B. eisend herstel moet word uitgesluit aflewering na enige besigheids­
perseel ter aanvulling van voorrade. Binne Suidwes-Afrika.
19. Eie masjinerie en/of dele daarvan. Vanaf ’n plek gelee
1. Goedere. Binne die munisipale gebied Walvisbaai. binne Suidwes-Afrika waar dit gebreek het na ’n plek binne
2. Goedere. Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken Suidwes-Afrika waar dit dringend herstel moet word en terug na
vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai, met die bepaling dat geen die plek vanwaar dit oorspronklik vervoer was.
goedere opgelaai mag word op ’n plek binne ’n strook van 10 km
weerskante van ’n spoorweg of gereelde padvervoerdiens, ten 20. Alle soorte goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van
opsigte waarvan ’n motortransportsertifikaat bestaan, indien so- Kleurlinge en Bantoes: (a) Binne die munisipale gebied Walvis­
danige goedere op ’n ander plek gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km baai. (b) Binne die munisipale gebied Swakopmund. (c) Binne
weerskante van dieseifde spoorweg of padvervoerdiens of enige ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor,
ander spoorweg of gereelde padvervoerdiens, wat ’n skakel met Walvisbaai, met die bepaling dat geen goedere opgelaai mag
sodanige spoorweg of padvervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word word op ’n plek binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van ’n
nie, indien gemelde dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is spoorweg, of gereelde padvervoerdiens ten opsigte waarvan ’n
om sodanige plekke te bedien. motortransportsertifikaat bestaan indien sodanige goedere op ’n
3. Sand, klip, grond, stene, kraalmis en vuurmaakhout. Binne ander plek gelee binne ’n strook van 10 km weerskante van
’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf hoofposkan­ dieseifde spoorweg of padvervoerdiens of enige ander spoorweg
toor, Walvisbaai. of gereelde padvervoerdiens wat ’n skakel met sodanige
4. Vloeibare gas in houers. Tussen Walvisbaai en Swakop- spoorweg of padvervoerdiens vorm, afgelaai moet word nie, indien
mund slegs as die gas wat vervoer word vanaf Windhoek per gemelde dienste sodanige plekke bedien of bereid is om sodanige
spoor afkomstig is. plekke te bedien.
5. Algemene goedere ten opsigte van Brockmann & Kriess 21. Bou- en ambagsgereedskap (uitgesluit boumateriaal) beho­
(Edms.) Bpk. Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken rende aan en ten benoewe van Kleurlinge en Bantoes. Binne ’n
vanaf hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai. gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor,
6. Goedere behorende aan Sturrock & Woker (Edms.) Bpk; Walvisbaai.
Binne ’n gebied met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Walvis­ 22. Wrakgoedere komende vanaf gestrande bote wat behoort
baai se Sturrock & Woker tak. aan Rleurling- en/of Bantoebooteienaars. Binne ’n gebied met
7. Alle soorte goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van *n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai;
persone vir die Taeuber & Corssen (SWA) Bpk. as agente en
verspreiders optree. Binne die munisipale gebied Walvisbaai; 23. Alle soorte goedere en petroleumprodukte benodig vir
8. Alle soorte goedere (met uitsluiting van goedere verpak in navorsing en prospekteerdoeleindes. Vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke
houers met internasionale erkende afmetings) behorende aan en binne die Namibwoestyn uitgesluit enige aflewering na (a) enige
ten behoewe van persone vir wie Taeuber & Corssen (SWA) plekke wat deur die S.A. Spoorwegadministrasie bedien word;
Bpk. as agente en verspreiders optree. Vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke (b) enige plekke gelee op die roete vanaf Walvisbaai na New
binne die munisipale gebied Swakopmund. Copper Mine (ongeveer 8 km noord van die Kuisebrivier) oor
9. Petroleumprodukte in massa. (i) Binne die munisipale gebied Rooibank; en (c) enige plek gelee binne ’n gebied met ’n radius
Walvisbaai. (ii) Vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke binne die munisi­ van 10 km bereken vanaf New Copper Mine wat ongeveer 8 km
pale gebied Swakopmund, en (iii) vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke noord van die Kuisebrivier geleB is.
gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Walvisbaai vs'at binne ’n gebied 24. Eie goedere in die loop van die houer se bedryf, handel
met ’n radius van 50 km bereken vanaf Hoofposkantoor, Walvis­ of besigheid as vervoerkontrakteur deur middel van die motor-
baai, gelee is. voertuig hierin beskryf wat aan die eienaar van die bedoelde
10. Lugvragbesendings tot 1 000 kg. Vanaf en na Rooikoplug- goedere alleen behoort binne *n radius van 50 km vanaf sy plek
hawe na en vanaf plekke binne die landdrosdistrikte Swakopmund van bedryf, handel of besigheid te Walvisbaai. (i) Deur die houer
en Walvisbaai. as die verkoper daarvan vir aflewering aan die koper daarvan, of
11. Alle soorte goedere (met uitsluiting van goedere verpak deur die houer as die eienaar daarvan na ’n plek waar hy voor-
in houers met internasionaal erkende afmetings) behorende aan en nemens is om dit te verkoop of vir verkoop op te berg, of (ii)
ten behoewe van Wutow (SWA) (Edms.) asook behorende aan deur die houer as die koper daarvan by verwydering van die plek
en ten behoewe van kliente wie deur Wutow (SWA) (Edms.) Bpk. waar hy dit gekoop het, of (iii) deur die houer as die eienaar
verteenwoordig word namens wie Wutow (Edms.) Bpk. as agente daarvan na ’n plek waar hy voomemens is om dit te gebruik of
o p tre e . (a) B in n e d ie m u n is ip a le g e b ie d W a lv is b a a i, e n (b) vir ’n ander doel as verkoop op te berg.
vanaf en na Walvisbaai, na en vanaf plekke gelee binne die
munisipale gebied Swakopmund. 25. Onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona!
12. Goedere vermeld in paragrawe (a), (b) en (c) hieronder fide herstel van masjinerie of werktuigkundige installasies wat
behorende aan en ten behoewe van Lock Joint Pipe Company defek geraak het en wat weens dringende omstandighede spoed­
South Africa (Edms.) Bpk., Swakopmund. (a) Fabrieksmasjinerie eisend herstel moet word, uitgesluit enige aflewering na ’n besig­
of dele daarvan wat te Walvisbaai vervaardig is. Vanaf Walvis­ heidsperseel ter aanvulling van voorrade. Vanaf Walvisbaai na
baai na bona fide besigheidsplek van Lock Joint Pipe Company Rossing Uranium Bpk. se mynkompleks suid van Arandisspoor-
South Africa (Edms.) Bpk. te Swakopmund. (b) Defektiewe masji- wegstasie.
nerie of dele daarvan. Vanaf en na Lock Joint Pipe Company 26. Pakkies behorende aan Brockman & Kriss, Sturrock &
South Africa (Edms.) Bpk. se plek van besigheid te Swakopmund Woker en Taeuber & Corssen en persone namens wie Taeuber
na en vanaf Walvisbaai. (c) Onderdele wat benodig word vir die & Corssen as agente optree, w at nie gedurende die dag waarop dit
onmiddellike bona fide herstel van masjinerie of werktuigkundige vanaf Walvisbaai na Swakopmund vervoer was deur die beguns-
installasies wat defek geraak het en wat deur dringende omstan­ figde in ontvangs geneem kon word nie. Vanaf die houer van
dighede spoedeisend herstel moet word uitgesluit aflewering aan hierdie motortransportsertifikaat se pakhuis te Swakopmund na:
enige besigheidsperseel ter aanvulling van voorrade. Vanaf Wal- plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied Swakopmund of na'
yisbaai na Swakopmund. plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied van Walvisbaai.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 55

27. Goedere behorende aan Blankes, ten behoewe van Blankes.

Binne ’n omtrek van 65 km vanaf hoofposkantoor, Walvisbaai, P3 (M1213)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) G. Luise, Grootfontein;
met die bepaling dat geen sodanige goedere opgelaai mag word op nuwe aansoek. (3) SF 3558—vragmotor— 12 874 kg. (4) cn
'n plek of plaas gelee op ’n spoor- of gereelde padvervoerdiens- (5) Soos per aangehegte Bylae A tot P2 (M1214).
roete, of wat deur ’n gereelde padvervoerdiens ten opslgte waar- P6 (M l228)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) H. P. A. Laubscher,
yan ’n motortransportsertifikaat uitgereik is bedien word indien Aranos; nuwe aansoek. (3) SN 3518—vragmotor—7 200 kg, SN
sodanige goedere op ’n ander plek of plaas gelee op dieselfde 3514—sleepwa— 12 207 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per aangehegte Bylae
spoor of padvervoerdiensroete of enige ander gereelde padver- A.
yoerdiens wat ’n skakel met sodanige spoor, roete of diens vorm BYLAE A
Sfgelaai moet word nie indien die houer(s) van die motortrans- A. Lewende hawe vanaf die volgende plase gelee binne die
portsertifikaat(kate) uitgereik ten opsigte van gemelde diens(te) landdrosdistrikte Gobabis en Mariental naamlik:
sodanige plekke bedien, of bereid is om sodanige plekke te Zania 541, Arnheim 540, Geikous 544, Alabama 704, De Waal
bedien. 22, Machenzie 638, Ined 622, Monica 623, Rus-en-Vrede 624,
28. Sand, klip, grond, bakstene, kraalmis en vuurmaakhout Omega 625, Bethlehem 626, Noasanabis 578, Goedgedacht 745,
behorende aan Blankes, ten behoewe van Blankes. Binne die Wolwepan 620, Onreg 619, Net Tevrede 720, Weltevrede 616,
landdrosdistrik Walvisbaai. Doornboom-pan 542, S. Remo 543, Tripoli 546, Texas 17, Trom-
BYLAE B pie 547, Uitsig 621, Maramba 617, Kquidie 550, Chamanoudon
549, Bonnievale 702, Buyskes 13, Reitz 12, Rainier 9, Carlisle 8,
1. Die volgende items slegs indien nie in blikkies of bottels Schneider 14, Groot Geluk 11, Boshoff 10, Hughes 7, Remona
ingemaak nie; vars vrugte, vars groente, vars vleis en vars vis, 618, Uitkoms 611, Perdepan 516, Soetdoornpan 612, Eindelik 750,
koue vleis en vars vis, koue vleis en gekookte of gerookte vis, Rusgevonde 610, Hoogwater 669, Belofte 615, Seringboom 822,
yars melk, gesteriliseerde gegeurde afgeroomde melk, room, room- Lanverwag 613, Kirstenbos 614, Soetwater 785, Uitschat 607,
ys, better, kaas en eiers. Vanaf Walvisbaai en Swakopmund na Charakoe 552, Boomplaas 551, Wegdraai 569, Tierpan 699, Uit-
Uranium Bpk. se kompleks suid van Arandis. kyk 558, Marlvern 700, Randwuste 557, Virunga 556, Esselen 5,
2. Voedselprodukte vir menslike gebruik uitgesluit die items in Sommerville 641, Gemsbokpan 608, Sandverhaar 606, Vergenoeg
paragraaf een hierbo gespesifiseer. Vanaf Walvisbaai en Swakop­ 559, Werda 560, Glencoin 561, V. Deventer 563, Hoagoasgeis 642,
mund na Rossing Uranium Bpk. se kompleks suid van Arandis. Dennegeur 605, Irene 744, Kongres 568, Vrede 567, Goenbrits
Onderhewig aan hersiening ter eniger tyd. 564, Vaalbank 319, Welgevonde 321, Manie 643, Areams 320,
3. Alle soorte goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van
tpersone vir wie die lede van die Walvisbaai se Verskepings- en Nabageis 322, Droeplaas 604, Grensplaas; en
Inklaringsagentevereniging as agente en verspreiders optree. B. Lewende hawe van plase gelee binne die A m inuis-Rc;'---- >.t
Vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke geleS binne die munisipale gebied na:
Van Swakopmund en terug. 1. Die naaste spoorwegstasie;
4. Geglasuurde muurteels. Vanaf Walvisbaai na plekke gelee 2. die slagpale in Windhoek en Okahandja;
binne Suidwes-Afrika. 3. na vee vendusies binne Suidwes-Afrika (uitgesluit Owambo.
P411 (M1208)—SOUTH-WES AFRICA. (2) Klein Aub Roper soos omskryf in Bylae C van Goewermentskennisgewing 2428 van
Maatskappy, Klein Aub; additional vehicle. (3) SR 1085—bus—36 29 Desember 1972) en na Upington;
passengers. (4) an (5) As per attached Annexure A. 4. slagpiale te Maitland en Johannesburg en voerbanke binne
’n radius van 80 km vanaf Maitland en Johannesburg.
ANNEXURE A Roete na Kaapstad oor Mariental, Keetmanshoop, Vioolsdrift,
1. Own employees and their dependants and persons associated Springbok, Van Rhynsdorp en Clanwilliam.
With the activities of Klein-Aub Kopermaatskappy and their per- Roete na Johannesburg oor Mariental, Keetmanshoop, Uping­
hal effects (provided that no charge is made for such con­ ton, Kuruman, Vryburg en Potchefstroom.
veyance). From Klein-Aub to Windhoek and return. P7 (M l227)—GOBABIS. (2) E. Tjejamba, handeldrywende as
2. White members of an organised party who are travelling Rietfontein Transport, Gobabis; gewysigde magtiging. (3) SEA
together to attend a religious gathering, or to take part in a picnic, 185—vragmotor—5 015 kg, SEA 137—vragmotor—5 188 kg. (4)
concert or to participate jointly in any competition or game. From Alle soorte goedere behorende aan en ten behoewe van Nie-
Klein-Aub on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays, only to Blankes. (5) Vanaf en na Gobabis na en vanaf Rietfontein blok
places within South-West Africa and return, provided that the oor plaas Rietfontein 867, gelee binne die landdrosdistrik Gobabis.
return journey be undertaken within 36 hours after completion of P8(M9)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorwee
the forward journey and that all members conveyed on the for­ en Hawens; bykomende voertuig. (3) MT 80466—Voorhaker,
ward journey be conveyed on the return journey. MT 80467—Voorhaker. (4) en (5) Soos per die Bylae E vir die
P2 (M l214)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA.- (2) A. P. Luise, Grootfon- vervoer van goedere alle soorte oor alle bestaande padvervoer­
tein; nuwe aansoek. (3) SF 3557—vragmotor—12 874 kg. (4) en diens roetes.
(5) Soos' per aangehegte Bylae A. P9 (M l2)—WINDHOEK. (2) T. Redshaw, Windhoek; addi­
tional vehicle. (3) SW 41964—Light delivery van—748 kg. (4)
BYLAE A Sweets and chocolates for and on behalf of Wilson Rowntree
1. Sand, gruis, klip en grond vir padboudoeleindes ten behoewe (Pty) Ltd. (5) Within a radius of 20 km of Main General Post
Van die Suidwes-Afrika-Administrasie kragtens ’n geldige kentrak Office, Windhoek.
met die Suidwes-Afrika-Administrasie. Binne Suidwes-Afrika uit­ P12 (M l6)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) J. H. Venter, Windhoek;
gesluit Owambo soos omskryf in Bylae C van Goewermentsken- bykomende voertuie. (3) SW 18589—Vragmotor—22 400 kg,
nisgewing 2428 van 29 Desember 1972. SW 32813—Vragmotor—22 400 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per die aan­
gehegte Bylae A tot P2 (M1214).
2. Eie gereedskap en kamptoerusting in gebruik vir eie gebruik P I 3 (M27)—REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA EN SUID­
alleenlik. Binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig WES-AFRIKA. (2) F. P. Marais Transport, Otjiwarongo; byko­
omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo. mende magtiging. (3) Twee voertuie om aangekoop te word. (4)
3. Eie brandstof, smeerolieS en ghries slegs vir eie gebruik. Verkoelds beeskarkasse, bevrore afvalle en beesvleissnitte in kar-
Vanaf die naaste dorp, grootmaatdepot of spoorwegstasie na die tonne verpak asook verkoelde wildkarkasse. (5) Vanaf slagpale
perseel gelee binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos volle­ te Otavi en Okahandja na plekke gelee binne die Republiek van
dig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo waar die houer ’n kontrak het die Republiek van Suid-Afrika en Suidwes-Afrika.
om uit te voer. P14 (M25)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) F. Van Reenen Coetzee,
4. Eie rantsoene slegs vir eie gebruik. Vanaf die naaste dorp of Usakos; nuv/e aansoek. (3) SB 526—Vragmotor— 11 247 kg. (4)
spoorwegstasie na die houer se bona fide-kontrakperseel gelee en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A tot P2 (M l214).
binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig omskryf P15 (M22)—SUIDWES-AFRIKA. (2) J. C. Blaauw, Usakos;
in paragraaf 2 hierbo. oordrag vanaf J. Louw, Windhoek. (3) SU 281—Vragmotor—
5. Eie oortollige, onverbruikte voorraad van die goedere gemeld 22430 kg. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylae A tot P2
in paragrawe 3 en 4 hierbo slegs vir eie gebruik. Vanaf die houer (M1214).
se een kontrakperseel binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo P16 (M34)—WALVIS BAY. (2) Gearing (Pty) Ltd, trading as
soos volledig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo na ’n ander kon­ Merino and General Engineers, Walvis Bay; additional vehicle.
trakperseel binne Suidwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo soos volledig (3) SV 2588—Micro-bus—8 persons. (4) (a) Own goods. (5) (a)
omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo waarheen die houer deur die Suid­ Within an area with a radius of 80 km calculated from own bona
wes-Afrika-Administrasie oorgeplaas is. fide place of business at Walvis Bay. (4) Own employees if no
6. Eie onderdele wat benodig word vir die onmiddellike bona charge is made for such conveyance. (5) (b) From their residence
fide-herstel van eie voertuie en masjiene wat defek geraak het within the Municipality of Walvis Bay to own bona fide place
bn wat weens dringende omstandighede spoedeisend herstel moet of business and return.
Word, uitgesluit aflewering aan enige besigheidsperseel ter aan- P I 9 (M l 197)—KEETMANSHOOP. (2) F. Gertze, Keetmans­
Vulling van voorrade. Binne Suiwes-Afrika uitgesluit Owambo hoop; bykomende voertuig. (3) SK 2728—Motorkar—6 passa-
soos volledig omskryf in paragraaf 2 hierbo. siers. (4) en (5) Soos per die aangehegte Bylaes A en B.
56 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

BYLAE A 2. Die houer van die sertifikaat of sy dienaar mag nie deur
Nie meer as 6 Nie-Blanke persone (drywer ingesiuit) asook middel van advertensie of og enige ander wyse bekend maak of
hulle persoonlike bagasis en enige voedsel bedoel vir hulle eie laat bekend maak dat hy bereid is om vervoer te onderneem buite
gebraik op bona fide taxiritte: sy gemagtigde gebied nie.
(a) Binne die munisipale gebied Keetmanshoop; 3. Die houer van die motortransportsertifikaat of sy dienaar
(b) vanaf plekke gelee binne die munisipale gebied Keetmans­ moet die tariewe indien enige wat deur die betrokke plaaslike
hoop na plekke gelee binne landdrosdistrikte Keetmanshoop en raad, vasgestel of aangeneem is nakom en moet ’n duidelike
Namaland; en leesbare afskrif van sodanige tariewe in ’n opvallende plek in sy
(c) vanaf plekke gelee binne landdrosdistrikte Keetmanshoop voertuig vertoon.
en Namaland na plekke gelee binne munisipale gebied Keet­ 4. Die houer van die sertifikaat, of sy dienaar, mag nie werf of
manshoop. enige persoon toelaat om namens hom passasiers vir vervoer te
Die magtiging in items (a), (b) en (c) hisrbo uiteengesit, is werf nie.
onderhewig aan die voorwaardes vervat in die aangehegte Bylae 5. Die houer van hierdie motortransportsertifikaat moet ’n ken-
B. nisgewing op ’n ooglopende plek op die dak van die voertuig tot
Tydtafel: (a), (b) en (c) soos en wanneer benodig. bevrediging van die Plaaslike Padvervoerraad aanbring en wat te
Tariewe: Per afstand: alle tye duidelik van buite die voertuig sigbaar is en wat die
(a) R1 vir die eerste drie km of gedeelte daarvan, 5c vir elke aard van die besigheid naamlik “taxi” aan al vier die sye daarvan
verdere 200 meter of gedeelte daarvan; en die kategorie van persone wat vervoer mag word naamlik
(b) en (c) 20c per km of gedeelte daarvan. “Net Nie-Blankes” / “Non-Whites only” op twee teenoorgestelde
sye van die kennisgewing in Afrikaans op die een sy en in Engels
Tariewe vir die vervoer van bagasie per item: op die ander sy, deur middel van wit letters op ’n groen agter-
(a) Persoonlike bagasie soos handsak, briewetas, sambreel en grond vertoon. Op twee teenoorgestelde sye van die kennis­
kameras—gratis. gewing mag die telefoonnommer waar die betrokke huurmotor
(b) ander bagasie soos pakkette, reiskoffers en ander goedere— se dienste gewoonlik aangevra mag word, verskyn.
6. Die letters en syfers wat op die kennisgewing verskyn se
minimum mate en hulle rangskikkirig moet soos volg wees:
Hierdie sertifikaat is uitgereik onderhewig aan die volgende (a) Hoogte van syfers en letters 38 mm.
voorwaardes: (b) Wydte van syfers en letters 19 mm.
1. Die holier van die sertifikaat of sy dienaar mag nie na hy (c) Breedte van streep van syfers en letter 4,77 mm.
’n passasier verkry het of nadat hy vir ’n rit gehuur is, ander
passasiers oplaai vir diesel fde rit of enige gedeelte daarvan of (d) Afstand tussen opeenvolgende syfers of letters 4,77 mm.
vir die retoerrit of enige gedeelte daarvan. (e) Afstand tussen woorde in dieselfde lyn 12,7 mm.


Report of the Secretary for Agricultural Credit and Land Jaarverslag van die Sekretaris van Landboukrediet on Grond-
Tenure for the period 1 April 1975 to 31 March 1976. (RP 87/ bcsit vir die tydperk 1 April 1975 tot 31 Maart 1976. Prys
1976.) Price R2,15, overseas R2,65. R2,15, oorsee R2,65, posvry. (RP 87/1976.) Verslag van die
Report of th e ' Department of Transport and of the National Departement van Vervoer en van die Nasionale Vervoerkornmissie
Transport Commission for the period 1 April 1975 to 31 March vir die tydperk 1 April 1975 tot 31 M aart 1976. (RP 96/1976)
1976. Price Rll,10, overseas R13,90, post free. (RP 96/1976.) Prys R ll,10, oorsee R13,90, posvry.
Department of Finance, Report of the Commission of Inquiry Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Long-Term
into the Long-Term Insurance Industry. (RP 97/1076.) Price R4,15, Insurance Industry. (RP 97/1976.) Prys R4,15, oorsee' R5,30,
overseas R5,30, post free. posvry. Slegs in Engels gepubliseer. Die Afrikaanse uitgawe sal
Annual Report. Department of Planning and the Environment, op ’n latere stadium gepubliseer word.
I July 1975 to 30 June 1976. (RP 106/1976.) Price R4,70, overseas Jaarverslag. Departement van Replanning en die Omgewing,
R5,90, post free. 1975-1976. (RP 106/1976.) Prys R4,70, oorsee R5,90, posvry.
Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the Port Verslag van die Ouditeur-generaal oor die Rekenings van die
Natal Area Bantu Affairs Administration Board for the period Bantoesake-Administrasieraad, Port Natalgebied, vir die tydperk
1 August 1973 to 31 March 1975. (RP 25/1977.) Price R2,25, over­ 1 Augustus 1973 tot 31 M aart 1975. (RP 25/1977.) Prys R2,25,
seas R2,80, post free. oorsee R2,80, posvry.
Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the period 1
July 1975 to 30 June 1976. (RP 38/1977.) Price R2,50, overseas Verslag van die Departement van Indiersake oor die tydperk
R3,10, post free. 1 Julie 1975 tot 30 Junie 1976. (RP 38/1977.) Prys R2,50, oorsee
R3,10, posvry.
Report 07-01-02—Report on Births, 1972 to 1974, South Africa.
Price R3,50, overseas R4,40, post free. Verslag 07-01-02—Verslag oor Geboortes, 1972 tot 1974, Suid-
Report 07-02-09—Report on Marriages and Divorces, 1975, Afrika. Prys R3,50, oorsee R4,40, posvry.
South Africa. Price R3,50, overseas R4.40, post free. Verslag 07-02-09—Verslag oor Huwelike en Egskeidings, 1975,
Report 12-02-08—Statistics of New Vehicles Licensed during Suid-Afrika. Prys R3,50, oorsee R4,40, posvry.
the period 1 July 1974 to 30 June 1976. Price R3,50, overseas
R4,40, post free. Verslag 12-02-08—Statistieke van Nuwe Voertuie Gelisensieer
gedurende die tydperk 1 Julie 1974 tot 30 Junie 1976. Prys
Report 21-02-09—Education Whites, 1974. Price R3,50, over­ R3,50, oorsee R4,40, posvry.
seas R4,40, post free.
Verslag 21-02-09—Onderwys—Biankes, 1974. Prys R3,50, oorsee
MISCELLANEOUS R4,40, posvry.
"'Archives Yearbook for S.A. History, 1970. Part 2. Price DIVERSE
R5, overseas R6,25, post free.
W.P.D.—’77 Witskrif oor die Verslag van die Kommissie van "Argief Jaarboek vir S.A. Geskiedenis, 1970. Deel 2. Prys
Ondersoek na Aangeleenthede rakende die Kleurlingbevolkings- R5, oorsee R6,25.
groep. Price R3,55, overseas R4,45, post free. The English version W.P.D.—’77. Witskrif oor die Verslag van die Kommissie
of this White Paper is at present being translated and will be van Ondersoek na Aangeleenthede rakende die Kleurlingbevol-i
made available as soon as circumstances perm it kingsgroep. Prys R3,55, oorsee R4,45.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 57

Report of the Committee of Inquiry into a Giro System to the Verslag van die Komitee van Ondersoek na ’n Girostelsel aan
Honourable the Minister of Finance. Price R5,15, overseas R6,40, sy Edele die Minister van Finansies. Prys R5,15, oorsee R6,40,
post free. posvry.
Geological Survey Handbook No. 7. Mineral Resources of the Geologiese Opname Handboek 7. Delfstowwe van die Republiek
Republic of South Africa. Price R5,30, overseas R6,65, post free. van Suid-Afrika. Vyfde Uitgawe. Prys R5,30, oorsee R6,65,
*Die ontstaan en Ontwikkeling van Partypolitiek en die
Oranjerivier-Koionie, 1902-1912. Hottentot-regimente aan die Kaap, *Die ontstaan en Ontwikkeling van Partypolitiek en die Oranje­
1781-1806. rivier-Koionie, 1902-1912. Hottentot-regimente aan die Kaap,

Mineral Map of the Republic of South Africa, 1976. Price Delfstofkaart van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1976. Prys
R2, overseas R2,50. R2, oorsee R2,50.
(Price R l, overseas Rl,25, post free, metricated) (Prys R l, oorsee Rl,25, posvry, gemetriseer)
Maps 1:50,000 Kaarte 1:50,000
2115AA—Amasbank. 1st Edition. SWA. 2115AA—Amasbank. lste Uitgawe. SWA.
2115AC—Nainais. 1st Edition. SWA. 2115AG—Nainais. lste Uitgawe. SWA.
2115BA—Omatjette. 1st Edition. SWA. 2115BA—Omatjette. lste Uitgawe. SWA.
2216BB—Osona. 2nd Edition. SWA. 2216BB—Osona. 2de Uitgawe. SWA.
2217BD—Otjivero. 2nd Edition. SWA. 2217BD—Otjivero. 2de Uitgawe. SWA.
2219B3—Vergenoeg. 1st Edition. SWA. 2219BB—Vergenoeg. lste Uitgawe. SWA.
2219BC—Babi-Babi. 1st Edition. SWA. 2219BC—Babi-Babi. lste Uitgawe.
2219BD—Somali. 1st Edition. SWA. 2219BD—Somali, lste Uitgawe. SWA.
2219CB—Bonne Esperance. 1st Edition. SWA. 2219BC—Babi-Babi. lste Uitgawe. SWA.
2219CD—Semliki. 1st Edition. SWA. 2219CD—Semliki. lste Uitgawe. SWA.
2219DD—Protem. 1st Edition. SWA. 2219DD—Protem. lste Uitgawe. SWA.
2429DA—Ga-Masemola. 2nd Edition. SWA. 2429DA—Ga-Masemola. 2de Uitgawe.
2430BB—Mica. 2nd Edition. 2430BB—Mica. 2de Uitgawe.
1 : 1,000 ,000 . 1:1,000,000
3178—Tsumeb. Aeronautical Edition. 3178—Tsumeb. Lugvaartkundige Uitgawe.
3178—Tsumeb. Topographical Edition. 3178—Tsumeb. Topografiese Uitgawe.




Closing Times for Legal Notices anil government iS!uitingstys vir Welle Kennisgewjngs en
Notices Ooowermentskennisgewings
T h e closing tim e is 15h00 sh a rp o n the follow ing days:
D ie siu itingstyd is stip telik 15h00 op die volgende dae:

1 S eptem ber, T h u rsd a y , fo r the issue of F rid a y , 9 1 Septem ber, D o n d erd ag , v ir die u itg aw e v a n V ry d ag .
Septem ber. 9 Septem ber.
6 O ctober, T h u rsd a y , fo r th e issue of F rid a y , 14 O ctober. 6 O k to b e r, D o n d erd ag , v ir die uitgaw e v a n V ry d ag ,
, 14 O k to b er.
6 D ecem ber, T u esd ay , fo r th e issue of T h u rsd a y , 15 6 D esem b er, D in sd ag , v ir die uitgaw e v a n D o n d erd ag ,
D ecem ber. 115 D esem ber.
13 D ecem ber, T u esd ay , fo r th e issue o f F rid a y , 23, 13 D esem b er, D in sd ag , v ir d ie u itg aw e v a n V rydag^
D ecem ber. 23 D esem b er.
20 D ecem ber, T u esd a y , fo r th e issue of F rid a y , 30! 20 D esem b er, D in sd ag , v ir d ie u itg aw e v a n V rydag^
D ecem ber. 30 D esem ber.
29 D ecem ber, T h u rsd a y , fo r th e issue of F rid a y , 6 29 D esem b er, D o n d erd ag , vir die u itg aw e van VrydagJ
J a n u a ry 1978. 6 Ja n u a rie 1978.

L a te notices w ill be p u b lish e d in th e su b seq u en t issue. L a a t kennisgew ings sal in d ie d aaro p v o lg en d e uitgawej
g ep laas w o rd .
53 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977



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order, or list of items. geplak word.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 55S3 59

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Please, a c q u ain t yourself

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M aak uself asseblief deeglik

vertroud m et die “V oorw aardes
vir Publikasie” v a n w etlike
kennisgew ings in die Staats­
koerant, asook m et die nuw e
tariew e w at daarm ee in verband
60 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977


R a te p e r
S ta n d a rd ised notices G estandaardiseerde kennisgew ings ^ ‘p la sin g *
R r s
Administration of Estates Acts notices: Forms J 297, Aktes: Verlore dokumente.................................................. . 6,00
J 295, J 193 and J 187....................................................... 2 ,0 0 Besigheidskennisgewings........................................................ 5,00
Business notices. . .................................................. . 5.00 Boedsiwettekennisgewings: Vorms J 297, J 295, J 193 en
Butchers’ notices.................................................................... 5.00 J 187.................................................................................. 2,00
Change of name (four insertions)......................................... 25,00 Derdeparty-assuransie-eise om skadevergoeding................. 2,50
Deeds: Lost documents 6,00 Insolvensiewet- en maatskappyweUekennisgewings: J 28,
Insolvency Act and Company Acts notices: J 28, J 29, J 29, Vorms 1 tot 9 ............................................................ 4,00
Forms 1 to 9......................................................... ............ 4.00 Naatnsverandering (vier plasings)......................................... 25,00
Lost life insurance policies.................................................... 2.00 Naturaiisasiekennisgewings (insluitende ’n herdruk vir die
Naturalisation notices (including a reprint for the adverteerder)....................................................................... 2,00
advertiser)........................................................................... 2 ,0 0 Onopgeeiste geld—siegs in die buitengewone S ta a tsko era n t,
Slum Clearance Court notices.............................................. 4,00 sluitingsdatum 15 Januarie (per inskryvving van “naam,
Third party insurance claims for compensation................. 2,50 adres en bedrag”)............................................................... 0,80
Unclaimed moneys—only in the extraordinary G overnm ent Slagterskennisgewings....................................................... 5,00
G azette, closing date 15 January (per entry of “name, Slumopruimingshofkennisgewings................................... 4,00
address and amount”) ...................................................... 0,30 Verlore iewensversekeringspolisse............................... . . . . . . 2,00
N o n -standardised notices N ie-gestandaardiseerde kennisgew ings
Company notices: Dranklisensiekennisgewings:
Short notices to shareholders of meetings, resolutions, In die buitengewone S ta a tsko e ra n t, sluitingsdatum 1
voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or members’ September....................................................................... 7,00
registers and/or declaration of dividends..................... 11,00 In die gewoae S ta a tsko e ra n t, afdeling “Algemeen” . ..* 9,00
Declaration of dividend with profit statements, including Geregteiike en ander openbare verkope:
notes................................................................................ 25,00 Geregteiike verkope....................................... 18,00
Long notices, transfers, changes with respect to shares
or capital, redemptions, resolutions, voluntary Openbare veilings, verkope en tenders:
liduidations..................................................................... 37,00 Tot 75 woorde................................................ 6,00
Liquidators’ and other appointees’ notices...* ............. 7,00 76 tot 250 woorde.............................................. 15,00
Liquor licence notices: 251 tot 350 woorde........................................... 23,00
Handcismerke in Suidwes-Afrika.................................... 11,00
In the extraordinary G overnm ent G azette, closing date Likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes se kennisgewings... .„ 7,00
1 September.................................................................... 7.00
In the ordinary G overnm ent G azette, section “General” 9.00 Maatskappykennisgewings:
Orders of the Court: Kort kennisgewings aan aandeelhouers van vergaderings,
Supersessions and discharge of petitions.............. ......... 4.00 besiuite, vrywillige likwidasies, ens.; siuiting van
Provisional and final liquidations, sequestrations, oordrag- of iederegisters en/of verklaring van dividende 11,00
rehabilitations, etc............................................................. 14,00 Vsrklaring van dividende met profytstate, notas ingesiuit 25,00
Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offer of Lang kennisgewings, oordragte, veratiderings met
compromise........................................................................ 37,00 betrekking tot aandele of kapitaal, afiossings, besiuite,
Judicial managements, curator bonis and similar and vrywiiiige likwidasies..................................... 37,00
extensive rules nisi................................................... 37,00
Orders van die Hof:
Extension of return date..................... 4,00
Sales in execution and other public sales: Tersydestellings en afwysings van petisies....................... 4,00
Sales in execution.................................. Voorlopige en finale likwidasies, sekwestrasies, her-
18,00 insteliings, ens................................................................. 14,00
Public auctions, sales and tenders: Verlagings of veranderings in kapitaal, samesmeitings,
Up to 75 words................................. 6,00 aanbod van skikking...................................................... 37,00
76 to 250 words................................. 15.00 Geregteiike besture, k u ra to r b onis en soortgelyke en
251 to 350 words............................... 23.00 uitgebreide bevele nisi.............................................. 37,00
Trade marks in South-West Africa................................. 11,00 Verienging van keerdatum.. . . ........................................ 4,00
G eneral .—For notices which do not belong under headings with A lg e m e en .—Vir kennisgewings wat nie onder opskrifte met vaste
feed tariff rates and which comprise 1 600 or less words, the rates tariewe ressorteer nie en wat 1 600 of minder woorde besiaan, meet
of the word count table must be used. In cases where notices run to die tabel van woordetal-tariewe gebruik word. In gevalle waar kennis-
more than 1 600 words, or in cases where doubt exists about the cost gewings 1 600 woorde oorskry, of in gevalie waar twyfel bestaan
of an extensive notice, the copy must be sent in before publication omtrent die koste van ’n lang kennisgewing, moet die kopie vooraf
as prescribed in par. 10 (2) of the Conditions. ingestuur word soos in die Voorwaardes, par. 10 (2), voorgeskryf.

Number of words in copy One insertion Two insertions Three insertions Four insertions
Aantal woorde in kopie Een plasing Twee plasings Drie plasings Vier plasings
1- 100... 7,00 11,00 15,00 19,00
101-150... 10,50 16,00 22,00 28,00
151-200. ...... .... .. .. 14,00 21,00 29,00 37,00
201-250... *. . . . . .V . . . . . . . 17,50 26,00 36,00 46,00
251-300 21,00 31,00 43,00 55,00
301-350 24,50 36,00 50,00 64,00
351-400... 23,00 41,00 57,00 73,00
401^f50 31,50 4 6 ,0 0 64,00 8 2 ,0 0 '
451-500.... 35,00 51,00 71,00 91,00
501-550 38,50 56,00 78,00 100,00
551-600..-. • aa • *• a a a a a «_*'• * » 42,00 61,00 85.00 109,00
601-650... ............ . 45,50 66,00 92.00
651-700..., •a aa *a •* a* aa » •••»»•««*• •« * a* a 49,00 71,00 99,00 127,00
701-750... • a * • a a ai'*,* a a a a a a * m a a a » « a • «. a a 52,50 76,00 106,09 136,00
751-800... a*a-aa**aa»« a a •« a a «««•'« a a a a a 56,00 81.00 113,00 145,00
801-850.... 59,50 86,00 120,00 154,00
851-900..., 63,00 91,00 127,00 163,00
901-950..., 66,50 96,00 134,00 172,00
951-1 000.... 70,00 101,00 141,00 181,00
1 001-1 300..., 90,00 138,00 186,00 234,00
1 301-1 600..., 108,00 164,00 220,00 276,00
STAATSKOEKANT, 10 JUNTE 1977 No. 5583 61


A L IE N A T IO N , S A L E S , C H A N G E S O F P A R T N E R S H IP , N A M E , A D D R ES S , E T C .
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intention
ef alienation of businesses and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication
of relevant advertisements, and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein.
The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partner­
ship; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandon­
ment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date
or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address,
if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.
V ER V P.EEM D 1N G , V E R K O P E , V E R A N D E R IN G S V A N V E N N O G T S K A P , N A A H , A D R E S , EN S .
ICcnnisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepaiings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghcbbende
partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besighede en/of klandisie, goedere of eiendom wat ’n dee! vorm van besighede, na 'n
tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste pubiikasie van betrokke advertensies, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorv.-aardes wat op besighede of
partye of skuldenaars, soos daarin genoem, betrekking het.
Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die voigorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrfk, afdciing, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar,
vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doe! en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe,
verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes,
en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en
adres, indien ander as onder (3); opmerkings, kommeutaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.
TRANSVAAL North State, com er of Market and Krais Streets, Johannes­
BOOYSENS.—(2) Beulah Patricia Barreto. General dealer, cafe JOHANNESBURG.—(2) Sophie Zacharopoulos. (3) Salon
keeper and fishmonger. (3) Spiros Fish and Chips, 60 Beaumont Cherie, Windsor Gardens, Bok Street; Joubert Park, Johannes­
Street, Booysens, Johannesburg. (4) Sale. (5) Salvador Antonio burg. (4) Sale. (5) Beatrice Baptista. (6)—. (7) R. E. Sidelsky,
Costa Franko. (6)—. (7) Gordan, Michalson & Nathan Silver, for Morris L. Goodman & R. E. Sidelsky, Attorneys for the
Sixth Floor, Kelhof, 112 Pritchard Street, P.O. Box 719, Johan­ Parties, Suite A, Fifth Floor, East Wing, Ills Majesty’s Buildings,
nesburg, 6/6/77. Eloff Street. Johannesburg, 1/6/77.
LOUIS TRICHARDT.—(2) Desmond Cyril Allen. (3) Kafee
BRAKPAN.—(2) Norman Edward Harris. (3) H arry’s Take en restaurant Easy Eats, Erasmusstraat 17, Louis Trichardt. (4)
Away Foods, Erf 1460, Oribi Flats, 23 Van Zyl Street, Brenthurst Verkoop. (5) Anna Elizabeth Coetzer. (6)—. (7) De Vaal &
Extension, Brakpan. (4) Sale. (5) Valerie Sammarchi. (6)—. (7) Spoelstra, Landdroslaan, Posbus 246, Louis Trichardt, 27/5/77.
N. E. Harris, 23 Van Zyl Street, Brenthurst Extension, Brakpan.
BRONKHORSTSPRUIT.—(2) Kwong Suen Tan. (3) Algemene MIDDELBURG.—(2) Lourence Sophia Zwiegelaar. (3) Basil’s
handelaar, H. R. Store, Hondsrivier, Bronkhorstspruit. (4) Verkoop. Place, Jan Vanriebeeckstraat 161, Middelburg, Tvl. (4) Ver­
(5) Jan van der Mervve. (6)—. (7) C. J. Brits & Kie Ingelyf, koop. (5) Cornelius Wilhelm Kemp. (6)—. (7) E. P. O. Brand-
Koedoegebou 143, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, 27/5/77. muller, vir Brandmulier & Els, Proltureurs vir die Partye, Mark-
straat 22d. Posbus 59, Middelburg, Tvl, 1050, 23/5/77.
BRYANSTON.—(2) Isabel Livadaras. (3) Bryanston Time PIETER3BURG.—(2) Fieke Pauline Weyer. (3) Natalies Hair
Centre, Shop 8, Cramerview Shopping Centre, Bryanston. Tvl. Stylist and Beauty Centre, Shop 2 (d), Nedbank Arcade, Mare
(4) Sale (5) Jorg Wollmershausser. (6)—. (7) David F. Star- Street, Pietersburg. (4) Sale. (5) Jeanette Cornelie Paulin Moens.
field and Michael Popper, P.O. Box 6314, Johannesburg, 18/5/77. (6)—. (7) Wicht & Viljoen, Third Floor, N.B.S. Buildings, Mare
FOCHVILLE.—(2) Antonio Homen Rodriques Jardim. (3) Street, P.O. Box 10, Pietersburg, 24/5/77.
East Driefontein Eating House, Portion 21 of Portion 3 of the PRETORIA.—(2) Huibrecht Johanna van Deventer en
farm Leeupoort 356 IQ. (4) Sale. (5) Andreas Christou Karkctis. Cathcrina Aletta van der Merwe. (3) Sandpiper Delicatessen. Hugo-
(6) Trio Eating House. (7) I. F. Waks & Waks Attorneys for weg 40a, Valhalla, Pretoria. (4) Verkoop. (5) Haralampos Saraglis.
Parties, Montalto House, Palladium Street, P.O. Box 49, Carleton- (6) —. (7) MacRobert, De Villiers & Hitge, Unitedgebou 601,
ville, 17/5/77. Pretoriusstraat 243, Pretoria, 25/5/77.
GERMISTON.—(2) Antonio Da Silva Fernandes. (3) Europa PRETORIA.—(2) Gideon Lodewikus Ciaassens Ebersohn. (3)
Engineering, corner of Melville & Nasmith Streets, Germiston. Woods Butchery (Pty) Ltd, MCC Fresh Meat Bazaar, hoek van
(4) Dissolution of Partnership. (5) Antonia Capela De Oliveira Paul Kruger- en Vanrensburgstraat, Mayvilie, Pretoria. (4) Ver­
Carvalho. (6)—. (7) F. A. Jacobs & Kriel, Attorneys for the koop. (5) Otto Bruhns. (6)— . (7) Hartman & Fourie, Ou Mutual-
Parties, Panamero Buildings, 15 Sunflower Road, Primrose, P.O. senlrum 903, hoek van Kerk- en Andriesstraat, Pretoria, 0002,
Box 343, Germiston. 26/5/77.
HAZYVIEW.—(2) Mogasheng Milliard Mokoena. (3) Algemene PRETORIA.—(2) Vernon Douglas Swemmer and John Clark
handelaars en restaurantbesighede bekend as Madras Settlement Giani. (3) Outrider Bikes and Accessories, 429a Church Street,
Store, Madras B, Posbus 52, Hazyview. (4) Verkoop. (5) Ezekiel Artadia, Pretoria. (4) Dissolution. (5) John Clark Giani. (6)— .
Michael Shube. (6)—. (7)—. (7) R. N. Edelstein, V. d. Walt & Co., Attorneys for the
HENDRINA.—(2) Ivangelos Simillides. (3) Hendrina Cafe. Parties, Second Floor, Merino Buildings, Bosnian Street, Pretoria,
(4) Alienation. (5) Hristos Kalemis and Stamatios Nanos. (6)— . 10/6/77.
(7) Haasbroek & Boezaart, Attorneys for Applicant, Transvaal PRETORIA.—(2) Antonio de Olim. (3) Kings Take Away,
House, Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 27/5/77. 174 Blood Street, Pretoria. (4) Sale. (5) Henry Edwards Smith.
JOHANNESBURG.—(2) Manuel Jesus de Sousa. (3) Fish and (6)—. (7) Solomon & Nicolson, 206 N.B.S. Buildings, Pretoria,
chip shop, fishery and fruit shop, 204 Prairie Street, Roset- 30/5/77.
tenville, Johannesburg, under the style of Crystal Fish and PRETORIA.—(2) Colleen Margaret McGillivray. (3) Doro­
Chips and Gardens. (4) Sale. (5) Joao Perestrelo Vasconcelos thea’s Flower Shop, 6 Waterkloof Shopping Centre, Brooklyn,
and Jose Carlos Martins Luis. (6)—. (7) Brian Toms, Attorney for Pretoria. (4) Sale. (5) David McGillivray. (6)—. (7) R. N. Edel­
the Parties, 590 Surrey House, comer of Rissik and Commis­ stein, V. d. Walt & Co., Attorneys for the Parties, Second Floor,
sioner Streets, Johannesburg. Merino Buildings, Bosman Street, P.O. Box 1203, Pretoria, 10/
JOHANNESBURG.—(2) E. Calvani. (3) Calvani Grocers and 6/77.
Delicatessen, 161 Seventh Avenue, comer of Sixth Street, Bezui- RANDFONTEIN.—(2) Solly Zagorsky. (3) S.S. Drapers, 13
denhov.t’s Valley. (4) Sale. (5) Alfredo Carlos Americo Do Espi- Main Road. Randfontein. (3) Sale, 15/4/77. (5) Abraham Nathan
rito Santo. (6)—. (7) Hillrand Business Brokers, P.O. Box 17529, Robinson. (6)—. (7) S. Arenson, Accountant, P.O. Box 114, Rand­
Hillbrow, 25/5/77. fontein, 23/5/77.
JOHANNESBURG—(2) Farcald (Pty) Ltd. (3) Van Riebeeck
Hotel, comer of Esher and High Streets, Brixton, Johannesburg, SPRINGS.—(2) Helmut Gerhard Lachmayer. (3) Furniture
and Van Riebeeck Hotel Off-Sales, 40 President Street, Johan­ dealer, Sphere Bargain Centre, 23 Second Street, Springs. (4)
nesburg. (4) Sale. (5) Antonio Eduardo de Sousa and Francisco S a le , w h ic h is su b je c t to fo u r c o n d itio n s p re c e d e n t, n a m e ly :
Jardim dos Ramos. (6)—. (7) Sloot, Broido, Hesselson & Lik- (1) The expiration of the above-mentioned period of 30 days.
naitzky, Attorneys for the Purchasers, Third Floor, Hunts Corner, (2) The obtaining of the necessary trade licences. (3) The obtain­
20 New S;reet South, Johannesburg. ing of a lease in respect of the premises aforementioned. (4)
JOHANNESBURG.—(2) Ben Paul Leukis. (3) Tammys Take The ratification and/or adoption of the Agreement of sale by
Aways, 21 Olywenhout Street, Bosmont, Johannesburg. (4) Sale. a company about to be formed, after its registration and
(5) Aubrey Anthony Sevell. (6)—. (7) Cooper & Cooper, Attor­ incorporation. (5) Helmut Gerhard Lochmayer, in his capacity
neys for Parties. P.O. Box 950, Johannesburg, 3/6,/77. as a trustee for a company about to be formed and registered
JOHANNESBURG.—(2) Restaurante Chave D ’Ouro (Pty) Ltd. with the name of Sphere Bargain Centre (Pty) Ltd, (6)—. (7)
(3) Restaurante Chave D’Ouro, 107 Kerk Street, Johannesburg. Hammerschlag-Gishen Incorporated. Attorneys for the Seller,
(4) Sole. (5) Raul Gomes. (6)—. (7) Richard L. Abrahams, 409 P.O. Box 184, Springs, 1560, 24/5/77.
62 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. !0 JUNE 1977

SPRINGS.—(2) John Costa Toulouras. (3) Grand Cafe, 33 DURBAN.—(2) Theoni Tsinonis. (3) General dealer, cafe/
Second Avenue, Springs. (4) Sale. (5) Manuel Fernandes Pedro. restaurant, daip' shop, Willow Cafe, Shop 7,’ 238/258 Anleno
(6) —. (7) Charles Sherman Levin & Prosser. Rand Centre. Fourth Road, Montclair, Durban. (4) Sale. (5) Patvipil Investments (Ply)
and Fifth Streets, P.O. Box 886, Springs, 25/5/77. Ltd. (6)— . (7) Gafoor, Suleman & Partners, P.O. Box 84094,
SPRINGS.—(2) Loizos Loizides. (3) Popsye’s Milky Lane. Qualbert, Durban.
Shop 9, Sanlam Centre, 39 Third Street, Springs. (4) Sale. (5) DLIRBAN.—(2) Interclothing (Pty) Ltd. (3) Cutique, 57 West
Joseph Slinger. (6)—, (7) Bennett & McNaug'nton, Attorneys for Street. Durban. (4) Sale. (5) Grafterry (Pty) Ltd. (6)—. (7)
the Parties, Third Floor, Sanlam Centre, Third Street, P.O. Box Legator, McKenna & Partners, P.O. Box 2385, Durban, 4000.
668, Springs, 26/5/77.
WELVERDIEND.—(2) Jose Manuel Pestana. (3) Sunshine DURBAN.—(2) Aiyoob Harnekar. (3) Redhill Trading Co.,
Cafe and Supermarket, Main Avenue, Welverdiend, District of 1/3 Ardrossaa Road, Redhill, Durban. (4) Sale. (5) Rashieda
Oberholzer. (4) Sale. (5) Alfredo De Gouveia de Abreu. (6)—. Jardine. (6)—. (7) A. Goldberg & D. Tobias, Attorneys for
(7) Fleischack Freysen Holton & Wadge, Agent, P.O. Box 140, Parties, 701 Santam Buildings, Smith Street, Durban.
Carletonville, 3/6/77. HILLCREST.—(2) Motho Investments (Pty) Ltd. (33 County
VERWOERDBURG.—(2) Emanuel Henrique de Freitas. (3) Estate?. Main Road, Hillcrest. (41 Sale. (5)—— . (6)—. (7) Kerry
Atlas Cafe, 277 D. F. Malan Avenue, Kloofsig, Verwoerdburg. King. Attorney, P.O. Box 1037, Pinetown, Natal.
(4)—. (5) Jose Dos Santos de Freitas. (6)—. (7) Kemp & De
Beer, 221 Hallmark Buildings, Proes Street, Pretoria, 3/6/77. PIETERMARITZBURG.—(2) Ellen Lydia Collat'd. Brian
Godfrey Collard and Stuart van Rooyen. (3) Second Hand
CAPE-KAAP Rose. 139 Chapel Street, Pietermaritzburg. (4) Sale. (5) Robin
CAPE TOWN.—(2) J. Church. (3) An-Ria Ladies Hair Stylists, Dowling Dales. (6)— . (7)—.
Geldenhuys Mansions. Beach Road. Three Anchor Bay. C.P. PIETERMARITZBURG.—(2) Susan Antoinette Duffy and
(4) Sale. (5) Heinz Beck. (6)—. (7) Reilly, Reilly & Tucker. David John Hawkins. (3) Hey Jude, dealers in phonographic
Attorneys, 1101 Colonial Mutual Buildings, 106 Adderley Street, records and ancilliary items, Perks Arcade, Longmarket Street,
Cape Town, 27/5/77. Pietermaritzburg, Natal. (4) Sale. (5) William Aian Simpson.
MILNERTON.—(2) Augusto Manuel de Sousa. (3) Welcome (6)— . fit Sam Sareff & Co., Attorney? for the Parties, 18 Timber
Fisheries, situate in Milnerton Centre, Koeberg Road. Milnerton, Street. Pietermaritzburg, Natal. 24/5/77.
C.P. (4) Sale. (5) Alvarino Rodrigues. (61—. (7) Abe Swersky
& Associates, African Eagle Centre, Riebeeck Street, Cape Town. PINETOWN.-—(23 Hendrik Bosh-off. (33 Cafe or restaurant
and general dealer, Dagwoods Coffee Bar. Shop 4. N.B S. Building
NATAL Arc-'de 39 Hill Street, Pinetown. (43 Sale. (5) Errol Douglas
DOONSIDE.—(2) Eugene de Wet and Destiny Hope de Wet. Franc's Oelschig. (6)—. (7) McClung. Goudge & Mustard, Attor­
(3) Dolphin Cafe, Beach Road. Doonside. (4) Sale. (5) Mildred neys for the Applicant, Drewbar House 5 Windsor Road,
Engelbrecht. (6)—. (7) Meumann & White, P.O. Box 3755, Durban. Pinetown, 20/5/77.


No. 73/16173) • VOLUNTARY WINDING U P —Notice is
STEWARTS & LLOYDS OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD • CLOS­ hereby given that it was unanimously resolved on 23/5/77, as a
ING OF R E G IS T E R .— 7J Per Cent tin secured Loan Stock, special resolution that the above-mentioned Company be wound
1975/84: Interest—In terms of the Declaration of Trust, interest up voluntarily as a creditors’ voluntary winding up in terms of the
for the six months ending 30/6/77, will be paid on that date to provisions of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended.—South Cape
H Per Cent Unsecured Loan Stockholders registered in the books Corporation (Pty) Ltd, c/o Hofmeyr Van der Merwe & Botha,
of the Company at the close of business on 17/6/77. The register 603 Centenary Buildings, Bureau Lane, P.O. Box 619, Pretoria,
of stockholders will be closed from 18/6/77 to 30/6/77, both 0001, 25/5/77.
dates inclusive. Non-Resident Tax on interest will be deducted
where applicable.
R e d e m p t io n .—The third redemption, at PAR, of R 200 000 of REGISTFRS.—Dividend 81 on 6 Per Cent Cumulative Preference
the above loan stock will be made on 30/6/77, in terms of the Shares and Dividend 62 on 6 Per Cent “A” Cumulative
Declaration of Trust.
Preference Shares: Notice is hereby given that, for the purpose of
Those stockholders whose holdings are to be totally or partially paying the above-mentioned dividends for the half-year ending
redeemed have already been advised. 30/6/77, the transfer registers of the 6 Per Cent Cumulative
F or the purpose of the redemption the register of stockholders Preference Shares and the 6 Per Cent “A” Cumulative Prefe­
will be closed from 18/6/77 to 30/6/77, both dates inclusive. rence Shares will be closed from Saturday, 18/6/77 to Thursday
Unsecured Debentures.—Series A 13,375 Per Cent, 1987/1996 30/6/77. both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.—C. J.
and Series B 13,125 Per Cent, 1981/1985. Barlow C.A. (S.A.), Company Secretary, 49 Von Brandis Street,
Johannesburg, 24/5/77.
In te r e s t. —In terms of the Debenture Trust Deed, interest for
the period 1/1/77 to 30/6/77, will be paid on the above deben­
tures on 30/6/77. Non-Resident Tax on interest will be deducted NASTONALE PERS BPK. • SLUITING VAN AANDELE-
where applicable. The registers of debenture holders will be closed REGISTF.RS.—Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die aandele-
from 18/6/77 to 30/6/77, both dates inclusive. By Order of the registers van bogenoemde Maatskappy gesluit sal wees van 12/6/77
Board.—E. A. Johnson, Group Secretary. Registered office: comer tot 31/7/77, albei dae ingesluit. Namens die Direksie.—J. C.
of Voortrekker Street and Rhodes Avenue. Vereeniging, South G e r b e r . Sekretaris. Nasionale Pers Bpk., Keeromstraat 42, Kaap-
Africa. Transfer secretaries: Rand Registrars Ltd. Devonshire stad. 8001, 23/5/77.
House, Jorissen Street, P.O. Box 2058, Johannesburg. 2000, South
is hereby given that Dividend 15 of 2c per share being the third
STEWARTS & LLOYDS OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD • PRE­ interim dividend for the year ending 31/8/77, has been declared
FERENCE DIVIDEND.—Tlte directors have declared a dividend payable to members registered in the books of the Company at
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum for the six months ending the close of business on 10/6/77.
30/6/77, payable on 30/6/77, to holders of the Six Per Cent
First Cumulative Preference Shares registered in the books of The transfer registers and registers of members will be closed
the Company at the close of business on 17/6/77. The preference from 13/6/77 to 17/6/77, both days inclusive, and dividend
share register of members, including the United Kingdom Office warrants will be posted from the Johannesburg and London
Register of Members, will be closed from 18/6/77 to 30/6/77, transfer offices on or about 11/7/77.
both dates inclusive. Members paid from the United Kingdom will receive the
The dividend is declared in the currency of the Republic of United Kingdom currency equivalent on 29/6/77, of the rand
South Africa and is subject to the deduction of Non-Resident value of their dividends.
Shareholders’ Tax in terms of the Income Tax Act, 1962. as The effective rate of Non-Resident Shareholders’ Tax is 15
amended, in the case of shareholders whose addresses in the the per cent.
register of members are outside tire Republic of South Africa. By
Order of the Board.—E. A. Johnson, Group Secretary. Registered The dividend is payable subject to conditions which can be
office: corner of Voortrekker Street and Rhodes Avenue, inspected at the Johannesburg and London transfer offices of the
Vereeniging, South Africa. Transfer secretaries: Rand Registrars Company.—-Vaughan. Key & Payne, Secretaries, per R. G. E.
Ltd, Devonshire House, Jorissen Street, P.O. Box 2058. Johannes­ Billing. Registered office: 10th Floor, Unitas, 42 Marshall Street,
burg, 2000, South Africa. United Kingdom Transfer Secretaries: Johannesburg, 2001. Transfer secretaries: Union Corporation Ltd,
Charter Consolidated Ltd, Charter House, Park Street, Ashford, 74-78 Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 2001; M & WM Services,
Kent TN 24 EQ, 2/6/77. Granby House, 95 Southwark Street, London SEI OJA, 23/5/77.-
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 63

is hereby given that a Final Dividend 28 of 2,5c per share has REGISTERS.—Notice is hereby given that the register of share­
been declared on 18/5/77, in respect of the financial year ending holders of the Company will be closed from the close of business
30/6/77, payable to shareholders registered in the books of the on 21/6/77 to 23/6/77, for the purpose of determining those
Company at the close of business on 29/7/77. shareholders entitled to vote at a meeting ordered by the Supreme
Dividend warrants will be posted on or about 15/8/77. and Court of South Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) to be
Non-Resident Shareholders’ Tax of 15 per cent will be deducted held at 08h30 on 23/6/77, for the purpose of considering a
from dividends of shareholders whose registered addresses are scheme of arrangement between the Company and its shareholders
(other than The Nigel Coal Mining Company Ltd). This meeting
outside the Republic of South Africa. By Order of the Board.— will be followed at 09h00 on 23/6/77 by a general meeting of
D. D. Beaton, Secretary. Transfer secretaries: Financial Adminis­ the Company, at which a special resolution will be proposed to
trators (Pty) Ltd, Fifth Floor, Atkinson House, 24 Eloff Street, implement the scheme of arrangement, if the scheme is approved
Johannesburg, 2001. Registered address: Stand 42-47, Second by the preceding meeting. By Order of the Board.—D. Savage,
Avenue, Wynberg, Sandton, 27/5/77i Secretary, Rand London Corporation Ltd, 2/6/77.
FERENCE DIVIDEND 61.—Notice is hereby given that Prefe­ REGISTERS.—Kennis geskied hiermee dat die register van aan-
rence Dividend 61 of 5,5c per share has been declared payable deelhouers van die Maatskappy van kantoorsluiting op 21/6/77
to holders registered in the books of the Company at the close of tot 23/6/77, gesluit sal wees met die doel om te bepaal watter
business on 3/6/77. aandeelhouers geregtig is om te stem op ’n vergadering wat deur
die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Witwatersrandse Plaaslike
For this purpose, the preference share register of the Com­ Afdeling) beveel is om gehou te word op 23/6/77 om 08h30, met
pany will be closed from 4/6/77 to 11/6/77, both days inclusive. die doel om ’n reelingskcma tussen die Maatskappy en sy aan­
Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders on or about deelhouers (behalwe The Nigel Coal Mining Company Bpk.)
30/6/77. te oorweeg. Hierdie vergadering sal op 23/6/77 om 09h00 gevolg
Non-Resident Shareholders’ Tax will be deducted from the word deur ’n algemene vergadering van die Maatskappy waarop
dividends of shareholders, whose registered addresses are outside besluite voorgestel sal word om die skema ten uitvoer te bring
indien die skema deur die voorafgaande vergadering goedgekeur
the Republic of South Africa. By Order of the Board.—C. S. word. Op las van die Raad.—D. Savage, Sekretaris, Rand London
Hurter, Secretary, Hill Samuel Registrars (SA-) Ltd, P.O. Box Corporation Bpk., 2/6/77.
62318, Marshalltown, 20/5/77.
OF REGISTERS.—For the purpose of the payment of dividends hereby given that the transfer books of the undermentioned Land
to the Company’s 5 | Per Cent Cumulative Preference Sharehol­ Bank Debentures will be closed for the period 1/7/77 to 31/7/77,
ders and 5 Per Cent Redeemable Second Cumulative Prefe­ both days inclusive, and that the interest due on 31/7/77, will
rence Shareholders the Company’s preference share transfer be paid to the debenture holders registered at the date of closing
books and registers of members will be closed from 11/6/77 to of the transfer books:
17/6/77, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.—O. J. 6 Per Cent Land Bank Debentures, 1977 (Loan 9/62);
Phillips. .Group Secretary, Rennies Consolidated Holdings Ltd, 6 Per Cent Land Bank Debentures, 1982 (Loan 10/62);
14th Floor, Rennie House, 19 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 8.75 Per Cent Land Bank Debentures, 1997 (Loan 34/72); and
Johannesburg, 2001, 26/5/77. 8.25 Per Cent Land Bank Debentures, 1997 (Loan 35/72).
Land Bank, P.O. Box 375, Pretoria, 2/6/77.
OF REGISTER.—Secured First Mortgage Debentures, 1986/1995: LAND- EN LANDBOUBANK VAN SUID-AFRIKA • SLUI­
For the purpose of the payment of interest to the Company’s TING VAN OORDRAGBOEKE.—Hiermee word bekend gemaak
13,5 Per Cent Secured Series A Debenture Holders and Secured dat die oordragboeke van die ondergemelde Landbankobligasies
Series B Debenture Holders the Company’s debenture transfer vir die tydperk 1/7/77 tot 31/7/77, beide dae ingesluit, gesluit
books and register of debenture holders will be closed from sal wees en dat die rente betaalbaar op 31 /7/77, aan die obligasie-
11/6/77 to 17/6/77, both dates inclusive. By Order of the Board.— houers wat op datum van sluiting van die oordragboeke geregi-
O. J. Phillips, Group Secretary, Rennies Consolidated Holdings streer is, betaal sal word:
Ltd, 14th Floor, Rennie House, 19 Ameshoff Street Braamfon- 6 Persent Landbankobligasies, 1977 (Lening 9/62);
tein, 2001, 26/5/77. 6 Persent Landbankobligasies, 1982 (Lening 10/62);
8.75 Persent Landbankobligasies. 1997 (Lening 34/72); en
8.25 Persent Landbankobligasies, 1997 (Lening 35/72).
Notice is hereby given that a final dividend in respect of Ihe Landbank, Posbus 375, Pretoria, 2/6/77.
year ended 28/2/77 of 2,0c per ordinary share, making a total
dividend of 5,0c for the year 1976—8,0c, has been declared and PIONEER HOLDINGS AND FINANCE CORPORATION
will be paid to the holders of ordinary shares registered as such LTD • ORDINARY DIVIDEND 38.—Notice is hereby given
at the close of business on 3/6/77. In order to determine the that an interim dividend in respect of the year ending 30/6/77 of
shareholders entitled to the dividend, the ordinary transfer books 5,50c per share (1976: 5,25c per share) has been declared payable
and register of members of the Company will be closed from to shareholders registered in the books of the Company at the
4/6/77 to 11/6/77, both days inclusive. clos of business on 10/6/77.
The transfer books and register of members will be closed
Dividend cheques will be posted on or about 1/7/77. Non- from 13/6/77 to 24/6/77, both dates inclusive..
Resident Shareholders’ Tax will be deducted where applicable. By
Order of the Board.-—Bromain Finance Corporation (Pty) Ltd, Dividend warrants will be posted on or about 29/6/77.
Secretaries, Per W. J. Sharpe, Bromain Holdings Ltd, 11th Floor, Dividends payable to shareholders resident outside the Repu­
Sandglen Towers, 160 Main Street, Johannesburg, 2001, 20/5/77. blic of South Africa will, in terms of the Income Tax Act, 1972,
as amended be subject to the deduction of Non-Resident Share­
PICK ’N PAY STORES LTD • CLOSING OF REGISTER.— holders’ Tax. By Order of the Board.—T. R. Baldwin, Secretary.
Notice is hereby given that the register of ordinary shareholders Transfer secretaries: Consolidated Share Registrars Ltd, Third
of Pick ’n Pay Stores Ltd, will be closed from close of business on Floor, Libertas, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001. Regis­
Friday, 17/6/77, to close of business on Friday, 24/6/77, for the tered office: Ninth Floor, Libertas, 62 Marshall Street, Johan­
purpose of determining those ordinary shareholders entitled to nesburg, 2001 27/5/77.
participate in a rights issue of automatically convertible cumu­
lative preference shares to be made by Pick ’n Pay Stores Ltd. DELSWA LTD (Tnc. in RSA) • CLOSING OF REGISTER
By Order of the Board.—C. D. G. Hurst, F.C.A., Secretary, OF COMPANY.—Notice is hereby given that Preference Divi­
3/6/77. dend 59 of 5,5c per share has been declared payable to holders
registered in the books of the Company at the close of business
AVON INVESTMENTS LTD (No. UC 12231) • CONVER­ on 10/6/77.
SION OF COMPANY.—Notice in terms of section 26 (1) of the For this purpose, the preference share register of the Company
Companies Act, 1973, is hereby given of this company’s intention will be closed from 11/6/77 to 19/6/77, both days inclusive.
to convert itself from a public to a private company. Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders on or about
A general meeting of the shareholders of the Company will 30/6/77.
be held at First Floor, Ruswyn Place, 75 Sandler Road, High­ Non-Resident Shareholders’ Tax will be deducted from the
lands North, Johannesburg, on 11/7/77, at 14h30 for the purpose dividends of shareholders, whose registered addresses are outside
of considering, and if thought fit, passing the Special Resolution the Republic of South Africa. By Order of the Board.—A. Laird-
for conversion as aforesaid. By Order of the Board.—Hersowkz, Smith, Director, Hill Samuel Registrars (SA.) Ltd, P.O. Box
Poplak & Esrock, P.O. Box 64096, Highlands North, 2037, 62318, Marshalltown, 27/5/77.
64 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 10 JUNE 1977

CIAL STATEMENT [D irectors'. A. Katz B.Com. (Managing), Notice 1761: Notice is hereby given that the nominal registers and
D. E. Freeman, W. S. Abrahams, E. D. Katz, S. Moss B.Com C.A. the transfer registers of the undermentioned stocks will be closed
(S.A.)].—The consolidated audited resuits of the Company and its from 2/7/77 to 31/7/77. both days inclusive, and that the interest
controlled subsidiaries for the year ended 28/2/77, and the comparison payable on 1/8/77, will be paid to the stockholders registered at
with those for the year ended 29/2/76, are: the date of closing of the registers:
1977 1976 Registered stocks: 8 Per Cent. 1996; 7+ Per Cent, 1996; 8^
Sales: % % Per Cent. 1998 (Loan 45); 8} Per Cent, 1993 (Loan 46); 8*
Increase over the previous year.............. 17,55 5,98 Per Cent, 1999; and 12, 80 Per Cent, 1998.
A. J. de Witt, Secretary, 3 Fraser Street, P.O. Box 1127, Johan­
R R nesburg, Rand Water Board, P.O. Box 1127, Johannesburg, 2000,
Profit before taxation................................... 141 156 124 510
Taxation (including prior year adjust- 60 071 83 011
Kennisgewing 1761: Kennis geskied hierrnee dat die nominale
Profit after taxation..................................... 81 085 41 499 registers en oordragregisters van die ondervermelde effekte vanaf
2/7/77 tot 31/7/77. beide dae inbegrepe, gesluit sal wees, en dat
Earnings per share....................................... 8,6c 4,4c die rente op 1/8/77, betaalbaar aan effektehouers wat op die
sluitingsdatum van die registers geregistreer is, betaal sal word:
The above results incorporate all the revenue and expenditure of the Geregistresrde effekte: 8 Persent, 1996; 1 \ Persent, 1996; 8J
property-owning subsidiaries from 1/7/76, the date on which the new P a r s e r 1998 (Leniug 45); 8 i Persent, 1998 (Lening 46); Si Per­
building, “Diamond Corner”, was handed over as completed. sent, 1999; en 12,80 Persent, 1998.
The directors have decided to pass the dividend as they still feel A. J. de Witt, Sekretaris, Fraserstraat 3, Posbus 1127, Johannes­
it is in the best long-term interests of your company. burg, Randwa'erraad, Posbus 1127, Johannesburg, 2000.
Arnold Katz, Chairman, Registered and Transfer Office, St SEARLES HOLDINGS LTD (Inc. in RSA) • PREFERENCE
Andrew’s Buildine, 10th Floor, 39, Rissik Street, Johannesburg.- DIVIDEND 54.—Notice is hereby given that Preference Dividend
26/5/77. 54 at the rate of 5 | per cent per annum for the six months ending
30/6/77, has been declared payable to holders of 5 j Per Cent
THE STERNS DIAMOND ORGANISATION LTD: Declaration Cumulative Preference Shares registered in the books of the Com­
of dividend No. 17 (Final) on Ordinary Shares.—Consolidated group pany at the close of business on Friday, 24/6/77.
profit statement for the year ended 28/2/77. For the purpose of this dividend the transfer registers will
1977 1976 be closed from 25/6/77 to 2/7/77, both days inclusive. Warrants
R R in payment of this dividend will be posted to shareholders on or
Profit before taxation and extraordinary about 8/7/77. By Order of the Board.—B. P. Stander, Secretary.
Items......................................................... 1 970 572 2009 070 Transfer secretaries: Fraser Street Registrars (Pty) Ltd, 10 Fraser
Less; South African Normal and Deferred Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61178, Marshalltown, 2107,
Taxation............................................ 870 557 819 981 27/5/77.
Net profit for the year attributable to
Ordinary Shareholders........................... 1 100015 1 1S9 089 AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF WOODWORKERS OF
Earnings per share....................................... 29,38c 31,76c FINAL LIQUIDATION.—Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
Total dividends per ordinary share for the rules of the society and the registrar of financial institutions
year ended 28/2/77. that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account
Interim declared 5/11/76.......................... 5c 4c will be open for inspection by interested parties at the offices of
Final declared 30/5/77............................. 5c 5c the Society, First Floor, Vulcan House, 88 Anderson Street,
Johannesburg, for a period of 21 days from date hereof. Any
Notice is hereby given that a final dividend in respect of the year objections to these accounts should be communicated directly,
ended 28/2/77, of 5c per ordinary share has been declared payable in writing, to—The Liquidator, Amalgamated Society of Wood­
to holders of such shares registered at the close of business on the workers of South Africa Staff Fund, P.O. Box 61692, Marshall­
8/7/77. The dividend has been declared in the currency of the Republic town, Tvi, 2107.
of South Africa and warrants in payment thereof will be posted on
or about the 16/8/77. Non-President Shareholder’s Tax will be deducted THE. ASSOCIATED ORE & METAL CORPORATION LTD
where applicable. (Inc. in RSA) • CLOSING OF REGISTERS.—Notice is hereby
The transfer register and register of members will be closed from the given that the share transfer books and register of members will
9/7/77 to 16/7/77, both days inclusive. be closed from 25/6/77 to 1/7/77, both days inclusive. By
Order of the Board.—W. K. Campbell, Secretary. Office of the
By Order of the Board.—R. E. Krause, secretary. transfer secretaries: Union Provident Trust South Africa Ltd,
Transfer Secretaries.—Hill Samuel Registrars (S.A.) Ltd, The Corner 17th Floor, Bank of Lisbon Buildings, 37 Sauer Street, P.O. Box
House, 63 Fox Street, Johannesburg, 2001. (P.O. Box 62318, Marshall­ 2322, Johannesburg.
town, 2107), Telephone 836-2273. 30/5 77.
ANGLOVAAL GROUP: CLOSING OF REGISTERS.—Notice OF COMPANY.—Notice is hereby given in terms of section 26
is hereby given that dividends having been declared payable to mem­ (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended that a general meet­
bers registered in the books of the undermentioned companies at the ing of South Wales Transformers Ltd, will be held at 09h30 on
close of business on 24/6/77, the transfer books and registers of 4/7/77, at 11th Floor, 20 Anderson Street, Johannesburg, for
members will be closed from 25/6/77 to 1/7/77, both days inclusive. the purpose of passing special resolutions for the conversion of
the Company from a public company having a share capital to a
N a m e o f co m pany C lass o f S h a re private company having a share capital, in terms of section 22
Anglovaal Holdings Limited......................................... Ordinaryof the Companies Act, 1973, as amended.
Anglo-Transvaal Consolidated Investment Com- Participating
pany, Ltd.................................................................. Reference EDGARS STORES LTD (Inc. in RSA) • CLOSING OF
Ordinary and REGISTER.—9 i Per Cent Unsecured Non-Convertible Deben­
“A ” Ordinary ture Stock, 1982/1991: Notice is hereby given that, for the pur­
Anglo-Transvaal Collieries L td .................................... Ordinary pose of determining holders of the above-mentioned debenture
Anglo-Transvaal Industries Ltd.................................... Ordinary stock entitled to the payment of interest for the six months
Associated Manganese Mines of South Africa Ltd, ending 30/6/77, the debenture stock register will, in terms of
The............................................................... Ordinary
the debenture trust deed, be closed from 18/6/77 to 30/6/77,
T. W. Beckett & Company L td........................... ...... Ordinary both days inclusive.—D. M. Hurst, Secretary, Eighth Floor,
Consolidated Murchison L td......................................... Ordinary African City, 100 Eloff Street, Johannesburg, 2001.
Eastern Transvaal Consolidated Mines, L td ............ Ordinary
Globe Engineering Works L td..........................................Ordinary
Hartebeestfontein Gold Mining Company L td ........ Ordinary EDGARS STORES LTD Hue. in RSA) • CLOSING OF
Middle Witwatersrand (Western Areas) L td ___ ___ Ordinary REGISTERS.—Preference Dividend 62: Notice is hereby given
Shipwrights and Engineers Holdings L td..................... Ordinary that, for the purpose of determining members entitled to partici­
Zandpan Gold Mining Company L td ........................... Ordinary pate in the above-mentioned dividend the preference share and
transfer registers of the Company will be closed from 25/6/77 to
By Order of the Boards.—Anglo-Transvaal Consolidated Investment 29/6/77, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.—D. M.
Company, Ltd. Company Ltd, Secretaries, per: E. G. D. Gordon. Hurst, Secretary, Eighth Floor, African City, 100 Eloff Street,
Johannesburg, 9/6/77. Johannesburg, 2001, 10/6/77.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 65

ADCOCK-INGRAM LTD (Inc. in RSA) • PREFERENCE The preference share register will be closed from 20/6/77 to
DIVIDEND 56.—Notice is hereby given that a dividend, at the 30/6/77, both dates inclusive. By Order of the Board:—M. C. L.
rate of 6 per cent per annum, for the six months ending 30/6/77, Bourqum, Secretary, Bertrams Wines Ltd, P.O. Box 199, Ihellen-
has been declared, payable to 6 Per Cent Cumulative Preference bosch, 24/5/77.
Shareholders, registered as such in the books of the Company
at the close of business on Friday, 24/6/77.
The transfer journal and register of members, in respect of REGISTERS—For the purposes of paying interest on unsecured
the 6 Per Cent Cumulative Preference Shareholders, will be closed convertible registered debentures, the registers of debentures will
from 25/6/77 to 10/7/77, both days inclusive for the purpose of be closed from the close of business on 17/6/77 to 30/6/77.
determining the preference shares ranking for the above divi­ By Order of the Board.—P. L. Fabian, Secretary, Parow Indus-
dend; and dividend warrants, in respect of this dividend, will be tria, 3/6/77.
posted on or about, but not later than 30/7/77.
In terms of the Income Tax Act, 1362, as amended, Non- I. L. BACK & CO. LTD (Ingelyf in RSA) • SLUITING VAN
Resident Shareholders’ Tax at the rate of 15 per cent will, where SKULDBRIEF.—Vir doeleindes van betaling van rente op onver-
applicable, be deducted from dividends. By Order of the Board.— sekerde omskepbare skuidbriewe van 50c elk, sal die registers
E. M. Jankelowitz, B.Com., C.A. (S.A.), Secretary. Transfer van skuldbriefhouers gesluit wees vanaf die sluiting van sake op
secretaries: Pollack, Josset & Co., Fourth Floor, Adcock-Ingram 17/6/77 tot 30/6/77. In opdrag van die Direksie.—P. L. Fabian,
House, 105 Quartz Street, Hilibrow, Johannesburg. Sekretaris, Parow Industria, 3/6/77.

CLOSING OF REGISTERS .— 6 Per Cent Redeemable Cumula­ UP.—Section 356 (2) (b) Companies Act, 1973: Notice is hereby
tive Preference Shares of R2 each; 11 Per Cent Redeemable given that a special resolution was passed at a genera] meeting
Cumulative Preference Shares of R1 each; 9) Per Cent Unsecured of shareholders of Stowel Lodge (Pty) Ltd, on 19/5/77, that it
Partly Convertible Notes of R 8 each; 11 Per Cent Unsecured be wound up voluntarily in terms of section 349 (b) of the Com­
Partly Convertible Notes of R 8 each; 1 Per Cent Above the panies Act, 1973, and that Barry Dight Williams be appointed
Minimum Commercial Bank Lending Rate Unsecured Notes of liquidator.—Dalkeith Trust Co. (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 823, Cape
R1 each: Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of payment Town, 8000.
on 30/6/77, of Preference Dividend 5 and Interest 5 for the six
months ended 30/6/77, the registers of preference shareholders RAVINE PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD • VOLUNTARY WIND­
and noteholders will be closed from 11/6/77 to 30/6/77, both UP.—At a general meeting of the Company held on' 8/2/77, in
days inclusive. Cape Town, the following special resolutions were passed:
(1) That the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of
MURRAY & ROBERTS HOLDINGS LTD (Inc. in RSA) • section 349 (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, and that Robert
CLOSING OF REGISTERS.—Notice is hereby given that the Ward. 301 Protea Assurance Buildings, 102 St George’s Street,
transfer register and the register of members in respect of 6 J Cape Town, 8001, be nominated as liquidator. Further, the said
Per Cent Redeemable Cumulative Preference Shares will be liquidator shall not be required to furnish any security to the
closed from 1/7/77 to 3/7/77, both days inclusive. By Order Master of the Supreme Court in connection with the winding
of the Board.—R. W. Vovsey, Secretary. Transfer secretaries: up of this Company.
(2) The books and papers of the Company and of the liqui­
Central Registrars Ltd, 28 Harrison Street, Johannesburg, 2001; dators are to be destroyed six months after the date of confirma­
P.O. Box 61042, Marshalltown, 2107, 6/6/77. tion by the Master of the Supreme Court of the final account.
Park Mall Trust (Pty) Ltd, Secretaries, 102 St George’s Street,
TRIUM VIRITE HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (60/4614) • Cape Town, 8/2/77.
VOLUNTARY WINDING UP.—Notice is hereby given that
the Company has passed a special resolution for its voluntary MAZOLT MANSIONS (PTY) LTD (in vol. liqu. C317/77) •
winding up and for the appointment of Ronald Millin as liqui­ VOLUNTARY W INDING UP.—Notice is hereby given that the
dator, he being exempted from furnishing security for the per­ following resolution was passed pursuant to section 199 (3) of
formance of his duties in such office.—Ronald Millin, Fifth the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as an extraordinary general
Floor, Ir.nes Chambers, 84 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg, 2/6/77. meeting of the shareholders of the Company held for that purpose
at 162 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, on Friday 27/5/77:
TIGER OATS AND NATIONAL MILLING CO. LTD (Inc. That the Company be wound up voluntarily as a member’s
in RSA) • CLOSING OF REGISTERS.—5+ Per Cent Cumula­ voluntary winding up as laid down in section 349 (b) of the
tive Preference Shares: Notice is hereby given that the transfer Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973.
books and registers of members will be closed from 25/6/77 to H. Nathan Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4205, Cape Town, 8000,
8/7/77, both days inclusive. By Order of the Board.—G. M. 27/5/77.
Utian, Secretary. Registered office: 15th Floor, Wesbank House,
222 Smit Street, Johannesburg. Transfer secretaries: Consolidated
Share Registrars Ltd, Third Floor, Libertas, 62 Marshall Street, W. M. DAWSON & SONS (S.A.) (PTY) LTD • VOLUNTARY
Johannesburg, 7/6/77. W INDING UP.—Notice is hereby given that at a general meet­
ing of members held on 30/5/77, a special resolution was passed
that the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of section
EVATON COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES (PTY) LTD (T434/ 349 (b) of the Companies Act, 1973.—Syfret, Godlonton & Low,
76) • VOLUNTARY W INDING UP.—In terms of section 406 of Cartwrights Comer House, Adderley Street, Cape Town.
Act 61, 1973, as amended: Notice is hereby given that the
liquidators First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account
will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the
Supreme Court, Pretoria, and at the office of the Magistrate at NATAL
Jo h a n n e sb u rg for a period of 14 days from 10/6/77.—A. H. ROMATEX LTD • INTEREST PAYMENT 12.—10-1/8 Per
Kaloo, Liquidators, Fourth Floor, A. E. L. Buildings, 78 Mint Cent First Mortgage Debentures: Notice is hereby given that
Road, Fordsburg, 10/6/77. payment of interest on the above-mentioned debentures at the
rate of 10-1 /8 per cent per annum for the six months ending
WISPECO HOLDINGS LTD (Inc. in RSA) • CLOSING OF 30/6/77, will be made on that date to debenture holders registered
REGISTERS.—Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of in the books of the Company at the close of business on Friday
paying Dividend 81 on the 7 } Per Cent Preference Shares, and 17/6/77.
Dividend 65 on the 6 Per Cent Preference Shares, the transfer The relative transfer register and register of debenture holders
registers and registers of members for both classes of shares will will be closed from 18/6/77 to 25/6/77, both dates inclusive.
be closedf rom 25/6/77 to 3/7/77, both days inclusive. Dividend Payment will be made in South African currency and in terms
cheques will be posted on o r after 25/7/77. By Order of the of the Income Tax Act, as amended, Non-Residents’ Tax will be
B o a rd .— G . L . E Jodds, S e c re ta ry . deducted from the amounts payable to debenture holders whose
registered addresses are outside the Republic of South Africa.
By Order of the Board.—M. Walsh, Secretary. Registered office:
32 Manchester Street, Jacobs, 4052; P.O. Box 2013, Durban,
C A P E -K A A P 4000, South Africa. Transfer office: Natal Securities Trust (Pty)
BERTRAMS WINES LTD • PREFERENCE DIVIDEND 55. Ltd, Ninth Floor, Nedbank Centre, Durban Club Place, Durban,
—Notice is hereby given that the preference dividend for the six 4001; P.O. Box 225, Durban, 4000, South Africa.
months ending 30/6/77 at the rate of 5) per cent per annum
has been declared payable on or about 30/6/77, to all prefe­ INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO. LTD (Inc. in RSA) •
rence shareholders registered in the books of the Company at PREFERENCE DIVIDEND.—Notice is hereby given that a
the close of business on 17/6/77. preference dividend at the rate of 3 per cent in respect of the
60711—3 5583—3
«<s No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

six months ending 30/6/77, on the 6 Per Cent Cumulative Pre­ SWANRIVER INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD • VOLUNTARY
ference Shares in the Company, has been declared payable to WINDING UP.—Pursuant to section 356 (2) (b) of the Com­
holders of preference shares registered in the books of the Com­ panies Act. 1973: Notice is hereby given that at a general meeting
pany at the close of business on 10/6/77. held at Durban on 23/5/77, it was resolved—
The preference transfer books and register of members will (1) that the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of
be closed from 11/6/77 to the 17/6/77, both dates inclusive, and section 349 of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended,
cheques will be despatched on or about 30/6/77. and that its assets be distributed in specie and in kind;
Non-Resident Shareholders Tax at the effective rate of 14.88 (2) that Mr David Carlyon Luke be and is hereby appointed
per cent will be deducted by the Company from dividends in liquidator of the Company and that he be exempt from provid­
the case of shareholders whose addresses in the share register are ing security in terms of section 375 (1) of the said Act;
outside the Republic of South Africa. By Order of the Board.— (3) that in terms of section 348 (2) of the said Act the
H. G. Robertson, Secretary, Industrial Investment Co. Ltd, Second liquidator’s remuneration be fixed at R100; and
Floor Fassifem, 35 Ridge Road, P.O. Box 943, Durban, 24/5/77. (4) that the liquidator be and is hereby empowered in terms
of section 422 (1) (b) to destroy all books, papers and records
M cCa r t h y g r o u p l t d • c l o s i n g o f r e g i s t e r .— of the Company after the lapse of six months from the date
Half-Yearly Preference Dividend 59: Notice is hereby given that a of dissolution of the Company.
Half-Yearly Preference Dividend 59 of 5}c per share has been D. C. Luke, P.O. Box 4536, Durban, 4000, 25/5/77.
declared payable to shareholders registered in the books of the
Company at the close of business on 30/6/77.
The preference share and transfer register will be closed from HULETTS CORPORATION LTD (Inc. in RSA) • CLOSING
1/7/77 to 8/7/77, both days inclusive. OF REGISTER.—Preliminary Notice of Part Redemption of
64 Per Cent Redeemable Cumulative Preference Shares: In terms
Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders on or about of the conditions of issue, 550 000 6 f Per Cent Redeemable
26/7/77. By Order of the Board.—C. R. Bannister, F. C. I. S., Cumulative Preference Shares are to be redeemed on 31/10/77.
Secretary. Registered office: 1101 Nedbank Circle, 511 Point Road, To determine which shares are to be so redeemed, a drawing will
Durban, 4001, 9/5/77. take place at the registered office of the Company on 20/7/77,
and for this purpose notice is hereby given that the register of
ATKINSON OATES MOTORS LTD • CLOSING OF REGIS­ 6 | Per Cent Preference Shareholders will be closed from 9/7/77
TER.— 10 per cent Mortgage Debenture Stock Interest Payment to 17/7/77, both days inclusive.
11: Notice is hereby given that the eleventh payment of interest Registered holders of shares drawn for redemption will be
on the 10 per cent mortgage debentures of the Company due notified of the fact in writing. Such shares will cease to rank
in respect of the six months ending 30/6/77, will be paid on for dividend after 31/10/77. Bv Order of the Board.—R. B. A.
30/6/77, to all debenture holders registered in the books of the Cruikshank, Group Secretary. Registered office: 1001 Umhlanga
Company at the close of business on 10/6/77. Rocks Drive, La Lucia, 4051, 3/6/77.
The relative transfer books and register of debenture holders
will be closed from 11/6/77 to 18/6/77, both days inclusive for
preparation of interest cheques.
Interest cheques will be posted to debenture holders on or
9 Per Cent Redeemable Cumulative Preference Shares Dividend KEURDIVIDEND.—Kennis word hiermee gegee dat ’n voor-
9.—Notice is hereby given that the Ninth Half-Yearly Preference keurdividend vir die tydperk 1/1/77 tot 30/6/77 van 6,0c per
Dividend at the rate of 9 per cent per annum has been declared aandsel verklaar is ten opsigte van die 12 Persent Kumulatiewe
by the directors and payable to holders of 8 Per Cent Cumulative Omskepbare Voorkeuraandele betaal'oaar aan houers van sodanige
Cumulative Preference Shares registered in the books of the voorkeuraandele geregistreer in die boeke van die Bank met
Company at the close of business on 10/6/77. sluiting van sake op Vrydag, 24/6/77.
The preference share and transfer register will be closed from Die voorkeur aandeleregister en die voorkeur aandele-oordrag-
11/6/77 to 18/6/77, both days inclusive. register van die maatskappy sal gesluit wees vanaf 25/6/77 tot
Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders on or about 2/7/77, beide dae inbegrepe.
24/6/77. Ooreenkomstig die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, soos gewysig,
8 Per Cent Cumulative Preference Shares Dividend 92.—Notice sal buiteiandse aandeelhoucrsbelasting teen ’n koers van 15 persent
is hereby given that the Ninety-Second Half-Yearly Preference afgetrek word van dividende belaalbaar aan aandeelhouers wie
Dividend at the rate of 8 per cent per annum has been declared se adresse as buite die Republiek van Suid-Afrika in die boeke
by the directors and payable to h^'ders of 8 Per Cent Cumulative van die Maatskappy verskyn. Namens die Direksie.—H. I.
Preference Shares registered in the books of the Company at Samuels. Voorsitter, H. J. Coetsee, Onder-voorsitter, Bloemfon­
the close of business on 30/6/77. tein, 30/5/77.
The preference share and trasfer register will be closed from
1/7/77 to 8/7/77, both days inclusive.
Dividend warrants will be posted to shareholders on or about S.W .A.
26/7/77. By Order of the Board.—C. R. Bannister, F.C.I.S.,
Secretary. Registered office: 1101 Nedbank Circle, 511 Point CANYON HOTEL (PTY) LTD (in liqu.) • OFFER OF
Road, Durban, 4001, 9/5/77. COMPROMISE.—Be pleased to take notice that a meeting of
all creditors of Canyon Hotel (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation, will be
HULETTS ALUMINIUM LTD • CLOSING OF REGISTER. held on Monday, 20/6/77 at 10h00, at the Conference Room of
Notice is hereby given that the share transfer register and register the Kalahari Sands Hotel, Kaiser Street, Windhoek.
of members will be closed from 16/7/77 to 26/7/77, both days The meeting has been summoned by the liquidator and has
inclusive, for the purpose of determining shareholders entitled been authorised by an Order of the Supreme Court for the pur­
to participate in the final dividend. By Order of the Board.— pose of considering and, if thought fit, of accepting an offer of
M. D. Howes, Secretary. Huletts Aluminium Ltd, Edendale Road, compromise with or without modification.
Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 24/5/77. The following documents may be inspected during normal
business hours at any time prior to the said meeting at the
TRAYER INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD • VOLUNTARY offices of the Chairman of the meeting, Desmond O’Neil
W I N D I N G U P .— P u r s u a n t to se c tio n 356 (2) (b) o f th e Com­ Mathews, at the Eighth Floor, United Buildings, Kaiser Street,
panies Act, 1973: N o tic e is h e re b y g iv e n th a t a t a g e n e r a l meeting Windhoek:
held at Durban on 25/5/77, it was resolved— (a) A copy of the Supreme Court Order in terms of which
(1) that the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms the meeting has been authorised.
of section 349 of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as (b) The terms of the offer of compromise.
amended, and that its assets be distributed in specie and in (c) The statement by the liquidator in terms of section 312
kind; (1) (a) of the Companies Act, 1973.
(2) that David Carlyon Luke be and is hereby appointed liqui­ This meeting has been authorised and summoned in terms
dator of the Company and that he be exempt from providing of an Order granted by the Supreme Court of South Africa,
security in terms of section 375 (1) of the said Act; South-West Africa Division.
(3) that in terms of section 384 (2) of the said Act the A copy of the liquidator’s statement required in terms of
liquidator’s remuneration be fixed at R 2 0 0 ; section 312 (1) (a) of the Companies Act, 1973, may be obtained
(4) that the liquidator be and is hereby empowered in terms by any creditor who is entitled to attend this meeting, during
of section 422 (1) (b) to destroy all books, papers and records norma! business hours, free of charge, by written application to
of the Company after the lapse of six months from the date the Chairman.—Desmond O’Neil Mathews, Chairman of the
of dissolution of the Company. meeting bv appointment of the Court, Trust and Mining Co.'
D. C. Luke, P.O. Box 4536, Durban, 4000, 25/5/77, (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 82, Windhoek.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 67

METJE & ZIEGLER LTD (Inc. jn SWA) • PREFERENCE Shareholders resident in South-West Africa; 0,15 per cent.
DIVIDEND 58.—Notice is hereby given that the dividend for Shareholders resident in the Republic of South Africa: 12,38 per
the six months ending 30/6/77, at the rate of 5 | per cent per cent.
annum has been declared payable on or about 15/7/77, to ail
preference shareholders registered in the books of the Company Shareholders resident .outside South-West Africa and the Repub­
at the close of business on 24/6/77. lic of South Africa: 12,53 per cent.
By Order of the Board.—G. E. W. L. H. Rathke, Secretary.
In terms of the income tax legislation a Non-Resident Share­ Transfer secretaries: Arthur Young & Co., P.O. Box 1857, Wind­
holders’ Tax is applicable as outlined below: hoek, 9100, 2/6/77.


Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors, of appointments,
meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc.
Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekutcurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees, kurators of voogde, van aaa>
stellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eisc, veriof, vrystellings, ens.
en debiteure om hul skulde te betaal binne een maand gereken
TRANSVAAL vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing.—B. L. Forssman,
Rentmeestergebou, Voortrekkerweg 63, Potgietersrus, 23/5/77.
in likwidasie.—Kennis word hiermee gegee dat dit die Minister CAPE - KAAP
van Landbou behaag bet om Basil Leslie Forssman van Posbus SHIRSTAN PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, in liquidation (C256/
226, Potgietersrus, 0600, aan te stel as likwidateur van bogenoemde 77).—Notice is hereby given in terms of section 375 (5) (b) of
Kooperasie. AUe korrespondensie in verband met die sake van the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, that the undersigned has
been appointed liquidator by the Master of the Supreme Court.—
die Kooperasie moet aan die likwidateur gerig word. Krediteure Brian William Smith, c/o H. Nathan Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O, Box
word versoek om hul vorderings by die likwidateur in te dien 4205, Cape Town.


Notice is hereby given in terms of the Deeds Registry Act, No. 47 of 1937, that the following applicants intend applying for a certified copy
cf the document(s) named and that all persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby requested to lodge the same in writing
with the Registrar of Deeds at the place mentioned within three weeks (and within five weeks in the case of S.W.A.) from the last publication
of the notice.
The information is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) document(s) in question with number
and date; (3) passed by; (4) in favour of (and in case of bonds, the amount); (5) in respect of certain (description, number, situation, extent
and/or further details); (6 ) applicant and/or his agent with address and date; (7) objections to be lodged with the Registrar of Deeds at.
Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, No. 47 van 1937, dat die volgendeapplikante voornemensisomaansoek
te doen vir ’n gesertiSiseerde afskrif van die genoemde dokument (e) en dat alle personevvat teen die uitreiking van sodanige afskrif beswaar
rr.aak hiermee versoek word om dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te genoemde plek, binne drie weke (en binne vyf weke
in die geval van S.W.A.) na die laaste publikasie van die kennisgewing.
Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) onderhawige dokument(e) met nommer
en datum; (3) gegee deur; (4) ten gunste van (en in gevalle van verbande, die bedrag); (5) ten opsigte van sekere (beskrywing, nommer,
ligging, grootle en/oi' verdere besonderhede); (6) applikant en/of sy agent met adres en datum; (7) besware in te dien by die Registrateur
van Aktes te.
TRANSVAAL Erf 156, Faerie Glen-uitbreiding 1, Registrasieafdeling JR, Tvl.,
groot 1 092 vierkante meter. (6 ) Mcltz & Zondagh, Posbus
BARBERTON.—(2) Surety Mortgage Bond 32273/1969, dated 3031, Pretoria, 26/5/77. (7) Pretoria.
2/10/69. (3) Lynton Clive Benckendorff, born on 29/3/10, and GLENANDA.—(2) Deed of Transfer F9682/1970, dated 24/
Vera Amy Benckendorff, born Joel on 29/12/08, married out 6/70. (3)—. (4) R. McCarthy & Sons (Pty) Ltd. (5) Erf 414,
of community of property with the exclusion of marital power Glenanda Township, Registration Division IR, Tvl, measuring
to Lynton Clive Benckendorff. (4) South African Druggists Ltd, 991 square metres. (6 ) Werksmans, P.O. Box 61113, Marshall­
R15 000. (5) Remaining extent of Portion 50 (a portion of Portion town, 2107, 20/5/77. (7) Rand Townships Registrar, Johannes­
8 ) of the farm The Curlews 103, Registration Division JU, Tvl, burg.
measuring 33,733 7 hectares. (6 ) Getz, Behr, Ogus & Mendel GLENANDA.—(2) Deed of Transfer F9684/1970, dated 24/
Cohen, Third Floor, Permanent Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, 6/70. (3)—. (4) R. McCarthy & Sons (Pty) Ltd. (5) Erf 510,
Pretoria, 26/5/77. (7) Pretoria. Glenanda Township, Registration Division IR, Tvl, measuring
BRITS.—(2) Akte van Transport 18768/1958 gedateer 24/7/ 991 square metres. (6 ) Werksmans, P.O. Box 61113, Marshall­
58. (3) Johannes Hendrik Spies, gebore 18/5/1889. (4) Frederik town, 2107, 20/5/77. (7) Rand Townships Registrar, Johannes­
Willem Christiaan Pieterse, gebore op 22/1/17. (5) Resterende burg.
gedeelte van Plot 865 van die plaas Hartebeestpoort C, No. GROBLERSDAL.—(2) Akte van Serwituut 1555/1972 geda­
419. Registrasieafdeling JQ, distrik Brits, groot as sodanig teer 12/9/72, geregistreer op 5/12/72. (3) Carel David Aucamp,
30,277 3 hektaar. (6 ) Laubscher & Du Buisson, Rentmeestergebou gebore op 23/11/17 (nou oorlede). (4) Elektrisiteitsvoorsienings-
710, Bosmanstraat 219, Pretoria, 26/5/77. (7) Pretoria. kommissie. (5) Vervoer van elektrisiteit en ander bykomende
BRITS.—(2) Akte van Transport 23566/1965, gedateer 29/6/ regte op en oor Gedeelte 142 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 29)
65. (3) Maria Magdalena Spies, gebore Theron op 25/3/1893. van die plaas Kromdraai 292, Registrasieafdeling JS, Tvl., groot
(4) Frederik Willem Christiaan Pieterse, gebore op 22/1/17. (5) 21,413 3 hektaar. (6 ) Harvey, Mostert, .honker & Tee, Prokureurs
Gedeelte 1 van Plot 865 van die plaas Hartebeestpoort C, No. vir Applikante, Mutualgebou, Posbus 61, Witbank. (7) Pretoria.
419, Registrasieafdeling JQ, distrik Brits, groot 9,643 0 hektaar. KLERKSDORP.—(2) Notariele Akte van Serwituut, 30/1935S,
(6 ) Laubscher & Du Buisson, Rentmeestergebou 710, Bosman­ geregistreer op 18/1/35. (3) Jacobus Johannes Oosthuizen. (4)
straat 219, Pretoria, 26/5/77. (7) Pretoria. Stadsraad van Klerksdorp. (5) (a) Gedeelte A van Gedeelte 1
BUFFELSDRIFT 281—(2) Deed of Transfer 27027/1973. (3)—. van Gedeelte C van die plaas Elandshcuvel 54, Registrasieafde­
(4) Rondal Lawrence Raubenheimer, born on 25/8/27. (5) Portion ling IP, Tvl., groot 4 606 vierkante meter, (b) Gedeelte 6 van
48 (a portion of Portion 8 ) of the farm Buffelsdrift 281, Regis­ gedeelte van Gedeelte C van die plaas Elandsheuvel 54, Regi­
tr a t io n D iv is io n J R , T v l, m e a s u rin g 8,565 3 h e c ta re s . (6) W e a v in d stra s ie a fd e lin g I P , T v l., g r o o t 4,418 3 h e k ta a r . (6) P . G. W.
& Werksmans Inc., Second Floor, Allied Buildings, 250 Pretorius Gro’oler & Vennotc, Thibaulthuis, Vierde Verdieping 429, Pre-
Street, Pretoria. (7) Pretoria. toriusstraat 225, Pretoria. (7) Pretoria.
BUFFELSDRIFT 281.—(2) Mortgage Bond 40289/1973, dated LICHTENBURG.—(2) Certificate of Rights to Minerals 276/
25/10/73. (3) Rondal Lawrence Raubenheimer, born on 25/8/ 1955 RM, registered on 3/6/55. (3)—. (4) Erich Heinrich Diet-
27. (4) Ronald A rthur Cross, born on 23/1/13, R 10000. (5) rich Schulenburg, born on 21/6/03. (5) One-half share of all
Portion 48 (a portion of Portion 8 ) of the farm Buffelsdrift rights to minerals, precious and base, precious stones, ooal and
281, Registration Division JR, Tvl, measuring 8,565 3 hectares. aardolie on remaining extent of the farm Lekkerlach 114, Regis­
( 6 ) Weavind & Werksmans Inc., Second Floor, Allied Buildings, tration Division IP, Tvl, measuring as such 200 morgen. (6 )
250 Pretorius Street, Pretoria. (7) Pretoria. J. B. Hugo & Cronje, Attorneys for the Executor, estate late
FAERIE GLEN-UITBREIDING 1. (2) Transportakte T31063/ E. H. D. Schulenberg, Allied Buildings, 43 Human Street, Krugers-
1975, gedateer 17/9/75. (3)—. (4) Gerardina Cornelia Weir, (5) dorp, 23/5/77, (7) Pretoria,
63 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

LYDENBURG.—(2) Akte van Transport 4167/1972, gedateer (5) (a) Portion 150 (a portion of Portion 7) of Rietfontein
17/2/72. (3) Michi'el Frederik Bothnia, gebore op 7/6/10. (4) 189, Registration Division IQ, Tvl, measuring 6,872 9 hectares,
Stephanas Johannes Bothnia, gebore op 28/6/37. (5) Erf 269, (b) Portion 113 (a portion of Portion 7) of Rietfontein 189,
gelee in die dorp Lydenburg, Registrasieafdeling JT, Tvl., groot Registration Division IQ, Tvl, measuring 31,499 0 hectares. (6 )
2 855 vicrkante meter. (6 ) Rooth & Wesscls, Barclys Bank- Clemmans & Johnston, 201 Permanent Buildings, 343 Smith
gebou, Kerkplein, Posbus 203, Pretoria, 30/5/77. (7) Pretoria. Street. Durban, 24/5/77. (7) Pretoria.
MIDDELBURG.—(2) Akte van Transport T647/1976, geda­ RU3TENBURG.—(2) Noiariele Sessie van Mineraleregte 200/
teer 13/1/76. (3)—. (4) Maria Elizabeth Catharina Sykes, gebore 1963 RM, geregistreer op 29/5/63. (3) Antonie Philipius Swane-
Reynders op 2/7/17, geskeie dame; Alexander Gibeon Reynders, poel, gebore op 1/9/1893. (4) Gerhardus Johannes Korf, gebore
gebore op 10/4/19; Jan Joachim Hendrik Reynders, gebore op op 13/5/09; en Gerhardus Marthinus fdaritz, gebore op 29/5/
5 Desember 1927; en die boedel van wyle Frans Carel Willem 04. (5) Een-sestiende aandeel in en op die mineraleregte in en
Stieler en nagelate eggenote Elizabeth Catharina Stieler, gebore on (a) Gedeelte 5 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas
op 2/6/21, weduwee. (5) Gedeelte 2 van die plaas Grcenkraal- Rhenosterhoekspruit 466, Registrasieafdeling KQ, Tvl., groot
fontein 369, Registrasieafdeling JS, Tvl., groot 500,214 7 hektaar. 263,844 7 hektaar. (b) Gedeelte 6 (gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van
(6 ) Pretorius & Cilliers, Trust Banksentrum 511, Sentraalstraat, die plaas Rhenosterhoekspruit 466, Registrasieafdeling KQ, Tvl.,
Pretoria 23/5/77. (7) Pretoria. groot 263,844 7 hektaar. (c) Resterende gedeelte van Gedeelte 1
MIDDELBURG.—(2) Akte van Transport T646/1976, geda­ van die plaas Rhenosterhoekspruit 466, Registrasieafdeling KQ,
teer 13/1/76. (3)—. (4) Coenraad Jacobus Johannes Stephanus Tvl.. groot 527,687 9 hektaar. (6 ) Tim du Toit & Kie. Ingelyf,
van Tender, gebore op 2/7/20, en Gerhardus Jansen van Nieu- Volkskasgebou 122, Vanderwaltstraat 229, Pretoria, 1/6/77. (7)
wenhuizen, gebore op 6/9/36. (5) Resterende gedeelte van Gedeelte Pretoria.
VENTERSDORP.—(2) Akte van Transport 38182/1974, geda­
1 van die plaas Buffelskloof 342, Registrasieafdeling JS, Tvl., teer 14/10/74. (3) Gideon van der Schyff; David Claassen; Jan
groot 272,363 7 hektaar. (6 ) Pretorius & Cilliers, Trust Bank­ Augustus van der Schyff; en Coenraad Frederick Scheepers.
sentrum 511, Sentraalstraat. Pretoria, 23/5/77. (7) Pretoria. (4) Johannes Bernardus Haasbroek. (5) (a) F.en-vyfde aandeel
PRETORIA —(2) Cancellation of Mortgage Bond B20826/70, in Gedeelte 17 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 7) van die plaas
dated 26/8/70. (3) Cornelia Johanna Hendrina Brummer, born Bovenste Oog van Mooirivier 6 8 , groot 24,708 1 hektaar. (b)
29/7/21. (4) A.A. Mutual Insurance Association Ltd, R4 793. Vier vyf-en-dertigste aandeel in die resterende gedeelte van
(5) Remaining extent of Erf 438, Rietfontein, Registration Divi­ Gedeelte 7 van die plaas Bovenste Oog van Mooirivier 6 8 ,
sion JR, Tvl, measuring 1 276 square metres. (6 ) Savage, Jooste groot 724.877 3 hektaar. (c) Twee vyf-en-dertigste aandeel in
6 Adams. P.O. Box 745, Pretoria, 23/5/77. (7) Pretoria. Gedeelte 10 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 7) van die plaas Boven­
RIETKOLLANDBOUHOEWES.—(2) Akte van Transport ste Oog van Mobirivier 6 8 , groot 341.103 8 hektaar. (d) Vier
T 11415/1975 gedateer 14/4/75. (3) Willem Petrus van Wyk. vyf-en-dertigste aandeel in die resterende gedeelte van Gedeelte
(4) Anna Catharina Marnitz. (5) Hoewe 260. Rietkollandbou- 11 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 7) van die plaas Bovenste Oog
hoewes, Registrasieafdeling IR, Tvl., groot 1,688 0 hektaar. (6 ) van Mooirivier 6 8 , groot 341,183 5 hektaar. (6 ) Ross & Jacobsz,
Haarhoff & Cohen, Posbus 170, Springs, 1560, 24/5/77. (7) Posbus 46, Pretoria, 25/5/77. (7) Pretoria.
Pretoria. VOLKSRUST.—(2) Transportakte T7277/1932, gedateer 29/
ERMELO.—(2) Deed of Transfer F8489/1957, dated 7/10/ 10/32. (?) Joachim Johannes Mentz. (4) Nicolaas Marthinus
57. (31—. (4) Sally Hyman, born Wolmer on 20/9/09, married Botha. (5) Erf 69, gelee in die dorpsgebied Volksrust, Registrasie­
out of community of property to Harry Alexander Hyman, and afdeling HS. Tvl., groot 1 983 vierkante meter. (6 ) Solomon &
Harry Alexander Hyman, born on 18/7/01. (5) Stand 1213, Nicolson. Tweede Verdieping, N.B.S.-gebou, Pretoriusstraat,
Boksburg Township, Registration Division IR, Tvl, measuring Pretoria, 30/5/77. (7)—.
471 square metres. (6 ) Sloot, Broido, Hesselson & Liknaitzky, WTLROPARK.—(2) Cancellation of Second Mortgage Bond
Attorneys for Applicant, Hunts Corner, Third Floor, corner of B25437/1975. dated 28/11/75. (3) Jannie Van Reenen Jonker.
Eloff and New Street South. Johannesburg, 2001, 24/5/77. (7) (41 AtfOio Michael Vrdoliak, R5 000. (5) Erf 299. in, the Town­
Rand Townships Registrar, Johannesburg. ship of Wilropark Extension 6 , Registration Division IQ.. Tvl.
GEORGETOWN.—(2) Deed of Transfer F 7133/1944. (3)—. (6 ) John Tsalavoutas, Attorneys for the Applicant. Fourth Floor
(4) Israel Peltz, deceased. (5) Erf 14, Georgetown Township, West, His Majesty’s Buildings, Joubert Street, P.O. Box 9370,
Registration Division IR, Tvl, District of Germiston, measuring Johannesburg, 2000, 27/5/77. (7) Rand Townships Registrar,
991 square metres. (6 ) Abe Dinner & Dinner. Applicant’s Attor­ Johannesburg.
neys, 301 United Buildings, 117 President, P.O. Box 81, Germis­
ton. 23/5/77. (7) Rand Townships Registrar, Johannesburg.
• GEZINA.—(2) Transport Akte T30944/1969. gedateer 23/7/ CAPE-KAAP
69. (3) Evaristo de Aguiar. (4) Evaristo de Aguiar. (5) Reste­
rende gedeelte van Lot 170, gelee in die dorpsgebied Gezina, ALTWAL NORTH.—(2) Deed of Transfer 9925, dated 15/5/
6 8 . (3)—. (4) Sauer Park Hotels (Pty) Ltd. (5) (a) Certain piece
Pretoria, groot 850 vierkante meter. (6 ) O. B. Rascher, Posbus of land being Erf 269, Aliwal North, situate in the Municipality
4151. Pretoria, 26/5/77. (7) Pretoria.
GLENANDA.—(2) Deed of Transfer T20828/1975, dated and Division of Aliwal North, measuring 495 square metres,
31/10/75. (3)—. (4) Edward Farrenkothen. (5) Erf 164 in the (b) Certain piece of land, situate as above, being Erf 270, Aliwal
Township of Glenanda, Registration Division IR, Tvl, measur­ North, measuring 495 square metres, (c) Certain piece of land,
ing 991 square metres. (6 ) Raphaely, Weiner, Rosin & Treisman, situate as above, being Erf 271, Aliwal North, measuring 495
P.O. Box 2590, Johannesburg, 24/5/77. (7) Rand Townships square metres, (d) Certain piece of land, situate as above, being
Registrar, Johannesburg. Erf 273. Aliwal North, measuring 1 129 square metres. (6 ) Jan
JOHANNESBURG.—(2) Mortgage Bond B4102/1971, dated 5. de Villiers & Son, Santam Buildings, Burg Street, Cape Town,
16/2/71. (3) Johannes Hendrik Rabe, bom on 26/3/37. (4) 27/5/77. (7) Cape Town.
Western Bank Ltd (No. 56/1655), R2 500 plus R600. (5) Erf 39, ATHLONE.—(2) Deed of Transfer 24003, dated 10/9/71. (3)
Ruitershof Extension 1, measuring 1487 square metres. (6 ) Fein- Gemeenskapsontwikkelingsraad. (4) Abduragiem Abrahams,
steins, Attorneys for Applicant, Fourth Floor, Old Arcade, 100 gebore op 24/7/17. (5) Seker stuk grond gelee in Athlonedorp-
Market Street, Johannesburg. (7) Pretoria. uitbreiding 2„ in die Munisipaliteit van Kaapstad, afdeling Kaap,
KRUGERSDORP.—(2) Transportakte 16528/1973, gedateer synde Erf 36483, Kaapstad te Athlone, groot 595 vierkante
24/5/73. (3)—. (4) Lourens Andries Stephanus van Aswegen. meter. (6 ) John S. Jnce & Wood, Eagle House, 18 Lower Burg
(5) (a) Een-halwe aandeel van seker Gedeelte 152 (’n gedeelte Street. Cane Town, 8001, 25/5/77. (7) Cane Town.
van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas Hartebeestfontein 472, Registrasie­ BETTY’S BAY.—(2) Deed of Transfer 3576, dated 27/2/67.
afdeling JQ, distrik Krugersdorp, groot 79,737 4 hektaar. (b) (3)—. (4) Siegfried Heuer. bom on 27/7/28. (5) Certain piece of
Een-halwe aandeel van seker Gedeelte 66 (’n gedeelte van extinguished quitrent land situate in the Village Management
Gedeelte 28) van die plaas Hartebeestfontein 472, Registrasie­ Board Area of Bettv’s Bay. Division of Caledon, being Erf 106,
afdeling JQ, distrik Krugersdorp, groot 18,022 9 hektaar. (6) Betty’s Bay Township of Silversands, measuring 1 260 square
R o o th & Wessels, P o s b u s 208, P r e to r ia , 1 /6 / 7 7 . (7) P r e to r ia . m e tre s . (6) S im o n A b e l & S o n . A p p lic a n ts A tto r n e y s , 206 S ta n ­
LETABA.—(2) Akte van Transport T13272/1974, gedateer 3/ dard General House, Church Street, Cape Town, 3/6/77. (7)
5/74. (3) Tzaneen Lushof (Pty) Ltd, No. 57/1209. (4) Henning Cane Town.
Johannes Benjamin van Eeden, gebore op 29/10/14. (5) Een- BREDASDORP—(2) (a) Deed of Transfer 6738. dated 15/5/
halwe aandeel van en in Gedeelte 51 van die plaas Lushof 50. (b) Deed of Transfer 12704. dated 29/7/49. (3) Johannes
540, Registrasieafdeling LT, Tvl., groot 10,679 3 hektaar. (6 ) Gerhardus Giliomee, born on 16/11/1889. (4) The Worshipful
Rooth & Wessels, Barclays Bankgebou, Kerkplein, Pretoria, 2/6/ Master and Wardens for the time being of Lodge L’Agulhas
77. (7) Pretoria. 129, East of Bredasdorp, under the Grand East of the Nether­
PRETORIA.—(2) Akte van Transport T44684/67, gedateer 7/ lands, upon trust for the members of the said lodge. (5) (a)
12/67. (3)—. (4) Henrv Britton Haarhoff. (5) Gedeelte 57 (’n Certain piece of freehold land, situate in the Municipality and
gedeelte van Gedeelte 81 van die plaas Rietgat 105, Registrasie­ Division of Bredasdorp, being the remaining extent of Erf 425.
afdeling JR. Tvl., groot 8,565 3 hektaar. (6 ) Kemp & De Beer, Bredasdorp, measuring as such 1 001 square metres, (b) Certain
Hallmarkgebou 221, Procsstraat, Posbus 3931, Pretoria, 27/5/77. piece of land situate in the Municipaltv and Division of Bredas­
(7) Pretoria. dorp, being Erf 621, a portion of Erf 425. Bredasdorp. measuring
RIETFONTEIN.—(2) Deed of Transfer T6504/1973. dated 988 square metres. (6 ) Luttig & Son, Waterkant Street, P.O.
2/3/73. (3)—. (4) Illyria Enterprises (Pty) Ltd (No. 66/3897). Box 21, Bredasdorp, 18/5/77. (7) Cape Town.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 69

CAPE TOWN.—(2) Deed of Transfer 26766, dated 21/10/65. square metres. (6 ) J. S. Levy & Levy. Attorneys for Applicant,
(3)—. (4) Manuel Das Neves Virissimo, born on 6/5/22. (5) Suite 301, Permanent Centre, Caledon Street, P.O. Box 10, Uiten­
Certain land being Lot 34 of the Leliebloem Estate, situate at hage, 6230, 26/5/77. (7) Cape Town.
Woodstock, City of Cape Town, Cape Division, measuring 20 UITENHAGE.—(2) Deed of Transfer 4173, dated 29/3/56.
square roods 120 square feet. (6 ) Silberbauers, Attorneys for the (3) Frances Cohen, bom on 6/7/14, spinster, and Kitty Cohen,
Applicant, United House, Heerengracht, Cape Town, 30/5/77. born Green on 7/3/1886, widow (as co-owner and usufructuary).
(7) Cape Town. (4) George Johan Slabbert, born on 16/2/14. (5) Certain piece
GEORGE.—(2) Deed of Transfer 1130/1956, dated 6/2/56. of land situate in tiie Municipality and Division of Uitenhage,
(3) —. (4) Julius Sher, born on 30/11/11. (5) Erf 346, \Viider- being Erf 5722, Uitenhage, measuring 578 square metres. (6 )
ness. measuring 1 409 square metres. (6 ) Miller, Harris & Villet, J. S. Levy & Levy, Attorneys for Applicant, Suite 301, Per­
P.O. Box 35, George, 24/5/77. (7) Cape Town. manent Centfe, Caledon Street, P.O. Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230,
KAAPSTAD.—(2) Transportakte 6733, gedateer 9/5/55. (3)—. 25/5/77. (7) Cape Town.
(4) (a) Wilhelmina Johanna Schmidt, (b) Yvonne Maria Schmidt, UITENHAGE.—(2) Cancellation of Mortgage Bond 3652,
(c) Thelma Helenor Schmidt, (d) Daphne Joan Schmidt, (e) dated 29/3/56. (3) George Johan Slabbert, born on 16/2/14.
Dolores Yvette Schmidt. (5) Seker stuk opbetaalde erfpaggrond, (4) South African Permanent Building Society, R4 400 plus costs
synde Erf 83223. Kaapstad in Frogmorelandgoed, geiee in die R400. (5) Certain piece of land situate in the Municipality and
stad Kaapstad. afdeling Kaap, groot 25,165 vierkante voet. (6 ) Division of Uitenhage being Erf 5722, Uitenhage, measuring
Jan S. de Villiers & Seun, Santamgebou, Burgstraat, Kaapstad, 578 square metres. (6 ) J. S. Levy & Levy, Attorneys for Appli­
23/5/77. (7) Kaapstad. cant. Suite 301, Permanent Centre, Caledon Street, P.O. Box
CLANWILLIAM.—(2) Grondbrief (Clanwilliam Erfpagbrief 10. Uitenhage, 6230, 25/5/77. (7) Cape Town.
12 No. 3), gedateer 29/2/1888. (3}—. (4) Clanwilliam Munisipa- UNIONDALE.—(2) Transportakte 13005, gedateer 12/9/57.
liteit. (5) Seker stuk grond, geiee in die Munisipaliteit en Afde- (3)—. (4) Die Munisipaliteit van Uniondale. (5) Sekere grond
ling Clanwilliam, synde Erf 285, Clanwilliam, groot 4 niorg. geiee in die Munisipaliteit en Afdeiing van Uniondale, synde
(6 ) Smit & Kie., Prokureurs, Hoofstraat, Clanwilliam, 23/5/77. Erf 603, ’n gedeelte van Erf 529, Uniondale, groot 2,290 4 hektaar.
(7) Kaapstad. (6 ) Pocock & Bailey, Voortrekkerstraat 47, Posbus 96, Uniondale,
KING WILLIAM’S TOWN.—(2) Cancellation of lost Mortgage 23/5/77. (7) Kaapstad.
Bond B616/1975, dated 25/4/75. (3) Petro de Pontes, born on UNIONDALE.—(2) Transportakte 18265, gedateer 2/9/66.
18/2/50. (4) Stanley Bartlett Forwerd, born on 7/6/06, R 6 000 (3)—. (4) Joseph William Hicken van Rensburg. (5) Seker stuk
plus R600 in respect of costs. (5) Erf 3095, King William’s Town eiendomsgrond, geiee te Edmonton, afdeling Uniondale, synde
(King William’s Town Township Extension 21), Municipality and Perseel 17 (Akte Kantoor 1, Edmonton), groot 1011 vierkante
Division of King William’s Town, measuring 1410 square metres. meter. (6 ) Pocock & Bailey, Voortrekkerstraat 47, Posbus 96,
(6 ) Hutton & Cook, Attorneys for Applicant, P.O. Box 44, King Uniondale, 26/5/77. (7) Kaapstad.
William’s Town, 5600, 24/5/77. (7) King William’s Town.
MACLEAR.—(2) Verbandakte 26352, gedateer 30/12/71. (3) NATAL
Petrus Jones van dcr Spuy. (4) Francois Philippus Du Plessis
Smit. R 8 962,56. (5) Seker stuk grond, synde Weltevreden, ALEXANDRA.—(2) Mortgage Bond 2536/1970, dated 3/3/
gedeelte van die plaas Diaz, Perseel V, geiee in die afdeling 70. (3) James Alan Richardson, born on 5/7/36. (4) The trustee
Maclear, groot 342.621 8 hektaar, gehou kragtens Transportakte of the Kenneth Richardson Trust 3, R9 949. (5) Lot 293, Sea
35018, gedateer 30/12/71. (6 ) Jan S. de Villiers & Seun, San­ Park, situate in the Bendigo Health Committee Area and in the
tamgebou, Burgstraat, Kaapstad, 24/5/77. (7) Kaapstad. Lower South Coast Regional Water Services Area, County of
RONDEBOSCH.—(2) Deed of Transfer 11781, dated 8/10/42. Alexandra, Province of Natal, in extent 520 square metres.
(3) Omar Allie, born in 1880. (4) Yacob Adam Rawoot, born (6 ) Hathom, Cameron & Company, 225 Church Street, Pieter­
on 10/3/1888. (5) (a) The remaining extent of certain piece of maritzburg, 1 1 /5 /7 1 . (7) Pietermaritzburg.
land situate on the Fiats near Rondebosch, in the City of Cape ALEXANDRA.—(2) Deed of Transfer 6521/1969, dated 29/
Town, Cape Division, being Lots 7, 8 and 9 of the subdivided 4/69. (3)—. (4) James Alan Richardson, bom on 5/7/36. (5)
Lot t, Rondebosch Extension Estate (now remainder Erf 38592, Lot 293, Sea Park, situate in the Bendigo Health Committee
Cape Town at Athlone), measuring as per remaining extent Area, and in the Lower South Coast Regional Water Supply
11 250 square feet (1 115 square metres), (b) Certain piece of Area, County of Alexandra, Province of Natal, in extent 520
land situate on the Flats near Rondebosch, in the City of Cape square metres. (6 ) Hathorn, Cameron & Co., 225 Church
Town, Cape Division, being a portion lettered A of the Lots 6 , Street. Pietermaritzburg, 17/5/77. (7) Pietermaritzburg.
7, 8 and 9 of the Subdivided Lot t, Rondebosch Extension ALFRED.—(2) Deed of Transfer 3067/1963, dated 5/4/63.
Estate (now Erf 38593, Cape Town at Athlone), measuring 26 (3)—. (4) Annie Ogle, born Coles on 22/1/23, widow. (5) One-
square roods 6 square feet (372 square metres). (6 ) M. S. Frank half share in and to Lot 107, Harding Township, situate in the
& Frank, Applicant’s Attorneys, 543 Grand Parade Centre, 3 Township of Harding, County of Alfred, Province of Natal, in
Castle Street, Cane Town, 24/5/77. (7) Cape Town. extent 4 047 square metres. (6 ) Forder, Ritch & Pfaff, P.O.
STEYNSBURG.—(2) Transportakte 1124, gedateer 1/2/46. Box 18. Port Shepstone, 10/5/77. (7) Pietermaritzburg.
(3)-—. (4) Hester Kendrina Labuscagne, gebore Aucamp on 18/4/ DURBAN.—(2) Deed of Transfer 770/1957 dated 30/1/57.
1888, weduwee. (5) (a) Seker stuk afgeskafte erfpaggrond. synde (3)—. (4) Ndhleleni John Mcunu. (5) Erf 2432, Township of
gedeelte van Lot B van die deel van die plaas Groenfontein, Clarmont, situate in the Public Health Area of Clermont and
geiee in die afdeling Sfeynsburg (nou beskryf as Gedeelte 2 in the Pinetown Regional Water Supply Area, County of Durban,
van die plaas Groenfontein Vallei 119), groot 587,916 5 hektaar. Province of Natal, in extent 618 square metres. (6 ) Bale. Greene
(b) Seker stuk afgeskafte erfpaggrond. synde die restant van & Morcom, P.O. Box 126, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, 20/5/77. (7)
gedeelte van die afgeskafte erfpag plase Groenfontein en Honger- Pietermaritzburg.
kloof. geiee soos hierbo (nou beskryf as die restant van .die VRYHEID.—(2) Notarial Cession of Rights to Minerals 6 /
plaas Groenfontein Vallei 119), groot 587,916 5 hektaar. (c) Seker 1965 C.M.R., dated 4/3/65 and registered on 18/3/65. (3) Oliver
stuk afgeskafte erfpaggrond, synde gedeelte van Lot C, deel van Claud Venn and John Louis Bain Venn as Administrators of
die plaas Groenfontein, geiee soos bo (nou beskryf as Gedeelte estate late Charles Alfred Oliver Bain (No. 2359/1938). (4)
3 van die plaas Groenfontein Vallei 119), groot 362.975 4 hek­ Harold Shaw Jackson, born on 12/12/04. (5) All rights to mine­
taar. (d) Seker stuk afgeskafte erfpaggrond, synde Spion Kop rals in and upon the remainder of B of the farm Schaapkopje
Lot 1, geiee soos hierbo [nou beskryf as Gedeelte 4 (Spion 194, District of Vryheid, Province of Natal, measuring as such
Kop Lot 1) (gedeelte van Gedeelte 2)]van die plaas Kleine 188,297 1 hectares. (6 ) Deney Reitz, P.O. Box 61334, Marshall­
Stryd Poort 113], groot 152,170 1 hektaar. (e) Seker stuk afge­ town, 2107, 23/5/77. (7) Pietermaritzburg.
skafte erfpaggrond. synde Spion Kop Lot 2, geiee soos hierbo
[nou beskryf as Gedeelte 1 (Spion Kop Lot 2) van die plaas O.F.S.—O.V.S.
112], groot 72,832 3 hektaar. (6 ) D. P. de Klerk & Van Gend, BLOEMFONTEIN.—(2) Deed of Transfer 1617/1961, dated
Prokureurs, Posbus 1857, Kaapstad, 8000, 25/5/77. (7) Kaap­ 26/4/61. (3)—. (4) Walter Rainbird Webb, bom on 12/5/11.
stad. (5) The Hill, Subdivision 3 of the farm Ribblesdale 1506, situate
SUNRISE-ON-SEA.—(2) Deed of Transfer 2522/1970 dated in the District of Bloemfontein, measuring 13,704 5 hectares.
1 1 /9 /7 0 . (3)— . (4) Keith W illia m B a rd w e ll. (5) E r f 139, S u n ris e - (6) S te g m a n n s G le n , P .O . B o x 344, P r e to r ia , 2 5 / 5 / 7 7 . (7) Bloem­
on-3ea (Township of Sunrise-on-Sea), Local Area of Sunrise-on- f o n te in .
Sea, Division of East London, measuring 583 square metres. BLOEMFONTEIN.—(2) Deed of Transfer 464/1960, dated
(6 ) Zockon Wilkcn & Van Rensburg, Fourth Floor, Standard 11/2/60. (3)—. (4) Walter Rainbird Webb, born on 12/5/11.
Bank Buildings, 77 Oxford Street, P.O. Box 237, East London, (5) Holding 22, Ribblesdale Small Holdings, situate in the District
20/5/77. (7) King William’s Town. of Bloemfontein, measuring 4,282 6 hectares. (6 ) Stegmanns
UITENHAGE.—(?) Deed of Transfer 24980, dated 5/9/73. Glen. P.O. Box 344, Pretoria. (7) Bloemfontein.
(3)—. (4) Eulalie Blignaut Badenhorst, born Jonker on 29/8/32, BLOEMFONTEIN.—(2) Deed of Transfer 2031/1959, dated
married out of community of property to Willem Lodewyk 12/6/59. (3)—. (4) Walter Rainbird Webb, bom on 12/5/11.
Badenhorst, A.N.C. 2390/1956. (5) Certain piece of land being (5) Holding 21. Ribblesdale Small Holdings, situate in the Dis­
Erf 5948, UitenVoe, situate in Uitenhage Township Extension 3, trict of Bloemfontein, measuring 4,282 6 hectares. (6 ) Stegmanns-)
in the Municipality and Division of Uitenhage, measuring 1 626 Glen, P.O. Box 344, Pretoria. (7) Bloemfontein.
70 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

BLOEMFONTEIN.—(2) Akte van Transport 2625/1969, gere- taar. (b) Onderverdeling 1 van die plaas Mooihoek 348, distrik
gistreer op 16/5/69. (3) Willem Kussman. (4) Andries Gerhardus Fouriesburg, groot 216,531 3 hektaar. (c) Resterende gedeelte
Stephanus Meiring. (5) Ssker Erf 12555, gelee in die stad en Mooihoek 348, distrik Fouriesburg, groot 324,796 9 hektaar. (6 )
distrik Bloemfontein, groot 1 190 vierkante meter. (6 ) Naude Goodrick & Franklin, Posbus 213, Bloemfontein, 25/5/77. (7)
en Naude, Van de Wall & Vennote, Posbus 260, Bloemfontein, Bloemfontein.
30/5/77. (7) Bloemfontein. THEUNISSEN.—(2) Sertifikaat van Regte op Minerale 19MR/
BLOEMFONTEIN.—(2) Deed of Transfer 5301/1960, dated 1965, geregistreer op 15/2/65. (3)—. (4) Jacobus Cornelius Henning
14/11/60. (3)—. (4) Walter Rainbird Webb, born on 12/5/11. Venter, gebore op 5/8/20. (5) Een-derde aandeel van alle regte
(5) Holding 20, Ribblesdale Small Holdings (a portion of the op minerale in, op en onder Onderverdeling 4 van die plaas
subdivision of the farm Ribblesdale 1506), situate in the District Deeldam 106, distrik Theunissen, groot 34,175 2 hektaar. (6 )
of Bloemfontein, measuring 4,282 6 hectares. (6 ) Stegmanns-Glen, Naude & Naude, Van de Wall & Vennote, Trustfonteingebou,
P.O. Box 344, Pretoria. (7) Bloemfontein. St Andrewstraat, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein, 25/5/77. (7) Bloem­
DEWETSDORP.—(2) Transportakte 1799/1960. geregistreer op fontein.
27/4/60. (3)—. (4) Christiaan Hendrik Jacobus Swanepoel, gebore
op 12/5/23. (5) (a) Sekere Erf 102, gelee in die dorp en distrik S.W .A.
Dewetsdorp, groot 1 214 vierkante meter, (b) Sekere Erf 108,
gelee in die dorp en distrik Dewetsdorp. groot 1 214 vierkante WINDHOEK.—(2) Deed of Transfer 2248/1973, dated 7/11/
meter. (6 ) Naude & Naude, Van de Wall & Vennote, Trust- 73. (3) Municipality of Windhoek. (4) Vera Anita Bollinger,
fonteingebou, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein. 9300. (7) Bloemfontein. born Trossbach on 6/11/30, widow. (5) Certain Erf 154, Eros-
FOURIESBURG.—(2) Verbandakte 1867/1974, geregistreer op park Township, situate in the Municipality of Windhoek, Regis­
19/3/74. (3) Daniel Johannes Erasmus, gebore op 2/10/04. (4) tration Division K, measuring 1 083 square metres. (6 ) Lorentz
Petrus Jacobus Le Roux van Wyk, gebore op 12/5/30, R35 000. & Bone, Attorneys for Applicant, Standard Bank Chambers,
(5) Die plaas Puntje 20, distrik Fouriesburg, groot 26,208 5 hek- Windhoek, 25/5/77. (7) Windhoek.


Transvaal Provincial Division, Pretoria Case M1225/77.—NEIL BOWMAN, in his capacity as provi­
sional judicial manager of Greco Trading Co. (Pty) Ltd, Appli­
Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling, Pretoria cant, and GRECO TRADING CO. (PTY) LTD, under provisio­
nal judicial management, having its registered office at 303 U.B.S.
Saak M l 163/77.—HENDRIK JAMES POTGIETER, Appli- Buildings, Voortrekker Street, Vereeniging, Respondent; 24/5/77,
kant, en APPLIED MATERIALS (EDMS.) BPK., p /a Dreyer the Court orders:
& Dreyer, Sesde Verdieping, French House, Marshallstraat 54,
Johannesburg, Respondent; 10/5/77, die Hof gelas: 1. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all persons
concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at
1. Dat die hierbovermelde Respondent Maatskappy hierby lOhOO, on 21/6/77, why an order should not be made in the
onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas word ingevolge Wet following terms:
61 van 1973; (a) That the provisional judicial management order granted by
2. Dat die persone in wie die bestuur van die Maatskappy this Court on 29/3/77, placing the Respondent under provisional
tans gevestig is vanaf vandag daarvan onthef word; judicial management, be set aside;
3. Dat die Maatskappy voortaan onder die bestuur sal wees, (b) that the provisional judicial manager, Neil Bowman, be
onderworpe aan die toesig van die Hof, van ’n voorlopige gereg­ released from his office as provisional judicial manager;
telike bestuurder of bestuurders deur die Meester van die Hoog- (c) that the Respondent be placed under final winding-up order;
geregshof aangestel en welke amp hy/hulle sal beklee tot tyd en (d) declaring that the costs of the application for provisional
wyl hy/hulle uit daardie amp ontslaan word deur die Hof soos in judicial management, and the costs of this application for winding
artikel 432 (3) (a) bepaal; up, and the cancellation of the provisional judicial management
4. Dat die voorlopige geregtelike bestuurder of bestuurders aan­ order, and also the costs as per paragraph 8 (c) of the Court
gestel deur die Meester bevoeg sal wees om sender magtiging Order granted under Case M795/77, aforesaid, are to be costs
van die aandeelhouers, maar onderworpe aan die goedkeuring in the said winding up;
van die Meester, geld te leen ten behoewe van voormelde Maat­ (e) declaring that the liabilities incurred by the provisional judi­
skappy met of sonder sekerheidstelling om noodsaaklike uitgawes cial manager in the conduct of the Respondent’s business shall be
te bestry, soos vir salarisse, lone en ander noodsaaklike uitgawes treated as preferent, in terms of section 435 (1) (b) of the Com­
in verband met die voortsetting van die besigheid van die Maat­ panies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as if a resolution has been passed by
skappy en in besonder om die krediet van die Maatskappy te creditors of the Respondent whose claims arose before the grant­
verbind vir enige goedere of dienste benodig; ing of the provisional judicial management order against the Res­
5. Dat besoldiging van die voorlopige geregtelike bestuurder of pondent, in terms of section 435 (1) (a) of Act 61 of 1973;
bestuurders afgestel word totdat die Meester van die Hoogge- 2. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respon­
regshof daaroor verslag gedoen het; dent Company at its registered office, and by publication forth­
6 . Dat ’n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat alle belangheb- with once in each of the Government Gazette and the Rand Daily
bende persone oproep om redes, indien enige aan te voer voor Mail newspaper.
hierdie Hof op 28/6/77, om lOhOO., waarom ’n finale bevel vir
geregtelike bestuur nie toegestaan sal word op voorwaardes soos Case M 1291 /77.—DUNLOP S.A. LTD. trading as Dunlop
vermeld in die voornoemde bevel vir voorlopige geregtelike Flooring. Applicant, and D & S FLOORING CONTRACTORS
bestuur nie, en ook waarom die koste van hierdie aansoek nie (PTY) LTD. having its registered office at First Floor. Bester
koste van die geregtelike bestuur sal wees nie; Buildings, 30c Trichardt Street, Louis Trichardt, Respondent; 24/
7. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied by wyse van 5/77, the Court orders:
onverwylde publikasie daarvan eenkeer in elk van die S ta a ts - 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is
k o e r a n t en die BeeW-nuusblad. en ook per aangetekende pos aan hereby placed in provisional liquidation;
alle bekende skuldeisers van die Maatskappy; 2. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all persons
8 . Dat, terwyl die Maatskappy onder geregtelike bestuur is, concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at
alle gedinge geregtelike stappe en ten uitvoerlegging van alle las- lOhOO, on 21/6/77, why the Respondent Company should not
briewe. dagvaardings en ander regsproses teen die Maatskappy be placed under final winding-up order;
opgeskort word en nie sonder verlof van die Hof voortgesit mag 3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respon­
word nie. dent C o m p a n y at its registered o ffic e , and by publication forth­
with once in each of the Government Gazette and The Star.
Case M l 172/77.—DAWN PLANT HIRE (PTY) LTD, Appli­
ing its registered office at 444 Louis Pasteur Buildings, Schoeman (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and UNITAS (PTY) LTD, trading as
Street, Pretoria, and carries on business of builders of roads, Centrum Pharmacy, and having its main place of business at 17
factories and general builders, Respondent; 24/5/77, the Court Central Avenue, Kempton Park, and carries on business as a
orders: pharmacy, Respondent; 24/5/77, the Court orders:
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company, be, and is
hereby placed in provisional liquidation; hereby placed in provisional liquidation;
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
2. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all persons to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at lOhOO, on
concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 21/6/77. why the Respondent Company should not be plaied
lOhOO, on 14/6/77, why the Respondent Company should not be under final winding-up order;
placed under final winding-up order; 3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respon­
3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respon­ dent Company at its registered office, and by publication forth­
dent Company at its registered office, and by publication forth­ with once in each of the Government Gazette and The Star News­
with once in each of the Government Gazette and The Star, paper,
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 71

Saak M1208/77.—In die ex parte aansoek van ANDRE Saak M l309/77.—LAWSON'S AUTODIESELS (JHB) (EDMS.)
SELS (N.O.), Applikant, en LOWVELD FENCE AND WIRE geregistreerde kantoor te Soutpansbergweg 243, Rietdondale,
INDUSTRIES (EDMS.) BPK., met geregistreerde kantoor te p /a Pretoria, Respondent; 2/5/77, die Hof gelas;
A rthur Bosua & Kie., Mediesesentrum, Crownstraat, Barberton, 1. Dat die bogemelde Respondent Maatskappy hierby in voor­
Tvl., Respondent; 24/5/77, die H of gelas: lopige likwidasie geplaas word;
1 . Dat die Respondent Maafskappy hierby -in voorlopige likwi- 2. D at ’n bevel nisi hierby uitgereik word wat alle belangheb-
dasie geplaas word; bende persone oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof
2. Dat ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbendes aan te voer om lOhOO, op 21/6/77, waarom die Respondent Maat­
oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om skappy nie onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie;
lOhOO, op 21/6 76. waarom die Respondent Maatskappy nie 3. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die Res­
onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie; pondent Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor en onverwyld
3. Dat l-betekcning van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die Res­ gepubliseer word een maal in elk van die S ta a ts k o e r a n t en ’n
pondent Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor en onverwyld nuusblad wat in Pretoria sirkuleer.
gepubliseer word een maal in elk van die S ta a ts k o e r a n t en D ie
Witwatersrand Local Division, Johannesburg
Case M 1044/77.—LYNNWOOD RTDGE SHOPPING CEN­ Witwatersrandse Plaaslike Afdding, Johannesburg
TRE (PTY) LTD, Applicant; 25/5/77, the Court orders:
Case 6080/77.—THOMAS EGON SCHMIDT, Applicant, and
1. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all interested ASSOCIATED FLORISTS (PTY) LTD, having its registered
persons to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at lOhOO, office at c/o Munro, Da Sousa & Co., Fourth Floor, Lombardy
on 21/6/77, why an order in the following terms should not be Buildings. Kerk Street, Johannesburg, Respondent; 17/5/77, the
Court orders:
(a) By the deletion of Clause VII from Deed of Transfer 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is
34299/73, dated 4/10/73; hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
(b) that the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, be and is hereby of the Master;
authorised to register the aforesaid deletion from Deed of Trans­ 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
fer 34299/73; to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 14/6/77,
2. That service of this rule nisi be effected as follows: at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed
(a) One publication thereof in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte , under final winding-up order;
P re to r ia N e w s and H o o f stud; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent
(b) a copy of the rule nisi be forwarded by registered post Company at its registered office and be published forthwith
to the Town Clerk, Pretoria, with a request that such rule nisi once in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily
be displayed in a prominent position in the municipal offices of newspaper;
tiie City Council of Pretoria; 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors
(c) a copy of the rule nisi to be placed on the notice board by registered post.
at the premises situate at Erf 285, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria,
to be displayed for two weeks before the return date. Case 7253/77.—In the matter of the ex parte application of
A. PLEIN & CO. (S.A.) LTD, having its registered head office
at 18th Floor, North City, corner of Plein and King George
Case 917/77.—A. HOLMAN TRADING CO. (PTY) LTD, Streets, Johannesburg, Applicant; 17/5/77, the Court orders:
TION (PTY) LTD, having its registered head office at 16 Curie 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is
Boulevard, Vandcrbijlpark, Respondent; 1/6/77, the Court orders: hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands of
the Master;
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
hereby placed in provisional liquidation; to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 14/6/77,
2. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all persons at lOhOO, why the said Applicant Company should not be placed
concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at under final winding-up order;
lOhOO, on 28/6/77, why the Respondent Company should not be 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Applicant
placed under final winding-up order; Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
Company at its registered office, and by publication forthwith paper:
once in each of the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a local news­ 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors
by registered post.
Case Ml 369/77.—I.OZDAN & CLARK (PTY) LTD, Appli­ Case 3600/77.—ARGO CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD. Appli­
cant, and UNIT STRUCTURAL STEEL (PTY) LTD, trading as cant. and SECURED INDEMNITIES (PTY) LTD, having its
steel constructors at 2 Joubert Street Extention, Duncanville. Ver- registered head office at 1900 North City Buildings. Plein Street,
eeniging, and having its registered office at Jareka Buildings, Johannesburg, Respondent; 22/3/77, the Court orders:
Merriman Avenue, P.O. Box 1000, Vereeniging, Respondent; 27/
5/77, the Court orders: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is of the Master;
hereby placed in provisional liquidation; 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
2. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all persons to apnear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 12/4/77,
concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court, at at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be
lOhOO, on 28/6/77, why the Respondent Company should not placed under final winding-up order;
be placed under final winding-up order; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent
3. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respon­ Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
dent Company at its registered office, and by publication forth­ in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
with once in each of the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and D ie T r a n s- paper;
v a le r newspaper. 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known credi­
tors by registered post.
Saak M1355/77.—PHILIP RUDOLPH NEL, Applikant, en DE
VILLA LANDGOED (EDMS.) BPK., met geregistreerde hoof- Case 3600/77.—ARGO CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, Appli­
kantoor te Langstraat 30, Middelburg, Tvl., en wat boerdery cant, and SECURED INDEMNITIES (PTY) LTD, Respondent;
beoefen op die plaas De Villa, distrik Middelburg, Tvl., Respon­ 1 7 /5 /7 7 , the C o u r t o r d e rs :
dent; 1/6/77, die Hof gelas:
That the return day of the aforesaid rule nisi be and is hereby
1. Dat die Respondent Maatskappy hierby in voorlopige likwi­ extended to 1/6/77.
dasie geplaas word;
2. D at ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbendes
oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie H of aan te voer om Case 4746/77.—CLIVE ROBERT LANSDOWN, RALPH
lOhOO. op 21/6/77, waarom die Respondent Maatskappy nie MILLMAN. LESLIE COHEN AND PERRY BAXTER-OER-
onder finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie; TEL (N.N.O.), in their capacities as joint liquidators of Glen-
3. Dat betekening van hierdie bevel nisi geskied aan die Res­ Anil Development Corporation Ltd, in liquidation, Applicants,
pondent Maatskappy by sy geregistreerde kantoor en aan alle and RAND-GLEN PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, Respondent; 24/
bekende skuldeisers van die Respondent per aangetekende pos en 5/77, the Court orders:
onverwyld gepubliseer word een maal in elk van die S ta a ts k o e r a n t That the return day of the aforesaid rule nisi be and is hereby
en D ie T r a n s v a ! er-nuusblad. extended to 14/6/77^ - ■■■.'
72 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

LTD, Applicant, and NATIONAL SOIL GROUP (1967) (PTY) Applicant, and BURTON CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, having
LTD, Respondent; 26/5/77, the Court orders: its registered head office at 76 Steel Road, Spartan Industrial
That the return day of the aforesaid rule nisi be and is hereby Township, Kempton Park, Respondent; 27/4/77, the Court orders:
extended on 14/6/77. 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
Saak 6162/77.—G. A. DE CECCO, Applikant, en DE CECCO of the Master;
& CAMMERATT (PTY) LTD, met hoofkantoor te Mpandeweg 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon ail persons concerned
4, Sebenza, Edenvale, Respondent; 24/5/77, die Hof gelas: to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 24/5/77,
1. Dat die Respondent Maatskappy hiermee in voorlopige at !0h00, why the said Respondent Company should not be
placed under final winding-up order;
likwidasie geplaas word; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent
2. Dat ’n bevel nisi hiermee uitgereik word wat alle belang- Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
hebbende persone oproep om in hierdie Hof op 28/6/77, om in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
lOhOO, redes, indien enige, aan te voer waarom die Respondent paper;
Maatskappy nie in finale likwidasie geplaas sal word nie; 4. That all the costs incurred in the judicial management pro­
3. Dat hierdie bevel nisi aan die Respondent Maatskappv by ceedings under Case 1478/77 and expenses reasonably incurred
sy geregistreerde kantoor beteken word en onverwyld gepubliseer in the judicial management administration including the fees of
word, een maal in die S ta a ts k o e r a n t en een maal in ’n Johan- the provisional judicial manager, the costs reserved in terms of
nesburgse dagblad; paragraph 6 of the Order of this Court, dated 1/4/77, under
4. Dat hierdie bevel nisi per aangetekende pos beteken word Case 1478/77 and the costs of the Applicant herein in opposing
aan alle bekende skuldeisers van die Respondent Maatskappy. the proceedings under Case 1478/77 be costs in the winding up—
such costs, where applicable, to include the costs consequent to
Case 5336/77.—In the ex parte application of FLORA LOOD- the employment of two Counsel.
GIETERS (EDMS.) BPIC., having its registered office at 119
Christiaan De Wet Laan, Florida Park, Rcodepoort, Applicant;
20/4/77, the Court orders: Case 7630/77.—MERVYN ISRAEL SWARTZ (N.O.), in his
capacity as the duly appointed provisional trustee of the insol­
1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is vent estate of JOHANNES PETRUS DE WET NEL, Applicant,
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands and FOUR TWO NINE SANDOWN EXTENSION (PTY) LTD,
of the Master; having its registered office at 305 Ingram’s Corner, 98 Twist
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg, Respondent; 24/5/77, the Court
to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 24/5/77, orders:
at lOhOO, why the said Applicant Company should not be placed
under final winding-up order; 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is
3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Applicant hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once of the Master;
in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­ 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
paper; to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 21/6/77,
4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed
by registered post. under final winding-up order;
E x te n s io n o f r e tu rn d a te 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent
Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
On 20/4/77, in the same Court and matter, ordered that the in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
return day thereof be extended to 14/6/77. paper;
4. That the Applicant, in his capacity as the duly appointed
Case 6308/77.—ROSEMARY PATRICIA KRAUSE, Appli­ provisional trustee in the insolvent estate of Johannes Petrus De
cant, and DOUMEN FASHIONS (PTY) LTD, having its regis­ Wet Nel, be, and he is, hereby authorised to bring this applica­
tered office at c/o Myers Tennier & Co., 115 North Park Centre, tion.
corner of Third and Seventh Avenues, Parktown North, Johan­
nesburg, Respondent; 27/5/77, the Court orders: Case 4981/77—NORMELL INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD,
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is Applicant, and GROOVY CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, hav­
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands ing its registered office at c/o Norman Sifris & Co., 1014 Rand
of the Master; Central, Jeppe Street, Johannesburg, Respondent; 3/5/77, the
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned Court orders:
to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 28/6/77,
at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is
placed under final winding-up order; hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent of the Master;
Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­ to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 7/6/77,
paper. at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be
placed under final winding-up order;
3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent
Case 3042/77.—NEVILLE SMITH, Applicant, and MAP CEN­ Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
TRE (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 16th Floor, S.A. in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
Mutual Buildings, 29 Kerk Street, Johannesburg, Respondent; 24/ paper.
5/77, the Court orders:
1. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned Case 1578/77.—FRANKIPILE SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD,
to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 14/6/77, Applicant, and BURTON CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, Res­
at lOhOO, why an order should not be made— pondent; 24/5/77, the Court orders:
(a) cancelling the provisional order of judicial management, That the return day of the aforesaid rule nisi be and is hereby
dated 8/3/77; extended to 21/6/77.
(b) releasing the provisional judicial manager from office;
(c) placing the Respondent in liquidation under a winding-up
o r d e r; Case 7539/77.—In the ex parte application of CONTAMINA­
(d) declaring that the costs of the judicial management, and
T I O N C O N T R O L (P T Y ) L T D , h a v in g its r e g is te re d a d d re s s
inclusive of the costs of the application made therefor, are to place of business at 67 Steele Road, Spartan, Kempton Park,
be ranked in the liquidation equal with the costs of liquidation; Applicant; 24/5/77, the Court orders:
(e) declaring that the liabilities incurred by the provisional 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is
judicial manager in the conduct of the company’s business hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
pursuant to the said provisional judicial management order are of the Master;
to rank in the liquidation equal with the costs of liquidation, 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
alternatively are to be regarded as preferent claims against the to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court, on 14/6/77,
Respondent in liquidation; at lOhOO, why the said Applicant Company should not be placed
(f) declaring that the costs of this application are costs in the under final winding-up order;
liquidation; 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Applicant
2. That this rule nisi be published once in the G o v e r n m e n t Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
G a z e tte and once in a Johannesburg daily newspaper and a copy in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
is to be sent to every known creditor of the Respondent by regis- paper;
t e - , - i s t to his last known address, proof of posting to be bv 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors
affidavit ^ ■ ' r' " .■by registered post.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 73

Case 7538/77.—In the ex parte application of S.A. TOOLMA­ Case 5879/77.—SIMBRO (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and JUD-
KERS (PTY) LTD, having its registered address and place of LYN (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at Seventh Floor,
business at 67 Steele Road, Spartan, Kempton Park, Applicant; Homes Trust Buildings, 108 Fox Street, Johannesburg, Respon­
24/5/77, the Court orders: dent; 24/5/77, the Court orders:
L That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
. of the Master; of the Master;
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 14/6/77, to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 21/6/77,
at 10h00, why the said Applicant Company should not be placed at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed
under final winding-up order; under final winding-up order;
3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Applicant 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent
Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­ in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
paper; paper.
4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors
by registered post. Case 5927/77.—COLUMBIA-EMI GREECE S.A., Apnlicant,
having its registered office at 202-203 Fedmis Buildings, comer of
Case 5882/77.—SIMBRO (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and BER- West and Anderson Streets, Johannesburg, Respondent; 24/5/77,
LON INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, having its registered office the Court orders:
at Seventh Floor, Llomes Trust Buildings, 108 Fox Street, Johan­
nesburg, Respondent; 24/5/77, the Court orders: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is of the Master;
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
of the Master; to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 21/6/77,
2. That a rale nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed
to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 21/6/77, under final winding-up order;
at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent
under final winding-up order; Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once paper.
in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
Case 7456111 .—In the ex parte apnbeation of MAGNUM
Case 5880/77.—SIMBRO (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and its registered office at c/o E. J. Schoemann & Co., First Floor,
LEXINGTON HOMES (PTY) LTD, having its registered office Ferreira House, 26 Ferreira Street, Johannesburg, Applicant; 24/
at Seventh Floor, Homes Trust Buildings, corner of Fox and 5/77, the Court orders:
Rissik Streets, Johannesburg, Respondent; 24/5/77, the Court
orders: 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is of the Master;
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
of the Master; to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 21/6/77,
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned at lOhOO, why the said Applicant Company should not be placed
to appear and to show cause, if any, to this. Court on 21/6/77, under final winding-up order;
at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Applicant
under final winding-up order; Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­
Company 'at its registered office and be published forthwith once paper;
in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­ 4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors
paper. by registered post.
Case 5881/77.—SIMBRO (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and NEW Case 7451/77.—CHARLES LIPSCHITZ (N.O.), Applicant, and
DECISION INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, having its registered ROVIC DIAMONDS (EDMS.) BPK., under judicial management.
office at Seventh Floor, Homes Trust Buildings, corner of Fox Respondent; 24/5/77, the Court orders:
and Rissik Streets, Johannesburg, Respondent; 24/5/77, the
Court orders: 1. That the Applicant he and is hereby authorised to enrol this
application for hearing before the above Court on 24/5/77, and
1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is in so doing dispense with the normal Rules applicable to applica­
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands tions and in particular the Rules relating to time periods in that
of the Master; this application is being brought by the Applicant, as the duly
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned appointed judicial manager of Rovic Diamonds (Edms.) Bpk.
to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 21/6/77, (under judicial management), and that requisite notice of this
at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed application has been given in the manner and form prescribed in
under final winding-up order; section 433 (1) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended;
3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­ to show cause, if any, on 21/6/77, why an order should not be
paper. made—
(a) cancelling the order of judicial management granted
Case 7222/77.—In the ex parte application of A & R TRA­ against Rovic Diamonds (Edms.) Bpk. (under judicial manage­
DERS (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at c/o Greenberg ment), hereinafter referred to as the Company, dated 15/2/77;
& Lang, Ninth Floor, Glencairn Buildings, 73 Market Street, (b) releasing the judicial manager of the Company from
Johannesburg, and its principal place of business at 46 John Street, office;
Selby, Johannesburg, where the Applicant carries on business as (c) placing the Company in liquidation under a winding-up
a general dealer under the style of A & R Traders, Applicant; order;
17/5/77, the Court orders: (d) declaring that the costs of the judicial management, inclu­
sive of the costs of the application made therefor, be costs in
1. T h a t th e a b o v e - m e n tio n e d A p p lic a n t C o m p a n y b e a n d is t h e liq u id a tio n o f t h e C o m p a n y ;
hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands (e) declaring that the liabilities incurred by the judicial
of the Master; manager in the conduct of the Company’s business shall retain
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned the preference conferred upon them by the resolution of credi­
to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 21/6/77, tors passed on 30/3/77, in accordance with the provisions of
at lOhOO, why the said Applicant Company should not be placed section 435 of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973;
under final winding-up order; (f) declaring that the costs of this application are costs in the
3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Applicant liquidation of the Company;
Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily news­ 3. That the rule nisi be published once in the G o v e r n m e n t
paper; G a z e tte a n d in a J o h a n n e s b u r g d a ily n e w s p a p e r;
4. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on all known creditors 4. That a copy of this Order of Court and the rule nisi issued
by registered post. be sent to every creditor of the Company by registered p o st
74 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

Case 7452/77.—CHARLES LIPSCHITZ and PETRUS JOHAN­ (b) releasing the judicial manager of the Company from
NES ERNEST MEINTJIES (N.N.O.), Applicants, and DAKOTA office;
DRIVE IN SERVICE STATION (EDMS.) BPK., under judicial (c) placing the Company in liquidation under a winding-up
management, Respondent; 24/5/77, the Court orders: order;
1. That the Applicants be and are hereby authorised to enrol (d) declaring that the costs of the judicial management inclu­
this application for hearing before the above Court on 24/5/77 sive of the costs of the application made therefor, be costs in
and in so doing thereby dispense with the normal Rules applicable the liquidation of the Respondent;
to applications and in particular the Rules relating to time periods (e) declaring that the costs of this application are costs in the
in that this application is being brought by the Applicants as the liquidation of the Respondent;
duly appointed joint judicial managers of Dakota Drive In Ser­ 3. That the rule nisi be published once in the G o v e r n m e n t
vice Station (Edms.) Bpk. (under judicial management), and that G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper;
requisite notice of this application has been given in the manner 4. That a copy of this Order of Court and the rule nisi issued
and form prescribed in section 433 (1) of the Companies Act, No. be sent to every creditor of the Company by registered post.
61 of 1973, as amended;
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned Case 7455/77.—CHARLES LIPSCHITZ and PHILIP DAVID
to show cause, if any, on 21/6/77, why an order should not be BERMAN (N.N.O.), Applicants, and SILWERDOEKVERTO-
made— NINGS (EDMS.) BPK.. under judicial management, Respondent;
(a) cancelling the order of judicial management granted 24/5/77, the Court orders:
against Dakota Drive In Service Station (Edms.) Bpk. (under 1. That the Applicants be and are hereby authorised to enrol
judicial management), hereinafter referred to as the Company, this application for hearing before the above Court on 24/5/77,
dated M /l/77; and In so doing thereby dispense with the normal Rules applicable
(b) releasing the joint judicial managers of the Company from to applications and in particular the Rules relating to time periods
office; in that this application is being brought by the Applicants as the
(c) placing the Company in liquidation under a winding-up duly appointed joint judicial managers of Silwerdoekvertonings
order; (Edms.) Bpk. (under judicial management) and that requisite
(d) declaring that the costs of the judicial management, notice of this application has been given in the manner and form
inclusive of the costs of the application made therefor, be costs prescribed in section 433 (1) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of
in the liquidation of the Respondent; 1973, as amended;
(e) declaring that the costs of this application are costs in the 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
liquidation of the Respondent; to show cause, if any, on 21/6/77, why an order should not be
3. That the rule nisi be published once in the G o v e r n m e n t made—
G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper; (a) cancelling the order of judicial management granted
4. That a copy of this Order of Court and the rule nisi be against .Silwerdoekvertonings (Edms.) Bpk. (under judicial mana­
sent to every creditor of the Company by registered post. gement), hereinafter referred to as the Company, dated 15/2/
Case 7454/77.—CHARLES LIPSCHITZ and PHILIP DAVID (b) releasing the joint judicial managers of the Company
BERMAN (N.N.O.). Anplicants, and NORTHCLIFF BF.LEG- from office;
GINGS MAATSKAPPY (EDMS.) BPK., under judicial manage­ (c) placing the Company in liquidation under a winding-up
ment, Respondent; 24/5/77, the Court orders: order;
1. That the and are hereby authorised to enrol (d) declaring that the costs of the judicial management inclu­
this application for hearing before the above Court on 24/5/77, sive of the costs of the application made therefor, be costs in
and in so doing thereby dispense with the normal Rules applicable the liquidation of the Respondent:
to applications and in particular the Rules relating to time periods (e) declaring that the costs of this application are costs in the
in that this application is being brought by the Applicants as the liquidation of the Respondent;
duly appointed joint judicial managers of Northcliff Beleggings 3. That the rule nisi be published once in the G o v e r n m e n t
Maatskappy (Edms.) Bpk. (under judicial management) and that G a z e tte and once in a Johannesburg daily newspaper;
requisite notice of this application has been given in the manner 4. That a copy of this Order of Court and the rule nisi issued
and form prescribed in section 433 (1) of the Companies Act, be sent to every creditor of the Company by registered post.
No. 61 of 1973. as amended;
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
to appear and to show cause, if any, on 21/6/77, why an order Northern Cape Division, Kimberley
should not be made— Moord-Kaapse Afdeling, Kimberley
(a) cancelling the order of judicial ^management granted Case M56/77.—PROLUX PAINTS (TRANSVAAL) (PTY)
against Northcliff Beleggings Maatskappy (Edms.) Bpk. (under LTD, Applicant, and H. P. KLUGE (PTY) LTD, haying its prin­
judicial management), hereinafter referred to as the Company, cipal place of business and registered office at 7 Main Street, De
dated 18/1/77; Aar, and at which it carries on business as general dealers, Res­
(b) releasing the joint judicial managers of the Company pondent: 27/5/77, the Court orders:
from office;
(c) placing the Company in liquidation under a winding-up 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is
order; hereby placed under provisional winding-up order in the hands
(d) declaring that the costs of the judicial management inclu­ of the Master;
sive the costs of the application made therefor, be costs in the 2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned
liquidation of the Respondent; to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on 1/7/77,
(e) declaring that the costs of this application are costs in the at lOhOO, why the said Respondent Company should not be placed
liquidation of the Respondent; under final winding-up order;
3. That the rule nisi be published once in the G o v e r n m e n t 3. That a copy of this rule nisi be served on the Respondent
G a z e tte and in a Johannesburg daily newspaper; Company at its registered office and be published forthwith once
4. That a copy of this Order of Court and the rule nisi issued in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and in the D ia m o n d F ie ld s A d vertiser*
be sent to every creditor of the Company by registered post.
Natal Provincial Division, Pietermaritzburg
Case 7453/77—CHARLES LTPSCHTTZ (N O ). Applicant, and Natalse Provinsiale Afdeling, Pietermaritzburg
judicial management, Respondent; 24/5/77, the Court orders: Case M 288/77—W HITE HOUSE PURCHASING CO. (PTY)
1. That th e A p p lic a n t 1-e a n d is h e r e b y a u th o r is e d to e n r o l th is LTD, Applicant, and PANREST (PTY) LTD, trading as Cosmo
application for hearing before the above Court on 24/5/77, and Restaurant, a company carrying on business under the style of
in so doing thereby dispense with the normal Rules applicable to Cosmo Restaurant at 29a Victoria Street. Dundee, Natal, and
applications and in particular the Rules relating to time periods having its registered office situate within the Province of Natal,
in that this application is being brought by the Applicant as the Respondent; 20/5/77, the Court orders:
duly appointed judicial manager of Dakota Inryteaterbeleegings 1. That Panrest (Pty) Ltd, trading as Cosmo Restaurant be and
(Edms.) Bpk. (under judicial management) and that requisite notice is hereby placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the
of this application has been given in the manner and form pre­ Master of the Supreme Court (Natal Provincial Division);
scribed in section 433 (1) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, 2. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all persons
as amended; concerned to appear and to show cause, if any, to this Court on
2. That a rule nisi do issue calling upon all persons concerned 1/7/77, at lOhOO, why the Respondent shall not be placed under
to show cause, if any, on 21/6/77, why an order should not be final winding-up order;
made— 3. That this Order and a copy of the application be served on
(a) cancelling the order of judicial management granted the Respondent Company at its registered office and that the
against Dakota Inrytcaterbeleggings (Edms.) Bpk. (under judi­ Order be published on or before 10/6/77, once in the G o v e r n ­
cial management), hereinafter referred to as the Company, m e n t G a z e tte and once in a daily newspaper circulating in Nor­
dated 18/1/77; thern NataL
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 75

Durban and Coast Local Division, Durban Division, on 24/6/77, at lOhOO, or so soon thereafter as Counsel
Piaaslike Afdeling Durban en Kus, Durban may be heard, why the Respondent should not be wound up;
2. That this Order operate as an order provisionally winding
Case M 540/77—JOHN MELVILLE HELLIER WOOD, up the Respondent;
Applicant, and ECOR (PTY) LTD, registered office at c/o R, 3. That a copy of this order together with the notice of motion
K err & Co., Suite 1307, Trust Bank Centre, 475 Smith Street, and supporting affidavit be served on the Respondent at its regis­
Durban, Respondent; 20/5/77, the Court orders: tered office and that a copy of this Order be published on or
1. That Ecor (Pty) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the Respon­ before 10/6/77, once in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and on e in a
dent) and all other interested persons be and they are hereby daily newspaper published and circulating in Durban.
called upon to show cause, if any, to this Court on 17/6/77, at
lOhOO, or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard, why the Case M520/77.—PINETOWN MOTORS (PTY) LTD, Appli­
said Respondent should not be wound up; cant, and STUCO CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, registered
2. That this Older operate as a provisional order for the wind­ office at Third Floor, N.B.S. Buildings, 39 Hill Street, Pinetown,
ing up of the Respondent; Natal, Respondent; 13/5/77, the Court orders:
3. That this Order be published on or before 10/6/77, once in 1. That Stuco Construction ( P ty ) Ltd, the Respondent, and all
the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and once in a daily newspaper published other interested persons be and they are hereby called upon to
in Durban and circulating in Natal, and that service of this Order show cause, if any, before this Court on 17/6/77, at lOhOO, or so
and a copy of the affidavit and annexures be effected forthwith soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard, why the Respondent
on the Respondent at its registered office. should not be wound up;
2. That this Order operate as a provisional order for the wind­
Case M542/77.—HELMUT KUNZE, Applicant, and G.H.B. ing up of the aforesaid Respondent;
CONSTRUCTION CO. PTY) LTD, carrying on business at 4 3. That this Order be served on the Respondent at its registered
Colin Grove, Berea, Durban, Respondent; 20/5/77, the Court office and that the Order be published on or before 10/6/77,
orders: once in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and once in a daily newspaper
1. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon the Respondent, published and circulating in Durban.
G.H.B. Construction Co. (Pty) Ltd and all other persons interes­
ted to show cause, if any, before this Court on 17/6/77, at lOhOO, Case M460/77.—FLORTIME (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and
or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard, why the Respon­ POLY-WOOD DISTRIBUTORS (PTY) LTD, only place of busi­
dent should not be wound up; ness, 489 Umgeni Road, Durban, Natal, Respondent; 20/5/77, the
2. That this Order operate as a provisional order for the wind­ Court orders:
ing up of the Respondent; 1. That Poly-Wood Distributors (Pty) Ltd (hereinafter called
3. That this Order be served forthwith on the Respondent at the Respondent) and all other interested persons be, and are
its registered office and that the Order be published on or before hereby called upon to show cause, if any, to this Court on Friday,
10/6/77, once in the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and once in a daily 17/6/77, at lOhOO, or so soon thereafter as Counsel may be heard,
newspaper published and circulating in Durban. why the Respondent should not be wound up;
Case M518/77.—JORGE LEONEL SOUSA DE JESUS. Appli­ 2. That this Order operate as an order provisionally winding
cant, and REPUBLIC SHOPFITTERS (PTY) LTD, registered up the Respondent;
office and carrying on business at 67 Acutt Avenue, Rosehill, 3. That this Order be published on or before 10/6/77, once in
Durban, Respondent; 13/5/77, the Court orders: the G o v e r n m e n t G a z e tte and once in a daily newspaper published
1. That Republic Shopfitters (Pty) Ltd and all other interested in Durban and circulating in Natal, and that this Order be served
parties be and they are hereby called upon to show cause, before forthwith on the Respondent at its principal place of business or
the Supreme Court of South Africa, Durban and Coast Local at its registered office.


Notice is hereby given by the Masters of the Supreme Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of provisional orders of
sequestration/liquidation and the discharge of petitions.
The information is given in the following order; Estate number; the applicant; the respondent; the date of the provisional order granted;
the Supreme Court Division; the date of the discharge order.
Kennis word hiermee deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, soos vermeid, gegee van die tersydestelling van voor-
lopige bevele van sekwestrasie/likwidasie en die afwysing van aansoeke.
Die iniigting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer; die applikant; die verweerder; die datum van uitreiking van die voorlopige
bevel; die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof; die datum van die afwysingsbevel.
cant; CHRISTIAAN ESIAS BEZUIDENHOUT, Respondent; 5/ cant; AUBREY JOE EVANS, Respondent; 11/2/77, Natal Pro­
4/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale; 3/5/77. vincial Division; 13/5/77.
M ENTS (EDMS.) BPK., Applikant; H. H. HUMAN, Respon­ GEORGE JAMES TWYNHAM, Respondent; 28/1/77, Natal
dent; 3/5/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling; 10/5/77. Provincial Division; 13/5/77.

TRANSVAAL T e r m s . — 10 per cent of the purchase price and 2) per cent
auctioneer’s charges (minimum R20) in cash immediately after
BENONI.—Case 3221/77. Supreme Court, Witwatersrand Local the sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank
Division: Hill Samuel (S.A.) Ltd, Plaintiff, and Tapland or building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished
(Benoni) (Pty) Ltd, Defendant. within 30 days from the date of sale.
In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South Deneys Reitz, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 10th Floor, 20 Anderson
Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned Street, Johannesburg, 23/5/77.
suit, a sale will be 'held at the Magistrate’s office, Benoni, on
Thursday, 23/6/77, at lOhOO, of the undermentioned property G R A S K O P .— C a se 4 1 8 5 1 /7 6 . M a g is tr a te ’s C o u r t, P r e to r ia :
of the I>efendant on the conditions to be read out by the F. Postma, I. P. de Smidt, M. E. Lutz, F. E. Bronner, I. Wol-
auctioneer at the time of the sale and which conditions may marans and C. S. Vontsteen, Plaintiffs, and J. G, Maritz, Defen­
be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Benoni, dant.
prior to the sale: In pursuance of a judgment of the Court of the Magistrate
Consolidated Lott 6758 situate in the Township of Benoni, of Pretoria, and a warrant of execution, dated 15/2/77, the
Registration Division IR, Tvl, measuring 1190 square metres. property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on 29/6/77,
The following information is furnished regarding improvements at 10h00, in front of the Magistrate’s Court, Graskop, to the
on the property but in this respect nothing is guaranteed: highest bidder:
The property consists of a single-storey block of shops situated Remaining extent of Portion 13 (a portion of Portion 1) of
at the corner of Princess Avenue and B any on Road, Benoni, the farm Injaka 267, Registration Division KU, Tvl, measuring
Transvaal. I 117,5504 hectares. ____j
76 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

The property is improved with a seven roomed private PRETORIA.—Case 11561/77. Supreme Court, Transvaal Pro­
dwelling and storeroom.—K. Kuyper & Co., 875 Steyns Buildings, vincial Division: South African Permanent Building Society,
Steyns Arcade, Pretoria. Plaintiff, and Louis Strydom, Defendant.
In pursuance of a judgment of the above Court and writ of
ROODEPOORT.—Case 7712/73. Magistrate’s Court, Roode­ execution, dated 6/4/77, the undermentioned property will be
poort: Western Bank Ltd, Plaintiff, and G. J. Nell, Defendant. sold in execution on Wednesday, 29/6/77, at lOhOO, at the
offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Fifth Floor, Standard General
In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate House, 215 Proes Street, Pretoria, to the highest bidder:
of Roodepoort and writ of execution, dated 9/10/74, the follow­
ing property will be sold in execution on Friday, 24/6/77, at Certain Portion 199 (a portion of Portion 180) of the farm
lOhOO, at the Magistrate’s office, 11 Dieperink Street, Roode­ Derdepoort 326, Registration Division JR, Tvl, measuring 4,582 3
poort, to the highest bidder, viz: hectares, held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer T30736/
1976, dated 16/8/76, known as farm Derdepoort 326, District
Certain Erf 848, situate in the Township of Helderkruin of Pretoria.
Extension 1, District of Roodepoort;
The following impovements are situate on the property, but
known as 47 Galena Avenue, Helderkruin, Extension 1, upon in this respect nothing is guaranteed:
which is erected a detached dwelling of brick walls, said to
oontain an entrance hall, lounge, dining-room, study, kitchen, A dwelling-house, consisting of nine rooms with two kitchens
three bedrooms, dressing-room, H bathrooms, double garage/ and two bathrooms, a portion of which is double storey, with
servants’ quarters, flat tiled roof in regard to which, however, Herculite ceilings and grano, tile and carpeted floors. The dwelling
nothing is guaranteed. is supplied with hot and cold water with municipal electricity.
Borehole water supply with pump.
T e r m s .—A cash deposit of 10 per cent of the purchase price
at the time of the sale, unless otherwise agreed to by the execu­ Oubuildings consists of a carport.
tion Creditor and the Messenger of the Court against transfer The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately prior
to be secured by an approved bank or building society guarantee to the sale, are lying for inspection at the office of the Deputy
to be furnished to the Messenger of the Court within 14 days Sheriff, Fifth Floor, Standard General House, 215 Proes Street,
after the date of sale. Pretoria.
The conditions of sale may be inspected during office hours Pretoria, 13/5/77.—O. J. Price, c/o Findlay & Niemeyer, Plain­
at the office of the Messenger of the Court. 11 Dieperink tiff’s Attornevs, 335 Permanent Buildings, Paul Kruger Street,
Street, Roodepoort.—Fluxman & Partner, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, P.O. Box 801, Pretoria.
First Floor Sasbank Buildings, Luttig Street, Roodepoort.
ROODEPOORT.—Case 1797/77. Magistrate’s Court, Roode­
poort: Allied Building Society, Plaintiff, and Mrs Martha Catha-
PRETORIA.—Case 11814/77. Supreme Court, Transvaal Pro­ rina Loggenberg, Defendant.
vincial Division: South African Permanent Building Society,
Plaintiff, and G. P. Slabbert Beleggings (Edms.) Bpk., Defen­ In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of
dant. Roodepoort and writ of execution, dated 24/3/77, the following
property will be sold in execution on Friday, 8/7/77, at lOhOO,
In pursuance of a judgment of the above Court and writ of at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Dieperink Street,
execution, dated 26/4/77, the undermentioned property will be Roodepoort.—H. I. Rootenberg, for Van Jaarsveld, Vickers &
sold in execution • on Wednesday, 29/6/77, at lOhOO, at the
offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Fifth Floor, Standard General Certain Erf 1126, Township of Horison Extension 1, Registra­
House, 215 Proes Street, Pretoria, to the highest bidder: tion Division IQ, Tvl, known as 20 Korhaan Street, Horison
Extension 2, District of Roodepoort, upon v/hich is erected a
Certain Portion 1 of l ot 1000, situate in the Township of single-storey dwelling of brick walls under tile roof, said to con­
Wonderboom South, Registration Division JR, Tvl, measuring tain four bedrooms, dressing-room, carpeted, lounge, dining­
1407 square metres, held by the Defendant under Deed of room, laundry, kitchen, two bathrooms, separate toilet, double
Transfer 27187/1976, dated 19/7/76, known as 968 18th Avenue, garage, two servants’ rooms, pool and filter in regard to which,
Wonderboom South, Pretoria. however, nothing is guaranteed.
The following improvements are situate on the property but in T e r m s .—The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 per cent
this respect nothing is guaranteed: thereof on the signing of the conditions of sale and the unpaid
A dwelling-house built of stone under sink roof, with Rhino balance against registration of transfer to be secured by an
ceilings and floors of carpets and tiles, consisting of a lounge, approved banker’s or building society’s guarantee to be delivered
dining-room, three bedrooms, a bathroom and w.c. There is a within 14 days thereafter.
flat built of stone under sink roof, consisting of two bedrooms The conditions of sale may be inspected during office hours
and a bathroom. Outbuildings built of stone under sink roof at the office of the Messenger of the Court, Dieperink Street,
consisting of a garage.
Roodepoort.—H. I. Rootenberg, for Van Jaarsveld, Vickers &
The conditions of sale, which will be read immediately' prior Rootenberg, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, First Floor, Merlin House, 51
to the sale, are lying for inspection at the offices of the Deputy Van Wyk Street, Roodepoort.
Sheriff, Fifth Floor, Standard General House, 215 Proes Street,
VEREENIGING.—Saak 3196/77. Landdroishof, Vereeniging:
Pretoria, 18/5/77.—O. J. Price, c/o Findlay & Niemeyer, S M S Timber Products (Pty) Ltd, Eiser, en Vito Ardito, Ver-
Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 335 Permanent Buildings, Paul Kruger W'eerder.
Street, P.O. Box 801, Pretoria.
Ingevolge ’n uitspraak van bogemelde Agbare Hof en ’n las-
brief vir eksekusie, gedateer 9/5/77, sal die volgende onroerende
PRETORIA.—Saak 1571/77. Hooggeregshof, Transvaalse Pro- eiendomme, wat uitwinbaar verklaar is, in eksekusie verkoop
vinsiaie Aideling: Saambou-Nasionale Bouvereniging, Eiser, en word op 17/6/77, om lOhOO, by die kantore van die Geregsbode,
Daniel Jacobus Grabe, Verweerder. Senator Markslaan 16a, Vereeniging:
Ter uitwinning van ’n vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van 1. Sekere Erf 183, gelee in die dorpsgebied Bedworthpark,
Suid-Afrika (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling) in bogemelde Registrasieafdeling IQ, Tvl., groot 2 082 vierkante meter, A-kte
saak, sal ’n verkoping sonder *n reserweprys gehou word ten van Transport 19040/75, Ver’o and 18139/75, ten gunste van die
kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Vyfde Verdieping, Standard Gene- United Bouvereniging.
ralhuis, Proesstraat 215, Pretoria, op 29/6/77, om lOhOO, van die Woonhuis met buitegeboue.
onder vermelde eiendom van die Verweerder op die voorwaardes 2. S e k e r E r f 403, gelee in d ie d o rp s g e b ie d B e d w o rth p a r k ,
wat deur die Vendu-afslaer gelees sal word ten tye van die
verkoping en welke voorwaardes by die kantoor van die Adjunk- Registrasieafdeling IQ, Tvl, groot 1 995 vierkante meter, Akte
balju, Pretoria, voor die verkoping ter insae sal le: van Transport 24305/76, Verband 21648, ten gunste van die
United Bouvereniging, tweede verband ten gunste van S M S
Sekere Gedeelte 1 van Erf 705, gelee in die dorpsgebied Timber Products (Vereeniging) (Pty) Ltd.
Lynnwood, groot 2 000 vierkante meter, gehou kragtens Akte van Woonhuis met buitegeboue.
Transport T20218/1974. gedateer, 18/6/74.
3. Sekere Erf 483. gelee in die dorpsgebied Bedworthpark,
Die eiendom is ’n onbeboude erf en gelee te 283 Alpineweg. Registrasieafdeling IQ, Tvl., groot 1 995 vierkante meter, Akte
Lynnwood. van Transport 29549/76, Verband 26203/76, ten gunste van die
T e r m e .— 10 persent van die koopprys en afslaersgelde (mini­ United Bouvereniging.
mum R20) in kontant op die dag van die verkoping en die Woonhuis met buitegeboue.
balans teen registrasie van transport. Ten opsigte van die balans 1. Die 'eiendomme sal verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder
moet ’n bank- of bougenootskap- of ander aanneembare waar- en die verkoping sal onderworpe wees aan die bepalings van
borg binne 14 dae vanaf datum van verkoping verskaf word. artikel 66 van die Landdroshowewet, No. 32 van 1944, soos gewy-
Dyason, Eiser se Prokureurs, Saambou-Nasionalegebou, Andries- sig, en die regte van verbandhouers en ander prefsrente skuld-
straat, Pretoria, 17/5/77. eisers.
STAATSICOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 77

2. Die koopprys sal betaalbaar wees soos volg: transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee
(a) 10 persent van die koopprys in kontant op die dag van or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished to the Deputy
die verkoping of deur middel van ’n erkende bank- of bou- Sheriff within 30 days of the date of sale.
genootskapwaarborg, gclew'er op die dag van die verkoping, Johannesburg, 2/5/77.—E. L. Kantor, for Werhteim Becker,
welke waarborg betaalbaar moet wees teen registrasie van trans­ Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Third Floor, Nedbank Mall, corner of
port in die naara van die koper, vry van kommissie te Vereeni- Commissioner and Smal Streets, P.O. Box 2102, Johannesburg.
(b) Die balans is betaalbaar in kontant binne 14 dae vanaf die WESTONARIA.—Case 3070/75. Magistrate’s Court, Weston-
datum van verkoping of deur middel van ’n erkende. bank- of aria: Barclays National Bank Ltd, Plaintiff, and Derrick Neville
bougenootskapwaarborg, gelewer te word binne 14 dae na die Windell, Defendant.
dag van verkoping en welke waarborg vry van kommissie aan
die Geregsbode te Vereeniging betaalbaar moet wees teen regis­ In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of
trasie van transport van die eiendomme in die naam van die Westonaria and writ of execution, dated 12/1/77, the following
koper. property will be sold in execution on Friday, 24/6/77, at lOhOO,
at the Magistrate’s Court, Allen Street, Westonaria, to the highest
3. Die volled'ae verkoopvoorwaardes le ter insae by die bidder, viz:
Geregsbode te Vereeniging en by die Eiser se prokureurs, en sal Erf 284 Westonaria, Registration Division IQ, Tvl, measur­
deur di'e Geregsbode voor die verkoping uitgelees word. ing 714 square metres, known as 13 Davies Street, Weston­
4. Die eiendomme word verkoop onderworpe aan die terme aria;
en voorwaardes en beperkinge soos neergele in die titelvoorwaar-
des van die eiendomme. upon which is erected a dwelling of brick walls under iron roof,
said to contain four rooms, kitchen, pantry, bathroom, and the
Vereeniging, 25/5/77.—H. P. Vermaak, vir De Klerk, Ver- usual outbuildings in regard to which, however, nothing is
maak & Vennote, F'ser se Prokureur, Overvaal, Krugerlaan 28, guaranteed.
Posbus 338, Vereeniging.
T e r m s . —R500 cash at the time of the sale and the balance
against registration of transfer to be secured by an approved
SPRINGS.—Case 1410/77. Magistrate’s Court, Springs: United banker’s or building society’s guarantee to be delivered within
Building Society, Plaintiff, and Michael William Rowe, Defen­ 21 days thereafter.
The conditions of sale may be inspected during office hours
In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate at the office of the Messenger of the Court, 112 Edward Avenue,
Springs, dated 12/4 /77. and writ of execution, dated 12/4/77. th'e Westonaria.—Phillips & Osmond, First Floor, Edanwaves, 1
following will be sold in execution without reserve to the highest Monument Street, Krugersdorp.
bidder on 8/7/77, at 15h00, at S.N.O. Transport, 66 Fourth
.Street, Springs:
LICHTENBURG.—Case 427/77. Magistrate’s Court, Lichten-
Erf 1384, Springs CF.xtension) Township, Registration Division burg: Allied Building Society, Plaintiff, and J. A. Hartzer, Defen­
IR, Tvl, measuring 495 square metres, held by the Defendant dant.
under Deed of Transfer 7552/1976, dated 9/4/76. In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate,
The following improvements on the property are reported, Lichtenburg, and writ of execution, dated 23/3/77, the following
although in this respect nothing is guaranteed: property will be sold in execution on Friday, 22/7/77, at lOhOO,
Brick dwelling-bruise under iron roof comprising lounge, in front of the Magistrate’s Court, Lichtenburg, to the highest
dining-room, two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and scul­ bidder viz:
lery. Portion 6 of Erf 1012 situate in the Town of Lichtenburg,
Outbuildings: Garage and servant’s room and toilet. Registration Division IP, Tvl, measuring 1 737 square metres;
upon which is erected a dwelling brick walls under iron roof,
1. T e r m s .—The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 per cent said to contain three bedrooms, dining-room, lounge, bathroom
thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance within 14 and kitchen and the usual outbuildings in regard to which,
days shall be paid or secured by a bank or building society however, nothing is guaranteed.
2. C o n d itio n s o f s a le .—The full conditions of sale may be T e r m s .— 10 per cent of the purchase price in cash at the time
inspected prior to the date of sale at the offices of the Messenger of the sale and the balance against registration of transfer to
of the Court, Ultra Land Buildings, 71a Third Street, Springs. be secured by an approved banker’s or building society’s guaran­
tee to be delivered within 21 days thereafter.
Springs, 24/5/77.—J. A. McNaughton, for Bennett &
McNaughton, Third Floor, Sanlam Centre, Third Street, P.O. The conditions of sale may be inspected during office hours
Box 592, Springs. at the offices of the undermentioned.—T. P. Taylor & Partners,
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Olen Buildings, 36 Buchanan Street, P.O,
Box 139, Lichtenburg.
LYDENBURG.—Case 3493/76. Supreme Court, Witwatersrand
Local Division: First Consolidated Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Plaintiff, BRAKPAN.—Saak 752/77. Landdroshof, Brakpan: Saambou-
and Gerhardus Johannes Hermanus Linde, Defendant. Nasicnale Bouvereniging, Eiser, en J. C. C. Stoltz, Verweerder.
In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South Kennis geskied hiermee dat ingevolge ’n lasbrief uitgereik in
Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned bovermelde Agbare Hof op 1/3/77, die onderstaande eiendom,
suit, a sale without reserve will be held at the offices of the te wete:
Magistrate, Voortrekker Street, Lydenburg on Friday, 24/6/77, at Erf 665, Brakpan (Hendrik Potgieterweg 91, Dalview, Brak­
lOhOO, of the undermentioned properties of the Defendant on pan), groot 991,34 m2, bestaande uit drie siaapkamers, kombuis,
the conditions to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of twee badkamers, sit- en eetkamer, gang, voorstoep, agterstoep,
the sale and which conditions may be inspected at the offices motorhuis, bediendekamer met latrine en motorafdak, in ekseku-
of the Deputy Sheriff, Lydenburg, prior to the sale: sie verkoop sal word op 15/7/77, om llhOO, voor die landdros­
Certain Portion 6 (portion of Portion 4) of the farm Vlak- hof, Brakpan.
fontein 520, Registration Division KT, Tvl, measuring 247,791 8 1. Die eiendom word voetstoots verkoop en niks word
hectares, and gewaarborg nie.
Certain Portion 7 (portion of Portion 4) of the farm Vlak- 2. Die koopprys sal betaal word by wyse van ’n deposito van
fontein 520, Registration Division KT, Tvl, measuring 522,793 0 10 persent plus verkoopkommissie op die dag van die verkoping*
hectares; Die balans tesame met rente teen 10) persent per jaar tot datum
van hetaling, sal betaal of verseker word by wyse van ’n bank-
both held by the Defendant under Deed of Transfer 37841/1971, of bougenootskapwaarborg, binne 14 dae na datum van ver­
dated 11/11/71. koping. Die gemelde rente sal betaalbaar wees vanaf die datum
The following information is furnished in regard to the van die verkoping.
improvements but in this respect nothing is guranteed: 3. Die koper sal alle bedrae betaal om transport te neem,
Portion 6 : Modern dwelling, two large sheds, milk shed for insluitende hereregte, belastings, sanitere fooie, rente, ens.
24 cows, two storerooms, pigsties for approximately 100 pigs. 4. Die eiendom sal verkoop word onderhewig aan enige
The property is fully fenced and divided in camps. Four bore­ bestaande huurkontrak, maar as die bedrag wat verkry word,
holes, two large earth storage dams, two cement dams and one onvoldoende is om die skuld plus koste van die Eksekusieskuld-
corrugated iron darn. Approximately 40 morgen under irrigation. eiser te betaal, dan sal die eiendom vry van enige huurkontrak
verkoop word.
Portion 7: No buildings, fenced and divided into four camps. 5. Die verkoopvoorwaardes sal ter insae le by die kantoor van
Approximately 60 morgen can be irrigated and approximately die Geregsbode, Brakpan.
80 morgen cultivated dry lands, two boreholes. Brakpan, 16/5/77.—A. Levin, vir Frank le Roux, V. d. West-
T e r m s .— 10 per cent of the purchase price and the auctioneer’s huizen & Levin, Sherffreelgebou 108/113, Prince Gcorgelaan,
charges in cash on the day of the sale and the balance against Brakpan. ___ . , .«,■«, aWlgffi
78 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

JOHANNESBURG.—Case M 1460/76. Supreme Court, Trans­ above-mentioned case, a sale with a reserve price of R26 000 will
vaal Provincial Division: A.A, Mutual Insurars e Association Ltd, be held by the Deputy Sheriff, Carletonville, at 5 Adrop Street,
Applicant, and Maria De Jesus Baeta Rolo de Gouvcia. Carletonville, on 24/6/77, at 10h30, of the undermentioned prop­
In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South erty of the Defendant on the conditions to be read out by the
Africa (Transvaal Provincial Division) in the above-mentioned auctioneer at the time of the sale and which conditions may be
suit, a sale without reserve will be held at the offices of the inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Carletonville,
Deputy Sheriff, First Floor, Delver’s Square, corner of Driver's prior to the sale:
and Kerk Streets, Johannesburg, on Tuesday, 28/6/77, at llhOO, Certain Erf 264, situate in the Township of Oberholzer, Regis­
of the one-third share of the undermentioned properties of the tration Division IQ, Tvl (known as 5 Adrop Street, Carletonville),
Respondent on the conditions to be read out by the auctioneer measuring 1 115 square metres.
at the time of the sale and which conditions may be inspected at T e r m s . — 10 per cent of the purchase price and 2-V per cent
the offices of the Deputy Sheriff, Johannesburg, prior to the auctioneer’s charges (minimum R20) in cash on the day of the
sale: sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or
1. Erf 1139, Mondeor, measuring 1 169 square metres, 175 building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished
Cbelverten Avenue, Mondeor: and within 14 days from the date of the sale.
2. Erf 1140, Mondeor, measuring 11 563 square feet, 171 Chel- L. Mare, for Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger
verton Avenue, Mondeor. Street, Pretoria. 26/5/77.
The following information is furnished re the improvements,
though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: PRETORIA.—Case 27984/76. Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria:
No improvements on either property. Natal Building Society (Permanent), Plaintiff, and Theodore Fre-
T e r m s .— 10 per cent of the purchase price and 21 per cent derik Kies, Defendant.
auctioneer’s charges (minimum R20) in cash on the day of the Sale in execution to be held'in front of the Magistrate’s Court,
sale, the balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or Pretorius Street, Pretoria, at lOhOO, on 22/6/77, of:
building society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished
within 14 days from the date of sale. Erf 585, situate in the Tov/nship of Constantia Park, Registra­
tion Division JR, Tvl, City of Pretoria, measuring 1 190 square
Savage. Jooste & Adams. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 210 Permanent metres.
Buildings. Pretoria. 1/6/77.
The property is known as 493 Mendelsohn Street, Constantia
Park, in a good residential area.
PRETORIA.—Case 10053 '77 . Magistrate’s C u r t. Pr<**n"i: Improvements comprise a sound brick under I.B.R. dwelling
United Building Society, Plaintiff, and Carel Pieter Alberts, of lounge, dining-room, study, three bedrooms, laundry, kitchen,
Defendant. two bathrooms and two w.c.’s. Outbuildings comprise garage, car­
A sale in execution of the property described hereunder port, servant’s room and w.c.
will be held in front of the Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria, at llhOO, A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an
on Monday, 27/6/77: approved purchaser.
Certain agricultural Holding 31, situate ;n Andeon Agricul­ T e r m s .— 10 per cent in cash on day of sale and the balance
tural Holdings, City of Pretoria, measuring 2,077 6 hectares. against transfer to be secured by an approved guarantee to be
The following particulars arc furnished but not guaranteed: furnished within 21 days after the date of sale.
This is a well-situated vacant corner plot in a very good posi­ Conditions of sale can be inspected at the offices of the Mes­
tion to Booysens Township. Improvements are an unequipped senger of *hc Court, Pretoria South—Solomon & Nicolson, P.O.
borehole with tankstand. Box 645. Pretoria.
Adjoining properties are all well-constructed and of good
appearance. PRETORIA.—Case 13376/77. Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria:
This is a once-in-a-lifen'me investment opportunity as a sub­ United Building Society, Plaintiff, and lohan Jacobus Strydom,
stantial building society bond can be arranged for an approved Defendant.
purchaser. A sale in execution of the pronerty described hereunder will
The conditions of sale n a y be inspected at the office of the be held in front of the Magistrate's Court, Pretoria, at llhOO, on
Messenger of the Court (Western Area), Maritime House, cor­ 27/6/77:
ner of Pretorius and Bosman Streets, Pretoria.—Rene du Ples- Certain Erf 717. situate in the Township of Danville, Registra­
sis, for MacRobert De Viiliers & Hitge, 601 United Buildings, tion Division IR, Tvl, measuring 684 square metres.
243 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
The following particulars are furnished but not guaranteed:
PRETORIA.—Case 31604/76. Magistrate’s Court. Pretoria: The pronerty is known as 184 Ledger Avenue, Danville.
United Building Society, Plaintiff, and Theo van Schalkwvk. 1 Brick under iron dwelling consisting of lounge, kitchen,
Defendant. bathroom, toilet and three bedrooms. Constriction includes steel
A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will windows, H er'ulite ceilings, P.V.C. tiles and woodblock floors.
be held in front of the Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria, at lOh.OO, 2. Brick under iron garage, servant’s room and toilet. Grano
on Tuesday. 28/6/77: floors to all outbuildings.
Remaining portion of Lot 108, situate in the Town Rietondale, A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an
Registration Division JR. Tv!, measuring 1 276 square metres. approved purchaser.
The following particulars are furnished but not guaranteed: The condilions of sale mav be inspected at the office of the
Known as. 37 Buffel Road. Rietondale, Pretoria. This prop­ Messenger of the Court (Western Area), Maritime House, cor­
erty is well-situated on a north-facing stand, measuring 12 870 ner of Pretorius and Bosman Streets. Pretoria.—Rene du Plessis,
square feet in total extent. for MacRobert, De Viiliers & Hitge, 601 United Buildings, 243
Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
The property is situated in a popular residential area within
easy reach of schools and public transport.
PRETO R IA —Case 11962'77. Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria:
Brick under iron dwelling-house of lounge, dining-room, kit­ U n ite d B u ild in g S o ciety , P la in tiff, and Jo h a n n a C a th a r in a
chen, four bedrooms, two bathrooms and scullery. Steenberg. Defendant.
Brick under iron double garage, servant’s room and toilet. A sale in execution of the property described hereunder will
This property js at present in a neat and clean condition. A he held in front of the Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria, at lOhOO, on
substantial building society bond can be arranged for an Tuesday, 28/6/77:
approved purchaser.
Certain Erf 115. situate in the Township of Capital Park, City
The conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of th» of Pretoria, measuring 1 190 square metres.
Messenger of the Court (Pretoria East). Salisbury House. Andries
Street, Pretoria.—Rene du Plessis. for MacRobert De Viiliers & The following particulars are furnished but not guaranteed:
Hitge, 601 United Buildings, 243 Pretorius Street, Pretoria This is a south-facing property on a full erf, situated in a
good position to schools and shopping area.
CARLETONVILLE.—Case 17328/75. Supreme Court. Trans­ Improvements consist of an attractive, we'l-built flat roof
vaal Provincial Division: George Adams Hevns, Plaintiff, and J. dwelling with three bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom and
van Eck, Defendant. separate toilet. Floors are wall-to-wall carpet with knotty pine
In pursuance of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South ceilings throughout.
Africa (Transvaal Provincial Division), dated 9/12/75, and in O u t b u i l d i n g are vvell-buiit and e'ean, comprising of servant
pursuance of a writ of attachment, dated 20 / 2 /-, issued in the room and single garage with an adjoining carport.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 79

A substantial building society bond can be arranged for an Ten opsigte van die balans moet ’n goedkekeurde bank- of
approved purchaser. ander aanneembare waarborg binne 15 dae vanaf die datum van
The conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the die verkoping aan die Adjunk-balju, Kimberley, verskaf word.
Messenger of the Court (Eastern Area), Salisbury House, 222 Kimberley, 6/5/77.—Van dc Wall, Botma & Obbes, Prokureurs
Andries Street. Pretoria.—J. P. du Buisson. for MacRobert De vir Eiser, Lexgebou, Permanentweg 7, Posbus 294, Kimberley.
Villiers & Hitge, 601 United Buildings, 243 Pretorius Street,
Pretoria. PORT ELIZABETH—Case 1S4S8 76. Magistrate’s Court, Port
Elizabeth: Western Bank Ltd, Plaintiff, and K. N. Kirton, Defen­
RANDBURG.—Magistrate’s Court, Randburg: Prudential dant.
Equity Building Society, Plaintiff, and Roger Ronan Deane, In pursuance of a judgment in the Magistrate’s Court of Port
Defendant. Elizabeth and a warrant of execution, dated 21/2/77. the property
In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of listed hereunder will be sold in execution on 1/7/77, at 14hl5,
Randburg and writ of execution, dated 16/2/77. the following at the front entrance of the New Law Courts, North End, Port
will be sold in execution on 29/6/77, at lOhOO. in front of the Elizabeth, to the h ghest bidder without reserve, subject to the
Magistrate’s Court. Randburg, to the highest bidder: conditions of sale which may be inspected at the offices of the
Messenger of the Court, Port Elizabeth North:
Certain Lot 539, Township of Windsor, Registration Division
IQ, Tvl. measuring 678 square metres, held under Deed of Certain piece of redeemed cuitrent land situate in Westering
Transfer T31392/1975, dated 18/9/75. Township 1, in the Municipality of the City of Port Elizabeth,
being Erf 1544, Westering, measuring 644 square metres.
1. The property shall be sold without reserve to 'he highest
bidder, and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Port Elizabeth, 9/5/77.—Kaplan Bernstein Solomons & Blum-
Magistrates’ Courts Act and the rules made thereunder, and of berg. Attorneys for the Execution Creditor, Suite 1, Seventh
the title deeds. Floor, Constantia Centre, 444 Main Street, Port Elizabeth.
2. The following improvements on the property are reported,
but nothing is guaranteed: PORT ELIZABETH.—Case 1121176. Supreme Court, South-
Eastern Cape Local Division: Rand Bank l.imited, Plaintiff, and
Dwelling-house with normal outbuildings. Fred Kuys, Defendant.
T e r m s . —The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 per cent In execution of a judgment of tL» Supreme Court of South
thereof on the day of the sale and the unpaid balance, together Africa (South-Eastern Cape Local Division) in the above-men­
with interest on the full purchase price to date of registration of tioned suit, a sale will be held in front of the New Law Courts,
transfer at the rate of 13 per cent per annum, shall be paid or North End, Port Elizabeth, on 1/7/77. at 14hl5, of the under­
secured by a bank or building society guarantee within 14 days mentioned property of the Defendant on the conditions to be
after the date of sale. read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale, and which
4. C o n d itio n s . —The full conditions of sale may be inspected conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Deputy Sheriff
at the office of the Messenger of the Court. of Port Elizabeth prior to the sale:
Johannesburg. 17/5/77.—Bowens, c/o Liebman & Kosviner, P. rtion certain piece of land, being Erf 1521, Summerstrand
Suite 201, Randover House, Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Rand­ situated in Summerstrand Township Extension 6 , in the Munici­
burg. pality and Division of Port Elizabeth, measuring 1 473 square
metres, situated at 93 Admiralty Way. Summerstrand, Port Eliza­
BRONKHORSTSPRUIT.—Saak 11645/77. Hooggcregshof, beth.
Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling: Volkskas Bpk.. Eiser, en Hen­ T e r m s .— 10 per cent of the purchase price and 2 ) per cent
drik Abraham Bester, Verweerder. auctioneer’s charges in cash on the day of the sale, the balance
Ter uitvoerlcgging van ’n vonnis in die bogemelde Agbare against transfer to be secured by a bank or building society or
Hof, gedateer 29/3/77, en lasbrief vir ekskusie, word die vol- other acceptable guarantee to be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff
gende eiendom in eksekusie verkoop op 1/7/77, om lOhOO, voor within 21 days from the date of the sale.—Burman Blumberg
die Landdroskanioor te Bronkhorstsprait, aan die hoogste bieder & Saks. Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Security Place, corner of Market
met ’n reserweprys van R 14 415: and Hancock Streets. Port Elizabeth.
Gedeelte 1 van Lot 162, gelee in die dorp Erasmus, Registra-
sieafdeling JR, Tvl., groot 1 276 vierkante meter. PORT ELIZA3ETH.—Case 15100/76. Magistrate’s Court, Port
Elizabeth: Western Bank Ltd, Execution Creditor, and IL J. Ver-
’n Moderne woonhuis van baksteen onder sinkdak met meulen, Execution Debtor.
gewone buitegeboue, maar ten opsigtc hiervan word niks gewaar-
borg nie. In pursuance of a judgment in the Magistrate's Court of Port
Elizabeth and a warrant of execution, dated 25/8/76, the property
S tr a a ta d r e s .—Markstraat 60a, Bronkhorstspruit. listed hereunder will be sold in exe ution on 8/7/77, at 14hl5
Die koopprys sal wees 10 persent daarvan by verkoping en die at the front entrance of the New Law Courts, North End, Port
balans moet binne 14 dae verseker word by wyse van ’n bank- Elizabeth, to the highest bidder without reserve, subject to the
of bougenootskapwaarborg. conditions of sale which may be inspected at the offices of the
Messenger of the Court, Port Elizabeth North:
Die voile voorwaardes van verkoping wat deur die Adjunk-
balju te Bronkhorstspruit onmiddellik voor die verkoping gelees Certain piece of redeemed quitrent land being Erf 1997,
sal word, le ter insae by die kantoor van die Adiunk-balju, Westering, situate in Westering Township Extension 14, in the
Bronkhorstspruit, Eerste Verdieping, Frans Dutoitgebou, Kamer Municipality of the City of Port Elizabeth, Division of Port
151, hoek van Paul Kruger- en Schoemanstraat, Pretoria. Elizabeth, measuring 743 square metres.
Pretoria, 3/6/77.—Tim du Toit & Kie., Prokureurs vir Eiser, Port Elizabeth, 11/5/77.—Kaplan Bernstein Solomons &
Volkskasgebou 122, Vanderwaltstraat 229, Pretoria. Blumberg, Attorneys for the Execution Creditor, Suite 1, Seventh
Floor, Constantia Centre, 444 Main Street, Port Elizabeth.
CAPE-KAAP KIMBERLEY.—Case 4730/76. Magistrate’s Court, Kimberley:
KIMBERLEY.—Saak 1553/76. Hooggeregshof, Noord-Kaapse Municipality of the City of Kimberley, Plaintiff, and Henry
Afdeling: Saambou-Nasionale Bouvereniging, Eiser, en Christiaan White Seaward, Defendant.
Jacobus Erasmus, Verweerder. In pursuance of a judgment of the Court of the Resident
Ter uitwinning van ’n vonnis van die Hooggeregshof van Suid- Magistrate at Kimberley and writ of execution, dated 21/4/77,
Afrika (Noord-Kaapse Afdeling) in bogemelde saak, sal ’n ver­ the undermentioned property will be sold in execution without
koping gehou word voor die Landdroskantoor te Kimberley op reserve to the highest bidder by the Messenger of the Court,
Vrydag, 17/6/77, om lOhOO, van die ondervermelde eiendom van Kimberley, on Thursday, 30/6/77, at lOhOO, in front of the
die Verweerder, onderworpe aan die voorwaardes wat deur die Magistrate's Court House, Kimberley; namely:
Adjunk-balju gelees sal word ten tye van die verkoping en welke Certain Erf 11878, portion of Erf 5337, Kimberley, situate in
voorwaardes by die kantore van die Adjunk-balju, Kimberley, en the Municipality and Administrative District of Kimberley, mea­
ten kantore van Prokureurs Van de Wall, Botma & Obbes, suring 1 204 square metres, registered in the name of the Execu­
Lexgebou, Permanentweg 7, Kimberley, voor die verkoping ter tion Debtor by Deed of Transfer 526/1974, dated 29/4/74, and
insae sal le: known as 29 Palvie Road, Kimberley.
Seker Erf 5385, Kimberley, gelee te Findlaysonweg 51, in die 1. The property shall be sold without reservation to the highest
Munisipaliteit van die stad Kimberley, afdeling Kimberley, bidder and the sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions
groot 1 249 vierkante meter. of the Magistrates’ Courts Act and the rules made thereunder.
V o o r w a a r d e s .—10 persent van die koopprys en afslaersgelde in 2. One-tenth of the purchase price shall be paid in cash on
kontant op die dag van die verkoping en die balans teen registrasie the date of the sale and the remaining balance together with
van transport. any interest due to a preferent creditor including the Execution
80 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

Creditor calculated from the date of sale of the property to date THORNTON.—Case 6290/76. Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood:
of the Court, Kimberley, prior to the sale and may be inspected The Municipality of the City of Cape Town, Execution Creditor,
the property in favour of the purchaser and shall be secured by and H. J. Myburgh, Execution Debtor.
an approved bank or building society guarantee to be furnished The property described hereunder will be sold on the site
within 14 days of the date of the sale. 37 Kareeboom Road, Thornton, on Wednesday, 29/6/77, at
3. The full conditions of sale will be read out -by the Messenger10h30, viz:
of the Court, Kimberley, prior to the sale and may be inspected Certain piece of land situate in the Local Area of Thornton,
at the offices of the Messenger of the Court, 36 Woodley Cape Division, being Erf 191, Thornton Township Extension 3,
Street, Kimberley. measuring 692 square metres, held by Execution Debtor under
Kimberley, 23/5/77.—Duncan & Rothman, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Deed of Transfer 34180/70, popularly known as 37 Kareeboom
Permanent Buildings, Jones Street, P.O. Box 64, Kimberley. Road, Thornton, which property is said, without warranty as to
the correctness thereof to be suitable for buyers of the White
PAROW.—Case 3603/77. Magistrate’s Court, Bellville: Allied group.
Building Society, Plaintiff, and D. J. Mailer, Defendant. The property will be sold to the highest bidder, voetstoots and
Be pleased to take notice that pursuant to a judgment in the without warranty of possession the price being payable either in
above Honourable Court, granted on 14 /4 /77, the undermentioned cash on sale or as to 10 per cent of the price in cash on .-.ale
property will be sold in execution at the premises on 29/6/77, and the balance against transfer plus interest on any unpaid
at llhOO: balance at the rate of 12 per cent per annum from date of
sale, such balance to be secured by an approved guarantee for
Certain piece of land, situate in the Municipality of Parow, payment thereof within six weeks of sale.
Cape Division, being Erf 931, Parow, Extension 2, measuring The buyer shall (a) pay auctioneers charges, costs of advertis­
1 221 square metres, held by Defendant by virute of Deed of ing and all other costs, charges and arrear rates if any, neces­
Transfer 41405/74, dated 6/12/74. sary to enable tranfer to be given; (b) obtain within s x weeks
1. The property shall be sold without reserve to the highest of sale, if necessary, a permit under the Group Areas Act and
bidder and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the a certificate under the Group Areas Development Act; (c) injure
Magistrates’ Courts Act and the rules made thereunder and to the property against damage by fire; (d) be liable on cancela­
the title deed in so far as these are applicable. tion in case of default for damages including wasted costs. The
2. T e r m s .—The purchase price shall be paid as to 10 per cent full conditions of sale will be announced at tbs sale and may be
thereof in cash on the signing of the conditions of sale, or inspected at the offices of the Messenger of the said Court or at
otherwise as the auctioneer or Messenger of the Court may the office of the auctioneers.—Fairbridge Ardcrne & Lawton,
arrange, and unpaid balance together with interest thereon at the Attorneys for the Execution Creditor, Allied Buildings, 46 St
rate of 11 per cent per annum to date of registration of the trans­ George’s Street, Cape Town.
fer against registration of tranfer, which amount is to be secured
by an approved banker or building society guarantee to be EVERSDAL.—Case 15321 /76. Supreme Court, Cape of Good
delivered within 14 days of the sale. Hope Provincial Division: Dawson & Dobson Ltd, Plaintiff,
3. Conditions of sale which will be read out by the Messenger and Johannes Stephanus Schep, Defendant.
of the Court immediately prior to the sale, may be inspected
in his office. In pursuance of a judgment of the above Honourable Court,
dated 5/1/77, a sale in execution will be held on Tuesday,
Parow, 12/5/77.—Cohen & Co., Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 15 28/6/77, at 10h30, on the spot at Bolenia, Sonstraal Road, Evers-
Station Road, Parow. dal, Cape Province, when the property there situate will be sold
by the Deputy Sheriff of Bellville, Cape Province, subject to a
GEORGE.—Case 947/76. Magistrate’s Court, Mossel Bay: reserve price set forth in the conditions of sale in the possession
S.A. Permanent Building Society, Execution Creditor, and G. J. of the said Deputy Sheriff. The property to be sold is more
le Roux, Execution Debtor. fully described as:
Be pleased to take notice that in pursuance of a judgment of Certain piece of redeemed quitrent land situate in the Cape
the above Honourable Court dated 17/8/76, and a writ of execu­ Division being Portion 14 of the farm Eversdal A (now
tion subsequently issued and re-issued, the undermentioned known as Erf 709, Eversdal), measuring 8 778 square metres, held
property will, in accordance with the provisions of the Magis­ by Deed of Transfer 14175, dated 1/10/62;
trates’ Courts Act No. 32 of 1944, as amended, be sold in execu­ and is more commonly known as Bolenia, Sonstraal Road,
tion at llhOO on 29/7/77, at the situation of the property namely Eversdal, Cape Province.
Blommekloof Street, George, subject to inter alia the following The following information is furnished but not guaranteed:
A brick and mortar house and. outbuildings comprising five
1. The property will be sold voetstoots to the highest bidder. bedrooms, attached workshop, office and garage, swimming
2 . 10 per cent of the purchase price shall become payable on pool and borehole.
the day of the sale and the balance of the purchase price against The aforesaid sale shall be subject to the conditions of sale
registration of transfer and pending transfer to be secured by which may be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff,
an approved bank or building society guarantee which said Bellville, Cape Province, at 39 Durban Road, Bellville, Cape
guarantee shall be furnished by the purchaser within 14 days Province.
after being requested to do so by the attorney of the Execution
Creditor. Cape Town, 20/5/77.—Klosser Saunders & Oldroyd, Plaintiff’s
3. The .purchaser shall be liable for the payment of the costs Attorneys, 52 St George’s Street, Caps Town.
of transfer, outstanding rates and taxes and other costs which
may be applicable. VREDENBURG.—Case 148/77. Magistrate’s Court, Vreden-
4. Possession of the property, subject to any existing leases, burg: South African Permanent Building So Ley, Judgment Cre­
if any, will be given on payment of the deposit by the purchaser. ditor, and John William O’Dwyer, Judgment Debtor.
5. In as much as the Execution Debtor is a member of the In execution of the judgment of the Magistrate’s Court of
White group no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a per­ Vredenburg in the above matter, a sale will be held on Friday,
son who is not a member of such group, unless such person 8/7/77, at lOhOO, at 13 Apollo Street, Vredenburg, of the follow­
exhibits to the auctioneer at the sale a permit from the Minister ing immovable property:
of the Interior, authorising him to acquire the said property. Certain piece of redeemed quitrent land, situate in Vreden­
6. T h e p u r c h a s e r s h a ll b e lia b le to p a y in te r e s t o n th a t p o r tio n burg Township Extension 24, in the Municipality of Vreden-
of the purchase price which is secured fcv guarantee as mentioned burg/Saldanha, Administrative District of Malmesbury, being
in condition (2 ) above at such rate of interest currently charged Erf 3014, Vredenburg, measuring 820 square metres, held by
by the existing bondholder(s) calculated from the date of Defendant by Deed of Transfer 24539, dated 31/7/74, also
deposit to date of payment of the balance of the purchase price. known as 13 Apollo Street, Vredenburg, and comprising a newly
The further and more detailed conditions of sale lie for inspec­ built residence under a flat roof incorporating lounge with fire­
tion at the office of the attorney of the Execution Creditor and place, dining-room, three bedrooms with built-in cupboards, wall-
the office of the Messenger of the Magistrate’s Court, George. to-wall carpets, kitchen with separate scullery, bathroom and
toilet with separate shower, servants’ quarters and double garage.
Certain piece of land situate in the Municipality and Division
of George being the remaining extent of Erf 562, George, 1. The sale is subject to the terms and conditions of the Magis­
measuring as such 1,313 5 hectares. trates’ Courts Act, No. 32 of 1944, the property being sold voet­
stoots and as it stands and subject to the conditions of the
The above is vacant land situate in Blommekloof Street, existing title deed. The highest bidder shall be the purchaser,
George. subject to the provisions of section 66 of the above act.
F or further particulars apply to.—L. Rnopp, Attorney for 2. One-tenth of the purchase price shall be paid in cash or by
Execution Creditor, 8 Cuff Street, P.O. Box 206, Mossel Bay, or means of a bank-marked cheque and immediately after the
The Messenger of the Court, Magistrate’s Court, George. property is declared to be sold and the balance of the purchase
STAATSICOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 81

price together with interest thereon at the ruling building society and at the offices of the undermentioned attorneys.—Swemmer
rate to be paid against registration of transfer, and received & Levin, Attorneys for Judgment Creditor, Main Street, Vreden­
within 14 days after the date of sale by a bank or building burg.
society guarantee.
3. Attention is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas PORT ALFRED.—Case 1955/75. Supreme Court, Eastern Cape
Act. No. 36 of 1966, as amended, and also the Community Division: Boland Bank Bpk., Plaintiff, and Pieter du Preez,
Development Act, No. 3 of 1966, as amended, and the onus Defendant.
shall be on the purchaser to obtain the necessary proof or per­ In pursuance of a judgment granted by the above Honourable
mit enabling such purchaser to acquire the property within 14 Court on 12/2/76, the hereinaftermentioned property shall be
days of the date of sale. sold in execution by the Deputy Sheriff for the District of
And subject to further conditions which will be read out at Bathurst, C.P., at the Magistrate’s Court, Port Alfed, on 25/6/77,
the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the offices at lOhOO:
of the Messenger of the Court at 34 Mars Street, Vredenburg, Certain piece of land situate in the Division of Bathurst, being
and at the offices of the undermentioned attorneys.—Swemmer the remaining extent of the farm Waai Plaats, being a portion of
& Levin, Attorneys for Judgment Creditor, Main Street, Vreden­ the original location of Dixon’s Party of Settlers, together with
burg. a portion of the extension of the said location, measuring
616,530 1 hectares, held by the Defendant by virtue of Deed of
PORT ELIZABETH.—Case 1374/77. Supreme Court, South Transfer T17467, dated 14/6/74.
Eastern Cape Looal Division: South African Permanent Building A deposit of 10 per cent of the purchase price is payable in
Society, Plaintiff, and Roy George Tuck, Defendant. cash on the date of the sale and the balance against registration
In execution o f a judgment of the Supreme Court of South of transfer.
Africa (South Eastern Cape Local Division), dated 19/4/77, a The following improvements are reported to be on the prop­
sale by public auction will be held in front of the New Law erty, but nothing is guaranteed:
Courts, Main Street. Port Elizabeth, on Friday, 1/7/77, at 14hl5, A dwelling-house with usual outbuildings.
of the following immovable property, known as 141 Warbler The conditons of sale may be inspected at the offices of the
Street. Westering. Port Elizabeth, in pursuance of an attach­ Deputy Sheriff, Bathurst.
ment in execution on 22/4/77:
Grahamstown, 24/5/77.—N. Borman, for Neville Borman &
Certain piece of redeemed quitrent land situate in the Town­ Botha, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Guardian Buildings, High Street,
ship of Westering in the Municipality of the Citv of Port Eliza­ Grahamstown.
beth, Division of Port Elizabeth, being Erf 31, Westering, mea­
suring 2 245 square metres. KRAAIFONTEIN.—Case 2806/77. Magistrate’s Court, Bell-
The following improvements are situate on the property, ville: Allied Building Society, Plaintiff, and Jan Johannes Schion-
although in this respect nothing is guaranteed: ken, Defendant.
(a) A brick dwelling-house; and In pursuance of a judgment in the Magistrate’s Court of
(b) Outbuilding's. Bellville in the above matter, a sale in execution will be held on
Wednesday. 20/7/77, at lOhOO, at 178 Fifth Avenue, Kraaifon-
The conditions of sale which will be read immediately prior tein, C.P., of the following property:
to th/- sale, are lying rnr inspection at the office of the Deputy
Sheriff at Ilarmonie Buildings, 14 Market Street, North End, Certain piece of redeemed quitrent land, being Erf 4009,
Port Elizabeth. Kraaifontein, situate in the Municipality of Kraaifontein, Divi­
sion of Paarl. measuring 496 square metres, held by the Defen­
10 per cent of the purchase price and 2 { per cent Deputy dant under Deed of Transfer 20491, dated 16/7/75, also known
Sheriff’s (acutioneer’s) charges in earii on the day of sale." the as 178 Fifth Avenue, Kraaifontein, consisting of dwelling-house.
balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or building 1. The sale is subject to the terms and conditions of the Magis­
society guarantee, to be approved of by Plaintiff’s attorneys, to trates’ Courts Act: No. 32 of 1944, the property being sold
be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff within 21 days from the voetstoots and as it stands and subject to the conditions of the
date of the sale. exsiting title deed. The buyer shall be the highest bidder, but
Port Elizabeth, 17/5/77.—Pagden, Christian, Hanley & Parkin, subject to the provisions of section 66 of the above-mentioned
Plaintiff’s Attorneys, Newton Park Office, 298 Cape Road, Port act.
Elizabeth. 2. One-tenth of the purchase price shall be paid in cash or by
means of a bank-guaranteed cheque immediately after the prop­
VREDENBURG.—Case 1768/76. Magistrate’s Court. Vreden­ erty is declared to be sold, and the balance of the purchase
burg: South African Permanent Building Society, Judgment Cre­ price together with interest thereon on registration of transfer
ditor, and Pieter Melchior Wilmans, Judgment Debtor. which amount is to be secured by an approved banker’s or build­
ing society guarantee to be delivered within 14 days of the sale.
In execution of the judgment of the Magistrate’s Court of 3. Attention is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas
Vredenburg in the above matter, a sale will be held on Friday, Act, No. 36 of 1966, as amended, as well as Act 3 of 1966, as
8/7/77, at 12h00, at 4 Jupiter Street, Vredenburg, of the follow­ amended, and the purchaser will be obliged to obtain the neces­
ing immovable property: sary permit within 14 days after the date of sale.
Certain piece of abolished quitrent land, situate in Vredenburg And subject further to the conditions of sale which will be
Township Extension 31. in the Municipality of Vredenburg/Sal- read out at the time of the sale and which may be inspected at
danha. Administrative District of Malmesbury, being Erf 3251, the offices of the Messenger of the Court, Bellville.
Vredenburg, measuring 930 square metres, held by Defendant A bond will be available to an approved purchaser.—Nel &
by p eed of Transfer 39349, dated 11/12/75, also known as 4 Malan, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Wellington Road, Durbanville.
Jupiter Street, Vredenburg, and comprising a newly-built resi­
dence of face bricks under a tile roof incorporating lounge, three
bedrooms, kitchen, double garage with brick walls under iron, HERMANUS.—Case 1907/76. Supreme Court, Durban and
servants’ quarters and servant’s toilet. Coast Local Division: Barclays National Bank Ltd, Plaintiff, and
William Raymond Stephenson, First Defendant, and Eric Arthur
1. The sale is subject to the terms and conditions of thb Magis­ McKeown, Second Defendant.
trates’ Courts Act, No. 32 of 1944. the property being sold voet-
stoots and as it stands and subject to the conditions of the In execution of the judgment in the above-mentioned suit, a
existing title deed. The highest bidder shall be the purchaser, sale without a reserve price will be held on the property here­
subject to the provisions of section 6 6 of the above act. inafter described, on 25/6/77, at lOhOO, of the undermentioned
2. One-tenth of the purchase price shall be paid in cash o r by property of the Second Defendant on the conditions to be read
means of a bank-marked cheque and immediately after the out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale and which conditions
property is declared to be sold and the balance of the purchase may be inspected at the office of the Deputy Sheriff, Hermanus,
p r ic e to g e th e r w ith in te r e s t th e r e o n a t th e ru lin g b u ild in g s o c ie ty prior to the sale:
rate to be paid against registration of transfer, and received A certain piece of redeemed quitrent land, being Erf 602,
within 14 days after the date of sale by a bank or building Vermont, situate in the Local Area of Vermont, Division of
society guarantee. Caledon, measuring 782 square metres.
3. Attention is drawn to the provisions of the Group Areas The above property consists of unimproved land.
Act, No. 36 of 1966, as amended, and also the Community
Development Act, No. 3 of 1966, as amended, and the onus T e r m s .— 10 per cent of the purchase price and the auctioneer’s
shall be on the purchaser to obtain the necessary proof or per­ charges in cash on the day of the sale. The balance against trans­
mit enabling such purchaser to acquire the property within 14 fer to be secured by a bank or building society or other
days of the date of sale. acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 days from the
date of sale.
And subject to further conditions which will be read out at
the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the offices Durban, 27/5/77.—John Hudson & Co., Plaintiff’s Attorneys,
of the Messenger of the Court at 34 Mars Street, Vredenburg, 1305 Eagle Buildings, 359 West Street, Durban.
82 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

CALEDON.—Saak 1229/76. Landdroshof, Strand: Strand NEWCASTLE.—Saak 1416/77. Landdroshof, Newcastle: N atal
Timber and Hardware, Eiser en J. J. Goodwin, Verweerder. Bouvereniging, Eiser, en Victor Finn Jansen, Verweerder.
Ter uitvoering van ’n vonnis van die Landdroshof vir die dis- Ingevolge ’n uitspraak in die Hof van die Landdros van
trik Strand, sal die volgende in eksekusie verkoop word op 7/ Newcastle en lasbrief, gedateer 19 April 1977, gaan die hier-
7/77, om llhOO, te Landdroskantoor, Caledon. ondergenoemde eiendom op Dinsdag. 7/7/77, om 10H00. by die
Sekere stuk grond Erf 1667, Botrivier, soos per Transportaktes Landdroshof, Newcastle, aan die boogste bieder verkoop word:
6084/43, 14385/47, 22119/66, te Proteastraat 4, Botrivier. Onderverdeling 6 van Lot 762, Newcastle, groot 983 vierkante
T e r m e : Kontant. meter, gelee te Victoriaweg 56, Newcastle.
Strand, 20/5/77.—Du Toit & Frank, Eiser se Prokureurs, Hoof- 1. Die eiendom sal sonder voorbehoud aan die hoogste bieder
weg 2, Posbus 127, Strand. verkoop word en sal onderhewig wees aan die voorwaardes en
bedinge van die Landdroshowewet en die reels daar kragtens
uitgevaardig en van die titelakte vir sover dit van toepassing is.
LANSDOWNE.—Case I. 541/77. Supreme Court, Cape of
Good Hope: Marvyn Smith and George Andre Raubenheimer. in 2. B c ta lin g .—Die koopsom moet as volg betaal word:
their capacities as curators bonis of the estate of Louise Christina (a) 10 persent van die koopprys in kontant op die dag van
Brazao, bom Ilper, widow, Plaintiffs, and Seedynorah Samo- die verkoping.
dien, formerly married by Mohammedan Rites to Achmet Smal (b) Die balans is betaalbaar in kontant binne 14 dae vanaf die
Mills by a person other than a duly authorised marriage officer, datum van verkoping of deur middel van "n erkende bank- of
Defendant. bougenootskapswaarborg geiewer te word binne 14 dae na die
Pursuant of a judgment in the above Honourable Court on 9/ dag van verkoping en we'ke waarborg betaalbaar moet wees teen
3/77, and writ of execution of 4/4/77. the following will be sold registrasie van transport in die naam van die koper, vry van kom-
in execution on 29/6/77, at 11hOO, at the site, 199 Wetton Road, missie te Newcastle.
Lansdowne, C.P., to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation: 3. V o o r w a a r d e s .—Die volledige verkoopvoorwaardes wat
1. Certain piece of land situate in the City of Cape Town, Cape onmiddellik voor die veiling deur die Gcregsbode. Newcastle,
Division, being Erf 103130, Cape Town at Lansdowne, measuring uitgelees sal word, le in sy kantoor ter insae.—Van Lingen &
2 215 square metres, held under and by virtue of Deed of Trans­ Kloppcrs. Prokureurs vir Eiser, UBS-gebou, Sesde Verdieping,
fer 9856/72, and date of transfer 3/5/72. Scottstraat, Posbus 314, Newcastle.
2. Certain piece of land situate as above, being Erf 103128,
Cape Town at Lansdowne. measuring 589 square metres, held EMPANGENI.—Saak 320/77. Landdroshof. Laer Umfolozi:
under and by virtue of Deed of Transfer 14524/72, and date of Saambou-Nasionalc Bouvereniging, Eiser, en G. H. Rostek, Ver
transfer 24/5/74. weerder.
(a) The property shall be sold to the highest bidder, subject to Ingcvolne ’n uitspraak in die Landdroshof, Empangeni, geda­
confirmation, and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of teer 2/3/77, is ’n Hofbevel tot geregtelike verkoping gemagtig en
the conditions of sale in execution filed of record in the office sal die onververmelde eiendom om 10’-,00. op 22/6/77. voor die
of the Deputy Sheriff. Wynberg. Landdroshof te Empangeni, geregtelik verkoop word aan die
(b) The property is sold subject to the title deeds and diagram hoogste biecr.
appertaining to the property and to any servitude and conditions Lot 276. Richardsbaai (Uitbreiding 4). gelee in Richardsbaai,
contained in the title deeds. county Zululand, provinsie Natal, groot 1 400 vierkante meter
(c) The purchase price shall be paid as to a deposit of 10 per
cent of the purchase price in cash on the date of sale and the Hierdie eiendom is gelee te Jacqucttastraat 13. Mcerensee-
unpaid balance against transfer to be secured by a bank or uitbreiding, Richardsbaai, en bestaan uit ’n woonhuis met ver-
building society guarantee to be approved bv the plaintiffs’ beterings.
attorneys and to be furnished to the Deputy Sheriff within 21 1. Verkoping sal onderworpe wees aan die bepalings en voor­
days of the date of sale. waardes van die Landdroshowewet en die reels wat ingevolge
(d) The full conditions of sale may be inspected at tbe office daarvan gemaak word, asook van die titelbewyse insoverre as
of the Deputy Sheriff, 106 Maynard House, Maynard Road, wat hulle van toepassing is.
Wynberg, C.P. 2. Die koper moet 10 persent van die koopprys onmiddellik na
Cape Town.—John S. Ince & Wood, Plaintiffs’ Attorneys, 705 aflo-op van die verkoping betaal word en die balans met die
Eagle House, Lower Burg Street, Cape Town. oordrag van die eiendom op sy naam. Dit moet verseker word
deur ’n bank- of bougenootskapswaarborg wat binne sewe dae
na datum van verkoping aan die Geregsbode geiewer moet
NATAL word.
3. Die aandag van voornemende kopers word gevestig cp die
VRYHEID.—Case 11459/76. Supreme Court. Natal Provincial bepalings van die Groepsgebiedewet.
Division: Hannah Sophia Kraemer, Plaintiff, and Vlakiioek Die volledige koopvoorwaardes le ter insae by enderstaande
(Edms.) Bpk., Defendant. adres.—By die kantore van die Geregsbode, Logamveg 3,
The properties: Empangeni.
(1) Subdivision B of the farm Vlakhoek 54S, situate in the Empangeni, 5/5/77.—Frans Slabbert, Prokureurs vir Ekseku-
District of Vryheid, Province of Natal, in extent 283,280 9 sieskuldeiser, Empangenisentrum, Unionstraat, Posbus 335,
hectares: Empangeni.
(2) Subdivision A of Welgevoden 527, situate as above, in
extent 560,545 7 hectares: RICHMOND.—Case 184/77. Supreme Court, Natal Provincial
(3) remainder of Wclgevonden 527, situate as aforesaid in Division: Cecily Wroughton Archibald, First Plaintiff, and Kath­
extent 560,545 7 hectares; leen Majorie Haak, Second Plaintiff, and Edwin Robert
being the farm Vlakhoek near the White Umfolozi River adjoin­ Maaers, Defendant.
ing the Denny-Dalton Mine, will be sold in execution on 29/6/77, In pursuance of a judgment in the Supreme Court of South
at llhOO, at the Court House, Vryheid. Africa (Natal Provincial Division) and writ of execution, dated
Conditions may be inspected at the office of the Deputy 23/2/77, the property listed hereunder will be sold in execution
Sheriff, Vryheid.—Randles, Davis & Wood, Temple Chambers, on Wednesday, 6/7/77, at 10h30, on the steps of the Magistrate's
Carlyle Arcade, Pietermaritzburg. Court Buildings, Chilley Street. Richmond, Natal:
The remainder of Subdivision 1 of 20a of the farm Reauliew
PORT SHEPSTONE.—Case 1452/77. Supreme Court. Natal Estate 1412. situate in the County of Pietermaritzburg, Province
Provincial Division: Allied Building Society, Plaintiff, and of Natal, in extent 1,601 1 hectares.
Sidney Thomas Foley. Defendant. This property consists of two delling-houses with the usual
Take notice that in execution of a judgment in the above outbuildings, in respect of which, however, nothing is guaran­
matter, a sale will be held by the Deputy Sheriff, Port Shep- teed.
stone. on Friday, 24/6/77, at lOhOO, at the Magistrate’s Court, Conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the
Port Shepstone, of the following immovable property: Deputy Sheriff during normal office hours at Chilley Street,
Lot 27 Ramsgate, situate in the Township of Ramsgate, and Richmond.—Smythe & Co.. Attorneys for Judgment Creditor,
in tbe Lower South Coast Regional Water Services Area, County Southern House, 29 Timber Street, Pietermaritzburg.
of Alfred, Province of Natal, in extent 2,306 6 hectares.
The property consists of a three-bedroomed dwelling-house, DURBAN.—Case 13670/76. Supreme Court. Durban and
two servants’ quarters, double garage with workshop, one-bed- Coast Local Division: Barclays National Bank Ltd, Plaintiff, and
roomed cottage and swimming pool, Ahmed Gajee Khan, Defendant.
The conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of the In pursuance of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South
Deputy Sheriff, Port Shepstone.—Kent & Kent, c/o Venn, Africa (Durban and Coast Local Division), in the above suit,
Nemeth & Hart, 17 Buchanan Street, Pietermaritzburg. a sale will be held by the Deputy Sheriff, Durban, on the steps
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 83

of the Supreme Court, Masonic Grove, Durban, on 24/6/77, at DURBAN.—Case 9517/76. Magistrate’s Court, Durban: W.
lOhOO, of the undermentioned property to the highest bidder Human, Plaintiff, and W. J. H. Knott, Defendant.
without reserve on conditions to be read by the Deputy Sheriff In pursuance of a judgment in the Court of the Magistrate of
at the time of sale. Durban and a writ of execution, dated 1/4/76, the following
The property is described as the remainder of Subdivision 3 property will be sold in execution on 14/7/77, at 10h30, at the
of Subdivision B of Lot 34 of Lot 18a, No. 1542, situate in the Magistrate’s Court, Durban, to the highest bidder:
City of Durban, County of Victoria, Province of Natal, in extent Remainder of 9 and 10 of Lot 49/50 Block C of the farm Sea
5 140 square metres. The property is situated at 1288 North View 845, situate in the City and County of Durban, Province of
Coast Road, Durban, and in a controlled area in terms of the Natal, in extent 17 897 square feet.
Group Areas Act.
The property is situated at 22 Rossview Road, Sea View, D ur­
Full conditions of the sale may be inspected at the offices of ban.
the Deputy Sheriff, 301 Santam Buildings, 447 Smith Street,
Durban.—A. W. Britz, Deputy Sheriff. Livingston Douil & Win- The property shall be sold without reserve and to the highest
terton, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 10th Floor, Barclays Bank Build­ bidder and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the
ings, corner of Smith and Field Streets, D u rb a n / Magistrates’ Courts Act and the rules made thereunder, and of
the title deeds, in so far as these are applicable.
The purchaser shall pay 10 per cent of the purchase price in
DURBAN.—Case 45915/76. Magistrate’s Court, Durban: cash upon signature of the conditions of sale and the balance
George Lynton Collins, First Plain tiff/Creditor, and Joyce Win­ shall be paid or secured by a satisfactory bank or building
some Clayton, Second Plaintiff/Creditor, and Hiten Investments society guarantee to be furnished to the Court Messenger, D ur­
(Pty) Ltd, First Defendant/Debtor, Mahendrarai Ramniklal ban South, within 14 days of the date of sale.
Goshalia, Second Defendant/Debtor, and Ganpatram Lalloo,
Third Defendant/Debtor. The full conditions of sale can be inspected at the office of
the Messenger of Court, Durban South, 401 Santam Buildings,
In pursuance of a judgment of the Court of the Magistrate of corner of Smith and Broad Streets, Durban.
Durban and writ of execution, the property listed hereunder
will be sold in execution on 23/6/77, at lOhOO, at the front Durban, 24/5/77.—Millar & Reardon, Plaintiffs Attorneys,
entrance to the Magistrate’s Court Buildings, Somtseu Road, 321 I.B.S. Buildings, Field Street, Durban.
Durban, to the highest bidder:
A piece of land described as remainder of Subdivision O of PIETERMARITZBURG.—Case 1247/77. Supreme Court,
Lot 8 , No. 1554, situate in the City of Durban, County of Vic­ Natal Provincial Division: The trustees of the C. W. Jardine
toria, Province of Natal, in extent 6 228 square metres, which Trust, First Plaintiff, the administrators in the estate of the late
has its postal address at 92 Temple Road, Sea Cow Lake, D ur­ George Valentine Howard, Second Plaintiff, Peter John Lewis,
ban, which has the following improvements: Third Plaintiff, the administrators in the estate of the late Mabel
Georgetta Lewis, Fourth Plaintiff, May Celestina Brokensha.
Main dwelling: Brick under wood and iron building, consisting Fifth Plaintiff, Elize Spinner Joan Beardsworth, Sixth Plaintiff.
of lounge, dining-room, three bedrooms, kitchen, pantry and Peter Heinz Rudolf Hoffmann, Seventh Plaintiff and the admini­
bathroom. strators in the estate of the late Gilvert Maitland Gordon, Eighth
Outbuildings: (a) Brick under asbestos building consisting of Plaintiff, and Glen Gordon Investments (Pty) Ltd, First Defen­
two rooms, kitchen and bathroom. dant, and Pieter Schalk Willem Coetzer, Second Defendant.
(b) Wood and iron building consisting of toolroom, two rooms Pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court of South Africa
and two kitchens. (Natal Provincial Division), and warrant of execution, dated 17/
(c) Brick and iron double toilet. 3/77, the following property will be sold on Saturday, 25/6/77,
at 09h30, at the premises of the Deputy Sheriff, 369 Loop Street,
1. The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 10 per cent on the Pietermaritzburg, to the highest bidder, namely:
purchase price in cash on the day of the sale, the balance against
transfer to be secured by a bank or building society guarantee, The remainder of Lot 25, Loop Street, situate in the City and
to be approved by Plaintiff’s attorneys, to be furnished to the County of Pietermaritzburg. Province of Natal, in extent 5 400
Court Messenger within 21 days after the date of sale. square’ feet and known as U.D.C. Bank House, 250 Longmarket
Street, Pietermaritzburg, which property is held by the First
2. The purchaser shall be liable for payment of any interest Defendant under and by virtue of Deed of Transfer 9997/65,
due by the Defendant to any preferent creditor as from the date dated 30/7/65, and 5203/1968, dated 5/4/68.
sale to date of transfer, and shall make payment of such
interest in arrears on the last day of each and every month. On the property is erected an office block known as U.D.C.
Bank House and it is situate at 250 Longmarket Street, Pieter­
3. In as much as the property is situated in an area pro­ maritzburg.
claimed for ownership and occupation by members of the Indian
group, no bids will be accepted by or on behalf of a person who The aforesaid information is funished but cannot be guaran­
is not a member of such group, unless such person exhibits to teed as correct.
the auctioneer at the sale, a permit from the Minister con­ C o n d itio n s o f sa le a n d p a y m e n t —The property will be sold
cerned authorising him to acquire such property. to the highest bidder subject to the rights of the respective ten­
4. The purchaser shall pay the auctioneer’s charges on the ants and on conditions as laid down in the conditions of sale
day of sale and in addition, transfer dues, costs of transfer and which may be perused at the offices of the Plaintiff’s attorneys
arrear rates, taxes and other charges necessary to effect trans­ also in Pietermaritzburg.
fer, upon request by the attorney for the Execution Creditor. Pietermaritzburg, 2/6/77.—L. W. A. Trotter, for Plaintiff’s
The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the office of Attorneys, J. Leslie Smith & Co., Fourth Floor. Prudential Equity
the Messenger of the Court. House, 258 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg.
Durban, 6/4/77.—P. Quin, for Lyne & Collins, Plaintiff’s
Attorneys, Eighth Floor, Rand Bank Centre, Hermitage Street, PINETOWN.—Case 12000/76. Supreme Court, Durban and
Durban. Coast Local Division: Michael John Ensor N.O., Plaintiff, and
Sunnylall Ramnarain, Defendant.
DURBAN.—Case 51139/76. Magistrate’s Court, Durban: J. In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South
R. Behari & Co., Plaintiff, and Mahomed Kassim, Defendant. Africa (Durban and Coast Local Division) in the above-men­
In execution of a judgment of the Magistrate’s Court for the tioned suit, a sale with a reserve will be held at the front
District of Durban, in the above-mentioned suit, a sale with a entrance to the Magistrate’s Court Buildings, Chancery Lane,
reserve will be held on 30/6/77, at lOhOO, in front of the Pinetown, on 24/6/77, at lOhOO, or soon thereafter of the
Magistrate’s Court, Somtseu Road, Durban, of the undermen­ undermentioned property of the Defendant on the conditions
tioned property of the Defendant on the conditions to be read to be read out by the auctioneer at the tim e of the sale and
out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale and which condi­ which conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Acting
tions may be inspected at the offices of the Messenger, 17/19 Deputy Sheriff, 7 Windsor Road, Pinetown, prior to the sale:
Mona Road, Durban, prior to the sale: Subdivision 780, Silverglen Township, situate in the City and
Lot 298 of Sydenham 14101, in extent 1 162 square metres, County of Durban, Province of Natal, in extent 1781 square
situated at 80 Dunrobin Crescent, Asherville. metres, situate at 170 Riversdale Road, Silverglen.
10 per cent of the purchase price and the auctioneer charges’ 10 per cent of the purchase price and the auctioneer’s charges
in cash on the date of the sale, the balance against transfer to in cash on the date of the sale, the balance against transfer to
be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable be secured by a bank or building society or other acceptable
guarantee to be furnished within 14 days from date of the sale. guarantee to be furnished within 14 days from the date of the
—Nicholetts, Power, Bisset & Brink, Third Floor, City Bank sale.—Nicholetts, Power, Bisset & Brink, Third Floor, City Bank
Centre, Durban Club Place, Durban. Centre, 2 Durban Club Place, Durban,
84 Mo. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

VERULAM.—Case 13066/76. Supreme Court, Durban and Die volgende inligting word verstrek dog ten opsigte hiervan
Coast Local Division: Maragathum Pather, Plaintiff, and Shashi- kan niks gewaarborg word nie:
varna, First Defendant, and Manosagareen Kirstsppa Naidu, T e r m e . —Die koper sal 10 persent van die koopsom onmiddel-
Second Defendant. lik na die veiling in kontant betaal aan die Bode van die Hof.
In pursuance of a judgment in the Supreme Court of South Die balans moet verseker word deur ’n bank- of bougenootskap-
Africa (Durban and Coast Local Division), and a writ of exe­ waarbOrg binne 14 dae na afloop van die veiling.
cution. dated 29/10/76, the immovable property hereinafter V o o r w a a r d e s . —Die voorwaardes van die verkoping kan in die
described will be sold in execution on 24/6/77, at llhOO, in kantoor van die Bode van die Hof tydens kantoorure besigtig
front of the Magistrate’s Court, Verulam, Natal, on conditions word.—E. G. Cooper & Seans. Prokurour vir Eiser, Agtste
to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale and Verdieping. Aliiedgebou, Posbus 1368, Bloemfontein.
which conditions may be inspected at the office of the Deputy
Sheriff, 12 Groom Street, Verulam, Natal, prior to the sale:
HEILBRON.—Case P I 34/75. Supreme Court, Witwatersrand
Lot 261, Tongaat Township, situate in the Township of Ton- Local Division: Greater Sendees (Fty) Ltd, Plaintiff, and Tiku-
gaat, County of Victoria, Province of Natal, in extent 1 012 square kur Bay (Pty) Ltd, Defendant.
metres, being a property in Metcalfe Road, Tongaat, Natal.
In execution of a judgment of the Supreme Court of South
Corrugated iron dwelling of seven rooms, kitchen and con­ Africa (Witwatersrand Local Division) in the above-mentioned
veniences. suit, a sale without reserve will be held in front of the Deputy
T e r m s .— 10 per cent of the purchase price and the auctio­ Sheriff’s office, 47 Plein Street, Heilbron, O.F.S., on Friday, 1/7/
neer’s charges in cash on the day of sale, the balance against 77, at llhOO, of the undermentioned property of the Defendant,
registration of transfer to be secured by a bank or building on the conditions to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of
society or other acceptable guarantee to be furnished within 14 the sale and which conditions may be inspected at the offices of
days from date of sale. the Deputy Sheriff, 47 Plein Street, Heilbron, O.F.S., prior to the
Durban, 22/4/77.—G. Naidoo & Co., Suites 34-35, C.N.R. sale:
House, 22 Cross Street, Durban. Certain Subdivision 1 of the consolidated farm Vaaldam
Settlement 1777, situate in the District of Heilbron, measuring
334,305 7 hectares.
The following information is furnished re the improvements,
BLOEM FONTEIN—Saak 1396/76. Landdroshof, Bloemfon­ though in this respect nothing is guaranteed:
tein: Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Eiser, en Benjamin
Weber, Verweerdsr. Two dwellings, one consisting of two bedrooms and the other
of five bedrooms. A permit. No. BG 17/25. for the use of land
Ter uitvoering van ’n uitspraak van die Landdroshof vir die has been issued in terms of section 8 (1) (a) (iv) of Act 88 of
distrik Bloemfontein, gehou te Bloemfontein in bogemelde saak, 1967, and the land may be used for a recreation resort together
sal ’n verkoping sonder reserve, voor die Landdroskantoor, with such facilities as are set forth in the permit.
Peetlaan-ingang, ora lOhOO, op Vrydag, 17/6/77. gehou word op
voorwaardes wat ten tye van die verkoping deur die afslaer T e r m s .—10 per cent of the purchase price and the auctioneer’s
voorgelees sal word, van die volgende eiendom van die Ver- charges in cash on the day of the sale, the balance against trans­
weerder, naamlik: fer to be secured by a bank or building society or other accept­
able guarantee to be furnished within 14 days from the date of
Sekere Erf 2679, gelee in die stad en distrik Bloemfontein, sale.
groot 1 104 vierkante meter, gehou kragtens Akte van Transport
3978/72, geregistreer 23/6/72, beter bekend as Ccnnorlaan 16, Broomberg, Graff & Kerb, Plaintiff’s Attorneys. Fifth Floor,
Bloemfontein. Swissco House, 7 Rissik Street, Johannesburg. 20/4/77.


Immediately thereafter, and subject to confirmation, we will
TRANSVAAL sell the following items:
GEORGE BERNARDI SALES • FIREARMS, e tc —Duly Sony colour television, Bernina sewing-machine, double base
instructed by the trustee, we will sell without reserve on Friday, and mattress set.
17/6/77, at our venue, 276 Proes Street, at llhOO, the following: For further particulars and viewing, apply to the auctioneers.
1. Insolvent estate J. A. Penzhorn (T1516/76): —Mannie Auctioneering Co., Auctioneers and Stock Liquida­
Firearms: Remington .22 H & R shotgun and Mauser rifle. tors, 53 Troye Street (Between Pritchard and President Streets),
2. Insolvent estate P. C. F. Nelson (T1263/76):
New Lucas/G.K.N. current convertor and motor spares. AUCOR (PTY) LTD SALES • E R F —Modern Roof Conver­
Toyota six cylinder truck engine with components. sions and Guttering Services (Pty) Ltd (in liqu. T1604/76): Duly
instructed, we will sell, on the spot, 122 Plane Road, Spartan, on
3. Insolvent estate Brits Diesel Dienste (T224/76): Monday, 13/6/77, at 10h30:
T e r m s .—Strictly cash or bank-guaranteed cheque.
Certain Erf 50, Spartan, Registration Division IR, Tvl, mea­
V ie w in g .—Day before sale. suring 4 878 square metres.
For further particulars, contact George Bemardi Sales, Auc­ T e r m s .—10 per cent on day of sale, balance within 30 days
tioneers and Appraisers, 276 Proes Street, P.O. Box 1858, after confirmation.
Pretoria. For details please contact the auctioneers.—Aucor (Pty) Ltd,
74 Siemert Road, Doornfontein.
—Insolvent estate Johannes Pretorius (T269/77): Duly instructed CHARLROS AUCTIONEERS • PRO PERTIES—A. L
by the trustee in the above matter, we will sell by public auction McDougall Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liqu. T1348/76): Duly
on the spot, 21 Kannabos Avenue (comer of Lepelhout Avenue), instructed by the liquidators in the above estate, we will sell by
Glen Maris Extension 1, Kempton Park, on Friday, 24/6/77, at public auction at lOhOO, on Saturday, 25/6/77, at 13 Paadkop
llhOO, the following: Street, Modder East, the following three properties, namely:
An ultra-modern luxurious home with pool. (a) Stand 524. Modder East, situate 13 Paarlkop Street, Mod­
Certain Stand 1492, situate 21 Kannabos Avenue, in the der East, District of Springs, measuring 1 064 square metres,
Township of Glen Marais Extension 1, District of Kempton Park, together with the following fixed improvements:
measuring approximately 918 square metres, upon which is Modern new home, fiat roof, broad fascia, lounge/step-up
erected an outstanding home built of rustic brick comprising dining-area, four bedrooms (with B.I.C.’s), passage (all carpeted),
sunken lounge with fireplace, dining-room, study, magnifi­ bathroom, separate w.c., kitchen, well-fitted, Kelvinator stove
cently fitted kitchen (timber units and split level glass-top Defy (beamed ceilings throughtout), servant’s w.c. and lock-up garage.
stove), separates cullery, three bedrooms (main en suite), second (b) Portion 2 of 491. Modder East, situate 34 D.akenstein
full bathroom, separate doilet and double garage. Avenue, Modder East, District of Springs, measuring 770 square
This fantastic, ultra-modern home with artistic decor and metres, together with the following fixed improvements:
many outstading features, including a fully inclosed pool and Modern almost new home under tiles, lounge/dining-room
indoor gardens, is fuliy carpeted throughout and is most conve­ slasto, three bedrooms, one carpeted, two with B.I.C.’s, carport
niently situated. (part of house), servant’s w.c.
Substantial bond available to an approved purchaser. N o t e .—This house has no stove or light fittings.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 S5

(c) Portion 11 of 491, Modder East, situate 4 Waterberg TRANSVAAL AFSLAERS • VASTE EIENDOM, ens.—
Road, Modder East, District of Springs, measuring 803 square Behoorlik daartoe gelas deur die beredderaar in die boedel van
metres, together with the following improvements: mev. Marjorie Goldman (Wet op Landboukrediet en Grondbesit)
Modern flat-roofed home, deep fascia, beamed ceilings sal die bates wat hierin later vermeld word, op Vrydag, 24/6/77,
throughout, lounge, step-up dining-room (carpeted), breakfast om lOhOO, te koop aangebied word per openbare veiling:
bar from kitchen, three bedrooms with B.I.C.’s in two (all car­ 1. V a s te e ie n d o tn . —Gedeelte 54 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 17)
peted), bathroom, separate w.c., servant’s w.c., carport under van die plaas Boschfontein 387, gelee in die distrik Rustenburg,
main roof, nice garden, quiet cul-de-sac. Registrasieafdeling IQ, Tvl., groot 103,269 5 hektaar.
B o n d s .—There are existing bonds on all the above properties Verbeterings sluit in drieslaapkamerwoonhuis, gastehuis, twee
in favour of the S.A. Permanent Building Society, Prince’s Ave­ sterk boorgate, ongeveer 20 00 0 perske-, pruim- en appelkoos-
nue, Benoni, but prospective purchasers must make their own bome en varkhokke. Evkomkrag is beskikbaar op die plaas.
arrangements prior to the sale. 2. Roerende eiendom.—Diverse implements, gereedskap ascok
’n Blower Misterspuitmasjien.
C o n d itio n s .— Subject to acceptance by the liquidator within
14 days from date of sale. 10 per cent deposit in cash or by Die veiling sal plaasvind op die eiendom ook bekend as Tula-
bank-guaranteed cheque on signing deed of sale at auction, Tula Farm, gelee 40 km vanaf Rustenburg op die hoofpad na
balance within 30 days of confirmation, secured by bank or Krugersdorp.
building society guarantee payable on registration of transfer. (a) V a s te e ie n d o m . — 10 persent van die koopsom op die
D ir e c tio n s . —From Johannesburg along Witbank Highway to
datum van die veiling (kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjek) )en
die balans binne 14 dae na aanvaarding van die aanbod.
Springs turn-off, 2,5 km, to Outeniqua Road, left to Modder (b) R o e r e n d e b a tes. —Kontant of bankgewaarborgde tjek.
East, right to Paarlkop Street (approximately 8 km). From
Springs, past Geduld Golf Course, through Dersley Park on Verdere inligting asook besonderhede aangaande die verkoop-
Cloverfield Road to Outeniqua, left, then first left again into voorwaardes kan verkry word van Transvaal Afslacrs, Rusten­
Paarlkop Street (branches off Tafelkop Street). burg, of Die Beredderaar, G. P. S. Albertse, Rustenburg.
Further information from the auctioneer.—Charles Gowie,
Johannesburg. VOLKS AUCTIONEERS SALES CO. (R. A. & E. Bemardi) •
FORD RANCHERO.—Duly instructed by the trustee of the
insolvent estate P. J. Theron (T118/77), we shall sell by auction,
GEORGE BERNARDI SALES • PROPERTY AND TRAD­ at our rooms, 222 Schubart Street, on Saturday, 18/6/77, at
ING STORE.—Duly instructed by the trustee in the insolvent 09h30 precisely:
estate W. J. du Pisani (T59/77), we will sell by auction, subject 1973 Ford Ran:hcro light delivery van.
to confirmation by the trustee:
T e r m s . —Cash.—Volks Auctioneers Sales Co., 222-224 Schu­
Taaiboschbult property and trading store, being Portion 31 (a bart Street, P.O. Box 2144, Pretoria.
portion of Portion 26) of the farm Taaiboschbult 497, situated
in the Registration Division IQ, Tvl, District of Potchefstroom,
in extent 2,789 7 hectares, with brick under iron trading store CAPE-KAAP
(general dealer licence) and outbuildings, with attached flatlet,
held by Deed of Transfer 3623/1954, and sold subject to the FRASERBURG • PLASE TE KOOP.—Op las van die Land-
conditions laid down therein. en Landboubank van Suid-Afrika, sal die Adjunk-balju, Fraser-
burg, op 29/6/77, om lOhOO, voor die Landdroskantoor te
Viewing daily. Fraserburg, die ondergemelde eiendom by publieke veiling ver­
To be sold on the spot, Taaiboschbult, on Tuesday, 14/6/77, koop:
at llhOO precisely. Seker stuk cpgehefte erfpaggrond, synde die plaas Rooipoort
T e r m s .—10 per cent deposit (cash or bank-guaranteed cheque 287, gelee in die afdeling Fraserburg, groot 4 064,315 7 hektaar,
only) at the sale and the balance within 30 days of accept­ soos beskryf in Akte van Transport 13254/1954, geregistreer op
ance of the offer. 19/8/54, in naam van Floris Petrus Johannes Stee.nkamp Cloete.
D ir e c tio n s . —Proceed along the main Potchefstroom/Vilioens- Die Jigging van hierdie eiendom is soos volg:
kroon Highway (Skandinavia) and our auctions signs will indi­ 48 km suid van Williston.
cate.—George Bemardi Sales, Auctioneers and Appraisers, 276 Geboue en verbeterings wat beweer word om op die eiendom
Proes Street, P.O. Box 1858, Pretoria. te bestaan, is:
Woonhuis (baie oud), staal-asbesstoor, waenhuis, twee arbei-
MANNIE AUCTIONEERING CO. • COMPLETE SUPER­ dershuise. Dipbak. Geheel omhein en verdeel in kampe. 11
MARKET FIXTURES AND FITTINGS.—G.V.D. Supermar­ boorgate (sommige nie toegerus nie), 25 suipkrippe en drie
kets (Pty) Ltd (in liqu. 1208/77), trading as Cyrildene Spar gronddamme.
Foodliner, 35 Derrick Avenue, Cyrildene, Johannesburg: Duly Geen versekering kan gegee word dat die gcmelde geboue en
instructed by the liquidator in the above matter, we will red by verbeterings wel bestaan, of dat enige daarvan vry van ’n reten-
public auction on the spot, Cyrildene Spar Foodliner, 35 Derrick siereg of huurkoopooreenkoms is, of dat ’n aangrensende eie-
Avenue. Cyrildene, Johannesburg, on Wednesday, 15/6/77, at naar geen belang of kontribusie-eis ten opsigte van ’n grens-
10h30, the following: heining bet nie.
Collapsible freezer, collapsible cold room, four N.C.R. Die eiendom word voetstoots verkoop soos dit staan, onder-
itemiser cash registers, 7,38 metre Tyler delicatessen fridge, worpe aan alle serwitute en voorwaardes in die titelakte vermeld.
two 2,46 metre Kelvinator wall-type freezers, two 2,46 metre
Kelvinator wall-type dairy fridges, 3,69 metre Linde Island Die voorwaardes van betaling van die koopsom is soos volg:
freezer, two Bizerba electronic scales, 66,46 metres gondolas, Een-vyfde van die koopsom tesame met alle kostes in verband
3,69 metre delicatessen/fresh fish fridge, 23,08 metres wall unit met die verkoping insluitende advertensiekoste asook enige belas-
with canopy and fluorescent lights, globe gravity feed electric tings en afslaerskommissie teen 24 persent, moet by toeslaan van
slicer, stainless steel tables, sinks, pot sink, vegetable display die bot in kontant of per bankgew'aarborgde tjek betaal word. .
stand, wrapping machine, chopping block, four check points, Die saldo van die koopsom, plus 8 persent rente daarop vanaf
storage stands, lockers and many other items. die datum van die verkoping tot datum van betaling, is binne
T e r m s .—Only cash or bank-endorsed cheques will be accepted. drie maande na die datum van die verkoping aan die Landbank
Please note that there will be no exceptions. betaalbaar.
On view day prior to sale. Dit staan die koper vry om meer as die voorgeskrewe een-
vyfde van die koopsom by toeslaan van die bot te betaal, en hy
F or further particulars, apply to the auctioneers.—Mannie kan die saldo koopprys dadelik of te enige tyd voor verstryking
Auctioneering Co., Auctioneers and Stock Liquidators, 53 Troye van drie maande na die datum van die verkoping betaal.
S tre e t (b e tw e e n P r i t c h a r d a n d P re s id e n t S tre e ts), J o h a n n e s b u r g .
Die koper is aanspreeklik vir die betaling van herergte, trans-
porikoste, belastings, heffings, boedelregte en regeringslaste (as
WOLMARANSSTAD • WOONHUIS.—Die volgende ei.endom, daar is) en enige ander gelde wat nodig mag wees om transport
synde ’n erf met woonhuis daarop in die bocdel van wyle D. J. in sy naam te registreer. Die bedrae ten opsigte hiervan moet
van der Westhuizen, sal per openbare veiling voetstoots vir kontant betaal word sodra die Landbank dit versoek.
verkoop word op 17/6/77, om lOhOO, te Irvinestraat 21, Wol- Die Landbank behou hom die reg voor om enige eiendom
maransstad, naamlik: wat te koop aangebied word, te enige tyd van die verkoping te
E rf 478, gelee in die dorp Wolmaransstad, Registrasieafdeling onttrek.
HO, Tvl., groat 2 855 vierkante meter, onderhewig aan die goed- Die eiendom word verkoop onderworpe aan Grondbewarings-
keuring van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof. las 258/1961, geregistreer op 8/6/61 vir R810 ten gunste van die
N a v r a e .—Coetzee & Van Rensburg, Posbus 12, Wolmaransstad. Staat. Die bedrag verskuldig hieronder beloop R667.39 plus 5
86 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

persent rente per jaar op R402,05 vanaf 31/3/77 tot datum van COASTAL AUCTIONEERS (PTY) LTD • STOCK-IN-
ontvangs van betaling. Die koper sal hierdie las met rente soos TRADE.—The Bath and lin e n Boutique (Pty) Ltd (in prov-
genoem, moet vereffen bo en halwe die koopprys, alvorens liqu. N86/77). Duly instructed by the liquidator, we will sell,
transport passeer sal kan word, maar in elk geval nie later as at our mart, 152 Umgeni Road, Durban, on Tuesday, 14/6/
drie maande na die datum van verkoping nie. 77, at 10h30:
Dit het tot die Landbank se kennis gekom dat ’n bedrag van Stock-in-trade and cash register;
R161,54 betaalbaar is ten opsigte van Afdelingsraadbelasting vir T e r m s . —Cash.
F or further particulars, kinly contact the auctioneers.—Coastal
Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd, 152 Umgeni Road, P.O. Box 2556, Dur-
PERTY. D. H. A. Pike (Pty) Ltd (in liqu. C34/77). Sale of ban.
immovable and movable property:
DALES BROS AUCTIONS fine. Fletcher’s Mart) • BUILDER’S
1. Notice is hereby given that the immovable property being EQUIPMENT, etc.—Duly instructed by the liquidator
certain piece of land, being Portion 22 (a portion of Portion 1) (K. D. Krumm of Sable Trustees), re Keur & De Jong
(Grabouw Commonage) of the farm Jagers Vlakte Annex 291, (Pty) Ltd (N482/75), we will sell at the premises, 11 Fifth Street;
situate in the Municipality of Grabouw, Division of Caledon, Empangeni, on Tuesday, 14/6/77, at lOhOO:
will be sold by public auction on Friday, 3/6/77, at lOhOO, on
the spot. Potain 210d self erecting crane (as new), builder’s equipment
2. Notice is also given that the movable assets of the company and vehicles.
comprising stock, plant, machinery and equipment will take place F or further particulars, please contact the auctioneers.
on Friday, 3/6/77, in Grabouw. T e r m s o f sa le. —Very strictly cash or bank-endorsed cheques;
Further particulars may be obtained from the auctioneers.— No exceptions.—Pinetown, Durban.
Boland Bank Ltd, Grabouw.—A. M. Rennie, Liquidator, Thibault
(Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town, 8000. TRAKMAN’S AUCTION SALES • FISHING TRAWLERS,
etc.—Instructed by the liquidator of International Fishing Corpo­
D. J. RENNIE • MOVABLES.—Insolvent estate Mrs M. E. H. ration (Pty) Ltd (in liqu. N488/76), as follows:
Turner (C553/76). Sale of movables: 1. 10 fishing trawlers at The Fish Jetty, Durban, on Monday;
Notice is drawn to advertisements appearing in the local press 20/6/77. at lOhOO.
regarding the sale of movable assets in the above estate. 2. The equipment of the refrigerated fish processing factory at
Further particulars may be obtained from the undersigned.— the premises, 59 Acutt Street, Briardene, Durban, on Monday,
D. J. Rennie, Trustee, Thibault Trust (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. 20/6/77, at 13h30.
Box 1767, Cape Town. 3. Stocks of stores and provisions at the premises, 1159
Umgeni Road, Durban, on Tuesday, 21/6/77, at lOhOO, and the
SOMERSET WEST • ERF.—Insolvent estate Clifford Morgan, balance of the aforementioned goods at the premises, 288 Jan
solvent spouse Marion Joyce Morgan: Notice is hereby given in Smuts Highway, Mayville, Durban, at 14h00, on Tuesday, 21/6/
terms of section 21 (3) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as 77.
amended, of the trustees’ intention to dispose, by private treaty T e r m s . —Cash.—P.O. Box 66267, Broadway, 2020, or the liqui­
or public auction, the fixed property known as: dators, Syfrets Trust and Executor S.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 135;
Certain piece of land, being Erf 329, portion of Erf 248, Durban.
Parel Vallei. situate in Parel Vallei Township, Municipality of
Somerset West, Administrative District of Stellenbosch, measur­
ing 1 688 square metres, more specifically known as 26 Irene RICHMOND • FARM FIELDEN.—Insolvent estate Seymour
Avenue, Somerset West, held by Deed of Transfer 26811. dated Clyde Harley (N125/77): Notice is hereby given that the under­
30/8/76, registered in the name of the solvent spouse Marion mentioned assets in the insolvent estate of Seymour Clyde Harley
Joyce Morgan. will be sold by public auction to the highest bidder by Stock-
owners Agency (Pty) Ltd at the Agricultural Society Hall, Rich­
Creditors of the solvent spouse are invited to submit their mond, on 22/6/77, at llhOO, on the instructions of A. J. L.
claims to proof in the insolvent estate. Claims will only be con­ Geyser, the provisional trustee.
sidered if they are lodged with the trustees before 20/6/77, and
if proved, will rank against the asset of the solvent spouse in The farm which will be sold is known as Eagles Gorge, and
priority to the separate creditors of the insolvent estate.—M. T. d escrib ed as:
East and J. D. du Plooy, Trustees, c/o Syfrets Trust Co. Ltd, (i) Remainder of Lot K of the farm Fielden 930, situate in
24 Wale Street, Cape Town. the County of Pietermaritzburg, Province of Natal, in extent
292,689 2 hectares.
(ii) Subdivision of the remainder of Subdivision D of the
NATAL farm Fielden 930, situate in the County of Pietermaritzburg,
Province of Natal, in extent 8,937 2 hectares.
DALES BROS AUCTION MART (inc. Fletchers Mart) •
INDUSTRIAL WOODWORKING MACHINES.—Duly instruc­ The irrigation equipment which is presently on the property,
ted by the trustee (C. G. Foot, Syfrets Trust and Executor S.A. will also be sold.
Ltd) of Insolvent Estate T. P. King trading as Kings Joinery The assets will be sold voetstoos and for cash to the highest
Works (N153/77) we will sell at the premises, 38 Kings Way, bidder.
Warner Beach, on Tuesday 7/6/77, at 10h30: The following information regarding the property is provided
Approximately R10 000—Timber, fixtures, fittings, stock and but not guaranteed:
vehicle. Industrial woodworking machines. 1. The farm is situate approximately 20 km from Richmond
Terms of sale very strictly cash o r bank endorsed cheques.— on the Eston Road, has a frontage of approximately 2 km on a
Durban, Pinetown. perpetually flowing river, a sugar quota of 20 0 acres, approx­
imately 1 000 sitrus trees, approximately 80 hectares of irrigable
D A L E S B R O S A U C T IO N M A R T (inc. F le tch ers M art) • land, approximately 40 acres of seven year old gum trees,
T E L E V IS IO N S E T S.— O n in stru ctions fro m th e tru stee (B. R u lten approximately four acres young gum trees, numerous shrubs,
o f S yfrets T rust and E x e cu to r S .A . L td ) o f in so lv en t esta te approximately 400 acres arable land, grazing and irrigation
A . I. & A . E . K n o p p , fo rm e rly trading as T .V . C entre, P ieterm aritz­ equipment.
burg (N 5 5 0 /7 6 ) w e w ill sell in o u r m art, au ctio n H o u se , 6 2 5 / 2 . T h e fo llo w in g b u ild in g s a re situ a te on th e p rop erty:
627 S m ith Street, D u rb a n on Satu rd ay, 4/6/77, at llhOO: (a) A substantial brick under iron and asbestos dwelling-
Two television sets. house with five bedrooms, lounge, dining-room, kitchen, bath­
Terms of sale very strictly cash or bank-endorsed cheques.— room, toilet, veranda and gas fittings.
Durban, Pinetown. (b) A three bedroom quest cottage with lounge, kitchen, bath­
room, toilet and garage.
COASTAL AUCTIONEERS (PTY) LTD • STOCK-IN- (c) A milking parlour, four storerooms, cattle dip, 10 stables
TRADE.—Insolvent estate Suleman Farouk Aboobaker (N67/77). and a rondawel under thatch.
Duly instructed by the trustee, we will sell, at our mart, 152 (d) A 10 000 gallon reservoir and 2 000 gallon tank for house
Umgeni Road, Durban, on Tuesday, 14/6/77, at 10h30: water purposes.
Stock-in-trade. The conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of
C. C. C. Raulstone and Geyser, Raulstone Buildings, 11 Gallwey
T e r m s . —Cash. Avenue, Pietermaritzburg, and Stockowners Agency (Pty) Ltd,
For further particulars, kinly contact the auctioneers.—Coastal 169 Chapel Street. Pietermaritzburg, and any further informa­
Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd, 152 Umgeni Road, P.O. Box 2556, Dur­ tion can be obtained from A. Brooks, Pietermaritzburg; N. le
ban. Roux, Pietermaritzburg or Buchanan, Pietermaritzburg.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 87

CANNON & FINLAY (PTY) LTD • JEWELLERY, etc.— rooms, Isaacs Geshen House, 375 Smith Street, Durban, on
Estate in liqu. E. G. Kerby & Co. (Pty) Ltd (N214/77): As Thursday, 16/6/77, at llhOO, in the insolvent estate, J. Alcock,
instructed by the provisional liquidator, M. J. Ensor, will take subject to confirmation by the trustee within 14 days:
place at 202 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, on Monday, 20/6/77, A comfortable family home in a magnificent garden setting of
commencing at 09h00: 4 376 n r with swimming pool and tennis court, being 52 Old
Fixtures and jewellery stock.—Cannon & Finlay (Pty) Ltd, 118 Main Road, Kloof, and adjoining vacant site.
Commercial Road, Pietermaritzburg. Near shops and post office and offered with early occupa­
H U G H M. THOMPSON & CO. LTD • STATIONERY, etc — For further particulars and arrangements to view, apply to
Northern Natal Office Equipment Co. (Pty) Ltd (in liqu. N 8 8 / the auctioneers.—J. H. Isaacs, Geshen & Co. (Pty) Ltd, Isaacs
77), trading as Valetti Office Equipment: Duly instructed by the Geshen House, 375 Smith Street, Durban.
liquidator in the above matter, we will sell by public auction
at our mart, 181 Smith Street (corner Jonsson Lane), Durban, HU GH M. THOMPSON & CO. LTD • STOCKS, EQUIP­
on Thursday, 16/6/77, at 10h30, the following: MENT, etc.—Decorseal Contractors (Natal) (Pty) Ltd (in liqu.
S c h o la s tic a n d c o m m e r c ia l s ta tio n e r y T9/77): Duly instructed by the liquidator in the above matter,
we will sell by public auction, at our mart. 181 Smith Street,
Architects drawing sets, pens, pencils, bookkeeping books, pen Durban, on Thursday, 23/6/77, at 10h30, the following:
carbon books, exercise books, hardcover books, examination
pads, evelopes, ballpoint pen refills (Parker, Schaeffer, Paper- Stocks and equipment, Broomwade portable compressor and
mate, Eversharp, etc), text books, binders and refills, index paint mixer.
cards, adding machine, cash register and telex rolls, carbon Two portable sanders, buffing machine, paint grip blower, two
paper, fly paper, greeting cards, gift wrap, adhesives, marking spray guns, paint trays and rollers, hand tools, quantity of paint,
pens, Xmas decorations, toys and many other items too nume­ 38 drums paint chips, large quantity new plastic envelopes, etc.
rous to mention. O ffic e fu r n itu r e
N e w o f fi c e e q u ip m e n t Hermes typewriter, L-shaped desk, Executive chair, desks,
Crown safe, Executive desk, desks, office tables, Executive typists chairs, kardex cabinet, steel cupboard, filing cabinets,
chairs, office chairs, stationery cabinet, duplicating machines, bookshelf, etc.
calculators, letter trays, card index cabinets, Kardex cabinets, 1973 V.W. Kombi panel van.
intercom, used office machines, etc. T e r m s . —Only cash or bank-endorsed cheques will be accep­
F ix tu r e s a n d fittin g s ted. Please note that there will be no exceptions.
Hasler Itemiser cash register, glass counters, Dexion shelving, On view day prior to sale.
Shelvit gondolas, pen display cases, display units, greeting card For further particulars, apply to the auctioneers.—Hugh M.
cabinets, etc. Thompson & Co. Ltd (Auctioneers, Sworn Appraisers, Stock
T e r m s . —Only cash or bank-endorsed cheques will be accep­ Liquidators and General Agents, 181 Smith Street, Durban.
On view day prior to sale. COASTAL AUCTIONEERS (PTY) LTD • PLANT AND
For further particulars apply to the auctioneers.—Hugh M. STOCK-IN-TRADE.—Coronet Metal Products (Pty) Ltd (in liqu.
Thompson & Co. Ltd, Auctioneers, Sworn Appraisers, Stock N 114/74): Duly instructed, we will sell, at the spot, 1 Rana Road,
Liquidators and General Agents, 181 Smith Street (corner Jons­ Isipingo Rail, on Monday, 27/6/77, at 10h30, as above.
son Lane), P.O. Box 721, Durban. T e r m s . —Cash.
F or further particulars, kindly contact the auctioneers.—Coastal
COASTAL AUCTIONEERS (PTY) LTD • STOCK-IN- Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd, 152 Umgeni Road, P.O. Box 2556, D ur­
TRADE, etc.—Insolvent estate Y. W. Buchanan (N58/77). Duly ban.
instructed by the trustee, we will sell, at our mart, 152 Umgeni
Road, Durban, on Thursday, 16/6/77, at 10h30: COASTAL AUCTIONEERS (PTY) LTD • MACHINERY,
Stock-in-trade, fixtures and fittings. etc.—Durban Saw Hospital and Packers Wire Suppliers (Pty) Ltd
(in liqu. N184/77): Duly instructed by the liquidator, we will sell,
T e r m s . —Cash. at the spot, 68 Williams Road, Durban, Thursday, 23/6/77, at
F or further particulars kindly contact the auctioneers.—Coastal 10h30:
Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd, 152 Umbeni Road, P.O. Box 5526, Durban. Plant, machinery and stock-in-trade.
T e rm s . —Cash.
J. H. ISAACKS, GESHEN & CO. (PTY) LTD • FAMILY F or further particulars, kindly contact the auctioneers.—Coastal
HOME.—Duly instructed by the trustee, J. H. Isaacs, Geshen & Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd, 152 Umgeni Road, P.O. Box 2556, D ur­
Co. (Pty) Ltd, will offer for sale by public auction at their sale ban.

The undermentioned notices of intention to apply to the State President to assume a different surname are published in terms of section
9 of Act 1 of 1937. Any person who objects to the assumption of the said surname should lodge his/her objection, in writing, stating full
reasons therefor, to the Magistrate mentioned in the relevant notice.
The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Full names and surname of applicants), and whether minor(s);
(2) residential address; (3) business carried on, or occupation; (4) if an application in respect of children under 10 years, the name(s);
(5) the surname to be assumed; (6 ) the reasons therefor; (7) the name(s) previously borne, if other than under (1) or (4), respectively;
(8) the names of wife and children, if included in the application; (9) assisted, if so, by; objections to be lodged with the Magistrate of.
Die onderstaande kennisgewings van voomeme om by die Staatspresident aansoek te doen om ’n ander van aan te neem, word ingevolge
artikel 9 van Wet 1 van 1937 vir algemene inligting gepubliseer. Enigeen wat daarteen beswaar het dat die genoemde van aangeneem word,
moet sy/haar beswaar met vermelding van redes daarvan so gou moontlik skriftelik by die Landdros genoem in die betrokke kennisgewing,
Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Applikant(e) se voile name en van, en of minderjarige(s); (2)
woonadres; (3) besigheidofberoep; (4) indien’n aansoek ten opsigte van kinders onder lOjaar, die naam (name); (5) die van wat aangeneem
Word; (6) die redes daarvoor; (7) die naam (name) voorheen gedra indien anders as onder (1) of (4), respektiewelik; (8) die name van vrou
en kinders indien by die aansoek ingesluit; (9) bygestaan, indien so, deur; besware in te dien by die Landdros te.
BRITZ, Pieter. (2) Myburghstraat 63, Capitalpark, Pretoria.
TRANSVAAL (3)—. (4)—. (5) Espaoh. (6 ) Omrede ek dieselfde van as my
moeder wil aanneem. (7)—, (8 )—, (9) Moeder, Gezina Beatrix
BoRCSAK, Zoltan. (2) 909 High Hylton, 21 Goldreich Street, Espach; Pretoria, 27-3-10-17
Hillbrow, Johannesburg. (3) Inspector of engineering machinery.
(4)—. (5) Andre Brand. (6 ) I am now a naturalised South African MOTZOURIS, John BasiL (2) 12a Jan van Riebeeck Street,
and my names are foreign sounding, difficult to pronounce, Klerksdorp. (3) Retired. (4)— . (5) Moutzouris. (6 ) I have always
are frequently mis-spelt and mis-pronounced causing embarrass­ gone under the surname of Moutzouris as well as my children.
ment to me in my business and social life. (7)—. (8 )—. (9) (7) John Basil Motzou and John Basil Motzouris. (8 ) Wife,
Johannesburg. , in 17 Vasilia, minor child Themistoklis. (9) Klerksdorp, 27-3-10-17
88 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

SCHNEIDER, Linda Diane, previously Rubenstein. (2) 2 Cross name, and also incorrectly spelt as Ranchor. My real surname is
Terrace, 20 Cross Road, Glenhazel, Johannesburg. (3) Secretary. in fact Patel and I therefore wish to rectify the error. (7)
(4) Clifford Harvey Rubenstein. (5) Schneider. ( 6 ) I have married Devabhai Ranchor and Devdas Ranchhod. (8 ) Wife Shanta
Edward Schneider prior to which I was widowed. (7) Clifford Ranchhod, minor children Shailesh Devdas Ranchhod and
Harvey Rubenstein. (8 )—. (9) Johannesburg. 27-3-10-17 Pratibha Ranchor. (9) Johannesburg. 3-10-17-24
POUND, Archibald Robert Reginald. (2) 15 Sycamore Way,
CAPE-KAAP Bridgetown, Athlone. (3) Driver. (4)—. (5) Powan. (6 ) Since my
school days 1 have always been known by my friends, business
DELBROOKE-JONES, Brian Edward. (2) 28 Washington Road, associates and the public at large under the surname Powan.
Claremont. (3) Representative. (4)—. (5) Delbrooke-Jones. (6) My (7)—. (8 )—. (9) Wynberg. 3-10-17-24
brother and members of my family have the surname Delbrooke-
Jones, and I wish to maintain the family tradition and keep
the name Delbrooke in the family. (7)—. (8 ) Ima-Jeanne Jones, NATAL
bom Grundlingh, minor children, Kim Gillian Jones, Sean Ronald
Delbrooke-Jones and Mark Robert Delbrooke-Jones. (9) Wyn- MADONDO, James Mandla. (2) 71 Croton Road, Mere went,
Natal. (3) Welder. (4)—. (5) Brown. (6 ) I am classified as a
berg. 10-17-24-1 Coloured, whilst the surname Madondo is the name of an
RANCHOR, Devabhai. (2) 6328 Topaz Street, Extension 5, African tribe in the Weenen district, Natal, and as such causes
Lenasia. (3) Clerk. (4)—. (5) Patel. (6 ) Ranchhod was my father’s me embarrassment amongst my friends. (7)—. ( 8 )—. (9) Durban.
Christian name but same was incorrectly registered as my sur­ 27-3-10-17


Any person who has any objection against the establishment, transfer or removal of the business mentioned or the cancellation of a
registration, may lodge such objection in the form of an affidavit, in triplicate, with the Board’s office as indicated and within the period
The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) applicant; (3) kind
of application (new registration, transfer, removal) and kind of business; (4) details of premises or place (description, number, situation
and/or address); (5) cancellation of a registration (the premises, if other than the preceding, or quitted for removal) and/or by whom (full
name); (6 ) objections to, and period within which.
Enige persoon wat beswaar het teen die oprigting, oordrag of verskuiwing van die vermelde besigheid of die kansellasie van ’n registrasie
kan sy beswaar indien in die vorm van ’n eedsverklaring, in drievoud, by die Raad se kantoor soos in die kennisgewing aangedui en binno
die tydperk soos vermeld.
Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) applicant; (3) aard
van aansoek (nuwe registrasie, oordrag, verskuiwing) en aard van besigheid; (4) besonderhede van perseel of plek (beskrywing, nommer,
ligging en/of adres); (5) kansellasie van ’n registrasie (die perseel, indien anders as voorgaande, of wat laat vaar word vir verskuiwing)
en/of nagesoek deur wie (voile naam); (6) besware aan en tydperk waarbinne.

TRANSVAAL pride. Oos-Londen. (5) Diederik Derek de Klerk. (6 ) Takbestuur­

der, Posbus 3026, Cambridge, 5206, 14 dae.
BENONI.—(2) Manuel Jesus de Franca. (3) Retail butcher. PRETORIA.—(2) Hendrik Christoffel Ignatius Grobler. (3)
(4) Portion 32g, Rietpan 21, Brentwood Park, 32 Great North Oordrag van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Hamilton-.: raat
Road, Benoni. (5) Anastasios Athanasios Chassoulas jr. (6 ) Branch 223, Arcadia, Pretoria. (5) Karoo Vleisbeurs Bpk. (6 ) Hoofbe­
Manager. P.O. Box 4357, Johannesburg, 14 days. stuurder. Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae.
BENONI.—(2) Rand Cold Storage and Supply Co. Ltd. Direc­ RANDFONTEIN.—(2) Joao Leca da Cancela. (3) Transfer of
tors: I. J. D. Wentzel, Dr F. J. van Biljon (Alt. Dr A. J. V. ownership, retail butcher. (4) 5 First Street, Randfontein. (5) Chris-
Rorich), C. D. Wentzel and R. L. Frankel. (3) Transfer of tofis Kypri. (6 ) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 4357, Johannesburg,
premises, retail butoher. (4) Shops 49 and 50, Erfs 2511-2518 and 14 days.
5703, Second Street, Northmead, Benoni. (5) Within the depart­ RANDFONTEIN.—(2) Joao Leca da Cancela. (3) Transfer of
ment store of O.K. Bazaars, Erven 2511-2518 and 5703, Second premises, retail butcher. (4) 18 Station Street, Stand 771, Rand­
Street, Northmead, Benoni. ( 6 ) General Manager, P.O. Box 4357, fontein. (5) 5 First Street, Randfontein. (6 ) Branch Manager,
Johannesburg, 14 days. P.O. Box 4357, Johannesburg, 14 days.
CHRISTIANA.—(2) Johannes Jacobus Niemann. (3) Nuwe VANDERBIJLPARK.—(2) Willy Alfor.s Helena Pceters. (3)
aansoek, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Pretoriusstraat 1, Christiana, sekere Oordrag van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Winkei 4,
Erf 422, gelee in die dorpsgebied Christiana, distrik Christiana. Emporiumgeb-ou, Vondelstraat 4, Vanderbiilpark (Erf 601, Van-
(5) —. (6 ) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 30 dae. derbijlpark Central West 6 , Extension 1 Township). (5) Vander­
CYRILDENE.—(2) Solly Joseph Katz, managing director, biilpark Navorsings- en Ontwikkelingsmaatskappy (Edms.) Bpk.-
South African Meat Supply (Pty) Ltd. (3) Transfer of ownership, Hendrik Pieter Pieterse en Francois Petrus Smith. (6 ) Hoof-
wholesale butcher/retail butcher/manufacturer of meat products. bestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae.
(4) Stand 302/3, 35 Derrick Avenue, Cyrildene, Johannesburg. VEREENIGING.—(2) Rand Cold Storage and Supply Co.
(5) I. S. Fynn, in my capacity' as liquidator of G. V. D. Super­ Ltd. Directors: I. J. D. Wentzel, D r F. J. van Biljon (Alt. Dr
market (Pty) Ltd. (6 ) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 4357, Johan­ A. J. V. Rorich), C. D. Wentzel and R. L. Frankel. (3) Transfer
nesburg, 14 days. of premises, retail butcher. (4) Shop 2, Christopher’s Centre,
DERBY.—(2) Jeremia Jesaja Janse van Vuuren. (3) Oordrag Erf 323, corner of Ivy and Lee Avenues, Arcon Park, Vereeni-
van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Erf 320, Jamesonweg, ging. (5) 2 Newton Street, Duncanville, Vereeniging. (6 ) General
Derby. (5) Petrus Lourens Jansen van Vuuren. (6 ) Hoofbestuur­ Manaeer. P.O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 14 days.
der, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae. WARMBAD.—(2) Daniel Petrus van der Schyff. (3) Oordrag
DOORNFONTEIN.—(2) Tae Min. (3) Transfer of owner­ van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) P. K. Radium 0483,
ship, retail butcher. (4) Stand 148/9, 11a Rockey Street. (5) Gedeelte 20 van die plaas Blaauwboschkuil, Registrasie Afdeling
Ajmoodin Sheik A b d u lla . (6) Branch Manager, P .O . B o x 4357, JR, Tvl. (5) Michael Roest. (6 ) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357,
Johannesburg. 14 days. Pretoria, 14 dae.
JOHANNESBURG.—(2) Por Chiu. (3) Transfer of ownership,
retail butcher. (4) Stand 1777 (formerly Stand 53), Johannes­
burg, situate at Georgson Mansions, 24 Twist Street, Johannes­ CAPE-KAAP
burg. (5) Kanhym Meat Brixton (Pty) Ltd. (6 ) Branch Manager,
P.O. Box 4357, Johannesburg, 14 days. BATLHARO. (2) Motose Regina Motimela. (3) New appli­
JOHANNESBURG.—(2) Edward Tam York. (3) Transfer of cation, retail butcher. (4) P.O. Batlharo, 8468, near Kuruman;
ownership, retail butcher. (4) 12a Rosina Street, Turf Club, Johan­ The business will be situated in the middle of the village.-
nesburg. (5) Manuel Farinha da Silva. (6 ) Branch Manager, P.O. (5)—. (6 ) General Manager, P.O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 30 days;
Box 4357. Johannesburg, 14 days. BRAUNSCHWEIG.—(2) Vivienne Claire Linde, born Howarth;
KEMPTON PARK.—(2) Andreas Stephanus Basson. (3) Nuwe (3) New application, retail butcher. (4) Erf 376, Braunschweig,
aansoek, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Erwe 493, 494, 495 (gekonsoli- municipality of Braunschweig, division of King William’s Town.-
deerd), hoek van Car- en Spannerstraat, Clayville-Uitbreiding 4, (5>—. (6 ) General Manager, P.O. Box 1357. Pretoria, 30 days;
distrik Kempton Park. (5)—. (6 ) Takbestuurder, Posbus 4357, CALVINIA.—(2) Saamstaan (Kooperatief) Bpk. (3) Nuwe
Johannesburg, 30 dae. aansoek. kleinhandelslagter. (4) Saamstaangebou, ihoek van Dorp-
OOS-LONDEN.—(2) Hedley John Newcombe. (3) Oordrag van en Stiglingstraat, Calvinia, Perseel 1343, Calvinia. (5)— . (6 ) Hoof-i
eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Voortrekkerweg 219, Summer- bestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 30 dae.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 89

CAPE TOWN.—(2) Sem is Butcheries (Pty) Ltd. Directors: Street, Rosettenville, 2001, Johannesburg. (5) Rand Cold Storage
Susman, David Reuben, Rabb, John Bernard, Lcebenberg, Ernst and Supply Co. Ltd. ( 6 ) Branche Manager, P.O. Box 4357,
Joseph, Stern, Robert William, Wentzel, Ivan Jooste Durandt, Johannesburg, 14 days.
Van Biljon, Frederik Josef, Neate, William Hugh, Wentzel, Carl STRYDENBURG.—(2) Excelsior Hotelle (Edms.) Bpk. Direk-
David. General manager: Klinkhamer, Fredericus Henricus Maria. teure: Pieter Bernhardt Mans en Martha Jacoba Mans. (3) Nuwe
Secretary: Muller, Sydney Alan. (3) Transfer of ownership, aansoek, kleinhandelslagter om uitsluitlik te slag vir hotel gebruik
retail butcher. (4) Within premises of Woolworths, Strand Street, (4) Kerkstraat 206-207, Strydenburg. (5)—. ( 6 ) Hoofbestuur­
Cape Town. (5)—. (6 ) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 96, Maitland, der, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 30 dae.
14 days. WOODSTOCK.—(2) Ebrahim Khan. (3) Tranfer of ownership,
EAST LONDON.—(2) Elias Paulus Nel. (3) Hide- and Skin retail butcher. (4) 93 Albert Road, Woodstock. C.P., Erf 10863,
Broker, for Agricultural Produce Brokers (Pty) Ltd. (4) Lot Cape Town at Woodstock. (5) Omar Khan. (6 ) Branch Manager,
W.G.A., Merino Road, East London. (5)—. (6 ) General Manager, P.O. Box 96, Maitland, 14 days.
P.O. Box 1357, Pretoria, 14 days. WYNBERG.—(2) Badr Hassan Parker. (3) Nuwe aansoek,
OOS-LONDEN.—(2) Elias Paulus Nel. (3) Huide- en Vellema- kleinhandelslagter. (4) Winkel 3, Lotuswinkelsentrum, Erf 3911,
kelaars, vir Agricultural Produce Brokers (Pty) Ltd. (4) Lot Kestrelway, Grassy Park. (5)—. (6 ) Takbestuurder, Posbus 96,
W.G.A., Merinoweg, Oos-Londen. (5)—. ( 6 ) Hoofbestuurder, Maitland, 30 dae.
Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae.
KAAPSTAD.—(2) Russel Street Holdings (Edms.) Bpk. Direk-
teure: Allie Mohamed Adhikari en Osman Mohamed Adhikari. NATAL
(3) Verskuiwing van perseel, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Hoek van
Klipfonteinweg en Vyfde Laan, Athlone, Kaapstad. (5) Hoek van DURBAN.—(2) Peter Nicklas Erasmus duly authorised by
Klipfonteinweg en Derde Laan, Athlone, Kaapstad. (6 ) Takbe- Orchid Foods (Pty) Ltd. (3) New application, retail butcher.
stuurder, Posbus 96, Maitland, 7405, 14 dae. (4) Stalls 1 and 2 Former City Market, Warwick Avenue,
Durban. (5)—. (6 ) Branch Manager, P.O. Box 2246, Durban, 30
LANQUEDOC.—(2) H. J. van Romburgh. (3) Nuwe aansoek, days.
kleinhandelslagter. (4) Lanquedoc, Groot Drakenstein, distrik DISTRICT OF NKANDLA.—(2) Ntshotshi Wilson Nxu-
Paarl. (5)—. (6 ) Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 30 dae. malo. (3) New application, retail butcher. (4) Malunga Area,
MIDDELBURG.—(2) Adriana Jacoba de Ruiter, gebore District of Nkandla. (5)—. (6 ) General Manager, P.O. Box 1357,
Commijs. (3) Nuwe aansoek, groothandelslagter/vervaardigers Pretoria, 30 days.
van fabrieksvleisprodukte. (4) Coetzeestraat 74, Middelburg, Kaap, ISIPINGO.—(2) Shaik Hoosain. (3) Transfer of ownership,
synde Perseel 1506, Middelburg, Kaap. (5)—. (6 ) Hoofbestuur­ retail butcher. (4) Shop 3, Erf 186, Malakazi Road, Isipingo. (5)
der. Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 30 dae. Sulaman Moosa, Shop 3, Erf 186, Malakazi Road, Isipingo. (6 )
PORT ELIZABETH.—(2) De Beer Mdingi. (3) Verskuiwing Branch Manager, P.O. Box 2246, Durban, 30 days.
van perseel, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Perseel 7713/319, Stofilestraat, PINETOWN.—(2) Molweni Trading Co. (Pty) Ltd. (3) New
Site and Service, Kwazakelelokasie, Port Elizabeth. (5) Standplaas application, retail butcher. (4) Lot A of 978, Langefontein,
3, Blok 27, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth. (6 ) Takbestuurder, District of Pinetown, Province of Natal. (5)—. (6 ) General
Posbus 3100, Port Elizabeth, 14 dae. Manager, P.O. Box 15, Hillcrest, 30 days.
RAND3URG.—(2) Servus Butcheries (Pty) Ltd, 36 Corpora­
tion Street, Cape Town, 8001. (3) Transfer of ownership, retail
butcher. (4) Stand 877, 348 Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, Randburg, OF.S.-OV.S.
2001, Tvl. (5) Rand Cold Storage and Supply Co. Ltd. (6 )
Branch Manager, P.O. Box 4357, Johannesburg, 14 days. ODENDAALSRUS.—(2) Carel van der Merwe. (3) Oordrag
ROSETTENVILLE.—(2) Servus Butcheries (Pty) Ltd, 36 Cor­ van eiendomsreg, kleinhandelslagter. (4) Waterkantstraat 8 6 ,
poration Street, Cape Town, 8001. (3) Transfer of ownership, Perseel 146, Odendaalsrus. (5) Kern Slaghuis (Edms.) Bpk. (6 )
retail butcher. (4) Stand 660, corner of Geranium and Prairie Hoofbestuurder, Posbus 1357, Pretoria, 14 dae.

The original last will and testament of the late Louis Capra who
DEEDS • CHANGE OF NAME.—Under the provisions of died at Johannesburg on 15/4/77, has apparently been lost. Will
section 93 of the Deeds Registries Act, No. 47 of 1937: Notice any person having any knowledge of the whereabouts of this
is hereby given that application has been made to me for the document please contact the advertiser urgently.—David Botha,
change of name of the Pretoria Society to Help the Civilian for Botha, Lindsay & Keller, Sixth Floor, Atkinson House, corner
Blind to Pretoria Society for the Blind to be endorsed on the of Eloff and Albert Streets, Johannesburg. Tel. 21-0141.
foliowing deeds in terms of the above-mentioned section:
1. Certificate of Consolidated Title 7707/52, dated 3/4/52, in VERLORE DOKUMENT • UTTERSTE WIL EN TESTA­
respect of Portion 6 of Erf 84, situate in the city of Pretoria, MENT.—Die oorspronklike uiterste wil en testament van die
measuring 1 017 square metres. oorlede Louis Capra, wie te Johannesburg op 15/4/77, oorlede is,
het blykbaar verlore geraak. Sal enige persoon wat enige kennis
2. Deed of Transfer T26267/1971, dated 3/8/71, in respect of aangaande hierdie dokument besit of weet waar dit gevind mag
Potrion 1 of Lot 94, situate in the city of Pretoria, measuring word asseblief dringend met die adverteerder hiervan in ver-
1 101 square metres. binding tree.—David Botha, vir Botha, Lindsay & Keller, Sesde
All persons having any objection to the change of name are Verdieping, Atkinsonhuis, hoek van Eloff- en Albertstraat,
hereby required to lodge such objections, in writing, with the Johannesburg. Tel. 21-0141.
Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, within one week after the last
publication of this notice. ON DER VERDEL1NG VAN GROND • PRETORIA.—Kennis
word hiermee gegee aan Christiaan Lodewikus de Jager wat
Pretoria, 26/5/77.—Adams & Adams, Applicant’s Attorneys, sekere minerale regte hou onder Sertifikaat van Minerale Regte
Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. 1321/1937S, dat Patrick James du Preez, die eienaar van die
restant van Gedeelte 17 van die plaas Kameeldrift 298 JR,
MYNBRIEWE • JOHANNESBURG.—Kennis word hiermee kragtens Transportakte 1583/1968, van voomeme is om aansoek
gegee dat ons van voornemens is om aansoek te doen om ’n te doen in terms van Wet 70 van 1970, soos gewysig, by die
gewaarmerkte kopie van Oppervlakteregpermit A50/1944, uitge- Sekretaris van die Departement van Landbou-tegniase Dienste
reik aan Willem Christiaan Theron, kragtens artikel 72 van Wet vir die onderverdeling van die gemelde restant van Gedeelte 17,
35 van 1908 (Transvaal), soos vervang deur artikel 25 van Wet 36 Indien die houer van die minerale regte beswaar wil indien,
van 1934, vir landboudoeleindes met omheining en gelee op die word hy aangcse om dit by die Sekretaris, Departement van
plaas Luipaardsvlei 246, Registrasieafdeling IQ, myndistrik Landbou-tegniese Dienste, Privaatsak X120, Pretoria, in te dien
Johannesburg, geregistreer in die kantoor van die Registrateur van binne ’n tydperk van 30 dae na die publikasie van hierdie kennis-
Mynbriewe te Johannesburg, op 5/5/44, en meer voliedig omskryf gewing.
op Sketskaart RMT3858, wat geliasseer is in die Mynbriewe-
Alle persone wat beswaar wil maak teen die uitreiking van Soweto Literacy Association, has applied for registration as a
sodanige afskrif, word hiermee versoek om sodanige beswaar welfare organisation in terms of the National Welfare Act, 1965
skriftelik by die Registrateur van Mynbriewe te Johannesburg, (Act 79 of 1965).
binne drie weke vanaf datum van die laaste publikasie hiervan The objects of the Association are as follows:
in te dien. (a) To promote mental and moral welfare of pre-school
Pretoria, 23/5/77.—Tim du Toit & Kie. Ingelyf, Aanvraer se children.
Prokureurs, Volkskasgebou 122, Vanderwaltstraat 229, Pretoria. (b) To promote literacy in the District of Soweto.
99 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

(c) To assist and investigate the conditions of school-going (2) Transportakte 17471, gedateer 3/8/67, ten opsigte van—
children with learning problems. (i) seker stuk afbetaalde erfpaggrond, synde Erf 2025,
(d) To assist school-leavers, in choosing and finding suitable gedeelte van Erf 3461, Saldanha, gelee in die Munisipaliteit van
employment, so as to divert the stream of juvenile labour away Saldanha—Vredenburg, afdeling Malmesbury, groot 2 975 vier­
from declining and overcrowded occupations, to growing trades kante meter;
and professions. (ii) seker stuk afgeskafte erfpaggrond, synde Erf 2031, Sal­
(e) To award bursaries to students on merit. danha, gelee soos hierbo, groot 1 983 vierkante meter.
(f) To co-operate with other bodies or institutions whose aims (3) Transportakte 16059, gedateer 19/7/67, ten opsigte van
are similar. seker afgeskafte erfpaggrond, synde Erf 2380, gedeelte van Erf
Any person or persons desiring to raise objections against the 3461, Saldanha, gelee in die Munisipaliteit van Saldanha, Vreden­
registration of the Organisation, must submit such representation burg, afdeling Malmesbury, groot 992 vierkante meter.
to the Secretary. Southern Transvaal Regional Welfare Board, Alle persone wat teen bogemelde verandering beswaar het
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg, within 21 days as from the date of moet sodanige beswaar/ besware skrifteiik indien by die Registra-
publication of this advertisement.—Caias Shibambu, Secretary, teur van Aktes te Kaapstad. binne een week na die laaste publi­
Soweto Literacy Association, 3248 Orlando East, P.O. Orlando, kasie van hierdie kennisgewing.
Johannesburg, 1804.
Saldanha, 17/5/77.—Van Rensburg & Kie., Saldanhastraat 59,
CAPE - KAAP Saldanha.
AKTES • NAAMVERANDERING.—Kragtens die bepalings
van artikel 93 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, No. 47 van MOLTENO • SEQUESTRATION.—B109/71 KOUKAKIS
1937. KOSTA, 20/12/35, 964 090 178, a general dealer presently trading
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word vir as Basil's Cafe, Smith Street, Molteno, and who at date of seques­
die aantekening van verandering van naam vanaf Die Kerkraad tration traded under the name and style of Trompsburg Cafe at
van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente te Saldanha na 76 Voortrekker Street. Trompsburg, O.F.S., 15/10/71, Orange
Die Kerkraad van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente Free State Provincial Division, lOhOO, 28/7/77. Section 124 (2) (a)
Saldanha Militer, op Transportakte 25675, gedateer 27/9/71, ten of Act 24 of 1936. Application will at the same time be made
opsigte van seker stuk opbetaalde erfpaggrond, gelee in die for an order: (1) Vesting in the insolvent certain Erf 210, situate
Munisipaliteit van Saldanha-Vredenburg, afdeling Malmesbury, in the Municipality and Division of Molteno, purchased by him
synde Erf 1066, gedeelte van Erf 3461, Saldanha, groot 496 vier- subsequent to sequestration on the strength of a loan from the
Allied Building Society for the full purchase price, and (2)
kante meter. declaring that he is entitled to receive transfer of the said pro­
Alle persone wat teen bogemelde verandering beswaar het moet perty into his name.—G. A. Hill, McHardy & De Bruyn, Atrium
sodanige beswaar/besware skrifteiik indien by die Registratcur van Buildings, P.O. Box 93, Bloemfontein.
Aktes te Kaapstad, binne een week na die laaste publikasie van
hierdie kennisgewing. S.W.A.
Saldanha, 17/5/77.—Van Rensburg & Kie., Saldanhastraat 59,
TO AMEND SPECIFICATION.—Screenex Wire Weaving Manu­
AKTES • NAAMVERANDERING.—Kragtens die bepalings facturers (Proprietary') Limited, 156 Chris Street. Alrode, Alberton,
van artikel 93 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, No. 47 van Province of the Transvaal. Republic of South Africa, seeks leave
1937. to amend by way of correction and/or disclaimer and/or explana­
Hiermee word kennis gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word vir tion the Specification of Letters Patents 73/140 for “improve­
die aantekening van verandering van naam vanaf Die Kerkraad ments in or relating to the separation of particulate material”.
van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente Saldanha Noord A copy of the original specification, showing in red the proposed
te Saldanha na Die Kerkraad van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde amendment, is now open to public inspection at the Patent
Gemeente te Saldanha, in die volgende transportaktes: Office.
(1) Transportakte 30300, gedateer 29/12/67, ten opsigte van A notice of opposition (on Patents Form 17) must be lodged
seker stuk opbetaalde erfpaggrond gelee in die Munisipaliteit van at the Patent Office within three months from the date of the
Saldanha-Vredenburg. afdeling Malmesbury, synde Erf 2162, ’n first advertisement hereof.—Registrar of Patents for South-
gedeelte van Erf 3461, Saldanha, groot 1487 vierkante meter. West Africa. , n 17


(Applications accepted in terms of Act 48 of 1973)
Any person who has grounds for objection to any of the following trade marks may, within the prescribed time, lodge Notice of Opposi­
tion on form SM 6 contained in the Second Schedule to the Trade Marks Rules in South-West Africa, 1973. The prescribed time is two
months after the date of advertisement. This period may on application be extended by the Registrar.
Formal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration so as to afford him
an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expense of preparing the Notice of Opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to
the applicant an opponent may not succeed in obtaining an order for costs.
“B” preceding the number indicates Part B of the Trade Mark Register.
(Aansoeke aangenee.n ingevolge Wet 48 van 1973)
Enigiemand wat beswaar het teen enige van die onderstaande handelsmerke kan, binne die voorgeskrewe tydperk, op vorm SM 6 , vervat
in die Tweede Bylae van die Handelsmerkregulasies in Suidwes-Afrika, 1973, Kennisgewing van Beswaar indien. Die voorgeskrewe tydperk is
twee maande na die datum van advertensie. Hierdie tydperk kan op aansoek deur die Registrateur verleng word.
Formele beswaar moet nie ingedien word voordat die applikant ora registrasie per brief van die beswaar in kennis gestel is nic, ten einde
nom in die geleentheid te stel om sy aansoek terug te trek voordat onkoste in verband met die opstel van ’n Kennisgewing van Beswaar aange*
gaan word. By gebreke van so ’n kennisgewing aan die applikant, kan koste teen die beswaarmaker uitgewys word.
“B” voor die nommer dui aan Deel B van die Handelsmerkregister.
PART II-CLASS 27 77/071 (SWA), in Class 11: Pressure control valves and expan­
77/130 (SWA), in Class 27: Wallcoverings, wallpaper, wall- sion relief valves for hot water geysers not normally forming an
hangings included in this class, in the name of AECI Limited, integral part of such geysers, in the name of AECI Limited,
16th Floor, Office Tower, Carlton Centre, Commissioner Street, 16th Floor, Office Tower, Carlton Centre, Commissioner Street,
Johannesburg, Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. Address for Johannesburg, Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. Address for
service: Patent and Trade Mark Agent, AECI Limited, P.O. service: Patent and Trade Mark Agent, AECI Limited, P.O,
North Rand, 1645. North Rand, 1645.
Section 24 (1) (b) application. Section 24 (1) (b) application.
Filed. 23 February 1977^ Filed 19 January 1977,
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 91

76/104 (SWA), in Class 36: Services relating to banking, 76/475 (SWA), in Class 24: Tissues (piece goods); bed and
insurance, financial and credit cards; leasing, hire purchase, table covers; textile articles not included in other classes; in the
financing and personal loans; credits, debt recovery agencies; name of American Cyanamid Company, a corporation organised
payment or sale by installments, leasing of goods included in this under the laws of the State of Maine, Berdan Avenue, Wayne,
class; in the name of O.K. Bazaars (1929) Limited, a South New Jersey, United States of America. Address for service: Messrs
African company, Eloff Street, Johannesburg. Address for Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria.
service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings, Com­
missioner Street, Johannesburg.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the

exclusive use of the letter “C” as such and apart from the
particular representation shown in the mark.
Associated with No. 76/476 (SWA).
Filed 15 October 1976.
76/476 (SWA), in Class 27: Carpets, rugs, mats and matting;
linoleums and other materials for covering floors; wall hangings
(non-textile); in the name of American Cyanamid Company, a
corporation organised under the laws of the State of Maine,
Berdan Avenue, Wayne, New Jersey, United States of America.
Address for service: Messrs Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings,
Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the

Applicants admit that registration of this trade mark shall not exclusive use of the letter “C” as such and apart from the
debar other persons from the bona fide descriptive use in the particular representation shown in the mark.
ordinary course of trade of the word “Promise”, Associated with No. 76/477 (SWA).
Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the Filed 15 October 1976.
exclusive use of the letter “O” or the letter “K ” or the words
“Complete Satisfaction or your money Back” each separately CLASS 22
and apart from the mark.
76/474 (SWA), in Class 22: Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings,
Associated with Nos. 76/105 (SWA) and B74/1061 (SWA). tarpaulins, sails, sacks; padding or stuffing materials (hair, capoc,
Filed 3 March 1976. feathers, seaweed, etc.); raw fibrous textile materials; in the name
of American Cyanamid Company, a corporation organised under
CLASS 36 the laws of the State of Maine, Berdan Avenue, Wayne, New
Jersey, United States of America. Address for service: Messrs
76/105 (SWA), in Class 36: Services relating to banking, Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria.
insurance, financial and credit cards; leasing, hire purchase,
financing and personal loans; credits; debt recovery agencies;
payment or sale by instalments, leasing of goods included in this
class; in the name of O.K. Bazaars (1929) Limited, a South
African company, Eloff Street, Johannesburg. Address for
service: Messrs D. M. Kisch & Co., Corporation Buildings,
Commissioner Street, Johannesburg. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the
exclusive use of the letter “C” as such and apart from the
particular representation shown in the mark.
Associated with No. 76/475 (SWA).
Filed 15 October 1976.
76/481 (SWA), in Class 5: Pharmaceutical, veterinary and
sanitary substances; infants’ and invalids’ foods; plasters, material
for bandaging; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; dis­
infectants; preparations for killing weeds and destroying vermin;
in the name of American Cyanamid Company, a corporation
organised under the laws of the State of Maine, Berdan Avenue,
Wayne, New Jersey, United States of America. Address for
service: Messrs Adams & Adams, M asada Buildings, Paul Kruger
Street, Pretoria.

Applicants admit that registration of this trade mark shall

not debar other persons from the bona fide descriptive use in
the ordinary course of trade of the word “Belofte”.
Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the
exclusive use of the letter “O” or the letter “K” or the words Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the
“Volkome Bevrediging of u geld Terug” each separately and exclusive use of the letter “C ” as such and apart from the
apart from the mark. particular representation shown in the mark.
Associated with No. 76/104 (SWA). Associated with No. 76/482 (SWA).
Filed 3 March 1976, Filed 15 October 1976,
92 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

76/482 (SWA), in Class 10: Surgical, medical, dental and 76/483 (SWA), in Class 22: Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings,
veterinary instruments and apparatus (including artificial limbs, tarpaulins, sails, sacks; padding or stuffing materials (hair, capoc,
eyes and teeth), in the name of American Cyanamid Comnany, feathers, seaweed, etc.); raw fibrous textile materials; in the name
a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Maine, of Americas Cyanamid Company, a corporation organised under
Berdan Avenue, Wayne, New Jersey, United States of America. the laws of the State of Maine, Berdan Avenue, Wayne, New
Address for service: Messrs Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Jersey, United States of America. Address for service: Messrs
Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria. Adams & Adams, Masada Buildings, Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria,

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the
exclusive use of the letter “C” as such and apart from the exclusive use of the letter “C ” as such and apart from the parti­
particular representation shown in the mark. cular representation shown in the mark.
Associated with No. 76/483 (SWA). Associated with No. 76/484 (SWA).
Filed 15 October 1976. Filed 15 October 1976.

T his p u b lic a tio n is a c o n tin u a tio n o f th e S o u th Ilie rd ie p u b lik asie is ’n v o o rtse ttin g v a n die Suid-
A frican Jo u rn a l o f A g ric u ltu ra l Science VoL 1 to 11, A frik aan se T y d sk rif v ir L an d b o u w e te n sk a p Ja a rg a n g 1
-1958-1968 a n d deals w ith E n to m o lo g y , Z o o lo g ical to t 11, 1958-1968 en b e v a t artik els o o r E n to m o lo g ie,
P la n t P ests, N em ato lo g y , P la n t P a th o lo g y , M ic ro ­ D ie rk u n d ig e P la n tp la e , N em ato lo g ie, P la n tp a to lo g ie ,
biology, M ycology, T a x o n o m ic S tudies, B iology an d M ik ro b io lo g ie, M ik o lo g ie, T a k so n o m iese Studies,
C o n tr o l F o u r p a rts o f th e jo u rn a l are p u b lish e d B iologie en B eheer. V ier dele v a n die ty d sk rif w o rd p e r
annually. ja a r gepubliseer.

C o n trib u tio n s o f scientific m e rit o n ag ric u ltu ra l V erd ien stelik e la n d b o u k u n d ig e b y d raes v a n o o r-
research a re invited fo r p u b lic a tio n in th is jo u r n a l sp ro n k lik e w eten sk ap lik e n a v o rsin g w o rd v ir p lasin g
D irectio n s fo r th e p re p a ra tio n o f such c o n trib u tio n s in h ierd ie ty d sk rif verw elkom . V o o rsk rifte v ir die
are o b ta in a b le fro m the D ire c to r, A g ricu ltu ral In fo rm a ­ o p stel v a n sulke b y d raes is v e rk ry g b a a r v a n die D irek -
tion, P riv a te B ag X 144, P re to ria , to w h o m all c o m m u n i­ te u r, L a n d b o u -in lig tin g , P riv a a tsa k X 144, P re to ria , a an
c a tio n s in c o n n e c tio n w ith th e jo u rn a l sh o u ld be wie o o k alie n a v ra e in v e rb a n d m et die ty d sk rif gerig
addressed. m o e t Word.

T h e jo u rn a l is o b ta in a b le fro m th e ab o v e-m en tio n ed D ie ty d sk rif is v e rk ry g b a a r v a n b o g en o em d e ad res

address a t 50 cents p e r co p y o r R 2 p e r a n n u m , p o st free teen 50c p e r e k se m p la a r o f R 2 p e r ja a r, p o sv ry (b u ite-
(foreign 60 cents p e r co p y o r R 2,40 p e r annum ). lan d s 60 sen t p e r e k se m p la a r o f R 2,40 p e r jaar).


A ta x o n o m ic tre a tm e n t o f th e flo ra o f th e R e p u b lic ’n T ak so n o m iese b eh a n d elin g v a n die flo ra v a n die
o f S o u th A frica, L eso th o , S w aziland an d S o u th -W est R ep u b liek v a n S u id -A frik a, L e so th o , S w azilan d en
A fric a T o be co m pleted in 33 volum es, n o t in n u m e ric a l Suidw es-A frika. S al b e sta a n u it 33 vo lu m es, nie in
sequence. n u m eriese v o lg o rd e nie.
N o w av ailab le: R eed s b e sk ik b a a r:
V o l 1 (1966). P rice E.1,75. O verseas: R2,20. P o s t
free. VoL 1 (1966). P r y s R l,7 5 . O o rsee: R2,20. Posvry.
V o l 13 (1970). P rice R10. O verseas: R12. P o s t f re e
VoL 13 (1970). P ry s R l. O o rsee: R12. Posvry.
Vol. 26 (1963). P rice R4,60. O verseas: R5,75. P o s t
free. VoL 26 (1963). P ry s R4,60. O o rsee: R5,75. Posvry.
O b tain ab le fro m th e D ire c to r, D iv isio n o f A g ricu l­ V e rk ry g b a a r v a n die D ire k te u r, A fd elin g L a n d b o u -
tu ra l In fo rm a tio n , P riv a te B ag X 144, P retoria. inligting, P riv a a tsa k X 144, P reto ria.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNTE 1977 No. 5583 93


Form/'v'orm J 297
The estates of the persons mentioned below being unrepresented, interested parties are hereby given notice by ITasters of the Supreme
Court of South Africa, that meetings will be he'd in the several estates at the places, dates and times specified, for the purpose of selecting
some person or persons for approval by the respective Masters, as fit and proper to be appointed by them as executors, curators or tutors, as
the case may be, indicating the particulars as follows: Estate number, surname ar.d Christian names of deceased, and occupation; date of
death; place, date and time of meeting.
Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.
N .B .—Items indicated by an asterisk (*) on the left-hand side denote the election of a tutor or curator; otherwise an executor is to be
Aangesien die boedels van die persone hierender vermeld nie verteenwoordig is nie word hierby deur Meestcrs van die Hooggeregshof
van Suid-Afrika aan belanghebbendes kennis gegee dat byeenkomste ten opsigte van die verskillende boedels op die plekke, datums en tye
vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doe! om ’n persoon of persone te kies vir goedkenring deur die onderskeie Me esters as geskik en bekwaam
ora deur hulle aangestel te word as eksekuteurs, kurators of voogde, na geiang van omstandighede, met aanduiding van die besonderhede
in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, famiiienaam en voorname van corlede persoon, en beroep; datum van oorlye; plsk, datum en tyd van
In ’n pick waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke voor die Landdros.
L . W .—Items aan die linkerkant met ’n sierreljie (*) gemerk, dui aan die verkiesing van ’n voog of kurator; andersins word ’n eksekuteur
CAPE-KAAP 5011/77—BOTHA, Johannes Petrus Bezuidenhout, skilder. 24/
4/77. Pietersburg, 24/6/77, lOhOO.
1061/77—FOSTER, Matilda, pensioner. 14/2/77. Cape Town, 5421/77—KRUGER, Aletta, huisvrou. 17/5/77. Pretoria, 22/6/
21/6/77 10h30. 77, 09h00.
2821/77—RHODE, Ronald, ongeskik. 29/4/77. Stellenbosch, 2913/77—BADENHORST, Johanna Alida Elizabeth, huisvrou.
22/6/77, lOhOO. 17/2/77. Johannesburg, 24/6/77, 09h00.
5819/24—JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Fremeina Louisa, huis- 5173/77—DAVIES, Neville Francis, motorcar salesman. 29/4/
vrou. 23/8/24. Uniondale, 21/6/77, llhOO. 77. Johannesburg, 24/6/77, 09h00.
2232/77—HOTZ, Alexander Lazar, retired businessman. 29/ 5172/77—COLLORIG, Elizabeth, retired. 7/4/77. Johannes­
3/77. Cape Town, 21/6/77, 10h30. burg, 24/6/77, 09h00.
12829—JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Esaias. 7/9/26. Union- 5401/77—DU TOTT. Philippus Johannes, stoorman. 26/8/73.
dale, 21/6/77, llhOO. Pretoria. 22/6/77, 09h00.
2823/77—VAN SCHALKWYK, Hellitjie Aletha Welhelmina, 5340/77—MAREE, Wi’helmina Hendrika, housewife. 14/3/77.
pensioenaris. 8/7/76. Vredendal, 21/6/77, lOhOO. Roodcp -ort. 24/6/77. 09h30.
6533/74—MEIRING, Phillipus Johannes Antonie, machine 5500/77—STEENBERG, Andre, asst.-drywer. 13/5/77. Rand-
operator. 19/7/74. Beilville, 21/6/77, lOhOO. burg, 24/6/77, 09h30.
2824/77—SCHRIRE, Martyn Roy, electronics engineer. 28/3/ 4/77—CINTI, Arturo, director of companies/electrician. 28/4/
77. Cape Town, 21/6/77, 10h30. 76. Johannesburg, 24/6/77, 09h00.
4034/55—GOOSEN, Anna Josina Isabella. 29/6/55. Uitenhage, 5324/77—GELDENHUYS, Jan Adriaan, spuitverwer. 10/5/77.
22/6/77, lOhOO. Boksburg, 24/6/77, lOhOO.
1059/74—DILGEE, Rachel, housewife. 3/6/72. Cape Tov/n, 4554/77—BLAU, Julius, retired. 12/4/77. Johannesburg, 24/6/
21/6/77, !0h30. 77, 09h00.
2850/77—MARS, Johannes Samuel, retired. 30/10/75. Her­ 11385/76—DENNISON, Russel John Harding, steakhouse
manns. 22/6/77, lOhOO. manager. 23/6/74. Pretoria, 23/6/77, 09h00.
2815/77—PEARSON, Clifford Harold, engineer. 5/5/77. Cape 5386/77—ENKERWrrZ-. William John, pensioner. 29/4/77.
Town. 21/6/77. 10h30. Johannesburg. 24/6/77, 09H00.
2790/77—BALEY, Charles Douglas, fisherman. 5/5/77. Beil­ 5495/77—PRIGGE, Gilbert Rein-hard, student. 12/5/77.
ville. 21/6/77, lOhOO. Pretoria, 23/6/77, 09h00.
2876/77—SKONIPSKA, Irene Barbara, general assistant the­ 4495/74—CLARK. James Richard, pensioner. 8/4/74. Johan­
rapy. 12/4/77. Wvnberg, 21/6/77, 09h00. nesburg, 24/6/77, 09h00.
5369/77—SENEKAL, Theodoras Johannes, pensioenaris. 28/ 5196/77—PIENAAR, Reginald, engraver. 29/4/77. Johannes­
8/76. Beaufort-Wes, 24/6/77, lOhOO. burg, 24/6/77, 09h00.
2389/77—PRTNGLE. Caroline Ianthe, born Lewame, pensio­ 5284/77—VAN NIEKERK, Janet, poskantoortegnikus. 25/12/
ner. 9/2'77. Caledon. 74/6/77, !0h00. 76. Klerksdorp, 29/6/77, lOhOO.
2809/77—KIDD, Margaret Alice, born Ward. 3/5/77. Strand, 5185/77—LAPPEL, Lieselotte, huisvrou. 9/5/77. Springs, 24/6/
22/6/77. lOhOO. 77. lOhOO.
6968/76—ADRIAANSE. Christina, born Carstens, pensioner. 5276/77—MINNIE, Petronella Magriet-ha. Pretoria, 23/6/77,
2/9/76. Cape Town, 21/6/77, 10h30. 09h00.
5375/77—ABSON, Ronald, carpenter. 5/5/77. Pretoria, 23/6/
77, 09hO0.
TRANSVAAL 5335/77—KOTZfi. Abraham Jacobus, hy'smasjinis. 31/3/77.
2385/77—MURRAY, Ellen. 5/4/77. Pretoria, 23/6/77, C9b00. Johannesburg, 24/6/77. 09h00.
2495/77—WOODLAND. Dorothy Grayson, housewife. 24/3/ 5179/77—HATTINGH, Lodewikus Diederick, messelaar. 17/4/
77. Cane Town. 21/6/77. 10h30. 77. Witbank, 22/6/77. lOhOO.
5182/77—VAN JAARSVELD, Willem Andries, mynampte- 5079/77—DREYER, Lucas Ignatius, werkloos. 8/1/77. Klerks­
naar. 31/3/77. Pretoria, 22/6/77, 09h00. dorp, 22/6/77, lOhOO.
283/77—MOORE. Richard, panelbeater. 21/12/76. Johannes­ 5039/77—PASINO, Elisa Isabella Carlotta, housewife. 9/3/77.
burg. 24/6/77, 09h00. Klerksdorp, 22/6/77, lOhOO.
3481/77—NEL, Petras Frans Jacobus, haarkapper. 14/3/77. 5180/77—HENOCHSBERG, Rose. 24/10/76. Johannesburg,
Ventersdorp. 24/6/77. lOhOO. 24/6/77, 09h00.
5191/77—VAN NIEKERK, Leoma, huisvrou. 23/3/77. Heidel­ 5208/77—VAN STADEN, Johannes Christiaan Francois, pen­
berg. 24/6/77, lOhOO, sioenaris. 1/5/77. Johannesburg, 24/6/77, 09h00.
5192/77—PRETORIUS, Cathrina Elizabeth. 13/6/77. Pretoria,
22/6/77. 09h00. 5437/77—RAS. Hendrik Willem Johannes, voorman. 4/5/77.
5 2 8 2 /7 7 — VAN DER MERWE. J o h a n n e s P e tr u s , k a m p o n g - Pretoria, 17/6/77, 09h00.
b e s tu n r d e r . 2/5/77. P o tg ie te rs r u s , 24/6/77, lOhOO. 593/77—REALI, Cornelia Catharina, klerk. 19/12/76. Vereeni-
5372/77—WRIGHT. Elaine Johanna, housewife. 16/12/75. ging, 24/6/77, lOhOO.
Johannesburg.-24/6/77, 09h00. 5328/77—HA VEN G A Hendrik Frederick Marthinus, gesond-
4152/77—WOOD, Elsye Riddy. 28/3/77. Benoni, 24/6/77, 'heidsbeampte. 3/3/77. Krugersdorp, 24/6/77, lOhOO.
lOhOO. 5438/77—RAMSAMMY, Govindama, housewife. 8/11/75.
2712/77—BEZUIDENHOUT, Martha Magdalena Catharina Pretoria, 17/6/77, 09h00.
Elizabeth, huisvrou. 19/1/77. Potchefstroom, 22/6/77, lOhOO.
4451 /77*—KOTZEE, Ja ob Hendrik Cornelius, versoolwerker. 5358/77—SCHEEPERS. Matthee Mathys Johannes, mynpen-
28/1 /77. Krugersdorp, 24/6/77, lOhOO. sioenaris. 23/11/76. Randfontein, 24/6/77, lOhOO.
5161/77—TO RiO RA , Pasquale, tailor. 28/1/77. Johannesburg, 5867/76—ADAMS, Gordon William, clerk. 28/4/76. Johannes­
24/6/77, 09h00. burg, 24/6/77, 09h00.


5339/77—LOUW, Eugen Kurt, student. 12/5/77. Pretoria, 111 2259/77—GOVINDARAJU, gardener. 22/2/77. Durban, 23/
6/77, 09h00. 6/77. 09h00.
5298/77—SWANEPOEL. Louisa Christina Catharina, rustende. 21S3/77—BIGGERS, Brian Henry, coded welder. 11/4/77.
4/5/77. Kierksdorp, 22/6/77, llhOO. Durban, 30/6/77, 09n00.
3459/77—BALA, Moosa, retired. 4/11/76. Johannesburg, 24/ 2204/77—TIQUIN, William Michael Albert, fitter and turner.
6/77, 09h00. 6/5/77. Pietermaritzburg, 29/6/77, lOhOO.
5218/77—VAN ASWEGEN, Maria Johanna Susanna, huisvrou. 2224/77—MUSSO, Cecil, manager. 25/4/77. Durban, 30/6/77,
7/4/77. Germiston, 24/6/77, 09h30. 09h00.
5558/77—RISEHOWSKI. Hans Gunther, pensioner. 16/2/77. 2233/77—MOORGAS, Ryan, pensioner. 26/9/75. Durban, 30/
Johannesburg, 24/6/77, 09h00. 6/77. 09h00.
5490/77—MYBURGH, John, retired. 2/3/77. Springs, 24/6/77, 2284/77—NAIDOO, Morgana, salesman. 19/4/77. Durban, 30/
lOhOO. 6/77, 09h00.
12558/76—O'GRADY. Douw Laurence, toolmaker. 16/10/76.
Johannesburg. 24/6/77, 09h00.
5499/77—STAMM. Richard Radcliffe, engineer. 20/3/77. ORANGE FREE STATE - ORAN JE-VRYSTAAT
Pretoria, 17/6/77, 09h00. 1351/74—SCHOEMAN, Petrus Dirk, meulenaar. 25/7/74.
5477/77—LALOO, Chhagan, drycleaner. 17/3/77. Krugersdorp,
24/6/77, lOhOO. Bloemfontein, 17/6/77, lOhOO.
837/77—OOSTHUIZEN, Jacomina Johanna Elizabeth, voor-
NATAL heen Noeth. voorheen Swanepoel. voorheen Carelse, gebore
Laubscher. pensioenaris. 13/5/77. Bloemfontein, 17/6/77, lOhOO.
2087/77—PITTENRIGH, Gerard Peter Martin, seaman. 6 /1 / 375/77—VAN DER WATH, Garth Berry, cadet officer,
77. Springs, 23/6/77, lOhOO. S.A.A.F. 31/1/77. Bloemfontein, 17/6/77, lOhOO.
2108/77—GOVINDASAMY, machine operator. 28/10/76. Dur­ 899 77—DU TOIT, Christoffel Johannes Petrus, bankbestuurder.
ban, 23/6/77, 09h00. 5/5/77. Bloemfontein, 17/6/77, lOhOO.
2187/77—NAIDOO, Chengiah Chinsamy, tailor. 27/12/74. 901/77—JANSE VAN RENSBURG. Maria Elizabeth, onder-
Stanger, 23/6/77, lOhOO. wyseres. 7/5/77. Bothaville, 14/6/77, lOhOO.
2262/77—MUNCH IN, Kathleen Elizabeth Christophora, 23/ 30/66—GROVE. Johannes Daniel, pensioenaris. 1/12/65.
5/76. Boksburg, 1/7/77. lOhOO.
2271/77—BENJAMIN (Suri Narainsamy Benjamin), transport Kroonstad, 15/6/77, 09h00.
operator. 28/3/77. Stanger, 30/6/77, lOhOO. 894/77—BAIN, Adela Louisa, pensioner. 2/5/77. Bloemfontein,
2272/77—SELVEY, Doris Ruth, housewife. 2/4/77. Port 17/6/77, lOhOO.
Shepstone. 30/6 H I , lOhOO.
1295/77—SELVEY. Edgar Harold Ernest, retired. 19/1/77. Port NORTHERN CAPE - NOORD-KAAP
Shenstone. 30/6/77. lOhOO.
645/77—BARTH, Clifford Fredcri k (Fredrick), mechanic. 16/ 285/77—SCOTT. Thomas Holding, afgetrede boer. 12/4/77.
12/76. Durban. 30/6/77. 09h00. Bark!' -Wes, 22/6/77, lOhOO.
4656/67—NX.ASANE. William Falaza, pensioner. 19/6/69. 328/77—VAN JAARSVELD, Gert Adolf Jacobus, pensioenaris.
Camperdown. 30/6/77, lOhOO. 4/4/77. Victoria-Wes, 21/6/77, 14h00.
1562/77—MARI, housewife. 17/1/77. Durban, 30/6/77, 09h00. 380 77—ISAKS, Petrus Simon, teacher. 9/5/77. Upington,
2227/77—PILT.AY. Tndrapooban Pamianathan, welder. 1/5/77. 24/6/77, 09h30.
Durban, 30/6/77. 09h00.
2248/77—WATSON, Alfred Charles Daniel, auto electrician. EASTERN CAPE - OOS-KAAP
4/5/77. Durban. 30/6/77, G9h00.
2258/77—JONES. Ronald Owen Richard, electrical engineer. 763/77/1—MALGAS, Evelyn, onderwyseres. 1/2/77. Humans-
9/5/77. Durban. 30/6/77, 09h00. dorp 15/6/77, lOhOO.
2267/77—VADIVELU, motomechanic. 3/4/77. Durban, 30/ 1377/61/3—VAN DER VYVER, Wessel Moolman, afgetrede
6/77, 09h00. boer. 9/7/61. Somerset-Oos. 17/6/77, lOhOO.
4207/66—SEWTHAL. pensioner. 6/12/66. Ladvsmitb, 1/7/77, 1563/75/1—BOKWE, Selbometandabantu, farmer. 14/7/75.
lOhOO. Alice. 15/6/77, lOhOO.
2200/77—MURUMAH, housewife. 24/10/64. Verulam, 23/6/ 303/77/1—JANSEN, Flip, pensioenaris. 18/12/76. Pearston,
77, lOhOO. 17/6/77, lOhOO.
2080/77—RAJKUMAR (Kuneen Singh), security officer. 23/2/ 916/77/2—REED (Ried), Jaffna, arbeider. 5/12/76. Graaff-
77. Durban, 23/6/77, 09H00. Reinet. 17/6/77, lOhOO.
2001/77—HIGGINS. Daphne Norma, retired. 1/9/73. Durban, 1284/77/2—LO ITERIN G , Barend Francois, superintendent
23/6/77, 09h00. and labour officer. 14/5/77. Bedford. 17/6/77, lOhOO.
2059/77—VAN DER WATT. Jacobus Pierre, voorman. 27/3/ 1854/68/2—AGNEW, Herbert Emmanuel, patient. Durban,
77. Vryheid, 21/6/77. lOhOO. 16/6/77. 09h00.
2109/77—HAMMOND, Tubal Tiras, carpenter. 7/4/77. Dur­ 3344/76/2—FI1.LIS, Peter Raymond, assembler. 9/10/76. Port
ban. 23/6/77, 09h00. Elizabeth. 17/6/77, 14h00.
2110/77—MATHEWS, Louis Herbert, Welder. 18/3/76. Dur­ 854/77/2—NAIDOO, Perumall. 22/9/54. Port Elizabeth, 17/
ban, 23/6/77, 09h00. 6/77, 14h00.
2199/77—HECTOR. Donald McArthur, retired. 27'4/77. D ur­ 904/70/2—VAN DER MERWE, Emma Amalia, huisvrou,
ban, 23/6/77, 09h00. 4/4/70. Willowmore, 21/6/77, lOhOO.
2129/77—SHEONATH, Budhai, retired. 4/10/76. Durban, 23/
6/77, 09h00.
2260/77—LACHMAN, driver. 21/3/76. Durban, 23/6/77, 09h SOUTH-WEST AFRICA - SUIDWES-AFRIKA
2222/77—THANGAMUTHU (Thanganiuthu Govender), motor 198/77—VAN DER LINDE, Willem Adriaan Van Jaarsveld,
spares salesman. 2/2/77. Stanger, 23/6/77, lOhOO. masjinis. 24/4/77. Windhoek, 17/6/77, lOhOO.
2202/77—POHL. Milton John, telephonic technician. 1/5/77. 195/77—GUNTHER, Ella Herta Lenchen, huisvrou. 4/5/77.
Durban, 23/6/77, 09h00. Windhoek, 17/6/77, lOhOO.
2221/77—DOORS AMY, driver. 14/3/77. Durban, 23/6/77, 215/77—HOFFMEYER, Luise Charlotte, pensioenaris. 6/5/77.
09h00. Windhoek, 17/6/77, lOhOO.
2270/77—WILLIAMSON, Julia Douglas, bank clerk. 30/4/77. 199/77—VAN DER LINDE, Joharma Maria Gertruida, klerk.
Durban, 23/6/77, 09h00. 24/4/77. W in d h o e k , 1 7 /6 /7 7 , lOhOO.

Form/Vorm J 295
In terms of section 75 of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as curators or tutors by Masters, or of their
having ceased in their respective capacity.
The information is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship, or minor, and address; name and address
of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in c pacity, and date; Master of the Supreme Court.


Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet 66 van 1965 word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde dour Meesters,
of van die beeindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede.
Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Nomraer van saak; persoon onderkurateie, of minderjarige, en adres; naam en adres van
kurator of voog; of aanstelling of beeindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van die Hooggeregshof.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 95


1090/73/1—CLASSEN, Penelope Anne. Tutrix, Enet Mathi'de T1562/76—CRONJE, Frans Johannes. Kurator, M. J. Stander,
Spann. Fiat 19, Bell's Road, Queenstown, C.P. Cease, 23/2/77, Vierde Verdieping, Legal en Generaigebou, Voortrekkerstraat,
Cape Town. Posbus 181, Nelspruit.
6010/73—VAN DER SPUY, Johannes Hendrik Petrus, Stik- 2828/77—WESSELS, Peter Andrew, 73 Chari Cilliers Street,
landhospitaal, Bellville. Kurator, Pieter Barend Swart, Assistent- Standerton. Curator/Tutor, Margaret Caroline Wessels and John
Hoofbestuurder, Testamente, Trusts en Boedeis, Genomineerde, Jeffrey Landless, c/o Jack Blumenthal & Cohen, 605 Maritime
Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedeiafdeiing, House, 26 Loveday Street. Johannesburg. P.O. Box 5393, Johan­
Libertassentrum, Goodwood, Posbus 4682, Kaapstad. Aansteiling, nesburg. Appointment, 14/4/77, Transvaal Provincial Division.
24/2/77, Kaapstad.
1141/77—DU PLESSIS, Stanley, Valkenberg Hospital, Obser­ NORTHERN CAPE - NOORD-KAAP
vatory. Curator/Tutor, Anthony Lambert Brinsley White, Bucha­ 140/75—DU TOIT, Louise, Witpannetjie, Hopetown. K urator/
nans, Medical Centre, Main Road, Wynberg. Appointment, 15/3/ Voog, Llewellyn Roux du Toit, Witpannetjie, Hopetown.
77, Cape Town. Beeindiging, 30/4/77, Kimberley.
Form/Vorm J 193
All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below are hereby called upon to lodge their claims with the executors con­
cerned, within 30 days for otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of publication hereof. The information is given in the following
order: Estate number, surname and Christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address, date of death; surviving spouse’s names,
surname, date of birth and identity number; name and address of executor or authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement of claims
i f o th er than 30 days.


AJle persone wat vorderinge het teen die boedeis hieronder vermeld, word hierbv versoek om hul vorderings by die betrokke eksekuteurs
en binne ’n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereker. vanaf die datum, van publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligting word
verstrek in die volgorde: Bcedelnommer, familienaamen voorname, geboortedaium, persoonsnommer, laaste adres, datum ooriede; nagelate
eggenootfnote) se name, familiena m, geboortedatum en persoonsnomrner; naam en adres van eksekuteurs of gemagtigde agent, tydperk
toegeiaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.
2541/77—GOUWS, Renier Fourie, 2111125028004W, Klein
CAPE - KAAP Groenfontein, Klapmuts, 1/4/77; Peggy Vesta Gouws, gebore
18U/77— VAN DEN HEEVER, Jasper Jacobus, 24/5/23, 090 Sohoeman, Pieter Barend Swart, vir Die Trust Bank van Afrika
644806 W, Taaibosmond, Pk. Springbok, 6 / 3/77; Christina van Bpk., Trust- en Boedeiafdeiing, Libertassentrum, Goodwood, Pos­
den Heever, gebore Izakse. D. J. Scholtz & De Wit, Posbus 35, bus 4682. Kaapstad.
Springbok. 2586/77—GELDENHUYS, Ockert Johannes. 17/3/42, 124 115
311/76—LOGENSTEIN, Lenie, gebore Adriaanse, 2/1/14, 007/ 676W, Namiblaan 3, Alexanderbaai, 3/3/77; Johanna Dorothea
313961 K, Aimeidastraat 8 , Bellville-Suid, 12/10/75; Samuel Wilehlmina Geldenhuys. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust-'
Logenstein. Du Plessis Kriel & Veldtman, Posbus 78, Parow, en Boedeiafdeiing, Libertassentrum, Goodwood, Posbus 4682,
2810/77—KRIGE, Johannes Josias, 7/6/09, 090607 5006 00 5, Kaanstad.
Welbedacht, Het Kruis, distrik Piketberg, 27/4/77. Santam Bank 2247/77—STAINTON, Harry, 31/7/04, 022970762, Ben Donne,
Bpk., Posbus 93, Pikeiberg. Price Drive, Constantia. 21/3/77. Die Trust Bank van Afrika
1901/77—SCHOLTZ, Douglas Leinster, 1/8/02, 020801 5005 Bpk., Trust- en Boedeiafdeiing, Libertassentrum, Goodwood, Pos­
00 1W, Serenawoonstelie 1, Helderbergstraat 3, Stellenbosch, 13/3/ bus 4682. Kaapstad.
77. Joubert & May, Posbus 35, Tzaneen. 2717/77—WILLCOX, William Henry. 22/8/13, 21 Chudleigh
2781/77—SIMPSON, Thomas Haswell, 1/9/1881, 022 324 671, Court, Carstens. Street. Tamboerskloof, 1/5/77. Mrs Thelma
widower, 79 Joubert Road, Three Anchor Bay, 5/5/77. The Stan­ Patricia Willcox, c/o Frank, Bernadt & Joffe, P.O. Box 252,
dard Bank of S.A. Ltd. Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 54, Cape Town. Cape Town.
2430/77—SMITH, Inez May, bom Nel, 11/5/06, 060511-0026- MOUTON, Barend Christiaan, 15/1/1900, 026/73562.3W,
00-8W, Alameda Hotel, Taiana Road, Claremont, 17/4/77. The Oewerstmat. Citrusdal. 14/5/77; Hester Helena Mouton, gebore
Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Lubbe, 4/10/04, 026/735624W. A. J. Burger, Voortrekkerstraat
Town. 83 Posbus 6 , Citrusdal.
2713/77—RABTNOW1TZ. Leah, born Joffe. 15/5/11, 335 694 2242/77—SMITH, Elizabeth Johanna Dorothea. 20/10/04. 041
894, 3 Newlands Court. Ednam Road, Newlands, 1/5/77. The 020 0012 004, Wehmeyerstraat. Willowmore, 10/4/77. Pieter (Peter)
Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape James Smith. Steyn, V.d. Vyver & De Jager, Knysnastraat, Posbus
Town. 10, Willowmore.
2855/77—PEPLER, Anna Maria, 2/10/39, 3910020041 00 7, 2490/77—WILSON, Alfred Richard, 19/11/13, 022 867 241 W,
12de Laan 3, Mosselbaai, 29/4/77. Volkskas Bpk., Boedel- en 10 Bancroft Street, Rugby, 19/4/77; Joyce Wilson, born Roberts.
Trustafdeling, Adderleystraat 134, Posbus 3981, Kaapstad. Findlay & Tait, 30 Hout Street, Cape Town.
2858/77—DE WET, Esme Carey, gebore Inggs, 5/4/19, 1904 05 388/77—TUCKER. John, 11/8/29, 007830214K, Collegeweg
0004 00 3. Victoriastraat 95. George, 9/4/77. Volkskas Bpk., Boe­ 19, Greenhaven, 26/12/76; Margaret Diana Tucker, gebore
del- en Trustafdeling, Adderleystraat 134, Posbus 3981, Kaap­ Siebritz, 7/9/29, 007830212K. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 96,
stad. Kaapstad.
2278/77—CARSTENS, A rthur William Christopher, 12/7/31, 2438/77—CHAMPION, George John, 6/10/08, 08166-5019-00-4,
310712 5058 00 8 . Latrobeweg 4, Tygerhof Landgoed, Milnerton, Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town, 22/4/77. Fairbridge Arderne
20/3/77; Lorraine Beryl Carstens, gebore Summers, 9/7/37, & Lawton, 46 St George’s Street, Cape Town.
3707090051001. H. J. Fourie, vir Santam Bank Bank Bpk., heek- 2863/76—BURLING, Maria Mary Ann, 115/283727, St James,
van Burg- en Kasteelstraat. Kaapstad. 14/8/75. Fairbridge Arderne & Lawton, 46 St Georges Street,
2597/77—ROSENBROCK, Heinrich Ludwig, 2/12/11, 022 831 Cape Town.
630 W, 9 Devon View, Devonshirehill Road, Rondebosch, 4/4/77. 1043/77/C—DU TOIT, Frederick Ryk Ludolf, 2/1/39, 390
H. J. Fourie, vir Santam Bank Bpk., hoek van Burg- en Kasteel­ 102/5024/00/7. Vredestraat 26, Beilviile, 13/2/77. Magaretha
straat, Kaapstad. Johanna Elizabeth du Toit, Vredestraat 26, Bellville.
2550/77—VAN DER RIET, Clement Mervyn. 9/12/1893, 438- 275/77—WIEHMAN, Salomina Magdalena Catharina, gebore
384567W, Aristea, Queenstraat, Durbanville, 26/3/77; Elise Adel- Oosthuizen. 14/2/1900, 000214/0004/00/9, Kerkstraat, Albertinia,
heid, gebore Battenhaussen. Pieter Barend Swart, vir Die Trust 25/4/77; Frederik Christian Gerhardus Wiehman, 23/1/1889,
Bank van Afrika Bpk.. Trust- en Boedeiafdeiing, Libertassentrum, 890123 5001 00 6 . Rauch & Gertenbach, Posbus 129, Albertinia.
Goodwood, Posbus 4682. Kaapstad. 2745/77—MELTZER, .Tack, 2/8/08, 022 321331W, 6 Wisteria
5165/76—HEYDENRYCHT, Sinies John, 29/4/35. 350429 5036 Road, Claremont, 22/4/77. Frank, Bernadt & Joffe, P.O. Box
014. Posbus 7, Haarlem, distrik Uniondale, 10/4/76; Elizabeth 252. Cqrv-? Town.
Heydenrycht. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedei­ 5772/76—V/EHR, Fanie, 15/12/56, 561215 5005 017 K, Amstel-
afdeiing Libertassentrum, Goodwood, Posbus 4682. Kaapstad. hof 186a, Paarl-Oos, 28/8/76. Van der Spuy & Vennote, Hoof-
2574/77—OJHVIER, Andries Petrus Liebcnberg, 5/8/21, 2108 straat 335, Posbus 218, Paarl.
055037005W, Dunbarstraat 20, Parowvallei, 18/4/77; Dina Caro­ 2685/77—UYS, Theunis Johannes Eksteen, 24/3/1900, 000324
lina Olivier. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedei­ 5004001. Hoofstraat, Greyton, 27/4/77; Susanna Margaretha Uys,
afdeiing. Libertassentrum. Goodwood, Posbus 4682. Kaapstad. gebore De Viliiers. 8/9/06. Guthrie & Theron, Posbus 17, Caledon.
2235/77—LOUW, Petrus Abel, 5/1/09, 090105 5011 00 0, Skim- 2714/77—WOENSDREGHT, Michael John. 18/3/09, 019599
melkop, Fraserburg, 14/3/77; Heilie Johanna Louw, gebore 126, McFarlanastraat, Hermanus, 2/5/77; Sophie Woensdreght,
Theron, 15/1/23, 230115 0010 007. Johannes G. Coetzee, Victoria­ gebore Henn. Guthrie & Theron, Astoriagebou, Hoofweg, Her­
straat 10, Posbus 18, Carnarvon. manus.

2006/77—BURGER, Regina Catharina, gebore Van Coller, 26/ 2632/77—AUGUST, Hendrik (Hendrick) Johannes, 7/7/1893,
6/1898, 014 489378W, Townsendstraat 20, Goodwood, 17/3/77. 014539301K, 49 Goeie Hoop Street, Bellville South, 30/4/77;
Sanek Eksekuteurskamer Bpk., Posbus 6294, Roggebaai. Dinah Magdalena August, bom Van Wyk. A. ben M. Rabinowitz,
2595/77—MATTHEWS. Beatrice Allice Winney, 24/6/40, 096 P.O. Box 33, Bellville.
742557, Herbertstraat 15, Huguenot, 2/4/77. Bank van Johannes­ 1552/77—ADAMS, John Henry, 30/10/06, 022-88034, Manda­
burg Bpk., Posbus 408, Kaapstad. lay, 506 Oasis Road, Hazenda'l Estate, Athlone, 21/9/75; Fran­
2520/77—REDFEARN, Cyril, 15/1/1897, 901 557237, 35 Villa ces Elizabeth Adams, born Petersen, 5/4/11. S. J. Sauls & Co.,
Marina, Beach Road, Mouille Point, Cape Town. 24/4/77. Bar­ P.O. Box 27, Elsie’s River.
clays National Bank Ltd, Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2910/77—WULFF, Johanna Catherina, 25/6/1893, 022298306,
512, Cape Town. 11 Edwin H art Annex, Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray, 7/5/77.
2657/77—DE KOCK, Pieter Johannes, 2/1/21, 2101025007000, Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 2843, Cape Town.
Clydestraat 72, Bellville, 22/4/77; Cathreen Frances de Kock, 1996/77—WINSTANLEY, James, 1/2/11, 022-421138W, 166
gebore Filmalter, 10/8/20, 2008100035006. Security Executor and Milford Road, Plumstead, 29/3/77. Barclays National Bank Ltd,
Trust Maatskappv Bpk., Posbus 2843, Kaapstad. Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town.
1939/77—BREDELL, Elsie Mallows, born Brown, 16/3/1879, 2109/77—IEVERS, Phyllis Josephine, 2/4/11, 110402-0029-10-3,
Homewood Hotel, Hill Road, Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town,
117 915750W, Susan Chandler Nursing Home, Kalk Bay, 30/3/ 12/4/77. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Cape Town Trustee Branch,
77. Murray & Du Toit, P.O. Box 32, Strand. P.O. Box 512, Cape Town.
1953/77—JOOSTE, Gertruida Woutrina, gebore Lotter, 6 /5 / 2626/77—SCHINDLER, Kurt, 28/8/1893, 022 289 085, 6 Fair-
1891, 019.618065W, Huis Jan Swart, Strand, 14/3/77. Murray & mile, Main Road, Three Anchor Bay, 26/4/77; Esm.e Dorothy
Du Toit. Posbus 32. Strand. Schindler, formerly French, born Du Preez. Barclays National
2588/77—GERBER. Cornelia Maria, gebore Lotz. 5/7/19, 149 Bank Ltd, Cane Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town.
378367 W, Kanetvlei, Sandhills, 5/2/77; Stephanus Hendrik Ger­ 2136/77—SHEARING, Harold Goffin, 1/12/17, 17120150110
ber, 149378366 W. N. J. A. Smit, vir Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 09W, 2 St Stephens Road, Pinelands, 10/4/77. Barclays National
176, Worcester. Bank l td, Cape Town Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 512. Cape Town.
2752/77—VIVIER, Christina Wiihelmina, gebore Olwage. 8/12/ 2093/77—YUILL, Thomas, 17/8/1899. 115290114W. 106 Pent-
01, 117-922461W, Darlingstraat 1, Beaufort-V/es, 3/5/77; Wynand land Heights, Constantia Road, Wynberg, 5/4/77. Barclays Natio­
Gert Hendrik Vivier, 26/6/04, 040626-5004-001. John D. Craw­ nal Bank Ltd, Cape Town Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Cape
ford & Seun, Posbus 25, Beaufort-Wes. Town.
1691/77—CARSTENS, Christoffel Johannes, 20/1/03, 03012050 2037/77—FLANKS. Rose Mirab. 31/3/10, 87 Plattekloof Road,
13008 W, De Hoekplaas, Piketberg, 3/2/77; Martha Magrietha Monte Vista, 30/3/77. Barclays National Bank Lid, Cape Town
Cornelia Carstens, gebore Carstens. Markman Cohen & Jankelo- Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 512, Cape Town.
witz, Derde Verdieping, Martian House, Strandstraat, Port Eliza­ 2290/77—STEPHAN. Beatrice, 13/3/06,-022850020, 20 Bowood
beth. Gardens, Bowood Road, Claremont, 16/4/77. Barclays National
7123/76—TRAINER. Jan (Jan) Hastings Lorraine, 31/7/21, 115 Bank Ltd, Cape Town Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 512, Cape Town.
279815 W, 3 Connock Park, Main Road. Fish Hoek. 11/10/76. 2738/77—CAMERON, Alexander James. 19/2/08, 014925552
Guthrie & Rushton, 102 Fish Hoek Centre, Main Road, Fish K, 70 F.mms Way, Matroosfontein, 21/4/77; Lusa Cameron, 24/
Hoek. 5/14, 014925553. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch,
2622/77—MOCKE, Andries Adriaan, 13/4/20, 200413 5049 00 P.O. Box 54. Cape Town.
5W, Luytwoonstelle 1, Voortrekkerstraat. Ceres, 21/3/77; Fran- 2536/77—COETZ.ER, Magdalena Catharina, 24/10/03. 043177
cina Jacoba Mocke, gebore Van Wyk, 8/6/28, 280608 0039 00 9. 126W, Gustav Prellerstraat 21, Parow. 27/3/77. The Standard
Santam Bank Bpk.. Posbus 112, Ceres. Bank of S.A. Ltd. Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54, Cape Town.
2638/77—CLAASSENS, Petrus Johannes, 19/11/18, 181119-50 2782/77—SANGSTER. Collin Malcolm. 9/3/27, 022676162 K,
20-002, Grootpan, Beaufort-Wes, 2/5/77; Wiihelmina Johanna 106 Second Avenue. Ixrtus River, 18/4/77: Svlvia Joan Sangster,
Claassens, gebore Van der Bank, 18/10/31. 311018-0026-001. John 22/11/29. 022784822 K. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee
D. Crawford & Seun, Posbus 25, Beaufort-Wes. Branch, P.O. Box 54. Cape Town.
2633/77—BOTES, Anna Francina, gebore Eybers, 24/2/07, 404. 2233/77—COBB. Eileen Ethel, born Kinlav, 20/5/17, 170520-
115971W, Kerkstraat 159. Oudtshoorn 2/5/77. Duvenage. Keyser 0034-00DW, Ranleigh Park 5, Harfield Road, Kenilworth. 9/4/77.
& Jonck. Unitedgebou, Hoogstraat 123, Posbus 104, Oudtshoorn. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 54,
2625/77—JANSE VAN RENSBURG. Johannes Jacobus. 6 /9 / Cape Town.
01, 010906 5010 00 0, Boskloof, Pk. Noll, distrik George, 28/2/77; 2533/77—STEYN, Jacobus Stefanus. 13/3/05, 014 558826W,
Elisa Marthina Janse van Remburg. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Dewetstraat 75. Goodwood, 10/4/77: Gertruida Johanna Stevn,
Bpk.. Trusteetak. Posbus 329. Port Elizabeth. voorbeen Du Toit. eebore Fraser, 11/9/19. 022462934W. Bill
2099/77—BRUSE, Wilhelm Hans Heinrich, 23/6/1892, Arixo- Tolken, Bresler & Fourie, Saambougebou 501, Kruskallaan 14,
maweg 8 . Thornton, 7/3/77. D. P. de Klerk & Van Gend, Pos­ Posb-is 1r;9, Bellville.
bus 1857. Kaaostad. 1667'77—MAIXESON, Una Beatrice. 24/1/1898, London. Eng­
2847/77—KUPKE, Ernst Wilhelm Karl 9/3/23, 230309 5006 land. 15/3/77. Syfrets Trust Co. Ltd, 24 Wale Street, Cape Town.
009, Silveroaklaan 21. Thornton. 24/4 ^77; Dorothea Sophia 2573/77—NORGARB, Johann Hermann Constants (Constant),
Kupke, gebore Bothe. H. J. Fourie, Bestuurder, Santam Bank 6/1/1890. 54 Dcnnekamp. Salisbury Road. Kenilworth, 2/5/77.
Bpk., Posbus 653. Kaapstad. Syfrets. Trust Co. Ltd. 24 Wale Street, Cane Town.
2695/77—BESTER, Jasper Johannes Jacob. 13/8/34, 340813 2618/77—HYLAND, Henry Samuel. 2/1/04. 022 278612 W, 6
5037 002, Fairbarnweg 1. Meadowridge, 26/4/77. Santam Bank Desmain Court, Main Road. Plumstead. 23/4/77; Alice Hyland.
Bpk.. hoek van Burg- en Kasteelstraat. Kaapstad. Syfrets Trust Co. Ltd. 24 Wale Street, Cane Town.
2709/77—SCHUTZ. Willem. 8/12/02. 022 189426 W. Glen 2543/77—LEVY, Caroline Drnsilla. born James, 29/12/1882,
Alphineweg 32, Bergvliet 27/4/77. H. J. Fourie, Bestuurder, San­ 70 Molteno Road, Oranjezicht, 29/4/77. Syfrets Trust Co. Ltd,
tam Bank Bpk., Posbus 653. Kaapstad. 24 Wale Street. Cape Town.
2266/77—VAN DER MERWE. Petrus Johannes. 21 /9/1898, 2388/77—NAUDE, Agnes Elizabeth, born Adams, 022-728565
980921 5006 00 3. Jacques. Rawsonville. 25/3/77. The Standard K. Maylene. Eighth Avenue. Retreat. M arquard & Co., May­
Bank of S.A. Trtd. Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 491, Paarl. nard House. Mavoard Road, Wvnberg.
2739/77—COLLING. Jacobus Petrus. 21/11/12. 1211215013 380 77—HENDRICKSE, Arthur Thomas. 6/7/28. 022 219594
00 6 , Hoofstraat 17, Darling, 16/4/77. The Standard Bank of C. 20 Clarence Road. Wynberg, 7/10/76; Mildred Sophia Hen-
S.A. Ltd. Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 491. Paarl. drickse, bom Isaacs. The Board of Executors, 4 Wale Street, Cape
1950/77—HUNTER, Sydney. 31/8/17. 022-696916-W. Rodwin, Town.
Broad Road. Wynberg, 5/3/77. Harry Getz, Hyams & Surdut, 1733'77—LE ROUX. Ella Adriana. 21 /9/05, 050921 0022 00 0,
1312 Cartwrights Comer. Adderley Street, Cape Town. F25 Albow Gardens, Rugby, 22/2/77. The Board of Executors,
627/71—BARNARD. Jacoba Isabella. 10/10/1882, 15 Valley 4 Wo!" Street, Cane Town.
Road. Port Elizabeth, 30/5/60. Raubenheimer Byrne & Nel, P.O, 2780/77—SADIEN, Dout, 17/9/1890. 022 286570M. Abedore,
Box 21, George. Second Avenue. Grassy Park, 27/4/77. The Board of Executors,
2691/77—VAN ZYL, Christiaan Godfriedt Christoffel, 16/3/ 4 Wale Street. Cape Town.
42, 420316 5033 008, Karroovlakte, Vredendal, 27/4/77: Johanna 774 '77—BOTHA. Christiaan Jjourens, 18/9/17, 117-915-2234^
Maria Elizabeth van Zyl. 6/4/45, 450406 0051 007. Boland Bank W, 3 Bath Road. Muizenberg, 23/1/77; Daisy Josephine Botha,
Bpk.. Posbus 40. Vredendal. 11/11/15, 15-1111-0036006 W. D. J. Botha, c/o Van der Bijl &
2690/77—WTESE, Gertruida Helena Christina, gebore Kruger, De Villiers, 6 Church Square, Cape Town.
28/7/02, Uniestraat 10, Springbok, 22/4/77. Boland Bank Bpk., 1888/77—KOOPMAN. Elizabeth Catherina (Elizabeth Fran-
Posbus 40, Vredendal. cina), 15/7/1898 . 022497502 K, Threeways, Seventh Avenue,
2583/77—APOLLTS. Maria Gertruida, 17/5/1889, Retreat, 1/5/ Grassy Park. 8/2/77. M. Koopman, c/o Van der Bijl & De Vil­
77. Fairbridge Ardeme & Lawton, 46 St Georges Street, Cape liers. 6 Church Square. Cape Town.
Town. 2725/77—JOHNSTON, Stanley Basil, 101796874K, 5 Durr
2921/77—GOR/DON. Max, 1/4/13, 072296504. Acorns. Oak Road Greenhaven. 17/10/76: Rachel Jovce Johnston, born
Avenue, Constantia. 16/5/77. Saacks & Jaffe, 808 Standard Gene­ Geduldt. George Werner & Martin, First Floor, Ledgen House,
ral House, Church Street, Cape Town. Aden Avenue, Athlone.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 J U N E 1977 No. 5583 S7

1843/77—ESACK, Ismail, 21/3/25, 022139043 M, Edmar, cor­ 2646/77—GELDEMHUYS, Dirk Jacobus, 5/3/09, 0903055019
ner of Fifth Avenue and First Road, Grassy Park, 6/3/77. John 009, Irenestraat 4, Bellville, 14/4/77. J. H. Fourie, vir Santam
Heyman Katz, 2618 Trust Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Cape Town. Bank Bpk., Posbus 61, Bellville.
143/77—GRIFFIN, Irene Margaret, 14/3/14, 022.855318 W, 7 397/77—SWART, Anna Susanna, gebore Isaacs, 23/10/34, 341
Rosebridge Flats, Lynway Road, Rosebank, 5/11/76; Roger 023 0031 00 5, Eastwoodstraat 15, Parowvailei, 8/1/77. J. H.
Oliver Griffin, 6/7/14. T. V. Webb & Co., P.O. Box 1548, Cape Fourie, Bestuurder, Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 61, Bellville.
Town. 2933/77—PIENAAR, Elizabeth Margaretha, gebore Marx,
2869/77—KNOWLES, Ethel Mary, 24/4/1892, 022 584390, Sun- 9/11/13, 042 956205W, Langstraat 28, Groot-Brakrivier, afdeling
nyside Old Aged Home, Miorpeth Road, Flumstead, 13/5/77. Mosselbaai, 21/4/77; Theunis Meyer Pienaar, 7/4/08, 080407 5005
Syfret Godlonton & Low, P.O. Box 695, Cape Town. 00 4. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 270, Mosselbaai.
643/77/ASR/C—MILLER, David, 11/1/08, 5 Goldsmith Road, 2792/77/ASR/B—BREDELL, Daniel, 28/2/1898, 980228 5010
Malindela, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, 25/9/76. Syfret Golonton & Low, 00 5, Wettonweg 43, Wynberg, 30/4/77. Boland Bank Bpk., Pos­
P.O. Box 695, Cape Town. bus 236, Paarl.
1963/77—PEARSON, Thelma Ellen, 22/7/13, 022 875118, 8 2797/77—CALLANAN, James Edwin, 26/8/16, 160826 5017
Leinster Court, Cavalcade Road, Green Point, 28/3/77. Syfret 00 3W, Bergvliet Road, Meadowridge, 8/5/77; Mary Callanan,
Godlonton & Low, P.O. Box 695, Cape Town. born Devlin. Haydn Elmes & Elmes, 508 Oceana House, Lower
2680/77—STAKOL, Ida, born Traub, 14/7/1888, 022-4787-76W, Burg Street, Cape Town.
2 Vicmor Court, Fort Road, Three Anchor Bay, 22/4/77. Son­ 1916/77—CUBIE, Neil George, 3/11/32, 022-584-182-W, 40
ne nb erg Hoffman, & Galombik, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape Queens Road, Sea Point, 13/3/77; Charlotte Florence Louise
Town. Cubie, born Allen, 26/10/33, 901-540-942W. Haydn Elmes &
1816/77—LAWRENCE, Charles Edward, 9/1/07, Kelston, Elmes, 508 Oceana House, Lower Burg Street, Cape Town.
Queens Road, Woodstock, 6/3/77; Theresa Gertrude Lawrence, 2539/77—FROST, Sylvia Audrey, 20/2/17, 331471 336 W, Ding
bom Johnston. Roup, Schneider & Wacks, Matador Centre, 62 Dong, The Dell, Pinelands, 13/4/77. Stoffberg, Kilham & Co.,
Strand Street, Cape Town. P.O. Box 4027, Cape Town.
2732/77/ASRLB—VIETRI, Johanna Jiosina Dolphin®, 22/10/ 1086/77—BARKETT, Barkett, 10/10/11, 022770330, 8 Kent
19, 191022 0039 00 1, B4 Riviera, St Johns Road, Sea Point, 25/ Street, Maitland, 18/8/76. Cloete & Partners, 117 St George’s
4/77. Anne Karine Goldie, 42 Avenue La Croix, Fresnaye. Street, Cape Town.
2829/77—SCHWEIZER, Winifred Grace, 20/10/1884, 022 2496/77—ALBERT, Isaac, 16/2/02, 020216 5018 00 5W, 101
858372 W, widow, 19 St Fhomas Road, Newlands, Cape Town, Deauville, Graham Road, Sea Point, Cape Town, 23/4/77. S.
4/5/77. Cornelius Julius Louwrens c/o Bisset, Boehmke & Greek & Co., United Buildings, 118 St George’s Street, Cape
McBlain, 301 Fairbairn House, 140 St George’s Street, Cape Town.
Town. 5242/76—PEZARO, Sydney Elias (Sydney Evan), 26/7/32, 320
1138/77—NEAL, John Stephen (Steven) (John Samuel), 8/11/ 726 5015 006, 61b Punta Del Mar, Milton Road, Sea Point, 17/8/
16, 331-680962-C, 2 Dublin Square, Woodstock, 21/2/77; Gladys 76. Arthur E. Abrahams & Gross, 54 Shortmarket Street, Cape
Minnie Neal, born Wyngaard. T. H. Snitcher, for Cohen & Town.
Snitcher. 140 St George’s Street, Cape Town. 2743/77—HESTERMANN, Wilhelm Ernst August, 9/9/03, 022
2728/77—RIGBY, John Brierley, 3/9/08, 964-076176, 21 Brent 442398W, Zuletzt, 9 Van der Horst Avenue, Kommetjie, 23/4/77.
Road, Plumstead, 29/4/77. O’Sullivan & Kotze, United Buildings, Sebba, Gordon, Willis Trust (Pty) Ltd, 201 Pro tea Assurance
Main Road, Claremont. Buildings, 102 St George’s Street, Cape Town.
1854/77—MATAFIN, Sam (Samuel), 14/12/15, 022/541032K, 2635/77—BLUMBERG, Dov, 52 Montrose Avenue, Oranje-
3 Lawson Road, Crawford, District of Wynberg, 15/11/76; Wil- zicht, 25/4/77. Schwartz Fine & C. K. Friedlander Kleinman &
helmina Matafin, 19/9/21, 022/541033K. Harry Rogoff, 101 Shandling, P.O. Box 2563, Cape Town.
Standard General House, 1 Church Street, Cane Town. 2306/77—DU PLESSIS, John Andries, 18/6/08, 907 520049 W,
2707/77—MERCKEL, Minnie Mary Emily, born Fowler, 20/1/ 72 Woodley Road, Plumstead, 22/3/77; Yvonne Edith du Plessis,
1892, 022-442-067K, Chelsea, Perth Road, Wynberg, 2/5/77. Pincus, 11/2/16, 022 970 263. Christopher John du Plessis, 6 Timber Way,
Matz & Feinberg, Maynard House, Maynard Road, Wynberg. Bergvliet.
6811/76—DE VILLIERS, Catharina Margaretha Francina, 15/ 2546/77—MOODY, Mary, bom Fladden, 24/5/1889, 022259599,
2/52, 520215 0058 00 3, 5 M urray Street, Stellenbosch, 4/10/76. 59 Belvedere Road, Claremont, 20/4/77. Coulter & Co., Guardian
A. Troskie, c/o Silberbauers, United House, Heerengracht, Cape Buildings, 33 Adderley Street, Cape Town.
Town. 2264/77—GOLDBERG, Ida, 4/5/09, 503 Eden Rock, Oliver
646/75—RODI, Ide, 15/3/1890, 014/546830, Zerilda Steyn Road, Sea Point, 8/10/76. Mallinick Ress Richman & C o .,
Home, Pinelands, 4/5/74. Dichmont & Dichmont, 55 St George’s Seventh Floor, Mobil House, Hans Strijdom Avenue, P.O. Box
Street, Cape Town. 3667, Cape Town.
2524/77—SAID, Ebrahim, 2/5/08, 0805025031024, 18 Jordaan 1896/77—REYNOLDS, Ellen, 24/12/04, 041224 0024 10 6 W, 91
Street, Cape Town, 9/4/77; Gadija Said, 23/1/15, 30575988. C. Bayswater Road, Leisure Isle, Knysna, 21/3/77. Syfrets Trust and
& A. Friedlander, Cape of Good Hope Savings Bank Buildings, Executor South Africa Ltd, Executors Department, P.O. Box
Dreyer Street, Claremont. 7419, Johannesburg.
2392/77—SISSING, Edith Dorothea, 1/11/1898, 022 220514C, 2317/77—BRUCE, Barbara, 5/8/31, 31 0805 0007 00 2, 115
Little Albion, Rochester Road, Heathfield, 9/4/77. David Owen, Myburgh Road, Diep River, 4/4/77. Nell & Jacobson, 119 St
Mowbray Shopping Centre, Main Road, Mowbray. George’s Street. Cape Town.
2819/76—SELLERS, Beatrice Emily, 11/4/1879, widow, Rua 2681/77—SMAL, Elizabeth Maria Christina, gebore Havenga,
Rodrigues Sampaio No. 138, First Floor, Lisbon, Spain, 30/8/75. 10/2/02, 020210 0003 00 5, Kollegeweg 21, Caledon, 13/3/77.
Fuller, Moore & Son, N.B.S. Buildings, Vineyard Road, Clare­ Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 34, Caledon. „ _ . c
mont. 2786/77—THERON, Anna Susanna, 22/1/1888, Dnefontem,
2498/77—BERRANGE, Ruth Elizabeth Mary Anne, born Merweville, 29/4/77. John D. Crawford & Seun, Donkinstraat
Standen, 13/2/1897, 022858436W, widow, 23 Edingight, Duke 36. Posbus 25, Beaufort-Wes. „ ___ _ .
Road, Rondebosch, 27/4/77. John S. Ince & Wood, 705 Eagle 2 7 4 7 / 77 —VAN DER MERWE, Martha, 8/9/1896, 960908 0004
House, Lower Burg Street, Cape Town. 00 4, Rusoordouetehuis, Devinestraat, Paarl, 3/5/77. Boland Bank
VAN DER MERWE, Wilhelmina Gertruida, gebore Swart, Bpk., Posbus 236, Paarl.
22/11/06, 061122,0018.00.0, Othorpewoonstelle 6, Langstraat, H er­
manns, 22/5/77. Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 62, Hermanus. TRANSVAAL
2410/77—EKSTEEN, Frederick Ryk Ludolf, 11/1/1887, 870111 4671 /77—KRUGER, Johanna, gebore Coefzee, 3/9/47, 470
500100 5, Huis Pam Brink, Myburghstraat, Strand, 13/4/77. 903 0025 00 3, Stasiestraat 762, Pretoria-Noord, 20/4/77; Douw
Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 34, Caledon. Gerbrand Kruger, 470407 5026 00 8. Arie Gysbert van Oordt,
1660/77—FAROA (Faroo), Moos (Moses) Johannes, 5/5/06, p /a Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 1666, Pretoria.
130989816 K, Kulpmaanstraat, Saron, 22/2/68; Victoria Christina 4745/77—SWART, Jeanetta (Jeanetthe), 20/8/42, 420820 0015
Faroa, gebore Fortuin. De Villiers & Kie., Posbus 6, Tulbagh. 00 1, Holbank, Distrik Ermelo, 20/4/77; Mathys (Matthys) Johan­
2652/77—FOUCHE, Maria Magdalena, gebore Moore, 8/9/06, nes Swart, 20/12/31. Dr. M. M. Nolte, Declercqstraat 18, Posbus
022 695 717 W, Dagamastraat 64, Ysterplaat, 25/4/77. J. H.
F o u r ie , v i r S a n ta m B a n k B p k ., P o s b u s 61, B e llv ille . ^ 4 7 1 8 / 7 7 — F O U C H E E , R u d o lp h J o h a n n e s , 1 6 /7 /1 1 , 110716 5013
2293/77—VAN WYK, Margaretha Albertha (Alberta), gebore 00 6, Kerkstraat 23, Swartruggens, 20/4/77; Johanna M aria Alber­
Potgieter, 11/1/05, 073 444 448 W, Posbus 1, Vanwyksdorp, 25/ tina Fouchee, gebore Homan, 5/10/23, 231005 0004 00 2. Van
2/77; Wessel Francois van Wyk, 5/3/1892, 073 444 447 W. C. J. PL der Merwe & Louw, Jan Vanriebeeckstraat 7, Posbus 4, Swart-
van Wijk, vir Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 61, Bellville.
2669/77—O L IV E R , Hendrik, 2/10/10, 022142124W, Langstraat rU2687/77—PRINS, Aletta Chaterina, 26/8/19, 190826 0022 002,
21, ICuilsrivier, 16/4/77; Catherina Johanna Olivier, gebore Gel- Stasiestraat 173, Oberholzer, 13/12/76; Johannes Jacobus Prrns.
denhuys, 022142125W. J. H. Fourie, vir Santam Bank Bpk., Syfrets Trust- en Eksekuteur Suid-Afrika Bpk., Posbus 1830,
Posbus 61, Bellville. Pretoria.
2672/77—SAVAGE, Cornelia Frederika Magdalena, gebore 1342/77—POTGIETER, Anton, 3/10/55. 551003 5028 00 3,
Snyman, 2/12/06, 0612020028009, Kerkstraat 70, Parow, 17/4/77.: Meyerwoonstelle 4, Markstraat, Bethal, 17/1/77. Feldman, Cohen
J. H. Fourie, vir Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 61, Bellville, & Pretorius, Posbus 63, Bethal,
60711—4 5583—4
98 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

2603/77—BROWNLEE, Charles Abercrombie Eric Innes, 8/ 4227/77/ASR3/A—BHANA, Dayal, during 1901, 800/014558
4/1889, Brae Lodge, Emsdorf Street, Lundin Links. 22/3/76. A, 1105 Moodley Street, Actonville 3, Benoni, 3/1/77. Bhovan
Syfrets Trust and Executor South Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 1830, Bhana, 1105 Moodley Street, Actonville 3, Benoni.
Pretoria. 13784/76—COETZEE, Elizabeth Aletta Susanna, 18/11/09, 091
1753/77—JOUBERT, Willem Johannes Naude, 14/6/12, 357/ 1180020008, De Souzastraat 16, Lydenburg, 8/11/76. G. C. O.
897896 W, Dolomiterylaan 60, Carletonville, 4/2/77; Anna Maria Lategan, Posbus 237, Lydenburg.
Helena Joubert, gebore Van der Merwe, 18/7/31, 357/885328 W. 14524/76—CHETTY, Govindasamy Dorasamy Chetty, 21/11/
Fleischack Freysen Holton & Wadge, Posbus 140, Carletonville. 26, 800 042 391, 32 Condor Avenue, Lenasia Extension 1, Johan­
3588/77—DU TOIT, Pierre, 29/3/33, 330329 5036 003, Fried- nesburg, 17/10/76. Rein & Verster, 11th Floor, Merino Build­
manstraat 39, Kempton Park, 21/3/77; Dorethea Jacoba du ings, Bosman Street, Pretoria.
Toit, gebore Duvenage, 9/2/35, 3502090033004. Botha, Massyn 12273/76—VAN WYK. Andries, 14/12/47, 340 732 198 00, A
& McKenzie, Posbus 53, Kempton Park. Straat, Eenheid E, Middelburg, 29/9/76; Anna Cecilia van Wyk,
AUCAMP, Christina Elizabeth, 7/2/04, 019 602160W, Swart- gebore Van Heerden, 24/6/51, 65/05628900. G. C. O. Lategan,
straat 52, Kempton Park. 7/5/77. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Posbus 237. Lydenburg.
Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 893, Benoni. 4764/77—FERREIRA. Arthur Edward. 3/5/12, 120503 5038
3902/77—BISHOP. Iris Johanna, 2/12/15, 151202 0023 00 1, 00 3, E & R Mansions 47, Scheidingstraat 266, Pretoria, 2/5/77;
widow, Plot 28, Kafferskraal, Cullinan. 27/3/77. Syfrets Trust and Sarah Johanna Ferreira, gebore Coetzee, 071205 0019 00 9. Arie
Executor South Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 1830, Pretoria. Gysbert van Oordt, p /a Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 1666,
1360/77—BREEDT, Gert Christian, 24/2/25, 250224 5012 00 3, Pretoria.
24ste Laan 24, Southdene, Blyvooruitsig, 12/1/77; Jane Isabella 4628/77—DE BEER. Johannes Christoffel, 21/11/28, 281121
Breedt, gebore Pieterse 30/12/26, 261230 0025 004. Volkskas Bpk., 5026 00 4, Agtste Laan 768, Wonderboom-Suid, Pretoria, 17/4/77;
Roedelafdeling, Kommissarisstraat 48, Posbus 970. Klerksdorp. Heila Magdalena de Beer, gebore Matthee, 371211 0025 00 1. Arie
4277/77—LEE, Cecil George, 11/1/1899. 335 686865 W, Sterk- Gysbert van Oordt. p /a Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 1666, Pretoria.
fontein Hospital, Krugersdorp, 2/4/77, Phillips & Osmond, P.O. 12277/76—BERGH. Danie Fisher. Cramer. Cramer & Reichen-
Bos 168, Krugersdorp. berg, 702 Corporation Buildings, 105 Commissioner Street, Johan­
2196/77/ASRII—STEENBERG, Coert. 6/11/11, 111106 nesburg. 21 days.
5014 00 7, Nooitgedacht, Pk. Ogies, 4/12/76. Harvey, Mostert, 1902/77/ASR1 /D—OBERHOLZER, Arie Gerhardus, 15/10/18,
Jonker & Tee, Ou Mutual gebou, Bothalaan, Posbus 61, Witbank. 331480720 W, 205 Ledrara Place, Penzane Street. Albarton. 19/1/
12690/76—RICHTER, Amelia, 22/6/14, 356364 546 W, Ash- 77; Elsie Maria Oberholzer born Van Staden, 21/4/25, 331480
weg, Erf 3801, Posbus 70277, Bryanston, 3/8/76. Werner Richter, 717. W. J. A. Brand. 39 South Road, Linden Extension. Randburg.
Bergzichtwoonstelle 7, Crozierstraat, Stellenbosch. 2306/77—LEGGATT, Ethel Lillian. 19/7/1888. Plot 6, Zand-
2574/77—BARNARD, Michael Antonie, 3/11/20, 331411829, 34 spruit Road, Farmall Agricultural Holdings, District of Johannes­
Second Avenue, Mayfair Johannesburg. 21/2/77; Doris Gloria burg, 13/2/77. R. M. Leggatt, P.O. Box 1990, Johannesburg.
Gullen Barnard, 19/4/28, 280 419 0030 000. Alan Buskin, 10th 4563/77—FERREIRA. Edward. 25/3/08. 080325 5021 005, 320
Floor, Lippert House, Pritchard Street, Johannesburg. Dukes Court, Second Avenue, Killarney, Johannesburg, 16/4/77;
3937/77—GROUT, Maria Augusta, 26/5/1881, 7a Arran Jean Victoria Ferreira. Fairheads Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 61203,
Avenue, Melrose. Johannesburg, 8/3/77. M. G. N. Goodwin, Marshalltown.
P.O. Box 61056. Marshalltown. 654/77—MOSTERT, Floris Jacobus. 16/5/11, 324-880112W,
3561 /77—NAUDE, Christie, 24/5/1895. 344 765105 W, Senator- Beatricelaan 29, Odendaalsrus, 14/3/77; Barbara Jacomina
weg 32, Malvern-Oos, Germiston, 23/8/76. De Klerk & Le Roux, Lavina Mostert. Deneys Reitz, P.O. Box 61334, Marshalltown.
Sanlamgebou 710, Commissionerstraat 63, Johannesburg. 1013/77—HAMMOND. Reginald Johannes, 26/10/21, 305 748
1274/76—WISE. Eva Maria. 5/12/23, Flat “B”. 15th Floor, 633 W, 5 Webb Street, Northmead, Benoni, 18/1/77. Bernard
132 Caine Road, Victoria, British Colony of Hong Kong, 15/11/ Morris, 102 Morco House 282 Commissioner Street, P.O. Box
73. Deneys Reitz, P.O. Box 61334, Marshalltown. 419. Boksburg.
4707/77—BELL, John Briggs, 3/4/10. 331 353 997 W. 132 Vista 4788/77—JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, Isabella Margaretha,
Drive, Glen Vista, Johannesburg, 15/4/77. Handelsman & Dou­ 27/8/30, 300827 0052 004, Doringboomstraat 67, Kempton Park,
glas Gibson. P.O. Box 385, Johannesburg. 7/4/77. Bcukes & Gouws, President Sv/artstraat, Posbus 15, Bult-
4819/77—DICKENS, Harold Pooley, 21/5/1898, 980 5215008 fontein.
007, 102 Bertha Street. Turffontein, Johannesburg. 29/4/77; Hen­ 13695/1976/ASR/2—RUSSELL, Robert John Moirrison. 2 /7 /
rietta N ora Dickens, born Bovill, 30/6/04, 331 514658. Morris, 11, 331 482071, 93 Fifth Avenue, Melville, Johannesburg, 28/9/76.
Gelb & Stoloff, Fourth Floor, His Majesty’s Buildings, corner of Edgar Salmon, P.O. Box 4199, Johannesburg.
Eloff and Commissioner Streets, Johannesburg. KUSCI-IKE, Adolf Wilhelm, 23/9/29, 356 188705 W, Braam
3298/77—LIPTZ, Harry, 10/6/1900, 61 Pauling Road, Suburbs, Pretoriusstraat 342, Magalieskruin-uitbreiding 1, 15/5/77. Mac-
Robert De Villiers & Hitge, Posbus 276, Pretoria.
Bulawayo, Rhodesia, 27/4/76. Morris, Gelb & Stoloff, Fourth SHARP, James Gordon, 28/4/09, 090428/5007/00/4, 1114 Park
Floor, His Majesty’s Buildings, com er of Eloff and Commissioner Street, Hatfield, Pretoria 9/5/77; Gertrude Miriam Sharp born
Streets. Johannesburg.
5170/77—LE ROUX. Johannes Andries, 25/3/17, 170325 5017 McAdam. MacRobert De Villiers & Hitge, P.O. Box 276,
004, Elsburg, 6/5/77; Anna Maria Johanna le Roux, 30/9/19, Pretoria.
190930 0019 008. Die Sentrale Eksekuteurskamer Bpk., Posbus 1144/75—COETZER, David Eduard, 21/7/24, 324 875-451,
3626. Pretoria. Hangawoonstel 107. Kerkstraat, Arcadia, Pretoria, 18/12/74;
4267/77—INGRAM, Marjorie, 16/7/1892, 324 821548, 130 Jacoba Christina Coetzer 15/7/30. 145297998. P. J. Coetzer,
Klippoortje Gardens, 32 Parkhill Road, Klippoortje, Germiston, Kamer 9, 20ste Verdieping, S.A.L.U.-gebou, Schoemanstraat,
4/4/77. Hertzberg & Stupel, P.O. Box 436, Germiston. Posbus 900, Pretoria.
2612/77—HOFFMAN, Andrew, 14/1/04, 0401145021002, Pfaff- ELS, Hendrika Margritha, 22/9/04, 040922 0005 006, Pretoria,
14/5/77; Cornelis Johannes Els. Teichert & Kruger, Sewende
straat 870, Claremont, Pretoria, 1/3/77. Laage Schoeman & Kel- Verdieping, Homes Trustgebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria.
lerman, Eerste Verdieping, Fleischackgebou, hoek van Annanweg TEICHERT. Alice Harriet, 13/8/03, 030813 0015 00 8, Generaal
en Flintstraat, Posbus 854, Carletonville.
Dewetstraat 521, Pretoria-Noord, 1/5/77. Teichert & Kruger,
10144/76—SCHULZ, Ilse Getrud, 16/2/20, 007796543W, 42 Sewende Verdieping, Homes Trustgebou, Pretoriusstraat, Posbus
Fanny Avenue, Norwood, Johannesburg, 5/5/76. Ellmer & Co., 810, Pretoria.
508 Raschers Corner, 70 Loveday Street, Johannesburg. 1807/77—CAIRNS, Hilda Martin, 22/2/11, 110222 0017 100, 36
4815/77—CORNWELL, Mary Eileen, 18/2/10, 1002180026 Wandel Street, Hamberg. Roodepoort, 1/1/77; Thomas Martin
002, 1274 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 27/4/77. T. F. Corn- Cairns, 4/5/13. Thomas Martin Cairns, 36 Wandel Street, Ham­
well. c/o Rooth & Wessels, P.O. Box 21, Vanderbijlpark. berg, Roodepoort.
4 3 7 6 /7 7 — C E L L I E R S , J a c o b , 1 8 /6 /0 8 , 080618 5015 005, B la a u w - 1787/77—NEUMANN, Margaret Maria, 17/3/29, 331 609657
kop, Ermelo, 10/4/77. Lemmer, Vos & Kie., P o s b u s 273, Ermelo. W, 36 Steenbok Avenue, Leondaie, District of Germiston, 23/6/
4790/77/ASR/3 E—SMIT. Susanna M aria Magdalena, 29/7/ 75; also now deceased Wilhelm Fredrick Neumann, 8/12/28, 331
1899, 990729 0003 000, Vlakfontein, Pk. Welbekend, 26/3/77. San- 236870. Couzyn, Hertzog & Horak, P.O. Box 2242, Johannes­
tam Bank Bpk., Posbus 834, Springs. burg.
12840/76—PAPENFUS, Sidney, 10/8/1889, 8908 105003004, 3473/77—KILIAN, Petrus Johannes, 17/3/10, 100317 5033 00
Northdenelaan 63. Brakpan, 4/10/76; Hendrika Christina Papen- 3, Phalaborwa, 13/3/77. N. C. Maritz, Posbus 304, Tzaneen.
fus, 13/3/1892, 920313 0005 003. Frank le Roux, Van der West- 1835/77—PATEL, Babcobhai Dayabhai, 20/8/09 800 002306
huizen & Levin, Posbus 116, Brakpan. A, 75 Third Street, Eltivillas, Louis Trichardt, 4/2/77; Chanchal
4845/77—PRINSLOO, Susanna Catharina Johanna Magdalena, Vallavbhai Patel, 7/9/11, 800 0022 87 A. De Vaal & Spoelstra,
11/3/13, 1303110002000, Louw Wepenerstraat 71, Vanderbijlpark, P.O. Box 246. Louis Trichardt.
3/5/77. Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 801, Vereeniging. 3992/77—SMITH, Vera Van Renen, 2/2/11, 022 295574W, 502
4739/77—DU PLESSIS, Gert Christoffel Petrus, 8/10/31, 311 Sherburn. 45 Fifth Road, Bramley Gardens, Johannesburg, 22/
008 5028 00 3, Skippie Bothaweg 27, Sonlandpark, Vereeniging, 3/77. W. F. White, P.O. Box 93, Bloemfontein.
20/4/77; Elizabeth Anna M aria du Plessis, gebore Potgieter, 12/1 / 4756/77—ANDREELLO, Denise, 31/1/25. 324 827062, Germis­
36, 3601120014008. J. C. W. Badenhorst, Santam Bank Bpk., Pos­ ton, 11/4/77. Prinsloo, Coetzee & Terblanche, Posbus 448, Ger­
bus 801, Vereeniging. miston,
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 99

4565/77—FOURIE, Johannes George, 10/8/12, 120810 5083 002, 5119/77—JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Gerhardus Ignatius, 16/
Brakpan, 28/3/77; Elizabeth Aletta Jacoba Fourie, 15/6/21, 210 11/1897, 9711165007 009, Rusoordouetehuis, Louis Trichardtstraat,
615 0024 001. Die Sentrale Eksekuteurskamer Bpk., Posbus 3626, Volksrust, 5/5/77; Alberta Nicolasina Janse van Rensburg,
Pretoria. gebore Hurter. Rossouw, Coetzee & Kie., Laingsnekstraat 11,
3112/77—VAN TONDER, Barend Daniel, 16/7/02, 354824730, Posbus 86, Volksrust.
Westonaria, 20/2/77; Isabella Jacoba van Tonder, 25/9/25, 170 5165/77—WILLEMSE, Martha Cornelia Chatharina Christina,
9250048001. Die Sentrale Eksekuteurskamer Bpk., Posbus 3626, gebore Meyer, 4/8/44, Ribbenstraat 670, Daspoort, Pretoria,
Pretoria. 10/4/77; Casper Andries Willemse. 26/10/41. 411026-5016-00-9,
4341/77—GARDINER, Thomas Lyall, 18/11/1898, 98 11185005 Arie Gysbert van Oordt, p /a Santam Bank, Posbus 1666,
007, Welgegund, District of Kierksdorp, 28/3/77. Stephanus Pretoria.
Johannes Mattheus Osborne and Johannes Hermanus Dippenaar, 4000/77—WOLMARANS, Alberta Johanna, 25/11/06, 356-
c/o M. E. Rood & Brady, P.O. Box 6, Kierksdorp. 146586 W, 28ste Laan 581, Villieria, 5/4/77. Santam Bank Bpk.,
2262/77/ASR1—MILLAR, Frederick Barnard, 11/4/34, 3609 Posbus 1666, Pretoria.
49187, 36 Davies Crescent, Empangeni, Natal, 28/12/76;’ Anna 3066/77/ASR 11. SWANEPOEL, Carolina Frederika, 11/3/05,
Catharina Millar, formerly Van der Merwe, born Muller 31/ 050-311-0016-00-6, Asquithweg 2, Jan Smutsville, Boksburg-Wes,
12/44, 441231 0022 002. Charles Sherman, Levin & Prosser P.O. 10/3/77. J. B. Swanepoel, Koekoekstraat 19, Waverley-uitbreiding,
Box 886, Springs. Pretoria. 21 dae.
641/77—ERASMUS, Marius Rowlingson, 18/11/51, 511118 5061 4946/77—BARNARD, Johan Frederik, 28/1/19, 190128 5004
00 9, Hercules Hotel, Voortrekkerstraat, Pretoria, 31/10/76. San- 006, Geluk, Pk. Vorentoe, 23/4/77; Maria Barnard, 241104 0004
tam Bank Bpk., Posbus 425, Bloemfontein. 001. Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (Noord-Tvl.), Posbus 1730,
4642/77—SOLOMON, Ronald Malcolm, 10/2/38, 380210-5248- Pretoria.
00-9. Paarlshoop Road, Homestead Park, Johannesburg, 7/4/ 4955/77—FURSTENBURG, Gerhard Frederik, 27/3/07, 070327
77. A rthur Young & Company, 16th Floor, Nedbank House, 5019 007, Theuns Vanniekerkstraat 345, Wierda Park. Pretoria,
corner of Albert and Eloff Streets, P.O. Box 454, Johannesburg. 26/4/77; Anna Maria Furstenburg, 25/6/10, 100625 0021 00 9.
2276/76—BECKETT, Norman, 12/9/1896, 9 Mill Lane, Shore- Volkskas Bpk., Posbus 1730. Pretoria.
ham by Sea, West Sussex, England, 28/6/75. Weavind & Werks- 4588/77—VAN DER MERWE. Jan Frederick. 8/1/08. 080108
mans Inc. Allied Buildings, Pretorius Street, Pretoria. 5017 00 3, Vlakfontein, distrik Bronkhorstspruit, 23/2/77; Barind-
2810/77—FISCHER, Donald Albrecht, 10/6/1892, 9206105003 lina Hendrika Fredrika van der Merwe, gebore Prinsloo, 15/1/
002, Prinsioostraat 16, Carolina, 19/2/77. A. P. Geyser, Posbus 15, 150115 0020 00 2. Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (Oos-Tvl.),
105, Carolina. Posbus 383, Pretoria.
76S3/76—BOTHA, Johannes Rudolf, 6/7/03, 030706 5004 00 3, 4725/77—KRUGER, Cecilia Jacoba, 15/4/1898, 960415 0002
Sesde Laan 54a, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 28/6/76. Van Wyk 00 4, Immergroen Ouetehuis, Witbank, 20/10/76. Volkskas Bpk.,
de Vries, Malan & Steyn, Posbus 5892, Johannesburg. Posbus 383, Pretoria.
4482/77—SWART, Sarah Louisa Petronella, 21/12/18, 181221 4508/77—KOSSATZ. Jakobus Nikolas. 18/9/02. 020918 5005
0033 004, Plot 170, Driefontein, Pk. Fonteinriet, 14/4/77. Massel 00 3, Smitstraat 12, Delmas, 25/3/77, Volkskas Bpk., Posbus
Massel, Mare & Green, Eerste Verdieping, Bennett’sgebou, ho'ek 383. Pretoria.
van Commissionerstraat en Trichardtweg, Posbus 141, Boksburg. 5048/77—SMITH, Sarel Jacob, 10/2/14, 140210 5008 0 0 4,
4799/77—VOLLMHR, Hendrik (Henry) Hugo, 30/10/04, 041 Declercqstraat 19b, Lydenburg. 24/4/77; Johanna Jacomina
030 5022 00 7, 22 Gladiator Avenue, Airfield, Benoni, 19/4/77. Francina Smith, gebiore Pelser, 200721 0031 00 4. Volkskas Bpk.,
Boedelafdeling (Oos-Tvl.), Posbus 383, Pretoria.
A. E. Cook, Cook & Falconer, Permanent Buildings, 47 Prince’s 4480/77—SMITH, Nicolaas Johannes, 27/10/06, 191203 0032
Avenue, P.O. Box 52, Benoni.
00 2, Harmoniehof, Saratogalaan 9, Berea. Johannesburg. 20/3/
4962/77—KOEKEMOER, Zacharias Christiaan, 27/2/27, 270 77; Susanna Smith. Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (Suid-Tvl.),
227 5003 00 1, 11 Leipoldt Crescent, Park Rand, Boksburg, 4/ Posbus 2953, Pretoria.
5/77; Hendrika Helena Koekemoer (Hendricka Flelena) 21/6/ 4971/77—VAN DER MERWE. Martha Johanna. 26/10/18,
29, 290621 0012 00 7. Lovell, Miller & Dreyer, Third Floor, Elgin 181026 0020 00 4, Kleynhansstraat 74, Bethal. 15/4/77; Adriaan
House, 36 Prince’s Avenue, Benoni. Dirk van der Merwe, 21/3/07, 070321 5023 00 2. Volkskas Bpk.,
204/77—KOEKEMOER. Matheus Johannes, 23/12/03, 031223 Boedelafdeling (Suid-Tvl.). Posbus 2953, Pretoria.
5015 004, Welverwacht, Letaba, 13/12/76; Anna Christina Koe­ 4952/77—COLSBY. Aletta Cathrina. 20/8/25. 250820 002S 009,
kemoer, gebore Nel, 31/8/10, 338 800015W. C. J. Kemp & 13de Straat 27, Newlands, 15/4/77; Philippus Johannes Colsby,
Eiselen. Tamariskgebou, Agathastraat, Posbus 50, Tzaneen. 1/2/20, 331 111067W. Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (Suid-Tvl.),
1245/77—DE BEER, Pieter Jacobus, 14/8/1890, 361 394 011 Posbus 2953, Pretoria.
W, Kobielaan 19. Rustenburg, 20/8/76; Susanna Johanna Maria 4988/77—SMIT, Nicolaas. 24/8/31, 3108824 5037 00 5. Derde
de Beer. Van Velden-Duffey, Steenstraat 37, Privaatsak 82082, Straat 29, Linden, Johannesburg, 25/3/77. Volkskas Bpk., Boe­
Rustenburg. delafdeling (Suid-Tvl.). Posbus 2953, Pretoria.
1920/77—TOOCH, Peter, 30/11/49, 491130 5036 00 9, 203 4950/77—BOTHA, Jan Hendrik, 30/10/15, 331 438 565, Cali-
Linksvi'ew Court, Corlett Drive, Illovo, Johannesburg, 23/12/76. forniastraat 73, Crosby. Johannesburg. 10/4/77; Anna Fransina
Travice Tooch, c/o Tannenbaum, Goldstein, Holtmann & Wil­ Botha, 10/9/17, 331 438 566, Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (Suid-
liams, Third Floor, S.A. Permanent Buildings, 23 Goldman Tvl.). Posbus 2953, Pretoria.
4851/77—ROETS, Magdalena Elizabeth, 15/7/13, 130715 0023
3116/77—VENTER, Maria Elizabetha Petronella, 12/8/1898, 00 8. Bergboekwoonstelle 62, Combrinkstraat 1135, Villieria,
980812 0005 001, Derbylaan 41, Brakpan, 19/6/76. Haasbroek & Pretoria, 14/4/77. Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (Suid-Tvl.),
Boezaart, Posbus 2205, Pretoria. Posbus 2953. Pretoria.
11900/76/ASR3/E/—WHITTING, Hild Geraldine, 9/4/1899, 4930/77—VAN DER MERWE, Johannes Renier, 8/10/20,
034 853538, 116 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, Johannesburg, 201008 5026 00 0, Oranjeweg 5, Emmarentia. Johannesburg, 19/4/
12/8/76. Haasbroek & Boezaart, Posbus 2205, Pretoria. 77. Volkskas Bpk., Boedelafdeling (Suid-Tvl.), Posbus 2953,
2205/77 /A SR /2/E —VILJGEN. Joachim Johannes. 25/1/17, Pretoria.
356170 084W, Eerste Laan 60, Waterval Boven, 10/12/76. D. C. 3176/77—DE VILLIERS. Izak Cornelius, 24/2/1900, 000224
Minnie, Haasbroek & Boezaart, Posbus 2205, Pretoria. 5003 00 5, Amakkayawoonstelle 21, Somersetstraat, Nigel, 24/2/77,-
4117/77—ENGELBRECHT, Sarah Margaret, born Desfoun- Volkskas Bpk.. Boedelafdeling (Suid-Tvl.). Posbus 2953, Pretoria.
tain, 8/3/18. 180 308 0024 00 9, 74 Otto Stfeet, Krugersdorp, 21/ 2025/77—KRUGER. Philippus Cornelius, 13/9/1886, 860913
3/77. J. B. Hugo & Cronje, Allied Buildings, 43 Human Street, 5001 00 6, 6 Ellue Heights, 154 Vos Street. Sunnyside, Pretoria,
P.O. Box 115, Krugersdorp. 10/2/77; Gertrude Elizabeth Kruger, 10/2/1897, 970210 0007 00 6.
1233/77—PLEASS, Edward William Richard, 26/4/1890, 331 J. D. Leask, P.O. Box 1751, Pretoria.
531 782 W. 31 Rosetta Street, Regentspark, Johannesburg, 7/1/77; 2311/77—ODENDAAL, Lorraine, 18/9/52, 652112 175, Nicol-
Ivy Caroline Pretoria Pleass, 25/4/1900, 331 531783 W. Barbara sonstraat 50, Bailey’s Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 31/1/77. Mike Oden-
Kathleen Burton, 90 Westmoreland Road, Kensington. daal. Ferreira & Davel, Posbus 772, Pretoria.
254/77—EASTES, Sydney James (Sydney Edward Fred). 24/ 3549/77—JOUBERT, Jansen Jurgens, 26/8/12, 120826 5042
5/24, 2405245021000, 21 Riverside Caravan Park. P.O. Eiken- 000, Bronkhorstfontein, Pk. Eikenhof, 30/1/76. Haasbroek &
hof, 8/12/76; G la d y s Jo h a n n a Eastes. 17/5/22, 22057.005.00.5, B o e z a a rt, P o s b u s 2205, P r e to r ia .
21 Riverside Caravan Park, P.O. Eikenho-f. 3853/77—NARUNSKY, Ida Leah, 22/7/01, 010722-0010-00-6,
1066/77—GADD, William, 25/2/02, 020225 5004 005, Merri- 41 Pall Mall, Abel Road, Berea. Johannesburg, 31/3/77. S. _A.-
manlaan 64, VeTeeniging, 12/12/76; Dorothy Emily Gadd. Lurie, Narunsky, Third Floor, Allied Buildings, corner of Third
Dorothy Emily Gadd, p /a Smit & Coetzee, Posbus 165, Ver- Street and Fourth Avenue, P.O. Box 410, Springs.
eeniging. 4250/77—ERASMUS, Maria Aletta, 14/3/1895, 950314 0006
4668/77—GILL, Ronald Austin, 28/6/10, 211 45 9791 W, 223 00 2, Plot 10c. Benoni, 12/4/77; Gideon Jacobus Erasmus. Die
Middelberg Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 26/4/77. Metelerkamp Standard Bank van S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 893, Benoni.
& Ritson, P.O. Box 776, Pretoria. 4448/77—JOUBERT, Gert Louis, 18/4/1893, 321607202W,
5050/77—VAN TONDER. Wynand Phillippus, 26/7/1882. 820 Agnewlaan 27, Dunnottar, 7/3/77; Johanna Christina Joubert,
726 5002009, Woiodstock, distrik Rustenburg, 20/4/77. Immelman gebore Joubert, 21/2/1895. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Bpk,4
& Visagie, Smitstraat 146, Posbus 673, Rustenburg.; Trusteetak, Posbus 893, BenonL

4734/77—McMORRAN, Catherine, 1/8/1891. 305 772530W. 58 4449/77—K1TTO, Johanna Maria Elizabeth, 9/7/06, 060709
Sunnyside Avenue, Westdene, Benoni, 5/4/77. The Standard 0023 00 5, Raynarhof 5, Kleinstraat 89, Hillbrow, Johannesburg,
Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 893. Benoni. 17/4/77; John Phillip Kitto, 29/6/07, 070629 5024 006. Syfrets
4944/77—AGRELLA, Daniel De Freitas, 28/1/24, 240128 5038 Trust en Eksekuteur Suid-Afrika Bpk., Eksekuteursafdeling, Pos­
00 4, 68 Lupin Avenue, Primrose, Germiston, 2/4/77. The Stan­ bus 7419, Johannesburg.
dard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 893. Benoni. 4556/77—DE BRUYN, Barbara Wilhelmina Hoil, 25/8/27,
4578/77—KOEN, Gerhardus Josua, 25/9/20, 200925 5003 00 5, 270825 0027 00 6, hoek van Somerset- en Sesde Straat, Mayfair,
Plans 115, Sesfontein, Benoni, 17/4/77. Die Standard Bank van Johannesburg, 12/4/77. Bank van Johannesburg Bpk., Posbus
S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 893, Benoni. 61325, Marshalltown.
5097/77—KRAUSE, Lona Florence Marian, born Brinton, 11/ 5138/77—VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Lukas Cornelis, 26/7/
12/12. 121211-0029-00-6, 1 Canal Street, Wilkoppies. Klerksdorp, 46, 460726-5031 003, Libertaslaan 6, Beyerspark, Boksburg, 26/2/
27/3/77. D. M. Kantor & Philip du Toit, N.B.S. Buildings, corner 77; Mara van der Westhuizen, 16/2/50, 421 31 7938. Bank van
of Boom and Church Streets, P.O. Box 354, Klerksdorp. Johannesburg Bpk., Posbus 61325, Marshalltown.
1839/77/ASR/IIIC, ROCHE, Jane Agnes, 9/11/45, 211 714 946, 2447/77—VAN DER MERWE, Isabella Magrietha, gebore
Korhaaniaan 13, McKenzie Park, Benoni, 19/1/77; Jordan John Hattingh, 13/9/20, 365 101057W, Irvinelaan 684, Mountainview,
Roche, 9/6/41, 211548 188. A. P. de Jongh, p /a Santam Bank Pretoria, 2/2/77. Venter & Kie., Proteasentrum, Highstraat, May-
Bpk., Posbus 834, Springs. fair-Wes, Johannesburg.
5094/77 /ASR 2 D, JOFFEE, Janie, 12/1/16, 1601120025006, KOTZE, Godfried Johannes Jacobus, 7/11/04, 041107 5001
1 Rema Court, Princes Avenue, Benoni, 27/4/77. E. J. Trollip 007, Victoriastraat 11, Kensington B, Randburg, 28/4/77; Chris­
& Co., P.O. Box 6883, Johannesburg. tina Gertruida Magdalena Kotze, gebore Botha, 23/10/15, 151023
5009/77—BREEDT, Elizabeth Catharina, gebore Pienaar, 10/ 0001 00 7. Christiaan Eloff, Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 6160,
1/12, 1201100016 008, Austinlaan 39, Orkney, 1/5/77; Jacobus Johnnesburg.
Lodewikus Breedt, 120110 0016 008. Pickard Kirstein & Maree, RETIEF, Sophia Elizabeth, 28/9/15, 370930472, Spoorweghuis
Posbus 14, Delmas. 4, Maraisburg, 3/5/77; Paul Johannes Retief, 13/2/09, 090213 5024
4935/77—VAN SCHAIK, Wilhelmina, 3/8/1891, 356318 681, 00 5. Christiaan Eloff, Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 6160, Johan­
Nebohof, Troyestraat 33, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 1/5/77. H. van nesburg.
Schaik, W. L. du Plessis en J. J. van Schaik, Posbus 738, STRAUSS (Struis), Maria Catharina, 30/7/1897, 970730 0003
Pretoria. 00 2, 403 Walderof Heights, Hillbrow, 9/5/77. Santam Bank
4474/77—ROWE, Arthur John Francis, 25/1/20, 200125 5043 Bpk., hoek van Rissik- en Pleinstraat, Johannesburg.
00,8 8 Delville Road, D'elville, Germiston, 12/4/77. Max Levine,
206/210 United Buildings, 177 President Street, Germiston. 4926/77—MINERS, Anna, 2/3/1899, 211-570306W, 204 De
4762/77—VAN DEVENTER, Martinus Jacobus, 28/2/1898, Haven, Kotze Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 25/4/77. Barclays
980228 5006 003, Poplerlaan 7, Waterval-Boven, 23/4/77; Susan National Bank Ltd, Eastern Transvaal Trustee Branch, P.O. Box
Frances van Deventer, gebore Marais, 18/6/12, 331 619278W. 27033, Sunnyside, Pretoria.
Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Trustefeafdeling, Laeveldtak, Pos­ 4979/77—PREUYT, Maria Catherina (Catharina) Salomina,
bus 600, Nelspruit. 27/1/1900, 371-179045 W, Wakkerstroom, 22/4/77. Lyall Archi­
3124/76—PARE, Mara, 12/2/20, 331 20837, Mayfair, 4/3/76; bald Rogers, vir Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Oos-Tvl.-trus-
Fred Howell Pake, 20/7/20, 331 1071X18. Die Sentrale Ekseku- teetak, Posbus 27033, Sunnyside.
teurskamer Bpk., Posbus 3626, Pretoria. 4473/77—REINEKE, Elizabeth Ann Polglase, 21/5/1887, 338
4476/77—STEYN, Catharina Jacoba, 16/9/1892, 920916 0001 8304175W, Lakeside Lodge, Dundalk Avenue, Parkview, Johan­
00 2, weduwee, Boshoffstraat 5, Rustenburg, 8/4/77. Van Velden- nesburg, 20/4/77. Lyall Archibald Rogers, for Barclays National
Duffev, Privaatsak 82082, Rustenburg. Bank Ltd, Eastern Tvl Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 27033, Sunny­
9187/74—BOTES, Willem Jacobus Johannes, 4/9/07, 070904 side, Pretoria.
5008006, Sivewrightstraat 14, Krugersdorp, 13/6/74; ILendrietta 5046/77—SKINNER, Cornelia Elizabet Maria, 30/7/1889, 990
Adolphina Augusta Botes, 3/8/23. 331361 445. J. B. Hugo & 730/0003/00/8, Quin Centre 119, Voortrekkerweg, Gezina, 1/5/
Cronje, Humanstraat 43, Posbus 115, Krugersdorp. 77. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Department, Eastern
3838/77/ASR/l 11B, PULLEN, Doreen Haswell, 24/6/05. 050 Tvl Branch, P.O. Box 27033, Sunnyside, Pretoria.
624 0015(30 4, 86 De Wet Street, Horizon, Roodepoort, 25/3/77. 3981/77—ROBBERTS, Richard Gerhardus Frederick, 1/10/05,
J. B. Hugo & Cronje, P.O. Box 115, Krugersdorp. 051001 5008 004, Vanriebeeckstraat 118, Amsterdam, 6/4/77;
4918/77—GOOSSENS, Judith, gebore Ferreira, 26/1/1897, 354 Susanna Magrieta Robberts, 6/9/08, 080906 0017 005. Barclays-
4861! 1W. Hoer Meisiesskool Ferdinand Postma, Potchefstroom, Nasionale Bank Bpk., Oos-Tvl.-trusteetak, Posbus 27033, Sunny­
30/4/77. Thiel Theron & Le Grange, Lombardstraat 62, Posbus side, Pretoria.
200, Potchefstroom. 5023/77—ERASMUS, Anna Susanna, 17/5/1900, 381 233567,
14130/76—REED, Petrus Jacobus Benjamin, 28/6/56, 560628 Andersonstraat 96, Louis Trichardt, 4/5/77. Lyall Archibald
5031 00 0, President Krugerstraat 39a, Middelburg, 13/11/76. Rogers, Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Oos-Tvl.-trusteetak,
S. E. Steyn & Esterhuysen, Markstraat 20b, Posbus 68, Middel­ Posbus 27033, Sunnyside, Pretoria.
burg. 4057/77—WICHMANN, Friedrich August Franz, 9/11/04, 041
4721 /77—GREYVENSTEIN, Jacoba Wilhelmina. 26/12/1900, 109 5026 000, Eastwoodouetehuis, Arcadia, Pretoria, 16/3/77. L,
0012260007005, Ons Tuiste, Suidstraat. Pietersburg, 15/3/77. R. C. G. Wichmann, p /a Ross & Jacobsz, Posbus 46, Pretoria.
Pratt, p/a Meyer, Pratt & Luyt, S.A. Permanentegebou 203, Mare- 3608/77—LOGIE, Clifford Russell, 13/2/11, 1102 135028 002,
straat 54, Posbus 152, Pietersburg. 105 Russell Square, Berea, Johannesburg, 3/2/77; Olivia Logie,
4917/77—GROENEWALD, Jan Gysbertus, 6/1/24, 240106 29/5/17, 170529001700. Clothier, Poole & Dreyer, P.O. Box
5002006, Lings Regsstraat 2, Militere Bais, Potchefstroom, 25/4/77; 3407, Johannesburg.
Aletta Maria Groenewald. Syfrets Trust en Eksekuteurs Suid- 1589/77—HATTINGH, George David, 7/1/51, 5101075061011,
Afrika Bpk., Posbus 1830, Pretoria. 936 Couga Street, Rivcrlea Extension, 26/12/76. Gava Llat-
REYNDERS, David Petrus Johannes, 20/10/14, 141020 502 tingh, 936 Couea Street, Riverlea Extension.
1009, Agste Laan 74. EdenVal'e, 30/4/77; Anna Francina Reyn- 3982/77—ROBERTS, Lawrence Frederick, 1/7/03, 030701
ders, gebore Kruger, 191213 0017 002. Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 5021 00 8, 411 San Martino, Leicester Road, Bedford Gardens,
6160, Johannesburg. 8/3/77. Van Hulsteyn, Duthie & Saner, Ninth Floor, His Majes­
14592/76—THOM, Izaak Zirk, 20/4/09, 090420 5002 002, Harts- ty’s Buildings, Eloff Street, P.O. Box 46, Johannesburg.
rivierstraat 12, Boetrand, Klerksdorp, 11/11/76. Sekuriteit Ekse­ 4776/77—METCALFE,. Deborah Eileen, born Nixon, 24/11/
kuteurs en Trust Maatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria. 12, 331382801 W, 26 Elstree Avenue. Mulbarton, Johannesburg,
3323/77—SLIEP, Maria Johanna, gebore Berg, 17/3/37, 901 19/5/76. E. F. K. Tucker, P.O. Box 9, Johannesburg.
510261, Fraserstraat 114, Kenilworth, Johannesburg, 12/3/77; 3751/77—IMMERMAN, Riva, 24/7/11, 331 511139 W. 403 Ella
H a r m e n S liep , 330113 5044 104. S e k u r ite it E k s e k u te u r s e n T r u s t Court, Smit Street, Joubert Park, Johannesburg, 31/3/77. A. H.
M a a ts k a p p y B p k ., P o s b u s 2103. J o h a n n e s b u r g . Salovy, Sixth Floor, His Majesty’s Buildings, corner of Eloff
4392/77—JACOBS, Lucas Cornells, 5/4/11, 110405 5020 00 1, and Commissioner Streets, Johannesburg.
Trollipstraat 43, Brenthurst, Brakpan, 15/4/77; Johanna Magda­ 2838/77—ISAAC, Frederick William, 5/6/1896, 305 763873W,
lena Jacobs, 19/9/18. 180919-0015-00-1. Leon Maartens, C.N.A.- Douglas Colliery, Vandyksdrif, 3/2/77. A. C. B. von Holdt, 101
gcbo’i 600, Posbus 6460, Johannesburg. Paddock Road, Athol. Sandton.
3197/77—ENSLIN. Marie, 8/8/05, 328626469 W. 14A Staats- 1866/77—DA COSTA, Jose Manuel, 5/9/11, 9676 Beacon
dorp, Germiston, 20/2/77; Albertus Carolus Enslin. 22/4/1897, Road, Kliotown, 16/1/77: Johanna da Costa, 11/2/27, 270211
328626468 W. Syfrets Trust en Eksekuteur Suid-Afrika Bpk., 0030 01 1. Langstaffe, Bird & Co., P.O. Box 4686, Johannesburg;
Eksekuteursafdeling, Posbus 7419, Johannesburg. 4829/77—HANS, Ahmed Mia Moorajee, 13/12/10, 800 027
4993/77—STEYN, Hendrik Johannes Enslin, 23/2/13, 130223- 378, 21 Honeysuckle Avenue, Lenasia, 15/3/77: Mariam Hans,
5022-000. Citronweg 16, Primrose, Germiston, 18/4/77; Mary 800 05591. N. G. Patel Caohalia & Loonat, Suite 5. Second Floor,
Moller Steyn, 14/3/17, 331 270648W. Sanek Eksekuteurskamer Grand Bazaar, Oriental Plaza, Fordsburg, P.O. Box 25105, Fer-
Bpk., Posbus 61985. Marshalltown. reirastown, Johannesburg.
3968/77—McNAMARA, Ernest William, 9/9/10, Springvale 4824/77—FORBES, Linda, 25/1/03, 030125 0009 00 0, 34 Rey­
School, Marandellas. Rhodesia, 27/8/76. Security Executor and nolds Street, Reynolds View, Johannesburg. 21/4/77. Security
Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 2103, Johannesburg. Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 2103, Johannesburg.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 101

5 0 2 1 / I ! —HAYNE, Martha Johanna Susanna, born Van der 2059/77—LAKER, Colin A rthur Lionel, 4/3/13, 13030-4501-
Merwe, 24/4/51, 510424-0065-00-8, 14 Exeter Street, Robertsham, 2009, 102 Princess Place, 5 Park Lane, Parktown, Johannesburg,
Johannesburg, 3/5/77. Barclays Nataional Bank Ltd, Johannes­ 30/12/76. Gilchrist & Reid, 102 Medical Centre, Rothsay Street,
burg Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg. Benoni.
4251/77—FRASER, Violet Elizabeth, 18/7/08, 0807180015008, 3712/77—WILSON, Henriette, 8/4/1890, 900408 0002 09 2, 305
7 Winifred Court, Ampthill Avenue, Benoni, 3/3/77; Robert Dorchester Private Hotel, 121 Twist Street, Hillbrow, Johannes­
Fraser, 9/11/07, 071109 5015 00 6. Syfrets Trust and Executor burg, 25/3/77. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch,
South Africa Ltd, Executors Department, P.O. Box 7419, Johan­ P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg.
nesburg. 2608/77—VAN EEDEN, Francois Jacobus, 26/4/22, 3460009
3005/77—JOUBERT, Felix, 27/4/09, 090427.5006.00.8, Plot 842, Longmcorweg 10, Robertsham Extension 1, Johannesburg,
102, Vleikop, 27/1/77; Catherine Wilhelmina Joubert, 25/3/12, 16/2/77; Maria Jacomina van Eeden. Barclays National Bank
335 681650W. Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box Ltd. Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg.
2103, Johannesburg. 4880/77—CARO, Percy Bertram, 19/1/26, 2601195028009, 34
4864/77—ULGHERI, Anna Maria, 22/6/19, 190622 0030 107, Seventh Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 12/4/77. Barclays
9 Banton Road, Robertsham, Johannesburg, SO IS 111', Francesco National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannes­
Ulgheri, 18/11/09, 091118 5007 109. Security Executor and Trust burg.
Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 2103, Johannesburg. 2450/77—OGLESBY, Doreen Daphne, born Williams, 9 /6 /
3332/77—WALLACE, Esther Nan, 23/1/08, St Anthony’s 13, 130609-0038-001, 260 Acacia Road, Blackheath, Johannes­
House, Lympstone, Devon, England, 20/5/76. Northern Trust burg, 17/2/77. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch,
Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 3483. Johannesburg. P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg.
4991/77—SCHWARZ, Ludwig Max, 14/7/14, 140714 5026 00 4667/77—GARMENT, Edwin Victor, 9/8/1898, 331 266414,
7, 257 Jan Smuts Avenue, Dunkeld West, Johannesburg, 25/4/ 33 Mount Verna, Saunders Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg, 18/4/
77. I. Mendelow & Browde, Third Floor, National Board House, 77. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box
94 Pritchard Street. Johannesburg. 2036, Johannesburg.
4860/77—STOLTENKAMP (Stonekamp), Henry (Norman),
29/6/12, 331-591156C. 120 Tafelberg Avenue, Bosmont, Johan­ 5037/77—MAY, Maud Edith, born Melton, 10/12/1893, 901
nesburg, 21/4/77; Sadie Caroline, 11/3/14, 331-591157C. R. I. 517353 V/, 63 Cruden Bay Road, Greenside, Johannesburg, 22/4/
Michel, 210 International House, 61 Loveday Street, Johannes­ 77.
burg. 3076/77—FOUCHE, Maria (Ria), 21/5/1883, 1118S6307W,
4701/77—YOUNG, Roy, 16/10/32, 083312, bachelor. 159 Lakeside Lodge, 4 Dundalk Avenue, Parkview Johannesburg,
Ninth Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 25/4/77. R. t. Michel, 17/2/77.
210 Internationanl House, 61 Loveday Street, P.O. Box 7602, 4960/77—JACKSON Margaret Victoria, 23/6/08, 331-416527,
Johannesburg. 65 Daventry Court, Riviera Road, Killarney, 6/4/77. Barclays
2147/77—FRIEDMAN, Simen, 16/3/1881, 331 261 144W. 42 National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannes­
Lakeside Lodge, Lower Park Drive, Johannesburg, 17/2/77. burg.
Hayman Godfrey & Sanderson, Second Floor, Prudential Assur­ 4965/77—LUBBE, Hendrik Stephanus, 24/11/19, 1911245052-
ance Buildings, 94 M rin Street, Johannesburg. 003, 52 Putney Street, Brixton, Johannesburg, 25/4/77; Magda­
4323/77—VOS, William Graham, 24/8/03, 030824 5008 00 5, lena Johanna Gertruida Lubbe. Barclays National Bank Ltd,
Drogeheuwel, Fochville. 30/3/77. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg.
P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg. 5123/77—SIMON, Arthur, 11/6/14, 140611-5041-00-4. 103
1774/77—HARMSE, Pieter Willem Darnel, 23/10/22. 221023 Ashkelon, corner of Mitchell Street and York Avenue, Berea,
5048 009. Beckerstraat 32, Olifantsfontein, 2/2/77; Dorothea Wil­ 11/4/77; Bertha Simon, 17127-0038-00-3. Werksmans, P.O. Box
helmina Magdalena Harmse, gebore Joubert, 10/7/31. 310710 0040 61113, Marshalltown.
00 5. Mev. H. S. J. Smal, Verwoerdburgsentrum D2, Cantonments- 1067/77—GARDE Rysia, 20/12/1896, 331 173168, 607 Roxdale
weg. Posbus 14026, Verwoerdburg. Mansions, Second Avenue, Houghton, Johannesburg, 11/11/76.
9006/72—DEKKER, Jan Karel Pieter, 21/2/06, 356228369, Kahn, Oshry, Ellis & Salomon, Second Floor, Protea Assurance
24ste Laan 755, Rietfontein, Pretoria, 14/2/72. Roseman & Heu- Buildings, 94 Commissioner Street, P.O. Box 78, Johannesburg.
nis. Sixth Floor. Standard General Buildings, 215 Proes Street, 12995/76/ASR2—MYERS, Morris, during 1881, Witwatersrand
P.O. Box 2133, Pretoria. Jewish Aged Home, George Avenue, Sandringham, Johannes­
2087/77—BARNARD, Gysbert, 21/3/02, 020321-5006-008, burg, 8/4/76. A. W. Katzen & Katzen, 407 Marlborough House,
Buffelshoek, Pk. Mooinooi, 4/2/77; Johanna Hendrina Bar­ Eloff Street, Johannesburg.
nard, 031128-0013-005. Transvaal Eksekuteurskamer Bpk., Posbus 12996/76/ASR2—MYERS, Abram, 109 Eighth Avenue, May-
3120. Pretoria. fair, Johannesburg, 5/7/74. A. W. Katzen & Katzen, 407 Marl­
4736/77—OOSTHTJIZEN, Ivy Sarah, 4/9/1899, 990904 0005 borough House, Eloff Street, Johannesburg.
004, 6 Arcadia Mansions, Kerkstraat 563, Pretoria. 13/4/77. 14637/76—PATTISON, William John Adnah, Gordon Michal-
Transvaal Eksekuteurskamer Bpk., Posbus 3120, Pretoria. son & Nathan Silver, Sixth Floor, Kelhof, 112 Pritchard Street,
4569/77—VAN HUYSSTEEN, Susara Carolina. 22M2/19. 191 Johannesburg.
2220023001, Agliottilaan 6, Kempton Park, 14/3/77; Dirk Johan­ TAVERNER, Frederick Herbert, 22/7/10, 100722 5012 00 8,
nes van Huvssteen, 16/2/09, 0902165014008. Trust Bank van 1 Day Court, The Link, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 16/4/77. MacRobert,
Afrika Bpk., Posbus 27029, Sunnyside. de Villiers & Hitge, Posbus 276, Pretoria.
4857/77—SCHULTZ. Anna Susanna, 30/8/23, 230830-0035-008, TAVERNER, Mavis Ruth, 11/5/17, 170511 0016 006, 1 Day
Signallaan 10, Dawtiview, Primrose, Germiston. 14/2/77. Die Court, The Link, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 17/1/77. MacRobert, De
Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Esselen- Villiers & Hitge, Posbus 276, Pretoria.
straat 113, Posbus 27029, Sunnyside. 4064/77—BROLI, Olivia Theresa, 8/7/12, 120708 0024 00 3, 11
3040/77—STEYN, Jacobus Marthinus, 21/3/22. 220321-5018- Buckingham Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 19/3/77. Mona
001, Sackvilleweg 28. Casseldale, Springs, 9/2/77. Die Trust Mary Emma Cox, c/o Geo. Isserow & T. L. Friedman, 546
Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Esselenstraat Jules Street, Malvern, P.O. Box 40088, Cleveland, Johannesburg.
113. Posbus 27029, Sunnyside. 4882/77—CATT, Marjory Elsie Emily, 15/2/01, 010215 0006 009
8 Janos Court, Menin Square, Delville, Germiston, 13/4/77.
4867/77—VISAGIE. Coenraad Frederick, 3/2/17, 356 268341, Barclays National Bank Ltd, Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box
30ste Laan 755, Villieria, Pretoria, 22/2/77; Margaretha Fredrika 8000, Johannesburg.
Visagie. 356268342. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en 170/77 — ABRAHAMSOHN, Paul, 2,11481287 W, 21/12/76.
Boedelafdeling, Esselenstraat 113, Posbus 27029, Sunnyside. Ritch & Buriand, P.O. Box 3971, Johannesburg.
4452/77—VAN KLEEF, Albertje, 25/10/04, 041025 0012003,
104 Nebohof, Troyestraat, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 3/4/77; Derek 217/77—PRINSLOO, Neville, 10/8/31, 3108105038002, 201
Peter van Kleef. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., Posbus 27029, Lynwood Flats, Lake Road, Denlee, Germiston, 10/12/76. L. G.
Sunnyside. Thomas, c/o Ronald S. Kaftel, 922 Bosnian Buildings, 99 Eloff
4683/77—PIETERSE, Lukas Marthinus, 7/1/36, 360107 5013 Street, Johannesburg.
005, Deklerkstraat 47, Potgietersrus, 1/4/77; Martha Fransina 1523/76—VERMEULEN, Veronica Gladys, bom Jamieson,
P ie te r s e , 1 9 /7 /4 3 . Die T r u s t B a n k v a n A f r i k a B p k ., T ru s t- e n 27/6/08, 3314 7901 W, 101 Dorchester Mansions, 75 Rissik Street,
Boedelafdeling, Esselenstraat 113, Posbus 27029, Sunnyside. Johannesburg, 3/1/76; Petrus Kasparus Vermeulen, 14/11/15.
P. K. Vermeulen, c/o National Estates (Pty) Ltd, 411 SARB
LAUDER, Kenneth, 21/3/11, 110321-5021-00-8. 1 Wincliff, House, 80 Commission Street, P.O. Box 11165, Johannesburg.
Dukes Avenue, Windsor, Randburg, 12/3/77; Alice Margaret 3202/77—FOWLAY, James Alfred, 3/8/30, 324837 021,
Lauder, bom Lidyard, 19/5/22, 220519-0038-00-3. Barclays 3 Colin Court, 6 Kate Street. Malvern, Johannesburg, 13/3/77;
National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannes­ Maude Pauline Fowlay, 348783520. Maude Pauline Fowlay, c/o
burg. Geo. Isserow & T. L. Friedman, 546 Jules Street, Malvern, P.O.
4411/77—STRYDOM, Frans Johannes Jacobus, 24/4/39, 390 Box 40088, Cleveland, Johannesburg.
424 5019 005, Paschendaeleweg 55. Dellville, Germiston, 10/3/ 4967/77—LURIE, Abraham Isaac, 10/9/1896, 331 228119W,
77; Denise Rose Strydom, gebore Thome, 4203220007005. Syfrets Clar Roc, 12 Soper Road, Berea, Johannesburg, 28/4/77. Edward
Trust and Executor South Africa Ltd, Executors Department, Nathan, Friedland, Mansell & Lewis, P.O. Box 3370, Johannes^
P.O. Box 7419, Johannesburg. burg.
102 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

2916/77—CRAGG, John, 24/8/22, Witberg Apartments, Olivia 4298/77—VAN NIEKERK, Adriaan Johannes, 4/4/04, 040404/
Road, Berea, Johannesburg, 22/4/76. Van Hulsteyn Duthie & 5008/00/4, wewenaar, 31 Tiende Laan, Ncrthmead, Bcnoni, 8/
Saner, P.O. Box 46, Johannesburg. 4/77. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Reeftrusteetak, Posbus 8000,
5342/77—FISHER, Richard Jeffrey, 8/9/45, 45090S 504200 6, Johannesburg.
47 Seventh Street, Parkmore, Sandton, 25/4/77. Wert- 2716/77—BORNMAN, Johannes Jurgens. 17/2/04, 040217500
heim Becker, Third Floor, Nedbank Mall, Commissioner and 400, Plot 84, P.O. Groblersdal, 18/2/77; Helen Myrtle Born-
Smal Streets, P.O. Box 2102, Johannesburg. man, 22/4/06, 060422 0003 00 7. Barclays National Bank Ltd,
1644/77—CLARK, Johanna, 19/5/1895, 9505190006006, 31 Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg.
Manley Court, Goldreich Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg, 11/11/ 1144/77—MILLER, Annie Hutchison, 20/6/1890, 370930017W,
76. Lorna Joy Philipson Marinaki, c/o Michael Ganz, 10th 42 Klipriver Drive, Three Rivers, Vereeniging, 15/12/76. Barclays
Floor, Main Central, Main and Eloff Streets, P.O. Box 11285, National Bank Ltd, Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Johan­
Johannesburg. nesburg.
14685/76 — SWANEPOEL, Anna Adriana, 8/12/12, 328205 5036/77—MAR1TZ, Theunis Christian, 24/5/14, 140524 5022
855 W, 14 Myrtle Road, Primrose, Germiston, 19/11/76; Jan 00 9, 412 Main Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, 26/4/77; Iris
Adriaan Swanepoel, 26/11/12, 328 205854. Jan Adriaan Swane- Orangia Dorothy Maritz, born Higgings, (4/11/15, 331-550806.
poel, 14 Myrtle Road, Primrose. Germiston. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036,
4J15/77—GOLDSTEIN, Samuel (Sam Wallace), 31/7/1893, Johannesburg.
930731 5004 00 2, Witwatersrand Jewish Old Aged Home, Sand­ 5099/77—KROESEN, Noreen Angela, 2/8/29, 331119855W,
ringham, Johannesburg, 20/3/77. Fricdland, H art & Partners, 34 Quentin Road, Robertsham, Johannesburg, 16/4/77; Colin
P.O. Box 1003, Pretoria. Rutherford Kroesen, 27/8/27, 331-119854W. Barclays National
14128/76—ROBERTS, David James, 31/5/23, 331 534417W, 27 Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, Johannesburg.
Augusta Road, Regent's Park, Johannesburg, 29/6/76. Boland 5195/77—PIETERSE, Petrus Hendrik. 17/2/09, 090217 5001
Bank Bpk., Posbus 950. Pretoria. 00 04, Broodrykstraat 359, Pretoria-Noord, 29/4/77; Susara Eliza-
3338/77—VAN DEN BERG, Sara Maria Sophia. 14/1/17,
170114 0005 002. Booysenstraat 13, Nylstroom, 10/3/77. G. D. betha Pietcrse, gebore Small, 2/7/10, 100 702 0006 007. John
Kotze Trust (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 26299. Arcadia. Lucien Pool, Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Posbus 1365,
4693/77—SERRETTA. Giovani (John), 5/8/1890. 331-258776, Pretoria.
77 Sophia Street, Fairlands, Johannesburg, 24/4/77. Barclays 4873/77—VAN ZYL, Christoffel Johannes, 6/9/31, 31090650
National Bank Ltd, Johannesburg Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2036, 14009, Schoongesight, Posbus 198. Koster, 24/4/77; Aletta
Johannesburg. Sophia van Zyl, voorheen Van Zyl, gebore Venter, 19/11/35,
4767/77—HARRIS. Viola Blanche, 30/3/1900, 000330 0005 000. 3511190009004. John Lucien Pool, vir Barclays-Nasionale Bank
14 Athalie Street, Chrisville, Johannesburg, 9/4/77. The Standard Bpk.. Posbus 1365, Pretoria.
Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, Library Gardens Chambers, 4558/77—CONRADIE, Machiel Christoffel. 9/10/1897, 97100
President Street, P.O. Box 933. Johannesburg. 95007006, Emclia, Pk. Wolmaransstad, 2/4/77; Johanna Isabella
4680/77—NICOL, Ann Mvrrel, 30/3/1891, 910323 0002 001, Conradie, 23/9/03, 0309230006004. Barclays-Nasionale Bank
Queenshaven, corner of Klipriversberg and Outspan Roads, Bpk., Trusteeafdeling, Wes-Tvl.-trusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretoria.
South Hills, Johannesburg, 10/10/76. The Standard Bank of 4720/77—GNADE, Louiza Maria. 25/11/16, 1611250028001,
S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg. Vlakfontein, Pk. Ventersdorp, 7/4/77; Daniel Frederik Gnade,
4618 77—TOKER. Max, 31/7/1897. 305-732326, 71 Leighton 2/1/14, 140 102 5040 006. John Lucien Pool, vir Barclays-Nasio­
Road, Victory Park, Johannesburg, 22/2/77. The Standard Bank nale Bank Bpk., Wes-Tvl.-trusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretoria.
of S.A. Ltd. Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 933, Johannesburg. 3908/77—BECK, Lancelot Stanley, 7/3/17. 170307 5027 00 1,
4 3 9 1 / 77 —-VAN HEERDEN, Willem, 21/10/30. 301021 502 2 Day Court, The Link, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 9/4/77. Barclays
1003, Corneliastraat 9, Troyville, Johannesburg. 24/3/77. The National Bank Ltd, Trustee Department, Western Tvl. Branch,
Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, Library Gardens P.O. Box 1365, Pretoria.
Chambers, President Street, P.O. Box 933. Johannesburg. 4674/77—MADER, Evert, 7/5/45, 450507 5038 004. Lavender-
4101/77—ZINN, Elizabeth Margaretha. 26/8/15. 150826-0021- straat 35, Wonderboomkleinhoewe, Pretoria, 2/4/77. Barclays-
002, Plot 56, Rietspruit, P.O. Klipriver, 13/3/77. The Standard Nasionale Bank Bpk., Wes-Tvl.-trusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretorria.
Bank of S.A. Ltd. Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 933. Johannesburg. 4084/77—MANTLE, Edward Henry, 11/7/1896, 960711 5010
3 4 1 4 / 77 —HOUGH, Anna Johanna Francina, 2/11/88, 000354 00 4, 5a Malherbe Street, Bloemhof, 2/4/77. Barclays National
843154W, Jan Celliersstraat 9, Potchefstroom, 10/3/77. Barclays- Bank Ltd, Trustee Department, Western Tvl. Branch, P.O. Box
Nasionale Bank Bpk., Reef Trusteetak, Posbus 8000, Johannes­ 1365, Pretoria.
burg. 4813/77—VAN COPPENHAGEN, Frederick Willem Coenraad,
3371/77—WATTS. Jeremiah Alfred. 23/3/1890. 900323 5001 25/10/03, 031025 5013 008, Kortstraat 3, Koster, 25/4/77. Barclays-
00 0, Kathleenstraat 100, Florida. 8/3/77. Barclays-Nasionale Nasionale Bank Bpk., Wes-Tvl.-trusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretoria.
Bank Bpk., Reef Trusteetak, Posbus 8000, Johannesburg. 4714/77—ENGELBRECHT. Eduard Hermanus Jacobus 15/
3585/77—STRYDOM. Jacobus Johannes, 7/2/09, 090207 5001 11/12, 121115 5018 007, Kafferskraal, Marikana, 2 1 /4 /7 7 ;' Ger-
00 5. 7 Blakewoonstelle, Orkney, 4/3/77; Jacomina Elizabeth truida Anna Cathrina Engelbrecht, gebore Smit, 19/10/15, 151
Strydom, gebore Esterhuvse. 6/621. Barclays Nasionale Bank Bpk., 019 0006 004. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Wes-Tvl.-trusteetak,
Reef Trusteetak. Posbus 8000, Johannesburg. Posbus 1365, Pretoria.
4175/77—HARVEY. Margaret Eadie Thompson. 9/1/07. 070 4050/77—TERBLANCHE, Judith Engela Magrietha, 6/7/04,
109-0005-00-3, widow. 7 Dickens Avenue. Orkney. 28/3/77. Barc­ 339548005W, Sooihuis, Pk. Biesiesvlei, 3/3/77; Petrus Johannes
lays National Bank Ltd, Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, Terblanche. 24/2/1895, 950224 5002 007. Barclays-Nasionale Bank
Johannesburg. Bpk., Wes-Tvl.-trusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretoria.
4305/77—PRETORTUS. Frederik Johannes. 17/6/11. 381 231 4849/77—DU PRJBiEZ, Amelia Maud, born Ward, 20/10/04,
482W, Donaldsonlaan 18. Strubenvale. Springs. 6/4/77; Anna 356 131200 W, 46 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne. Verwoerdburg, 26/
Petronella Sophia Pretorius, 6/9/20. 381 231483W. Barclays- 4/77; Andrew Philip Peter du Preez, 14/6/04, 040614 5009 00 6.
Nasionale Bank Bpk.. Reeftrusteetak, Posbus 8000. Johannesburg. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Department, Western Tvl.
3732/77—COETZER. Magic! Josias. 16/9/03, 030916 5021 00 2. Branch. P.O. Box 1365, Pretoria.
Krugersdorp. 23/3/77: Hester Magdalena Coetzer. 13/11/06, 061 5074/77—COMPAAN. Auke, 28/7/1892, 920728 5005 00 7. 342
113 0010 006. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Reef Trustee Branch, Broodryk Street, Pretoria North, 2/5/77; Bertha Alvina Com-
P.O. Box 8000. Johannesburg. paan, bom Peters, 24/6/1898, 980624 0011 00 8. Barclays National
3879/77—KENT, Annie Fraser. 28/2/1896, 331195696W, 16 Bank Ltd, Trustee Department, Western Tvl Branch, P.O. Box
13th Avenue, Blyvooruitzicht, 7/3/77. Barclays National Bank 1365, Pretoria.
Ltd. Reef Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 8000, Johannesburg. 2624/77—NEWSTEAD, Rose, 14/2/22, 365 139867 W, 9 Kent
4339/77—FERRARIS. Emmanuel Clarence, 10/8/04, 040810 Gardens, First Avenue, Springs, 20/1/77. C. F. Simmons, P.O.
5023 00 1. 66 Deutzia Road, Primrose Hill, Germiston. 3/4/77. Box 1684. Johannesburg.
Barclays National Bank Ltd, Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 8000, 6198/76—LEVY, Charles; Theodore Kopenhager, P.O. Box
Johannesburg. 7576, Johannesburg. J. L. Beinash & Co., P.O. Box 7576, Johan­
1374/77—ERLANK. Stephen John. 1/7/1898. 980 101500100, nesburg.
14 Pheasant Street, Albermarle Extension 1, Germiston. 30/1/77. 5068/77—CAINE, David John, 25/8/46. 460825 5030005, 11a
Barclays National Bank Ltd, Reef Trustee Branch, P.O. Box Oos Street, Rustenburg, 2/4/77. The Standard Bank of S.A.
8000, Johannesburg. Ltd. Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1330, Pretoria.
3524/77—CONRADIE, Jacobus Hendrik, 10/10/39. 365100821 4271/77—KERENS, Maria Johanna, gebore De Beuckelaer,
W, Avalon Rehabilitasiesentrum, Booysens, Johannesburg, 29/1/ 8/1/15, Vanwykstraat 27, Silverton, 11/4/77. Die Standard Bank
77; Anna Susanna Magdalena Conradie, gebore Putter, 27/8/40, van S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 1330, Pretoria.
354488350. Barclays National Bank Ltd, P.O. Box 8000, Johan­ 4496/77—DE BEER, Frederick John Daniel, 3/11/30, 301103
nesburg. 5043 00 3, Brookelaan 53, Orkney, 7/4/77. Die Standard Bank
4222/77—BOSHOFF, Jan Willem Hendrik, 21/4/1900, 000421- van S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 1196, Krugersdorp.
5005-00-2, Plot 38, Goedehoop, Meyerton, 12/4/77; Catharina 199/77—BOTHA, Ivy Caroline, 21/6/03, 030621 0010 00 6,
Margritha Boshoff, gebore De Bruyn, 14/10/07, 071014-0015- Prinsloostraat, Edenville, 14/5/76. F. P. J. Botha, p /a Chris de
00-3. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Posbus 8000, Johannesburg. Beer & Pretorius, Posbus 28902, Sunnyside, Pretoria,
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 103

1905/77—PELLAY, Adachy Dordsamy, 10/8/22, 800/005936 A, 1927/77—VAN DER MERWE, Douw Gerbrandt, 3/6/18, 180
161 19th Avenue, Laudium, Pretoria, 14/6/76; Kamachee 603 5012 00 3, Caravanna Caravan Park, Winkelspruit, 1/3/77.
Adachy Pillay. V. J. Khatri. Second Floor, Room 211, corner of The Trust Bank of Africa Ltd, Trust and Estate Department,
Mogul and Eighth Street, M araba Centre, Asiatic Bazaar, Pretoria. 417 Smith Street, P.O. Box 1938, Durban.
2868/77—BOAR DM AN, Kenneth John Simpson, 1/12/1899, 5568/76—PEARCE, Lynette Elvira, 31/7/48, 309 507819, 5a
Woodville Park Road, P.O. Woodville, Bulawayo, Rhodesia, Fifth Avenue, Stanger, 17/11/76; Desmond Victor Pearce. Trol-
15/12/76. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. lip, Joubert, Cowling & Brocker, First Floor, Harvey Chambers,
Box 1330, Pretoria. 293 Prince George Avenue. P.O. Box 38, Brakpan.
4744/77—SEACH. Phoebe, 2/1/01, 101 195514 W, 7 Marina 1175/77—GOVENDER. Kanapathy, 8/1/17, 800/080 726, 3
Lodge, King Street, Bcrario, Johannesburg, 4/4/77. The Stan­ Bird Street, Lennoxton, Newcastle. 11/1/77; Paruathy Go vender,
dard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1196, Krugers- born Govender, -/6/28, 800/080725 A. E. A. Jadwat & Co., P.O.
dorp. Box 2761, Newcastle.
4847/77—PRINSLOO, Hans Jurgens, 8/2/09, 090208 5003 00 9, 4514/76—DEONANDAN, 1/12/12. 800 333 406A, 44 Candover
Plot 1, Drakevilie. Vanderbijlpark, 19/4/77; Hester Johanna Road, Sydenham, Durban, 10/6/75; Basmathi, 800 301626A.
Prinsloo, gebore Prinsloo, 18/3/11, 110318 0034 00 2. Die Standard Goodrickes.
Bank van S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 1196, Krugersdorp. 1921/77—GREEVES, John. 2/1/06, 211592867, 116 Melsetter
4112/77—BEZUIDENHOUT, Gerhardus Petrus. 23/7/21, 210 Road. Woodlands, Pietermaritzburg, 15/4/77; Kathleen Agnes
723 5001 00 6, Drydenwcg 11, Orkney. 1/4/77; Charlotte Eliza­ Greeves, born Stanbridge. 211 592868. Viljoen Pienaar & Du Toit,
beth Bezuidenhout, 11/6/24, 240611 0004 00 6. Die Standard Bank 15th Floor, General Buildings, Field Street. Durban.
Van S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 1196, Krugersdorp. 2087/77—CORBISHLEY, Amy Gertrude, 8/3/1889, 890 318-
5029/77—KOK, Hendrik Johannes, 1/8/10, 100801 5019 00 5, 0001-007, Flat 2, Temba, 10 Moore Grove. Durban. 5/5/77.
Posbus 20, Boskop 21/4/77; Martha Margaretha Anna Kok, Hathorn. Cameron & Co., 225 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg.
19/10/05. 051019 0013 00 1. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Bpk., 5826/76—NARAYANAN, 12/12/14, 800-255588A, Coolair
Trusteetak, Posbus 1196, Krugersdorp. Farm, Dalton, 19/11/76; Patchamma. 18/2/23, 800-321817A.
4945/77—BUTCHER. Alfred James Randolph. 18/9/03, 030 Smythe & Co.. P.O. Box 104 Pietermaritzburg.
918 5011 00 9, Rietpoort. P.O. Magaliesburg, 27/4/77. The Stan­ 5104/76—MUSTARD. Willem, 10/4/14. 245 017630W, 107
dard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1196, Krugers­ Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 9/10/76. J. Leslie Smith &
dorp. Co., Fifth Floor, PEBS, 258 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritz­
OOSTHUIZEN, Anna Jacoba Aletta, 13/3/29, Rietfontein,
Naboomspruit, 6/4/77; Hendrik Arnoldus Oosthuizen. Die Stan­ GILBERT, William Henry Sr. 22/5/05. 0505225012 00 2, Not­
tingham Road, 11/5/77: Marjorie Ellen Gilbert, 4/3/06, 060304
dard Bank van S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 1330, Pretoria. 0002 00 9. J. Leslie Smith & Co., Fifth Floor, PEBS, 258 Long­
4970/77—McCORD. Kathleen Emily Louisa. 28/12/13, 522 market Street. Pietermaritzburg.
Maxim Hotel, Pretorius Street. Arcadia, Pretoria. 25/4/77. The 1796/77—KOTZEE. Willem Schalk Jacobus. 24/1/17. 170124
Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1330, 5006 00 4, Trafalger, 15/3/77. Jean Sutherland Kotzee. The Stan­
Pretoria. dard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pieter­
4307/77—POTGIETER, Paul Stephanus, 17/4/09, 090417 5023 maritzburg.
00 4, Voortrekkerstraat 94. Nylstroom, 6/4/77; Maria Jacoba 2098/77—REYBURN, Peter Cecil. 23/1/18, 180123 5027 00 0.
Potgieter, gebore Ilamman, 14/10/1900, 001014 0009 00 1. Bo­ 2 Rislev Road, Pietermaritzburg, 19/4/77. The Standard Bank of
land Bank Bpk., Scboenianstraat 42a, Pietersburg. S.A. Ltd Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 917. Pietermaritzburg.
1064/77—FLANAGAN, Gladys Margaret, 1/1/02, Ashleigh 1992/77—VERHEYEN. Baron Louis Jean Baptiste Emile Fran­
Geriatric Home, 29 Nicol Road, Bedfordview, 11/1/77. H. E. cois Eugene. 10/5/1896. 9605(0 5002 10 6. Cato Ridge. 75 4/77.
Matinson & Partners, P.O. Box 234, Durban. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917,
LUBBE, Willem Schalk Petrus. 21/10/32, 321021-5064-00-9, Pietermaritzburg.
39 Wellington Road. Irene, 10/5/77: Shirley Gillian Lubbe, born 1971/77—DOUGJ.AS-DE-FENZJ, Veronique Natalie, 14/11/
Sills. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 05. 051114-0008-00-0. The Crown Hotel. Commercial Road,
1330, Pretoria. Pietermaritzburg. 2/5/77. Hathorn, Cameron & Co., 225 Church
Street. P.O. Box 3. Pietermaritzburg.
2120/77/1—MILNS. Stanley Earl. 24/2/42. 420224 5054 00 0,
NATAL 39 Magnolia Street, Arbor Park, Newcastle. 9/4/77. The Stan­
dard Bank of S.A. Ltd. Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 917, Pieter­
5469 76—WORTHINGTON, John Lyle Lennard, 31/3/11. 236 maritzburg.
107498 W, Southern Residences, 287 Point Road. Durban, 26/10/ 1775/77—AI.EXANDER. Henry Hilton, 14/3/1897, 324 876
76. Hathorn Cameron & Co., 225 Church Street, P.O. Box 3, 785. 142 Woodlands Avenue, Hillary. Durban. 9/4/77. Viljoen
Pietermaritzburg. Pienaar & Du Toit, 15th Floor, General Buildings, Field Street,
1433/77—WILKINSON, Gwendoline, 26/6/04, 040626 0019 Durban
00 4, Grants Avenue, Ixopo, 8/3/77. L. Carey Miller & Rethman, 1177/77—McW IILIAM. Margaretha Johanna Uys. 8/3/1897,
67 Shepstone Street. P.O. Box 4, Richmond. 211 467165 W. widow. Natal Settlers Memorial Homes. 17
2037/77—HARVEY, Harold, 5/8/06, 060805 5014005 Creigh­ Hutchinson Road, Durban, 25/2/77. B. J. McWilliam, 2 Pep-
ton, 27/4/77. J. Leslie Smith & Co., Fifth Floor, PEBS, 258 worth Road. Pietermaritzburg.
Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg. 1447/77—FICK, Johan Izak Jacobus, 12/2/50, 2110015375,
2096/77—POTGIETER, Daniel Wilhelmus, 28/5/37, 37 0528 Biggersbergstraat. Durnacol, 30/12/76: Maria Magdalena Fick,
5051000, Watervalgevangenis, Privaatsak X I006, Utrecht, 11/4/77; voorheen Rail, gebore Coctzee. Bosnian & Bosman, Melville-
straat 45. Posbus 1, Lichtenburg.
Anna Alida Magdalena Potgieter, 6/11/41, 4111060047007. 2022/77—HOUSTON. Errol' Chapman. 21/8/07, 070821 5013
Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 381, Pieter­ 002. 28 Kudu Road, Baillitoville, 23/4/77. Trotter & Houston,
maritzburg. P.O. Box 16, Vryheid.
1899/77—LOUWRENS, Willem Johannes, 29/1/33. 330129501 2138/77—CLOETE, Janetta Gesina Elizabeth, 19/5/04, 051 219
9003, Bloekomlaan 13, Glencoe, 18/3/77. Barclays National Bank 764 W. Klipsfraat 148. Vrvheid. 30/4/77. Barclays National Bank
Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 381 Pietermaritzburg. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 381, Pietermaritzburg.
1220/77—SALOT. Bhai Emnajee (Emnajee Salot and Bhai 2010/77—GLOVER. Ada Anne, 14/4/1896. 365 13000 GW, 1
Emnajee Suleman), during 1897, 800 4400-111 A, 325 West Road, Cassia Street, Estcourt, 25/4/77. Barclays National Bank Ltd,
Overport, Durban. 23/4/76. Lionel Meskin & Levy, 15th Floor Trustee Branch. P.O. Box 381. Pietermaritzburg.
Escoval House. Smith Street Durban. 2240/77—PEACHEY. Mildred Gordon, 27/1/20. 2001270031
2101/77—SPIES. Dorothea Catharina Johanna, 16/9/1894, 258/ 004. 83 Murchison Street. Newcastle. 29/4/77; Eric Mithcell
062420, Jubileumtehuis, Afrikanerstraat 82, Vryheid, 23/4/77. Peachey. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box
Cox & Vennote Posbus 5, Vryheid. 381. Pietermaritzburg.
2115/77—ATKINSON, Howard Wilson, 27/6/01, 0106275012 2167/77—WAI-KER. Dorothy, 22/10/1900. 223 090905 W,
008, P.O. Box 57, Winterton, 30/4/77. P. R. Dreyer & Co., P.O. V/averley. Highflats, 5/5/77. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trus­
B o x 62, E s tc o u r t. tee B ra n c h , P .O . B o x 381, P ie te r m a ritz b u r g .
1769/77—COSNETT. Jane Charlotte Isabel, 21/2/56, 560221 2034/77—STEYTLER, Mathew Jacobus, 15/6/1895. 211 564591
0001 002, 52 Christie Road, Pietermaritzburg, 20/3/77. J. Leslie W. Dunbar House, Bvme Valley, Richmond, 28/4/77; Hester
Smith & Co., Fifth Floor, PEBS, 258 Longmarket Street, Pieter­ Madelene Gertrude Stcvtler. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trus­
maritzburg. tee Branch. P.O. Box 381, Pietermaritzburg.
2233/77—HAMBROCK, Berthold August, 2/1/12, 120102 5027
BAZLEY, Hubert Knut, 29/12/17, 171229 5025 00 0, Huis 63 00 7, Paulpietersburg, 11/5/77; Minna Johanna Hambrock, 28/
Hlobane, 11/5/77. Teichert & Kruger, Sewende Verdieping, Homes 5/12, 244000648. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch,
Trustgebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria. P.O. Box 381, Pietermaritzburg.
1804/77—FOY, Mary Evelyn, born Webber, 21/5/07, 070521 2217/77—WIJNBERG, Kathleen Lilv. 7/11/1897, 230-021200,
0002 006, Mount Albert, P.O. Pennington, 3/4/77. A rthur Young Queen M ary Place, 516 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 16/4/77.
& Co., 16th Floor. Nedbank House, corner of Albert and Eloff Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 381,
Streets, P.O. Box 454, Johannesburg, Pietermaritzburg.
104 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

2142/77—GUNTER, Willem Hendrik, 24/5/1893, 261 065 031 2099/77—ROOPCHAND, 23/6/18, 800/299228A, 51 Flamingo
W, Vaalbank, Poste Restante Vryheid, 19/4/77. Sekuriteit Ekse- Road, Duffs Road, Inanda, 15/4/77; Sonbati, 10/2/22, 800/4047
kuteurs en Trust Maatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria. 29A. R. Bugwandeen, Seedat & Sundar, Eighth Floor, 802 Kara
171/77—SPRAY, Joshua, 28/6/21, 210628 5012 004, Gemsbok- Centre, 3 Bond Street, Durban.
laan 48, Newcastle, 24/10/76. Sekuriteit Eksekuteurs en Trust 1788/77—ANDERSSEN, Leif Kroger, 23/2/05, 050223 5015000,
Maatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria. The Falls, Paddock, District of Port Shepstone, 5/4/77. Barclays
1451/77—PETER, Clarice Evelynne, 19/10/16, 800/633835, National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.
Flat 1, 107 View Street, Durban, 4/1/77. Pat Poovalingam & Co., 2152/77—MACHADO DA CRUZ, Maria De Lourdes Sousa
Third Floor, K.M.S. House, 173 Grey Street, Durban. Ribeiro, 26/12/40, 401 226 0034 104, 703 K in^ford, Esplanade,
1423/77—NAICKER, Perumal, 8/5/76, 800/299155, 27 Clay­ Durban, 21/3/77; Victor Manuel Das Neves Moura Machado da
ton Road, Asherville, Durban, 8/5/76; Venkattammal, 10/2/17, Cruz, 22/7/38, 3807225049100. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trus­
800/322066. Pat Poovalingam & Co., Third Floor, K.M.S. House, tee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.
173 Grey Street, Durban. 2085/77—BURNE, Olive Mary, 17/3/1887, 211/548257W, Mit­
560/77—LAMBERT, Eveline Veronica, 15/1/08, 068 41442, 60 chell Park Nursing Home, 15 Nimmo Road, Durban, 6/5/77.
Preston Road, Park Rynie, 28/12/76. C. J. Moggridge, P.O. Box Burne & Burne, Ninth Floor, Trident Buildings, 58 Field Street,
201, Scottburgh. Durban.
1748/77—MARIAMMA, -/12/21, 800/423587, Illovo Sugar 2070/77—TERBLANCHE, Magda Helena, 16/3/07, 211 689
Estate,- Illovo, 21 /9/76; Munsami. M. C. Moodliar & Basil 855W, Bothas Hill, 21/3/77; Hendrik Swancpoel Terblanc'ne, 31/
Chocklingum, Second Floor, C.N.R. House, comer of Cross and 8/03. Byron & Long, 374 Smith Street, Durban.
Prince Edward Streets, Durban. 1285/77—WINTER, Annie Johanna, 20/4/09, 090420 0017-005,
1991/77—PEARSON, Owen Mansel, 9/4/20, 200409.5028.00.7, 6 Lauriston Court, Hill Road, Winklespruit, 7/3/77; Noel Rapson
7 Stratford, 178 Montpelier Road, Durban, 22/4/77. Thorpe & Winter, 26/12/08, 081226 5011 005. Britz & Bonamour, 1103 San-
Hands, 1803 Eagle Buildings, Murchie’s Passage, off West Street, lamsentrum, 331 West Street, Durban.
Durban. 2056/77—SCOTT, Douglas (Douglas John Scott), 1/5/29, 290
5145/76—VORSTER, Anna Sophia Fachuline, 18/4/37, 490- 501 5042 10 2, 1 Bereahaven, 275 Berea Road, Durban, 19/1/77.
020051, 75 Cluver Crescent, 8/10/76; Evert Jan JJendrik Vorster, Berkowitz, Jacobs, Kirkel & Cohen, Moss-Morris & Greenberg,
27/7/30, 3007275061-00-2. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee 15th Floor, Durban Bay House, 333 Smith Street, Durban.
Branch, P.O. Box 2743, Durban. 1629/77—TRIGGER, Mary Florence, 5/5/11, 211 574447W,
2123/77—GHIRDHAREE, 6/7/20, 800 451 337 A, House C2, Hibiscus House, Village of Happiness, Margate, 1/4/77. Barclays
Buffelsdale Township, Tongaat, 29/8/73; Gangadaye, 20/7/17, National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.
800 389 426 A. Garlicke & Bousfield, P.O. Box 223, Durban. 2121/77—OSTLING, August Hilmer, 17/3/1894, 968 019424,
2063/77—DARGIE, William Grubb, 6/10/1895, 951006 5003 30 Glenart Road. Kloof, 9/5/77; Vera Ostling, bom Oldknow,
00 5, 643a Currie Road, Durban, 30/4/77. Henwood, Britter & 1/6/05, 968 019 425. J. T. Cooper & Co., 59 Gardiner Street,
Caney, Ninth Floor, Cennewa House, 347 West Street, P.O. Box Durban.
862, Durban. 1935/77—TAYLER, Henry Le Bert, 17/5/01, 010517 5007 00 1,
2141/77—GIBSON, Gladys Blanche, 23/10/1895, 951023 0004 42 Rockhaven Road, Cowies Hill, 24/4/77. Garlicke & Bousfield,
00 3, 27 lanes Mansions, Innes Road, Durban, 5/4/77. The Stan­ 11th Floor, Standard House, 275 Smith Street, Durban.
dard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 2743, 2094/77—MORCOM, Mary, 12/10/05, 331-297174, 1002 Rus­
Durban. sell Mansions, Russell Street, Durban, 28/4/77. Barclays Natio­
1103/76—SINGH, Bhuwani, 18/8/26, 800/475115A. House 430, nal Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409. Durban.
New Farm, Mount Edgecombe, 28/12/75; Jaypathee. C. Sew- 1482/77—BETTLES, Vivian Leonard, 17/5/22, 957 071243 W,
pershad & Co., P.O. Box 161, Verulam. Four Winds Farm Karoi Rhodesia, 23/2/77. Edward Kevin
2003/76—MERRIACHA, during 1915, 800/37S058A, Ashville, Joseph Melly, for Barclays National Bank Ltd, P.O. Box 3409,
Kearsney, Stanger, 17/11/75. C. Scwpershad & Co., P.O. Box 161, Durban.
Verulam. 1765/77—FERRAZ, Austen Ivens, 1/8/05, 050801-5017-00-9,
1429/77—SHAW, Florence Sprigg, 22/7/1890, 900722 0003 00 4, 35 Uplands Drive, Kloof, 27/3/77. Barclays National Bank Ltd,
Amersham Farm, Gingindlovu, 25/2/77. Dr. C. C. Shaw, P.O. Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban.
Box 94, Gingindlovu. 1128/77—CAMERON, David Geoffrev, 6/2/14, 5 McGlew
1483/77—SPENCE, Margaret Elizabeth, 5/9/42, 086 591182, 82 Road, Mount Pleasant, Salisbury, 13/2/77; Violet Cameron, 21/
Bank Terrace, Durban, 21/2/77. G. V. Spence, 82 Bank Terrace, 11/14. Brett, Wills, Chapman, Dyer & Partners, P.O. Box 81,
Durban. Durban. „ ,
1901/77—NTULI, Frederick Faninkosa, during 1900, Grout- 705/77—GOVINDAMM A (Govindamma Chetty), 4/5/15,
ville, near Stanger, 12/4/77. Laurie C. Smith & Co., 22 Jackson 800 428 233, Road 118, House 88, Havenside. Chatsworth. 26/1/
Street, P.O. Box 46, Stanger. 75; Kanapathy (Kanapathy Gounden), during 1908, 800 335083.
2158/77—PAPENFUS, Hendrik Frederick Detlof, 11/11/35, G. S. Maharaj & Co., Suite 302, Kara Centre, corner of Grey
351111 5007 00 0, 102 Wood Road. Montclair, Durban, 25/4/77. and Bond Streets, Durban.
Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, Ninth Floor, Hill Samuel . 1004/77—GOUNDEN, Kanapathy, during 1908, 800 335083,
House, 17/23 Field Street, Durban. Road 118. House 88, Havenside, Chatsworth, 14/10/75. G. S.
2095/77—MILES, Michael, 30/10/19, 191030 5029 00 0, 73 Maharaj & Co., Suite 302, Kara Centre, corner of Grey and
Ogwini, Russell Street, Durban. 12/4/77. Security Executor and Bond Streets, Durban.
Trust Co. Ltd, Ninth Floor, Hill Samuel House, 17/23 Field 1454/77—KHAN, Abdool Hamid, 25/10/15, 800/497674A, 16
Street, Durban. Surada Place, Merebank, Durban, 10/3/77; Hanifa Bibi Khan,
1351/77—SHANGANLAL (Shanganlall Hurjunlall), 1/2/40, during 1918, 800/464146A. Ebrahim Goga & Co., 203/210
800440 970A, Road 721. House 118, Unit 7, Chatsworth, 17/10/ Savanl Centre, corner of Grey and Queen Streets, Durban.
77; Siva (Siva Hurjunlall), 800 440 969A. Rodney Rindel, 52 Moss 1332/77—GOVENDER, Arimuthoo, during 1916, 800/313
Street, Verulam. 913A, Road 229, House 158, Chatsworth, Durban, 21/9/75;
2150/77—LAW, Sidney James, 2/12/06, 022 748748 W. 35 Ivamma, 1/11/24. B. R. Mahabeer & Co., 2 Nagiah’s Trading
Blackhurst Avenue, Durban, 1/5/77. Joseph Claude Rivaliand, Cenb-e, 284 Road 201, Chatsworth, Durban.
1004 Sanlam Buildings, Smith Street, Durban. 1093/77—KUMAR, Asmi, -/6/09, 800/462150, widower. Road
1933/77—SMITH, Dorothy Louisa, 9/6/11, 173 365 058, 36 St 217, House 85, Chatsworth, Durban. 12/9/76. B. R. Mahabeer &
Mary’s Avenue, Stamford Hill, Durban, 10/3/77; Ralph William Co., 2 Nagiah’s Trading Centre, 284 Road 201, Chatsworth,
Smith, 19/5/09, 173-365057. Wartski & Greenberg, Fourth Floor, Durban.
Trust Bank Centre, 475 Smith Street, Durban. 2065/77—HANEKOM. Johannes Hermanns. 14/9/07. 112977
1053/76—ROLFE, Robert William, 12/10/1887, 871012 5002 183W. 41 Angle Road, Hillary. Durban, 3/5/77; Anna Elizabeth
00 2 M, 19 Winder Street, Durban, 23/2/76. Romer Robinson & Hanekom, born Payne, 20/5/08, 112977 184. David Strachan &
Catterall, Seventh Floor, Allied Buildings, Gardiner Street, D ur­ Tavler. P.O. Box 1858. Durban.
ban. 1105/77—GOUNDEN, Ayi, 18/8/25, 800/458035 A, Road
1481/77—BARNETT Julia, 7/8/09. 0908070021005, Edenrock 917, House 24, Chatsworth, Durban, 13/12/76; Manoranpiamma,
Hotel, Durban, 20/3/77. D. McLean & Fairbairn, P.O. Box 415, 29/1/32. 800/435249A. B. R. Mahabeer & Co., 2 Nagiah’s
Durban. Trading Centre, 284 Road 201, Chatsworth, Durban.
1137/77—BARR, Peter Harold. 21/11/1892, 921121 5001 003, 11 1508/77—GOVINDAMMA. 9/5/19, 800/475135, 65 Hendon
Manors Road, Pinetown, 28/2/77. Leandy Laroque & Partners, Road, Kenville. Durban, 10/3/77. S. Bridgemohan & Co., P.O.
Fifth Floor, J.B.S. Buddings, 78 Field Street. Durban. Box 2,639. Durban.
1857/77—CLEAVER, Christelle Friend, 6/5/93, 9305060003005, 1507/77—CHETTY, Dorasamv. -/12/11, 800/475041, 65 Hen-
214 Montpelier Road. Durban, 9/4/77. Clemmans & Johnston, don Road. Kenville, Durban, 24/10/76; Govindamma, 9/5/19,
P.O. Box 598. Durban. 800/475135. S. Bridgemohan & Co., P.O. Box 2639, Durban.
1874/77—COLENBRANDER, Charlotte Henrietta, 12/3/1885, 2160/77—SEWNUNAN, Ramjatan, -/4/07, 800/306951. 894
211568067 W, farm Hughton, P.O. Mandini, Zululand, 25/4/77. Seacowlake Road, Seacowlake, Durban, 4/11/76. S. Bridge-
Clemmans & Johnston, P.O. Box 598. Durban. mohan & Co.. P.O. Box 2639, Durban.
2032/77—WOLFE. Henry, 6/10/1887, 375 204692 W, Milner 2035/77—JOSEPH, Winifred Sybil. 22/5/08, 957024673, 3
Gardens Hotel, 75 Marriott Road. Durban, 15/4/77. Barclays Balgownie Crescent, Durban North, 23/4/77. Syfrets Trust and
National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban. Executor S.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban,
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 105

1797/77—NANDLAL, 1/7/15, 800/311068A, Road 502, House 797/77—BOTHA, Hester Sophia, gebore Wessels, 22/2/1896,
48, Chatsworth, Durban, 29/11/76; Raipathi, 22/7/18, 800/311 960222 0007 00 3, Floewe 45, Rodenbeck, Bloemfontein, 12/4/77.
163A. B. R. Mahabeer & Co., 2 Nagiah’s Trading Centre, 284 Volkskas Bpk., Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Maitland­
Road 201, Chatsworth, Durban. straat, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein.
■ 36/77—CHELLAN, Sastravathy, 20/9/29, 290920 00036 05 1, 709/77—BOTHA, Johanna Cornelia Christina, gebore Mans,
16 Dunnottar Avenue, Asherville, Durban, 8/3/76; George 2/7/06. 060702 0026 00 3, Ametolestraat 60, Vaalpark, Sasolburg,
M arie Cheilan, 1/12/21, 211201 5045 05 8. Pat Poovalingam & Co., 11/4/77 Lu'obe, Cilliers & Van Tonder, Posbus 12, Hartswater.
Third Floor, K.M.S. House, 173 Grey Street, Durban. 854/77—ROUX, Willem 'Petrus, 4/6/16, 160604-5010-00-9,
1364/77—McKENZIE, James, 3/5/03, 357 88 37 69 W, 1 Arca­ Chari Cilliersstraat 23, Kroonstad, 1/5/77. Seholtz & De Wet,
dia, Peacehaven Place, Bluff, Durban, 5/3/77; Leslie Edy Avis Posbus 10, Ventersburg.
McKenzie, bora Passmore, 19/4/08, 357 88 37 70 W. Mrs Leslie McLEOD, John Roberts, 28/10/1900, 0010285008008, Maldan-
Edy Avis McKenzie, 1 Arcadia, Peacehaven Place, Bluff, Dur­ morwoonstelle 21, Salzmanstraat, Bloemfontein, 29/4/77; Corne­
ban. lia Sophia McLeod, gebore V. d. Walt, 12/11/05. Ochse &
954/77—CHAITRAM. during 1926, 800 372 883, Road 110, Van Rensburg, Posbus 7, Wepener.
House 47, Chatsworth, 20/7/75; Jamunah, 10/5/28, 800 372 884. 479/77—STEENEKAMP, Martha Johanna Susanna, 9/10/56,
Jamunah, c/o Snyman Helman & Partners, Eighth Floor, San- 5610090039000, Plot 99, Shannon, Bloemfontein, 4/12/76. Danz-
tam Buildings, Smith Street, Durban. fuss, Schoeman & Smith, Eerste Verdieping, Sonopgebou, Pos­
2163/77—SJOBERG, Abelina Jacoba, 3/10/05, 211/4237S5, 46 bus 3293, Bloemfontein.
Park Lodge Gardens, Berea Road, Durban, 13/4/77. Barclays 351/77—CUTHBERT, Edina, 10/10/28, 281010 0038 009, Cac-
National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 3409, Durban. tusstraat 8, Merriespruit, Virginia, 21/1/77; William John Phil­
2064/77—GORMAN, Louise Maud Marion, 24/10/1894, 211- lip Cuthbert, 10/9/33, 330910 5066 007. Rossouw & Rossouw,
576168W, Natal Settlers Memorial Home, LIutchinson Road, Wesbankgebou, Stateway, Posbus 455, Welkom.
Durban, 25/4/77. Palmers Trust Investments and Estate Adminis­ 205/77—VAN HEERDEN, Johanna Cecilia, gebore Kruger,
trators Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. 5/5/14, 140505 0011 00 6, Boshoffstraat 12, Vrede, 25/12/76. Mev.
2069/77—SCHEEPERS, Jacobus Frederick (Frederick), 10/2/
24, 240210 5005 009, 1 Dale Place, Escombe, 24/4/77; Johanna J. C. Potgieter, Posbus 124, Rosslyn.
Sophia Catharina Scheepers. Syfrets Trust and Executor S.A. SWANEPOEL, Christiaan Hendrik, 31/7/23, 230731 5005 00 6,
Ltd, P.O. Box 135. Durban. Zusterstroom, Rouxvilie, 7/5/77. Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus
2031/77—SHERRIFFS, Davita Frederika (Dafrieda Frie- 425, Bloemfontein.
drieka), 11/3/02, 211 689476W, 26 Hopson Avenue, Durban, LE GRANGE, Willem Petrus, 4/2/1894, 940204 5005 00 5,.
28/4/77. Palmers Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Middeltonstraat, Reitz, 19/4/77. Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 425,
Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. Bloemfontein.
1982/77—BIGGS, Frances Priscilla, 16/9/1897. 211696123W, 14 JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, Martha Louisa Johanna, 3 /7 /
Pardy Gardens, off Musgrave Road, Durban, 21/4/77. Palmers 07, 070703 0018 00 6, Delareylaan 106, Bloemfontein, 29/4/77j
Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Santam Bank Bpk., Posbus 425, Bloemfontein.
Durban, 146/77—DE VILLIERS, Jacobus Wynand Louw, 4/1/40, 400
1986/77—CHRISTIANSON, Charlotte Salome, 7/12/1898, 98 104 5031 00 6, Majuba, Slabberts, 10/1/77. Santam Bank Bpk.,
1207 0005 003, Mutual Haven. East Street, Durban, 16/4/77. Pal­ Posbus 425, Bloemfontein.
mers Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, P.O. Box 824/77—VAN DER MERWE, Maria, 5/8/1900, 000 805 000
135, Durban. 3006, Vanlaunsingel 67, Fichardt Park, Bloemfontein, 20/4/77,
2143/77—HARTMAN, Joseph Daniel. 18/11/08, 211-430 Vermaak & Dennis, Sewende Verdieping, Prudentialgebou, St.
477W, 242 Watsonia Road, Grosvenor. Bluff, Durban, 7/5/77; Andrewstraat. Posbus 565, Bloemfontein.
Maria Magdalena Hartman, 211-462250W. Syfrets Trust and 893/77—STEENKAMP, Jacob Diederik, 2/10/37, 464 43 7366,
Executor S.A. Ltd. P.O. Box 135, Durban. Paul Krugerlaan 236, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 11/5/77. Ver­
2025/77—KLATTIE, Horst Arrain, 21/11/02, 021121 5005 maak & Dennis, Sewende Verdieping, Prudentialgebou, St Andrew­
003, 4 Minlev Court, 148 Manning Road, Durban, 27/4/77; straat, Posbus 565, Bloemfontein.
Luise Helene Klattie. Syfrets Trust and Executor S.A. Ltd, P.O. 773/77—VENTER, Johannes Jurgens, 28/7/1892, 920728 5001
Box 135. Durban. 00 6, Markplein, Paul Roux, 23/3/77. Watson & Kie., Noorder-
1889/77—UPTON, Maud, 25/1/1884, 211 65S130W. Morning- straat 5, Posbus 54, Senekal.
side Nursing Home. 186 Innes Road, Durban, 13/4/77. Syfrets 1701/77—LINKS, Willem, 3/9/57, 570903 5179 01 0, ongetroud,
Trust and Executor S.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 135, Durban. Birkenhead Hotel, Hermanus, 5/12/76. McIntyre & Van der
2068/77—JENKINS. Llarold Walter William. 15/8/16, 160815 Post, Posbus 540, Bloemfontein.
5009003, 9 Britannia Hotel, 1299 Umgeni Road, Durban, 26/4/ 454/77—VENTER, Erasmus Albertus, 21/9/1896, 068 395570,
77. Palmers Trust Investments and Estate Administrators Ltd, p/a R. E. E. Funck, Provinsiale Administrasie, Posbus 517,
P.O. Box 135, Durban. Bloemfontein, 25/2/77. J. G. Welgemoed, p /a Roux, Welge-
5063/77—MIOSGA, Peter Heinz, 23/1/32, 3201235041 10 1. 17 moed & Schoeman, Posbus 720, Kimberley.
Soring Range Road, Westvilie, 14/2/77; Gwendoline Fail 440/77—DU PISANIE, Helena Elizabeth, 27/4/08, 121 165330,
Miosga, 15/10/38. T. A. Bell, c/o Forsyth & Nel, P.O. Box 891,
Durban. 277 Lucia Street, Riebeeckstad, Welkom, 25/12/76. L. du Pisanie,
393/76—NEASHAM, Ivy. 11/6/1900, 74 Woodside Avenue, c/o Schoeman, Kellerman & Kotze, First Floor, Van Riebeeck
Cowles Hill, Pinetown, 14/1/76. Jean Joyce Beauchamp, 74 Buildings, Melck Street, Welkom.
Woodside Avenue, Cowies Hill, Pinetown. 843/77—DE KLERK, Anna Bam, 8/3/11, 110308 0008 00 7,
Via Quinta, Vyfds Straat 103, Bloemfontein, 5/5/77. Die Stan­
dard Bank van Suid-Afrika Bpk., Trustectak, Posbus 1248, Bloem­
798/77—STRYDOM, Andries Hendrik Josephus Jeremia, 23/ 844/77—SENEKAL, Johannes Jacobus, 15/11/07, 071115 5006
6/02, 020623 5001008, Enkeldoorn, Heilbron, 27/4/77; Cornelia 002, Voortrekkerpad 35, Senekal, 21/4/77; Aietta Susara Senekal,
Francina Magdalena Strydom, gebore Strydom, 29/6/06, 060629 gebore Brummer. Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika Bpk.,
0002 009. Du Randt & Louw, Posbus 26, Kroonstad. Trusteetak, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein.
831/77—BOTHA, Roelof Comelis, 29/5/05, 050529 5014 00 3, 792/77—MARAIS, Henderik Jacobus Stephanus, 4/12/25, 251
Luytstraat 18, Parys, 15/4/77; Aietta Johanna Botha, gebore 204 5021 00 5, Paaiskloof, Philippolis, 25/4/77. Barclays-Nasionale
Venter, 27/2/05, 050227 0021 00 4. Volkskas Bpk., Volkskasgebou, Bank Bpk., Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein.
hoek van Aliwal- en Maitlandstraat, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 752/77—LOURENS, Comelis Janse, 6/9/09, 090906-5029-00-3,
681/77—VAN DER WALT, Catharina Francina, gebore Oosstraat 19, Warden, 13/4/77. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk;,
Boedelafdeling, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein.
Duvenhage. 11/9/09, 090911 0015 00 7, Eikelaan 10, Reitz, 22/ 764/77—DU PLESSIS, Susanna Catharina, 11/12/1891, 473
3/77. Volkskas Bpk., Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Mait­ 466267 W, Rietfontein, Theunissen, 25/4/77. Barclays-Nasionale
landstraat, Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. Bank Bpk., Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein.
829/77—ENGELBRECHT, Comelis Francois, 3/12/1893, 961 729/77—FRANCIS, ' George Victor, 31/5/31, 906-513042,
203/5001/00/0, Andries Pretoriusstraat 24, Theunissen, 14/4/77; Babianaweg 23, Odendaalsrus, 14/4/77; Susara Johanna Francis,
Gertuida Susanna Engelbrecht. gebore Botha, 26/8/07, 070826/ g e b o r e N a u d e , 1/4/31, 324880868. B a rc la y s -N a s io n a le B a n k B p k .,
0002/00/9. Volkskas Bpk., Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein.
Maitlandstraat. Posbus 323, Bloemfontein. 157/77—HUGO, M artha Aietta, gebore Wilken, 16/7/1887,
727/77—PRINSLOO, Nicolaas Dirk, 23/12/38, 381223 5015 453416212 W, Maraisstraat 60, Rouxvilie, 17/1/77. Barclays-
00 0, Civiclaan 2, Virginia, 31/3/77; Anna Jacoba Susanna Prins- Nasionale Bank Bpk., Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein.
loo, gebore Meintjies, 10/7/46, 470710 0065 00 0. Volkskas Bpk., 763/77—SCHAFER, Heinrich Frederich Wilhelm, 16/11/06,
Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Maitlandstraat, Posbus 323, 061116 5005 00 4, De Rust, Posbus 146, Warden, 22/4/77; Enuna-
Bloemfontein. rentia Fredrika Schafer, 23/11/14, 1411230004 002. Barclays-!
657/77—VAN ROOYEN, Susara Susanna, gebore Naude, 21/ Nasionale Bank Bpk., Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein.
10/1897, 439388324W, Najaarsrusouetehuis, Parys, 24/3/77. Volks­ 818/77—POTGIETER, Gerhardus Jacobus, 15/3/18, 180315
kas Bpk.. Volkskasgebou, hoek van Aliwal- en Maitlandstraat, 5014(10 0, Silas, M arquard, 19/4/77. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpkj
Posbus 323, Bloemfontein, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein.
1 05 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

742/77—LAUBSCHAGNE, Magdalena Maria, 1/8/15, 150801 NORTHERN CAPE - NOORD-KAAP

0025 00 6, Vierde Straat 16, Reitz, 7/4/77; Salomon Gerhardus
M aritz Labuschagne, 17/6/17, 170617 5017,00 4. Barclays-Nasio- 350/77—MARAIS, Johannes Hendrik Gerhardus, 13/5/09, 090
nale Bank Bnk., Boedelafdeling, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. 513 5004 000, Stephensweg, Barkly-Wes, 17/4/77; Francina
771/77—COURTN AGE, Maud Mabel, 24/5/03, 030524 0013 Carolina Marais. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak,
00 6, 14 President Stcyn Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 22/4/ Posbus 288, Kimberley.
77; John Edwin M ore Courtnagc, 4/9/1898, 980904 5013 005. 333/77—DE BEER, Jacoba Hendrina, 20/11/20, 2011200029
Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Department, P.O. Box 002, Erf 279, Seodin, Kuruman, 23/4/77; Jochemus Lourens de
1714, Bloemfontein. Beer, 19/7/19, 190717 500 1002. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk.,
761/77—DU BUISSON. Elizabeth Jane, voorheen Stander, Boedelafdeling, Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein.
gebore Williams, 23/11/1895, 442 394730 W, Moriatehuis, Theu- 301/77—FRIEDBERG, Susan, 4/6/33, 330604 0038 01 8, Dui-
nissen, 26/4/77. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Posbus 1714, kerweg, Uitbreiding 3, Keimoes-Noord, 5/11/76; Albertus Jacobus
Bloemfontein. Friedberg, 15/2/34, 340215 5041 01 0. Barclays-Nasionale Bank
882/77—LOUW, Thomas Arnoldus, 8/11/1890, 9011085002002, Bpk., Westelike-Kaaptrusteetak, Posbus 4, Kaapstad.
T.L. van die plaas Brakdam, distrik Senekal, 9/5/77; Magdalena 299/77—RUST, Nicolaas Magiel, 24/1/24, 240124 5020 00 1,
Cathariena Louw, gebore Marias, 456/420498 W. Barclays-Nasio­ Perseel 161, Straussberg, oor Upington, 9/4/77. Barclays-Nasio­
nale Bank Bpk., Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. nale Bank Bpk., Westelike-Kaaptrusteetak, Posbus 4, Kaapstad.
817/77—SNYMAN, Michiel Hendrik, 5/4/17, 170405 5007 00 5, 332/77—COETZEE, Gesie Anna, gebore Coetzee, 24/11/18,
Kerkstraat 128, Odendaalsrus, 3/5/77; Catharina Jacoba Snyman, 181124 0001 00 7, Noordvoor, Huis 4, Kakamas, 27/4/77. Bar­
gebore Venter, 28/2/24, 240228 0047 00 8. Barclays-Nasionale clays-Nasionale Bank Bpk., Westelike-Kaaptrusteetak, Posbus 4,
Bank Bpk., Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. Kaapstad.
781/77—PAPENFUS. Anna Aletta, 23/2/1884, 940223 0004 00 3. 173/77—ZAAL, Paulus Jakobus, 29/2/20, 007802/096K, Huis
Eliza Liddelltehuis. Harrismith, 16/4/77. Barclays-Nasionale 59, Koegas, 30/11/76; Katriena Zaal, gebore Klaaste. J. H.
Bank Bpk., Boedelafdeling. Posbus 1714, Bloemfontein. Maritz, Posbus 25. Groblershoop.
181/77—ROUSSEAU, Susara Johanna, gebore Fourie, 16/5/ 241/77—VAN ZYL, Elizabeth, gebore Colyn, 11/11/04, 04111-
1895, 950516 0005 004. Plot 59, Eden, Bethlehem, 13/11/76. 0023-00-8, weduwee, Reitzstraat, Hartswater, 15/3/77. G. F.
E. J. P. Smit, Posbus 514. Bethlehem. Pieterse. Bosch & Kie., D. F. Malanstraat, Posbus 82, Hartswater.
196/77—FERREIRA. Ignatius Wilhelm, 25/9/18, 180925 5024 358/77—LABUSCHAGNE, Louis, 7/2/09. 090207 5005 006,
00 5, Heuningspruit. Pk. Steynsrus, 17/1/77: Margaretha Johanna Kerkstraat, Reivilo, 25/4/77. Volkskas Bpk., Hoofkantoor, Boe­
Ferreira, gebore Heydenreich, 4/7/23, 230704 0009 00 0. Lange delafdeling (Noord-Kaap), Dutoitspanweg 42, Posbus 254, Kim­
& Venter. Posbus 3. Stevnsrus. berley.
836/77—COETZEE, Elizabeth Petronella Christina, 10/4/1899, 354/77—DE WAAL, Daniel Jacobus, 3/1/17, 170103 501700 5,
990410 0003 00 7, P.W.B.-weonstelle, Rasstraat, Vrede, 25/4/77. Vollgraaffsig, distrik Gordonia, 3/5/77; Hendrika Cornelia de
Pretorius & Bosman, Posbus 160, Vrede. Waal, gebore Van Niekerk. Malan & Vennote, Posbus 27, Uping­
849/77—DE WAAL, Daniel Jacobus, 24/12/1884, 841224 5001 ton.
00 3, Voortrekkerstraat. Boshof, 7/5/77; Rachel Jacoba de Waal, 292/77—DE JONGH, Roy Sloan, 19/2/24, 240219 5045 00 6,
gebore Janse van Rensburg, 19/1/12, 1201190015 001. C. G. Pk. Longlands, 26/3/77; Lorraine de Jongh, 24/9/32, 32092400
Marais & Kie., Posbus 38. Boshof. 31009. J. H. du Randt, Posbus 100, Barkly-Wes.
FURSTENBURG, Hendrik Oosterwald, 8/9/21, 210908-5017- 72/77—CLAASE, Jan Zacharias, 29/4/39, 390429/5002/000,
009, Pk. Soutpan, distrik Brandfort, 15/5/77. P. J. de Waal, Springbok, Pk. Vanzylsrus, 10/1/77. A. de Waal & Kie., Beare-
p /a Hendrikz & De Vletter, Posbus 17, Brandfort. straat 34. Posbus 80, Kuruman.
1379/76—AFRIKA, Susan, 2/9/14, 404 140901, Hillcrest 38, 359/77—OTTO, Gert Jacobus Louis Hosea, 8/4/10, 100408 50
Ashbury, 27/6/76. Naude & Naude, Van de Wall & Vennote, 08 00 2, Perseel 2 1 8 , Hartswater. 22/4/77; Anna Susanna Otto,
Posbus 260. Bloemfontein. gebore Naude, 31/7/10. Lubbe, Cilliers & Van Tonder, Posbus
917/77—DU PLESSIS, Jurgens Johannes Comelis, 16/6/1896, 12, Hartswater.
960616 5002 00 2, Tussenvier, Shannon, 21/5/77. Naude & Naude 344/77—STEYN, Susanna Elizabeth, gebore Janse van Rens­
Van de Wall & Vennote, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein. burg, 10/4/14, 140410 0011 00 9, Viljoenstraat 138, Stella, 15/4/
187/77—LUES, Johanna Petronella, gebore Naude, 31/1/02, 77; Hendrik Josephus Steyn, 10/11/10, 1011105003004. Barclays-
439 391032 W, Carolinastraat 24, Frankfort, 22/10/76. Nicolaas Nasionale Bank Bpk., Wes-Tvl.-trusteetak, Posbus 1365, Pretoria.
Evenhardus de Jonge, p/a J. P. Swanepoel & Kie., President 222/77—SARAGEANT, Denis James, 21/11/41, 331/282644,
C. R. Swartstraat 41. Reitz. Seodinweg 59a, Kuruman, 12/2/77. A. de Waal & Kie., Beare-
184/77—VAN ROOYEN, Christina Elizabeth, gebore Honi- straat 35. Posbus 80, Kuruman.
ball. 27/9/07, 070927 0013 00 2, Verkyk, Reitz, 24/12/76. Johan­ 195/77—WIGGETT, Kathleen, 25/3/05, 050325 0009001, 34
nes Mocke Duvenhage, Rusfontein, Reitz. Synagogue Street, Kimberley, 4/1/77. Bowens, P.O. Box 6434,
VENTER, Jacobus Paulus Gustavus Wilhelmus Daniel, 10/2/ Johannesburg.
15, 150210 5013 001, Gladstoneweg 98, Bayswater, Bloemfontein,
26/4/77; Catharina Martha Venter. Die Trust Bank van Afrika
Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 1051, EASTERN CAPE - OOS-KAAP
Bloemfontein. 1131/77/1—HILL, Vivien Hope, bom Hill, 3/11/1890, 901103
JORDAAN, Pieter Erasmus, 12/7/14, 140305 5016 005, Mooi- 0003 00 6. spinster, 3 Bathurst Street, Kenton-on-Sea, 4/4/77.
vlakte, Bainsvlei, 23/5/77. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk., A. P. van Wyk. 12 Voortrefcker Street, P.O. Box 18, Alexandria.
Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 1051, Bloem­ 1079/77/3—HARTLEY, Noel Ernest. 11/5/12, 120511 5019
fontein. 00 6, Table Hill, Dordrecht, 21/3/77. Lloyd George Stretton,
506/77—LOUW. Johanna Ellen, gebore Walker, 3/11/1897, 971 Graham Thompson Hartley, Doreen Esme Hartley and The
103 0002 00 3, Hofmeyersfraat 17. Queenstown, 24/2/77. Die Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 996,
Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 1248, East London.
Bloemfontein. 1170/77/3—GARDINER, Anthony Christopher, 12/2/1898,
296/77—VICTOR. Willem Petrus. 29/11/03, 0311295007-00-0. 980212 5011 00 7, Tigerklip. Queenstown, 27/4/77; Maria Jacoba
Fraaiuitzicht, Brandfort, 19/1/77; Martha Elizabeth Victor. 91 Johanna Gardiner, born Brown. The Standard Bank of South
5/06. 0605090003 001. Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika -Bok., Africa Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 996, East London.
Trusteetak, Posbus 1248. Bloemfontein. 1119/77/3—WASSERMAN, Johanna Magdalena Hendrina,
442/77—PRINGT.E. Herman Frederik (Herman Frederick), 23/10/1898, 004-940760 W, Murraystraat 28, Burgersdorp, 14/4/77.
30/1/09, 090130 5017 00 5, J oopstraat 41, Parys, 2/2/77; Susarah Groch & Kie., Posbus 40, Burgersdorp.
Pringle, gebore Lamprecht. Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika 798/77/3—GROEP, Pieter Johannes, 10/12/18, 007/239603/K,
Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein. 5 S e c o n d A v e n u e , S h o rn v ille , K in g William’s T o w n . 5 / 8 / 7 5 ;
673/77—BUTER, Hartm-in, 2/4/05, 246014137, Beaumontwoon- Annie Maria Groep, 11/12/15, 967 382548. Annie Maria Groep,
stelle 304. Tempestweg, Welkom, 9/3/77: Susanna Cornelia Enter, c/o P.O. Box 168. King William’s Town.
gebore Snijders, 20/7/23. Die Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika 3456/76/2—WILLIAMS, Willem (William George), 12/9/52,
Bpk., Trusteetak. Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein. 768-008592. 55 Voisen Road, Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth, 24/7 /
VAN BARKHUIZEN. Petronella Johanna, 13/12/14, 331353 76; Magdaiine Williams. E. L. van Kerken & Co., P.O. Box 3227,
480W. Geelhoutstraat 6. Merriespruit, Virginia. 10/4/77: Robert Port Elizabeth.
Alfred van Barkhulzen. Die Trust Bank van Afrika Bpk.. Trust- 1185/77/1—VAN DER MERWE, Anna Christina Corilina,
en Boedelafdeling. Maitlandstraat 71, Posbus 1051, Bloemfontein. 25/11/33, 331125 0008 008, Dennissingel 22, Uitenhage, 21/4/77;
2327/76—RAUTENSACH, Gertruida Jacoba Magdalena, 12/ Paul Christoffel van der Merwe. 31/5/30, 300531 5013 009,
5/46. 460512-0023 00 9. Tfoewe 47B, Grasland, Bloemfontein, Volkskas Bpk., Boedel- en Trustafdeling, Posbus 1493, Port
21/10/76. Transvaal Eksekuteurskamer Bpk., Posbus 18, Bloem­ Elizabeth.
fontein. 1147/77/3—'W ILKEN, Norman Leonard, 8/2/32, 320208 5033
791/77—WILLEMSF. Maria Cornelia. 4/3/12. 120304 5014 007, 00 8, Ambrosestraat 28, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth, 26/4/77;
Prinses, Danielsrust, 18/4/77; Maria Christina Wilhelmina Wil- Magdalena Jacoba Wilken, gebore Coleske, 29/9/35, 101-305-
lemse, gebore Van der Merwe. Die Standard Bank van Suid- 215. Van der Linde, Kemp & Greyvenstein, Posbus 754, Port
Afrika Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 1248, Bloemfontein, Elizabeth.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 107

1163/77/1—SWARTBOOI, Jacob, approximately 1893, 25222 1212/77/2—RANCHOD, Dulputri Manchoo, 4/11/48, Selago
47, widower, Ghongweni Location, Kokstad, 3/4/77. Elliot & Crescent, Malabar, Port Elizabeth, 30/3/77; Damyanti Ranchod,
Walker, 71 Main Street, Kokstad. gebore Data. Bank van Johannesburg, Posbus 1103, Port Eliza­
975/77/1—BOTHA, Dora, born Van den Berg, 16/7/05, 050 beth.
716 0002 00 6, widow, 6 Clanleigh Flats, Grey Street, Queens­ 108/77/3—MATHEOU, Christos, 19/1/19, 190119 5009 103,
town, 28/3/77. L. J. Moffett & Du Preez, P.O, Box 158, Queens­ widower, 43 Bird Street, Port Elizabeth, 8/11/76. Fidelity Bank
town. and Trust Co. Ltd, 190 Main Street. P o r t Elizabeth.
1178/77/3—BROCKLEBANK, Ethel Grace, born Neller, 19/ 1121/76—CLARK, Frederick Arthur, 21/4/1893, Bristol Eng­
1/1892, 03487185, 15 St Peters Court, St Peters Road, East land, 10/1/75. Rushmere, Noach & Partners, Allied Buildings,
London, 25/4/77. Drake, Flemmer, Orsmond & Vermaak, P.O. Main Street, Port Elizabeth.
Box 44. East London. 1038/77/3—SHROSBREE, Constance Adeline, 19/4/1889, 034/
1126/77/2—BOTHA, Johannes Matthys, 28/4/12, 144780103 852377W, Newhaven Nursing Home, 12 Cavendish Road, East
W, Voortrekkerstraat 48, Despatch, 8/4/77; Hendrina Johanna London, 9/4/77. F. V/. Cooper & Rein, P.O. Box 136, East Lon­
Petronella Botha, gebore Van Niekerk, 031802856W. Die Trust don.
Bank van Afrika Bpk., Trust- en Boedelafdeling, Hoofstraat 575, 1226/77/2—WATERSTON, Constance Amelia, 18/8/1885, 850
Posbus 3500, Port Elizabeth. 818 0001 004, 1 Meier Street, Gonubie, East London, 6/5/77^
1179/77/3—DIXIE, Amy Victoria, 24/5/01, 010524 0008 00 6, F. W. Cooper & Rein, P.O. Box 136, East London.
6 Durban Street, Bedford, 26/4/19. De Beer & Van Zijl, P.O. 561/77/1—BLACK. Gerhardus Jakobus. 16/11/57. 57111 650
Box 20, Adelaide. 80 000, Brugplaas, Pk. Oubosrand, 2/1/77. Boland Bank Bpk.-,-
1177/77/3—VAN ROOYEN, David Hermanus, 7/8/17, 170 Posbus 35, Humansdorp.
807-5002-00-3, Eureka, Aberdeen, 5/5/77. J. Grass & Kie., Posbus 1240/77/2—BLACKWELL, Philip Henry, 31/7/18, 180731.50
26, Aberdeen. 33.10.7, 3 Pompadour Avenue, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, 15/5/
1259/77/3—VAN ZYL, Daniel Petrus, 17/2/22, 2202175009 77. Barclays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 164,
000, N.R.F.-kamp 27, Middelburg, 14/5/77; Barend Christoffel Port Elizabeth.
van Zyl, gebore Whyte, 2806090030006. Minnaar & De Kock 1254/77/2—OWSLEY, Henry (Harry) Arthur, 21/3/16, 160
Posbus 19, Middelburg. 321, Seafields, Kleinemonde, District of Bathurst, 4/5/77. Bar­
1227/77/3—WOOD, Joseph Edwin Russell, 27/1/01, 010127 clays National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 164, Port
5002 00 0, Fairlands, Cambridge West, East London, 11/5/77. Elizabeth.
The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. 1139/77/3—MULLER, Stephanus (Stefanus), 24/1/09, 055 313
Box 996, East London. 041, Quagga, Patensie, 21/4/77. Barclays-Nasionale Bank Bpk.,
1011/77/1—NORTJE. Maria Elizabeth, gebore De Swardt, 12/ Trusteetak, Posbus 164, Port Elizabeth.
2/12, 120212 0010 00 5, De Laan 109, Noupoort, 4/4/77; Louis 946/77/2—'W HITFIELD, Anna Maria, 3/10/08, 081002/0014/
Nortje. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 00/9, 7 Kennington Road, Nahoon, East London, 1/4/77. David
288, Kimberley. L. Russell & Lindsay, P.O. Box 1092. East London.
953/77/1—HEGENDORFER. Rodney Edward, 23/4/40, 101 . 1137/77/3—MISSELBROOK, Cecil, 7/6/1897, 022275346W,
263252, 33 Paterson Road, Redhouse, Port Elizabeth, 25/3/77. Golden Valley Hotel, Golden Valley, District of Somerset East,
Barbara Ann Hegendorfer, c/o Cohen Morris, 7 Lawrence Street, 22/4/77. W. de S. Vosloo, 54/56 Charles Street, P.O. Box 2,
Port Elizabeth. Somerset East.
794/77/2—HARTMAN, Jacobus Nicholas, 2/3/28, 280302 1249/77/3—JORDAAN, Johannes Lo Uwikus, 17/6/23. 101256
5002 002, Dunkinkweg 2, Port Elizabeth, 11/3/77. W. J. Olckers 562, Nixonweg 18, Perridgevale, Port Elizabeth, 26/4/77; Eliza­
& Seun. Posbus 268, Grahamstad. beth Jordaan. J. L. du Piessis, Bestuurder, Santam Bank Bpk.,
668/77/3—WARREN, Ethel Mary, 12/12/1896, 961212 0001 Santamgebou, Hoofstraat 140, Port Elizabeth.
00 6, unmarried, Brookshaw Home, Grahamstown, 11/3/77. J. E. 922/77/2—BRADFIELD, Hilda Bede, born Hall, 11/10/1891,
Warren, P.O. Box 14, Idutywa. 911011 000200 1, widow, la King Street, East London, 11/3/77.
1221/77/1—LABUSCHAGNE, Rachel Maria Elizabeth 23/3/ Louis R. P. Fennell & Mahoud, P.O. Box 6, Butterworth.
1899, 148965107W, Bamboeshoek, Dordrecht, 30/4/77. E. J. 974/77—WELGEMOED, Allen, 22/5/29, 290522 5017 00 1,
Nurse, P.O. Box 470, Queenstown. Olivestraat 12a, Noordeinde, Port Elizabeth, 13/4/77; Juliana
1157/77/3—SCHREIBER, Oscar Goethe, 10/7/22, 220710 5032 Paulina Wclgemoed, gebore Potgieter, 1/2/39, 101 194645. Juli­
006, Dechaconnesstraat 64. Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth, 24/4/77; ana Paulina Welgemoed, p /a Boland Bank Bpk., Posbus 55,
Maria Gertruida Schreiber, 220929 0017 008. Volkskas Bpk., Uitenhage.
Boedel- en Trastafdeling, Posbus 1493, Port Elizabeth. 1256/77/2—VERMAAK, Johannes Jacobus, 26/10/16, 161026
1234/77/2—SLATER, Hebe Cecil Thornhill, 27/6/1895, 356 5010004, Olivia, Krakrivier, afdellng Uitenhage, 11/5/77;
163791, Kennersley Park Red Cross Home, Beacon Bay, East Maria Dorothea (Dorethea) Vermaak, gebore Le Roux. Maria
London, 16/4/77. J. A. Kingsley-Hall, c/o The Bax Partnership., Dorethea Vermaak, gebore Le Roux, p /a Boland Bank Bpk.,
P.O. Box 102, East London. Posbus 55, Uitenhage.
955/77/1—JOHNSON, Flora Elizabeth, bom Matunga, 1891,
widow, Mackay Street, Somerset East, 25/10/56. Scott, Stegmann 972/77/2—VERWEY. Anna Susanna, gebore Bouwer, 2 /6 /
& Farr, P.O. Box 11. Somerset East. 1895, 013 458148 W, Kerkstraat 105, Cookhouse. 12/4/77. Die
1201/77/1—GREYVENSTEIN, Jan Johannes, 17/12/07, 071 Standard Bank van Suid-Afrika Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 329,
217-5004-00-1, Weltevrede, Burgersdorp, 25/4/77; Theresa Grey- Port Elizabeth.
venstein, gebore Van den Berg. Hanekom & De Wet, Posbus 19, 796/75/2—JORDAAN, Caroline, 1888, Colchester, District of
Burgersdorp. Port Elizabeth, 27/5/73. Jacob Levinthal, 582 Main Street, Port
BOTHA, Johanna Maria, 24/11/1892, 921124 0003 00 8, Cath-
cartstraat 51, Aliwal-Noord. 7/5/77. Barclays-Nasionale Bank 1255/77/1—SCHOEMAN, Johannes Hendrik, 21/3/1895, 950
Bpk., Oos-Londentrusteetak, Posbus 1537, Oos-Londen. 321 5006 00 2, Huis van de Graaff, Graaff-Reinet, 24/4/77. San­
tam Bank Bpk., Posbus 26, Graaff-Reinet.
ROY, Elizabeth Mabel, 3/4/1889, 990403 0010 10 6. Langlands
76, Iverleith Terrace, Quigney, East London, 12/5/77. Barclays 964/77/2—BUNSTEAD, Marjorie Monica, 27/8/10, 100827
National Bank Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 1537, East London. 0024 005, 304 Lilac Court, Pearson Street, Port Elizabeth, 9/4/77.
Rushmere, Noach & Partners, First Floor, Allied Buildings, Main
1101/77/1—SMITH, Mavis Mary, 15/2/08. 080215 0024 007, 19 Street. Port Elizabeth.
Water Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 30/4/77. Wheeldon Rush-
mere & Cole, 119 High Street, Grahamstown. 1250/77/1-—KILIAN, Oredus Francois Benjamin, 17/2/08, 080
217-5004-00-0, Genotstraat 1, Despatch. 12/4/77; Anna Johanna
1239/77/3—BECKER, Heinrich Christian Heathcote, 2/2/09, Kilian, gebore Janse van Rensburg, 960512-0005-00-1.-
090202 5032 001, 3 Hattingh Street, Cradock, 13/5/77. Metcalf & 1042/77/2—STEINBERG, Jacob Solomon. 14/5/08, 080514
Co., P.O. Box 64, Cradock. 5035004, 9 Russel Square, East London, 3/4/77. Goldberg Jaffe
1154/77/2—HAYNE, A rthur Ernest, 20/4/13, 130420 5029 Joselowsky & Partners, 90l Saambou National Buildings, 130
007, 7 Burnett Road, East London, 30/4/77. Keith C. Whitfield, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg.
P.O. Box 1015, East London. 22/77/2—PULFORD, Dorothy Jane, 2/11/09, 2 Edelweiss,
1 2 0 2 /7 7 /2 — J O N E S , S ta n le y C h a rle s , 1 / 5 / 0 5 , 020501 5017 00 2 R e c r e a tio n R o a d , East L o n d o n , 20/11/76. K. A. P u lf o r d , 27 St
150 Circular Drive, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, 4/5/77. The Stan­ Andrew’s Road, Selborne, East London.
dard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Trustee Branch, P.O. Box 329, 1220/77/2—DAVIS, Keith Dolamore Randall, 29/9/1900, 000
P ort Elizabeth. < 929 5012 109, Hunters Lodge, Theescombe, Port Elizabeth, 11/5/
839/77/3—SMITH, Hilary Joan, born Van Aswegen, 10/12/ 77. V. P. Vogel, P.O. Box 15039, Port Elizabeth.
20, 201210-0001-00-0, widow, 17 Cannon Street, Uitenhage, 26/ 1148/77/3—WOOLARD, Louisa Christina, 21/3/17, 101 265048
3/77. Taute & Le Roux, Second Floor, United Buildings, Market W, Port Elizabeth, 20/4/77; Clement Marcel Edward Woolard,-
Street, P.O. Box 16, Uitenhage. A. W. Pudney & Son, 13 Grace Street, Port Elizabeth.
275/77/1—BOSCH, Michael Johannes Marthinus, 10/9/1900, 1209/77/3—MOKUENA, Isaac Prinkie, 12/4/1889, 4041647, 32
000910 5003 009, Middelstraat 85, Graaff-Reinet, 4/1/77. Tim du Mokuena Street, Aliwal North, 25/12/72. Malherbe, Saayman &
Toit & Kie., Posbus 834, Pretoria. Vermaak, P.O. Box 44, Zastron,
103 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

SOUTH-WEST AFRICA - SUlDVVES-AFRiKA 4S2/76—WENTZEL, Nicolaas (Nickolas) Jacobus (Jakobus),

28/7/28, 280728 5036 20 4, Flamingostraat 153, Narraville, Walvis­
93/77—POTGIETER, Johanna Dorethea (Johanna Dorothea baai, 10/7/76; Ix n a Maria Wentzel, gebore Engelbrecht, 2/11/29,
Elizabeth), 24/12/10, 101224 0016 00 0, Lazaretbstraat, Keetmans­ 291102 0005 01 9. L. M. Wentzel, p /a Schaaf & Liebenberg, Pos­
hoop, 23/1/77. Frederik Jacobus Potgieter, Privaatsak 2007, Keet- bus 418, Walvisbaai.
manshoop. 354/76—'TEM-TEM, Antonio Fernandes, 4/1/16, 160104 5015
121/77—FOURIE, Abraham Bemardus, 25/7/23, 230725.5028. 10 8, 28/7/76; Maria Jose Tem-Tem, gebore Do Nasci mento,
000, Walvisbaai, 20/2/77. Die Standard Bank van S.A. Bpk., Trus- 16/5/30. M. I. Pires, p/a Schaaf & Liebenberg, Posbus 418,
teetak, Posbus 2164, Windhoek. Walvisbaai.
541/76—GROENEVELD, Gerhard Ernst, 4/8/1898, Berseba-
reservaat, distrik Keetmanshoop, 17/8/76; Susanna Groeneveld, 178/77—MARITZ, Maria Helena, gebore Van der Westhuizen,
gebore Rikets. Rissik & Cox, Khabuserstraat 5c, Posbus 90, Keet- 15/9/19, 190915 0018 001, Maritzville, Stampriet, 30/3/77; Nico­
manshoop. laas Gysbert Jacobus Maritz, 3/10/10, 101003 5006 004. A. Jy
193/77—DUNTZ, Max William, 17/2/1889, 890217 500 2004, Smith Posbus 199, Mariental.
Pastoricstraat 37, Keetmanshoop, 20/4/77; Minna Johanna 187/77—VAN LILL, Lovina Catharina, 2/4/10, 100402 0005
Paulina Luise Duntz gebore Henseler. Lentin, Botma & De Waal, 00 6, plaas Eldorado, Maltahohe, 26/3/77. Die Standard Bank
Passanogebou, Kasierstraat, Posbus 38, Keetmanshoop. van S.A. Bpk., Trusteetak, Posbus 2164, Windhoek.

Form/Vorm J 187
In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and
final unless o th e rw ise s t a te d ) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of
21 days (or shorter or longer i f s p e c ia lly s ta te d ) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later,
and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated.
Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make pay­
ments in accordance with the accounts. , . . ............... , , , ,, ,
The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, Christian name(s), identity number, last address, description
of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity
number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate’s Office.

Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van Wet 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en distribusierekenings (eerste
en finale, te n s y a n d e rs v e r m e ld ) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende
’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien sp e sia a l v e r m e ld ) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, as dit
later is, ter insae le van alle persone wat daarby belang het. .
Indien binne gencemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uit-
betalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. .
Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: Boedelnommer, familienaam, voornaam(name), persoonsnommer, laaste adres, beskrywing
van rekening as dit ar.ders as eerste en finale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se
name, familienaam en persoonsnommer; tydperk van insae (indien korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor.
CAPE - KAAP 1492/77—VAN LILL, David Johannes, 070529-5001-006, Erf
At the office of the Master, CAPE TOWN, and also of the 31, Dewaalstraat, Kamieskroon; Sara Johanna van Lill, gebore
magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. Basson, 110429-0002-004 (Springbok).—Volkskas, Kaapstad.
By die kantoor van die Meester, KAAPSTAD, en ook van die 4664/75—SHER, Sarah (Sarah Rebecca), 022-787253, widow,
landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word. King David Hotel, Sea Point.—C. K. Friedlander, Kleinman &
Shandling, Cape Town.
7124/76—WHITLEY, Hugh, 021218 5003 002, Main Road, 3791 /76—THORP, Virginia Maclaren, bom Brown, 022 107
Onrust River (Hermanus).—Guthrie & Theron, Hermanus. 156 W, widow, 148 Main Road, Sea Point.—Tennant & Co.,
4596/76—BECKER, Lucas Cornelius, 022683479, Stewardstraat Cape Town.
80, Goodwood (Goodwood).—Bill Tolken, Bresler & Fourie, 3407/76—DE BEER, Dirk Jacobus, 061011 5022 00 2, Flamink-
Goodwood. vlakte, Nuwerus; Gesie Maria de Beer, gebore Prins (Vanrhyns-
6947/76—VAN EYSSEN, Sidney, 0605 09501 2007 W, 204 Blou dorp).—Kruger & Van Coppenhagen, Vredendal.
berg Heights, Sir David Baird Drive, Bloubergstrand.—The 3569/76—LEWIS, Jack, 022-865695K, Parkdeneweg 107,
Standard Bank, Cape Town. Ravensmead; Erica Margaret lew is, 4803260017010 (Bellville).—
88/77—HEALEY, Gordon Norman, 000119 5013 10 5, 12 Hano­ P. J. Booysen & Horn, Parow.
ver Road, Diep River (Wynberg).—Barclays National Bank, 596/76—COATES, Rodney William Edward, 220613 5023 00 1,
Cape Town. 2 Olympic Court, Main Road, Green Point; Marie Cynthia
861/77—NICOLSON, Jane Mov/at, bom Dunnett, 150601002 Coates.—The Trust Bank, Cape Town.
0100, 3 Wraysbury Gardens, Newlands (Wynberg).—Barclays 2433/76—ANDERSON, Joseph Harry, 022197005, 42a Park-
National Bank, Cape Town. wood Avenue, Parkwood Estate, Grassy Park, Cape Town;
Salome Martina Nolan, formerly Anderson, born Joorst (Wyn­
4089/75—WAGNER, Marie-Edna Audrey, bom Beaunoir, 022 berg).—C. K. Friedlander, Kleinman & Shandling, Cape Town.
539882, 57 Factreton Avenue, Kensington; Bernard Wagner.—
S. J. Sauls & Co., Elsie’s River. 1006/77/6C—SMAL, Joyce Constance, gebore De Vos, 270
809/75/5/B—ADAMS, Ruth Mary, 404 110936, Fairways, Links 401 501301W, Parkstraat 62, Gansbaai; Petrus Albertus Smal
Drive, Leisure Isle, Knysna (Knysna).—Vowles, Mctelerkamp & (Hermanns).—Guthrie & Theron, Hermanus.
Callaghan, Knysna. 4778/71/4C—MAREE, Josias Servaas, 01961216W, Huis Jan
4329/76—LE ROUX, Louisa Maria, 145282671V/, Stikland- Swart, Lourensrivierweg, Strand, Aanvullende Likwidasie en Ver-
delings (Caledon).—Boland Bank, Caledon.
hospitaal, Bellville (Bellville).—Wellington Eksekuteurskamer, 5650/5/B—VAN DYK, Johannes Petrus, 2708165011004, Botha-
Wellington. straat 13, Paarl (Paarl).—Boland Bank, Paarl.
1999/76/5C—HOFFMAN, Johanna, Groendal, Franschhoek 7552/76—SWANEPOEL, Frans Pieter Andries, 190920 5016
( P a a rl) .— S. G . H o f f m a n & V a n T o n d e r , P a a r l. 000, Watsonialaan 25. Grabouw; Wilhelmina Swanepoel, gebore
5526/76—LOUW, Pieter Stemmer Paulus, 096890486, 48 28th Van Zyl, 160625 0032 003 (Grabouw).—Boland Bank, Grabouw.
Avenue, Elsie’s River, First (Bellville).—Solomon Miller, Maisel
& Gaum, Paarl. 4924/75/40—LUCKHOFF, Carl Sebastian, 365-135564, Plet-
5485/76—WOODS. Arthur, 911226 5006 001, 108 Goldman tenbergbaaiwoonwapark, Plettenbergbaai; Martha Salomina Luck-
Street, Florida (Florida).—The Board of Executors, Cape Town. faoff, 365-135565 (Knysna).—Ivan Davies, Theunissen & Ven-
note, Springs
7622/76—ADONIS, Benjamin Frederik, 019 589125K, Kerk- 642/77—FOURTH, Anna Magdalena Dorothea, gebore Mool-
straat i9, Lansdowne; Rachel Jane Adonis, gebore Snyders, 149 man, 950908 0003 00 8W, Kleindam, Posbus 243, Caledon (Cale­
355906 (Wynberg).—Guthrje & Theron, Caledon. don).—Boland Bank, Caledon.
7740/76—LE GRANGE, Gerta Johanna, gebore Fourie. 210 636/75/63—JOOSTE, Inger Victoria, ID025 718 291, Staff-
7290006007, Tweede Laan 30, Parow (Bellville).—Volkskas, Kaap- straat, Ceres, Tweede en Finale (Ceres).—Hauptfleisch & Haupt-
stad. fleisch, Ceres.
198/77/4—ABRAHAMS, A rthur Gibbon, 022-856621W, St. 3048/76—SWART, Helena Magdelena, 022739185V/, Linkweg
Legerweg 67, Claremont; Amelia Dorothea Wooding Abrahams, 20. Bellville (Bellville).—Mev. J. A. S. Maycey, KaaDStad.
gebore Higgo (Wynberg).—D. P. de Klerk & Van Gend, Kaap- 3718/76—HKSTEEN, Lionel, 012/429176 W, Bedfordstraat 94,
stad. Parow (Bellville).—Du Plessis, Kriel & Veldman, Parow.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 1C9

1056/74—BASSON, Jan Louis, 137189749 W, Vioolsdrift, 1526/76—VAN BLOMMESTEIN, Pieter, 151016 5019 00 8, 61
Namakwaland; Aletta Maria Basson, gebore Wolstenholme Buite Street, Karatara, District of Knysna; Maria Johanna van
(Springbok).—D. J. Scholtz A De Wit, Springbok. Blommestein, 210219 0023 004 (Knysna).—Deon Kempen,
5176—SMIT, Willem Adriaan, 210315 5025 000, Cummingstraat George.
20, Wellington; Cornelia Margaretha Smit, gebore Diederiks 2167/76—FURTER, James John, 1805045024008, Pearly Beach,
(Wellington).—Hevns, Strauss & Visagie, Goodwood. District of Bredasdorp; Daphne Florence Furter, born Lilley
2855/76—SEXELS, Dawid (David), 025 731767 K, St. John- (Bredasdorp).—Guthrie A Theron, Hermanus.
straat 16, Ceres; Dinah Johanna Rosea Sekels, gebore Jooste, 1361/77—ESS, Maria, gebore Brifckcls, 2801240033018, Impala-
007 239 177 K (Ceres).—Hauptfleisch A Hauptfleisch, Ceres. straat, Bergsig, Caledon; Simon Peter Ess, 290511 5049 015 (Cale­
7716/76—ESTERHUIZEN, Jan Johannes, 0651009840, Herbert- don).—Guthrie & Theron, Caledon.
straat 1, Bellville; Susanna Jacoba Esterhuizen, 4909250027008 3382/74/23—LE ROUX, Pieter Mattheus, 1206275010009W,
(Bellviile).—Breda Bank, Bellville. Middelplaas, De Rust, distrik Oudtshoom, Tweede en Finale
5208/73—VAN ZYL, Christiaan Frederick Leipolt, 025 729611 (Oudtshoorn).—Miller Terblanche & Zietsman, Mosselbaai.
W. Dhsclfontein. Ceres, Verbeterde Eerste (Ceres). 736/77/6B—EKSTEEN, Jacobus Gabriel, 890204 5001 004,
1135/77—WOOD, Doris Evelyn, bom Charlton, 070114 0009 Odendaalstraat, Swellendam; Elizabeth Maria Johanna Eksteen,
005W, 203 Parkwood, Lower Nursery Road, Rosebank, First; gebore Du Toit, 125 137881 (Swellendam).—Louw & Steyn, Swel­
A rthur Richard Patrick Wood, 100317 5027 005 (Wynberg).—The lendam.
Standard Bank, Cape Town. 5824/76—MOORE, John Wentworth. 110417 5029 007, Peck’s
2186/77—ECKLEY, Hester Magdalena, bom Botha, 034 869912 Valley, Boves Drive, Muizenberg (Simonstown).—Dower & Bis-
W, 12 Anneslie, Kenilworth Road, Kenilworth (Wynberg).—The set, Cape Town.
Standard Bank, Cape Town. 6169/76 — JONCK, Frederick Hendrik Petrus, 040322/5007/
1923/77—VAN DER MYLE, Cornelia Hendrik, bom Van Dee, 00/0, Grensweg 5, Gordonsbaai; Anna Elizabeth Le Roux Jonck
022 212936W, 21 Blenheim Road, Plumstead (Wynberg).—The (Strand).—Miller A Bosman, Strand.
Standard Bank, Cane Town. 7076/76—VAN HEERDEN. Izak Johannes, 510818 5048 00 2,
2579/76—OOSTIJUIZEN, Hendrik Viviers, 041227 5008 00 8, Sterkfsntein, Sterkstroom (Stellenbosch).—Volkskas, Kaapstad.
Hunters Home, distrik Herbertsdale; Anna Elizabeth Oosthuizen, 5014/75—GROENEWALD, Barend Hermanus, 380124 5028 00
gebore Hammond, 130905 0023 005 (Mosselbaai).—Barclays- 4, Middelplaas, Riversonderend, Tweede Supplementere (Swel­
Nasionale Bank. Kaapstad. lendam).—Boland Bank. Riviersondercnd.
263/77—VAN AS, Gabriel Johannes, 150628 5028 00 2, Robert­ 1183/77—POTGIETER, Cornelia Geklenhuys, gebore Tal-
son; Elizabeth Maria van As, gebore Groenewald, 170313 0035 jaard, 2203120037005. Voortrekstraat 222, Swellendam;
00 7 (Robertson),—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Kaapstad. Johan Potgieter, 125133252 (Swellendam).—Boland Bank, Swellen­
133/77—SWART, Johannes Jacobus Francois, 053 241355 W,
Bonnievale (Bonnievale).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Kaapstad. dam.
671/77—SWART, Nico Jacobus. 340217 5035000, Glen Oak,
679/77—STRUMPHER, Johannes Stephanus Wilhehnus, 191019 De Dooms (Worcester).—Theron, Humphrey A Fick, Worcester.
5003 00 8, Kerkstraat 31, Albertinia; Martha Johanna Catharina 1360/77—EGAN. Elizabeth Anna Wood. 0905160004008, 14
Strumpher, 260219 0028 00 2 (Albertinia).—Barclays-Nasionale Orchard Road. Milnerton.—Barclays National Bank, Cape Town.
Bank. Kaapstad.
1107/77—RABIE, Frederik Jacobus, 360822 5028 00 7, West­ 4122/76—PRITCHARD, Violet Edna Whitfield, 17 Upper
minister, Orchard; Cathelina Rabie, gebore Wentzel, 370130 0034 Paradise Road, Newlands (Wynberg).—Barclays National Bank,
00 6 (Worcester).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Kaapstad. Cane Town.
637/77—KAPP, Petronella Magdalena Johanna, 111104 0016 2037/77—HANKS, Rose Mirab, divorced, 87 Plattekloof Road,
00 2, Trotterstraat 9, Knysna (Knysna).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Monte Vista (GoodwoodV—Barclays National Bank. Cape Town.
Kaapstad. 6672/76—GEAR, Melvin Goldsworthy, 3309155023 007, 22
5964/76—CRONJE. Daniel Christiaan, 920918 5002 00 1, Swart- Aandblom Street. Blom-tuin, Bellville (Bellville).—Barclays Natio­
heuwel, distrik Riversdal (Riversdale).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, nal Bank. Cape Town.
Kaapstad. 3736/76—METRING. Ryk Linde Tweede Laan 1, De Rust
2046/77—OOSTHUIZEN, Emmerentia Maria Hester, gebore (Oudtshoorn).—Die Standard Bank, Port Elizabeth.
Van Rensburg, 149 346672W, Georgeweg 2, Graupnsrwoonstelle, 6535/76—SCHULTZ. Bernard Julius Frederick, 270102 5025
Mosselbaai (Mosselbaai).—Volkskas, Kaapstad. 009, Montana, Vleiweg, Schaapkraal. Ottery; Maria Carolina
2038/77—CARR, Elizabeth, Newlands (Wynberg).—Fairbridge, Schultz. 022 599 632 (Wynberg).—The Standard Bank, Cape Town.
Ardeme & I-awton. Cape Town. 173/77—CUPIDO, Simon James, 022 255 319, 195 Ninth Ave­
6074/75/B—VISSER, Frederik Willem George, 190808 5011 nue, Kraaifontein; Amelia Eileen Cupido, 022.028.211 (Beilville).—
00 8, Biesiesfontein, Piketberg (Piketberg).—Santam Bank, Piket- The Standard Bank. Cape Town.
beru. 5818/76—HODGES. John Bertram, 51 Mornington Road,
6655/76/5/B—KOK, Johann Georg, 0312185016002, Terhoeven- Gatooma, Rhodesia.—The Standard Bank, Cape Town.
straat 58, Strand (Strand).—Boland Bank, Strand. 7467/76—COATES. Grace Norah. born Yell, 960109-0003-00-1,
5543/76—PRETORIUS, Izak Johannes, 1205175012008, Sonlig, 21 Burswood, Bergvliet Road, Meadowridge (Wynberg).—The
Vredcndal; Maria Anna Margaretha Pretorius (Vredendal).— Standard Bank. Cape Town.
Boland Bank. Vredendal. 6408/76—CARLISLE, Ronald Walter, 115 282918 W, Carlisle
249/77—OLNEY. Frank (Frand) Edward, 121112 5025 00 9W, Lodge, Kommetiie Road, Fish Hoek (Simonstown).
Kusweg, Langebaan: Maria Petronella Olney, gebore Sleigh, 053 4707/76—ARENDSE, William Albert Christian, 0225 0612-K, 7
239291W (Hopefieldl.—Die Standard Bank, Kaapstad. Carwell Road. Lansdowne; Christina Arendse, formerly Yon, bom
72-4/77—GROENEWALD, Johanna Dorothea, 022 834 107 W, Brinkhuis (Wynberg).—Rout) Scheidcr A Wacks, Cape Town.
Fontanastraat 19. Brooklyn.—Santam Bank, Kaapstad. 5989/76—BONN, Ella. 022 322 144 W, Highlands House, Upper
4949/76—BOSMAN, Frouwina Reina, 901 518365 W. Uitsig, Buitenkant Street, Cape Town.—Roup Schneider A Wacks, Cape
Eerste Laan, Wellington (Wellington).—Santam Bank, Kaapstad. Town.
6307/76—LOUBSER, Pieter Johannes, 000910 5002 001, 24 478/77—DEPPE, Marjorie Edith, Akuaba, 25 F ir Lane, Tokai,
Hopley Street, Bredasdorp (Bredasdorp).—The Standard Bank, Cape Town (Wynberg).—Routiedge-MacCallums. Cape Town.
Paarl. 6800/76—MANASEWITZ. Jacob Elias, 356212030W, 10 D art­
5881/76—DE VILLIERS, Audrey, 240121 0019 004, Karee- mouth Road, Muizenberg (Simonstown).—Miller Gruss Katz A
poort, Beaufort West (Beaufort West).—The Standard Bank, Traub, Heerengracht.
Paarl. 4558/76—GARDNER, Eric Clarence, 022-439439K, 1 Atlas
7044/76—'W OODHEAD, Gladys Beryl, born Parsons, 022326 Road. Crawford; Muriel Gladys Gardner, born Buttress, 022-
191W, 10 Meadway, Pinelands (Wynberg).—J. E. Krige & Sons, 439440K (Wvnbers).—Y. Ebrahim A Co., Athlone.
Worcester. 7540/67—LEASER, Margaret, 11th Avenue, Elsie’s River
1162/77—MATCHETT, Edwin. 022 177932W, Dim House, (Goodwood).—A. M. Omar A Co., Woodstock.
Orange Street, Cape Town.—Fairbridge, Ardeme & Lawton, 4791/76—LITTLE, Gilbert Samuel, 022-108422, Hilary, Queens
Cape Town. Road, Woodstock; Catherine Rose Little, b om Bapoo.—A. M.
1156/77—KLEYN. Margaretha Aletta. gebore Ferreira, 080- Omar A Co., Woodstock.
496342. Pastoriestraat 6, Moorreesburg (Moorreesburg).—Boland 6736/75/C—MILLS, Edward James, 014502001, 20 Classen
Bank. Moorreesb-wg. Street, Bishop Travis, Amended First and Final (Wynberg).—
‘r'v'4/76—HAMMAN, Anna Maria, gebore Krilgel, 160506 Sonnenberg. Hoffmann & Galombik, Cape Town.
0007 00 7, Koningmstraat 30, Durbanville (Bellville).—Louw A 7521—CUPIDO, William, Third Avenue, Grassy Park; Katie
Coetzee. Durbanville. Cupido, formerly Ad naans, born Jacobs (Wynberg).—Pincus,
4070/76/2B—NFL, Maria Helena, gebore Van Zvl, 021675056 Matz A Feinberg, Wynberg.
W. Holdenstraat 9. Calvinia, Eerste; Hermias Cornelius Nel, 6854/76—SOLOMON, Wilhelmina. born Simon, 022 340 698,
081231 5006 00 5 (Olvinia).'—Volkskas. Kaapstad. Eventide, Sixth Avenue, Retreat (Wynberg).—Pincus, Matz A
74 11 '76—FERGUSON, Ronald Lofts, 022 371197, 9 Montagu Feinberg, Wynberg.
W"'". Pinelands.—Minde, Schapiro A Smith, Bellville. 2940/75—ADAMS, Moegamat Allie, 022.880.164M, Wm.
5948/76—RABE. Friedrich Wilhelm, 26094.502,3,003. Rietz- Arendse Road, Penlyn Estate, ILansdowne, Amended; Aziza
straat 8. Parow-Noord; Martha Elizabeth Rabe, 311202.0012. Adams, born Abader, 007 23852 (Wynberg).—Pincus, Matz &
00-1 (Bellville).—Boland Bank, Bellville. Feinberg, Wynberg.
no No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

151/77—COLEMAN, Gladys Elizabeth, 951203 0006 006, 25 329/77—LOWE, Gladys, formerly Penderis, bom Nel, 991107-
Sedgemoor Road, Camp s Bay.—T. H. Snitcher, Cohen & Snit­ 0002-000, 506 Pleasant Ways, Beach Road, Sea Point.—M. S.
ched, Capa Town. Frank & Frank, Cape Town.
7040/75—PORTER, Stanley Du Picssis, 022 722592W, Fairseat, 4089/76—VAN DYK, Frederick Johan Stadler, 022253113W,
Sidmouth Avenue, Claremont (Wynberg).—Pim Whiteley & Close, 125 Roodebloom Road, Woodstock.—Mallinick, Ress, Richman
Cape Town. & Co., Cape Town.
1931/75—COHEN, Dora, 022 252752W, 13 Avenue Des Hugeu- 4183/76—KOESTERS, Robert Curt, 080372 05011 002 W, 44
not, Sea Point.—Bloomberg & Co., Cape Town. Everest, Goldreich Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg (Johannes­
116/77—GURNEY, Eima, 091221-0027-005, High Rising, Parel burg).—Mallinick, Ress, Richman & Co., Cape Town.
Vallei Road, Somerset West (Somerset West).—W. B. Gurney, 80/77—BOTHMAN, Caswell, 8 Church Street, Wetton; Louise
Cape Town. Theresa Bothman, born Williams (Wynberg).—A rthur E. Abra­
7360/76/6C—HOUSTON. Clare Onslow, 030719003003W, Disa hams & Gross, Cape Town.
House, Orange Street, Cape Town.—Francis Thompson & Aspden, 2461/66—ADAMS, John, 48 28th Avenue, Elsie’s River (Good­
Cape Town. wood).—Arthur E. Abrahams & Gross, Cape Town.
2268/75—GOMPERTZ, Constant Gerh irdus, 0209285010002. 12 5363/76—POOKE, Sarah, formerly Hollington, born Gold,
Roy Campbell Crescent, Parow North (Bellville).— Bisset, 410 Pleasant Ways, Beach Road, Sea Point.—Arthur E. Abra­
Boehmke & McBlain, Cape Town. hams & Gross, Cape Town.
6894/76—DAVIDS, Ganief, 022782456M, 68 Fourth Avenue, 4421/76—HUR WITZ, Joseph (Joseph Berel), 604 Migdal,
Belgravia (Wynberg).—Chas. Barnett, Barnett & De Beer, Wood­ Worcester Road, Sea Point.—Arthur E. Abrahams & Gross,
stock. Cape Town.
1437/76/B—ERICKSON. Anna Jacoba, 15 Gabriel Road, Plum- 2589/68—HAMDULAY, Hadji Hassan Mia, 800 026832 A,
stead (Wynberg).—Chas. Barnett, Barnett & De Beer. Woodstock. Prestige Buildings, Duine Street, Athlone, Second and Final;
4233/74—CANNING. William Francis, 99 Kloof Street, Gadiga Hamdulay, born Fredericks (Wynberg).—Mostert & Bos­
Gardens.—C. & A. Friedlander, Cape Town. nian, Cape Town.
4338/76—ALDERSON Algernon Richard Oliphant. 014562434 5413—HAMDULAY, Gadiga, 44 Durban Road, Mowbray,
W, Shandon, Bottelary Road, Koelenhof. District of Kuil’s River Second and Final (Wynberg).—Mostert & Bosnian, Cape Town.
(Kuil’s River).—Vivian Malan & Co.. Cape Town. 6879/76—RATCLIFF, William Henry, 022-732288, Ormonde
5076/63—MOSKOVITZ, Anna, born Meyerowitz, Sea Point, Residential, St Andrew’s Road, Rondebosch: Johanna Maria Rat­
Second.—Robert Berman & Bram Fialkov, Cape Town. cliff, 022-885698 (Wynberg).—Syfrets Trust and Executor, D ur­
12503/74/C—MILLER. Joseph Isaac, 331 285 490, 282 Pen-
doring Road, Northcliff, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—C. & A. ban.
Friedlander, Cape Town. 752/77—O’KF.NNEDY, Stephanus Sebastiaan Lombard. 930
6504/74/4A—SWERLING. Solomon. 014 559885 W, 91 De 212 5001 00 9, Hoopstraat 11, Malmesbury (Malmesbury).—Boland
Villiers Avenue, Durbanville, First (Bellville).—S. M. Kessler, Bank. Malmesbury.
Lazarus & Borok, Goodwood. 6682/76—LIEBENBERG, Piet. 080 501600 K. Adamstraat 7,
7015/75—DEMBITZER, Elma. Valkenberg Hospital, Obser­ Riebeek-Wes; Johanna Jannetjie Liebenberg. gebore Swarts, 080
vatory.—Friedberg. Miller. Gruft & Co., Claremont. 501601 K (Malmesbury).—Boland Bank, Malmesbury.
5064/75—ANTHONY, Janap (Jane Nap), born Van Reenan, 1133/77—THOMSON, Clarence Victor, 060728-5013-00-1, St
022 639 848. Fifth Avenue, Grassy Park (Wynberg).—Esau Shapiro Keverne, Thornton Road, Diep River (Wynberg).—Die Trust
& Segall. Claremont. Bank, Kaapstad.
1142/76—STRAUSS, Ethel Maud, born Clark, 901 521 691W, 2021/77—VAN WYK, Johannes Adriaanes, 014-542980 W,
3 Avenue Des Huguenots, Sea Point, Supplementary.—Syfrets Adam Taslaan 1, Brooklyn, Kaapstad; Maria Magrietha van
Trust Co.. Cape Town. Wyk, 014-504543W.—Die Trust Bank, Kaapstad.
6731/75—LOVRIC, Alfonso, 42 St Michael’s Road, Tamboers-
kloof, Cape Town, Amended First and Final; Doreen Caroline TRANSVAAL
Lovric, 022 967857W.—Syfrets Trust Co., Cape Town.
3354/76—NOAKES, Pauline Kate Winifred, 2 Wood Lane, At the office of the Master, PRETORIA, and also of the
Small Dole, Sussex, England.—Syfrets Trust Co., Cape Town. magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses.
4708/76—BUIRSKI. Sydney Aubrey. Woodstock; Irene May By die kantoor van die Meester, PRETORIA, en ook van die
Buirski. born Allen.—Chiddy & Barrie, Cape Town. landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld word.
6484/75—DREYER. Gabriel John, Lyndover, Dover Road, 13149/76—KLEYNHANS, Christoffel Rudolph, 270505 5039
Heathfield (Wynberg).—David Asherson Epstein & Epstein, Wyn­ 004, Lensweg 10, Delville, Germiston; Anna Jacoba Kleynhans,
berg. 270604 0026 007 (Germiston).—Santam Bank, Springs.
6253/76—VAN RENSBURG, Cornelis Johannes Janse, 21 9176/75—WEEKS, William. 1002275009004, 298 Walker Fruit
Links Crescent, Simonstown: Georgina Ann Alice Janse van Rens- Farms Vereeniging; Judith Margaret Sharlotte Weeks, gebore
burg (Simonstown).—T. W. A. Roller & Co., Simonstown. Webner (Vereeniging).—Haasbroek & Boezaart, Vereeniging.
4144/76—HINRICHSEN. Arthur Henry, 110330 5019 00 3. 56 11054/76—ROETS, Andre Theunis, 570105 508600, Huis 38,
Sarel Cilliers Street, Napier (Wynberg and Bredasdorp).—The Modder Bee. Benoni (Benoni).—Santam Bank, Springs.
Board of Executors. Cape Town. 1357/76—VAN DER MERWE, Louis Albertus, 376 191689,
2513/76—ROBINSON. Sarah Lilian, 022 551 030 W. 6 Harfield Watervalboven, Tweede en Finale (Watervalboven).—Mathews,
Court, Main Road, Kenilworth (Wynberg).—A. Rosenberg, Shool- Lanser & Williams, Warmbad.
man & Gordon. Cape Town. 2413/77—VISSER, Pieter Petrie, 070618 5007 004, Palmietfon-
1344/77—VAN SCHALKWYK, Dirk Jacobus, 014 568 620 W,
Proteatehuis vir Bejaardes, Alicestraat 127, Goodwood (Good- tein, distrik Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp).—J. J. Oosthuizen, Klerks-
wood).—Santam Bank. Bellville. dorp.
7410/76—FOURIE, Johannes Jacobus. 086595068W. Diazstraat 12500/76—STRYDOM, Catharina Susanna Petronella, 066 147
13, Kaapzight. Parow; Elizabeth Magdalena Fourie, gebore Bek- 361, Vereeniging (Vereeniging).—Die Sentrale Eksekuteurskamer,
ker, 086595069W (Bellville).—Santam Bank, Bellville. Pretoria.
13193/76—CHUN, Charles Edward, 190330 5034 10 4, 18 Van
6572/76—SMITH, Josephine Lorraine, 007634 341, 26 Ottery Eeden Avenue, Risiville, Vereeniging (Vereeniging).—Snijman &
Road, Wynberg.—Gerald Holmes, Elsie’s River. Smullen, Vereeniging.
4064/76—DU TOIT, Emil, 350102 5023 007, Sandstraat 47, 10240/76—COETZEE, Ferdinand Petrus, 571113 5011 00 2,
Wilderness; Hester Susanna du Toit, 01002280244 (George).— Luipaardstraat 290, Krugersdorp-Wes, Krugersdorp (Knigers-
Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg. dorp).—S. van Tender, Malelane.
5334/76—ADRIAANSE, David Robert Carl, 007123801 K, 9 13445/76—SWART, Nicolaas Jaoobus, 910923 5002 00 3, Zoet-
Bokmakierie Street, Bokmakierie. Athlone; Helen Emily Adri- doomlaagte, distrik Warmbad (Warmbad).—J. J. Enslin, Warm-
aanse, born Adams (Wynberg).-—Isaac Volkwyn & Co., Athlone. bad.
710/76—BASTIAAN, Floreniina, formerly Ludick. born Valen- 9000/76—WATTS, Victor George, 520404 5030 00 7, Boshoff-
tyn, 01468617 K, 68 Seventh Avenue, Elsie’s River (Goodwood). straat 58, La Hoff, Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp).—Santam Bank, Pot-
—Klosser, Saunders & Oldroyd, Cape Town. chefstroom.
3493/76—BARRON, Israel, 021215 5004 006, 16 Bridle Road, 4757/76—DE VILLIERS, Theodoras Daniel, 655 023920, Har-
Oranjezicht, Cape Town.—Ivor Sindler & Co., Mowbray. tebeesfontein-tnkelkwartiere 16, Stilfontein (Klerksdorp).—
Santam Bank, Potchefstroom.
6558/76H—GILIOMEE, Maria Petronella, 1202090027 005W, 12219/76—SMIT, Nicolaas Carel Marthinus, 110921 5034 00 8,
20 Seventh Avenue, Fish Hoek; George Edward Giliomee, 010 wewenaar, Dieselstraat 7, Vanderbijlpark (Vanderbijlpark).—Van
8175011 007W (Simonstown).—G. E. Giliomee, Lakeside. der Walt, Du Plessis & Ballot, Vanderbijlpark.
4789/76—DE FREITAS, Manuel, 115 289247W, 3 Rue de 8143/76— BESSINGER, Engela Christina Stadler, 335 6677 31,
Jaqueline, Somerset West (Simonstown).—Guthrie & Rushton, Moreglansouetehuis, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp).—Fourie & Fou­
Simonstown. rie, Krugersdorp.
4563/76—KIRSTEN, Robert Wilfred, 115270438W, 11 Alber- 4969/73—STANFORD, Eric Morris, 347 772061 W, c/o 26a
tyn Road, Muizenberg; Ruth Helen Kirsten, born Maidman Kruger Park Street, White River, Supplementary (White River).—■
(Simonstown).—Galloon Reef & Co., Cape Town. A. C. Stanford, White River,
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 111

1910/76—BOTHA, Willem Frederick, 051015 5013 00, Ann 114/77—ERASMUS, Jacomina Gertruida, 1006 05000 1002,
Court, Hoogestraat, Potgietersrus (Potgietersrus).—Naude & Acaciaweg 4, Primrose; Jacobus Johannes Erasmus, 100824500
Dames, Potgietersrus. 2003 (Germiston).—Wright, Rcse-Innes, Louw & Wise, Germis­
8184/76—GELDENHUYS, Adriaan Adolph, 0603265015009, 20 ton.
Botha Avenue, Cinderella, Boksburg; Viola Edith Geldenhuys, 12354/75—BOTHA, Johanna Christina, 361955039 W, Buffel-
0902230017003 (Boksburg).—I. Kramer & Wesemann, Benoni. doorns 199, Privaatsak 1078, Pk. Thabazimbi, Gewysigde Eerste
10416/76— VAN WYK, Elsie Johanna, 1507050013005, Leeuw- en Finale; Ernst Adriaan Lodewyk Botha (Thabazimbi).—Mac­
spruit. Grootvlei, distrik Balfour; Nicolaas Jacobus Gerhardus intosh Cross & Farquliarson, Pretoria.
van Wyk, 1210085017006 (Balfour).—Lanser & Swanepoel, Bal­ 9525/76—VAN BUUREN, George Bruce, 655016836, 11 Diana
four. Avenue, Homelake, Randfontein (Randfontein).—Karel Couzyn
12422/75—ROSSOUW, Gysbert Jacobus, 331 109656 W, Bar- & Seun. Randfontein.
nardstraat 22, Prcloriusrus, Tweede en Finale (Oberholzer).— 1705/77—JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, Hester Antonetta Mag­
Nebex Eksekuteurskamer en Trustmaatskappy, Pretoria. dalena, 970201 0001 00 8, 14 Cam and Motorway, Selcourt, Springs
1790/76—GRAHAM, Samuel Martin Douglas, 370919170, Bles- (Springs).—Trollip, Joubert, Cowling & Brocker, Brakpan.
bokfontein, distrik Bronkhorstspruit, Tweede (Bronkhorstspruit).— 67/77—SWOBODA, Constance Dawn 356 159365, 530 Sibelius
Nedbank, Pretoria. Street, Lukasrand, Pretoria. Friedlar.d Hart & Partners, Pretoria.
12200/74—MUIRHEAD, William Bennett, 308468 817V/. 47 7659/76—BAUERME1STER, Johannes Nicolaas, 306 790 370,
Third Avenue, Edenvale; Elizabeth Reddick MacGregor Muir- Symourlaan 24, Betlialstasie (Bethal).—Haasbroek & Boezaart,
head. 308-485671 (Germiston).—Peter James Knowles, Germiston. Pretoria.
4058/77—BLIGNAUT, Jan Hendrik. 820714 5002 00 5, wewe­
1510/77—STROH. Janetta Francina Johanna, gebore Janse van
Vuuren, 071216 0002 002, Rietfontein, Pk. Nylstroom; Johan David naar, Pretoriusrus, Posbus 262, Schweizer-Reneke (Schweizer-
Reneke).—Brigadier J. H. Blignaut, Pretoria.
Stroh (Nylstroom).—Abel Mulder, Nylstroom. 1639/77—BARNACLE, Edelweiss, 030820 0016001, Old Aged
6918/76—MAREE, Johannes Hendrik, 081115 5031 00 8, Baker- Home. Luipaardsvlei, District of Krugersdorp; Bernard James
viile. distrik Lichtenburg, Eerste (Lichtenburg).—T. P. Taylor & Barnacle, 031205 5022007 (Krugersdorp).—J. Gus Ackerman,
Vennote. Lichtenburg. Roodepoort.
1972/76—JONKER. Maria Jacoba, 334658749, Gamkalaan 420/77—COETZEE, Paul Johannes, 3614/27459W, Harmeny-
104. Sinoville, Pretoria (Klerksdorp).—Erasmus, Jooste & Kie., hof 603, Mearstraat, Sunnyside, Pretoria, Verbeterde Eerste en
Klerksdorp. Finale.—Santam Bank, Pretoria.
3184/76—OOSTHUIZEN, Hermanus Jacobus, 140130 5001 009, 4504/76—HEIDTMANN. Elizabeth Magdalena, gebore De
President Burgerstraat 316, Pretoria-Wes; Cornelia Frederika Klerk, 0108110010 00 6, Lotweg 4, Homelake, Randfontein;
Oosthuizen.—Tim du Toit & Kie., Pretoria. Alexander Ernest Heidtmann, 041005 5002 00 1 (Randfontein).—
6268/75—IHLENFELDT, Edward Sidney, 4111095030004, Wit- Williams Gaisford & Steyn, Potchefstroom.
klip. distrik Delmas (Brits).—Johan Botha & Kie.. Brits. 13508/76—DE LANGE, David Johannes Daniel, 2712145002
5986/73—KROST, Isidore, 331227621W, 79 Observatory 000, Westonaria; Elsie Petronella de Lange, 4104250003007
Avenue, Observatory, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—A. Saloner, (Westonaria).—Die Sentrale Eksekuteurskamer, Pretoria.
Johannesburg. 1047/77—VENTER, Cornelius Franken, 311 558 419 W,
2179/76—SUTTON. Frank Edgar, 090216 5027 00 1, 105 High­ Governmentlaan 30, Cullinan; Irna Venter.—Nedbank Pretoria.
land Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, Supplementary (Johannes­ 5438/76—COOMBES, Elaine Julia, 331 492786 W, 5 Berg
burg).—Van Hulsteyn Duthie & Saner, Johannesburg. Street. Hamberg, Roodepoort; John Archibald Coombes, 331
1435/75—STRAUSS, Louisa Jacoba, 324-887016, 21 Elgin 492785 W (Roodepoort).—Phillips & Osmond, Krugersdorp.
Mansions, Delvers Street, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Hatten- 7880/76—VAN ZYL, Dirk Johannes, 060 512 5016 002. King
bach & Abraham. Johannesburg. Edward Drive, Tzaneen, District of Letaba (Tzaneen).—C. J.
2285/77—TEARNAN, Dennis George, 100514 5035 000, Flat Kemp & Eiselen, Tzaneen.
Safe-Ways, Bartlets Road, Beyers Park; Thora Teaman born 3692/77—NEL, Marthinus Stefanus Jacobus Petrus, 071215
Cadwell, 120201 0029 008 (Boksburg and Port Shepstone).— 5023 005, Huis 75, Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorwee en Haw'ens, Komati-
Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg. poort (Nelspruit).—Nedbank, Pretoria.
12334/74—OTTO, Cornelius Johannes Matthys, 324 796 140, 11783/76—MARAIS, Willem Johannes Cornelius, 120317 5021
wewenaar, Plot 71, Buyscelialandbouhoewes, Vereeniging 004, Plot 162, Hillside. Pk. Randfontein; Susanna Johanna Marais,
(Vereeniging).-—Haasbroek & Boezaart, Pretoria. 150127 0015 007 (Randfontein).—Volkskas, Klerksdorp.
12394/72—LEKGANYANE, Joseph Engenas, 2277097, Boyne, 4675/76—ROBBERTS, Barend Willem Jacobus, 0402085005005,
District of Pietersburg (Pietersburg).—Solomon & Nicolson, Pongolasuikermeule, Pongola (Pongola).—J. H. Scheepers,
Pretoria. Magudu.
3728/76—DE VILLIERS, Francois Bastiaan, 550901 5061 00 0, 2497/77—GELDENHUYS, Jacobus Nicolaas, 021115 5014 007,
Hilversum, Nelspruit (Nelspruit).—Delport & Swanepoel, Nel­ Brakspruit, distrik Swartruggens; Helena Catharina Geldenhuys,
spruit. gebore Muller, 140814 0008 00 6 (Swartruggens).—Van der Merwe
1748/76—MORGAN, Elizabeth Francina Hermina, 306-796 & Lomv, Swartruggens.
034. Rustfontein. Posbus 174, Bethal (Bethal).—Feldman, Cohen 6708/76—UYS, Elizabeth WTilhelmina, Smalkloof, distrik Volks­
& Pretorius, Bethal. rust (Volksrust).—Kuit & Snyman, Volksrust.
3267/77—"COET/.ER, Constance Norma, 022 899916, 2 Wapiti 12569/76—ROODNICK, Emma Elizabeth. Agtste Straat 45,
Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park; Marthinus Jacobus Coetzer, Springs; Ernest Albert Roodnick, 030313 5009 007 (Springs).—
134 874237 (Kempton Park).—The Standard Bank, Benoni. Santam Bank. Springs.
3567/76—BEHRENS, Henry Dittma, 320703 5034 00 6, 9 Joel 8914/76—KLYNVELD, Laurette Le Grange, gebore Fourie,
Avenue, F arrar Park, Boksburg, Second and Final (Boksburg).— 403-271801 W, weduwee, Anne Viljoenouetehuis, Potchefstroom
The Standard Bank, Benoni. (Potchefstroom).—Thiel, Theron & Le Grange, Potchefstroom.
2706/76—WELDING, Willem Jacobus Marthinus, 5106115001 3410/75—BUITENDAG (Buitendach), Anna Maria, 369 998
000, distrik Standerton (Hartswater).—Lubbe, Cilliers & Van Ton- 251, Rietvlei, distrik Ventersdorp (Ventersdorp).—Fleischacks,
der. Hartswater. Potchefstroom.
7295/75—JANSEN VAN VUUREN, Maria Susanna Wilhel- 11310/76—SAINSBURY, Eva, 022550329 W, Moreglansouete-
mina, 335677 283 W, Sentrum Moria vir Bejaardes, hoek van huis, Krug'ersdorp (Krugersdorp).—Tanncnbaum, Goldstein, Holt-
Begin- en King Georgestraat, Krugersdarp-Noord, Aanvullende mann & Williams, Florida.
(Krugersdorp).—Volkskas, Klerksdorp. 13909/76—BULLOCK, Gerald Tinley, Pine Point, Northwest
513/77—MEYER, Hendrik Comelis, 521022 5038 00 9, Aston Territories, Canada; Veronica Ann Bullock.—Syfrets Trust and
Place 208, Longstraat, Kempton Park (Kempton Park).—Jacobs, Executor, Pretoria.
Heckroodt & Bosman. Kempton Park. 13359/76—WILSON, William Boone, 23 Glenville Drive, Bula­
10245/76/B—CASSIM, Mahomed, 800 006614 A, 28g Tom wayo, Rhodesia.—Standard Trust, Rhodesia.
Street, Brits; Hawa Mahomed Cassim, born Tayob, 800 00613A 5320/76—GREYLING, Magrietha Isabella Magdalena, 181212
(Brits).—Wicht & Marais, Brits. 004004, Jurgenslaan 32, Strubenvale, Springs; sedertdien oorlede
8 2 4 4 /7 5 — VERHOEF, Reinier Josephus Johannes, 901 537475 Jacobus Hendrik Greyling, 1404055013002 (Springs).—Haarhoff
W, Gregorstraat 12, Witpoortjie (Roodepoort).—J. B. Hugo & & Cohen, Springs.
Cronje, Krugersdorp. 8858/76—SMITH. Bertram Louis, 430325 5061 00 8, 27 Brank-
11941—LOMBARD, Andries Benjamin, 120806 5017 00 4, Bur- some Towers, 40 Wanderers Street, Joubert Park, Johannesburg
gershoop, Volksrust (Volksrust).—Rossouw, Coetzee & Kie., (Johannesburg).—Couzyn, Hertzog & Horak, Johannesburg.
Volksrust. 1838/77—VAN ROOYEN, Comelis Lourens, 051105/5010/
310/77—VAN WYK, Christiaan Erens Gerhardus, 970602 501 00/9, Tortelduifstraat 94, Jan Niemandpark, Pretoria; Claudina
3007, Ons Tuis 38, Soutpansbergweg, Pretoria.—Rooth & Wessels, Janetta van Rooyen, 356 130039.
Vanderbijlpark. 6563/73—JORDAAN, Nicolaas Claassen, 328 562149W, Soet-
12259/76—SMIT, Jaoob Johannes, 356/289207W, S.A.P.-enkel- bron, Grootvlei; Johanna Susanna Carolina Jordaan, gebore
kwartiere, Honde Eenheid, Benoni (Benoni).—Bank van Johan­ Botha, 328 562144W (Balfour).—P, V. d. M. Haarhoff & Seun,
nesburg, Pretoria. Balfour^
112 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

11069/76—VILJOEN, Carolina Magrietha Alletha, 141219 0005 2930/76—COETZEE, Ockert Jacobus, 920210 5002 00 3, SAVF-
00 5, Hjalmerstraat 1136, Booysens, Pretoria; Jan Abraham Jaco­ Huis, Errnelo, Aanvullende (Ermelo).—Die Standard Bank,
bus Viljoen, 180614 5001,003.—Sanek Eksekuteurskamer. Pretoria. Benoni.
11703/76—RABIE, Adriaan Louw, 450921-3045-00-2, Hart 1256/77—COOKE, Joyce Mary, born Ailport, 110228/0022/
Court 24, Jan Vanriebeeckstraat, Stilfontein; Elizabeth Maria 00/4, 21 Clarendon Avenue, Stmbenvale, Springs (Springs).—
Magdalena Ziemann (Stilfontein).—Bank van Johannesburg, Mar­ Ivan Davies, Theunissen & Partners, Springs.
shalltown. 13721/76—VAN DER MERWE, Jacobus Schalk, 99010-5009
5506/76—KRUGER. Louis, 111129 5010 007. Klevn- 004, Skietfontein, Pk. De Wildt (Brits).—Syfrets Trust en Ekseku-
hansstraat 35a, Bethal (Bethal).—Nimrod Smit & De Wet, Bethal. teur, Pretoria.
4177/77—IRVINE. James. 356176322W, 407 Flower Street, 2495/77—FOUCHE, Jacobus Paulus, 310 554472W, Wichtstraat
Capital Park, Pretoria.—Macintosh Cross & Farquharson, 11, Brits; Johanna Elena Fouche, 080111 006005 (Brits).
Pretoria. 3023/77—NAUDE, Pieter Schalk, 070316 5014 00 1, Perseei 23,
20/76—STRYDOM, Johannes Mathys, 9905285004009, Harte- Mooibank, Potchefstroom; Johanna Helena Naude, gebore IJaas-
beesfontein, distrik Vereeniging (Vereeniging).—De Klerk, broek, 131201 0033 007 (Potchefstroom).—Volkskas, Klerksdorp.
Vermaak & Vennote. Vereeniging. 6743/76—BREYTENBACH, Helena Catharina, 314-578764,
1881/7—GROBBELAAR, Johan (Jan) Samuel Frederik, 110 Keurboomstraat 142, Stilfontein (Klerksdorp).—Mare, Potgieter
222 5002 00 8, Spruitstraat 4, Ventersdorp; Maria Elizabeth (Peja- & Kruger, Nelspruit.
tjie) Grobbelaar, 190420 0004 00 2 (Ventersdorp).—Volkskas, 9485/75—SMITH, Anna Adriana, 270 204 0010 000, Aloestraat
Klerksdorp. 17, Kempton Park (Kempton Park).—Wustrow & Burger, Kemp-
297/77/C—ROONEY, Susanna Jane, 022 457006, 4 Kapelus ton Park.
Road, Wright Park, Springs (Springs).—Charles Sherman, Levin 14667/76—FRASER, Mabel Anne, born Smith, 930227 0005003,
& Prosser, Springs. 4 Benton Court, Turvey Street, Benoni; Charles Allan Fraser,
2610/77—FOURIE. Hester, 404 113721 W, Esmestraat 15, Son- 010102 5007002 (Benoni).—Gilchrist & Reid, Benoni.
gloed Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp).—Meyer, van Sittert & Kropman, 1850/77—DE VJLLIERS, Petrus Christoffel, 0408305013 000,
Klerksdorp. Veronicaweg 180, Montana, Pretoria.—Volkskas, Pretoria.
2180/77—POTGIETER. Gideon Johannes De Jager, 330924503 12269/76—JANSE VAN VUUREN, Philippus Theunis, 0011
0004, Scottstraat 10, Vanderbijlpark; Susarah Maria Claszina Pot- 30 5005 008, Rietfontein, distrik Heidelberg, Eerste (Heidelberg).—
gieter, gebore Strydom, 381126000 4004 (Vanderbijlpark). San- Volkskas, Pretoria.
tam Bank, Vereeniging. 13560/76— VILJOEN, Hester Susanna Johanna 870108 002004,
2823/77—STARINK. Dirk, 001129 5004102, Russelstraat 16, Betsie Verwoerdouetehuis, Conradierylaan, Randburg (Randburg).
Nelspruit; Adolphine Lisette Starink gebore Le Cotey, 071219 olkskss Proton^
0012 104 (Nelspruit).—Nedbank Pretoria. 733/77—VAN DER WALT, Johannes Hendrik, 111130 5001
2270/76—TORRIE, Hugh George, 968 023234 W, 26 Poplar 00 4, Monaco Hotel 507, Goldrechstraat 14, Hillbrow, Johannes­
Street, Three Rivers, Vereeniging (Vereeniging).—J. Venter, burg (Johannesburg).—Volkskas, Pretoria.
Vereeniging. 3257/76—STRYDOM, Petrus Gerhardus, 030327 5003 00 0,
12234/76—GOSS, Wynanda Wilhelmina, gebore Buskus, 16061 Trekboer, logogo, distrik Newcastle; Marinina Elsie Johanna
400 6001, Rachel de Beerkoshuis, Carolina (Carolina).—De Vil- Strydom, 070927 0003 00 3 (New Castle).—Volkskas, Pretoria.
liers, Uys Olivier & Naude, Carolina. 1396/77—KRUGER, Joseph Adriaan Jacobus, 331153803, Bet­
10437/76—HERHOLDT, Jacominah Sophia Rudolph, 531117 sie Verwoerdtehuis, Conradrylaan 76a, Blairgowrie, Randburg
0048 00 9, Helenewoonstelle 105, hoek van Devenish- en_ Park- (Johanncsbura).—Volkskas, Pretoria.
2289/77—VISSER, Susanna Gertruida, 080123 0008 00 6, Olive-
straat, Pretoria.—Coetzee, Van der Merwe & Wessels. Phalaborwa. straat 357, Kloofsig, Pretoria.—Volkskas, Pretoria.
8437/76—SALLIS, Beatrice Mary, 5 Fifeshire Street, Brente- 1247/77—LTEBENBERG, Francois Petrus, 081225 5030 00 7,
hurst, Brakpan (Brakpan).—Trollip, Joubert, Cowling & Brocker, Burgerlaan 98, Verwoerdburg; Aletta Magdalena Elizabeth
Brakpan. Jacoba Rheeders, 110930 0029 00 4.—Volkskas, Pretoria.
10738/76—BOYLE, William, 150817 5050 008, 97 Kitzinger 8328/76—FERGUSON, James Mason, 356-216447, 24 Edward
Avenue, Brakpan (Brakpan).—Trollip, Joubert, Cowling & Broc­ Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria.—Weavind & Werksmans Inc.,
ker, Brakpan. Pretoria.
1084/77—LE ROUX, Jacobus Hendrik, 133 189519 W, 70 Muir 9724/76—PITCH IN G , Maria Aletta, 970411-0003-00-9, Plot
Avenue, Brakpan; Margaret Rencha Fourie le Roux, 133 1670 36, Strydfontein, District of Pretoria.—Weavind & Werksmans
55 W (Brakpan).—A. David Cohen, Brakpan. Inc., Pretoria.
3060/77—DU PREEZ, Jan Hendrik, 311-564408 W, William- 6618/76—PHIPPS, Alice Clouston Bishop, 356-19582, 258
rylaan 129, Meyerspark, Pretoria; Jacoba Johanna du Preez, Bourke Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, Amended First and Final.—
311-564409.—Nedbank, Pretoria. Weavind & Werksmans Inc., Pretoria.
1062/76—SCHELL, Johan Eduard Christoffel, 110329 5025002, 839/77—GOUDIE, Jean Chalmers, 356-318-973 W, 86 Frans
Koningin Wilhelminalaan 96, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, Tweede en Oerder Street, Groenkloof, Pretoria.—Kraut, Wagner, Hutchin­
Finale.—Nedbank, Pretoria. son & Mostert, Pretoria.
1076/77—DE LANGE, Hermanus Stephanus, 476470844, Pier- 2843/77—I.UBBE, Hendrik Johannes Phillippus (Philippus),
neefstraat 4, Duncanville, Vereeniging; Hendrina Johanna de 160619 5031 003, Onverwacht, Pietersburg (Pietersburg).—Syfrets
Lange, 307782089 (Vereeniging).—J. D. G. Oberholster, Lilocm- Trust en Eksekuteurs, Pretoria.
hof. 347/77/C—BOTES, Henning Johannes, 120713 5016 004, Lang-
12288/67—GLENCORSE. Mary Liddell, 58 Grange Loan, straat 37. Middelburg; Cornelia Maria Christina Botes, gebore
Edinburgh, Scotland.—Rooth & Wessels, Pretoria. Viljoen, 221023 0015 003 (Middelburg).—S. E. Steyn & Ester-
11316/76—YOUNG, Frank, 331 336370W, 16 Pontresina, corner huvsen, Middelburg.
of Catherine Avenue and Joel Street. Johannesburg (Johannes­ 5046/76—HEPBURN, John Bryden, 410808 5053 00 4, 64 Kor-
burg).—Getz, Behr, Ogus & Mendel Cohen, Pretoria. haan Avenue, Birch Acres, Kempton Park; Joan Ann Hepburn
427/77 — VENTER, Anna Susanna, 29 029 090015 004, (Kempton Park).—Botha, Massyn & McKenzie. Kempton Park.
Lawrencestraatsentrum 3, Lawrencestraat, Queenswood, Pretoria; 1488/75—MEYER, Cornelia, Montrose 9, Bronberrik, Ver­
Wessel Jacobus Venter, 26 1118 5017003.—Venter, De Jager & woerdburg.—C. van der Valk, Pretoria.
Vennote. Pretoria. 1799/77—ZERWICK, Helena Christina, 030720-0009-00-8, Wel-
13738/76—CAMPBELL, Anna Christina Elizabeth, bom kom, distrik Christiana; Pieter Willem Riethagen Zerwick, 000
Faure, 248 039895 W, widow, M achtfel d-Postm' ’s-Huis. 372 504-5010-00-5 (Christiana).—Volkskas, Klerksdorp.
Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.—C. J. P. Hoffmann, 12515/71—BORFAN, Tilly.—Rogaly & Co., Pretoria.
Pretoria. 554/77—FOURIE, Gert Johannes Jacobus. 331 381403W. Stan-
5814/75—LEVITAS, Sarah, 365138960, widow, Springs tonstraat 84, Turffontein; Helga Fourie, gebore Huber, 324 878
(Springs).—S. A. Lurie & A. Chapman. Springs. 117 W (Johannesburg).—Santam Bank, Johannesburg.
6108/76—VAN DEN BARG, Marinas, 954018533, 101 IJoni- 13636/76—I.UDICK, Michael Gerhardus, 240808 5043 00 1,
ball Street, Rynfield, Benoni, Supplementary; Elsje van den Revgerstraat 50, Quellerie Park, Krugersdorp: Susanna Catherina
Barg, bom Kat, 3407010027104 (Benoni).—The Standard Bank, Ludick, gebore Erasmus, 310521 0042 00 2 (Krugersdorp).—San­
Benoni. tam Bank. Johannesburg.
2518/77—PAULSEN, Winifred Edith, 0021755366, 9 Protea 13488/76— VERNE, John Theo Christie, 411016 5037 006,
Street, Kensington (Johannesburg).—The Standard Bank, Benoni. Oxfordweg 54, Kensington, Johannesburg; Arlene Blanche
2387/77—HONG, Ho, 290414 5044 047; Ellen Cecilia Hong, Verne, gebore Bester (Johannesburg).—Security Executor en
born Mawing (Meyerton).—The Standard Bank, Benoni. Trustmaatskappy, Johannesburg.
12948/76—UNDERHAY, Johan Gysbert, 331 391985., Eerste; 7533/76—BLOEM, Josua Joachum Francois, 8804115091 007,
Susanna Sophia Dorothea Underhay, gebore Van der Sandt, 324 Jachtfontein, oor Westonaria; Judith Christina Bloem (Weston-
822724 (Heidelberg).—The Standard Bank, Benoni. aria).—Security Executor en Trustmaatskappy, Johannesburg.
2008/77—VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Daniel Michiel, 191029 13027/76—HUGGETT, Sarel Johannes, 160108 5018 00 4,
5003 00 7, Johannesburgweg 46, Arcon Park, Vereeniging; Scotts Crescent 38. Brenthurst. Brakpan; Irene Lilian Huggett,
Johanna Adriana van der Westhuizen, 240513 0001 00 0 (Ver­ gebore Hoole, 200410 0007 00 4 (Brakpan).—Leon Maartens,
eeniging).—Volkskas, Klerksdorp. Johannesburg.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 113

9642/76—BRITS, Christiaan Peter, 070913 5013 007, Derde 1277/76—GREMONT, Eric, 081001 5013 00 8, 3 Gayview,
Straat 21, Mariasburg; Elizabeth Magdalena Maria Brits, gebore Greenhills, Randfontein (Randfontein).—Raphaely, Weiner, Rosin
Beyers, 090324 0015 003 (Roodepoort).—Syfrets Trust en Ekseku- & Treisman, Johannesburg.
teurs, Johannesburg. 5198/72—CULLING, Dacre, 331532566W, 26 Becker Street,
5117/76—THERON, Marthinus Johannes Hendrik, 150129500 Yeoville, Johannesburg, Second and Final (Johannesburg).—D.
6007, Blommesteinstraat 16, Krugersdorp-Noord; Ada Theron, C. C. Hellyar. Johannesburg.
335 671622 (Krugersdorp).—Syfrets Trust en Eksekuteurs, Johan­ 10166/75—SCHACHNA, Annie, 331207351, Our Parents Home,
nesburg. Spring and High Roads, Gardens, Johannesburg, Supplementary
1238/77—STEYN, Cornelius Petrus, 161123 5037 002, Plot 1 (Johannesburg).—Derek Israel, Johannesburg.
en 2, Hillrise, Petit, Benoni; Helena Magdalena Steyn, gebore 8617/76—SMITH, Fanny, 331 275329W, Our Parents Home,
Maritz, 190627 0016 00 6 (Benoni).—Syfrets Trust en Eksekuteurs, corner of Spring and Pligh Roads, Gardens (Johannesburg).—
Johannesburg. H. H. Smith, Johannesburg.
774/77—GROBLER, Hendrik Frederik, 400 711-5061-005, Edna 1927/77—WEIGHT, William Hadley, 051212 5024 004, 29
Heights 1, Yeostraat 120, Bellevue-Oos, Johannesburg; Elizabeth Douglas Road, Bedfordview; Dorothy Adelaide Weight, born
Maria Grobler, 400521-0050-006 (Johannesburg).—Sanek Ekseku- Allen, 12120 0030 005 (Germiston).—Hayman, Godfrey & San­
teurskamer, Marshalltown. derson, Johannesburg.
13978/76—KRIEL, Sophia Wilhelmina, 181001-0007-004, Ban- 9363/76—WURM, Karl, 331356496 W, 405 Sunninghill, comer
buryweg 21, Westdene, Johannesburg; Abraham Andries Johan­ of Koch and Quartz Streets, Hillbrow, Johannesburg (Johan­
nes Kriel, 150511-5009-00-0 (Johannesburg).—Die Standard Bank, nesburg).—Goldman Judin & Werner, Johannesburg.
Johannesburg. 6535/76—FOURIE, Marthinus Jacobus, 301201 5015 00 3, 323
12669/74—FERNANDES, Joao, 360-923351W, Carolinestraat Delormeweg, Mondeor, Johannesburg, Supplementere Eerste en
129, Brixton, Johannesburg; Conceicao Fernandes, born Pereira, Finale; Magdalena Stoffelina Fourie, gebore Van Baalen, 290
901-545589W (Johannesburg).—Venter & Kie., Johannesburg. 326 0035 00 4 (Johannesburg).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Johan­
9031/76—SNYMAN, Johannes Mattheus, 0812205033002, nesburg.
Mentzstraat 48a, Booysens, Johannesburg; Annie Sophia Snyman, 6065/76—SNYDERS, Petrus, 336-200103, Posbus 352, Vaal-
gebore Buys, 1701280032006 (Johannesburg).—Hofmeyr, Van der water; Gertruida Maria Magrieta Pretorius (Nylstroom).—Haas­
Merwe & Botha, Johannesburg. broek & Boezaart, Pretoria.
13902/76—BEZUIDENHOUT, Matthys Michiel Lodewikus, 9846/76—VAN BLOMMESTEIN, Gladys, 240102-0024-00-4,
250716-5036-00-7, Skadustraat 15, Klopperpark, Germiston, Anna 40 Palliser Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale; William James van Blom-
Francina Bezuidenhout, gebore Van der Walt, 404-123236 (Ger­ mestein (Germiston).—Security Executor and Trust Co., Johan­
miston).—Santam Bank, Johannesburg. nesburg.
2904/76/2—FORSTENBURG, Carolina Wilhelmina, voorheen 1943/77/OND/3C—BROWNE, Alice Maud, 331 639514, widow,
Engelbrecht, voorheen Bosch, gebore Bakkes, 950114 0001 00 7, Manaco Court, Goldreich Street, Hillbrow', Johannesburg (Johan­
Riebeeck-Oos, Grahamstad.—Santam Bank, Johannesburg. nesburg).—Security Executor and Trust Co., Johannesburg.
9362/73—KRUGER, Andries Jacobus, 101-398595, Gemsbok- 10857/76—KIDD, Henry, 331 305726W, 183 Belham Place,
laan 5, Constantia Kloof-uitbreiding 9, Roodepoort; Judith Mondeor, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Security Executor and
Theresa Ulna Kruger, gebore Marais, 101-248213 (Roodepoort). Trust Co., Johannesburg.
—Santam Bank, Johannesburg. 2101/76— WHITFIELD, Mary Elizabeth, 305 738920, widow,
12364/76—STOLTZ, Gabriel Petrus, 964000708W, Silverkroon- 214 Elston Avenue, Benoni (Benoni).—Syfrets Trust and Execu­
woonstelle 38, Vyfde Laan, Eloffsdal, Pretoria.—Barclays-Nasio- tor, Johannesburg.
nale Bank, Pretoria. 12927/76—PAUL, Ivy May Noal, 331 256131, widow, 125
12356/76—LE ROUX, Louisa Maria, 930529 0001 001, Nigel- Partridge Avenue, Allen Grove, Kempton Park (ICempton Park).
ouetehuis, Nigel (Heidelberg).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Pretoria. —Svfrets Trust and Executor, Johannesburg.
8781/76/1C—VAN DER MERWE, Lukas Cornelis, 381 235 7929/76—BUTTON, Herbert Edgar, 1106205019007, 3 San-
410 W, Derde Straat 20, Middelburg; Violet Johanna van der down Mews. Rivonia Road, Sandown, Johannesburg (Johan­
Merwe, gebore Boning, 381 235411W (Middelburg).—Barclays- nesburg).—Syfrets Trust and Executor, Johannesburg.
Nasionale Bank, Pretoria. 13958/76—VERCUEIL, Adriaan Jacobus, 1411245010002, High-
12909/76—MAREE, Winston Hamilton, 421115-5041-00-61. straat 71, Brixton, Johannesburg; Yvonne Norma Cynthia Ver-
Avida 703, Beckett Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.—Barclays National cueil, 324876845 W (Johannesburg).—Le Roux, Mathews & Du
Bank, Pretoria, Maryna Adriana, 377974630 W, Tweefon- Plessis, Johannesburg.
teinmyn (Klipplaatskag), Witbank (Witbank).—Barclays-Nasionale 11442/76—CARLIN, John, 331-307208 W. 191 Persimmon
Bank, Pretoria. Street, Malvern, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Bowman, Gil-
12228/76—DAVEL, Jan Frederik 341002 5015 007. Driefon- fillan & Blacklock, Johannesburg.
tein, Pk. Hendrina; Maria Jacomina Dave), 371206 0017008 (Mid­ 12915/76—MULLER, Maria Petronella, 356275659W, Sunnie-
delburg).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Pretoria. straat 625, Pretoria-Tuine; Machiel Christoffel Muller, 356275
12580/76—D U 'T O IT , Lourens Matthys, 1105315025003, Blou- 658V/.—Santam Bank, Pretoria.
kop, Morgenzon; Maria Johanna du Toit, 210401001003 (Mor- 9507/75—KLEINHANS, Anna Maria, 110 715 0011 007, plaas
genzon).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Pretoria. Komdraai, distrik Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom).—Metelerkamp
549/76—LUUS, Geriiardus, 309-536305, Voortrekkerweg 342, & Rifson, Pretoria.
Brakpan (Brakpan).—Von Broembsen, Kloppers & Pienaar, Brak- 14728/76—O’KENNEDY, Martha Margaretha Cornelia, 2905
pan. 29003009. Rosestraat 65, Florida; John Morgan O’Kennedy, 930
11967/76—RABMAN, Mina, 452406161W, Room 107, Fla­ 2165002008 (Johannesburg).—Santam Bank. Pretoria.
mingo Hotel, Caroline Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg (Johan­ 6153/76—PHILLIPS, Norman, 3248211515 V/, Mennin Circus,
nesburg).—S. Golomb, Benoni. 24 Delville, Germiston (Germiston).—P. G. W. Grobler & Ven-
2825/77—SYFRED, Louis Hanson, 331 371 551, 87 Codonis note.
Avenue, Moregloed, Pretoria.—Kraut, Wagner, Hutchinson & 13408/76—MARITZ, Elsie Rosina, 355-874958/W, General
Mostert. Pretoria. Kempstraat 124, Welgelegen, Pietersburg (Pietersburg).—Volkskas,
1656/77—FERREIRA, Manuel Mcndes, 141229 5026 10 4. 60 Pretoria.
Railway Crescent. Roodepoort North; Maria Ferreira, born 3710/77—VILIOEN, Hendrina Johanna Maria, 920911-0002-
Gomes, 360 963968 W (Roodepoort).—Van Jaarsveld, Vickers & 001. Deerm rk. Tzaneen (Tzaneen).—Volkskas. Pretoria.
Rootenber<», Roodepoort. 12637/76—OLIVIER, Johannes Aletta. 151107 5008 00 8. De
8692/76—FISHER. Rejsel (Rose). 331624523. Our Parents Loskon, rlic'rik Pietersburg: Elsie Magdalena Catharina Olivier,
Home, Orchards, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—A. Saoner, 2117.28 0071 00 7 (Pietersburg).—Volkskas, Pretoria.
Johannesburg. 13787/76—HANSMEYER, James, 151106-5027-00-0, Amster-
1469/77—GRENFELL. James Elliott, 060510 5022 004, 18 D ra­ damweg 66, Verwoerdburg.—Volkskas, Pretoria.
kensberg Road, The Hill, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Moss- 14286/76—STEENKAMP, Petrus Johannes Dirksen. 031024-
Morris, Johannesburg. 5013-001, Brownstraat 20, Lydsnburg (Lydenburg).—Volkskas,
3846/75—ORELOWITZ, Solomon Philip, 240222/5007/00/0, Pretoria.
38 Boero Avenue, Bramley Park, Sandton (Johannesburg).— 1664/77—HARRIS, David, 040526-5013-004, 1011 Coroma
Raphael'/, Weiner Rosin & Treisman, Johannesburg. Hotel. O’Reilly Road. Berea, Johannesburg; Sarah Harris, 151
14288/76—DU TOIT, Thomas Ignatius Ferreira, 190807-5002- 212-0019-008 fTohannesburg).—Volkskas, Pretoria.
00-9, Ferrobank, Witbank; Cornelia Johanna du Toit, 970802- 1795/77—STEYN, Petrus Jacobus, 131117 5034 008, Rooikrans-
0002-00-3 (Witbank) —Van Heerden & Marais, Witbank. singel 33. Vanriebeeckpark, Kempton Park; Elizabeth Johanna
914/77—VERMEULEN, Josephina Johanna Lainge, 239082 Stevn, 324887813 (Kempton Park).—Volkskas, Pretoria.
411, p /a Mev. M. J. Zeeman, Magistraat, Vereenigrng (Ver- 11595/76—AUCAMP, Hendrik Lodewyk. 080211-5021-007,
eeniging).—Barclays National Bank, Pietermaritzburg. Trouwstraat 64, Capital Park, P retoria;' Elizabeth Gertruida
938/76—VAN DER MERWE, M arearetha Johanna Maria, Aucamp. 356-115677 W.—Volkskas, Pretoria.
Lamontpark 20, Vanderbijlpark (Vanderbijlpark).—Haasbroek & 8473/75/OND—MALAN. Avril Ire De Merindol, 022 740629,
Boezaart. Pretoria. Probertlaan 10, Eldoraigne, Pk. Verwoerdburg; Elizabeth Frede­
8788/76—PLANT-MASON. Thomas Henry, 308469928. 9 ricks Malan. 356 238385.—Volkskas, Pretoria.
Haarlem Street, Gerdview, Germiston.—Godfrey Rabin, Johan­ 888/76—DA SILVA, Jose Antonio Abreu, 450101 5050 10 0,
nesburg. Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp).—R. I. Michel, Johannesburg,
114 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

12362/74—GEYSER, Jan Johannes Gideon, 100 326 5018 005, 11407/76—PILLAY, Arammoome, 800/007409, 368 Gem
Roodepoort Sentrum vir Bejaardes, Discovery, Roodepoort, Aan- Street, Laudium, Pretoria; Minama Pavady Pilly, 800/025045 A;
vullende; Johanna Maria Geyser, 070219 007 006 (Roodepoort). 2290/76—DICHABA, Sabinah.—Broomberg Graff & Korb,
—Volkskas, Pretoria. Johannesburg.
5104/74—DANIELS, Jack, 331-318610W, 65 Clovelly Road, 2940/76—SIMS, Elaine Marjorie (Johannesburg).—Bowens,
Greenside Extension, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Len Daniels, Johannesburg.
Johannesburg. 11462/74—ROSEN, Rachel, 331 197 917, 15 Fifth Avenue, High­
13993/76—SIKOANE, Maria Veronica, V/F3206639, 36 Sixth lands North, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—A. Rosen, Johan­
Avenue, Alexandra, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Albert C. nesburg.
Fleischack, Johannesburg. 1484/76—FRIEDMANN, Janie Phyllis (Johannesburg).—Sims,
7035/76—LOEB, Siegfried, 331 185024, 77 Becker Street, Yeo- Ziegler, Peter Soller & Young. Johannesburg.
ville, Johannesburg; Betti Loeb, 331 18025 (Johannesburg).—I. 4840/77/ASR3—MASSEY, Rose Anne.—Brian Massey, Johan­
Mendelow & Browde, Johannesburg. nesburg.
10259/76—HOULDSWORTH, Ruby Grace Robertson, 356 12178/67—COUTTS, Joyce Rosemary (Germiston).—S. J.
137201 W, 36 Nile Street, Kensington, Johannesburg (Johannes­ Naude, Alberton.
burg).—Albert C. Fleischack, Johannesburg. 12190/76—MULDER. Dawid Frederick, 230315 5407 00 0. Plot
13816/76—SUGARMAN, Maurice, 940710 5004 00 4, Crest 5, Dwarskloof, Pk. Randgate, distrik .Randfontein; Susara
Hotel, 7 Abel Road, Berea, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).— Catharine Hester Magdalena Mulder, gebore Steenkamp (Rand­
Albert C. Fleischack. Johannesburg. fontein).—Die Standard Bank. Krugersdorp.
13786/76—GREEN. Thomas Reginald, 324-839796, 29 Frank­ 13430/76—DU PREEZ, Helgard Marthinus, 060311 5005 00 2,
fort Street, South Hills, Johannesburg; Aletta Catharina Green, Scottlaan 86. Orkney; Anna Llester Francina du Preez, 120916
324 839797 (Johannesburg).—Wright, Rose-Innes, Louw & Wise, 0009 00 3 (Klerksdorp).—Die Standard Bank, Krugersdorp.
Germiston. 3286/77—JONKER, Jacobus Albertus. 000920 5002 00 0, Juliana-
7947/76—KANTOR, Anna Aletta Caroline, 331 148025W, 74 straat 42. Oberholzer; Jacomina Gysberlha Johanna Jonker,
Twickenham Hall, Abel Road, Berea, Johannesburg (Johannes­ 060316 0002 00 3 (Oberholzer).—Die Standard Bank, Krugersdorp,
burg).—R. G. Kantor. Braamfontein. 11121/76—ROBERTSON. Ian Vos, 121015 5005 00 6, Struan,
1895/77—MARCONI, Irma, 331 189154, 15 Merlin Street, Zeerust (Zeerust).—The Standard Bank, Pretoria.
Kensington, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Damant, Bostock & 14198/76—VAN ANTWERP, Cornelius Marthinus, 356 159515,
Co., Johannesburg. 404 Arcadian Heights, 735 Pretorius Street. Pretoria; Johanna
12963/75—PHILPS, William Frederick, 361 395678. 302 Margaretha Elizabeth van Antwerp, gebore Jacobs.—Die Standard
Borane Simone Court. 35 Claim Street, Johannesburg; Cornelia Bank. Pretoria.
Hester Philps, 361 395679 (Johannesburg).—Sutherland, Van der 12727/76—POTGIETER. Adolf Comelis (Cornelius), 353 612
Westhuizen & Opperman, Johannesburg. 213 W. Eeufeesstraat, Graskop (Graskop).—Die Standard Bank,
314/76—STEVENS (Tong), Caroline, 348 237 126. 50 Main Pretoria.
Street, Cerutiville, Nigel (Johannesburg).—Alec Oshry & Cohen, 2340/77—KLOPPERS Susanna Johanna, , voorheen Vicente,
Johannesburg. gebore De Lange, 324770034W, Brits; Gert Pieter Kloppers,
1947/77—FOLEY. Cornelia Martha Rose, 331-274830W, Naza­ 356274449W (Brits).—Die Standard Bank. Pretoria.
reth House, Waterkloof. Pretoria. 9770/76—BOOYSEN. Hendrik Gert Rudolph, 061012-5016-
11329/75—STEENKAMP, Susanna Catharina. gebore Labu- 00-2, Allenstraat 2, Eloff. distrik Delmas: Maria Magrieta Boovsen,
schagne. 0612 02 0006 005, Pleinstraat, Sunnieshof; Willem Steen- gebore Holloway, 120607-0011-00-4 (Delmas).—Die Standard
kamp. 90 1 221 500 2003 (Middelburg).—Borman & Visser, Mid­ Bank. Pretoria.
delb urg. 14097,76—FORRESTER, Walter Francis, 331-122372. 35 Third
7193/76—McBEY. Thelma Olive, 120327/0014/00/3, 107 Athol- Avenue. Undcn, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Barclays Natio­
brook Flats, Benoni, Final (Johannesburg).—N. L. Heatlie, Johan­ nal Bank. Johannesburg.
nesburg. 6298/76—DTNGWALT-FOR DYCE, Margaret Pamela, 324 825
7183/76—McBEY. Leslie William, 120613/5021'00/6. 107 909W. Pel! Meadow. Bedford Farm, Second and Final (Ger­
Atholbrook Flats. Benoni, Final: Thelma Olive McBey (Johan­ miston).—Werksmans. Marshalltown.
nesburg).—N. L. Hca'lie, Johannesburg. 192/76—FABERLAN, Gertrude, 331 598027, The Herald. 43
12189/76—MOWAT, William James, 040713 5019 005, 112 11th Soper Road, Berea. Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Werksmans,
Street. Parkhurst, Johannesburg (Johannesburg). Marshalltown.
1961/77—KRUGER, Diederik Johannes, 0712085040004. Goud- 1657/77—GRUNDY, Sydney Holland. 261 068 168W. 1 Angus
straat 34, Potchefstroom; Aletta Jacoba Salomina Kruger, 070 Street, Germiston; Elizabeth Sally Grundy, 261068169W.—■
9210025009 (Potchefstroom).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Johan­ Freedman & Partners, Johannesburg.
nesburg. 10483/75—VORSTER, John Peter Henry, 421018 5058 006,
326/77—MAREE, Louis Botha. 1410295010003. 9 Bluegum Shalimar Boarding House. Princess Avenue, Benoni (Johannes­
Street, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg (Boksburg).—Barclays National burg).—Michael Ganz, Johannesburg.
Bank. Johannesburg. 9319/76—MORGENROTH, Leon, 9803265007003. 11 Glen-
13264/76—CA WOOD. James Manley, 161027 5022 007. 11 hof Gardens, North Avenue, Riviera (Johannesburg).—Fein &
Krige Street, Parkrand. Boksburg; Maud Irene Cawood, 150929 Partners. Johannesburg.
0017 002 (Boksburg)—Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg. 9935/76—GREGSON, James John Neville, 190529 5015 001,
13867/76—MULLER, Annie Mary. 308 477948W, Golfview, 803 Northways, 8 Jager Street, Hillbrow. Johannesburg; Louise
5a Tim Street, Boksburg West (Boksburg).—Barclays National
Bank, Johannesburg. Gregson. born Britz, 3902220023000 (Johannesburg).—Kahn,
9409/76—BAILEY, Edwin George. 339 709905, Read Lluis, Oshry, Ellis & Salomon, Johannesburg.
Wetch Parkouetehuis, Sandton, Supplementere Eerste en Finale 14187/76—SYKES, Floris May Sykes, 356208974W, Lindasy
(Johannesburg).—Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg. Phillips Nursing Home (Pty) Ltd, 14 Hurleyvale Avenue, Eden-
6979/76—PIENAAR, 'W essel Johannes, 200123-5023-00-5, 49 vale (Edenvale).—Getz. Behr. Ogus & Mendel Cohen, Pretoria.
Simmer Street. Selwyn, Roodepoort (Roodepoort).—Barclay's 1905/77—PILLAY, Adachy Dorasamy, 800/005936 A, 161 19th
National Bank, Johannesburg. Avenue, Laudium, Pretoria; Kamachee Adachy Piliay, 800/005
10907/76—VILJOEN, Fred Jacobus Abel, 377-968854W, 4 935.
Minerva Avenue, Cresta, Randburg; Margaret Petronella Viljoen, 339/77—'V ENTER, David Johannes Philippus, 030 7275009008,
377-968855W (Randburg).—The Standard Bank. Johannesburg. Traupandlaan 60. East Lynne Pretoria; Barbra Jacoba Christina
7696/76/A—EMERY, Francis Robert, 324-892536W. 79 Rose Venter.—Van Zyl Le Roux & Hurter, Pretoria.
Street, Florida Extension 1, Second and Final (Roodepoort).— 12218/76—BLUMBERG. Annie, 331 331601 W, 81 Ninth
The Standard Bank, Johannesburg. Avenue, Orange Grove, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Borkum,
9903/76—WIGGETT, Ivy Isabella, 331 624726, 3 Waboard Katz & Co., Johannesburg.
Road, Parktown, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Alex Oshry & 1371/77—CRAIGE, Hilda Maud, formerly Grobler, born
Cohen. Johannesburg. Russel, 427 345975 W, widow. 26 Marigold Street, Arcon Park,
5782/76—DOLMAN, Hilliary Elaine. 034830130, 10 Hobart Vereeniging (Vereeniging).—Barclays National Bank, Johannes­
Road. Bryanston (Johannesburg).—Mrs D. H. Crosby, Bryanston. burg.
10324/76—SAMUELS, Anna Christina, 991115 0006 004, 28ste 11099/76—VAN JAARSVELDT, Adriaan Johannes, 42050250
Laan 660, Villieria, Pretoria.—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Pretoria. 10001, Danhauserstraat 12, Meyerville, Standerton (Standerton).
5624/76—SPRINGHORN, Eleonore Pauline Elizabeth, 343 752 •—I. Fisher, V. d. Berg & V. d. Merwe, Standerton.
427, Riekertsdam, Groot Marico, First.—Barclays National Bank, 10503/76—FOURIE, Josef Erasmus, 0410235005007, Corn­
Pretoria. wallis Harrisstraat 21, Vanderbijlpark (Vanderbijlpark).—Die Trust
1033/77—OOSTHUIZEN, Hester Maria, gebore De Villiers, Bank, Johannesburg.
941115 0004 000, Waterval, Pk. Koster; Nicolaas Johannes 8278/76—VORSTER, Johannes Petrus, 490618 5008 004, Jan
Salomon Oosthuizen, 020125 5006 003 (Koster).—Barclays- Vanriebeeckweg 36, Stilfontein: Emerenzia Maria Vorster, 500
Nasionale Bank, Pretoria. 315 0012 002 (Klerksdorp).—Die Trust Bank, Johannesburg.
11168/76—HILL. Anna Elizabeth, 331 410304W, Benonistraat 12668/76/C—VAN WYK, Anna Catharina, 060318 0011 000,
16, Rustenburg; John Frank Hill, 240116 5033 000 (Rustenburg). Pk. Vyfhoek, Potchefstroom (Potchefstroom).—Die Trust Bank,
—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Pretoria, Johannesburg.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5383 115

9738/76—OLIVIER, Ockert Barend Jonathan, 140622 5004 6043/73—RODRIGUES, Antonio Anselmo, 965 001092, 47
00 9, Sesde Straat 52, Keiserville, Lichtenburg; Aletta Susara Carnavon Road, Bertrams, Johannesburg; Maria Aurea Fontes
Olivier, 110217 0008 00 0 (Lichtenburg).—Die Trust Bank, Johan­ Rodrigues, bom Fontes (Johannesburg).—Cirota, Cirota & Levi-
nesburg. sohn, Johannesburg.
13195/76—ENGELBRECHT, Johannes Cornelius, 060803500 1724/75—JADA, Ebrahim Mohamed, 331/008/115, 753 East
7004, Pirietstraat 3, Reefhaven, Roodepoort; Anna Catherina Road, Kliptown, Johannesburg; Amina Jada, born Cajee, 331/
Engelbrecht, 26/1/10, 1001260004004 (Roodepoort).—Die Trust 567565 (Johannesburg).—A. K. Mia, Johannesburg.
Bank, Johannesburg. 9297/76—FLAX, Barney, 331275, 52 Durham Road, Syden­
14106/76—JANSEN, Adrianus Johannes Antonius, 81 Second ham, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—A. W. Katzen & Katzen,
Road. Kew, Johannesburg; Catarina Heldrika Jansen, born Huis- Johannesburg.
man (Johannesburg).—Regenbaum, Rapeport, Fanaroff & Partners. 8647/76—PERREIRA-CANTANA (Ceantana), Marion, 365
728/77—SOURGEN, Oliver Frederic, 890220 5001 00 0, 109 141447 W, 213 Eighth Avenue, Bezuidenhouts Valley, Johan­
Mount Street, Bryanston (Johannesburg).—Cliffe, Dekker & Todd, nesburg (Johannesburg).—Sapire, Jacobson & Creswick, Germis-
Johannesburg. ton.
7185/76—PIENAAR. Mara Magdalena, 324839064, 16 Kilmore 5441/76—GEAR, Mary Margaret, 331 217 417, 16 Burford
Avenue East, Crosby, Johannesburg; Solomon Johannes Pienaar, Avenue, Victoria, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Bowman, Gil­
324839063 (Johannesburg).—Cliffe, Dekker & Todd, Johannesburg. fillan & Blacklock, Johannesburg.
3918/76—HIME. Robert Arthur, 130501 5012 00 0, 30 Kelvin 13468/76—GALE, Bernard Robert, 331 385531, 3 The Crescent,
Road, Bramley, Johannesburg, Supplementary First and Final 1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown, Johannesburg (Johannesburg);
(Johannesburg).—Cliffe, Dekker & Todd, Johannesburg. 13598/76—TEN CATE HOEDEMAKER, Anna Elizabeth, 034
12554/76—NICHOLSON, Donald Sydney, 040922 5018 00 4, 90 853581 W, 206 Drakensberg, comer of Vink and Egret Streets,
St Amant Street, Malvern, Johannesburg; Dorothea Nicholson, Tedstoneville, Germiston (Germiston).
born Van Rensburg, 130119 0021 00 7 (Johannesburg).—Cliffe, 11689/76—LODDER, Jacob, 060224 5021 00 4; Erna Sofie Marie
Dekker & Todd, Johannesburg. Lodder, born Pietschmann, 030412 0019 001 (Johannesburg).—
11643/75—THANNING, Otto, 960 811 5008 10 5, Karise, P.O. Svfrets Trust and Executor, Johannesburg.
Box 121, Eikehof, Meyerton (Vereeniging). 11917/76—BOWES-LYON, Cecilia, 910 806 004 001, Witwaters-
12729/74—KLAMANDT, Kurt, 905542135W, 26 Everst Street, rand Jewish Aged Home, Sandringham, Johannesburg (Johannes­
Vanderbijlpark; Else Klamandt, born Horchier, 901552130 W burg).—Webber, Wentzel & Co., Johannesburg.
(Vanderbijlpark).—Barendse Botha & Van Gucht, Vanderbijl­ 1467/77—BRADFORD, Sarah, formerley Potgieter, born Van
park. Niekerk, 19 Turf Street, Forest Hill, Johannesburg; Arthur
Reginald Bradford, 080877502003 (Johannesburg).—Barclays
4160/76—KEET, Willem Christoffel, 331 5846 27 W, Padkamp, National Bank, Johannesburg.
Tzaneen (Tzaneen).—MacRobert De Villiers & Hitge, Pretoria.
8962/76—RAUBENHEIMER, Johann Adam, 331531256 W7, 894/77—RONALD, Robert, 331 620736 W, 1208 Doonside,
Vyfde Straat 43, Albertskroon; Johanna Alida Elizabeth Rauben- Leicester Road, Bedford Gardens, Bedfordview; Lillian May
heimer (Johannesburg).—Transvaal Eksekuteurskamer, Pretoria. Ronald, 331 620737 (Germiston).—Barclays National Bank, Johan­
4190/76—MULLER, Johan Hermanus, 16030150-10-002, Sand- nesburg.
199/77—KRUSE, Magdalena Susanna, 900425-0001-00-8, 85
klip, Gedeelte Noupoort, Witbank (Witbank).—Transvaal Ekse- Galteemore Street, Malvern, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—
V n tp iirs lfp m p r P rp fT tric i
7360/76—PIETERSE, Petrus Albertus, 066140097, 14 Plataan- —Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg.
2 3 9 / 77 —ZOCCOLA, Virgilio, 331-214452W, 364 Louis Botha
weg, Uitbreiding 5, Kempton Park; Martha Catharina Fredrika Avenue, Orange Grove, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Barclays
Petronella Pieterse, 066140097 (Johannesburg).—Transvaal Ekse­
kuteurskamer, Pretoria. National Bank, Johannesburg.
2365/77—BOOTH, Stanley Archibald, 090520-5019-00-3, 63
4911/76—LABUSCHAGNE, Susanna Catharina, 366 167 772, Mabel Street, Rosettenville, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—
weduwee, Charlesstraat 27, Balfour (Balfour).—Sekuriteit Ekseku- —Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg.
teurs en Trustmaatskappy, Pretoria. 4445/77—HILLSDON, Edith Florence, 33128697W, 10 Protea
4220/77—BOSHOFF,' Milford Irene Ella, 356 179 390W, 9 Rodge, Healy Road, Malvern East, Germiston (Johannesburg).
Andrew Road, Valhalla, Pretoria.—Security Executor and Trust —Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg.
Co., Pretoria. 2547/76—FORTE, Nicesio, 2407315019104, 24 Erica Street,
14724/76—MULLER. Henry Lukev Anderson, 2903155015004, Gillview, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Barclays National Bank,
Terblanchestraat 1140, Villieria, Pretoria; Aletta Maria Muller,
gebore Strydom, 101196646.—Sekuriteit Eksekuteurs en Trust­ Johannesburg.
maatskappy, Pretoria. 8079/76—FLETCHER, Joseph Dunstan, 90129 5005 002, Plot
18, Pine Slopes, Sandton (Randburg).—Gordon, Michalson &
7509/76—CRONJE, Pierre, Boingstraat 6, Impalapark, Boks- Nathan Silver, Johannesburg.
burg, Eerste; Irene Cronje, gebore Pelzer, 309500922 (Boksburg). 5395/71—PARODI, Mario, 427346346W, 108 Barnato View,
-—Die Trust Bank, Sunnyside. Barnato Street, Johannesburg (Johannesburg and Vereeniging).
11349/76—LOMBARD, Hermanus Antonie, 1811265030006, —Hudson, Langham, Morrison & Co., Durban.
Armahof 15, Parkstraat, Kempton Park; Hyla Johanna Maria
Lombard, 1801090026006 (Kempton Park).—Die Trust Bank,
Sunnyside. NATAL
1378/77—LA GRANGE, Louis Christiaan, 160817 5042-00,
Gloraystraat 8, New Modder, Benoni; Magdalena Josina la At the office of the Master, PIETERMARITZBURG, and also
Grange, 190528002400 (Benoni).—Die Trust Bank, Sunnyside. of the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses.
8633/76—VENTER, Johannes Matthys, 3110095015008, Hoog- By die kantoor van die Meester, PIETERMARITZBURG, en
straat 54, Middelburg, Supplementere; Christina Cornelia Venter ook van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies
(Middelburg).—Die Trust Bank, Sunnyside. gemeld word.
11660/72—JOHANNES, Gerhard Friedrich, 374185033W, 1929/76—MDLALOSE, Edward Mthenjwa (Edward Mthenjwa
Panbult, distrik Wakkerstroom, Supplementere (Piet Retief).— Jecoma), 956755, Telezeni Store, District of Nqutu (Nqutu).—
The Trust Bank, Sunnyside. Anderson & Edmonds, Newcastle.
11928/76—FOWLES, Maria Magdalena, 309522316, Hilltop 9 2 0 / 77 —ROE, Gordon Godfrey, 003932552, Hibiscus House,
Farm, distrik Nelspruit (Nelspruit).—Die Trust Bank, Sunnyside. Village of Happiness Margate; Marion Roe (Port Shepstone).—
9958/75—NOBLE. Joshua John, 9505275002074. 5 Wright Barclays National Bank, Durban.
Street, Luipaardsvlei, Krugersdorp; Alice Maud Noble (ICrugers- 5620/76/1 A—WARNER, Trevor John, 331517 070 W, Ad
dorp).—Bowman, Gilfillan & Blacklock, Johannesburg. Astra, Groeneklcof Road, Hilton; Rose Marguerite Warner,
14341/76—VAN NIEKERK, Frederick Petersen, 9810185005 3315 17 071 W.—Shepstone & Wylie, Pietermaritzburg.
0Q9, Florida (Roodepoort).—Barclays National Bank, Johannes­ 2 3 3 9 / 74 —SCOTT, Terence Daniel Robert Devenish, 150921
burg. 5009 001, The River Farm, Bergville, Amended First and Final
12621/76—LAWRENCE, Grace, 210328 0019 00 0, 4 Pascal
Street. Vanderbijlpark; John Michael Lawrence, 211024 5029 00 9 (Bergville).—Goodrickes, Durban.
(Vanderbijlpark).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Johannesburg. 1495/77/3—NEL, Clarie Isabella, 2102190032005, Wilsonstraat
8769/76—KAHANOVITZ, Cecil, 331-186527W, Coronia Hotel, 70 D undee (D u n d e e ).— D ie S ta n d a r d B ank, P ie te r m a ritz b u r g .
Berea, Johannesburg (Johannesburg).—Glaser, Wassyng & Co., 861/77—VILJOEN, Anna Margaretha, 031207 0007 006, Berg-
Johannesburg. viewwoonstelle 6, Duplessisstraat, Colenso (Ladysmith).—Die
8705/76—MUDDE, Maria Frederika, 0709280018108, 1 H ar Standard Bank, Pietermaritzburg.
Court, 156 Mabel Street, Rosettenville; Karel Jacobus Mudde 4353/76/2—BATTERSBY, Lancelot Horace, 970507 5004 007,
(Johannesburg).—H. Miller Ackermann & Bronstein, Johannes- 8 Chievely Road, Dundee (Dundee).—The Standard Bank of S.A.
Ltd, Pietermaritzburg.
^ *640/77—EDWARDS, Eric Hawtrey, 160415 5024 00 8, 9 Second 4396/76—STEWART, Raymond William Duncan, 100408 5009
Avenue, Bezuidenhouts Valley, Johannesburg; Avis Edwards 00, P.O. Elandskop, Second and Final (Richmond).—Smythe &
(Johannesburg).—Bell, Dewar & Hall, Marshalltown. Co., Pietermaritzburg.
12492/71—GOLDMAN, Sarah Freda, 305 521 289 W, 122 1685/77—LABUSCHAGNE, Petronella Catharina Gertruida
Ernest Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, Amended First (Johan­ Gesina, 0511010003 00 8, Maarchalkstraat, Paulpietersburg (Paul-
nesburg).—Ivor Trakman & Sweidan, Hillbrow, pietersburg),—Volkskas, Pietermaritzburg.;
116 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

922/77—JAMES, Charles Walter, 022-843251, Lighthouseweg 1220/76—CHATEAU, Marie Eveline (Evelin) (Eveline Chateau)
606, Fynnland, Durban; Damaride James, 022-843252 (Durban). 211/650330 C, 26 Amber Road, Clairwood, Durban; Joseph
—Volkskas, Pietermaritzburg. Abron Chateau, 211/650329 C (Durban).—Livingston, Doull &
5053/76—SEYMOUR, Roland Pringle, 120917 5014 00 6, 4 Winterton, Durban.
Holland Hill Mansions, 73 Rofaarts Road, Pietermaritzburg.— 3053/76/2C—SMITH, Henry, 04051550100035, 46 Wingfield
Randles, Davis & Wood, Pietermaritzburg. Hotel, St Andrews Street, Durban (Durban).—R. A. F. Swart
1293/77—SHAW, Charles Herbert, 120326 5030 00 6, Village & Havward. Westville.
of Happiness, Margate (Margate).—Smith & Rohrs, Dundee. 294'/77—POPE, Joseph Cecil, 9103245006005, 39 Ponsford
28/77—LEVIN, Isobel Elizabeth, 201028 0022 002, Umkomaas Crescent, Escom'oe; Myra Cordelia Pope, 9703290008002 (Dur­
(Scottburgh).—Cecil Nathan, Beattie & Co., Pietermaritzburg. ban).—The Standard Bank, Durban.
93/77—JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Josephus Johannes, 022 5353/76—MARTIN, Alice Mary, 27 1 080014 W, 1 Glendora,
330642 W, 48 Isabel Beardmore Drive, Pietermaritzburg; Henrietta 22 Coronation Road, Durban (Durban).—Goldby, Compton &
Janse van Rensburg, 022330643W.—Barclays National Bank, MacKelvie, Durban.
4279/76—RICHMOND, Charles Henry, 960923-5005-005, 10
Pietermaritzburg. St Augustines Road, Escombe (Durban).—The Standard Bank,
799/77—FERREIRA, Gert Thomas, 0804005005008, Smith- Durban.
straat, Paulpietersburg (Paulpietersburg).—Barclays National Bank, 4726/76—VAN EYSSEN, Reginald Kenneth, 096-718082 W,
Pietermaritzburg. 2512 John Ross House, Esplanade, Durban; Ellen Maria Susanna
5299/76—McLAUCI-ILAN, Isabella Outerson, 957023-697W, van Eyssen, born Horn, 423-325487 W (Durban).—Security
36 Belluno Fiats, 79 Old Main Road, Pinetown (Pinetown). Executor and Trust Co., Durban.
—McClung, Goudae & Mustard, Pinetown. 4376/76—RAMP ART AB, 800/418468, Rem of Sub U of Lot
5430/76—WINDSOR, Michael William, 301209/5047009, 33 14, No. 1679, a rural complex in the Borough of Stanger;
Heaton Nicholls Road, Kloof (Pinetown).—-Goodrickes, P.O. Box Deoki Rampartab, 800/450872 A (Stanger).—Jay Pundit & Co.,
967, Durban. Stanger.
372/73—APPANA, Papiah (Papiah Appanna and P. Appanna), 5971/76—JAGAMMA, 800/482893A, 279 Earl Haigh Road,
800/427720, 37 Baroda Road, Merebank, Durban, Amended First Puritans Hill, Durban (Durban).—Navanethem Pillay & Co.,
and Final (Durban).—Goodrickes, Durban. Durban.
5450/76—WILKINSON, May, 245 011 665, Sunnyside Park 4481/76—SONPATHI, 800/471563 (A), Lot 110, Umzinto
Nursing Home, Boughton, Pietermaritzburg.—Leslie Simon & Co., Township, Umzinto (Scottburgh).—C. J. Moggridge, Scottburgh.
Pietermaritzburg. 5620/75—STOTT, Gertrude, 211 658659 W, 5 Handsworth, Jan
325/77—YOUNG, Arthur Lucas, 4 Devonshire Avenue, Smuts Highway, Westridge, Durban (Durban).—T. T. Woodhead
Howiek; Marion Young (Howick).—Leslie Simon & Co., Pieter­ Bigby & Partners. Durban.
maritzburg. 2445/75—DYE, Ernest Lindsey, 060516 5008 008, 704 Solace
5781/76—HALSTED. John William, 211560308, 5 Stanhope Place, 7 Nathaniel Isaacs Crescent, Durban (Durban).—T. T.
Gate, 34 Cato Road, Durban (Durban).—The Trust Bank, D ur­ Woodhead Bigby & Partners, Durban.
ban. 2287/76—SUBRAMANI, Murugan, 800/4614/68A, 6 Radhak-
4335/76/3B—SPENCER, Henry Edward Frank, 030207 5020 rishnan Drive, Gandhinagar Township, Tongaat; Muniammah,
00 7, Earm Sienna, District of Greytown (Greytown).—Leslie 800/461487A (Verulam).—C. I. Vawda, Reddy & Co., Verulam.
Simon & Co.. Pietermaritzburg. 2899/76—ABEL, Frederick Robert Wilden, 090201.5017.00.4,
5888/76—FOUCHE, Stanley Paul, 181201-5005-00-9, Winston- 43 Cato Crescent, Amanzimtoti (Durban).—Thorpe & Hands,
weg 5, Uvongo; Hester Cecilia Carolina Wilhelmina du Plessis Durban.
(Port Shepstone).—Sanek Eksekuteurskamer, Marshalltown. 915/77—DALLOS, Janos, 250309 5042 10 6. 38 Cunningham
4999/76—VADIVAL, Pragalathan, 800 273345A, 23 Newlyn Road, Umbilo, Durban (Durban).—Thorpe & Hands, Durban.
Road, Allandale, Pietermaritzburg; Lalitha Devi Vadival, 800 439 1192/77—MACHIN, Florence Mary, bom Raeburn, 211.668
141A.—Venn Nemeth & Hart, Pietermaritzburg. 759.W., 41 Oxford House, Gillespie Street, Durban (Durban),
3917/76—DUNCAN, John Alexander, 245 063 829 W, 2 Ruth- —Thorpe & Hands, Durban.
land Road, Pietermaritzburg.—Errol W. Stowell & Co., Pieter­ 918/77—FORTMANN, Edwin Herman Ernst, 040328 5015 000,
maritzburg. 43 Bevis Court, Beviss Road, Pinetown; Magarethe Johanne
1245/76—NEL, Jacob Johannes Francois, 931117 5003 005, 166 Marie Bertha Fortmann (Pinetown).—Syfrets Trust and Executor,
Brecher Street, Vryheid (Vryheid).—The Standard Bank, Pieter­ Durban.
maritzburg. 843/77—KENT, Majorie Lottie, 211 654407W, 8 Eureka Court,
2439/76—ALEXANDER, Karl Reginald, 331 526437W, Little Berea Road, Durban; Edward Victor Kent (Durban).—Syfrets
Thornton, P.O. Lidgetton (Howick).—Venn Nemeth & Hart, Trust and Executor, Durban.
Pietermaritzburg. 130/77—HOLENDER, Paul, C 07124, 1305 Exeter Hall, Sol
4815/76—KIRBY. Myra, formerly Harvey, bom Stokes, 900 Harris Crescent, Durban (Durban).—Syfrets Trust and Executor,
3100001 002, Margate, Supplementary First and Final (Port Durban.
Shepstone).—■The Standard Bank, Pietermaritzburg. 836/77—BRANDT, Meyer, 245 053 660W, 34 St Patricks Road,
881/77/1C—RORKE, William Frederick Rudolph, 950531 5006 Pietermaritzburg; Sarah Christina Brandt.—Syfrets Trust and
00 6, Stralenberg Flats, Margate; Ivy Winifred Rorke, 961029- Executor, Durban.
0001 00 4 (Port Shepstone).—The Standard Bank, Pietermaritz­ 741/77—WHITEHEAD, Wayne Verran, 401115 5016 002, 249
burg. Adrienne Road, Ballitoville (Lower Tugela).—Palmers Trust
5895/76—SWEENY, Victor Edward. 940 524 5004 009, R.S.S. Investments and Estate Administrators. Durban.
Plots, Townlands, Newcastle (Newcastle).—The Standard Bank, 4876/76—'WETNECK, Margaret Lauder, 211 418696W, 20
Pietermaritzburg. Umgeni View Road, Crestview Road, Hillcrest (Pinetown).—
1601/60/1C—LABASE, John (Johan), Greenpoint, Second Palmers Trust Investments and Estate Administrators, Durban.
Amended (Bergville).—Botha, Mortimer & Aulsebrook, Lady­ 3535/76—VICHOS, Manouses, 050607 5010 005, 42 Caribbean,
smith. Old Fort Road, Durban (Durban).—Moss-Morris, Johannes-
639/72/2A—KARRIM. Abdool Rahim, 800 453726A, 18 King
Street, Ladysmith, Third Amended (Ladysmith).—Botha, Mortimer L229/76/1C—MOORE, Maurice. 101 255749, c/o Hillcrest
& Aulsebrook. Ladysmith. Hospital. Hillcrest (Durban).—Miles & Moorhead, Durban.
1217/77—LIEBENRERG, Willem Andries Frederick, 230 214 4412/76—DEY, Mary Forrest, 248034573 W, Northcliff House,
404, Oibiwoonsteile 187, Pietermaritzburg; Hendrina Jacomina 24 Lawley Avenue, Northcliff, Johannesburg (Umkomaas and
Liebenberg, 245 056 112.—Volkskas, Pietermaritzburg. Johannesburg).—Pierre Odendaal. Pietermaritzburg.
2623/76—PARAG. Bharat, 800 002 957, 33 Mercury Crescent, 840/77/2C—BRLTMOHAN, 800 435019A, House 29. Road
Pietermaritzburg; SieShadevi Parag, 800 030 304. 919, Unit 919, Unit 9, Chatsworth, Durban; Savitri, 800 2469
5 6 7 1 /7 6 — S A R T O R IU S . F red erick . 250725 5041 107, 555 P rin ce 63A ('Durban').—Stocken & McClean. Durban.
A lfr e d Street, P ieterm aritzb u rg. —Barclays National Bank, P ie te r ­ 3685/76/3B—JARDINE, Walter Joseph, Town Hill Hospital,
m aritzburg. Pietermaritzburg.—David Strachan & Tayler, Durban.
3019/75—LE ROUX, Fransina (Francina) Wilhelmina, 36999 5253/76—DLTNHILL, Laurence Edgar, 31 Kirstenbosch, Play­
6995, Southport, Suidkus, Derde en Finale.—Barclays National fair Road, North Beach, Durban (Durban).—Lyne & Collins,
Bank, Durban. Durban.
712/77—MULLER. Jurgens Johannes Kemp, 261065451, Huis 4246/76—MUDALY, Deveraiu (Devaraiu), 800/412777A, 10
Joanna. Utrecht (Utrecht).—Volkskas, Pretoria. Hibscus Place, Asherville, Durban; Manakamall Mndaly. 800/
764/77—BARRETT, Stanley Richens, 290905 5059 00 0. 1 399466A (Durban).—M. C. Moodiiar & Basil Chocklingum,
Champion Place, Durban; Margaret Barrett, formerly Vos, bom Durban.
Pellicena, 291222 0051 00 1 (Durban).—L. J. Paola, Wright & 2643/68/2C—EW ING. Phyllis Constance. 27885334, Empan-
Wilkinson, Durban. geni, Supplementary First and Final (Ernpangeni).—Barclays
3875/76—MOODLEY, Theeyakarai, 800/363774 A, 37 Wren National Bank. Durban.
Street, Kharwastan: Vasandha Moodley, 800/345433A (Durban). 4919/76—SYKES. John William, 964/075*02. 10 Erne Road,
—Pat Poovalingam A Co., Durban. Bluff. Durban 'Durban').—Gnrlicke & BonsFeld, Durban.
1430/66—HARREF.PARSHAD, Bafchia, 223 Pine Road, Clair- 4529/76—DRUMMOND, Florence Winifred, 900211 0001 002,
wood (Durban).—J. ICissoon Singh & Co., Durban. 24a Miller Grove, Durban (Durban).—Delc-itte & Co., Durban.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 1 17

3069/76—MARKIO (Markkio), Erkki Jalmari (Erikka), Ajurin- 378/77—LUMSDEN-COOK, James Alexander, 905 543 977W,
katu 12, 111 00 Riihimaki 10, Finland (Durban).—Browne, Brodie 1 Alexander Avenue, Kloof (Pinetown).—Shepstone & Wylie,
& Co., Durban. Durban.
4389/76—ALEXANDER, Ethel Maud, 211 764 622, Bill 5953/76—VEERAMUTHU, 800-359492A, 44 29th Avenue,
Buchanan Park, Goodwin Drive, Durban (Durban).—Burne & Umhlatuzana Township (Durban).—Clarkson & Driver, Durban.
Burne, Durban. 1142/76—CHARLES, Enid Emmeline (Enid Emmeline and
399/75—MOODLEY, Yeganathan, 800 344216, 10 Duiker Road, Emmeline Enid Vinden), 800 253915 A, 1 Briza Place, Asher-
Isipingo Beach, Second and Final; Marie, 800 433095 (Durban). ville, Durban; John Charles, 800 408520 (Durban).—R. M. Nai­
—Brett, Wills, Chapman, Dyer & Partners, Durban. doo, Durban.
3572/75/1C—KHAN, Ahmed, 800-498035, 28 Firenza Gardens, 2722/75—FARNWORTH, Albert, 060302 5014 00 3, Umbogin-
Reservoir Hills, Durban; Jaithoon Khan, 800-431795 (Durban). twini; Annie Maria Famworth (Durban).—Barclays National
—Brett, Wills, Chapman, Dyer & Partners, Durban. Bank. Durban.
5991/76—KELLY, David Turnbull, 966/000816W, 81 Wind­ 3456/76—HAVEMANN, Pieter Uys, 271 079062 W, Victoria
mill Road, Durban, Supplementary (Durban).—Barclays National Street, Melmoth (Melmoth).—Barclays National Bank, Durban.
Bank, Durban. 1194/77—ROBERTS, Janet Morrow, 030907 0001 00 8, Mar­
5266/76— BARLEY, Gwyneth Ada, 211464316, 60 Kings gate (Port Shepstone).—Barclays National Bank, Durban.
Mansions, Acutt Street, Durban (Durban).—Barclays National 2729/76—SYFRET, Clara Beatrice Marguerite (Margurite),
Bank, Durban. 040723 0022 00 3, Scottburgh, Supplementary (Scottburgh).—Bar­
2336/76/3B—GREIG, Joan Annette Bickley, 120314 0006 00 7, clays National Bank, Durban.
Athlone Gardens Hotel, Durban, Second and Final (Durban).— 1537/77—TAYLOR, William Davenport, 901 523547, 5 Tanga,
Barclays National Bank, Durban. 914 Umbilo Road, Durban (Durban).—Barclays National Bank,
3507/76—SNYMAN, Daniel Petrus Boshoff, 1006265019006, Durban.
Chaffland, P.O. Hibberdene, Eerste (Port Shepstone).—Barclays 3420/76—HIRSCH. Rosalie (Rosa), 211 471104W, 25 Hatton
National Bank, Durban. Avenue, Sherwood, Durban (Durban).—Kessel, Feinstein, Torch
4874/76—RUBENSTEIN, Yettie, 211 576346, Mitchell Park & Co., Johannesburg.
Nursing Home, Femdale Road, Durban (Durban).—Berkowitz, 930/77—SAUERMAN, Elizabeth Cat.harina, 090217 0014 00 2,
Jacobs, Kirkel & Cohen, Moss-Morris & Greenberg, Durban. Sidmouthlaan 61, Wentworth, Durban; Hendrik Adolf Pienaar
4301/75—VAN GYN, Cornelia, 959 020419, Mitchell Park Sauerman, 071010 5024 00 8 (Durban).—Volkskas, Pietermaritz­
Nursing Home, Nimmo Road, Durban, Final (Durban).—Ditz burg.
& Partners, Durban. 2785/70 / 3B—RAMOROBT, Eric Phanuel, 3479639,. Sizanen-
3050/76—LAMAIN, Reinhold Paul Franz, 022 549266, 19 jana, via Bulwer (Bulwer).—Shaw & Co., Pietermaritzburg.
Bevis Crescent, Northdene (Pinetown).—M. A. Tiran, North-
EVANS, Elsie (Elise), 211/574361, 323 Innes Road, Durban At the office of the Master, BLOEMFONTEIN, and also of
(Durban).—Shepstone & Wylie, Durban. the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses.
1470/77—STANLEY. Cordelia Florence, 245 031229, 13 Kya- By die kantoor van die Meester, BLOEMFONTEIN, en ook
lami, Topham Road, Pietermaritzburg.—Barclays National Bank, van die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies
1257/77—COETSEE, Jan Louis, 211-424393W, Stationweg 7, gemeld word.
Ubogintwini; Johanna Maria Coetsee (Durban).—Kredietbank, 1513/76—FERREIRA, Pieter Hendrik, 930816 5002 00 5, Lor­
Johannesburg. raine, Arlington, Lindley (Lindley).—Volkskas, Bloemfontein.
1277/77—STRACHAN, Leonard Charles, 110418 5006 00 3, 2535/76—STEYN, Jacobus Sarel, 141126 5035 00 4, Anys, Petrus
241 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg.—Barclays National Bank, Steyn, distrik Lindley; Carolina Petronella Frederika Steyn,
Pieterm a ri tzburg. gebore Janse van Rensburg, 452409350 (Reitz en Lindley).—
1491/77—SCHROEDER, Katharina Maria Dorothea, 210015 Volkskas, Bloemfontein.
730W, Annie Dale, P.O. Glencoe (Dundee).—Barclays National 193/77—VAN DEN HEEVER, Dina Alida, voorheen Lemmer,
Bank, Pietermaritzburg. voorheen Cronje, gebore Pieterse, 330409 0018 00 6, Anniestraat
1052/77—AITCHISON, William Gilmour, 963 079087, 44 16, Hennenman; Johannes Jacobus van den Heever, 320118
Taunton Road, Pietermaritzburg.—Barclays National Bank, Pie­ 5025 00 5 (Hennenman).—Volkskas, Bloemfontein.
termaritzburg. 725/76—ROUX, Isabella Hendrina, gebore Van der Westhuizen,
420/75—BOSHOFF, Johannes Jacobus, 030909 5003 00 5, 244 445 173 213W, Synmar, distrik Bloemfontein.—Volkskas, Bloem­
West Street, Pietermaritzburg, Fourth and Final.—The Trust fontein.
Bank, Durban. 318/77—STOFBERG, Petrus Johannes Rossouw, 920714 50
1237/77—McLEOD. James Gauld Rodger, 9412315007003, 21 04 00 0, Mooihawe-ouetehuis, Brandwag, Bloemfontein; Catharina
Oaklands Avenue, Hillcrest Park (Pinetown).—Barclays National Elizabeth Stofberg, gebore Papenfus, 404459010 W.—Volkskas,
Bank, Durban. Bloemfontein.
4011/76—SUBRAMONEY, 800/428166A, 46 Dacca Road, 242/77—SCHEEPERS, Ivan Kriel, 041027 5001 00 7, Erfurt-
Merebank, Durban; Lutchmee, 800/246668A (Durban).—Renuka straat 24, Hennenman (Hennenman).—Volkskas, Bloemfontein.
Sinnh & Co., Durban. 22/77—VENTER, Lodewickus Jacobus, 1802235 009 006, Wilge-
1192/76—RAJAMMA, 800/461614A, 131 Foreman Road, geur, Reitz; Magdalena Johanna Venter, gebore Van Wyk, 23110
Sydenham, Durban (Durban).—Renuka Singh & Co., Durban. 10 007 00 2 (Reitz).—Volkskas, Bloemfontein.
2162/75—NARATN. I-atchmi, 800/454831'A, 56 Lanveberge 2315/75—PRETORIUS, Renier Johan, 200605 5015 007, Rust-
Drive, Shallcross, Durban; Dhunwanthi, 800/460519 (Durban).— fontein 1787, distrik Heilbron (Heilbron).—Kaiser, Cornelius &
P at Poovalingam & Co., Durban.
2358/76—SMITH. Caroline, 211669172, 106 Tramway Road, Myburgh, Heilbron.
Briardene, Durban; Harry Thomas Victor Smith (Somtseu Road). 730/76—SCHOLTZ, Maria Cornelia, 440628 0018 00 8, Mon-
—Snvman Helman ft Partners, Durban. rohanwoonstelle 4, Fordstraat 8, Bloemfontein: Jacobus Andre
870/76—JARDINS, Jan William, 211645536W, 41 Rus*enberg, Scholtz, 460604 5035 003.—Van Deventer, Daffue & Maree,
Currie Road. Durban (Durban).—Ford & Havemann, Durban. Bloemfontein.
2591 /76—RENAT.TD Paul Leon Elie Chamberlain, 957000 111, 1561/75—LOVIUS, Joseph, 8906175002005, 4 Torbetstraat,
1521 Sarnia Road, Hillary, Durban (Durban).—Hemphill, Lucas Bloemfontein.—Lovius, Block, Meltz & Steyn, Bloemfontein.
& Purnell. Durban. 145/77—VERMEULEN, Matthys Van As, 190322 5016 009,
978/75—KEILLF.R, Margaret, 900309 0002 00 2, 120 Anleno Twee tic Laan 46, Bloemfontein; Francina Susara Johanna Ver-
Road, Montclair. Durban, Third and Final (Durban).—Barclays meulen, gebore Schlebusch, 4041 585 70.—Andre Bezuidenhout
National Bank, Durban. & Vennote, Bloemfontein.
2337/76—REID. Phyllis Marjorie. 080628 0025 10 7. St 1521/76 / B—MEINTJES, Henry Harold Keyser, 940615 5002
Andrews Hotel, Umkomaas, Second and Final (Scottburgh).— 009, J. P. Venterstraat 2, Vredefort (Vredefort).—Odendaal,
Barclays National Rank. Durban. Van Eeden & Du Plessis, Pretoria.
5354/76—MOB ETON, Jean Natalie, 990521/0012/00/2, 31 230/76—VENTER, Stephanus Johannes, Plot 63, Hoeveld,
Portland Place, Durban North (Somtseu Road).—A. R. Burnett, Bloemfontein; Dorothea Geraldine Venter.—Rosendorff Venter
Durban. & Brink. Bloemfontein.
4375/76—RASDIEN, Mary Ann, born Trenor, 211 614504C, 2 3 4 3 /7 6 — L E ROUX, Jo h an n es Z a c h a r ia s Ja co b u s, 870409-
19 Thar on Road, Wentworth, Durban (Durban).—Clarkson & 5002-001, 26 Parkstraat, Hennenman (Hennenman).—Grunow
Driver Durban. & Grunow, Hennenman.
3899/76—HARRIS, Arnold Reginald. 245 035584, 10 Lorraine 1758/76—BELL, David Rennie, 291107 5044 004, Sterkfontein-
RooT Pieterma’r pvbnrm Roberta Martha Primrose Harris, 245 dam, P.O. Harrismith (Harrismith).—Devine & Co., Johannes­
035585 W.—Miss FT. M. Harris, Pietermaritzburg. burg.
2749/76—FARROW, Ethel Alice, 245 039161, Mitchell Parte 361/75—BAM, Judith Magdalena, gebore Loots, 426-336,
Nursing Home, 15 Nimmo Road, Morningside, Durban (Dur­ 347, Boshoffstraat 16, Harrismith (Harrismith).—Jarvis & Masson,
ban).—N orthern Trust Co.. Johannesburg. Harrismith.
5532/75—BERA, Ebrahim Essop, 800 495929, 59 Leopold 1775/76—GROBBELAAR, Coert Petrus Johannes, 456-421600
Street, Durban (Durban).—R. M. Naidoo, Durban. W, Liberia, Senekal (Senekal),—N. O. Oelofse & Kie., Scnekal,
118 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

2228 /75—DU TOIT, Charles Preller Klingbiel, 450423 5042 1379/76—AFRIKA, Susan, 404 140901, Hillcrest 38, Ashbury.—
006, Panstraat 9, Reitz (Reitz).—Hoffmann & Marais, Reitz. Naude & Naude Van de Wall & Vennote. Bloemfontein.
2104/76—ROETS, Hendrik Adriaan, 910914 5003 00 3, Luyt- 2233/76—STEYN, Jan Fouche, 940617 5001 00 7, Vierfontein 4,
straat 64, Heilbron; Sarah Susanna Roets, gebore van der West- Pk. Vierfontein (Viljoenskroon).—Meyer & Botha, Viljoenskroonj
huizen, 920426 0001 002 (Heilbron).—Volkskas, Bloemfontein. 64/77—BREDENKAMP, Maria Elizabeth, gebore Minnaar,
2050/76—NEL, Johannes Jacobus, 0412095011000, Cyferkuil, 428-354246W, Pellissierstraat 19, Kroonstad (Kroonstad).—Boland
Bothaville; Maria Wilhelmina Catharina Nel, gebore Weyers, Bank, Kroonstad.
406287325 (Bothaville).—Carey & Botha, Bothaville. 1956/76—WESSELS, Martha Jacoba, 473462341 W, Mev. Presfc
424/77—H ENNING, Albertus Johannes, 1405085020 00 6. Sub dent Steyntehuis vir Bejaardes, Odendaalsrus (Odendaalsrus).—
2, lld e Laan, Rodenbeck; Christina Susanna Henning, 180301 Symington & De Kok, Bloemfontein.
0018 00 6.—Santam Bank, Bloemfontein. 2/76—WESSELS, Johannes Mattheus, 190323 5036 0 0 5, Three
573/77—DE JAGER, Nicolaas, 111008 5006 00 1. Plot 113, Hills, Bloemfontein.—McIntyre & Van der Post, Bloemfontein.
Shannon; Magdalena Johanna de Jager, 151202 0004 00 1.—San­ 588/75—JACOBS, Engela Susanna, Emily Hobhousestraat 10,
tam Bank, Bloemfontein. Sasolburg: Sarel Christiaan Daniel Jacobs, 1710065033006 (Sasol­
2173/76—WIGGETT, Christopher, 1711225005004, Saaifon- burg).—Goodrich & Franklin, Bloemfontein.
tein, Dewetsdorp; Maria Wiggett, gebore Muller, 1206110002 2198/76—WALKER, Evelyn Mary, born Watson, 40414930!
005 (Dewetsdorp).—Carroll, Van de Wall & Joubert, Dewets­ W, 89 Penkop Crescent, General De Wet, Bloemfontein.—The
dorp. Standard Bank, Bloemfontein.
1661/75—BADENHORST. Wessel Johan, 0004105008009, 2181/76—VAN DEN BERG, Petrus Cornelius, 351119 5027
Oxfordstraat, Dewetsdorp (Dewetsdorp).—Carroll, Van de Wall 00 1, Theronstraat 4, Viljoenskroon; Hester Johanna Louisa van
6 Joubert, Dewetsdorp. den Berg, gebore Del port, 464441617W (Viljoenskroon).—Die
1405/73—VAN JAARSVELD, Petrus Albertus. 121008 5002 Standard Bank, Bloemfontein.
00 8, Burgerstraat 40, Witgewels 2, Bethlehem, Eerste Supple­ 1605/76—VAN DER MERWE, Willem Johannes, 261009 5005
mentere; Anna Maria Susanna van Jaarsveld, gebore De Witt, 00 9, Loopstraat 14, Parys; Martha Cornelia van der Merwe,
180827 0004 00 0 (Bethlehem).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Bloem­ gebore Janse van Rensburg, 190425 0029 00 9 (Parys).—Die Stan-*
fontein. dard Bank, Bloemfontein.
' 2518/76—BRITS, Maria Aletta, gebore Du Toit, 473570111 W, 1465/76—GROENEWALD, Magrieta Wilhelmina, voorheen
Tweelingspan, Theunissen; Cornelius Christiaan Pieter Brits Jordaan, gebore Van der Merwe, 140524 0028 00 1, Casement,
(Theunissen).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank. Bloemfontein. Marquard: Mathys Johannes Groenewald, 270508 5038 00 0 (Mar-
1197/76—MACASKILL. Wallace Douglas, 1010115030007, quard).—Billett & Cloete, Marquard.
Heartsease, Fouriesburg; Madge Ileen Macaskill, born Atkins, 1947 /74—BENVILLE, Martin William Arthur. 070726 801 8002,
0906070013006 (Fouriesburg).—Barclays National Bank, Bloem­ Brakfontein, Clocolan, Supplementere (Clocolan).—Naude
& Naude Van de Wall & Vennote, Bloemfontein.
fontein. 1067/76—MARAIS, Susanna Margaretha Magdalena, 452409
128/77—ASHPOLE. Joseph Edward Flood, 561211/5040/00/5, 733, Sarel Cilliersstraat, Reitz; Jacobus Petrus Marais, 452409734
Tempe, Militere Basis, Bloemfontein.—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, (Reitz).—Hoffmann & Marais, Reitz.
Bloemfontein. 1067/76 — MARAIS, Susanna Margaretha Magdalena. 452409
203/77—MEYER, Anna Amelia, 464433443 W, Rietkuil. Sene- 733, Sarel Cilliersstraat, Reitz; Jacobus Petrus Marais, 452409734
kal; Hendrik Cornelis Meyer O3O8065OC6OO6 (Senekal).—Barclays- (Reitz).—Hoffmann & Marais, Reitz.
Nasionale Bank. Bloemfontein. 1966/76—LUKASSEN, Simon Bernardus Arnoldus, 080922501
568/77—MERTZ, Frederick Daniel (Daniel), 901006 5001 000, 3006, Presidentstraat 7, Parys; Petronella Catharina Maria
Brugstraat 17, Edenburg; Martha Christina Mertz, gebore Ver- Lukassen, 1102010005000 (Parys).—Die Trust Bank, Johannes--
wey, 417303046W (Edenburg).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Bloem­ burg.
fontein. 1235/76—GROBLER, Elise Ernestina, gebore Klokow, 426 337
257/77—THOMPSON, Patricia May, born Pearce, 101 684135 473W. Pk. Mont Pelaan, distrik Harrismith; Petrus Paulus
W, 20 Olifant Street, Allanridge; Neville Bayley Thompson, 340 Johannes Grobler, 120908 5006 00 1 (Harrismith).—Jarvis & Mas-*
4295011002 (Odendaalsrus).—Barclays National Bank, Bloemfon­ son, Harrismith.
tein. 1988/76—EVERT, Mary-Ann Holland, 411297373, Lidia-
134/77—VENTER. Petrus Johannes, 457-422653W. wewenaar, ouetehuis, Ladybrand (Ladybrand).—Steinbach & Oelofse, Cloco-t
Posbus 56, Tweespruit, Eerste en Finale Addendum tot die Eerste lan.
en Finale (Excelsior).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Bloemfontein. 2556/76—ELIAS, Reginald Davies (Davis), 031026 5005 002,
403/77—EUVRARD. Maria Jiljana Johanna, gebore Bell, 117 5 Union Street, Bethlehem (Bethlehem).—The Standard Bank,
920400, Wesselsstraat, Boshof (Boshof).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Bloemfontein.
Bloemfontein. 2231/76—CLOETE, Charles Howell. 130731 5016 004, Andel-
202/77—REYNEKE. Maria Sophia, gebore Du Preez. 45642 straat 8. Ventersburg (Ventersburg).—Die Standard Bank, Bloem­
1750W. Waterstraat 29, Senekal (Senekal).—Barclays-Nasionale fontein.
Bank Bloemfontein.
324/77—SWART, Hannes, 066124860W. 41 Mark Street, Kroon- NORTHERN CAPE - NOORD-KAAP
stad (Kroonstad).—Barclays National Bank, Johannesburg.
2541/76—MAREE, Johannes Philippus. 130316 5014 009, Wes- At the office of the Master, KIMBERLEY, and also of the
selsdal, Hertzogville; Susara Johanna Maree (Hertzogville).— magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses.
Naude & Naude, Van de Wall & Vennote, Bloemfontein. By die kantoor van die Meester, KIMBERLEY, en ook van die
2321/76—BESTER, Dirk Jacobus Adriaan, 4203295014001, landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakics gemekl word.
Naudestraat 29. Bethlehem (Bethlehem).—V. R. Lee. Ladysmith. 1049/76—SMIT, Gerhardus Stephanus, 960201-5001-00-5, Carr-:
1078/76—BRINK, Christina Jacoba, gebore Weideman, 461112 straat 33, Kimberley.—Elliott Maris Wilmans & Hay, Kimberley-
0012 009, Wesselsparklosieshuis, Cambridgestraat 214 Bethlehem; 1156/76—VISSER, Erik Gustaaf, 030312 5002 004, Gayelong,
Abraham Justienis Brink (Bethlehem).—Lange, Joubert, Carr & Pk. Kuruman; Wilhelmina Getruida Visser gebore Claassens,
Blaauw, Upington. 102 822827 (Kuruman).—Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Bloemfontein,
1759/76—LLOYD, Henriette Johanna Marie, gebore Kohler, 745/76—GERS. Ernest (Ernst) Herman, 080205 5022 00 7. Bar­
9709100001004, Grenfell, distrik Vrede (Vrede).—Pretorius & Bos­ ker Street, Danielskuil (Danielskuil).—Barclays National Bank,
nian, Vrede. Bloemfontein.
2048/76—BENDER. Jan Abraham Swanepoel, 120124-5018 812/76—RAFF. David, 120525/5008/00/9, P.O. Box 2,
00-0, Fouriestraat, Cornelia: Martha Maud (Maude) Bender, Groblershoop (Groblershoop).—Barclays National Bank, Cape
gebore Smith, 423-322288W (Frankfort).—Koller & Blom, Frank­ Town.
fort. 601/75—RESCA, Ugo, 5970, 6 Hornby Road, Kimberley,
330/70—JORDAAN, Jacobus Petrus. 404/106371 W, Thomas Second and Final.—Hertog Moult Horn Kriel & Co., Kimberley.
Leithstraat 15, Bloemfontein: Elsie Johanna Jordaan, gebore 877/74—FERGUSON, Martha Aletta voorheen Herholdt,
Booysen, 404 106372 W.—Symington & De Kok, Bloemfontein. gebore Nortje, 2304140010004, Palvieweg 9, Weseinde, Kimberley,
1457/76—BOTES. Philippus Arnoldus, 469/454531(W), 12 Gol­ Verbeterde Eerste en Finale.—Roux Welgemoed & Schocman,
den Gate Boulevard. Vaalpark, Sasolburg; Regine Botes gebore Kimberley.
Vosloo, 469/454532(W) (Sasolburg).—Kaiser, Cornelius & 549/76—VENTER, Jan Adriaan, 050909 5008 009, wewenaar,
Myburgh, Heilbron. Amaliastraat 48b, De Aar (De Aar).—Joseph & Van Rensburg,
328/77/C—THEUNISSEN, Jane Elizabeth Maria, 220/527/00
21/00/2, Voortrekkerstraat 43. Winburg; Jan Hendrik Theunissen 103/77—KOCK, Susanna Aletta, 080917/0014/00/9, Vanrie-
(Winburg).—Victor Kotze & Smit, Winburg. beeckstraat 48, Upington (Upington).—Lange, Joubert, Carr &
1119/76—PETERS, Hendrik Cornelis Albertus, 550722 505 4104, Blaauw, Upington.
Commissionerstraat 186, Bethlehem, Supplementere (Bethlehem). 1048/76—KRUGER, Gertruida Aletta Magdalena, 054 253 111
—Transvaal Eksekuteurskamer. W, Queenstraat, Hopetown (Hopetwon).—Elliott Maris Wilmans
17/77—VORSTER, Elizabeth Johanna, 031014 001 0003. Davin- 6 Hay, Kimberley.
straat 53, Bultfontein; Hercules Johannes Vorster, 950725 5004 539/75—MoLLER, Michael, 343741505W, Nazareth House,
009 (Bultfontein).-—Beukes & Gouws, Bultfontein. Kimberley,—Du Plessis, Viviers & Kie., Vryburg.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 119

121 /77—STADLER, Amoldus Christiaan, 120707 5015 00 8< 31/77/1—GOTZEN, Hendrik Philomon, 070516-5013-008, Love-
Kanoneiland, distrik Gordonia; Susanna Jacoba Stadler, gebore moresingel 3, Adcockvale, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—-
Coetzee (Upington).—Malan & Vennote, Upington. Van der Linde, Kemp & Greyvenstein, Port Elizabeth.
855/76/C—SEAWARD, Hilda Frances Caroline, 066 105995 3549/76/3—GATHORNE. Harold, 850714-5001-00-0, Runny-
W, Woonstel 9, Terra Firma, Belgraviaweg, Kimberley.—Roux, mede, District of Swartberg, East Griqualand (ICokstad).—Barclays
Welgemoed & Schocman, Kimberley. National Bank, Pietermaritzburg.
4740/76—BOTHMA, Jacobus Stephanus, 9511245005001, Josef 1720/76/2A—RAUTENBACH, Ignatius Ferreira, 1007055013
Bosmanstraat 601, Silverton, Pretoria; Elizabeth Maria Catharina 001, Vensterhoek, Pk. Patensie (Patensie).—Volkskas, Port Eliza­
Bothma, 061120 0020 00 0.—Couzyn, Hertzog & Horak, Pretoria. beth.
2377/76/3—BOTHA. Maria Isabella Martha, 010233857,
EASTERN CAPE-OOS-KAAP Rochesterstraat 30, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth; Jacobus Johannes
At the office of the Master, GRAHAMSTOWN, and also of Hendrikus Botha (Port Elizabeth).—-J. J. H. Botha, Port Eliza­
the magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses. beth.
By die kantoor van die Meester, GRAHAMSTAD, en ook van 23/77/1—KRTEL, Eugene Beatrix, born Deetlefs. 8408290001
die landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gemeld 004. widow, 24 Barker Street, Kokstad (Kokstad).—/Elliot &
word. Walker. Kokstad.
2416/76/2—DIESEL. Gordon Walford, 028777 649W, Elizabeth
457/70—JORDAAN, Jacob Louwrens, 022288486W, Jakaranda- Jordaantehuis, Cradock (Cradock).—Metcalf & Co., Cradock.
Straat 27. Cradock, Gewysigde (Cradock).—Jan S. De Viiliers 2702/75/2—SIEG, Jennie, bom Black, 331270480, 177 Main
& Seun, Kaapstad. Road, Amalinda: Ernest Julius Ludwig Sieg, 0802295014004
1651/76/1—EAGLE, Percy, 20 1015011004, 1 Methuen Road, (East London).—Marshall & Kaplan, East London.
Selborne, East London (East London).—Touyz & Sapire, East 400/77/2B—VORSTER. Barendina Bernardus, 18100 30008 008,
London. Diepfontein. Steynsburg (Steynsburg).—Volkskas. Port Elizabeth.
3204/76/2—FAkAZ, Ronald Kitchener, 170113 5018 00 2, 36 189/77/3C—GREYVENSTEIN, Jacobus Wilhelm, 110924502
Lucas Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—The 9002, 37 Park Avenue, East London; Johanna Christina Greyven­
Standard Bank, Port Elizabeth. stein, born Watkins, 009965297 (East London).—Louis J. C. Hart
3412/76/2—ORCHARD, George Thomas, 966012555, 3 Bal- & Co.. East London.
casa Street, St Peters Road, East London (East London).— 715/77/1C—VISSER, Cornelius Johannes, Victoria Parkweg 3,
Drake. Flemmer, Orsmond & Vermaak, East London. Port Elizabeth; Maria Cornelia Visser, gebore Nell (Port Eliza­
772/77/2C—GRADWELL, Robert Owen, 261021-5025-002, 30 beth).—Sanek Eksekuteurskamer, Port Elizabeth.
Botha Street, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth; Margaret Con­ 1951/76/IB—RUDLIN, Arthur Julius, Beetlestoneweg, Gel-
stance Gradwell, born Van der Mesoht (Port Elizabeth).—Archi­ vandale. Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—Sanek Eksekuteurs­
bald Marock, Myers & Katz, Port Elizabeth. kamer, Port Elizabeth.
477/77/3—KLEYN, Katherine Rousina Magritha, 130928 0012 2712/76/2—CULLINAN, Mary Andrena, 420306145 W, 104
00 0, Hans Strydomstraat 18 Despatch; Willem Hendrik Kleyn, Kennington Road. East London (East London).—Coopers &
111013 5032007 (Uitenhage).—Volkskas, Port Elizabeth. Lybrand. East London.
3496/76/2A—FOURIE, Aletta Sophia, 403 270234 W, Huis van 2890/76/3—MAGGS. Frank Derwent, 140712 5031 001, 6 Buc-
der Horst, Aliwal-Noord (Aliwal-Noord).—Volkskas, Port Eliza­ holtz Street, East London (East London).—F. W. Cooper &
, 166/77/2—SMITH, Hendrik Johannes, 055 314825 W, Cambria, Rein. East London.
Patensie (Hankey).—Volkskas, Port Elizabeth. 308/75/3—BOUCHER, Sam, 101-210546 W, Rochesterstraat 10,
497/77/3—MOUTON, Martha Jacoba, gebore Hyman, 190329 Algoapark, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—Boland Bank, Pieter­
0004 00 5, Dovestraat 6, Oos-Londen; David Johannes Hendrik maritzburg.
Mouton, 140131 5011 00 6 (Oos-Londen).—Santam Bank, Oos- 127/73/3B—MAITLAND, Johanna, bom Meyer, widow, 23
Londen. Park Road, Salisbury Park, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—
87/77/3—CONWAY, Timothy Gilmore, 653026893, Kildare- Marcus S. Jacobs & Feldman, Port Elizabeth.
weg 20, Fergusonwoonbuurt, Port Elizabeth; Erika Conway, voor- 3531/76/1—DE ANDRADE, Laura Teixeira, 101-298772, 5
heen Willemse, gebore Boshoff, 086 578522W (Port Elizabeth). Gamma Road, Bramhope, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—
—Die Standard Bank. Port Elizabeth. The Standard Bank. Port Elizabeth.
830/77/1—ALLEN, Donald John, 200929 5050 008, 9 Love- 2917/76/3—KOEN, Winifred, formerly Curtis, born Burden,
more Crescent, Adcockvale. Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).— 133-198892W. widow, S.A. Red Cross Home for the Aged, Wal-
The Standard Bank, Port Elizabeth. mer, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—Fidelity Bank and Trust
273/77/1—WEBER. George Edward, 034-825061. Newhaven Co.. Port Elizabeth.
Chronic Sick Home, East London (East London).—East London 322/77/2—OWEN, Jeannie Lindsay, 211 696613 W, 21 Wil­
Estates. East London. liam Avenue, East London (East London).—F. V/. Cooper &
3330/76/1—HARRIS, George Clifton, 086 592134W, B 10 Rein. East London.
Dunant Park, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).— 3306/76/2B—SIMPSON, Alfred Neville, 120612 5022 00 6, 35
Fidelity Bank and Trust Co., Port Elizabeth. Smartt Road, Nahoon, East London (East London).—F. W.
49/77/3—N EL, Jacobus Louis, 081124 500100 3, Vanriebeeck- Cooper & Rein, East London.
Straat 4, Aliwal-Noord; Hendrina Susanna Nel, gebore Pretorius 569/77/3—SHEASBY, James Lionel, 9506145006000, 14 Glas­
(Aliwal-Noord).—Douglas & Botha, Aliwal-Noord. tonbury Road, Grahamstow.n and Scottburgh (Scottburgh).—
398/77/3—SCHOEMAN, Nicolaas Johannes Albertus, 020902 Barclays National Bank, Port Elizabeth.
5008 00 1, Cedarville (Kokstad).1—Die Standard Bank, Pieter­ 908/77—BAKER, Frances, 034-869294W, Red Cross Homes,
maritzburg. Main Street. Walmer, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—Barclays
■1102/77/2—STEVENSON, Myrtle Ethel, born Muir, 222 0744 National Bank, Port Elizabeth.
56 W, Stirling Lodge. Epsom Road, Stirling, East London (East 447/77/3—VAN ROOYiEN, Jacoba Francina, 0811260022
London).—Barclays National Bank, East London. 009, Sard Cilliersstraat 1, Colesburg (Colesburg).—Barclays-
587/77/3—EMSLIE, Emily Elizabeth, bom Wyatt, 830821 0002 Nasionale Bank, Port Elizabeth.
00 1, Fairlands Home for the Aged, Wavell Avenue, Cambridge 1981/75/1C—JACOBSZ, Izak Jacobus, 420802/5006/00/3,
West, East London (East London).—Barclays /National Bank, Newtonstraat 68, Newtonpark, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).
East London. —S. E. Jacobsz, Port Elizabeth.
393/77/1—McINTOSH, Olive Elsie, formerly Saunders, bom 484/77/2—FERREIRA, Catherina Johanna, gebore Bosman,
Osner, 034-846948W, 1 Santos, Wembley Drive, Chiselhurst, East 900307 0001 00 8, High Waters, Elandsrivier, Afdeling Uitenhage;
London (East London).—Barclays National Bank, East London. Solomon Thomas Ferreira, 93101 0 5004 00 0 (Uitenhage).—Boland
726/77/2—WHITE, Catherine Beatrice, 111128 0006 00 2, Lor­ Bank, Uitenhage.
raine. District of Fort Beaufort (Fort Beaufort).—Barclays 2601/76/1A—IMPEY, Lennox Hamilton, 980328 5002 000, 9
National Bank, East Imndon. Eastbourne Road, Kenton-on-Sea (Port Alfred).—Brian Shelver,
112/77/2B—STARK, Barendina Stefina Jacomina, bom Hugo, Port Alfred.
004/937066W, 68 Stewart Drive, Berea, East London; Oscar 224/77/2—MEAKER. Agnes Carney, bom Reid, 00391825W,
Alexander Frederick Stark (East London).—Ormerod & C. K. 86 Bathurst Street, Grahamstown.—Dold & Stone, Grahamstown.
Rowland, East London. 1363/76/1—STEYN, Samuel Pieter Martinus, 431028/5029/
2445/76/1—PATON, William, 941018 5004 001, 112 Marine 00/4, c /o West Bank Golf Club, West Bank, East London (East
Drive, Schoenmakerskop: Kathleen Paton. born Bailey (Port London).—Brown, Hurly & Clark, East London.
Elizabeth).—Goldberg & De Viiliers, Port Elizabeth. 3307/76/3—WAGNER, Cecil, 162035896W, widower, The
2781/74—SCHUTTE, Daniel Petrus, 070725 5020 00 0, Barn- Leas, District of Mount Currie, Swartberg (Kokstad).—Elliot
father, Peddie (Peddie).—-The Standard Bank, East London. & Walker, Kokstad.
835/77/1—MACLACHLAN, Cecil, 990710 5006 008, 1 Kent 2578/76/3—VAN TONDER, Sarah Elizabeth, gebore Lotter,
Road. Stutterheim: Euphemia McPhee Maclachlan, bom Sinclair, 001123 0006 00 6, Moederzoonskraal, Jansenville (Jansenville).—
010311 0010 008 (Stutterheim).—The Standard Bank East London. Die Standard Bank, Port Elizabeth.
1667/76/3—ALDRICH, George William, 161221-5003-00-6, 428/77/3—VAN DER MERWE, Sophia Olivier, gebore Lie-
Navarrestraat 2, Burgersdorp (Burgersdorp).—Groch & Kie.-, benberg, 171115 0002 005, Newlands, Aberdeen (Aberdeen).—San­
Burgersdorp,- ■ "S ggjB H i tam Bank, Graaff-Reinet, 1
120 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

467/77/3—SMITH, Albert Reginald, 030331 5001 006, 19 Lowe 446/7 5/2C—POSNER, Trixie Joan, born Steyn, 101/271981,
Street, Vincent, East London; Maria Magdalena Gladys Smith, 16 Woodlands Avenue, Weybridge Park, Port Elizabeth, Amended
formerly Parr, born Head (East London).—Syfrets Trust and Second and Final; Seymour Harris Julian Posner, 200 504 5040
Executor, East London. 00 0 (Port Elizabeth).—Jack Levinthal & Bcndelsiein, Port Eliza­
2038/76/3—MOODALEY, Sunmoogum, 800 069546, 1 Calen­ beth.
dula Street, Malabar, Port Elizabeth; Doreen Moodaley, bom
Rossouw (Port Elizabeth).—rGoldberg & De Villiers, Port Eliza­ SOUTH-WEST AFRICA - SUIDWES-AFPJKA
619/76/3—COWLEY, Thomas Niel Archibald, 101-213064W, At the office of the Master, WINDHOEK, and also of the
3 Muir Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, Amended First and magistrate of the district when stated in parentheses.
Final; Francina Margaretha Cowley, bom Kruger, 101-213065W By die kantoor van die Meester, WINDHOEK, en ook van die
(Port Elizabeth).—Powels & Co., Port Elizabeth. landdros van die distrik wanneer dit tussen hakies gerneld word.
2878/76/3—SEPTEMBER, Susannah, bom Wildeman, 155 68/77—OBERFIOLSTER, Adriaan Jacobus, 260108 5018 3,
Willow Road, Fairview, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—Ivan Nelsrus, Keetmanshoop; Regina Cecilia Jacoba Oberhclster,
Wilke & Weiss. gebore Esterhuyse (Keetmanshoop).—Volkskas, Windhoek.
2864/76/2—STRYDOM, Frederick Peter, 200920 5056 00 4, 436/75—JACOBS, James William, Walvisbaai (Walvisbaai).—•
Crossstraat 23, Uitenhage (Uitenhage).—Boland Bank, Uitenhage. D. J. E. Laubscher, Windhoek.
3197/76/3—THERON, Johannes Lodewicus, 230119 500500 4, 672/74—DIXON, Hendrik William, Usakos, Eenste en Tweede
Lot 97, Butterfield Road, Little Chelsea, Port Elizabeth; Magda­
lena Susanna Theron, born Pretorius, 221228 001100 7 (Port en Finale (Usakos).—D. J. E. Laubscher, Windhoek.
Elizabeth).—The Standard Bank, Port Elizabeth. 261/68—SMIT, Jacobus, Windhoek; Hermine Elisabeth Smit.—
95/77/1—PRETORIUS, Jacobus Carel (Carl) Frederick, 031 D. J. E. Laubscher, Windhoek.
006 5007 00 0, Primularylaan 29, Uitenhage (Uitenhage).—Die 469/75—GURIRAB, Albert, Windhoek.—D. J. E. Laubscher,
Standard Bank, Port Elizabeth. Windhoek.
2714/76/2—GRESSE, Lodewyk Christoffel, 100727 5005 00 1- 548/76 — HAASBROEK, Gideon Jacobus, 931004 5004 00 3,
Kiewietjielaan 128, Astonbaai, Pk. Jeffreysbaai; Marie Johanna Rundu (Rundu).—Die Standard Bank, Windhoek.
Gresse, gebore Faculin-Gous. 141128 0005 00 8 (Humansdorp).— 420/76—FRITZSCHE, Erika Paula, 191016 0004 007, P.O. Box
Die Standard Bank, Port Elizabeth. 2384, Windhoek.—Engling, Stritter & Partners, Windhoek.
2880/76/3B—BATEMAN. Constance May, 101 685 191 W, 22 138/77 — STANTON, George Frederick, 020818 5008 00 9,
St Philips Street, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—Hutchison & Swakc.pmund (Swakopmund).—F. M. Oehl, Windhoek.
Co., Port Elizabeth. 126/77—WEIDAS, Casilia Sofia, 050731 0003 10 2, Swakop­
2630/76/1B—KENT-BROWN, Bernard William, 034-872162 mund (Swakopmund).—C. J. Lohmann.
W, 14 Hebbes Street, Cambridge, East London (East London).— 64/77—SCHAFFNER, Elsa, 911220 0002 00 8.—Barclays-Nasio-
David L. Russell & Lindsay, East London. nale Bank, Windhoek.
2654/76/2—OLIVIER, Johanna Jacomina Catharina Olivier, 407/76—SPANGENBERG, Gert Johannes, 340117 5008 00 9,
134 205050 W, Oribstraat 1, Jeffreysbaai (Humansdorp).—Boland Windhoek, Tweede en Finale; Susanna Francina Spangenberg,
Bank, Albertinia. gebore Visser, 420624 0009 00 0 (Mariental).—Barclays-Nasionale
1653/76/1—WESTRAADT, Gerhard Stephanus (Stefanus), 561 Bank. Windhoek.
2075013000, 7 Robview Flats, Sidwell, Port Elizabeth (Kirk­ 10/77—GODDARDT, Andries Jacobus Cornelius, Windhoek,
wood).—Goldberg & De Villiers, Port Elizabeth. —Barclays-Nasionale Bank, Windhoek.


Form/Vorm J 28
Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by thj
Masters of the Supreme Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order
of the said Court.
Tile particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date upon
which and division of court by which order made and upon the application of.
Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Mecsters
van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer
of gelikwideer is.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedal/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy;
datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en op die aansoek van.
N248A/77—ROSEN KITCHEN UNITS, 46 Teakwood Road, N21S/77—JAYADABEE, 24 Mendip Place, Overport, Durban.;
Clairwood, Durban. 6/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. I>es 27/4/77, Durban and Coast Local. Indersingh.
Stranack & Co. (Pty) Ltd. N257/77—POLY-WOOD DISTRIBUTORS (PTY) LTD, 489
N248B/77—PERSADH. Jairaj Rosen, 46 Teakwood Road, Umgeni Road, Durban. 20/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. Flor-
Clairwood, Durban. 6/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. Des. Stra­ time (Pty) Ltd.
nack & Co. (Pty) Ltd. C228/77—VINCENT, Jenifer Elizabeth Dee, bom Clark, a
N248C/77—PERSADH, Sewpaul Rosen, 46 Teakwood Road, company director, c/o Wynberg Medical Centre, Main Road,
Clairwood, Durban. 6/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. Des Stranac Wynberg. 22/4/77, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Edward John
& Co. (Pty) Ltd. Vincent.
N237/77—TULBAR INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, Ninth C275/77—KABRUN, P. (P. Kaplan), a builder, 33 Avenue
Floor, Standard House, 275 Smith Street, Durban. 6/5/77, Durban Fresnaye, Sea Point, Cape. 18/5/77, Cape of Good Hope Provin­
and Coast Local. Delicia Ann Benvick. cial. Shelley Properties (Pty) Ltd.
N238/77—LURIE, Aubrey, 43 N o r t h Ridge Road, Durban. 13/ C 2 1 8 /7 7 —ANACACHO (EDMS.) BPK., geregistreerde kantore
5/77, Durban and Coast Local. The Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd. te Homes Trustgebou, Hoofstraat 367, Paarl, K.P. 3/5/77, ICaap
N247/77—ALEXANDER, Elaine Emma, 25 Heuwellaan, New­ die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. Andries Charel le Roux.
castle, Natal. 6/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. Concorde Leasing C248/77—PIESANG VALLEY ESTATES (EDMS.) BPK., han-
Corporation (Natal) Ltd. deldrywende as Kudu Bouers, geregistreerde hoofkantoor te
K23/77—GOOSEN, Willem Hendrik Jacobus, ’n Blanke man Sanlamgebou, ICerkstraat, Mosselbaai, K.P. 4/5/77, Kaap die
woonagtig te Eleetra Park 18, Beaconsfield, Kimberley. 20/5/77, Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. Alwyn Burger & Kie.
Noord-Kaapse. Magnus Macleod & Kie. C280/77—ESTERHUIZEN, Philip Andrew, trading as Casual
N209/77—ABBOTT, Brian, residing at 20a Milton Road, V/est- Man Outfitters, S.A. Permanent Buildings, 345 Main Road, Paarl,
yille. 22/4/77, Durban and Coast Local. Elanor Julia Abbott. Cape. 10/5/77, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Barendene Marais
N220/77—SEWBALAK. Krishenlall, 24 Mendip Place, Over- Esterhuizen.
port, Durban. 27/4/77, Durban and Coast Local. Indersingh. B86/77—RHEEDER, Benjamin Fredeman Jr., woonagtig te
N219/77—MANILALL, 24 Mendip Place, Overport, Durban. Plot 2, David Malankleinhoewes, Kroonstad. 20/5/77, Oranje-
27/4/77, Durban and Coast Local. Indersingh. Vrystaatse Provinsiale. Benjamin Fredeman Rbeeder Sr.
N217/77—SEWBALAK, c /o M. K. Sewbalak & H. Ramharak, N252/77—STUCO CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, registered
24 Mendip Place, Overport, Durban. 27/4/77, Durban and Coast office at Third Floor, N.B.S. Buildings, 39 Hill Street, Pinetowm
Local: Indersingh. 13/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. Pinetown Motors (Pty) Ltdj
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 121

B88/77—RoD ER, E. E., conducting business under the style T882/77—VAN HEERDEN, Lambertus Albertus, carrying on
of Ons Winkel at corner of President Steyn and Trichardt Streets, business at Helvetia Buildings, Jan Smuts Highway, Edenvale,
Sasolburg, O.F.S. 20/5/77, Orange Free State Provincial. Jacray 17/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. Stanley John Abrams.
Investments (Pty) Ltd. T 811/77—KEMPTON PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, having its
B84/77—PREFABRICATED TRUSSES (PTY) LTD, ’n pri- registered office and principal place of business at 102 Corlett
vaatmaatskappy met beperkte aanspreeklikheid, met geregistreerde Drive, Birnam, Johannesburg. 3/5/77, Witwatersrand Local.
hoofkantoor te p /a Warner & Newton, Cricketstraat 4, Bloem­ Richard Norman Harvey.
fontein. 20/5/77, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. Franz Walter T822/77—KEMP, Elizabeth Sophia Francina, handeldrywende
Klaue. as Jo-Lindra Boutique, Checkerssentrum, Markstraat 9, Middel-
C271/77—HAVENGA, Daniel Francois, ’n rekenmeester by burg, en woonagtig te Joubertstraat 14, Middelburg. 3/5/77,
Arimech Investments (Edms.) Bpk., Ashweg, Phillipi 8, en woon- Transvaalse Provinsiale. Marthinus Cornelius Smit.
agtig te Chrismarhof 9, Bloubergweg, Table View, Kaapstad. T812/77—GROOVY CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, having
6/5/77, Kaap die Goeie Hoop Provinsiale. Albertus Johannes its registered office at c/o Norman Sifris & Co., 1014 Rand
Fabricius. Central, Jeppe Street, Johannesburg. 3/5/77, Witwatersrand
C253/77—FALSE BAY BROKERS (PTY) LTD, registered Local. Normell Investments (Pty) Ltd.
offices at c/o Chas Barnett Vignazia & Co., Strand Towers, Strand T861/77—GENTS CENTRE (PTY) LTD, having its registered
Street, Cape Town. 4/5/77, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. office at c/o Levin Rosenberg Blumberg, Standard Bank Cham­
Michael Robert Gowing. bers, corner of Troye and Commissioner Streets, Johannesburg.
E76/77—RED ARROW PROPERTY CONSULTANTS (PTY) 10/5/77. Witwatersrand Local. Trump & Springbok Holdings
LTD, having its registered offices c/o Cohen, Morris & Com­ (Pty) Ltd.
pany, Charterhouse, 7 Lawrence Street, Port Elizabeth. 10/5/77, T851/77—DU SIRKEL LANDGOED (EDMS.) BPK., met
South-Eastern Cape Local. Jacobus Henri Botha. geregistreerde kantoor te p /a G. G. Slander, ouditeur en reken­
N251/77—NIEMAND, N. J., carrying on business under the meester, Hallmarkgebou 226. Proesstraat, Pretoria. 10/5/77, Trans­
style of Trof Investments, residing at 22 Broadway, Westville. vaalse Provinsiale. Nicolaas Willem Herbst.
13/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. E.M. Joinery Manufacturers T872/77—MUTUSAMY PACKERY, busin«sman, residing at
(Pty) Ltd. 1692 Jewell Street, Laudium, Pretoria. 11/5/77, Transvaal Pro­
vincial. Barclay? Western Bank Ltd.
N243/77—KWIKTILE (PTY) LTD. 6/5/77, Durban and Coast T852/77—BEBEP LEVEL CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, c/o
Local. Robert George Dargie. Von Gesnu Coetzee & De Wit, 32 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria.
N244/77—CONNELLAN, Kevin. 6/5/77, Durban and Coast 10/5/77 Transvaal Provincial. Debep Konstruksie (Edms.) Bpk.
Local. Heather Dawn Meyer. T82.0/77—ERIC WATSON’S PAINT AND HARDWARE
N225/77—PANREST (PTY) LTD, trading as Cosmo Restau­ (PTY) LTD. having its registered office at Tareka Buildings, 21
rant. 20/5/77, Natal Provincial. White House Purchasing Com­ Merriman Avenue, Vereeniging, Tvl. 3/5/77, Transvaal Provin­
pany (Pty) Ltd. cial. Ex oarte.
(PTY) LTD. 13/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. Levitt & Dawdle. streete kantoor te Soutpansbergweg 243. Rietondale, Pretoria.
B87/77—BRITS, Anna Susanna, gebore Neethling, ’n klerk in 25/5/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale. Lawson’s Autodiesels (Jhb.)
diens van Kroonstad-Wes Kooperasie Bpk., ICroonstad, en voor- (Edms.) Bpk.
heen handeldrywende te Bambi Padkafee, Louwstraat, Kroonstad. T925/77—NEW DECISION INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD,
20/5/77, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. Paul Johannes Neethling. having its registered office at Seventh Floor Homes Trust Build­
T929/77—MAYAT, Mahomed Main, who traded in partner­ ings, corner of Fox and Rissik Streets, Johannesburg. 24/5/77,
ship with Rashid Ahmed Mayat under the style of Abrahim Witwatersrand Local. Simbro fPtv) Ltd.
Mayat & Co., a firm carrying on business as wholesale mer­ T915/77—S.A. TOOLMAKERS (PTYi T TD. having its regis­
chants at 54 Market Street, Johannesburg. 24/5/77, Witwaters- tered offing and place of business at 67 Steele Road, Spartan,
rand Local. Cabco (Pty) Ltd. Kempton Park. 24/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte.
T918/77—THE GOLDEN VOICE RECORDING CO. (PTY) T856/77—GOODCHILD, Colin, residing at 134 Rivonia Road,
LTD, having its registered office at 202-203 Fedmis Buildings, Momingside, Johannesburg. 10/5/77, Transvaal Provincial.
corner of West and Anderson Streets, Johannesburg. 24/5/77, Orange Free State Land and Estate Co. (Pty! Ltd.
Witwatersrand Local. Columbia-EMI Greece S.A.
T877/77—CHARAD, Marjorie Patricia and Solomon Oshry T906/77—DE CECCO & CAMMERATT (PTY) I TO. met
N.N.O., in their capacities as executors of the late Jack Colin hoofkantoor te Mpandeweg 4, Sebenza, Edenvale. 24/5/77, Wit-
Charad. 10/5/77, Transvaal Provincial. Fordom Factoring Ltd. Plaaslike. G. A. de Cecco.
T897/77—GABBE, Siegfried Isaac, who presently resides at T905/77—FOUR TWO N IN E SANDOWN EXTENSION
11 Gatwick, Sixth Road, Hyde Park, Johannesburg. 17/5/77, (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 305 Ingram’s Corner,
Witwatersrand Local. B.P. & J.M. Investments (Pty) Ltd. 98 Twist Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg. 24/5/77, Witwatersrand
T927/77/A SRIII/A —JUDLYN (PTY) LTD, having its regis­ Local. Mervyn Israel Swartz N.O. (in bis capacity as the duly
tered office at Seventh Floor, Homes Trust Buildings, 103 Fox appointed provisional trustee of the insolvent estate of Johannes
Street. Johannesburg. 24/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. Simbro Petrus De Wet Nel).
(Pty) Ltd. T840/77—RELPH, I. A., an adult male whose present occu­
T899/77—STAROGRAD, Freida, carrying on business as a pation is unknown and who is believed tio be somewhere in
retail butcher, Valley Butchery, situate at 91 Broadway, Bezui- the United Kingdom. 3/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. S.T.C. Trust
denhout Valley, Johannesburg. 18/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. Co. (Ptv"l Ltd.
Richard Lewis Abrahams. T904/77—AERIALUX (PTY) LTD, having its registered office
at c/o Ke*sel Feinstein Torch & Co.. 12th Floor, Penmore
T917/77—LEVIN, Simon, a company director. 309 Duke’s Tower, 1 Rissik Street, Johannesburg. 24/5/77, Witwatersrand
Court, First Street, Killarney, Johannesburg. 24/5/77, Witwaters­ Local. Browmen Investments (Pty) Ltd.
rand Local. The Legal Trust Corporation (Pty) Ltd.
T934/77—UNITAS (PTY) LTD, trading as Centrum Pharmacy
T900/77—CARARA (EDMS.) BPK., met geregistreerde kan- and having its main place of business at 17 Central Avenue
toor te Selwyn Court 10, Weststraat 14, Kempton Park. 3 /5 / Kempton Park, and carrying on business as a pharmacy. 24/5/77,
77, Transvaal Provinsiaal. Lodewicus Johannes Bouwer. Transvaal Provincial. Pretoria Wholesale Druggists (Pty) Ltd.
C276/77—ZARTZ, Zelic, a company director, 16 St Filfens T926/77—BERLON INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, having its
Road, Camps Bay, C.P. 11/5/77, Cape of Good Hope Provincial registered office at Seventh Floor, Homes Trust Buildings, 108
Division. Gross Hendler & Abrams. Fox Street, Johannesburg. 24/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. Simbro
C560/76—ABDOL, Ismail, trading as Bella Builders and Con­ (Pty) Ltd.
tractors, Sidi-Barrani, Seventh Avenue (off Prince George Drive), T914/77—DE BEER. Johannes, a building contractor of c/o
Grassy Park. 10/5/77, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Isaak First Floor, Flomia Buildings, Witbank. 17/5/77, Transvaal Pro­
Abdol. vincial. Greenham G roup (Pty) Ltd, trading as Greenham Plant
tered offices at Assegaai Road, Parow Industria, C.P. 3/5/77, T924/77—LEXINGTON HOMES (PTY) LTD. having its regis­
Cape of Good Hope Provincial. Basil Rene Bloch. tered office at Seventh Floor, Homes Trust Buildings, corner of
T862/77—ONE BOLTON ROAD (PTY) LTD. having its regis­ Fox and Rissik Streets, Johannesburg. 24/5/77, Witwatersrand
tered office c/o United Trust, 301 New Plaza Centre, corner of Local. Simbro (Pty) Ltd.
Jeppe and Rissik Streets, Johannesburg. 10/5/77, Witwatersrand T916/ 77—CONTAMINATION CONTROL (PTY) LTD, hav­
Local. Yovan Stevan Paul Ristic. ing its registered address and place of business at 67 Steele Road,
T883/77—THIRST SPARKLE (PTY) LTD, carrying on busi­ Spartan, Kempton Park. 24/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. Ex parte.
ness at 42 Stanhope Road, Malvern East, Johannesburg. 18/5/77, T919/77—MAYAT, Rashid Ahmed, who traded in partner­
Witwatersrand Ixtcal. Conical Containers Co. (Pty) Ltd. ship with Mahomed Main Mayat, under the style of Abrahim
T892/77—D E SMIDT, Dirk Johannes, residing at 4 Karee Mayat & Co., a firm carrying on business as wholesale merchants
Street, Greenhills, Randfontein, Tvl. 17/5/77, Witwatersrand at 54 Market Street, Johannesburg. 24/5/66, Witwatersrand
Local. Megmick Holdings (Pty) Ltd. Local. Cabco (Pty) Ltd*
122 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

Form/Vorm J 29
The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or having been placed under
provisional judicial management by order of the Supreme Court of South Africa, Masters of the Supreme Court hereby give notice, pursuant
to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections
356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the
said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or
companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in sections 364 or 431 of Act 61 of 1973,
as the case may be.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date of the
provisional and date of the final order, and division of court by which order made, and date, hour and place of meeting.
Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, gelikvvideer
of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hic-rby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1)
van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 1966;.s (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die
Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuideisers, kontribuante, ledc of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels
of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing
van kurators, iikwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders, of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikels 364 of 431 van Wet 61 van 1973, na gelang van
die geval, gehou sal word.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde; Nommer vanboedel/maatskappv; naamen beskrvwing van boedel/maatskappy; datum
van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardetir order gemaak is, en datum, uur en piek van byeenkoms.
In ’n plek v. aarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke vcor die Landdros gehou.
N178/77—DE BEZANCON-BALLAIGUES, G. R. E. M., car­ E l 1/77/1—SEABELL. Eric Allen, 9 Van Riebeek Street,
ries on business under name of Pinetown Pets and Aquaria, 1 Ermelo, Transvaal. 28/4/77, Eastern Cape Local. 23/6/77, lOhOO,
Medical Centre, Kings Road, Durban. 1/4/77—6/5/77, Durban Ermelo.
and Coast Local. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Pinetown. N 122/77—W EN lZEL, Lucas, carrying on business under the
N108/77—BARDON CONSTRUCTION CO. fPTY) LTD, 501 name of Central West Motor Co., 1221 Umgeni Road, Durban.
African Life Buildings, West Street, Durban. 25/2/77—22/4/77, 4/3/77—6/5/77, Durban and Coast Local Division. 30/6/77,
Durban and Coast Local. 23/6/77. lOhOO, Durban. lOhOO. Durban.
N 167/77—VOYSLY BOND & CO. (TVL) (PTY) LTD, Seventh N124 77—B.A.Z. MANUFACTURING CO. (PTY) LTD, c/o
Floor.-Prudential Buildings, 269 Smith Street, Durban. 25/3/77— Byron & Holmes, Third Floor, N.B.S. Centre, Hill Street, Pine­
29/4/77, Durban and Coast Local. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Durban. town. 4/3/77— 13/5/77, Natal Provincial. 30/6/77, lOhOO, Pine­
J. R. d’Abbadie, 701 Colonial Mutual Buildings, Durban. 1/4/77— N184/77—DURBAN SAW HOSPITAL AND PACKERS’
6/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Durban. WIRE SUPPLIERS (PTY) LTD, registered office at Ninth Floor,
K14/77—OBERHOLZER, Cornells Jacobus, ’n boer van die Standard House, Smith Street, Durban. 1/4/77— 13/5/77, Durban
plaas Oskamp, Riverton, distrik Kimberley. 15/4/77—20/5/77, arid Coast Local. 30/6/77, lOhOO, Durban.
Noord-Kaapse Provinsiale. 29/6/77. lOhOO, Kimberley. N193/77—ALF DIX & CO. (PTY) LTD, 10 Somme Street,
N188/77—JEROME ERROL (PTY) LTD, registered office at Howick, Natal. 15/4/77—20/5/77, Natal Provincial. 1/7/77,
P.O. Box 2231, Durban. 25/3/77—29/4/77, Durban and Coast lOhOO, Pietermaritzburg.
Local. 30/6/77. lOhOO. Durban. N 194/77—BOSMAN, Francis Matilda. 32 Russell Street, or
N198/77—D U FF’S TURF GUIDE (PTY) LTD, carrying on 129 Moore Road, Durban. 12/4/77— 13/5/77, Durban and Coast
business at 401 Union Club Buildings, Smith Street, Durban. Local. 30/6/77. 10h00. Durban.
15/4/77—13/5/77, Durban and Coast Local. 30/6/77, lOhOO, N195/77—BOSMAN, Barry Noel, 32 Russell Street, or 129
Durban. Moore Road, Durban. 12/4/77— 13/5/77, Durban and Coast
B68/77—GROBBELAAR, Gideon Jacobus, ’n boukontrakteur Local. 30/6/77, lOhOO, Durban.
van Klopperstraat 40, Bethulie. 20/5/77, Oranje-Vrystaatse Pro­ B75/77—BOTES, Andries Francois. Vrcdestraat 19. Villiers,
vinsiale. 22/6/77, 09h30, Bethulie. O.V.S. 28/4/77—20/5/77, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale. 22/6/77,
C228/77—VINCENT, Jennifer Elizabeth Dee, born Clark, a lOhOO, Villiers.
company director of Wynberg Medical Centre, Main Road, Wyn- T430/77—RANDPAVE (WITWATE R SR A ND) (PTY) LTD,
berg. 22/4/77—11/5/77, Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 23/6/77, having its registered offices at Second Floor, Sandton City, Sand-
09h00, Wynberg. ton. 8/3/77—3/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. 22/6/77, 09h00,
Cl 95/77—STRYDOM, Johannes Christoffel, ’n skrvnwerker Johannesburg.
by Nasionale Paaie te Beaufort-Wes en woonagtig te Birdstraat T581/77—JANSEN. Jacobus Albertus, ’n motorhandelaar te
131, Beaufort-Wes, K.P. 6/4/77—4/5/77, Kaap die Goeie Hoopse Voortrekkerweg 361, Gezina, Pretoria. 22/3/77—26/4/77, Trans-
Provinsiale. 1/7/77, lOhOO, Beaufort-Wes. vaalse Provinsiale. 22/6/77. lOhOO, Pretoria.
C215/77—PRO-DESIGN (EDMS.) BPK., Eerste Verdieping, T772/77—RADEMEYER, George, Ordrahof 18, Proesstraat,
Volkssentrum, Kruisstraat, Bellville, Kaap. 20/4/77— 10/5/77, Pretoria. 26/4/77— 10/5/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 22/6/77,
Kaap die Goeie Hoopse Provinsiale. 21/6/77, lOhOO, Bellville. lOhOO, Pretoria.
C216/77—CONNELLY, Yusuf, an insurance salesman of 23 T582/77—HECHTER, Stephanus Car! Preller, ’n motorhan­
Colesberg Circle, Heideveld. 20/4/77, Cape of Good Hope Pro­ delaar, Voortrekkerweg 361, Gezina, Pretoria. 22/3/77—26/3/
vincial. 23/6/77, 09h00, Wynberg. 77, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 22/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria.
C219/77—GEM SALON (PTY) LTD, 116 Longmarket Street, T692/77—VAN WYK, Mrs M. E. M.. carrying on business
Cape Town. 13/4/77. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Cape Town. as Triple Rose Construction and who resides at 54 High Road,
C183/77—DESHMOUK, Ayub, trading as Radiant Outfitters Gardens, Johannesburg. 12/4/77— 17/5/77, Witwatersrand Local.
at 28b Pine Road, Rylands Estate, and residing at 4 Doreen 22/6/77. 09h00, Johannesburg.
Road, Ryland Estate. Athlone, Cape. 6/4/77—4/5/77, Cape of T752/77—REEF GRILLER ROADHOUSE (PTY) LTD, hav­
Good Hope Provincial. 23/6/77, 09h00. Wynberg. ing its registered office at 48 Mufray Avenue, Meredale, Johan­
E64/77/2—FOURIE, Willem P., 78 Van Riebeeck Street, Wes­ nesburg. 19/4/77— 17/5/77, Witwatersrand Ix»cal. 22/6/77,
tering, Port Elizabeth. 12/4/77— 17/5/77, South-Eastern Cape 09h00, Johannesburg.
Local. 24/6/77, 14h00, Port Elizabeth. T593/77—SWART, Petronella Cornelia, die respondente is
E68/77/3—ELS, Johannes Christoffel, woonagtig te Wright- getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met mekaar en woon-
straat 2, Grahamstad. 20/5/77, Oos-Kaapse Plaaslike. 22/6/77, astig te Boekenhoutfontein. Rustenburg. 23/3/77— 10/5/77,
lOhOO, Grahamstad. Transvaalse Provinsiale. 22/6/77, 09h30. Rustenburg.
E70/77/3—BONZA BAY CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, hav­ T583/77—SWART, Cornells Jacob, die respondente is
ing its registered office at Inverlochy House, Argvle Street. East getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met mekaar, en woon-
London. 2:8/4/77—20/5/77, Eastern Cape Local. 24/6/77, lOhOO, agtig te Boekenhoutfontein. Rustenburg. 23/3/77— 10/5/77,
East London. Transvaalse Provinsiale. 22/6/77. 09h30, Rustenburg.
registered head office at c/o A. N. Munro & Partners, 1007 treerde kantore te Vandermerwelaan 108, Silverton-uitbreiding
Allied Buildings, Gardiner Street. Durban. 1/4/77— 13/5/77. 6. Pretoria. 6/5/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 22/6/77, lOhOO,
Durban and Coast Local Division. 30/6/77, lOhOO, Durban. Pretoria.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 123

T591/77—SEYMORE, Daniel Johannes Dorotneus Willem T896/77—VAN DER MERWE, Gert Johannes Jacobus,
Martin, ’n prokureur en direkteur van maatskappye, 16de Ver- woonagtig te Smitstraat 36, Rustenburg, en wie voorheen han-
dieping, Transvaalhuis, Pretoria. 29/3/77—3/5/77, Transvaalse delgedrywe het onder d ie' naam Rustenburg Joinery, welke
Provinsiale. 22/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria. besigheid allerlei houtwerk gedoen het. Tans is respondent werk-
T552/77—PEERLESS PLANT HIRE (PTY) LTD, having its loos. 17/5/77—24/5/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 29/6/77, 03h30,
registered office at c/o R. F. Levy & Co., 301/2 Fleetway House, Rustenburg.
208 Bree Street, Johannesburg. 22/3/77— 10/5/77, Witwaters- T654/77—STEEL M INING AND INDUSTRIAL EN G IN ­
rand Local. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. EERING (PTY) LTD, having its registered office at 10th Floor,
T721/77—RACHCAN HOMES (PTY) LTD, having its regis­ Unitas Buildings, Marshall Street, Johannesburg. 5/4/77—24/5/
tered head office at 13 Viljoen Street, Beyers Park, Boksburg, 77, Witwatersrand Local. 29/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg.
and carrying on business at Town Centre, Eloff Street, Boks­ T714/77—VAN ROOYEN, William Craigh, woonagtig te
burg. 19/4/77— 17/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. 22/6/77, lOhOO, Adlerstraat 170, Pretoria-Wes, en werksaam te Capital Bande
Boksburg. (Edms.) Bpk., Vonwillighstraat, Pretoria-Wes. 17/5/77, Trans­
T761/77—KOEN, Petrus Gerhardus Lourens, employed by vaalse Provinsiale. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria.
the South African Bureau of Standards, Groenkloof, Pretoria. T756/77—SCHOEMAN, Michael Coenraad, woonagtig te Pot-
19/4/77— 10/5/77, Transvaal Provincial. 22/6/77, lOhOO, gieterstraat 118, Potchefstroom, en handeldrywende as Carlton
Pretoria. Juweliers te Kerkstraat 161, Potchefstroom. 25/5/77, Transvaalse
T751/77—RUHLING, Karel Godfriedt Edward, woonagtig te Provinsiale. 29/6/77, lOhOO, Potchefstroom.
Perseel 49, Waterval, distrik Krugcrsdorp. 19/4/77— 10/5/77, T567/77—BARBOLT (PTY) LTD, having its registered office
Witwatersrand Plaaslike. 24/6/77, )0h00, Krugersdorp. at Fifth Floor, 80 Marshali Street, Johannesburg. 24/3/77—•
T311/77—COCHRANE, De Wit. D.S.L.-woonstelle 104, Esse- 17/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. 22/6/77, 09h00. Johannesburg.
lenstraat, Sunnyside, Pretoria. 22/2/77—26/4/77, Transvaalse T898/77—JUMBO FOAM (PTY) LTD, having its registered
Provinsiale. 22/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria. office at Third Floor, Omnia Centre, Frederick Street, Johannes­
T441/77—SABSAN INVESTMENT (PTY) LTD, respondent’s burg. 30/3/77—24/5/77, W’itwatersrand Local. 22/6/77, 09h00,
registered office at 807 Medical Centre, Jeppe Street, Johannes­ Johannesburg.
burg. 8/3/77—26/4/77, Witwatersrand Local. 22/6/77, 09h00, T697/77—DUNNOTTAR DRIVE-INN THEATRE (EDMS.)
Johannesburg. BPK., having its registered office at c/o Dakota Drive-Inn
T545/77—HURST, Stanley, 26 Third Avenue, corner of Theatre, Main Reef Road, Industria, Johannesburg, and carries
Third Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg. 23/3/77—5/4/77, on business as a property owing company. 12/4/77— 17/5/77;
Witwatersrand Local. 29/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. Transvaal Provincial. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg.
T275/77—MILLER, Thomas Henry, a broker of 5 Anirin T698/77—A.E.K. FILM INVESTMENTS (EDMS.) BPK.,
Court, Susanna Road. Florentia, Alberton. 17/2/77—24/5/77, having its registered office at c/o Dakota Inryteater, Main Reef
Witwatersrand Local. 29/6/77, 09b30, Alberton. Road, Industria, Johannesburg. 12/4/77— 17/5/77, Transvaal
T876/77—BOTES, Theonette Yolanda, getroud binne gemeen- Provincial. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg.
skap van goedere met uitsluiting van maritale mag met Johan T397/77—BEVERLEY STANVER BUTLER, trading as B. S.
Hendrik Botes. Die respondent het voorheen handelgedryf as Butler Painting Contractors, who carries on business at 319
bloemiste onder naam The Rosebud, Vermeulenstraat 231a, Jules Street, Johannesburg. 1 /3/77—24/5/77, Witwatersrand Local.
Pretoria, en woonagtig te Anton Vanwouwstraat 430, Water- 22/6/77. 09h00, Johannesburg.
kloof Glen-uitbreiding 3, Pretoria. 10/5/77—24/5/77, Transvaal T689/77—JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Michael Adriaan. 12/
Provinsiale. 23/6/77, lOhOO., Pretoria. 4/77— 17/5/77, Transvaal Provincial. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria.
T806/77—M.C. DRUKKERS (EDMS.) BPK., met geregis- T727/77—PEREXCEL (EDMS.) BPK., met vernaamste besig-
treerde adres te Slaierweg 55, Kilnerpark, Pretoria. 26/4/77— heidsplek te Panertogebou 209, Kingshighway 476, Lynnwood,
17/5/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 23/6/77, lOhOO. Pretoria, en wat sake doen in openbare skakelwerk en reklame,
T796/77—VAN NIEKERK, Martin Melt, a director of com­ Pretoria. 15/4/77— 10/5/77, Transvaal Provincial. 24/6/77, lOhOO,
panies, residing at Portion 96 (a portion of Portion 79) of the Pretoria.
farm Bronkhorstsfontein 329, Vereeniging. 29/4/77—24/5/77, T688/77—ATTI, Marie Theresa, an adult female whose occu­
Transvaal Provincial. 24/6/77, 09h30, Vereeniging. pation is to the applicant unknown, 96 Eighth Avenue, Mayfair,
T784/77—V.C. TRADING AGENCIES BPK., met geregis- Johannesburg. 12/4/77—3/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. 22/6/77,
treerde kantore te Hallmarkgebou 638, Vermeulenstraat. Pretoria. 09h00, Johannesburg.
26/4/77—24/5/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 23/6/77, lOhOO, T437/77—LEONS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS (PTY)
Pretoria. LTD, met geregistreerde kantoor te Eerste Straat 37, Boksburg-
T696/77—APTERA INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, having its Noord. 8/3/77— 17/5/77, Witwatersrandse Plaaslike. 22/6/77,
registered office at 109 Spes Bona Buildings, 19 Boom Street, lOhOO. Boksburg.
Klerksdorp, and carrying on business under the name and style T477/77—ETCO MAGOU BROUERY (EDMS.) BPK., with
of Arisona Roadhouse. Main Reef Road, Klerksdorp, and El registered office at c /o Philip Miller & Co.. Stiemens Buildings,
M atador Steakhouse, Church Street, Klerksdorp. 12/4/77— 17/ Church Street, Potchefstroom. 16/2/77— 18/3/77, Cape of Good
5/77, Transvaal Provincial. 29/6/77, 09h00, Klerksdorp. Hope. 24/6/77,lOhOO, Cape Town.
T840/77—RELPHAN. I. A., an adult male whose present occu­ T647 /77—NEL, Johannes Petrus D e Wet, an adult White male
pation is unknown and who is believed to be somewhere in the who is a director of companies, and a businessman and farmer
United Kingdom. 3/5/77—17/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. 29/6/ of Stand 429, Harris Road, Sandown Extension 18, Sandton.
77, 09h00, Johannesburg. 5/4/77—3/5/77, Witwatersrand Local. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannes­
T744/77—DE KOCK, Charles Frederick, woonagtig te Jacobus burg.
Vanrensburgstraat 42, Roosheuwel, Klerksdorp. en ’n bouer van ■1737/77—THE RAND EXECUTIVE APARTMENTS (PTY)
beroep. 24/5/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 29/6/77, lOhOO, Klerks­ LTD, having its registered office at Charles Schnaid, 1900 North
dorp. City. 51 Plein Street, Johannesburg. 10/5/77—47/5/77, Witwaters­
T644/77—MECENERO KONSTRUKSIE (EDMS.) BPK., met rand Local. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg.
geregistreerde kantore te Southern Lifegebou 402, Pretoriusstraat C260/77—KENILWORTH PALACE INVESTMENTS (PTY)
239, Pretoria. 5/4/77— 17/5/77, Transvaalse Provinsiale. 23/6/77, LTD, c/o Palace Hotel, Main Road, Kenilworth. Cape. 28/4/77,
lOhOO, Pretoria; Cape of Good Hope Provincial.23/6/77, 09h00, Wynberg.

Buy N ationa! Savings Certificates

Koop Masionale Spaarsertifikate

124 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

Form/Vcrm 1
Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129,179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections
33 Q 366, 375 (5) (b) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed
trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them
forthwith unless otherwise indicated.
Meetings of creditors or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned
below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs
and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of
the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate /company; name and description of estate/company; name and
address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done
Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywct, 1926 en artikels
339, 366, 375 (5) (b) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of
likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuidig is die skulde, tensy
anders vermeld, onmiddelik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal.
Byeenkomste van skuldeisers of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, ure en plekke hier­
onder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs
oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betrelfende die verkoop
of opvordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy;
naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld betaal most word, indien dit nie
onmiddellik moet geskied nie.
In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.
LTD, in liquidation; Basil Kenneth Spengler van Zyl and Leslie LTD, in liquidation; Brian W. Smith, c/o H. Nathan Trust (Pty)
Cohen, c/o Syfrets Trust and Executor S.A. Ltd, 94 Main Street, Ltd, P.O. Box 4205, Cape Town. 21/6/77, lOhOO, Bellville.
Port Elizabeth. 24/6/77, 14h00, Port Elizabeth. C303/76—L. GLEZER (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; Brian W.
B144/76—LUBBE, Jan Lodewyk. voorheen ’n direkteur van Smith, c/o H. Natahan Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4205, Cape
Sarrel Vervaardigingsmaatskappy (Edms.) Bpk., voorheen Babe- Town. 17/6/77, lOhOO, Cape Town.
legi, Pretoria; D. A. van der Berg, Kerkstraat 24a, Posbus 107, T1057/76—HERBST, J. A.; P. J. E. Meintjes, vir Witwaters-
Lindley, 15/6/77, lOhOO, Lindley. rand Trustees (Edms.) Bpk., Posbus 6805, Johannesburg. 29/6/
X3 /77—LOVE, Leonard Erwin, trading as Gigi’s at 86 Cathcart 77, lOhOO, Kempton Park.
Road, Queenstown, and as Lady Frere, Wholesalers at Lady E l 14/76/2—HANGKLIP DEVELOPMENT CO. (PTY) LTD,
Frere; Kenneth Norman Paterson, Ninth Floor, Trust Bank having its registered office at c/o Heinz J. Betz, Jacobs & Co.,
Centre, North Street, P.O. Box 963, East London. 29/6/77, lOhOO, Havilland House. Havelock Street, Port Elizabeth; David A. Mor­
Lady Frere. ris and Charles Lipschitz, c/o Cape Trustees (E.P.) (Pty) Ltd, A.A,
K36/76—COETZER. J. H., voorheen ’n prokureur, Mafeking; House, 4 Rink Street, Port Elizabeth. 24/6/77, 14h00, Port Eliza­
W. L. Schoeman, Posbus 720, Kimberley. 27/6/77, lOhOO, Mafe­ beth.
king. C131/77—BELLTIK (PTY) LTD: A. M. Rennie, for Thibault
N529/76—ATKINSON, William Anthony, 3/9/30, 300903505 Trust (Cape) (Ptv) Ltd, P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town, 8000. 21/6/
1109, formerly trading as Premier Motors, 92 Lyell Street. Lady­ 77, lOhOO, Bellville.
smith; V. R. Lee, c/o Reay Lee and Vernon Lee, P.O. Box Rennie and R Millman, c/o Thibault Trust (Cape) (Pty) Ltd,
491, Ladysmith. 24/6/77, llhOO, Ladysmith. P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town, 8000. 17/6/77, lOhOO, Cape Town.
N483/76—AMEENS BAZAAR (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; T307/77—H. P. WINKLER CUTLERY (PTY) LTD, in liqui­
V. R. Lee, 11 St Kitts Buildings, Pendy’s Lane, Ladysmith. 23/ dation; C. Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. 22/6/77,
6/77, 14h30, Glencoe. 09h00, Johannesburg.
B23/77—GIANI, A. L.; L. D. Y. Booysen, p /a Claude Reid T 1594/ 76—L’ESTRANGE AND CO. (PTY) LTD, in liquida-i
& Haylett, Unitedgebou, Posbus 1105, Bloemfontein. 22/6/77, tion; C. Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. 22/6/77, 09h00,
10h00, Bloemfontein. Johannesburg.
B37/77—BLANKESTIJN, M.; L. D. Y. Booysen, p /a Claude T408/77—DAMIANOS, D.: N. Bowman, P.O. Box 10527,
Reid & Haylett, Unitedgebou, Kerkstraat, Bloemfontein. 24/6/ Johannesburg. 22/6/77, 09h00, Roodepoort.
77, lOhOO, Bethlehem. T262/77—BRAKRIVTER BOERDERY (PTY) LTD. in liqui­
T296/77—MULTI-LITHO (PTY) LTD; Elick Chester, P.O. Box dation; L. Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. 24/6/77, 09h30,
347, Edenvale. 29/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg.- Warmbaths.
T345/77—JENNIFER MODES (PTY) LTD; Norman Sifris, K39/76—TSWANA FURNISHERS (PTY) LTD. in liquidation;
P.O. Box 4128, Johannesburg. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. L. Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. 27/6/77, lOhOO, Mafe­
N97/77—NEW LYRIC THEATRE (PTY) LTD; M. J. Ensor, king.
c/o Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, T187/77—R. CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD. in liquidation;
4000. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Durban. C. Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. 22/6/77, 09h30,
N38/77—DARSOT, I. E., residing at 304 Overport Centre, Springs.
358 Brickhill Road, Durban; F. D. Muller, c/o Security Executor C235/77—RABSONS INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in volun­
and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 23/6/77, lOhOO, tary liquidation; Harry Macnamara Beckett, 176 Sir Lowry Road,
Durban. Cape Town.
N 8 6 /7 7 — T H E B A T H A N D L I N E B O U T I Q U E (P T Y ) L T D ; N277/76—FORM ADVERTISEMENT (PTY) LTD, in volun­
F. D. Muller, c/o Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box tary/ liquidation: K. D. Krumm, c/o Sable Trustees, P.O. Box
1050, Durban, 4000. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Durban.- 4478, Durban, 4000. 23/6/77. !0h00, Durban.
N353/76—NAIDOO, D. G., trading as Allan’s Construction, N25/77—LABOUR FORCE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; K. D.
carrying on business at Allan’s Construction, 6 Middlemas Cres­ Krumm, c/o Sable Trustees, P.O. Box 4478, Durban, 4000,
cent, Reservoir Hills, Durban; J. A. Bruce, c /o Security Executor 7/7/77. lOhOO. Durban.
and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 23/6/77, lOhOO, C78/76—STANDER, Nicholas Duncombe. married in commu­
Durban. nity of property to Sheila Margaret Stander, born Litchfield,
E5/77/1—WINTEL INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ 14 Herschel Road. Claremont, Cape; Robert John Walters,
tion; Brian Godlonton, c/o Syfrets iru st and Executor S.A, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town. 23/6/77, 09h00,
Ltd, P.O. Box 447, East London. 17/6/77, lOhOO, East London. W'/nberg.
N78/77—ALEXANDER, David Irmes; K. D. Krumm, c/o C579/76—WEST SPRAY SERVICES (PTY) LTD, in liquida­
Sable Trustees, P.O. Box 4478, Durban, 4000. 1/7/77, lOhOO, Pie­ tion; Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 Strand
termaritzburg. Street, Cape Town. 2,9/6/77, 09h00, Goodwood.
E24/6/77 and E l 13/76/1—CLUNTARF (PTY) LTD, in liqui­ T731/76—BOOYSEN, J. L.; M. D. Blaha, for Desolaat (Pty)
dation; David A. Morris and Charles Lipschitz, c/o Cape Trus­ Ltd, P.O. Box 2109. Pretoria. 24/6/77, 09h30, Germiston.
tees (E.P.) (Pty) Ltd, A.A. House, 4 Rink Street, Port Elizabeth. T681/75—BOOYSEN, F. H.; M. D. Blaha, for Desolaat (Pty)
24/6/77, 14h00, P ort Elizabeths Ltd, P.O. Box 2109, Pretoria. 24/6/77, 09h30, Vereeniging.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 125


SERVICES (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; M. D. Blaha, for Desolat D. A. K ahan, c/o City T rust A dm inistrators (Ptv) Ltd, P.O. Box
(Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2109, Pretoria. 29/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria. 2142, Pretoria, COOl. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria.
T 1815 /76—FRANICK AUTO SPARES (PTY) LTD, creditors T72c/77—C A R R I L I I O , Joao, Jose D a Cruz; D. A. Kahan, c/o
voluntary winding up; G. W. Lampert, P.O. Box 3109, Johannes­ City T rust A dm inistrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2142, Pretoria,
burg, 2000. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. 0001. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg.
T453/77—C F E BELEGGINGS (EDMS.) BPK., in likwida­ T72B/77 — S A N T A N A , Jose Ferdinando N unes; D. A. Kahan,
sie; G. D. Kotze, Posbus 26299, Arcadia. 29/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria. c/o City T rust A dm inistrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2142, Pretoria,
T139/77—JOHAN VAN VUUREN BEHEREND (EDMS.) 0001. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg.
BPK., in likwidasie; G. D. Kotze, Posbus 26299, Arcadia. 1/7/ T840/76—GARDEN TECHNIQUE (PTY) LTD; D. A. Kahan
77, lOhOO, Pretoria. and V. R. Shames, c/o City Trust Administrators (Pty) Ltd,
R 190/77—PRETORIA EIENDOMS PROMOTORS (EDMS.) P.O. Box 2142, Pretoria, 0001. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg.
BPK., in likwidasie; G. D. Kotze, Posbus 26299, Arcadia. 1/7/ B47/77—D E L A N G E , FI. J.; P. R. Serfontein, p /a Naude &
77, lOhOO, Pretoria. Naude, Van der Wail & Vennote, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein. 22/
T194/77—KWADRO KONSTRUKSIE (EDMS.) BPK., in 6/77, lOhOO, Bloemfontein.
likwidasie; G. D. Kotze, Posbus 26299, Arcadia. 30/6/77, C417/75—INTAFINE TRUST CO. (PTY) LTD; A. H. Olver,
lOhOO, Pretoria. c/o The Board of Executors, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. 24/6/
T1837/76—BRIEL, J. M.; G. D. Kotze, P.O. Box 26299, 77, lOhOO, Cape Town.
Arcadia. 1/7/77, lOhOO, Vefeeniging. C414/75—ALPHA TRUST INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD;
T1849/76—HIRSHOWITZ, C. B.; J. G. A. Leyds, c/o Security A. H. Olver, c/o The Beard of Executors, 4 Wale Street, Cape
Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 2103, Johannesburg, 2000. Town. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Cans Town.
22/6/77, 09hOO, Johannesburg. C70/77—PENNAN PARK (PTY) LTD; E. B. Wallace, c/o
B74/77—SHIRUS HOLDINGS (EDMS,) BPK., in vrywillige The Board of Executors, 4 Wale Street, Cape Town. 24/6/77,
likwidasie; J. P. Sinit, Forumgebou 101, Aliwalstraat 20, Bloem­ lOhOO, Cape Town.
fontein. T457/77—BURGER, P. C. M.; J. F. Carstens, p /a Sekuriteit
T354/77—WILLERS, Martin Louis; V. A. van Diggelen, for Eksekuteurs- en Trustmaatskapy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria,
Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 3548, Pretoria. 29/6/77, lOhOO, 0001. 1/7/77, lOhOO, Pretoria.
Pretoria. T1943/77—DE JAGER, A. L.; A. J. Hessels, Sekuriteit Ekseku­
T310/74—SUTHERLAND, Charles; I. L. van Diggelen, for teurs- en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 000L
Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 3548, Pretoria. 29/6/77, lOhOO, 30/6/77, 09h30, Phalaborwa.
Pretoria. T374/77—ALBERTYN, L. R.; A. J. Hessels, p /a Sekuriteit
T1915/76—BRACKENDOWNS REAL ESTATE (PTY) LTD, Eksekuteurs- en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria,
in liquidation; R. J. Bailey, c/o Metrust Ltd, P.O. Box 61517, 000i. 30/6/77, lOhOO. Pretoria.
Marsnalltown. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. N 114/77—CORONET METAL PRODUCTS (Pty) Ltd, In
T892/76—MENTONE TRACTOR SALES (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; F. D. Muller. Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd,
liquidation; Albert Ruskin, for Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 23/6/77, JOhOO, Durban.
Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. 22/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria. T108/77—T.E.N.L. ONDERNEMINGS (EDMS.) BPK., in
T320/77—NELSPRUIT JOINERY WORKS (PTY) LTD, in likwidasie; J. F. Carstens, p /a Sekuriteit Eksekuteurs- en Trust­
liquidation; I. S. Fynn, P.O. Box 61923, Marshalltown, 2107. 29/ maatskappy Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001. 1/7/77, lOhOO,
6/77, 09h30, Nelspruit. Pretoria.
T1614/76—LYSTER. A. G.; D. R. du Bourg, P.O. Box 61923, T527/77—RI-MARI (EDMS.) BPK., in likwidasie; A. J. Hes­
Marshalltown, 2107. 6/7/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. sels, p /a Sekuriteit Eksekuteurs- en Trustmaatskappy Bpk., Pos­
T398/77—STEYN, T. V/. R.; D. R. du Bourg, P.O. Box 61923, bus 3127. Pretoria, 0001. 27/6/77, 09h30, Ermelo.
Marshalltown, 2107. 6/7/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. T639/77—J. J. STRETCHER BELEGGINGS (EDMS.) BPK.;
T49/77—MERCURIS, B., trading as New City Supermarket; C. H. du Plooy, Posbus 466, Pretoria. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria,
I. S. Fynn, P.O. Box 61923, Marshalltown, 2107. 6/7/77, 09h00, T640/77—XMAX (EDMS.) BPK.; C. H. du Plooy, Posbus 466,
Johannesburg. Pretoria. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria.
T348/77—SIXSTEEL (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; D. A. T564/77—WHEELER, F. A. G. A.; A. S. P. Meyer, p /a
Kahan, c/o City Trust Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2142, A. S. P. Meyer Trust, Pcebus 3639, Pretoria. 30/6/77, lOhOO,
Pretoria, 0001. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria. Pretoria.
T381/77—CENTREX SALES (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; D. A. T594/77—SANDHAM, J.; A. S. P. Meyer, p /a A. S. P. Meyer
Kahan, c/o City Trust Administrators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2142, Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria. 30/6/77. lOhOO, Pretoria.
Pretoria, 0001. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. T337/77—OOSTRA INMAKERS (EDMS.) BPK., in likwida-
T72A/77—SANTANA J. F. N. and Carilho J. J. da C., trading sic; T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 29/6/77, 09h30, Witbank,
as Pastelaria Princesa; D. A. Kahan, c/o City Trust Adminis­ T12/77—RON’S BRAKE CENTRE (PTY) LTD, in likwida­
trators (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2142, Pretoria, 0001. 22/6/77, 09h00, sie; T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990, Pretoria. 29/6/77, 09h30, Rus-
Johannesburg. tenburg.
B49/77—McPHERSON, B. A.; T. D. Potgieter, p /a Naude & T260/77—BEZUIDENHOUT, J. J.; T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990,
Naude, Van der Wall & Vennote, Posbus 153, Bloemfontein, en Pretoria. 29/6/77, 09h30, Rustenburg.
P. J. Venter, p /a Rosendorf, Venter & Brink, Posbus 41, Bloem­ T105/77—VAN WIJCK, H.; T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990,
fontein. 29/6/77, lOhOO, Bloemfontein. Pretoria. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria.
Form/Vorm 2
Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366
of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors wiil be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being
wound up mentioned below, indicating the number of estate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and
piace of meeting and the purpose of meeting.
Meetings in a piace in which there is a Master’s Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339 en 366 van
die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in
likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met aanduiding van die nommer van boedel/maatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van
bcedel/maatskappy; die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doel van byeenkoms.
In ’n plek waarin ’n lcantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.
T1419/76—GLEN ISLE INVESTMENTS, in liquidation. 22/6/ Wynberg. To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without
77, 09h00, Johannesburg. Proof of claims. modification the following resolution:
T1040/76—INSPECTRON N.D.T. (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. That all liabilities incurred or to be incurred by the judicial
15/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. Proof of claims. manager or provisional judicial manager in the conduct of the
B127/76—H. AND L. ELECTRICAL (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ company’s business, shall be paid in preference to all other
tion. 15/6/77, lOhOO, Welkom. Further proof of claims. liabilities not already discharged, exclusive of the costs of the
T 1596/76—KNIGHTS MACHINERY SUPPLY CO. (PTY) judicial management.
LTD, in liquidation. 23/6/77, 09h30, Germiston. Further proof C460/76—BRITS, Dunley, a company director, 130 Merriman
of claims. Avenue, Stellenbosch and trading as Sentrum Electrical Co.,
C260/77—KENILWORTH PALACE INVESTMENTS (PTY) Dorp Street, Stellenbosch. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Cape Town. F or the
LTD, under provisional judicial management. 23/6/77, 09h00, proof of claims.
126 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

under provisional judicial management. 16/6/77, 09h00, Wynberg. Greytown, Natal. 22/6/77, lOhOO, Greytown. Proof of claims.
To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modifica­ T1080/72— VIERFONTEIN HOTEL EN BOTTELSTOOR
tion the following resolution: (EDMS.) BPK. 22/6/77, lOhOO, Klerksdorp. Bewys van verdere
That all liabilities incurred or to be incurred by the judicial eise.
manager or provisional judicial manager in the conduct of the C431/76—DE VILLIERS, B. E. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Cape Town.
company’s business, shail be paid in preference to all other liabili­ For the purpose of receiving the trustee’s report and receiving
ties not already discharged, exclusive of the costs of the judicial directions as per the resolutions attached to the report.
management. C4 51/76—BOOYENS, Thysie. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Cape Town.
T287/76—GLENWOOD SALES OFFICE (PTY) LTD, in liqui­ For the purpose of receiving the trustee’s report and receiving
dation. 16/6/77, lOhOO, Durban, (a) Further proof of claims and directions as per the resolutions attached to the report.
(b) interrogation of witnesses and for creditors to give further C271/75—DE FRANCA, D. R. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Cape Town.
instructions to the liquidator if necessary. Further proof of claim.
T1326/74—AUTO ROOF TOPS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. C402/76—LUYT, Margot M. 1/7/77, lOhOO, Cape Town.
22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. For proof of claims.
TI357/75—BOTHA, N. M. 24/6/77, 09h30, Witbank. Further C406./76—VAN VREDEN, Johannes Hendrik, trading as Con­
proof of claims. tinental Joinery Works (Pty) Ltd, 26 Natal Street, Paarden Eiland,
T709/76—PRETORIUS, C. M. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria. F ur­ Cane Town. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Cape Town. F or proof of claims.
ther proof of claims. C396/76—MARTIN, Archibald Ernest. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Cape
T479/75—M.V.R. BRICK AND TILE (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ Town. For proof of claims and to adopt the resolution that
tion. 24 /6 I 'l l , lOhOO, Pretoria. Further proof of claims. the trustees be and are hereby authorised in terms of Section 78
T 1042/74—J. A. MEYER & SEUNS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ (3) of the Insolvency Act of 1936, as amended, to compromise or
tion. 22/6/77, lOhOO, Pretoria. Further proof of claims. admit any claims against the estate.
T1210/76—TWO’S UP (PTY) LTD. in liquidation. 22/6/77, Cl 60/76—FIVE STAR MOTORS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation.
09h00, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. 8/7/77. lOhOO, Cape Town. F or proof of claims.
T i 545/76—INTERNATIONAL ROCK PRODUCTS (PTY) T59/77—DUPISANI, W. J. 24/6/77, IOhOO, Potchefstroom.
LTD, in liquidation. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. Further Verdere bewys van eise.
proof of claims. T636/ 76—MULLER, J. J. 23/6/77, IOhOO, Pretoria. Verdere
TIONS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannes­ T632 '76—LEBUE (EDMS.) BPK. 29/6/77, IOhOO, Pretoria.
burg. Further proof of claims. Verdere bewvs van eise.
_ N90/75—J.P. DEVELOPMENT CO. (PTY) LTD. in liquida­ T561/76—GROBBELAAR, P. F. 24/6/77, O9h30, Louis
tion. 16/6/77, lOhOO, Durban. General meeting of creditors. Trichardt. Verdere bewys van eise.
C396/75—NAUDE, Johannes Petrus Jordaan, boer, Ladismith, N282/76—SOUTH COAST PLUMBING WORKS (PTY)
K.P. 29/6/77, 09h30, Ladismith, K.P. Bewys van verdere eise. LTD, in liquidation. 30/6/77, 09h30, Port Shepstone. Further
K14/76—G. H, BRYANT & SONS. 22/6/77, lOhOO, Kimberley. proof of claims.
Bewys van verdere eise. T l648/76—HAVENGA, J. W. 24/6/77, 09h30, Krugersdorp.
E103/76/1—WINTERMAN, Bertie. 24/6/77, 14h00, Port Eli­ (a) Further proof of claims, (b) Interrogation.
zabeth. Proof of debt. T ! 510/76—LUBBE, J. L. 29/6/77, 09h30, Roodepoort. F ur­
C259/76—SUID-KAAP MUSIEK (EDMS.) BPK., in liquida­ ther nroof of claims.
tion. 24/6/77, lOhOO, Cape Town. Proof of claims. T i 925/76—PIETERSBURG CRUSHERS (PTY) LTD, in
B21/76—BEYERS, M. J. A. 22/6/77, lOilOO, Bloemfontein. likwidasie. 24/6/77, 09h30, Pietersburg. Tweede vergadering.
Om verdere eise te bewys. T452/77—STRETCHER, Jacobus Johannes. 22/6/77, IOhOO,
C357/76—CAPE VINYL INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD, in liqui­ Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise.
dation, trading as Pico Bello Handbags, Hydro Road, Stikland T913 .'76—TRANSTERRA MYNBOU BPK., in likwidasie.
Estate, Bellville. 24/6 '77. lOhOO, Cape Town. Proof of claims. 29/6177. 09h00, Johannesburg. Verdere bewvs van eise.
N220/76—STADLER, H. J. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Durban. Proof 9 6 /7 —VRYHEID G.T. DIESELS (PTY) LTD. 29/6/77,
of claims. llhOO. Vryheid. 1. Proof of further claims. 2. To pass resolu­
T1016/76—B. & N. RESTAURANT (PTY) LTD, in liqui­ tions giving instructions to the liquidator for the following: (a)
dation. 23/6/77, lOhOO. Pretoria. F or further proof of claims. The adjournment of the meeting to a date to be determined to
E107/76—ANTONIADES, Andreas, formerly trading as El interrogate present and former directors and/or shareholders.-
Greco. 24/6/77, 14h00, Port Elizabeth. Proof of debt. (b) Authorise the liquidator to proceed against present and for­
E146/76/2—CECIL KER-FOX (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, mer directors and/or shareholders for the recovery of what may
trading as interiana with registered office at 14th Floor, Murray be owing by them to the company.
and Stewart Centre, Terminus Street, East London. 24/6/77, T l 953/76—DALESIDE FOUNDRY (PTY) LTD, in liquida­
09h00, East London. Further proof of claims. tion. 22/6/77. 09h00. Johannesburg. Further proof of claims.
T670/76—EAGAR, Johan Jacob. 13/7/77, 09h30, Klerksdorp. T l 235/76—FLEXROCK COATINGS (PTY) LTD, in liqui­
Further proof of claims. dation. 22/6/77, 09h00, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims.
N86/76—COETZER. Dennis Harry, c/o Hippo Quarries, Groot- T891/76—S.A. FILTRATION EN GINEERING CO. ' (PTY)
geluk, Bergville. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Durban. Proof of claims. LTD. in liquidation. 22/6/77, 09h30, Springs. Proof of claims.
N80/76—SHEZI, A. P. (A. F. Shezi), Lot 2488, 33rd Avenue, T1836/76—ROY R. COCHRANE (EDMS.) BPK., in likwida­
Clermont Township, P.O. Clernaville. 23/6/77, lOhOO, Durban. sie. 23/6/77, IOhOO, Pretoria. Bewys van verdere eise.
Further proof of claims. C458/76—GERBER, John Frederick, wie voorheen handel
T1681/76—WATERBERRY CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, gedryf het as Saffierskrynwerkers te Brickstraat, Industriele-
in likwidasie. 24/6/77, 09h30, Pietersburg. Tweede vergadering om gebied, George. 24/6/77, 09h30, George. Bewys van laat eise en
vorderings te bewys. opdraete te ontvang.
N283/76—LAKSONS SUPPLIERS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ B167/75—MARX, Johan Pieter, Saaiplaas. Posbus 957, Vry­
tion. 16/6/77, lOhOO, Durban. Proof of claims. heid. 24/6/77, IOhOO, Bethlehem. Bewys van verdere eise.

Form/Vorm 3
Pursuant to sectio n 109 (1) o f th e In so lv en cy A c t, 1936, a n d se c tio n 135 (1) (c) o f th e C o m p a n ie s A c t, 1926, notice is h e reb y given
that after the expiration of a period of 14 days as from the date of publication hereof, it is the intention of the trustees or liquidators, as
the case may be, of the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, to apply to the respective Masters for an ex­
tension of time, as specified below, within which to lodge liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; name ana
date of appointment of trustee or liquidator; date when account due; period of extension required and to which Master application will
be made.
Ingevolge artikel 109 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 135 (1) (c) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, word hierby kennis gegee
dat kurators of likwidateurs van die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld
voornemens is om na afloop van *n termyn van 14 dae vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, die betrokke Meesters om n verlenging
van die termyne hieronder genoem, vir die indiening van likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings te versoek.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy;
naam en datum van aanstelling van kurator of likwidateur; datum waarop rekening ingedien moet word; termyn van verlangde verlenging en
by watter Meester aansoek gedoen sal word.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUN1E 1977 No. 5583 127

T 1 142/76—WAINER, Chaim Kalman, formerly residing at 15 N353/76—NAIDOO, D. G., trading as Allan’s Construction,
Dalebro-ok Crescent, Victory Park, Johannesburg; Albert Ruskin, carrying on business at Allan’s Construction, 6 Middlemas Cres­
24/11/76. 24/5/77. Six months, Pretoria. cent, Reservoir Hills, Durban; J. A. Bruce, 25/11/76. 25/5/77.
T1143/76—WAINER, Dianne, formerly residing at 15 Dale- Six months, Pietermaritzburg.
brook Crescent, Victory Park, Johannesburg; Albert Ruskin, 19/ N 192/75—STOTT, Wallace Edward. 2.3/10/75. 8/6/77. Six
11/76. 19/5/77. Six months, Pretoria. months, Pietermaritzburg.
T898/76—JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Ruben, 56 Concourse K19/74—EYBERS, P. G. I.; Gerhardus Frederik Meyer van
Crescent, Aston Manor, Kempton Park; P. D. Berman, 9/11/76. Rooyen, 4/10/74. 4/4/75. 32 maande, Kimberley.
9/5/77. Six months, Pretoria. C454/75—HAYES, Jury Annes Truter; J. J. Rousseau, 5/2/76.
T1262/76—DEMETRIADES, Peter, formerly residing at The 25/5/77. Six months. Cape Town.
Gatehouse, Sandown Mews, Rivonia Road, Sandton; P. D. Ber­ T133/77—VAN WYK, G. P.; A. J. Hessels, 21/5/76. 26/5/77.
man, 23/11/76. 23/5/77. Six months, Pretoria. Drie maande.
C67/69—PARKER, A. G.; D. J. Rennie, 23/7/69. 18 months. T1253/76—VERIIOEF, M. P.; J. F. Carstens, 8/11/76. 8 /5 /
E122/76—SENDE, Rudolph Sibandile, a manufacturer of pre­ 77. Twee maande.
cast cement walls, N U I 2695, Mdantsane, East London; Kenneth T669/76—BEUKES, M. J. M.; J. F. Carstens, 25/5/76. 30/5/
Norman Paterson, 8/11/76. 8/5/77. Six months, East London. 77. Twee maande.
T1117/75—HAUPT, A. J.; A. J. Hessels, 12/11/75. 9/5/77.
T1274/75—DICKS, O. B.; C. Lipschitz, 7/10/75. 7/6/77. Six Ses maande.
months. T272/72—KLEINBUSSINK, A.; A. J. Hessels, 24/4/72. 27/
C463/72/3A—JOUBERT, Arnoldus Marthinus, bereddcr in 7/77. Ses maande.
terme van artikel 27 van die Landboukredietwet, No. 28 van T639/75—NEL, L. M.; A. J. Hessels, 26/8/75. 20/6/77. Drie
1928; B. J. Olivier, 22/1/73. 22/7/73. Vyf jaar. maande.
C396/75—NAUDE, Johannes Petrus Jordaan; J. F. Mouton, T1548/72/ASR3B—SHAW, W. A.; C. G. Foot, 15/6/73. 3/
17/12/75. 17/5/76. 15 maande, Kaapstad. 6/77. Two Months, Pretoria.
E39/75/3—LUANDA PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, in liquidation; T1446/75—PRETORIUS, J. A.; Bryan Terence Whitson, 25/
Basil Kenneth Spongier van Zyl. 11/5/77. Six months, Grahams- 5/76. 25/5/77. Three months, Pretoria.
town. 'T117I/76/ASR1—SFEROPOULOS, George; B. T. Whitson,
C173/76—PANGARKER, Abdul Sataar, trading as Craft- 27/10/76. 6/6/77. Three months, Pretoria.
Crete with business premises situated at- 11th Street Elsie’s River T919/76—C-ORDON-TYDD, A. G., trading as Park Edge
and is residing at 4 Rajah Road, Cravenby, Elsie’s River, C.P.; Food Services; R. J. Bailey, 10/9/76. 30/5/77. Three months,
F. D. Glaum, 23/11/76. 23/5/77. Six months. Pretoria.
5639— MOOLA, Mahomed Amod, director of companies, 202 T699/76—TRAUT, H. I.; R. J. Bailey, 1/10/77. 30/5/77.
Murchison Street, Ladysmith, Natal; M. J. Ensor, 7/2/74. 7 /5 / Three months, Pretoria.
77. Six months, Pietermaritzburg. T!497d/72—WILSON. P.; P. B. Oertel and G. W. Cox, 19/3/
5640— MOOLA, Amod Essop, director of companies, 20273. 18/4/77. Six months. Pretoria.
Murchison Street, Ladysmith, Natal; L. E. Tresheam and M. J. Cl H /75—FAULMANN, W. J.; Brian W. Smith, 30/9/75. 24/
Ensor, 11/2/74. 11/5/77. Six months, Pietermaritzburg. 4/77. Six months.

Form/Vorm 4
Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies
Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies men­
tioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a
period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever
may be the later date.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company/description of
account; account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s Office, date (if later than date of publication hereof), period (if longer than
14 days).
Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maat-
skappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die Iikwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedeis of die maatskappye, na
gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers of kontribuante sal le op die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin
genoem, gedurende ’n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld ol vanaf die datum
van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laaste is.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van bcedel/maatskappy; naam en beskryvving van boedel/maatskappy;
beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insae by Meester- en Landdroskantoor, datum (inaien later as publikasiedatum), tydperk (indien
langer as 14 dae).
N307/76—HAYBUCHANAN, B. B„ trading as Corgi Electro­ C129/76/5A—EKSTEEN, lacob Petrus, trading as Menscope
plating. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Boutique, Monte Rosa Buildings, Main Road. First Liquidation
Durban, 10/6/77. and Distribution. Cape Town, Paarl.
LTD, in liquidation. First liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution.
Johannesburg. Pretoria, Johannesburg.
B46/76—VAN DER RYST, G. J. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie T il 88/76—KEEN AN BEDDOW S.A. LTD, in liquidation.
en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, F rankfort First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg.
N202/74—O’HARA, T. W. First and Final Liquidation and T1283/74— VERSATILE CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, in
Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria,
T1040/76—IN SPEC TIO N N.D.T. (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Johannesburg.
First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T41/74—MAIN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (PTY)
N107/76—SIX GUN STEAKHOUSE (FRANCHISE) (WEST- LTD, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distri­
VILLE) (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation bution. Pretoria, Boksburg.
and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown, Durban. T322/75—DUMAS, A. Supplementary to the First and Final
C 2 8 8 /7 5 /4 A — CATHCART- J A M E S , I v a n H e n r y . F i r s t and L iq u id a tio n a n d D is tr ib u tio n . P r e to r ia , R u s te n b u r g .
and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. T736/76—U NIT TRANSPORT (PTY) LTD, in liquidation.
C177/75—AFRICA AIRPORT AND ROADMARKING First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannes­
(PTY) LTD. Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution. burg.
Cape Town. T1397/76—MELIN, L. First and Final Liquidation and Dis­
C494/74—PHOTO PROCESS (PTY) LTD. Third Liquidation tribution. Pretoria, Germiston.
and Distribution. Cape Town. T1415/75—INTERNATIONAL CAR HIRE CORPORATION
E80/75/3A—HOTEL FLORENCE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and
Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Grahamstown, Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg.
East London. T439/76—RODNEY BANKS PLANT H IR E (PTY) LTD, in
T609/76—DE JONGH, C. J. First and Final Liquidation, Dis­ liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johan­
tribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Randfontein. nesburg.
123 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

T243/75—SCHREIER, S. Second Liquidation and Distribution. C259/75/6A—MOOSA, M. Second and Final Liquidation and
Pretoria, Johannesburg. Contribution. Cape Town.
T57/75—SULCO SAND (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and B56/76—KLOPPER, Coenraad Christoffel. Eerste en Finale
Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein.
T1516/75—MINIBUILD (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Second 7058/74—PRETORIUS, P. W. J. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie
and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria. Johannesburg. en Distribusie. Pretoria, Johannesburg.
tion. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT (EDMS.) BPK. Eerste en Finale
C207/76—DASKA (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Johannesburg.
and Distribution. Cape Town. T436/75—ICE TIME PRODUCTIONS (EDMS.) BPK. Eerste
T149/74—JOHANNESBURG HOLIDAY MAGIC CENTRE en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Randfontein.
(PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and T745/76—RAUTENBACH, Donald Macpherson Beckett, IQ
Contribution. Pretoria, Germiston. Barnsley Road, Ferryvale, Nigel. First and Final Liquidation*
C302/76—MASSER, Aubrey Charles. First and Final Liqui­ Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Nigel.
dation and Contribution. Cape Town. T1297/75—CUR VILLAI BOUERS (EDMS.) BPK. Supple-;
E63/76/1B—DU PLESSIS, Petrus Johannes, resident at Odd­ mentere Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Witbank.
fellows Hotel, situate at 105 Cambridge Road, King William’s T518/75—M6LLER, J. J. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie, Distri­
Town. First Liquidation and Distribution. Grahamstown, King busie en Kontribusie. Pretoria.
William’s Town. T950/76—DE BRUYN, J. M. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en
C223/75—NIEUWOUDT, J. J. Third Liquidation and Distri­ Distribusie en Kontribusie. Pretoria, Potchefstroom.
bution. Cape Town, Malmesbury. T1443/75—VERMEULEN, J. G. Supplementere Likwidasie en
C42/76—ANTON VAN ZYL (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Distribusie. Pretoria, Bronkhorstspruit.
Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Capfe N 114/75—ERICHS PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD. Supplementere
Town, Wellington. Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pietermaritzburg, Durban.
T1448 ) l 5 — G . D. SEARLE (AFRICA) (PTY) LTD. in volun­ T517/76—KIRSTEN, J. F. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie, Dis­
tary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. tribusie en Kontribusie. Pretoria, Middelburg.
Johannesburg. T1243/74—DEMOCON CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, in
W24/76—MAHS, S. F„ trading as S. F. Mahs & Co. First liquidation. First Liquidation. Pretoria.
Liquidation and Distribution. Windhoek. T913/76—TSHABALALA, J. First and Final Liquidation and
W26/76—VOGES, A. W. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria.
Distribution. Windhoek. T50/75—CLACK, P. J. Eerste Likwidasie en Distribusie,
LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Wind­ T 1197/76—RADEMEYER & KIE OOSTELIKE (EDMS.)
BPK., in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Kontribusie*
hoek. Pretoria.
W 41/75—ODDS & ENDS (GOBABIS) (PTY) LTD, in liqui­ T250/76—MOLCHARITA (EDMS.) BPIC., in likwidasie. Eerste
dation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Windhoek, Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria, Klerksdorp.
B141/73/A—VAN DER MERWE, P. W. Tweede en Finale in likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Pretoria*
Likwidasie en Distribusie. Frankfort. T629/75—DU PLOOY, P. J. Derde en Finale Likwidasie en
17/75 1 A —S & S WINK. ELS (EDMS.) BPK. Eerste en Finale Distribusie. Pretoria, Groblersdal.
Distribusie. Villiers. T303/76—EVANS, Isadore, 50 Rustenburg Road, West
N380B/75—RENAUD, M. C. First and Final Liquidation and Krugersdorp. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Con­
Contribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. tribution. Pretoria, Krugersdorp.
B4/75—BREEDT, C. J. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Dis­ T1377/73—SACCHI PROMOTIONS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­
tribusie. Bloemfontein. tion. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria*
T1317/76—BRAELEEN INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in Johannesburg.
voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribu­ C320/65—BELLINGAN, Jozua. Fifteenth Liquidation and Dis­
tion. Pretoria, Johannesburg. tribution. Pretoria, Oberholzer.
T456/75/B—BEKKER, Hendrik Nicolaas. Third Liquidation T858B/72—BESTER, Barend Jacobus. First and Final Liqui-i
and Distribution. Pretoria, Klerksdorp. dation and Distribution. Pretoria, Benoni.
T217/76—RAELOUIS INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD. Liqui­ T306/73—-DU PLESSIS, J. F. Second and Final Liquidation and
dation, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Distribution. Pretoria, 10/6/77.
T1520/76—JOHN’S DEVELOPERS (EDMS.) BPK.. in vry- T 1353 / 75—OOSTHUIZEN, A. J. J. First and Final Liquida­
willige likwidasie. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Verdeling. tion and Contribution. Pretoria, 10/6/77.
Pretoria.' T1423/75—MINNAAR, H. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en
N107/73—GRAPHIC SUPPLIES (PTY) LTD. Second and Verdelings. Pretoria en Nylstroom.
Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. T1403/73—BOTHA, Fred Andrew. Supplementary Second and
C214/76—HYMAN LEVINE HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD. First Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria.
and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town. T506/75—RAUBENHEIMER, Ignatius Van Wyk. First and
T103/76—CORNELISSEN, H. D. Second and Final Liquida­ Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria.
tion, Distribution and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T146/C/76—BOSHOFF, Daniel Petrus. First and Final
T1303/76/B—GUMMED TAPES (PTY) LTD, in voluntary Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria.
liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, T146/A/76—TRANSVALTA ELECTRICAL (D. P. BOS-
Johannesburg. H O FF & M. J. JAOOBS). First and Final Liquidation and Con-
T1304/76/A—SCANDIA PAPER INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD, tion and Distribution. Pretoria, Randburg.
in voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distri­ T959/76 — RELLFAR PROPERTY DEVELOPERS AND
bution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. CONSULTANTS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First and Final
B167/74—A R S MOTORS (EDMS.) BPK., in likwidasie. Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria. Johannesburg.
Tweede en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusie. Bloemfontein, Oden- T19S/76—RINGLET INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­
ds.3.1.sms tion. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contri-i
T544/75—LUCY’S PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. bution. Pretoria, Johannesburg.
First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. T880/76—THIRTY FOUR DALECROSS (PTY) LTD, in
T558/75—LUMOT INSURANCE BROKERS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johan­
liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. nesburg.
P r e to r ia , J o h a n n e s b u r g . T 1 9 9 /7 6 — P A D O W I T Z , Manne, tr a d in g a s W h ir le y Indus­
T674/76—HERM A TRUST (PTY) LTD, in members volun­ tries S.A., 4 Melda Road, Ruiterhof, Randburg. Second Liquida­
tary winding-up. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. tion and Distribution. Pretoria, Randburg.
Pretoria, Johannesburg. T52/77—MOTORSONIC (S.A.) (PTY) LTD, in liquidation*
C l 99/73—JE-LEZ PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution*
Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Wynberg. Pretoria, Johannesburg.
C353/76/3B—MOUNT CAIRNE PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD. T534/76—DONALEE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Second and
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Oape Town. Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg.
T771/76—TORSEL INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD. First and T1053/76 — VAN DYK, Frans Johannes, 123 Strydorri
Final Liquidation and Contribution. Pretoria, Johannesburg. Avenue, Birchleigh North, Extension 3, Kempton Park. First
C199/72/6B—LANZI, A. S. L. Amended First Liquidation Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Kempton Park-
and Distribution. Cape Town, Durban. T1017/76—ANDRIES & FAITH OLIVIER INVESTMENTS
(PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Liquidator’s First and Final Liquida-;
N i l 3/75—CONDON, W. J. Second and Final Liquidation and tion and Contribution. Pretoria and Johannesburg.
Contribution. Pietermaritzburg, Durban. T792/76—EDMAX HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation*
C328/75—DIVALEX (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. Second Liqui­ First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Pretoria, Johannes­
dation and Distribution. Cape Town, burg. i
5583— 4
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 129

C335/75—CAPE TOWN GEM AND MINERAL CO. (PTY) 0 6 6 /7 6 —CHIC PUBLICATIONS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation.
LTD, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution. Cape First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. Cape Town, Somer-
Town. set West.
Form/Vorm 5
The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the
case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the date therein mentioned, notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1)
of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends
are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every
creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below.
The particulars are given in the following order: Name of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date when account
confirmed; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator.


Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie,
na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insol-
vensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling
van dividende of insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke
kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy;
datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en naam en adres van kurator
of likwidateur.
in likwidasie. 3/5/77. N. J. du Plessis, vir Grunow & Grunow, LTD, in liquidation. 11/5/77. Dividend being paid. C. Lipschitz
E.M.F.-gebou, Steynstraat, Posbus 23, Hennenman. and J. Leyds, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg.
B92/75—PIERCE, Anna Catharina, voorheen handeldrywende T68 /76—OELOFSE, T. D., First and Final Liquidation, Dis-
as Salon Venus, Kroonstad. 7/4/77. Dividend uitbetaal te word tribuion and Contribution. 25/4/77. Dividend to preferent and
en kontribusie betaalbaar. R. D. van Wyk, Posbus 26, Kroonstad. secured creditors only. C. Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, Johannes­
K10/72—MONRO, David William. 17/5/77. Dividende betaal­ burg.
baar. J. A. Erwee, p /a Du Plessis, Viviers & Kie., Posbus 23, T717/76—COMPRIKOR (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 29/4/77,
Vryburg. Dividend being paid. N. Bowman, P.O. Box 10527, Johannes­
B60/76—ROTHMAN, G. 17/5/77. Contribution. A. J. Corne- burg.
lissen, c/o Mymin, Lapinsky & Cornelissen, P.O. Box 604, Wel- T 1157/74—SPRINGCHEM (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, First
kom, 9460. and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 28/4/77. Dividend being
C438/76—S. M. BERGER (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 18/5/ paid. L. Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg.
77. Preferent and concurrent dividend being paid. Ian L. Ress, T133/73—THE MITCHELL CONSTRUCTION CO. (PTY)
c/o H. Nathan Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4205, Cape Town. LTD, in liquidation, Second and Final Liquidation and Distribu­
N7/ 77—SHIELING PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. tion. 29/4/77. Dividend being paid. L. Cohen and R. R. Barnes,
13/5/77. Dividend being paid. D. V. Holmes, P.O. Box 493, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg.
Pietermaritzburg. T403/75—SIMCOPET (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, First and
E80/75/3A—FIOTEL FLORENCE (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, Final Liquidation and Distribution. 29/4/77. Dividend being paid.
Second. 16/5/77. Dividend being paid. B. Godlonton, c /o Syfrets L. Cohen, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg.
Trust and Executors S.A. Ltd, P.O. Box 447, East London. C404/74/4A—STRYDOM, Jan Roelof, Verbeterde Vierde
C360/75/6A—ESKIMO ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD, in Administrasie en Distribusie. 1/12/76. Uitbetaling van dividende,
liquidation. 20/5/77. Dividend being paid. Neville Ralph Rubin­ J. J. de Jager, vir Steyn, Van der Vyver & De Jager, Posbus 3,
stein, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001. Willowmore.
C245/76/5A—KELELA TRADING CO. (PTY) LTD, in liqui­ T1549/75—FOUCHE, R. B. 10/5/77. Contribution payable.
dation. 20/5/77. Secured and preferent dividends only. Neville G. H. J. Venter Jr, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg.
Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town, T443/76—JAC J. NAUDE (PTY) LTD. 11/5/77. Contribution
8001. payable. G. H. J. Venter Sr, P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg.
C l 57/76/2A—UNITED CANNERS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ C371/74—WILLIAM SIMPSON TRUST (PTY) LTD, in liqui­
tion. 18/5/77. Dividend being paid. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, dation. 13/5/77. Dividend being paid. P. T. C. Thorne, for Cape
Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town 8001. Trustees and Executors Ltd, 6 Church Square, Cape Town.
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 22/4/77. Dividend in liquidation. 20/5/77. Concurrent award. J. G. A. Leyds, P.O,
being paid. E. Smith and N. Sifris, P.O. Box 10527, Johannes­ Box 8707, Johannesburg, 2000.
burg. B142/76—VISSER, Petrus Johannes, ’n verkoopsman voorheen
T316/69—P.W.K. CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, in liquida­ V. S.A.-gebou 402, Selbornelaan, Bloemfontein. 23/5/77. Geen.
tion, Third Liquidation and Distribution. 23/3/77. Award to G. F. Wessels, p /a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 760, Bloem­
secured creditor only. C. Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. fontein.
T1043/74—MIDLOTHIAN STEEL (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, E9/76/3A—MoGILLEWEE, Douglas Arthur, 13/5/23, 3317908
Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 4/5/77. Dividend W, an estate agent carrying on business as McGillewie Estates,
paid to preferent creditors only. N. Bowman, P.O. Box 10527, 12 Tyrell Road, East London. 20/5/77. Preferent and secured
Johannesburg. awards only being paid. Kenneth Norman Paterson, Ninth Floor,
T1262/74—SKOUWIESRUS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, First Trust Bank Centre, North Street, P.O. Box 963, East London.
Liquidation and Distribution. 3/5/77. Dividend beng paid to pre­ E8/76/3A —BLOEM, Christopher Peter, 2/4/39, a used car
ferent and secured creditors. E. Smith, P.O. Box 10527, Johan­ salesman employed by Datnis Motors (Pty) Ltd, East London,
nesburg. and resident at 9 Deary Drive, Gonubie, East London. 20/5/
T273/73—PROTEA PAINTERS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, 77. Concurrent award being paid. Kenneth Norman Paterson,
First and Final Liquidation and Distribution. 21/4/77. Dividend Ninth Floor, Trust Bank Centre, North Street, P.O. Box 963,
being paid. C. Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. East London.
T647/75—PRETORIUS, P. H., First Liquidation and Distribu­ 1307/75—STERLING INVESTMENTS (EDMS.) BPK., in vry-
tion. 28/4/77. Dividend being paid. C. Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, willige likwidasie. 17/5/77. Dividende uitgekeer. F. J. Steynberg,
Johannesburg. Zethushof 1307, Parkstraat, Pretoria.
T607/75—MATADOR MOTORS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, T1168/74—INNER-LOOK INTERIORS (PTY) LTD, in liqui­
Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution. 28/4/77. Con­ dation. 18/5/77. Award to secured creditors. C. F. Simmons,
tribution being levied. I. J. Oxlee, P.O. Box 10527, Johannes­ P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg, 2000.
burg. T881/75—SMIT, J. A. 12/5/77. Contribution being collected,
T934/74—ALLISI (PTY) LTD, in liquidation, Second and C. F. Simmons, P.O. Box 1684, Johannesburg, 2000.
Final Liquidation and Distribution. 12/5/77. Dividend being T37/75—AMDOR ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD, in liquida­
paid. C. Lipschitz, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg. tion. 20/5/77. Neither. C. F. Simmons, P.O. Box 1684, Johan­
nesburg, 2000.
T1023/76/OND/3B—FOTOFILM (PTY) LTD. 23/5/77. Divi­ T1179/72—BOTHA, P. J. 11/5/77. Dividend. A. S. P. Meyer,
dend paid. L. D. Schoeman, P.O. Box 1206, Pretoria. p / a A. S. P. Meyer Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria.;
60711—5 5583—5
130 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

N12/75—BALAVARATHJU (B. B. Naidoo), trading as Valley C l93/72—FOURTE & FOURIE EIENDOMSKONSULTANTE

View Carries and Trueline Carriers, residing at 47 Rcdfern Road, (PTY) LTD, Third distribution. 13/5/77. Dividend being paid.
Springfield, Durban. 11/5/77. Partial award. M. J. Ensor, c/o D. J. Rennie and F. D. Glaum, c/o Thibault Trust (Cape)
Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, (Ptv) Ltd. P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town. 8000.
N65/76—SOUTHERN DEMOLISHERS (PTY) LTD. 17/5/77. (PTY) LTD, Fourth and Final Distribution. 17/5/77. Dividend
Certain preferent and secured award. J. A. Bruce, c/o Security being paid. D. J. Rennie and F. D. Glaum, c/o Thibault Trust
Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban 4000. (Cape) (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 1767, Cape Town. 8000.
T528/76—ROSSOUW, H. L. 17/5/77. Kontribusie. A. S. P. T 413/76—OSMIUM ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD. 13/5/77.
Meyer, p /a A. S. P. Meyer Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria. Dividend. G. H. J. Venter Jr., P.O. Box 1474, Johannesburg.
T1587/75—BALDI, L. 20/5/77. Kontribusie. A. S. P. Meyer, T374 76—KUBA RADIO AND T.V. CO (PTY) LTD. 13/5/
p /a A. S. P. Meyer Trust, Posbus 3639, Pretoria. 77. Preferent award. G. H. J. Venter, P.O. Box 1474, Johannes­
T421/76—VENTER, L. 26/5/77. Dividend uitgekeer. T. C. burg.
Muller. Posbus 1990, Pretoria. T871 0 6 —EXCLUSIVE LEATHER AND TRAVEL GOODS
T1197/73/B—BADENHORST, P. C. 20/5/77. Dividend uitge­ (PTY) LTD. 11/5/77. Dividend payable. G. H. J. Venter Snr,
keer en Kontribusie. T. C. Muller, Posbus 1990. Pretoria. P.O. Box 1474. Johannesburg.
T1303/74—VAN DER WALT, J. H. 12/5/77. Versekerde 10629—DALVIE, A. R. M. 24/5/77. Dividend being paid.
dividend word uitgekeer en kontribusie word gevorder. G. D. J. M. Naude. c/o Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd, 6 Church
Kotze, Posbus 26299, Arcadia. Square, Cape Town.
T 1039/74—H1LLMOR WONINGS (EDMS.) BPK. 24/5/77. C32/75—KONSULTA tPTY) LTD, in liquidation. 18/5/77.
Dividende word uitgekeer. G. D. Kotze, Posbus 26299, Arcadia. Dividend being paid. P. T. C. Thorne, c/o Cape Trustees and
T1354/75—MIELKE, M. J. 23/5/77. Versekerde toekenning is Executors Ltd. 6 Church Square. Cape Town.
gemaak. A,. J. Hessels, p a Sekuriteit Eksekuteurs- en Trustmaat- C l/7 6 —MYBURGH, Willem Petrus. 23/5/77. Secured awards
skappy Bpk., Posbus 3127. Pretoria, 0001. and contributions to be collected i.t.o. First and Final and
T557/76—DE JAGER, J. G. 27/5/77. Dividend is uitgekeer. Supplementary. J. J. Rousseau, c/o Cape Trustees and Executors
A. J. Hessels, p/a Sekuriteit Eksekuteurs- en Trustmaatskappy Ltd. 6 Church Souare. Cape Town.
Bpk., Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001. C316/75—JANSEN, Frederick Casper. 20/5/77. Dividend
T1296/74—OLIVIER. S. A. P. 29/4/77. Dividende is uitgekeer. being paid. R. Millman. c/o Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd,
A. J. Hessels. p /a Sekuriteit Eksekuteurs- en Trustmaatskappy 6 Church Square. Cane Town.
Bpk.. Posbus 3127. Pretoria, 0001. C362/75—TRONNEES MEUBELS BEHEREND (EDMS.)
T626/76/6B—VERMAAK, P. R. 20/5/77. Dividend. B. G. S. BPK., in liquidation. 23/5/77. Dividend being paid. J. J. Rous­
de Wet. p/a Kaap Vaal Trust Bpk.. Posbus 2851, Johannesburg. seau. c/o Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd, 6 Church Square,
T507/76—PRETORIA HYDRAULICS (PTY) LTD. in liqui­ Cape Town.
dation. 11/5/77. Dividends being paid. I. L. van Diggelen, c/o C194/76—ROUX, Sylvia Lilian. 20/5/77. Contribution being
Limvaal Trustees. P.O. Box 3548. Pretoria. collected. P. T. C. Thorne, c/o Cape Trustees and Executors
T888/76—IjOMBARD, A. J. J. 24/5/77. Contribution being Ltd, 6 Church Square. Cane Town.
levied. I. L. van Diggelen, c/o Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 3548, T1597/75—INLAND INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD. 20/5/77.
Pretoria. J. H. Courtis and Galgut Courtis, P.O. Box 1004, Pretoria, 0001.
liquidation. 6/5/77. Preferent/secured awards only. I. L. van tion. 17/5/77. Dividend being paid. F. D. Glaum, c/o Cape
Diggelen, c/o Limvaal Trustees. P.O. Box 3548. Pretoria. Trustees and Executors Ltd. 6 Church Square. Cape Town.
T1022/76—KAPP, C. J. 1/6/77. Dividends being paid. I. L. C326/74—BETTERLAND PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD. in
van Diggelen, c/o Limvaal Trustees, P.O. Box 3548, Pretoria. liquidation. 18/5/77. Contribution being collected. J. R. Glan-
1502/76—MESSERLI, Rudolph, trading as Louis XV Bou­ ville. c/o Cape Trustees and Executors Ltd, 6 Church Square,
tique. 26/5/77. Dividend being paid to preferent and secured Cape Town.
creditors. Mervyn Israel Swartz, c/o Albert Raskin Trust Board T i l 81/76—PLASCON HOLDINGS LTD, members volun­
(Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. tary winding up. 15/4/77. Neither. G. H. Goettin, P.O. Box
T938/75—CARSON, David George, who traded as Shop 30, 3714. Johannesburg, 2000.
The Markade, situate at Market, ICruis and President Streets, T881/76—FEDE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD. in liquidation;
Johannesburg. 26/5/77. Dividend being paid to a preferent and 17/5/77. Dividend awarded to a preferent and secured creditor.
secured creditor. Mervyn Israel Swartz, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd,
Board (Ptv) Ltd. P.O. Box 7976. Johannesburg. P O. Box 7976. Johannesburg.
T 194/75—V. A. B. (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 18/5/77. D iv i­ T t 333/74—DIESEL A N D A T tro ENGINEERING CO. (FTY)
dend awarded to a preferent and secured creditor. Philip D v'd LTD, in liquidation. 17/5/77. Dividend awarded to a preferent
Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, and secured c-cditm-. Albert Ruskin, for Albert Ruskin Trust
C220/76/2A—MULLER, John Charlton, a director of Silver- Board (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.
T.193/75—GENMAW INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD. in liqui­
hurst (Pty) Ltd. and sales manager of Euro Cane Towns (Pty) dation. 17/5/77. Dividend being paid to a preferent and secured
Ltd, and Plan 4 (Pty) Ltd. 301 Barclays Bank Buildings. Fore­ creditor. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board
shore, Cape Town. 25/5/77. Dividend being paid. Neville Ralph
Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001. (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.
C392/.74/2A—AGULHAS FISHERIES (PTY) LTD, in liqui­ T 192'75—CHARIOT INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, in liquida­
dation. 25/5/77. Dividend being paid. J. J. Rousseau, Atkinson tion. 20/5/77. Dividend being paid to a preferent and secured
House, 47 Strand Street. Cape Town, 8001. creditor. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board
C17/73/2A—CLARKE, G. G.. R. R. Coon, W. A. Slabbert (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.-
and P. C. Slabbert. trading as DAC (a partnership). 2515/77. T610./74—ASFALTUS LTD. in liquidation. 2375/77. Dividend
Dividend being paid. J. J. Rousseau, Atkinson House, 47 Strand being paid to preferent and secured creditors. Albert Ruskin and
Street. Cape Town. 8001. J. G. A. Leyds, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O.
C167/76/2A—GIEBELHAUSER. Giovanna Francesca, for­ Box 7976. Johannesburg.
merly Schnitzer. born De Lorenzo, a divorcee, 6 Quantocks, T321 /76—ETSEBETH, Burger', Christiaan, a nroperty owner of
Victoria Road, Bantry Bay, C.P. 25/5/77. Secured award only. Fochville. 26/5/77. Dividend being paid to preferent and secured
Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, creditors. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board
Cape Town, 8001. (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.
C485/75/5B—CHARLES, Jacobus Theophilus, trading as Ken­ 280/76—LECTROCON (PTY) LTD. in liquidation. 26/5/77.
sington Car Exchange Car Sales, 88 Fifth Avenue. Kensington, Dividend being paid. M erw n Israel Swartz, c/o Albert Ruskin
C.P. 24/5/77. Secured awards being paid and contribution being Trust Board (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.
collected. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 Strand T 7 8 3 /7 6 — D A M A P D I S T R I B U T O R S (P T Y ) L T D . in liquida­
Street. Cane Town. 8001. tion. 25/5/77. Dividend being paid. Philip David Berman, c/o
C281/74/1 A—FRANKS FURNISHERS AND UPHOLSTE­ Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannes­
RERS. 23/5/77. Dividend being paid. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, burg.
Atkinson House. 47 Strand Street. Cape Town, 8001. T 1325/74—SOUND ENGINEERING WORKS (1969) (PTY)
T1212/76—'T HE AFRICAN LAND AND MORTGAGE CO. LTD. in liquidation. 25/5/77. Dividend awarded to preferent and
(PTY) LTD, in voluntary liquidation. 20/5/77. Dividend being secured creditors only. Albert Ruskin, for Albert Ruskin Trust
paid. C. B. Brayshaw. c/o Schwartz Fine, 15th Floor, National Board (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.
Board House, 94 Pritchard Street, P.O. Box 5069, Johannes­ T694/75—KNOP, Petrus Johannes, 16 Andover Street, West-
burg, 2000. dene. 26/5/77. Dividend awarded to a preferent and secured
T734/75—KOMKOR KONSTRUKSJE (PTY) LTD. in liqui­ creditor. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board
dation. 17/5/77. Dividend. P. D. Alexander, c/o Nortrustees (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.
(Ptv) Ltd. P.O. Box 5483. Johannesburg, 2000. T1287/76—ROOS, Ronald Bartie, formerly of 13 Mowbray
C191/75—HI-TOOL (PTY) LTD.~ 23/5/77. Dividend being Gardens, Mowbray Avenue Bc-noni. 26/5/77. Both. Philip David
paid. D. J. Rennie, c/o Thibault Trust (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box
Box 1767, Cape Town, 8000. 7976, Johannesburg.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 131

T299/76—VILJOEN, Marthinus Jacobus. 26/5/77. Dividend Neither. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board
being paid to preferent and secured creditors. Philip David Ber­ (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.
man, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, T894/b/76—IOANNOU, Demetriou. trading in co-partnership
Johannesburg. with A. Alexandra under the style of Nucleus Foodmarket. 26/
48/76—BOND, Thomas William, who resided at 2134 Green 5/77. Neither. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust
Street, Bryanston. Tvl. 26/5/77. Dividend being paid to preferent Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg.
and secured creditors. Mervyn Israel Swartz, c/o Albert Ruskin T894/A/76—IOANNOU, D., and A. Alexandro, trading in
Trust Board (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. partnership as Nucleus Foodmarket. 26/5/77. Both. Philip David
T877/76—VAN ZYL, Lourens Martinus, 34 Acacia Street, Berman, c/o Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box
Kuruman, Cape. 25/5/77. Dividend awarded to a certain prefe­ 7976, Johannesburg.
rent and secured creditor. Philip David Berman, c/o Albert Rus­ T438/76—LONSFEIN, Myrna Juliet Arlene, 9 Dunrobin
kin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannesburg. Street, Sydenham. 26/5/77. Both. Mervyn Israel Swartz, c/o
T894/C/76—ALEXANDRO, A., trading in co-partnership with Albert Ruskin Trust Board (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 7976, Johannes­
D. Ioannou, under the style of Nucleus Foodmarket. 26/5/77. burg.

Forni/Vorm 6
Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for their
rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite their respective names, indicating
number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence;
date when estate sequestrated; division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; ground of
Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om hul
rehabilitasie aansoek sal docn op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedui is, met
aanduiding van nommer van boedel; voile naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy geboortedatum en persoonsnommer)
en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer
aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek.
N301/74—KOK, Frans Johannes, 9/9/38, 380909/5059, 39 MULLER, Johannes Wilhelmus, who formerly traded as a
Overport Drive, Durban. 22/11/74. Durban and Coast Local, 15/ director of companies and farmer of 32 Gainsborough Street,
7/77. lOhOO. Section 124 (1). De La Haye, Bellville, Cape. Cape Provincial, 10/8/77, lOhOO.
C18/74—TAYLOR, Frank John Patrick, 12/2/45, 068/416/933, Section 124 (2) of Act 24 of 1936.
79 Mill Street, Strand, Cape. 30/2/74. Cape Provincial, 3/8/77. T150/73—NINZATTI, Carlo Luigi, 7/4/34, 3404075041104,
Section 124 (3) (a) and (b). 25 Weeber Street, Middelburg, Tvl. 6/3/73, 26/7/77, Transvaal
C275/71—SMITH, Wilhelm Franciscus, lektor in die fakulteit Provincial. Section 124 (2) (a) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of
handel en administrasie, Universiteit Stellenbosch, 16/2/38, 11298
5920W, Rikewoodlaan 5, Die Boord, Stellenbosch. 28/7/71. Kaap 1936.
die Goeie Hoopse Provinsiale, 27/7/77, lOhOO. Artikel 124 (2) (a) T1555/76—VAN ZYL, Barend, ’n advokaat in diens van die
van Wet 24 van 1936. Departement van Justisie, Republiek van Transkei wat ten tye
T695/71—CALITZ, Marius Dumont, 3/5/28, 2805035040005, van die sekwestrasie in diens was van die Departement van Jus­
Tobiehof 27, Troystraat, Sunnyside, Pretoria. 24/8/71. Transvaalse tisie, Pretoria. 8/8/47, 331005 373. 19/10/76. Transvaalse Pro­
Provinsiale, 26/7/77, lOhOO. Kragtens feel 124 (2) (b). vinsiale, 12/7/77, lOhOO. Kragtens Artikel 124 (3).

Forni/Vorm 7
Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’ accounts in the estates
mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and docu­
ments in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from
the date of this notice.
I he particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate; name and description of estate; date of sequestration order; division
of the Supreme Court by which order made; date of confirmation of final account.


Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder
genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en
stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe die wat by die Meesters ingedicn moet word), ses weke na die datum
hiervan sal vernietig.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel; naam en beskrywing van boedel; datum van sekwestrasie-
bevel; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; datum van bekragtiging van finale rekening, en naam en adres van kurator.
T1006/C/74—DE KOCK, Daniel Jacobus. 4/10/74. Transvaal C342/73/A—HORN, Rubin Frank. 1/11/73. Cape of Good
Provincial. 23/11/76. S. Trakman, c/o Cape Trustees (Tvl) (Pty) Hope Provincial. 18/11/76. J. J. Rousseau, Atkinson House, 47
Ltd. P.O. Box 10463. Johannesburg, 2000. Strand Street. Cape Town, 8001.
T1081/73—A. DUVENHAGE AND J. PRETORIUS BELEG- C192/71—SHANKLAND, James, A2 Roamer Lodge, Koe-
G1NGS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. 11/9/73. Transvaal Provin­ berg Road, Milnerton, Cape. 6/7/71. Cape of Good Hope Pro­
cial. 12/11/76. D. A. Kahan, c/o Cape Trustees (Tvl) (Pty) Ltd, vincial. 15/5/76. J. J. Rousseau, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street,
P.O. Box 10463. Johannesburg. 2000. Cape Town, 8001.
T1235/74—D. J. SADIE & CO. WHOLESALERS (PTY) LTD, C53/75—PITT, Bruce W.. trading as Cape Car Centre at 114
in liquidation. 3/12/74. Transvaal Provincial. 18/11/76. S. Trak­ Loop Street, Cape Town. 29/1/75. Cape of Good Hope Provin­
man, c/o Cape Trustees (Tvl) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10463, Johan­ cial. 14/9/76. Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47
nesburg. 2000. Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001.
T608/75—FOURIE, Marthinus Jacobus. 6/5/75. Transvaal C387/74—VERMEULEN, Sybrand Johannes Petrus. 24/10/74.
Provincial. 10/11/76. S. Trakman, c/o Cape Trustees (Tvl) (Pty) Kaap die Goeie FIoop Provinsiale. 22/10/76. Pieter Christoffel
Ltd, P.O. Box 10463, Johannesburg, 2000. Luttig, Waterkantstraat, Posbus 21, Bredasdorp.
T787/73—CHRISBEE ENTERPRISES (PTY) LTD, in liqui­ N14/75 —HAIKALIS, Donysios Panagiotis, Paige Place Super­
dation. 26/6/73. Witwatersrand Local. 18/3/76. S. Trakman, c/o service, 2 Portsmouth Road, Pinetown, and Davellen Supermarket,
Cape Trustees (Tvl) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10463, Johannesburg, Davellen Road, La Lucia. 20/1/75. Durban and Coast Local.
2000. 24/11/76. F. D. Muller, c/o Security Executor and Trust Co.
C382/74—KROS. Raymond, 181 Campground Road. Ronde- Ltd. P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
bosch, Cape. 22/10/74. Cape of Good Hope Provincial. 23/8/76. N71/75—PALLOURIOS, Kiriakos. 12/3/75. Durban and Coast
Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, Local. 25/11/76. F. D. Muller, c/o Security Executor and Trust
Cape Town, 8001. Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
C249/75/B—-JAMIE, Mogamat Yusuf. 12/6/75. Cape of Good N69/75—SALIKRAM, trading as Salikram & Co. 7/3/75. D ur­
Hope Provincial. 12/10/76. Neville Ralph Rubinsten, Atkinson ban and Coast Local. 16/11 /76. J. A. Bruce, c/o Security Executor
House, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001. and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
132 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

N126/75—VEERAPPEN, Maslamoney Pillay, business under N228/74—CAMPBELL, Allan Loader, 39 Sandpiper Street,
the name and style of Bellair Clothing Manufacturers at 83 Dayal Yellowwood Park, Durban, Natal. 18/10/74. Durban and Coast
Road, Clairwood, Durban. 16/4/75. Durban and Coast Local. Local. 24/11/76. M. J. Ensor, c/o Security Executor and Trust
3/11/76. F. D. Muller, c/o Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. N102/76—STEVENSON, Cherna Yvonne, of the Herbalist and
N176/75—NAIDOO, Pothanah Soobramoney, 12 Plein Street, the Health Nut, 24 Mark Lane, Durban. 17/3/76. Durban and
Tongaat. 6/6/75, Durban and Coast Local. 26/11/76. F. D. Mul­ Coast Local. 29/11/76. F. D. Muller, c/o Security Executor and
ler, c/o Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
Durban, 4000. N189/73—VAN ROOYEN, Niko. 9/8/73. Natal Provincial. 11/
N 104/75—JANSE VAN RENSBURG. Adriann Jacobus 11/76. F. D. Muller, c/o Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd,
Rudolph, residing at The Hillock, Link Hills, Hillcrest, Natal. P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000.
4/4/75. Durban and Coast Local. 2/11/76. F. D. Muller, c/o T534/74/C—BROWN, G. R. 28/5/74. Witwatersrand Local.
Security Executor and Trust Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 13/10/76. P. D. Alexander, c /o Nortrustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box
4000. 5483, Johannesburg, 2000.

Form/Vorm 8
Pursuant to section 179 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926/section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given of the dates
or times fixed by Masters of the Supreme Court by which creditors of companies in liquidation are to prove their claims or otherwise be
excluded from the benefit of any distribution under any account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved.
The particulars are given in the following order: Number of company in liquidation; name and description of company; date or time
fixed by the Master; name and address of liquidator.


Ingevolge artikel 179 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926/artikel 366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee van die
datums of termyne deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneer skuldeisers van maatskappye in likwidasie hulle eise moet
bewys of anders van die voordeel van ’n distribusie kragtens ’n rekening by die Meester ingedien voordat daardie eise bewys is, uitgesluit
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van maatskappy in likwidasie; naam en beskrywing van maatskappy;
datum of termyn deur Meester vasgestel; naam en adres van likwidateur.
0 6 0 /7 6 —FIVE STAR MOTORS (PTY) LTD, in liquidation. T918/76—TRANSTERRA MYNBOU BPK., in likwidasie.
Neville Ralph Rubinstein, Atkinson House, 47 Strand Street, 22/6/77. B. G. S. de Wet en G. H. J. Venter, p /a Kaap-Vaal
Cape Town. Trust Bpk., Volkskasgebou 305, Markstraat 76, Johannesburg.

Form/Vorm 9
In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner of his making an application
to the Supreme Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of me surrender of
his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made arid upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms ot sec­
tion 7 of the Act. „ , ,, , . , ,.
The information, where applicable, is given in the following order; (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and address, style oi partnership
or firm and names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of Supreme Court and date and time of application, or.
withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will he for inspection for
14 days, the Master’s Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, and date.


Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet,No.24 van 1936,soos gewysig, word hierby deur n versoeker kennis gegee van sy aansoek wat
by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname
van die oorgawe van sy boedel; of van die intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeere kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se
toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. , , ,
Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennqotskap ol
firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) o f ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking
van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoestaat tei insae sai 16 vir 14
dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal le; (4) die prokureur van die aansoeker, en datum.

PEDERSEN, Donald Eric, quantity surveyor and farmer, COLE, Errol Llewellyn, 48 Minerva Drive, Gilletts, Natal. (2)
Laughing Feet, Glenside, District of East London. (2) Application, Application, Durban and Coast Local, 8/7/77, lOhOO. (3) 10/6/
Eastern Cape, 7/7/77, lOhOO. (3) 13/6/77; Grahamstown, East 77; Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown, Weenen. (4) Lester Schoeman,
London. (4) The Bax Partnership, Eighth Floor, Trust Bank 10th Floor, Santam Buildings, 447 Smith Street, Durban, 24/5/
Centre, North Street, East London. 77.
VAN TONDER, Cornelius Andries Petrus, boer van Sweet PRYOR, Joseph Fritz, ’n assistent sekretaris van die Potgieters-
Home, distrik Heilbron, en Parys, O.V.S. (2) Aansoek, Oranje- rustabakkooperasie Bpk., Ruiterweg 88, Potgietersrus, en woon­
Vrystaats'e Provinsiale, 30/6/77, lOhOO. (3) 10/6/77; Bloemfon­ agtig te Koedoestraat 28, Potgietersrus. (2) Aansoek, Transvaalse
tein. Parys, Heilbron. (4) H. J. P. de Klerk, p /a G. A. Hill, Provinsiale, 5/7/77, lOhOO. (3) 14/6/77; Pretoria, Potgietersrus.
McHardy & De Bruyn, Posbus 367, Bloemfontein. (4) Louis Botha & Potgieter, Voortrekkergebou, Voortrekker-
ROBINSSON, Basil James Thomas, a farmer of Moreson. P.O. straat 88, Posbus 98, Potgietersrus, 3/6/77.
Box 802, Queenstown. ( 2) Application, Eastern Cape Local, 30/ ELS, Paulus Johannes, ’n ambagsman van die instrumente
6/77, lOhOO. (3) 13/6/77; Grahamstown, Queenstown. (4) Elliott winkel, Amonia 4, Modderfontein, en woonagtig te Parkstelle 9,
Brothers, 78 Cathcart Road, P.O. Box 61, Queenstown, 23/5/77. hoek van Suikerbos- en Duvenhagestraat, Edleen, Kempton Park,
MAARTENS, George Henry, 20/2/36, 360 220 505 8001. passer Tvl. (2) Aansoek, Transvaalse Provinsiale, 5/7/77, lOhOO. (3)
en draaier, woonagtig te Nerinastraat 12, Wilgehof, Bloemfontein. 10/6/77; Pretoria, Kempton Park. (4) D. L. Schoon, Tweede
(2) Aansoek, Oranje-Vrystaatse Provinsiale, 30/6/77, lOhOO. (3) Verdieping, Kemptonhoek, hoek van Pretoria- en Longstraat,
10/6/77, Bloemfontein. (4) J. P. Daffue, p /a Van Deventer, Kempton Park.
Daffue & Maree, Vyfde Verdieping, Alliedgebou, Maitlandstraat PETERSEN, George Harry, volwasse Blanke loodgieter,
136, Posbus 1989, Bloemfontein, 27/5/77. woonagtig te Londonweg 8, Evander, Tvl. (2) Aansoek, Trans­
GELDENHUYS, Gideon Theodoras, Breestraat 5, Prince vaalse Provinsiale, 5/7/77, lOhOO. (3) 13/6/77; Pretoria, Evan­
Alfred Hamlet. (2) Aansoek, Kaap die Goeie Hoopse Provin­ der. (4) W. A. Vermaas & Kie., Vyfde Verdieping, African
siale, 30/6/77, lOhOO. (3) 13/6/77; Kaapstad, Ceres. (4) White- Eaglegebou 500, Andriesstraat, Pretoria.
horn, Wilson & Kotze, Posbus 25, Worcester. VAN WYK, Gert Andries Tighy, insurance agent of 34
ROGERS, Jeremiah Horace, 24 Riebeeck Street, Vredenburg, Berg Street, Gordon’s Bay, C.P., formerly of Klerksdorp (2)
Cape. (2) Cape of Good Hope Provincial, 6/7/77, 10h30. (3) Application, Cape of Good Hope Provincial, 6/7/77, 10h30.
13/6/77; Cape Town. (4) Morsowitz & Kahn, 109 Voortrekker (3) 13/7/77; Cape Town, Strand, Klerksdorp. (4) Haydn Elmes
Road, Bellville Centre, Bellville, Cape. and Eimes, 508 Oceana House, Lower Burg Street, Cape Town.;
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 133


Form/Vorm VL
Section 6 4 , A ct 27 of 1943
Notice is hereby given that evidence of the loss or destruction of the policies mentioned below, has been submitted to the insurers, and
any person in possession of any of these policies, or claiming to have any interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post
with the insurers. Failing any such communication, certified copies of the policies (which shall be the sole evidence of the contract) will
be issued to the owners in terms of the regulations framed under the Act.
The particulars are given in the following order: Name and address of insurer; policy number, date of policy, and sum insured; life
insured; owner, if other than insured.
Artikef 64, Wet 27 van 1943
Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat bewys van die verlies of vernietiging van die polisse hieronder vermeld, aan die versekeraars gelewer
is, en enigeen wat in besit van enige van hierdie polisse is, of aanspraak maak dat hy enige belang daarin het, moet onmiddellik per aange-
tekende pos met die versekeraars in verbinding tree. By gebreke aan sodanige mededeling sal gewaarmerkte afskrifte van polisse (wat die
enigste bewys van die kontrak sal wees) aan die eienaars uitgereik word ingevolge die regulasies gepromulgeer onder die Wet.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Naam en adres van versekeraar; polisnommer, datum van polis en versekerde bedrag;
lewe verseker; eienaar, indien ander as versekerde.

A . A . M u tu a l L i f e A s s u r a n c e A s s o c ia tio n L td , P .O . B o x 1653, Liberty Life Association of Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 10499, Johannes­
Jo h a n n esb u rg burg, 2000
26686—30/7/73, R13 000. Roos, Michael Petrus. 2167724— 1/4/71, R5 000. Sutic, G.
2042846— 16/4/69, R5 000. Clayton, K.
A fr ic a n E a g le L i f e A s s u r a n c e S o c ie ty L td , P .O . B o x 1114, J o h a n ­ 9070856— 1/11/76, R17 630. Van Zyl, P. E.
n e sb u rg , 2000 702893— 1/9/36, R2 000. Levy, R.
934085— /3/62, R600. Timm, A. C. 636570— 1/7/72. R8 526. Thomson, I. A. R.
937891— /5/64, R650. Timm, A. C. 1998378— 1/4/68. R4 000. Clark, R. J.
533786— /11/61, R4 000. Marias, G. J., and M. S. Marias. 1846417— 15/10/65, R3 000. Watkins, J. D. P.
6084056— 1/11/76, R70 000. Geftrick, H. F. 9054967— 1/3/76, R20 000. Fannin, J. M. M.
855573— 1/2/74, R4 000. Smook, C. J. 309045 (SL)—2/8/65, R20 000. Fannin, J. E. G.
6023295— 1 9 /1 5 , R10 000. Hullett, D. A. 3629869 (SL)—7/8/59, R6 000. Fannin, J. E. G.
3668643 (SL>—25/7/62, R4 000. Fannin, J. E. G.
A n c h o r L i f e A s s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x 11319, J o h a n n e s b u r g , 3718669 (SL)—7/6/66, R2 645. Fannin. J. E. G.
2000 3505655 (SL)—25/7/51, R4 000. Fannin, J. E. G.
84409 (A)— 11 2 /1 3 , R5 813. Spira, J. 3724193 (SL)—7/12/66, R27 332. Fannin, J. E. G.
19186 (A)— 1/7/71, R2 824. Modisane, E. J. 3751491 (SL)—28/7/69, R5 000. McDavid, I. G.
1009— 1/10/69, R8 500. Spira, R. J.; A. B. Davenport. 3676043 (SL)—8/2/63, R4 000. Braum, K. G.
3687237 (SL)—21 /11 /63, R2 500. Clinton, D. S.
The C o lo n ia l M u tu a l L ife A ssurance S o c ie ty L td , P .O . Box 3783467 (SL)— 18/8/72, R5 000. Gould, J. C.
73, C a p e T o w n , 8000 3737205 (SL)— 4/1/68, R5 000. Bradfield, D. L.
1537582 (7)—1/3/63, R4 000. Hauptfleisch, Stephanus George. 3706177 (SL)— 13/4/65, R5 000. Rummel, A.
1536316—1/9/62, R4 000. Gobey, the late Eric Charlie. 3743574 (SL)—8/10/68. R5 000. Tobias, M. S.; J. L. Tobias<
694528— 1/1/57, R 1 000. Geldenhuys, Gideon Theodoras, en 9039327— 1/11/75. R10 424. De Beer, W.
Maria Susanna Geldenhuys. 66387— 1/3/66, R l 366. Marine, I. I.
1563049—1/11 /70, R2 000. Pretorius, Karel Andreas. 641107— 1/2/73. R15 000. Schulman, B. J.
1515061—1/3/72, R10 000. Van Lill, Michael Frederick. 3617529 (SL)— 1/1/58, R18 552. Jave, M.
1539105/4465— 14/11/68. R9457. Izzard, Alan. 3665293 (SL)—4/4/62, R14 000. Budow, G. J.
1560485—1/4/70, R1 000. Kruger, Johanna Martina (nou Van M omentum Lewensversekeraars Bpk., Posbus 27059, S u n n y s id e ,
93, K a a p s ta d , 8000
H o m e s T ru st L ew en s, P o sb u s 7001959x6— 1/6/70. R897. Froneman, Leon.
31505— 1/6/60, R1 000. De Villiers, Marthinus Coenraad. 6803830x4—1/3/68. R l 000. Radebe. Petrus.
110188—1/11/63, R1 000/R270. Loubser, Jacobus Mynhardt, 7006013x3— 1/10/72. R2 000. De Wet, Thomas Frederik.
en Jacoba Aletha Loubser, gebore Coetzee; Jacobus Mynhardt 7003809x1—1/4/71, R l 835. Landman, Gerald Daniel.
Loubser. 6604532x3— 1/4/66, R1 000. Moloisane, Stephen.
143596— 1/8/67, R34. Du Toit, Zachrias Hendrik. 6606681x6— 1/6/66. R720. Makweng. Erasmus.
170614— 1/4/69, R62. Du Toit, Zachrias Hendrik, en Johanna 6806088x7— 1/6/68, R3 000. Meyer, Eugene Merrill David.
Maria du Toit, gebore Visagie. The National Mutual, P.O. Box 666, Cape Town, 8000
173040— 1/9/69, R1 600. la th a , Cynthia Nozwakazi, gebore
Mfula. 7038016—1/6/72, R4 285. Simpson-Burn, M. W.
174481—1/8/69, R500. Beukes, David, op Vanda Winifred Beukes; 7048123—1/1/75, R14 548. Hustler, H. R.; Zenith Electrical
E)avid Beukes. (Pty) Ltd.
323766—1/6/72, R1 000. Swart, Hermanus Adriaan, en Sarah 7011918—1/9/59, R10 000. Subban. S. G. V.
Margaret Swart, gebore Payne. 7021332— 1 /3/64, R2 000. Berjak, J. B.
335919— 1/11/72, R l 000. Pasquallie, Gerard Frederick. 571143—1/7/47, R2 000. Schnetler. J. F.: C. R. Y.- Sohnethler.
359947—1/12/73, R1O0. Everts, John Daniel. 599272— 16/2/55, R100. Broide, B. B.; University of the Wit-
373092— 1/4/74, R2 000. Reddy, Ramsamy. watersrand.
478662— 1/4/77, R1 000. Rambarran, Bhagwatipersad. Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, P.O. Box 1226, Cape
436734—1/2/76, R4 000. Reddy, Ramsamy.
375104— 1/8/74, R1 000. Mogoatlhe, Raletsebe Jacob. Town
437725—1/4/76, R1 000. Ncede, Melvyn. 1436604— 11/9/59. R19 750. Tollman, Cecil Jack.
354013—1/10/73. R500. Maheneza. Marshall. 548051— 15/9/39, R l 000. Shippel, Israel.
357876—1/9/73, R l 000. Mokoae, Molefi Glastone. 629266— 18/1/46. Finkenstein, Reuben.
463008—1/1/77. R l 000. Nofemela. Sipho Goodluck, op Selby 1460707—8/6/60. £5 000 (R10 000). Vawda, Essop Ismail.
Ndumiso Nofemela: Sipho Goodluck Nofemela. 1627536—28/8/63, R9 600. Vawda, Essop Ismail.
358014— 1/12/73, R8 000. Hopley, Dirk Adriaan. 1622794—26/9/63, R3 000. Vawda, Tsmail; Essop Ismail Vawda.-
1460927—13/7/60, £416. Vawda, Ahmed Essop; Essop Ismail
L eg a l a n d G eneral A ssurance o f S o u th A fr ic a L td , 85 M a in Vawda.
S tr e e t, J o h a n n e s b u rg , 2001
AF475311—1/3/77, R2 700. Essack, Ismail Ahmed; Trident Build­ 66, C a p e T o w n
O ld M u tu a l, P .O . B o x
ing Society. 1952835—29/4/65, R3 000. Puren, P. N„ AD756.
AF460700—1/1/75, R5 833. Bekker, Adriaan Jacobus. 2557348— 15/3/73, R5 000. Mulder, L. J., AD756: J. T. Mulder.
AF370947—1/11/64. Rl 000. Els. Barend Jakobus. 2344297—4/1/71, R l 000. Myendeki, C. Z„ AD756; estate late
AF348286—1/8/62, R l 000. Els, Barend Jakobus. W. S. Myendeki.
AF101565— 1/12/71, R4 000. Mulder, Andries Christiaan; Maga- 3087221— 18/3/77, R2 230. Adonis, A., AD756.
delena Robbertse Mulder. 2743506—22/7/74. R8 453. Lombard, J. N., AD756.
AF446876— 1/7/74, R l 000. Samei, Ezekiel Medupe. 2126622—25/1/68. R3 000. Mayekiso, D. M„ AD756.
AF314153— 1/4/58, Rl 000. Wilson, Staunton Bryan Cumberland. 2795858—2/12/74, R l 550. Lane. L. K., AD756; J. K. Lane.
AF439281—1/9/73, R5 000. Gibson, Alexander. 1496131—26/5/59, R684. Madyibi, N„ AD756; C. C. MadyivL
134 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

1053349—25/10/54, R210. Schwarzendahl, J. F., AB756. 8882540---- /3/72, R6 000. Shiong, Aston Soon; Victor Fook
1656534—7/4/61, R3 120. Schwarzendahl, J. F., AD756. Shiong'(Fook Shiong Soon Shiong).
1479189—20/3/59, R2 000. Shantall, B. A., AD756. 5990230— /8/61, R2 000. Israel, Derek.
2004082—18/2/66, R4 360. Shantall, B. A., AD756. 6960386---- /1/65, R4 000. Abrahams, Gerald.
1926345—27/11/64, R2 280. O'Conner, T. E„ AD761. 6978061---- /5/66, R5 000. Abrahams, Gerald.
2035359—8/8/66, R2 000. Meyburgh, J. S. J.. AD761. 8642483---- /6/71, R3 800. Marthinusen, Ronald Erling.
2786485—6/11/74, R4 458. Van de Merwe, W. C.. AD761.
2564931—10/4/73, R3 360. McCreadie, M. J., AD761. R a n d L e w e n s v e r s e k e r in g s m a a ts k a p p y B p k ., P o s b u s 1652, J o h a n ­
2557282— 15/3/73. R3 000. Mowday, R. D„ AD761. n e sb u rg , 2000
2796902—5/12/74, R 17 826. Koornhof, H. L„ AD761. 60034230—1/11/72, R400. Loeriesfontein, Joseph.
2332049—9/11/70, R4 624. Van Zyl, E. P. De J.. AD761.
2844068—28/4/75, R1 000. Mapheta, M. G„ AD761. R o n d a lia V e r s e k e r in g s k o r p o r a s ie van S u id -A fr ik a B p k ., P osbus
3027294— 20/9/76 R i 037. Nkosi. E. M„ AD761; B. M. Nkosi. 2290, P re to ria , 0001
3027295— 20/9/76, R l 208. Nkosi, J.. AD761; B. M. Nkosi. 716633—4/8/72, R5 000. Scheppel, Alfred Hurbert.
1941951—31/3/65, R2 000. McCreadie, M. J.. AD761.
2140161—4/4/68, R3 000. McCreadie, M. J., AD761. 1, S a n la m h o f, 7532
S a u lam , P o sb u s
1731278—7/3/62, R l 000. Friebe, E. A., nee Johnstone, AD751. 1465513x8—1/10/71, R2 000. Biom, L. M.
2525296—2/11/72. R l 000. Sodumo, S. M.. AD751. 1718620x6— 1/5/73, R2 160. Slabbert, N. J.
2551745—23/2/73, R4 410. Laubscher. J. M.. AD751. 1742379x9—1/6/74, R3 000. Smith, S. A.
2312053—17/8/70. R2 053. Eloff. F. C„ AD751. 1802337x4— 1/4/74, R2 500. Nel, M. J.
2766601—12/9/74. R10 054. Lewis, E. A., AD751. 1921401x4—1/10/74 R2 000. Leibowitz, R. L.
2124017—8/1/68, R2 578. Wainstein, B. M., AD751. 1128338x9—1/9/66, R2 000. Lottering. L. J. J.
2335919—24/11/70, R4 583. La Grange. M„ AD751. 1165253x4— 1/8/65, R4 000. Van As, E.
2893391'—11/9/75. R l 740. Sekhonyana, M. D„ AD751; K. S. 1334023x7— 1/5/69, R2 000. Pretorius, E.
Sekhonyana. 1364397x8— 1/5/69, R2 830. Pretorius, D. A. S.
2186037—31/12/68. R5 561. Wharren. B. G., AD751. 1426890x8— 1/2/70, R426. Erasmus, P. D.
1775619—14/9/62, R l 824. Wharren, B. G., AD751. 1249742x6— 1/4/68, R2 055. Pieterse, N. J.
1411938— 17/6/58, R580. Shanahan, J. C., AD751; M. E. Watt. 1249743x4—1/6/68, R2 100. Pieterse, M. LI. P.
1419718—15/7/58. R562. Shanahan P. J.. AD751; M. E. Watt. 1252162x1— 1/7/67, R2 000. Eksteen, C. D.
2300765—6/7/70, Rl 000, Liddell, L. J., AD765; E. S. du Plessis, 1430223x6—1/9/70, R4 500. Eksteen, C. D.
nee Liddell. 1638472x9— 1/9/72, R3 000. Eksteen, C. D.
3037228— 18/10/76. R19 723. Van Heerden. J. C.. AD765. 335225— 1/10/46, R l 668. Sinclair, J. K., op A. J. L. Sinclair;
1110202—9/6/55, R400. Wildschutt, S. J.. AD765. A. J. L. Sinclair.
2300003—1/7/70. R2 867. Hansen. J. H.. AD765. 1037460x1— 1/8/61, R l 924. Erasmus, C. M.
2551174—21/2/73, R5 635. Fourie. C. H„ AD765. 1554142x8— 1/7/71, R8 000. Kontopirakis, J.
3061170—31/12/76. R4 787. Kibido, K. D.. AD765. 1754501x3— 1/4/73, R2 000. Meiring, P. A.
1399928—19/5/58 R3 714,48. Winn, F. E., AD765: F. B. Winn. 3295386x1— 1/9/76, R3 000. Vermaak, J. C.
2480994—4/7/72, R4 000. Van Niekerk, J. C„ AD765. 1071481x4— 1/10/64, R2000. Venter. M. J.; S. J. H. Venter;
2535024—11/12/72. R4 177. Southern, A. J. K.. AD765. 1373472x8— 1/11/69, R571. Bernard, B.
2900722—29/9/75, R l 031. Julius, M. K„ AD765; R. E. A. 1541546x6— 1/5/71, R3 000. Dreyer, J.
Julius. 1889886x6— 1/7/74. R4 000. Adam. C. J.
1209973—30/5/56, R368. Huddy, M. E., AD758; estate late J. H. 1905639x9— 1/8/74, R3 000. De Bruyn, S. W.
Huddy. 464377— 1/9/51, R180. Van Zyl, P. J.
1617488—26/9/60. R2 000. Boshoff, D. J., AD758. 1194695x1— 14/7/66, R6 843. Laidlaw, W. E.
2187821—17/12/68. R5 000. Van den Bent, G. A.. AD758. 1481156x6— 1/11/70, R3 980. Holz, D. B.
2382553—10/6/71, R473. Becker. R.. AD758. 1774589x4—1/11/73, R1911. Krull, B. H.; W. E. de Jager;
2442614—8/2/72. R2 000. Brown. M„ AD758. 329275x1—1/12/76, R5 000. Kruger, J. F.
1531057—30/9/59, R2 834. Bredenkamp, A. P., AD758; J. C. 1214712x0— 1/5/67. R2 000. Senekal, D. S. W.
Bredenkamp. 1399417x3, 1/12/69. R3 000. Nel, T. C.
1766133—6/8/62. R5 000. Heiberg. A. J„ AD75S. 1596904x1—1/6/72, R2 000. Steyn, A. P.
2035682—10/8/66, Rl 000. Cronje, J. I., en A. Cronje, AD758. 1747841x3— 1/10/74, R2 500. Jacobs, S. F. S.
2415344—18/10/71. R3 000. Cronje. J. I., AD758. 1780305x7—1/10/73, R3 000. Seymour, J. J. F.
2206284—8/4/69. R137. Janse van Rensburg, H. J., AD758; 937883x7—1/2/62, R2 500. Esterhuizen, L. C.
estate late J. Janse van Rensburg. 1065608x0—23/7/64, R8 573. Bester, R. F.
2209931—23/4/69. R137. Janse van Rensburg, A. B., AD758; 1109781x3—1/6/65. R l 000. Buitendag, M. C. S.
estate late J. Janse van Rensburg. 1956335x2—1/10/74. R5 000. Kruger, D. F.
2054782—30/11/66, R l 585. Norris. S. H.. AD763. 3291071x3—1/11/76, R2000. Kumm, C. P. M.
301509—28/2/35, R600. Albertyn, C. F., AD763. 345299— 1/5/47. Rl 000. Bolton, N. A. S.
2334820—19/11/70. R2 657. Weber. T. W.. AD763. 1110701x8— 1/5/65, R5 000. Poolman, C. H.
1995406—20/12/65. R l 158. Morton, J. D„ AD763; estate late 1594642x9— 1/9/72, R3 000. Van Aswegen, C.
E. H. Morton. 3305090x7—1/5/76, R3 110. Du Bruyn, G. C.
1437437—31/10/58, R l 000. Cloete, L. H„ AD763. 3324101x9— 1/3/77, R7 060. Van der Merwe, I. J.
992872—22/2/54, R2 000. Wood. M. J. G.. AD763. 607922— 1/7/56, R400. Van Biljon, J. A.
565926—7/11/46, R8 000. Wienand, F. M.. AD763; C. Wienand. 832759— 1/1/60, R l 000. Renou, L. P.
2028500—29/6/66, R4 000. Nel. T. J., AD763. 1215748x3— 1/10/66, R5 000. Engelbrecht, J. H.
3061401—31/12/76. R5 856. Van Loggerenberg, L., AD763. 1829682x2— 1/5/74, R5 000. Engelbrecht, J. H.
884641—21/8/52, R320. Moolman, M. J. M., AD763; estate late 3262868x7—1/7/76, R l 000. Grove, C. E.
W. A. Moolman. 1252743x8—1/6/67, R l 000. Wilken. M.
1192386—10/4/56, R l 200. Cowell. I., AD760. 1358388x5—1/1/70, R216. Engelbrecht, W. A.
2243637—8/10/69, R5 000. Vlok, W. M„ AD760. 1368661x3—1/3/71, R4 000. Vermeulen, D. J. G.
2265212—5/2/70, R7 011. Maritz. C. F., AD760: I. J. Maritz. 1790111x7— 1/11/73, R5 000. Vermeulen, D. J. G.
1517808—7/8/59, R2 000. Du Toit, A. H., AD760; R. A. du 1839601x0—1/10/74, R l 000. Bester, S. J.
Toit. 525705x0—1/5/53, R2 000. Burger, W. M.
2474957— 13/6/72. R5 707. Fourie, L. J., AD760. 1298430x8— 1/5/68, R600. Sebeela, E. M.
2116739—20/11/67, R10 000. Sansom, A. E.. AD760. 1482439x5—1/2/71. R5 000. Pretorius, W. J.
2933115—8/1/76, R6 811. Van der Walt, W. A., AD760. 1475967x4—1/2/71. R5 000. Coetzee, C. P.
2908264—27/10/75, R6 599. Fourie, P. A. N„ AD760. 1523432x1— 1/7/71, R5 000. Coetzee, C. P.
2910214—27/10/75, R10 000. Fourie P. A. N., AD760. 1420999x3— 1/3/70, R4 000. Campher, I. L.; A. E. Campher,
2921704—28/11/75, R15485. Fourie, S. H., AD760. 1585694x1—1/7/72. R4 000. Nieuwoudt, W. W.
2237665—11/9/69, R238. Dugmore, R. H. D„ AD760. 1677427x5—1/10/72, R2 500. Honniball, T. W.
2096694— 1/8/67, R357. Dugmore, R. H. D„ AD760. 1733441x8—1/2/74. R2 000. Hagemann, J.
3336058x7— 1/11/76, R10 000. Stander, E. E.
P e r m a n e n te L e w e n s v e r s e k e r in g s m a a ts k a p p y B p k ., P o s b u s 61038, 776172—1/12/58, R3 000. Penzhorn, E. C.
M a r s h a llto w n , 2107
848287— 1/7/60, R600. Boshoff, P. L.
703175—20/11/73, R7 046. Irving, S. A. P. 1191663x2—1/5/66, R2 000. Fourie, P. J., en A. P. Fourie.
1611020x7— 1/5/72, R6 000. Van Sittert, A. J.
1097, J o h a n n e s b u r g
T h e P r u d e n tia l A s s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x 3320158x3—1/6/76, R10 000. De Beer, F. C.
8103760---- /3/67, R2 000. Phillips, Edwin John. 684377—1/3/57, R2 704. McCarthy, S. D„ op I. D. McCarthy;
10127774---- I l l ' l l , R2 370. Schwartz, Raymond Leslie, boedel wyle S. D. McCarthy.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 135

1062207x4—1/8/64, R2 000, Van den Berg, G. J.; L. P. van den 182835—8/2/40, R54. Cox, W.
Berg. 544872—28/3/57, R1 000. Roets. J. J. W.
1508220x9—1/1/71, R l l 176. Prinsloo, J. C. 587167—7/3/61, R 10000. Van der Merwe, J. C. Jr; estate late
1559323x9—1/1/72. R1 000. Devine, C. J. C. van der Merwe Jr.
3240513x6—1/9/75, R2 000. Hill, J. A. 664296— 14/11/66, R3 530. Combrink, P. H.
665188—22/12/66, R1 000. Margerman, W.
10142, C a p e T o w n
S h ie ld L i f e In s u r a n c e L id , P .O . B o x 676270— 11/1/68, R2 000. Hopkins, J. B. L.
31001309—20/10/73. R1 000. Nogaga, S. E. 747576-4— 10/7/73. R4 459. Versnel. R.
21012598— 1/7/76, R7 800. Harri, H. M. 753374-5— 17/10/73. R1 284. Ferreira, A. L.
757759-4—9/5/74, R1 284. Kruger, P.
T h e S o u th e r n L i f e A s s o c ia tio n , G r e a t W e s te r fo r d , R o n d e b o s c h , 773182-2— 14/1/75. R4 134. Scholtz, A. H.
778470-1—12/8/75, R7 000. Gray, A. K.
179951—25/1/39, R2 000. King, S. H.; Mrs D. G. King, born 779952-1—5/6/75. R8 558. Sloth-Nielsen, M.
Godlonton. 790386-7—20/10/75, R5 415. Coetzee, J. S.

Form/Vorm B-I 136

Notice is hereby given by the undermentioned persons that they intend to apply to the Minister of the Interior in terms of section 10
of the South African Citizenship Act, 1949, for certificates of naturalisation as South African citizens, indicating name, occupation, and
residential address.
Kennis word hierby deur die ondervermelde persone gegee dat hulle van voorneme is om, ooreenkomstig artikel 10 van die Wet op
Suid-Afrikaanse Burgerskap, 1949, by die Minister van Binnelandse Sake aansoek te doen om sertirikate van naturalisasie as Suid-Afrikaanse
burgers, met aanduiding van naam, beroep, en woonadres.
KARODIA, Neloufer, houscwife/huisvrou, 9 Kevda Street/ GOODWIN, Ronald Sidney, construction engineer/konstruksie
-straat, Azaadville, Krugersdorp, Tvl. ingenieur, 9 Oxford Crescent/-singel, Oosterzee, Parow, 7500,
NOOR MAHOMED, Ayesha, housewife/huisvrou, 11 22nd/ C.P./K.P.
ste Street/Straat, Vrededorp, Tvl. SEE, Leong, pensioner/pensioenaris, 36 Kimberley Road/-weg,
KANTARIDIS, Christos, sales manager/verkoopsbestuurder, Johannesburg, Tvl.
34 Sunridge Court, corner of/hoek van Claim and/en Yetaah STEENEKAMP, Hilary Patricia, teacher/onderwyseres, 9 Los-
Streets/-straat, Hillbrow, Johannesburg, Tvl. kop Street/-straat, Posbus 141, Rondebult, Germiston, Tvl.
COETZEE, Carl Wilhelm, photographer/fotograaf, 305 Heide- DE CAIRES. Antonio Carlos, scholar, 60 Davenport Road/-weg,
land, 99 Greef Street/-straat, Sunnyside, Pretoria. Tvl. Glenwood. Durban. Natal.
BABA, Fatima, housewife/huisvrou, 4575 Marigold Avenue/ VANDERMOTTEN, Renee Jean Marie, general office work/
-laan. Extension/Uitbreiding 3, Lenasia, 1820, Tvl. algemene kantoorwerk, 29 Joan Road/-weg. Glenanda, 2091,
MARTIN, Raymond John, foreman fitter and turner/voorman Johannesburg, Tvl.
passer en draaier, Sanatorium, Nelspoort, Beaufort West/-Wes, SZEPVOLGYI, Cornelia Lamberta, test assistant/toetsassistent,
Cape/Kaap. 4 Random Heights, Richmond Hill, Port Elizabeth, C.P./K.P.
MACDONALD, David William, scholar/leerling, 3 Eldorado DWEK, Celia, housewife/huisvrou, 301 Helmar Court, For-
Street/-straat, Creswell Park, Roodepoort, 1725, Tvl. tesque Road/-weg, Yeoville. Johannesburg, Tvl.
BOWERBANK, Patricia, physio-therapist/fisioterapeut, 605 BREET, Johanna Maria, housewife/huisvrou, 16 Moller Street/
Tivou Flats/-woonstel!e, Ninth/'Negende Avenue/Laan, Won- -straat. Witpoortiie. Tvl.
derboom South/-Suid. Pretoria, 0084, Tvl. PAPACONSTANTINOU, Ourania Anna, teacher/onderwyseres,
SUN. Ah, shopkeerper/winkelier, Vlakfontein Supply Store, 18 Laurel Street/-straat, Woodmere, Germiston. 1401, Tvl.
Eerstefabrieke, Tvl. DUNSTER, Lynne, housewife/huisvrou, 10 Bushell Crescent/
FIRFILIS. Kostas. scholar/skoolseun, 118 Patridge Avenue/ Bushellsirkel. Selection Park, Springs, Tvl.
-laan. Allen Grove. Kempton Park, Tvl. DUNSTER, Basil Gervase, electronic technician /elektroniese-
KAJEE, Essop Ismail, shop keeper/winkelier, 132 Whittaker tegnikus, 10 Bushell Crescent/-singel, Springs, Selection Park,
Avenue/-laan. Reservoir, Hills, Natal. Springs.
VELOUDOS, John, motor mechanic/motorwerktuigkimdine, NOWOSAD, Ryszard Marian, engineer/ingenieur, 185 Ama-
411 Plympic Heights, 195 Hamilton Street/-straat, Arcadia, rand Avenue/-laan, Waterkloof Glen Extension/-uitbreiding II,
Pretoria, Tvl. Pretoria, Tvl.
WYNN, Victor Hubert, company director/maatskappydirekteur, LEVY, Sandra Elizabeth Henrietta, teacher/onderwyseres, 1509
1605 Coastlands. 47 West Street/-straat, P.O. Box/Posbus 10102, Kensington, 311 North Ridge Road/-weg, Durban, Natal.
Marine Parade, Durban, Natal. CORBETT, Bruce, boilermaker/ketelmaker, 53 Oheam Crest,
DE WILDE, Johannes Abraham, carpenter/skrynwerker, 8 Dinwiddie, Germiston, Tvl.
Noordkant Street/-straat, Middelburg, Tvl. MESZAROS, George, Watch maker/horlosiemaker, 4a Cun­
RANJEE, Makan. general dealer/algemene handelaar, 19 ningham Road/-weg, Hurlyvale. Edenvale, 1610, Tvl.
Spencer Road/-wcg, Clare Estate, Natal. GODDARD, Peter John. Electrical engineer/elektriese inge­
CARROLL, Mary, housewife/huisvrou, 10 Forth Road/-weg, nieur, 608 Vampire Street/-straat, Elardus Park, Pretoria, Tvl.
Rondebosch, 7700, Cape/Kaap. RAMA, Bharatkumar. clerk/klerk, 100 Sunbird Avenue/-laan,
CARROLL, Christopher Joseph, golf professional/beroeps- Lenasia. Johannesburg, Tvl.
gholfspeler, 10 Forth Road/-weg, Rondebosch, Cape/Kaap. ROBERTS, Joanne Lilian, student nurse/leerlingverpleegster,
ROUSE. Brian Leslie Arthur, electrical technician/elektriese 30 Everton Avenue/-laan, Comet. Boksburg North/-Noord, Tvl.
tegnikus, Bermuda. Gay Road/-weg, Simonstad. Cape/Kaap. WAISON, Henry, shopkeeper/winkelier, 2 26th Avenue/-Laan,
HAIDLINGER. Sheila, housewife/huisvrou, 5 Jocelyn 230 Salisbury Park, Port Elizabeth, C.P./K.P.
Montpelier Road/-veg Durban, 4001, Natal. PATERSON, Duncan Russell, scholar/skolier, 32 Fifth/Vyfde
HAIDLINGER. Franz, wool buyer/wolkoper, 5 Jocelyn. 230 Avenue/Laan, Ashley, Pinetown, 3600, Natal.
Montpelier Road/-weg, Durban, Natal. CAMPBELL, Brenda Elinc, housewife/huisvrou, 10 Ryk
SEARLE, Margaret Alice, housewife/huisvrou, 36 Pickering Tulbagh Avenue/-laan, Paarl Vallei, Somerset West/-Wes, Cape/
Street/-straat, Port Elizabeth, 6001, Eastern Cape/Oos-Kaap. Kaap.
SNOWDEN, Dennis, spares manager/bestuurder onderdele, 19 JOHNSTON, Colin Campbell McPherson, marine engineer/
Hayden Avenue/-laan, Framsby, Port Elizabeth, Cape/Kaap. skeepsingenieur, 4 Botany Bay, Botanic Gardens Road/-weg,
GEORGHIOU, Costas, manager/bestuurder, 48 Farewell Street/ Durban, Natal.
-straat, Empangeni, Natal. BATHO, Kathleen Mary, technician/tegnikus, Highburton, 1
M O R A R , Kasi Gopal, general dealer/algemene handelaar, 10 Kildare Lane/-steeg, Newlands, Cape Town/Kaapstad, C.P./.KP.
Bunsi Street/-straat, Milan Park, Bethal, Tvl. CHONSE, Wa Toon, housewife/huisvrou, 102 Yorko Build-
LEONARDI, Odecio, fitter boiler maker/ketelmaker, 7 Prins- ings/-gebou, 9 Commissioner Street/-straat, Ferreirastown/-dorp,
hof Street/-straat, Pretoria Central/Sentraal, 0002, Tvl. Johannesburg, Tvl.
BEHRTEL, Paulus Willibrordus Nicolaas Maria, motor KWAN, See, housewife/huisvrou, 44b Kimberley Road/-weg,
mechanic/motorwerktuigkundige, 46 Vorster Avenue/-laan, East Bertram, Johannesburg, Tvl.
Lynne, Pretoria, Tvl. ARMSTRONG, George Thomas, production controller, Ser-
MacINNES, Robert, disability grant/ongeskiktheidstoelaes, 10 vitek (Pty) Ltd, Submarine Support Unit, Simonstown Naval
Belmont Terrace, Port Elizabeth, 6001, C.P./K.P. Dockyard/produksiebeheerder, Servitek (Edms.) Bpk., Duikboot
KANJI. Bhagwan, merchant/besigheidsman, 2l Garland Street/ Ondersteuningseenheid, Simonsstad Vlootskeepswerf, 5 De Waal
-straat, Ophirton, Johannesburg, 2091, TvL Road/-weg, Fish Hoek, Vishoek, C.P./K.P,
1 36 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

McGREGOR, John Robertson, Government employee/staats- YORK, Ah, merchant/handelaar, 102 Yorko Buildings/
amptenaar, 24 Frederik Street/-straat, Potchefstroom, 2520, Tvl. -gebou, 9 Commissioner Street/-straat, Ferreirastown/-dorp,
CLOUGH, Barbara, secretary/sekretaresse, 50 Lavender Cres- Johannesburg, TvL
cent/-singel, Uitenhage, 6230, C.P./K.P. BARRETO, Gastao Dos Reis, shopkeeper/winkeleienaar, 5
CLOUGH, Stanley, eletrician/elektrisien, 50 Lavender Cres­ Jacob Street/-straat, Bothasig, C.P./K.P.
cent /-singel, Uitenhage, 6230, C.P./K.P. TSALIKIS, Theodossios, fitter and general dealer/passer en
WHYTE, Elizabeth, staff manageress/stafbestuurderes, 8 Dins- algemene handelaar, 108 Bowker Road/-straat, Escombe, Durban,
ley Road/-straat, Freeway Park, Boksburg, Tvl. Natal.


Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Act, 1972 (Act 56 of 1972)

Wet op Verpligte Motorvoertuigversekering, 1972 (Wet 56 van 1972)

Form/Vorm MVA
The authorised insurer named in the Schedule hereto, hereby gives notice in terms of section 26 (4) of the Act—
(a) that he has entered into an agreement contemplated in section 26 (3) (c) to make a payment in respect of a claim for compen­
sation under section 21 of the said Act, which compensation could, if the said insurer were liable for payment thereof, have included
costs in respect of the accommodation of the person named in the Schedule hereto in a hospital or a nursing home or of any treatment
of or service rendered or goods supplied to that person; and
(b) that, in terms of section 26 (4) of the Act, the said insurer shall not be obliged to pay any amount in respect of such costs
to any person who provided the accommodation or treatment or rendered the service or supplied the goods who has not lodged a
claim, in writing, with the said insurer prior to the expiration of a period of 60 days after the date of this notice.
The particulars are given in the following order, under the name and address of the registered company: Name of person(s) injured
or killed; claim number; date and place of accident; name of hospital, nursing home or place where treated (if known).


Die bevoegde versekeraar genoem in die Bylae hiervan, gee hierby ooreenkomstig artikel 26 (4) van die Wet kennis—
(a) dat hy ’n ooreenkoms soos in artikel 26 (3) (c) bedoel, aangegaan het om ’n bedrag te betaal ten opsigte van ’n eis om skade-
vergoeding ooreenkomstig artikel 21 van genoemde Wet, naamlik vergoeding wat, indien genoemde versekeraar vir die betaling
daarvan aanspreeklik sou gewees het, koste ten opsigte van die akkommodasie, in ’n hospitaal of verpleeginrigting, van die persoon
in die Bylae hiervan genoem of ten opsigte van enige behandeling van of diens gelewer of goedere verskaf aan daardie persoon, kon
insluit; en
(b) dat genoemde versekeraar nie ooreenkomstig artikel 26 (4) van die Wet verplig is nie om enige bedrag ten opsigte van sodanige
koste te betaal aan enigeen wat die akkommodasie of behandeling verskaf of die diens gelewer of die goedere verskaf het en wat nie
’n skriftelike eis voor die verstryking van ’n tydperk van 60 dae na die datum van hierdie kennisgewing by genoemde versekeraar
ingedien het nie.
Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde, onder die naam en adres van die geregistreerde maatskappy: Naam van persoon/
persone beseer of gedood; eisnommer; datum en plek van ongeluk; naam van hospitaal, verpleeginrigting of plek waar behandel (indien
A . A . M u t u a l In s u r a n c e A s s o c ia tio n L td , P .O . B o x 2856, D u r b a n C ity C o u n c il o f J o h a n n e s b u r g , C ity H a ll, M a r k e t S tr e e t, J o h a n ­
MTHETHWA, Ephraim. Claim 6/6/50086, M. J. Luthuli. n e s b u r g
6/7/75, on an unnamed road at M. Section, Umlazi Township, FRANCK, Robert Albert, deceased. Claim Y73/2335. 15/10/73,
Natal. St Joseph’s Clinic, Verulam. George Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg. General Hospital,
HLONGWA, Rooy. Claim 6/6/50086, M. J. Luthuli. 6/7/75 Johannesburg, Princess Nursing Home, Johannesburg and Eden-
on an unnamed road at Umlazi Township, Natal. St Joseph’s vale Hospital.
Clinic, Verulam.
P r e s id e n t V e r s e k e r in g s m a a ts k a p p y B p k ., P o s b u s 10162, J o h a n ­
A . A . M u tu a l In s u r a n c e A s s o c ia tio n L td , P .O . B o x 9595, J o h a n - n esb u rg
BOTES, Dirk Jacobus. Eis 5/00219. 29/1/75, Homelake,
MACLEAN, W. Claim 5/6/70349, A. Mdletshe. 3/2/75, Randfontein. Paardekraalhospitaal, Krugersdorp.
Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg. Grey’s Hospital, Pieter­
maritzburg. 326, P re to r ia
P r o te a A s s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x
COETZER, Philip Stephan. Claim 6/6/13134, E. B. Graver.
20/11/75, Jorisson and Station Streets, Braamfontein. Princess VERMAAK, Franciskus Jozefus, Claim 660031. 1/2/76, Ben
Nursing Home. Schoeman Highway.
MATLALA, David. Claim 4/6/70632, I. Aarons. 6/9/73, Maka-
pane Street, Central Western Jabavu. Baragwanath Hospital. R o n d a lia V e r s e k e r in g s k o r p o r a s ie v a n S u i d - A f r i k a B p k ., V is a g ie -
MAMBA, Lucas. Claim 4/6/70094, Raad van Hervesting van stra a t 174, P re to r ia
Bantoes. 5/6/73, corner of Diepenaar Street and Immink Drive, SINZANGWA, Mazinakile Gqutyani. Eis MVA 6 /R Oil. 26/
Soweto. Baragwanath Hospital. 6/75, pad van Mholotsheni na Port St Johns. St Barnabas
A . A . M u t u a l In s u r a n c e A s s o c ia tio n L td , A . A . H o u s e , S c h o e m a n
Mission Hospital.
S tr e e t, P re to r ia S IB A M B O , J o h n , E is M V A 4 / M 202. 7 / 4 / 7 4 , C u llin a n p a d ,
d is tr ik P re to ria . K a la f o n g h o s p ita a l.
NEDSHANDAMA, Thomas. Claim 4/6/30082, Phineas Mudau. SEEMA, Mary. Eis MVA 3/B 156. 26/11/72, hoek van Ket-
7/10/73. Bungeni/Borchers Road, District of Luvubu, Zoutpans- jen- en Mitchellstraat, Pretoria. Kalafonghospitaal.
berg. Elim Hospital.
MABOE, Price. Claim MVA 6/B 085. 24/10/75, Mooi Street,
C o m m e r c ia l TJnion A s s u r a n c e C o . o f S .A . L td , P .O . B o x 2838, Johannesburg. Crown Mines Hospital.
J o h a n n e s b u r g , 2000
VAN DER BERG, Phillip Jacobus en Suzette van der Berg;
FRANKS, Susan Elizabeth. Claim MVA 0062/56. 28/7/75, on Eis MVA 6/B 104, H. E. van Breda. 29/8/75, Randfontein-
the Heilbron/Steynsrus Road. Krugersdorppad. Paardekraalhospitaal, Krugersdorp.
CHANNING, Albert Eric and Dorris Hilda Channing. Claim POOE, Shadrack. Eis MVA 7/M 034, B. Mkwayi. 17/8/76,
0377/45, M. F. Salie. 28/3/75, Groot Rivier Pass, Knysna. Buffaloweg, Evaton. Vereeniginghospitaal.
C ity T rea su re r, d o S h e p s to n e & W y lie , 41 A c u t t S tre e t, D u r b a n , CARD, Deline Veronica. Eis MVA 6/R 092. 10/10/75, Harri-
4001 sonstraat, Johannesburg. Algemene Hospitaal, Johannesburg.
CHISHOLM, Pamela Nola. Claim 106/129. 5/5/76, Penzance TAU, Onica. Eis MVA 5/G 055, Greyhound Bus Lines. 29/
Road, Durban. 10/74, Randfontein. Paardekraalhospitaal, Krugersdorp.
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JU N IE 1977 No. 5583 137

S .A . M u t u a l F ir e a n d G e n e r a l In s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . Box Co. L td , P .O . B o x 653, C a p e T o w n , 8000

S a n ta m In s u r a n c e
201, B e n o n i . SIPUNDU, T. Claim 05/N/00779. 29/3/74, Tongaat. King
OLIFANT, Patricia. Claim MVA 501472. 2/2/75, Boksburg. Edward V III Hospital, Durban.
Boksburg-Benohi Hospital. KOK, B. D. Eis 23/ R / 14524. 23/1/76, Vierde Laan, Geduld,
Springs. Verre Oos-Rand Hospitaal, Springs.
S .A . M u tu a l F ir e a n d G e n e r a l In su r a n c e C o . L t d , P .O . B o x 16, MAKOU, Josiah. Eis 7/N/43. 13/8/73, Hendrik Verwoerd- en
Cape Tow n Boundaryweg, Randburg. Tembisahospitaal.
MOSELY, David P., and Miss S. Sainsbury. Claim MVA
601156. 26/3/76, Rondebosch. Groote Schuur Hospital. 2546, D u r b a n
S h ie ld In s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x
CELE, Temba. Claim 3A.792. 14/2/73, National South Coast
S . A . M u t u a l F ir e a n d G e n e r a l In s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x 66, Road between Clanstal and Scottburgh. G. J. Crookes Hospital,
D urban Scottburgh.
RANGANA, Sherly. Claim MVA 600465. 5/8/75, Sparks NGCOBO, Phineas. Claim 3A.792. 14/2/73, National South
Road, Durban. McCord Zulu Hospital, Durban. Coast Road between Clanstal and Scottburgh. McCord Zulu
MUIL, Timothy John. Claim MVA 601376. 8/1/76, Melmouth- Hospital, Durban and G. J. Crookes Hospital, Scottburgh.
Eshowe Road, Natal.
S o u th A fr ic a n E a g le In s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x 61489, M a r ­
S .A . M u t u a l F ir e a n d G e n e r a l In s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x 629, s h a llto w n , 2107
K ru g ersd o rp
COOMBES, Edith Margaret. Claim C12/70/6/0152. 26-/8/76,
SELEHO, Angelina. Claim MVA 501550. 18/10/74, Orkney- Gardens, Cape Town. Groote Schuur Hospital.
Klerksdorp. Klerksdorp Hospital.
MATHEBULA, Jan. Claim MVA 302318. 21/3/73, Church T h e S ta n d a r d G e n e r a l In s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x 4352, J o h a n ­
Street, Pretoria West. H. F. Verwoerd Hospital. n esb u rg
SIZANI, Basil Randall, Irene Sizane and Gertrice Booi. Claim THOMPSON, Mrs Maureen. Claim MA 62-0248. 14/5/75, Bis­
MVA 600429. 18/7/75, Western Deep levels Road, Carleton- hop Lavis. Groote Schuur Hospital.
ville. Western Deep Levels Hospital.
U n io n N a tio n a l S o u th B r itis h I n s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x 1087,
S .A . M u t u a l F ir e a n d G e n e r a l In s u r a n c e C o . L td , P .O . B o x 175, P re to ria , 0001
S te lle n b o s c h
HURWITZ, Jean Rayna. Claim 76/J/0360. 22/10/75, Innes
FAKIER, Mustapha. Claim MVA 600620. 13/6/75, Du Toits Road and Kildare Avenue, Parkview, Johannesburg. Johannes­
Kloof Pass. Eben Donges Hospital, Worcester. burg General Hospital.


N o. 1031 10 J u n e 1977 N o . 1031 10 Ju n ie 1977
S ta te m e n t o f E x c h e q u e r R eceip ts a n d Issues fro m 1 S ta a t van S k atk iso n tv an g ste en -u itb etalin g s v a n a f 1
A p ril 1977 to 31 M a y 1977. A p ril 1977 to t 31 M ei 1977.
T re a su ry , P reto ria. T eso u rie, P re to ria .

M onth o f M ay Total 1 Apr il to 31 May

H ead o f Revenue Inkom stehoof Maan d Mei Totaal 1 Ap il tot 31 Mei
1977 1976 1977 1976
Exchequer Balance, 31 M arch 1977.................................. Skatkissaldo, 31 M aart 1977............................... . — — 16 048 671
Exchequer Balance, 30 April 1977.................................... Skatkissaldo, 30 April 1977........................................ 674 303 __ __ __
State Revenue Account Staat sinkornsterekening
Customs and Excise............................................................. Doeane en Aksyns......................................................... 152 269 025 105 547 708 225 117 402 220 453 389
Inland Revenue..................................................................... Binnelandse lnkom ste.................................................. 278 604 566 316 866 929 607 554 118 624 820 979
R 430 873 591 422 414 637 832 671 520 845 274 368
State Oil F und....................................................................... Staatsoliefonds............................................................... 21 708 522 12 044 819 41 523 875 25 292 147
N ational R oad F u n d ........................................................... Nasionale Padfonds...................................................... 10 841 511 10 098 273 19 341 511 20 173 430
South African Bantu Trust F u n d ...................................... Suid-Afrikaanse B antoetrustfonds............................. 354 000 78 000 454 000 178 000
B antu T ransport Services Account................................... Rekening vir Bantoevervoerdienste........................... 977 409 820 057 1 263 024 1 375 885
B antu Beer Research F u n d ................................................ Fonds vir Bantoebiernavorsing................................... — — —
S .W.A. Territorial Revenue Fund—Sales D u ty ............. S.W.A. Gebiedsinkomstefonds—Verkoopreg.......... 580 000 883 697 1 749 875 1 283 697
R 465 335 033 446 339 483 897 003 805 893 577 527
Other Receipts Ander Ontvangste
Treasury Bills: Internal....................................................... Skatkisbilfette: Binnelands...................................................................... 582 777 000 — 1 098 298 000 _
Treasury Bills : External....................................................................................... Skatkisbiljette : Buitelands............................................ — __ — __
Loan Levy 1977/78.............................................................. 19 000 000 __ 39 000 000 _
Internal Stock, Bonds and Loans Raised— Binnelandse Effekte, Obligasies en Lcnings
455 000 __ 1 095 000
Premium B onds............................................................... Premie-obligasies....................................................... __ __
Second Series Premium B onds...................................... Tweede Reeks Premie-obligasies........................... 1 745 400 __ 3 238 900 __
N ational Defence B onds................................................ Nasionale Verdedigingsobligasies......................... 23 223 995 — 28 301 945
Internal Registered Stock— Binnelandse Geregistreerde Effekte—
11 Per Cent, 1998......................................................... 11 Persent, 1998.................................................... 85 632 800 — 214 752 300 —
8,75 Per Cent, 1980.................................................... 8,75 Persent, 1980................................................ — — 337 013 000 —
l l Persent, 1997..................................................... 50 452 000
Foreign Loans and Credits Raised— Buitelandse Lenings en K reditte Opgeneem—
6 Persent Uitvoerkrediet F asiliteit......................... 67 887 — 290 917
R 1 178 237 115 — 2 669 445 867 —

South-W est Africa Account Suidwes-Afrikarekening

Customs and Excise....................... ... ................................... D oeane en A ksyns......................................................... 4 794 328 2 000 000 8 294 328 4 250 000
6 438 001 4 973 912 11 438 001 8 731 9 1 2

R 11 232 329 6 973 912 19 732 329 12 981 912

South-W est Africa Territorial Revenue Fund (Co.’s Suidwes-Afrika Gebiedsinkomstefonds (Mpye.
Tax).................................................................................... -belasting)................................................................... — — — —
South-W est Finance Corporation L td ............................................... South-W est Finance Corporation L td ..................................... — — — —

R 11 232 329 — 19 732 329 —

Total (State Revenue and South-West Totaal (Staatsinkomste- en Suidwes-

Africa Accounts) A frikarekening) ...................................................... R 1 189 469 444 — 2 689 178 196 —

Total (including Opening Balance) .................. Totaal (insluitende Aanvangssaldo) R 1 190 143 747 — 2 705 226 867 —
138 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977


M onth o f M ay Total 1 April to 31 May

Dienste M aand Mei Totaal 1 April to t 31 Mei
1977 1976 1977 1976
State Revenue Account Staatsinkomsterekening
State President....................................................... Staatspresident................................................................... 15 000 20 000 39 000 44 000
Statutory A m ount................................................ Statutere Bedrag................................................................ 3 000 3 000 6 000 6 000
Parliament............................................................... Parlement............................................................................ 439 000 258 200 704 800 556 200
Statutory A m ount................................................ Statutere Bedrag................................................................ 277 000 247 500 550 000 496 500
Prime M inister....................................................... Eerste Minister..................................... ............................. 1 062 000 1 048 000 2 206 000 1 926 000
D efence................................................................... Verdediging......................................................................... 80 000 000 170 000 000 180 000 000 287 000 000
Foreign Affairs.................................................... .. Buitelandse S a k e .............................................................. 2 825 000 1 490 000 5 650 000 2 890 000
Statutory Amount . .............................................. Statutere Bedrag................................................................ 9 507 333 18 507 333
Bantu Administration and D evelopm ent......... Bantoe-administrasie en -ontwikkeling......................... 21 599 000 68 144 500 70 000 000
Statutory A m o u n t................................................ Statutere Bedrag................................................................ 30 000 000 50 000 000 51 599 000 50 000 000
B antu Education.................................................. Bantoe-onderwys............................................................... 1 0 0 0 0 000 6 000 000 20 000 000 12 000 000
Transport................................................................ Vervoer................................................................................ 11 400 000 7 750 000 23 400 000 15 250 000
Labour..................................................................... A rbeid.................................................................................. 1 020 000 950 000 3 720 000 1 650 000
M ines...................................................................... Mynwese............................................................................. 14 400 000 16 100 000 21 400 000 31 100 000
Inform ation............................................................ Inligting............................................................................... 1 000 000 1 150 000 1 550 000 1 650 000
Interior.................................................................... Binnelandsc Sake............................................................... 728 000 675 000 1 328 000 1 215 000
Public Service Commission............................... Staatsdienskommissie....................................................... 300 000 7 400 000 7 500 000
Government Printing W orks..................... .. Staatsdrukkery........ .......................................................... 1 100 000 1 000 000 2 100 000 2 000 000
Social Welfare and Pensions......................... Volkswelsyn en Pensiocne.............................................. .30 400 000 18 900 000 60 800 000 45 800 000
Statutory A m ount................................................ Statutere Bedrag................................................................ 16 000 15 000
National Education.............................................. Nasionale O pvoeding...................................................... 31 300 000 27 400 000 63 800 000 57 800 000
Sport and Recreation........................................... Sport en O ntspanning...................................................... 200 000 60 000 500 000 360 000
Agricultural Economics and M arketing.......... Landbou-ekonomie en -bem arking................................ 16 500 000 16 250 000 33 000 000 33 10! 000
Agricultural C redit and Land T enure............... Landboukrediet en G rondbesit...................................... 3 000 000 2 450 000 3 500 000 7 229 000
Agricultural Technical Services......................... Landbou-tegniese Dienste................................................ 3 000 000 5 500 000 6 500 000 11 000 000
H ealth...................................................................... Gesondheid......................................................................... 8 000 000 9 000 000 17 000 000 16 000 000
Planning and the Environment........................... Beplanning en die Omgewing.......................................... 4 516 000 3 788 000 10 036 000 8 886 000
Statistics.................................................................. Statistiek............................................................................. 400 000 350 000 800 000 615 000
Treasury.................................................................. Tesourie............................................................................... 175 950 000 171 300 000 359 200 000 348 900 000
Statutory A m ount................................................ Statutere Bedrag................................................................ 141 287 200 90 875 540 221 998 200 170 479 540
South African M in t.............................................. Suid-Afrikaanse M unt...................................................... 193 030 130 800 676 030 280 000
Inland R evenue.................................................... Binnelandsc Inkom ste...................................................... 1 454 000 1 414 666 2 890 000 2 706 340
Customs and Excise.............................................. D oeane cn Aksyns......................... .................................. 627 400 538 000 1 237 500 11 767 200
A udit....................................................................... O u a it......................................................................... . 300 000 300 000 680 000 600 000
Commerce............................................................. H andel................................................................................. 5 000 000 5 000 000 9 000 000 7 000 000
Industries.................................................... - ......... Ny werheidswese................................................................. 19 500 000 16 600 000 28 600 000 39 600 000
Justice.......................................................... - ......... Justisie................................................................................. 3 400 000 3 000 000 6 660 000 5 880 000
Statutory A m ount..................................~ .......... Statutere Bedrag................................................................ 190 000 180 000 380 000 360 000
Police....................................................................... Polisie................................................................................... 18 400 000 14 500 000 34 900 000 27 500 000
Prisons.................................................................... Gevangenisse...................................................................... 6 400 000 5 750 000 11 700 000 10 500 000
Indian Affairs........................................................ Indiersake....................................................................... 6 212 000 5 224 000 12 613 000 10 350 000
Community Development................................... Gemeenskapsbou............................... ............................... 13 000 000 21 000 000 81 500 000 71 000 000
T ourism ................................................................. Toerisme............................... ............................................. 480 000 475 000 990 000 913 000
Public W orks........................................................ Openbare W erke............................................................... 17 000 000 14 600 000 31 000 000 29 300 000
Imm igration........................................................... Immigrasie.......................................................................... 600 000 917 000 1 140 000 1 381 000
W ater Affairs.......................................................... W aterwese.......................................................................... 14 000 000 15 700 000 25 000 000 25 200 000
Forestry.................................................................. Bosbou................................................................................. 3 000 000 2 500 000 6 000 000 4 870 000
Coloured, Rehoboth and N am a Relations. . . . Kleurling-, Rehoboth- en Nam abetrekkinge............... 16-200 000 17 185 000 38 534 000 32 435 000
R 726 184 963 727 579 706 ! 478 955 363 1 467 111 780

State Oil F u n d ...................................................... Staatsoliefonds...............................................................(a) 21 70S 522 12 044 819 4! 523 875 25 292 147
N ational R o ad F u n d , ................... ...................... Nasionale Padfonds........................................... (b) 10 84! 511 10 098 273 19 341 511 20 173 430
South African Bantu Trust F u n d ....................... Suid-Afrikaanse Bantoetrustfonds............................ (c) 354 000 78 000 454 000 178 000
B antu Transport Services A ccount................... Rekening van Bantoevervoerdienste........................(d) 977 409 820 057 1 263 024 1 375 885
B antu Beer Research F u n d .................................. Fonds vir Bantoebiernavorsing.................................. (e)
S.W. A. Territorial Revenue Fund—Sales Duty S.W.A. Gebiedsinkomstefonds—V erkoopreg........ (f) 580 000 883 697 1 749 875 1 283 697
R 34 461 442 23 924 846 64 332 285 48 303 159
R 760 646 405 75.1 504 552 1 543 287 648 1 515 414 939
Other Issues Ander Uitbctalings
Treasury Bills repaid: In tern al............................... Terugbetaling van Skatkisbiljette: B innelands............. 387 578 000 894 248 000
Tax Redemption Certificates repaid..................... Belastingdelgingsertifikate gedeig................................. 116 152
Loan Levy 1966-78 rep aid ...................................... Leningsheffing 1966-78 gedeig........................................ 332 761
Sinking Fund Advances.......................................... Delgingsfondsvoorskotte................................................. 1 211 181 2 077 614
Internal Stock, Bonds and Loans Redeemed: Binnelandse Effekte:, Obligasies en Lenings Gedeig:
4 Per Cent Pension F u n d s................................... 4 Persent Pensioenfondse............................................ 20 000 000
Five Year Non-Resident B onds......................... Vyfjaar-obligasies vir Nie-inwoners......................... 22 000 29 000
Premium Bonds.................................................... Premie-obligasies........................................................... 650 500 1 188 500
Second Series Premium B onds.......................... Tweede Reeks Premie-obligasies............................... 204 900 463 300
N ational Defence B onds...................................... N asionale Verdedigings-obligasies............................. 115 000 187 100
Internal Registered Stock': Binnelandse Geregistreerde Effekte:
5,50 Per Cent, 1977.......................................... 5,50 Persent, 1977................................................... 102 105 353
4,75 Per Cent, 1977.......................................... 4,75 Persent, 1977.................................................... 77 914 385
Foreign Loans and Credits Redeemed— Buitelandse Lenings en K reditte Gedeig—
1977......................................................................... 1977................................................................................. 21 710 812 21 710 812
1977-84................................................................... 1977-84........................................................................... 1 278 251 1 278 251
6 Per Cent Export Credit Facility..................... 6 Persent Uitvoerkrediet Fasiliteit.............................. 1 527 483
Revolving Credit Loan, 1978............................. . Wentelkredietlening, 1978........................................... 573 818
Revolving Credit Loan, 1977............................. . Wentelkredietlening, 1977........................................... 167 342 167 342
Issues, State Revenue Votes, 1976-77..................... Uitbetalings, Staatsinkomstebegrotingsposte, 1976-77 3 000 000
Issues, Fixed Statutory Appropriations, 1976-77. Uitbetalings, Vasgestelde Statutere Toewysings, 1976- 14 283 14 283
412 952 385 126 818 154
R 1 173 598 790 2 670 105 802
South-West Africa Account Suidwes-A frikarekening 10 000 000
Bantu Administration and D evelopm ent. Bantoe-administrasie en -ontwikkeling......................... 2 706 000 5 412 000
Statutory A m o u n t........................................ Statutere Bedrag......................... •...................................... 2 294 000 4 588 000
B antu Education.......................................... Bantoe-onderwys............................................................... 370 000 320 000 740 000 640 000
Transport.......................... ............................. Vervoer............................ . . . . . . . ..................................... 60 000 100 000 120 000 200 000
Labour.................................................... .. A rbeid................................................................................. 9 000 8 000 21 000 15 000
M ines........................................................ ..... Mynwese.............................................. . ............................ 40 000 37 000 70 000 57 000
Interior............................................................ Binnelandse Sake............................................................... 5 000 5 000 9 000 10 000
Public Service Commission....................... Staatsdienskommissie....................................................... 175 000 140 000
Social Welfare and Pensions....................... Volkswelsyn en Pensioene................................................ 324 000 324 000 648 000 648 000
National Education...................................... Nasionale Opvoeding................ ..................................... 38 000 37 000 81 000 77 000
Agricultural Economics and M arketing.. Landbou-ekonomie en -bemarking................................ 150 000 290 000 210 000 341 300
Agricultural Credit and Land T enure___ Landboukrediet en G rondbesit...................................... 140 000 3 000 300 000 163 000
Agricultural Technical Services................. Landbou-tegniese D ienste................................................ 400 000 400 000 800 000 800 000
H ealth............................................................. Gesondheid......................................................................... 100 000 110 000 100 000 110 000
Planning and the Environment................... Beplanning en die Omgewing. . . . *................................ 13 200 29 500 26 400 59 000
Miscellaneous Services............................... Diverse D ienste................................................................. 12 994 12 400 170 219 169 031
Statutory A m ounts...................................... Statutere Bedrae................................................................ 4 466 667 4 033 333 8 900 000 8 066 667
Inland Revenue............................................ Binnelandse Inkom ste...................................................... 27 000 24 708 53 000 49 420
Customs and Excise..................................... D oeane en A ksyns........................... ................................. 10 400 14 000 22 800 24 500
C om m erce.................................................... H andel................................................................................. 14 000 10 000 28 000 20 000
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 139

M onth o f M ay Total 1 April to 31 May

H ead o f Revenue Inkom stehoof M aand Mei Totaal 1 April to t 31 Mei
1977 1976 1977 1976
25 000 40 000 175 000 220 000
Justice................................................................................. Justisie................................................................................. 90 000 78 000 179.000 148 000
Statutory A m ount........................................................... Statutere Bedrag................................................................. 5 900 5 400 14 700 12 600
Prisons...................................................... ....................... Gevangenisse...................................................................... 91 000 73 000 172 000 140 000
Community Development.............................................. G emeenskapsbou............................................................... 100 000 150 000 250 000 300 000
500 000 250 000 900 000 500 000
W ater Affairs................................................................... W ater wese........................................................................... 2 768 000 4 100 000 7 968 000 6 500 000
Forestry....................................................................... Bosbou............................................. -.................................. 3 150 5 500 6 300 10 000
Coloured, Rehoboth and N am a R elations................. Kleurling-, Rehoboth- en N am abetrekkinge............... 1 300 000 900 000 2 500 000 1 500 000
R 16 063 311 16 359 841 34 639 419 30 920 518
S.W.A. Territorial Revenue Fund (Co’s T ax )........... S.W.A. Gebiedsinkomstefonds (Mpye.-belasting)..(g) ■ - — -
South-West Finance Corporation L td ....................... —
R • — — —
R 16 063 311 — 34 639 419 —
R 1 189 662 101 — 2 704 745 221 —
Exchequer Balance, 31 M ay 1977................................. Skatkissaldo, 31 Mei 1977................................................
C a s h ..................... ........................................................ 481 646 — 481 646 —
R 481 646 — 481 646 —

T otals.................................................................. T otale.................................................................... R 1 190 143 747 — 2 705 226 867

(a) Section 1 o f Act 38 o f 1977. (a) Artikel 1 van Wet 38 van 1977.
(b) Section 2 (1) (a) o f Act 54 o f 1971. (b) Artikel 2 (1) (a) van Wet 54 van 1971.
(c) Section 8 o f Act 18 o f 1936. (c) Artikel 8 van Wet 18 van 1936.
(d) Section 7 o f Act 53 o f 1957. (d) Artikel 7 van Wet 53 van 1957.
(e) Section 19bis (1) (a) o f Act 63 o f 1962. (e) Artikel I9bis (1) (a) van Wet 63 van 1962.
(f) Section 22 (4) (a) o f Act 25 o f 1969. (f) Artikel 22 (4) (a) van Wet 25 van 1969.
(g) Section 22 (2) “(c) o f Act 25 o f 1969. (g) Artikel 22 (2) (c) van Wet 25 van 1969.
(h) Section 5 o f Ordinance 21 o f 1953. (h) Artikel 5 van Ordonnansie 21 van 1953.


N o. 1025 10 Ju n e 1977 N o. 1025 10 Ju n ie 1977
A com m ittee re fe rred to in section 4 o f th e P ublicatio n s ’n K o m itee b ed o el in artik e l 4 van die W et o p P u b lik a-
A c t, 1974, w hich decided in term s o f section 11 (2) o f th e sies, 1974, w at k ra g te n s artik e l 11 (2) v an genoem de W et
said A c t th a t th e u n d erm en tio n ed p u b licatio n s o r o b jects beslis h e t d a t o n d erg en o em d e p u b lik asies o f voorw erpe
is /a r e u n d esirab le w ithin th e m eaning o f section 47 (2) of ongew ens is b in n e d ie b ed o elin g v an a rtik el 47 (2) v an
th e said A ct, has in term s o f section 9 (1) of the said A c t gen o em d e W et, h et k rag ten s artik e l 9 (1) v an g en o em d e
d eclared every su b seq u en t ed itio n of the said p u b licatio n s W et elk e la te re uitgaw e v an g en o em d e p u b lik asies of
o r o b jects to be so un d esirab le: v o o rw erp e ald u s ongew ens verk laar:

Entry No. Publication or object Author or producer Section 47 (2)

Inskrywing No. Publikasie of voorwerp Skrywer of voortbringer Artikel 47 (2)
P77/6/4........... .Jana S h a k ti —Number 1, May 1977............................... Onbekend/Unknown............................................ (d)+(e)
P77/5/101....... I k w e z i —Vol 11, No III, August 1976............................. Ikwezi, London..................................................... (e)
P77/5/103....... A fr ic a n R e d F a m ily —Volume Three, No 1; Special Hamibantu Publications, London....................... (e)
Publication, No 1

N o. 1026 10 J u n e 1977 N o. 1026 10 Ju n ie 1977

IN R E S P E C T O F A P P E A L (D IR E C T IO N ) O P S IG T E V A N A P P E L (L A S G E W IN G )
O n 27 M a y 1977 th e D ire c to ra te o f P u b licatio n s D ie D ire k to ra a t v a n P u b lik asies h e t o p 27 M ei 1977
a p p ealed u n d e r section 14 of the P u b licatio n s A ct, 1974, k rag ten s a rtik el 14 van d ie W et o p P u b lik asies, 1974,
a g ain st the decision o n 20 M a y 1977 o f a com m ittee a p p e l aan g etek en teen die beslissing o p 20 M e i 1977 v a n ’n
re fe rred to in section 4 of th e said A ct, th a t th e u n d e r­ k o m ite e b ed o el in a rtik el 4 v an g en o em d e W et d a t d ie
m en tio n ed p u b lic a tio n is n o t u n d esirab le w ith in th e o n d erg en o em d e p u b lik asie n ie b in n e d ie b ed o elin g v an
m ean ing of section 47 (2) o f the said A ct. T h e p e rio d w ithin artik el 47 (2) v a n g en o em d e W et ongew ens is nie. D ie
w h ich p erso n s re fe rred to in section 14 (3) (b) o f th e said ty d p e rk w a a rin p erso n e bed o el in a rtik e l 14 (3) (b) v an
A c t m ay m a k e rep resen tatio n s to the P u b licatio n s A p p e a l g en o em d e W et v erto e to t die A p p e lra a d o o r P ub lik asies,
B o a rd , P riv a te B ag X I 14, P re to ria in resp ect of th e said P riv a a tsa k X I 14, P re to ria ten opsigte v an gen o em d e
a p p e a l is hereb y d eterm in ed as 10 d ay s fro m th e d a te of ap p e l k a n rig, w o rd h ierb y b ep aal as 10 d ae v a n a f die
th is notice: d a tu m v an h ierd ie kennisgew ing:

Entry No. Publication Author or producer

Inskrywing No. Publikasie Skrywer of voortbringer
P77/4/65........... B e a r ............................................................................................ Marian Engel
140 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

N o . 1024 10 Ju n e 1977 N o. 1024 10 J u n ie 1977

’n K o m itee b ed o el in a rtik e l 4 v a n die W et o p P u b lik a -
A co m m ittee re fe rred to in section 4 of th e P u b licatio n s
sies, 1974, h e t k ra g te n s a rtik e l 11 (2) v a n g en o em d e W et
A ct, 1974, decided u n d e r section 11 (2) o f the said A c t th a t beslis d a t d ie o n d erg en o em d e p u b lik asies o f v o o rw erp e
th e u n d erm en tio n ed p u b licatio n s o r objects are un d esirab le ongew ens is b in n e d ie b ed o elin g v a n artik e l 47 (2) v a n
w ithin th e m eaning of section 47 (2) o f th e said A ct: g en o em d e W et:


Entry No. Publication or object Author or producer Section 47 (2)

Inskrywing No. Publikasie of voorwerp Skrywer of voortbringer Artikel 47 (2)
P77/3/103........ T a les o f M y s te r y a n d R o m a n c e ....................................... Frank Moorhouse................................................ (a)
P77/3/157........ True M o d ern R om a n ces —No. 226, March/April.......... Transpacific Magazines Ltd., Hong K ong........ (a)
P77/4/28......... P o rtu g a l-C o lo n ies: R evo lu tio n S o c ia liste !—Sept 1974.. Ligue Marxiste Revolutionnaire......................... (e)
P77/4/35......... E v il S tr e a k , A n .................................................................. Andrea Newman................................................... (a)
P77/5/3........... E y e in the P yra m id , T he (Illu m in a tu s! Part 1)................ Robert Shea en/and Robert Anton Wilson___ (a)
P77/5/5........... A u tu m n o f the P atria rch , T h e ........................................... Gabriel Garcia Marquez...................................... (a)
P77/5/54......... A rtic les o f F a ith ................................................................. Ronald Harwood.................................................. (a), (b), (c)+
P77/5/70.......... N e tw o r k .............................................................................. Sam Hedrin............................................................ (a)+(b)
P77/5/91.......... D o m e 5—21st April 1977................................................. SRC, University of Natal, Durban..................... (a)+(e)
P77/5/98......... O k ik e —Number 11, November-December 1976.......... Okike, P.O. Box 53, Nigeria................................ (e)
P77/5/124........ B e s t o f C ream , T he —Spring 1977................................... Creem Magazine, Inc., Birmingham................... (a)
P77/5/125........ Q ueens, T h e ....................................................................... George Alpert........................................................ (a)
P77/5/128....... P anoram a —Nr 6, 11 Febr 1977...................................... Uitgeverij Spaamestad bv te Haarlem................ (a)
P77/5/129....... A m a te u r P hotographer —Vol 155, No 12, March 23, IPC Business Press Ltd., London........................ (a)
P77/5/134........ Y o u n g V oice— No 6, 20/4/1977...................................... Young Church for Social Change....................... (e)
P77/5/135........ C risis —April 1977............................................................. Students African Movement/Central Printing (e)
Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, Johan-
P77/5/179....... S p ieg el, D er —N r 22, 23 Mai 1977................................. Der Spiegel, Hamburg.......................................... (a)
P77/5/101........ I k w e z i —Vol II, No III, August 1976............................. Ikwezi, London.. ................................................ (e)
P77/5/103....... A fric a n R e d F a m ily —Volume Three, No 1; Special Hamibantu Publications, London....................... (e)
Publication, No 1


by deur


A guide to the indigenous forests of ’n Gids tot die inheemse bosse van
George, Knysna and Tsitsikama; their George, Knysna en Tsitsikama-; hul
different types; their management and verskillende tipes; hul bestuur en geskie-
history; their trees and shrubs, ferns and denis; hul borne en struike, varings en
herbs, grasses and lianes; their snakes, kruidagtige plante, grasse en klimplante;
birds and mammals. hul slange, voels en soogdiere.
With a leaf-key to and descriptions of
100 forest tree species, Met ’n- blaarsleutel tot en beskrywings
van 100 bosboomsoorte.
328 pages, 470 illustrations (photographs
and line drawings), comprehensive index, 328 bladsye, 470 illustrasies (foto’s en
hard cover. lyntekeninge), omvattende register, vplband.

Price R10 © Abroad R12,50 Prys R10 © Buiteland R12,50

Obtainable from The Government Printer, Pretoria Vcrkrygbaar by Die Staatsdrukker, Pretoria
and Cape Town en Kaapstad
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 141

For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government AHe Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings en Aigemcne
Notices and General Notices published are included in the follow­ Kennisgewings gepisbliseer word vir verwysingsdaeleindes in die
ing table of contents which thus forms a weekly index. Let vo’gende inhoudsopgawe ingesluit wat dus ’n weeklihse indeks
yourself be guided by the Gazette numbers in the right-hand voorstel. Laat uself dear die Koerant-nosimcrs in die regter-
column: handse kolom lei:

and Weekly Index en Weeklikse Indeks
Page G a zette No. koTant
No. N o. No. No.
Liquor Act, 1928 ........................................... 1 5540 Drankwet, 1928 ............................................ 1 5540
By the State President of the Republic Van die Staatspresident van die Republiek
of South Africa concerning the Amend­ van Suid-Afrika betreffende die wysiging
ment of the W arrant instituting the “Pro van die Bevelskrif waarby die “Pro
Patria Medal’’ ........................................... 1 5575 Patria-Medalje” ingestel is ..................... 1 5575
R. 104. Act 59 of 1968: Milk Scheme: Amend­ R. 104. Wet 59 van 1968: Melkskema: Wysiging 2 5575
ment ................................................................. 2 5575 R. 105. Wet 38 van 1927: Bantoe-administrasie
R. 105. Act 38 of 1927: Bantu Administration Act 2 5575 Wet ................................................................... 2 5575
R. 108. Act 51 of 1971: Agricultural Produce R. 108. Wet 51 van 1971: Wet op Uitvoer van
Export Act ..................................................... 8 5575 Landbouprcdukte .......................................... 8 5575
R. 110. Act 112 of 1976: Commencement of the R. 110. Wet 112 van 1976: Inwerkingtreding van
Estate Agents Act ........................................ 1 5580 die Wet op Eiendomsagente ..................... 1 5580
R. 111. Commission of Inquiry into the Future R. 111. Kommissie van Ondersoek na die Toekom-
Control and Management of Table stige Beheer en Bestuur oor Tafelberg ... 1 5581
Mountain ........................................................ 1 5581 112. Wet 18 van 1936: Verklaring tot oop-
112. Act 18 of 1936: Declaration as released gestelde gebied: Bantoetrust ...................... 1 5583
area: Bantu Trust ........................................ 1 5583 113. Wet 46 van 1946: Volksraadtussenverkie-
113. Act 46 of 1946: House of Assembly By- sing: Beaufort-Wes ........................................ 1 5583
election: Beaufort West ............................. 1 5583 114. Wet 46 van 1946: Provinsiale Raadtussen-
114. Act 46 of 1946: Provincial Council By- verkiesing: Beaufort-W es.............................. 2 5583
election: Beaufort W e s t................................ 2 5583 118. Wet 54 van 1956: Verkeerdevlei-besproei-
118. Act 54 cf 1956: Verkeerdevlei Irrigation ingsdistrik, afde,Iing Montagu ..................... 2 5583
District, Division of Montagu ................ 2 5583 119. Wet 24 van 1977: Wysigingswet op Mis-
119. Act 24 of 1977: Fertilizers, etc., Amend­ stowwe, ens.: Inwerkingtreding ................ 3 5583
ment Act: Com m encem ent.......................... 3 5583
Arbeid, Departement van
Agricultural Credit and Land Tenure, Department of
G o e w e r m e n ts k e n n is g e w in g s
G e n e r a l N o tic e s
R. 960. Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956: Juwe-
366. Act 55 of 1965: Notice of offer of an liersware- en Edelmetaalnywerheid (Kaap):
increased a m o u n t.......................................... 17 5583 Opleidingsfondsooreenkoms......................... 1 5578
378. Act 48 of 1961: State land offered for R. 961. Wet op die Reeling van Bantoe-arbeids-
sale by public a u c tio n ................................... 24 5583 verhoudinge, 1953: Melkbedryf, Wit-
379. Act 25 cf 1969: State land offered for sale watersrand en Pretoria ............. .• ... ......... 1 5579
by public auction ........................................ 25 5583 R. 962. Wet op Fabrieke, Masjinerie en Bouwerk,
380. Act 25 of 1969: State land offered for 1941 .................................................................. 15 5579
sale by public auction ................................. 26 5583
A ig e m e n e K e n n is g e w in g
Agricultural Economics and Marketing, Department of ‘i l l . Loonraadondersoek: Brood- en Banket-
G o v e r n m e n t N o tic e nywerheid, Sekere G eb ied e.......................... 23 5583
R. 976. Act 51 of 1971: The Agricultural Produce Bantoe-administrasie en -ontwikkcling, Departement vann
Export A c t ......................... . ...................... 8 5575
G o e w e r m e n ts k e n n is g e w in g s
G e n e r a l N o tic e R. 963. Wet 67 van 1964: Bantoe-arbeidsregulasies 15 5575
365. Nomination and election of persons for R. 964. Wet 67 van 1964: Bantoe-arbeidsregulasies 15 5575
appointment as producer members of the 992. Wet 32 van 1944: Verandering van die
Chicory Control Board .................................. 16 5583 plaaslike grense, V ictoria-O os.................... 4 5583
1021. Verbeteringskennisgewing ............................. 4 5583
Bantu Administration and Development, Department of
G o v e r n m e n t N o tic e s Replanning en die Omgewing, Departement van
R. 963. Act 67 of 1964: Bantu Labour Regula­ G o e w e r m e n ts k e n n is g e w in g
tions ................................................................. 15 5575 R. 997. Aanstelling van Kommissie van Onder­
R. 964. Act 67 of 1964: Bantu Labour Regula­ soek na die Toekomstige Beheer en
tions ................................................................. 15 5575 Bestuur van Tafelberg .............................. . 3 5581
992. Act 32 of 1944: Alteration of the local
limits: Victoria East ................................... 4 5583 Binnelandse Sake, Departement van
1021. Correction notice .......................................... 4 5583 G o e w e r m e n ts k e n n is g e w in g s
Commerce, Department of 1006. Wet op Vreemdslinge, 1937: Vansverande-
ring: Leonard in Henman .......................... 9 5583
G o v e r n m e n t N o tic e 1007. Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937: Vansverande-
R. 989. E sta te A g en ts Board ... ...................... „ 1 5580 ring: Williams in Hesom-W illiams.............. 9 5583
1008. Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937: Vansverande-
G e n e r a l N o tic e ring: Kruger in D ash w o ed .......................... 10 5583
352. Act 61 of 1973: Notices in terms of the 1009. Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937: Vansverande-
Companies Act .............................................. 1 5576 ring: Delafield in B a rn a rd .......................... 10 5583
1010. Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937: Vansverande-
Community D e v e lo p m e n t, Department of ring: Smit in van Z yl-S m it......................... 10 5583
G e n e r a l N o tic e 1018. Wet op Publikasies, 1974: Ongewenste
382. Notice of expropriation .............................. 27 5583 publikasies: Lys P77/37 ......... ... — ™ 1 5582
142 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

S la a ts -
Page G a zette B la d sy
N o. No. k o era n t
No. N o. No.
Customs and Excise, Department of Binnelandsc Sake, Departement van (vervolg)
G o v e r n m e n t N o tic e (vervolg)
G o e w e r m e n ts k e n n is g e w in g s
R. 969. Customs and Excise Act, 1964: Amend­ 1019. Wet op Publikasies, 1974: Ongewenste
ment of Schedule 1 (No. 1/2/8) ............... 16 5575 publikasies: Lys P77/36 ........................... 1 5582
1023. Wet op Vreemdelinge, 1937: Vansverande-
ring: Clayton in Cohen ................................ 10 5583
Defence, Department of 1024. Wet op Publikasies, 1974: Ongewenste
G e n e r a l N o tic e publikasies: LysP77/38 .............................. 140 5583
364. Act 44 of 1957: Military training and 1025. Wet op Publikasies, 1974: Ongewenste
exercises: Strandfontein, Wynberg, Cape 15 5583 publikasies ......................... 139 5583
1026. Wet op Publikasies, 1974: Ongewenste
publikasies ...................................................... 139 5583
Finance, Department of
G o v e r n m e n t N o tic e s Buitelandse Sake, Departement van
993. Statement of revenue: 1 April 1977 to G o e w e r m e n ts k e n n is g e w in g s
30 April 1977 ............................................... 7 5583
1012. Appointment as member of the State 1028. Erkenning verleen as E rek o n su l................... 9 5583
Tender Board ................................................ 7 5583 1029. Stigting van ?n Konsulaat-generaal ......... 9 5583
1013. Act 66 of 1968: Natal Society of Chartered 1030. Oorhandiging van Geloofsbrief ................ 9 5583
A ccountants.................................................... 8 5583
1016. Tenders for Five Year Non-Resident Bonds 6 5583 Doeanc en Aksyns. Departement van
1031. Exchequer Receipts and Issues from 1 April G o e w e n n e n ts k e n n is g e w in g
1977 to 31 May 1977 ................................ 137 5583 R. 969. Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964: Wysiging
G e n e r a l N o tic e van Bylae 1 (No. 1 /2 /8 )............................... 16 5575
374. South African Reserve Bank: Statement of
assets and liabilities on the 27th day of Eerste Minister, Departement van
May 1977 ...................................................... 20 5583 G o e w e r m e n ts k e n n is g e w in g s
748. No. 51 van 1977: Strafproseswet, 1977 ... 1 5532
Foreign Affairs, Department of 749. No. 57 van 1977: Wysigingswet op Bantoe-
G o v e r n m e n t N o tic e s universiteite, 1977 ......................................... 1 5533
1028. Recognition granted as Honorary Consul 9 5583 750. No. 58 van 1977: Wisselwysigingswet, 1977 1 5534
1029. Establishment of a Consulate General ... 9 5583 861. No. 59 van 1977: Wysigingswet op die
1030. Presentation of Letter of Credence ......... 9 5583 Suid-Afrikaanse Toeristekorporasie, 1977 1 5545
862. No. 60 van 1977: Wysigingswet op die
Wetenskaplike Navorsingsraad, 1977 ...... 1 5546
Health, Department of 913. No. 61 van 1977: Wysigingswet op In- en
G overnm ent N o tic e s Uitvoerbeheer. 1977 .............. ^ .................... 1 5556
R. 965. Act 54 of 1972: Regulation: Preserva­ 914. No. 62 van 1977: Wet op Registrasie van
tives and antioxidants .................................. 17 5575 Outeursreg in Rolprente,1977 ...................... 1 5557
R. 978. Act 24 of 1970: Anatomical Donations, 915. No. 63 van 1977: Wet op Gesondkeid,
etc., Act: Amendment .................................. 31 5575 1977 .................................................................. 1 5558
916. No. 64 van 1977: Maatskappywysigings-
wet, 1977 ........................................................ 1 5559
Indian Affairs, Department of 917. No. 65 van 1977: Wysigingswet op Univer-
G overnm ent N o tic e siteite, 1977 ..................................................... 1 5560
R. 975. Correction notice ......................................... 32 5575 918. No. 66 van 1977: Private Wysigingswet op
Universiteit van Natal, 1977 ..................... 1 5561
927. No. 67 van 1977: Wet op Burgerlike
Industries, Department of Beskerming, 1977 ........................................... 1 5555
G e n e r a l N o tic e s 980. No. 68 van 1977: Tweede Wysigingswet op
367. Customs and Excise tariff applications: List Verdediging. 1977 .......................................... 1 5569
14/77 ................................................................ 17 5583 981. No. 69 van 1977: Wysigingswet op Spoor-
368. Act 24 of 1955: Regulation of Monopolistic weg en Hawewelte, 1977 ............................ 1 5570
Conditions Act: Manufacturers of biscuits 18 5583 982. No. 70 van 1977: Wysigingswet op Handel-
369. Act 24 of 1955: Regulation of Monopolistic skeepvaart, 1977 ............................................ 1 5571
Conditions Act: Fertilizer Industry ......... 19 5583 983. No. 71 van 1977: Wysigingswet op Hotelle,
381. Act 19 of 1944: Board of Trade and 1977 .......................... 1 5572
Industries A c t ................................. 26 5583 984. No. 72 van 1977: Wysigingswet op die
Voorkoming van Onregmatige Plakkery,
1977 .................................................................. 1 5573
Interior, Department of the 998. Vreemde eerbew yse...................................... 13 5583
G o v e r n m e n t N o tic e s
1006. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: Finansies, Departement van
Leonard to Henman ................................... 9 5583 G o e w e r m e n ts k e n n is g e w in g s
1007. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: 993. Staat van inkomste, 1 April 1977 tot 30
Williams to Hesom-Wiiliams .................. 9 5583 April 1977 .................................... ............ .... 7 5583
1008. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: 1012. Aanstelling van lid op die Staatstender-
Kruger to Dash wood ............................... 10 5583 r a a d .................................................................. 7 5583
1009. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: 1013. Wet 66 van 1968: Natalse Genootskap van
Delafield to Barnard ................................... 10 5583 Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters .................... 8 5583
1010. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: 1016. Tenders vir Vyfjaar-obligasies vir Nie-
Smit to Van Zyl-Smit .............................. 10 5583 inw oners.......................................................... 6 5583
1018. Publications Act, 1974: Undesirable 1031. Skatkisontvangste en'uitbetalings, 1 April
publications: List P77/37 ............................ 1 5582 1977 tot 31 Mei 1977 ................................... 137 5583
1019. Publications Act, 1974: Undesirable
publications: List P77/36 ............................ 1 5582 A lg e m e n e K e n n is g e w in g
1023. Aliens Act, 1937: Change of surname: 374. Suid-Afrikaanse Reserwe Bank: Staat van
Clayton to Cohen ........................................ 10 5583 bates en laste op die 27ste dag van Mei
1024. Publications Act, 1974: Undesirable 1977 ... ............................................................ 20 5583
publications: List P77/38 ............................ 140 5583
1025. Publications Act, 1974: Undesirable Gemeenskapsboa, Departement van
publications ............................. 139 5583
1026. Publications Act, 1974: Undesirable A lg e m e n e K e n n is g e w in g
publications ..................................................... 139 5583 382. Kennisgewing van onteiening ..................... 27 5583
STAATSKOERANT, 10 JUNIE 1977 No. 5583 143

No. Page Gazette Btadsy Staats-

No. No. No. koerant
Justice, Department of Gesondheid, Departement van
Government Notices G oewermentskennisgewings
990. Act 32 of 1944: Redefinition of the local R. 965. Wet 54 van 1972: Regulasie: Bederf-
limits: Randfontein ....................................... 10 5583 werende middels en anti-oksideermiddals 17 5575
991. Act 32 of 1944: Redefinition of the local R. 978. Wet 24 van 1970: Wet op Anatomiese
limits: Cathcart ............................................ 11 5583 Skenkings, ens.: Wysiging ........................ 31 5575
General Notice Gevangenisse, Departement van
361. Special meeting of the Liquor Licensing G oewermentskennisgewings
Board: Area 31 ........ . .............................. 14 5583 R. 966. Wet 8 van 1959: Wysiging van Gevangenis
Regulasies....................................................... 34 5575
Labour, Department of R. 967. WeF 8 van 1959: Wysiging van Gevangenis
Government Notices Regulasies....................................................... 33 5575
R. 960. Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956: Jewellery R. 968. Wet 8 van 1959: Wysiging van Gevangenis
and Precious Metal Industry (Cape): Train­ Regulasies....................................................... 34 5575
ing Fund Agreement ................................... 1 5578 Handel, Departement van
R. 961. Bantu Labour Relations Regulation Act,
1953: Dairy Trade, Witwatersrand and
Pretoria ........................................................... 1 5579 R. 989. Raad vir Eiendomsagente ........................... 1 5580
R. 962. Factories, Machinery and Building Work Algemene Kennisgewing
Act, 1941 ........................................................ 15 5579
352. Wet 61 van 1973: Kennisgewing ingevolge
General Notice die Maatskappywet ....................................... 1 5576
377. Wage Board Investigation: Bread and Con­
fectionery Industry, Certain Areas ......... 23 5583 Indiersake, Departement van
Mines, Department of R. 975. Verbeteringskennisgewing ............................. 32 5575
Government Nonces
Justisie, Departement van
1004. Act 20 of 1967: Reservation of land for G oewermentskennisgewings
purposes of a township ............................. 12 5583
1005. Act 20 of 1967: Reservation of land for 990. Wet 32 van 1944: Heromskrywing van die
purposes of a township ............................. 12 5583 plaaslike grense: Randfontein ..................... 10 5583
991. Wet 32 van 1944: Heromskrywing van die
National Education, Department of plaaslike grense: Cathcart ........................... 11 5583
Government Notices Algemene Kennisgewing
R. 971. Act 61 of 1955: Rhodes University: Amend­ 361. Spesiale vergadering van die Dranklisensie-
ment to statute ............................................. 32 5575 raad: Gebied 31 ............................................ 14 5583
1000. Act 18 of 1962: Bureau of Heraldry ... 12 5583 Landbou-ekonomie en -bemarking, Departement van
1014. Act 29 of 1969: Cultural Institutions Act 13 5583
Gocwermcnts kennisgewing
Planning and the Environment, Department of R. 976. Wet 51 van 1971: Die Wet op Uitvoer van
Government Notice Lar.dbouprodukte.......................................... 8 5575
R. 997. Appointment of Commission of Inquiry Algemene Kennisgewing
into the Future Control and Management 365. Benoeming en verkiesing van persone vir
of Table Mountain .................................... 3 5581 aanstelling as produsentelede vir die
Sigoreibeheerraad.......................................... 16 5583
Posts and Telecommunications, Department of
Landboukrediet en Grondbesit, Departement van
General Notices
Algemene Kenttisgewings
362. Appointment: Deputy Postmaster General 14 5583
363. Sale of unclaimed articies: Cape Town 15 5583 366. Wet 55 van 1965: Kennisgewing van ver-
371. List of International Telecommunication hoogde aanbod ......... ................................ 17 5583
Tariffs .......................... ... ;......................... 20 5583 378. Wet 48 van 1961: Staatsgrond per open-
bare veiling te koop aangebied................... 24 5583
Prime Minister, Department of the 379. Wet 25 van 1969: Staatsgrond per open-
bare veiling te koop aangebied ................ 25 5583
Government Notices 380. Wet 25 van 1969: Staatsgrond per open-
748. Act 51 of 1977: Criminal Procedure Act, bare veiling te koop aangebied ............... 26 5583
1977 ................................................................. 1 5532
749. Act 57 of 1977: Bantu Universities Amend­ Mynwese, Departement van
ment Act, 1977 ............................................. 1 5533 Goewermentskenn isgewings
750. Act 58 of 1977: Bills of Exchange Amend­ 1004. Wet 20 van 1967: Uithou van grond vir
ment Act, 1977 ............................................. 1 5534 doel van ’n d o rp ........................................... 12 5583
861. Act 59 of 1977: South African Tourist 1005. Wet 20 van 1967: Uithou van grond vir
Corporation Amendment Act, 1977 ......... 1 5545 die doel van ’n d o rp ............................... ..... 12 5583
862. Act 60 of 1977: Scientific Research Council
Amendment Act, 1977 ... ........................... 1 5546 Nasionaie Opvoeding, Departement van
913. Act 61 of 1977: Import and Export Control G oewermentskennisgewings
Amendment Act, 1977 .............................. 1 5556 R. 971. Wet 61 van 1955: Rhodes-Universiteit:
914. Act 62 of 1977: Registration of Copyright Wysiging van Statuut .................................. 32 5575
in Cinematograph Films Act, 1977 ......... 1 5557 1000. Wet 18 van 1962: Buro vir Heraldiek ... 12 5583
915. Act 63 of 1977: Health Act, 1977 ......... 1 5558 1014. Wet 29 van 1969: Wet op Kulturele Inrig-
916. Act 64 of 1977: Companies Amendment tings ......................................... 13 5583
Act, 1977 ....................................................... 1 5559
917. Act 65 of 1977: Universities Amendment Nywcrlieidswese, Departement van
Act, 1977 ........................................................ 1 5560 Algemene Kennisgewings
918. Act 66 of 1977: University of Natal 367. Doeane- en Aksynstariefaansoeke: Lys
(Private) Amendment Act, 1977 .......... 1 5561 14/77 ................................................................ 17 5583
927. Act 67 of 1977: Civil Defence Act, 1977 1 5555 368. Wet 24 van 1955: Wet op Reeling van
980. Act 68 of 1977: Second Defence Amend­ Monopolistiese Toestande: Vervaardigers
ment Act, 1977 ........................................... 1 5569 van beskuitjies............................................... 18 5583
981. Act 69 of 1977: Railways and Harbours 369. Wet 24 van 1955: Wet op Reeling van
Acts Amendment Act, 1977 ...................... 1 5570 Monopolistiese Toestande:Kunsmisbedryf 19 5583
982. Act 70 of 1977: Merchant Shipping Amend­ 381. Wet 19 van 1944: Wet op Raad van Handel
ment Act, 1977 ............................................. 1 5571 en Nywerheid ... ............. . . . . _... _____ , 26 5583
144 No. 5583 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 10 JUNE 1977

Bladsy koerant
Page Gazette
No. No. No. No. No.
Prime Minister, Department of the (continued) Pos- ea Teiekommunikasiewese, Departcment van
Government Notices (continued) Algemene Kennisgewings
983. Act 71 of 1977: Hotels Amendment Act, 362. Aanstelling: Adjunk-posmeester-generaal ... 14 5583
1977 ................................................................ 1 5572 363. Verkoping van onafgehaalde artikels:
984. Act 72 of 1977: Prevention of Illegal Kaapstad ......................................................... 15 5583
Squatting Amendment Act, 1977 .............. 1 5573 371. Lys van Intemasionale Telekommunikasie-
998. Foreign awards of honour ........................ 13 5583 tariewe ............................................................. 20 5583
Prisons, Department of Spoortvee en Hawens, Departemcnt vaa
Government Notices Goewermentskennisgewing
R. 966. Act 8 of 1959: Amendment of the Prison 1015. Wet 70 van 1957: Aanstelling as plaas-
Regulations .................................................... 34 5575 vervanger ........................................................ 13 5583
R. 967. Act 8 of 1959: Amendment of the Prison
Regulations .................................................... 33 5575 Algemene Kennisgewings
R. 968. Act 8 of 1959: Amendment of the Prison 354. Nuwe Spoorweg- en Hawesuperannuasie-
Regulations .................................................... 34 5575 fonds ................................................................ 14 5583
375. Staat van bedryfsuitgawe: 1 April tot 30
Railways and Harbours, Department of April 1977 ..................................................... 21 5583
Government Notice
1015. Act 70 of 1957: Appointment as alternate 13 5583 Statistiek, Departemcnt van
General Notices 5575
R. 974. Wet 66 van 1976: Wet op Statistieke ... 34
354. New Railways and Harbours Super­
annuation Fund ............................................. 14 5583 Verdediging, Departement van
375. Statement of working expenditure: 1 April
to 30 April 1977 ......................................... 21 5583 Algemene Kennisgetving
364. Wet 44 van 1957: Militere opleiding en
Social Welfare and Pensions, Department of oefeninge: Strandfontein, Wynberg, Kaap 15 5583
General Notices
372. Act 79 of 1965: Surrender of registration Vervoer, Departement van
certificates ...................................................... 19 5583 Goewermentskennisgewing
373. Act 79 of 1965: Surrender of registration 999. Wet 39 van 1930: Aanstelling as waar-
certificates ...................................................... 23 5583 nemende lid ................................................... 14 5583
Statistics, Department of Volkswelsyn en Pensioene, Departement van
Government Notice Algemene Kennisgewings
R. 974. Act 66 of 1976: The Statistics Act ......... 34 5575 372. Wet 79 van 1965: Teruggawe van regi-
strasiesertifikate ... 19 5583
Transport, Department of 373. Wet 79 van 1965: Teruggawe van regi-
Government Notice strasiesertifikate ... 23 5583
999. Act 39 of 1930: Appointment as acting
m em ber.............................................. ......... 14 5583 Waterwese, Departement van
Water Affairs, Department of Algemene Kennisgewing
General Notice 376. Wet 54 van 1956: Grootdwarsrivier-
besproeiingsraad: Lydenburg ..................... 23 5583
376. Act 54 of 1956: Groot Dwarsrivier
Irrigation Board: Lydenburg ................. 23 5583
Aansoeke om motortransportsertifikate ... 28 5583
Applications for motor carrier certificates 28 5583
Amptelike publikasies uitgereik gedurende
Official publications issued during April April 1977 .................................................. 56 5583
1977 ............................................................. 56 5583
Gewysigde sluilingstye vir wetlike kennis­
gewings en Goewermentskennisgewings 57 5583
Amended closing times for legal notices
and Government notices ....................... 57 5583
LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Algemene Voorwaardes en Tariewe ......... 58
General Conditions and Rates „. .............. 58
Aktes: Verlore Dokumente ....................... 67
Administration of Estates Acts Notices _ 93 Algemeen ................................ 89
Business Notices .......................................... 61 Besigheidskennisgewings .............................. 61
Butchers’ Notices ......................................... 88 Boedelwettekennisgewings ............................ 93
Change of Name ......................................... 87 Derdeparty-assuransie-eise .......................... 136
Companies Notices ..................................... 62 Geregtelike en Openbare Verkope .......... 75
Deeds: Lost Documents ............................. 67 Handelsmerke in S.W.A................................ 90
General .................................................. 89 Insolvensiewet- en Maatskappywette-
Insolvency Acts and Companies Acts kennisgewings ............................................. 120
Notices ....................................................... 120 Likwidateurskennisgewings........................... 67
Liquidators’ N otices................................... .. 67 Maatskappykennisgewings............................ 62
Lost Life Insurance Policies ......... ............ 133 Naamsveranderings ...................................... 87
Naturalisation Notices ......... „. _ _ ... 135 Naturalisasiekennisgewings............................. 135
Orders of the C ourt......................... .... 70 Orders van (lie H o f .................. 70
Public Auctions ............................................. 84 Publieke V eilings........................................... 84
Sales in Execution and Public Sales ........ 75 Slagterskennisgewings ................................... 88
Supersessions and Discharge of Petitions 75 Tersydestellings en Afwysings van Aan­
Third Party Insurance C laim s.................... 136 soeke ............................................................ 75
Trademarks in S.W.A........................ „ ... 90 Verlore Lewensversekeringspolisse ............. 133

Printed by and obtainable from The Government Printer, I Gedruk deur en verkrygbaar by Die Staatsdrukker,
Bosnian Street, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 I Bosmanstraat, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, 0001

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