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Clarin Campus
Poblacion Norte, Clarin, Bohol

Vision: A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for
sustainable development in Bohol and the country.

Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and
technological fields; undertake research and development and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and
the country

NOVEMBER 14, 2023

Submitted to:

Jeziel A. Estapia, LPT

as partial fulfillment of the requirements in


First Semester School Year 2023-2024


Submitted by:

Katrina L. Dela Victoria

Clarin Campus
Poblacion Norte, Clarin, Bohol

Vision: A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of world class and virtuous human resource for
sustainable development in Bohol and the country.

Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and
technological fields; undertake research and development and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and
the country

NOVEMBER 14, 2023

Submitted to:

Jeziel A. Estapia, LPT

as partial fulfillment of the requirements in


First Semester School Year 2023-2024


Submitted by:

Maria Lineth V. Dayupay

Gabe seems like a really energetic and outgoing student. However, his arrival has
disrupted the calm atmosphere Susan had established. Gabe is lively during recess
and takes charge in organizing games, showing that he's sociable. But, there is a worry
about his schoolwork because he often doesn't finish or turn in assignments, even
though he's good at reading and math. His constant need to move around cause
distracted easily, and be disorganized in tasks makes other people wonder if he can
focus and follow classroom rules.

Susan's decision to consult the special education teacher and ask for an informal
observation shows her acknowledgment of Gabe's difficulties. The evidence gather
during the observation, along with the recommendation to gather data on Gabe's basic
skills or performance, points to the issues impacting his academic performance.
Susan's effort to assess Gabe's reading, math, and writing skills revealed his needs.
Gabe is good at imagining and understanding stories, but he sometimes doesn't want
to finish written work, and he finds it hard to stay focused on math. This might mean he
has some learning difficulties.

These are the evidences of gabes behavior that would indicate a need for intervention:
having a short attention span and being easily distracted, appearing forgetful or losing
things appearing to be unable to listen to or carry out instructions, having difficulty
organizing tasks, being unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings being
unable to concentrate on tasks excessive physical movement excessive talking
interrupting conversations. Susan may find it helpful to arrange a meeting with Gabe's
parents to openly discuss both his academic performance and behavioral challenges.
This approach is to bring together the awareness of both the teacher and parents,
creating a shared understanding of Gabe's situation.

The special education teacher will probably say that Gabe is very active, talks a lot,
and finds it hard to stay focused. They might mention that Gabe has trouble finishing
his work, staying organized, and following the class rules. The teacher could also
notice that Gabe is good at reading and comes up with creative ideas. They might say
Gabe talks a lot with his classmates. The report shows how Gabe acts in class, what
he's good at, and where he might need some help.
Susan should help Gabe with his schoolwork by breaking down tasks into smaller
steps, giving clear instructions, and complement and appreciate him for each little
success/ achievements. Working with the special education teacher will help Susan
understand Gabe's needs and create her own teaching strategies to support his
learning style. The goal is to focus on Gabe's strengths, difficulties and challenges,
making the learning environment more effective and understandable for him.

Looking at how Gabe acts and how he's doing in school, it's important to figure out
what might be causing his challenges. We need to think about whether his behavior is
because of a behavioral disorder(BD), a learning disorder(LD), attention
deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) , or just an energetic and spoiled child who needs clear
boundaries and more discipline. We don't have his school records from before that
makes it even harder to understand his background and what kind of help he might
need, but base on my observation, Gabe's behavior shows some signs and symptoms
of attention deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD). According to Paul H. Wender (2021), ADHD
caused by brain differences that affect attention and behavior in set ways. For
example, people with ADHD are more easily distracted than people who don't have it.
ADHD can make it harder to focus, listen well, wait, or take your time. Having ADHD
affects a person at school, at home, and with friends. Additionally, standard treatments
for ADHD in children include medications, behavior therapy, counseling and education
services. These treatments can relieve many of the symptoms of ADHD, but they don't
cure it. It may take some time to determine what works best.

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