Innovating Education: Development and Validation of The Teacher Adviser Systematic Kit (TASK) Using Microsoft Excel For Enhanced Teacher Productivity

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Volume: 16
Pages: 192-199
Document ID: 2024PEMJ1447
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10452047
Manuscript Accepted: 11-21-2023
Psych Educ, 2024, 16(2): 192-199, Document ID:2024PEMJ1447, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10452047, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Innovating Education: Development and Validation of the Teacher Adviser Systematic

Kit (TASK) Using Microsoft Excel for Enhanced Teacher Productivity
Danilo M. Macapugas Jr.*, Aiselle Jasen Anadia-Macapugas
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Teachers no longer just teach in the classroom but are also compelled to provide reports required by
DepEd personnel. The number of tasks to be done is increasing. Without tools and methodologies
that can simplify these tasks, it can become a burden to teachers and may cause a problem. This
study, funded by the Basic Education Research Fund of the DepEd, attempts to validate a researcher-
developed system called Teacher Adviser Systematic Kit (TASK) that can be used by teachers. The
methodology of this study involved a systematic tool validation process and tool application using the
Guidelines for the Development and Validation of Spreadsheets by Peter M. Esch following the
OECD Principles of GLP from an Article in The Quality Assurance Journal 2010. The TASK was
subjected to the different steps in the qualification process, which include Installation Qualification
(IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification (PQ). The researchers also used
a descriptive qualitative approach to know the respondent’s point of view on the usefulness of the
TASK. Respondents strongly agree that the TASK is an effective tool in the efficient and simplified
preparation of DepEd school forms that are prepared by the advisers at the end of the quarter and can
contribute to the improved and simplified work for teachers.

Keywords: teacher adviser systematic kit, TASK, work simplification, teacher productivity

Introduction (DepEd). This proliferation of administrative duties,

coupled with limited automation tools, presents a
growing challenge for teachers, potentially leading to
Teacher productivity is a critical concern for both increased workload, stress, and reduced time for core
government and private schools, impacting not only teaching responsibilities. As emphasized by Edutopia
their economic and social viability but also their 2020 the evolving role of teachers, encompassing
capacity to achieve broader educational goals. It serves diverse responsibilities beyond classroom instruction.
as an integrative force, promoting positive labor- It acknowledges the need for support systems and
management collaboration, fostering school efficient administrative processes to prevent burnout
competitiveness, and aiding in the development of a and ensure teacher well-being.
long-term strategy for ensuring high-quality education.
Several studies underscore the importance of teacher The number of activities to be completed is growing.
productivity for educational success. Springer, Without methods and methodologies to help automate
Swanson, and Glazer in 2018 examine the relationship these assignments, they can become a challenge for
between teacher productivity and student learning. The teachers and trigger problems.In the face of growing
study concludes that effective teacher practices, such workplace uncertainty and knowledge overload, work
as clear instruction, engaging activities, and high simplification emerges as a potent solution to alleviate
expectations, lead to improved student outcomes. employee frustration. Work simplification can be a
Furthermore, The Education Policy Research Unit valuable tool for alleviating worker frustration in the
investigates the link between teacher satisfaction and face of increasing workplace uncertainty and
student achievement. The study reveals that positive knowledge overload. This cost-effective approach
working conditions, supportive leadership, and aims to maximize the utilization of available resources,
opportunities for professional development contribute including materials, equipment, and human energy. It
to both teacher satisfaction and improved student involves a comprehensive analysis of factors
outcomes. impacting job efficiency, implementation of
improvement measures, and establishment of efficient
However, nowadays teachers’ responsibilities are no work procedures. By eliminating unnecessary steps
longer limited to teaching in the classroom; they are and streamlining processes, work simplification seeks
now compelled to provide reports required by DepEd to optimize the return on effort, capital, and time
personnel. The role of teachers has expanded beyond invested. This time-tested technique can empower
traditional classroom instruction, now encompassing a employees, enhance productivity, and contribute to a
significant workload of administrative tasks, including more positive work environment. Smith et al (2020)
reports mandated by the Department of Education highlights the cost-cutting benefits of work
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Psych Educ, 2024, 16(2): 192-199, Document ID:2024PEMJ1447, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10452047, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

simplification. The study presents case studies teachers, including paperwork, guidance, budget
demonstrating substantial reductions in operational management, and even participation in government
expenses achieved through streamlined processes and programs (David et al., 2019).
optimized resource utilization. studies provide
compelling evidence for the positive impact of work This overburdened state has raised concerns about the
simplification on individuals and organizations. By potential impact on teaching quality. With limited time
leveraging this time-tested approach, workplaces can and resources dedicated to classroom instruction,
empower their employees, navigate uncertainty teachers may struggle to provide the individualized
effectively, and achieve sustainable success. attention and support that students need. This can
hinder their ability to implement differentiated
A need, therefore, exists for the development of a tool instruction, a crucial pedagogical approach that caters
that can be used by teachers to simplify recording and to diverse learning styles and needs.
can be used to facilitate consistent and more efficient
reporting. Higgins, Hallgarten, and Coe in their study Several studies have emphasized the negative
in 2019 concluded that technology can be a powerful co n seq uen ces of excessive n o n - teach ing
tool for streamlining administrative tasks and reducing responsibilities for teachers. A 2021 research study by
teachers' workload. Furthermore, Sharma and Singh in the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in
2021 found that technology-based tools can the United States found a significant correlation
significantly reduce teachers' time spent on between higher teacher workload and lower job
administrative tasks, allowing them to dedicate more satisfaction, as well as increased rates of burnout and
time to lesson planning, student interaction, and attrition (NCES, 2021). Similarly, a 2018 review
professional development. published in the International Journal of Educational
Research highlighted the negative impact of
Research Questions administrative tasks on teacher well-being and student
outcomes (Day et al., 2018).
This study presents the validation of such a tool, which
aims at simplifying teacher’s work to improve Productivity enhancement is a complex and
teacher’s productivity. Generally, this study aims to multifaceted endeavor that requires a strategic
validate a developed work simplification tool called approach to innovation, implementation of cutting-
Teacher Adviser Systematic Kit (TASK) using edge tools and infrastructure, and investment in skilled
Microsoft Excel and apply it to the field. The study labor. Job simplification methods and procedures are
also delves into the teacher’s perception of the gaining traction across diverse sectors, including
usefulness of the developed TASK. Specifically, it businesses, infrastructure projects, public and private
aims to answer the following: organizations, and other systems. This growing trend
is fueled by evidence that intelligently designed and
1. Can the developed Teacher Adviser Systematic Kit improved work processes, which eliminate
(TASK) be an efficient tool that can be used to unnecessary waste and redundancies, lead to
simplify teachers’ work and facilitate consistent and demonstrably higher productivity. This statement is
more efficient reporting? supported by numerous studies and articles such as
2. How do the teachers find the Teacher Adviser Deloitte (2015) which highlights the growing focus on
Sy stem atic Kit (TASK) as a tool for work work simplification as a key strategy for enhancing
simplification? productivity in organizations. The article provides
concrete examples of companies like Coca-Cola and
Literature Review Google implementing successful simplification

It is widely knpwn that public school teachers in the High efficiency, as an effective measure, means that
Philippines carry a significant workload. This extends output materials are completely used, and waste is
beyond the classroom, encompassing numerous non- reduced. Efficacy, on the other side, ensures that
teaching activities that can detract from their primary outcomes (operations and processes) contribute to the
responsibility: educating students. A policy paper achievement of the organization’s specific objectives,
published by the Philippine Institute of Development whether they be satisfying consumer needs, achieving
Studies (PIDS) in 2019 by David, Albert, and corporate targets, or contributing to the achievement of
Vizmanos corroborates this, highlighting the multitude the society’s social, economic, and ecological goals.
of administrative and student support roles assigned to Productivity enhancement is an improvement in

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Psych Educ, 2024, 16(2): 192-199, Document ID:2024PEMJ1447, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10452047, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

productivity that entails the use of high-quality (PQ).

resources to generate products of consistent or higher
quality (Prokopenko,1997). Research Design

Job simplification is one solution for employees who The researchers also used a descriptive qualitative
are overwhelmed by increasing organizational approach to know the respondent’s point of view on
confusion and information overload. Work the usefulness of the TASK.
simplification is a cost-cutting strategy that maximizes
the use of usable goods, energy, and human energies. Sampling procedure
It is a comprehensive review of all factors affecting
job performance, the implementation of improvement An IT expert was recruited to evaluate the tool. The IT
criteria, and the creation of proper task procedures. expert was selected from the pool of IT teachers in the
Improving involves removing wasteful applications of Senior High School department of Leyte National
human operation, materials, equipment, and utilities, High School. Afterward, the tool was piloted using a
as well as the return on each unit of effort, money, or sample of the population of teacher advisers from
time expended. Work simplification is a tried-and-true Leyte National High School that was randomly
process. selected. Preferably 4 teacher advisers from each
department and one from each grade level. A total of
Work Simplification’s underlying principle is that all 32 teacher respondents voluntarily joined in this study.
work that does not bring value to a commodity or
service is a reducible loss. Reducible waste is Data Collection
classified into four categories: shipping, delay-storage-
idle, testing, and inability to use proven faster Validation Approach was utilized in this study. The
equipment. Based on the search for related studies it general approach for the validation of the Teacher
has been found out that there are only a few studies Adviser Systematic Kit (TASK) includes a common
that have been conducted that are related to the present validation process (user requirements, risk
study. One of these is the study conducted by Rosales, assessments, specifications, planning, testing,
et al. in 2018. The study reports on the development reporting), proper validation documentation, and rules
and validation of the Means of Verification – for the archival and change management processes.
Automated Assessment Tool. The study aimed to heed
the call of the Department of Education in crafting In the following sections, individual aspects of the
solutions for the improvement of the Result-Based validation approach for TASK will be described.
Performance Management System Manual for
Qualification Process. The qualification process’s goal
Teachers and School Heads. They produced a Tool to
is to show that the created system is fit for its intended
be used in the process of performance assessment and
use. It must be shown within this method that the
rating of teachers by creating a program through a
desired outcome – namely, a collection of processed
software application, particularly using Microsoft
data that has been subjected to operations such as
Excel. Using a research sample of twenty-four (24), a
estimates, rounding, formatting, and regrouping for
research instrument called a survey questionnaire on
display as a table, map, or study – is obtained in a
the use of MOV–AAT.
correct and reproducible manner.

Methodology Step 1. Installation Qualification (IQ). To ensure that

the system may be used, it is important to verify that it
can be run on several machines and that it can be
The methodology of this study involved a systematic updated and used with various software versions.
tool validation process and tool application. This study Step 2. Operational Qualification (OQ). During the
presents the validation of a developed Teacher Adviser development testing process, systematic reviews of the
Systematic Kit (TASK) using Microsoft excel by the initial user specifications were carried out by the
author using the Guidelines for the Development and software developer. In this step, common use cases for
Validation of Spreadsheets by Peter M. Esch following all of the basic functions were included. All
the OECD Principles of GLP from Article in The experiments were run with separate and distinct data
Quality Assurance Journal 2010. TASK was subjected sets.
to the different steps in the qualification process that Test for limits and robustness. Select input values that
includes, Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational result in undesirable or unlikely outcomes. Experiment
Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification with entering data in inappropriate formats or in the

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Psych Educ, 2024, 16(2): 192-199, Document ID:2024PEMJ1447, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10452047, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

wrong cells (text instead of digits and out-of-range Results and Discussion
values). The focus was on problems that arise from the
productive environment at that stage. This involved
repeating experiments of actual data to find errors Before the d ev elopm ent of the TASK, the
caused by loops or values that are not properly reset at developers/researchers define and document the
the end of the execution. Since the system was now requirements of the developed excel system including
deployed in a productive setting, security testing was functionalities and objectives (calculations, layout,
included at this point. etc.). This is defined in the User Requirements
Step 3. Performance Qualification (PQ). This final Specifications (URS). The following are the URS of
qualification process showed that the system satisfies the developed Teacher Adviser Systematic Kit
the user specifications that were originally established (TASK):
in the user’s environment. The standard usage cases
can be run by the future user in r eal- world User Requirements
environments. PQ is a kind of internal approval
measure. • URS1. The system using MS Excel should contain
Testing with actual data. From the user’s perspective, the different DepEd school form that are usually
this is the most important aspect of the validation prepared by the advisers such as SF1, SF2, SF5, SF8,
process: using actual calculation data as input data. SF10, Consolidated grade sheet, Rank List and Student
Depending on the intended use of the system, data can official list. Each form should be in a separate sheet
be entered manually or by importing a file. Real data inside the excel workbook.
from previous calculations was used, regardless of • URS2. A sheet in the system called TASK
whether this is a manual or automatic step. It is interphase that contains basic information about the
important to use a sufficient number of different actual school, the school year, the name of section, and the
data sets to ensure that the system works as expected. adviser is linked to all the forms inside the system.
Step 4. Change Management. Any changes to the • URS3. The system should perform excel functions
system was managed using change control processes needed in the preparation of the forms such us IF,
that are standardized. If a proposed improvement is to COUNT, COUNTIF, AVERAGE, RANK, and
be adopted, the device owner can do a risk assessment VLOOKUP.
and determine how much further testing is necessary. • URS4. Sheets of the forms that needs the same data
The system should be officially published after a should be linked together so that user need not to re-
satisfactory test. encode the same data to simplify the work.
• URS5. Print out Settings of each sheet should be
In addition, a face-to-face interview using a semi- already set such that the user can print the forms
structured interview guide was used. In a semi- readily.
structured interview, the interviewer formulated a list • URS6. The system should be password protected for
of questions to be answered by all interviewees; at the added file security.
same time, follow-up questions were asked during • URS7 The calculations in the system should be
interviews to explain and/or further expound on some protected against unauthorized modifications. Cells
subjects (Boyce & Neale, 2006). with formula are protected and locked so that users
cannot modify/change its content accidentally or
Data Analysis purposely.
• URS8 Mak in g ch an g e s to the sy st e m
The observations of the IT expert from the validation (modification/deletion) after its final version should
approach and the Feedback coming from the teacher not be possible.
respondents during and after the pilot testing using a • URS9. The system should be retained in a secure
semi-structured interview were recorded and kept in a location in an electronic form with access control.
database for safekeeping and was used for analysis. It
was then used to modify the tool based on their System Design
recommendation. Thematic analysis was used to the
qualitative data that was collected. During the coding The system design corresponds to the system
process, the researchers constantly reviewed existing architecture of a software program, in this case,
codes to determine how they might be grouped into developed using Microsoft excel. To illustrate a
themes. As data was collected the researchers’ created structured layout, the sample shown in Figure 1 below
categories of information based upon common shows the system interphase of the developed TASK
properties and information. for teachers.

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Psych Educ, 2024, 16(2): 192-199, Document ID:2024PEMJ1447, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10452047, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

formulas” functionality. In particular, cell contents

created by the automatic “fill down” function have to be
verified, since the use of this function can be error
prone, depending on the zoom factor and mouse
sensitivity. The formula auditing tool was used for
checking cell ranges and references. The VBA code
has to be evaluated line by line for consistency,
program logic, correctness, etc.

Qualification Process

The purpose of the qualification process is to

Figure 1. System Layout (System Interphase) demonstrate that the developed TASK is valid for its
intended purpose. Within this process, it has to be
The system is password protected, and data can only demonstrated that the desired result – namely, a set of
be entered in the marked cells with light brown color. processed data, which was subject to operations such
The forms found in the interphase includes, the as calculations, rounding, formatting and regrouping for
STUDENT PROFILE, SF1 (School Register), SF2 presentation as a table, chart or report – is achieved in
(Attendance Report from October to September), SF3 a correct and reproducible manner. In this process, the
(Books Issued and Returned), SF5 (Report on developer/researcher identified teacher adviser that
Promotion), SF8 (Learners basic health and nutrition served as respondents and will use the developed
report), SF9 (Student Report Card), SF10 (Learner TASK. Prior to the distribution of the TASK to the
Permanent Academic Record), Summary of respondents, they were all subjected to an orientation
attendance, and other forms such us, Consolidated on how to use the system. In the orientation they were
Grade sheet, Rank list (first quarter to fourth quarter), taught on how to open the file, input data and generate
The official list of students and the automated a printed copy of the forms. The researchers also made
certificate of academic excellence award certificate. an online group chat where the developers and the
respondents can communicate in case a problem or
Calculations, constants and parameters cannot be important feedback that needs immediate response is
changed by the user (locked cells). A blank template is needed.
used – the use of “master copies” with typical data
should be avoided. Each of the template is also Installation Qualification (IQ)
password protected (at sheet, workbook, and VBA
code level). All input data, constants and calculation In order to ensure that the system can be utilized
results are shown, which allows stepwise verification, throughout the test, it was necessary to check that the
e.g. with a calculator. system can be run on different computers (identical or
different hardware configurations, user profiles, local
Development Testing settings) and that the system can be installed and run
using different software versions (Excel, operating
Systematic testing of User Requirements Specification. system, data generation system if applicable).The
The developers tested whether the system fulfils the Ability to run the system on different computers is
User Requirements. A simple set of typical data for the especially important when the system is stored as a
input values was used and varied in order to simulate template and run by different users on their desktop
the situations that are needed to test all User PCs or laptop. It is also important to test whether a
Requirements. system is capable of running on different computer
hardware. Its ability to be install and run using
Code review. This review was conducted by the different software versions is also important.
developer/researcher and an experienced reviewer, an
IT expert from the school, who is familiar with the To be able to do this, a copy of the developed TASK
intended use and the applied functions. For developed was distributed to the selected teacher adviser
TASK, the code review was consisted of checking the respondents in the research local to test its function
content of cells, especially formulas, formula ability, its ability to run on different computer/laptops
locations, cell numbers and ranges, syntax of using different software versions. It is given that since
additional functionality, and VBA code. teachers have different computer/laptops it is expected
that the specifications and versions of excels in their
The cell contents were reviewed by using the “view by

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Psych Educ, 2024, 16(2): 192-199, Document ID:2024PEMJ1447, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10452047, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

units also varies. Thus, the researchers used this day. The checking of forms was used by the researcher
opportunity to test the developed TASK’s Installation as an opportunity to test the performance qualification
Qualification. It has been found out that the developed (PQ) of the developed TASK. Based on the result
TASK runs properly and compatible to the respondents reported minor errors that can easily be
respondent’s PCs/laptops and excels versions. addressed by the developer/researcher. Generally, the
TASK served its purpose. The work that the teacher
Operational Qualification (OQ) adviser does in preparing all of the forms required for
checking was made more efficient, faster and simpler.
A systematic test of the initial user requirements has
been performed during the development testing phase Change Management
by the developer/researcher. It is not necessary to
repeat every single test in this phase, but typical use Any changes to the system were handled using
cases with all the basic functions should be included. systematic change management procedures. The
Tests should be performed with different and developer performed risk assessment and decided on
independent data sets, that is why the TASK was given the amount of additional testing. In the case of changes
to the teacher respondents to use. Their feedback and in formulas and VBA code additional testing was
experiences were used to test whether all functions in implemented. The correction of any error detected in
the TASK are functioning. the template during operation was handled via change
management. In addition, the influence of the detected
Testing for limits and robustness. Some respondents error was evaluated. The system owner is responsible
input values that lead to unacceptable or impossible for the processes of change handling, testing, version
results. Some tried to enter data in incorrect formats or control and distribution of a new version, together with
in the wrong cells. In these cases, the user SOP updates and training.
requirements should already specify what behavior is
required and expected from the system. As many of Teacher’s perception on the usefulness of the
these tests have already been included in development developed TASK
testing, the focus was on issues arising from the
productive environment at that stage. This may include The study also expounded upon the descriptive
repeated tests with real data in order to discover qualitative research questions as well as other relevant
malfunctions due to loops, or values that are not research findings. Open ended questions were also
correctly set before execution. Testing of security used to collect data from the respondents. The
aspects was also included at this stage since the system qualitative, open-response questions were used to get
is now installed in the productive environment. their perceptions on the use of the developed TASK.
The data were organized and coded according to the
Performance Qualification (PQ) individual responses of the teacher advisers in order to
identify themes representing on the impact of the
The aim of this final qualification phase is to TASK.
demonstrate that the system meets the initially
formulated user requirements, in the user’s Below are the themes generated from the data
environment. The typical use cases should be run collected from the self-reported answers to open ended
under everyday conditions, by the future user. PQ can questions.
be regarded as an internal acceptance test. The TASK
was used by the teacher respondents for a period of • Less Pressure • Improve
two quarter (1st and second quarter) of the school year. teacher productiveness
This was done so that the data that they will be • Data consistency • Teacher
inputted into the system are actual data. From the friendly
user’s point of view, this is the principal part of the • Effective and efficient reporting • Cost
validation process – applying actual data. In this case efficient
student’s information and grades acquired for the
quarter as input data. Every end of the quarter teacher Can the developed Teacher Adviser Systematic Kit
advisers is subjected to a quarterly checking of forms. (TASK) an efficient tool that can be used to
This is to make sure that the data that they entered in simplify teachers’ works and facilitate consistent
all of the forms are correct and consistent in all forms and more efficient reporting?
that requires the same data before it is released the
student or parents for reporting during the portfolio Some of the responses of the Teachers to the questions

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Research Article

are the following. Teacher A said: effort in preparing the forms will be minimized.
“Yes, the TASK as a tool automates some processes Teacher respondents also said that the TASK made
that makes work more convenient. Its efficiency is them feel that being an adviser is no longer
highly hinged on automated data fill and formatting
Teacher respondents believed that because of this
which possibly takes away numerous skill-related
tool they will have more time in preparing lessons.
factors that any “not so tech-savvy” teachers do not The time that they will be using to work on the
possess.” forms will now be used to prepare learning
Some other teacher respondents also said: Teacher respondents also believed that the cost for
“Yes, because it made the teacher’s work easier and a the preparation of the said forms will also be
lot faster than doing it manually. Everything seems minimized as a computer-generated form has less or
easy to make things organize and neat.”. have no errors, thus wastage of paper and other
resources will be minimized.
The study revealed that the respondents indicated great
expectations towards the developed Teacher Adviser Conclusion
Sy stem atic Kit (TASK) as a tool for work
simplification and consistent and efficient reporting.
Research participants agree or strongly agree that In the light of the findings derived from this study, the
system helps a lot on the efficient preparation and following conclusions were drawn: (1) Respondents
reporting of school forms to be checked every end of has good disposition towards the developed Teacher
the quarter. Adviser Systematic Kit (TASK). Respondents agree or
Teachers believe that the TASK is an effective tool in strongly agree that the TASK is an effective tool in the
reporting students’ performance and contributes to the efficient and simplified preparation of DepEd school
improvement in the simplified system of work that the forms that are prepared by the advisers every end of
teacher advisers does. the quarter and can contribute to the improved and
simplified work of teachers. (2) Respondents prefer on
How do the teachers find the Teacher Adviser using TASK than the traditional ways of preparing the
Systematic Kit (TASK) as a tool for work forms. (3) After the TASK was subjected to the
simplification? various processes in the qualification process, the
teacher responses, and the IT specialists, in
Some of the responses of the Teachers to this question collaboration with the developers, discovered no more
are the following. Teacher A said: issues in the system’s final output. (4) The TASK is a
“The TASK as a tool hastens any process or literally cost-efficient tool as it will minimize or zero out
“tasks” that any adviser or teacher would partake. wastage of paper and other resources.
Almost all of the documents needed are included in the
TASK tool and its automated fill and conditional References
formatting makes work easier and faster. In other
words, the manual job that used to be involved in the Boyce, C. and Neale, P. (2006) Conducting In-Depth Interview: A
daily job of a teacher was made easier and more Guide for Designing and Conducting In-Depth Interviews for
technologically- updated which I think is essential for Evaluation Input. Pathfinder International Tool Series, Monitoring
and Evaluation-2. Retrieved from
any teachers nowadays.”
Another teacher respondent also said:
“The TASK is a very good tool in making the tedious David, C., Albert, J.R., and Vizmanos, J.F., (February 2019).
Pressures on public school teachers and implications on quality.
adviser’s tasks more efficient. The incorporated
Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS). ISSN 2508-
automated School Forms are more accurate and easier 0865. No. 2019-01.
to deal with”.
Day, C., Kington, A., & Stobart, G. (2018). Teacher workload and
wellbeing: A review of the literature. International Journal of
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Educational Research, 92, 111-128.
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simplification. G l o b a l H u m a n C a p i t a l Trends 2 0 1 5 .
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positive attitude towards the develop TASK. Many Edutopia. (2020, August 11). Redefining the Role of the Teacher:
of them are excited on the fact that the time and It's a Multifaceted Profession.

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