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50 posts that were seen 21M+ times



In June of 2018, I wrote my first ever piece of content on LinkedIn.

It bombed.

I didn't write again until October of 2018. Even then I was super
sporadic and got absolutely nowhere.

In 2019, I made a commitment to write every single weekday on

LinkedIn with the goal of making a name for myself on the internet.

It took 5 months, but I finally wrote a post that people might consider
as "viral".

It was seen over 1.24M times, and you can find it in this swipe file as
"post #4".

To be honest? I cringe when I read it. I hate it.

I hate everything I wrote in 2019 and basically everything I wrote in

early 2020.

That's the cool thing about writing.

You can look backward and see yourself getting better.

I'll probably look back at 2021 and feel the same way. I sure hope so.

That would mean I'm still getting better.

So, this swipe file is a look at many of my writing styles over the past 3
years. You'll probably be able to tell which is my older writing and
which pieces are my newer writing.

Read and try and pick up as many copywriting tips as you can. Enjoy.


If you're interested in seeing my posts each day, and you want to

boost your own visibility on LinkedIn, I'd recommend visiting them
each morning at 8:15a ET/5:15a PT.

I also write content for the European/Asian market each night at 1:15a

The first person to my contnet with a "smart comment" i.e. not just "I
agree!" usually benefits by picking up a few hundred followers or so.

And I benefit because it helps spread my post to more people on


It's a win/win.

If you want to get there first, I'd recommend simply bookmarking

this URL and visiting whichever post is better for your time zone.

Hope to see you there.


I wake up at 5am each morning.

I drink 2 cups of coffee.

Do a DuoLingo lesson. Load my LinkedIn content.

Read for 20 minutes. Take a 3-mile walk. Shower.

Listen to a podcast before my workday starts.

I have 3-4 client meetings lined up.

Make some big decisions.
Drive a key KPI forward.

Call my parents around 4pm.

Shower again.

My wife and I have a healthy dinner.

30 more min of reading.
A cup of tea.

In bed by 9:30p. Couldn't have accomplished more.

Smile as I nod off.

Feeling amazing. That's the perfect day.

Happens MAYBE once a month??


Most days I wake up at 6a, scramble to get through Duolingo while

brushing my teeth.

Create my content on the spot. I'm not happy with it.

Forget to load it. Sh*t.

No podcast. Just listening to some hip hop. Trying to get motivated.

Scrolling Instagram or LinkedIn. Feeling bad about the state of the


Don't call my parents. Skip the peloton to watch TV. Drink beer.

Order in delivery food.

Scroll Twitter in bed.


I still sleep well.

Smiling as I nod off.

A reminder that every day doesn't have to be perfect. You don't have
to be on your "A" game every day of every week.

Try your hardest. But, don't beat yourself up when you fail.

Sleep soundly to see another day.

Success is a marathon.

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Views: 4,015,678
Engagements: 69,934
Comments: 2,074

I paid a guy $130 to move a treadmill in 30 minutes.

Said he had 8 moves that day.

Do the math.

Have you made $1,040 in one day?

Everyone wants entrepreneurship to be fancy.

Sometimes it's just movin' treadmills.

Maybe your idea is fancy.

Maybe it isn't.

Either way...go for it.

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Views: 3,818,707
Engagements: 34,237
Comments: 956

I left the rat race 21 months ago.

My secret sauce is less ambition.

I don't:

- want to change the world.

- want to build the next unicorn.
- want to be featured on any lists.
- want to get the highest valuation.


- I want to spend my time working on things I enjoy with people I

- I want to be able to travel wherever I want to, whenever I want to.
- I want to spend way more time with my friends and family.
- I want to stop doing things I don't like doing.

Thinking about what you actually want in life can force different

Take you down a different path.

A path towards living more intentionally.

Are you copying someone else's life?

Or designing your own?

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Views: 1,391,943
Engagements: 20,303
Comments: 1,031

I got FIRED 3 times before I was 28.

I NEVER hit quota in my first 4 sales jobs.

At 28, I took a job as one of the first salespeople at a tech company in


I'll spare you the details on how I got the job.

I moved to NYC and was paid $40k as I turned 29.

I slept on my friend Mara's couch for 5 months. (Thanks!)

Something funny happened though: An intersection, I'll call it.

The intersection of finding a product, team, culture and city I freaking


I got energized. Pumped. Every day.

I worked NON-STOP.

I won every award possible.

I got promoted 5 times.

By 33 I became an Executive.

I look back and cannot remember the old me. I simply can't fathom it.

Moral of the story? Find an intersection of some thing, some people,
some vibe and some place you love.

Hell, 3 out of 4 will do.

But, when they ALL intersect...well...?

That's when you get dangerous You forget the OLD you.

Have fun out there today. Go find the NEW you.

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Views: 1,246,982
Engagements: 14,331
Comments: 834

Yesterday I turned 40.

Here are 20 helpful lessons I've learned during my life.

1. The 2nd biggest difference between success & failure is persistence.

2. The biggest difference between success & failure is getting started.
3. 100% of people are out for themselves, even if it doesn't appear so.
4. Comparing yourself to others is the easiest way to get distracted.
5. It's difficult to build a work ethic without the right environment.
6. The most important skill to learn is how to learn on your own.
7. If you have a 10-year plan, you'll outperform most people.
8. Getting 1% better at something means leaping millions.
9. Everyone has knowledge that other people will pay for.
10. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being selfish.
11. 10% of people will hate what you do no matter what.
12. If you can't teach yourself, you'll always be a liability.
13. Don't spend time with people who don't reciprocate.
14. You won't do anything special without risk.
15. Divorce from anyone who drains you.
16. Time is the single greatest asset.
17. Money is not the root of all evil.
18. You can't say yes to everyone.
19. Consistency trumps all traits.
20. Nearly everyone is winging it.

While I'm bummed to leave my 30s, my wife always reminds me:

"Not everyone gets to be 40."

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Views: 740,905
Engagements: 9,908
Comments: 1,078

If you're in your 20's...

And you're optimizing for money...

IMO, you're doing it wrong.

The likelihood of you reaching your earnings ceiling in your 20's is low.

In your 30's, 40's and 50's???

MUCH higher.

So what should you be doing in your 20s?

Optimize for experience.

Optimize for knowledge.
Optimize for people.
Optimize for fun!

Find a company you LOVE.

A product you're so proud of.

Work your tail off.

Work SO hard.

Gobble up as much knowledge as you can.

Ask everyone you admire for their knowledge.

Find a mentor.

Build an incredible network of smart people.

Future titans of your industry.

People who LIFT YOU UP.

Drop them in a Google Sheet

Call/text/email/meetup regularly.


Don't forget to blow off some steam!

Travel to cool places.

Hang with great friends.
Eat awesome food.
Drink amazing wine.

If you treat your 20s like this...

...the 30s (and I hope) the 40s have a better chance of being lovely.

#travel #networking #health

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Views: 692,783
Engagements: 9,678
Comments: 603

The 9 to 5 is dying.

Hell, even LinkedIn News is saying so.

They say the "great resignation is coming". Want to know why?

Because people got a serious glimpse into their companies during


20M+ people out of work.

Laid off.

And during these last 15 months stuck at home, in front of the


They started:

- Writing
- Recording
- Supporting
- Connecting
- Exchanging

They started making money.

They coached.
They helped.
They taught.
They sold.

They moved out of high-cost cities and into lower-cost, tax-friendly

They realized they can support themselves, armed with nothing but an
internet connection and their own knowledge.

But LinkedIn News is still wrong.

The "great resignation" isn't coming.

It's here.

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Views: 510,988
Engagements: 5,923
Comments: 536

130,000 people will see this post.

So, promote yourself.

Here's how

Drop a one-liner into the comments.

Who do you help and what do you help them do?

Grab some exposure.

Don't be shy.

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Views: 390,312
Engagements: 1,848
Comments: 2,724

When someone says: "She's a good closer"

Here's what they really mean:

- "She sets a great agenda"

- "She does in-depth discovery"
- "She uses a strong upfront contract"
- "She maps solutions back to customer pain"
- "She talks through potential obstacles"
- "She gets multiple stakeholder buy-in"
- "She sets appropriate expectations"
- "She walks through implementation"
- "She positions the right pricing package"
- "She shows them how to purchase"
- "She asks them to move forward"

"Closing" isn't a thing.

It's an aggregation of many things done extremely well.

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Views: 384,720
Engagements: 4,980
Comments: 435
POST #10

At your job, you might get a 5k raise each year.

$40k salary this year. $45k next year.

Want to jump tax brackets?

Move social classes?

Build an audience.
Build a following.
Build a tribe.

Stop waiting for a raise.

Go make one.

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Views: 321,820
Engagements: 1,777
Comments: 202
POST #11

Stop bragging to everyone that you read 25 books a year.

Publish one.

Stop telling everyone about the podcasts you listen to.

Record one.

Stop spouting off everything you read in blogs.

Write one.

There's no reward for the most consumption.


That's a different story.

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Views: 316,135
Engagements: 3,891
Comments: 492
POST #12

For 6 months, I lived on a couch in Brooklyn in late 2009.

In May of 2010, I saved enough commission to move.

I chose a bedroom in the East Village of NYC...

It was 6 feet by 11 feet.

I bought a fold-down single futon because it was all that would fit in
the room.

It was as hard as a rock & I remember never getting a good night's


When I went to the office a few weeks later, my CEO saw me and

“Hey - you look really tired. What’s going on?”

I told him about the futon.

He walked back to his office and after five minutes he reemerged with
a little rectangular piece of paper.

It was a blank check.

He told me to go to Sleepy’s on Broadway.

Buy “any single bed that will fit - up to $1,000”.

I found the most comfortable single bed in history.


It was the grandest gesture I had ever seen at that point in my life.

I worked my tail off for the next five years.

I brought in over $3.2M in revenue.

It cost that company $498.

Five years of hard work.

498 dollars.

Pretty good ROI, huh?

That’s my favorite memory.

Want to be happy at work each day?

Find a company that treats you like that.

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Views: 310,134
Engagements: 6,309
Comments: 403
POST #13

I've hired over 500 people in my career.

Some were amazing.

Went on to be high-growth VPs.

Others? Not so much.

I've yet to find a steadfast rule on who will succeed and who won't.

But, here's something I've learned.

Truly great people understand the value of your time.

They are organized.

They are on time.
Have an agenda.
Get to the point.

Can't manage your Google calendar?

Learn to.

Can't be on time?
You're an adult.

Didn't write an agenda?

What are we doing at this meeting?

Relax. Get crisp. What are we solving here?

Great hires respect your time, show up, are incredibly prepared, and
get down to business.

Just doing this puts you in the top 10% of company hires.

If you're not organized, get started today with a simple calendar audit.

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Views: 299,099
Engagements: 3,503
Comments: 236
POST #14

Resumes are dying.

Your online brand is the new resume.

It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.

It's the truth.

And social media is the ultimate aggregation of your career:

- Your roles
- Your awards
- Your content
- Your portfolio
- Your opinions
- Your performance

I can learn a lot more about a person's career by browsing their social
media than I can from looking at a paper resume.

If your online brand doesn't tell your story and doesn't showcase
everything you want a prospective employer to know about you...

You'd better get started.

Resumes are dying.

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Views: 297,751
Engagements: 3,105
Comments: 464
POST #15

All good things must come to an end.

Last week, I made the incredibly difficult decision to leave PatientPop.

The last 5 years of my life have been spent building it from $0 to

nearly $60M in recurring revenue.

It was, and still is, my baby.

So, why did I make this decision?

Well, here’s what a lot of revenue operators don’t talk about:

Behind all of the “hustle 24/7"...

The chest-thumping and big egos...

The awards & accolades...

There is significant mental & physical stress in hyper-growth startups.

I put an incredible amount of pressure on myself.

Coupling that with external pressure and expectations, sometimes you

burn out.

I burned out.

I was living to work. On edge. I wasn’t the husband I wanted to be.

It’s certainly not the cool thing to say.

It’s not hip and sexy to burn out.

But, it’s the truth.

So after a decade of building big revenue teams at two massively

successful startups, I'm taking some time off.

Going out amicably, with hugs, tears, and cheers.

After sharing memories with my team, my man Kevin Dorsey snapped

this photo.

I get emotional just looking at it.

I love this team.

I hope you all get to experience the joy that I felt in this role, in your

Now, I’m betting on myself.

Creative, new project coming soon.

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Views: 296,999
Engagements: 3,127
Comments: 547
POST #16

What everyone told you:

- Buy a nice car

- Buy a big house
- Buy designer clothes
- Upgrade to the new phone
- Buy everyone drinks at the bar
- Join the most expensive country club

What nobody told you:

- Use 9 to 5 income to buy passive income.

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Views: 244,567
Engagements: 2,113
Comments: 271
POST #17

Make sh*t simple.

A true story.

In May of 2013, I was promoted to my first Director-level role.

I was tasked with launching a new product at ZocDoc. But...

I was terrible at negotiating contracts.

Like, awful.

I sat down with the Chief Legal Officer at my company and he walked
me through an agreement, talking about the negotiation points.

When he glanced over at me, he could tell my head was spinning.

Like it was yesterday, I can remember him smiling and leaning back in
his chair.

The next sentence is the one that sticks out:

"Ok, Justin. Imagine you are running a lemonade stand..."

He then proceeded to teach me each point like I was a Kindergartner.

I leaned in hard because this was the first time someone made contract
negotiation a bit easier for me to understand.

That's what real intelligence looks like.

Being able to explain complex things in simple ways.

Forget complicated jargon

Forget fancy acronyms and what not
Forget trying to impress others with your lingo

Just explain it in a way that I can understand easily.

Works in legal
Works in marketing
Works in sales demos
Works in customer success

I'm not embarrassed. We all suck at stuff.

Isn't it amazing to have something explained in a way you can

understand it?

Help someone in that same way today.

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Views: 234,378
Engagements: 1,879
Comments: 346
POST #18

The traditional path in life is broken:

- Go to school
- Get a job
- Work 40-70 hours per week
- Switch jobs
- Buy "stuff"
- Save money (fail)
- Try to retire (fail)
- Finally, retire at 66
- Die at 78.

All that hard work for 12 years of freedom?

No thanks.

Here's the new path:

Scale - build products to earn 24 hours per day.

Diversify - create multiple income streams to diversify.
Invest - use software to support your new side hustle 24/7.
Replicate - use global Ecommerce to make sales 24/7.
Increase - increase your hourly rate with each sale.

Remember - invest in yourself, not just your employer.

Need some help? AMA for an hour or so.

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Views: 225,854
Engagements: 2,103
Comments: 281
POST #19

Simple advice to get better at your job:

- Practice everyday
- Root for your teammates
- Come in 30 minutes earlier
- Limit alcohol during the week
- Start listening and stop talking
- Surround yourself with winners
- Clear your head with a walk each day
- Don't talk poorly about your company or co-workers

It's amazing how much of "being better" simply begins with your

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Views: 220,351
Engagements: 2,585
Comments: 203
POST #20

Who here has $100?

Getting ready to spend it? Brunch? Clothes? Amazon?

Try this instead...


For two months.

For two months, find $100 you normally spend on some b*llsh*t.

Stuff that makes you feel good for a minute.

But, never in the long term...

Take that $200 and get a professional headshot.

Put it on ALL of your social profiles.

Replace that ridiculous selfie of you in your driver seat.

This is an investment in YOU.

Investing in yourself yields MASSIVE returns.

Better company.
Better job.
Better network.
Better brand.

Once the headshot is done.

Rinse and repeat.

Next up:

Shopify store.

Then, start investing your TIME.

Find an hour you waste every week doing one of the following things:

Video gaming.
Watching sports.

Turn that time into:

Practicing your job.

Creating a podcast.
Writing a blog post.
Building an online course.
Going to a networking event.

It will suck upfront to skip some stuff you like.

Until your brand is cranking...

It might take 3 months.

It might take 6 months.
It might take 2 years.

But when it pops...WOW.

Play the long game.

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Views: 216,604
Engagements: 2,389
Comments: 354
POST #21

A $10,000 difference in salary? Take it…

If the company is better.

And the team is better.

And the product is better.

And the comp plan is better.

And the upward mobility is better.

And the equity is better.

If you choose $10k in salary and the other stuff above is worse?

Oof. What a poor decision.

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Views: 212,385
Engagements: 1,200
Comments: 152
POST #22

Want to excel in your career?


Here's a list of things that don't matter, so DON'T worry about them:

What you look like.

Where you're from.
How smart you are.
If you went to school.
Where you went to school.
How many times you've failed.
What your parents did for a living.

Here's a list of things that do matter, so DO worry about them:

Your brand.
Your attitude.
Your network.

Here's the issue.

Most people I know spend all of their time focused on the first set...

And very little time on the second set.

Flip the script.

You'll win.

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Views: 211,901
Engagements: 1,448
Comments: 149
POST #23

Spend $10k on a watch and everyone calls you a baller.

Spend $10k on a website and everyone's talking about how you


Trust me when I say this...

When you realize that you're an asset worth investing in, the entire
game changes.

Make a deposit this week.

Up and to the right.

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Views: 208,504
Engagements: 2,271
Comments: 388
POST #24

Tell someone you hate your job and nobody bats an eye.

Tell someone you're building your own thing and they lecture you on


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Views: 204,849
Engagements: 2,271
Comments: 417
POST #25

You think building your own thing online is risky?

Wait until you learn how risky your 9 to 5 is.

20.6M people lost their job during COVID.

Their "safe" 9 to 5 job.

No more playing defense.

Time to play offense.


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Views: 202,141
Engagements: 2,730
Comments: 340
POST #26

A salesperson called me at 5:48 am this morning.

They left a VM without telling me their company name.

They simply requested that I "call them back to set a meeting".

No context.

Then they called again 30 seconds later from a blocked number (I'm
assuming it was them).

I'm not even mad at this person.

This isn't their fault.

Somewhere, someone is training their teams to do this.

To behave this way.

It's pure insanity.

Please stop.

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Views: 200,150
Engagements: 1,301
Comments: 232
POST #27

What gets you out of bed each morning?

7 years ago, I applied for a Director of Sales role at the company I was

I got rejected.

I was one of the most successful salespeople in company history.

I had taken 3 underperforming teams & brought them to the top of the

I was hand-picked by the CEO to build each difficult market from



I didn't have that Ivy League degree.

I never worked at one of the BIG 3 consulting firms.

Most tech companies want that.

The guy or gal with the Ivy degree & the hot logo.

But I went to a state school.

Consulting firm? Nah.
You know the story.

In order to further my career I needed to go.

I became the VP of Sales at a competitor in 2015.

Albeit a very, very small one.

With ZERO market presence.

That was PatientPop.

I grew them to larger revenue number faster than my previous

But still...

Thinking back on getting passed over hurts.

Because this is still a problem in tech.

People get so focused on logos and universities.

Such vanity.
Such flaw.

At the same time...I'm SO glad this happened.


Because that helped create the person I am now.

Crazy drive.
Insane passion.
Intense obsession.

Being passed over.

That's why I get out of bed each morning.

How about you?

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Views: 189,554
Engagements: 2,056
Comments: 229
POST #28

If your great career means a terrible personal life, you're hustling in


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Views: 183,468
Engagements: 3,781
Comments: 252
POST #29

I've never met a successful person surrounded by unsuccessful people.

Audit your environment.

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Views: 178,591
Engagements: 2,867
Comments: 259
POST #30

Give 20 people an iPhone, a MacBook, and an internet connection.

Check back in a month.

Some have:

- Businesses
- Products
- Brands


- Arguments
- Drama
- Hate

Build or complain.

Your choice.

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Views: 173,065
Engagements: 1,942
Comments: 196
POST #31

Serial complainers. Culture killers.

I've hired 2 of them in my career.

What do they complain about??


I termed them both in less than 30 days.

"Give them a little longer to see if they turn it around..."


When someone is cancerous and killing the culture I'm building?


Every once in a while, I glance at their careers on LinkedIn.

Here's a basic look at their job history...

Company 1: 6 months
Company 2: 3 months
Company 3: 5 months
Company 4: 7 months

Never moving up.


There's always at least two jobs they don't include because they got
fired so quickly.

For people like this?

It's always someone else's fault. Always.

It's NEVER their fault.

The lack of self-awareness is stunning.

Happens to you once? Ok. Maybe you picked a bad company.

Sometimes, it's on the company. 100%

Happens multiple times?

Where you're getting termed continuously because of any of these



Guess what?

It's YOU.

You get one career.

You get one brand.

Do something.

Take a class.
Do some soul-searching.
See a Psychiatrist.
Read a self-help guide.

Whatever you do, you gotta fix it.

Don't be that person.

You can't afford it.

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Views: 170,675
Engagements: 1,574
Comments: 173
POST #32

We're leaving LA today.

It's been an amazing 4 years.

I've worked with talented colleagues.

I've met some incredible people who I now call friends.

I've also helped 10+ other people relocate from NYC with me.

But, today, this chapter comes to a close.

My wife and I are embarking on a 30-day road trip to our new home.

Nashville, TN.

We crave relaxation.

A decreased cost of living.

And a much more palatable tax situation.

If you're in Nashville, shoot me a DM.

We know very few people.

And I've love to learn more about the tech scene.

See you all from the road soon.

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Views: 169,428
Engagements: 1,696
Comments: 500
POST #33

Last week, I interviewed a candidate with 10+ years of sales


Told me he failed at his last company because of the sales training...

That's your excuse? With 10+ years? C’mon, man.

Most companies don't ACTUALLY train you to sell...

They teach you about the industry.

They teach you about their customers.

They show you all the pretty product features.

They show you how to demo the product. (Not selling)

They give you competitor battle cards so you can "battle".

They introduce customer personas so you can "talk their language."

That sh*t is table stakes....not how deals get won.

ACTUAL Selling? That stuff never gets taught anymore.

Psychology of selling? Not in a million years.

Persuasion techniques? I don't think so.
Sales methodologies? Doubtful.
Negotiation? I'm not seeing it.

Most companies hire people and expect them to know how to sell.'s what most salespeople's careers look like:

Go to a company. Get "trained".
Never learn to actually sell.
Hit 60% to quota for a bit.
Leave company.

IMO, you have three choices.

1. Get upset about it and hope that it changes.

2. Find a company that teaches sales.

3. Teach yourself.

Choose #3.

You'll always have a job.

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Views: 163,209
Engagements: 1,338
Comments: 377
POST #34

Promote yourself online every single day.

Every day.

- Your work
- Your brand
- Your thoughts
- Your products

People will either:

- Love you (customers)

- Hate you (who cares)
- Join you (network)
- Follow you (students)
- Ignore you (already are)

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Views: 161,064
Engagements: 2,388
Comments: 250
POST #35

LinkedIn network...

If your friends or former colleagues have lost their jobs, here are 2
things you can do in 10 minutes:

1. Email them a short letter of recommendation or write them a

LinkedIn recommendation

2. Make one intro to a leader or executive that you know is hiring.

Do this for one person when you're done reading this.

We're all busy.

But, let's lift our friends up.

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Views: 156,543
Engagements: 2,388
Comments: 168
POST #36

People got it backward.

They say building your own thing is "risky".

You know what’s risky?

- Becoming redundant.
- Living paycheck to paycheck.
- Not creating your own income.
- Navigating company politics to thrive.
- Waiting until you’re 65 to control your time.

Unlearn the status quo.

Untrain your mind.

Build something you own.

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Views: 156,077
Engagements: 2,390
Comments: 349
POST #37

Salespeople: Turn Slack off when you want to get real work done.

If I post, "Happy Birthday to so and so" on Slack, I can guarantee I get

about 50 responses in the next 90 seconds.

That means people are literally staring at Slack. Hell, I see

salespeople with a whole monitor dedicated to it.

If you want to be productive, you can't have constant interruptions.

You need to carve out real, uninterrupted time to get your work done.

TIP: Block time off for your email and for Slack. Once AM, once PM.
Outside of that, stay focused on the task at hand. You'll thank me.

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Views: 154,847
Engagements: 801
Comments: 163
POST #38

Things most people do:

- Watch a ton of YouTube

- Binge Netflix seasons
- Crush cooking videos
- Read self-help books
- Listen to podcasts
- RT famous celebs
- Scroll Instagram
- Watch TikTok

Things most people don't do:

- Build

Do things most don't.

Get results most don't.

Get started this weekend.

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Views: 152,814
Engagements: 1,508
Comments: 271
POST #39

If you're not treating LinkedIn like social media, you're losing.

Sorry, but nobody cares about your company case study.

It's "stop me from scrolling" time.

It's the attention economy.
It's 1 freaking second...

It's the internet.

Be interesting.

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Views: 150,289
Engagements: 1,691
Comments: 279
POST #40

The status quo:

- Get a job.
- Work their schedule.
- Make a major impact.
- Take home 10% to 15% of that.

Disrupting the status quo:

- Create your job.

- Own your schedule.
- Make a major impact.
- Take home 100% of that.

There's never been a better time to own a corner of the internet.

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Views: 148,118
Engagements: 1,582
Comments: 205
POST #41

Want to make 100k+ in passive income next year?

Spend one hour per day building an audience online and NEVER ask
them for anything.

Just give, give, give.

Next year?


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Views: 145,694
Engagements: 1,252
Comments: 246
POST #42

- Every YouTube clip you watch

- Every product you bought
- Every podcast you heard
- Every software you used
- Every blog you read

All just ideas at one point.

Then action brought them to life.

The people who built these.

Are they smarter than you? Better? Luckier?


They just went for it. That's it.

Put a little trust in yourself and make a move today.

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Views: 139,804
Engagements: 1,928
Comments: 272
POST #43

If I gave a virtual talk to 100 salespeople about career acceleration,

here's what would likely happen:

• 45 of them would fiddle with their phones

• 25 would be on a different browser tab
• 15 would start dozing off early
• 10 would participate actively
• 4 would ask questions after

1 would take notes, participate, ask questions, get my email, stay

connected, come to the next virtual event, read book suggestions,
connect with my network, reach out for a Zoom coffee, etc.

Getting ahead isn't about access to information.

There's more information than ever.

There's actually too much.

Everyone is out here looking for a hack...

The biggest hack of them all?


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Views: 135,148
Engagements: 1,875
Comments: 238
POST #44

Them: "Hey man, can you help me grow my business?"

Me: Yep. Do this.

"I'm not sure I have time."

Me: Ok, purchase this.

"Too expensive"

Me: Invest in this.

"What if it fails?"

Me: Try this.

"That's hard"


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Views: 134,631
Engagements: 1,165
Comments: 232
POST #45

I looked at 30+ LinkedIn profiles this week.

Here are the most common things I saw, and my feedback.


1. Weak header image

Your header image is the first thing people see. It's your top-of-funnel.
If they can't figure out much from your header, you're losing people
already. Use Canva.

2. Poor headshot

I'm less interested in working with, or paying money to, someone who
can't bother with a professional headshot. No bar shots. No car shots.
No cropped or blurry. Your headshot can be THE difference between
being taken very seriously or not seriously at all.

3. Missing the "Featured" section

Did you know LinkedIn recently turned the "featured" section on for all
profiles? This IS your CTA (call-to-action). Call me in. Who are you?
Who do you help? What do you help them do? Make me click.

4. No recommendations

Great service providers, salespeople, and employees have

recommendations. Are you great? Don't have any? ASK. Set a
calendar invite to ask 2 people per week for a recommendation. Give
back the same way.

When people start to brand build, they ALWAYS focus on content.

Remember, content is your beautiful house.

Your profile is your foundation. It's your sales page.

Want more help?

I've got the LinkedIn Playbook back up.

It's in my featured section.

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Views: 129,770
Engagements: 946
Comments: 212
POST #46

Everyone should own a digital asset that can make $150+ per day.

Play offense, not defense with your income.

Here's the recipe for making it happen:

- Talk about the same topic on LinkedIn each day.

- Gather a community of interested people here.
- Talk to them. What are their struggles?
- Figure out how to solve them.

Next up:

- Cheap URL using GoDaddy ($11/yr)

- Simple landing page using Carrd ($19/yr)
- Simple eCommerce with Gumroad (Free)

Total cost: $30 for the year


- Presell your idea.

- Offer a presale discount.
- Drive people to your page.
- Ask them to make a purchase.

If people buy it? Hell yeah

You've got a hit.

See...the roadmap is simple.

But, the journey is hard.

So, I'm launching a new project to help.

A private community of creators.

- On this journey together.
- Growing together.
- Building together.
- Earning together.

A community building online as a TEAM.


Want in?

Drop a comment if you're in below, then...

← Head to my featured section to join the waitlist.

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Views: 129,554
Engagements: 950
Comments: 538
POST #47

Ask for a raise at work.

Here's what you'll hear:

“No one else makes that type of money here.”

“It’s not my decision. I’ll run it past my boss.”
“We only give raises at the end of the year."
“You’re already at the top of the pay scale."
“We don’t have room in the budget."

Head to the internet for a raise?

Now, you're in control.

No red tape.
No excuses.
No ceiling.

So, don't ask for a raise.

Create your own.

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Views: 128,443
Engagements: 1,031
Comments: 174
POST #48

I built my first online course in 20 hours.

Charged $50 for access.
And sold 2,283 copies.

But today?

I'm killing off The LinkedIn Playbook.

It's time for an up-to-date replacement.

A 2021 version.

Introducing The LinkedIn Operating System.

The system I've been using to:

- Grow to 100k+ followers

- Find great leads for my products
- Turn those leads into $1M+ in income

All with ZERO ads.

I've never been more excited to create something.

Here's what you'll learn:

- Developing a profitable sub-niche

- 3 traits you need to grow an audience
- How to get rid of "writer's block" forever
- The problem with LinkedIn profiles & how to fix it
- How to stop creating a high volume of subpar posts
- How to get more qualified leads in your inbox
- One type of CTA to attract buyers
- 2 techniques to earn $$ on Linkedin

I'll be releasing it on 8.04.2021 at 3p CT

And to reward the folks that purchase early?


For the next 48 hours, the course will be $100.

Then? $150 forever.


If you've gained a lot of value from my content over 3+ years, I'd love
to ask you a favor...

- Drop a reaction & comment below

- Share this with your network
- And grab the course!

The link is on the featured section of my profile.

Let's take over LinkedIn today.

Cheers, everyone.

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Views: 127,555
Engagements: 1,208
Comments: 528
POST #49

Let's reward outcomes, not hours.

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Views: 127,302
Engagements: 2,273
Comments: 242
POST #50

Don't know what to write about on LinkedIn?

Here are 21 ideas to help you get started.

1. Share an observation
2. Talk about a recent win
3. Talk about a recent failure
4. Break down your favorite creator
5. Share something you are working on
6. Share a lesson you learned this week
7. Share the best advice you've received
8. Share the worst advice you've received
9. Compare two different common thoughts
10. Share something you believe that others don't
11. Summarize something you've recently studied
12. Summarize a podcast episode you listened to
13. Share the top X lessons you've learned the last year
14. Share the top X people you follow on social media
15. Share the top X tools you use to do something
16. Make a future prediction about your industry
17. Make a future prediction about a company
18. Make a future prediction about your life
19. Share a motivational story you heard
20. Share your philosophy on X
21. Create a listicle like this

Creating consistent content is less about creativity and more about


So, save this post and revisit when you're stuck.

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Views: 124,071
Engagements: 1,658
Comments: 409

Thanks so much for taking the time to read through my swipe file.

If you're interested in learning more about me or working with me,

here are some ways I can help.

Follow me on LinkedIn (Free)

Follow me on Twitter (Free)

Read my weekly newsletter (Free)

Take one of my self-guided courses ($150)

- The LinkedIn Operating System

- Idea.Audience.Proof.Product: The Side Hustle Playbook

Request to join my private LinkedIn creator community ($250)

Book some 1:1 coaching time with me and we can work through any
challenge you're having on LinkedIn or with your business ($650+)

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