Communication Campaign & Social Marketing Campaign

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Unit 4

Topic 3

Social change Campaign in India

What is Social Change?
• In general, social change (or development) could be described as a significant change of
structured social action or of the culture in a given society, community, or context.
• There are number of “dimensions” of social change:
1. space (micro, meso-, macro)
2. time (short, medium, long-term)
3. speed (slow, incremental, evolutionary versus fast, fundamental, revolutionary)
4. direction (forward or backward)
5. content (sociocultural, psychological, sociological, organizational, anthropological,
economic, and so forth)
6. impact (peaceful versus violent)

Q1 What is Social change Campaign?

Social Change campaigns are purposeful promotional strategies to change knowledge,
attitudes, behaviour or policy in a specific, of the target population. To achieve desired
outcomes the campaigning is the engine for social change. Communication campaigns can
help to counteract negative behaviour and promote healthy behaviours to change community
For example, communication campaigns can be used to:
• Raise awareness
• Influence attitudes and norms
• Increase knowledge
• Reinforce knowledge, attitudes and/or behaviour
• Show the benefit of behaviour change
• Demonstrate skills
• Suggest/prompt an action
• Refute myths and misconceptions
Communication campaigns have successfully been used to change youths’ attitudes, beliefs,
and behaviour regarding developmental issues.
Q2 What are the Steps in Social change Campaign?
Campaign is an integrated manner that utilizes different educational and communication
methods, aimed at focusing attention on a particular problem and its solution over a period of
It steers practitioners through a process of planning, strategy development, implementation
and evaluation phases, steps and tasks that are often necessary for program success.
Developing and Implementing Successful Communication Campaigns involve the following
four-phase campaign development model:
1. Planning Phase
2. Strategy Development Phase
3. Implementation Phase
4. Evaluation Phase
1. Planning Phase- The planning phase is important because it lays the foundation for the
remaining phases and steps in the process. It is important to create a solid foundation during
this phase; one that is based on commitment from key stakeholders, valid and sufficient data,
and realistic objectives and timelines. Planning is supposed to be a prerequisite of any
programme and in the case of Development Support Communication (DSC), appropriate
planning is the primary step for achieving the goals.
Planning steps include:

 Assess resources available for developing a project team, collaborations and a budget.
 Gather information about the environment and target audience.
 Identification of objectives which means to examine campaign goals and aims for getting
long-term results.
 Develop a timeline.

2. Strategy Development Phase- The strategy development phase determines how you will
achieve your objectives. During this phase, the campaign plan is developed and the “face” of
the campaign is planned – including the brand, messages and materials. The ideas, opinions
and feedback of the target population(s) are a very important aspect of this phase. The steps
to be completed in this phase of the process include:

 Explore all useful and credible ways to distribute the message to the target audience.
 Identify a brand that symbolizes or readily identifies your campaign.
 Design materials that are appealing and credible to the target audience.
 Select suitable methods, time the campaign, use slogans and symbols, pretest the messages,
provide channels for information, and seek and involve people.
 Identifying target groups also involves measuring attitudes, practices, and surveys,
conducting focus group sessions, setting specific communication campaign objectives, and
determining multi-media mix and message design strategies for the target audience.
 Pilot test messages and materials with a representative sample of the target audience
o Stage 3:

Implementation Phase- During this phase, the campaign is launched and the campaign plan
is implemented. All the marketing tools of the campaign are reinforced and supported with
interactive strategies to increase the impact. The steps to be completed in this phase of the
process include:

 Launch the campaign with targeted media placement, a press release and/or a press
 Initiate the marketing plan.
 Reinforce the media aspect of the campaign with interpersonal strategies.

Stage 4:
 Evaluation:
 This phase involves conducting process and outcome evaluation (monitoring the process of
the program and evaluating effectiveness). Process evaluation should begin at the start of the
implementation phase and continue throughout the life of the program. Outcome evaluation
helps to measure the impact of the campaign and does not occur until the campaign has been
implemented with fidelity and over a sufficient amount of time. The evaluation aids in the
refinement of campaign process. It can be achieved through two ways:
 1. Carrying out small-scale field evaluations at strategic points during the campaign to
suggest where "in-course" changes may be warranted.
 2. Conducting a full-scale post-campaign impact evaluation survey and use it as a feed-
forward for future campaigns.
What are some of the example of DSC Campaign in India?
 Family Planning Campaign
 Swatch Bharat Abhiyan
 Rashtra Saksharta Mission
 Save Our Tigers campaign
 Right to Information Campaign in India
 Campaign against corruption/ Jan Lokpal Movement

Some of the case studies are discussed below:

Rashtra Saksharta Mission

The National Literacy Mission was established in the year 1988 and launched by the
Government of India on May 5, 1988 with the goal of eradicating illiteracy from the country
by catering to the section of the society that requires education the most and will benefit from
it. The target group for this mission was set between the age group of 15 to 35. It has been
able to cover 597 districts in the country under various literacy programmes. Out of this 174
districts are not in Post Literacy Programmes and 328 districts in the continuing education
phase. All the Literacy Programmes sanctioned by the National Literacy Mission were
estimated to cover approximately 150 million Neo literates out of which 125.6 Million people
have already been made literate under the programmes of National Literacy Mission. The
existing gender disparity could be curtailed to a big extent as 60% of the learners during these
literacy campaigns have been females while 40% of them were men.

Save Our Tigers campaign

The Save Our Tigers campaign was born out of a partnership between WCT, NDTV, Aircel
and Sanctuary Asia. WCT’s role in the campaign was that of a conceptualiser and
implementer. The campaign has reached over 100 million people worldwide and generated
INR 95 million in funding for tiger conservation. Support has poured in from all corners – the
Chief Ministers of various states and celebrities including Amitabh Bachchan and Mahendra
Singh Dhoni have appeared on television to voice their support for the campaign. Lakhs of
children have participated in rallies, calling for the protection of India’s national animal. The
Save Our Tigers campaign has been an unprecedented success, bringing tiger conservation to
the forefront of India’s consciousness.
Campaign against corruption/ Jan Lokpal Movement
• ‘Campaign against corruption’, April 2011, headed by a group of social activists—
Anna Hazare, Arvind Kejriwal, Swami Agnivesh, Kiran Bedi and Baba Ramdev.
• Anna Hazare, a Gandhian began a fast till death at Jantar Mantar, the heart of New
Delhi. He demanded endorsement and implementation of the long awaited Jan Lokpal
• This movement was supported by the common people and media.
• This movement is a milestone in the history of the Constitution of independent India.
It has forced the government to take in 5 non-official members in the Jan Lokpal Bill
design committee.
• This movement has definitely highlighted corruption as a key social issue in India.
The campaign across the country picked up only a day after Hazare began his fast.
• The visual media, that initially highlighted stories of corruption, , chose to join the
campaign and that made a difference.
• the TV channels have played a key role in keeping up the tempo. By ensuring round
the clock coverage and maintaining the pitch, they have ensured that the protests
occur across the country and there is a mass frenzy.
• TV news anchors have consistently been in the fore front of the public debate about
the media’s role.
• Social Media helped in spreading the message in many forms to many people and also
compelled the mainstream media to focus on the issue also.
• This is for the first time perhaps, the Indians used social media for a social movement
• Anna Hazare‘s is possibly the first mass movement after 1947 where English and
vernacular media have come together so apparently. Thus instead of applying a
completely positive or negative response to the campaigning, this time the media
applied it to the observer.
L: 4 Social Media Marketing
Social media has many advantages as it helps connect people from different corners of
world, develop relationships and foster those relationships in a timely manner and at a low
cost. The unique aspects of social media and its immense popularity have revolutionized
marketing practices such as advertising and promotion.
The much higher level of efficiency of social media compared to other traditional
communication channels prompted industry leaders to state that companies must participate
in Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and others, in order to succeed in online environments. Thus,
more industries try to benefit from social media as they can be used to develop strategy,
accept their roles in managing others‟ strategy or follow others‟ directions.
Social media marketing as opposed to traditional media marketing can provide interactive,
innovative, novel, and dynamic communication processes among organizations, between the
organizations and the consumers and among consumers. Through social media platforms (e.g.
Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Pinterest), consumers can interact with the organizations and with
each other, influence and be influenced through posting comments and products reviews.
Marketers can use forums and trending messages to determine how their messages were
received, and the impact of social media campaigns can be experienced and recorded in a
simultaneous manner. Social media marketing offers the highest return rate, and in a faster
time frame, in terms of marketing campaigns.
One can understand the popularity of these sites from the numbers of their users across
the world. For example, according to Statista 2021, Facebook has 2.89 billion users with 2.1
billion active daily users, YouTube has 2 billion users, and Twitter has 330 million.
The growth of social media platforms has opened up new possibilities for citizen-driven
projects as well as for the promotion of social change in a way that may be more
participatory and encourage interaction with the general public in a society.

Developing a social Media Marketing campaign

A social media campaign uses platforms like Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and
Instagram to promote businesses and marketing goals. These campaigns reach billions
users worldwide and offer numerous benefits, including brand awareness, customer
engagement, and loyalty promotion. Marketers can collect user feedback, create a
massive following, and use it to make informed decisions. Creating a social Media
Marketing campaign can be done in following steps:
1. Identify the campaign Goal
2. Target your audience
3. Prepare a campaign strategy
4. Publish your content
5. Engage with your audience regularly
6. Use live stream to your advantage
7. Track the posts and measure the results

1. Identify the campaign Goal: A campaign goal allows you to define what you want to
achieve in a particular period. Social media campaign goals also ensure that you focus
on completing the task at hand. Your goal should clearly outline what you wish to
achieve in your campaign. It should also address how you will accomplish the
objective, as well as the resources and personnel required to use on- and off-page
SEO to generate more website traffic.
2. Target your audience: Always ensure that the platform you choose has demographics
that reach your target audience. For example, Facebook’s largest age group is 25-34
year olds, TikTok’s is 10-19, and Twitter’s is 18-29. Using information like this in your
campaign can help you focus your messaging on your target audience.
3. Prepare a campaign strategy: this involves choosing the type of content and format
for campaign. Before proceeding further it is critical to prepare a content for your
campaign. For social media marketing campaign which is already full of competition
prepare unique content for campaign e.g tagline, message, etc. moreover, this step also
involves identifying which social Media platform you will target. Only publish content
that fits well on the selected social platform. What works on Facebook might fail on
Twitter. For example, Instagram is more visual-based and may require multimedia
content. Take advantage of Instagram stories to showcase your brand by posting content
in video format. Create a unique hashtag for your campaign
4. Publish Your content

Take a step back and double-check everything before publishing your content. If you
are satisfied with your content, you should proceed to publishing. Always ensure that
your content is consistent when using multiple social platforms, especially in terms of
style and tone. Using content that differs greatly may negatively affect your brand. You
should use native analytics tools included in social platforms or other third-party
applications (like Buffer) to collect information about your audience’s online behavior.
You can use this information to determine the right time to publish content, especially
when your followers are most active. This campaign strategy ensures that your message
reaches a wider audience. Moreover, focus on one message throughout your campaign.
5. Engage with your audience regularly
No matter how many followers you have, you should set aside a bit of time to reply the
queries on your pots, like the comments etc. this will give the followers a personal
experience that they will not forget. These types pf relationships keep your followers in
loop about you development. Reposting user-generated content that relates to your
brand is also smart. Such content can help convince social media users that your brand
is trustworthy.
6. Use Live Stream for advantage
Live streaming is becoming more and more popular. With live streaming, audience
members can watch content in real time from anywhere around the world, which creates
a unique and engaging experience. Facebook live is one of the most popular ways to
stream live content, followed by other platforms such as twitter, Instagram and
YouTube. Livestreaming helps to update the followers and make them personally
connected to your campaign.
7. Track the posts and measure the results
Tracking and measuring social media posts helps gauge success, revealing followers'
interactions and reactions. Popular social networks offer tools like Facebook Analytics
and Twitter to track metrics like page likes, reactions, shares, and photo views. These
metrics can help identify audience appeal and suggest content and publishing frequency
adjustments. Post, likes and reactions, retweets, and photo views can tell how your
content and infographics appeal to your audience. You may need to review your content
and publishing frequency if your social media posts are not receiving enough attention.

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