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Volume: 15
Pages: 485-498
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1379
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10247238
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-4-10
Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Influence of Clinical Competence to Skills Development of Students

Norvic Arnaiz-Perez*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study aimed to determine which domain of teachers' clinical competence significantly influences
students' skills development. This study employed a non-experimental design utilizing the causal-
effect technique. The respondents were 11 public senior high school students in District 1 of
Compostela, Davao De Oro -East and West District. A random sampling technique was employed in
selecting the respondents of the study. Mean, Pearson-r, and Regression Analysis were the statistical
tools used in the study. Results revealed a high level of clinical competence of teachers in terms of
content knowledge, learner-centeredness, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism
and role modelling, practice-based reflection, and improvement. Results also revealed that the level
of skills development of students was high in terms of soft skills, performance and training
methodology. The correlation coefficient between the two variables of the study revealed a highly
positive significant relationship. Interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and role
modelling, and practice-based reflection and improvement was revealed as the domains of clinical
competence of teachers that best influence the skills development of students.

Keywords: MAED- Educational Management, clinical competence, skills development, Philippines

Introduction necessary skills to make sure of their desired career.

Basically, the government and education system and
education policy would make sure of the skill
Knowledge involves two strongly inter-linked but development in students. Educational institutions
different components: content and skills. Content would implement government policy. In doing so, they
includes facts, ideas, principles, evidence, and must ensure the skills development environments in
descriptions of processes or procedures. Educational their institutions (Bates, 2015).
leaders, teachers, and school counselors have long
argued that some students were under-performing In addition, an evidence-based approach to clinical
academically because they lack proper social skills competence education means that clinicians must also
that includes: inattentiveness and unprepared during account for their education practice through teaching
instructional periods, aggressive behavior toward evaluation, explicit contributions to curricular design
classmates and educational staff, inability to engage and analysis (Hu et al., 2015;Stalmeijer et al.,
cooperative learning and disruptive behavior in 2010),and evidence learning outcomes achieved.
classroom which affected their academic skills, Along with the learning outcomes related to
studying skills, problem-solving skills, critical and procedural skills development, clinical educators are
decision making skills, mastery and performance expected to actively develop students’ capabilities for
skills, task management skills. The issue here is not so their future practice, including broad-based
much that educators do not help students develop skills competencies. This expands the breadth and depth of
– they do – but whether these intellectual skills match clinical education beyond discipline-based
the needs of knowledge-based learners, and whether competencies and includes covering areas of critical
enough emphasis is given to skills development within thinking; Discern how clinical competence of teachers
the curriculum. In other words, these skills need to be affects more on the learning as professionals and the
embedded within a knowledge domain (Conference skills development of students (Ajjawi& Higgs,
Board of Canada, 2014). 2011;Delany & Golding, 2014; Golding, 2011).

Skills development in students is essential in order to The researcher has not come across a study on the
face the challenges of everyday life. There is a influence of clinical competence and to skills
dramatic change in the world due to the unprecedented development. Learners know more for or even without
use of technology during the past few decades. These school counsellors engaged into interactive and
transformations impact all spheres of our life including coordinated agendas. Additionally, Davao De Oro is
education, economy, career, etc. To cope with the comprised of private and public educational
increasing pace and changes, students should learn the institutions, which aim to cultivate the full potentials

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of their students. One of the major goals of these skills, performance and training methodology which is
prestigious colleges and universities is to transform based on the theory of (Mandakini, 2002).
these young individuals into reputable, responsible and
globally competitive people someday and become Clinical Competence of Teachers
more equipped and competitive in terms of their skills
development. Looking at both these various strategies Content knowledge, focusing on how educators would
and programs, it would appear that across a country use their content expertise to tailor instruction for
where there is an increasing variety by, and marked learners and to assess individual learner progress. Most
diversity between what the level of professionalism people would agree that an understanding of content
were supported with, expected and accessible of skills matters for teaching. Yet, what constitutes
development and clinical competence. Thus, the understanding of the content is only loosely defined. In
urgency to conduct the study for school leaders' the mid-1980s, a major breakthrough initiated a new
continuing learning and no study evidence routes wave of interest in the conceptualization of teacher
(Smith, 2012). content knowledge; and his colleagues proposed a
special domain of teacher knowledge that they termed
Research Objectives pedagogical content knowledge (Shulman, 1986).

The study aimed to determine which domain in clinical Relevantly, the teachers must know the subject they
competence of teachers significantly influence the teach. Indeed, there may be nothing more foundational
skills development of students. Specifically, it aimed to teacher competency. The reason is simple: Teachers
to provide answers to the following: who do not themselves know a subject well are not
likely to have the knowledge they need to help
1. To describe the level of clinical competence of students learn this content. At the same time, however,
teachers in terms of: just knowing a subject well may not be sufficient for
1.1 Content Knowledge; teaching. Content knowledge is immensely important
1.2 Learner centeredness; to teaching and its improvement. Instead of taking
1.3 Interpersonal and communication skills; pedagogical content knowledge as given, however, we
1.4 Professionalism and role modelling; and argue that there is a need to carefully map it and
1.5 Practice-based reflection and improvement. measure it. This includes the need to better explicate
2. To describe the level of skills development of how this knowledge is used in teaching effectively
students in terms of: (National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008).
2.1 Soft Skills;
2.2 Performance; and Evidently, learner centeredness, means core
2.3 Training Methodology competency, which focuses on a personal commitment
3. To determine the significant relationship between to meet a learner’s individual, professional needs and
clinical competence of teachers and skills development to treat individuals with respect. Learner-centered
of students teaching is an approach to teaching that is increasingly
4. To determine which domain of clinical competence being encouraged in education. Learner-centered
significantly influence the skills development of teachers do not employ a single teaching method. This
students approach emphasizes a variety of different types of
methods that shifts the role of the teachers from givers
of information to facilitators in student learning.
Literature Review
Learner-centered teaching is a broad educational
concept that originated in fundamental changes in
Theories, opinions and concepts of various authors thinking about curriculum planning and pedagogy in
related to this study are included in this section to the 1970s and 1980s (Nunan, 1988 as cited by Benson,
provide a strong frame of references about the 2003).
variables treated under study. The independent
variable of the study is clinical competence of teachers Furthermore, the learner-centered approach, teachers
in terms of content knowledge, learner centeredness, function as facilitators of learning rather than lecturers.
in terp erso n al and com mun ication skills, In this way, teachers do less telling; students do more
professionalism and role modelling, and practice-based discovering. The roles of the teacher in the learner-
reflection and improvement which is anchored on the centered approach are to design the course such that it
theory of (Srinivasan, 2011). The dependent variable is creates a climate for an optimal learning; model the
the skills development of students in terms of soft appropriate expected behavior for the students;

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

encourage students to learn from and with each other; education and the overall needs and aspirations of the
and provide more feedback throughout the process. As people. The quality of education depends on the
stated that learner-centered teaching includes: 1) quality teachers and teaching. The way teachers are
techniques that focus on or account for learners’ needs, trained is an important aspect to improve quality. The
styles, and goals; 2) techniques that give some control first and most important basis for professional progress
to the students; 3) curricula that include the is simply the teachers’ own reflection on daily
consultation and input of students and that do not classroom events. So, she gives emphasis to personal
presuppose objectives in advance; 4) techniques that progress through reflecting on one’s own activities and
allow for students creativity and innovation, and 5) practices that happened in the class and thinking (Ur,
techniques that enhance a student’s sense of 1999).
competence and self-worth (Brown, 2001).
For the same reason, that it contend that reflective
Particularly, learner-centered teaching is not learning teaching offers teachers the opportunity to renew their
without teachers but it starts with the teachers. practice and to understand the effects of their teaching
Teachers play a very important role and do many as practice-based reflection and improvement. They
efforts to conduct an effective learner-centered further stated that reflective teaching provides
teaching. Being a learner-centered teacher should be information on how teachers connect with learners
every teacher’s goal, but it is not necessary or practical meaningfully thus promoting sound teaching and
to be learner-centered on every component. Teachers learning practice (Jacobs, Gawe &Vakalisa, 2011).
should not expect their courses ever to be at the
highest standard in all categories with every Skills Development of Students
component as identified from the study of
(Lengkanawati in Bernard & Li, 2016). Soft skills means a cluster of qualities, habits,
personality traits, attitudes and social graces which
Thereafter, interpersonal and communication skills, everyone possesses in varying degree, and are needed
means emphasizing effective problem-solving and for everyday life as much as they are needed for work.
adaptability for one-on-one or intragroup interactions. The changes in occupational structure and required
Professionalism, for an educator, involves not just soft skills as countries adopt new technologies,
exhibiting best practices/behaviors in an individual therefore apply to emerging 'knowledge economy' as
field of expertise but also inspiring and role modelling well, along with their implications for higher education
those behaviors in and for others. Role modelling, and training system which is the backbone for the
means a person who you look up to and aspire to be growth and development of any country. The central
like. Practice-based reflection and improvement, theme of the emergence of a knowledge economy
means competency revolves heavily around accurate revolves around the knowledge which may be in the
self-reflection and using all available sources of form of complex problem solving, innovation and
information to improve one’s own educational creativity, visualization of new markets, understanding
practices. Relevantly, an assessment of an individual’s social and global implications, working in new
professional skills and knowledge is recommended environments and with people of different cultures and
before engaging in meaningful professionalism and countries, developing new products and services etc.
role modelling as cited from the study of (Reed,2010). As stated in the study, one impact of this
As a result, recommended that teacher education transformation is that lifelong learning which has been
programs implement curricular innovations that will identified as a means of sustaining employability as
equip teachers with skills needed to create well as professional and career growth (MeenuWats,
instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse 2019).
learners. As administrators who inspires to be
instructional leader may recognize the voice and Then, it is widely believed that such dimensions of
perceptions of teachers in decision making (Cobbs performance as learning, innovation and enterprises
&Downey, 2007). can be enhanced by placing greater emphasis on
developing soft skills within the education and training
Additionally, teachers are the greatest assets of any processes. While hard skills are discipline specific
education system. They stand in the interface of the skills needed to perform basic duties at work, soft
transmission of knowledge, skills and values. Teacher skills are the ones that define an individual's approach
education plays a vital role in reforming and towards work and life problems etc. In other words, it
strengthening the education system of any country. can be said, while hard skills are the academic skills,
Training of teachers has emerging global trends in experience and level of expertise as generally

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

described in a resume and indicate the knowledge of among the individuals is enhanced through learning
concepts, principles, methods, procedures and and academic performance.These include, promoting
techniques needed for performing jobs, soft skills are extra classes for students, introducing effective
those sought out behaviours and characteristics that teaching-learning methods and instructional strategies,
employees demonstrate unconsciously and routinely using technology, rewarding students for good
on the job. Though, the importance of soft skills has performance serves as a motivating factor and when
been recognized throughout the world, but the they achieve low grades, they usually tend to work
terminology used to refer these varies from country to more to make improvements (Nyagosia, 2011).
country (KumarWats, 2019).
Further, performance means leaders must be able to
Additionally, these are generally referred to as key influence their people, to open their minds, touch their
competencies, soft skills, generic skills or hearts and energize their spirit to take the necessary
employability skills in Australia; key skills or core actions. Goal-oriented students usually possess
skills in United Kingdom; essential skills in New positive feelings regarding their school experiences,
Zealand; and necessary skills, employability skills or they possess the traits of discipline, diligence, and
workplace know-how in United States. Although, the resourcefulness, are avid readers and tend to devote
nomenclature may vary but their centrality to less time towards recreation and leisure activities. It is
competence of an individual and need and importance vital for the students to possess positive thinking in
especially in today's techno-economic scenario has terms of their schools, teachers and academic subjects.
been accepted and readily appreciated. The appropriate With positive attitude, they will be able to dedicate
and skilful application of hard skills is soft skills themselves wholeheartedly towards learning and
dependent. He categories hard skills as being those generate the desired academic outcomes the same with
associated with 'product' and the 'individual', while soft the study of (Maina, 2010).
skills are those of 'process and community: warning
against being too ready to dichotomize the two, he Likely, the academic concepts are made known to the
proposes a soft skill- hard skill continuum. Such a students by the teachers within classroom. Teachers
model makes it easier to comprehend the territory in have the main job duty of completing the subject
which soft and hard skills blur, mend and work syllabus. Therefore, it is vital that classroom
together (Costin, 2002). environment should be disciplined, and well ordered.
Within the classroom, it is vital for the teachers and
Likely, in understanding the importance of soft skills the students to implement the traits of morality and
in today's competitive world and the role of higher ethics. It is vital to promote mutual understanding,
education in building competent and relevant amiability and co-operation among the teachers and
manpower for the economic and social growth of the students as well as among the fellow students. The
country, most of the educational institutions in India efficiency in the management of the classroom,
have initiated programmes, projects and activities for introduces a well-organized and efficient management
developing soft skills in students, the manpower of of the lesson plans, instructional strategies, teaching-
future. Institutions are using different approaches, learning processes and so forth. When there is
methods, media, evaluation and assessment discipline and effective communication among the
mechanisms. There was a need to understand the individuals, then it would help the students learn better
impact of these initiatives for developing right type of and improve their academic performance (Kudari,
manpower for meeting the needs of the emerging 2016).
knowledge economy of the country (MeenuWats,
2019). So, training methodology means the methods,
materials, techniques and resources used for transfer
In addition, education is one of the imperative aspects new knowledge, skills and attitudes to participants in
that not only inculcates the essential skills, abilities academic learning, some of the concepts are difficult
and knowledge and performance among the to learn and understand. When problems and
individuals, but also leads to overall growth and difficulties are experienced by the students, then they
progress of the individuals, community and nation as a need to obtain assistance from others. When students
whole. An educated person is not only able to are unable to achieve the desired grades, then instead
accomplish his desired goals and objectives, but is also of getting angry on them, the teachers and parents need
able to render an efficient contribution towards the to make provision of help and assistance. They should
well-being of the community. The inculcation of motivate the students and encourage them to do well in
academic knowledge, skills, abilities and proficiency future. They need to understand their weaknesses and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

help them. When students find certain areas difficult to

learn, then teachers should repeat the concepts, Quantitative research is referred to as explaining
provide them class and homework assignments, so that phenomena by collecting numerical data that were
they are able to acquire complete understanding of the analysed using mathematical-based methods in
concepts (Srinivas, &Venkatkrishnan, 2016). particular statistics (Aliaga& Gunderson, 2002) and
generalizing it across groups of people. Likewise,
Also, training and development refer to the obtaining correlation method was utilized to determine the
or transferring knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) relationship between clinical competence of teachers
process needed to carry out a specific activity or to skills development of students of secondary schools
functions; so, the benefits of training and development in Compostela- District 1.
both for organization and individual are strategic in
nature and hence much wider. To meet the current and
future challenges of organizations’, training and
development assume a wide range of learning actions,
ranging from training of the individual for their present
tasks and moreover, knowledge sharing to improve the
organization horizon (Niazi, 2011).

Furthermore, training methodology is defined as “a

planned process to modify attitude, knowledge, skill or
behavior through learning experience to achieve
effective performance in an activity or range of
activities. Stated that training is a planned process that
is used to change attitudes, knowledge, skills and
behavior through the learning experience in order to
achieve effective performance in a specific activity or In this study, the downloaded, adapted and modified
range of activities. Its purpose, in the work context, is questionnaires were used. The two sets of
to develop the abilities of individuals and to satisfy the questionnaires were intended to assess the level of
current and future needs of the organization. This clinical competence of teachers and the level of skills
development of students. This was administered to the
definition links training and planning process with
selected students to determine teacher’s clinical
training as a planned operation aimed at modifying
competence and the skills development of students.
skills through the application of experience and
The questionnaires were content-validated by the
education (Beardwell & Holden, 2001).
experts to assure validity. It has been emphasized that
accuracy interpretations based on the results is one
Methodology essential features of a research (Shaun, 2002). A pilot
testing was conducted to distinguish instrument
validity of the questionnaires. The persons who were
The framework lays forth the methodology used for involved during the initial test were excluded on the
the analysis. That focuses on the research design, study final testing. Certainly, it has been piloted to ensure
site, sample size, instruments used for the collection of validity and reliability of the study. The instruments
data, administration of the instrument, statistical tools was subjected for the pilot testing in order to
and ethical considerations. determine the Cronbach Alpha before content
validation by experts with external and internal
Research Design validators.

The non-experimental quantitative research utilizing Data Collection

causal-effect technique was used in this study which
was designed to gather data, ideas, facts and Data for this study were gathered through the
information related to the study, and would determine following steps. First, after the theses committee
if the variables are related to the study. The researchers approved the proposed study, the researcher created
used adapted questionnaires to gather data for this the data gathering instrument. The constructed
study. In line with this, the study was conducted to questionnaire was handed over to the adviser for
determine the correlation between the clinical further suggestions and modifications. After checking
competence to skills development of students. the crafter questionnaire, it was finalized and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

forwarded to the experts for validation. Then, the this repertoire of knowledge.
researcher sought consent to conduct the study among Privacy and confidentiality. After the conduct of
public secondary students in District 1 of Compostela, research, the informant’s identity and information was
Davao De Oro. kept privately as stipulated in the protocol.
Informed Consent Process. To fully implore the
Consequently, after making the permission letter, it participant’s rights in the delivery of research
was signed and granted by the Department of questions. Simply, the words which was used in the
Education-Compostela, Davao De Oro spearheaded by questionnaire would give respondents a clear view of
Davao De Oro Division Superintendent. Upon the the benefits they may get after the conduct of this
approval of the Superintendent, a copy approved letter study. The research questionnaire was vividly
was handed to public secondary school of District 1 discussed and administered to the respondents with the
Supervisor. It was carried to the school head and then consent of the school head.
the researcher personally administered the survey tool Recruitment. To get a saturated form of data,
but before distributing the questionnaires to the participants were purposely selected. Moreover, before
respondents, the researcher first gave directions to the conduct of the study, inclusion criteria were set for
obtain precise result. The conduct of the study was last the selection of participants who best suited and served
December 2019.Then, the questionnaire required as the needed data. Furthermore, before the gathering
approximately 5 -10 minutes to complete. of data, the researcher sought consent to conduct the
Consequently, the researcher retrieved the
study. The permission letter was signed and granted by
administered questionnaires after the participants
the Department of Education-Davao De Oro
answered them. Lastly, the researcher interpreted the
spearheaded by Davao De Oro Superintendent. Upon
collected data through the help of statistician.
the approval, a copy approved letter was handed to
Public Schools Division Supervisor and was carried
Statistical Tools
out to the school heads. Then, the researcher
Data gathered were analyzed using the following tools: personally, administered the survey tool.
Risks. The study did not involve in high risks of
Mean. This statistical tool was used to describe the situations that the respondents may experience in
level of clinical competence of teachers and skills physical, psychological or socio-economic concerns.
development of students. The study just involved in their field of motivation
Pearson-r. It was used to determine the significant towards learning. Likely, it was centered along how
relationship of clinical competence and skills student’s performs and the teachers in school as well
while promoting a friendly environment to the
development of students.
Regression Analysis. This was used to determine
Benefits. Different group of people will benefit on the
which domain in clinical competence that significantly
study. The findings were useful to the society since it
influence the skills development of students.
brought information that enabled people to understand
Ethical Considerations the influence of clinical competence of teachers to
skills development of students. Moreover, the study
In order to establish ethical considerations, the helped educational stakeholders on how to motivate
researcher followed the steps as suggested by Boyatzis the learners in different ways. Also, to the school
(1998) such as respect for persons, beneficence, principal: for them to distinguish different strategies to
justice, consent and confidentiality. It will be help cater the needs of the students; teachers: for them
guaranteed that paramount ethical standards in the to know the impact of clinical competence of teachers
conduct of the study and will follow research towards skills development of students; make use of
guidelines, assessments and standardized criteria, the result of the study welfares Department of
especially in managing the population and data such Education administrators of Division of Davao De Oro
as, but not limited to: and District 1 of Compostela in terms of the influence
of clinical competence of teachers to skills
Voluntary Participation. The participants of my development of students.
study were individuals who were under my protection, Plagiarism. It was ensured no evidence of replication
so I should develop trust among us. Then, after the any part of one’s research study or misinterpretation of
purpose have been served and the benefits have been other work. Further, the study undergone plagiarism
delivered, described and presented to the involved test detector like turnitin software and group of
students, the rights of the participants to contribute to internal and external validators will check and validate

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the research. ensured confidentiality and agreements between the

Fabrication. The research output was free of respondents and the researchers.
intentional misinterpretation of what has been already Authorship. The researcher of the study is public
crafted. Clearly, fabrication of data and results, or secondary teacher of District 1 of Compostela, Davao
purposely presenting conclusions which is no De Oro. More so, the study undergone multiple
congruent or supported to and by the data gathered. processes to produce a valid and standard research.
More so, no making up of data and results, or Besides, the paper passed through series of revisions
purposefully putting forward conclusions that are not due to adviser’s suggestions and inputs that enable the
accurate. researcher to critically analysed the obtained data and
Falsification. It was ensured that there was no such act incorporate it with existing related studies to support
or part of the study which are purposefully the claim. Further, the study followed procedures and
misrepresenting the work just to fit the study. protocols which are parallel to the standards of the
Excessive claiming and exaggeration of facts and data University of Mindanao Ethics Review Committee.
is carefully avoided. In order to avoid this kind of The researcher sent manuscript and other pertinent
situation, the researcher undergone validation (internal attachments to the review committee as foundation
and external validation) of the questionnaire to test its implementing ethical consideration. After the
reliability and validity. Also, outline of the study was approval, the data collection started and interpreted in
evaluated through review (ethics review) before the later part.
roceeding to data collection. Hence, through the
aforementioned procedures misinterpretation of the
study was averted. Results
Conflict of Interest (COI).To stress, conflict of
interest was strictly avoided. Personal judgement and Presented in this study are the analysis, interpretation
views are set aside. Bases of the results, conclusions and the findings of the gathered data out of the
and recommendations was purely based from the research instruments used in the study. Results focused
gathered data which undergone analysis and on finding out domain of teachers’ clinical competence
interpretation. Moreover, the study was not sponsored would significantly influence skills development of
by any government or non-government organization. students.
Further, all procedures followed were in accordance
with the ethical standards of the committee. Hence, It has been noted that the standard deviation ranged
results are purely objective and based from the date from 0.454 to 0.684 which is less than the typical
collected. The data was analysed by body of experts standard deviation for a 5-point scale. This means that
and professionals to come up with valid and credible the ratings obtained in this study are close from mean,
results. indicating smaller variation of the respondents’
Deceit. The study has no trace of misleading the responses (Wittink& Bayer, 1994).
respondents to any potential harm. In order to elude
this kind of misconduct, the researcher conveyed Level of Clinical Competence of Teachers
simple, clear and informative explanation to the
respondents about the purpose of the study to had Presented in Table 1 are the mean scores of clinical
adequate background on the research. Also, the competence of teachers. Data show that the overall
researcher revealed other important subjects such as mean is 4.07 and an SD of 0.47 with a descriptive
methods about the study at the earliest possible time equivalent of high. This implies that the level of
for the respondents to decide uprightly. Thus, the clinical competence of high school teachers is high or
procedures help the respondents not to be at risk. much observed. Among five clinical competence
Permission from Organization/Location. Before indicators, content knowledge got the highest mean
starting the data collection the researcher wrote a score of 4.14 with an SD of 0.57. It is followed by
consent letter to the Schools Division Superintendent learner centeredness with a mean of 4.07 with an SD
of Compostela, Davao De Oro. The researcher of 0.54, next is interpersonal and communication skills
personally appeared to that office and ask permission. with a mean of 4.02 with an SD of 0.62, then,
The intention was formally informed the school head professionalism and role modelling with a mean of
about my desire to conduct a study of the said 4.04 with an SD of 0.56 and practice-based reflection
participants and their place at the same time request and improvement with a mean of 4.11 and an SD of
potential information for survey. However, as a 0.54. All these five mean scores of clinical competence
researcher who is guided by a protocol the researcher indicators are described as high.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1. Level of Clinical Competence

As presented in the Appended Table 2, it shows that
the item showing respect in other people’s
opinion/idea got the highest score of 4.52 described as
very high. The second highest item is recognizing and
giving appreciation to others (whenever there is an
opportunity) has a mean score of 4.28 described as
high. The third highest item is listening attentively and
empathetically to others to have greater understanding
got the mean score of 4.21 described as very high. It is
followed by item getting along well with others at all
level (top-to-bottom) has a mean score of 4.10
As presented in Appended Table 1, it shows that the described as high. The lowest mean score of 3.98 is on
item assessing learner’s progress in acquiring the items manifesting sensitivity when dealing with
people-in discussion, disagreement, etc. described as
knowledge, skills and attitudes got the highest mean
score of 4.22 which described as very high. The
second highest item is teaching learners to apply the Table 3. Significance on the Relationship between
established and evolving knowledge needed for Clinical Competence and Skills Development
effective learning has a mean score of 4.18 described
as high. The third item is providing learners with
graduated responsibility based on their abilities got
the mean score of 4.14 described as high. It is followed
by the item providing resources for additional skills
development of learners has a mean score of 4.10
described as high. The item with the lowest score is
challenging and facilitating learners in practicing
high quality of teaching and compassion got the mean
score of 4.06 described as high. Regression Analysis on the Influence of the
Domains of Clinical Competence to Skills
Level of Skills Development of Students
Table 2 presents the level of skills development of
Regression analysis was used to validate which of the
students in District 1 of Compostela -East and West
indicators of clinical competence of teachers best
Districts. Data show that the overall mean is 4.14 with
influences skills development of students. Table 4
a descriptive equivalent of high. Data further show that summarizes the results. The regression analysis results
among three skills development indicators, soft skills show that the three indicators namely: interpersonal
got the highest mean score of 4.21 described as very and communication skills, professionalism and role
high. It is followed by performance with a mean of modelling, and practice-based reflection and
4.12, and training methodology with a mean of 4.09 improvement yielded an adjusted r-square of 0.697
which are both described as high. and f-ratio 65.351 with a probability value of 0.001
which is less than 0.05 level of significance in the
Table 2. Level of Skills Development clinical competence of teachers that significantly
influences skills development of students.

The overall R2is 0.486 indicating that 48.6% of the

clinical competence of teachers is explained by content
knowledge, learner centeredness, interpersonal and
communication skills, professionalism and role
modelling and practice-based reflection and
improvement and the remaining is accountable to the
other indicators not included in the study.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 4. Regression Analysis on the Influence of the instruction for learners and to assess individual learner
Domains of Clinical Competence to Skills progress. Content knowledge is immensely important
Development to teaching and its improvement. Instead of taking
pedagogical content knowledge as given. Moreover,
there is a need to carefully map the content knowledge
that needs to be better explicate to make teaching

Evidently, this result is parallel the views of Borko

(2004) that teachers play a crucial role in education
and their learning and professional development
improves the quality of schools. Seemingly, congruent
to the study of Downey and Cobbs (2007) that it is
recommended that recommended that teacher
education programs implement curricular innovations
that will equip teachers with skills needed to create
The indicator practice-based reflection and instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse
improvement got the highest standardized beta learners. As administrators who inspires to be
coefficient of 0.244 with probability value of 0.001 instructional leader may recognize the voice and
which is less than the 0.05 level of significance. This is perceptions of teachers in decision making.
followed by professionalism and role modelling got a
standardized beta coefficient 0.236 and a probability The indicator clinical competence that was much
value of 0.001 which is less than the 0.05 level of observed by the respondents of this study is content
significance. Lastly, interpersonal and communication knowledge, as indicator with the highest mean. This is
skills with a standardized beta coefficient of 0.153 congruent to the study of Srinivasan (2011) wherein
with a probability value of 0.012 which is also less the educators would use their content expertise to
than the 0.05 level of significance. This means that tailor instruction for learners and to assess individual
three out of the five domains of clinical competence of learner progress.This is also the same with the results
teachers influence the skills development of students. of the study of Ur (1999) that teachers are the greatest
These are interpersonal and communication skills, assets of any education system. They stand in the
professionalism and role modelling and practice-based interface of the transmission of knowledge, skills and
reflection and improvement. values.

The other indicator with a high mean is learner

Discussion centeredness. This result is parallel to the views of
Srinivasan (2011) which focuses on the personal
Presented in this chapter are the discussion of findings, commitment of teachers to meet learner’s individual,
the conclusions and recommendations derived from professional needs and to treat individuals with
the results of the study. respect.

Level of Clinical Competence of Teachers Teachers’ clinical competence is also high in terms of
interpersonal and communication skills. This finding is
The level of clinical competence of teachers is high. congruent to the views of Srinivasan (2011) that
emphasizes effective problem-solving and adaptability
This means that the level of clinical competence of
for one-on-one, one-on-group, or intragroup
teachers of secondary schools in District 1 of
interactions. This is also relatively similar to the
Compostela, Davao De Oro-East and West is much
results of the study of Cowan and Aresenault (2008)
observed by their students. This is due to the high-
that perceptions of teachers are as critical to student
level of rating given by the respondents in content
learning and growth.
knowledge, practice- based reflection and
improvement, learner centeredness, professionalism In addition, another indicator with high mean is
and role modelling and interp er son al and professionalism and role modelling. This is in
communication skills which means that the clinical consonance to the views of Srinivasan (2011) that an
competence of teachers are observed. Specifically, the educator is not just exhibiting best practices/ behaviors
clinical competence of teachers in terms of content in an individual field of expertise but also inspiring
knowledge was much observed. It means that the and role modelling those behaviors in and for others.
teachers would use their content expertise to tailor

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15(5): 485-498, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1379, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10247238, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Lastly, teachers also got high level of practice-based abilities and proficiency among the individuals is
reflection and improvement. This is parallel to the enhanced through learning and academic performance.
views of Srinivasan (2011) which revolves heavily These include, promoting extra classes for students,
around accurate self-reflection and using all available introducing effective teaching-learning methods and
sources of information to improve one’s own instructional strategies, using technology, rewarding
educational practices and involves understanding the students for good performance serves as a motivating
educational system in which education occurs and the factor and when they achieve low grades, and then
ability to use that understanding to advocate they usually tend to work more to make improvements
appropriate change. in their studies.

Level of Skills Development of Students Last indicator with high mean is training methodology
in line with the study of Mandakini (2002). Training
The level of skills development of students is high. methodology include the methods, materials,
This means that the students’ skills development of techniques and resources used to implement the
District 1 of Compostela, Davao De Oro-East and workshop and transfer new knowledge, skills, and
West are highly observed in the field of education. attitudes to participants. Training Methodology is
Lifelong learning goes beyond formal education and defined as “a planned process to modify attitude,
training to include skills development. Parallel to the knowledge, skill or behaviour through learning
study of MeenuWats (2019) that the central theme of experience to achieve effective performance in an
the emergence of a knowledge economy revolves activity or range of activities. Stated that training is a
around the knowledge which may be in the form of planned process that is used to change attitudes,
complex problem solving, innovation and creativity, knowledge, skills and behavior through the learning
visualization of new markets, understanding social and experience in order to achieve effective performance
global implications, working in new environments and in a specific activity or range of activities.
with people of different cultures and countries,
developing new products and services etc. One impact Significance on the Relationship Between
of this transformation is that lifelong learning has been Clinical Competence and Skills Development
identified as a means of sustaining employability as
well as professional and career growth The clinical competence of teachers in terms of
content knowledge, learner centeredness, interpersonal
The indicator with highest mean is soft skills which is and communication skills, professionalism and role
congruent to the study of KumarWats (2019) that it is modelling and practice-based research and reflection
widely believed that dimensions of performance as shows a significant relationship with the skills
learning, innovation and enterprises can be enhanced development of senior high school students of District
by placing greater emphasis on developing soft skills 1 of Compostela, Davao De Oro- East and West. This
within the education and training processes. implies that the level of skills development of students
Understanding the importance of soft skills in today's in terms of soft skills, performance and training
competitive world and the role of higher education in methodology relations is high.
building competent and relevant manpower for the
economic and social growth of the country, most of the The result is in congruence with the proposition of
educational institutions in India have initiated Srinivasan (2011) which revealed that there is a close
programmes, projects and activities for developing soft bond and strong relationship between clinical
skills in students, the manpower of future. competence and skills development. Given the
different roles that educators might adopt core
Next indicator with high mean is performance in competencies should include core competencies.
parallel to the views of Nyagosia (2011) states that Typically these skills would involve directly teaching
education is one of the imperative aspects that not only an individual group of learners. For instance, core
inculcates the essential skills, abilities and knowledge knowledge for all educators might involve content
and performance among the individuals, but also leads knowledge, learner centeredness, interpersonal and
to overall growth and progress of the individuals, communication skills, professionalism and role
community and nation as a whole. An educated person modelling and practice-based research and reflection.
is not only able to accomplish his desired goals and Then, important to this competency is the ability to use
objectives, but is also able to render an efficient that understanding to advocate appropriate change.
contribution towards the well-being of the community. Likely, skills development such as soft skills,
The inculcation of academic knowledge, skills, performance and training methodology attributes and

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Research Article

competencies such as facilitation, real life examples, The data on the regression coefficient using linear
group work, interactions with participants, regression to test the significant influence of the
demonstration, participant involvement and overall clinical competence to skills development of
stories/illustrations, were the driving force of training students. Test shows that three out of five domains of
effectiveness clinical competence: interpersonal and communication
skills, professionalism and role modelling and
The findings are congruent with the proposition of Hu practice-based research and reflection are significant.
et al., 2015; and Stalmeijer et al. (2010) that clinicians These domains of clinical competence of teachers have
must also account for their education practice through predictive abilities to skills development of students in
teaching evaluation, explicit contributions to curricular District 1 of Compostela, Davao De Oro -East and
design and research and evidence learning outcomes West. More so, data revealed that professionalism and
achieved; along with the learning outcomes related to role modelling has the highest influence to skills
skills development, clinical educators are expected to development with Beta value 0.52, followed by
actively develop students’ capabilities for their future practice-based research and reflection with Beta value
practice, including broad-based competencies. of 0.51 and interpersonal and communication skills
with Beta values of 0.48. The result means that clinical
Accordingly, it is also comparable with the study of competence of teachers influence the skills
National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008) that development of their students.
teachers must know the subject they teach. Indeed,
there may be nothing more foundational to teacher In line with the above notions, the findings of the
competency. The reason is simple: teachers who do study also evolve to the proposition of Srinivasan
not themselves know a subject well are not likely to (2011). Clinical competence and skills development
have the knowledge they need to help students learn are interrelated, it was pointed out that competence
this content. Clinical competence at the same time is confer skills development that can help pinpoint areas
immensely important to teaching and its improvement where sources may be best deployed for developing
to skills development of students, instead of taking and providing an approach for improving and
pedagogical content knowledge as give. This includes alleviating the organizational strengths and
the need to better explicate how this knowledge is used weaknesses. And, perhaps most important, the
in teaching. competence can help the educators think carefully
about the skill sets and resources they will need to
Relevantly, congruent to the study of White (1959) succeed.
that developing clinical competence has focused
mostly on knows and knows how, the base of the The regression analysis further reveals that among the
pyramid: recall of factual knowledge and the indicators of clinical competence, it is the
application of this knowledge in problem solving skills interpersonal and communication skills that has the
development currently occupy a dominant place in most influence to skills development of students. In
development discourse. And it is suggested that view of this, the same study with Srinivasan (2011)
competence be conceptualized as effective interaction that it is effective if the learning activities are focused
with the environment. and emphasize on problem solving and adaptability for
one-on-one or intragroup interactions. Additionally,
Moreover, another study which is similar to Guskey communicating expectations, goals and information in
and Huberman (1995) states that the opportunity to ways that stimulate and engage learners; determining
give input about the experience may help a teacher each learner’s prior knowledge and skills through
develop a sense of professional clinical competence in direct observation or questions; by providing specific
which it has a relationship to skills development to feedback to each learner to help the learner improve;
engagement of a certain institution. Likely, as opens to alternative approaches to problems and
supported and congruent to the study of Maclean and issues; and facilitating dialogue and understanding
Wilson (2009) ; and Rauner and Maclean (2008) that it during times of conflict.
is desirable and appropriate that secondary schools are
more accountable for developing the needs of the
students through placing a greater emphasis on skills
development for students.
In reference to the findings of the study, the following
Regression Analysis on the Influence of conclusions are drawn: the level of clinical
Clinical Competence to Skills Development competence of teachers is high and the level of skills

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