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INSTRUCTION: In this part of the test, your ability to understand and discern statements and
conditions will be assessed. Read the given statements and conditions carefully. Select the most
logical answer from the choices given. You are given twenty (20) minutes to answer all the questions
in this section of the examination.

1. If A, then B.
If B, then C.
If C, then D.

If all of the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true?

(A) If D, then A.
(B) If not B, then not C.
(C) If not D, then not A.
(D) If D, then E.
(E) If not A, then not D.

2. All Labrador retrievers bark a great deal. All Saint Bernards bark infrequently. Each of Rosa’s dogs is
a cross between a Labrador retriever and a Saint Bernard. Therefore, Rosa’s dogs are moderate barkers.
Which one of the following uses flawed reasoning that most closely resembles the flawed reasoning
used in the argument above?

(A) All students who study diligently make good grades. But some students who do not study diligently also
make good grades. Jane studies somewhat diligently. Therefore, Jane makes somewhat good grades.
(B) All type A chemicals are extremely toxic to human beings. All type B chemicals are nontoxic to human
beings. This household cleaner is a mixture of a type A chemical and a type B chemical. Therefore, this
household cleaner is moderately toxic.
(C) All students at Hanson School live in Green County. All students at Edwards School live in Winn County.
Members of the Perry family attend both Hanson and Edwards. Therefore, some members of the Perry
family live in Green County and some live in Winn County.
(D) All transcriptionists know shorthand. All engineers know calculus. Bob has worked both as a
transcriptionist and as an engineer. Therefore, Bob knows both shorthand and calculus.
(E) All of Kenisha’s dresses are very well made. All of Connie’s dresses are very badly made. Half of the
dresses in this closet are very well made, and half of them are very badly made. Therefore, half of the
dresses in this closet are Kenisha’s and half of them are Connie’s.

3. Alba: I don’t intend to vote for Senator Frank in the next election. She is not a strong supporter of the
war against crime.
Tam: But Senator Frank sponsored the latest anticrime law passed by the Senate.
Alba: If Senator Frank sponsored it, it can’t be a very strong anticrime law.

Graduate Management Admission Test. (n.d.). Critical Reasoning.
Law School Admission Test. (n.d). Critical Reasoning.

"We shall not be saved without wisdom for knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty."

Which of the following identifies the most serious logical flaw in Alba’s reasoning?

(A) The facts she presents do not support her conclusion that Senator Frank is soft on crime.
(B) She assumes without proof that crime is the most important issue in the upcoming election.
(C) She argues in a circle, using an unsupported assertion to dismiss conflicting evidence.
(D) She attacks Senator Frank on personal grounds rather than on his merit as a political leader.
(E) In deciding not to vote for Senator Frank, she fails to consider issues other than crime.

4. June is taller than Kristin.

Letty is taller than Maria.
Maria is shorter than Nancy.
Kristin and Nancy are exactly the same height.

If the information above is true, which of the following must also be true?

(A) Letty is taller than Nancy.

(B) Letty is taller than June.
(C) Kristin is shorter than Letty.
(D) June is taller than Maria.
(E) Kristin is shorter than Maria.

5. Every painting hanging in the Hoular Gallery is by a French painter. No painting in the Hoular Gallery
is by a Vorticist. Only Vorticists use acrylic monochromes in their works.

If the information above is true, which of the following must also be true?

(A) No French painters are Vorticists.

(B) All Vorticists use acrylic monochromes in their works.
(C) Some French painters do not use acrylic monochromes in their works.
(D) No French painters use acrylic monochromes in their works.
(E) All French painters who use acrylics use acrylic monochromes in their works.

6. The government should stop permitting tobacco companies to subtract advertising expenses from
their revenues in calculating taxable income. Tobacco companies would then have to pay more taxes.
As a consequence, they would raise the prices of their products and this price increase would raise the
prices of their products and this price increase would discourage tobacco use.

Which of the following is an additional premise required by the argument above?

(A) Tobacco companies would not offset the payment of extra taxes by reducing costs in other areas.
(B) Tobacco companies would not continue to advertise if they were forced to pay higher taxes.
(C) People would not continue to buy tobacco products if these products were no longer advertised.
(D) The money the government would gain as a result of the increase in tobacco companies’ taxable income
would be used to educate the public about the dangers of tobacco use.
(E) The increase in taxes paid by tobacco companies would be equal to the additional income generated by
raising prices.

"We shall not be saved without wisdom for knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty."

7. Some observers have concluded that the rise in the price of pepper means that the switch by some
growers from pepper to cocoa left those growers no better off than if none of them had switched; this
conclusion, however, is unwarranted because it can be inferred to be likely that

(A) those growers could not have foreseen how high the price of pepper would go
(B) the initial cost involved in switching from pepper to cocoa is substantial
(C) supplies of pepper would not be as low as they are if those growers had not switched crops
(D) cocoa crops are as susceptible to being reduced by bad weather as are pepper crops
(E) as more growers turn to growing cocoa, cocoa supplies will increase and the price of cocoa will fall

8. Rural households have more purchasing power than do urban or suburban households at the same
income level, since some of the income urban and suburban households use for food and shelter can be
used by rural households for other needs.

Which of the following inferences is best supported by the statement made above?

(A) The average rural household includes more people than does the average urban or suburban household.
(B) Rural households have lower food and housing costs than do either urban or suburban households.
(C) Suburban households generally have more purchasing power than do either rural or urban households.
(D) The median income of urban and suburban households is generally higher than that of rural households.
(E) All three types of households spend more of their income on food and housing than on all other
purchases combined.

9. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin supplements. Some of these cereals provide 100 percent
of the recommended daily requirement of vitamins. Nevertheless, a well-balanced breakfast, including a
variety of foods, is a better source of those vitamins than are such fortified breakfast cereals alone.

Which of the following, if true, would most strongly support the position above?

(A) In many foods, the natural combination of vitamins with other nutrients makes those vitamins more
usable by the body than are vitamins added in vitamin supplements.
(B) People who regularly eat cereals fortified with vitamin supplements sometimes neglect to eat the foods
in which the vitamins occur naturally.
(C) Foods often must be fortified with vitamin supplements because naturally occurring vitamins are
removed during processing.
(D) Unprocessed cereals are naturally high in several of the vitamins that are usually added to fortified
breakfast cereals.
(E) Cereals containing vitamin supplements are no harder to digest than similar cereals without added vitamins.

10. Since applied scientific research is required for technological advancement, many have rightly urged
an increased emphasis in universities on applied research. But we must not give too little attention to
basic research, even though it may have no foreseeable application, for tomorrow’s applied research
will depend on the basic research of today.

If the statements above are true, which of the following can be most reliably inferred?

(A) If future technological advancement is desired, basic research should receive greater emphasis than
applied research.

"We shall not be saved without wisdom for knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty."

(B) If basic research is valued in universities, applied research should be given less emphasis than it
currently has.
(C) If future technological advancement is desired, research should be limited to that with some foreseeable
(D) If too little attention is given to basic research today, future technological advancement will be jeopardized.
(E) If technological advancement is given insufficient emphasis, basic research will also receive too little attention.

11. No senator spoke at the convention unless he or she was a Democrat. No Democrat both spoke at the
convention and was a senator.

Which one of the following conclusions can be correctly drawn from the statements above?

(A) No one but senators spoke at the convention.

(B) No Democrat spoke at the convention.
(C) Only Democrats spoke at the convention.
(D) No senator spoke at the convention.
(E) Some Democrat senators spoke at the convention.

12. If Sarah were a concert pianist for a major orchestra, she would be famous. She is not a concert
pianist since she is not famous.

The conclusion above is unsound because the author does not consider that

(A) Sarah could be a famous actress.

(B) Sarah could be a harpist for a major orchestra.
(C) Sarah could be a pianist with a rock group.
(D) Sarah could be a concert pianist with a minor orchestra.
(E) Sarah could be famous for another reason.

13. Most parents who are generous are good parents, but some self-centered parents are also good
parents. Yet all good parents share one characteristic: they are good listeners.

If all of the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following must also be true?

(A) All parents who are good listeners are good parents.
(B) Some parents who are good listeners are not good parents.
(C) Most parents who are good listeners are generous.
(D) Some parents who are good listeners are self-centered.
(E) Fewer self-centered parents than generous parents are good listeners.

14. All of John’s friends say they know someone who has smoked 40 cigarettes a day for the past 40 years
and yet who is really fit and well. John does not know anyone like that and it is quite certain that he is not
unique among his friends in this respect.

If the statements in the passage are true, then which one of the following must also be true?

(A) Smokers often lie about how much they smoke.

"We shall not be saved without wisdom for knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty."

(B) People often knowingly exaggerate without intending to lie.

(C) All John’s friends know the same lifelong heavy smoker.
(D) Most of John’s friends are not telling the truth.
(E) Some of John’s friends are not telling the truth.

15. A poor farmer was fond of telling his children: “In this world, you are either rich or poor, and you
are either honest or dishonest. All poor farmers are honest. Therefore, all rich farmers are dishonest.”

The farmer’s conclusion is properly drawn if the argument assumes that

(A) every honest farmer is poor

(B) every honest person is a farmer
(C) everyone who is dishonest is a rich farmer
(D) everyone who is poor is honest
(E) every poor person is a farmer

16. In the Centerville Botanical Gardens, all tulip trees are older than any maples. A majority, but not all,
of the garden’s sycamores are older than any of its maples. All the garden’s maples are older than any of
its dogwoods.

If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also be true of trees in the Centerville
Botanical Gardens?

(A) Some dogwoods are as old as the youngest tulip trees.

(B) Some dogwoods are as old as the youngest sycamores.
(C) Some sycamores are not as old as the oldest dogwoods.
(D) Some tulip trees are not as old as the oldest sycamores.
(E) Some sycamores are not as old as the youngest tulip trees.

17. Merco has been in business longer than Nolen. Inc. Olean Industries was founded years before the
Potter Company, and the Potter Company was started years after the Quarles Corporation. Nolen, Inc.,
and the Quarles Corporation were founded in the same year.

If the information above is true, which of the following must also be true?

(A) Olean Industries has been in business for more years than Merco.
(B) Olean Industries has been in business for more years than the Quarles Corporation.
(C) Nolen, Inc. has not been in business for as many years as Olean Industries.
(D) Merco has been in business for more years than the Potter Company.
(E) Nolen, Inc. has not been in business for as many years as the Potter Company.

"We shall not be saved without wisdom for knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty."

Questions 18-19 are based on the following:

A researcher discovered that people who have low levels of immune-system activity tend to score
much lower on tests of mental health than do people with normal or high immune-system activity. The
researcher concluded from this experiment that the immune system protects against mental illness as
well as against physical disease.
18. The researcher’s conclusion depends on which of the following assumptions?

(A) High immune-system activity protects against mental illness better than normal immune-system
activity does.
(B) Mental illness is similar to physical disease in its effects on the body system.
(C) People with high immune-system activity cannot develop mental illness.
(D) Mental illness does not cause people’s immune-system activity to decrease.
(E) Psychological treatment of mental illness is not as effective as is medical treatment.

19. The researcher’s conclusion would be most seriously weakened if it were true that

(A) there was a one-year delay between the completion of a pilot study for the experiment and the initiation
of the experiment itself
(B) people’s levels of immune-system activity are not affected by their use of medications
(C) a few people with high immune-system activity had scores on the test of mental health that were similar
to the scores of people who had normal immune-system activity
(D) people who have low immune-system activity tend to contract more viral infections than do people with
normal or high immune-system activity
(E) high levels of stress first cause mental illness and then cause decreased immune-system activity in
normal individuals

20. There is strong evidence that the cause of migraines (severe recurrent headaches) is not psychological
but instead is purely physiological. Yet several studies have found that people being professionally
treated for migraines rate higher on a standard psychological scale of anxiety than do people not being
professionally treated for migraines.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the information above?

(A) People who have migraine headaches tend to have relatives who also have migraine headaches.
(B) People who have migraine headaches often suffer these headaches when under emotional stress.
(C) People who rate higher on the standard psychological scale of anxiety are more likely to seek professional
treatment than are people who rate lower on the scale.
(D) Of the many studies done on the cause of migraine headaches, most of those that suggest that
psychological factors such as anxiety cause migraines have been widely publicized.
(E) Most people who have migraines and who seek professional treatment remain in treatment until they
stop having migraines, whether their doctors consider the cause to be physiological or psychological.


"We shall not be saved without wisdom for knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty."

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