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NCC Camp experience Article

P. Praveen kumar

5TN Naval Unit

The National Cadet corps (NCC) is a voluntary organization engaged in

grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens.
They recruit members (cadets) from schools and colleges across the
country and are given basic military training in small arms and parades.

I would like to share the beautiful experience of my NCC camp. Over 150
cadets from various district .Our camp was designed with the theme
“Unity in Diversity” with a dose of rich cross district culture experience.

The journey started on march 3,2021 and we, the cadets from cuddalore
group boarded the army truck and headed towards cudddalore. I was
quite nervous and curious about how the camp would go. We reached
cuddalore and were taken to the camp which was at Periyar Arts and
Science College campus. In the coastal town of cuddalore, it was very
cool in the morning and the sunrises were very beautiful.

Cadets from cuddalore Group having Lunch

Our day started with roll call in the morning followed by P.T. Then
lectures were given by military officers on Character building,
Personality Development, Career counseling, Leadership qualities. Many
competitions such as singing, dancing, Group discussion, Debate,
Lecturette and Essay writing between cadets of different NCC
directorates of the country were conducted. I participated in many, one
being lecturette competition. The topic I chose was “Time
Management”. In front of me were 150 cadets, the Group Commandeer,
the Commanding Officer, A.N.Os and other staff. And yes! I gave the
lecture confidently without any fear. A big round of applause in that huge
hall still echoes in my ear. I was proud of myself. I won 1st prize in the

We were taken for beach cleaning and we were in file they separate a
team and they gave as clause and dustbin bags and we started cleaning
the beach at that time we saw a fishermen fishing the fish it was a
wonderful scenerio and also a informative thing for me at last we
cleaning the beach we were returened to the camp area.

The next ay we had a rifie drill practice.on that day for the first
time I lift the real gun.its was a wonderful experience.on tat time I
felt like a blessed one it’s was a 4.4 kg weighted un for the first I
lifting te gun so it was quite difficult. The drill was literelly hard but
it more confidence and evening section we had a tent making it
also more inormative and I learned a lot .on that we missed the
boat drilling and it was one and only missed thing in our camp.
I was happy that the camp went successfully at the same time sad
because we lived together like a family all those days and we would part
soon. . And everyone there, regardless of culture, religion or region they
have come from were holding hands together and screaming with joy at
the site of beautiful light patterns in the dark sky. It was the moment to
say Good Bye! I loved the camp life and I will miss it and the people.

This camp taught me discipline, to accept people the way they are,
infused courage and strength, motivated me to do something to
motherland and respect her and ultimately it made me a better person. I
saw a Mini India or “Chota Bharat” in short span. I saw different side of
our military officials and learnt that Yes! They crack jokes, sing songs,
dance, giggle like others (they are serious and commanding usually
during our weekly parades). As I return I take a very big suitcase of
memories, lessons, new friends and the challenge to develop myself.

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