Poetry & Appreciation

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A1) Global understanding – Complex factual (02)

(Complex Factual Activities)
 Complete
 Correct order / sequence
 Complete the web
 Pick the correct line/phrase/word
 Complete the table
 Flow Chart
 Choose the correct alternative
 Match the columns

A2) Activities based on understanding of the (02)


A3) Personal Response (02)

 Self-experience
 Expressing Views, opinions, ideas
 Conclusions
 Comment on the topic/ situation/ content

A4) Poetic Device (02)

 Activities to find out figures of speech


A5) Creativity (compose lines / small poem / (02)

2-4 liners) on related themes



What is critical appreciation of a poem?
-Requires one to analyse the poem as a whole
and critically provide insight into elements that make
up the poem – In other words you evaluate the poem.
 Diction
 Imagery
 Structure
 Rhyme / rhythm
 Overall message of the poem
 Purpose of the poet
 Any other thing that appeals to you

In other words it is a critical reading of the poem and it helps in a

better understanding of the poem.
How to write critical appreciation of a poem?
1.First step: To evaluate the poetic techniques used by
the poet. It includes the genre or the poetic form in
which the poem is written.
It could be a sonnet, ballad, elegy, ode, lyric,
dramatic monologue

2.Rhyme Scheme: It could be abba, aabb, abab etc. or

else a poem may not have any rhyme scheme and may
be a blank verse.
3.Figures of speech: It means the images used in the
poem Simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration,
pun, oxymoron etc

4.Language style: Use of imagery, rhythm, word

length, number of lines and senses.

5.The tone of the speaker: Mysterious, fearful,

hopeful, straight forward, provocative.

6.If any references to other works (Allusion)


Second Step:
The reader should evaluate the meaning of
the poem itself.

(i)Speaker: Poet himself, protagonist or a character

very important as every speaker speaks differently.

(ii) Title: Relevance, its significance etc.

(iii)Denotation : Literal meaning of the words used so

as to get to the basic idea of the poem. Ex. Donne
(iv)Connotations : The ideas invoked by the words,
their deeper meaning, the message they convey, the
underlying universal truth – this helps to understand
the theme of the poem.
Ode to autumn – central idea very different
from what the words perceive.

(v)Purpose of writing: To inform the facts, to appeal

to reason, to persuade or just entertain or even
merely self express.

(vi) Period or the movement in which the poet lived –

helps to understand the influence on the poet.

Having done all this analysis and evaluation, the

student should first write the description of the poem
and then its comprehensive interpretation in own words.

-Dr Lakhbir Kaur Verma

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