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Description In this course, you’ll be asked to write an assignment on any of the topics listed

below. You can choose any topic that interests you, or you want to know more

about. Collective research is allowed but the assignments should be prepared

individually. Assignments should be self-worded. Copy-pasted assignments will

be penalized. Try to cover the concerns provided with the topics. Use relevant

examples and illustrations to clarify your point.

List of issues 1. Problems and challenges faced by Aboriginal-Canadians.

faced by
Canadians today 2. Substance abuse and overdose prevention.
(Choose one
3. Affordable housing crisis in Canada.
4. Canada's environmental challenges and social movements.
5. Immigration opportunities and challenges for new immigrants.
6. Mental health issues on the rise among Canadians.
Concerns that 1. Emergence of the issue.
need to be
addressed in 2. Parts of the country or people most affected by this issue.
3. Impact on the Canadian society today and tomorrow.
4. Role of Government, Individuals, and/or Groups.
5. Your personal feelings or thoughts.
Due Date Deadline for assignment submission is October 31, 2023 till 11:59pm PT. No
late submissions will be accepted without prior approval.
Marking Grading will be done as per the rubric on next page.
Technical 1. Add a cover sheet with your name, student number, and course name.
2. Assignment should have a suggested size of 1500 - 2000 words.
3. Whenever you cite anything from a book, article or website, reference it
using APA formatting. APA formatting includes a running header and double

spacing. (Citation help can be found at )

4. The assignment in PDF or Word file should be uploaded on Moodle link in

the toggle for Assignment.
Rubric for Assignment

Level 1
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2
Criteria Weight Needs
Very Good Good Satisfactory
*Introduction Catchy or Interesting Weak No attempt to
15% grabber beginning was beginning. catch reader’s
beginning. attempted. Confusing attention.
Created rather than
interest in the catchy.
topic instantly.
*Content Well thought of, Organized and Ideas mostly Content did
organization 30% logical and logical seemed not seem
and Fluency organized content. Gaps unorganized relevant to
content. in fluency of and lacked the topic.
Natural flow of ideas. logic. Gaps in Ideas were
ideas. fluency of presented
ideas. randomly.
*Language Effective use of Appropriate Language was Ineffective
10% language. No use of not used and
noticeable language. effectively. erroneous
grammatical A few Several use of
errors. grammatical grammatical language.
errors. errors.
*Examples and 15% Topic was Some Examples and Examples and
Illustrations explained with examples and illustrations illustrations
used relevant illustrations used were not were not
examples and were relevant. provided.
illustrations. provided.
*Conclusion 15% Topic was Topic was Conclusion was No conclusion
concluded in an concluded hard to was provided.
effective appropriately. understand.
manner. No
loose ends.
*APA Reference References Attempts were APA reference Incorrect or
List 15% were relevant made to guide was not Incomplete
and APA guide include the used correctly. references.
was followed citations using
correctly. APA reference

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