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Helping Students Navigate the Path

to College: What High Schools Can Do

NCEE 2009-4066
The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) publishes practice guides in education
to bring the best available evidence and expertise to bear on the types of challenges
that cannot currently be addressed by single interventions or programs. Authors of
practice guides seldom conduct the types of systematic literature searches that are
the backbone of a meta-analysis, although they take advantage of such work when
it is already published. Instead, authors use their expertise to identify the most im-
portant research with respect to their recommendations and conduct a search of
recent publications to ensure that the research supporting the recommendations
is up-to-date.

Unique to IES-sponsored practice guides is that they are subjected to rigorous exter-
nal peer review through the same office that is responsible for independent review
of other IES publications. A critical task for peer reviewers of a practice guide is to
determine whether the evidence cited in support of particular recommendations is
up-to-date and that studies of similar or better quality that point in a different di-
rection have not been ignored. Because practice guides depend on the expertise of
their authors and their group decisionmaking, the content of a practice guide is not
and should not be viewed as a set of recommendations that in every case depends
on and flows inevitably from scientific research.

The goal of this practice guide is to formulate specific and coherent evidence-based
recommendations for use by educators addressing the challenge of increasing access
to higher education. The guide provides practical, clear information on critical top-
ics related to what schools can do to help students navigate the path to college and
is based on the best available evidence as judged by the panel. Recommendations
presented in this guide should not be construed to imply that no further research
is warranted on the effectiveness of particular strategies for increasing access to
postsecondary education.

Helping Students Navigate the

Path to College: What High Schools
Can Do
September 2009
William G. Tierney (Chair)
University of Southern California

Thomas Bailey
Columbia University

Jill Constantine
Mathematica Policy Research

Neal Finkelstein

Nicole Farmer Hurd

National College Advising Corps

Jeffrey Max
Christina Clark Tuttle
Mathematica Policy Research

NCEE 2009-4066
This report was prepared for the National Center for Education Evaluation and Re-
gional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences under Contract ED-07-CO-0062 by
the What Works Clearinghouse, a project of Mathematica Policy Research.

The opinions and positions expressed in this practice guide are those of the au-
thors and do not necessarily represent the opinions and positions of the Institute of
Education Sciences or the U.S. Department of Education. This practice guide should
be reviewed and applied according to the specific needs of the educators and edu-
cation agencies using it, and with full realization that it represents the judgments
of the review panel regarding what constitutes sensible practice, based on the re-
search that was available at the time of publication. This practice guide should be
used as a tool to assist in decisionmaking rather than as a “cookbook.” Any refer-
ences within the document to specific education products are illustrative and do
not imply endorsement of these products to the exclusion of other products that
are not referenced.

U.S. Department of Education

Arne Duncan

Institute of Education Sciences

John Q. Easton

National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance

John Q. Easton
Acting Commissioner

September 2009

This report is in the public domain. Although permission to reprint this publication
is not necessary, the citation should be:
Tierney, W. G., Bailey, T., Constantine, J., Finkelstein, N., & Hurd, N. F. (2009).
Helping students navigate the path to college: What high schools can do: A prac-
tice guide (NCEE #2009-4066). Washington, DC: National Center for Education
Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Depart-
ment of Education. Retrieved from

What Works Clearinghouse Practice Guide citations begin with the panel chair, followed
by the names of the panelists listed in alphabetical order.

This report is available on the IES website at and http://ies.

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On request, this publication can be made available in alternate formats, such as
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Helping Students Navigate the Path
to College: What High Schools Can Do
Introduction 1

The What Works Clearinghouse standards and their relevance to this guide 4

Overview 5

Scope of the practice guide 7

Status of the research 8

Summary of the recommendations 9

Checklist for carrying out the recommendations 11

Recommendation 1. Offer courses and curricula that prepare students

for college-level work, and ensure that students understand what
constitutes a college-ready curriculum by 9th grade 12

Recommendation 2. Utilize assessment measures throughout high school

so that students are aware of how prepared they are for college,
and assist them in overcoming deficiencies as they are identified 20

Recommendation 3. Surround students with adults and peers who

build and support their college-going aspirations 26

Recommendation 4. Engage and assist students in completing critical

steps for college entry 31

Recommendation 5. Increase families’ financial awareness, and help

students apply for financial aid 38

Appendix A. Postscript from the Institute of Education Sciences 43

Appendix B. About the authors 46

Appendix C. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest 48

Appendix D. Technical information on the studies 49

References 73

( iii )

List of tables
Table 1. Institute of Education Sciences levels of evidence for practice guides 2

Table 2. Recommendations and corresponding levels of evidence 6

Table 3. Examples of college preparatory course requirements 14

Table D1. Studies of college access programs that met WWC standards
with or without reservations 54

Table D2. Studies of college access programs that potentially

met WWC standards 56

List of exhibits
Exhibit 1. Example of course requirement mailing 16

Exhibit 2. Example of a personalized learning plan 17

Exhibit 3. Example of a college entrance exam schedule 33

Exhibit 4. Example of a college visit schedule 34

Exhibit 5. Example of a college admissions timeline 36

( iv )
Introduction document ranges from experimental eval-
uations of college access programs to ex-
Access to higher education remains a chal- pert analyses of college access practices.
lenge for many students who face barriers In looking for effective practices, the panel
to college entry. Low-income students and paid particular attention to high-qual-
students who are potentially the first in ity experimental and quasi-experimental
their family to attend college have lower studies, such as those meeting the criteria
college enrollment rates than other stu- of the WWC,4 and to patterns of practices
dents.1 Although academic preparation ac- that are replicated across programs.
counts for some of these differences, the
disparities in college-going rates persist The research base for this guide was iden-
for these groups of students even when tified through a comprehensive search for
controlling for academic preparation.2 studies evaluating college access inter-
College access outcomes have important ventions and practices. An initial search
economic and social consequences: col- for this type of research conducted in the
lege graduates earn more than those with United States in the past 20 years (1988–
a high school degree and are more active 2008) yielded more than 500 studies. Of
in their communities.3 these, 99 studies examined college access
programs or related practices for high
This guide is intended to help schools and school students and were eligible for fur-
districts develop practices to increase ac- ther review because the study design in-
cess to higher education. It can be use- cluded a comparison group. These studies
ful for individuals who work in schools were reviewed by the WWC to determine
and districts in planning and executing whether they were consistent with WWC
strategies to improve preparation for, and standards. Of the 99 studies, 16 studies
access to, higher education. A panel of met WWC standards with or without res-
experts in college access programs and ervations. These 16 studies of 10 differ-
strategies and in research methods devel- ent college access programs represent the
oped the recommendations in this guide. strongest evidence of the effectiveness of
The guide contains specific steps on how college access programs.
to implement the recommendations that
are targeted at school- and district-level To indicate the strength of evidence sup-
administrators, teachers, counselors, and porting each recommendation, the panel
related education staff. The guide also relied on the WWC standards for determin-
indicates the level of research evidence ing levels of evidence, described below and
demonstrating that each recommended in Table 1. It is important for the reader to
practice is effective. remember that the level of evidence rating
is not a judgment by the panel on how ef-
As with all What Works Clearinghouse fective each of these recommended prac-
(WWC) practice guide panels, this panel tices will be when implemented, nor are
developed recommendations by consult- they a judgment of what prior research
ing research evidence. The evidence that has to say about their effectiveness. The
the panel considered in developing this level of evidence ratings reflect the panel’s
judgment of the quality of the existing
literature to support a causal claim that
1. Choy (2002); National Center for Education
Statistics (2008). when these practices have been imple-
2. Ellwood and Kane (2000); Smith et al. (1997). mented in the past, positive effects on stu-
3. Baum and Ma (2007); Kane and Rouse (1995);
dent academic outcomes were observed.
National Conference on Citizenship (2006); U.S.
Census Bureau (2002). 4.


Table 1. Institute of Education Sciences levels of evidence for practice guides

In general, characterization of the evidence for a recommendation as strong requires both
studies with high internal validity (i.e., studies whose designs can support causal conclusions)
and studies with high external validity (i.e., studies that in total include enough of the range
of participants and settings on which the recommendation is focused to support the conclu-
sion that the results can be generalized to those participants and settings). Strong evidence
for this practice guide is operationalized as:
• A systematic review of research that generally meets WWC standards (see http://ies. and supports the effectiveness of a program, practice, or approach
Strong with no contradictory evidence of similar quality; OR
• Several well-designed, randomized controlled trials or well-designed quasi-experi-
ments that generally meet WWC standards and support the effectiveness of a program,
practice, or approach, with no contradictory evidence of similar quality; OR
• One large, well-designed, randomized controlled, multisite trial that meets WWC stan-
dards and supports the effectiveness of a program, practice, or approach, with no
contradictory evidence of similar quality; OR
• For assessments, evidence of reliability and validity that meets the Standards for
Educational and Psychological Testing.a

In general, characterization of the evidence for a recommendation as moderate requires

studies with high internal validity but moderate external validity or studies with high
external validity but moderate internal validity. In other words, moderate evidence is
derived from studies that support strong causal conclusions but generalization is uncer-
tain or studies that support the generality of a relationship but the causality is uncertain.
Moderate evidence for this practice guide is operationalized as:
• Experiments or quasi-experiments generally meeting WWC standards and supporting
the effectiveness of a program, practice, or approach with small sample sizes and/
or other conditions of implementation or analysis that limit generalizability and no
contrary evidence; OR
Moderate • Comparison group studies that do not demonstrate equivalence of groups at pretest
and, therefore, do not meet WWC standards but that (1) consistently show enhanced
outcomes for participants experiencing a particular program, practice, or approach
and (2) have no major flaws related to internal validity other than lack of demonstrated
equivalence at pretest (e.g., only one teacher or one class per condition, unequal
amounts of instructional time, or highly biased outcome measures); OR
• Correlational research with strong statistical controls for selection bias and for dis-
cerning influence of endogenous factors and no contrary evidence; OR
• For assessments, evidence of reliability that meets the Standards for Educational and
Psychological Testingb but with evidence of validity from samples not adequately rep-
resentative of the population on which the recommendation is focused.

In general, characterization of the evidence for a recommendation as low means that the
recommendation is based on expert opinion derived from strong findings or theories in
Low related areas and/or expert opinion buttressed by direct evidence that does not rise to
the moderate or strong level. Low evidence is operationalized as evidence not meeting
the standards for the moderate or strong level.

a. American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on
Measurement in Education (1999).
b. Ibid.


They do not reflect judgments of the rela- recommended practices would be difficult
tive strength of these positive effects or to study in a rigorous, experimental fash-
the relative importance of the individual ion; in other cases, it means that research-
recommendations. ers have not yet studied this practice, or
that there is weak or conflicting evidence
A strong rating refers to consistent and of effectiveness.6
generalizable evidence that an inter-
vention strategy or program improves Three of the five recommendations made
outcomes.5 by the panel received a low evidence rat-
ing. For example, recommendation 2,
A moderate rating refers either to evidence which describes the use of assessments
from studies that allow strong causal con- to measure college readiness, was deter-
clusions but cannot be generalized with mined to have a low level of evidence (see
assurance to the population on which a Table 2). This means that there are few ex-
recommendation is focused (perhaps be- isting studies designed to test, in a discrete
cause the findings have not been widely and valid manner, the causal relation be-
replicated) or to evidence from studies that tween the utilization of assessment mea-
are generalizable but have more causal sures and college going. Nevertheless, the
ambiguity than that offered by experi- authors of this practice guide, based on
mental designs (e.g., statistical models of expert judgment and knowledge of prac-
correlational data or group comparison de- tice, consider the use of assessment to be a
signs for which equivalence of the groups critical component of a well-implemented
at pretest is uncertain). strategic plan for increasing access to col-
lege. Hence, although the level of evidence
A low rating refers to evidence from stud- rating is low, the panel has included as-
ies that do not meet the standards for sessment as one of the five recommended
moderate or strong evidence and/or expert practices.
opinion based on reasonable extrapola-
tions from research and theory. Citations in the text refer to studies of
programs that have implemented vari-
A low level of evidence rating does not ous practices. Not all of these programs
indicate that the recommendation is any contribute to the level of evidence rating:
less important than other recommenda- although some of these programs have
tions with a strong or moderate rating. had rigorous evaluations of their impacts,
Rather, it suggests that the panel cannot others have not. Furthermore, some of the
point to a body of research that demon- programs that have been rigorously evalu-
strates its effect on student achievement. ated have found positive effects on college
In some cases, this simply means that the access outcomes; others have not.

5. Following WWC guidelines, improved out-

comes are indicated by either a positive, statisti-
cally significant effect or a positive, substantively 6. For more information, see the WWC Frequently
important effect size (i.e., greater than 0.25). See Asked Questions page for practice guides, http://
the WWC guidelines at
wwc/pdf/wwc_version1_standards.pdf. doc.aspx?docid=15&tocid=3.


The What Works Clearinghouse • Potentially Meets Standards for studies

standards and their relevance to that require additional information to
this guide determine whether they meet evidence
standards; typically refers to quasi-ex-
In terms of the levels of evidence indi- perimental studies that do not provide
cated in Table 1, the panel relied on WWC sufficient information to assess base-
evidence standards to assess the quality line equivalence.
of evidence supporting educational pro-
grams and practices. The WWC addresses Following the recommendations and sug-
evidence for the causal validity of instruc- gestions for carrying out the recommen-
tional programs and practices according to dations, Appendix D presents more in-
WWC standards. Information about these formation on the research evidence that
standards is available at supports each recommendation.
aspx?docid=19&tocid=1.7 The technical We appreciate the efforts of Jeffrey Max,
quality of each study is rated and placed Christina Clark Tuttle, Kristin Hallgren,
into one of four categories: Moira McCullough, and Sarah Wissel, Math-
ematica Policy Research staff members
• Meets Evidence Standards for random- who participated in the panel meetings,
ized controlled trials and regression characterized the research findings, and
discontinuity studies that provide the drafted the guide. We also appreciate the
strongest evidence of causal validity. help of the many WWC reviewers who
contributed their time and expertise to
• Meets Evidence Standards with Res- the review process. We also thank Scott
ervations for all quasi-experimental Cody, Shannon Monahan, and Neil Seftor
studies with no design flaws and ran- for helpful feedback and reviews of earlier
domized controlled trials that have versions of this guide.
problems with randomization, attri-
tion, or disruption. William G. Tierney
Thomas Bailey
• Does Not Meet Evidence Standards for Jill Constantine
studies that do not provide strong evi- Neal Finkelstein
dence of causal validity. Nicole Farmer Hurd

7. Reviews of studies for this practice guide

applied version 1.0 WWC standards. Interested
readers can access these standards at http://ies.

Helping Students grade, or earlier, and that they stay on that
Navigate the Path path throughout high school.

to College: What Second, many students do not take the nec-

High Schools Can Do essary steps during high school to prepare
for and enter college because they are not
Overview aware of these steps or because they lack
the guidance or support needed to com-
A well-educated workforce is critical for main- plete them.11 In addition to the academic
taining the economic competitiveness of the obstacles discussed earlier, students need
United States. The strength of our economy to complete a number of discrete steps in
hinges on the ability of our education sys- high school to enroll in college, such as tak-
tem to meet the demand for highly educated ing college entrance exams, searching for
workers. As a result, there are persistent calls colleges, applying for financial aid, submit-
to improve access to higher education and to ting college applications, and selecting a
encourage students and adults to continue college. In their senior year, students have
their education beyond high school.8 How- to decide where to go; how to apply; and,
ever, reaching college remains a challenge for most important, how to pay for college.
many low-income and potentially first-gener- These issues should be considered, opti-
ation students who (a) are not academically mally, in the earlier years of high school,
prepared or (b) lack knowledge about how to but in the senior year students must make
apply to, and pay for, college.9 College enroll- decisions. Students may lack adequate ad-
ment rates for these students continue to lag vice, particularly if no one in their immedi-
behind those of their peers despite overall ate families has completed a two- or four-
improvements in college attendance. year degree. Students and their families
need advice from knowledgeable school
The challenge of improving the college-go- staff if they are to successfully navigate the
ing rate can be traced to two key difficulties. college application processes.
First, students must be academically pre-
pared for college by 12th grade. The oppor- As a result, a large part of the obligation for
tunities to academically prepare for college enabling students to gain the academic, so-
narrow as students progress through high cial, and cultural skills to gain entrance to
school. If students do not start taking college college falls upon our teachers, counselors,
preparation courses in the 9th grade, they and school administrators. High schools
will be less likely to enroll in college. In addi- play a critical role in preparing students
tion, students who are not reading or doing academically for college and assisting stu-
math at grade level will not be prepared for dents through the steps to college entry.
college-level work.10 The problem is made They also can take steps to influence stu-
more difficult if students and their families dents’ access to college-going peer groups
are unaware that their performance is inad- and to encourage high academic expecta-
equate. Schools need to ensure that students tions of students. The college-going culture
are on the path to college beginning in 9th of a high school, or lack thereof, becomes
important in college-going decisions. When
students, teachers, and administrators
8. Pathways to College Network (2004).
openly talk about preparing for and going
9. Avery and Kane (2004); Ikenberry and Hartle to college, the climate in the school can
(1998); National Center for Education Statistics
(2005); Roderick et al. (2008); U.S. General Ac- move toward college access.
counting Office (1990).
10. Adelman (1999); Cabrera and La Nasa (2001); 11. Ikenberry and Hartle (1998); U.S. General Ac-
Wimberly and Noeth (2005). counting Office (1990).


Table 2. Recommendations and corresponding levels of evidence

Recommendation Level of evidence

Academic preparation

1. Offer courses and curricula that prepare students for college-level work,
and ensure that students understand what constitutes a college-ready Low
curriculum by 9th grade

2. Utilize assessment measures throughout high school so that students

are aware of how prepared they are for college, and assist them in Low
overcoming deficiencies as they are identified

College aspirations and expectations

3. Surround students with adults and peers who build and support their
college-going aspirations

Steps for college entry

4. Engage and assist students in completing critical steps for college entry Moderate

5. Increase families’ financial awareness, and help students apply for

financial aid

Source: Authors’ compilation based on analysis described in text.

Scope of the impact college persistence is described
practice guide when relevant.

The panel believes that every student

The purpose of this guide is to recommend should leave high school with the skills
steps that educators, administrators, and required to attend a two- or four-year in-
policymakers can take, beginning in the stitution. To that end, high schools must
9th grade, to increase access to higher edu- provide students with information to con-
cation. The guide targets high schools and sider postsecondary training and to assess
school districts and focuses on effective their readiness. Also, all high school cur-
practices that prepare students academi- ricula should, at a minimum, prepare stu-
cally for college, assist them in completing dents to begin taking college-level courses
the steps to college entry, and improve their at a two-year institution without the need
likelihood of enrolling in college. The rec- for remediation in any subject area upon
ommendations address the discrete steps entering that institution. For students
that students need to take throughout high who wish to enroll in a four-year institu-
school and describe how high schools can tion, their high school curriculum should
use mentors and peers to support students’ include options that prepare students for
college aspirations. The panel recognizes the more rigorous academic requirements
that simply providing students with infor- of four-year institutions. However, we do
mation is insufficient, and, throughout, the not believe that all students should be
guide recommends that high schools offer required to complete a high school cur-
hands-on assistance and guidance in pre- riculum that prepares students for a four
paring students for college. year college. Principal and district admin-
istrators should work to ensure that at all
The recommended steps derive from the high schools, curricula alternatives exist
characteristics of college access programs, appropriate for students who aspire to any
school reforms, and policy interventions level of postsecondary training.
that have shown promise in increasing
access to college, particularly for low-in- We believe every high school should have
come and first-generation students. The a college access strategy for students that
panel focused on programs and practices incorporates our recommendations. Such a
with evidence of their impact on academic strategy would address four areas: curricu-
preparation for college (e.g., high school lum, assessment, aspirations, and hands-
completion and course taking), completion on assistance with college entry activities.
of the steps for college entry (e.g., submit- Some recommendations will include best
ting college and financial aid applications), practices for all students; for example,
or college enrollment and attendance. Al- recommendation 2 talks about identifying
though the panel recognizes the impor- assessments of college readiness and mak-
tance of college persistence for low-income ing students aware of their proficiency on
and first-generation students who are less these assessments, and recommendation
likely than other students to complete a 3 discusses building college aspirations.
degree,12 the focus of the guide and the These recommendations are useful for stu-
recommended practices is on how high dents still exploring their interest in attend-
schools and districts can improve access ing college as well as providing feedback
to higher education. However, evidence to students who have already determined
on whether the recommended practices that they are interested in attending college.
Other recommendations will be targeted at
12. National Center for Education Statistics students who have decided they want to
(2004); Nunez and Cuccaro-Alamin (1998). attend a two- or four-year institution after
scope of the practice guide

high school. For example, recommendation four-year college are used to distinguish
4 focus on assisting students in their search between these two types of institutions.
for identifying specific colleges, taking col-
lege entrance exams, and completing col- Status of the research
lege applications. The recommendations
reinforce that high schools need to be pre- Overall, the panel believes that the exist-
pared to inform and support students to ing research on college access services and
obtain their highest aspirations. programs is not at a level to provide con-
clusive evidence of best practices. Studies
Although this guide does not directly ad- of promoting college access generally look
dress steps that college and universities can at specific programs that provide a bundle
take to promote access, it does highlight the of services, and not at individual services,
important role these institutions should making it difficult to isolate a specific ser-
play and may be of benefit to higher educa- vice’s contribution to college readiness
tion administrators. Much of the evidence and enrollment. In addition, the panel en-
in the practice guide is based on programs countered varying impacts across college
that were implemented by or in partnership access programs with ostensibly similar
with postsecondary institutions. That said, services. The reasons for the varying im-
the panel notes that other entities influence pacts are difficult to determine. In some
access to college and may benefit from the cases, the programs are serving differ-
recommendations in this guide as well. For ent populations of students. For example,
example, parents and families have an es- some may target students who already
sential role to play in helping their children have some interest in attending college,
prepare for college. Elementary and middle whereas others may focus on students
schools also can help set students on the who are unlikely to attend college due to
path to college. In addition, community difficulty with achievement, attendance, or
organizations often play a critical role in behavior in high school. In addition, col-
providing the academic or social supports lege access programs have been studied
to assist students in preparing for college. and tested in the real world, where a range
Finally, states and the federal government of college access services is provided.
impact college access through financial aid Thus, research on college access programs
policies. Although the guide does not tar- is generally designed to ask whether a par-
get these stakeholders, they may find the ticular college access program is more ef-
recommendations relevant. fective than other services being provided.
It is not designed to ask whether college
Although the guide addresses ways to im- access services are effective compared to
prove students’ and parents’ knowledge offering no services at all.
of financial aid (see recommendation 5),
it does not include recommendations on In offering these recommendations, the
how to provide financial assistance to stu- panel is confident that it is important to
dents. The panel focused on steps that offer college access services to ensure
high schools and districts could take to that all students who want to attend col-
improve college access, and federal and lege are prepared to do so. The guide in-
state financial aid policy is beyond the cludes the set of recommendations that
scope of the guide. we believe are a priority to implement.
However, the nature of the research is
Throughout the guide, the panel uses the such that we do not have a strong evi-
term college to refer broadly to all types dence base for recommending specific
of two- and four-year institutions. When practices over others; thus, the recom-
necessary, the terms two-year college and mendations are all supported by low or
scope of the practice guide

moderate levels of evidence as described place for all students at every grade level.
in the introduction. Recommendation 2 promotes a culture
of evidence by encouraging schools and
Summary of the recommendations districts to use assessments that deter-
mine whether students are on track aca-
This practice guide includes five recom- demically for college and points out the
mendations for how high schools and importance of early warning systems for
school districts can improve access to students who are deficient in particular
higher education. The first two recom- courses. The panel emphasizes here that
mendations focus on preparing students assessment without action is virtually
academically for college by offering a col- meaningless. Once deficiencies have been
lege preparatory curriculum and assessing found, students and their families need to
whether students are building the knowl- understand them, and they need to be as-
edge and skills needed for college. These sisted in overcoming them.
two recommendations reflect the panel’s
belief that students are best served when Recommendation 3 describes how high
schools develop a culture of achievement schools can help students build college-
and a culture of evidence. The next recom- going networks by linking students to col-
mendation describes how high schools lege-educated mentors, encouraging stu-
can build and sustain college aspirations dents to form academically oriented peer
by surrounding students with adults and groups, and allowing students to explore
peers who support these aspirations. Rec- a variety of careers. These activities can
ommendations 4 and 5 explain how high build a college-going identity and support
schools can assist students in completing students’ aspirations.
the critical steps to college entry, includ-
ing college entrance exams and college and Recommendations 4 and 5 address steps
financial aid applications. schools can take to assist students in com-
pleting the discrete tasks for college entry.
Recommendation 1 advises schools and The panel considers it imperative that
districts to ensure that every student has thinking about applying to college and
the ability to be ready to take college- how to pay for college need to begin before
level courses by beginning preparation in the 12th grade. Financial literacy about
the 9th grade. Students and their families college affordability is an example of an
need to understand what the requirements activity that could occur as early as 9th
are for college, and what is needed to apply grade. At the same time, some activities
to certain postsecondary institutions. In are specific to the senior year. This guide
particular, the panel recommends that offers recommendations for the actions
students complete Algebra I by the end of that will enhance the ability of students to
9th grade, and by graduation, complete complete the college application process
coursework in core academic and elective successfully.
areas that make them minimally proficient
to attend community colleges without the The panel appreciates that schools and
need for remediation. Such actions can districts may face challenges and road-
strengthen the culture of achievement blocks in implementing all of the recom-
within a school. mendations. Many of these recommenda-
tions could require additional staff or other
If schools and districts are to monitor resources that are not easily accessible to
student progress toward being academi- schools. Implementing these strategies may
cally prepared for college, then they need require changing mind-sets and promot-
to have adequate assessment measures in ing new behaviors, which may not happen
scope of the practice guide

immediately. Schools also have different will be achieved by a coordinated effort

personnel responsible for different activi- in implementing these recommendations.
ties, and the panel has avoided specifying The suggested practices need to be devel-
one individual who must undertake a partic- oped systematically, monitored, evaluated,
ular activity and instead has focused on key and modified, if necessary. The guide is
actions that schools need to take to improve not meant as a resource that school prin-
college access. To address these concerns, cipals can use to implement an individual
each recommendation includes a series of recommendation and be successful. Al-
roadblocks and suggested approaches that though an individual recommendation
offer innovative solutions to some issues may succeed in improving college-going
that schools may encounter when imple- rates, the panel discourages schools and
menting the recommendations. districts from employing a piecemeal ap-
proach. Students will be best served by
The panel believes that the greatest suc- a strategic plan for implementing all five
cess in increasing student access to college recommendations in their schools.

( 10 )
Checklist for carrying out the  Facilitate student relationships with
recommendations peers who plan to attend college through
a structured program of extracurricular
Recommendation 1. Offer courses and activities.
curricula that prepare students for
college-level work, and ensure that  Provide hands-on opportunities for
students understand what constitutes a students to explore different careers, and
college-ready curriculum by 9th grade assist them in aligning postsecondary
plans with their career aspirations.
 Implement a curriculum that prepares
all students for college and includes op- Recommendation 4. Engage and assist
portunities for college-level work for ad- students in completing critical steps
vanced students. for college entry

 Ensure that students understand what  Ensure students prepare for, and
constitutes a college-ready curriculum. take, the appropriate college entrance or
admissions exam early.
 Develop a four-year course trajectory
with each 9th grader that leads to fulfilling  Assist students in their college search.
a college-ready curriculum.
 Coordinate college visits.
Recommendation 2. Utilize
assessment measures throughout  Assist students in completing college
high school so that students are aware applications.
of how prepared they are for college,
and assist them in overcoming Recommendation 5. Increase families’
deficiencies as they are identified financial awareness, and help students
apply for financial aid
 Identify existing assessments, stan-
dards, and data available to provide an  Organize workshops for parents and
estimate of college readiness. students to inform them prior to 12th
grade about college affordability, schol-
 Utilize performance data to identify arship and aid sources, and financial aid
and inform students about their academic processes.
proficiency and college readiness.
 Help students and parents complete
 Create an individualized plan for stu- financial aid forms prior to eligibility
dents who are not on track. deadlines.

Recommendation 3. Surround
students with adults and peers who
build and support their college-going

 Provide mentoring for students by re-

cent high school graduates who enrolled in
college or other college-educated adults.

( 11 )
Recommendation 1. college. A four-year course trajectory
can then help students plan and
Offer courses and complete the coursework needed
curricula that prepare to prepare for college.

students for college- Level of evidence: Low

level work, and
ensure that students The panel judged the level of evidence for
this recommendation to be low. None of
understand what the studies examining the impact of offer-
constitutes a college- ing a college-ready curriculum met WWC
standards. The lack of evidence partly
ready curriculum reflects the challenge of rigorously eval-
by 9th grade uating the impact of high school course
taking—students who choose to enroll in
rigorous courses can differ in important
The courses students take in high school ways from students who do not.
have important consequences for their
academic preparation and their ability The evidence for taking a college-ready
to access college.13 Yet, low-income curriculum consists of six studies that po-
and first-generation students are less tentially met standards.15 Two of the stud-
likely than other students to complete ies provide mixed evidence on the effect
a rigorous high school curriculum that of a rigorous high school curriculum,16
prepares them for college, either because and four studies show positive effects of
it is not offered by their high school AP courses.17 The evidence for academic
or they are not encouraged to enroll advising is stronger, with six relevant pro-
in it.14 It is critical that high schools grams that had studies meeting standards,
enable students to enroll in courses but the impact of academic advising could
that will prepare them academically for not be isolated from other program com-
college-level work. This process has two ponents.18 Despite the limited evidence for
steps: offering the relevant courses and this recommendation, the panel believes
advising students to take them. that offering the courses needed to pre-
pare for college and informing students
about those courses are critical steps for
High schools should offer, as a default, improving college access.
a college-ready curriculum that includes
specific courses in key subjects. The
panel defines a college-ready curriculum 15. Allensworth et al. (2008); Attewell and Domina
as one that, when completed, will enable (2008); Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian (2006); Har-
grove, Godin, and Dodd (2008); Jeong (2009);
students to enroll in college without need Keng and Dodd (2008).
for remediation. In addition, all schools 16. Allensworth et al. (2008); Attewell and
should offer Advanced Placement (AP) Domina (2008).
or other college-level opportunities. By 17. Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian (2006); Hargrove,
9th grade, students need to understand Godin, and Dodd (2008); Jeong (2009); Keng and
the courses that comprise this curricular Dodd (2008).
track and their importance for accessing 18. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007); Tal-
ent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Middle Col-
lege High School—Dynarski et al. (1998); Sponsor-
13. Adelman (1999, 2006). a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); Upward Bound—Myers
14. Adelman (1999); Alexander (2002); Martinez et al. (2004); Quantum Opportunity Program
and Klopott (2003); Wimberly and Noeth (2005). (QOP)—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006).

( 12 )
Recommendation 1. Offer courses and curricula that prepare students for college-level work

Brief summary of evidence to However, a positive correlation does not

support the recommendation mean that the coursework caused higher
Two studies that potentially meet standards
examined the effect of high school course Six programs with studies meeting stan-
taking.19 One study found that taking a dards provide evidence on academic advis-
more intense curriculum in high school has ing.26 Most of these programs offered indi-
positive effects on high school performance vidual assistance to students in selecting
and the likelihood of entering and complet- the classes needed to prepare for college.
ing college.20 Curricular intensity is based Sponsor-a-Scholar also worked with school
on the number of credits in core subject staff to ensure that students enrolled in a
areas, the highest math course taken, the college preparatory curriculum, and EXCEL
number of AP courses completed, and en- made completion of a college preparatory
rollment in remedial math or English. How- curriculum a requirement for receiving a
ever, a study of a school district that ended scholarship. Two of these programs27 had
remedial classes and required college prep a positive impact on college enrollment,
coursework for all students found no effect whereas the other four programs28 had
on high school dropout rates or the likeli- no impact.
hood of entering college.21
How to carry out this
The panel identified four studies that po- recommendation
tentially meet standards that examine the
effect of AP course taking.22 These studies 1. Implement a curriculum that prepares all
report positive effects of enrolling in an AP students for college and includes opportu-
course or taking the AP course and exam nities for college-level work for advanced
on high school completion, college entry, students.
and college degree completion.
The panel recommends that high schools
Five correlational studies provide addi- and districts offer the courses and curri-
tional evidence on the relationship be- cula needed to prepare students for college.
tween course taking and achievement.23 This includes providing courses that are
Two of these studies found a positive cor- required for entry into a two- or four-year
relation between a rigorous high school college and providing rigorous academic
curriculum and completion of a college coursework that prepares students for the
degree,24 and three studies reported a pos- demands of college. Table 3 presents exam-
itive effect on high school achievement.25 ples of college preparatory course require-
ments. Although there are slight differences
in the requirements, all include four years
19. Allensworth et al. (2008); Attewell and of English, at least three years of mathemat-
Domina (2008).
ics, two to three years of science and social
20. Attewell and Domina (2008). studies, and one to two years of a foreign
21. Allensworth et al. (2008).
22. Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian (2006); Hargrove, 26. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
Godin, and Dodd (2008); Jeong (2009); Keng and Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Mid-
Dodd (2008). dle College High School—Dynarski et al. (1998);
23. Adelman (1999, 2006); Gamoran and Hanni- Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); Upward
gan (2000); Lee and Ready (2009); Lee, Croninger, Bound—Myers et al. (2004); QOP—Schirm, Stuart,
and Smith (1997). and McKie (2006).
24. Adelman (1999, 2006). 27. Talent Search and Sponsor-a-Scholar.
25. Gamoran and Hannigan (2000); Lee and 28. EXCEL, Middle College High School, QOP, and
Ready (2009); Lee, Croninger, and Smith (1997). Upward Bound.

( 13 )
Recommendation 1. Offer courses and curricula that prepare students for college-level work

Table 3. Examples of college preparatory course requirements

Program/ Additional
Requirements English Mathematics Science Social Studies Courses
High Schools Four years Four years: At least three Three or more At least one
That Work Algebra I, years: biol- years computer course
geometry, ogy, chemis-
Algebra II, and try, physics or
a fourth higher- applied phys-
level mathematics ics, or anatomy/
course physiology
State Scholars Four years Three years: Three years: Three and Two years of a
Initiative (SSI) Algebra I, Algebra biology, chemis- a half years: language other
II, and geometry try, and physics U.S. and world than English
history, geography,
economics, and
California’s A–G Four years Three years: Two years: Two years: Two years of a
Requirements Elementary and biology, chemis- world history, language other
advanced algebra try, physics, or cultures, and than English; one
and geometry physical science geography; U.S. year of visual and
history performing arts;
one year of col-
lege preparatory
Indiana “Core 40” Four years Three years: Three years: Three years: Three years of
Curriculum Algebra I, Algebra biology, chem- U.S. history, world language,
II, and geometry istry or physics, U.S. govern- fine arts, and/or
and one addi- ment, economics, physical education
tional course world history or
Academic Four years Three years: Three years: Three years One year of a
Competitiveness including Algebra biology, chemis- language other
Grant Requirements I and a higher- try, and physics than English
level class
KnowHow2Goa Four years Three or more Three or more Three or more Possibly foreign
years: including years years language, arts,
Algebra I and a computer science
higher-level class
a. Source:

language. These requirements also specify with opportunities for prepared students
that students should take algebra and other to take college or college-level courses.
higher-level mathematics courses during This includes dual enrollment arrange-
high school. The panel recommends that ments that allow students to take college
at a minimum, all students should pass Al- courses for high school and college credit;
gebra I by the end of their 9th-grade year. AP courses; and the International Bacca-
Currently, 21 states and the District of Co- laureate (IB) program, which also can pre-
lumbia have implemented a college-ready pare students for the academic demands
curriculum for all students as a gradua- of college and facilitate some students’
tion requirement;29 districts in other states admission to more selective schools.30
could consider making a college-ready track A variety of resources are available to
the default curriculum. help schools implement these types of
programs, including state and federal AP
The panel recommends that schools en- incentive programs or e-learning options
hance their college-ready curriculum
30. Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian (2006); McCauley
29. Achieve, Inc. (2009). (2007); Perkins et al. (2004).

( 14 )
Recommendation 1. Offer courses and curricula that prepare students for college-level work

and partnerships with postsecondary in- schedule drop-in hours for students to
stitutions to offer dual enrollment to quali- receive academic advising and assistance
fied students.31 with selecting courses from a teacher,
counselor, or other staff person.36
2. Ensure that students understand what
constitutes a college-ready curriculum. Schools and districts also should pro-
vide continuing professional develop-
There is substantial evidence that stu- ment or counseling for counselors, regis-
dents do not understand the curricular trars, teachers, and other staff on college
requirements for college entry and suc- prep course requirements, so that they
cess, even those for community colleges.32 can serve as an informative resource for
High schools should clearly communicate students.37
with students and families to ensure that
they understand the courses needed for 3. Develop a four-year course trajectory
college (and that students are on track to with each 9th grader that leads to fulfilling
complete them, as discussed further in a college-ready curriculum.
recommendation 2), before they enter high
school. For example, students should know Beginning in 9th grade, high school coun-
that in many states, they need to take the selors should work individually with each
following types of classes beginning in student to ensure that he or she has a
9th grade: plan to complete the courses during high
school. This could be structured as an in-
• Geometry, algebra, trigonometry, dividualized education, learning, or gradu-
advanced math ation plan that guides a student’s curricu-
lar choices throughout high school (see
• American history, world history, civics Exhibit 2).38 Even though several states
require that schools develop a plan that
• Earth/physical science, biology, defines the courses a student will take in
chemistry, physics high school,39 high schools should make
sure that these plans are living documents
This communication can come in the form that are referred to by teachers and coun-
of a mailing (see Exhibit 1)33 or in gen- selors and provided to parents.
eral advice provided by school or college
access program staff by the end of 8th Providing students with information about
grade.34 In later years, students still need the courses that are needed to prepare for
one-on-one attention—from a counselor, college is only the first step. High schools
a teacher, an administrator, or program need to ensure that students take the col-
staff—to facilitate and encourage rigor- lege-ready curriculum throughout high
ous course taking.35 A high school might school. The panel recommends that high
schools first develop a general four-year
31. Hargrove, Godin, and Dodd (2008); Jackson
(2009); Jeong (2009); Karp et al. (2007); Keng and
Dodd (2008); Klopfenstein and Thomas (2009); 36. Calahan et al. (2004).
Quint, Thompson, and Bald (2008); Siskin and
Weinstein (2008). 37. Austin Independent School District, Office of
Program Evaluation (2002); Perna et al. (2008).
32. Perna et al. (2008); Plank and Jordan (2001).
38. Christie and Zinth (2008); Robinson, Stempel,
33. Dounay (2008). and McCree (2005).
34. Constantine et al. (2006); Maxfield et al. 39. Education Commission of the States. Addi-
(2003); Quigley (2003). tional High School Graduation Requirements and
35. Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007); Gandara (2002, Options (
2004); Gandara et al. (1998); Johnson (1998). aspx?id=740, accessed June 2, 2009).

( 15 )
Recommendation 1. Offer courses and curricula that prepare students for college-level work

Exhibit 1. Example of course requirement mailing

Source: South Dakota Board of Regents website,

( 16 )
RECOmmEnDATIOn 1. Offer
OffER courses
AnD curricula
THAT prepare
PREPARE students
fOR college-level
COllEgE-lEvEl work

Exhibit 2: Example of a personalized learning plan

NAME Student ID #
Meeting Dates: Grade: 9 10 11 12
English 4 years (40 credits) CAHSEE Passed: ELA Math
1st Sem Grade 2nd Sem Grade
Remember that High School Graduation Requirements
English I English I
are not the same as the College Admission Require-
English 2 English 2
ments (A–G). Know the difference! Visit the school
English 3 English 3
website for detailed college admissions information.
English 4 English 4

Social Studies 3 Years (30 Credits) HIGH SCHOOL CEEB CODE xxxxxx
1st Sem Grade 2nd Sem Grade
WH WH A–G Requirements (NO “D” grades Accepted)
US Hist US Hist
US Gov’t/ Econ/US
Econ Gov’t

Mathematics 2 Years (20 credits) – Subject Area Years Required

Must include HS Algebra A. Social Science Two years. One year US History or
½ year US History and ½ year of
1st Sem Grade 2nd Sem Grade US Government, and one year of
Algebra Algebra World History.
______ ______ B. English Four years of college-preparatory
Math Math English composition and literature.
________ ________ C. Mathematics Three years required. Four years
Algebra 1 recommended.
Science 2 Years (20 Credits) –
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Physical and Life/Biological Geometry
1st Sem Grade 2nd Sem Grade Advanced Math
Phy Sci Phy Sci D. Laboratory Science Two years required. Three years
Life Life recommended. (Two of the
following: Biology, Chemistry,
Physical Education 2 Years (20 Credits) Physics, or other approved
1st Sem Grade 2nd Sem Grade college preparatory science.)
E. Language other than English Two years required. Three years
PE 9/Sport PE 9/Sport
recommended—at least two
PE/Sport PE/Sport years of the same language.
Fine Arts OR Foreign Language 1 Year (10 Credits) F. Visual Performing Arts One year is required.
1 Sem Grade nd
2 Sem Grade G. College Preparatory Elective One year in most of the above
A–F areas, or approved elective.
Health (5 Credits) and 16 Core Courses beginning with the class of 2008
College & Career Planning (5 Credits)
Health CCP Career Goal:

Electives (75 Credits)

1st 2nd 1st 2nd Plans after High School:
Sem Sem Sem Sem
Grade Grade Grade Grade

Student Signature

Parent Signature
Additional Graduation Requirement:

( 17 )

Exhibit 2: Example of a personalized learning plan (continued)

“Four-Year Plan” Worksheet

Student Name Date

Career Goal (check one) Four–Year University Community College (Transfer Program)
Trade/Tech/Art School Other

GRADE 9 (Student must take 6 classes—60 credits total for year) GRADE 10 (Student must take 6 classes—60 credits total for year)
Fall Semester Spring Semester Fall Semester Spring Semester
English I English I English II English II
Math Math Math Math
Science Science Science Science
PE PE World History World History
Reading or Elective Health PE PE
Elective Elective Elective Elective
Elective (Optional) Elective (Optional) Elective (Optional) Elective (Optional)
GRADE 11 (Student must take 5 classes—50 credits total for year) GRADE 12 (Student must take 5 classes—50 credits total for year)
Fall Semester Spring Semester Fall Semester Spring Semester
English III English III English IV English IV
U.S. History U.S. History American Gov’t Economics
Elective Elective Elective Elective
Elective Elective Elective Elective
Elective Elective Elective Elective
Elective (optional) Elective (optional) Elective (optional) Elective (optional)
Elective (optional) Elective (optional) Elective (optional) Elective (optional)

Four-Year University Bound Student

(Example) Meeting UC / CSU A–G Course Sequence

Career Goal (check one) Four–Year University Community College (Transfer Program)

GRADE 9 (Student must take 6 classes—60 credits total for year) GRADE 10 (Student must take 6 classes—60 credits total for year)
Fall Semester Spring Semester Fall Semester Spring Semester
English I or English I Acc English I or English I Acc English II or English II Acc English II or English II Acc
Algebra I or higher math Algebra I or higher math Geometry or higher math Geometry or higher math
Biology Biology Chemistry or Conceptual Physics Chemistry or Conceptual Physics
Health College Career Planning World History or AP European World History or AP European
PE Activities 9 or Sport PE Activities 9 or Sport PE or Sport PE or Sport
World Language 1 World Language 1 World Language II World Language II
Elective (Optional) Elective (Optional) Elective (Optional) Elective (Optional)
GRADE 11 (Student must take 5 classes—50 credits total for year) GRADE 12 (Student must take 5 classes—50 credits total for year)
Fall Semester Spring Semester Fall Semester Spring Semester
English III or AP Language English III or AP Language English IV or AP Literature English IV or AP Literature
U.S. History or AP US History U.S. History or AP US History American Gov’t or AP Gov’t Economics or AP Economics
Algebra II/Trig or higher math Algebra II/trig or higher math Advanced college prep math Advanced college prep math
Advanced College Prep Science Advanced College Prep Science Visual Performing Art Visual Performing Art
World Language III World Language III Elective Elective
Elective (optional) Elective (optional) Elective (optional) Elective (optional)

Source: Adapted from materials created by a National College Advising Corps program site.

( 18 )
Recommendation 1. Offer courses and curricula that prepare students for college-level work

course trajectory that defines the poten- in their efforts. Developing a culture of
tial timing and sequence of college-ready achievement among the faculty is a key
classes for students. This may include op- strategy to supporting students in their ef-
tions for the core courses students should forts so that the teachers are interested in
take each year in order to prepare for col- and willing to help students who are chal-
lege. This approach offers a curriculum lenging themselves. Schools can provide
path that students can use to inform their academic support for students who take
specific selection of classes each year of the most rigorous course load available
high school. by setting up peer-tutoring opportunities
so that stronger students can work with
Potential roadblocks and solutions those students who may be struggling
in honors, AP, or IB classes. Teachers can
Roadblock 1.1. Teachers may not be be encouraged to set up this sort of peer
trained to teach advanced courses. system among students in their individual
Suggested Approach. Not all teachers
must be trained to teach advanced courses, Roadblock 1.3. Our high school has lim-
but teachers should have access to pro- ited information on entering 9th-grade stu-
fessional development opportunities that dents to assist them in planning their high
help them sharpen their skills so that the school coursework.
curriculum they teach is as rigorous and
engaging as possible. Helping teachers un- Suggested Approach. High schools need
derstand how their classes fit with a college academic information on incoming stu-
preparatory sequence begins with asking dents to help them plan a four-year course
them to participate in the planning of the trajectory that will prepare students for
articulation of the curriculum. Schools college. High schools can coordinate with
also can reach out to institutions of higher middle schools to obtain transcripts, aca-
education to implement dual enrollment demic records, and other resources that
opportunities or have community college help high school staff better understand
professors teach courses on campus. the needs of incoming students. This in-
formation can be used to assist students in
Roadblock 1.2. Enrolling students who selecting appropriate high school courses
are not prepared for the academic rigor in and to help high schools create an appro-
college prep or college-level classes is seen priate four-year plan with students. High
as counterproductive. schools also can coordinate with middle
schools to inform students about how
Suggested Approach. It is critical that all their middle school performance affects
students have the option to participate in the courses they will take in high school
these types of classes and are supported and their ability to access college.

( 19 )
Recommendation 2. the panel expects that research on their
Utilize assessment use also will expand.

measures throughout Although four programs with studies meet-

high school so that ing standards included practices related to
data use and additional instruction to as-
students are aware of sist students, these practices were neither
how prepared they are isolated in the evaluation nor necessar-
ily a major component of the program.41
for college, and assist Studies of two additional programs42 that
them in overcoming potentially meet standards suggest that
the use of data to identify and notify stu-
deficiencies as they dents of their academic progress during
are identified high school had an impact on college out-
comes. There is also suggestive evidence
that district- or statewide use of assess-
Completing the courses needed to ments associated with college readiness
graduate from high school and meet (such as PLAN and ACT43) is associated
college entry requirements does with improved college outcomes, but this
not guarantee that students have correlation does not mean that requiring
the knowledge and skills needed to students to take those tests caused im-
succeed in college. Many high schools proved access to college.44
produce students who may pass
state exit exams and meet graduation Brief summary of evidence to
standards but still are academically support the recommendation
unprepared for college, as evidenced
by the nearly 60 percent of students Two programs with studies that potentially
who are required to take remedial met standards assess students when they
courses as a condition of enrollment.40 are high school juniors to determine their
High schools must assess student readiness for college-level work. California’s
progress to identify, notify, and assist Early Assessment Program (EAP) uses as-
students who are not adequately sessment results to inform students about
prepared as early as possible in their whether they need additional preparation
academic career. to become college ready and includes sup-
plemental programming for students who
Level of evidence: Low do not meet expectations.45 The College

The panel determined that the level of evi-

41. Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006);
dence supporting this recommendation is Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—
low. In this case, the rating is not neces- Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward
sarily a result of limited or poor research: Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
the ability to implement related data and 42. College Now—Crook (1990); California Early
assessment systems is a fairly recent de- Assessment Program (EAP)—Howell, Kurlaender,
and Grodsky (2009).
velopment. Advances in both capabilities
43. Although ACT was originally an acronym
and resources devoted to state longitu-
for American College Testing, the official name
dinal datasets have been promising, but is now ACT. PLAN is the name of an assessment
these data do not yet exist for many juris- administered by ACT.
dictions. As they become more prevalent, 44. ACT (2008a, 2008b, 2009a, 2009b).
45. California State University (2005); Howell,
40. Bailey (2009). Kurlaender, and Grodsky (2009).

( 20 )
Recommendation 2. Utilize assessment measures throughout high school

Now program in New York City uses assess- Correlational studies that examined ACT’s
ment data to determine whether students College Readiness System provide sugges-
are eligible for dual enrollment courses or tive evidence on identifying and notifying
need developmental classes to prepare for students who are not college ready.50 The
college-level coursework.46 Studies of both College Readiness System includes the EX-
programs found that they reduced the need PLORE and PLAN assessments in 8th and
for remediation in college, and College Now 10th grades that are precursors to the ACT
increased the number of college credits that (one of two national college admissions
students earned. tests) and the COMputer-adapted Placement
Assessment and Support Services (COM-
Two additional programs with studies PASS), a college placement test adminis-
that potentially met standards include tered by ACT. The panel also relied on other
elements of academic support. Project descriptive and qualitative studies.51
GRAD analyzed data to understand and
track students’ progress toward meeting How to carry out this
graduation requirements. GEAR UP sites recommendation
provide individualized academic support
for students with academic problems and 1. Identify existing assessments, standards,
those who do not perform well on stan- and data available to provide an estimate of
dardized assessments.47 Studies of both college readiness.
programs examined middle school out-
comes and did not report high school or Assessments can play a key role in alert-
college outcomes.48 ing students, parents, and teachers about
whether students are “on track” for col-
Four college access programs that provided lege matriculation when they graduate
academic assistance to improve students’ from high school. Currently, no single
academic proficiency had studies that met college-readiness assessment is commonly
WWC standards.49 Talent Search, Sponsor-a- available or used by schools and districts
Scholar, and the Quantum Opportunity Pro- (although there is progress in that direc-
gram (QOP) offered fairly low-intensity aca- tion52). Recognizing the limited time and
demic assistance through tutoring services resources schools have to develop a new
or homework help after school. Although assessment, the panel recommends that
Talent Search and Sponsor-a-Scholar had a high schools consider several existing as-
positive impact on college enrollment, aca- sessments that can provide an early indi-
demic services formed a minor component cation of students’ academic preparation
of all three. Upward Bound offered addi- for college:
tional academic coursework throughout the
school year and during a six-week summer • College or community college place-
session but did not have an impact on col- ment exam. Schools and districts can
lege enrollment or degree attainment. use whole assessments or a subset of
items from existing college or com-
munity college placement exams as a
diagnostic measure. Although many
placement exams are school specific,
46. Crook (1990); Karp et al. (2007, 2008).
47. Standing et al. (2008).
48. Opuni (1999); Standing et al. (2008). 50. ACT (2008a, 2008b, 2009a, 2009b).
49. Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); 51. Achieve, Inc. (2009); Austin Independent
Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP— School District, Office of Program Evaluation
Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward (2002); Quint, Thompson, and Bald (2008).
Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009). 52. See, for example, Achieve, Inc. (2009).

( 21 )
Recommendation 2. Utilize assessment measures throughout high school

some common assessments can be ad- In some cases, schools may be able to ob-
opted by a high school (e.g., COMPASS tain financial support for implementing
and ACCUPLACER, an assessment de- one of these assessments.56
veloped by the College Board and used
to help determine course selection for The information gathered from these as-
students). sessments should be combined with other
indicators of academic progress to deter-
• College admissions exams. High mine if students are on track for college
schools can have students take one as defined by coursework progression
of the college admissions exams de- and academic proficiency. High schools
signed for students in early high school can connect assessments in each of these
grades (e.g., PSAT, EXPLORE, PLAN).53 areas into a cohesive set of information
These assessments can gauge early ac- that can be used in guidance and planning.
ademic preparation in math and read- High schools can assess coursework pro-
ing as well as reasoning and critical gression against the college preparatory
thinking. Later in high school, states tracks described in recommendation 1.
can have all students take the college Academic proficiency information is con-
admission exams (e.g., SAT, ACT) to tained in existing state assessments, and
gauge their college readiness. postsecondary aspirations can be assessed
in a brief student survey.
• Statewide college and career readi-
ness assessments. Schools in states To gauge whether they are successfully
that already conduct a college or career preparing students for college, high
assessment should take advantage of schools should gather information on
these assessments and use them as an postsecondary enrollment for past stu-
indicator of college preparedness.54 dents. In some states, high schools can
gather this information from a state data-
• Local assessments. In districts, base that tracks students from kindergar-
schools can use existing benchmark ten through college. In other states, high
assessments on a regular basis to mea- schools and districts can track their grad-
sure students’ progress against stan- uates through the National Student Clear-
dards tied to academic proficiency.55 inghouse (http://www.studentclearing-, a comprehensive student-level
repository of data from 3,300 postsecond-
ary institutions attended by 92 percent
53. Achieve, Inc. (2009); Dounay (2006); Howell, of college students in the United States.
Kurlaender, and Grodsky (2009). For example,
Buffalo, New York, administers the PSAT to first- Alternatively, high schools may be able to
year high school students; Chicago, Illinois, uses partner with local and regional postsec-
the ACT’s EPAS system, administering EXPLORE ondary institutions to gather information
to its 8th and 9th graders and PLAN to its 10th on the enrollment of their graduates. The
and 11th graders.
panel recommends that high schools use
54. Ten states administer college and career-
these data to understand the enrollment
readiness assessments to all students: four are
state specific, as is the Early Assessment Pro- rate, persistence, and degree attainment
gram, and can replace placement tests; one ad- of graduates in order to better understand
ministers the SAT; and five administer the ACT the impact of current practices.
statewide (Achieve, Inc., 2009).
55. Quint, Thompson, and Bald (2008). For exam-
ple, school districts in Richmond, Virginia, and
Fresno, California, use benchmark assessments 56. For example, Florida and South Carolina pro-
every nine weeks to measure students’ progress vide funding to districts that want to administer
against standards tied to academic proficiency. the PSAT or PLAN assessment to their students.

( 22 )
Recommendation 2. Utilize assessment measures throughout high school

2. Utilize performance data to identify and about the progress they are making and
inform students about their academic profi- the hurdles they need to overcome in
ciency and college readiness. becoming college ready.58 Students and
families should receive the results of
The information schools collect on aca- the data collected by the school, pos-
demic performance and college readiness sibly in the form of a data report or a
(step 1) should be used to identify students letter. For example, a data report might
who are falling behind and to inform all stu- include information on course grades,
dents of their progress in becoming college college-readiness assessment results,
ready. This applies to both the courses stu- and high school course completion.59
dents need to be qualified for college entry Students identified as below grade level
and the skills they acquire in those courses or not on track for college should have
to avoid remediation once they matriculate. an individual meeting with someone
The use of performance data should occur at the school to discuss the results
as early as 9th grade to ensure that students and their implications for accessing
can take the necessary steps to get back college. Students who are not making
on track. The panel recommends using the progress toward completing graduation
data in the following ways: or college preparatory requirements
should be notified of possible interven-
• Identify students with college expec- tions that can help them get back on
tations who are performing below track (e.g., summer school, remediation
grade level and who are not on a col- programs).60
lege-ready track. Schools should iden-
tify students who are not meeting grade- 3. Create an individualized plan for students
level standards and who are not on track who are not on track.
for college but have college aspirations.
Although state assessments can be used Students who are not on track to complete a
to identify students performing below typical academic course sequence often have
grade level, course grades, grade point trouble catching up and meeting college-
average (GPA), course completion, and readiness objectives.61 The earlier in high
college-readiness assessments can be school a student can catch up to a standard
used to identify students who are not on course sequence, the greater the likelihood
track for college. For example, a school of meeting college entrance requirements at
can flag students who are performing the time of high school graduation.
below a certain GPA, or students who
have not completed courses on the col- High schools should work with students
lege preparatory track. High schools who are not on track to develop a plan
should obtain and use middle school that will assist them in “catching up.”62 The
transcripts of their incoming students plan should specify the steps students will
to support course placement and flag take to get back on track academically and
entering 9th graders with academic defi- the additional instruction they will receive
ciencies before those students step foot to support their academic proficiency.
on campus.57 High schools, colleges, and a variety of

• Inform all students about their per- 58. Dounay (2006).

formance and its implications for ac- 59. Gewertz (2009).
cessing college. Discussions with stu- 60. Christie and Zinth (2008).
dents should be held at least annually 61. Wimberly and Noeth (2005).
62. Quint, Thompson, and Bald (2008); Robinson,
57. Gewertz (2009). Stempel, and McCree (2005).

( 23 )
Recommendation 2. Utilize assessment measures throughout high school

student academic support programs pro- can use double blocking to enable first-
vide a range of options for students who year students needing extra help to take
are behind but eager to make progress. “catch-up” classes for two periods each
Teachers, counselors, and college advisors day during the first semester and then the
can play a pivotal role in helping students regular academic or college prep classes
make the best choices for supplemental in the second semester.66
instruction and in connecting students
back into more typical instructional pro- Tutorials should be provided whenever
grams at the appropriate time. The panel possible to accommodate all students—on
encourages high schools to choose these Saturdays, before school, after school, or
programs carefully, paying particular at- during lunch. One potentially effective ap-
tention to the “fit” between a particular proach is to develop and publicize a matrix
student’s demonstrated need and the pro- that shows when tutorials are available and
gram’s intent. “Reteaching” a student with who will be providing them. In this way,
similar instructional strategies, in simi- students needing additional help need not
lar instructional settings, may not be as be limited to working with the teacher in
useful as a more customized approach whose class they are struggling.67
to matching deficiencies with deliberate
progress objectives. Potential roadblocks and solutions

Specifically, high schools and districts can Roadblock 2.1. Obtaining new data on
collaborate with postsecondary institu- students can be expensive, schools do not
tions or existing college access programs have the capacity or resources to generate
to offer additional instruction during out- student-level reports, and students already
of-class time. One example is tutoring and take enough tests.
homework assistance by college students,
program staff, or teachers, and in a vari- Suggested Approach. It is certainly true
ety of formats: both in small groups and that few schools have the capacity to im-
one-on-one.63 More formally, schools can plement this recommendation at the build-
implement “recovery” programs for math ing level, but it is feasible for many dis-
courses, in which students who fail a unit tricts. Consider replacing any district-level
are immediately required to attend after- assessment that does not measure college
school instruction for that unit and as an readiness with one that does, such as the
incentive for attendance may be given PSAT or equivalent. Alternatively, exam-
the opportunity to improve their grade ine how well the district-level assessment
for that unit.64 Another option is summer already correlates with college going and
programs for academic enrichment or re- success. The panel recommends taking
medial skills when necessary.65 advantage of all of the reports and/or
data systems that are generated and main-
An alternate strategy is additional or re- tained by the state.
structured courses to address academic
deficiencies during school time. Schools Roadblock 2.2. Some school staff—teach-
ers and/or counselors—do not have the
time or the training to collect or analyze
63. Austin Independent School District, Office of
data and may even view the use of data
Program Evaluation (2002); Calahan et al. (2004);
Johnson (1998); Maxfield et al. (2003). as destructive (a mechanism for criticism)
64. Robinson, Stempel, and McCree (2005).
65. Austin Independent School District, Office of 66. Kemple, Herlihy, and Smith (2005); Quint,
Program Evaluation (2002); Kallison and Stader Thompson, and Bald (2008).
(2008); Snipes et al. (2006). 67. Robinson, Stempel, and McCree (2005).

( 24 )
Recommendation 2. Utilize assessment measures throughout high school

rather than as constructive (a strategy for available, make them available in their
school improvement). classrooms or offices when possible, and
model their effective use. When feasible,
Suggested Approach. The panel recom- consider implementing common planning
mends providing technical assistance to time or creating a “school improvement
staff in interpreting and acting on findings data team” so that staff can share knowl-
from student assessments. Make sure staff edge and ideas.
are aware of the data that are currently

( 25 )
Recommendation 3. Although the panel identified evidence
Surround students that supports mentoring—the first step of
this recommendation—there is limited evi-
with adults and dence on the other two steps. Six programs
peers who build and with studies meeting or potentially meet-
ing standards are aligned with one or more
support their college- steps in this recommendation.71 Three of
going aspirations these programs had a positive impact on
college enrollment,72 and three did not
impact enrollment.73 However, isolating
Although 79 percent of students the impact of the recommended practices
express college aspirations early in is difficult because these programs in-
high school,68 college plans can falter cluded a variety of other strategies. A few
if students do not take the necessary correlational studies reported a relation-
steps to prepare for and enter ship between having friends with college
college.69 By 12th grade, low-income plans and college enrollment, but they do
and first-generation students are less not provide evidence on the causal effect
likely than other students to expect to of college-going peers.74 Despite the low
earn a bachelor’s degree or higher.70 evidence rating, the panel believes that
High schools should build and support linking students with college-going adults
students’ aspirations by developing and peers is important for building aspira-
social networks that encourage college tions and supporting college entry.
attendance and assist students in
preparing for college. College students Brief summary of evidence to
and college-educated adults can serve support the recommendation
as mentors for students, providing
guidance and support throughout The panel separately reviewed studies for
the college preparation process. each of the steps that make up this recom-
Extracurricular activities and college mendation. Four programs had studies
access programs can encourage the that met or potentially met standards and
formation of college-going peer groups provided mentoring services.75 Studies
that share an interest in pursuing of Sponsor-a-Scholar, Career Beginnings,
college. High schools can use career and Puente reported a positive impact
exploration activities to develop
students’ career interests and link those 71. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
interests to postsecondary plans. Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); Puente—
Gandara (2002); Career Academies—Kemple
Level of evidence: Low (2004); QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006);
Upward Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm
The panel defined the level of evidence 72. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
for this recommendation as low because Puente—Gandara (2002); Sponsor-a-Scholar—
of limited evidence that the recommended Johnson (1998).
practices improve college enrollment rates. 73. Career Academies—Kemple (2004); QOP—
Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward
Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
68. National Center for Education Statistics 74. Horn and Chen (1998); Hossler, Schmit, and
(2004). Vesper (1999); Sokatch (2006).
69. Gandara (2002); Kao and Tienda (1998); Rod- 75. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
erick et al. (2008). Puente—Gandara (2002); Sponsor-a-Scholar—
70. National Center for Education Statistics Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie
(2006a); Nunez and Cuccaro-Alamin (1998). (2006).

( 26 )
Recommendation 3. Surround Students with College-Going Adults and Peers

on college enrollment,76 whereas a study career exploration activities, although nei-

of QOP found no impact on college en- ther had an impact on college enrollment.81
rollment.77 Mentoring in these programs The Career Academies and Upward Bound
consisted of a one-on-one relationship programs implemented a variety of career
between a college-educated adult or case exploration activities, including speakers
manager and a high school student. Men- from the business community, visits to
tors were expected to meet regularly with employer sites, career planning assistance,
students and, in most cases, provided as- career fairs, and job shadowing.82 The Ca-
sistance or guidance with the college prep- reer Academies program also organized
aration process. For example, mentors in students into learning communities that
the Sponsor-a-Scholar program monitored focus on a career theme and provide work-
students’ academic progress and assisted based learning experiences.
them with college applications. The men-
toring relationships lasted between two to How to carry out this
four years depending on the program. recommendation

Three programs with studies that met or 1. Provide mentoring for students by recent
potentially met standards focused on the high school graduates who enrolled in col-
role of peers. A study of the Puente pro- lege or other college-educated adults.
gram showed a positive impact on col-
lege enrollment,78 a study of the Career The panel recommends linking students to
Academies program found no impact,79 adults who can serve as college-going role
and a study of the Advancement Via In- models and build students’ interest in col-
dividual Determination (AVID) program lege. High schools can recruit college-edu-
did not measure college enrollment.80 All cated professionals to serve as volunteer
three programs organized students into mentors by reaching out to local businesses
groups that facilitated academically ori- interested in partnering with schools in the
ented friendships. The Career Academies community.83 High schools also can iden-
program was structured as small learning tify volunteer mentors by recruiting local
communities of students who take acad- college students—particularly graduates of
emy classes together throughout high the high school—or partnering with a col-
school. The Puente program mixed high- lege that has service-learning opportunities
and low-achieving Latino students in an for college students willing to work with
English class for two years, and students high school students.84 Individuals who
in AVID, a program that placed promising share the same background as students,
students in college preparatory course- such as high school alumni or profession-
work, took a year-long course together als from the local community, may under-
that supported their coursework and em- stand the types of challenges students face
phasized a college-going identity. in reaching college.85

The panel identified two programs with

studies meeting standards that offered 81. Career Academies—Kemple (2004); Upward
Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
82. Career Academies—Kemple, Poglinco, and
76. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Snipes (1999); Upward Bound—Myers et al.
Puente—Gandara (2002); Sponsor-a-Scholar— (2004).
Johnson (1998).
83. Cave and Quint (1990); Gandara (2004); Pell
77. QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006). Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher
78. Puente—Gandara (2004). Education (2006).
79. Career Academies—Kemple (2004). 84. Ladd (1992).
80. AVID—Watt et al. (2006). 85. Calahan et al. (2004); Gandara (2004).

( 27 )
Recommendation 3. Surround Students with College-Going Adults and Peers

Mentors can take on a variety of roles for panel recommends that mentors commu-
students: nicate or meet at least monthly with first-
year and sophomore students, and at least
• Serve as college-going role models. weekly with juniors and seniors who are
Mentors can serve as examples of col- engaged in the college application and selec-
lege-going adults from the community tion processes. High schools also can sched-
and share their experiences in prepar- ule social events or recreational activities
ing for college, completing a college that bring together mentors and students.
degree, and pursuing a career.86
An initial mentor training can prepare
• Assist with the college entry process. mentors for their role. Providing examples
The one-on-one relationship mentors of activities for mentors and students to
have with students allows them to pro- complete together can support the mentor-
vide individualized assistance with the ing relationship. In addition, high school
college application and selection pro- staff should monitor mentor relationships
cess for students interested in pursu- by checking in with students and mentors
ing a four-year degree.87 This might to ensure that mentoring relationships are
include helping with a college applica- supporting students.91
tion, reading an application essay, as-
sisting with a financial aid application, 2. Facilitate student relationships with peers
or researching college options (see rec- who plan to attend college through a struc-
ommendation 5). tured program of extracurricular activities.

• Monitor academic progress. Men- The panel recommends that high schools
tors can monitor students’ academic use extracurricular offerings to promote the
progress by reviewing report cards formation of college-going peer groups. The
and discussing students’ high school goal of these activities is to provide students
coursework.88 Mentors can advocate with an opportunity to develop friendships
for students who are struggling aca- with peers who plan to attend college.
demically to receive tutoring or addi-
tional help. College access programs can bring a group
of students together on a regular basis
• Listen and advise. A mentor can sim- throughout the school year to focus on
ply serve as a caring adult who listens preparing for college. These programs de-
to the student, discusses his or her is- velop college-going peer groups by provid-
sues or concerns, and offers advice as ing opportunities for students to work to-
needed.89 gether toward a common goal of reaching
college. Activities that encourage students
To fulfill these roles, mentors need to com- to interact and collaborate can encourage
municate regularly with students.90 The new relationships, and these programs can
be used to promote a college-going identity.
For example, a program might create vis-
86. Gandara (2004).
ible markers of group participation, such
87. Cave and Quint (1990); Johnson (1998); Ladd
as designating a group name and meeting
(1992); Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity
in Higher Education (2006). space or developing a group newsletter.92
88. Johnson (1998).
89. Calahan et al. (2004); Schirm, Stuart, and
McKie (2006). 91. Johnson (1998).
90. Johnson (1998); Schirm, Stuart, and McKie 92. Gandara (2004); Guthrie and Guthrie (2002);
(2006). Mehan (1996).

( 28 )
Recommendation 3. Surround Students with College-Going Adults and Peers

High schools also can develop student students’ postsecondary plans.97 Students
groups that encourage academically ori- may have limited understanding of the
ented friendships, such as a debate club level or type of education required for an
or an honor society.93 Schools can infuse occupation or career field. High schools
these extracurricular activities with a col- should help students learn about the skills,
lege-going message. For example, a debate knowledge, and postsecondary education
club might visit a college to meet with the needed for their area of interest and pro-
college debate team, or a community ser- vide examples of local colleges that offer
vice club might collaborate with a student a degree in their area.98 This information
organization from a local college. can be used to develop a long-term educa-
tion plan for students that can be updated
3. Provide hands-on opportunities for stu- and revised over time.
dents to explore different careers, and assist
them in aligning postsecondary plans with Potential roadblocks and solutions
their career aspirations.
Roadblock 3.1. Mentoring relationships
The panel recommends that high schools between students and mentors do not last,
engage students in career exploration ac- and the availability of mentors changes
tivities that provide hands-on experiences over time.
with a career or occupation. A high school
can design a sequence of career explora- Suggested Approach. High schools can
tion activities that identify students’ career partner with local colleges that offer col-
interests and provide a variety of activities lege students a chance to earn academic
that inform and build on these interests.94 credits for volunteer work. College stu-
For example, career or interest inventories dents who earn academic credit for their
can be used to help students identify the mentoring role may be more likely to
type of work or career that interests them. maintain their relationship with students
High schools can use this information to throughout the school year. Local colleges
invite local professionals from these ca- often have service-learning opportunities
reer fields to speak about their education or campus organizations that can facilitate
and career paths.95 Students can then be regular meetings with mentors.
matched to job-shadowing opportunities
that allow them to follow an adult through- Roadblock 3.2. Ninth-grade students are
out the day and experience the day-to-day not interested in discussing careers or their
work of a profession that matches their career interests.
area of interest.96 By developing relation-
ships with local employers, high schools Suggested Approach. Students may re-
can link students to job-shadowing activi- late to the experience and career path of
ties and help interested students obtain high school alumni who share the same
short-term internships. background and perspective as they do.
High schools should invite alumni to speak
High schools can use career interests as with students about their occupations and
a starting point for discussions about career paths. Listening to the outlook and
advice of a role model who shares their
93. Gandara (2004); Mehan (1996). background and perspective may build
94. Kemple, Poglinco, and Snipes (1999). students’ interest in a career.
95. Kemple (2004); Mehan (1996).
96. Haimson and Deke (2003); Hershey et al. (1999); 97. Calahan et al. (2004); Roads to Success (2008).
Kemple, Poglinco, and Snipes (1999); MacAllum 98. Austin Independent School District, Office of
et al. (2002). Program Evaluation, (2002).

( 29 )
Recommendation 3. Surround Students with College-Going Adults and Peers

Roadblock 3.3. Our school already offers Roadblock 3.4. Our school has insufficient
many extracurricular activities and we can- resources to offer college access programs
not add another. or other activities that bring together col-
lege-going peers.
Suggested Approach. Given limited
amounts of school resources and staff Suggested Approach. Schools can nomi-
time, the panel recommends that high nate students for summer bridge programs
schools think critically about the range at local colleges that allow students to inter-
of extracurricular activities they offer. act with college-going peers, take additional
High schools should consider the value academic coursework, and gain exposure to
added by each activity and consider how a college campus. Although these programs
activities contribute to the school’s college often target 12th-grade students who were
goals. A strategic plan can help schools admitted to a college, summer programs
think through the goals and expected out- also are available for students in grades 9
comes of each activity, as well as how to through 11. These programs can help stu-
efficiently allocate available resources for dents learn about the social and cultural
extracurricular activities. A high school challenges of attending college. For example,
also could require completion of certain a program might teach students about time
college-going milestones, such as submis- management and study skills or provide op-
sion of a financial aid application, as a re- portunities to explore the college campus.
quirement for attending an extracurricular High schools can inform students about the
activity or social event. availability of these programs and help them
understand the benefits of participating.

( 30 )
Recommendation 4. Level of evidence: Moderate
Engage and assist The panel judged the level of evidence for
students in completing this recommendation to be moderate. Six pro-
critical steps for grams with studies meeting standards with
or without reservations assisted students
college entry with the college entry process.101 Although
these programs consisted of additional strat-
egies to prepare students for college, all of
Low-income and first-generation them focused on helping students com-
students often face challenges in plete the steps to college entry. Three of
completing the steps to college entry, the programs had a positive impact on col-
such as taking college admissions lege enrollment,102 and three had no impact
tests, searching for colleges, submitting on enrollment.103 The evidence supporting
college applications, and selecting a this recommendation primarily consists of
college.99 Students may not be aware programs that target low-income and first-
of these steps, may lack information on generation students with average academic
how to complete them, and may not achievement. Only one program, which did
receive sufficient support and advice not have an impact on college enrollment,
from those around them.100 targeted students at risk for dropping out of
high school.104 Since programs that assisted
students with the college entry process did
High schools should engage students not consistently lead to positive impacts, the
in the college entry process, providing panel defined the level of evidence for this
hands-on assistance for each step. recommendation as moderate.
Students who want to attend a two-
or four-year institution should receive Brief summary of evidence to
guidance in preparing for and taking support the recommendation
the college admissions tests and
searching for a college that matches Six programs with studies meeting stan-
their qualifications, interests, and dards provided students assistance with
goals. High schools should coordinate the college entry process.105 Five of these
college visits to expose students to
the college environment and to help
101. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
them select a college. By providing Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Tal-
one-on-one assistance with college ent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Sponsor-
applications, schools can ensure that a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm, Stu-
students submit applications that are art, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor,
Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
complete, on time, and of sufficient
102. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
quality. This recommendation is Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Spon-
targeted at assisting students who are sor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998).
interested in attending a two- or four- 103. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
year institution. QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward
Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
104. QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006).
99. Cabrera and La Nasa (2000); Roderick et al. 105. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
(2008). Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Tal-
100. Choy et al. (2000); Cunningham, Erisman, ent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Sponsor-
and Looney (2007); Horn and Chen (1998); Ishitani a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm, Stu-
and Snider (2004); Kao and Tienda (1998); Plank art, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor,
and Jordan (2001); Venezia and Kirst (2005). Mamun, and Schirm (2009).

( 31 )
Recommendation 4. Engage and assist students in completing critical steps

programs helped students with college and take the practice exams by 11th grade,
entrance exams by offering exam prepara- and the actual exam before 12th grade.
tion classes, providing waivers for exam Students who wait until their senior year
fees, or encouraging students to take the to take the actual exam could miss a col-
exams.106 All but one of the programs of- lege application deadline or not have an
fered students the opportunity to visit opportunity to retake the test.
college campuses.107 Although there was
limited information to assess the nature of To ensure that students take the exams
these visits, they were a common feature at the appropriate times, the panel rec-
of these programs. Most of the programs ommends that schools clearly communi-
offered hands-on assistance with the col- cate the timeline for the testing schedule,
lege application process. For example, Tal- including registration deadlines and test
ent Search provided individual counseling dates, to all students (see Exhibit 3 for an
and advice on the college application pro- example of an entrance exam schedule).
cess and helped orient students to the col- For example, schools could communicate
lege entry steps. Some Career Beginnings information about key deadlines through
sites offered classes on how to complete email or phone blasts that reach all stu-
college applications. QOP case managers dents, in-person visits to English classes
and Sponsor-a-Scholar mentors assisted by high school staff knowledgeable about
students with college applications, and the entrance tests, or by setting up infor-
Sponsor-a-Scholar held workshops for stu- mation tables at athletic events. School
dents on the application process. staff can assist students with registering
for the test, remind them about the testing
How to carry out this schedule or other deadlines, or offer as-
recommendation sistance with fee waivers.108 For example,
teachers in homeroom classes or study
1. Ensure students prepare for, and take, the periods could encourage students to reg-
appropriate college entrance or admissions ister for entrance exams and discuss how
exam early. to prepare for the exams, such as getting
a good night’s sleep and arriving to the
College entrance exams, both the practice exam early.
exams and actual exams, represent a po-
tential barrier for students interested in a Schools should ensure that students are
four-year college. However, students may prepared for college entrance exams by
not know about the exams or may not offering exam preparation classes or
know how to prepare for them, and they workshops, either directly through the
may not follow through in scheduling or school or by partnering with college ac-
taking the exams. High schools should cess programs or other organizations.109
make sure that students interested in at- Exam preparation classes can be offered
tending a four-year institution prepare for on Saturdays or during other non-school
hours,110 and test preparation can include
providing direct tutoring, offering prac-
106. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Spon- tice tests, or using training software for
sor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm,
Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor,
Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
108. Calahan et al. (2004); Maxfield et al. (2003).
107. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Spon- 109. Calahan et al. (2004); Cave and Quint (1990);
sor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm, Johnson (1998); Maxfield et al. (2003); Myers et
Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor, al. (2004).
Mamun, and Schirm (2009). 110. Cave and Quint (1990); Maxfield et al. (2003).

( 32 )
Recommendation 4. Engage and assist students in completing critical steps

Exhibit 3. Example of a college entrance exam schedule

SAT Test Dates for 2008/09
Nearby Test
Test Date Test Main Deadline Late Fee Deadline Locations
October 4, 2008 SAT I & II September 9, 2008 September 16, 2008 High Schools A & B
November 1, 2008 SAT I & II September 26, 2008 October 10, 2008 High Schools A & C
December 6, 2008 SAT I & II November 4, 2008 November 18, 2008 High Schools B & C
January 24, 2009 SAT I & II December 26, 2008 January 6, 2009 High Schools A & B
March 14, 2009 SAT I February 10, 2009 February 24, 2009 High Schools A & C
May 2, 2009 SAT I & II March 31, 2009 April 9, 2009 High Schools B & C
June 6, 2009 SAT I & II May 5, 2009 May 15, 2009 High Schools A & B

ACT Test Dates for 2008/09

Test Date Main Deadline Late Fee Deadline Nearby Test Locations
September 13, 2008 August 12, 2008 August 22, 2008 High Schools A & B
October 25, 3008 September 19, 2008 October 3, 2008 High Schools A & C
December 13, 2008 November 7, 2008 November 20, 2008 High Schools B & C
February 7, 2008 January 6, 2008 January 16, 2008 High Schools A & B
April 4, 2008 February 27, 2008 March 13, 2009 High Schools A & C
June 13, 2008 May 8, 2009 May 22, 2009 High Schools B & C
Source: Adapted from materials created by a National College Advising Corps program site.

test preparation.111 If the school partners reer interests and future plans, encourag-
with another organization to provide exam ing students to consider factors such as:
prep classes, an academic coordinator can
arrange the promotion, enrollment, and • Geography/location
content of the class.112 • Tuition cost
• Financial aid
2. Assist students in their college search. • School size
• Admission requirements
Students should receive assistance in find- • Retention rates
ing a postsecondary program that matches • Demographics
their qualifications, interests, and goals.113 • Available majors
Schools should set up one-on-one meet-
ings with students to discuss the types of Schools should help students understand
schools that are a good fit for them to con- how to gather information on colleges
sider and submit applications. School staff that will help in their search. For exam-
should help students coordinate their ca- ple, students can be given an assignment
that requires them to fill in information
about a college that can be obtained from
111. Maxfield et al. (2003). the college’s website. The assignment can
112. Johnson (1998). be used as a starting point for a discus-
113. Constantine et al. (2006); Johnson (1998); sion about the type of information stu-
Mehan (1996); St. John et al. (2002). dents should be seeking, where they can
( 33 )
Recommendation 4. Engage and assist students in completing critical steps

Exhibit 4. Example of a college visit schedule

Time Activity Description
9:00am Arrive at college campus

9:30am–10:30am Group information session College admissions staff provide information about the
college and a summary of the college search and applica-
tion process and financial aid.

10:45am–11:45am Small group tours Small group tours led by current college students (each
group includes a high school chaperone).

12:00pm–1:00pm Lunch in college dining hall High school students have lunch with student tour guides
and college admissions staff and have an opportunity to
ask additional questions.

1:00pm–2:00pm Observe college class Small groups of students visit college classrooms.

2:30pm Leave college campus

Source: Adapted from materials created by a National College Advising Corps program site.

find that information on college websites, students to college and the college environ-
and how to compare different colleges. ment, inform students about the college
Students should also be guided to books application and selection process, and help
or websites, such as the U.S. Department them consider different college options.
of Education’s College Navigator website These trips should be more than a campus
( or tour—students should have a chance to
database of accredited institutions (http:// explore campus resources, observe cam-, that can assist pus life, and interact with college students
them in searching for colleges.114 Students (see Exhibit 4 for an example of a college
should be encouraged to apply to mul- visit schedule). For example, students can
tiple colleges to help them find a match shadow college students, possibly alumni
school,115 or to consider applying to a from their high school, throughout their
backup college to which they are more day, attending classes, eating lunch, and
confident about being admitted. walking around campus together.116

3. Coordinate college visits. High schools should contact the admis-

sions office of a college to set up meet-
The panel recommends that high schools ings that allow students to hear from an
organize trips for students to visit col- admissions officer, a college professor,
lege campuses. These visits can introduce and a panel of students. Student groups
on campus that represent the background
or culture of high school students, such
114. Other useful resources include the Col-
as a Latino student group, can provide a
lege Board Matchmaker (http://collegesearch. useful perspective on college and campus
jsp) or the Sallie Mae College Answer (http:// life.117 A high school can plan activities that allow students to interact with cam-
isc_index.jsp). These and other college plan- pus resources, such as visiting a science
ning sites are accessible through the Pathways
to College Network College Planning Resource
laboratory or using the college library.
Directory (
collegeplanningresources/). 116. Calahan et al. (2004).
115. Roderick et al. (2008). 117. Gandara (2004).

( 34 )
Recommendation 4. Engage and assist students in completing critical steps

Students also should be encouraged to occur over the course of the year (see Ex-
participate in college access programs or hibit 5 for an example of a timeline).120
summer activities that facilitate overnight Schools can provide a handout that lists
stays on a campus.118 the key dates that students need to con-
sider for the application process in their
4. Assist students in completing college junior and senior years.121 The compo-
applications. nents of a timeline could include college
entrance exams, college applications, the
Without assistance, students may not in- Free Application for Federal Student Aid
vest sufficient time in completing college (FAFSA) and state financial aid forms, ad-
applications or may not devote attention mission acceptances, and financial aid and
to key details. Schools should provide housing acceptances. The timelines can
students who plan to attend a four-year be formatted so that students can enter
college with hands-on assistance in com- in dates specific to the colleges they are
pleting their college applications. High considering. Schools can use the timelines
schools should work with students to en- in one-on-one meetings with students to
sure that their applications are complete, track student progress in meeting key
submitted by deadlines, and (if applicable) deadlines. Schools should make sure that
of sufficient quality for acceptance. Be- all informational materials about college
cause each student’s needs and interests applications are available in multiple lan-
are unique, the panel recommends that, guages and formats.
to the extent possible, school staff pro-
vide assistance to students one-on-one In providing one-on-one assistance, high
or during small workshops or classes de- schools can help students fill out an appli-
signed to assist students with completing cation, coach students on how to write a
college applications, writing application college application essay, and discuss col-
essays, or reminding them about applica- lege application fee waivers. Schools should
tion deadlines.119 encourage students who need letters of
recommendation to request these letters in
The panel suggests that schools develop advance of the deadline to ensure that they
mechanisms for clearly communicating can be completed on time. Since much of
timelines for application milestones that the communication with college admissions
offices is electronic, schools should ensure
118. Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007); Cave and that students create or designate an email
Quint (1990); Myers et al. (2004). account early in the application process to
119. Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007); Calahan use in communicating with colleges.
et al. (2004); Cave and Quint (1990); Maxfield
et al. (2003); Mehan (1996); Kahne and Bailey
(1999); Kuboyama (2000); Seftor, Mamun, and 120. Mehan (1996).
Schirm (2009). 121. Ibid.

( 35 )
Recommendation 4. Engage and assist students in completing critical steps

Exhibit 5. Example of a college admissions timeline

April 2008
 Visit a college during spring vacation.

June 2008
 Ask teachers for letters of recommendation before summer vacation.
 Visit two colleges by the end of the month.

July 2008
 Brainstorm college essay topics.
 Visit two more colleges by the end of the month.

August 2008
 Obtain admission applications for colleges being considered.
 Write a rough draft of the college application essay.
 Search for college scholarships.

September 2008
 Complete a final draft of the college essay.
 Check in with the high school’s College and Career Center
on a regular basis.
 Request that high school transcripts be sent.

October 2008
 Complete college applications (or the Common Application, a general
application form used by more than 150 independent colleges) by
the end of the month.

November–December 2008
 Early action or early decision deadline for some colleges.
 Continue to search and apply for scholarships.

January 2009
 Application deadline for most colleges and universities (January 1 or 15).
 Contact colleges to make sure your application materials were received.
 Fill out the FAFSA (released January 1).

February 2009
 Complete the FAFSA prior to the deadline for most schools
(February 1 or 15).
 Search for scholarships at the colleges you are considering.

March 2009
 Update FAFSA application, if needed.
 Receive college acceptance letters.

April 2009
 Attend open houses for colleges that offered admittance.

May 2009
 Select a college and send a deposit to the school.
 Request final high school transcripts be sent.

Source: Timeline adapted from materials created by a National College Advising Corps program site
and an application timeline created by Sallie Mae at

( 36 )
Recommendation 4. Engage and assist students in completing critical steps

Potential roadblocks and solutions to college at the beginning of the year and
provide follow-up information at critical
Roadblock 4.1. Our counselors have large points throughout the year, such as when
caseloads, making it difficult for them to college applications are typically due.
help each student fill out applications or Schools may want to consider providing
register for tests. guidance counselors with extended pro-
fessional development opportunities to
Suggested Approach. Guidance counsel- update their knowledge about the college
ors do not need to be the only resource application process. Schools also should
for helping students with critical steps to provide a workshop or other training for
college entry. Schools can consider part- teachers on how to write effective letters
nering with college access programs that of recommendation.
provide adults to assist students. Schools
also can invite volunteers from the com- Roadblock 4.4. Parents have limited
munity, including college students, gradu- time to participate in college visits orga-
ate students, or other college graduates to nized by the school because of their work
assist students with the process. Another schedules.
potential source of volunteers is retired
professionals who previously worked in Suggested Approach. Although involving
college admissions or who have knowledge parents in college visits can be difficult be-
of the college entry process. Schools also cause of conflicts with work schedules, stu-
can ensure that teachers have adequate dents and parents should be encouraged to
knowledge about the college application visit a local college campus at their conve-
process to assist students who approach nience. These visits can be less formal than
them with questions. the school-organized trips, but they should
provide an opportunity for parents to ex-
Roadblock 4.2. The time required to travel plore college life on campus with their child.
to SAT/ACT test prep sites is a barrier for High schools can provide parents with a col-
students because the sites are located so lege trip itinerary that includes key places
far away. to visit on campus and contact information
for the college admissions office.
Suggested Approach. Consider making
the school a test prep site. This might Roadblock 4.5. College visits require staff
make it more convenient for the students time and funding that are not available at
to enroll in test prep classes and might our school.
give students more incentive to register
for and take the entrance exam. Suggested Approach. High schools should
contact the admission offices of local col-
Roadblock 4.3. Our staff do not have leges to determine whether there are avail-
current information about college able resources to support college visits.
requirements. High school alumni who attended a local
college may be willing to sponsor a trip for
Suggested Approach. Teachers and coun- students or may be able to link the school
selors may be the first people whom stu- to other alumni who can assist with the
dents turn to with questions about the college visit. High schools also can collabo-
college application process. Schools may rate with college access programs that have
want to provide teachers with a short over- funding to support college visits and can
view of the critical milestones for applying coordinate trips.

( 37 )
Recommendation 5. Level of evidence: Moderate
Increase families’ The panel judged the level of evidence
financial awareness, for this recommendation as moderate be-
and help students cause there is evidence that the recom-
mended practices increased the financial
apply for financial aid assistance application rate and the col-
lege enrollment rate. Two programs with
studies meeting standards with reserva-
Financial aid plays an important role tions informed students about financial
in making college affordable and aid opportunities and provided hands-on
improving access to college, especially assistance in completing financial aid ap-
for first-generation students and plications.124 Both of these programs had
students from low-income families. a positive impact on financial aid applica-
However, these students and their tions and college enrollment. Although
families often have limited knowledge five other programs with studies meeting
of financial aid opportunities and may standards with and without reservations
overestimate the cost of college.122 provided financial aid services, the level
This can create the impression that a and intensity of these services were often
college education is out of reach and unclear.125 Since the two programs that
might discourage students from taking closely correspond with the panel’s rec-
the necessary steps in high school to ommendation had a positive impact on
prepare for college. Even when parents financial aid application and college en-
and students are aware of financial rollment, the panel assigned a moderate
aid opportunities, the financial aid level of evidence.
application process can be a barrier,
with complex rules and complicated Brief summary of evidence to
forms that can create additional support the recommendation
roadblocks for students.123
The types of practices recommended by
the panel formed a major part of Talent
High schools can ensure that students Search and the FAFSA Experiment, and
take the necessary steps to obtain both had a statistically significant im-
financial aid by educating students and pact on application for financial aid and
their parents early in high school about postsecondary enrollment.126 Almost all
college affordability and the availability Talent Search projects provide individ-
of financial aid and by helping them ual financial aid counseling, financial aid
identify potential sources of aid. Students workshops for students and/or parents,
benefit from hands-on assistance in assistance with financial aid applications,
meeting financial aid deadlines and and scholarship searches.127 The FAFSA
completing application forms.
124. FAFSA Experiment—Bettinger et al. (2009);
Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006).
125. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Spon-
sor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm,
122. Grodsky and Jones (2007); Horn, Chen, and Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor,
Chapman (2003); King (2006); MacAllum et al. Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
(2007); Tomas Rivera Policy Institute (2004). 126. FAFSA Experiment—Bettinger et al. (2009);
123. Dynarski and Scott-Clayton (2007); Roder- Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006).
ick et al. (2008). 127. Calahan et al. (2004).

( 38 )
Recommendation 5. Increase families’ financial awareness

Experiment compared two financial aid How to carry out this

interventions. The first had a tax profes- recommendation
sional provide one-on-one assistance in
filling out the FAFSA based on a family’s 1. Organize workshops for parents and stu-
income tax return, provide information on dents to inform them prior to 12th grade
the family’s financial aid eligibility for local about college affordability, scholarship and
colleges, and offer to submit the FAFSA at aid sources, and financial aid processes.
no cost. A second intervention provided
families only information on their finan- High schools should inform students and
cial aid eligibility. The first intervention parents about financial aid and the cost
had a positive impact on the proportion of of college early in high school. The panel
individuals who submitted the FAFSA and recommends that high schools organize
enrolled in college, whereas the second separate workshops to inform parents and
had no impact on either outcome. students about financial aid.130 The work-
shops should address misconceptions
Five other programs with studies meet- about college costs and build awareness
ing standards provided assistance with of financial aid. The panel recommends
the financial aid application process: Up- holding an initial workshop on college
ward Bound, Career Beginnings, Sponsor- affordability in 9th or 10th grade, ensur-
a-Scholar, EXCEL, and QOP. Upward Bound ing that students and parents understand
and Career Beginnings had studies measur- the cost of college and the aid available to
ing financial aid outcomes, but neither had make it affordable. A workshop on schol-
an impact on these outcomes. Both Sponsor- arship and aid sources should occur in
a-Scholar and Career Beginnings had a posi- 10th grade so that students and parents
tive impact on college enrollment,128 and can begin to think about the sources of
the three remaining programs had no im- different forms of aid. Although students
pact on enrollment.129 The level and inten- complete the FAFSA in their senior year,
sity of financial aid services varied across information about the financial aid appli-
Upward Bound and Career Beginnings sites. cation process should be covered in the
Some sites provided financial aid counsel- junior year to prepare students for the
ing and hands-on assistance with finan- process. These three financial aid topics
cial aid applications, and others offered are discussed next.
informational workshops for students and
parents. Sponsor-a-Scholar mentors and • College affordability. Students who
QOP case managers assisted students with think that college is too expensive or
financial aid applications, and both pro- who lack information about the avail-
grams held workshops on the financial aid ability of aid may not take the nec-
process. The studies of these five programs essary steps early in high school to
offered limited information on the financial prepare for college.131 The panel rec-
aid services provided for students. ommends that high schools provide in-
formation about college affordability—
both the cost of college and ways to
cover the cost—starting in 9th grade.
Schools can create a worksheet that

128. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); 130. Advisory Committee on Student Financial
Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998). Assistance (2008); Bailis et al. (1995); Constantine
129. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007); et al. (2006); Cunningham, Erisman, and Looney
QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward (2007); Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009). 131. Luna De La Rosa (2006).

( 39 )
Recommendation 5. Increase families’ financial awareness

displays potential costs for college they can search more broadly for
next to potential sources of financial scholarships (e.g.,,
aid to demonstrate the realistic cost Al-
to families. Students should receive though high school advisors often
information on the typical tuition cost maintain information on scholarship
for two- and four-year colleges, differ- opportunities, students may not access
ences between public and private insti- this information unless they regularly
tutions, and tuition estimates for local visit a school’s advising office.133 High
and regional colleges. High schools schools can disseminate scholarship
can provide a worksheet that has a information during the workshop and
side-by-side comparison of the cost follow up with updated or additional
of these schools and should help stu- information on the school’s website or
dents and parents distinguish the dif- in its monthly newsletter. Schools can
ferent types of college costs, includ- designate a staff member to collect and
ing tuition, fees, room and board, and update financial aid, scholarship, and
books and supplies. grant opportunities for students.

Students need to understand the types • Financial aid application process.

of financial aid available to cover these High schools should hold workshops
costs, including grants, loans, scholar- to inform students and parents about
ships, tax credits, and work-study pro- the financial aid application process,
grams. Descriptions of financial aid, including details about the process
loan obligations, and grants can be for submitting the FAFSA. Students
confusing for individuals who may have should understand the information that
limited interactions with banks and is needed to complete the FAFSA and
lending agencies; accordingly, conversa- should know about the online and hard-
tions should be developed in a manner copy versions of the application. High
that is understandable to the student schools should explain that the FAFSA
and his or her family. The workshops plays a role in determining eligibility
should encourage students and parents for federal loans and grants as well as
to estimate their financial aid eligibility state grants, scholarships, and other
using a tool to forecast eligibility based forms of aid. Informing students about
on FAFSA (e.g., FAFSA4caster, http:// key concepts, such as the estimated family contribution (EFC), can help stu-
dents understand the meaning of their
• Scholarship and aid sources. One financial aid materials. Students should
workshop should assist students in understand the steps in the process
navigating the vast array of financial that occur after submitting the FAFSA,
aid sources to identify relevant op- including receipt of the student aid re-
portunities. A list of available federal port and a financial aid package.
and state grants and their eligibility
requirements can help students de- Workshops on financial aid should be
termine likely sources of aid. During held for parents as well as for students.134
the workshop, high schools also can High schools should develop a plan for
provide a list of local and regional engaging parents and encouraging them
sources of scholarships available for to become invested in the financial aid
students, as well as websites on which
133. Luna De La Rosa (2006).
132. Advisory Committee on Student Financial 134. Calahan et al. (2004); Gandara (2004);
Assistance (2008). Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006).

( 40 )
Recommendation 5. Increase families’ financial awareness

and college application processes. For library or computer lab so that students can
example, a parent institute that includes complete the FAFSA on the Internet.
sessions on financial aid and other aspects
of the college entry process could be held Even though high schools can reach a
throughout the school year.135 Inviting broad group of students through line-
parents to informal social gatherings at by-line assistance at a workshop, stu-
the school, such as picnics or family din- dents may have complex questions spe-
ners, can encourage parent involvement as cific to their financial situation or may
well.136 Offering child care at these events be uncomfortable raising questions at a
can make it easier for parents to attend group meeting.139 Therefore, high schools
and participate. The workshops for par- should provide individual assistance or
ents should discuss how they can help stu- counseling following a workshop to fur-
dents complete the financial aid process ther assist students in completing the
and encourage them to assist students in FAFSA or other aid applications.140 For
meeting key deadlines. high schools that provide mentoring ser-
vices (see recommendation 3), mentors
2. Help students and parents complete finan- can provide one-on-one assistance if they
cial aid forms prior to eligibility deadlines. are knowledgeable about financial aid or
if they receive training.141 Individual fi-
The panel recommends that high schools nancial aid counseling also can be helpful
provide hands-on assistance to students for answering questions about the Stu-
and parents in completing financial aid dent Aid Profile, award letter, or financial
forms prior to critical deadlines. In addi- aid decisions that are made after a stu-
tion to workshops providing information dent submits the FAFSA.
about financial aid, high schools should
hold workshops to assist high school se- Potential roadblocks and solutions
niors and their parents in completing the
FAFSA form, to answer student questions, Roadblock 5.1. Our school does not
and to explain the information requested have staff who are trained on financial
on the form.137 The workshops should in- aid policy.
clude volunteers who are knowledgeable on
the FAFSA and can provide one-on-one help Suggested Approach. Financial aid of-
in completing the application form.138 High ficers in local colleges will be knowledge-
schools should reach out to financial aid able about financial aid and can be in-
officers from local colleges who can train vited to assist students during a workshop
teachers or volunteers on the FAFSA and or through one-on-one sessions.142 High
who can assist individual students during schools also could invite the financial aid
the workshop. Students should be notified officer to train teachers on financial aid
of the information needed to fill out the and the application process so that they
FAFSA, such as income information from can assist students.
parents’ tax forms, before the session. High
schools can coordinate with the school

135. Tierney and Jun (2001); Standing et al. 139. Luna De La Rosa (2006).
(2008). 140. Advisory Committee on Student Financial
136. Gandara et al. (1998). Assistance (2008); Bailis et al. (1995); Calahan et
137. Advisory Committee on Student Financial al. (2004); Maxfield et al. (2003).
Assistance (2008); Cave and Quint (1990). 141. Johnson (1998); Pell Institute for the Study
138. Bailis et al. (1995); Calahan et al. (2004); of Opportunity in Higher Education (2006).
Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009). 142. Cave and Quint (1990).

( 41 )
Recommendation 5. Increase families’ financial awareness

Roadblock 5.2. Guidance counselors may consumer science teachers may have back-
not have information about college costs or grounds that are useful for understanding
information about the changing nature of the financial aid process. Establishing con-
college costs. tacts with financial aid staff at local col-
leges can make it easier for teachers to stay
Suggested Approach. The panel suggests current with information on college costs.
that high schools identify and train staff at The financial aid staff from local colleges
the school who are willing to learn about could be useful for training teachers and
financial aid and to serve as a resource other staff at the high school on financial
for students. Math teachers or family aid topics.

( 42 )
Appendix A. particular types of studies for drawing
Postscript from causal conclusions about what works.
Thus, one typically finds that a strong
the Institute of level of evidence is drawn from a body of
Education Sciences randomized controlled trials, the moder-
ate level from well-designed studies that
do not involve randomization, and the low
What is a practice guide? level from the opinions of respected au-
thorities (see Table 1). Levels of evidence
The health care professions have em- also can be constructed around the value
braced a mechanism for assembling and of particular types of studies for other
communicating evidence-based advice to goals, such as the reliability and validity
practitioners about care for specific clini- of assessments.
cal conditions. Variously called practice
guidelines, treatment protocols, critical Practice guides also can be distinguished
pathways, best practice guides, or simply from systematic reviews or meta-analy-
practice guides, these documents are sys- ses such as What Works Clearinghouse
tematically developed recommendations (WWC) intervention reviews or statistical
about the course of care for frequently en- meta-analyses, which employ statistical
countered problems, ranging from physi- methods to summarize the results of stud-
cal conditions, such as foot ulcers, to psy- ies obtained from a rule-based search of
chosocial conditions, such as adolescent the literature. Authors of practice guides
development.143 seldom conduct the types of systematic
literature searches that are the backbone
Practice guides are similar to the prod- of a meta-analysis, although they take ad-
ucts of typical expert consensus panels vantage of such work when it is already
in reflecting the views of those serving published. Instead, authors use their ex-
on the panel and the social decisions that pertise to identify the most important
come into play as the positions of individ- research with respect to their recommen-
ual panel members are forged into state- dations, augmented by a search of recent
ments that all panel members are willing publications to ensure that the research
to endorse. Practice guides, however, are citations are up-to-date. Furthermore, the
generated under three constraints that do characterization of the quality and direc-
not typically apply to consensus panels. tion of the evidence underlying a recom-
The first is that a practice guide consists mendation in a practice guide relies less
of a list of discrete recommendations that on a tight set of rules and statistical algo-
are actionable. The second is that those rithms and more on the judgment of the
recommendations taken together are in- authors than would be the case in a high-
tended to be a coherent approach to a quality meta-analysis. Another distinction
multifaceted problem. The third, which is is that a practice guide, because it aims for
most important, is that each recommen- a comprehensive and coherent approach,
dation is explicitly connected to the level operates with more numerous and more
of evidence supporting it, with the level contextualized statements of what works
represented by a grade (strong, moder- than does a typical meta-analysis.
ate, or low).
Thus, practice guides sit somewhere be-
The levels of evidence, or grades, are tween consensus reports and meta-anal-
usually constructed around the value of yses in the degree to which systematic
processes are used for locating relevant
143. Field and Lohr (1990). research and characterizing its meaning.
( 43 )
Appendix A. Postscript from the Institute of Education Sciences

Practice guides are more like consensus These are people the chair believes can
panel reports than meta-analyses in the work well together and have the requisite
breadth and complexity of the topic that expertise to be a convincing source of rec-
is addressed. Practice guides are different ommendations. IES recommends that at
from both consensus reports and meta- least one of the panelists be a practitioner
analyses in providing advice at the level with experience relevant to the topic being
of specific action steps along a pathway addressed. The chair and the panelists are
that represents a more-or-less coherent provided a general template for a practice
and comprehensive approach to a multi- guide along the lines of the information
faceted problem. provided in this appendix. They also are
provided with examples of practice guides.
Practice guides in education at the The practice guide panel works under a
Institute of Education Sciences short deadline of six to nine months to pro-
duce a draft document. The expert panel
The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) members interact with and receive feed-
publishes practice guides in education to back from staff at IES during the develop-
bring the best available evidence and ex- ment of the practice guide, but they under-
pertise to bear on the types of systemic stand that they are the authors and, thus,
challenges that cannot currently be ad- responsible for the final product.
dressed by single interventions or pro-
grams. Although IES has taken advantage One unique feature of IES-sponsored prac-
of the history of practice guides in health tice guides is that they are subjected to
care to provide models of how to proceed rigorous external peer review through the
in education, education is different from same office that is responsible for inde-
health care in ways that may require that pendent review of other IES publications.
practice guides in education have some- A critical task of the peer reviewers of a
what different designs. Even within health practice guide is to determine whether
care, where practice guides now number the evidence cited in support of particular
in the thousands, there is no single tem- recommendations is up-to-date and that
plate in use. Rather, one finds descriptions studies of similar or better quality that
of general design features that permit point in a different direction have not been
substantial variation in the realization ignored. Peer reviewers also are asked to
of practice guides across subspecialties evaluate whether the evidence grade as-
and panels of experts.144 Accordingly, the signed to particular recommendations by
templates for IES practice guides may vary the practice guide authors is appropriate.
across practice guides and change over A practice guide is revised as necessary to
time and with experience. meet the concerns of external peer reviews
and to gain the approval of the standards
The steps involved in producing an IES- and review staff at IES. The process of ex-
sponsored practice guide are first to select ternal peer review is carried out indepen-
a topic, which is informed by formal sur- dent of the office and staff within IES that
veys of practitioners and requests. Next, a instigated the practice guide.
panel chair is recruited who has a national
reputation and up-to-date expertise in the Because practice guides depend on the
topic. Third, the chair, working in collabo- expertise of their authors and their group
ration with IES, selects a small number of decisionmaking, the content of a practice
panelists to co-author the practice guide. guide is not and should not be viewed as a
set of recommendations that in every case
144. American Psychological Association depends on and flows inevitably from sci-
(2002). entific research. It is not only possible but
( 44 )
Appendix A. Postscript from the Institute of Education Sciences

also likely that two teams of recognized individual school district might obtain on
experts working independently to produce its own because the authors are national
a practice guide on the same topic would authorities who have to reach agreement
generate products that differ in important among themselves, justify their recom-
respects. Thus, consumers of practice mendations in terms of supporting evi-
guides need to understand that they are, dence, and undergo rigorous independent
in effect, getting the advice of consultants. peer review of their product.
These consultants should, on average, pro-
vide substantially better advice than an Institute of Education Sciences

( 45 )
Appendix B. specialties in education, labor economics,
About the authors and econometrics.

Jill Constantine, Ph.D., is a senior econ-

Panel omist and associate director of research
at Mathematica Policy Research. Dr. Con-
William G. Tierney, Ph.D., (Chair) is cur- stantine has led a number of large-scale
rently University Professor and Wilbur- research and evaluation projects related
Kieffer Professor of Higher Education at the to education programs, including several
University of Southern California’s Rossier in the field of higher education. She was
School of Education, as well as director the project director for the Evaluation of
of the Center for Higher Education Policy College Corps. She also served as the dep-
Analysis. His research interests pertain uty project director and, later, as project
to access, issues of equity, organizational director for the U.S. Department of Educa-
effectiveness, and the changing nature of tion’s National Evaluation of Talent Search.
academic work. He recently concluded a Dr. Constantine also has led a number of
three-year project that examined how to im- other education projects, including those
prove financial aid strategies for low-income in the areas of Beginning Reading, teacher
youth and their families. He also recently preparation, and Early Head Start. Dr. Con-
concluded a project on how to improve gov- stantine has published extensively in the
ernance in four-year colleges and universi- education field.
ties. His recent books include Urban High
School Students and the Challenge of Access Neal Finkelstein, Ph.D., is a senior re-
(Peter Lang), Preparing for College: Nine Ele- search scientist at WestEd, developing re-
ments of Effective Outreach (SUNY), and In- search and evaluation designs that study
creasing Access to College (SUNY). program implementation in K–12 public
schools, and overseeing randomized field
Thomas Bailey, Ph.D., is the George and trials implementation in education settings.
Abby O’Neill Professor of Economics and His areas of expertise include K–12 school
Education in the Department of Interna- finance, academic preparation programs
tional and Transcultural Studies at Teach- for high school youth, school-to-work, and
ers College, Columbia University. He also early childhood education. Dr. Finkelstein
is the director of the Institute on Educa- served as director of Educational Outreach
tion and the Economy at Teachers Col- Research and Evaluation for the University
lege. In 1996, Dr. Bailey established the of California, where he implemented re-
Community College Research Center at search and evaluation designs on 10 cam-
the Institute, which pursues a wide variety puses to study the effectiveness of K–12
of quantitative and qualitative research student and school academic programs,
focused primarily on improving educa- particularly on postsecondary education
tional outcomes for students at commu- opportunities. He also served as senior
nity colleges, especially low-income and program officer for the National Research
minority students. Dr. Bailey also directs Council, supporting the investigation of
the National Center for Postsecondary Re- equity, adequacy, and productivity in K–12
search, funded by the Institute of Educa- public education financing.
tion Sciences, which is conducting rigor-
ous evaluations of widely used strategies Nicole Farmer Hurd, Ph.D., is the execu-
for low-skilled students, including inten- tive director of the National College Ad-
sive summer bridge programs and learn- vising Corps (NCAC), which is headquar-
ing communities. He is an economist, with tered at the University of North Carolina

( 46 )
Appendix B: About the Authors

at Chapel Hill. The corps is a coalition Christina Clark Tuttle, M.P.P., is an ed-
of university-based college advising pro- ucation researcher at Mathematica Policy
grams serving more than 48,000 students Research. Her work has focused on study-
in 12 states. NCAC places recent college ing opportunities for disadvantaged stu-
graduates in public high schools to part- dents and school reform, contributing
ner with guidance counselors in an effort to Mathematica’s evaluations of Upward
to increase their college-going rates. Dr. Bound, QOP, the New York City voucher ex-
Hurd, who served as an assistant dean and periment, and charter schools. Ms. Tuttle
director of the Center for Undergraduate is the deputy project director of Mathe-
Excellence at the University of Virginia, matica’s national evaluation of Knowledge
was the founding director of the College Is Power Program. She is a WWC certified
Guide Program, which served as the model reviewer and deputy principal investiga-
for the Advising Corps. Dr. Hurd received tor for the high school math topic area of
the Governor of Virginia’s Award for Vol- the WWC.
unteerism and Community Service and
was the 2007 faculty recipient of the Uni-
versity of Virginia’s Raven Award. Dr. Hurd
remains an administrator in higher educa-
tion, serving in the Office of Undergradu-
ate Admissions at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Jeffrey Max, M.P.A., is a researcher at

Mathematica Policy Research, with expe-
rience conducting quantitative and quali-
tative research in the field of education.
He has contributed to studies of teacher
quality interventions, including evalua-
tions of teacher incentives, teacher prepa-
ration, and teacher certification. His past
work includes a study in one state of the
transfer process from community colleges
to teacher preparation programs.

( 47 )
Appendix C. evidence that is documented in the prac-
Disclosure of potential tice guide. In addition, the practice guide
undergoes independent external peer re-
conflicts of interest view prior to publication, with particular
focus on whether the evidence related to
Practice guide panels are composed of in- the recommendations in the practice guide
dividuals who are nationally recognized has been appropriately presented.
experts on the topics about which they are
rendering recommendations. IES expects The professional engagements reported
that such experts will be involved profes- by each panel member that appear most
sionally in a variety of matters that relate closely associated with the panel recom-
to their work as a panel. Panel members mendations are noted below.
are asked to disclose their professional
involvements and to institute deliberative Dr. Nicole Farmer Hurd is the executive
processes that encourage critical exami- director of the National College Advising
nation of the views of panel members as Corps, a national college peer mentoring
they relate to the content of the practice program. Although this program is not ref-
guide. The potential influence of panel erenced in the text of the practice guide,
members’ professional engagements is four of the exhibits are adapted from ma-
further muted by the requirement that terials used by National College Advising
they ground their recommendations in Corps sites.

( 48 )
Appendix D. determine the extent to which a program
included the recommended practices.
Technical information
on the studies College access programs consist of mul-
tiple components that address a variety
A search for research on college access of steps students must take to prepare for
programs in the United States from 1988 and enter college. The bundling of multiple
to 2008 resulted in more than 500 stud- practices within an access program makes
ies. Of these, 99 studies had causal de- it difficult to assess the effectiveness of a
signs and examined programs that aimed single practice. This presents a challenge
to prepare secondary students (grades 6 for the practice guide, which aims to pro-
through 12) academically for college, as- vide specific strategies that schools can
sist them in completing the steps to col- implement to improve access to college.
lege entry, and improve their likelihood of The panel reviewed implementation re-
enrolling in college. These were reviewed ports of programs with studies meeting
according to What Works Clearinghouse standards to assess the relative impor-
(WWC) standards. Sixteen studies of 10 tance of each program component and to
programs met WWC evidence standards better understand program implementa-
with or without reservations. Correlational tion (see Table D1). The panel assigned a
studies that used longitudinal surveys of level of evidence for each recommendation
high school students, such as the National after considering the number of programs
Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS),145 with studies meeting standards that re-
to analyze the relationship between stu- lated to each recommendation; the degree
dent characteristics and college outcomes to which programs implemented the rec-
were not reviewed against WWC standards ommendation; and the programs’ impacts
because they do not provide evidence on on high school academic performance,
the effectiveness of a practice or interven- completion of the critical steps for college
tion. The panel focused on the programs entry, and college enrollment.
with studies meeting standards to define
a level of evidence for each recommenda- The panel noted two key issues in its con-
tion in the practice guide. sideration of the evidence:

An overview of the programs with studies • Service receipt by the comparison

meeting standards is provided in Table D1, group. Several of the studies meeting
which also shows the relevance of each standards were effectiveness studies
program for the recommendations. In that compared enrollment or partici-
many cases, a program implemented only pation in a college access program to
one aspect of the panel’s recommendation. the existing college preparation ser-
For example, several programs with stud- vices available to students.146 In some
ies meeting standards implemented the cases, the comparison group received
first step of recommendation 3, mentor- a fair amount of college access ser-
ing services, but they did not implement vices. For example, an evaluation of
steps two (peer groups) and three (career Upward Bound reported that 54 per-
exploration). In addition, many programs cent of comparison group students
implemented practices that did not fully
align with the panel’s recommendation, or
the studies provided insufficient detail to 146. In contrast to efficacy studies that show the
effect of a program relative to a control that re-
ceives no intervention or services, effectiveness
145. National Center for Education Statistics studies show the effectiveness of a program rela-
(2002). tive to other available services or programs.

( 49 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

received college access services, and had to demonstrate baseline equivalence

an evaluation of Career Beginnings on at least three measures, including one
noted that 35 percent of comparison measure of socioeconomic status (SES).
group students received services simi- Establishing baseline equivalence on SES
lar to that program’s.147 Since schools is critical because there are differences in
often implement more than one college college enrollment rates between high- and
access program, students in the com- low-SES students even when controlling for
parison group may participate in other race and academic ability.148 Table D2 lists
college access programs. Among com- the studies that potentially met standards
parison students in the Upward Bound that had insufficient information to estab-
study, 14 percent participated in Up- lish baseline equivalence or did not demon-
ward Bound Math and Science, and 12 strate equivalence on a measure of SES.
percent participated in Talent Search.
Similarly, the study of Career Acad- This appendix describes the evidence used
emies notes that comparison group to support each of the recommendations
students had the option of enrolling made by the panel. After describing the
in other similar programs offered by level of evidence for the recommendation,
their high school or district. we summarize the evidence used to sup-
port each recommendation. Since several
• Programs operated by postsecond- of the programs with studies meeting stan-
ary institutions and community dards are relevant for multiple recommen-
organizations. Although the practice dations, we provide a brief description of
guide is designed to help high schools each program and its study below.
and school districts take actionable
steps to increase college attendance, Talent Search is a federal program that
the panel notes that many of the pro- informs students about the high school
grams with studies meeting standards courses needed to prepare for college and
were implemented by postsecondary the availability of financial aid to cover
institutions or community organiza- the cost of college. The program provides
tions. Four programs were primar- hands-on assistance with financial aid ap-
ily implemented by a postsecondary plications and helps students complete
institution and two by nonprofit or the college application process. Talent
community-based organizations. The Search projects are operated by two- and
panel focused on describing the prac- four-year colleges and also provide col-
tices it deemed were effective for high lege visits, academic support, and coun-
school students and could feasibly be seling. A quasi-experimental study of the
implemented by a high school. program in Indiana, Florida, and Texas
met standards with reservations.149 The
Studies that potentially study examined the cohort of students in
meet standards 9th grade in the 1995/96 school year and
used propensity score matching to create
The panel used 15 studies that potentially a comparison group of students from the
met standards but were not assigned a same schools or districts with the same
WWC rating because there was insufficient demographic, socioeconomic, and aca-
information to assess baseline equivalence demic characteristics as Talent Search par-
of the treatment and control groups. To ticipants. The program had a statistically
meet standards with reservations, a study
148. Advisory Committee on Student Financial
147. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007); Assistance (2006); Black and Sufi (2002).
Upward Bound—Myers et al. (2004). 149. Constantine et al. (2006).

( 50 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

significant impact on financial aid appli- aid eligibility and applying for financial
cation and college enrollment in all three aid. An ongoing study of the intervention
states. The findings for college persistence randomly assigned individuals in Ohio and
were smaller than the impact on enroll- North Carolina to (1) the main treatment
ment and not consistently positive across group that received assistance in complet-
the three states. ing and submitting the FAFSA (an estimate
of their eligibility for financial aid) and in-
The Sponsor-a-Scholar program selects formation on financial aid opportunities,
at-risk students from the Philadelphia (2) an information-only treatment group
public school system and offers them an that received a written estimate of each
opportunity to participate in a mentoring family’s financial aid eligibility (but no
relationship with an adult volunteer for assistance in completing the FAFSA), or
five years as well as $6,000 for college- (3) a control group that received an exist-
related expenses. Mentors are expected to ing booklet on the importance of college
meet with students at least monthly, and and financial aid programs.152 Staff from
a program coordinator monitors mentor H&R Block conducted the intervention,
relationships. In addition, the program providing services to individuals who re-
provides academic support and assistance ceived tax preparation assistance from the
with the college application and financial company. The most recent study reported
aid processes, including SAT prep classes, initial findings within a year of the inter-
college visits, and workshops on financial vention. For dependent participants, who
aid; selecting a college; and preparing were primarily high school seniors, the
for the challenges of college. The study main treatment had a significant positive
of Sponsor-a-Scholar matched a total of impact on submission of the FAFSA and
180 participants across four cohorts to a college enrollment, whereas the informa-
comparison group of Philadelphia public tion-only treatment did not significantly
school students based on race, gender, impact either outcome.
school, and grade point average (GPA).150
The author found that the program in- Career Beginnings is a collaboration
creased college attendance in the first two among local colleges, public schools, and
years after high school but had no impact the business community that offers sum-
on college retention.151 mer jobs, education services (e.g., tutor-
ing), assistance in preparing for college,
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal and adult mentors. The program enrolls
Student Aid) Experiment offered an in- students in their junior year of high school
tervention to assist low-income families and holds workshops on preparing for col-
with obtaining information on financial lege, taking college entrance exams, and
completing college admissions forms. A
150. Johnson (1998). study of seven Career Beginnings sites con-
151. College enrollment in the second year after ducted in the second year of the program
high school was significant at the 0.10 level. The randomly assigned 1,233 eligible students
What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) adjusts for to Career Beginnings or a control group.153
multiple comparisons when a study examines
The study did not find a statistically sig-
many outcomes simultaneously since the statis-
tical significance of findings may be overstated. nificant impact on enrollment in two-year
However, an adjustment for multiple compari- colleges or enrollment in four-year colleges,
sons could not be conducted for this study be- but it reported a significant impact when
cause there was insufficient information to calcu- these two outcomes were combined (i.e.,
late an effect size and measure significance based
on WWC standards (the study did not include the
mean outcomes and standard deviations for the 152. FAFSA Experiment—Bettinger et al. (2009).
treatment and control groups). 153. Cave and Quint (1990).

( 51 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

enrollment in two- and four-year colleges). tative sample of projects.154 At each site,
The program did not have a significant ef- applicants were randomly assigned to the
fect on scholarship receipt, taking out a program or to a control group, and the
student loan, or college persistence. most recent follow-up study measured
impacts seven to nine years after the ex-
Talent Development High School is a pected date of high school graduation.
high school reform model for high schools This study reports no statistically sig-
struggling with poor student attendance, nificant impacts on high school outcomes
discipline problems, low student achieve- (i.e., completion of course credits, GPA,
ment, and high dropout rates. The model or diploma), financial aid receipt, college
consists of Ninth Grade Success Academies enrollment, college selectivity, or number
that organize first-year high school stu- of college credits earned. The program in-
dents into self-contained learning commu- creased the rate of postsecondary enroll-
nities, and Career Academies for students ment and the likelihood of receiving a de-
in grades 10 through 12 that form learning gree, license, or certificate among students
communities around a career theme. The with lower educational expectations.
main components of the model include a
college preparatory curriculum; extended Career Academies are a high school
class periods; an after-school program for reform initiative in which students are
students with severe attendance and disci- organized into small learning communi-
pline problems; and partnerships between ties around a particular career theme.
schools, families, and communities. Kem- The academies combine academic and
ple et al. (2005) conducted an evaluation technical curricula and partner with local
of the model using a quasi-experimental employers to provide career exploration
design that matched five Talent Develop- and work-based learning opportunities
ment High Schools in the Philadelphia pub- for students. Kemple (2000, 2001, 2004,
lic school system to similar high schools 2008) conducted a random assignment
based on race/ethnic composition and evaluation of about 1,400 students in nine
promotion rates. The program had sig- schools within large, urban districts serv-
nificant positive impacts on dropping out ing a disadvantaged student population.
of school and the number of high school The author reports that the program did
course credits earned. not have an impact on high school gradu-
ation or college enrollment, persistence,
Upward Bound is a long-standing federal or degree completion eight years after
program designed to assist low-income students’ expected graduation.
students in preparing for, enrolling in, and
succeeding in college. Projects are hosted The Quantum Opportunities Program
primarily by four-year colleges and offer (QOP) is an intensive program that offers
academic courses throughout the school case management, mentoring, tutoring, and
year and during an intensive six-week other education and support services for
summer session often held on a college high school students. Students are matched
campus. Other program services include to a case manager in 9th grade and can re-
tutoring, preparation for college entrance ceive services for up to five years, even if
exams, extracurricular activities, college they drop out of school or move to another
tours, and financial aid workshops. Three district. Students receive financial incen-
reports cover the evaluation of Upward tives for participating in program activi-
Bound and include a nationally represen- ties. The random assignment study of QOP

154. Myers and Schirm (1999); Myers et al. (2004);

Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009).

( 52 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

by Schirm et al. (2006) included 1,069 stu- 70 students by Bergin et al. (2004) found
dents in seven sites and found no impact that the program did not have an impact
on attainment of a high school diploma or on college enrollment.
General Education Development (GED) test,
enrollment in college or vocational training, Middle College High Schools are alter-
persistence in college, or earning a bach- native high schools designed to help stu-
elor’s or associate’s degree. dents who have dropped out or are close
to dropping out of high school remain in
EXCEL is a scholarship incentive and school and earn high school diplomas.
support program sponsored by a public The schools are located on a college cam-
university in the Midwest that provides pus and emphasize experiential learning,
academic enrichment activities through employ a thematic curriculum, offer team
summer institutes and weekend semi- teaching, and provide additional support
nars on the university’s campus. Students services. Dynarksi et al. (1998) evaluated
receive a scholarship to the sponsoring a Middle College High School program in
institution that covers tuition, fees, and Seattle, Washington, using a randomized
books if they complete a college prepara- controlled trial. Students were randomly
tory curriculum, maintain a B average in assigned to Middle College High School
high school, participate in program activi- or to a control group condition in which
ties, and earn a score of 18 on the ACT. they attended their traditional local high
The program assists students through- school. The study found no impacts on
out high school and enlists parental par- dropping out of school or the attainment
ticipation and commitment. A relatively of a high school diploma or GED.
small random assignment study of about

( 53 )
Table D1. Studies of college access programs that met WWC standards with or without reservations
Program and Study Details Recommendations
Brief Program Study Analysis Study Program Target Relevant 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Citation Design Sample Location Grade Population Implementa- Courses Assess Networks College Financial
Size Levels tion Studies Entry Aid
Positive effects on one or more relevant outcomes
Bettinger et al. Free Randomized 866a Ohio and Grade 12 Low-income X

Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

(2009) Application controlled Charlotte, NC families with a
for Federal trial (RCT) high school senior
Student or a recent high
Aid (FAFSA) school graduateb
Cave et al. Career RCT 1,233 Seven of 24 Grades Low-income X X X
(1990) Beginnings program sites 11–12 students in
in the following urban areas
states: New
York, Indiana,
and Ohio
Constantine et Talent Quasi- 10,297 to Florida, Grades Low-income and Calahan X X X X
al. (2006) Search experimental 43,414c Indiana, 9–12d potentially first- et al. (2004)
design (QED) and Texas generation college
Johnson Sponsor-a- QED 139 to 401e Philadelphia Grades Students X X X X X
(1998) Scholar 8–12f with average
( 54 )

and eligible for
free or reduced-
price lunch
Kemple Talent QED 11 schoolsg Philadelphia Grades Students in Kemple X
et al. (2005) Develop- 9–12 schools that and Herlihy
ment High have difficulty (2004)
School with attendance,
and dropouts
No detectable effects on relevant outcomes
Bergin et al. EXCEL RCT 73 Medium-sized Grades Minority students X X X
(2007) city in the 8–12 with average
Midwest academic
Dynarksi Middle RCT 394 Seattle, WA Grades Students who Hershey et al. X
et al. (1998) College 9–12 are high school (1995)
High dropouts or likely
Schools dropouts

Table D1. Studies of college access programs that met WWC standards with or without reservations (continued)
Program and Study Details Recommendations
Brief Program Study Analysis Study Program Target Relevant 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Citation Design Sample Location Grade Population Implementa- Courses Assess Networks College Financial
Size Levels tion Studies Entry Aid
No detectable effects on relevant outcomes (continued)
Kemple (2000, Career RCT 1,458 Nine Career Grades Low-income Kemple and X
2001, 2004, Academies Academies sites: 9–12 students in large, Rock (1996);
2008) Pennsylvania, urban schools Kemple et al.
Maryland, (1999)
Florida, Texas,
California, and
District of
Schirm et al. Quantum RCT 1,069 Six QOP sites: Grades At-risk students in Maxfield X X X X X
(2006) Opportunity Cleveland, 9–12 schools with high et al. (2003)

Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

Program District of dropout rates
( 55 )

(QOP) Columbia,
Fort Worth,
and Yakima, WA
Seftor et al. Upward RCT 2,292h Nationally Grades Low-income Moore X X X X
(2009); Myers Bound representative 9–12 and potentially et al. (1997)
et al. (2004); sample of first-generation
Myers and Upward Bound students
Schirm (1999); projects
Myers et al.

a. This represents the sample size for the subgroup relevant to this practice guide: dependent participants who were mostly high school seniors. The study targeted low-income fami-
lies with a high school senior; a recent high school graduate; or an older, independent adult who was enrolled in college or who wanted to enroll in college. The total analysis sample
included 16,745 individuals.
b. The study also targeted low-income families with an independent adult who was enrolled in college or who wanted to enroll in college. However, the review of the study for this prac-
tice guide focused on the subgroup of dependent participants.
c. Sample size varies by state and analysis. Texas had a within-school analysis sample of 34,869 and an across-school analysis sample of 34,346. Indiana had a sample size of 10,927.
Florida had a sample size of 43,414 for the within-school analysis, and 14,721 for the across-school analysis.
d. Talent Search can start as early as 6th grade, but the study focuses on 9th graders.
e. Sample size varies by outcome.
f. Students receive services through the first year after high school graduation.
g. The authors used individual student data but did not report the number of students in the sample. All outcome measures had a sample size of 11 schools, but some measures included
more cohorts of students than did others.
h. Samples size varied for different outcomes. This represents the sample size for the analysis of college enrollment and financial aid.
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

Table D2. Studies of college access programs that potentially met WWC standards
Program and Study Details Recommendations
Brief Program Analysis Study 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Citation Sample Location Courses Assess Networks College Financial
Size Entry Informa-
Insufficient information to establish baseline equivalence
Allensworth et College Between 21,587 Chicago, IL X
al. (2008) preparatory and 26,197
coursework students per
requirement cohort (10 cohorts)
Attewell and Advanced Between 544 and National X
Domina (2008) high school 3,279 students
curriculum depending on the
Crook (1990) College Now 926 studentsa City X
of New York
Dougherty et Advanced Between 4,959 and Texas X
al. (2006) Placement (AP) 41,458 students
courses per subgroupb
Gandara (2002, High School 144 students California X X
2004); Gandara Puente high schools
et al. (1998)
Hargrove et al. AP Courses Between 38,907 Texas public X
(2008) and 42,199 high schools
students per
cohort (4 cohorts)
Howell, California Early More than 1 CSU– X
Kurlaender, Assessment million students Sacramento
and Grodsky Program students
Jeong (2009) AP courses Between 12,130 National X
and 12,870
depending on the
Keng and Dodd AP courses/ Varies by analysis University X
(2008) exams and cohortc of Texas at
Moreno (2002) Puente 62 students California X X
(31 matched pairs) high schools
Opuni (1999) Project GRAD 555 students for Houston, TX X
math analysis;
547 students for
reading analysisd
Standing et al. GEAR UP 2,687 students National X X
(2008) (administrative
record analysis)
and 2,578 students
(survey analysis)
Watt et al. AVID 20 high schools Texas X X

a. Most analyses use a sample of 926 students. One analysis of enrollment has a larger sample of 25,399 students, and another
analysis has a sample of 743 students.
b. All analysis is by subgroup, resulting in varying sample sizes.
c. Sample sizes range across four cohorts and across 10 different AP subjects.
d. These sample sizes are for the specific analyses in this study eligible for a WWC review.

( 56 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

Recommendation 1. limited evidence for this recommendation,

Offer courses and curricula that the panel believes that offering the courses
prepare students for college-level needed to prepare for college and inform-
work, and ensure that students ing about those courses are critical steps
understand what constitutes a for improving college access.
college-ready curriculum by 9th grade
Summary of evidence
Level of evidence: Low
The panel reviewed 25 studies related to
Despite the importance of this recom- college readiness and curricula. Of these,
mendation, the level of evidence that sup- six were related to curricular offerings,
ports it is low by WWC standards. This is none of which provided sufficient evidence
primarily a function of the challenge of to assign a WWC rating but could poten-
conducting research on course taking in tially meet standards.159 Five of the college
any experimental or quasi-experimental readiness studies examined the effects of
capacity. More than perhaps any other the Advancement Via Individual Determina-
recommendation in this guide, the related tion (AVID) program specifically: of these,
evidence is subject to major concerns four did not meet standards,160 and the
about selection bias: are the differences in other could potentially meet standards.161
observed outcomes between students who The fourteen remaining studies addressed
do and do not enroll in a given course at- elements of academic and curricular advis-
tributable to the effects of that course or to ing. Of these, studies of six programs met
some unobservable characteristics—moti- WWC standards with or without reserva-
vation, for example—that lead students to tions, and two of these had a positive ef-
take that course in the first place? fect on college enrollment.162 Three did not
meet evidence standards, and the remain-
The evidence for taking a college-ready ing five could potentially meet standards.
curriculum consists of six studies that po-
tentially met standards.155 Two of the stud-
ies provide mixed evidence on the effect Mixed evidence on implementing a
of a rigorous high school curriculum,156 college-ready or college prep curriculum
and four studies show positive effects of
Advanced Placement (AP) courses.157 The The panel drew on an extensive body of
evidence for academic advising is stronger, correlational work to reinforce its opinion
with six relevant programs that had studies
meeting standards, but the impact of aca- Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); Upward
demic advising could not be isolated from Bound—Myers et al. (2004); QOP—Schirm, Stuart,
other program components.158 Despite the and McKie (2006).
159. Allensworth et al. (2008); Attewell and
Domina (2008); Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian
155. Allensworth et al. (2008); Attewell and (2006); Hargrove, Godin, and Dodd (2008); Jeong
Domina (2008); Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian (2009); Keng and Dodd (2008).
(2006); Hargrove, Godin, and Dodd (2008); Jeong 160. Bailey (2002); Black et al. (2008); Lozano,
(2009); Keng and Dodd (2008). Watt, and Huerta (2009); Watt, Huerta, and Lo-
156. Allensworth et al. (2008); Attewell and zano (2007).
Domina (2008). 161. Watt et al. (2006).
157. Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian (2006); Har- 162. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
grove, Godin, and Dodd (2008); Jeong (2009); Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Mid-
Keng and Dodd (2008). dle College High School—Dynarski et al. (1998);
158. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007); Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); Upward
Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Mid- Bound—Myers et al. (2004); QOP—Schirm, Stuart,
dle College High School—Dynarski et al. (1998); and McKie (2006).

( 57 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

that schools must offer courses and cur- equivalence between its treatment and
ricula that prepare students for college. comparison groups, given that the sam-
The panel identified five studies using data ples are constructed from similar groups
from the National Center for Education of students at the same schools at differ-
Statistics (NCES)—typically, NELS, the Ed- ent periods of time, it is likely that they
ucation Longitudinal Study (ELS), or High would be similar on observable measures.
School and Beyond (HSB)163—that showed a The study finds that although more stu-
positive correlation between course taking dents completed the 9th grade with cred-
and outcomes related to this guide.164 Ad- its in algebra and English, there was no
ditionally, six recent quasi-experimental effect on test scores, dropout rates, or the
studies were identified and reviewed— likelihood of entering college, and fail-
two on rigorous curricula and four on AP ure rates increased. Attewell and Domina
specifically—that provide more caution- (2008) use NELS data to demonstrate that
ary evidence (and even some unintended taking a more intense curriculum in high
negative consequences) and could poten- school has positive effects on 12th-grade
tially meet standards.165 Also, five stud- test scores and probabilities of entering
ies of the AVID program were reviewed and completing college. Although the au-
and demonstrated positive effects of the thors used propensity score techniques
program, which mandates enrollment in to match samples of students, evidence of
the college prep track for all students, but equivalence between the groups was not
most of these did not meet standards and presented for each outcome.
one provided insufficient evidence to be
assigned a rating (but could potentially Although AP has been extensively studied,
meet standards).166 few evaluations use a comparison group
design to estimate the effect of AP course
Two studies with quasi-experimental de- taking on college outcomes. The panel iden-
signs (QEDs) were identified that studied tified four QEDs that could not be assigned
the effect of requiring students to en- a rating because they did not provide infor-
roll in a college prep curriculum.167 Most mation on the equivalence of the treatment
recently and notably, Allensworth et al. and comparison groups. Dougherty’s (2006)
(2008) use an interrupted time-series co- student-level analysis indicates that in all
hort design to measure the effects of the considered subgroups in Texas (Blacks,
policy in Chicago that ended remedial Hispanics, Whites, low-income students,
classes and required college prep course- and non-low-income students), the rate of
work for all students in the district. Al- bachelor’s degree attainment in each of the
though the study does not demonstrate three treatment groups (college-going high
school graduates who pass one or more
AP exams, those who take but do not pass
163. National Center for Education Statistics
(1992, 2002, 2006b). any AP exams, and those who take one
164. Adelman (1999, 2006); Gamoran and Hanni-
or more AP courses but do not take any
gan (2000); Lee and Ready (2009); Lee, Croninger, AP exams) is significantly higher than the
and Smith (1997). rate of bachelor’s degree attainment in the
165. Allensworth et al. (2008); Attewell and control group (college-going high school
Domina (2008); Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian (2006); graduates who do not take any AP courses
Hargrove, Godin, and Dodd (2008); Jeong (2009);
or exams), but no evidence is provided on
Keng and Dodd (2008); Spielhagan (2006).
the equivalence of those groups although
166. Bailey (2002); Black et al. (2008); Lozano,
Watt, and Huerta (2009); Watt, Huerta, and Lo- they are matched on SES and 8th-grade
zano (2007); Watt et al. (2006). test scores. Similarly, using ELS data, Jeong
167. Allensworth et al. (2008); Attewell and (2009) finds that enrollment in AP course-
Domina (2008). work in 11th or 12th grade is associated
( 58 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

with a significantly higher probability of showed increases in enrollment in courses

completing high school within four years of high rigor and in high school graduation
after the sophomore year of high school by the authors’ calculations.
and a significantly higher probability of
entering a four-year college within four
years after the sophomore year of high Limited evidence on academic advising
school. Hargrove (2008) reports that stu-
dents who took both the AP course and the The evidence to support the panel’s sug-
AP exam had higher college GPAs, earned gestion that schools promote comprehen-
more credits, and had higher graduation sion of what constitutes a college-ready
rates than did students who took only the curriculum and develop a four-year course
AP course or a non-AP course in the same trajectory with each 9th grader that leads
subject area. Keng and Dodd (2008) find to a fulfilled college prep track is stronger
that students who take AP courses and re- but not sufficient for a moderate rating.
ceive college credit for their exam scores The panel reviewed 13 empirical studies
have better college outcomes than do stu- with causal designs located in the WWC lit-
dents of similar abilities who do not par- erature search, including six that met stan-
ticipate in AP, but again, no information is dards with or without reservations,168 four
provided to enable the panel to determine that could potentially meet standards,169
the equivalence of those groups. and three that did not meet standards.170
Of the six that met WWC standards,171 the
AVID is an academic intervention that tar- evaluations nevertheless could not isolate
gets students “in the academic middle”— the effect of the advising practice from
those who are potentially first-generation other aspects of the intervention.
college students earning average grades—
and encourages them to enroll in the col- Talent Search provides its students with
lege prep curriculum at their school, in- information about the types of courses
cluding honors and AP classes. AVID places they should take to prepare for college. In
low-track students in high-track classes and Sponsor-a-Scholar, the mentor and a class
provides support for the students to tran- coordinator work with students and school
sition to college. AVID works hard to place staff to ensure that students are enrolled in
its students in college prep courses. It also a college preparation course of study. Two
provides students with exposure to an aca- quasi-experimental studies of the programs
demic environment similar to that found in
college classrooms. College entry skills and
168. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
academic survival skills including study Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Middle
habits, organization, management, critical College High Schools—Dynarski et al. (1998);
reading skills, and standardized college en- Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—
trance exam preparation are areas targeted Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward
Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
in the AVID elective class.
169. Puente—Gandara (2002, 2004); Puente—
Gandara, Mejorado, Gutierrez, and Molina (1998);
Like AP, the intervention has been exten- Puente—Moreno (2002).
sively but not rigorously studied. Four 170. Bailis et al. (1995); Math and Science Upward
studies of the program with causal de- Bound—Olsen et al. (2007); Early Academic Out-
signs did not meet standards. One stud- reach Program—Quigley (2003).
ied the effects of AVID on a set of matched 171. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
schools in Texas, although not enough in- Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Middle
College High Schools—Dynarski et al. (1998);
formation was provided to determine the Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—
equivalence of the treatment and compari- Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward
son groups, and found that AVID schools Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009).

( 59 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

found positive effects of their respective and for African-American students, more
programs on college enrollment.172 rigorous courses in general. The Gateway
to Higher Education program, designed to
Other applicable college outreach programs increase minority opportunities for college
involve academic advising in some capac- (particularly in the areas of math and sci-
ity. QOP is designed so that case managers ence), requires its participants to enroll in
provide advice on selecting college prepara- a curriculum designed to keep students on
tory courses in high school. EXCEL provides track to college, including a requirement
assistance in signing up for a college prepa- for science courses with lab components.
ration curriculum in high school, and it re- One study of Gateway found that it had a
quires that students pursue rigorous college positive effect on high school graduation,
preparation coursework to receive a schol- the number of college prep courses taken,
arship. Middle College High Schools encour- and the number of Regents exams taken,
age disadvantaged students to enroll in col- particularly in math and science. Regents
lege-level courses through dual enrollment tests are the standardized subject exami-
opportunities on a college campus. Upward nations required of New York State high
Bound projects offer academic counseling in school students.
addition to the host of courses that parallel
or anticipate the high school’s college prep Recommendation 2.
curriculum.173 However, rigorous studies of Utilize assessment measures
these four programs that met WWC stan- throughout high school so that
dards did not demonstrate any impacts on students are aware of how
outcomes relevant to this guide. prepared they are for college,
and assist them in overcoming
The panel identified causal studies of three deficiencies as they are identified
otherwise relevant programs for this rec-
ommendation that could potentially meet Level of evidence: Low
standards but did not provide sufficient
information to assign a rating. The Puente The panel determined that the level of evi-
program ensures that students are placed dence supporting this recommendation is
in college prep courses, and a school coun- low. In this case, the rating is not necessar-
selor assists students with selecting col- ily a result of limited or poor research: the
lege-level classes and may talk about col- ability to implement related data and assess-
lege prep requirements during the Puente ment systems is a fairly recent development.
class. The reviewed studies of Puente dem- Advances in both capabilities and resources
onstrated positive effects on high school devoted to state longitudinal datasets have
courses fulfilling California’s A–G require- been promising, but these data do not yet
ments and on enrollment in a four-year exist for many jurisdictions. As they become
college. GEAR UP provides information more prevalent, the panel expects that re-
on the types of courses students should search on their use also will expand.
take to prepare for college. Although the
national evaluation of the program does Although four programs with studies meet-
not yet report on high school outcomes, ing standards included practices related to
the authors find that students in GEAR UP data use and additional instruction to as-
schools are more likely to take above-grade- sist students, these practices were neither
level science courses in middle school, isolated in the evaluation nor necessar-
ily a major component of the program.174
172. Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006);
Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998). 174. Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006);
173. Moore et al. (1997). Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); Talent

( 60 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

Studies of two programs175 potentially More directly relevant to the recommen-

meeting standards suggest that the use of dation was a series of eight quasi-exper-
data to identify and notify students of their imental studies of four other programs
academic progress during high school had more concentrated on using assessment
an impact on college outcomes. There also measures to facilitate college readiness:
is suggestive evidence that district- or state-
wide use of assessments associated with California’s Early Assessment Program
college readiness (such as PLAN and ACT) (EAP) is a collaboration with the California
is associated with improved college out- State University (CSU) system to ensure
comes, but this correlation does not mean that college-bound high school graduates
that requiring students to take those tests attain the level of English and mathemat-
caused improved access to college.176 ics skills articulated by CSU faculty as nec-
essary for college success. CSU modified
Summary of evidence the 11th-grade California Standards Tests
to assess English and math and provide
To support its recommendation, the panel timeline information to juniors about their
reviewed 12 studies of eight programs or readiness for college English and math
interventions that use assessments and courses. The modified test provides di-
data to improve college access for dis- agnostic information at the student level.
advantaged students. For those students Students who are not assessed as college
identified as not college ready, the panel ready have the opportunity to enroll in
recommends that schools and districts an Expository Reading and Writing Course
develop individualized plans to support (ERWC) in their senior year to address de-
these students. The panel was able to de- ficiencies. The ERWC materials encourage
rive support for this suggestion from the students’ independent thinking and grap-
methods college prep and college access pling with text. One quasi-experimental
programs use to help students “catch up.” study of EAP179 showed positive effects
This includes four programs with stud- on reducing the need for remediation in
ies that met WWC standards with or with- college, but it did not provide sufficient
out reservations;177 two of which showed information to ensure that the matched
positive effects on college enrollment.178 groups of students were equivalent and
However, for each of these four programs, had matched on a measure of socioeco-
the applicability to this recommendation nomic status.180 Another compared the
is most tenuous, since the relevant com- outcomes of students enrolled in a 12th-
ponent involves providing tutoring and grade English course piloting the ERWC
other academic support to students iden- materials to those in a regular 12th-grade
tified as needy. English class.181 The authors found that
the treatment group’s performance on a
Development High Schools—Kemple, Herlihy, Reading and Composing Skills Test (RCST)
and Smith (2005); QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie was higher using a one-tailed significance
(2006). test; however, using a two-tailed test and
175. College Now—Crook (1990); California Early adjusting for clustering, the WWC found
Assessment Program (EAP)—Howell, Kurlaender, that this difference was not significant.
and Grodsky (2009).
176. ACT (2008a, 2008b, 2009a, 2009b).
College Now is an early warning and
177. Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); support system for students. Students
Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); Talent Devel-
opment High School—Kemple, Herlihy, and Smith
(2005); QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006). 179. Howell, Kurlaender, and Grodsky (2009).
178. Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); 180. Ibid.
Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998). 181. California State University (2005).

( 61 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

are evaluated in their junior high school ation requirements and to improve GPAs,
year based on a combination of their GPA achievement levels, and other student out-
and scores on the Regents tests. They are comes. One component of one study of
then told if they have the option to earn Project GRAD potentially met standards.
college credits free of charge in a dual en- The study did not provide sufficient infor-
rollment program, or whether they are in mation to establish equivalence of its treat-
need of remediation (in reading, writing, ment and comparison groups (the other
or math). One quasi-experimental study approaches do not meet WWC standards).
of College Now could not be assigned a The authors report that middle school stu-
rating because it did not provide informa- dents in the treatment group outperformed
tion on the equivalence of the treatment students in the comparison group on both
and comparison groups.182 According to reading and math on the Stanford 9185
reported point estimates, College Now and Texas Assessment of Academic Skills
participants are more likely than nonpar- (TAAS)186 tests.187 The other study compo-
ticipants to enroll in senior College of New nents examined program impacts on high
York (CUNY) colleges, to enroll in bachelor school outcomes but did not use a design
of arts programs, and to enroll for sec- that met WWC standards. The panel also
ond and third semesters in CUNY; College identified a well-designed, rigorous study of
Now participants also take fewer remedial Project GRAD in Houston, Texas, that nev-
courses and earn more degree credits in ertheless does not meet standards because
the first two semesters in CUNY than do the treatment and comparison schools are
nonparticipants. not equivalent in terms of race/ethnicity
and the study does not provide evidence of
GEAR UP is a schoolwide program de- equivalence on a measure of SES, which is a
signed to increase college awareness and necessary condition of meeting standards
preparedness for disadvantaged students, for this guide.188 However, the authors re-
and it is supposed to provide individual- port that the program had no impact on
ized academic support for students. Ac- the completion of algebra in ninth grade,
cording to the first report from the na- high school student achievement, four-year
tional study of GEAR UP programs (which graduation rates, or completion of a college
does not report on any high school or post- prep curriculum on-time.
secondary outcomes and does not provide
sufficient information to assign a rating), Finally, support comes from correlational
the supplemental services provided to studies showing positive effects from im-
students, such as tutoring, were targeted plementation of different elements of ACT’s
to those students with academic problems College Readiness System:189 EXPLORE
and those who were not performing well and PLAN, administered in 8th and 10th
on standardized assessments.183 Another grades as precursors to the ACT; the ACT
study of GEAR UP in California similarly (along with the SAT, one of two national
does not provide information to establish college admissions tests); and COMPASS,
group equivalence and shows no signifi- the national college placement test admin-
cant effect of GEAR UP by 8th grade.184 istered by ACT. The argument for adminis-
tering such exams jurisdiction-wide to all
Project GRAD staff place a premium on
data analysis—to understand and track
students’ progress toward meeting gradu- 185. Pearson (1996).
186. Texas Education Agency (2002).
182. Crook (1990). 187. Opuni (1999).
183. Standing et al. (2008). 188. Snipes et al. (2006).
184. Cabrera et al. (2006). 189. ACT (2008a, 2008b, 2009a, 2009b).

( 62 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

students is that it sets signals for academic not provide evidence on the causal effect
achievement and provides everyone, even of college-going peers.193 Despite the low
students who had not previously consid- evidence rating, the panel believes that
ered college, with the chance to identify ac- linking students with college-going adults
ademic strengths and weaknesses. The cor- and peers is important for building aspira-
relational studies conducted by ACT found tions and supporting college entry.
that outcomes improved jurisdiction-wide
for the entire population of tested students Summary of evidence
at rates similar to those of college-bound
students nationally. The panel separately reviewed studies
for each of the steps that make up this
Recommendation 3. recommendation.
Surround students with adults and
peers who build and support their Mixed evidence on mentoring
college-going aspirations
Four programs had studies that met
Level of evidence: Low or potentially met standards and pro-
vided mentoring services.194 Studies of
The panel defined the level of evidence Sponsor-a-Scholar, Career Beginnings,
for this recommendation as low because and Puente reported a positive impact
of limited evidence that the recommended on college enrollment,195 whereas a
practices improve college enrollment rates. study of QOP found no impact on college
Although the panel identified evidence enrollment.196
that supports mentoring—the first step of
this recommendation—there is limited evi- The Sponsor-a-Scholar program matched
dence on the other two steps. Six programs Philadelphia public school students to an
with studies meeting or potentially meet- adult mentor for five years starting in 9th
ing standards are aligned with one or more grade. Mentors were expected to meet with
steps in this recommendation.190 Three of students at least monthly to monitor their
these programs had a positive impact on academic performance and assist them in
college enrollment,191 and three did not preparing and applying for college. For ex-
impact enrollment.192 However, isolating ample, the program asked mentors to re-
the impact of the recommended practices view students’ report cards for each grad-
is difficult because these programs in- ing period and to help students stay on
cluded a variety of other strategies. A few track academically. A program coordina-
correlational studies reported a relation- tor recruited mentors, matched them to
ship between having friends with college students, and monitored mentoring rela-
plans and college enrollment, but they do tionships. The quasi-experimental study of
Sponsor-a-Scholar found that the program
increased college attendance in the first two
190. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); Puente—
Gandara (2002); Career Academies—Kemple 193. Horn and Chen (1998); Hossler, Schmit, and
(2004); QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Vesper (1999); Sokatch (2006).
Upward Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm 194. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
(2009). Puente— Gandara (2002, 2004); Sponsor-a-
191. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm, Stuart,
Puente—Gandara (2002); Sponsor-a-Scholar— and McKie (2006).
Johnson (1998). 195. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
192. Career Academies—Kemple (2004); QOP— Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—
Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006).
Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009). 196. QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006).

( 63 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

years after high school but had no impact ing. The study matched 72 Puente students
on whether students remained enrolled be- in three California high schools to 72 non-
tween the first and second years.197 Puente students based on grades, reading
scores, ethnicity, social background, and
The Career Beginnings program offered gender.200 However, there was insufficient
students a two-year relationship with an information to determine whether these
adult mentor in addition to academic tu- two groups were comparable on a mea-
toring, summer jobs, and various college sure of socioeconomic status (a require-
preparation activities. Mentors were college- ment for quasi-experimental studies in
educated professionals who served as role this guide to meet standards with reser-
models for students and assisted them in vations). The author reports a significant
developing career goals and applying to col- positive effect on four-year college enroll-
lege. The random assignment study of Ca- ment but did not provide information on
reer Beginnings did not report a significant the statistical significance of other college
impact on enrollment in two-year colleges enrollment outcomes. The Puente pro-
or enrollment in four-year colleges, but it re- gram recruited mentors from the local
ported a significant impact when these two community to serve as role models for
outcomes were combined (i.e., enrollment in Latino high school students and to spend
two- and four-year colleges). Although men- time with students’ families. As a note
tors were an important component of the of caution, the study found that mentors
Career Beginnings approach, the program had difficulty establishing a relationship
included several other activities, such as with 9th-grade students who were often
summer employment, that make it difficult focused on the day-to-day challenges at
to assess the role of mentoring in contribut- school rather than on long-term education
ing to program impacts. plans. The authors suggest this may have
been related to the characteristics of the
QOP assigned a case manager to at-risk mentors themselves, and they report that
students for five years who was expected group activities for mentors and students
to serve in a mentoring role. Case man- and efforts by mentors to reach out to par-
agers worked with about 15 to 25 partici- ents were useful strategies.
pants and often developed relationships
described as similar to “that of a caring The panel relied on three additional pro-
aunt or uncle.”198 In addition to mentor- grams for mentoring practices, although
ing services, the program offered supple- these programs had studies that did not
mental instruction, support services, and meet WWC standards. The College Bound
community service activities. The random program recruits Boston College students
assignment study of QOP in seven sites to mentor students in local high schools.
found no impact on college enrollment, The mentors develop a relationship with
retention, or attainment.199 students through monthly meetings and
advise them about the college application
The High School Puente program had one and selection processes.201 The Washington
study that potentially meets standards. State Achievers program, which also in-
The quasi-experimental study did not pro- cludes college scholarships, links students
vide sufficient information to assign a rat- to “hometown mentors” from the commu-
nity who assist students with the college
197. The author reports that college enrollment and financial aid application processes be-
in the second year after high school was signifi-
cant at the 0.10 significance level.
198. Maxfield et al. (2003). 200. Gandara (2002).
199. Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006). 201. Ladd (1992).

( 64 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

ginning in their junior year.202 The I Have ties cannot be distinguished from other
a Dream program does not match students aspects of the program.208
to mentors, but it has a program coordina-
tor who is expected to assist and support The panel used practices from two pro-
students throughout middle and high school grams with studies that potentially meet
on their path to college.203 standards. The Puente program encour-
aged the formation of peer groups by mix-
Limited evidence on the role of peers ing high- and low-achieving Latino stu-
dents in an English class for two years.209
Three programs with studies that met In addition, Puente students participated
or potentially met standards focused on in a club that supported their college prep-
the role of peers, including one that had a aration activities. The study of Puente po-
positive impact on college enrollment,204 tentially meets standards because there
one that had no impact on enrollment,205 was insufficient information to assess
and one with a study that did not measure baseline equivalence of the treatment
college enrollment.206 All three programs and control groups. The study reported
organized students into groups that facili- a significant positive impact on four-year
tated academically oriented friendships. college enrollment, but it did not provide
However, these programs do not provide information on statistical significance for
direct evidence on the role of peers because other types of college enrollment.
they consist of several other components
designed to improve college access. The AVID program places promising stu-
dents on a college preparatory track and
Only one program with a study meeting provides multiple activities to prepare and
standards relied on an approach relevant support these students academically. The
for this recommendation.207 Career Acad- program encourages the formation of a
emies group students into small learning peer group by having students take a year-
communities of 50 to 75 students who long AVID course that teaches study skills,
take academy classes together through- provides tutoring, and assists students in
out high school. The program encour- preparing for college. The program pro-
aged collaboration among students and motes a group identity by using an AVID
expected the academies to serve as “com- logo, setting aside a classroom for AVID
munities of support” for students. This students, and providing opportunities for
approach promoted the formation of ac- students to collaborate.210 One study of
ademically oriented peer groups among AVID potentially meets standards, but it
students. Although a large random as- provided insufficient information to assess
signment study of Career Academies in equivalence of the matched treatment and
nine schools found no impact on high comparison groups. The study matched
school graduation, college enrollment, or 10 AVID high schools to 10 non-AVID high
postsecondary attainment, the effective- schools based on student race and SES
ness of the small learning community as well as school size, type (i.e., urban or
approach to career exploration activi- rural), and accountability rating.211 The
authors did not report college enrollment
202. Engle, Bermeo, and O’Brien (2006). outcomes but found a positive effect of
203. Kahne and Bailey (1999); Kuboyama (2000); the program on school-level achievement.
McGrath and Hayman (1997).
204. Gandara (2004). 208. Ibid.
205. Kemple (2004). 209. Gandara (2004).
206. Watt et al. (2006). 210. Guthrie and Guthrie (2002); Mehan (1996).
207. Kemple (2004). 211. Watt et al. (2006).

( 65 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

However, the study did not report the sta- study of Upward Bound found that a major-
tistical significance of this finding. ity of sites provide job-shadowing opportu-
nities. A random assignment study of Up-
ward Bound found no significant impact on
Lack of evidence on career exploration high school completion, college enrollment,
or college credits earned.216 The program
The panel identified two programs with did have a positive significant impact on
studies meeting standards that offered ca- four-year college attendance for first-gener-
reer exploration activities, although neither ation students. However, these impacts can-
had an impact on college enrollment.212 not be attributed specifically to career devel-
Career exploration activities represent a opment activities because Upward Bound
major component of the Career Academies included several other components.
approach and are commonly implemented
by Upward Bound sites. The panel could The panel relied on practices from four pro-
not isolate the effect of career exploration grams that did not have studies meeting
activities because both programs consist of standards. The Lansing Area Manufactur-
several other components—Career Acad- ing Partnership (LAMP) linked students to
emies offer a comprehensive school-to- work-based learning experiences in a local
work approach that organizes students into General Motors factory, including several
small learning communities and combines hands-on activities. Although a study of the
vocational and college preparatory curri- program matched participants to nonpartic-
cula, and Upward Bound prepares students ipants based on gender, race, age, GPA, and
academically for college through classes of- school, the two groups were not matched
fered during the school year and summer. on an indicator of socioeconomic status.217
An implementation study of the School-to-
Career Academies implement a variety Work Opportunities Act included surveys
of career exploration activities, includ- of school-to-work partnerships, student
ing speakers from the business commu- surveys, and case studies of eight states.218
nity, visits to employer sites, career fairs, According to the study, students viewed
and job shadowing.213 Career Academies one-on-one interaction with an adult—job
often offer a sequence of career activi- shadowing, paid jobs, and unpaid intern-
ties, beginning with interest inventories ships—as the most useful type of career
and employer site visits, and leading up exploration activity. An implementation of
to job shadowing and internships.214 Ca- GEAR UP in Austin, Texas, describes how the
reer Academies students take classes in program used online interest inventories to
learning communities that are organized identify students’ career interests and help
around different career themes. them understand the knowledge and skills
needed for their area of interest.219 The
Most Upward Bound grantees offer career Roads to Success program, which is being
development activities, such as career plan- evaluated in a random assignment study
ning assistance, meetings with employers,
employer site visits, and job shadowing.215
Although detailed information about these 216. Myers et al. (2004); Seftor, Mamun, and
Schirm (2009).
activities is not available, an implementation
217. MacAllum et al. (2002). In addition, the study
did not provide information to assess the equiv-
212. Kemple (2004); Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm alence of the treatment and comparison groups
(2009). used in the analysis.
213. Kemple, Poglinco, and Snipes (1999). 218. Hershey et al. (1999).
214. Ibid. 219. Austin Independent School District, Office
215. Moore et al. (1997). of Program Evaluation (2002).

( 66 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

that has not produced impact findings yet, lead to positive impacts, the panel defined
helps students link their career interests and the level of evidence for this recommenda-
education plans.220 tion as moderate.

Recommendation 4. Summary of evidence

Engage and assist students
in completing critical steps Six programs that assisted students with
for college entry the college entry process had studies that
met standards.225 Three of these programs
Level of evidence: Moderate had positive effects on college access or
college enrollment outcomes,226 and three
The panel judged the level of evidence for had no impact on college enrollment.227
this recommendation to be moderate. Six
programs with studies meeting standards A main purpose of the Talent Search pro-
with or without reservations provided as- gram is to assist students with the college
sistance with the college entry process.221 entry process. The program sites often
Although these programs consisted of have staff who work directly with students
other strategies to prepare students for to counsel and advise them about the col-
college, all of them focused on helping stu- lege admissions process.228 An implemen-
dents complete the steps to college entry. tation study found that more than 90 per-
Three of the programs had a positive im- cent of projects provide college orientation
pact on college enrollment,222 and three activities, college visits, and counseling.229
had no impact on enrollment.223 The panel In addition, project directors described
notes that the evidence for this recom- college visits as one of the top two activi-
mendation focuses on programs that serve ties that contributed to program objec-
low-income and first-generation students tives.230 The large-scale study of Talent
with average academic achievement. Only Search participants in three states found
one program, which did not find an im- positive effects on the percentage of stu-
pact, specifically targeted students at risk dents taking college entrance exams and
for dropping out of high school.224 Since college enrollment.231
programs that assisted students with the
college entry process did not consistently 225. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Tal-
ent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Sponsor-
220. Roads to Success (2008a, 2008b).
a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm, Stu-
221. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007); art, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor,
Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Tal- Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
ent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Sponsor-
226. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm, Stu-
Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Spon-
art, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor,
sor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998).
Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
227. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
222. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward
Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Spon-
Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009). One
sor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998).
of the studies finding no detectable effects on
223. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007); college access or enrollment outcomes found
QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward mixed effects on high school academic outcomes,
Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009). One which the panel deemed not relevant for this
of the studies finding no detectable effects on recommendation.
college access or enrollment outcomes found
228. Calahan et al. (2004).
mixed effects on high school academic outcomes,
which the panel deemed not relevant for this 229. Ibid.
recommendation. 230. Ibid.
224. QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006). 231. Constantine et al. (2006).

( 67 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

The Sponsor-a-Scholar program in Phila- An implementation study of the QOP sites

delphia had an academic coordinator who suggests several types of activities to as-
set up college entrance exam preparation sist students in completing the steps for
classes, planned college visits, and held college entry. Case managers encouraged
workshops on selecting a college and pre- students to take college entrance exams
paring for the challenges of college.232 In and in some sites paid the exam registra-
addition, mentors were expected to pro- tion fees.235 Several QOP sites also helped
vide one-on-one assistance with the col- participants prepare for entrance exams
lege admissions process. The author re- by offering tutoring or purchasing train-
ports that the program had a significant ing software. A few sites also purchased
positive impact on a broad measure of books and CD-ROMs that provided enroll-
college preparation activities that summed ees with test-taking tips and sample ex-
up the number of preparation activities in aminations. Case managers provided as-
which students participated. sistance in completing college applications
and organized college visits for students.
There is limited information on the college The large-scale random controlled trial of
preparation activities offered by the seven QOP found no significant effects on col-
Career Beginnings sites that were studied. lege enrollment. Perhaps most relevant to
The random assignment study found that this recommendation, study authors also
sites offered workshops or classes on tak- noted that QOP’s policy of having a case
ing college entrance exams and classes on manager on duty for a large number of
completing college admissions forms.233 hours weekly was somewhat unrealistic
Career Beginnings had a positive impact and therefore not always implemented ac-
on college enrollment; the direct effect of cording to the QOP model.
the college preparation activities cannot
be determined, however, since the extent EXCEL staff encouraged and guided stu-
of these college preparation activities was dents through the college application pro-
not clear. cess. The EXCEL program also held work-
shops on campus and allowed students
Upward Bound projects helped students to live in college dormitories during the
prepare for college entrance exams (PSAT summer sessions. The summer institutes
and SAT) and provided assistance with provided writing instruction to assist stu-
college applications and financial aid dents in writing essays. A small random
forms.234 The program also provided op- assignment study of EXCEL in one Mid-
portunities for students to visit colleges, western city found no detectable effects
and many sites encouraged students to on college enrollment the fall after high
live on campus for the summer academic school graduation.236
course sessions. Although there was lim-
ited information on the quality or intensity Three additional programs had studies
of these services, they are a common part that potentially met standards237 or did
of program services. Upward Bound had not meet standards.238 The panel judged
no effects on enrollment or persistence in the practices discussed in the studies to
two- or four-year colleges for program par-
ticipants, but it had a significant impact on
235. Maxfield et al. (2003).
four-year college attendance for students
236. Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007).
with low academic expectations.
237. Puente—Gandara (2002); AVID—Watt et al.
232. Johnson (1998).
238. I Have a Dream—Kahne and Bailey (1999);
233. Cave and Quint (1990). I Have a Dream—Kuboyama (2000); I Have a
234. Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009). Dream—McGrath and Hayman (1997).

( 68 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

be similar to practices implemented in offered grew over time.241 The study fo-
programs with studies that met standards cused on program implementation in the
with or without reservations and included 7th and 8th grades, but it did not provide
practices described in these studies as sufficient information to assess baseline
supplemental evidence of a practice. equivalence. The initial findings described
the program’s effect on students’ and par-
A study of the AVID program potentially ents’ education expectations and knowl-
meets standards but could not be rated be- edge of postsecondary opportunities.
cause there was insufficient information to
assess baseline equivalence. Students par- In the I Have a Dream program, sites worked
ticipating in AVID were given extra coach- individually with and monitored each partic-
ing on how to write statements of purpose ipant’s college application process. One site
and how to fill out college applications hired a college counselor from a prestigious
and financial aid forms, and they were re- private school to meet with each participant,
minded about test and application dead- and another site assigned an AmeriCorps
lines. At one site, to familiarize students member to focus entirely on this process.242
with college catalogs and to help them There were no studies of the I Have a Dream
choose an appropriate college, students program that met standards.
received a handout called “Choosing Your
College” that contained a checklist of infor- Recommendation 5.
mation typically found in college catalogs Increase families’ financial
and were instructed to fill in the informa- awareness, and help students
tion for a particular college according to apply for financial aid
the assigned checklist.239 The study that
potentially met standards did not measure Level of evidence: Moderate
the program’s effect on college enrollment
but reported a positive effect on school- The panel judged the level of evidence for
level achievement. However, the study did this recommendation as moderate because
not provide information on the statistical there is evidence that the recommended
significance of this finding. practices increased the financial assistance
application rate and the college enrollment
Counselors from the Puente program ar- rate. Two programs with studies meeting
range college visits, including overnight standards with reservations informed stu-
trips, for students.240 Parents often are in- dents about financial aid opportunities
vited on these visits to make them more and provided hands-on assistance in com-
comfortable with the college environment. pleting financial aid applications.243 Both
The program also introduces students to of these programs had a positive impact
representatives from Latino student groups on financial aid application and college
on campus. A study of the Puente program enrollment. Although five other programs
potentially meets standards and reported with studies meeting standards with and
a positive impact on four-year college en- without reservations provided financial
rollment. A national study of GEAR UP that aid services, the level and intensity of
potentially meets standards found that col-
lege visits were common across all of the
sites and that the number of college visits
241. Standing et al. (2008).
242. Kahne and Bailey (1999); Kuboyama (2000);
239. Mehan (1996); Watt et al. (2006). McGrath and Hayman (1997).
240. Gandara (2004); Grubb, Lara, and Valdez 243. FAFSA Experiment—Bettinger et al. (2009);
(2002). Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006).

( 69 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

these services were often unclear.244 Two enrollment,249 and three found no impact
of these studies measured financial aid on enrollment.250
outcomes and found no impact,245 and
the findings for college enrollment were The FAFSA Experiment compared two in-
mixed across these five studies. Since the terventions designed to improve the fi-
two programs that closely correspond nancial aid and college enrollment rates.
with the panel’s recommendation had a The main intervention consisted of an
positive impact on financial aid application H&R Block tax professional using a fam-
and college enrollment, the panel assigned ily’s income tax return and a structured
a moderate level of evidence. protocol of questions to fill out the FAFSA,
offering to submit the FAFSA form free
Summary of evidence of charge, and providing information on
financial aid eligibility for local colleges.
Seven programs with studies meeting A second intervention offered families in-
standards offered some form of financial formation on their financial aid eligibility
aid assistance, often informing students based on their tax return without assist-
and parents about financial aid or helping ing them in completing or submitting the
students with financial aid applications.246 FAFSA. The main intervention had a sig-
The types of practices recommended by nificant positive impact on financial aid
the panel formed a major part of Talent application and college enrollment for the
Search and the FAFSA Experiment, and dependent participants, who were mostly
both had a significant impact on applica- high school seniors. The information-only
tion for financial aid and college enroll- intervention did not have an impact on
ment.247 Five other programs offered fi- either outcome.
nancial aid assistance, but the studies of
these programs did not provide sufficient A primary goal of Talent Search is to in-
information on the type and frequency form students about the availability of fi-
of these services. Among these five pro- nancial aid, provide financial aid counsel-
grams, two had studies measuring finan- ing, and assist students in completing the
cial aid outcomes and found no impact,248 FAFSA. Almost all Talent Search projects
two found a positive impact on college report providing these services, and both
students and project staff emphasize the
importance of financial aid assistance.251
244. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
Programs often provide general informa-
Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Spon-
sor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm, tion that raises awareness of financial aid
Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor, in the middle school and early high school
Mamun, and Schirm (2009). grades and then offer counseling and one-
245. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); on-one support in filling out the FAFSA in
Upward Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm the junior and senior years. A quasi-exper-
imental study of Talent Search students in
246. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
Florida, Indiana, and Texas found that the
FAFSA Experiment—Bettinger et al. (2009); Ca-
reer Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Talent program had a substantial impact on the
Search—Constantine et al. (2006); Sponsor-a- financial aid application rate and postsec-
Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm, Stu-
art, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor,
Mamun, and Schirm (2009). 249. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990);
247. FAFSA Experiment—Bettinger et al. (2009); Sponsor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998).
Talent Search—Constantine et al. (2006). 250. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
248. Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); QOP—Schirm, Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward
Upward Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm Bound—Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009).
(2009). 251. Calahan et al. (2004).

( 70 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

ondary enrollment.252 The authors found is not clear from the seven sites included
effect sizes between 0.34 and 0.67 for the in the study meeting standards.257 The
financial aid application rate, and persis- study reports that one site enlisted the
tence of these effects when controlling for help of a financial aid officer and another
high school graduation. held classes on completing financial aid
forms, although there is limited informa-
Five other programs with studies meet- tion to assess the prevalence and quality
ing standards provided assistance with of financial aid services. A random assign-
the financial aid process, but detailed in- ment study of Career Beginnings found
formation on their financial aid practices that the program did not have a significant
was lacking.253 impact on scholarship receipt or student
loan usage, but it did increase college en-
Although Upward Bound focuses on pro- rollment (i.e., enrollment in a two- or four-
viding academic coursework during the year college).
school year and summer, the program of-
fers several nonacademic services as well. Sponsor-a-Scholar mentors and QOP case
An implementation study of Upward Bound managers assisted students with finan-
found that most sites provide assistance cial aid applications, and both programs
with financial aid, but the intensity of these held workshops on the financial aid pro-
services varied widely.254 Some sites offered cess.258 The studies of both programs did
a workshop on financial aid, whereas others not provide enough detail to determine
met with students and parents on multiple the frequency or quality of these services,
occasions to assist with the financial aid and neither study measured financial aid
application process.255 The prevalence of outcomes. As described, Sponsor-a-Scholar
one-on-one financial aid counseling could had a positive impact on college enroll-
not be determined from the available stud- ment, and QOP had no impact on college
ies. The random assignment study of the enrollment, retention, or degree attain-
program did not find a significant impact ment. Although a study of EXCEL notes
on financial aid application or receipt, or on that the program assisted parents with
postsecondary enrollment or attainment.256 financial aid forms, there is no additional
The study did report a significant impact on information to determine the financial
financial aid application for students who aid assistance provided through the pro-
participated in the program for a longer gram.259 A relatively small random assign-
period of time. ment study of about 70 students found
that the program did not have a positive
The implementation of financial aid assis- impact on college enrollment.260
tance in the Career Beginnings program
The panel examined two programs with
252. Constantine et al. (2006). The study found studies that potentially meet standards
differences in the financial aid application rate for practices related to engaging parents.
between participants and nonparticipants of 14, Parent involvement formed a major part of
17, and 28 percentage points in Indiana, Florida, the Puente program (described in recom-
and Texas, respectively.
mendation 3). The program has parents at-
253. EXCEL—Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007);
tend interviews along with students, hosts
Career Beginnings—Cave and Quint (1990); Spon-
sor-a-Scholar—Johnson (1998); QOP—Schirm,
Stuart, and McKie (2006); Upward Bound—Seftor, 257. Cave and Quint (1990).
Mamun, and Schirm (2009). 258. Johnson (1998); Schirm, Stuart, and McKie
254. Moore et al. (1997). (2006).
255. Ibid. 259. Bergin, Cooks, and Bergin (2007).
256. Seftor, Mamun, and Schirm (2009). 260. Ibid.

( 71 )
Appendix D. Technical information on the studies

informal parent nights, and holds one-on- in the 9th and 10th grades and provided
one parent meetings with a Puente coun- individual assistance with financial aid
selor.261 Parents receive financial aid infor- and college applications in the 11th and
mation and counseling. A national study of 12th grades. A quasi-experimental study
GEAR UP that potentially meets standards of the program compared participants
created a matched comparison group of and nonparticipants but did not include
GEAR UP and non–GEAR UP schools, but an indicator of socioeconomic status to
it did not provide sufficient information to match students. The Kids2College pro-
assess equivalence of the analysis sample. gram provided financial aid information
As part of the study, the authors found to middle school students as part of its
that sites that effectively engaged parents college awareness program that helped
used two practices: 9- to 10-week parent prepare students for college. A study of
institutes and individual counseling ses- the program examined the pre- and post-
sions for parents and children.262 The in- program outcomes of participants, but it
stitutes consisted of a series of workshops did not have a comparison group of stu-
to inform parents about how to help their dents.263 The Neighborhood Academic Ini-
children prepare for college. tiative (NAI) coordinates a Family Develop-
ment Institute that includes information
The panel considered practices from three on financial aid and works with a financial
other programs that provided financial aid aid officer from the University of South-
information or assistance, but it did not ern California to assist students in com-
have a study that met standards. The Bal- pleting financial aid application forms.264
timore College Bound program conducted The panel did not identify any comparison
presentations on financial aid for students group studies of the NAI.

261. Grubb, Lara, and Valdez (2002). 263. Cunningham, Erisman, and Looney (2007).
262. Standing et al. (2008). 264. Tierney and Jun (2001).

( 72 )
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