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LQA Sheet on Basic Duties of a Muslim

1. Name the five basic duties of Islam and explain why they are so
important in the life of a Muslim.
The five basic duties of Islam are:
a. Shahadah (declaration of faith).
b. Establishment of Salah (five daily prayers).
c. Payment of Zakah (welfare contribution).
d. Sawm in the month of Ramadan (Fasting).
e. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah).
They are very important in the life of a Muslim. The first pillar Shahadah
is about tawhid and risalah of Muhammad (SM.). These two are the
main beliefs of Islam. A man accepts Islam and starts his life as Allah’s
servant when he believes and declares these two principles. The other
four pillars Salah, Zakah, Sawm and Hajj are the main forms of Ibadah. If
we perform them regularly and correctly, we come closer to Allah, our
Creator. They make up the training programme which is required to
shape our life around Shahadah. So we must practice these properly in
order to behave like the servants of our Creator.
2. Write out the declaration of faith.
3. Name the five daily prayers, and explain the reason behind their
Allah says in the Quran:
“Indeed, the prayer is on the believers prescribed at fixed time.” (Surah
An-Nisa: 103)
Fajr: The time for the Fajr salah begins at dawn and ends at sunrise.
Zuhr: The time for the Zuhr salah starts post-noon and ends at the
beginning of the last part of the afternoon.
Asr: The time for the Asr salah begins during the later part of the
afternoon and ends just before sunset.
Maghrib: The time of the Maghrib salah begins at sunset and ends when
the night begins.
Isha: The Isha salah begins at night and ends just before dawn.

There is a lot of common sense and wisdom in the timing of these salah.
They divide up the day in ways which match the division of the day for
our work and study. Through five times prayer, we can remember Allah
at the important times of the day including the beginning at the end and
have a remembrance of Him through out.
The whole day ‘Offering fajr salah before sunrise we begin our day with
the remembrance of Allah . Zuhr- Early afternoon is another important
time when we take rest after working for a long time. Now we go back
to Allah and pray to Him in order to remember Him. Before sunset by
one or two hour we offer Salatul Asr. This is another important time of
the day. The forth Salah-Maghrib is offered immediately after sunset.
We start our night with this Salah. It is necessary that we thank Allah for
the blessings He has given us during the day. It is also necessary to seek
Allah’s protection during the coming night. Finally we stand before
Allah again and offer salah Isha before going to bed. In this way through
five prayer we remember Allah, that Allah and ask His forgiveness at the
important times of the day Allah says: “Establish Salah to remember

Key Stage 4
1. “Islam is based on five things:….” Read the Hadith stated on page
40 about the five pillars of Islam, and explain how they are
intended to transform a Mulsim’s life.
Ans: In the hadith, Islam is based on five things. The pillars of Islam are:
Shahadah, Salah, Zakah, Sawm and Hajj. The first pillar Sahadah is
anout Tawhid and Risalah by this, man declares and decides to obey
Allah and follow his prophet (SM.). The other four pillars salah, Zakah,
Sawm and Hajj are the main forms of Ibadah. They make us practice to
behave like the servants of Allah and make us closer to Allah.
Shahadah makes us obedient to Allah alone. Salah reminds us of Him
and His commands five times day and keeps us away from evil and
shameful things.
Zakah purifies our mind and wealth. Sawm develops Taqwa- fear of
Allah. And Hajj turns our whole existence towards Allah. So we see that
all these pillars transform our whole life and make us true servants of
2. If performing regular salah does not affect our lives there must be
something wrong in our awareness of Allah. Why? Explain in
Salah is the second pillar of Islam and the main form of Ibadah. It has
been designed to help us to remember Allah. It reminds us that we are
His servants. It brings us closer to Him. Allah says in the Quran:
“Indeed, I am Allah; There is no god except Myself. So worship Me and
establish Salah to remember Me.”
Again, Salah makes us obedient to Allah and keeps us away from bad
and shameful things.
Allah says: “Indeed, Salah restrains from shameful and evil deeds.”
Above the discussions indicate that salah turns our whole life and makes
us true servants of Allah. If performing regular Salah does not affect our
lives, there must have been some defect in our salah and some things
wrong in our awareness of Allah. In that case we should think of our
salah very carefully, find out the defect and remove if then salah will
give good results to us.

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3. When does Wudu need to be done again?
Ans: Pg 44
4. Why is Taharah important in the life of a Muslim?

Ans: Taharah or purity is one of the essential and very important

qualities of a Muslim. A man must be pure, pure in both body and mind
to be a true Muslim. Purity is a part of the faith Allh loves purity and
does not accept salah without this. The Prophet (SM.) said,
“Allah is pure. He loves purity and purity is a part of the faith.”

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