Level5 Lesson18

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够 + Verb / Adj. + 了
Gòu hǎole
good enough

Nǐ de zhōngwén gòu hǎole, yǐjīng kěyǐ tīng dǒng xīnwénle
Your Chinese is good enough; you can already understand news by hearing.

Gòu duōle
enough quantity

Nǐ shuō de gòu duōle, ràng biérén shuō shuō ba
You have said enough; let other speak.

Gòu piàoliangle
Already very pretty/ pretty enough.

Zhè gōngyuán gòu piàoliangle, wǒmen zài zhèlǐ pāi jiéhūn zhào ba
This park is pretty enough. Let’s take our wedding photos here.

Gòu huāle
Enough money to spend
Jiějiě de gōngzī gòu huāle, hái yǒu cúnkuǎn
Older sister’s salary is enough and she has saving.

Gòu yòngle
Enough to use

bú yào duō mǎi, gòu yòngle jiù hǎo
Don’t buy too much; getting enough is just right.

Gòu chīle
Enough to eat.

Bié duō diǎn cài, yǐjīng gòu chīle
Don’t order too much dishes. It is already enough to eat.

Subj. + 不 + 够 + Adj. / Verb

bú gòu duō
not enough quantity

Yīnwèi gōngsī de rén bú gòu duō, dàjiā zǒng shì yào jiābān
Because of lacking employees, everyone has to work overtime all the time.

bú gòu dà
not big enough.
Yuànzi bú gòu dà, xiǎo gǒu xiǎng chūqù pǎo pǎo
The yard is not big enough; the little dog wants to ran out.

bú gòu nǔlì
not work hard enough

Zhè cì xiǎo zhāng méiyǒu shēng zhí shì bú gòu nǔlì ma?
This time little zhang did not get to promoted; was it because he did not
work hard enough?

bú gòu zuò
not enough to sit on

Qǐng zài ná yī zhāng yǐzi, rén duō bú gòu zuò.
Please bring one more chair, lots of people and not enough chairs.

bú gòu dàshēng
not loud enough

我听不见, 因为你不够大声。
Wǒ tīng bú jiàn, yīnwèi nǐ bùgòu dàshēng
I couldn’t hear you as you were not loud enough.

bú gòu fàng
not enough to store things
Mèimei de bāo tài xiǎole, bú gòu fàng shū
Younger sister’s bag is too small to fit her books in.

bú gòu qīngchǔ
not clear enough

Duìbùqǐ, shì wǒ shuō de bú gòu qīngchǔ
Sorry. I did not say it clearly enough.

Bié shuōle, wǒ tīng gòule
don’t talk. I have had enough.

Nǐ wán gòule méiyǒu
have you not played enough/ have you not been fooling around enough?

Dialogue Vocabulary
打扫 Dǎsǎo = cleaning
时间不够用 Shíjiān bú gòu yòng = not having enough time
烤饼干 Kǎo bǐnggān = to bake cookies
图书馆 Túshū guǎn = library
小朋友的书 Xiǎopéngyǒu de shū = children’s books
筹款 Chóu kuǎn = to raise fund

Dialogue 对话
A: Tom,周六你可以帮我打扫吗?
Tom, zhōu liù nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ dǎsǎo ma?
Tom, can you help me clean on Saturday?
B: 王阿姨,对不起,这周六我的时间不够用。
Wáng āyí, duìbùqǐ, zhè zhōu liù wǒ de shíjiān bú gòu yòng
Aunt Wang, sorry, this Saturday I don’t have enough time.

A: 哦,你有什么事吗?
Ó, nǐ yǒu shén me shì ma
Oh, you have something to do?

B: 我要烤饼干去卖,因为要为图书馆筹款。
Wǒ yào kǎo bǐnggān qù mài, yīnwèi yào wèi túshū guǎn chóu kuǎn
I’m going to bake cookies to sell, to raise funds for the library

A: 图书馆为什么要筹款?
Túshū guǎn wèishéme yào chóu kuǎn?
Why is the library raising funds?

B: 因为小朋友的书不够多.
Yīnwèi xiǎopéngyǒu de shū bú gòu duō
Because little kids books is not enough

A: 好主意。我们公司下周要开 party,你可以烤 50 块饼干吗?

Hǎo zhǔyì. Wǒmen gōngsī xià zhōu yào kāi party, nǐ kěyǐ kǎo 50 kuài bǐnggān ma?
Good point. Our company next week will have a party, can you bake 50 cookies?

B: 太好了,王阿姨,20 块钱可以吗?
Tài hǎole, wáng āyí,20 kuài qián kěyǐ ma
That’s great, Aunt Wang, 20 dollars (for the cookies) ok?

A: 20 块钱不够,我给你 30 块吧。
20 Kuài qián bú gòu, wǒ gěi nǐ 30 kuài ba
20 kollars not enough, I’ll give you 30 dollars

(WangJiejie found Tom in the kitchen at 11pm still baking cookies)

A: Tom, 已经晚上 11 点了,你怎么还在烤饼干啊?
Tom, yǐjīng wǎnshàng 11 diǎnle, nǐ zěnme hái zài kǎo bǐnggān a?
Tom, it’s already 11pm, how can you still be baking cookies?

B: 今天烤的饼干不够了,我又烤了一次。
Jīntiān kǎo de bǐnggān bú gòule, wǒ yòu kǎole yīcì
I didn’t make enough cookies today, I baked one more time

A: 下午不是做好了吗?为什么不够了?
Xiàwǔ bùshì zuò hǎole ma? Wèishéme bú gòule
Didn’t you finish in the afternoon? Why is it not enough?

B: 因为...因为下午 mary 来找我玩,我们吃了 20 块饼干。

Yīnwèi... Yīnwèi xiàwǔ mary lái zhǎo wǒ wán, wǒmen chīle 20 kuài bǐnggān
Because…because Mary came to play in the afternoon, we ate 20 cookies

A: 20 块饼干!
20 Kuài bǐnggān
20 cookies!



Jìnnián lái, bù shǎo zhōngguó rén yě kāishǐ xǐhuān hōng péi
Recent years, many Chinese also start to like baking
烘培 hōng péi = baking

Jiùshì yòng kǎoxiāng zhìzuò shíwù, tèbié shì tiándiǎn
Use oven to make food, especially dessert
烤箱 kǎoxiāng = oven
yǒu de rén xǐhuān kǎo tiándiǎn zhǐshì zìjǐ de xìngqù, yěyǒu de rén qù shàng hō
ng péi xuéxiào
Some people bake desserts for their own interest, some people go to baking
school to train
兴趣 xìngqù = interest

Hái yǒu de rén qù guówài xuéxí hōng péi, ràng xìngqù chéngwéi yīgè zhíyè
Still others go abroad to study baking, and let interest become a profession
成为 chéngwéi = to become

Nǐ yǒu shén me xìngqù, yěxǔ nǐ de xìngqù kěyǐ chéngwéi yīgè zhíyèr
You have some interest, maybe your interest can become a profession
职业 zhíyè = profession

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