Level5 Lesson19

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Review 又...又.../ both ...and

Xīguā yòu dà yòu tián
Watermelon is both big and sweet

Kāfēi yòu xiāng yòu nóng
Coffee is both fragrant and strong

Kāfēi yòu kǔ yòu chou
Coffee is both bitter and stinky

(Subj. +) 又 + Verb + 了
Nǐ yòu chídàole, zuìjìn nǐ zěnme zǒng shì chídào?
You are late again, lately how are you always late?

Bǎobǎo yòu kūle, shì bùshì yòu èle?
Baby cried again, is the baby hungry again?

Gǔpiào yòu zhǎngle, zuìjìn hǎoxiàng jīngjì bú cuò
Stocks have grown again, recently it seems the economy is not bad

Wǒ yòu wàngle nǐ de shēngrì, zhēnshi duìbùqǐ a
I again forgot your birthday, I’m really sorry.
Yòu xià xuěle? Jīnnián dōngtiān kāichē hěn nán ya
Snowed again? This year’s winter is really hard to drive.

又 + 不 / 没 + Predicate
Mèimei yòu bù gāoxìngle, shì bú shì kǎoshì méiyǒu tōngguò?
Younger sister is sad again, could it be that she didn’t pass the test?

Tóngxué jùhuì nǐ yòu méi cānjiā, wèishéme ya?
You didn’t attend your class reunion again, why?

Lǎobǎn yòu bù lái gōngsīle, yīnggāi shì dùjià qùle
Boss didn’t come to company again, must be on vacation

Zhè zhōu yòu méi xià yǔ, tiānqì yòu rè yòu gān
This week didn’t rain again, the weather is hot and dry

Dialogue Vocabulary
做菜 Zuò cài = make dishes/ cooking
牛肉饺子 Niúròu jiǎozi = beef dumpling
水果蛋糕 Shuǐguǒ dàngāo = fruit cake
上次 Shàng cì = last time
熟 Shú =cooked
温度 Wēndù = temperature
度 dù = degree/ (f/c)
烤箱 Kǎoxiāng = oven
一会儿 Yīhuǐ'er = a moment / a little while
教 jiāo = to teach
Dialogue 对话

A: 叔叔,今天你要做什么菜啊?
Shūshu, jīntiān nǐ yào zuò shénme cài a?
Uncle, today what food you will make?

B: 我要做牛肉饺子,还有水果蛋糕。
Wǒ yào zuò niúròu jiǎozi, hái yǒu shuǐguǒ dàngāo
I’m going to make meat dumpling, also fruit cake

A: 太好了,又可以吃饺子了,我上次吃饺子是半年前呢。
Tài hǎole, yòu kěyǐ chī jiǎozile, wǒ shàng cì chī jiǎozi shì bànnián qián ne
Great, can eat dumpling again, last time I ate dumpling was half year ago

After dinner tom and her uncle were waiting for the fruit cake being baked
in the oven

A: 叔叔,饺子太好吃了,我们试试蛋糕吧。
Shūshu, jiǎozi tài hào chīle, wǒmen shì shì dàngāo ba
Uncle, dumpling tastes very good, let’s try the cake

B: Tom,我的蛋糕怎么会这样,没有熟?
Tom, wǒ de dàngāo zěnme huì zhèyàng, méiyǒu shú
Tom, how did my cake turn this way, it’s not cooked?

A: 我看看,叔叔,好像温度不够吧,烤蛋糕一般要 400 度。你的是 200 度。

Wǒ kàn kàn, shūshu, hǎoxiàng wēndù bú gòu ba, kǎo dàngāo yībān yào 400
dù. Nǐ de shì 200 dù
Let me see, uncle, seems like the temperature is not enough, baking a
cake normally you need 400 degrees. Your’s is 200 degrees.

B: 啊,我又忘了,美国和中国的烤箱温度不一样。
A, wǒ yòu wàngle, měiguó hé zhōngguó de kǎoxiāng wēndù bù yīyàng
Ah, I forgot again, US and China’s oven temperature is not the same
A: 哈哈,没关系,再多烤一会就可以了。
Hāhā, méiguānxì, zài duō kǎo yī huǐ jiù kěyǐle
Haha, no problem, cook again a little more will be fine

B: Tom ,你好像经常烤甜点啊。
Tom, nǐ hǎoxiàng jīngcháng kǎo tiándiǎn a
Tom, you seem like you often cook desserts

A: 是王阿姨教我的。哎呀,今天王阿姨又没有吃到你做的饺子。
Shì wáng āyí jiāo wǒ de. Āiyā, jīntiān wáng āyí yòu méiyǒu chī dào nǐ
zuò de jiaozi
It was Aunt Wang that taught me. Oh, today Aunt Wang didn’t eat your
dumpling again.

B: 王阿姨喜欢饺子?那我周六再给你们做吧。
Wáng āyí xǐhuān jiǎozi? Nà wǒ zhōu liù zài gěi nǐmen zuò ba
Aunt Wang like dumpling? Then Saturday I’ll make again for you two

Essay 短文

Shìjiè shàng dà bùfèn guójiā dōu shǐyòng shèshì (℃) dù
Most countries of the world all use Celsius temperature
摄氏 shèshì = Celsius

Kěshì měiguó, yīngguó, děng guó jiā réngrán shǐyòng huáshì (℉) dù
But USA, England etc weather forecast still use Fahrenheit temperature
仍然 réngrán = still / remain
Zài měiguó, dàochù dōu kěyǐ kānjiàn huáshì wēndù, bǐrú tiānqì yùbào,
chúfáng kǎoxiāng, bīngxiāng... Děng děng
In the U.S., Fahrenheit temperature is used everywhere,
到处 dàochù =everywhere

Bǐrú tiānqì yùbào, chúfáng kǎoxiāng, bīngxiāng... Děng děng
such as weather forecast, ovens in the kitchen , refrigerators, etc.
冰箱 bīngxiāng = refrigerator

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