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1. AGL Transformers for Series Circuits............................................................................... 4
2. Primary Connectors .......................................................................................................... 6
3. Secondary Connectors ................................................................................................... 10
4. Prefabricated Leads ....................................................................................................... 12
5. Parallel Transformers ..................................................................................................... 16
6. Lightning Protection ....................................................................................................... 18
7. EMC Protector Retrofit Kit ............................................................................................... 20
8. Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 22
9. Weights, Packing and Crimping Tools ............................................................................ 24

EFLA components secure the operation

oI airࣄeOG JrounG OiJhtinJ 7hese
incOuGe transformers, connector
kits, prefabricated cable leads anG


EFLA shields electrical connections ߞ especiaOO\ in the most GemanGinJ enYironments
:e manuIacture hiJhO\ speciaOi]eG components incOuGinJ transIormers, connector Nits, encapsuOateG
eOectronics components anG preIaEricateG caEOe assemEOies Ior airࣄeOG JrounG OiJhtinJ anG other
appOications 2ur stor\ EeJan oYer  \ears aJo in FinOanG in northern Europe 7oGa\ Ze are one
oI the OarJest suppOiers in this niche ࣄeOG Zith a true JOoEaO Iootprint coYerinJ aOO continents 2ur
proGucts can Ee IounG on most internationaO airports arounG the ZorOG

EFLAߤs name aOso stanGs Ior our core YaOues Evolving as individuals and as a company,
Focusing on customers, Living by trust capital and Appreciating everyone. 7hese Ne\ YaOues
Iorm a ࣄrm Easis Ior constantO\ GeOiYerinJ on promises anG e[ceeGinJ our customersߤ e[pectations
2ur customers e[perience this as

Excellent service ߞ 3roactiYe serYice attituGe, Iast response, short GeOiYer\ time anG
customi]ation Ior chaOOenJinJ appOication conGitions,

Pioneering new technologies and product innovations ߞ AutomateG manuIacturinJ process

emEeGGeG Zith inMection moOGinJ, thermopOastic eOastomer 73E in materiaO encapsuOation,
hiJh poZer eIࣄcienc\ anG innoYatiYe neZ proGucts,

Safety and top quality focus ߞ 2ur proGucts compO\ Zith anG are certiࣄeG as appOicaEOe to
FAA, ,&A2 anG ,E& stanGarGs 2ur compan\ is ,62 anG ,62 certiࣄeG

'a\ E\ Ga\, Ze are earninJ the trust oI our customers throuJh these principOes, anG continue to Ee
the chosen partner oI the inGustr\ ߞ Your AGL partner of the future.


AGL Transformers for Series Circuits
FAA AC 5354-47, L-830/ L-830 / L-831, 60 Hz / 50 Hz
EN 61823
An AirࣄeOG *rounG LiJhtinJ A*L transIormer, aOso
nameG isoOation transIormer, is t\picaOO\ instaOOeG
in series circuits in airport approach Oine, runZa\,
ta[iZa\ anG other airport OiJhtinJ s\stems to proYiGe
riJht amount oI current to the OoZ YoOtaJe OiJhts
respectiYeO\ aOonJ the circuit anG to ensure main
circuit continuit\ in case oI OiJht IaiOure

EFLAߤs .5 anG .5 series isoOation transIormers are ErouJht to the marNet Zith totaO GeGication
oI enJineerinJ the most eIࣄcient anG reOiaEOe proGuct to the airࣄeOG OiJhtinJ s\stem .5 series
oIIers stanGarG transIormer Ieatures ZhiOe .5 series has speciaO GesiJn oIIerinJ Yer\ OoZ OeaNaJe
inGuctance on top oI the common Ieatures, Zhich support sinJOe Oamp controO anG more aGYanceG
controO anG monitorinJ reTuirements 7hese isoOation transIormers can Ee trusteG Ior top perIormance
not onO\ in normaO anG IrienGO\ operationaO enYironment, Eut aOso in heaY\Gut\ anG e[treme conGitions
in airࣄeOG

EFLAߤs .5 anG .5 transIormers are certiࣄeG E\ FAA anG approYeG E\ ,E& 7he\ aOso compO\
Zith ,&A2 Anne[  anG seYeraO other internationaO stanGarGs

Main benefits
• 2ptimum ph\sicaO si]e anG eOectricaO perIormance oI thoroiGaO structure
• Eas\ to instaOO E\ usinJ Iactor\ moOGeG connectors
• *aOYanic separation proYiGes superior protection Ior eOectricaO components
• :iGe poZer ranJe oIIers ࣅe[iEiOit\ anG increases OiIetime
• &ertiࣄeG anG approYeG E\ FAA anG seYeraO other internationaO stanGarGs
• Low leakage inductance for single lamp control and more advanced control monitoring
AppOicaEOe Ior .5 series

Transformer hanger
3erIect accessor\ Zhen there are
no EuiOt pOaces Ior transIormers
to pOace AOOoZ \ou to hanJ the
transIormers or screZ them on a


With or without earthing Material encapsulation
EFLA suppOies transIormers Zith or Zithout earthinJ ,I 7hermopOastic eOastomer 73E is a moGern materiaO Zith
earthinJ is reTuesteG it is connecteG to the enG oI the e[ceOOent eOectricaO anG mechanicaO properties anG JooG
seconGar\ ZinGinJ in the siGe oI the OarJer socNet chemicaO resistance to the chemicaOs t\picaOO\ useG at
airࣄeOGs 73E aOso has Yer\ JooG resistance to ZeatherinJ,
its insuOation ZithstanGinJ 89raGiation anG o]one
Primary leads e[posure 7he materiaO is aOso resistant to temperature
• 7he transIormers haYe tZo primar\ OeaGs, stanGarG
eIIects up to  r&, 2 rF 
OenJth  m, cross section min  mm2
• 2ne OeaG Zith FAA L2, st\Oe 2 pOuJ
• 2ne OeaG Zith FAA L2, st\Oe  receptacOe Pins and sockets
7inpOateG copper or Erass Ior the contact parts, ZhiOe the
socNet is suppOieG Zith a copper Eer\OOium sOeeYet\pe
Secondary leads sprinJ, ensurinJ aGeTuate contact pressure
• 7he transIormers haYe one seconGar\ OeaG oI 2 m in
OenJth Zith cross section min 2 mm2,  N9
• 6econGar\ OeaG ࣄtteG Zith a st\Oe  connector Special transformers
• 8pon reTuest, the transIormers can Ee eTuippeG 2n top oI our stanGarG A isoOation transIormers, EFLA
Zith other caEOe si]es anG OenJths or Zith a st\Oe  aOso GeOiYers customi]eG speciaO ratinJ transIormers EaseG
connector on GiIIerent proMect speciࣄcations, eJ A  22A, 22A
22A, or other ratinJs case E\ case

Isolation transformers – electricity for KR500 and KR600 series

EFLA type EFLA type FAA Rated power Rated Power range Load Efficiency Power
with without Type [W] current [W] Ohm % factor
earthing earthing [A]
.52 .52 L  
 ߞ   !  ! 
.52 .52 L 22 
2 ߞ 2  !  ! 
.5 .5 L   2 ߞ   !  ! 
.5 .5 L
.5 .5 L    ߞ    !  ! 
.5 .5 L
.5 .5 L    ߞ 2 2 !  ! 
.5 .5 L
.5 .5 L   2 ߞ  2 !  ! 
.5 .5 L
.5 .5 L 2   ߞ 2 2 !  ! 
.5 .5 L
.5 .5 L   22 ߞ  2 !  ! 
.5 .5 L
.5 .5    ߞ 2 2 !  ! 
AcorGinJ to FAA A& 

Leakage inductances
EFLA type with EFLA type Power Short circuited Open circuit L (magn) L (leak)
earthing without earthing [W] current [A] voltage [V]

.52 .52     m+  2ͮ+

.52 .52 22    m+  2ͮ+

.5 .5      m+  ͮ+

.5 .5      m+  ͮ+

.5 .5     2 m+  ͮ+

.5 .5    < 25 2m+ < 5ͮ+

.55 .55 2 <  <  25m+ < ͮ+

.5 .5  <  <  5m+ < ͮ+

.5 .5 5 <  <  m+ < ͮ+




Primary Connectors
FAA AC 5345-26
L-823, styles 3 and 10, class B

EFLAߤs primar\ connectors shieOG \our airport primar\ OiJhtinJ circuit to ensure Eest perIormance
throuJh hiJh TuaOit\ GesiJn anG hiJh technoOoJ\, Zith IuOO compOiance to FAA 552 reTuirements Ior
pOuJs anG receptacOes caEOe connectors 

EFLAߤs primar\ connectors are pacNeG anG GeOiYereG in Nits incOuGinJ aOO the necessar\ parts Ior maNinJ
the assemEO\ on primar\ caEOes Each primar\ connector Nit contains parts Ior a pair a pOuJ anG a
receptacOe , resuOtinJ in a ZatertiJht postinstaOOation connection
1ominaO ratinJ 25 A anG 5 9

Main benefits
• 4uicN anG eas\ instaOOation
• AYaiOaEOe Ior Eoth screeneG shieOGeG anG unscreeneG unshieOGeG caEOe
• :iGe ranJe Ior GiIIerent NinGs oI caEOe Gimensions
• 73E encapsuOation proYiGes touJh anG riJiG insuOation to the caEOe connection
• 52+6 compOiance Zith E8 GirectiYe 12225E&

KD500 for screened cables KD510 for unscreened cables

FAA certiࣄeG primar\ connector Nit is Iast to instaOO EFLA LocNs are GeOiYereG Zith each Nit

Screen continuity – KD500

7he stanGarG screen continuit\ Ior .'5 is a 25 mmt
tinneG copper Zire,  mm OonJ 2ptionaOO\, .'5
ma\ aOso Ee suppOieG Zith insuOateG screen continuit\ in
\eOOoZJreen eJ .'5<* or EOacN eJ .'5%  .'5 .'5<* .'5%

Dimensional data
EFLA type Conductor AWG Cable diameter Diameter at wire insulation, Diameter / Length of
size mm2 mm / inch mm / inch assembly, mm / inch
.'5  mmt   ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 5ߨ  ߞ 5 mm  25 ߞ ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

.'5  mmt   ߞ 5 mm  55 ߞ 2ߨ  ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 5ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

.'5  mmt   ߞ 22 mm   ߞ ߨ 25 ߞ  mm  2 ߞ 2ߨ 25  25 mm  25  ߨ

.'5  mmt  5 ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 52ߨ 5 ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 25ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

.'52  mmt   ߞ 5 mm  55 ߞ 2ߨ  ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 5ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

.'5  mmt   ߞ 22 mm   ߞ ߨ 25 ߞ  mm  2 ߞ 2ߨ 25  25 mm  25  ߨ

.'55  mmt   ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 5ߨ  ߞ 5 mm  25 ߞ ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

.'5  mmt   ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 5ߨ  ߞ 5 mm  25 ߞ ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

.'5  mmt   ߞ 5 mm  55 ߞ 2ߨ  ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 5ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

.'5  mmt   ߞ 22 mm   ߞ ߨ 25 ߞ  mm  2 ߞ 2ߨ 25  25 mm  25  ߨ

.'5  mmt  5 ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 52ߨ 5 ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 25ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

.'52  mmt   ߞ 5 mm  55 ߞ 2ߨ  ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 5ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

.'5  mmt   ߞ 22 mm   ߞ ߨ 25 ߞ  mm  2 ߞ 2ߨ 25  25 mm  25  ߨ

.'55  mmt   ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 5ߨ  ߞ 5 mm  25 ߞ ߨ 25  222 mm  25  ߨ

 mm2 stranGeG up to  stranGs


KDL1 for screened cables KDL10 for unscreened cables

FAA certiࣄeG .'L connectors haYe man\ uniTue Ieatures that maNe them the most reOiaEOe A*L primar\ netZorN
connectors 0ain Ieatures oI the instaOOer IrienGO\ .'L connectors are GuraEiOit\ anG ZatertiJhtness 7he innoYatiYe GesiJn
reGuces instaOOation time anG errors

Introducing the new KDL

• &aEOe JOanG JiYes e[ceOOent protection aJainst EenGinJ anG enaEOes usinJ an\ si]e primar\ caEOes
• &onnector Iorms screen continuit\ Zithout crimpinJ 7hereIore, instaOOation time anG errors are reGuceG
• 6creen continuit\ Zithout piercinJ the housinJ eOiminates the risN oI OeaNaJe 8niYersaO connection point
• 7Zocomponent structure on receptacOe housinJ maNes connection e[ceptionaOO\ reOiaEOe anG OonJ OastinJ
• 5eusaEOe EFLA LocN secures the connection Irom puOOinJ Iorce up to 25 NJ55 OEs
• &onnector Zater tiJhtness is secureG Zith Eࣅaߤs speciaO siOicon anG three internaO Zater Earriers
• &aEOe JOanG has ruEEer seaO Zhich is the primar\ ZatertiJht Earrier EetZeen a connector anG a caEOe

Dimensional data
EFLA type Conductor AWG Cable diameter, Diameter at wire insulation, Diameter/ Length of assembly,
size mm2 mm / inches mm / inches mm / inches
.'L  mmt   ߞ  mm 5 ߞ ߨ 5 ߞ  mm  25 ߞ 52ߨ 2  2 mm  5  ߨ

.'L  mmt   ߞ  mm 5 ߞ ߨ 5 ߞ  mm  25 ߞ 52ߨ 2  2 mm  5  ߨ

.'L  mmt   ߞ  mm 5 ߞ ߨ  ߞ  mm  2 ߞ ߷   2 mm    55ߨ

.'L  mmt   ߞ  mm 5 ߞ ߨ  ߞ  mm  2 ߞ ߷   2 mm    55ߨ

KDR600 for screened cables KDR610 for unscreened cables

5esint\pe primar\ connector Ior heaY\Gut\ use EFLAߤs resin t\pe connector is suppOieG Zith a hiJh perIormance
poO\urethane resin to Ee poureG insiGe the insuOation EoG\ arounG the connectiYe parts

Screen continuity – KDR600

6creen continuit\ Ior .'5 is a 25 mmt \eOOoZJreen
copper Zire,  mm OonJ 2ptionaOO\, .'5 ma\ Ee
suppOieG Zith insuOateG screen continuit\ in EOacN
eJ .'5%   mmt is aOso aYaiOaEOe .'5 .'5%

Dimensional data
EFLA type Conductor AWG Cable diameter, Diameter at wire insulation, Diameter/ Length of assembly,
size mm2 mm / inches mm / inches mm / inches
.'5  mmt   ߞ  mm  5 ߞ ߨ  ߞ 5 mm  25 ߞ ߨ   2 mm  22  2ߨ

.'52  mmt   ߞ  mm  5 ߞ ߨ 5 ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 25ߨ   2 mm  22  2ߨ

.'5  mmt   ߞ  mm  5 ߞ ߨ  ߞ 5 mm  25 ߞ ߨ   2 mm  22  2ߨ

.'52  mmt   ߞ  mm  5 ߞ ߨ 5 ߞ 5 mm   ߞ 25ߨ   2 mm  22  2ߨ

Accessories for Primary Connectors

EFLA Lock Repair Lock

7he reusaEOe EFLA LocN reinIorces the connection Zhen 5epair OocN is a stronJer option Ior the normaO EFLA
connectors are connecteG toJether or to transIormers LocN ,t is secureG Zith screZs anG maNes the connection
EFLA LocN maNes the connection resistant to up to 25 NJ resistant Ior puOOinJ up to 5 NJ Iorce
puOOinJ Iorce 7he orGer coGe Ior a EaJ oI 5 pcs EFLA
LocNs is 305

Protection Hat

An open connector shouOG Ee protecteG aJainst Zater

anG Girt 7he protection hat is an eas\ Za\ to protect \our
assemEOeG connector EeIore transIormer instaOOation FOR MORE PRODUCT DATA, PLEASE SEE PAGES 24 AND 25


Secondary Connectors
FAA AC 5345-26
L-823 / L-823, class B
EFLAߤs seconGar\ connectors are GesiJneG anG manuIactureG Ior top OeYeO circuit protection anG
perIormance EetZeen the seconGar\ output oI airࣄeOG isoOation transIormer anG airࣄeOG OiJhtinJ

EFLAߤs seconGar\ connector Nits are pacNeG anG GeOiYereG separateO\ in pOuJ anG receptacOe Nits
Each Nit contains aOO the necessar\ parts Ior assemEO\ oI the seconGar\ caEOes or Zires resuOtinJ in a
ZatertiJht postinstaOOation connection 1ominaO ratinJ 2 A anG  9

Main benefits
• AYaiOaEOe Ior tZocore caEOes anG Ior tZo sinJOe Zires
• A ZiGe ranJe oI GiIIerent NinGs oI caEOe Gimensions anG poOe seconGar\ connectors
are aOso aYaiOaEOe
• 73E encapsuOation proYiGes touJh anG riJiG insuOation to the caEOe connection
• 52+6 compOiance Zith E8 GirectiYe 12225E&
• EFLA also manufactures breakaway connector for approach lines (fully compliant with ICAO AMD6)
• FAA certiࣄeG

For two-core cable, styles 5 and 12

KD501-series (Plug) KD502-series (Receptacle)

3-pole Secondary Connectors KD3P and KD3R


&aution 6econGar\ connectors are interconnectaEOe Zith .'5 3Oease taNe necessar\ measures to aYoiG GanJerous
interchanJeaEiOit\ Zith poOe connectors oI other manuIacturers

Dimensional data
EFLA type EFLA type Type Conductor size AWG Wire diameter in inches
two core cable 3-pole
.'5 .'3 3OuJ 5 ߞ 25 mmt ߞ 5 ߞ 5 mm  ߞ 5

.'5 .'3 3OuJ  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ   5 ߞ  mm 5 ߞ 

.'52 .'32 3OuJ  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ   5 ߞ 5 mm  ߞ 5

.'52 .'5 5eceptacOe 5 ߞ 25 mmt ߞ 5 ߞ 5 mm  ߞ 5

.'52 .'5 5eceptacOe  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ   5 ߞ  mm 5 ߞ 

.'522 .'52 5eceptacOe  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ   5 ߞ 5 mm  ߞ 5

For two single wires, styles 4 and 11

KD503-series (Plug) KD 503R-series (Receptacle)

Dimensional data
EFLA type Type Conductor size AWG Wire diameter in inches
two single wires
.'5 3OuJ 5 ߞ 25 mmt ߞ 2 ߞ  mm [ 2  ߞ 5

.'5 3OuJ  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ    ߞ 55 mm [ 2  ߞ 2

.'52 3OuJ  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ   2 ߞ  mm [ 2  ߞ 

.'5 3OuJ  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ   5 ߞ  mm [ 2  ߞ 

.'5  5 5eceptacOe 5 ߞ 25 mmt ߞ 2 ߞ  mm [ 2  ߞ 5

.'55 5eceptacOe  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ    ߞ 55 mm [ 2  ߞ 2

.'552 5eceptacOe  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ   2 ߞ  mm [ 2  ߞ 

.'55 5eceptacOe  ߞ  mmt 2ߞ   5 ߞ  mm [ 2  ߞ 

BC series breakaway connector

,&A2 Anne[  anG the A'0 Gictates that seconGar\
connectors, instaOOeG on IranJiEOe approach Oine mats, shaOO
haYe means to Juarantee that E\Iorce Gisconnection, in the
eYent oI an airOine crash on the approach Oine, is not taNinJ
pOace in open air anG thus iJnitinJ surrounGinJ Nerosene EFLA
%& series EreaNaZa\ connectors come in three options %&
EreaNaZa\ connector Ior tZocore caEOes, %&2 EreaNaZa\
connector Ior tZo sinJOe Zires, %& EreaNaZa\ connector
Ior preIaEricateG OeaG per customer reTuest AOO %& series
EreaNaZa\ connectors must Ee useG as a pair


Prefabricated Leads
FAA AC 5345-26
Class A, type I and II

EFLA manuIactures a ZiGe ranJe oI preIaEricateG OeaGs anG e[tension corGs Ior \our primar\ anG
seconGar\ appOications to ensure hiJh perIormance circuit

Main benefits
• Eas\ anG Iast instaOOation
• :iGe ranJe oI proGuct oIIer
• &ompOiance Zith internationaO stanGarGs
• &ustomi]eG LeaGs accorGinJ to customer neeGs


Prefabricated unscreened primary leads and extension cords

2ur unscreeneG primar\ caEOes comprise a 73E insuOateG onecore caEOe Zith a Eare copper conGuctor  stranGsmin  mm2 
7hese caEOes are manuIactureG in accorGance Zith the speciࣄcations FAA L2 0,L&2 or ,&EA 652 or 0,L&2,
in JeneraO
1ominaO YoOtaJe is 5  9

Prefabricated, molded primary leads with the desired cable length

0oOGeG on  mmt, 5 N9 caEOe 8pon speciaO reTuest A:*   mm2 is aOso aYaiOaEOe
• .'&35[[ the pOuJ connector is FAA L2 st\Oe 2
• .'&55[[ the receptacOe is FAA L2 st\Oe 
• :ith .'&35 anG .'&55, the other caEOe enG is Iree
7he caEOe OenJth is JiYen in centimeters as a suIࣄ[ in the articOe numEer, .'& 5[[ Ior e[ampOe, .'&35 is a
st\Oe 2 connector Zith a  cm OeaG

Prefabricated, unscreened primary leads


KDCE510.x.x: Extension cable

with a plug and receptacle

Prefabricated secondary leads and extension cords

7he OeaGs are aYaiOaEOe Zith tZocore caEOes or Zith tZo sinJOe core Zires 7he Oatter is aYaiOaEOe eYen Zith hiJher temperature
resistant Zires

KDC501-series KDC502-series
Style 1 Style 7

KDC508-series KDC507-series
Style 8 Style 7


Cable information for secondary leads Extension cords:
7he t\pes aEoYe can Ee maGe to a speciࣄc OenJth,
• 7Zo core caEOe
Zith pOuJ on one enG anG receptacOe on the other
• 'uaO insuOation E35insuOateG 73EsheatheG
For e[ampOe .'&E5  mm2 anG  m
• &ore insuOation speciaO E35 compounG
• 2uter sheath haOoJen Iree 735 compounG ,E& 522
 E1 522
• &opper conGuctors, &Oass 5 ,E& 22 KDCE501-series
• 6i]e options 5 mm2, 25 mm2,  mm2
• 1ominaO YoOtaJe  9
• 7emperature ranJe  |& to 2 |&  |F to 2 |F
• 6hort term short circuit temperature resistance  |&
5 |F
• %enGinJ raGius 5'
• FAA L2 certiࣄeG
• FuOࣄOOs speciࣄcations 0,L&2, 0,L&2 ,&EA

Secondary leads with two single core wires

KDC503-series KDC503R-series
Style 1 Style 7

KDC506-series KDC506S-series
Style 6 Style 6

With Zyrad 150 °C / 300 °F With Teflon 200 °C / 390 °F

Also available with ZYRAD wires: KDCZ506 and KDCZ506S
or Teࣅon wires: KDCT506 and KDCT506S

Cable and wire information

EFLA type Diameter of insulation Outer diameter (mm) Max. conductor resistance
approx. (mm) at 20 °C (ohm/km)
2 [ 5mm2  5 s  

2 [ 25mm 2

2 [ mm2
  s  5

 [ 5mm 2
 2 s  

 [ 25mm 2
2  s  2

 [ 25mm 7 7eIOon
 2 s  

 [ 25mm = =\raG

Free end of the leads
7he stanGarG Iree enG is sheath strippinJ oI  cm 7he IoOOoZinJ connectors are aYaiOaEOe

EFLA type

.'&2 2 pcs 525 mm2  mm IOat connectors, uninsuOateG

.'&22 2 pcs 525 mm2  mm IOat connectors Zith common insuOator

.'&2 2 pcs 525 mm2  mm IOat connectors Zith sinJOe insuOators

.'&2 2 pcs 25 mm2 0 caEOe shoes

.'&2 2 pcs 5 ߞ 25 mm2 0 caEOe shoes

.'&22 2 pcs 5 ߞ 5 mm2 0 caEOe shoes

.'&2 2 pcs 5 ߞ 25 mm2 05 caEOe shoes

.'&2 2 pcs 55 mm2 IOat connectors, uninsuOateG

.'&25 2 pcs 5 mm2 IOaJ connectors, uninsuOateG

.'&2 2 pcs 525 mm2 IOaJ connectors, uninsuOateG

.'&2 2 pcs 5 mm2 IOaJ connectors, uninsuOateG

.'&2 2 pcs 5 mm2 insuOateG IOaJ connectors

.'&2 2 pcs 525 mm2 ZireenG cOaZs

Ordering information
KDC501 . 2 . X
EFLA type Cable cross section Cable length = X

.'&5 seconGar\ pOuJ 6t\Oe   5 mm2 &ustomi]eG

.'&52 seconGar\ receptacOe 6t\Oe  2 25 mm2 Ior e[ampOe
.'&5 seconGar\ pOuJ 6t\Oe    mm2  cm 5 cm

.'&55 seconGar\ receptacOe 6t\Oe   cm  cm

.'&5 seconGar\ pOuJ 6t\Oe   cm  cm

.'&56 seconGar\ pOuJ 6t\Oe  5 cm

.'&75 seconGar\ pOuJ 6t\Oe  37FE

.'&5 seconGar\ receptacOe 6t\Oe 


Parallel Transformers

EFLAߤs paraOOeO transIormers are GesiJneG to Ee connecteG to a normaO Oine YoOtaJe Ior e[ampOe
29A&  7he\ are t\picaOO\ useG in heOiGecNs anG heOipaGs 7ransIormers are manuIactureG to suppO\
a certain YoOtaJe on the seconGar\ siGe 1ormaOO\, the YoOtaJes are receiYeG Irom stanGarG  A EuOEs
or Irom 2 9 EuOEs 3ossiEOe connection methoGs inYoOYe usinJ onecore caEOe .59t\pe or tZocore
caEOe .596t\pe  7he stanGarG primar\ YoOtaJe is 2 9A&, the ma[ current ratinJ 2 A, anG the
IreTuenc\ 5 +]

Main benefits
• 2ptimum ph\sicaO si]e anG eOectricaO perIormance
• Eas\ to instaOO E\ usinJ Iactor\ moOGeG connectors
• 0uOtipOe connectinJ accessories aYaiOaEOe Ior seOection
• 6uitaEOe Ior heOiport, heOipaGs anG other appOications reTuire Girect connection
to normaO 29 Oine anG GesiJnateG seconGar\ YoOtaJe output

Voltage transformers for parallel circuits

.59 transIormers haYe tZo primar\ OeaGs, oI  m, in a .596 transIormers are instaOOeG usinJ EFLAߤs stanGarG
7t\pe connector Zhich has a FAA interIace L2, a st\Oe .'5 anG .'52 series connector Nits paJe  or
2 pOuJ, anG the other enG Zith a FAA2, st\Oe  receptacOe preIaEricateG seconGar\ OeaGs anG e[tension corGs paJe
  EnG cap .'96E1' is useG at the enG oI the circuit
7he seconGar\ OeaG is 2 m in OenJth, caEOe t\pe 2 [ 25
mm2, N9 Zith a receptacOe FAA L2, st\Oe  .596 uses a stanGarG FAA seconGar\ connector Ior Eoth
incominJ anG outJoinJ interIaces 7he primar\ OeaG OenJth
.59 transIormers are instaOOeG usinJ EFLAߤs stanGarG is  m anG it has a st\Oe  connector 7he seconGar\ OeaG
.'5 series connector Nits paJe  or preIaEricateG OeaGs OenJth is 2 m anG it is eTuippeG Zith a FAA L2 st\Oe 
anG e[tension corGs paJe   EnG caps .'&92 are connector
useG at the enG oI the circuit
Each transIormer can Ee connecteG usinJ a preIaEricateG
GistriEution connector assemEO\, .'&9325

Technical specification
EFLA type EFLA type Primary voltage Secondary voltage Secondary power
for KRV for KRVS
.595 .5965 29 9 55:

.595 .5965 29 59 5:

.595 .5965 29 529 :

.5955 .59655 29 229 5:

.5955 .59655 29 29 2:

Connecting accessories
EFLA type Description

.'&92 EnG caps Ior .59series

.9'6E1' EnG cap Ior .596series

.'&9235 'istriEution connector Ior .596series




Lightning Protection
Lightning Arrestor – Sheriff

LiJhtninJ striNes create Yer\ ha]arGous circumstances E\ GamaJinJ sensitiYe components in the
airࣄeOGs 6heriII OiJhtninJ arrestor is a neZ Za\ Ior airports anG heOiports to protect airࣄeOG OiJhtinJ
s\stems aJainst OiJhtninJ striNes ,t is an uniTue OiJhtninJ anG surJe protection component that ErinJs
aGGitionaO protection Ior the seconGar\ circuit, GesiJneG Ior AeronauticaO *rounG LiJhtinJ circuits,
heOipaGs anG heOiGecNs

Main benefits
• 0inimi]es the amount oI EroNen eTuipment Zhen OiJhtninJ hits
• A retroࣄt anG eas\ to instaOO component that can Ee aGGeG to a seconGar\ circuit
• ,ncreases runZa\ anG ta[iZa\ uptimes as Oess repOacement ࣄ[tures is neeGeG
• EnaEOes the ZorN Iorce to Ee useG in other operations than maintenance
• ,ncreases costeIࣄcienc\ anG OiIetime oI the OiJhtinJ ࣄ[tures
• A costeIIectiYe Za\ to minimi]e the risN oI OiJhtninJ GamaJe to the series circuit

7he 6heriII can Ee instaOOeG in Yarious points in the
Transformer Transformer
seconGar\ circuit to proYiGe aGGitionaO protection
aJainst OiJhtninJ 7he 6heriII must Ee JrounGeG to the
Single Lamp Control
7he 6heriII shouOG Ee instaOOeG as cOose to the transIormer
as possiEOe 7hen the 6heriII can isoOate the OiJhtninJ to
a sinJOe seconGar\ circuit An\hoZ, iI the Gistances are
OonJ anG the OiJhtninJ is more OiNeO\ to inGuce EetZeen the
Fixture Fixture
ࣄ[ture anG the 6LC, the recommenGeG instaOOation point
is EetZeen the ࣄ[ture anG the 6LC %ecause the 6heriII
is instaOOeG to the seconGar\ circuit it ZiOO not aIIect the ,5
YaOues oI the primar\ circuit

Dimensions and connections

+eiJht +  mm ߨ

LenJth L  mm ߨ

:iGth :  mm 2ߨ

&oOour <eOOoZ

0aOe connector FAA L2 6t\Oe 

FemaOe connector FAA L2 6t\Oe 

05 %rass 6creZ terminaO

EarthinJ connector
accorGinJ to E12

Electrical characteristics
2perationaO YoOtaJe 0a[  9ac rms

2perationaO peaN YoOtaJe ma[ 0a[ 25 9ac

2perationaO IreTuenc\ 5 +]

3oZer consumption at A A& 2W

9oOtaJe Grop at 2A '& 22 m9

'& GischarJe YoOtaJe at  9s 0in 25 9Gc

0a[a5 9Gc

,nsuOation resistance ,5  9 ! ͛

Capacitance  0+] < 5 pF

,mpuOse GischarJe current 2, A, 2 ws !  operations

Line to JrounG , A, 5 ws !  operations
, A, 2 ws !  operations
2, A, 5 ws !  operations

2peratinJ anG storaJe temperature  to 5 rC

Inspector – Portable tester

7he operationaO status oI
the 6heriII can Ee YeriࣄeG
E\ a portaEOe tester 7he
tester is eas\ to use, Eatter\
operateG anG hanGheOG


EMC Protector Retrofit Kit

EFLAߤs E0C protector retroࣄt Nit is speciaOO\ GesiJneG to YastO\ reGuce unZanteG eOectricaO noises
causeG E\ the seconGar\ circuit, hence ensurinJ uninterrupteG operation oI other s\stems such as
9+F raGios or other s\stems usinJ raGio IreTuencies

Main benefits
• Eas\ anG Iast instaOOation
• LoZers siJniࣄcantO\ the noise OeYeO causeG E\ the seconGar\ circuit
• WiGe ranJe oI Ierrite cores to Ee useG in the Nit per cases
• 6tronJ encapsuOation materiaOs ࣄt to aOO operationaO enYironment
• Compact GesiJn Zith three optionaO Iorms ࣄt to \our appOication conGition
• 7hree GiIIerent t\pes to ࣄt GiIIerent appOications


EMC Protector Rretrofit Kit optional forms
,nternaO Ierrite core is seOectaEOe



Internal ferrite core types

EFLA type Properties Test conditions Z-Value Tolerance

a ,mpeGance >=@ # 25 0+]  turn 25 0+] 5 ͛ s25

E ,mpeGance >=@ #  0+]  turn  0+] 2 ͛ s25

c ,mpeGance >=@ # 25 0+] 2 turns 25 0+]  ͛ t\picaO

G ,mpeGance >=@ #  0+] 2 turns  0+] 2 ͛ t\picaO

7est conGitions oI the eOectricaO properties 2rC,  5+

General information
• 6toraJe temperature 2rC to  rC
• 2peratinJ temperature rC to 25rC

Ordering information
7he E0C 3rotector 5etroࣄt .its can Ee orGereG Zith GiIIerent t\pes oI internaO Ierrite cores
• First, choose the ZanteG Iorm oI the E0C 3rotector 5etroࣄt .it
• 6econG, choose the ZanteG internaO Ierrite core Irom the aYaiOaEOe EFLA t\pes
• EJ .'CAE0Ca or E0C2c



U-29 Primary Connector Adapter and
Y Secondary Circuit Connector

EFLA’s U-29 primary connector adapter KDCA.U-29

6oOYes the proEOem oI maNinJ simpOe primar\
instaOOation in OimiteG space E\ aOOoZinJ the maOe
anG IemaOe connector to Ee assemEOeG in a r
anJOe 7he unit compOies Zith FAAL2 st\Oes
2 anG  ZirinJ  mmt,  stranGs, 5 N9

Main benefits
• Eas\ anG Iast instaOOation
• 6tronJ encapsuOation materiaOs ࣄt to aOO
operationaO enYironments
• AGapter Ior connectinJ primar\ IemaOe
anG maOe in r anJOe

EFLA’s Y secondary connector
2IIers a TuicN soOution to hanGOe more compOe[ seconGar\ circuit appOication reTuirements in terms
oI paraOOeO transIormer settinJ, GouEOe OoaGinJ on seconGar\ anG short impeGance on seconGar\

Main benefits
• 6peciaO soOution Ior speciaO seconGar\ reTuirement
• Eas\ anG Iast instaOOation

Secondary circuit Y-connectors


,n some cases, it is possiEOe to use tZo OoaGs aIter one A*L ,I the OoaG suppOieG E\ stanGarG A*L series transIormers
series transIormer, the .'CA325 EeinJ GesiJneG Ior this is insuIࣄcient, it is possiEOe to use tZo A*L series
purpose 'istance EetZeen connectors is appro[ 2 cm transIormers connecteG throuJh .'CA235

0ateriaOs %oth oI the aEoYe mentioneG proGucts are maGe 1ote When the seconGar\ circuit is eartheG, onO\ one oI
E\ assemEOinJ preIaEricateG proGucts in comEination the transIormers can haYe the earthinJ option 2therZise,
the seconGar\ circuit ZiOO short circuit 'istance EetZeen
connectors is appro[ 2 cm


7his connector is GesiJneG Ior the shortcircuiteG An eas\ anG space saYinJ Za\ to GiYiGe the seconGar\
seconGar\ siGe oI an unuseG A*L67, aOmost eOiminatinJ circuit into tZo paraOOeO circuits 3erIect Ior instaOOation Zhere
the impeGance oI the seconGar\ siGe 7he connector aOso no OonJ caEOe are ZanteGneeGeG
operates as a ZatertiJht cap
Current ratinJ 2A, 9oOtaJe ratinJ 9


Weights, Packing and Crimping Tools

Primary connector kits

EFLA type Weight / 1 pc Standard packing Full carton weight Cbm Box size

.'5 series  J  pcs  NJ  cEm  [  [ 25 cm

.'5 series  J  pcs  NJ  cEm  [  [ 25 cm

.'5 series 2 J 2 pcs  NJ  cEm  [  [ 25 cm

Secondary connector kits

EFLA type Weight / 1 pc Standard packing Full carton weight Cbm Box size

.'55 series 5 J  pcs 55 NJ  cEm  [  [ 25 cm

.'3 .'5 5 J  pcs 55 NJ  cEm  [  [ 25 cm


Crimping tools for connectors
3rimar\ connectors Ior instance EOpress *W% C conGuctor si]e  mm2
6econGar\ connectors Ior instance EOpress '.%  conGuctor si]e   mm2
EOpress *W% C conGuctor si]e  mm2

Contents of connector kits

KD500 KD510 KDL1 KDL10 KDR600 KDR610 KD501 KD502 KD503 KD3x

Crimp t\pe connectinJ parts 2 2 2 2 2 2    

Connector housinJs 2 2 2 2 2 2    

EFLA LocN 2 2 2 2 2 2    

6iOicone Jrease s\rinJe       X X X X

3rotectiYe cap Ior siOicone X X X X      

*uiGinJ tooO X X X X X X    

0easurinJ tooO X X X X X X    

5 mm OonJ continuit\ connector 2    2     

7erminaO EOocN Zith 2 screZs X    X     

3eeOinJ tooO X X   X X    

*OoYes sanGpaper     X X    

COeaninJ cOoth X X X X   X X X X

,nstaOOation instructions X X X X X X X X X X

EFLA type D mm L mm H mm Weight Standard Gross Pallet size
kg packing weight kg
.52 .52  5 5  22 25 2 [  [  cm

.525 .525  5 5  22 25 2 [  [  cm

.5 .5  25 55  2 5 2 [  [  cm

.5 .5 2  5   5 2 [  [  cm

.5 .5   5   5 2 [  [  cm

.5 .5    2  5 2 [  [  cm

.55 .55     2 5 2 [  [  cm

.5 .5       2 [  [  cm

.5 .5   5 5  55 2 [  [  cm

.595 .5965  25 55  2  2 [  [  cm

.595 .5965 2  5 5  2 2 [  [  cm

.595 .5965    2  5 2 [  [  cm

.5955 .59655    2   2 [  [  cm

.5955 .59655     2  2 [  [  cm



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Pioneering new technologies and product innovations
Safety and top quality focus

Kipinätie 3| FI-06150 Porvoo | Finland
tel +358 (0)204 76 21 | fax +358 (0)204 76 2758
EFLA 3roGuct CataOoJue 2
Please visit our website for installation manuals and latest news

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