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About this invoice tracker

This invoice tracker is designed to maintain a history of customers, invoices, and invoice details so you can store multiple invoices without creating
multiple files. You can also use this invoice tracker to analyze your previously invoiced data. For example, you can view all invoices for a customer,
a specific project, or view all invoices for the last month, the last year, and more.

Before you get started, take a look at the sample data provided. On the invoice sheet, select the cell to the right of invoice # (cell L8) and a drop
down list will appear. Select the drop down arrow and then select a sample invoice. Notice all of the invoice information automatically changes to
reflect the selected invoice. Now, look at the customers, invoices - main, and invoice details sheets. Each of these sheets supply information to the
invoice and any changes you make will be updated automatically.

How do I get started?

Modify the invoice sheet so it reflects your company information using the following steps:
1. Navigate to the invoice sheet, and on the review tab, in the changes group, select unprotect sheet.

Note: The invoice sheet is protected to help avoid unintentional changes, since, as previously mentioned, the majority of the data on this
sheet is pulled from all other sheets in the workbook.

2. Customize the invoice header by typing in your company name, street address, city, state, ZIP, email address, website, and so on. At the
bottom of the invoice (row 43), modify the payment instructions.

Important! Do not modify the billing or invoice information. All of these cells have formulas that will automatically update the invoice, as
noted in the introduction.
3. (Optional) Modify the colors throughout the workbook: On the page layout tab, in the themes group, select colors and select another theme
color set from the color gallery.

Tip: Create a custom theme color set to match your company branding. To do so, on the page layout tab, in the themes group, select colors, and
then select create new theme colors.

4. After you've made your desired changes, return to the invoice sheet and on the review tab, in the changes group, select protect sheet, and
then select OK. When the invoice sheet is protected the only cell you can select is the cell with invoice # drop down.

How do I create an invoice?

1. On the customers sheet, enter customer information such as the company name and address. Note that the company # is an important
entry as it provides a unique identifier for each company that is used throughout the invoice tracker. Also note you only need to add a
company once. For subsequent invoices to the same company, this step can be skipped.

Note: If you assign the same number to more than one company or enter the same company name more than once, the entries will turn
red to alert you to the duplication.

2. On the invoices - main sheet, enter the primary information for your invoice such as, invoice #, invoice date, and project description. Like the
company #, the invoice # is an important entry as it provides a unique identifier for each invoice and is used throughout the invoice tracker.
Another important entry is the company. When you select a company from the drop down provided it associates your invoice with that
company. Then when you select an invoice # on the invoice sheet, that company's information, such as company name and address, will
automatically be populated on the invoice.

Note: If you assign the same number to more than one Invoice the entries will turn red to alert you to the duplication.

3. On the invoice details sheet, enter the details for your invoice, such as an item description, item #, quantity (qty), and unit price. The invoice
# drop down provides a list of invoices you entered on the invoices - main sheet to facilitate data entry. Similar to the company # in the
previous step, the invoice # associates that detail item with a specific invoice. When you select an invoice # on the invoice sheet from the
invoice # drop down, the related invoice detail items will appear for that invoice.

Note: You are limited to 25 details items per invoice. If more than 25 items are added, all corresponding entries will turn red to alert you to
this limitation. If you have more than 25 invoice items you will need to create a second invoice.

How do I add more customers, invoices, and invoice details?

The data for customers, invoices, and invoice details are stored in Excel tables. When you add a new row to a table, the newly added row will be
formatted automatically and any calculations will be copied. To add new table rows do one of the following:

● If the table does not have a total row, start typing below the table and it will automatically expand when you press the enter or tab key
● Place your pointer in the last cell above the total row, then in the invoices table in the notes cell for the last invoice, press tab.
● On the home tab, in the cells group, select insert, and then select table rows above or table rows below.
● In the bottom right corner of the table, place your mouse on the table sizing handle and drag down to increase the number of available table

How do I analyze my invoice details?

As noted in the introduction, after you have entered several invoices you can view a list of all invoices for a specific customer, project, a specified
date interval, and much more. This type of analysis is accomplished using a filter which enables you to quickly narrow down a list of data. To access
a filter on the customers, invoices, or invoice details tables, select a drop down arrow next to any table field name. A filter pane will display giving
you a variety of filtering options. Here are a few filtering examples to help you get started:

● To view the total amount you've invoiced a specific customer: On the invoices - main sheet, to the right of the company # field, select the
drop down arrow. In the filter pane, click select all to deselect all companies, select the desired company, and then select OK.

Tip: In the filter pane you can also type the customer name in the search text box to quickly search the available list.

● To view all invoices for a specific customer and specific project(s): Start by filtering for your desired customer using the steps provided in
the previous example. Then, to the right of project #, select the drop down arrow. In the filter pane, select the desired project or projects,
and then select OK.
● To view all invoices for the previous month: On the invoices - main sheet, to the right of the invoice date field, select the drop down arrow,
point to date filters, and then select last month.
● To view all customers with the same area code: On the customers sheet, to the right of the phone field, select the drop down arrow. In the
filter pane, click in the search text box, type the area code and then select OK.

Filter Tips
● If a table has a total row, such as customers and Invoices, the calculated totals will reflect only your filtered list.
● Use multiple filters on a single field or across multiple fields to fine-tune your results.
● To clear a single filter, select the drop down arrow for a previously filtered column and then select clear filter from <field name>.
● To clear multiple filters at the same time, place your cell pointer in the table, on the home tab, in the editing group, select sort & filter, and
then select clear.
Arbitrage Financial

Invoice for: Project 2

Address: 456 East 78th Ave Phone: 321-654-0987 Email:

Denver, CO 12345 Fax: 321-654-7890 Website:

Bill To: Contoso, Ltd Phone: 432-555-0189 Invoice #: 3-456-2

567 Walnut Ln. Fax: 432-555-0123 Invoice Date: 1/13/2024
Moline, MO 098765 Email:

Item # Description Qty Unit Price Discount Price

Invoice Subtotal $ -

Tax Rate 8.75%

Sales Tax -


Make all checks payable to Arbitrage Financial. Deposit Received

Total due in <#> days. Overdue accounts subject to a service charge of <#>% per month. TOTAL $ -

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Company # Company name Contact name Address City State ZIP Code Phone Email Fax

1 Tailspin Toys Robert Lyon 345 Cherry St. Albany SD 123456 432-555-0178 432-555-0187

2 Contoso, Ltd Sanjay Patel 567 Walnut Ln. Moline MO 098765 432-555-0189 432-555-0123

Total Customers: 2

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Invoice # Company Invoice date Project description Tax rate Other Deposit Detail total Invoice total Notes

3-456-1 1 - Tailspin Toys 1/3/2024 Project 1 8.75% $100.00 $100.00 $5,200.00 $5,655.00

3-456-2 2 - Contoso, Ltd 1/13/2024 Project 2 8.75% $2,014.00 $2,190.23

Totals Total Invoices: 2 $100.00 $100.00 $7,214.00 $7,845.22

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Invoice Details

Description Invoice # Item # Qty Unit price Discount Total

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 1 3-456-1 1 1 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 2 3-456-1 2 2 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 3 3-456-1 3 3 $3.00 $3.00 $6.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 4 3-456-1 4 4 $4.00 $4.00 $12.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 5 3-456-1 5 5 $5.00 $5.00 $20.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 6 3-456-1 6 6 $6.00 $6.00 $30.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 7 3-456-1 7 7 $7.00 $7.00 $42.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 8 3-456-1 8 8 $8.00 $8.00 $56.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 9 3-456-1 9 9 $9.00 $9.00 $72.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 10 3-456-1 10 10 $10.00 $10.00 $90.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 11 3-456-1 11 11 $11.00 $11.00 $110.00

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Invoice Details

Description Invoice # Item # Qty Unit price Discount Total

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 12 3-456-1 12 12 $12.00 $12.00 $132.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 13 3-456-1 13 13 $13.00 $13.00 $156.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 14 3-456-1 14 14 $14.00 $14.00 $182.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 15 3-456-1 15 15 $15.00 $15.00 $210.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 16 3-456-1 16 16 $16.00 $16.00 $240.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 17 3-456-1 17 17 $17.00 $17.00 $272.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 18 3-456-1 18 18 $18.00 $18.00 $306.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 19 3-456-1 19 19 $19.00 $19.00 $342.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 20 3-456-1 20 20 $20.00 $20.00 $380.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 21 3-456-1 21 21 $21.00 $21.00 $420.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 22 3-456-1 22 22 $22.00 $22.00 $462.00

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Invoice Details

Description Invoice # Item # Qty Unit price Discount Total

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 23 3-456-1 23 23 $23.00 $23.00 $506.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 24 3-456-1 24 24 $24.00 $24.00 $552.00

Invoice 3-456-1 Data 25 3-456-1 25 25 $25.00 $25.00 $600.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 1 3-456-2 Z4567 39 $5.00 $195.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 2 3-456-2 Z4568 40 $4.00 $5.00 $155.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 3 3-456-2 Z4569 30 $6.00 $7.00 $173.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 4 3-456-2 Z4570 40 $7.00 $280.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 5 3-456-2 Z4571 10 $4.00 $40.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 6 3-456-2 Z4572 5 $8.00 $40.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 7 3-456-2 Z4573 70 $6.00 $420.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 8 3-456-2 Z4574 25 $4.00 $100.00

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Invoice Details

Description Invoice # Item # Qty Unit price Discount Total

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 9 3-456-2 Z4575 5 $7.00 $3.00 $32.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 10 3-456-2 Z4576 80 $1.00 $80.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 11 3-456-2 Z4577 65 $7.00 $455.00

Invoice 3-456-2 Data 12 3-456-2 Z4578 44 $1.00 $44.00

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