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Wybierz poprawną opcję: a, b lub c.

We _____ this contract since March.

a) negotiate b) are negotiating c) have been negotiating
Our children _____ playing with Lego blocks.
a) love b) are loving c) have loved
My car _____ and I’m forced to use public transport for a few days.
a) breaks down b) has been breaking down c) has broken down
Why _____ coming late?! That’s so annoying!
a) do you always come b) are you always coming c) have you been always coming
Angelina _____ her doctor tomorrow.
a) is seeing b) has seen c) sees
Our car is really old. We _____ it for almost twenty years.
a) have b) have been having c) have had
My eyes are red because I _____ onions.
a) have cut b) have been cutting c) cut
Fiona _____ part in every meeting of our department.
a) has been taking b) is taking c) takes
Where are the children? They _____ homework in their rooms.
a) do b) are doing c) have been doing
Since when _____ Peter?
a) do you know b) have you been knowing c) have you known

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

I __________________ (just/hurt) my back. It really hurts.

How long __________________ (you/read) this book?
__________________ (Jackie/want) to be a lawyer?
Who __________________ (use) this computer? Why is it on?
We __________________ (throw) a party for our daughter next week.
I’m exhausted. I __________________ (work) in the garden since morning.
This dog never __________________ (bark).
Look! That’s Irene and Mathew __________________ (kiss)!
__________________ (you/ever/see) the Eiffel Tower?
My aunt __________________ (not/live) alone.

Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

We __________________ (nigdy nie spotkaliśmy) such a helpful person before.

__________________ (Czy Brian ma) a lot of homework to do every day?
How long __________________ (wy czekacie) for the shop assistant to come?
Put on your jacket. It’s very cold and __________________ (pada śnieg).
Where is your husband? __________________ (nie rozmawiałem z nim) for ages!
The teacher __________________ (ocenia testy) since 2 p.m.
My grandparents __________________ (zwykle oglądają) their favourite TV series in the
Ever since I read that article __________________ (jestem zainteresowany) in quantum
Why __________________ (ty się śmiejesz)?
Hundreds of koala bears __________________ (straciły) their home recently.

Popraw błędy w zdaniach.

Have you usually made dinner at 2 p.m.?


What are you doing since morning?


My cat are making noise. He’s probably hungry again.


This girl not speaks English.


What has Tim doing all morning?


This language school has already been selling 500 language courses this month.

Are you believing in ghosts?


The baby not sleeping.


I don’t know what happened. I don’t spoken to anybody yet.


Liza is in the bathroom. She has a bath.


Wybierz poprawną opcję.

Look! Monica stands/is standing at the bus stop.

I want/am wanting to talk to you about something important.
Alice always gets/is getting up at 6 o’clock.
My husband always leaves/ is always leaving his dirty socks on the floor!
Your friends are outside. They wait/are waiting for you.
Sorry, I don’t understand/’m not understanding you.
You never come/are coming on time.
We often spend/are spending our holidays at the seaside.
What do you do/are you doing? I’m a teacher.
The windows are dirty. I clean/am cleaning them now.

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

This is Jenny. She _______________ (sometimes/work) with me.

Where are the children? _______________ (they/play) in the park now?
Oh, that smells great! What _______________ (you/cook)?
Amanda is very talented. She _______________ (paint) beautiful portraits.
My friends _______________(often/invite) me at the weekends.
Why _______________ (you/delete) these pictures? Don’t you like them?
Your mum _______________(bake) delicious cakes.
They _______________(not/make) clothes in this factory.
_______________ (she/get up) at 7 o’clock every day?
_______________ (he/have) fun at this party?

Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

Our teacher ___________________ (zawsze zadaje) us homework.

(Co robisz) ___________________ today after school?
My dog ___________________ (nigdy nie szczeka) at strangers.
Children ___________________ (nie lubią) tidying their rooms.
___________________ (nie pracuję) from home this week.
Why ___________________ (zawsze pomagasz) Jeremy? He’s never nice to you!
Andrea ___________________ (próbuje) to sleep but it’s too loud.
They ___________________ (rzadko organizują) birthday parties at home.
___________________ (nie wierzę) my eyes! Is that Susan with Tom?
Why ___________________ (ona zawsze przychodzi) late? That’s so annoying!

Wybierz poprawną opcję.

I have known / I have been knowing Chris for six years.

We have worked / have been working for this company for over twenty years.
Why are you so wet? Have you swum / have you been swimming?
Oh no! I’ve lost / I’ve been losing my keys again!
Why is the TV on? Have you watched / have you been watching it?
What have you done / have you been doing recently?
Jessica has read / has been reading a lot recently. Actually, she has read / has been reading
two books this week already!
We have watched / have been watching this film two times as it’s so interesting.
Have you sent / have you been sending those emails all morning? How many have you
sent / have you been sending so far?
I have never baked / have never been baking a cake in my life! Is it difficult?

Somebody _______________ (drink) my coffee! The cup is empty!

How long _______________ (you/sunbathe)? Your skin is very red!
Since when _______________ (they/know) the truth?
Mike needs your help. He _______________ (not do) his homework again and the teacher
is really angry.
_______________ (Janet/ ever/be) abroad?
I _______________ (prepare) food for the party for three hours now and I still
_______________ (not/prepare) everything we need.
Andrzej Sapkowski _______________ (write) eight books about the Witcher.
Be careful. I _______________ (just/finish) cleaning the floor and it’s still wet.
They _______________ (repair) my car since Monday and they still _______________
(not/find out) what’s wrong with it.
Josh _______________ (ride) a bicycle a lot recently. It helps him relax

Dan _______________ (właśnie się obudził).

How long _______________ (ty śpisz)?
She _______________ (mieszka) in this house for only a week.
_______________ (nigdy nie widziałem) such a strange animal!
Who _______________ (zjadł) my sandwiches?!
_______________ (słucham) to rock music lately.
We _______________ (nie widzieliśmy) our Grandma for over three months.
Where _______________ (ty byłeś)? We _______________ (czekamy) for you for over an
_______________ (zawsze chciałem) to be an astronaut.
Steve _______________ (sprząta) the attic since morning and his back hurts.

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