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The picturesque Himalayan region of Kashmir sits at the juncture of Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, and

China and represents the primary bone of contention between the two dominant South Asian rivals:
India and Pakistan. The dispute over Kashmir has embroiled India and Pakistan in two major wars, a
limited battle at Kargil, and numerous border conflicts since 1947. It was the casus belli for the wars
of 1947–48 and 1965 and saw heavy fighting in the 1971 war as well.3 The dispute has consumed
precious resources in blood and treasure from both countries, which have been diverted away from
the pressing concerns of poverty, disease, malnutrition, and climate change. The two countries have
become nuclear powers since 1998, and the perennial contest over Kashmir on diplomatic,
information, legal, military, intelligence, and political grounds continues—albeit this time under an
ominous nuclear umbrella.

So on 5th of august 2019, the government of India announced the abrogation of the article 370 of
the constitution of India and to split the state of the Jammu and Kashmir as two union terroteries.
This outraged international response and mostly the restrictions imposed like cerfew and no
connection with outer world. Mostly countries agreed on this thing that this is the internal matter of
Pakistan and India they should resolve it through dialogue. As some of the Indian allies criticized
India as they knew that it will become India’s biggest diplomatic challenge as they are surpressing
the rights of the Kashmir state. This Indian government caused the political unrest in the region like
in 1998 (POKHRAN-II) Nuclear test. Many of us find this Indian Diplomatic outreach has met with
the mixed results with this issue attracting the negative international impact politically and hurting
the “Brand India” worldwide. This decision caused the Kashmir Issue to rose again after 1990s .
Before 2019 the India had convinced the world that the primary argument of the Kashmir was the
cross border terrorism caused by Pakistan.

In order to improve this downtrodden and worsening image of India throughout the world, Indian
governments have been trying to forcefully change the demographic factor of the Kashmiris from
Muslim majority to Hindu majority community. But in order to meet up with any such situation,
article 370 was put into action and it ensured that none of India or Pakistan can cause any such
changes in the Kashmir. However there have been several amendments in the article act to meet the
changing times and situations among the two nations.

During the general elections of 2019, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) rose to the front and won the
Indian Central Government. Doing so, BJP gave a hot blow to the rising ideology of the Hindutva. BJP
was supported by Narendra Modi, a borne RSS member. Misusing the authority and the power
attained by BJP, ‘article 370’ was put out of commission by the Indian government, leading the
annexed territory of Jammu and Kashmir into curfew. Even after facing oppression and public
discretion, BJP is not ready to lift the curfew in the territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

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