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Complete Cutting

Series II
14 Week Plan
For Guys
February 2015

Intro from Ross Page 3

Training Plan Page 4

Table of Contents Cardio Training Page 106

Page 112

Diet Page 146

Supplements Page 167

Discounts &
Page 168

Intro from Ross

Welcome to my new 2015 Complete Cutting Series II, not only giving you an all new workout program with
additional optional arms workouts but in a new format taking on board comments from you and aiming to
make it easier to use. The major change I have made to the format is now providing you with the detailed
workout schedule with photos for every exercise PLUS the quick reference guide with each day’s workout
simply formatted on one page so you can display it easily on your phone for when at the gym.
It is now a 14 week plan with more variety, and the eating plan has some changes based on how I have been
implementing my diet. So more options for occasional foods and also more details on how to manage your
own diet to get the results you want. Remember the diet is not just for 14 weeks! This is about a lifestyle
change to healthy eating for the long term.
My training routines should be pushing you to ever better results - always progress, always have a goal, and
make every workout count.

Detailed Training Plan

Here I have provided your resistance training program with photos of every exercise and tips to
help you achieve the best form possible.
The training runs for 14 weeks and follows my tried and tested philosophy, but with variety to
keep your cutting fresh. As with earlier cutting plans the focus is on losing body fat while
maintaining or gaining lean muscle.
It will be as effective as YOU make it – always aim to progress, increasing weights, pushing
yourself as far as you can and stepping up the level of training throughout the plan.

Please make sure you read the schedule on Page 5 to ensure you perform the sessions in
the correct sequence. I have provided optional Arms and Calf sessions to complement
your program if you have time. The Cardio section on Page 106 should be read in
conjunction with Page 5 to plan where you will fit in your cardio sessions.
Four Training Programs IMPORTANT
The 14 week plan is
designed to run as follows:
Suggested schedule but its flexible so adapt to your needs
Program 1 - BASIC Program 2 – PUSH PULL Week Program
Legs Monday Legs 1 Monday 1 1

Shoulders Tuesday Push Pull 1 Tuesday 2 2

3 3
Weighted Abs Wednesday Weighted Abs Wednesday
4 4
Back & Biceps Thursday Legs 2 Thursday
5 1
Chest & Triceps Friday Push Pull 2 Friday
6 2
Cardio Abs (& Arms optional) Saturday Cardio Abs (& Arms optional) Saturday 7 3
Rest Sunday Rest Sunday 8 4
9 2
Program 3 - SUPERSETS Program 4 - MANIC
10 3
Legs Monday Legs Monday
11 4
Shoulders Tuesday Chest & Triceps Tuesday
12 2
Weighted Abs Wednesday Weighted Abs Wednesday 13 3
Back & Biceps Thursday Back & Biceps Thursday 14 4

Chest & Triceps Friday Shoulders Friday

In addition you will need to
Cardio Abs (& Arms optional) Saturday Cardio Abs (& Arms optional) Saturday add in 3 x HIIT cardio
Rest Sunday Rest Sunday sessions – refer to Cardio
section on Page 107
Also add in Optional Calfs routines up to 3 times per week after another session
Important Information Before you Start
Weights to Use and Working to Failure:
• Recommended weights to use are not included as part of this plan as it will vary for everyone. You may
need to try a few different weights to begin with until you get familiar with your body’s limits.
• Always work to failure (except during warm-up). This means to use a weight that gets you to failure
(i.e. not being able to lift any more), at the number of reps stated for each exercise.
• During warm-up don’t work to failure as you are just aiming to get the blood flowing through your
muscles i.e. pick a weight you are comfortable with - less than you would normally use, and lift for
however many reps that will get you to about 3 reps from when you think you would fail. Slightly increase
the weight in each warm-up set.
• As you go through the plan the weights you lift will increase but the number of reps stays the same.
• Rest 60-90 secs between Sets and 2-3 minutes between Exercises
Make sure you are especially strict on form and tempo each week. The Rest Pause technique described
below should only be used to squeeze out the last few reps. The program is not about how much you are
lifting – focus on form over weight.
• 1-0-4 ( Bench Press: 1 second lifting the weight, split second, then a 4 second controlled movement
• 1-0-2 ( Bicep Curls: 1 second up, split second, then 2 seconds down)
Rest Pause:
Reaching failure and allowing a few seconds for recovery to hit desired reps while maintaining good form.

Warming Up before each Weights Session

1. Perform 5 minutes low intensity cardio (e.g. walking on treadmill with

small incline) progressively increasing speed

2. Use first exercise in each session to conduct a warm-up which will

increase blood flow to the muscles. (Then perform that same exercise
as your first working set.)

3. Each warm-up should comprise 3 sets using progressively heavier

weights for each set BUT with the aim not to reach failure at any point
during warm-up i.e. in each set perform as many reps that will take you
to about 2-3 reps from failure

Resistance Training



Program 1
Back &

Chest &

Program 1 - Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Squats 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Weight on heels; hips back on way down;

knees apart; chest out; shoulder blades back

Leg Press 3 10 1-0-2

Tip: Body flat in seat; feet just wider than

shoulder width; release down to 90 degrees;
drive back up through heels

Program 1 - Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

3 10 1-0-4

Tip: Keep body firmly in seat; mind to muscle;

make sure backs of knees against seat; lifting
pad at front of ankle joint

DB Stiff
Leg 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; weight

through heels; slight bend in knee; keep DBs
close to body through whole exercise; hips back,
to create flat back

Program 1 - Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Lying Leg
3 10 1-0-4

Tip: Keep body firmly against machine; mind

to muscle

Walking 12 each
3 1-0-2
Lunges leg

Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; don’t

allow front knee to come over ankle; drive
through heel of front foot

Program 1 - Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

12 each
Single Leg leg
2 1-0-1
Extensions (alternating

Tip: Keep body firmly in seat; mind to muscle;

make sure backs of knees against seat; lifting
pad at front of ankle joint; one leg then the
other, alternating for a total of 24 reps.

Program 1 - Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Seated
Shoulder 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Sitting up straight; flat against back of

seat; arms at 90 degrees at bottom of
movement; DBs almost on top of shoulders;
DBs into middle at top but not touching

Cable Rope
3 10 1-0-2
Upright Row

Tip: Standing up straight; shoulders back; pull

through elbows; hands under chin; elbows to
above shoulder height.

Program 1 - Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

4 8 1-0-2
Tip: Slight bend in arms; raise arms to
shoulder height; don’t let elbows come above

Single Arm
3 each 1-0-2

Tip: Sitting up straight; flat against back of

seat; start with arms at 90 degrees or slightly
less at bottom of movement; extend to
straight arm; split second and down slowly

Program 1 - Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Seated DB
3 10 1-0-4
Front Raise

Tip: Chest out; slight bend in arm; raise DB to

just above shoulder height; keep DBs away
from body

3-4 8-10 1-0-1
Bar Shrugs

Tip: Stand up straight; shoulder blades back;

shrug shoulders slightly back towards ears,
and back down

Program 1 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Stiff Leg
4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; weight

through heels; slight bend in knee; keep bar
close to body through whole exercise; hips
back, to create flat back

Olympic Bar
Bent Over 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; weight

through heels; slight bend in knee; hips back
and flat back

Program 1 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Seated Row 3 10 1-0-4

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; pull

through elbows; slight bend in knee

Wide Grip Pull

Ups or 3 8 1-0-2
Lat Pull Down

Tip: Pull through your elbows; chest out; don’t

let body swing (Pull Ups)

Program 1 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Close Grip
3 10 1-0-4
Pull Down

Tip: Chest out; pull through elbows

Upper Back 3 10 1-0-2

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; elbows

up and out at 90 degrees; pull through elbows

Program 1 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Wide Grip
EZ Bar 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; elbows

by side; contract while keeping elbows still

Cable Rope
3 10 1-0-4

Tip: Shoulder blades back; elbows by side;

cable between legs; contract from elbow while
keeping rest of arm still, pulling rope apart at

Program 1 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

4 8 1-0-2
Bench Press

Tip: Back flat against bench; feet firmly locked

under pad; bar in line with middle of chest;
arms out at 90 degree angle

DB Flat
3 10 1-0-2
Bench Press

Tip: Body flat on bench, arms out at 90

degrees, feel stretch at bottom of exercise,
DBs into middle at top but not touching

Program 1 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

3 10 1-0-4
Decline Fly
Tip: Chest out; shoulders down; slight bend
in arm; feel stretch at top and squeeze as if
round a barrel at bottom

Wide Grip
3 10 1-0-2
Tricep Dips

Note: Wide grip if possible on available

equipment otherwise normal grip. Tip: Chest
out; drive through palms of the hands; lower
down to 90 degrees, or until you feel stretch in

Program 1 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Single Arm
Machine 3 8-10 1-0-2
Chest Press

Tip: Back against seat; shoulder blades back;

chest out; elbows tucked in slightly; solid
platform through feet

DB Decline
2-3 8-10 1-0-4

Tip: Back flat against bench; slight bend in

arm; DBs held over chest; feel stretch at
bottom of exercise and squeeze as if holding
a barrel at top of exercise

Program 1 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

EZ Bar Wide
Grip Skull 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Wide grip on bar; back flat on bench;

arms straight above shoulders; lower bar to
just above forehead and extend while keeping
rest of arm still

Caple Rope
3 10 1-0-4

Tip: Elbows slightly forward keeping them in;

extend from the elbows while keeping rest of
arms still, pulling rope apart at bottom

Resistance Training

Legs 1

Push Pull 1

Program 2
Legs 2

Push Pull 2

Program 2 – Legs 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Squats 4 10 1-0-2

Tip: Weight on heels; hips back on way down;

knees apart; chest out; shoulder blades back

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

3 12 1-0-2

Tip: Keep body firmly in seat; mind to muscle;

make sure backs of knees against seat; lifting
pad at front of ankle joint

Program 2 – Legs 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

4 10 1-0-2
Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; don’t allow
front knee to come over ankle; drive through
heel of front foot

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Lying Leg
3 12 1-0-2
Tip: Keep body firmly against machine; mind to
muscle; bring lower leg up to 90 degrees; lower

Program 2 – Legs 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

3 10 1-0-2
Tip: Hold bar on top of shoulders; arms crossed,
using hands to hold bar in place; chest out, hips
back; keep elbows from dropping; weight
through heels

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Stiff Leg
3 10 1-0-2
Dead Lifts
Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; weight
through heels; slight bend in knee; keep DBs
close to body through whole exercise; hips back,
to create flat back

Program 2 – Push Pull 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Decline
4 10 1-0-2
Chest Press

Tip: Body flat on bench; arms out at 90 degrees;

feel stretch at bottom of movement; DBs into
middle at top but not touching

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

3 10 1-0-2
Chest Press

Tip: Back against seat; shoulder blades back;

chest out; elbows tucked in slightly; solid platform
through feet

Program 2 – Push Pull 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Flat
3-4 12 1-0-4
Bench Fly

Tip: Back flat against bench; slight bend in arm;

DBs held over chest; feel stretch at bottom of
exercise and squeeze as if holding a barrel at
top of exercise

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Wide Grip
3 10 1-0-2
Tricep Dips
Note: Wide grip if possible on available
equipment otherwise normal grip. Tip: Chest out;
drive through palms of the hands; lower down to
90 degrees, or until you feel stretch in shoulder

Program 2 – Push Pull 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Olympic Bar
Bent Over 4 10 1-0-2
Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; weight
through heels; slight bend in knee; hips back
and flat back

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Pull Ups or
Lateral Pull 3-4 10 1-0-2

Tip (Pull Downs): Wide grip; pull through

elbows; chest out; bar down to top of chest

Program 2 – Push Pull 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB One Arm
3 10 1-0-2
Tip: Flat back; pull through elbow; keep arms
close to body through the movement

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Close Grip
3 10 1-0-2
Pull Down

Tip: Chest out; pull through elbows; keep a flat


Program 2 – Legs 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

4 10 1-0-2

Tip: Hold bar on top of shoulders; arms crossed,

using hands to hold bar in place; chest out, hips
back; keep elbows from dropping; weight
through heels

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Stiff Leg
3 10 1-0-2
Dead Lifts

Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; weight

through heels; slight bend in knee; keep DBs
close to body through whole exercise; hips back,
to create flat back

Program 2 – Legs 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Single Leg 10
3 1-0-2
Bench Lunges each leg
Tip: Make sure knee doesn’t come over ankle;
shoulder blades back; avoid upper body leaning

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Lying Leg
3 12 1-0-4

Tip: Keep body firmly against machine; mind to


Program 2 – Legs 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Leg Press 4 10 1-0-2

Tip: Body flat in seat; feet just wider than

shoulder width; release down to 90 degrees;
drive back up through heels

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

3 12 1-0-4

Tip: Keep body firmly in seat; mind to muscle;

make sure backs of knees against seat; lifting
pad at front of ankle joint

Program 2 – Push Pull 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Flat Bench
4 10 1-0-2
Tip: Back flat against bench; bar in line with
middle of chest; arms out at 90 degree angle

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Incline DB
3 10 1-0-2
Chest Press

Tip: Body flat on bench, arms out at 90 degrees,

feel stretch at bottom of exercise, DBs into middle
at top but not touching

Program 2 – Push Pull 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Fly 3-4 12 1-0-4

Tip: Chest out; shoulders down; slight bend in

arm; feel stretch at top and squeeze as if round a
barrel at bottom

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Kneeling Close
Grip Chest 3 10 1-0-2

Tip: Chest out, hands together over bar, pushing

from lower middle chest to full extension
squeezing into the middle

Program 2 – Push Pull 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Pull Ups or
Lateral Pull 4 10 1-0-2
Tip: (Pull Ups) Pull through your elbows; chest
out; don’t let body swing

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Olympic Bar
3-4 10 1-0-2
Bent Over Row

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; weight

through heels; slight bend in knee; hips back and
flat back

Program 2 – Push Pull 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Close Grip
3 12 1-0-2
Pull Down

Tip: Chest out; pull through elbows; keep back


Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Seated Cable
3 12 1-0-2

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; pull

through elbows; slight bend in knee

Resistance Training



Program 3
Back &

Chest &

Program 3 - Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Squats 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Weight on heels; hips back on way down;

knees apart; chest out; shoulder blades back

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Leg Press 4 10 1-0-2

Tip: Body flat in seat; feet just wider than

shoulder width; release down to 90 degrees;
drive back up through heels

Program 3 - Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Stiff Leg
3 8 1-0-2
Dead Lifts
Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; weight
through heels; slight bend in knee; keep bar
close to body through whole exercise; hips back,
to create flat back
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Lying Leg
3 10 1-0-2
Tip: Keep body firmly against machine; mind to
muscle; lift lower leg to 90 degrees; lower slowly

Program 3 - Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

3 12 1-1-4

Tip: Keep body firmly in seat; mind to muscle;

make sure backs of knees against seat; lifting
pad at front of ankle joint
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo
Seated Leg
3 12 1-1-4

Tip: Hold body firmly against seat, think about

hamstrings contracting

Program 3 - Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

3 12 1-0-1

Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; don’t allow

front knee to come over ankle; drive through
heel of front foot

Program 3 - Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Smith Machine
Shoulder 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Sitting up straight; flat against back of seat;

forearms straight up gripping bar at chin level; lift
bar extending fully before lowering
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

EZ Bar
Upright 4 10 1-0-2

Tip: Chest out; lift bar from elbows to underneath

chin; keep bar close to body through movement;
elbows higher then EZ bar

Program 3 - Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Shoulder
3 10 1-0-2
Tip: Sitting up straight; flat against back of seat;
arms at 90 degrees at bottom of movement; DBs
almost on top of shoulders; DBs into middle at top
but not touching
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Lateral
3 10 1-0-2

Tip: Slight bend in arms; raise arms to shoulder

height; don’t let elbows come above DBs

Program 3 - Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Front 3 12 1-0-4

Tip: Chest out; slight bend in arm; raise bar to

just above shoulder height; keep bar away from
body at bottom of movement

Program 3 - Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Wide Grip
Olympic Bar 3 8 1-0-2

Tip: Stand up straight; shoulder blades back;

shrug shoulders slightly back towards ears, and
back down
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Seated DB
3 10 1-0-1

Tip: Sit up straight; shoulder blades back; shrug

shoulders slightly back towards ears, and back

Program 3 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

T-Bar Row 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Weight on heels; hips back; flat back;

elbows in, pulling bar to stomach


Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Straight Arm
4 10 1-0-2
Push Down

Tip: Weight on heels; hips back; slight bend in

arms; pull bar to waist keeping chest out

Program 3 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Lateral Pull
4 12 1-0-2

Tip: Wide grip; pull through the elbows; chest

out; bar down to top of chest
Rope 4 10 1-0-2
High Row

Tip: Sit up straight, shoulder blades back, pull

through the elbows until hands under chin and
back down

Program 3 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Single Arm 10
Close Grip 3 (each 1-0-4
Pull Down arm)

Tip: Chest out; pull through elbows; complete

exercise for one arm and then move onto
other arm

Program 3 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Wide Grip
4 8 1-0-2
EZ Bar Curls

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; elbows

by side; contract while keeping elbows still
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Cross
4 10 1-0-4
Body Curls

Tip: Stand up straight, rotate shoulder in

slightly until DB is close to body; then curl

Program 3 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Incline
4 8 1-0-2
Chest Press

Tip: Body flat on bench, arms out at 90

degrees, feel stretch at bottom of exercise,
DBs into middle at top but not touching
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

4 10 1-0-2

Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; slight

bend in arms; keep hands in line with chest

Program 3 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Flat Bench
4 8 1-0-2
Smith Press
Tip: Back flat against bench; bar in line with
middle of chest; arms out at 90 degree angle
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Incline DB
4 10 1-0-2
Tip: Back flat against bench; slight bend in
arm; DBs held over chest; feel stretch at
bottom of exercise and squeeze as if holding a
barrel at top of exercise

Program 3 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Wide Grip
3 10 1-0-4
Tricep Dip

Note: Wide grip if possible on available equipment

otherwise normal grip. Tip: Chest out; drive
through palms of the hands; lower down to 90
degrees, or until you feel stretch in shoulder

Program 3 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Straight
Bar Push Down/ 4 8 1-0-2

Tip: Elbows slightly out in front; elbows close to

side of body; extend from elbow keeping rest of
arm still
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Single Arm DB
4 10 1-0-4
Tricep Kick Backs

Tip: One knee on bench; slight bend in other leg;

flat back; elbow at 90 degrees; keeping upper
arm still, extending from elbow

Resistance Training


Chest &

Program 4
Back &


Program 4: Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Triple Leg
3 15-20 1-0-1
Drop Set Extensions

Tip: Keep body firmly in seat; mind to muscle;

make sure backs of knees against seat; lifting
pad at front of ankle joint

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Squats 3 15-20 1-0-1

Tip: Weight on heels; hips back on way down;

knees apart; chest out; shoulder blades back

Program 4: Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Leg Press 2 50 1-0-1

Tip: Body flat in seat; feet just wider than

shoulder width; release down to 90 degrees;
drive back up through heels

Program 4: Legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

4 15-20 1-0-1
Leg Curls

Tip: Hold body firmly against seat, think about

hamstrings contracting
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Dead Lifts 4 15-20 1-0-1

Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; weight

through heels; slight bend in knee; keep bar
close to body through whole exercise; hips
back, to create flat back

Program 4: Chest and Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Triple Drop Incline Smith

3 15-20 1-0-1
Sets Chest Press

Tip: Back flat against bench; arms at 90

degrees; bar to top of chest and fully extend
to top of movement

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Drop DB Flat
3 15-20 1-0-1
Sets Bench Fly

Tip: Back flat against bench; slight bend in

arm; DBs held over chest; feel stretch at
bottom of exercise and squeeze as if holding
a barrel at top of exercise

Program 4: Chest and Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Machine Fly 3 15-20 1-0-1
Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; slight bend in
arms; keep hands in line with chest

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Drop Straight Bar

3 15-20 1-0-1
Sets Push Down

Tip: Elbows slightly out in front; elbows close to side

of body; extend from elbow keeping rest of arm still

Program 4: Chest and Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Standing 15-20
Overhead 3 (each 1-0-1
Sets Extensions arm)

Tip: Stand up straight; arm up straight; keep

upper arm still; lowering weight slowly behind
head and then back to full extension

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Bench Dips 2 15-20 1-0-1

Tip: Hands shoulder width apart; elbows in;

keep back close to bench

Program 4: Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

4 15-20 1-0-1
Pull Down

Tip: Wide grip; pull through the elbows; chest

out; bar down to top of chest


Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Seated
4 15-20 1-0-1
Low Row
Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; pull
through elbows; slight bend in knee

Program 4: Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

T-bar Row 3 15-20 1-0-1

Tip: Weight on heels; hips back; flat back;

elbows in, pulling bar to stomach


Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Straight Arm
3 15-20 1-0-1
Push Down

Tip: Weight on heels; hips back; slight bend in

arms; pull bar to waist keeping chest out

Program 4: Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Drop EZ Bar Curl 3 15-20 1-0-1

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; elbows by side;
contract while keeping elbows still

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Drop Preacher
3 15-20 1-0-1
Sets Curl

Tip: Lay upper arm over incline bench; make sure

upper arm is flat against bench; lower and contract
the weight from the elbow

Program 4: Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Triple Drop Standing

3 15-20 1-0-1
Sets Lateral Raise

Tip: Slight bend in arms; raise arms to

shoulder height; don’t let elbows come above

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Triple Drop Seated DB

3 15-20 1-0-1
Sets Shoulder Press

Tip: Sitting up straight; flat against back of

seat; arms at 90 degrees at bottom of
movement; DBs almost on top of shoulders;
DBs into middle at top but not touching

Program 4: Shoulders

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

3 20 1-0-1
Front Raise

Tip: Chest out; slight bend in arm; raise bar to

just above shoulder height; keep bar away
from body at bottom of movement

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Triple Drop DB Bent

3 15-20 1-0-1
Sets Over Raise

Tip: Bend knees; bend over from waist; flat

back; slight bend in arms; raise arms to
shoulder height; back down, arms still bent, to
DBs close but not touching

Resistance Training

Triceps &
Biceps 1

Triceps & (e.g.Saturdays
Biceps 2 Arms before Cardio Abs)

Triceps &
Biceps 3

Use this routine if you really want to build lean muscle and give extra definition to your biceps and

Make sure you are lifting heavy with reps between 6-8 and slightly lighter but stricter form with reps
between 8-12. Follow tempo and use Rest Pause* when necessary.
* Rest Pause: Failing before desired reps, taking 5 sec rest and continuing until stated reps are reached

… Use mind to muscle – think about the muscle you are using to ensure you fully engage
… Use full range of movement
… Hit arms from various angles and grips

.... Lose strict form, causing other muscles to assist your lift
... Use weight that sacrifices form
... Don’t over train your arms if you are trying to grow them

Triceps 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Bench Dips 4 6-8 1-1-4

Tip: Hands shoulder width apart; elbows in;

keep back close to bench

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Skull Crushers 3 8-10 1-1-2

Tip: Back flat on bench; arms straight above

shoulders; elbows in; lower bar to just above
forehead and extend while keeping rest of arm

Triceps 1 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Close Grip
4 6-8 1-1-4
Bench Press

Tip: Back flat on bench; elbows kept in

against body; hands shoulder width apart; bar
at lower chest

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Rope
3 8-10 1-1-2

Tip: Extend from elbow keeping rest of body


Biceps 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Close Grip
4 6-8 1-1-4
Pull Ups

Tip: Arms shoulder width apart; pull through

your elbows; chest out; don’t let body swing

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Seated DB
3 8-10 1-1-2

Tip: Back flat against bench; arms down by

side; contract from elbow while keeping rest of
arm still

Biceps 1 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

EZ Bar Curls 4 6-8 1-1-4

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; elbows

by side; contract while keeping elbows still

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Rope
3 8-10 1-1-2

Tip: Shoulder blades back; elbows by side;

cable between legs; contract from elbow while
keeping rest of arm still, pulling rope apart at

Triceps 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

4 8-10 1-1-4
Tricep Dips

Tip: Chest out; drive through palms of the

hands; lower down to 90 degrees, or until you
feel stretch in shoulder

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Overhead DB
3 10-12 1-1-2

Tip: Sit up straight; arms extended above

head; elbows in; lower DB behind head and
extend back from elbow while keeping rest of
arm still

Triceps 2 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Wide Grip Skull
4 8-10 1-1-4

Tip: Wide grip on bar; back flat on bench;

arms straight above shoulders; lower bar to
just above forehead and extend while keeping
rest of arm still

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Close
Grip Push 3 10-12 1-1-2

Tip: Narrow grip, hands either side of centre;

elbows slightly out in front; elbows close to side of
body; extend from elbow keeping rest of arm still

Biceps 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Olympic Bar
4 8-10 1-1-4

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; grip bar

palms forward, slightly wider than shoulders;
elbows by side; contract while keeping
elbows still

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Hammer
3 10-12 1-1-2

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; elbows

by side holding DBs; contracting from elbow
without turning DBs

Biceps 2 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Close Grip EZ
4 8-10 1-1-4
Bar Curl

Tip: Grip slight less than shoulder width;

chest out; shoulder blades back; elbows by
side; contract while keeping elbows still

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Single 10-12 1-1-2
Arm Curls each arm

Tip: Shoulder blades back; chest out; elbows

by side; contract from elbow while keeping
rest of arm still

Triceps 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Bench Dips 4 10-12 1-1-4

Tip: Hands shoulder width apart; elbows in;

keep back close to bench

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Rope
4 12-15 1-1-2

Tip: Elbows slightly forward keeping them in;

extend from the elbows while keeping rest of
arms still, pulling rope apart at bottom

Triceps 3 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Close Grip
3 12 1-1-4

Tip: Narrow grip, hands either side of centre;

elbows slightly out in front; elbows close to side of
body; extend from elbow keeping rest of arm still

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Single Arm Cross
Drop Body Cable 3 15 1-0-1
Sets Extensions

Tip: Arm across body; extend from elbow keeping

rest of body still

Biceps 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Close Grip Pull
Ups (or Close
4 12 1-1-4
Grip Pull

Tip: Arms shoulder width apart; pull through

your elbows; chest out; don’t let body swing

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable EZ Bar
4 12-15 1-1-2

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; elbows by

side; contract while keeping elbows still

Biceps 3 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Standing DB
3 12 1-1-4

Tip: Chest out; shoulder blades back; elbows by

side holding DBs; palms facing out; contracting
from elbow without turning DBs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Drop Single Arm Cable
Sets 4 15 1-0-1
Across Body Curls

Tip: Keep upper arm locked in place and contract

from the elbow

Resistance Training

Session 1

Session 2 Calfs SESSION AND ANY

Session 3

Calfs - Session 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Standing Calf
Machine or 4 10 1-1-4

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Machine Calf 3 15 1-1-1

Calfs - Session 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Standing Calf
Machine or 4 25 1-1-2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Machine Calf 3 50 1-0-1

Calfs - Session 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Standing Calf
Machine or 3 12 1-1-1


Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Machine Calf 3 15 1-1-4

Abs Training


Session 2

Session 3

• There are 3 separate Weighted Abs sessions – Session 1, Session 2 and Session 3.
• Each session has 5 exercises detailed over the upcoming pages
• Perform 1 weighted abs session per week, rotating Sessions 1, 2 and 3 through the 14 week plan
• Always rest 60 seconds between sets and 90-120 seconds between exercises
• Focus on technique every exercise to ensure abdominal area is getting an efficient workout

Session 1: Keep the eccentric part of the exercises slow and controlled ( 3-4 sec eccentric, 1 sec
concentric). Really focus on keeping form strict and using your abdominals to lift the weight not other
parts of your body such as the hip flexors when performing Hanging Leg Raises.

Session 2: Reps have increased so the eccentric changes to roughly the average working pace (2 sec
eccentric, 1 sec concentric). Be strict with tempo as it’s key to keeping it fresh and constantly be putting
new loads on the abdominal area.

In Session 3, a Superset is introduced. This will really get your blood pumping and heart racing. Both
exercises must be performed straight after each other with a slight rest in between each set (Both the
eccentric and concentric part of the exercises need to be around 1 sec).
Weighted Abs – 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Hanging Leg 12
Raises with 3 (6 each 1-1-4
Twist side)
Tip: Slight bend in knee; rolling hips forward
bringing knees across body, alternating sides;
Keep upper body still (for beginners bend knees
more); think about using lower abdominals
rather than hip flexors

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Hanging Leg
3 15 1-0-1

Tip: Slight bend in knee; rolling hips forward

bringing knees up; Keep upper body still (for
beginners bend knees more); think about using
lower abdominals rather than hip flexors
Weighted Abs – 1 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Decline Bench 12 each
3 1-1-4
Oblique Crunch side

Tip: One hand across body; one behind head,

keeping lower body firm; balance on ball of hip
bringing elbow in towards waist, while keeping
chin away from chest

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Rope
3 15 1-0-1

Tip: Hands behind each ear; hips back; chest

out; knees together, crunching your head in
towards knees; letting elbows go beside legs
Weighted Abs – 1 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Weighted V-
3 12-15 1-1-2

Tip: Slight bend in knees; balance raising your

feet up towards you, trying to keep same bend
in knees; bring upper body up as you raise
feet (beginners hold onto back of bench)
Weighted Abs – 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Rope
4 10 1-1-2

Tip: Hands behind each ear; hips back; chest

out; knees together, crunching your head in
towards knees; letting elbows go beside legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Weighted Leg 4 10 1-0-2

Tip: Slight bend in knee; rolling hips forward

bringing knees up; keep upper body still (for
beginners bend knees more); think about
using lower abdominals rather than hip flexors
Weighted Abs – 2b

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Rope
Crunch with 3 1-1-2
each side
Tip: Knees apart bringing each elbow in turn
down to opposite knee

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Hanging Leg 12 (6
Raises with 3 each 1-0-2
Twist side)

Tip: Slight bend in knee; rolling hips forward

bringing knees across body, alternating sides;
Keep upper body still (for beginners bend
knees more); think about using lower
abdominals rather than hip flexors
Weighted Abs – 2 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Decline Bench
Russian Twist - 3 12 1-0-1

Tip: Weight held out in front; slight bend in

arms; leaning back so tension on abs; rotate
the weight from side to side from waist
Weighted Abs – 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Hanging Leg
4 12 1-0-2
Tip: Slight bend in knee; rolling hips forward,
bringing knees up; keep upper body still (for
beginners bend knees more); think about
using lower abdominals rather than hip flexors

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Lying Leg
3 15 1-0-2

Tip: Hands down by side; slight bend in knee;

lower heels down to ground; raise them back
up to waist height, lifting hips off ground by
crunching your lower abs
Weighted Abs – 3 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Rope
4 12 1-0-4

Tip: Hands behind each ear; hips back; chest

out; knees together, crunching your head in
towards knees; letting elbows go beside legs

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Decline Bench
Upper Crunch 3 15 1-0-2

Tip: Lower body locked in place; fingertips

behind head; keep chin away from chest;
crunch in and bring head in as you come up
Weighted Abs – 3 continued

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Decline Bench 15
3 1-1-2
Oblique Crunch each side

Decline Bench 15
3 1-0-1
Russian Twist each side

Tip: One hand across body; one behind head,

keeping lower body firm; balance on ball of hip
bringing elbow in towards waist, while keeping
chin away from chest

Tip: Weight held out in front; slight bend in

arms; leaning back so tension on abs; rotate
the weight from side to side from waist

Abs Training

Complete all 4 exercises in1a and
then rest 30-60 seconds; Repeat 3
times; then move onto 1b.

Cardio Abs Complete all 4 exercises in 1b and

then rest 30-60 seconds; Repeat 3

Similarly when performing Session

Session 2 2, complete all of 2a before going
onto 2b
Cardio Abs – 1a

Exercise Reps
V-Sits 15-20

Tip: Can perform this holding onto

back of bench; balance on bench;
same bend in knee; lower legs down
and lean back; crunch forward raising
feet and knees up

Exercise Reps

Tip: Solid press up position; raise one

knee at a time towards chest, with a
fast movement, alternating legs
Cardio Abs – 1a continued

Exercise Reps
Criss Cross/Lying

Tip: Lying on back, one leg straight and

one leg bent at 90 degrees; chin away from
chest; fingertips behind head; bring
shoulder towards raised knee with a fast
movement; alternate sides

Exercise Reps
TRX Squat Thrusts (or

Tip: Solid press up position; jump forward

bringing knees to chest, crunching your
abs and then jump back to start position
Cardio Abs – 1b

Exercise Reps
Lying Leg Raises 15-20

Tip: Lying flat on back; hands down by side,

slight bend in knee; raise hips off ground
lifting legs back over waist level, no further;
slowly lower legs back to start position while
keeping feet off ground throughout exercise

Exercise Reps
Russian Twists 20-30

Tip: Balance with feet and back off ground;

slight bend in arms and DB held away from
body; rotate from your waist turning your
shoulders side to side
Cardio Abs – 1b continued

Exercise Reps
Upper Crunch 15-20

Tip: Lying flat on back, legs raised off

ground and arms up straight up; chin away
from chest; crunch up moving your hands
toward your toes; lower back to start
position, keeping shoulder blades off
ground throughout the whole movement

Exercise Reps
Oblique/Side Squat

Tip: Solid press up position; jump forward

bringing knees to chest to get into starting
position; alternate jumping to left and right
side crunching your abs each time
Cardio Abs – 2a

Exercise Reps
Decline Bench 15
Oblique Crunch each side

Tip: Legs secure in bench under pad;

chin away from chest; chest out;
shoulder blades back; bring shoulder
across body rotating each side

Exercise Reps
Wide Mountain 15-20
Climbers each side

Tip: Solid press up position; raise one

knee at a time bring right foot out
towards right hand with a fast
movement, alternate to left and right
Cardio Abs – 2a continued

Exercise Reps
Lying Rotating Side 20
Upper Crunches each side
Tip: Same as for Upper Crunch but
rotate on way up to bring left hand
across the body to right foot; alternate

Exercise Reps
Criss Cross
each side

Tip: Lying on back, one leg straight,

one leg bent at 90 degrees; chin away
from chest; fingertips behind head;
bring shoulder towards raised knee
with a fast movement; alternate sides
Cardio Abs – 2b

Exercise Reps
High Knees
each side

Tip: Stand up straight with solid

stance; raise knees one at a time up
towards your chest, alternating them
in a fast bouncing movement; keep
light on your toes

Exercise Reps
Russian Twists
each side

Tip: Balance with feet and back off

ground; slight bend in arms and DB
held away from body; rotate from your
waist turning your shoulders side to
Cardio Abs – 2b continued

Exercise Reps
Burpee Tuck

Tip: Solid press up position; jump

bringing knees towards chest; stand
up and jump up raising knees to chest

Exercise Reps
Decline Bench
Rotating Upper 15 each side

Tip: Sit sideways on bench with one leg

locked on bench and other on floor;
balance on hip; one hand/arm across
body; other one fingertips behind head;
lower body down and crunch back up

Cardio Training

• I always recommend High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for cutting so I continue to include a similar program
in this plan, with 3 sessions per week. Keep it fresh by varying the equipment you use – running outside, running
on a treadmill, rowing machine, spinning bike, stationary bike and some stairmasters. Cross trainers don’t work well for
HIIT as it is difficult to reach the kind of intensity you need and reach maximum heart rate in a short space of time. You
need to be able to switch quickly between 100% effort and a slow and steady recovery pace.

• In addition to 3 HIIT sessions, you can include 1 or 2 LISS cardio sessions into your schedule if desired. It is
excellent for maintaining overall cardio vascular health although will not be a major fat burner. It takes more time but can
be a great time to relax and getaway from everyday life with a steady run in the park or countryside, so excellent for
mental and emotional health too.

• I am often asked about how other sports impact the cardio program in my plans. The rule of thumb is that if you
are doing a sport, after which you are dripping with sweat and feel you have given your all, with bursts of activity taking
you to maximum heart rate, then this counts as HIIT and you should substitute this for one of your 3 weekly HIIT

• Examples of sports activities counting as HIIT vs LISS, though can vary according to level or intensity played at:

• HIIT – Football (soccer); rugby; squash; racquetball; basketball

• LIIS – steady running/jogging; hill walking/hiking; swimming

How to integrate Cardio into your schedule

• Perform HIIT Sessions 1, 2 AND 3 each week for the first 8-10 weeks – each of the 3
sessions are progressively more strenuous
• From around Week 9 to Week 11, (whenever you feel able), through to the end of the plan,
perform Session 3 only, three times per week – you should have increased your fitness
levels to this point. If not, then just discard Session 1 and rotate Sessions 2 and 3 each
week through the end of the plan
• Throughout the plan, try increasing the difficulty of each session so that it never becomes
too easy:
• Increase resistance on bike or rower
• Increase incline on treadmill if running, or add in hills or steps if available to running outside
• You can do a cardio session (HIIT or LISS) whenever suits your schedule. Fasted cardio is
an option I am asked about often, but it is not essential. You can perform cardio after a
weights session when you have time, or at a different time of day, in a separate session.
You can also do cardio on a “rest” day.

HIIT : Session 1

5 Minute Warm Up Slowly increase speed but only up to a working rate

of 50% of max effort
10 Minute Working Phase 1: (5 mins)
• 15 seconds as fast as you can i.e. 100% effort
• 30 seconds recovery (keep moving very slowly)
Phase 2: (5 mins)
• 30 seconds as fast as you can i.e. 100% effort
• 60 seconds recovery (keep moving very slowly)
5 Minute Cool Down • Slowly decrease speed each minute, gradually
lowering your heart rate

HIIT : Session 2

5 Minute Warm Up Slowly increase speed but only up to a working rate

of 50% of max effort
15 Minute Working • 30 seconds as fast as you can i.e. 100% effort
• 60 seconds recovery (keep moving very slowly)
• Repeat until 15 minutes is up
5 Minute Cool Down • Slowly decrease speed each minute, gradually
lowering your heart rate

HIIT : Session 3

5 Minute Warm Up Slowly increase speed but only up to a working rate of

50% of max effort.
20 Minute Working Use ratio of 1:2 working time to recovery time.
• Start at 15 second working and 30 second recovery
• Repeat but increase working time by 5 seconds and
recovery time by 10 seconds each time
• Once you reach 30 second working and 60 second rest,
start going back down i.e. 25 working and 50 rest, and
so on until you reach 15 and 30.
• Keep repeating this cycle until you have competed 20
5 Minute Cool Down • Slowly decrease speed each minute, gradually lowering
your heart rate.

LIIS Cardio

1. LISS cardio sessions promote overall fitness and wellbeing.

2. Each LISS session should comprise 5 minutes warm up, then work at steady state (RPE
scale 6/10, 60% of your max heart rate) for 30-45 minutes
3. LISS can be performed in the gym (rower, treadmill, bike, cross-trainer) or jogging
outside (also walking briskly, biking etc.) Some sports also can be used for LISS, such
as swimming.
4. Perform 1 or 2 sessions per week.
• If you have high levels of fat when starting the program, make sure that you do 2 sessions per
week to help accelerate fat loss.
• If you have quite low levels of fat then perform 2 sessions per week and if losing too much
weight, potentially replace a HIIT session with a LISS session.
5. These can be fitted in at any time:
• After a weights session if time
• At a separate time of the day to your weights session,
• On rest day
6. Fit your meals and snacks around these sessions, trying to exercise at least 45
minutes after a meal or snack

Quick Reference Guide

This section gives you all your resistance training exercises in a simple
format so you can view your whole workout on one page, for example on
your smartphone while at the gym

Resistance Training



Program 1
Back &

Chest &

Program 1 - Legs
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Squats 4 8 1-0-2

Leg press 3 10 1-0-2

Leg Extensions 3 10 1-0-4

DB Stiff Leg
4 8 1-0-2

Lying Leg Curl 3 10 1-0-4

Walking Lunges 3 12 each leg 1-0-2

12 each leg
Single Leg
2 (alternating 1-0-1

Program 1 - Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Seated
4 8 1-0-2
Shoulder Press

Cable Rope
3 10 1-0-2
Upright Row

Lateral Raise 4 8 1-0-2

Single Arm
Machine 3 1-0-2
each arm
Shoulder Press

Seated DB Front
3 10 1-0-4

Olympic Bar
3-4 8-10 1-0-1

Program 1 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4 8 1-0-2

Olympic Bar Bent

4 8 1-0-2
Over Row

Seated Row 3 10 1-0-4

Wide grip Pull Ups or

3 8 1-0-2
Lat Pull Down

Close Grip Pull Down 3 10 1-0-4

Machine Upper Back

3 10 1-0-2

Wide Grip EZ Bar

4 8 1-0-2

Cable Rope Curls 3 10 1-0-4


Program 1 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo
Decline Bench
4 8 1-0-2
DB Flat Bench
3 10 1-0-2

Cable Decline Fly 3 10 1-0-4

Wide Grip Tricep

3 10 1-0-2
Single Arm
Machine Chest 3 8-10 1-0-2

DB Decline Fly 2-3 8-10 1-0-4

EZ Bar Wide Grip

4 8 1-0-2
Skull Crushers
Caple Rope
3 10 1-0-4

Resistance Training

Legs 1

Push Pull 1

Program 2
Legs 2

Push Pull 2

Program 2 – Legs 1
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Squats 4 10 1-0-2

3 12 1-0-2

4 10 1-0-2

Lying Leg Curl 3 12 1-0-2

Front Squats 3 10 1-0-2

DB Stiff Leg
3 10 1-0-2
Dead Lifts

Program 2 – Push Pull 1

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Decline Chest Press 4 10 1-0-2

Machine Chest Press 3 10 1-0-2

DB Flat Bench Fly 3-4 12 1-0-4

Wide Grip Tricep Dips 3 10 1-0-2

Olympic Bar Bent Over

4 10 1-0-2

Pull Ups or Lateral Pull

3-4 10 1-0-2

DB One Arm Row 3 10 1-0-2

Close Grip Pull Down 3 10 1-0-2


Program 2 – Legs 2
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Front Squats 4 10 1-0-2

DB Stiff Leg Dead

3 10 1-0-2

Single Leg Bench

3 10 each leg 1-0-2

Lying Leg Curl 3 12 1-0-4

Leg Press 4 10 1-0-2

Leg Extensions 3 12 1-0-4


Program 2 – Push Pull 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Flat Bench Press 4 10 1-0-2

Incline DB Chest Press 3 10 1-0-2

Cable Fly 3-4 12 1-0-4

Kneeling Close Grip

3 10 1-0-2
Chest Press

Pull Ups or Lateral Pull

4 10 1-0-2

Olympic Bar Bent Over

3-4 10 1-0-2

Close Grip Pull Down 3 12 1-0-2

Seated Cable Row 3 12 1-0-2


Resistance Training



Program 3
Back &

Chest &

Program 3 - Legs
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Squats 4 8 1-0-2
Leg Press 4 10 1-0-2

DB Stiff Leg
3 8 1-0-2
Dead Lifts
Lying Leg
3 10 1-0-2

3 12 1-1-4
Seated Leg
3 12 1-1-4

Static Lunges 3 12 1-0-1


Program 3 - Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Smith Machine
4 8 1-0-2
Shoulder Press
EZ Bar Upright
4 10 1-0-2

DB Shoulder
3 10 1-0-2
DB Lateral
3 10 1-0-2

Barbell Front
3 12 1-0-4

Wide Grip
Olympic Bar 3 8 1-0-2
Seated DB
3 10 1-0-1

Program 3 – Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

T-Bar Row 4 8 1-0-2

Straight Arm
4 10 1-0-2
Push Down

Lateral Pull
4 12 1-0-2
Cable Rope
4 10 1-0-2
High Row

Single Arm
Close Grip Pull 3 1-0-4
(each arm)

Wide Grip EZ
4 8 1-0-2
Bar Curls
DB Cross Body
4 10 1-0-4

Program 3 – Chest & Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

DB Incline Chest
4 8 1-0-2
Machine Fly 4 10 1-0-2

Flat Bench Smith

4 8 1-0-2
Incline DB Fly 4 10 1-0-2

Wide Grip Tricep

3 10 1-0-4

Cable Straight Bar

Push 4 8 1-0-2
Single Arm DB
4 10 1-0-4
Tricep Kick Backs

Resistance Training


Chest &

Program 4
Back &


Program 4: Legs
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Triple Drop Set Leg Extensions 3 15-20 1-0-1

Squats 3 15-20 1-0-1

Leg Press 2 50 1-0-1

Seated Leg
4 15-20 1-0-1
Dead Lifts 4 15-20 1-0-1

Program 4: Chest and Triceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Incline Smith
Triple Drop Set 3 15-20 1-0-1
Chest Press

DB Flat Bench
Drop Sets 3 15-20 1-0-1

Drop Sets Machine Fly 3 15-20 1-0-1

Drop Sets Straight Bar

3 15-20 1-0-1
Push Down

Drop Sets 15-20
Overhead 3 1-0-1
(each arm)

Bench Dips 2 15-20 1-0-1


Program 4: Back & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Lateral Pull
4 15-20 1-0-1
Cable Seated
4 15-20 1-0-1
Low Row

T-bar Row 3 15-20 1-0-1

Straight Arm
3 15-20 1-0-1
Push Down

Drop Sets EZ Bar Curl 3 15-20 1-0-1

Drop Sets Preacher Curl 3 15-20 1-0-1


Program 4: Shoulders
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Standing Lateral
Triple Drop Set 3 15-20 1-0-1

Seated DB
Triple Drop Set 3 15-20 1-0-1
Shoulder Press

Barbell Front
3 20 1-0-1

DB Bent Over
Triple Drop Set Raise 3 15-20 1-0-1

Resistance Training

Triceps &
Biceps 1

Triceps & (e.g.Saturdays
Biceps 2 Arms before Cardio Abs)

Triceps &
Biceps 3

Arms 1 – Triceps & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Close Grip
Bench Dips 4 6-8 1-1-4 4 6-8 1-1-4
Pull Ups

Skull Crushers 3 8-10 1-1-2 Seated DB

3 8-10 1-1-2

Close Grip
4 6-8 1-1-4 EZ Bar Curls 4 6-8 1-1-4
Bench Press

Cable Rope Cable Rope

3 8-10 1-1-2 3 8-10 1-1-2
Extensions Curls

Arms 2 – Triceps & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

4 8-10 1-1-4 Olympic Bar
Tricep Dips 4 8-10 1-1-4

Overhead DB
3 10-12 1-1-2 DB Hammer
Extensions 3 10-12 1-1-2

Wide Grip Skull

4 8-10 1-1-4 Close Grip EZ
Crushers 4 8-10 1-1-4
Bar Curl

Cable Close
Grip Push 3 10-12 1-1-2 10-12
Cable Single
Downs 3 each 1-1-2
Arm Curls

Arms 3 – Triceps & Biceps

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Bench Dips 4 10-12 1-1-4 Close Grip

Pull Ups or 4 12 1-1-4
Pull Downs
Cable Rope
4 12-15 1-1-2
Extensions Cable EZ Bar
4 12-15 1-1-2
Cable Close Grip
3 12 1-1-4
Pushdowns Standing DB
3 12 1-1-4

Single Arm Cross

Body Cable Single Arm
3 15 1-0-1 Cable Across
Extensions 4 15 1-0-1
(Drop Sets) Body Curls
(Drop Sets)

Resistance Training

Session 1

Session 2 Calfs SESSION AND ANY

Session 3

Calfs 2
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo
1 Standing Calf
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo
Machine or 4 25 1-1-2
Standing Calf Machine
Machine or 4 10 1-1-4 Seated
Smith Machine Calf 3 50 1-0-1
Machine Raises

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo
Machine Calf 3 15 1-1-1
Raises Standing Calf
Machine or 3 12 1-1-1
Complete one of these Smith
sessions after legs, and 2
further workouts, rotating Machine
sessions 1, 2 and 3 each Supersets
time used, throughout the Seated
14 weeks Machine Calf 3 15 1-1-4

Weighted Abs

Weighted Abs 1
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Hanging Leg
Raises with 3 1-1-4
(6 each side)

Hanging Leg
Raises 3 15 1-0-1

Decline Bench
Oblique 3 1-1-4
each side

Cable Rope
3 15 1-0-1

Weighted V-
3 12-15 1-1-2

Weighted Abs 2
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Cable Rope
4 10 1-1-2

Weighted Leg 4 10 1-0-2

Cable Rope
Crunch with 3 1-1-2
each side

Hanging Leg
Raises with 3 1-0-2
(6 each side)

Decline Bench
Russian Twist 3 12 1-0-1
- Weighted

Weighted Abs 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo

Hanging Leg Raises 4 12 1-0-2

Lying Leg Raises 3 15 1-0-2

Cable Rope Crunch 4 12 1-0-4

Decline Bench Upper

3 15 1-0-2
Crunch Weighted

Decline Bench Oblique 15

3 1-1-2
Crunch each side
Decline Bench 15
3 1-0-1
Russian Twist each side

Cardio Abs

Cardio Abs 1a and 1b

1a 1b
Exercise Reps Exercise Reps

V-Sit 15-20 Lying Leg Raise 15-20

Mountain Climber 20-30

Russian Twist 20-30

Criss Cross/Lying
Bicycle Upper Crunch 15-20

TRX Squat
Thurust (or 20 Oblique/Side
normal) Squat Thrust

Complete above 4 exercises and then rest 30-60 Complete above 4 exercises and then rest 30-60
seconds; Repeat 3 times; Move onto 1b. seconds; Repeat 3 times

Cardio Abs 2a and 2b

2a 2b
Exercise Reps Exercise Reps

Decline Bench 15 15-20

Oblique Crunch each side High Knees
each side

Wide Mountain 15-20 15-20

Russian Twist
Climber each side each side

Rotating Lying Burpee Tuck

20 15-20
Side Upper Jump
each side
Decline Bench
15-20 Rotating Upper
Criss Cross each side
each side Crunch

Complete above 4 exercises and then rest 30-60 Complete above 4 exercises and then rest 30-60
seconds; Repeat 3 times; Move onto 2b. seconds; Repeat 3 times


Page 147 Guiding


How to Use
Page 148 the Diet

Table of
Page 153 Recommended
Foods & Tips

Daily Meal
Page 157 Plans

Guiding Principles

My diet principles for cutting continue to be based on a clean healthy eating plan, high in protein and good
carbs, along with other natural foods to provide a balance of nutrients needed.
1. Clean eating means eating foods in their natural state without being processed. Although this largely
means using raw ingredients and not packets, tins etc., there are exceptions where nothing has been
added e.g. tin of tuna in water; 0% fat greek yogurt; tinned tomatoes; cottage cheese; porridge oats.
Always check packet before using for added ingredients particularly sugar.
2. Mix up your foods to achieve balanced diet – you won’t need added vitamins and minerals if you are
eating a mix of all the recommended foods
3. Prepare food in advance at weekends or day before – this is vital to ensure you always have the right
food available. Shop weekly in advance.
4. Most food should be cooked simply and avoid pre-made sauces. Recipes on my website largely
conform to my eating philosophy so can be used any time as long as food weights adhered to.
5. Drink at least 2-2.5 litres of water per day depending on your activity level and what you eat. Your food
provides some of your water requirement each day.
6. And finally… a weekly cheat meal provides the opportunity to indulge in whatever you fancy once a week
and make the rest of the week more enjoyable

How to use my Cutting Diet - 1

1. Look at the daily eating plan and see how this matches your schedule. Obviously everyone
is different and works different hours, shifts, irregular times etc. However the diet is easily
a. Always have your first meal as soon as you get up – even if working out early, its important to
fuel up first. Leave 45 minutes minimum before working out.
b. For the rest of the day spread your meals and snacks out to fit your waking hours, always
finishing off with a casein shake or a slow release protein source such as cottage cheese to
keep your body fuelled up while asleep
2. Mainly use basic cooking methods to cook your food – baking in oven, steaming, or in a pan
with a spoonful of coconut oil or olive oil. Once a day, for a main meal, use one of my
recipes or your own, using the diet principles to make it more interesting.
3. You can substitute any of the protein or carb foods at any of your meals and snacks. So if
you have chicken at lunchtime, try fish in the evening. If you have rice at lunchtime have sweet
potato in the evening.

How to use my Cutting Diet - 2

4. Follow the plan for 4 weeks and assess results before making changes, so that you know the
impact on your body of any changes made.
a. Monitor yourself carefully – this is important. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning before eating,
ONCE a week, on the SAME day, on the SAME scales, in the same PLACE. Otherwise you will be
measuring natural body weight fluctuations and not seeing the true impact
b. If after 4 weeks on the steady diet shown for this period, you have lost MORE than an average of
about 1lb or 1/2Kg per week, see page 151 for how to adapt the plan
c. If you find you have lost LESS than an average of about 1lb or 1/2Kg per week or have increased
weight, see page 150 for how to adapt the plan
5. Stick to recommended foods for 90% of the time. Use “Occasional” foods when you don’t have
access to Recommended foods. Bread is an occasional food because of the level of processing
involved and the added sugar – if eating bread even occasionally make sure it does not have high amounts
of sugar added (in US particularly an issue)
6. Choose which day you want to have a cheat meal and make it the same day each week, either as
your mid-day or your evening meal. It can be anything you enjoy – a main course and dessert. e.g
Burger and chips plus ice cream; Pizza plus cheesecake; Spare ribs, baked potato plus apple pie.

Adjusting the Diet to Meet

Individual Needs

It is a simple process to adapt this diet taking into account different lifestyles and physiques.

Energy in vs Energy out – Simply, if you consume food equivalent to a certain amount of energy in a
day, and you expend the same amount of energy in exercise in a day, your weight will stay the same. So
the amounts of food you need to lose body fat, and therefore weight, will differ according to your activity

To lose body fat during this plan while maintaining muscle, you need to balance a high amount of
exercise with the appropriate amounts of energy in (calories) in the form of healthy, natural foods. i.e.
Increase energy out (exercise) and decrease energy in (food) to gain results.

Getting this balance right is important while cutting, as decreasing weight too quickly could mean
that you are losing muscle mass as well as body fat. Ideally you should not be losing more than an
average of 2lbs or 1Kg per week throughout the plan. If you go for 2-3 weeks, higher or lower than this,
refer to the following pages to make changes to your diet and also cardio levels.

To Increase Loss of Body Fat

The diet comprises 4 weeks of a steady daily eating schedule followed by 10 weeks carb cycling.
You will be using the first 4 weeks to get used to the diet and seeing how it impacts your body. If you find
during this 4 weeks, that you are either losing weight at less than the recommended rate, staying the
same as when you started, or increasing weight you should follow these steps during carb cycling.
There are three steps you can then take to increase body fat loss, trying them one at a time until you
find the right balance for you. Assess after one week of carb cycling, following each step and check
progress before taking another step. Each step is cumulative until you reach the desired level of fat loss
(max 1Kg or 2lbs per week)
Step 1: Replace a HIGH CARB DAY with a MEDIUM CARB DAY each week
Step 2: Replace a MEDIUM CARB DAY with a LOW CARB DAY each week
Step 3: Reduce CARBS quantity by about 30g across all carb meals
Be aware of how these changes impact your body and use these methods to keep control throughout
the plan, introducing the steps as needed, or going back to the original diet plan as they have the desired

To Decrease Weight Loss

The diet comprises 4 weeks of a steady daily eating schedule followed by 10 weeks carb cycling.
You will be using the first 4 weeks to get used to the diet and seeing how it impacts your body. If you find
during this 4 weeks that you are losing weight faster than the recommended rate, then introduce the
following steps through carb cycling.
There are then three steps you can take to decrease weight loss, trying them one at a time until you
find the right balance for you. Assess after one week of carb cycling, following each step and check
progress before taking another step. Each step is cumulative until you reach the desired level of fat loss
(max 1Kg or 2lbs per week)
Step 1: Increase CARBS quantity by about 30g across all carb meals
Step 2: Replace LOW CARB DAY with a MEDIUM CARB DAY each week
Step 3: Replace a 2nd LOW CARB DAY with a MEDIUM CARB DAY each week
Be aware of how these changes impact your body and use these methods to keep control throughout
the plan, introducing the steps as needed, or going back to the original diet plan as they have the desired

Recommended Foods & Tips

Core Food Types and Recommended Portion Sizes

Carbohydrates Grams Meat & Fish Grams uncooked for

uncooked a meal
Oats 50g Chicken (no skin) 220g
Wholegrain Rice 75g Turkey 220g
Potato (raw peeled) 220g Pork (trimmed of fat) 220g
Sweet Potato (raw unpeeled) 220g Lean Beef (trimmed of fat) 175g
Ryvita or Oat Cakes 2 pieces Oily Fish (Salmon, tuna, trout,
Vegetables Grams
White Fish (Cod, bass, plaice,
uncooked 220g
tilapia, halibut, haddock, etc.)
Green Vegetables (Broccoli, Green 200g total for all
Beans, Asparagus, Leeks, Kale, etc.) veg in one meal
Carrots No more than Fruit & Nuts Approx.
100g per serving Portions
Tomatoes 120g Apple, Pear. Peach, Orange 1 medium
Red/Green Peppers 100g Berries 100g
Melon – all types 150g
Other Grams
Grapefruit ½ large
Cottage Cheese 150g
Nuts (Almonds, Cashews) 30-50g
0% Fat Greek Yogurt 150g
Mixed Seeds 25g
Skim Milk (or Soy milk or Almond milk) 150-200ml
Occasional Food Types and Portion Sizes
These foods can replace a food in the Recommended section, from the same food group, but not every day or too
often. It is up to you to gauge how these are affecting you – if you are not reaching your goals then cut these from
your diet. Use wisely to add variety to you diet.

Carbohydrates Grams uncooked/

Wholegrain Bread (max twice a 2 slices Portion size
Protein Bar e.g. Quest 1 bar
Wholegrain Pasta (max twice a 75g
Cous cous (max twice a week) 75g
Fruit & Nuts Approx.
Vegetables Grams Portions
uncooked Other types of nuts such as walnuts, 25g
Parsnips, Turnips and other root 200g total for all macademia, brazil (all have higher fat
vegetables veg in one meal and lower protein and carbs than
almonds and cashews)

Other Grams Bananas (2-3 times a week) 1 medium/1/2

Almond Butter 2 teaspoons
Peanut Butter 2 teaspoons
General Diet Tips

• Remember it is always easier to prepare your food for each day. I know how easy it is to end up buying
something “off-plan” because it’s convenient!

• Remember to always keep it CLEAN – you want the gains to be muscle not fat!

• Avoid sauces as much as possible as a they carry a lot of fat, sugar and salt – make your own without the
additives – see my recipes for some examples.

• Mix up meats, fish, vegetables, nuts, & carbs but keep red meat to twice a week max and always healthy
natural foods.

• Keep the protein lean (chicken, turkey, pork and beef with fat trimmed off, tuna) and the vegetables green.

• I use cottage cheese to liven up a dry uninteresting meal or snack – onion and chives is a good one

• Keep variety in your eating – there are plenty of ways to liven up the basic diet. I have included a few
examples at the end of this section or visit my website for more recipes, updated regularly

• However, keep the majority of meals quite plain – e.g. always have a plain mid-day meal without sauces, but
use one of my recipes for the evening

• Don’t be afraid to make substitutes in recipes, (as long as clean and within your daily allowances)

• Cravings can be especially difficult in the evenings - try cup of tea (green, camomile, peppermint, etc – or
even regular English Tea) to curb the desire to go off plan

Daily Meal Plans

Daily Meal Plan for Weeks 1 - 4 (with an early evening workout)
Time Protein Carbs Fats Other
plus 1 scoop of
Porridge Oats with 50% Almonds on whey protein in
water/50% skim milk Porridge porridge or as
a shake
4 egg whites + 2 egg yolks
9:00am scrambled or as an omelette (or 1 portion of fruit
hard boiled eggs if on the go)
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .
12:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)

Nuts or mixed
3:00pm 1 portion of fruit
seeds or avocado

5:00pm Tin of tuna

6.00pm Pre- Pre: BCAAs

Post: Protein
7.00/7.30 Post Shake +
Workout BCAAs
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .
8:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)
Late night/Pre- OR Casein
Cottage cheese
Bedtime Shake
Remember this is a suggested range of foods to eat – you can substitute recommended foods as appropriate e.g. if you don’t like eggs every
day, substitute with lean meat or fish; Tin of tuna is a suggestion for early evening snack as may be easy to have with you at work
Daily Meal Plan for Weeks 1 – 4 (with an early morning workout)
Time Protein Carbs Fats Other
plus 1 scoop of
Porridge Oats with 50% Almonds on whey protein in
water/50% skim milk Porridge porridge or as
a shake
7.00am Pre- Pre: BCAAs
Post: Protein
8.00/8.30 Post Shake +
Workout BCAAs
4 egg whites + 2 egg yolks
10:00am scrambled or as an omelette (or 1 portion of fruit
hard boiled eggs if on the go)
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .
12:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)

Nuts or mixed
3:00pm 1 portion of fruit
seeds or avocado

5:00pm Tin of tuna

Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .

7:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)
Late night/Pre- OR Casein
Cottage cheese
Bedtime Shake

Remember this is a suggested range of foods to eat – you can substitute recommended foods as appropriate e.g. if you don’t like eggs every
day, substitute with lean meat or fish; Tin of tuna is a suggestion for early evening snack as may be easy to have with you at work
Carb Cycling – Weeks 5 through 14

Carb cycling is where you up your game and move into the phase of the plan where you will lose
body fat more aggressively while building lean muscle. The following pages contain your daily eating
plans for this phase and below is an illustration of how you should combine these daily eating plans to
create the cycle. You can adapt to your schedule, so that if you prefer to have a cheat meal on a Saturday,
ensure one of your High Carbs days falls on a Saturday, as cheat meal should always be on a High Carb
Day. Notice I have also shown an ideal way to organise your carb cycling along side your weekly workout –
matching up Low Carb Days with Abs Days and Medium or High Carb Days with your 4 main weights
sessions. This is not essential but will make it easier to achieve best results.

Day 1: High Carbs (HC) : Carbs with your three main meals LEGS
Day 2: Medium Carbs (MC) : Carbs with two meals CHEST & TRICEPS
Day 3: Low Carbs (LC) : Carbs only at breakfast WEIGHTED ABS
Day 4: High Carbs (HC) : Carbs with your three main meals BACK & BICEPS
Day 5: Medium Carbs (MC) : Carbs with two meals SHOULDERS
Day 6: Low Carbs (LC) : Carbs only at breakfast CARDIO ABS
Day 7: Low Carbs (LC) : Carbs only at breakfast REST

On one of your high carb days have a cheat meal. Your cheat meal can either replace your mid-day or
your evening meal and can consist of a main course of your choice plus a dessert. Portion sizes should be
reasonable – don’t go overboard.
High Carb Day (with an early evening workout)
Time Protein Carbs Fats Other
plus 1 scoop of
Porridge Oats with 50% Almonds on whey protein in
water/50% skim milk Porridge porridge or as
a shake
4 egg whites + 2 egg yolks
9:00am scrambled or as an omelette (or 1 portion of fruit
hard boiled eggs if on the go)
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .
12:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)

Nuts or mixed
3:00pm 1 portion of fruit
seeds or avocado

5:00pm Tin of tuna

6.00pm Pre- Pre: BCAAs

Post: Protein
7.00/7.30 Post Shake +
Workout BCAAs
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .
8:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)
Late night/Pre- OR Casein
Cottage cheese
Bedtime Shake

Remember this is a suggested range of foods to eat – you can substitute recommended foods as appropriate e.g. if you don’t like eggs every
day, substitute with lean meat or fish; Tin of tuna is a suggestion for early evening snack as may be easy to have with you at work
High Carb Day (with an early morning workout)
Time Protein Carbs Fats Other
plus 1 scoop of
Porridge Oats with 50% Almonds on whey protein in
water/50% skim milk Porridge porridge or as
a shake
7.00am Pre- Pre: BCAAs
Post: Protein
8.00/8.30 Post Shake +
Workout BCAAs
4 egg whites + 2 egg yolks
10:00am scrambled or as an omelette (or 1 portion of fruit
hard boiled eggs if on the go)
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .
12:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)

Nuts or mixed
3:00pm 1 portion of fruit
seeds or avocado

5:00pm Tin of tuna

Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .

7:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)
Late night/Pre- OR Casein
Cottage cheese
Bedtime Shake

Remember this is a suggested range of foods to eat – you can substitute recommended foods as appropriate e.g. if you don’t like eggs every
day, substitute with lean meat or fish; Tin of tuna is a suggestion for early evening snack as may be easy to have with you at work
Medium Carb Day (with an early evening workout)
Time Protein Carbs Fats Other
plus 1 scoop of
Porridge Oats with 50% Almonds on whey protein in
water/50% skim milk Porridge porridge or as
a shake
4 egg whites + 2 egg yolks
9:00am scrambled or as an omelette (or 1 portion of fruit
hard boiled eggs if on the go)
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .
12:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)

Nuts or mixed
3:00pm 1 portion of fruit
seeds or avocado

5:00pm Tin of tuna

6.00pm Pre- Pre: BCAAs

Post: Protein
7.00/7.30 Post Shake +
Workout BCAAs
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef,
8:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish)
Late night/Pre- OR Casein
Cottage cheese
Bedtime Shake

Remember this is a suggested range of foods to eat – you can substitute recommended foods as appropriate e.g. if you don’t like eggs every
day, substitute with lean meat or fish; Tin of tuna is a suggestion for early evening snack as may be easy to have with you at work
Medium Carb Day (with an early morning workout)
Time Protein Carbs Fats Other
plus 1 scoop of
Porridge Oats with 50% Almonds on whey protein in
water/50% skim milk Porridge porridge or as
a shake
7.00am Pre- Pre: BCAAs
Post: Protein
8.00/8.30 Post Shake +
Workout BCAAs
4 egg whites + 2 egg yolks
10:00am scrambled or as an omelette (or 1 portion of fruit
hard boiled eggs if on the go)
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef, Healthy Carb (Sweet Potato .
12:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish) Wholegrain Rice)

Nuts or mixed
3:00pm 1 portion of fruit
seeds or avocado

5:00pm Tin of tuna

Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef,

7:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish)
Late night/Pre- OR Casein
Cottage cheese
Bedtime Shake

Remember this is a suggested range of foods to eat – you can substitute recommended foods as appropriate e.g. if you don’t like eggs every
day, substitute with lean meat or fish; Tin of tuna is a suggestion for early evening snack as may be easy to have with you at work
Low Carb Day (with an early evening workout)
Time Protein Carbs Fats Other
plus 1 scoop of
Porridge Oats with 50% Almonds on whey protein in
water/50% skim milk Porridge porridge or as
a shake
4 egg whites + 2 egg yolks
9:00am scrambled or as an omelette (or 1 portion of fruit
hard boiled eggs if on the go)
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef,
12:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish)

Nuts or mixed
3:00pm 1 portion of fruit
seeds or avocado

5:00pm Tin of tuna Green veg or salad

6.00pm Pre- Pre: BCAAs

Post: Protein
7.00/7.30 Post Shake +
Workout BCAAs
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef,
8:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish)
Late night/Pre- OR Casein
Cottage cheese Nuts
Bedtime Shake

Remember this is a suggested range of foods to eat – you can substitute recommended foods as appropriate e.g. if you don’t like eggs every
day, substitute with lean meat or fish; Tin of tuna is a suggestion for early evening snack as may be easy to have with you at work
Low Carb Day (with an early morning workout)
Time Protein Carbs Fats Other
plus 1 scoop of
Porridge Oats with 50% Almonds on whey protein in
water/50% skim milk Porridge porridge or as
a shake
7.00am Pre- Pre: BCAAs
Post: Protein
8.00/8.30 Post Shake +
Workout BCAAs
4 egg whites + 2 egg yolks
10:00am scrambled or as an omelette (or 1 portion of fruit
hard boiled eggs if on the go)
Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef,
12:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish)

Nuts or mixed
3:00pm 1 portion of fruit
seeds or avocado

5:00pm Tin of tuna

Meat or Fish (Chicken, Beef,

7:30pm Green veg or salad
White Fish, Oily Fish)
Late night/Pre- OR Casein
Cottage cheese Nuts
Bedtime Shake

Remember this is a suggested range of foods to eat – you can substitute recommended foods as appropriate e.g. if you don’t like eggs every
day, substitute with lean meat or fish; Tin of tuna is a suggestion for early evening snack as may be easy to have with you at work

As with all my plans I only recommend a few supplements. It isn’t wise to rely on supplements too heavily and your
results will depend upon you training hard and eating the right quantity of the right foods.


• Mix 1 scoop of whey protein with porridge oats or as a shake. Mix with 50% water and 50% skimmed milk.


• 1 scoop of whey protein with water.

BUZZ : A pre-workout product, aimed at giving you extra energy, enabling you to maximise effort during workout.


• BCAAs (Capsules or Powder) (Dosage on bottle) 30 minutes before workout and the same right after workout if
capsules. If powder form mix with water and drink during your workout.


• 1 scoop of casein with water

• DON’T overdo the protein shakes – maximum 2 per day plus optional casein at night
• On a NO TRAINING DAY or on a CARDIO ONLY day have just 1 protein shake in a day

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DRPhysique Limited accepts no liability for any injury, loss or damage resulting from
physical exercise. By following this guide you voluntarily assume the inherent risk of
physical/ resistance training. Should you suffer from any medical conditions, injuries
or allergies, or should you be in any doubt whatsoever, we advise you seek
medical/professional advice immediately and do NOT perform any exercise
recommended in this plan. Any supplements featured within the guides are optional
and must be taken in strict accordance with manufactures recommendations, if in any
doubt always consult a physician. Always ensure your technique is correct and train
within your own capabilities and observe any safety practices/code of conducts
present within your own gym.
As with all our products the Clean Cutting Series II plan is subject to our standard
terms and conditions, disclaimer and protected by copyright, and as such any
attempts to - Copy or duplicate; Issue copies; Sell, rent or lend; Show or communicate
this guide to other members of the public, is strictly prohibited.

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