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Chapter 1



Throughout history, fashion has often dictated the physical appearance of

individuals, with trends ranging from extravagant to the downright uncomfortable. One such

fashion item that has left an indelible mark on the world of attire is the corset. Originally

popularized in the 16th century and experiencing various revivals over the centuries, the

corset has been both celebrated for its ability to shape the female silhouette and criticized for

the potential physical and psychological consequences it imposes. In this research paper, we

delve into an aspect that has received relatively limited attention: the impact of wearing

corsets on mental health. While the corset may be seen as a symbol of femininity, beauty,

and the desire to conform to societal standards, the potential psychological ramifications of

long-term corset wear have been largely overlooked. To date, discussions have primarily

centered on the physical implications, including discomfort, restricted mobility, and the

potential for lasting physiological changes. However, it is equally important to explore how

the prolonged use of corsets may affect the mental well-being of individuals who have

historically worn them and those who continue to do so today. The aim of this research is to

shed light on the often-neglected psychological dimension of corsetry. We will examine the

historical context of corset-wearing, investigating how societal norms, body image ideals,

and the fashion industry have influenced the adoption of this garment. Furthermore, we will
Liceo de Cagayan University School of Graduate Studies Page 2
explore the potential links between wearing corsets and mental health, considering factors si

as body image dissatisfaction, self-esteem, and the psychological experiences of individuals

who choose to wear corsets, whether for fashion, performance, or other reasons.

Understanding the impact of corsets on mental health is essential not only for those who

choose to wear them but also for society at large, as it allows us to question the relationship

between fashion, self-perception, and overall well-being. By addressing his topic, we hope to

provide a more comprehensive view of the corset's effects and contribute to a broader

conversation on the intersection of fashion and mental health. This research may offer

valuable insights for individuals making choices about their attire and inspire a deeper

appreciation for the multifaceted aspects of fashion's historical and contemporary influence.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Hypotheses on the Impact of Wearing Corsets on Mental Health:

Hypothesis 1: Wearing corsets is associated with higher levels of body image dissatisfaction

and lower self-esteem, leading to increased risk of mental health issues. Problem: This

hypothesis raises the question of whether corset-wearing contributes to negative self-

perception and, if so, whether these effects translate into measurable mental health


Hypothesis 2: The historical context and societal pressure to conform to beauty standards

influence the decision to wear corsets, potentially resulting in heightened psychological stress

and discomfort.
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Problem: This hypothesis delves into the influence of external factors on corset-wearing

choices and aims to understand how these pressures may manifest as mental health


Hypothesis 3: Coping strategies are employed by individuals who wear corsets to mitigate

psychological stress and discomfort, suggesting a link between adaptive strategies and mental


Problem: Investigating the effectiveness of coping mechanisms and their impact on mental

health is vital for understanding how individuals navigate the psychological challenges

associated with corset-wearing.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem at the heart of this research is the impact of wearing corsets on mental

health. This overarching concern encompasses several specific issues, which, when

combined, define the complex relationship between corset-wearing and its potential effects

on mental well-being.

1. What is the impact of wearing a corset on our Mental Health?

2. What is the behavior of the participants who wear corsets?

3. How does wearing corsets contribute to body image dissatisfaction and self-worth

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4. How do cultural norms, societal expectations, and the fashion industry influence the

decision to wear corsets?

5. How do these external factors relate to an individual's mental well-being?

Specific Problems within the General Problem:

1. Lack of Comprehensive Research: The first specific problem is the limited availability of

comprehensive research and empirical data on the impact of wearing corsets on mental

health. Despite the historical significance and enduring presence of corsets in fashion, there

remains a scarcity of studies addressing their psychological implications.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

1. Historical and Contemporary Perspective: The study will encompass both historical and

contemporary aspects of corset-wearing to understand its evolution and its relevance in the

modern context. This includes analyzing historical practices and their connection to

contemporary choices.

2. Psychological Effects: The study will explore the psychological effects of wearing corsets

on mental health, including aspects related to body image dissatisfaction, self-esteem, stress,

and coping mechanisms.

3. Diverse Motivations: The research will consider the impact of corset-wearing for various

motivations, such as fashion, performance, personal expression, and other reasons. It aims to

understand how different motivations may influence mental health outcomes.

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4. Feminist Perspective: The study will address the feminist perspective on corset-wearing,

examining how it may contribute to feelings of empowerment, disempowerment, or a

combination of both and how these perceptions affect mental health.

5. Empirical Research: The research will include empirical data collection through surveys,

interviews, and observations to gain a comprehensive understanding of the psychological

implications of corset-wearing on individuals

. 6. Comparative Analysis: The study may include a comparative analysis of different corset

styles, materials, and wearing practices to assess their varying effects on mental health. This

analysis may help identify potential nuances in the impact of different corset types.

Significance of the Study

The general problem at the heart of this research is the impact of wearing corsets on mental

health. This overarching concern encompasses several specific issues, which, when

combined, define the complex relationship between corset-wearing and its potential effects

on mental well-being.

1. What is the impact of wearing a corset on our Mental Health?

2. What is the behavior of the participants who wear corsets?

3. How does wearing corsets contribute to body image dissatisfaction and self-worth


4. How do cultural norms, societal expectations, and the fashion industry influence the

decision to wear corsets?

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5. How do these external factors relate to an individual's mental well-being?

Specific Problems within the General Problem:

1. Lack of Comprehensive Research: The first specific problem is the limited availability of

comprehensive research and empirical data on the impact of wearing corsets on mental

health. Despite the historical significance and enduring presence of corsets in fashion, there

remains a scarcity of studies addressing their psychological implications.

Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and precision in a study on the impact of wearing corsets on mental health,

it's important to define key terms and concepts. Here are definitions of some relevant terms:

1. Adaptive Strategies: Adaptive strategies are methods individuals use to effectively

manage stress and adapt to difficult situations. They are considered helpful in

maintaining emotional and psychological well-being.

2. Body Image Dissatisfaction: Body image dissatisfaction is a negative perception of

one's own body, often driven by a perceived discrepancy between one's ideal body

image and their actual physical appearance. It can result in low self-esteem, negative

self-perception, and dissatisfaction with one's body.

3. Contemporary Relevance: Contemporary relevance refers to the current significance

or applicability of a practice or concept in the present day. In this study, it relates to

the continued presence and influence of corset wearing in modern society.

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4. Coping Mechanisms: Coping mechanisms are strategies and behaviors individuals

use to manage stress, adapt to adversity, and maintain emotional well-being. Coping

mechanisms can be adaptive (helpful) or maladaptive (unhelpful) and may include

problem-solving, emotional regulation, or avoidance behaviors.

5. Corset: A tightly fitting undergarment, typically made of stiff material like boning,

that is designed to shape and support the torso, particularly the waist and bust areas.

Corsets may have various designs and styles, including over bust and under bust


6. Empowerment: Empowerment refers to the process of gaining control over one's

life, making decisions, and feeling a sense of self-determination. It often involves

increasing one's capacity to assert their rights, voice, and choices in personal and

societal matters. 9. Historical Context: Historical context refers to the societal,

cultural, and political conditions of a specific time period in the past. In this study, it

relates to the circumstances and beliefs surrounding the practice of corset-wearing in

different historical eras. continued presence and influence of corset wearing in

modern society.

7. Feminist Perspective: A feminist perspective is an outlook that examines issues

related to gender and equality through the lens of feminist theory. In the context of

this study, it involves evaluating the impact of corset-wearing on individual

empowerment and autonomy, as well as potential implications for gender roles and

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8. Mental Health: Mental health refers to a person's emotional, psychological, and

social well-being. It encompasses the individual's capacity to handle stress, maintain

fulfilling relationships, work productively, make choices, and adapt to life's

challenges. Mental health includes emotional stability, resilience, and the absence of

mental disorders.

9. Psychological Stress: Psychological stress is the emotional and mental response to

challenging or demanding situations. It can manifest as feelings of anxiety, tension,

and emotional strain. Stress may result from various factors, including environmental,

social, and personal challenges.

10. Resilience: Resilience is the capacity to bounce back and adapt in the face of

adversity, stress, or challenges. Resilient individuals can maintain their mental well-

being and recover from difficult situations.

11. . Self-esteem: Self-esteem refers to an individual's overall sense of self-worth and

self-value. It is the evaluation of one's own abilities, accomplishments, and self-

acceptance. High self-esteem indicates a positive self-concept, while low self-esteem

reflects a negative self-concept.

` These definitions provide a foundation for clear communication and understanding of

the terms and concepts used in a study on the impact of wearing corsets on mental health.
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Chapter 2


The cultural and historical significance of corsets in fashion has been

undeniable, with these tightly laced garments serving as symbols of femininity and beauty for
centuries. However, beneath the allure of a cinched waist lies a complex relationship between
fashion, body image, and mental health. This study delves into the impact of wearing corsets
on mental well-being, exploring the historical context, societal expectations, and
psychological implications associated with this restrictive garment. Schwarz, G. S. (2010).

The effect of wearing a corset on mental health has been a subject of interest in various
studies. Tiggemann and Andrew (2012) studied the effects of clothing on self-perceptions of
body shame, body dissatisfaction, and negative mood, finding that thinking about wearing a
revealing clothing, such as a bathing suit, resulted in higher state self-objectification and
negative mood. Additionally, corsets have been reported to provide emotional benefits such
as improved confidence, healthier body image, deep-pressure comfort, and support during
life transitions Furthermore, some individuals have noted that wearing corsets has helped
them cope with depression, anxiety, and self-harm, and reduce body dysphoria
. However, it is important to note that the long-term effects of wearing tight corsets on mental
health and overall health are still a topic of debate Understanding the psychological impact of
corsetry involves examining the intersections of body image, self-esteem, and societal norms.
How does the act of donning a corset influence an individual's perception of their body?
What role do societal expectations play in motivating the adoption of this fashion accessory,
and how might these expectations contribute to mental health challenges?

This literature review aims to synthesize existing research on the psychological implications
of wearing corsets, drawing connections between historical practices, contemporary attitudes,
and the potential consequences for mental well-being. By critically analyzing the available
literature, we aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship
Liceo de Cagayan University School of Graduate Studies Page 10
between fashion choices, body image, and mental health. As society continues to grapple
with evolving notions of beauty and self-expression, investigating the impact of corsets on
mental health becomes a crucial endeavor, shedding light on the complexities inherent in the
pursuit of an idealized silhouette.

Historical Perspective:

To understand the contemporary discourse on corsets and mental health, it is essential to

delve into the historical context. Corsets have been used for centuries to mold the female

body into culturally idealized shapes. Historical accounts suggest that the physical discomfort

caused by corsets might have extended to psychological consequences, influencing self-

perception and societal roles.

Body Image and Self-Esteem:

One primary area of concern in the literature is the relationship between corsetry and body

image. Studies have suggested that the continuous use of corsets may contribute to distorted

body image perceptions and diminished self-esteem. The pressure to conform to societal

beauty standards enforced by corsetry may lead to negative psychological outcomes,

impacting individuals' mental well-being.

Physiological Impact on Mental Health:

Lucy's Corsetry. "Mental / Emotional Benefits of Corsets." Lucy's Corsetry, 2021. It also

mentions the potential for reducing anxiety and providing deep pressure comfort.

1.The Posture Theory. "Corsets and health © - The Posture Theory." The Posture Theory.
Liceo de Cagayan University School of Graduate Studies Page 11
The article presents a perspective on the health effects of wearing tight corsets, emphasizing

observations related to posture and daily activities. It discusses the criticism in the literature

regarding the impact of corsets on health and challenges some common beliefs about the

potential harm of wearing tight corsets

2. Glamorous Corset. "The Mental & Emotional Benefits of Corsets | Glamorous Corset."

Glamorous Corset, 2017. The article highlights the mental and emotional benefits of wearing

corsets, such as reducing stress and anxiety, boosting confidence, and providing a comforting

sensation similar to a hug. It also addresses the potential impact on body image and self-


3.Royal College of Surgeons. "The dangers of tight lacing: the effects of the corset." The

Royal College of Surgeons, 2017. The article discusses the historical context of corsets and

the negative effects of tightly laced corsets on women's health, including restricted breathing

and abdominal organ compression. It provides insights from doctors and historical

publications addressing the adverse effects of corsets

4. Hourglass Angel. "The Emotional Benefits of Wearing a Corset." Hourglass Angel. The

article discusses the emotional benefits of wearing a corset, such as improved body

awareness, confidence, and a sense of safety and protection. It also mentions the potential for

mitigating symptoms of anxiety, panic, and sensory overstimulation through the application

of consistent deep pressure to the body.

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Societal Expectations and Mental Health:

Rief, W., & Glombiewski, J. A. (2017). The role of expectations in mental disorders and their

treatment. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 30(5), 378-382. The article discusses the

significance of examining and modifying patients' expectations as a central mechanism of

change in the treatment of mental disorders, emphasizing the future-directed cognitions and

their impact on various mental health conditions

1. Capper, J. (2018, March 6). Society's Expectations Can Fuel Anxiety and Depression.

HealthyPlace. It explores how societal expectations can contribute to anxiety and depression,

sharing personal experiences and insights on the challenges of conforming to societal norms

and expectations

2.Sue, S. (2011). Culture counts: The influence of culture and society on mental health. In

Mental Health, Culture, Race, and Ethnicity: A Supplement to Mental Health: A Report of

the Surgeon General (pp. 25-47). US Department of Health and Human Services. The chapter

provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse effects of culture and society on mental

health, mental illness, and mental health services, emphasizing the influence of societal

expectations and cultural factors on mental well-being

3.Mackie, L. (n.d.). Balancing Mental Health and Societal Expectations as an Anxious and

Depressed Young Adult. MindWise. The personal story discusses the challenges of balancing

mental health and societal expectations, offering insights into the impact of societal norms on

an individual's well-being and the journey to finding balance amid anxiety and depression

4. Corrigan, P. W., & Watson, A. C. (2016). Understanding the impact of stigma on people

with mental illness. World Psychiatry, 1(1), 16-20. The article explores the impact of stigma
Liceo de Cagayan University School of Graduate Studies Page 13
on individuals with mental illness, highlighting the influence of societal attitudes and

stereotypes on the well-being and opportunities of people with mental health condition.

Contemporary Perspectives:

While historical perspectives offer valuable insights, it is essential to examine the

contemporary discourse on corsets and mental health. Recent research may shed light on

evolving attitudes towards body image, self-esteem, and mental well-being in the context of

corsetry. This section will explore current studies and their implications for understanding

the impact of corsets on mental health in today's society.


The literature on the impact of wearing corsets on mental health reveals a complex interplay

between historical practices, societal expectations, and individual well-being. As the fashion

industry continues to evolve, it is crucial to consider the psychological implications of

corsetry on those who engage in these practices. Further research is needed to deepen our

understanding of the psychological effects and inform discussions on body image, self-

esteem, and mental health in the context of corset use.

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3.1 Research Design

In this chapter, the focus shifts towards the methodology employed to investigate the impact

of wearing corsets on mental health. The research design was carefully crafted to ensure the

collection of reliable and meaningful data, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the

subject matter.

3.2 Participants

The study included a diverse sample of participants, ranging in age, body types, and socio-

economic backgrounds. A total of 300 individuals, 150 wearing corsets regularly and 150

without any history of corset use, were recruited for this research. Participants were selected

through a combination of random sampling and targeted recruitment in communities known

for corset enthusiasts.

3.3 Instruments

To assess the mental health impact, a series of validated psychological instruments were

employed. The participants were asked to complete self-report measures, including

standardized questionnaires such as the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Generalized

Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7), and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Additionally, qualitative
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data was collected through open-ended questions to gain insights into personal experiences

and perceptions related to mental well-being.

3.4 Procedure

The research was conducted in two phases. In the initial phase, participants were provided

with detailed information about the study, including its purpose, potential risks, and benefits.

Informed consent was obtained from each participant. Following this, participants completed

the self-report measures and answered open-ended questions.

The second phase involved a subset of participants engaging in structured interviews to

provide deeper insights into their experiences. A semi-structured interview guide was

developed to ensure consistency across interviews while allowing for flexibility to explore

emerging themes.

3.5 Data Analysis

Quantitative data obtained from the surveys were analyzed using statistical software to

identify patterns, correlations, and significant differences between the two groups.

Qualitative data, gathered from open-ended questions and interviews, underwent thematic

analysis to uncover common themes and variations in participants' experiences.

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3.6 Ethical Considerations

This research adhered to ethical guidelines, and participants' confidentiality and privacy were

prioritized. The study received approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) before

data collection commenced.

3.7 Limitations

It's essential to acknowledge the limitations of this research. The study primarily relies on

self-reported data, which may be subject to bias. Additionally, the cross-sectional design

does not allow for establishing causation, only associations.

3.8 Conclusion

This chapter outlined the research methodology employed to investigate the impact of

wearing corsets on mental health. The combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches

aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, laying the foundation

for the subsequent analysis and discussion in the following chapters.

Liceo de Cagayan University School of Graduate Studies Page 17

Godzicki, Krofel, & Michaels 2013. The Effects of Technology on Students

Motivation and Engagement in Classroom- Based Learning

In a study by Thomas, O’ Bannon, and Bolton (2013). Motivating Students

with Technology

According to Fisher, et al, (2014). Effects of Technology on Student Learning

Gaol & Prasolova-Førland, 2021; OECD, 2021). Impacts of digital technologies

on education and factors influencing schools' digital capacity and


Schindler et al., 2017). Student Engagement include web-conferencing software,

blogs, wikis, social networking sites and digital games.

Purnawarman et al., 2016). Integration into the Curriculum.

Distribute various forms of assessment and promote student-teacher


HamiltonHankins, 2017; D'Angelo, 2017 and Esoswo, 2017). The Impact

of Technology Integration to Students Engagement and Achievement in

English and Mathematics in MUBI South Local Government, Adamawa State.

Gunuc (2017, p.22) “Engagement and Technology Integration Theory”

Gaol & Prasolova-Forland, 2021;OECD, 2021). Impacts of didital technologies

an education and factors influencing schools’ digital capacity and

Liceo de Cagayan University School of Graduate Studies Page 18
Liceo de Cagayan University School of Graduate Studies Page xiii

Sung et al. (2016), Schmid et al. (2014) , Tamim et al. (2015). Impactof digital

technologies on education and factors influencing schools' digital

capacity and transformation

(Schindler et al., 2017 ). The Impact of Technology on Academic Success.

Incorporating the use of several technological applications

(Pechenkina, 2017), (Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2015), (Amer, Mur, Amer,

& Ilyas, 2017). Using a gamified mobile app to

increase student engagement, retention and academic achievement

(Deterding, 2011; Domínguez et al., 2013). Applying game principles in

mobile app design. Gamification in education can be broadly understood

as the use of game elements in non-game contexts.

Khaddage et al., 2016, Eppard et al., 2016). Impact of Mobile

Technology on Students Attitudes, Engagement, and Learning

Uzunboylu and Karagözlü (2017). Assessing the Impact of Educational

Video on Student Engagement, Critical Thinking and Learning:

The Current State of Play

Moryl (2013). Student-Produced Videos Can Enhance Engagement and

Learning in the Online Environment

(Clark & Berge, 2006; Yunkul & Cankaya, 2017).

Liceo de Cagayan University School of Graduate Studies Page 19



Title: The Impact of Wearing Corsets on Mental Health

Demographic Information:
a. Age: _______
b. Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Non-binary [ ] Prefer not to say [ ] Other (please specify:

Corset Usage:
a. Have you ever worn a corset?

b. If yes, how frequently do you wear a corset?

Mental Health Assessment:
a. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being extremely poor and 10 being excellent, how would you
rate your overall mental health?

b. Have you experienced any changes in your mood since you started wearing corsets?

c. If yes, please describe the nature of these changes (e.g., improved mood, increased stress,
etc.): ____________________

Body Image and Self-Esteem:

a. Do you believe wearing a corset has influenced your body image?

b. If yes, in what ways has it impacted your body image? (Open-ended response)

Psychological Well-being:
Liceo de Cagayan University School of Graduate Studies Page 20
a. Have you noticed any impact on your stress levels since incorporating corsets into your

b. If yes, please elaborate on how wearing corsets has affected your stress levels:

Social and Emotional Aspects:

a. Do you feel any social or emotional benefits when wearing a corset?

b. If yes, please describe these social or emotional benefits: ____________________

Support and Resources:

a. Have you sought any mental health support or resources related to your corset-wearing

b. If yes, what kind of support or resources have you sought? (Open-ended response)

Overall Experience:
a. Do you perceive the overall impact of wearing corsets on your mental health as positive,
negative, or neutral?

b. Please share any additional comments or experiences related to the impact of wearing
corsets on your mental health: ____________________

This survey aims to gather valuable insights into the experiences of individuals regarding the
impact of wearing corsets on their mental health. Your honest and thoughtful responses are
greatly appreciated.
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